{"Reference":"2012-273","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Three robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored chemical tanker at forecastle. They held the duty A/B at knifepoint, tied him up, and stole ship's stores. Duty officer raised the alarm upon sighting the robbers and mustered the crew. Seeing","Desc2":"the crew's alertness, the robbers escaped in their fishing boat with the stolen stores. Port control informed of the incident.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2012-267","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG/BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Towed barge boarded on 25 September at 01-01N 104-01E, 6.8 nm northwest of Bintan Island. Officers on watch aboard the tug noticed two robbers had boarded the barge. The Alarm was raised, SSAS was activated, and a distress call was sent on VHF.","Desc2":"Singapore port control was notified and the crew was mustered. A police boat later arrived on scene but they could not find any boats in the vicinity. The police boat escorted the vessel for a few minutes and then departed the area.","coords.x1":104.01667,"coords.x2":1.01667} {"Reference":"2012-266","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"OMAN:Dhow attacked on 24 September near 15-45 N 055-26E. An unknown number of pirates attempted a failed hijacking on the dhow.","coords.x1":55.43333,"coords.x2":15.75} {"Reference":"2012-268","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker attempted to be boarded on 24 September at 01-01N 103-04E, at the Nipah Anchorage. Two robbers attempted to board the anchored vessel from the port quarter. An alert crew member noticed the robbers and raised the alarm, and the crew was","Desc2":"mustered. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers aborted the attempted boarding and escaped. Local authorities were informed of the incident.","coords.x1":103.06667,"coords.x2":1.01667} {"Reference":"2012-269","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker hijacked on 22 September at 01-15N 103-09E, in the vicinity of Tanjung Piai. Six pirates boarded and robbed the vessel armed with machetes and a gun. The pirates tied up 16 crew members and escaped with cash, laptops, mobile phones and","Desc2":"personal belongings as a Coast Guard patrol craft approached the vessel.","coords.x1":103.08333,"coords.x2":1.15} {"Reference":"2012-265","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-21","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"HAITI:Cargo ship was boarded on 21 September at 18-09N 072-01W, Port-Au-Prince. The anchored vessel was boarded by three armed robbers carrying machetes. A watchman conducting routine rounds discovered the robbers on the forecastle. The robbers attacked","Desc2":"the watchman and injured him. The Deck Officer raised the alarm and mustered the crew. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew's alertness, the robbers escaped with the stolen stores. Port authority personnel were informed and the Coast Guard arrived","Desc3":"at the location three hours later.","coords.x1":-72.01667,"coords.x2":18.15} {"Reference":"2012-264","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Bulk carrier boarded on 19 September at 22-54N 91-45E, at Chittagong Anchorage. Two armed robbers carrying knives boarded the ship while at anchor and held a crew member hostage at knifepoint. Four additional robbers boarded the ship via the","Desc2":"hawse pipe. They searched the crew member for store room keys and then tied him up. No keys were found, so the robbers broke into the store room. Stevedores on an approaching lighter vessel spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. Seeing the alert crew","Desc3":"and stevedores, the robbers escaped via the hawse pipe. Port control and Coast Guard units were informed of the event.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.9} {"Reference":"2012-274","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:While at anchor, six robbers in an unlit boat boarded a container ship using a grappling hook and rope. They broke into the safety store and the deck store and stole equipment and ship's properties. Alarm raised and crew mustered. The robbers","Desc2":"escaped in their boat with the stolen items.","coords.x1":106.91667,"coords.x2":-6.03333} {"Reference":"2012-279","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-15","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"EGYPT:Bulk carrier boarded on 15 September near 31-11N 29-46E, Alexandria. An unknown number of robbers boarded the vessel while at anchor. Crewmember discovered and confronted the robbers and sounded the alarm. Upon seeing the crewmembers approaching,","Desc2":"the robbers fled the vessel but were able to steal a life raft. Alexandria port officials were notified of the incident.","coords.x1":29.76667,"coords.x2":31.18333} {"Reference":"2012-285","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tanker hijacked on 14 September at 01-15N 103-09E, 3 nm off Tanjung Piai. Six pirates armed with machetes and a gun boarded and robbed the vessel, restraining 16 crew members. The attackers then escaped with cash, laptops, mobile phones and","Desc2":"personal belongings as a Coast Guard patrol craft approached the vessel.","coords.x1":103.15,"coords.x2":1.25} {"Reference":"2012-270","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tanker engaged in ship-to-ship transfer operations was boarded by six robbers in a speed boat armed with a gun and long knives. Crewmembers were taken hostage. The robbers escaped in their speed boat after having stolen personal belongings and","Desc2":"cash.","coords.x1":103.08333,"coords.x2":1.15} {"Reference":"2012-271","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker hijacked on 13 September at 01-14N 103-09E, off Tanjung Piai. Six pirates hijacked the vessel in an attempt to transfer bunker fuel to a second vessel. Robbers tied up the crew and escaped with cell phones and laptops as a Coast Guard","Desc2":"patrol craft approached the vessel.","coords.x1":103.08333,"coords.x2":1.13333} {"Reference":"2012-257","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Container ship boarded on 11 September at 03-54N 098-46E, at Belawan Anchorage. Five robbers approached the anchored vessel in a small boat. Two robbers boarded the vessel and broke into the forward storeroom, stealing ship's property. Upon","Desc2":"seeing crewmembers approaching, the robbers escaped. Port control was informed of the event.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2012-255","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Oil tanker fired upon while underway on 9 September at 06-09N 002-53E, approximately 34 nm southwest of Lagos during voyage from Lome to Lagos. An unknown number of pirates fired several shots at the vessel in an attempt to board. Non-essential","Desc2":"crew mustered in citadel and the vessel utilized evasive action to evade the attacking vessel. Pirates attempted to board the vessel several times, but abandoned the pursuit after a 20-minute chase. No damage to vessel or injuries to the crew reported,","Desc3":"but several bullets did strike the vessel's superstructure. Nigerian Navy deployed an escort while the tanker anchored off Lagos.","coords.x1":2.88333,"coords.x2":6.15} {"Reference":"2012-258","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:LPG tanker boarded on 8 September at 05-34S 104-36E, at Teluk Semangka Anchorage. Five armed robbers carrying sticks boarded the vessel from a small fishing boat. A duty crew member noticed the robbers and informed the bridge, who raised the","Desc2":"alarm and mustered the crew. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers quickly left the vessel empty-handed. Port control was informed of the event.","coords.x1":104.6,"coords.x2":-5.56667} {"Reference":"2012-263","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"CAMEROON:LPG tanker boarded on 8 September at 04-03N 009-41E, Douala Port Facility. The ship was boarded while the shore security watch was on a break. The robbers took the deck cadet hostage, and stole ship's stores. Before escaping, they released the","Desc2":"cadet who immediately raised the alarm. Incident reported to port control. A police team boarded to investigate the incident.","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2012-272","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 8 September at 01-49.2N 103-48.6E, 5 nm SE of Tanjung Piai, Johor. An unknown number of robbers boarded the anchored vessel during heavy rain squalls and stole ship's property items and escaped unnoticed. The theft was later","Desc2":"discovered by the duty crew after the heavy weather cleared.","coords.x1":103.81,"coords.x2":1.82} {"Reference":"2012-256","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA:Chemical tanker hijacked on 7 September near 21-40N 088-01E, Sagar Anchorage, Haldia. Four armed robbers carrying knives and rods boarded the anchored vessel from the aft. Duty crew members spotted the robbers and immediately informed the Chief","Desc2":"Officer and Master. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered while the robbers escaped with four mooring ropes. The event was reported to the Indian Coast Guard.","coords.x1":88.01667,"coords.x2":21.66667} {"Reference":"2012-276","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-06","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Barge boarded on 6 September in Straits of Malacca at 09-41N 103-48E. An unknown number of robbers boarded the barge while being towed by the tug Lady Cynthia. An internal door on the port side was forced open and the robbers escaped with 40","Desc2":"cans of paint and ship's stores.","coords.x1":103.8,"coords.x2":9.68333} {"Reference":"2012-260","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:A large group of heavily armed pirates boarded a drifting chemical tanker. The crew shut down and disabled all machinery, retreated into the citadel, and contacted their owners for assistance. Upon receipt of this distress message, the IMB Piracy","Desc2":"Reporting Center contacted the Nigerian authorities and foreign naval forces requesting assistance for the crew and vessel. The Nigerian authorities despatched a helicopter, which located the vessel, and directed a warship to the location. The vessel was","Desc3":"rescued and escorted by the warship to a safe anchorage.","coords.x1":2.93333,"coords.x2":6.18333} {"Reference":"2012-250","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER ABU DHABI STAR","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tanker Abu Dhabi Star was boarded and hijacked by pirates on the evening of 4 September at 06-11N 002-55E, Lagos Anchorage. All crew members locked themselves in the citadel safe room.","coords.x1":2.91667,"coords.x2":6.18333} {"Reference":"2012-251","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical tanker boarded on 4 September at 01-04N 104-08E, Kabil Port anchorage. Four robbers boarded the berthed vessel and entered the engine room, where a crewman confronted them. One of the robbers assaulted the crewman, who then retreated","Desc2":"into the engine control room. The crewman locked himself in the room, raised the alarm and informed the Duty Officer. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped. The Coast Guard was informed and arrived at the vessel and conducted an investigation.","coords.x1":104.13333,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2012-259","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical tanker boarded on 3 September at 03-55N 098-46E, at Belawan Anchorage. Six armed robbers carrying guns and knives boarded an anchored chemical tanker using hook attached to a bamboo pole. A crewman noticed the robbers and attempted to","Desc2":"contact the bridge via his walkie-talkie but the robbers seized it, took him as a hostage, and tied him up. While the robbers were stealing ship's stores and properties, the crewman was able to free himself and raise the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm,","Desc3":"the robbers escaped with the stolen items. Port control was informed of the event.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2012-252","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-02","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 2 September at 00-13S 117-35E, Muara Berau Anchorage. Five robbers in a speed boat approached and boarded the anchored vessel, broke into the paint and boatswain stores and stole ship's stores and properties. The master","Desc2":"noticed the robbers on the forecastle deck and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the reaction of the crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with the stolen items they had placed in their waiting boat. The vessel made several","Desc3":"attempts to contact port control but received no response.","coords.x1":117.58333,"coords.x2":-0.21667} {"Reference":"2012-307","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 27 October at 03-53N 098-46E, at the Belawan Outer Anchorage. A gang of 3 to 4 robbers boarded the anchored vessel, taking hostage the duty A/B and stole his personal belongings. The A/B managed to escape and raised the","Desc2":"alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped. Crew mustered and made a search of the ship and found that nothing else was stolen from the ship.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.88333} {"Reference":"2012-306","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 27 October at 03-41S 114-27E, at Taboneo Anchorage, Banjarmasin. Three robbers boarded the anchored vessel while awaiting cargo operations. Duty crew on rounds noticed a robber on the forecastle deck and informed the","Desc2":"duty officer, who raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in two waiting boats with ship's stores.","coords.x1":114.45,"coords.x2":-3.68333} {"Reference":"2012-308","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Container ship boarded on 27 October at 03-56N 098-47E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain. They took hostage the duty crew and tied him up on the forecastle deck.","Desc2":"Another crew member reported the incident to the duty officer, who raised the alarm and contacted the port authorities. Three rocket flares were fired at the forecastle, resulting in the robbers escaping in their fishing boat. Upon investigation, it was","Desc3":"found that the robbers managed to steal the hostage's personal effects.","coords.x1":98.78333,"coords.x2":3.93333} {"Reference":"2012-298","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MILITARY VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:HNMLS Rotterdam fired upon on 24 October off Somali coast. While conducting routine surveillance off the Somali coast, HNMLS Rotterdam, the flagship for NATO's OCEAN SHIELD counter-piracy mission, came under fire from groups of suspected","Desc2":"pirates. A boarding team from the Rotterdam was making an approach on a suspected dhow near the coast when they came under fire from ashore and from the dhow itself.","coords.x1":50.66667,"coords.x2":8.66667} {"Reference":"2012-305","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BARGE CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Barge carrier experienced attempted boarding on 24 October at 03-54N 005-27E, near Port Harcourt. Seven robbers in a speedboat attempted to board the vessel while underway by throwing a hook to the upper deck of the vessel. The vessel made","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers, increased speed and avoided the boarding.","coords.x1":5.45,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2012-300","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Container ship approached on 21 October at 03-47N 098-42E, at the Belawan International Container Terminal. Two robbers armed with long knives in a small boat approached the berthed vessel. Alert duty crew noticed one robber attempting to board","Desc2":"the ship using a rope. The crew shouted at the robber, who aborted the boarding and escaped.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2012-301","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Container ship boarded on 20 October at 03-55N 098-46E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored vessel, stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2012-299","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Fishing vessel hijacked on 19 October approximately 250 nm off the coast of Somalia. On 20 October, the EU Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) German frigate FGS SACHSEN located a dhow after receiving the fishing vessel's distress signal, rescuing 20","Desc2":"Iranian fishermen and detaining seven suspected pirates. Several AK47 assault rifles and a rocket-propelled grenade launcher (RPG) were confiscated.","coords.x1":52.86667,"coords.x2":13.03333} {"Reference":"2012-297","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 19 October at 1250Z, a fishing vessel was hijacked by pirates at 08-52N 050-28E, east of Eyl, Somalia.","coords.x1":50.46667,"coords.x2":8.86667} {"Reference":"2012-302","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 19 October near 01-06N 103-28E, at the Karimun STS Anchorage. A gang of three to five robbers boarded the tanker during ship-to-ship transfer operations, escaping with the ship's stores and engine spares.","coords.x1":103.46667,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2012-304","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"TUG BOAT","Victim":"PIRATES","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tug towing barge boarded on 18 October at 01-18N 104-48E, off Pulau Bintan. Six pirates in a speed boat boarded the tug, took hostage the crew, tied them up, and stole cash and personal effects before escaping. Master was slightly injured","Desc2":"during the incident.","coords.x1":104.8,"coords.x2":1.3} {"Reference":"2012-303","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tug towing a barge boarded on 18 October near 04-13N 108-15E, off Tanjung Datu. Robbers boarded the tug, stole crew cash and escaped.","coords.x1":108.25,"coords.x2":4.21667} {"Reference":"2012-291","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"SALVAGE VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Salvage vessel towing barge boarded on 17 October at 00-59N 105-10E, approximately 19.4 nm east of Pulau Mapur. Ten robbers armed with guns and knives boarded the vessel enroute from Singapore to Balikpapan, Indonesia. The robbers stole ship","Desc2":"properties, crew cash and property, and escaped. The crew was reported safe and the vessel continued her passage.","coords.x1":105.16667,"coords.x2":0.98333} {"Reference":"2012-296","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG/BARGE","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:Six pirates in a speed boat boarded a tug towing a barge, taking the crew hostage and stealing cash and personal effects before escaping. The Master was slightly injured during the incident.","coords.x1":104.8,"coords.x2":1.3} {"Reference":"2012-292","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 16 October near 00-13S 117-33E, Muara Berau Anchorage, Samarinda. Three robbers boarded the vessel while at anchor. They were spotted by the duty crew during security rounds. The duty A/B reported to the bridge and","Desc2":"approached the robbers, who assaulted and injured him. The robbers stole crew belongings and escaped.","coords.x1":117.55,"coords.x2":-0.21667} {"Reference":"2012-289","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-16","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GUINEA:Cargo ship boarded on 16 October near 09-24N 013-45W, Conakry Roads. Six robbers boarded the vessel while at anchor. The crew secured themselves in the accommodations and contacted the owners for help. The owners informed the IMB Piracy Reporting","Desc2":"Center, who relayed the message to the Guinea authorities, who dispatched a patrol boat to assist the vessel. The robbers stole contents from cargo containers and escaped upon seeing the approaching patrol boat. All crew reported safe.","coords.x1":-13.75,"coords.x2":9.4} {"Reference":"2012-293","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Cargo ship boarded on 15 October at 01-06N 104-10E, near Kabil Citranusa Port, Batam. Three robbers boarded the vessel while at anchor. They were spotted by the alert duty crew, who raised the alarm. Upon sensing the crew's alertness, the","Desc2":"robbers escaped empty-handed.","coords.x1":104.16667,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2012-290","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tug boarded on 15 October near 03-39N 006-14E, approximately 40 nm South of Brass. Seven armed pirates boarded the tug while underway via speedboat launched from a mother vessel. They stole crew personal effects, kidnapped seven crewmembers and","Desc2":"escaped. The remaining nine crewmembers were reported to be safe and in transit to Onne.","coords.x1":6.23333,"coords.x2":3.65} {"Reference":"2012-294","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Fishing vessel hijacked on 15 October at Kudawella, approximately 50 nm off the Hambantota Coast. Ten armed pirates in a fiberglass dinghy boarded THEJAN PUTHA reportedly with permission from the captain. The pirates, armed with swords, then","Desc2":"tied the hands of four crewmembers behind their backs and threw them overboard. Another crewmember jumped off the vessel before he could be subdued. Three of the crewmembers reportedly have died and the remaining two were rescued by merchant vessels in","Desc3":"the area. The location of the hijacked vessel is unknown at this time but is believed to be headed to Australia.","coords.x1":81.21667,"coords.x2":5.53333} {"Reference":"2012-311","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tanker hijacked by 10 pirates sometime between 14 and 20 October near 05-16N 115-14E, at the Labuan Anchorage. Pirates released the vessel on 26 October after stealing her cargo, approximately 650 tons of fuel, and robbing the crew of cash and","Desc2":"personal belongings. Crew suffered only minor injuries.","coords.x1":115.23333,"coords.x2":5.26667} {"Reference":"2012-295","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Bulk carrier boarded on 13 October at 22-15N 091-44E, at Chittagong Anchorage \"A\". Seven robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel from the aft during cargo operations. Duty crew noticed the robbers stealing ship's stores and","Desc2":"raised the alarm. On hearing the alarm and seeing the crew's alertness, the robbers jumped into the water and escaped with stolen stores. Coast Guard was notified and dispatched a patrol boat to search for the robbers, who had disappeared.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2012-282","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Fishing vessel attacked on 10 October near position 00-31N 050-37E. One skiff with six to eight pirates approached the fishing vessel at high speed and fired on the vessel. The onboard security team returned fire and the skiff broke off the","Desc2":"attack and moved away.","coords.x1":50.61667,"coords.x2":0.51667} {"Reference":"2012-286","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Merchant vessel attacked on 12 October in vicinity of 00-26N 050-39E.","coords.x1":50.65,"coords.x2":0.43333} {"Reference":"2012-283","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Tugboat boarded on 8 October near 05-56N 03-68W, at Chittagong Inner Anchorage. A gang of approximately 12 robbers armed with swords and knifes boarded the anchored tug while four crewmembers were working on deck. The crew members raised the","Desc2":"alarm and retreated to the accommodation spaces. The crew mustered, fired pyrotechnics at the robbers, and notified Coast Guard officials who arrived and searched the area. The robbers escaped with stolen ship stores.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2012-277","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:Vessel ORFEAS possibly hijacked on 6 October at 05-12.56N 004-03.68W.","coords.x1":-4.06133,"coords.x2":5.20933} {"Reference":"2012-278","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"EGYPT:Container vessel boarded on 10 October near 29-27N 14-32E, at Suez Anchorage. Four robbers boarded the anchored vessel via a hawse pipe. They broke into a container and stole contents while the duty crew were tending to the Suez Canal mooring boat.","Desc2":"When a duty crew member returned to the forecastle, he noticed two robbers escaping to a small unlit boat near the anchor chain. Port authorities informed. All crew safe.","coords.x1":32.55,"coords.x2":29.81667} {"Reference":"2012-287","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:Tanker hijacked on 5 October at 05-12.56N 004-03.68E, 3 nm south of Abidjan Anchorage, Ivory Coast. A gang of approximately 14 pirates armed with AK47 assault rifles and knives boarded and hijacked the tanker while at anchor. They damaged the","Desc2":"ship's communication equipment and sailed the tanker to an unknown location, where part of the cargo was transferred to another vessel. Prior to releasing the vessel on 9 October, the pirates stole crew personal belongings and cash.","coords.x1":4.06133,"coords.x2":5.20933} {"Reference":"2012-284","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 5 October at 00-13S 117-33E, Muara Berau Anchorage. Six robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel. The duty crew noticed the robbers stealing ship's stores from the forward locker and raised the alarm.","Desc2":"Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in their boat with the stolen stores. Local Coast Guard units were informed of the incident.","coords.x1":117.55,"coords.x2":-0.21667} {"Reference":"2012-281","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Tanker hijacked on 4 October near 04-48N 001-25E. Twelve armed robbers boarded the vessel while at anchor. The 14 crewmembers were held captive under threats of harm, while the attackers transferred the ship's fuel to a waiting bunker barge.","Desc2":"Afterwards, the robbers raided the rest of the vessel, locking the crew in the master's cabin and stealing their personal belongings. There were only a few minor injuries among the crew. The vessel was released on 5 October.","coords.x1":1.41667,"coords.x2":4.8} {"Reference":"2012-336","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA:Three robbers in a wooden boat approached and boarded an anchored tanker in 9-57N 76-13E, at Cochin Outer Anchorage. They broke into the forecastle store and stole ship's stores. Duty crew heard some noises in the fore peak store, checked and found","Desc2":"the door's lock broken and infomed D/O who raised the alarm. On hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped with the stolen ship stores. Coast Guard and port control informed.","coords.x1":76.21667,"coords.x2":9.95} {"Reference":"2012-337","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Tanker experienced suspicious approach on 30 November at 06-02N 001-18E, at the Lome Anchorage. Four robbers in a blue and white colored skiff approached the anchored tanker. Armed guards onboard the tanker deemed the intention of the skiff as","Desc2":"aggressive and fired a warning shot. The skiff aborted the approach and moved away. Master called the Togo Navy but received no response. At 2305 UTC, the skiff along with three similar skiffs approached the tanker at high speed from the bow, amidship","Desc3":"and stern. The armed guards fired two warning shots in the air that were ignored by the skiffs, which then moved alongside the ship near the stern. Only when the armed team fired more warning shots did the skiffs move away. The Master heaved up the","Desc4":"anchor and sailed further away from the anchorage area. At 2320Z, Togo Navy finally responded and the Master reported the incident.","coords.x1":1.3,"coords.x2":6.03333} {"Reference":"2012-335","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Nine pirates armed with long knives boarded an anchored tug from astern and took the duty watchman as hostage. The pirates then went to the bridge and stole crew personal belongings, cash, and the vessel's navigation equipment, then escaped","Desc2":"after about 20 minutes. During the incident, two crew members were slightly injured.","coords.x1":104.5675,"coords.x2":1.43722} {"Reference":"2012-339","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKWE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 29 November at 06-01S 106-54E, at the Tanjung Priok Anchorage. Three robbers boarded the chemical tanker while at anchor. Robbers were sighted at poop deck, alarm raised and all crew mustered. Seeing the alert crew, the","Desc2":"robbers escaped with stolen ship's stores. All crew safe.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2012-322","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:Vessel attacked in 06-40N 059-05E at 1100Z on 28 November.","coords.x1":59.08333,"coords.x2":6.66667} {"Reference":"2012-327","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier ship boarded on 28 November at 00-18S 117-40E, at the Samarinda Anchorage. Pirates armed with a long knife boarded the anchored bulk carrier. Duty watchman noticed the pirates, who threatened him with a long knife and warned him","Desc2":"not to approach any closer. Duty watchman alerted the Chief Officer, who raised the alarm and alerted the crew. On seeing the alert crew, the pirates escaped with stolen ship's stores.","coords.x1":117.66667,"coords.x2":-0.3} {"Reference":"2012-326","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 28 November at 03-55N 098-45E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Four armed robbers boarded the anchored chemical tanker via the anchor chain. They attempted to attack the duty A/B who managed to escape and alert the OOW. By the time","Desc2":"the crew mustered, the robbers had escaped with stolen ship's stores. Attempts to contact and report incident to port authority were unsuccessful. All crew safe.","coords.x1":98.75,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2012-323","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-25","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:Tanker boarded on 25 November at 10-18N 075-33W, at the Cartagena Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored tanker, stole ship's stores from the forward store and escaped unnoticed. The crew on duty noticed the theft and reported the incident to","Desc2":"Port Control and Coast Guard.","coords.x1":-75.56,"coords.x2":10.30667} {"Reference":"2012-329","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 24 November at 01-27 S 116-47E, at the Lawe-Lawe Anchorage, Balikpapan. Robbers boarded the anchored crude oil tanker, stole ship's stores from the forward store and escaped unnoticed. The crew on duty noticed the forward","Desc2":"store door open and observed two boats moving away from the tanker. The incident was reported to port control and CSO.","coords.x1":116.78333,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2012-328","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIA:Bulk Carrier boarded on 24 November at 17-02N 082-25E, at the Kakinada Anchorage. Four robbers armed with knives and iron rods boarded an anchored bulk carrier via the poop deck. Duty A/B on rounds noticed the robbers stealing ship stores and","Desc2":"informed the OOW, who raised the alarm. As the A/B approached the robbers, they jumped overboard and escaped with their accomplices into boats. Port control informed.","coords.x1":82.41667,"coords.x2":17.03333} {"Reference":"2012-320","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"TOGO:Cargo ship experienced a suspicious approach on 21 November at 06-03N 001-16E, at the Lome Anchorage. Six robbers in three unlit boats approached the anchored cargo ship twice in 30 minutes. The boats hid behind the bunker barge before approaching","Desc2":"the vessel from the port and starboard sides. On both occasions, the boats were unsuccessful due to vigilance of the crew and the presence of security personnel. On reporting to Port Control, a Navy vessel was dispatched to investigate.","coords.x1":1.27444,"coords.x2":6.05611} {"Reference":"2012-330","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk cargo ship boarded on 21 November at 06-01S 106-55E, at the East Cargo Anchorage, Jakarta. Five robbers armed with knives boarded the anchored bulk cargo ship via the poop deck. They attacked and took hostage the duty A/B and stole engine","Desc2":"spares. When the A/B failed to respond to the radio calls, the duty officer raised the alarm resulting in the robbers escaping.","coords.x1":106.91667,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2012-331","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 21 November at 01-42S 116-38E, at the Adang Bay Anchorage. Robbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier carrying out loading operations via barge. The robbers attacked and tied up the Bosun on his routine rounds of the","Desc2":"forecastle. They stole personal effects of the Bosun, then broke into the forward locker and stole ship's stores. The robbers were noticed by the Master and crew, who raised the alarm resulting in the robbers escaping.","coords.x1":116.63333,"coords.x2":-1.7} {"Reference":"2012-321","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-20","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC:Tanker boarded on 20 November at approximately 18-26N 069-18W, at the San Pedro de Macoris Port. Robbers boarded a berthed product tanker unnoticed. They stole ship's properties and escaped. The theft was noticed by crew doing routine","Desc2":"ship search after departure.","coords.x1":-69.3,"coords.x2":18.43333} {"Reference":"2012-332","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VIETNAM:Tanker hijacked on 19 November in the vicinity of 07-10N 109-09 E, approximately 174.4 nm southeast of Con Son Island, by eleven pirates armed with long knives and pistols. The nine crew members were forced overboard into a life raft and rescued","Desc2":"shortly after by a Vietnamese fishing trawler. While enroute toward Vietnam, the vessel was apprehended by the Vietnam Marine Police Special Task Force and all eleven pirates were taken into custody. Prior to apprehension, it was reported that the","Desc3":"pirates had changed the IMO number and name of the vessel.","coords.x1":109.15,"coords.x2":7.16667} {"Reference":"2012-333","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:General cargo ship boarded on 17 November at 07-05S 112-39E, at the Surabaya Inner Anchorage. Armed pirates in two speed boats, seven in one boat and three in the other, boarded the anchored cargo ship. Alert crew raised the alarm, mustered and","Desc2":"started approaching the robbers who were seen escaping. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":112.65,"coords.x2":-7.08333} {"Reference":"2012-314","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"COLOUMBIA:Tanker boarded on 16 November at 10-19N 075-31W, at the Cartagena Inner Anchorage. Robbers boarded and stole ship's stores from the anchored LPG tanker and escaped unnoticed. The theft was later noticed by ship's crew during routine day work.","Desc2":"Alarm raised, crew mustered and a search was carried out. Port authority informed.","coords.x1":-75.51667,"coords.x2":10.31667} {"Reference":"2012-318","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 16 November at 03-55N 098-48E, approximately 7.4 nm east of Nipahlarangan, Belawan. Three robbers armed with knives and iron bars boarded the anchored tanker, stole ship's stores, and escaped. Master raised the alarm, mustered","Desc2":"crew, and contacted port authorities but received no response.","coords.x1":98.8,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2012-325","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING TRAWLER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Fishing trawler experienced an attempted kidnapping on 13 November in the vicinity of 04-45N 006-49E. A fishing trawler was attacked by seven pirates armed with an AK-47 and one rifle. The pirates attempt to kidnap the occupants onboard was","Desc2":"foiled by the Nigerian Navy, who responded to the distress call. All seven pirates were captured, with no injuries to the crew.","coords.x1":6.81667,"coords.x2":4.75} {"Reference":"2012-315","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-13","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ECUADOR:Container ship boarded on 13 November at 02-31S 080-05W, at Guayaquil. A gang of 10 to 12 robbers armed with guns and knives in two boats boarded the container ship during a river passage. The aft duty crew noticed the boats and alerted the","Desc2":"Master, who raised the alarm, activated the SSAS, and mustered the crew. The robbers boarded the vessel, tied up a security guard and broke into four containers on deck. The robbers stole the shore security guard's personal property and cargo from the","Desc3":"containers before escaping. Pilot reported the incident to Guayaquil Port Control.","coords.x1":-80.08333,"coords.x2":-2.51667} {"Reference":"2012-324","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-12","SubReg":"21","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"PANAMA:Yacht boarded on 12 November at 08-39N 079-43W, in Punta Chame, approximately 20 nm southwest of the Balboa Anchorage. Four pirates in two skiffs pulled alongside the yacht and asked the occupants for drinking water. Once the occupants obliged and","Desc2":"entered the cabin to retrieve the water, the pirates boarded the vessel armed with pistols and held the family of four hostage, while they ransacked the yacht for valuables. The ordeal lasted approximately 15 minutes, and then the pirates departed,","Desc3":"leaving the occupants unharmed.","coords.x1":-79.71667,"coords.x2":8.65} {"Reference":"2012-316","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-11","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"PERU:Tanker boarded on 11 November at 04-34S 081-19W, at the Talara Anchorage. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the tanker while at anchor. When the robbers were spotted, they jumped overboard with stolen stores and escaped with three more","Desc2":"accomplices waiting in a boat. No reported injuries to crew.","coords.x1":-81.31667,"coords.x2":-4.56667} {"Reference":"2012-319","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 11 November at 01-19N 104-17E, approximately 2 nm south of Pulau Mungging Light. While at anchor, eight robbers armed with long knives and a pistol, boarded the vessel. Upon boarding, the robbers forced the crew to pump out 80","Desc2":"metric tons of Marine Gas Oil and seized personal belongings of the crew.","coords.x1":104.28333,"coords.x2":1.31667} {"Reference":"2012-313","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tugboat towing a barge boarded on 6 November near 01-44N 106-11E. Ten robbers armed with long knives boarded the tugboat while enroute from Port Klang to Kuching. One of the crew members was assaulted during the boarding. The robbers stole crew","Desc2":"personal belongings, cash, and vessel documents and certificates before escaping. The incident was reported to the owners and the Master made a police report upon arrival at Kuching, Malaysia.","coords.x1":106.18333,"coords.x2":1.73333} {"Reference":"2012-309","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Container ship boarded on 3 November at 06-00S 106-54E, at the Jakarta Anchorage. Four robbers in a small boat approached the stern of the anchored vessel. One robber boarded the ship using a grappling hook while the other three robbers","Desc2":"remained in their boat. Deck watchmen spotted the robber and raised the alarm. Seeing crew alertness, the robber escaped empty-handed.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"2012-310","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-02","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 2 November at 01-41S 116-38E, at the Adang Bay Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored vessel and stole ship's stores from the forward store and escaped unnoticed. The theft was later noticed during the next watch change","Desc2":"and was reported to authorities.","coords.x1":116.63333,"coords.x2":-1.68333} {"Reference":"2012-317","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SAUDI ARABIA:Tanker fired upon on 1 November at 16-35N 41-28E, near Jizan. While sailing, the tanker was pursued by a suspected boat with three armed robbers onboard. The high speed boat closed in on the tanker and discharged their weapons. The Master","Desc2":"increased speed and carried out evasive maneuvers, successfully evading the pursuit.","coords.x1":41.46667,"coords.x2":16.58333} {"Reference":"2012-312","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:On 1 November at 0650Z, a merchant vessel was fired upon by a skiff in position 16-26N 041-23E, in the southern Red Sea.","coords.x1":41.38333,"coords.x2":16.43333} {"Reference":"2013-5","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 29 December 2012, bulk carrier boarded on at 03-43S 114-27E, at the Taboneo anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored vessel while waiting to commence loading operations. Robbers broke into the forward bosun store, stole ship's stores and","Desc2":"properties and escaped unnoticed. The incident occurred was reported to the local agent and the port authorities.","coords.x1":114.45,"coords.x2":-3.71667} {"Reference":"2013-4","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 29 December 2012, bulk carrier boarded at 03-44S 114-25E, at the Taboneo anchorage. Duty crew aboard the anchored vessel found the lock of the forward store broken and saw ship's stores on the deck. The robbers escaped in two boats without","Desc2":"stealing anything.","coords.x1":114.41667,"coords.x2":-3.73333} {"Reference":"2012-354","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"OMAN:Merchant vessel experienced suspicious approach at 0535 UTC on 27 December near position 26-17N 056-43E in the Gulf of Oman, approximately 22 nm east of Al Kasab, Oman. The activity consisted of two skiffs, one of which approached the vessel to","Desc2":"within 500 meters, with possible weapons sighted. Vessel's armed embarked security team fired flares and the skiff moved away. The second skiff approached to within 200 meters. Embarked security team again fired a warning flare but there was no response","Desc3":"from the second skiff. Vessel security team then fired two warning shots to the side of the second skiff. Both skiffs then broke off the approach and departed the area.","coords.x1":56.71667,"coords.x2":26.28333} {"Reference":"2013-1","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:On 23 December 2012, tanker boarded at 05-12N 004-02W, at the Abidjan anchorage. Robbers armed with machine guns and knives boarded the anchored vessel and took the crew hostage. They forced the Chief Engineer and Master to start the engines.","Desc2":"However, since the engines had been disengaged by the crew earlier, the vessel could not make way. The robbers threatened and assaulted the crew, then locked them in the engine room and ransacked the crew cabins. Prior to escaping, the robbers damaged","Desc3":"some communication equipment and stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":-4.03333,"coords.x2":5.2} {"Reference":"2012-353","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Supply vessel ASSO VENTUNO boarded and crew kidnapped on 23 December at 04-01N 005-14E, approximately 40 nm off the coastline of Bayelsa. Pirates armed with guns attacked and boarded the offshore supply vessel while underway, and kidnapped four","Desc2":"crew members. No injuries to the remaining crew members. The vessel continued on its passage to a safe port.","coords.x1":5.23333,"coords.x2":4.01667} {"Reference":"2013-8","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 11 November 2012, a general cargo ship was detained by Somali authorities and ordered to anchor off Bossaso. Eight Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF) personnel (four policemen and four soldiers) were detailed to guard the ship. The four","Desc2":"soldiers took over the ship and forced the Master to sail to another port. It is suspected that the soldiers were paid by pirates to hijack the ship. While enroute, one of the soldiers rejoined the four policemen, gained control of the vessel and sailed","Desc3":"back to Bossaso. The vessel arrived and berthed at Bossaso Port on 20 December, where the PMPF personnel were replaced.","coords.x1":49.15444,"coords.x2":11.30167} {"Reference":"2013-15","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER TSURUMI","Desc1":"IRAN:On 20 December, the tanker TSURUMI was boarded at 24-46N 57-54E, approximately 25 nm South of Bandar-e-Jask. The tanker underway en route to Fujairah sighted a speed boat approaching at a speed of around 25 knots. The Master raised alarm, activated","Desc2":"SSAS, sent a distress alert, took evasive maneuvers, mustered the crew and closed all accommodation doors. The distress alert was acknowledged by UKMTO and a helicopter was seen approaching the location. When the boat was around 0.5nm from the tanker","Desc3":"five masked persons with weapons and a RPG were identified. Seeing the helicopter, the boat altered and moved away from the tanker.","coords.x1":57.9,"coords.x2":24.76667} {"Reference":"2013-7","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOMALIA:A tanker underway en route to Fujairah sighted a speed boat approaching at about 25 knots. The Master raised the alarm, activated SSAS, sent a distress alert, took evasive maneuvers, mustered the crew, and closed all accommodation doors. The","Desc2":"distress alert was acknowledged by UKMTO and a helicopter was seen approaching the location. When the boat was about 0.5 nm from the vessel, five masked persons with weapons, including an RPG, were identified. Seeing the helicopter, the boat altered","Desc3":"course and moved away from the vessel.","coords.x1":57.91333,"coords.x2":24.78167} {"Reference":"2012-355","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 20 December at 03-57N 098-46E, at the Belawan anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored chemical tanker receiving provisions, stole ships property and escaped unnoticed. Upon investigation it was found that the robbers gained","Desc2":"access to the forecastle by breaking through the razor wire. Local agent and the port authorities informed.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.95} {"Reference":"2013-2","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 17 December, offshore supply vessel boarded and crew kidnapped at 04-15N 004-44E, while enroute to the Mobil Erah Oilfield. Armed pirates boarded the vessel, kidnapped three crew members and escaped. The bosun later navigated the vessel to","Desc2":"Onne port.","coords.x1":4.73333,"coords.x2":4.25} {"Reference":"2012-346","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tanker boarded and crew kidnapped on 17 December in the vicinity of 03-41N 07-12E, approximately 40 nm off the Niger Delta. An unknown number of pirates boarded the tanker. During the ordeal, pirates stole personal items, vandalized the vessel,","Desc2":"and kidnapped five crew members.","coords.x1":7.2,"coords.x2":3.68333} {"Reference":"2013-6","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER SP BRUSSELS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 17 December 2012, tanker SP BRUSSELS boarded and crew kidnapped in the vicinity of 03-44N 05-37E, approximately 40 nm off the Niger Delta. Three pirates armed with machine guns attacked and boarded the vessel while underway. They stole","Desc2":"personal belongings and kidnapped the Master, First Officer, Second Officer, Chief Engineer and a crew member, and then escaped. The vessel sent SSAS and requested assistance. The vessel and the rest of crew members were unharmed.","coords.x1":5.61667,"coords.x2":3.73333} {"Reference":"2012-345","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Vessel reported activity in 24-35N 57-34E on 16 December at 0100Z suspected to be a mothership engaged in piracy, but was able to evade any approach by the suspicious vessel.","coords.x1":57.56667,"coords.x2":24.58333} {"Reference":"2012-349","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"OMAN:Tanker fired upon on 15 December at 24-36N 057-32E, approximately 80 nm northwest of Muscat. Armed pirates in a skiff approached and opened fire on a tanker while underway. The Master raised alarm, commenced evasive maneuvers, called UKMTO, sent","Desc2":"distress alerts via VHF and SSAS and all crew retreated into the citadel. Navies in the vicinity responded to the distress and a naval boarding team was sent to rescue the crews. On boarding the vessel, no pirates were found and the crew regained control","Desc3":"of the tanker and continued their passage.","coords.x1":57.53333,"coords.x2":24.6} {"Reference":"2012-350","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"OMAN:Tanker under suspicious approach on 15 December at 24-10N 059-08E, approximately 45 nm northeast of Muscat. A dhow was seen launching a skiff which approached the tanker while underway. Master raised the alarm, increased speed, altered course. Crew","Desc2":"wasmustered and contacted authorities for assistance. At a distance of 0.2 nm, weapons and ladders were identified on the skiff and the onboard armed security team fired warning shots resulting in the skiff moving away.","coords.x1":59.13333,"coords.x2":24.16667} {"Reference":"2012-351","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"IRAN:Tanker boarded on 15 December in the vicinity of 24-33N 058-05E, approximately 67 nm south of Jask. A pirate gang utilizing three suspicious skiffs approached the vessel. Alarm was raised and crewmembers mustered in the citadel and awaited the","Desc2":"arrival of a warship. Pirates are thought to have left the vessel after seeing the approach of the HDMS Iver Huitfeldt. Evidence showed damaged barbed wire at the stern and an unsuccessful attempt at breaching the citadel.","coords.x1":58.08333,"coords.x2":24.55} {"Reference":"2012-352","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-14","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CHINA:Bulk carrier boarded on 14 December at 32-00N 120-45E, at the Nantong Working Anchorage. Three robbers tried to board the anchored bulk carrier via the gangway but were challenged by the alert crew and denied access to the ship. The robbers then","Desc2":"managed to gain access to the ship via the barge working cargo. The alert crew spotted the robbers as they tried to lower ship stores and raised the alarm. On seeing crew alertness, the robbers left the ship and entered the barge. Local agents informed.","coords.x1":120.75,"coords.x2":32} {"Reference":"2012-347","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA:RO-RO vessel fired upon on 13 December at 04-16N 05-19E, approximately 25 nm southwest of Bayelsa. Piratesin a boat armed with machine guns chased and fired upon the ship while underway. Master raised the alarm, increased speed, sent distress","Desc2":"message and mustered crew in the safe room. The onboard security team returned fire, and after around 20 minutes the firing ceased and the pirates moved away. One security personnel was killed and two sustained injuries from the exchange.","coords.x1":5.31667,"coords.x2":4.26667} {"Reference":"2012-344","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OFFSHORE SUPPORT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:A offshore support vessel near 04-01.5N 005-29.1E was fired upon by heavily armed pirates in a small boat. The security team onboard responded by returning fire. Two security personnel were injured in the exchange.","coords.x1":5.485,"coords.x2":4.025} {"Reference":"2012-341","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tanker boarded on 11 December in the vicinity of 01-20 N 104-08E, 3 nm south of Tanjung Setapa. A wooden boat containing 18 robbers pulled alongside the anchored tanker. While eight men boarded the tanker, the remaining ten waited in the small","Desc2":"boat. The robbery was unsuccessful due to the alerting of the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) and their rapid response. The eight robbers who boarded the vessel were captured by the MMEA and are currently being detained pending the","Desc3":"investigation. Of the twelve crew members, three sustained injuries and are being treated at the Royal Malaysian Navy Hospital in Tanjung Pengelih.","coords.x1":104.13333,"coords.x2":1.33333} {"Reference":"2012-348","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Tanker under suspicious approach on 11 December at 06-04N 001-16E, at the Lome anchorage. Eight robbers in a wooden boat approached the anchored tanker at high speed. Seeing the armed Togo navy guards and security team on board the vessel, the","Desc2":"robbers aborted the attack and moved away. At 0330 local time, another boat with nine robbers approached the anchored tanker; however, they too aborted and moved away upon seeing the armed navy personnel.","coords.x1":1.26667,"coords.x2":6.06667} {"Reference":"2012-342","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 10 December at 03-43S 114-26E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored bulk carrier while the crew was busy attending to a barge. Once the crew returned to their watchkeeping duties, they noticed the bosun","Desc2":"store lock had been broken and ship properties stolen. On investigating, it was found that the robbers had accessed the vessel via the anchor chain after managing to cut the wire lashing and break the padlock securing the hawse pipe covers. Local agents","Desc3":"informed.","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-3.71667} {"Reference":"2012-343","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker experienced a suspicious approach on 8 December at 03-55N 098-47E, at Belawan Roads. Three wooden boats with five robbers in each approached the anchored tanker. Due to the crew's alertness, the robbers were spotted and were unable to","Desc2":"board the vessel. Before moving away, one of the robbers gestured to the crew that they would return during the night hours. Due to the impending threat and lack of response from port authorities, the Master heaved up the anchor and sailed to open sea.","coords.x1":98.78333,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2012-338","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 05 December at 03-47N 098-42E, at the Belawan Port. Four robbers boarded the bulk carrier alongside a berth during discharge operations. They broke into the deck store, stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed. The","Desc2":"theft was noticed during the next watch change and was reported to the local agent and the port authorities.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2012-334","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-01","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Robbers in an unlit small boat approached an anchored bulk carrier and attempted to climb onboard the ship via the anchor chain. Alert duty O/S noticed the robbers, shouted at them, and then informed the bridge who raised the alarm. All crew","Desc2":"members rushed to the forecastle. On hearing the alarm and seeing the crew alertness, the robbers aborted the attempted boarding and escaped in their boat. Port control informed.","coords.x1":116.98333,"coords.x2":-1.38333} {"Reference":"2013-60","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER MEGACORE PANTHEA","Desc1":"OMAN:On 31 January, the tanker MEGACORE PANTHEA experienced a suspicious approach in the vicinity of 21-23N 059-59E, approximately 33 nm East of Ash Sharqiyah. Vessel sighted a white skiff 3 miles off the starboard quarter. Skiff was proceeding in the","Desc2":"same direction of the vessel with speed up to 25 knots. Ship security guards and crew put on high alert. Speed increased to maximum and evasive maneuvers taken. The skiff maintained this position for 30 minutes, until suddenly altering course towards the","Desc3":"vessel and crossed behind at a distance of 1.7 nm. Skiff maintained position on port quarter until altering to a westerly course and proceeded at high speed. A second skiff was later sighted 7 miles off the starboard quarter. No close approach was made.","Desc4":"Photographs taken by a high-resolution camera show two men aboard the skiff wearing head gear.","coords.x1":59.98333,"coords.x2":21.38333} {"Reference":"2013-30","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER OLIVIA II","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 31 January, the tanker OLIVIA II was fired upon at 03-46N 005-19E, approximately 45 nm SSW of Brass. While underway, the vessel noticed three skiffs approaching at high speed. A suspected mother vessel was observed on radar at a distance of","Desc2":"about 1.2 nm. As the skiffs closed, The Duty Officer raised the alarm and directed non-essential crew to muster in the citadel. Vessel commenced evasive maneuvers and headed towards a nearby oil terminal to seek assistance from naval guard vessels. Two","Desc3":"additional skiffs were noticed approaching the vessel and all skiffs fired towards the bridge and accommodations. An RPG was also fired, but missed the vessel. The attack lasted for nearly one hour before the skiffs broke off. Crew was unharmed, but","Desc4":"vessel sustained damage from the firing.","coords.x1":5.31667,"coords.x2":3.76667} {"Reference":"2013-33","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-31","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:On 31 January, a general cargo ship was boarded at 14-33N 120-54E, at the Manila South Quarantine Anchorage. Three robbers in a boat approached and boarded the anchored vessel. Alert crew members noticed the robbers near the forecastle store","Desc2":"and raised the alarm. Seeing crew's alertness, the robbers escaped with stolen ship stores. Incident reported to VTMS and Coast Guard, who advised to vessel double watches and maintain proper look out.","coords.x1":120.9,"coords.x2":14.55} {"Reference":"2013-31","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-31","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"MAURITANIA:On 31 January, a refrigerated cargo ship was boarded at 20-53N 016-59W, at the Nouadhibou Port. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the anchored vessel, while six more robbers waited in their boat. Alert duty crewman spotted the robbers and","Desc2":"raised the alarm. On hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty-handed. Port Control contacted, but no response received.","coords.x1":-16.98333,"coords.x2":20.88333} {"Reference":"2013-25","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER BW YANGTZE","Desc1":"INDIA:On 29 January, the product tanker BW YANGTZE was boarded in the vicinity of 22-01N 088-06E, at the Haldia Anchorage. Robbers armed with knives and a gun, boarded the anchored vessel and started lowering mooring ropes. Duty Officer spotted the","Desc2":"robbers, raised the alarm, and informed Master. The robbers escaped with the stolen ship's stores. VTIS and Coast Guard informed.","coords.x1":88.1,"coords.x2":22.01667} {"Reference":"2013-24","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-28","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"PASSENGER VESSEL","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 28 January, a passenger vessel being reported as ISLAND OF RHODES was fired upon at 31-15N 032-18E, at Port Said. The Greek-owned vessel came under fire from unknown persons during a regular inspection by the Consular Harbor Master. It should be","Desc2":"noted that there is tension in Port Said following the court decision on the soccer tragedy that resulted in over 70 deaths. As soon as the ship came under fire, it left the port. All passengers and crew are safe, as is the Consular Harbor Master who was","Desc3":"carrying out the inspection.","coords.x1":32.3,"coords.x2":31.25} {"Reference":"2013-26","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER CHAMPION TRUST","Desc1":"INDIA:On 27 January, the chemical tanker CHAMPION TRUST was boarded at 17-01N 082-24E, at the Kakinada Anchorage. Eight robbers in two boats armed with long knives approached the anchored vessel. Two of the robbers boarded and stole ship's stores from","Desc2":"the forecastle. Duty crew noticed the robbers and informed the Duty Officer, who raised the alarm and notified the Master. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped with the stolen stores. Port Control was informed","coords.x1":82.4,"coords.x2":17.01667} {"Reference":"2013-27","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 24 January, a barge in tow was boarded at 02-08N 108-45E, at approximately 20 nm WNW of Pulau Merundung. An unknown number of pirates from a fast moving fishing boat boarded the towed barge, forced open containers and stole cargo, then","Desc2":"escaped.","coords.x1":108.75,"coords.x2":2.13333} {"Reference":"2013-19","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-23","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"PERU:On 23 January, a tanker was boarded in the vicinity of 04-34S 081-16W, at the MBM Terminal, Talara Port. Robbers boarded the berthed vessel and escaped with ship's stores unnoticed. Upon investigation, it was found the robbers boarded via the hawse","Desc2":"pipe by dismantling the anchor chain metal guard and then forced their way into the forecastle store by breaking the watertight door padlock hinge. Incident reported to the authorities.","coords.x1":-81.26667,"coords.x2":-4.56667} {"Reference":"2013-22","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER SIVA MUMBAI","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 22 January, the chemical tanker SIVA MUMBAI was boarded at 01-42N 101-29E, at the Dumai Inner Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored vessel, stole engine spares, and escaped unnoticed. The theft was detecteed after departure from the port","Desc2":"when foot prints were discovered.","coords.x1":101.48333,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-23","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER TORM OHIO","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 17 January, the tanker TORM OHIO was boarded at 01-22S 116-56E, at the Balikpapan Outer Anchorage. Two robbers boarded the anchored vessel while waiting for pilot. Duty Officer raised the alarm and sounded the fog horn upon noticing some","Desc2":"movements at the forecastle deck. On hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Investigation revealed that the forward rope hatch lock was broken and ship's stores stolen. Incident reported to port authorities via local agent.","coords.x1":116.93333,"coords.x2":-1.36667} {"Reference":"2013-20","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-17","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER ALGA","Desc1":"ATLANTIC OCEAN:On 17 January, the tanker ALGA experienced a suspicious approach in the vicinity of 08-02N 034-30W, approximately 1205 nm off the coast of Guinea. Two white skiffs containing an unknown number of suspected pirates attempted to advance","Desc2":"towards the vessel. Due to increasing speed and utilizing evasive maneuvering, the Master was able to escape without incident.","coords.x1":-34.5,"coords.x2":8.03333} {"Reference":"2013-21","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER ITRI","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:On 16 January, the tanker ITRI was hijacked at 03-27N 001-06W, at the Abidjan anchorage. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel while it was preparing to offload jet fuel at the port. The crew of 16 were held hostage and locked in a dining","Desc2":"room while the hijackers siphoned off 5,000 tons of cargo. All crew members and the tanker were released unharmed on 22 January. After release, the vessel proceeded to Lagos port.","coords.x1":-1.1,"coords.x2":3.45} {"Reference":"2013-16","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 16 January, a bulk carrier was boarded at 22-17N 091-43E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. Five robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain during cargo operations. The Second Officer noticed the robbers and","Desc2":"directed a crewman to investigate. While approaching the forecastle, the crewman was threatened by three robbers. The Master ordered the crew to enter the accommodation and lock the access. The Second Officer directed the spot light towards the robbers,","Desc3":"who then escaped down the anchor chain. Upon inspection, it was found that ship's properties were stolen. Port control and Coast Guard were informed. A Coast Guard boat later arrived and searched for the robbers.","coords.x1":91.71667,"coords.x2":22.28333} {"Reference":"2013-14","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"CONGO:On 15 January, a container ship was boarded at 04-43S 011-46E, at the Pointe Noire Anchorage. Three robbers armed with knives disguised as fishermen in a small boat approached and boarded the anchored vessel. Duty crew spotted the robbers and","Desc2":"raised the alarm. On hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty-handed in their boat. Port Control was contacted, but received no response.","coords.x1":11.76667,"coords.x2":-4.71667} {"Reference":"2013-17","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER HUA HENG 167","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 January, the bulk carrier HUA HENG 167 was boarded at 01-11S 116-46E, at the Balikpapan Anchorage. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain. Duty crew noticed the robbers and raised the alarm.","Desc2":"All crew mustered and rushed to the forecastle. On seeing the crew's alertness, the robbers escaped empty-handed in their speed boat.","coords.x1":116.76667,"coords.x2":-1.18333} {"Reference":"2013-9","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-09","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"LPG TANKER CONISTON","Desc1":"GUYANA:On 09 January, LPG Tanker CONISTON boarded in the vicinity of Guyana. Two robbers armed with guns and long knives boarded the berthed vessel from the offshore side using a grappling hook. They took the First Officer and a shore security guard as","Desc2":"hostages, proceeded to the Master's cabin, stole ship's cash and escaped. No injury to crew.","coords.x1":-58.17333,"coords.x2":6.80556} {"Reference":"2013-18","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TUG DE HUI/BARGE HAIYANGSHIYOU","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:On 08 January, the tug DE HUI with the barge HAIYANGSHIYOU in tow was boarded at 01-11N 103-37E, approximately 4 nm Southwest of the Western Islands. A speedboat with five robbers wearing camouflage uniforms approached the tug at 1710 local","Desc2":"time. Two robbers boarded the tug and took the duty Bosun hostage and held him face down at knifepoint. Master raised the alarm and all crew mustered. Seeing the alert crew, the robbers left the tug without stealing anything. At 2320 local time,","Desc3":"approximately six robbers in a speed boat approached and boarded the barge under tow, stole barge properties and escaped.","coords.x1":103.61667,"coords.x2":1.18333} {"Reference":"2013-10","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 08 January, LPG tanker experienced suspicious approach at 12-40N 043-16E, at Bab El Mandeb. Approximately 5 to 6 persons each in two skiffs approached the vessel while underway. Alarm raised, anti-piracy measures initiated, and distress message","Desc2":"transmitted. The onboard security team fired a warning flare and showed their weapons. One skiff slowed down but the other skiff continued its approach and closed to within 200 meters of the tanker. The security team fired two more warning shots but the","Desc3":"skiffs ignored the warning shots and continue to approach the tanker. Further shots were fired across the lead skiff's bow resulting in the skiffs retreating.","coords.x1":43.26667,"coords.x2":12.66667} {"Reference":"2013-11","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL MSC JASMINE","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 05 January, container ship MSC JASMINE fired upon on at 03-07N 051-51E, approximately 400 nm ENE of Mogadishu. Six pirates in a skiff pursued and fired upon the vessel with automatic weapons and an RPG. Vessel raised the alarm, crew mustered","Desc2":"in the citadel and armed security team fired warning shots resulting in the pirates aborting and moving away. A warship and naval helicopter were dispatched towards the vessel. Crew and vessel were unharmed.","coords.x1":51.85,"coords.x2":3.11667} {"Reference":"2013-13","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER HISTRIA PRINCE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 04 January, chemical tanker HISTRIA PRINCE boarded at 01-16S 116-49E, at the Balikpapan Port Jetty No. 5C. Four robbers approached the vessel at berth while engaged in loading operations. One of the robbers boarded by climbing the forward","Desc2":"fire wire, stole ship's properties and escaped. The incident was reported to the local agent and the port authorities.","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.26667} {"Reference":"2013-12","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL JADE SKY","Desc1":"INDIA:On 3 January, bulk cargo vessel JADE SKY boarded at 22-49N 070-03E, at the Kandla port anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel, broke into the forecastle store room, stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed.","coords.x1":70.05,"coords.x2":22.81667} {"Reference":"2013-3","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:On 1 January, a merchant vessel experienced suspicious approach near 02-18N 046-02E, approximately 42 nm northeast of Mogadishu and approximately 7 nm off the Somali coast. The activity consisted of four skiffs. Few other details have been","Desc2":"released and the incident is being investigated further.","coords.x1":46.03333,"coords.x2":2.3} {"Reference":"2013-69","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER STOLT RINDO","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 27 February, the tanker STOLT RINDO was boarded at 01-42N 101-29E, at the Dumai Quarantine Anchorage. The anchored vesel was boarded by robbers, who stole engine spares and escaped unnoticed. The incident was discovered by one of the crew","Desc2":"who noticed a broken lock and missing spares.","coords.x1":101.48333,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-54","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-27","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"PERU:On 27 February, a tanker experienced an attempted boarding at 04-34S 081-18W, at the Talara Anchorage. Two robbers in a small motorized boat attempted to board the anchored vessel via the anchor chain. Alert duty crew noticed the robbers and","Desc2":"informed the Duty Officer, who raised the alarm and sounded ship's whistle. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers aborted the attempt and fled.","coords.x1":-81.3,"coords.x2":-4.56667} {"Reference":"2013-56","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PASSENGER VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 25 February, a passenger boat was boarded and personnel kidnapped at 04-37N 008-22E, in the Ibaka Channel, Calabar River. The vessel was attacked and boarded by approximately 20 armed pirates in two speedboats. The pirates were reported to","Desc2":"have kidnapped one person. The vessel continued to port.","coords.x1":8.36667,"coords.x2":4.61667} {"Reference":"2013-58","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"OMAN:On 25 February, a merchant ship reported a suspicious approach by one skiff in an area approximately 15 nautical miles north of Masirah Island, Oman. No shots were fired but the merchant ship reported sighting weapons aboard the skiff.","coords.x1":58.88333,"coords.x2":20.83333} {"Reference":"2013-55","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-24","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"COLUMBIA:On 24 February, an LPG tanker was boarded in the vicinity of 10-18N 075-31W, at the Cartagena \"A\" Anchorage. Four robbers boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain and hawse pipe. The robbers captured and tied up the duty A/B, who had","Desc2":"sighted and shouted at them. The robbers broke into the forecastle store and escaped with ship's property.","coords.x1":-75.51667,"coords.x2":10.3} {"Reference":"2013-59","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPECIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN:On 22 February, a cargo ship was fired upon at 23-08N 060-49E, approximately 130 nm southeast of Muscat, Oman.","coords.x1":60.81667,"coords.x2":23.13333} {"Reference":"2013-57","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP KOTA BAHAGIA","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 22 February, the cargo ship KOTA BAHAGIA was fired upon and endured multiple attempted boardings at 03-51N 005-57E, approximately 30 nm SSW of Brass. A gand of approximately six pirates armed with automatic rifles in a skiff launched from a","Desc2":"mother vessel, chased and fired upon the vessel while underway. Master raised alarm, activated anti-piracy preventive measures, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, and directed non-essential crew to shelter in the citadel. The pirates attempted to","Desc3":"board the ship several times, and finally aborted the attempt due to the hardening measures taken by the ship. Incident reported to MRCC Nigeria. No Injuries to crew, but the ship sustained some damage due to the firing.","coords.x1":5.95,"coords.x2":3.85} {"Reference":"2013-47","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 20 February, an anchored tanker was boarded at 01-23S 116-56E, at the BalikpapanAnchorage. During bunkering operations, the Master saw two robbers with long swords on the forecastle stealing mooring ropes. He raised the alarm and mustered","Desc2":"the crew. Seeing crew's alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped.","coords.x1":116.93333,"coords.x2":-1.38333} {"Reference":"2013-61","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER RED RUM","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 20 February, the LPG tanker RED RUM was boarded at 05-34S 104-35E, at the Teluk Semangka Anchorage. Engine room stores were robbed from the vessel while carrying out ship-to-ship transfer operations. The robbery was discovered only after","Desc2":"departure. The crew suspects the local mooring gang, which had remained onboard the vessel during the transfer operations.","coords.x1":104.58333,"coords.x2":-5.56667} {"Reference":"2013-46","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 20 February, a bulk carrier was boarded at 07-09S 112-40E in the vicinity of Gresik, Surabaya. While under pilotage and awaiting berthing, the vessel was boarded by robbers, who stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed. Incident reported to","Desc2":"pilot onboard, who reported it to Port Control.","coords.x1":112.66667,"coords.x2":-7.15} {"Reference":"2013-44","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 18 February, a cargo ship was fired upon at 07-14N 052-17E, approximately 150 nm ESE of Eyl. Two white speed boats approached and fired upon the vessel while underway. Onboard armed security team returned fire, resulting in the skiffs moving","Desc2":"away.","coords.x1":52.28333,"coords.x2":7.23333} {"Reference":"2013-49","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 18 February, a chemical tanker was boarded at 01-42N 101-27E, at the Dumai Inner Anchorage. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel using a portable ladder. Duty A/B noticed the robbers and informed the Duty Officer,","Desc2":"who raised the alarm, sounded the ship's whistle, and notified Port Control. The robbers immediately jumped overboard and escaped empty-handed upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew's alertness.","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-48","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 18 February, a container ship was boarded at 00-08N 106-18E, approximately 52 nm ENE of Pulau Penjantan, while underway. The Duty Officer noticed two masked pirates on the bridge wing attempting to enter the bridge. Alarm raised and crew","Desc2":"mustered on the bridge. The pirates were unable enter the locked bridge and escaped upon seeing the crew's alertness.","coords.x1":106.3,"coords.x2":0.13333} {"Reference":"2013-62","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 18 February, the tanker JASMINE EXPRESS was boarded at 22-11N 091-46E, at the Chittagong \"C\" Anchorage. After STS discharge operations, the crew on an anchored tanker while waiting for further instructions discovered that two STS mooring","Desc2":"ropes were stolen. Coast Guard informed.","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.18333} {"Reference":"2013-42","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG ARMADA TUGAS 1","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 17 February, the tug ARMADA TUGAS 1 was boarded and personnel kidnapped at 03-57N 005-20E, approximately 40 nm WSW of Brass. Pirates boarded the vessel and kidnapped 6 officers. The remaining 12 crew members were unharmed and there was no","Desc2":"damage to the vessel. The vessel and remaining crew were escorted back to Port Harcourt.","coords.x1":5.33333,"coords.x2":3.95} {"Reference":"2013-43","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER AFRICAN JOY","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 17 February, the bulk carrier AFRICAN JOY was boarded at 06-27N 003-23E at Berth No.2, Apapa, Lagos. Robbers in a wooden boat approached the berthed vessel. One robber boarded the ship, broke into the forward store, and stole ship's stores,","Desc2":"including four drums of paint. Duty crew noticed the robber and raised the alarm. The robber escaped with the stolen stores.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2013-50","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 15 February, a bulk carrier was boarded at 22-15N 091-42E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. Robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain. Alert duty A/B noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. The robbers","Desc2":"threatened the A/B with the knives and then escaped without stealing anything. It is suspected that shore security officers onboard may have opened the anchor chain cover to help the robbers board.","coords.x1":91.7,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2013-45","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA:On 14 February, a tanker was boarded at 09-54N 076-08E at the Cochin Anchorage. Three robbers boarded the anchored vessel. Alert Duty Officer noticed movement on the forecastle deck and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing crew's","Desc2":"alertness, the robbers were seen jumping overboard. Investigation revealed that ship's stores were stolen.","coords.x1":76.13333,"coords.x2":9.9} {"Reference":"2013-51","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-14","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 14 February, a container ship was boarded at 20-37N 106-51E, at the Haiphong Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain by breaking the locks on the hawse pipe cover. They broke into the forepeak, stole ship's stores","Desc2":"and escaped unnoticed.","coords.x1":106.85,"coords.x2":20.61667} {"Reference":"2013-38","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER FORWARD FORTUNE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 13 February, the tanker FORWARD FORTUNE was boarded at 01-06N 103-36E, at the Nipah Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel during ship-to-ship transfer operations, stole engine spares, and escaped when after the crew spotted them and raised","Desc2":"alarm. Port authorities informed.","coords.x1":103.6,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2013-39","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER TORM GARRONE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 February, the anchored tanker TORM GARRONE was boarded at 01-17S 116-47E, at the Balikpapan Inner Anchorage. On sighting the robbers, Master raised the alarm and mustered the crew. Robbers escaped with ship's stores.","coords.x1":116.78333,"coords.x2":-1.28333} {"Reference":"2013-40","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER STARGATE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 February, the bulk carrier STARGATE was boarded at 01-42N 101-27E, at the Dumai Anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel using a rope and a hook attached to a long pole. Duty Officer noticed the robbers","Desc2":"and raised the alarm, sounded the ship's whistle, and notified local authorities. The robbers escaped empty-handed upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew's alertness.","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-34","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 11 February, the general cargo ship SAFMARINE SAHEL was fired upon at 04-06N 006-52E, approximately 10.5 nm southwest from Bonny River fairway buoy. While the cargo ship was underway, it noticed a speedboat approaching from portside containing","Desc2":"four pirates. The skiff came alongside and the pirates attempted to board the vessel. Evasive maneuvers were utilized such as increasing speed, raising the alarm, and all crew mustering on the bridge. Pirates launched gun fire on the vessel's","Desc3":"superstructure. The vessel was able to evade the pirates, but was pursued for approximately 20 minutes, before the pirates aborted the attempts at boarding the vessel.","coords.x1":6.86667,"coords.x2":4.1} {"Reference":"2013-52","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP WALVIS 7","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 10 February, the cargo ship WALVIS 7 was boarded and personnel kidnapped at 03-33N 006-35E, approximately 45nm off Bonny River. Twelve heavily armed pirates approached, fired upon, and boarded the vessel while underway. Alarm raised and most","Desc2":"of the crew retreated into the citadel. Pirates stole cash and personal belongings. Prior to escaping, the pirates captured and kidnapped the Chief Engineer and Master. The remaining 18 crewmembers arrived safely at port.","coords.x1":6.58333,"coords.x2":3.55} {"Reference":"2013-53","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP ESTHER C","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 07 February, the general cargo ship ESTHER C was boarded and personnel kidnapped at 03-40N 005-53E, approximately 40nm SSE of Brass. A gang of approximately 17 pirates armed with AK47 assault rifles attacked, boarded and hijacked the vessel","Desc2":"while underway and attempted to use it as a mother vessel. Prior to the vessel's release on 11 February, pirates stole ship's stores and equipment, damaged communication equipment, and kidnapped 3 crew members before escaping.","coords.x1":5.88333,"coords.x2":3.66667} {"Reference":"2013-41","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER INCE INEBOLU","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 06 February, the bulk carrier INCE INEBOLU ship was boarded at 01-41S 116-38E, at the Adang Bay Anchorage. Three robbers armed with knives boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain and attacked the duty crewman on the forecastle, who","Desc2":"managed to escape and raise the alarm. All crew mustered and proceeded forward. Seeing the alert crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their boat. Investigation revealed that ship's stores had been stolen from the forecastle store.","coords.x1":116.63333,"coords.x2":-1.68333} {"Reference":"2013-37","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG/BARGE","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 06 February, a tug towing a barge was fired upon in vicinity of 05-10N 006-12E, along the River Forcados at the Angiama Community area of Bayelsa. Pirates ambushed the tug and barge, which was being escorted by a military vessel while","Desc2":"transiting from Warri to Port Harcourt. Four persons, including two soldiers, a retired naval officer, and the pilot of the tug were killed during the gunfire exchange.Two additional soldiers sustained serious injuries. Three pirates were seriously","Desc3":"wounded and reportedly died soon after escaping. The reason for the attack is unsure, as neither the tug nor barge were carrying cargo.","coords.x1":6.2,"coords.x2":5.16667} {"Reference":"2013-28","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER PYXIS DELTA","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 04 February, the chemical tanker PYXIS DELTA was fired upon at 06-19N 003-24E, at the Lagos Anchorage. Pirates armed with guns approached and fired upon the anchored vessel during ship-to-ship transfer operations. The response of the onboard","Desc2":"naval security team resulted in the attackers moving away. One crew member received a gunshot wound to the leg and was evacuated for medical treatment, but did not survive.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.31667} {"Reference":"2013-29","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER GASCOGNE","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:On 03 February, the oil tanker GASCOGNE was hijacked in the vicinity of 04-07N 003-54W, approximately 70 nm south of Abidjan port. Owners reported that they had lost contact with their vessel and its 17 crew members while underway and","Desc2":"suspected the vessel had been hijacked. Vessel was released by the hijackers on 06 February, after stealing an unknown quantity of its fuel cargo. Two of the crewmembers were slightly injured during the incident.","coords.x1":-3.9,"coords.x2":4.11667} {"Reference":"2013-32","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 02 February, a chemical tanker experienced an attempted boarding at 03-55N 098-48E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Six robbers armed with knives in a wooden motor boat approached the anchored vessel. One of the robbers attempted to board by","Desc2":"ladder near the midship manifold area. Alert duty crewman spotted the robbers and informed the Duty Officer, who raised the alarm, sounded the ship's whistle and mustered the crew. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew's alertness, the robbers","Desc3":"aborted the attempted boarding and fled.","coords.x1":98.8,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2013-88","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOURBON LIBERTY 308","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:On 30 March, the tug BOURBON LIBERTY 308 was boarded at 1-20N 104-04E. Pirates boarded the vessel and left several hours later, presumably after robbing the crew and stealing vessel's valuables.","coords.x1":104.06667,"coords.x2":1.33333} {"Reference":"2013-85","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER SEA HERMES","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 30 March, the tanker SEA HERMES was fired upon at 03-57N 006-41E, approximately 22 nm ssw of Bonny. A small skiff containing 8 to 10 pirates was sighted fast approaching the tankers starboard bow. Master and Duty Officer flashed a light and","Desc2":"shouted at the suspicious craft. Upon seeing the crew's alertness, the suspicious craft immediately moved away while firing upon the ship. No crew injuries sustained. Bullet marks were left on the starboard bridge wing, accommodations house, and one","Desc3":"floodlight.","coords.x1":6.68333,"coords.x2":3.95} {"Reference":"2013-97","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 29 March, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 01-11S 117-16E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel and stole ship's stores from the forecastle store. They were spotted by the crew and the alarm","Desc2":"was raised. The robbers escaped with the stolen stores.","coords.x1":117.26667,"coords.x2":-1.18333} {"Reference":"2013-116","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-28","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP NOR CHIEF","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 28 March, the anchored supply ship NOR CHIEF was boarded at 31-14N 032-18E, at the Port Said Anchorage. While anchored, four robbers boarded the ship. Two duty AB's conducting security checks discovered the robbers on the main deck. Upon seeing","Desc2":"of the robbers, the chief officer raised the alarm. The robbers tried to gain entry to the winch house and accommodation block but did not succeed as the rooms were secured. They eventually aborted the attempt after 5 minutes and left the vessel. It was","Desc3":"reported that the robbers had threatened the duty AB's with knives. All 16 crew onboard the ship were reported to be safe.","coords.x1":32.3,"coords.x2":31.23333} {"Reference":"2013-91","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 28 March, a fishing vessel was hijacked at 11-52N 051-18E, off Raas Caseyr. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel and took her 20 crew members hostage. Vessel was rescued later that day. The vessel and crew members were unharmed and","Desc2":"proceeded to a safe port.","coords.x1":51.3,"coords.x2":11.86667} {"Reference":"2013-119","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER THEOMETOR","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 28 March, the anchored bulk carrier THEOMETOR was boarded at 01-08S 117-15E, at the Muara Jawa Anchorage, Samarinda. A/B on routine security rounds on board the ship noticed robbers near the bosun store trying to remove mooring ropes. They","Desc2":"pointed a gun at the A/B who took cover and informed the D/O. The robbers managed to lower the rope into a waiting boat and escaped. Coast guard and port control were informed.","coords.x1":117.25,"coords.x2":-1.13333} {"Reference":"2013-90","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"VESSEL SEA PIONEER","Desc1":"MALDIVES:Vessel SEA PIONEER reported possible mothership activity in 07-40.1N 074-14.5E.","coords.x1":74.24167,"coords.x2":7.66833} {"Reference":"2013-78","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 27 March, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 03-56 N 098-47E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and stole ship's stores from forecastle bosun store and escaped. The theft was discovered after the robbers had left the","Desc2":"vessel.","coords.x1":98.78333,"coords.x2":3.93333} {"Reference":"2013-75","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-26","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 26 March, a berthed container ship was boarded at 31-14N 032-18E, at the Port Said West Terminal. Six robbers in a boat armed with knives came alongside. Four robbers boarded the vessel and injured an onboard security guard. The robbers stole","Desc2":"ship's stores and transferred them into their boat. The incident was reported to the local police.","coords.x1":32.3,"coords.x2":31.23333} {"Reference":"2013-79","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-26","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 26 March, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 03-40S 114-26E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and were noticed by the alert duty crew, who informed the Duty Officer. Alarm raised and crew alerted. Upon seeing the","Desc2":"alert crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped.","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-3.66667} {"Reference":"2013-76","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 25 March, an underway tanker experienced a suspicious approach at 14-01N 051-33E, approximately 141 nm south-southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. A group of boats closed to within 0.8 nm of the vessel, who displayed weapons resulting in the approach","Desc2":"being aborted and the boats moving away on a near-reciprocal course and speed to their original approach. The group was comprised of a dhow with a light-colored hull and skiffs with dark-colored hulls. No weapons were sighted.","coords.x1":51.55,"coords.x2":14.01667} {"Reference":"2013-89","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING TRAWLERS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 25 March, three fishing trawlers were hijacked in the vicinity of 21-26N 091-35E, approximately 20 nm off the coast of Cox's Bazaar. A gang of 20 to 25 pirates attacked the 34 fishermen onboard the three trawlers. The crews were beaten,","Desc2":"shot with rubber bullets, had their arms and legs bound, and then thrown overboard. Three of the crew managed to get away, later saved by other fishermen. Currently 21 bodies have been recovered, while 10 are still missing.","coords.x1":91.58333,"coords.x2":21.43333} {"Reference":"2013-80","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 25 March, an anchored cargo ship was boarded at 01-42N 101-27E, at the Dumai Inner Anchorage. Five robbers armed with knives and guns boarded the vessel, took four duty crew members hostage and tied their hands with rope. Two of the hostages","Desc2":"were forced to lead the robbers to the engine room store, which was then forced open and ship's property stolen. The alarm was raised by the hostage crew after the robbers escaped. The authorities were informed via the ship's agent.","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-81","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CAPE NORVIEGA","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 24 March, a container ship CAPE NORVIEGA was boarded at 05-59S 106-54E, at the Tanjung Priok Anchorage. During routine rounds, the ship's crew found the steering gear room open and it was discovered that some items inside the store were","Desc2":"missing. After investigation, the incident was reported to the Coast Guard.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-5.98333} {"Reference":"2013-77","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONYAINER SHIP JPO SAGITTARIUS","Desc1":"TANZANIA:On 24 March, the berthed container ship JPO SAGITTARIUS was boarded at 06-50S 039-17E, at the Dar es Salaam Port, Berth No. 11. A robber boarded the vessel via the forward mooring ropes. The duty A/B noticed the robber, who threatened the A/B","Desc2":"with a long knife. The A/B then immediately ran away and reported to a shore security officer who raised alarm and informed the port control. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew's alertness, the robber jumped overboard and escaped empty-handed in","Desc3":"his boat. Shore security guards came onboard to investigate the incident.","coords.x1":39.28333,"coords.x2":-6.83333} {"Reference":"2013-74","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP OCEAN CHARGER","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:On 24 March, the berthed cargo ship OCEAN CHARGER was boarded in the vicinity of 05-17N 004-01W, at the Abidjan Port. Shore security guard onboard the vessel noticed two robbers at the aft mooring station. He immediately informed the Duty","Desc2":"Officer, who alerted the Master and other crew members. Upon seeing the alerted crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their small boat. Port control was informed, who later informed the Master that the robbers were detained and the stolen","Desc3":"items were recovered.","coords.x1":-4.01667,"coords.x2":5.28333} {"Reference":"2013-82","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Five robbers armed with long knives in a small boat boarded the tanker from the starboard quarter using a rope. The watchman was tied up with ropes and was found when the forward watchman went to relieve him. The Duty Officer was immediately","Desc2":"informed. The alarm was raised and the crew was mustered. A small wooden boat was seen moving away from the vessel. Upon investigation, it was found nothing had been stolen.","coords.x1":101.46667,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-83","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER NORD OPTIMISER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 22 March, the anchored tanker NORD OPTIMISER was boarded at 22-15N 091-44E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel during anchoring operations. They stole ship's stores and properties before escaping. Port authorities,","Desc2":"Coast Guard, and agent informed.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2013-84","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER GLOBAL ANDES","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 21 March, the anchored bulk carrier GLOBAL ANDES was boarded at 07-05S 112-39E, at the Gresik Inner Anchorage. Four robbers boarded the bulk carrier, forced their way into the forward store, and stole ship's property. When noticed by the","Desc2":"crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Port control informed.","coords.x1":112.65,"coords.x2":-7.08333} {"Reference":"2013-71","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:On 16 March, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 11-08N 074-16W, at the Puerto Prodeco Anchorage. Duty officer onboard the vessel noticed an unidentified person on the forecastle and immediately advised the deck security guard and port","Desc2":"security guard to investigate. When they arrived at the forecastle, they noticed two robbers climbing down the anchor chain and trying to escape by swimming in heavy seas and swell. One of the robbers was rescued by throwing a lifebuoy while the other","Desc3":"disappeared out of sight. Later, the robber was taken ashore by the security. The boarding resulted in a failed robbery attempt.","coords.x1":-74.26667,"coords.x2":11.13333} {"Reference":"2013-72","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER ORANGE STARS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:On 14 March, the underway tanker ORANGE STARS experienced a suspicious approach at 13-39N 050-48E, approximately 107 nm south-southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Four suspicious dhows along with skiffs were noticed nearby the vessel. From this","Desc2":"group, one skiff approached the tanker at high speed. Alarm sounded and non-essential crew retreated to the citadel. As the skiff approached, weapons and a ladder were sighted onboard. The armed security team fired one warning shot resulting in the skiff","Desc3":"retreating back to the group..","coords.x1":50.8,"coords.x2":13.65} {"Reference":"2013-73","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER KILIAN S","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 14 March, the anchored bulk carrier KILIAN S was boarded at 01-40S 116-39E, approximately 25 nm SSW of the Balikpapan Port. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel. The alert duty seaman spotted the robbers attempting to","Desc2":"enter the forecastle store and informed the Duty Officer, who raised the alarm and sounded the forward fog horn. Seeing the alerted crew mustered and proceeding towards the forecastle, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Pilot station and all","Desc3":"vessels at Adang Bay alerted. The crew did not sustain any injuries and no property was stolen.","coords.x1":116.65,"coords.x2":-1.66667} {"Reference":"2013-70","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 March, robbers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor at the Belawan Anchorage, stole ship's stores, and escaped unnoticed.","coords.x1":98.78333,"coords.x2":3.93333} {"Reference":"2013-63","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 05 March, an LPG tanker was boarded at 06-27N 003-23E, in the vicinity of Lagos, and robbed by pirates.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2013-68","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER CASTLEGATE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 04 March, the bulk carrier CASTLEGATE was boarded at 03-33S 114-26E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. The anchored vessel was boarded by robbers, who stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed. Master reported the incident to Port Control.","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-3.55} {"Reference":"2013-64","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL ARMADA TUAH 22","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 04 March, the vessel ARMADA TUAH 22 was hijacked at 03-42N 005-39E, approximately 50 nm southwest of Brass. Contact with the vessel's owner was lost and the vessel did not respond to radio calls, and the vessel's AIS was turned off.","Desc2":"Unconfirmed reports state that the Captain, Chief Engineer and Second Engineer were kidnapped. A cook was also reported to have been injured in the attack.","coords.x1":5.65,"coords.x2":3.7} {"Reference":"2013-66","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER AL BUHAIRA","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 4 March, the tanker AL BUHAIRA experienced a suspicious approach at 14-17N 049-51E, at approximately 40 nm southeast of Mukalla City. Four skiffs with approximately six persons in each skiff approached the underway vessel from the port bow,","Desc2":"amidship and the stern. Master raised alarm, took anti-piracy measures, informed UKMTO, and directed all non-essential crew to the citadel. Onboard armed security team fired warning shots resulting in the skiffs stopping the approach at a distance of","Desc3":"around 0.4 nm from the vessel. Ladder and RPG sighted in the approaching skiffs. A warship was deployed to the location for assistance.","coords.x1":49.85,"coords.x2":14.28333} {"Reference":"2013-67","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"BAHRAIN:On 04 March, a dhow was fired upon and a crewman was kidnapped approximately 60 nm north of Al Dair. The Bahraini-registered vessel was attacked by four armed men in two boats. The dhow was forced to stop and was dragged from the location of the","Desc2":"attack into Iranian waters. The sailors were kidnapped but later released, with one sailor suffering from two gunshot wounds to the shoulder. He was taken to the hospital and listed in stable condition.","coords.x1":50.43333,"coords.x2":26.61667} {"Reference":"2013-98","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Armed pirates attacked and boarded a supply ship underway. at 3-57.3N 5-21.0E, about 57 nm WSW of Brass.","coords.x1":5.35,"coords.x2":3.955} {"Reference":"2013-65","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING TRAWLER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 02 March, a fishing trawler was attacked at 04-07N 005-36E, approximately 25 nm from the Bayelsa Coast. Unconfirmed reports state that the Captain was killed during the attack. The pirates managed to escape, prior to the arrival of the","Desc2":"Nigerian Naval Patrol.","coords.x1":5.6,"coords.x2":4.11667} {"Reference":"2013-122","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP KOHINOOR","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 30 April, a berthed cargo ship KOHINOOR was boarded at 03-47N 098-42E, at the Belawan Port. Robbers boarded a berthed general cargo ship while crews were involved with customs and immigration and getting the ship ready to discharge. Duty AB","Desc2":"noticed the robbers at the poop deck and immediately report to the DO who raised alarm. On seeing alerted crew the robbers escaped with stolen ship stores.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2013-157","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-30","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"PASSENGER SHIP KM LAMBELU","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 30 April, the berthed passenger ship KM LAMBELU was boarded at 07-12S 112-43E, at the Tanjung Perak Port in Surabaya, East Java. According to witnesses, a man onboard the ship began to attack passengers indiscriminately with a 50-centimeter","Desc2":"machete. The man injured 18 passengers before he was taken down by other passengers. Eight of the injured passengers required surgery, based upon the significance of their wounds.","coords.x1":112.71667,"coords.x2":-7.2} {"Reference":"2013-142","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BARGE CREST 2821","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 29 April, the barge CREST 2821 was boarded at 01-13N 103-58E, approximately 3.2nm northwest of Pulau Batam. While in tow by the tug boat CREST GOLD 1, from Port Klang to Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia; the barge CREST 2821 was boarded and","Desc2":"robbed. Some property onboard the barge was discovered missing later on the same day, when the Master carried out checks on the barge. The robbers escaped with offshore installation parts, spare towing wire bridles, towing shackles, and delta plate.","coords.x1":103.96667,"coords.x2":1.21667} {"Reference":"2013-123","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER FAIRCHEM MAVERICK","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 27 April, the berthed tanker FAIRCHEM MAVERICK was boarded in the vicinity of 03-47N 098-42E, at the Belawan Port. Two robbers in a boat approached and boarded the berthed tanker and broke into the tank cleaning gear locker and stole the","Desc2":"ship's property. Duty crew noticed the robbers, raised the alarm and ran towards the robbers. On hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with the stolen items in their boat. Incident reported to the local agents.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2013-120","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CITY OF GUANGZHOU","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 26 April, the underway container ship CITY OF GUANGZHOU experienced an attempted boarding at 03-48N 004-57E, approximately 83 nm west-southwest of Brass. Pirates in a boat attempted to attack a container ship underway. Master raised alarm,","Desc2":"switched off all ship?s lights, altered course and increased speed. The boat chased the ship for one hour and aborted the attempted attack.","coords.x1":4.95,"coords.x2":3.8} {"Reference":"2013-127","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-26","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:On 26 April 2013 at 1830 UTC, a container ship was attacked by armed pirates around the vicinity of position 03-46N 005-08E, off Nigerian coast. The vessel increased speed and managed to evade the attack. Pirates may still be in the area","Desc2":"and if possible ships should keep clear of this area.","coords.x1":5.13333,"coords.x2":3.76667} {"Reference":"2013-121","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CITY OF XIAMEN","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 25 April, the underway container ship CITY OF XIAMEN was boarded at 04-10N 005-30E, approximately 45 nm west-southwest of Brass. Heavily armed pirates boarded underway ship. The ship raised the alarm and the crew took shelter in the citadel.","Desc2":"The pirates were able to breach the citadel and kidnapped five crewmembers before departing the vessel. The remaining crews were reported safe.","coords.x1":5.5,"coords.x2":4.16667} {"Reference":"2013-126","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-24","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:Possibly hijacked in 03-51.3N 005-40.5E at 242245Z APR. Vessels are advised to keep clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":5.675,"coords.x2":3.855} {"Reference":"2013-107","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP BOSUN","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 24 April, the underway cargo ship BOSUN was fired upon at 03-51N 005-40E, approximately 32 nm off the Niger Delta. The 3rd Officer observed one skiff approaching the vessel. The pirate's skiff approached from the starboard abeam, increased","Desc2":"speed (26 knots), and was very close to the vessel when the pirates started shooting. The crew raised the alarm, SSAS was activated, announced by VHF CH-16 that the vessel was under attack, and initiated evasive maneuvers. Pirate's skiff came upon the","Desc3":"starboard quarter and attempted to board the vessel. After approximately 30 minutes, the skiff aborted the attack. No crew injuries, but the vessel sustained damage from where the bullets struck the vessel.","coords.x1":5.66667,"coords.x2":3.85} {"Reference":"2013-124","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 24 April, the underway tug was boarded at 04-10N 005-30E, approximately 53 nm north-northeast of Bintan Island. Fifteen pirates armed with guns and long knives in three high speed boats boarded a tug underway. They took hostage nine crew","Desc2":"members, assaulted some of the crew and tied them up. They ransacked all cabins, stole vessel's properties, crew member's cash and personal belongings and escaped.","coords.x1":5.5,"coords.x2":4.16667} {"Reference":"2013-113","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER NADIYA MELISENDE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 24 April, the underway tanker NADIYA MELISENDE was boarded at 01-17N 104-50E, approximately 16 nm north-northeast of Bintan Island. Pirates armed with a gun and knives boarded a product tanker and robbed the crew of cash money, personal","Desc2":"belongings, and escaped.","coords.x1":104.83333,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"2013-143","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG HUB 21","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 24 April, the underway tug HUB 21 was boarded at 01-36N 105-23 E, approximately 53 nm north-northeast of Bintan Island. Fifteen pirates armed with guns and long knives in three high speed boats boarded a tug underway. They took hostage nine","Desc2":"crew members, assaulted some of the crew and tied them up. They ransacked all cabins, stole vessel?s properties, crew member?s cash and personal belongings and escaped.","coords.x1":105.38333,"coords.x2":1.6} {"Reference":"2013-114","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER AD PHOENIX","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 23 April, the underway tanker AD PHOENIX was boarded at 01-19N 104-47E, approximately 15 nm north-northeast of Bintan Island. Five pirates armed with a pistol and long knives, in a high speed wooden craft, approached and boarded the asphalt","Desc2":"tanker underway. They stole cash and crew personal effects and escaped. Master raised the alarm and attempted to contact the coastal authority, but received no response. The crew suffered no injuries.","coords.x1":104.78333,"coords.x2":1.31667} {"Reference":"2013-128","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:232030Z April, 01-36N 105-23E. 15 pirates armed with guns and long knives in three high speed boats boarded a tug underway. They took hostage nine crew members, assaulted some of the crew and tied them up. They ransacked all cabins, stole","Desc2":"vessel's properties, crew members cash and personal belongings and escaped. Vessels requested to be caution advised.","coords.x1":105.38333,"coords.x2":1.6} {"Reference":"2013-158","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"CARGO BARGE","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 22 April, a crew from a neighboring barge ENG TOU 266 at 01-19N 104-10E, off Tanjung Ayajm, noticed an unknown tug boat pulling a stolen cargo barge.","coords.x1":104.16667,"coords.x2":1.31667} {"Reference":"2013-108","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP HANSA MARBURG","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 22 April, the container ship HANSA MARBURG was boarded at 02-31N 006-50E, approximately 133nm South of Port Harcourt. Armed pirates boarded a container ship underway. They kidnapped four crew members and escaped. No injuries were reported to","Desc2":"the remaining crew members who sailed the ship to Senegal.","coords.x1":6.83333,"coords.x2":2.51667} {"Reference":"2013-109","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"OIL TANKER CAP THEODORA","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:On 22 April, the crude oil tanker CAP THEODORA was attacked near position 03-06N 007-08E, approximately 77 nm south of Bonny, Nigeria. During this attack, the vessel was approached by a speedboat with five or six men on board while","Desc2":"underway. The men attempted to board the tanker several times. The attack was reportedly thwarted by protective measures enacted by the crew and by defensive maneuvering. A fishing trawler with a red hull and white superstructure was spotted nearby,","Desc3":"possibly acting as a mothership. Of note, this ship was previously attacked on the same voyage, on 16 April. In that event, which took place near Principe Island, in the Gulf of Guinea, armed pirates in a skiff approached and fired upon the ship.","Desc4":"According to a report from the International Maritime Bureau, the alarm was raised and distress signals were activated; the fire pump was started; the crew went to their emergency stations and to the citadel; the ship's speed was increased and evasive","Desc5":"maneuvers were made. After about 20 minutes the skiff aborted the attack and moved away, leaving the crew and vessel unharmed.","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":3.16667} {"Reference":"2013-125","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER SINGAPORE RIVER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 19 April, the anchored tanker SINGAPORE RIVER was boarded at 01-41N 101-30E, at the Dumai Inner Anchorage. Four robbers armed with knives boarded the anchored tanker from the poop deck and caught and tied up the duty A/B at knife-point. They","Desc2":"tried but failed to enter the engine room. They also failed to open the hatch on the poop deck. They eventually escaped with stolen personal items and the ship's property.","coords.x1":101.5,"coords.x2":1.68333} {"Reference":"2013-110","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP CORINTH","Desc1":"CONGO:On 18 April, the anchored cargo ship CORINTH experienced an attempted boarding at 04-44S 011-48E, at the Pointe Noire Anchorage. Three robbers in a small boat approached and attempted to board an anchored ship. Alert duty crew spotted the robbers","Desc2":"climbing the anchor chain and raised the alarm. On hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped into the water and escaped empty handed. Incident reported to port control.","coords.x1":11.8,"coords.x2":-4.73333} {"Reference":"2013-115","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-17","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER IVS MAGPIE","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 17 April, the anchored bulk carrier IVS MAGPIE was boarded in the vicinity of 20-58N 107-19E, at the Cam Pha Outer Anchorage. Three robbers boarded a bulk carrier via the forward bow and hawse pipe, unnoticed. Duty AB noticed them in the","Desc2":"process of lowering ropes into a waiting boat and informed the Master who raised the alarm and alerted the crew. The crew tried to recover the ropes by using the winch but the robbers cut off the ropes and escaped.","coords.x1":107.31667,"coords.x2":20.96667} {"Reference":"2013-104","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP SHAMROCK","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:On 16 April, the anchored cargo ship SHAMROCK was boarded at 10-22N 075-33 W, at the Cartagena Inner Anchorage. The Officer of the Watch (OOW) observed a boat with several persons maneuvering in the vicinity of the vessel. Two watchmen were sent","Desc2":"to check and they observed the vessel for some time and then while returning heard noises from the aft part of the vessel. When watchmen went closer to investigate they saw a few robbers near the paint locker. They informed the OOW, who then raised the","Desc3":"alarm. In response, all of the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their boat. Upon investigation, it was found that the paint locker, CO2 station, oxygen locker, and engine compartment doors were open and ship?s stores stolen. Port control contacted","Desc4":"and agent contacted.","coords.x1":-75.55,"coords.x2":10.36667} {"Reference":"2013-101","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER CAP THEODORA","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:On 16 April, the underway tanker CAP THEODORA was fired upon at 01-48N 006-46E approximately 36 nm west-northwest of Principe Island. The crew raised the alarm, activated the SSAS, initiated distress signals, and started the fire pump.","Desc2":"Crew then proceeded to their emergency stations and citadel, while the master increased the vessel's speed and initiated evasive maneuvers. After approximately 20 minutes, the skiff aborted the attack and moved away.","coords.x1":6.76667,"coords.x2":1.8} {"Reference":"2013-105","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-15","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP MAERSK NIENBURG","Desc1":"ECUADOR:On 15 April, the cargo ship MAERSK NIENBURG under pilotage was boarded at 02-18S 079-55W, at Guayaquil. A group of armed robbers in a boat approached and boarded a container ship departing from the berth. The alarm was raised and the crew","Desc2":"mustered in the accommodation area and locked all the doors. The Chief Security Officer contacted the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre and requested assistance. The Centre contacted the Ecuador Maritime Authorities and a coast guard patrol boat was sent to","Desc3":"the location. On arrival it was found that the robbers had left the vessel. All crew safe. The vessel continued her passage under pilotage with the patrol boat.","coords.x1":-79.91667,"coords.x2":-2.3} {"Reference":"2013-99","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-14","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"ECUADOR:On 14 April, a cargo ship under pilotage was boarded at 02-18S 079-55W, at Guayaquil. A group of armed robbers in a boat approached and boarded a container ship departing from the berth. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered in the","Desc2":"accommodation area and locked all the doors. The Chief Security Officer contacted the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre and requested assistance. The Centre contacted the Ecuador Maritime Authorities and a coast guard patrol boat was sent to the location. On","Desc3":"arrival it was found that the robbers had left the vessel. All crew safe. The vessel continued her passage under pilotage with the patrol boat.","coords.x1":-79.91667,"coords.x2":-2.3} {"Reference":"2013-100","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-13","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER UNIQUE GUARDIAN","Desc1":"PERU:On 13 April, an anchored tanker UNIQUE GUARDIAN was boarded at 04-34S 081-19W, at the Talara Anchorage. Duty watch man on board an anchored chemical tanker sighted two robbers armed with long knives and notified C/O who raised the alarm. Upon","Desc2":"hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with stolen stores. All crew safe.","coords.x1":-81.31667,"coords.x2":-4.56667} {"Reference":"2013-103","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER DENSA JAGUAR","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 13 April, the berthed bulk carrier DENSA JAGUAR was boarded at 07-05S 112-39E, at the Surabaya Port. Three robbers in a small boat armed with long knives approached the berthed ship. Duty A/B noticed the robbers, informed the D/O and","Desc2":"retreated into the accommodation. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped without stealing anything. Incident reported to port control. Deck patrols increased.","coords.x1":112.65,"coords.x2":-7.08333} {"Reference":"2013-112","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL GYRE, ESCORT BOAT BLUE JAY","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 13 April, the offshore supply vessel GYRE and escort boat BLUE JAY were fired upon at 04-43N 008-20E, approximately 5nm South of Parrot Island. A fast boat was spotted moving on intercept course towards the OSV. Escort boat, Blue Jay,","Desc2":"intercepted the suspicious boat and fired warning shots, shots returned from the attacking boat. Fire exchange followed, pirates boat turned away and headed towards shore. No casualties reported. Both vessels in convoy safely reached Calabar.","coords.x1":8.33333,"coords.x2":4.71667} {"Reference":"2013-111","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER LEON DIAS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 13 April, the tanker LEON DIAS was boarded at 03-48N 006-25E, approximately 30nm Southeast of Brass. Vessel issued a distress signal, reported being under attack, and boarded by pirates. Although no further details are available; it is","Desc2":"presumed the crew and vessel were robbed. Pirates departed the tanker and with the crew safe, the vessel proceeded to Douala.","coords.x1":6.41667,"coords.x2":3.8} {"Reference":"2013-102","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-11","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP RMS BAERL","Desc1":"SIERRA LEONE:On 11 April, the anchored cargo ship RMS BAERL was boarded at 08-30N 013-11W at Freetown Inner Roads. Master on board the anchored general cargo ship noticed a boat approaching and sent the able bodied seaman (AB) to investigate. Master then","Desc2":"noticed, eight robbers already on board had detained the AB and laid him on the deck at knife point. Master then raised the alarm and went forward to assist the AB with the help of another crewmember. While attempting to assist the AB, the robbers","Desc3":"threatened them, forcing their retreat into the accommodation area, where the Master called the security vessel. By the time the security vessel arrived on the scene, the robbers had already escaped with stolen ship stores.","coords.x1":-13.18333,"coords.x2":8.5} {"Reference":"2013-93","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-09","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER WESTGATE","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 09 April, robbers boarded the berthed bulk carrier WESTGATE at 10-34N 107-01E, at the Ho Chi Minh Port, and stole items from the vessel. They robbers escaped undetected.","coords.x1":107.01667,"coords.x2":10.56667} {"Reference":"2013-94","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER MAERSK BERING","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 06 April, robbers boarded the anchored tanker MAERSK BERING at 03-56N 098-41E, at the Belawan Anchorage and stole items from the vessel. The robbery was reported to authorities and local agent, who laterr informed the Master that the","Desc2":"robber's representative was willing to sell the stolen items back to the Master.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.93333} {"Reference":"2013-92","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER NEW CENTURY","Desc1":"INDIA:On 05 April, the tanker NEW CENTURY experienced an attempted boarding at 17-39N 083-24E, at the Visakhapatnam Anchorage. Seven robbers in three fishing boats approached the anchored vessel. Two robbers managed to reach the ship's rail using hooks","Desc2":"attached to heaving lines but were noticed by the alert duty crew, who raised the alarm and prevented them from boarding. The robbers moved away from the vessel and waited at a short distance. Incident reported to port control and a patrol boat was","Desc3":"dispatched to search the area.","coords.x1":83.4,"coords.x2":17.65} {"Reference":"2013-95","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER GARDEN CITY RIVER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 04 April, robbers boarded the anchored crude oil tanker GARDEN CITY RIVER at 01-42N 101-29E, at the Dumai Anchorage. The robbers stole engine spares and escaped unnoticed. The theft was not detected until the following day when bare foot","Desc2":"prints were noticed near the store. Incident reported to the local authorities through the agents.","coords.x1":101.48333,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-96","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER IVER EXACT","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 03 April, four men in a small boat approached the anchored chemical tanker IVER EXACT at 01-42N 101-25E, at the Dumai Anchorage. Upon detecting the boat, the duty officer shouted at them using loudhailer and flashed a light. The watchman","Desc2":"blew ship's horn. The pirates fled the area.","coords.x1":101.41667,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-87","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER SHER E PUNJAB","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 3 April, an anchored bulk carrier SHER E PUNJAB was boarded at 01-43S 116-38E at the Adang Bay Anchorage. Two robbers armed with a gun and knives boarded the vessel from the forecastle and held a duty crewman hostage at knifepoint. The Duty","Desc2":"Officer called him on walkie-talkie but did not receive any response. Another crewman was sent immediately to check the forward deck, and found the duty crewman tied up. The Duty Officer was alerted and raised the alarm. Two speed boats were seen moving","Desc3":"away from from the vessel. The crew was mustered and went forward to investigate, finding that ship's stores had been stolen from the forward store.","coords.x1":116.63333,"coords.x2":-1.71667} {"Reference":"2013-86","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP ALPHA KIRAWIRA","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 02 April, the cargo ship ALPHA KIRAWIRA was fired upon at 00-52N 044-01E, approximately 13nm South of Baraawe. Around seven to eight armed pirates in a skiff approached and fired upon a general cargo ship underway. The on board armed security","Desc2":"team fired warning shots resulting in the pirates moving away.","coords.x1":44.01667,"coords.x2":0.86667} {"Reference":"2013-117","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-02","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP WEHR BLANKENESE","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 02 April, the cargo ship WEHR BLANKENESE was boarded in the vicinity of 10-45N 106-42E, at the Ho Chi Minh City Port. Robber's boarded the vessel, broke the padlock to the paint store, and stole 14 drums of paint.","coords.x1":106.7,"coords.x2":10.75} {"Reference":"2013-106","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-01","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"BULK CARRIER CONDOR","Desc1":"LIBYA:On 01 April, the underway bulk carrier CONDOR experienced a suspicious approach at 34-50N 014-40E, approximately 133nm North-northeast of Tripoli. A group of boats were discovered off the ship's port side. Security team took \"shooting\" position.","Desc2":"Crew retreated to the citadel. Ship increased its speed to maximum and took evasive maneuvers. There were no aggressive actions taken toward the vessel.","coords.x1":14.66667,"coords.x2":34.83333} {"Reference":"2013-118","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER CRANE","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 01 April, the bulk carrier CRANE was boarded at 22-15N 091-44E, at the Chittagong Anchorage `A'. The vessel was attacked while discharging. During a routine patrol of vessel by ship staff, approx. 6 robbers armed with long knives were found","Desc2":"on forecastle. They were gone by the time crew arrived.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2013-159","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-27","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONATAINER SHIP RIO EIDER","Desc1":"ECUADOR:On 27 May, the underway container ship RIO EIDER was boarded at 02-22S 081-00W, approximately 6.5 nm southwest of Anconcito. Approximately six armed persons with shotguns in a speed boat boarded the underway container ship, with pilot and unarmed","Desc2":"security guards on board. Upon investigation, it was discovered container seals had been broken, but nothing stolen.","coords.x1":-81,"coords.x2":-2.36667} {"Reference":"2013-171","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-27","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER GLOBAL F","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 27 May, the Liberia-flagged anchored bulk carrier GLOBAL F was boarded at 31-12N 029-46E, at the El Dekheila Anchorage, Alexandria Port. Alert duty crew on board the anchored bulk carrier noticed three robbers near the forecastle and raised the","Desc2":"alarm; resulting in the robbers escaping with stolen ship stores.","coords.x1":29.76667,"coords.x2":31.2} {"Reference":"2013-160","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER MATRIX I","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 25 May, the underway chemical tanker MATRIX I was boarded and personnel kidnapped approximately 40 nm off the coast of Bayelsa state. Armed pirates attacked the underway tanker and abducted seven Pakistani crew members, whom are being held for","Desc2":"ransom. The vessel and its remaining crew have been released.","coords.x1":6.4,"coords.x2":4.53333} {"Reference":"2013-178","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-24","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER ARDMORE CAPELLA","Desc1":"PERU:On 24 May, the Marshall Islands-flagged chemical tanker ARDMORE CAPELLA was boarded in the vicinity of 04-34S 081-17W, at Talara. Three males boarded the vessel, attacked the watchman and attempted to tie him up. He fought back and the pirates","Desc2":"jumped ship onto a boat and escaped.","coords.x1":-81.28333,"coords.x2":-4.56667} {"Reference":"2013-167","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER ANNA BARBARA","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 24 May, the anchored bulk carrier ANNA BARBARA was boarded at 05-59S 105-57E, at the Cigading Anchorage. Three robbers armed with machetes in a speed boat, boarded the anchored bulk carrier. Alert duty crew noticed the robbers and raised the","Desc2":"alarm, causing in the robbers to disembark the vessel. Upon investigation, it was found that engine spares had been stolen. Port control informed.","coords.x1":105.95,"coords.x2":-5.98333} {"Reference":"2013-161","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-23","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER B ELEPHANT","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 23 May, the anchored tanker B ELEPHANT was boarded at 31-12N 029-42E, at the Alexandria Waiting Area Anchorage. When the crew noticed the forecastle door and rope hatch opened, they discovered some of the ship's equipment and stores had been","Desc2":"stolen. The theft likely occurred sometime during the night. The thieves likely boarded via anchor chain.","coords.x1":29.7,"coords.x2":31.2} {"Reference":"2013-162","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER GOLDEN ADVENTURE","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 23 May, the berthed product tanker GOLDEN ADVENTURE was boarded in the vicinity of 22-16N 091-48E, at the Chittagong port. During discharge operations at berth, the tanker was boarded by robbers armed with knives. They were noticed by the","Desc2":"local watchman who immediately raised the alarm. The crew and watchman proceeded to the location, armed with long sticks and metal pipes. Seeing the approaching crew, the robbers jumped overboard and tried to escape with a mooring line, which the crew","Desc3":"successfully recovered. Port authorities informed.","coords.x1":91.8,"coords.x2":22.26667} {"Reference":"2013-163","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP APL LE HAVRE","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 21 May, the anchored container ship APL LE HAVRE was boarded at 29-50N 032-33E, at the Suez E16 Anchorage. Duty officer on board the anchored container ship noticed on CCTV three robbers in boiler suits near the forecastle. The duty officer","Desc2":"raised the alarm and sounded the fog horn. Upon being detected the robbers escaped. On inspection it was noticed that five container seals had been broken and contents of one container pilfered. Port control informed.","coords.x1":32.55,"coords.x2":29.83333} {"Reference":"2013-144","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-21","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP FIESTA","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:On 21 May, the anchored general cargo ship FIESTA experienced an attempted boarding at 03-50N 007-07W, at the Buenaventura Anchorage. Three robbers in a boat approached the anchored general cargo ship and attempted to board, via the anchor","Desc2":"chain. Alert duty crew noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. Seeing crew alertness, the robbers aborted the boarding and moved away. Coast guard and port control informed.","coords.x1":-77.11667,"coords.x2":3.83333} {"Reference":"2013-165","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFTS","Victim":"TANKER ENJOY","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 20 May, the underway tanker ENJOY was attacked at 13-12N 049-56E, approximately 100nm south-southeast of Al Mukalla. Via VHF Chan 16, the tanker requested warship assistance due to being attacked by 7 skiffs. The warship dispatched a helicopter,","Desc2":"which identified the skiffs. Upon the arrival of the helicopter, the skiffs subsequently pulled back.","coords.x1":49.93333,"coords.x2":13.2} {"Reference":"2013-168","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP KOHINOOR","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 20 May, the berthed general cargo ship KOHINOOR was boarded at 03-47N 098-42E, at the Belawan Port. While at berth, an unknown number of robbers armed with knives boarded the ship. The duty crew noticed them stealing ship properties from the","Desc2":"poop deck store. The robbers escaped after the crew was alerted and the alarm sounded.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2013-164","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"BULK CARRIER YONGXING","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 20 May, the underway bulk carrier YONGXING experienced a suspicious approach by two skiffs at 13-11N 048-54E, approximately 65 nm south of Al Mukalla. The two yellow and blue skiffs with 12 individuals on board approached from the port side.","Desc2":"When the skiffs closed to 500 meters, the embarked AST fired 3 warning shots towards the skiffs. The skiffs immediately departed the area.","coords.x1":48.9,"coords.x2":13.18333} {"Reference":"2013-166","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFTS","Victim":"TANKER FIDELITY 2","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 19 May, the underway tanker FIDELITY 2 was fired upon at 12-19N 043-58E, approximately 17nm south of the Al Maqatirah District coast. The tanker reported via VHF channel 16, being fired upon by 1 red and 1 white skiff. An embarked armed security","Desc2":"team fired warning shots at 800 meters; coalition warship dispatched a helicopter to assist.","coords.x1":43.96667,"coords.x2":12.31667} {"Reference":"2013-151","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"IRAN:On 19 May, an underway LPG tanker experienced an suspicious approach at 25-32 N 057-27E, approximately 18 nm west-southwest of Bandar-e-Jask. Four suspicious boats with three armed persons in each boat chased an LPG tanker while underway. Master","Desc2":"raised alarm, activated SSAS, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, contacted an Iran warship by VHF for assistance, and the crew mustered in the citadel. The boats followed the tanker for 30 minutes and then moved away.","coords.x1":57.45,"coords.x2":25.53333} {"Reference":"2013-152","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP SE PELAGICA","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:On 19 May, the underway cargo ship SE PELAGICA experienced a suspicious approach at 12-12N 044-20E, approximately 52 nm south-southwest of Aden, Yemen. Five pirates armed with AK47 rifles and a RPG approached a general cargo ship underway.","Desc2":"The vessel enforced anti piracy measures and the embarked armed guards fired warning shots at the skiff once it had closed to 400 meters from the vessel; resulting in the skiff aborting the attempt and moving away. The crew and vessel are safe.","coords.x1":44.33333,"coords.x2":12.2} {"Reference":"2013-153","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-18","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER GANDHI","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 18 May, the anchored chemical tanker GANDHI was boarded in the vicinity of 31-13N 029-45E, at the Alexandria Waiting Anchorage. Duty officer on board noticed a robber lowering ship's stores into a waiting boat. The alarm was raised and crew","Desc2":"mustered. Upon seeing crew alertness, the robber escaped with his accomplices. Port control informed.","coords.x1":29.75,"coords.x2":31.21667} {"Reference":"2013-145","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER MARIELLA BOTTIGLIERI","Desc1":"TOGO:On 17 May, the anchored chemical tanker MARIELLA BOTTIGLIERI experienced an attempted boarding at 06-03N 001-17 E, at the Lome Anchorage. Eleven robbers in an unlit boat approached the anchored chemical tanker. The duty A/B noticed the boat and","Desc2":"informed the OOW who raised the alarm, contacted Togo Navy, and activated the fire pumps. Two persons jumped into the water and attempted to board the tanker via the anchor chain, but failed and returned to their boat. Later, the boat returned and","Desc3":"approached again from the port quarter with additional persons who were seen holding hooks attached with ropes. The duty crew directed search lights towards the boat and noticed that the boat was flooding due to the fire hose water. The boat remained","Desc4":"alongside the ship and made several attempts to board the tanker. After several failed attempts at boarding, the persons aborted and moved away. Shortly after, a Togo Navy boat arrived at the location and patrolled the area.","coords.x1":1.28333,"coords.x2":6.05} {"Reference":"2013-154","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:On 16 May, a merchant vessel experienced a suspicious approach at 12-03N 045-42E, approximately 58 nm south-southeast of Aden, Yemen. A suspected pirate mothership towing two skiffs was spotted by the security team onboard the merchant ship.","Desc2":"The suspect vessel increased its speed and moved closer to the M/V. At a distance of 3 nm from the M/V, the mothership deployed the two skiffs with suspected pirates onboard, heading toward the M/V. The alarm was sounded and all non-essential crew moved","Desc3":"into the citadel. The M/V commenced evasive maneuvering; the Master contacted a nearby warship, and sent a mayday message via VHF Channel 16. As the suspected pirate vessels approached within 2 nm, the embarked security team demonstrated their presence","Desc4":"onboard, resulting in the skiffs changing course and moving away. Due to poor visibility, there was difficulty detecting the number of people or any piracy-related equipment. MV continued transit to her destination.","coords.x1":45.7,"coords.x2":12.05} {"Reference":"2013-156","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BARGE/TUG CREST 289/TCL4401","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 15 May, the underway barge in tow CREST 289 was boarded at 03-17N 103-48E, approximately 30nm northwest of Pulau Tioman. At the time, the tug boat TCL4401 was towing the barge from Singapore to Kuantan Port, Malaysia. The thieves stole 12","Desc2":"pieces of manhole covers and the stern light solar cell. The Master discovered the items missing upon arrival at Kuantan Port. The crew was not injured.","coords.x1":103.8,"coords.x2":3.28333} {"Reference":"2013-146","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPORT VESSEL SAINT PATRICK","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 14 May, the offshore diving support vessel SAINT PATRICK was boarded at 04-25N 007-28E, approximately 7.5 nm south-southwest of the Opobo river estuary. The offshore diving support vessel was reported as being boarded and attacked by pirates","Desc2":"at approximately 02:00 LT. Both the SAINT PATRICK and LADY SWATHIN were attacked in the same area off Idoho field, approximately six hours apart.","coords.x1":7.46667,"coords.x2":4.41667} {"Reference":"2013-147","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER BARGE LADY SWATHIN","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 14 May, the self-propelled tanker barge LADY SWATHIN was hijacked at 04-20N 007-40E, approximately 8.5 nm south of the Opobo River Estuary. The self-propelled tanker barge was reported as being hijacked by nine armed pirates in a white-hulled","Desc2":"speedboat at approximately 08:00 LT. Both the LADY SWATHIN and SAINT PATRICK were attacked in the same area off Idoho field, approximately six hours apart.","coords.x1":7.66667,"coords.x2":4.33333} {"Reference":"2013-148","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 13 May, an anchored oil tanker was boarded at 06-20N 003-19E, approximately 8 nm south-southwest of Lagos. Vessel reported to authorities via VHF Channel 16 that two persons had boarded the ship and were seen on the deck. During the","Desc2":"communication, vessel stated that the two people had jumped overboard.","coords.x1":3.31667,"coords.x2":6.33333} {"Reference":"2013-141","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER SAM HAWK","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 May, the bulk carrier SAM HAWK was boarded at 03-41S 114-27E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. Five robbers in a boat approached and boarded an anchored bulk carrier via the anchor chain and broke into the forward store. The alert crew noticed","Desc2":"the robbers, raised the alarm and proceeded towards the forecastle. Seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped in their boat with the stolen stores. Local agents informed.","coords.x1":114.45,"coords.x2":-3.68333} {"Reference":"2013-169","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BARGE/TUG CREST 2825/CREST JADE 1","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 May, the underway barge in tow CREST 2825 was boarded at 01-15N 104-07E, approximately 3nm northwest of Pulau Batam Island. While tug boat CREST JADE 1 was towing barge from Singapore to Labuan, Malaysia, when the Master and crew spotted","Desc2":"two thieves aboard CREST 2825. The Master activated the emergency alarm to alert the crew and maneuvered the tugboat alongside CREST 2825. The thieves fled on a small boat, but managed to steal the emergency towing gear.","coords.x1":104.11667,"coords.x2":1.25} {"Reference":"2013-134","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-12","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER NORD MUMBAI","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:On 12 May, the bulk carrier NORD MUMBAI was boarded at 03-48N 077-11W, at the Buenaventura Inner Anchorage. While at anchor, the duty officer on board the bulk carrier noticed robber?s from a small boat boarding the vessel at the forecastle. He","Desc2":"immediately alerted the deck watch keepers to retreat to the bridge. Port control was informed and the ship was advised that a coast guard patrol vessel would be sent immediately. Crew on the bridge noticed five robbers disembarking from the forecastle","Desc3":"deck into a small boat. A coast guard boat arrived later and investigated. All crew are safe and nothing was stolen.","coords.x1":-77.18333,"coords.x2":3.8} {"Reference":"2013-149","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 12 May, a fishing vessel was attacked approximately 15 nm south of Akwa Ibom state. The fishing trawler reported being attacked by armed pirates in a white-hulled speedboat at 0820 LT. Later, the same speedboat was reported to have approached","Desc2":"another fishing vessel at 0900 LT, off Calabar River.","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2013-150","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PASSENGER BOATS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 11 May, ten (10) passenger boats were boarded and robbed in the vicinity of Sagbatoru-Igweta-Iwoama waterways in Nembe Local Government Area of Bayelsa state. Heavily armed sea pirates, in three speedboats, rounded up ten speed boats filled","Desc2":"with 80 passengers enroute to a funeral service and diverted them towards the creeks and started searching the passengers, collecting their phones, cash, and other valuables. Victims were threatened to be set on fire, if they did not cooperate with the","Desc3":"bandits and surrender their personal belongings. Total value of stolen affects is worth millions of naira. The bandits also made off with multiple outboard engines and jerry-fuel-cans.","coords.x1":6.4,"coords.x2":4.53333} {"Reference":"2013-140","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:On 11 May, a merchant ship experienced a suspicious approach by seven skiffs at 13-30N 050-01E, approximately 78 nm southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Each skiff had approximately 5-6 individuals onboard. In addition there was a possible","Desc2":"mothership nearby. When the group of skiffs saw the armed embarked security team, they stopped pursuing the merchant ship. The AEST reportedly observed ladders in four of the skiffs.","coords.x1":50.01667,"coords.x2":13.5} {"Reference":"2013-136","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER CAP LARA","Desc1":"TOGO:On 9 May, the tanker CAP LARA experienced an attempted boarding at 06-04N 001-15E, at the Lome Anchorage. Eight persons in a boat came alongside the anchored tanker and attempted to board the vessel. Alert duty crew spotted the approaching boat,","Desc2":"sounded the alarm, charged fire hoses, and informed Togo Navy. As the boat attempted to come along side from various directions, the crew used fire hoses to prevent a boarding. The suspected pirates eventually abandoned their boarding attempts when their","Desc3":"boat began to fill up with water from the fire hoses. All crew were safe on the vessel.","coords.x1":1.25,"coords.x2":6.06667} {"Reference":"2013-155","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-07","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:On 7 May, a fishing vessel experienced a suspicious approach at 01-53N 051-13E, approximately 320 nm off the Somali coast. A Spanish fishing vessel observed a skiff with six pirate?s onboard approach another fishing vessel. A Spanish warship","Desc2":"intervened and detained the suspect pirates. Suspected pirates could not explain why they had sailed so far from land. There was no evidence of trade or legal activity and the Spanish warship crew found equipment on board that is commonly related to","Desc3":"piracy. There was insufficient evidence on this occasion to guarantee a legal prosecution; therefore, the decision was made to return the men to the Somali coast.","coords.x1":51.21667,"coords.x2":1.88333} {"Reference":"2013-170","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL PKFB (U2) 1532","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 07 May, the fishing vessel PKFB (U2) 1532 was attacked and hijacked in the Strait of Malacca while fishing. The pirates subsequently took the hijacked vessel to Indonesia. On 25 May, the Indonesian Marine Police detained the fishing vessel.","Desc2":"Awaiting further details.","coords.x1":100.1,"coords.x2":3.98333} {"Reference":"2013-137","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER CENTENARIO BLU","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 7 May, the bulk carrier CENTENARIO BLU was fired upon at 04-43N 008-20E, approximately 4 nm north-northeast of James Town. Seven heavily armed pirates in a speed boat approached and fired upon the underway bulk carrier, channeling at Calabar","Desc2":"River with Calabar Pilot onboard. Master raised alarm, increased speed, sent distress message, activated SSAS, and had non-essential crew members mustered in the citadel. The pirates aborted the attack and moved away when they heard the ship?s alarm. No","Desc3":"injuries endured by the crew.","coords.x1":8.33333,"coords.x2":4.71667} {"Reference":"2013-131","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:On 06 May 2013, at 0010 UTC, a merchant vessel was attacked by pirates around the vicinity of position 05-41.0N 001-26.2E. All crew are in the citadel and TOGO Navy armed personnel onboard still monitoring the situation. Pirates may still","Desc2":"be in the area and if possible ships should keep clear of this areaa. Ships are advised to maintain strict anti piracy measures. Vessels are advised to monitor the IMB PRC satellite broadcast warnings via INMARSAT C EGC safety net and report all attacks","Desc3":"and suspicious sightings to the IMB piracy reporting center.","coords.x1":1.43667,"coords.x2":5.68333} {"Reference":"2013-133","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Fishing Vessel reports possible piracy activity in 01-49N 051-11E. Vessels are advised to keep clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":51.18333,"coords.x2":1.81667} {"Reference":"2013-135","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-05","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CAP PORTLAND","Desc1":"EQUADOR:On 5 May, the container ship CAP PORTLAND experienced an attempted boarding at 02-28S 080-04W, approximately 12.5nm north of Puna Island. Robbers attempted to board an underway container ship. Crew sounded the alarm, mustered, and subsequently","Desc2":"secured the vessel. Upon seeing crew actions, the robbers departed the area. Coastguard responded by sending a vessel to the area. All crew was safe.","coords.x1":-80.06667,"coords.x2":-2.46667} {"Reference":"2013-138","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER SEAPRIDE","Desc1":"TOGO:On 5 May, the underway tanker SEAPRIDE was fired upon at 05-41N 001-26 E, approximately 27 nm south-southeast of Lome. During STS operations the tanker saw armed pirates on the deck of the adjacent vessel. The alarm was raised, SSAS activated and","Desc2":"all crew mustered. The on board Togo navy guards exchanged fire with the pirates. Later a large skiff with eight to ten armed pirates was spotted leaving the adjacent vessel and proceeded to the tanker. Seeing this, the Master instructed all crew members","Desc3":"to retreat into the citadel and informed the Togo Navy. The on board naval guards took the necessary action to prevent the pirates from boarding the tanker and in the meantime the Togo Navy dispatched two patrol boats to provide assistance which then","Desc4":"escorted the tanker back to the anchorage. All crew reported safe.","coords.x1":1.43333,"coords.x2":5.68333} {"Reference":"2013-139","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER MADONNA I","Desc1":"TOGO:On 5 May, the tanker MADONNA I was boarded at 05-41N 001-26E, approximately 27nm south-southeast of Lome. Nine armed pirates in a speed boat approached the tanker during STS operations. Three pirates boarded the tanker and opened fire. The Togo navy","Desc2":"guards on board another tanker alongside exchanged fire with the pirates resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted attack and moving away.","coords.x1":1.43333,"coords.x2":5.68333} {"Reference":"2013-130","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:On 5 May, an underway tanker experienced an attempted boarding at 13-40N 048-30E, approximately 63 nm south-southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Four high speed skiffs, with three persons in each skiff, approached the tanker in groups of two,","Desc2":"from its starboard side. Two skiffs closed within a distance of 200 meters from the tanker and the armed security team fired warning shots, resulting in the skiffs aborting their attempt.","coords.x1":48.5,"coords.x2":13.66667} {"Reference":"2013-129","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CMA CGM AFRICA FOUR","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 4 May, the underway container ship CMA CGM AFRICA FOUR was fired upon at 04-02N 006-54 E, approximately 28 nm southwest of Bonny. Seven armed pirates in a speed boat, with two outboard motors, approached a container ship underway. Master","Desc2":"raised alarm, increased speed, sent distress message, activated SSAS and non essential crew members mustered in the citadel. The pirates closed in to a distance of 60-70 meters and fired upon the bridge and superstructure, using automatic weapons. At","Desc3":"0953 UTC, the pirates aborted the attack and moved away as the distance between ship and boat increased. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":6.9,"coords.x2":4.03333} {"Reference":"2013-132","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP FRIO ATHENS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 4 May, the underway cargo ship FRIO ATHENS was fired upon at 03-49N 006-41E, approximately 33 nm southwest of Bonny. Six to eight pirates in a speed boat chased and fired upon an underway refrigerated cargo ship. The vessel enforced","Desc2":"anti-piracy measures and managed to move away. All crew was safe, but the ship sustained minor damage due to the firing.","coords.x1":6.68333,"coords.x2":3.81667} {"Reference":"2013-209","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIA:On 30 June, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 22-58N 070-14E, at the Kandla Inner Anchorage. Three to four robbers, in a boat, boarded the anchored bulk carrier. The Duty Officer noticed the boarding and immediately raised the alarm. Upon","Desc2":"hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in their waiting boat. During investigation, it was discovered that ship's stores were stolen. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":70.23333,"coords.x2":22.96667} {"Reference":"2013-221","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 27 June 2013, a fishing vessel was attacked at approximately 9 nm north of Brass Terminal. Several crew members were assaulted and the vessel had some damage. Two crew members may have been kidnapped. No more information.","coords.x1":6.28333,"coords.x2":4.06667} {"Reference":"2013-213","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 27 June, an anchored chemical tanker experienced an attempted boarding at 06-01S 106-53E, at the Jakarta Tanker Anchorage. Alert crew on board the anchored chemical tanker spotted a wooden boat, with three robbers, armed with knives. The","Desc2":"alarm was sounded and the fire hoses were activated; resulting in the boarding attempt being made unsuccessful. All crew are safe.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.16667} {"Reference":"2013-201","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL CHUN YING","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:The owners of fishing vessel CHUN YING reported that they lost contact with their vessel since 20 JUNE 2013 at 0110 LT while the vessel in position 00-34N 054-48E. The vessel's satellite phones and tracking system are turned off. There are","Desc2":"28 crew members and 3 guards onboard. The vessel is missing in the HRA for pirate activities. The fate of the crew and vessel is unknown.","coords.x1":54.8,"coords.x2":0.56667} {"Reference":"2013-202","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL CHUN YING","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:The owners reported that a sister ship located the fishing vessel CHUN YING at position 01-13.28N 055-24.17E. The vessel was destroyed by a fire onboard. The two life rafts onboard were missing. The fate of the 28 crew members and 3 guards","Desc2":"is unknown. They may be in the liferafts. All vessels are requested to keep a sharp lookout for the missing crew members/liferafts and report to the IMB Piracy Reporting Center immediately if they have any information.","coords.x1":55.40283,"coords.x2":1.22133} {"Reference":"2013-196","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:On 21 June, an underway merchant vessel experienced a suspicious approach at 15-02N 041-42E, approximately 73 nm northwest of Al Hudaydah. Weapons and ladders were sighted, as multiple skiffs approached at high speed. The embarked AST fired","Desc2":"several warning shots. The skiffs aborted their approach and moved towards another merchant vessel, approximately 2 nm to their starboard. AST observed the other vessel take evasive action. When last seen, the skiffs were paralleling the course of the","Desc3":"second merchant ship.","coords.x1":41.7,"coords.x2":15.03333} {"Reference":"2013-199","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"LPG TANKER SENNA JUMBO","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 20 June, the anchored Thailand-flagged LPG tanker SENNA JUMBO was boarded at 01-09N 103-38E, at the Nipah Transit Anchorage. Five robbers, armed with knives,boarded the anchored LPG Tanker. Two robbers entered the engine room, while the","Desc2":"others tried to break into the provision stores. On seeing the mess-man entering the provision store area, one robber caught him and threatened him with a knife, while the others escaped. The alarm was sounded and upon investigating, it was found that","Desc3":"engine spares were stolen. All crew were safe.","coords.x1":103.63333,"coords.x2":1.15} {"Reference":"2013-203","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 20 June, an underway merchant vessel experienced an aggressive approach by two skiffs at 12-42N 043-19E, approximately 5 nm northwest of Birim Island. The first skiff with two pirates on board approached from the starboard side, while the second","Desc2":"skiff with eight pirates on board approached from the port. Once the skiffs had closed in on the vessel, the armed security team fired two warning flares and a tracer round. The skiffs subsequently departed the area. No pirate weapons or ladders were","Desc3":"seen on board the skiffs.","coords.x1":43.31667,"coords.x2":12.7} {"Reference":"2013-189","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER OCEAN GARNET","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 19 June, the anchored Hong Kong-flagged bulk carrier OCEAN GARNET was boarded at 01-11S 117-12E, at the Muara Jawa Anchorage, Samarinda. Deck watch keepersonboard the anchored bulk carrier noticed three to five robbers with long knives near","Desc2":"the forecastle store. They raised the alarm and retreated into the accommodation. On hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in their waiting boat. Upon investigation, it was discovered that ship's stores had been stolen. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":117.2,"coords.x2":-1.18333} {"Reference":"2013-185","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-19","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP LANGENES","Desc1":"GUINEA:On 19 June, the anchored Norway-flagged general cargo ship LANGENES was boarded at 09-14N 013-57W,approximately 2 nm southwest of Conakry. Five pirates, armed with machine guns, boarded a general cargo ship at anchor. They threatened the crew,","Desc2":"stole ship's cash, crew personal belongings, then escaped. All crew were reported safe.","coords.x1":-13.95,"coords.x2":9.23333} {"Reference":"2013-200","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER KING RIVER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 17 June, the underway Malaysia-flagged product tanker KING RIVER was boarded at 04-31N 113-52E, approximately 8 nm west-northwest of Lutong, Sarawak. Approximately 8 to 10 pirates, armed with long knives, in a speed boat, approached and","Desc2":"boarded the underway product tanker. The pirates were aggressive; beating most of the crew and tying up their hands. The Master's left palm was severely cut, while the C/O and C/Eng suffered minor cuts as well. The pirates cut the communication cables,","Desc3":"and then ransacked the bridge and accommodation. They stole crew's and ship's properties, as well as cashbefore leaving the ship, after an hour. The vessel diverted to Miri Port, to provide medical assistance to the injured crew. A police report was","Desc4":"lodged.","coords.x1":113.86667,"coords.x2":4.51667} {"Reference":"2013-204","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAN:On 17 June, an underway vessel experienced a suspicious approach at 25-33N 057-23E, approximately 21 nm southwest of Bandar-e-Jask. Vessel reported being approached by two skiffs, coming within 20-30 meters of the vessels stern. No pirate","Desc2":"paraphernalia was sighted, but the skiffs followed the vessel for 15-20 minutes.","coords.x1":57.38333,"coords.x2":25.55} {"Reference":"2013-190","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CMA CGM KAILAS","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 16 June, the Panama-flagged anchored container ship CMA CGM KAILAS was boarded in the vicinity of 06-05S 106-54E, at the Jakarta Cargo Anchorage. Four armed robbers boarded the anchored container vessel and attempted to force their way into","Desc2":"the engine room by breaking the padlock. Alert duty watchman sighted the robbers who then threatened and chased him. Luckily the duty watchman was able to enter the accommodation and alert the bridge officer, who raised the alarm. Later a thorough search","Desc3":"of the vessel was conducted by the crew. Port authorities were alerted and all crew are safe.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.08333} {"Reference":"2013-191","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-15","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER EMERALD STAR","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 15 June, the Hong Kong-flagged anchored bulk carrier EMERALD STAR experienced an attempted boarding at 03-41S 114-25E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. While at anchor, alert duty crew on board the bulk carrier noticed robbers attempting to board","Desc2":"the vessel, via the anchor chain. Alarm raised and crew mustered. The robbers aborted the attempt and escaped in an unlit boat.","coords.x1":114.41667,"coords.x2":-3.68333} {"Reference":"2013-188","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER GOLDEN AVENUE","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 15 June, the Liberia-flagged anchored chemical tanker GOLDEN AVENUE was boarded at 22-09N 091-47E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. Approximately 20 robbers armed with axes and machetes, in three wooden boats, approached and boarded a chemical","Desc2":"tanker while anchored. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The Master informed Port Control and Coast Guard, who sent out a patrol boat to investigate. However, the robbers managed to escape with ship stores before the authorities arrived. All","Desc3":"crew are safe.","coords.x1":91.78333,"coords.x2":22.15} {"Reference":"2013-197","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPISIOUC CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 14 June, the underway Malta-flagged tanker experienced a suspicious approach at 12-36N 043-25E, approximately 2 nm southwest of Birim Island. A single skiff paralleled the tanker's course, and then moved toward the vessel at high speed,","Desc2":"approaching within 500 meters. The AST displayed their weapons, resulting in the skiff moving away.","coords.x1":43.41667,"coords.x2":12.6} {"Reference":"2013-186","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER ADOUR","Desc1":"TOGO:On 13 June, the anchored France-flagged chemical tanker ADOUR was hijacked at 05-41N 001-18E, approximately 30 nm south of Lome. Armed robbers boarded an anchored chemical tanker and took the duty officer hostage to the Masters cabin. When the","Desc2":"Master opened the cabin door the robbers hit the Master on the face and ordered him to muster the crew on the bridge. Once the crew was mustered on the bridge one of the younger robbers was very violent and beat the crew as well as broke a glass on one","Desc3":"of the crews head. The robbers asked the Master and the C/O about the cargo in the tanks and when the Master replied that the vessel was in ballast the robbers again beat the Master and asked him to weigh anchor and proceed south. At around 0315 LT, the","Desc4":"robbers speed boat returned with more people. At around 0500 LT, the tanker sailed towards Lagos and the robbers appeared to be negotiating on the satellite phone. They then ordered the Master to use the tanker to approach other vessels in the area and","Desc5":"they asked the crew to fabricate a ladder in facilitate the boarding. On 16 Jun, the robbers took two crew members and disembarked from the tanker with the rescue boat taking along ship's cash, crew cash and personal belongings. The crews were released","Desc6":"once later. Three crew members were injured during the incident. Incident reported to Togo and French Authorities.","coords.x1":1.3,"coords.x2":5.68333} {"Reference":"2013-198","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:On 13 June, a merchant vessel experienced suspicious activity at 13-05N 043-09E, approximately 15 nm southwest of Mocha. Approximately 20 skiffs surrounded the vessel. The Master ordered the crew into the citadel and the embarked AST fired","Desc2":"warning shots. The incident's duration lasted 20-30 minutes, before the skiffs moved away. Crew andvessel are safe.","coords.x1":43.15,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2013-193","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"OIL TANKER EAGLE SAN JUAN","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 13 June, the Singapore-flagged anchored oil tanker EAGLE SAN JUAN was boarded at 01-06- 103-36E, at the Nipah Anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the tanker while engaged in STS operations, stole engine spares, and","Desc2":"escaped. Duty crew raised alarm and a search was carried out. Master reported the incident to the local authorities, who boarded and carried out an investigation.","coords.x1":103.6,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2013-192","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"OIL TANKER CSK BRILLIANCE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 13 June, the Hong Kong-flagged anchored bulk carrier CSK BRILLIANCE was boarded at 01-12S 117-13E, at the Muara Jawa Anchorage, Samarinda. Six robbers armed with knives, boarded the bulk carrier while at anchor. They took hostage two","Desc2":"crewmembers, tied them up with ropes, and stole their personal belongings. The robbers then stole ship stores and escaped. One crew member was slightly injured during the ordeal. Port authorities were informed.","coords.x1":117.21667,"coords.x2":-1.2} {"Reference":"2013-187","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL MDPL CONTINENTAL ONE","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 13 June, the Singapore-flagged underway offshore supply vessel MDPL CONTINENTAL ONE was boarded and personnel kidnapped at 04-02N 008-02E, approximately 7 nm southwest of the OFON Oil Field. Two fiberglass speed- boats, each with 2 outboards","Desc2":"engines, each carrying 14 gunmen in wearing casual t-shirts and no masks, launched an attack. The pirates were armed with AK47's. After stealing personal items and belongings, four expat crew were kidnapped (Polish (Chief Engineer) and three Indians","Desc3":"(Captain, Chief Officer, and Bosun).","coords.x1":8.03333,"coords.x2":4.03333} {"Reference":"2013-194","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"OIL TANKER SENTOSA RIVER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 June, the Singapore-flagged anchored oil tanker SENTOSA RIVER was boarded at 01-05S 117-14E, at the Senipah Tanker Anchorage off Balikpapan. The alert crew on board the anchored oil tanker noticed one robber on the forecastle and raised","Desc2":"the alarm, resulting in the robber fleeing. Further investigation revealed the forecastle store padlock broken, but nothing stolen. Authorities were informed of the incident.","coords.x1":117.23333,"coords.x2":-1.08333} {"Reference":"2013-183","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER ANNA BARBARA","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 10 June, the Liberia-flagged anchored bulk carrier ANNA BARBARA was boarded at 03-42S 114-28E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored bulk carrier waiting for loading operations. They broke into the forecastle store, stole","Desc2":"ship's stores, and escaped without being noticed. The robbery was reported to the local agent who was on board the vessel during the incident and the port authorities.","coords.x1":114.46667,"coords.x2":-3.7} {"Reference":"2013-195","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-09","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TUG PU2417","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 09 June, the Singapore-flagged underway tug PU2417 was boarded at 04-18N 103-36E, approximately 6 nm off Terengganu. While underway from Thailand to Indonesia, six robbers armed with guns and choppers boarded the tug boat and forced the crew","Desc2":"to pump-out fuel oil from the tug boat to an unknown fishing boat. The robbers also took the crew's belongings before leaving the tug boat. The vessels continued passage to Indonesia.","coords.x1":103.6,"coords.x2":4.3} {"Reference":"2013-206","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-09","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 09 June, an underway tug was boarded at 04-30N 103-59E, approximately 30nm east of Kerteh, Terengganu. Six pirates armed with guns and long knives, in a speed boat, approached and boarded the underway tug. They took hostage all crew members,","Desc2":"cut off the cables to the VHF communication system and stole crew and ship cash and property. Upon departure of the pirates, the Master contacted local authorities and then diverted to Kuantan Port, and lodged a report to the Malaysian authorities. All","Desc3":"crew are safe.","coords.x1":103.98333,"coords.x2":4.5} {"Reference":"2013-184","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER BANDAI V","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 08 June, the Panama-flagged anchored chemical tanker BANDAI V was boarded at 03-54N 098-46E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the chemical tanker using a hook attached to a long pole. Alert duty crew noticed","Desc2":"the robbers attempting to enter the paint store and raised the alarm. Seeing crew alertness, the robbers aborted their attempt and escaped in their boat.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2013-173","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"DHOW SHAHE FAIZE NOORI","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 05 June, the India-flagged dhow SHAHE FAIZE NOORI was hijacked at 11-36N 049-15E, approximately 20 nm north of Bosasso. The dhow was reported hijacked and 14 crew members taken hostage. Later the pirates left the dhow for unknown reasons and","Desc2":"released the hostages. The crew and dhow are reported to be safe and proceeding to a safe port.","coords.x1":49.25,"coords.x2":11.6} {"Reference":"2013-181","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"OIL TANKER TAIZAN","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:On 05 June, the Panama-flagged underway oil tanker TAIZAN experienced a suspicious approach at 17-12N 066-47E, approximately 291 nm southwest of Mumbai, India. A boat approached the vessel closing to 1.5 nm. TAIZAN attempted to increase","Desc2":"speed, but only up to 13.8 kts due to prevailing swells. Master ordered two parachute signals fired against the boat, then an additional four parachute signals as the boat continued to approach. Finally the boat gave up further approach.","coords.x1":66.78333,"coords.x2":17.2} {"Reference":"2013-179","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP C VIKING","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 04 June, the underway offshore supply ship C VIKING was attacked in the vicinity of 04-14N 007-45E, at the Usari Field. No further reporting at this time.","coords.x1":7.75,"coords.x2":4.23333} {"Reference":"2013-176","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"RED SEA:On 4 June 2013, two merchant vessels reported being attacked in vicinity of 15-20N 041-50E in the Red Sea, approximately 185 nm northwest of Bab el Mandeb. Mariners should remain vigilant for the potential presence of pirate attack group in the","Desc2":"southern Red Sea. The area will remain at high risk for at least the next 48-72 hours.","coords.x1":41.83333,"coords.x2":15.33333} {"Reference":"2013-177","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA:04 June 2013, 2300 UTC, Position: 04-14.9N 007-45.7E, USARI Field, Nigeria. Pirates boarded an offshore supply ship underway, on standby duties. Seeing the pirates the crew raised the alarm, retreated into the citadel, alerted other vessels and","Desc2":"shore based office by VHF and waited until the pirates had left. On investigation it was found that ship's and crew belongings were stolen. All crew safe.","coords.x1":7.76167,"coords.x2":4.24833} {"Reference":"2013-174","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"robbers","Victim":"bulk carrier Spar Libra","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 03 June, the Norway-flagged anchored bulk carrier SPAR LIBRA was boarded at 01-10S 117-15E, at the Muara Jawa Anchorage, Samarinda. Two robbers boarded the anchored bulk carrier using a hook attached to a rope and attempted to enter the","Desc2":"forecastle store. Alert duty crew noticed the robbers and raised the alarm, resulting in the robbers escaping empty handed. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":117.25,"coords.x2":-1.16667} {"Reference":"2013-180","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER RHINO","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 03 June, the Singapore-flagged chemical tanker RHINO was fired upon at 06-16N 003-20E, at the Lagos Anchorage. While at anchor, an unknown number of robbers attempted to board the vessel through the hawse pipe via chain locker and exchanged","Desc2":"gunshots with the Nigerian naval personnel onboard. The general alarm was activated and the crew mustered at the designated muster station. The robber's boat eventually left after 20 minutes. There was no injury to the crew or items stolen.","coords.x1":3.33333,"coords.x2":6.26667} {"Reference":"2013-172","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Chemical Tanker BLUEGREEN TIGRE","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 03 June, the Marshall Islands-flagged underway chemical tanker BLUEGREEN TIGRE was fired upon at 04-42N 008-19E approximately 2.5 nm north of James Town, in the Calabar River. Ten armed robbers in two speed boats approached and fired upon the","Desc2":"chemical tanker underway with pilot on board. Master raised alarm, mustered all crew, and reported the incident to the Nigerian Authorities. The armed robbers aborted the attack and moved away when the Nigerian Marine Police arrived on the scene. All","Desc3":"crew are safe, but the ship sustained minor damage due to the firing.","coords.x1":8.31667,"coords.x2":4.7} {"Reference":"2013-175","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"robbers","Victim":"chemical tanker Atlantic Canyon","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 03 June, the Hong Kong-flagged anchored chemical tanker ATLANTIC CANYON experienced an attempted boarding at 03-55N 098-46E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Robbers in a small boat attempted to board the anchored chemical tanker via the anchor","Desc2":"chain. Alert duty crew spotted the robbers and raised the alarm, resulting in the robbers aborting the attempted boarding. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2013-182","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER ESHIPS LIWA","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE:On 01 June, the berthed Hong Kong-flagged chemical tanker ESHIPS LIWA was boarded at 19-49S 034-50E, at the Beira Port. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the tanker at berth during cargo operations using the forward fire wire. Alert","Desc2":"shore and deck watchmen and agents noticed them and raised the alarm resulting in the robber escaping via the anchor chain. There were no vessel or crew properties stolen. Port authorities and local police were notified.","coords.x1":34.83333,"coords.x2":-19.81667} {"Reference":"2013-244","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"robbers","Victim":"bulk carrier ATHOS","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:On 31 July, the Cayman Islands-flagged anchored bulk carrier ATHOS was boarded at 05-13N 004-03W, at the Abidjan Anchorage. Robbers boarded the ship at anchor using a long pole with a hook. The crew spotted them and raised the alarm. On","Desc2":"hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in a wooden boat. All crew are safe and nothing was stolen.","coords.x1":-4.05,"coords.x2":5.21667} {"Reference":"2013-235","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-31","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 31 July, an anchored merchant vessel was boarded in the vicinity of 31-10N 029-51E, at the Alexandria Port. An AB on duty noticed a robber inside the Bosun forward store and immediately informed the Duty Officer. Upon further inspection, it was","Desc2":"discovered that the robber had fled and a life raft had been opened and damaged.","coords.x1":29.85,"coords.x2":31.16667} {"Reference":"2013-243","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-31","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"robber","Victim":"container ship MARY SCHULTE","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 31 July, the Liberia-flagged berthed container ship MARY SCHULTE was boarded in the vicinity of 31-10N 029-51E, at Berth No. 49, Alexandria Port. An AB on duty noticed a robber inside the Bosun forward store. He immediately informed the Duty","Desc2":"Officer. No robber was found upon checking the store, but a life raft in the store had been opened and damaged.","coords.x1":29.85,"coords.x2":31.16667} {"Reference":"2013-255","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Oil/chemical tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 30 July, the anchored Marshall Islands-flagged oil/chemical tanker GARNET EXPRESS was boarded and robbed at an undisclosed port/anchorage.","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":-10} {"Reference":"2013-245","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"gunboat","Victim":"chemical tanker HIGH JUPITER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 30 July, the Hong Kong-flagged underway chemical tanker HIGH JUPITER was fired upon at 03-31N 006-05E, approximately 45 nm south of Brass. A gunboat claiming to be a Nigerian navy boat called a chemical tanker on VHF and asked details of","Desc2":"vessel, cargo, last and next ports. This information was passed to the gun boat. After approximately 15 minutes, the gun boat approached the vessel at high speed and demanded that the vessel be stopped and boarding permitted. The Master informed them","Desc3":"that he would not be stopping due to the areas high risk for piracy attacks. The gun boat threatened them and followed the vessel for 20 minutes and then fired two shots in the air. The Master immediately raised the alarm over VHF and requested ships in","Desc4":"the vicinity relay its message to port control, which was not responding to its calls. Upon hearing the VHF alarm, the gun boat moved away.","coords.x1":6.08333,"coords.x2":3.51667} {"Reference":"2013-238","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 29 July, the Panama-flagged anchored LPG tanker REEFERENCE POINT was boarded at 01-06N 104-10E, at the Tanjung Uban Anchorage. Duty AB on board the LPG tanker noticed approximately eight robbers, armed with knives, boarding the vessel from","Desc2":"the poop deck. The Duty Officer was informed and raised the alarm. The crew remained inside the accommodation until local authorities arrived and boarded the vessel. A search was performed and determined that the robbers had abandoned the ship empty","Desc3":"handed.","coords.x1":104.16667,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2013-233","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT:On 28 July, position 01-6.3N 104-10.9E, duty A/B on board a LPG Tanker noticed about eight robbers armed with knives boarding the vessel from the poop deck. Duty officer was informed, alarm raised. All crew stayed inside the","Desc2":"accommodation until police agents arrived and boarded the vessel. Together with police, a search was carried out and found no robbers on board and that nothing had been stolen.","coords.x1":104.18167,"coords.x2":1.105} {"Reference":"2013-237","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 27 July, the Singapore-flagged anchored container ship HONG KONG BRIDGE was boarded at 29-50N 032-34E, at the Suez Anchorage. Upon boarding the vessel, the robbers were spotted by the crew, who then raised the alarm. After hearing the alarm, the","Desc2":"robbers escaped empty handed.","coords.x1":32.56667,"coords.x2":29.83333} {"Reference":"2013-239","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-27","SubReg":"74","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"Chemical tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 27 July, the Hong Kong-flagged anchored chemical tanker GLOBAL PEACE was boarded at 07-05S 112-39E, at the Gresik Inner Anchorage. Unidentified persons were spotted at the forecastle paint store entrance. The alarm was raised and crew","Desc2":"alerted. The robbers jumped overboard with stolen ship's stores and escaped in a small boat.","coords.x1":112.65,"coords.x2":-7.08333} {"Reference":"2013-236","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"Chemical tanker","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 27 July, the Denmark-flagged anchored chemical tanker TORM LOIRE was boarded in the vicinity of 22-13N 091-46 E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. While awaiting berthing instructions, the duty crew on routine patrol noticed a robber lowering","Desc2":"ropes into a waiting boat. The duty officer was informed, who then raised the alarm and mustered the crew. Upon the crews approach to the stern, the robbers cut off the loose rope and escaped in the boat. Local authorities were notified.","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2013-240","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG SURYA WIRA 2","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 25 July, the underway Singapore-flagged tug was SURYA WIRA 2 was boarded at 01-18N 104-41E, approximately 8nm northeast of Tanjung Berakit. Roughly six pirates, in a speed boat, armed with knives, boarded a tug with barge in tow. They","Desc2":"entered the crew cabins and took hostage all crew members. The robbers stole crew personal belongings and tug properties, prior to escaping.","coords.x1":104.68333,"coords.x2":1.3} {"Reference":"2013-248","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-25","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"robbers","Victim":"container ship APL LOS ANGELES","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:On 25 July, the Gibraltar-flagged anchored container ship APL LOS ANGELES was boarded and robbed at an undisclosed port/anchorage.","coords.x1":120.78333,"coords.x2":14.48333} {"Reference":"2013-228","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA:On 24 July, the anchored Singapore-flagged chemical tanker BUNGA LUCERNE was boarded at 22-48N 070-03E, at the Kandla Anchorage. An able bodied seaman and a deck cadet, who were carrying out routine work on the forecastle of the anchored chemical","Desc2":"tanker, noticed three small boats approaching. The able bodied seaman immediately informed the duty officer. The boats started distracting the ship's crew by asking them to buy their fish. The able bodied seaman and the cadet checked on the other side of","Desc3":"the vessel and observed that two robbers from another boat were in the process of getting on board while another was already on board. The duty officer raised the alarm and sounded the ship's whistle, resulting in the robbers jumping overboard and","Desc4":"escaping in their boat. Port Authorities and vessels in the vicinity were informed.","coords.x1":70.05,"coords.x2":22.8} {"Reference":"2013-232","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG SURYA WIRA 5","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT:On 24 July, the underway Singapore-flagged tug SURYA WIRA 5 was boarded at 01-16N 104-37E, approximately 3nm northeast of Tanjung Berakit. Roughly seven pirates, in a speed boat, armed with knives, boarded the underway tug. They took","Desc2":"hostage all the crew members, tied up their hands, stole their cash and personal belongings, and escaped. One crew member was injured during the altercation.","coords.x1":104.61667,"coords.x2":1.26667} {"Reference":"2013-231","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT:On 24 July, 2040Z, in 01-18N 104-41E about six pirates in a speed boat armed with knives boarded a tug towing a barge. They entered crew cabins and took hostage all crew members and stole crew personal properties and tug properties and","Desc2":"escaped. Vessels requested to be caution advised.","coords.x1":104.68333,"coords.x2":1.3} {"Reference":"2013-249","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-21","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"robbers","Victim":"container ship HELMUTH RAMBOW","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:On 21 July, the Antigua and Barbuda-flagged anchored container ship HELMUTH RAMBOW was boarded and robbed at an undisclosed port/anchorage.","coords.x1":120.78333,"coords.x2":14.48333} {"Reference":"2013-229","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 21 July, the Singapore-flagged berthed product tanker KIRANA TRITYA was boarded at the Nha Be Terminal. Five robbers in a small boat approached the berthed product tanker. Two robbers armed with knives managed to board the tanker using a rope","Desc2":"while the remaining robbers remained in their boat. The duty able bodied seaman, on deck watch, noticed the robbers and informed the duty officer who raised the alarm. Crew mustered and approached the robbers with wooden sticks. Upon seeing the crew","Desc3":"alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty handed.","coords.x1":106.75,"coords.x2":10.7} {"Reference":"2013-224","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-19","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RO-RO VESSEL","Desc1":"LIBYA:On 19 July, approximately twelve armed Libyan men boarded and hijacked a berthed Ro-ro vessel was hijacked at the Bengazi Port. The hijackers are holding the 19 Ukranian crew members as hostages, with demands that a ransom of $9.5 million be paid","Desc2":"by the ship's owner.","coords.x1":20.05,"coords.x2":32.11667} {"Reference":"2013-225","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL C VIKING","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 19 July, the Vanuatu-flagged anchored offshore supply vessel C VIKING was boarded at 04-18N 007-46E, at the Usari Field, offshore Akwa lbom state. Crew managed to lock themselves in a citadel, no injuries reported. Pirates looted the vessel,","Desc2":"including bridge, and destroyed some equipment on the bridge before leaving.","coords.x1":7.76667,"coords.x2":4.3} {"Reference":"2013-234","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER LOULOU","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 24 July, the anchored Nigeria-flagged product tanker LOULOU was boarded at 04-16N 007-56E, at the Eked Offshore Anchorage, approximately 40 nm southeast of Port Harcourt. Pirates reportedly boarded the vessel, destroyed the bridge laptop, and","Desc2":"inflicted damage to the bridge via gun shots. Two suspected pirate's remained in hiding aboard the ship, until their later discovery, when they jumped overboard. Exxon Terminal security staffs responded to the incident, but were unable to locate any of","Desc3":"the suspects.","coords.x1":7.93333,"coords.x2":4.26667} {"Reference":"2013-226","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER LIBERTY GRACE","Desc1":"TOGO:On 18 July, the United States-flagged anchored bulk carrier LIBERTY GRACE experienced an attempted boarding at 06-05N 001-17E, at the Lome Anchorage. Duty Officer on board the anchored bulk carrier spotted an unlit skiff with 5-6 persons","Desc2":"approaching. The Duty Officer directed the ship search light towards the skiff, raised the alarm, activated the fire hoses, and called the Togo navy. It was observed that the robbers, with hoods pulled over their heads, were attempting to board the","Desc3":"vessel using a pole and hook. Three flares were fired in the direction of the skiff. Seeing the crew alertness the robbers aborted the attempt and moved away. During the incident another two skiffs were observed close to the vessel. A navy boat arrived","Desc4":"later at the location.","coords.x1":1.28333,"coords.x2":6.08333} {"Reference":"2013-230","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 17 July, an underway general cargo ship was boarded at 01-07N 104-52E,approximately 7 nm northeast of Pulau Mapur. Roughly ten robbers, armed with guns and knives, boarded the underway general cargo ship. They entered the bridge and","Desc2":"assaulted the Master who managed to escape and stop the engine. The robbers stole crew personal belongings and cash and escaped. Master sustained minor injuries to hands.","coords.x1":104.86667,"coords.x2":1.11667} {"Reference":"2013-219","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER CONCORD","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 16 July, the Marshall Islands-flagged underway chemical tanker CONCORD experienced a suspicious approach by three skiffs at 13-28N 043-01E, approximately 16 nm northwest of Mocha. The onboard security team took their position while non essential","Desc2":"crew mustered in the citadel. The individuals in the skiff had weapons to include an RPG. The skiffs departed the area when the security team fired warning flares.","coords.x1":43.01667,"coords.x2":13.46667} {"Reference":"2013-214","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER OCEAN CENTURION","Desc1":"TOGO:On 16 July, the Marshall Islands-flagged underway product tanker OCEAN CENTURION was hijacked at 05-29N 001-38E, approximately 46nm southeast of Lome. Armed pirates in two speed boats approached, boarded, and hijacked the product tanker. They took","Desc2":"hostage all the crew members, stole their personal belongings, ordered the Master to sail south, and then north towards the Togo/Benin border. The pirates then disembarked and escaped via a speedboat, 12nm from the coastline. The Togo Navy was informed","Desc3":"about the hijacking and a patrol boat was dispatched, which escorted the tanker to Lome anchorage for investigation. Two crew members were injured during the incident and were transferred to a clinic for medical attention.","coords.x1":1.63333,"coords.x2":5.48333} {"Reference":"2013-223","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:M/V attacked in 01-6.8N 004-41.0E on 16 July 2013 at 0410Z. Vessels are advised to keep clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":4.68333,"coords.x2":1.11333} {"Reference":"2013-215","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER COTTON","Desc1":"GABON:On 15 July, the Malta-flagged underway chemical tanker COTTON was hijacked at 00-26S 008-51E, approximately 13 nm off Port Gentil. 12 to 15 gunmen armed with AK-47 assault rifles hijacked the tanker and its 23 crewmembers. The tanker was later","Desc2":"released on 22 July.","coords.x1":8.85,"coords.x2":-0.43333} {"Reference":"2013-227","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"LANDING CRAFT RENOVATION","Desc1":"GABON:On 14 July, the Gabon-flagged underway landing craft RENOVATION was boarded at 00-29S 008-51E, at Port Gentil. Approximately 20 armed robbers in a speed boat approached and boarded the landing craft underway. They stole crew personal belongings and","Desc2":"escaped. Port maritime authority notified. No injury to crew or any damage to vessel.","coords.x1":8.85,"coords.x2":-0.48333} {"Reference":"2013-222","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GABON:On 15 July 2013 at 0552 LT, a merchant ship at anchored was suspected to be hijacked by pirates at position 00-26.49S 008-51.45E, around 17.4 nm north of Port Gentil, Gabon. The owner reported that they had lost communication with the vessel.","Desc2":"Further detail awaits.","coords.x1":8.8575,"coords.x2":-0.4415} {"Reference":"2013-220","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG CREST APACHE & BARGE TERAS 3717","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 July, the underway tug CREST APACHE and barge TERAS 3717 were boarded by eight pirates in a speedboat at 03-13N 104-58E, approximately 35nm northwest of the Anambas Islands. The pirates were armed with guns and long knives. The pirates","Desc2":"cut off the cables for the communication equipment, stole crew properties, cash, and escaped. One crew member has been reported missing.","coords.x1":104.96667,"coords.x2":3.21667} {"Reference":"2013-210","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER LG ASPHALT 1","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 10 July, the Malaysia-flagged underway tanker LG Asphalt 1 was boarded at 03-02N 104-18E, approximately 12 nm northeast of Pulau Tioman. Approximately eight pirates, armed with guns and knives, boarded the underway tanker. They ordered the","Desc2":"C/E to reduce speed to minimum and then mustered all the crew, including the bridge and engine room watch-officers in the mess room where they tied up the crew's hands. The pirates then stole all crew and ship properties and cash, and left the ship an","Desc3":"hour later. Ship's crew regained control of the vessel and sailed to Kemaman Port. No injuries to the crew.","coords.x1":104.3,"coords.x2":3.03333} {"Reference":"2013-216","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER OVERSEAS ATHENS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 10 July, an anchored chemical tanker experienced a suspicious approach at 06-17N 003-21E, approximately 5.4nm southwest of Fairway Buoy, Lagos Anchorage. Armed security personal onboard the anchored chemical tanker noticed a small boat with an","Desc2":"unknown number of persons approaching. When the small boat got to within 50 meters of the vessel, the armed security team fired one warning shot causing the boat to depart the area.","coords.x1":3.35,"coords.x2":6.28333} {"Reference":"2013-241","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER GUANABARA","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 10 July, the anchored Singapore-flagged crude oil tanker GUANABARA was boarded at an Indonesia Anchorage. Vessel was boarded and robbed at an undisclosed Indonesian Anchorage.","coords.x1":100.1,"coords.x2":3.98333} {"Reference":"2013-242","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-10","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CAPE MAHORN","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:On 10 July, the anchored Cyprus-flagged container ship CAPE MAHORN was boarded at a Philippines Port/ Anchorage. Vessel was boarded and robbed at an undisclosed Philippines Port/ Anchorage.","coords.x1":120.78333,"coords.x2":14.48333} {"Reference":"2013-208","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA:On 8 July, an underway bulk carrier experienced a suspicious approach at 13-10N 043-06E, approximately 11 nm southwest of Mocha, Yemen. Armed security team on board the underway bulk carrier noticed two skiffs near the stern of the vessel, at a","Desc2":"distance of 5-10 meters. Alarm sounded and the armed team fired warning shots, resulting in the skiffs moving away.","coords.x1":43.1,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"2013-217","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:On 7 July, gunmen boarded and kidnapped the crew of an underway supply vessel at 04-24N 007-03E, in the vicinity of the New Calabar River. The incident took place as the vessel was transiting from Port Harcourt to Nembe. Initial reports","Desc2":"state that the captain, chief engineer and a deckhand were taken hostage.","coords.x1":7.05,"coords.x2":4.4} {"Reference":"2013-211","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER AFRAMAX RIO","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 7 July, the Panama-flagged anchored tanker AFRAMAX RIO was boarded at 01-04N 103-38E, at the Nipah Anchorage. Four robbers armed with knives boarded the tanker during STS operations. Duty crew noticed the robbers and raised the alarm,","Desc2":"resulting in the robbers escaping in their boat. Cargo operations stopped and all crew were mustered. Cargo operations resumed only after a thorough search of the vessel.","coords.x1":103.63333,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2013-218","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 5 July, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 06-26N 003-23E, on Lagos Port Road. Three armed men were reported to have separated part of the razor wire and gained access via a rope. The bosun spotted them and alerted the duty officer by","Desc2":"radio. The bosun was subsequently wounded by the gunmen before other crew came to assist. The robbers escaped via speedboat. The injured crew member was hospitalized.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.43333} {"Reference":"2013-207","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 04 July, 2013 at 0950 UTC, a merchant vessel was closed to four cables by eight suspected pirates in two skiffs. The position of the incident was 12-59.6N 043-06.7E. Pirates were armed with machine guns. Ship's security team made warning shots","Desc2":"and the skiffs moved awa. Pirates action group may be still in the area. Vessels are advised to exercise extreme caution when navigating within the position given in this report and maintain maximum CPA with any vessel acting suspiciousy.","coords.x1":43.11167,"coords.x2":12.99333} {"Reference":"2013-212","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER SANKO MERCURY","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 4 July, the Liberia-flagged anchored bulk carrier SANKO MERCURY was boarded at 03-40S 114-25E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. Three robbers, in a boat, boarded the anchored bulk carrier at the forecastle. Alert duty crew spotted the robbers and","Desc2":"raised the alarm; resulting in the robbers escaping empty handed. Port authorities were informed. All crew are safe.","coords.x1":114.41667,"coords.x2":-3.66667} {"Reference":"2013-205","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:On 01 July, an underway barge in tow was boarded while transiting the Singapore Strait.During subsequent routine rounds, the crew from the tug towing the barge noticed items from the barge missing.","coords.x1":99.76667,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2013-272","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-28","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 28 August, the anchored Marshall Islands-flagged bulk carrier was boarded while at position 20-56N 107-19E, Cam Pha Anchorage. Six robbers boarded the ship via the anchor chain and hawse pipe by removing the cover and anchor lashing. They cut","Desc2":"the padlock to the forecastle store room and stole ship's properties. Duty officer noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped with stolen ship stores. Incident reported to the local police who boarded the ship","Desc3":"for investigation.","coords.x1":107.31667,"coords.x2":20.93333} {"Reference":"2013-269","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP NADIR","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 27 August, the anchored Marshall Islands-flagged container ship NADIR was boarded while at position 22-11N 091-42E, Chittagong Anchorage. Approximately 16 robbers in two boats approached the ship. Five robbers armed with long knives boarded","Desc2":"the ship and began to lower ship's stores into their boats. Duty officer noticed the robbers, raised the alarm and crew mustered. Seeing crew alertness the robbers escaped with stolen ship stores. Incident reported to the coast guard.","coords.x1":91.7,"coords.x2":22.18333} {"Reference":"2013-266","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Bulk carrier","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 23 August, the Marshall Islands-flagged anchored bulk carrier TEQUILA SUNRISE was boarded at 01-15S 117-36E, at the Samarinda Working Anchorage. The Deck Cadet on duty noticed the forward store had been forced open. He immediately informed","Desc2":"the watch officer. Inventory of the store revealed that some stores were stolen. Local authorities were informed.","coords.x1":117.6,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2013-267","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Bulk carrier","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 23 August, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 00-16S 117-36E, at the Muara Berau Anchorage. Five robbers, armed with knives, boarded an anchored bulk carrier. Three of the robbers caught the duty crewman, threatened him with a knife on","Desc2":"his neck, took his walkie-talkie, and tied him up. The robbers broke the lock of the forward store and began to steal ship?s stores. While the robbers were busy stealing the ship?s stores, the duty crewman managed to free himself and then reported to the","Desc3":"duty officer on the bridge who raised the alarm and alerted the crew. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped with stolen stores. The incident was reported to port control.","coords.x1":117.6,"coords.x2":-0.26667} {"Reference":"2013-265","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Livestock carrier BRAHMAN EXPRESS","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 23 August, the Philippines-flagged berthed live stock carrier BRAHMAN EXPRESS was boarded in the vicinity of 03-47N 098-42E, at the Belawan Port. Three robbers, in a motor boat, approached a berthed live stock carrier. Two robbers boarded","Desc2":"the ship, while the other robber remained in the boat. The duty crew noticed that the robbers were stealing ship?s properties and reported it to the duty officer who then raised the alarm and alerted the crew. Upon seeing the crew?s alertness, the","Desc3":"robbers escaped with the stolen properties. The incident was reported to Belawan Port Authority, which dispatched a coast guard patrol boat to investigate.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2013-273","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BARGE M3320","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:On 18 August, the underway Malaysian-flagged barge M3320 was boarded at 01-15N 104-07E, approximately 5.6 nm south of Tanjung Setapa. While underway, unidentified persons onboard 2-3 small wooden boats approached and boarded the barge, while in","Desc2":"tow by the tugboat, BAHTERA MULIA. At that time, the tug and barge were enroute from Malacca to Labuan, and the barge was loaded with oil rig spare parts. The robbers likely stole property off the barge.","coords.x1":104.11667,"coords.x2":1.25} {"Reference":"2013-274","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER MORESBY 9","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 17 August, the anchored Honduras-flagged product tanker MORESBY 9 was boarded at 01-20N 104-16E, approximately 1.83 nm southeast of Teluk Ramunia. While at anchor, 10 robbers armed with machetes, wearing face masks, approached the vessel, in","Desc2":"two speed boats colored white and grey. They boarded the vessel and tied the crew up in the mess room. The robbers then ordered the Master to get underway and, while sailing, the robbers escaped at the port side of the vessel when they saw an Malaysian","Desc3":"Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) vessel approaching.","coords.x1":104.26667,"coords.x2":1.33333} {"Reference":"2013-260","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Container ship","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 16 August, the anchored Liberia-flagged container ship HENRIETTE SCHULTE was boarded at 22-10N 091-42E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. Four robbers, armed with knives, boarded the anchored container ship. The Officer of the Watch spotted them","Desc2":"and immediately raised the alarm. All crew mustered. Seeing crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with stolen ship stores. Local authorities were informed.","coords.x1":91.7,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2013-275","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER KAYU EBONI","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 16 August, the anchored Panama-flagged bulk carrier KAYU EBONI was boarded at 00-16S 117-36 E, at the Muara Berau Anchorage. Five robbers armed with knives boarded the anchored bulk carrier. Three of the robbers caught the duty crewman,","Desc2":"threatened him with a knife on his neck, took his walkie-talkie, and tied him up. The robbers broke the lock of the forward store and began to steal ship's stores. While the robbers were busy stealing the ship's stores, the duty crewman managed to free","Desc3":"himself and reported to the duty officer on the bridge who raised the alarm and alerted the crew. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped with stolen stores. Incident reported to port control.","coords.x1":117.6,"coords.x2":-0.26667} {"Reference":"2013-256","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Product tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 15 August, the Nigeria-flagged product tanker NORTE was boarded in the Gulf of Guinea. On 17 August, the vessel was reportedly chased by vessels from the Nigerian Navy; to include two Navy ships of destroyer-size, 6 gun boats, and patrol plane","Desc2":"from the Nigerian Air Force. The Nigerian forces surrounded the tanker in the Niger Delta region. The pirates attempted to flee the tanker when night fell, but were intercepted. During the ensuing gun battle 12 pirates were killed and 4 were captured. No","Desc3":"details on the fate of the crew were given. The tanker is presently anchored in Lagos.","coords.x1":4,"coords.x2":5.5} {"Reference":"2013-257","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 15 August, the anchored Marshal Islands-flagged tanker BLUEGREEN TIGRE experienced an attempted boarding in the vicinity of 06-21N 003-28E, at the Lagos Anchorage. Approximately 8-10 robbers, in a speed boat, attempted to place a hook on the","Desc2":"tanker's railing. They were spotted by the crew and the alarm was raised. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing crew alertness, the pirate's boat moved away. Other ships were informed on VHF radio. Local authorities were informed and a naval patrol arrived","Desc3":"at the location and conducted a search.","coords.x1":3.46667,"coords.x2":6.35} {"Reference":"2013-261","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Trawler","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 15 August, a fishing trawler was hijacked, along with the kidnapping of 15 fishermen along the Meghna River. A gang of pirates attacked three trawlers in the Talia Char area. When the fishermen tried to resist the bandits, they opened fire,","Desc2":"injuring one man. The pirates looted valuables from the trawlers and kidnapped the 15 fishermen onboard.","coords.x1":90.7,"coords.x2":22.8} {"Reference":"2013-262","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Hijackers","Victim":"Trawlers","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 14 August, two fishing trawlers were hijacked, along with the kidnapping of 21 fishermen, along the Meghna River. Local authorities managed to rescue 10 of the kidnapped fishermen soon after the incident.","coords.x1":90.7,"coords.x2":22.8} {"Reference":"2013-259","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 12 August, the anchored Marshall Islands-flagged chemical tanker SP ATLANTA was hijacked at 06-19N 003-27E, at the Lagos Anchorage. Approximately 11 pirates, armed with guns, boarded and hijacked the chemical tanker at anchor. They stole crew","Desc2":"personal belongings and caused minor injuries to the crew members. On the 13 August, the vessel was released and safely arrived at the Lagos Anchorage.","coords.x1":3.45,"coords.x2":6.31667} {"Reference":"2013-258","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Gunboats","Victim":"Offshore support vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 12 August, a Nigeria-flagged offshore support vessel was fired upon approximately 35nm off the Nigerian coast. Two gunboats with approximately 7 - 8 pirates on board fired upon the vessel. A near-by patrol boat responded to the emergency","Desc2":"calls. The patrol boat exchanged fire with the pirates, resulting in the pirate boats retreating north at high speed.","coords.x1":4.8,"coords.x2":5.55} {"Reference":"2013-250","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Hijackers","Victim":"Chemical tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 11 August, gunmen hijacked the anchored Marshall Islands-flagged chemical tanker SP ATLANTA near the port of Lagos. On 13 August, the vessel along with its crew, were released.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2013-251","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Product tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 11 August, robbers in a small skiff attempted to board the anchored Liberia-flagged product tanker FPMC 25 at 06-18N 003-26E, at the Lagos Anchorage. Master raised the alarm and mustered the crew, while embarked armed guards fired warning","Desc2":"shots, resulting in the skiff moving away.","coords.x1":3.43333,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2013-263","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Container ship","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 10 August, the anchored Singapore-flagged container ship KOTA HARTA was boarded at 22-09N 091-47E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. Three robbers boarded the ship from the poop deck, using a hook and rope. Upon discovering the robbers, the duty","Desc2":"watchman immediately raised the alarm. Two of the robbers jumped overboard while the third robber grabbed the life-ring from the ship and threw it overboard before escaping in a small wooden boat.","coords.x1":91.78333,"coords.x2":22.15} {"Reference":"2013-253","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Bulk carrier","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 10 August, the anchored Isle of Man-flagged bulk carrier STAR MANX was boarded at 00-16S 117-36E, at the Samarinda Anchorage. Three robbers in boiler suits boarded the anchored bulk carrier which was waiting to link up with a cargo barge.","Desc2":"The robbers seized the third officer who was on routine rounds at the forecastle. They hit him and threatened him with a knife, while five other robbers boarded the ship, broke the hatch cover with pipes and crowbars, and began to steal ship's stores.","Desc3":"When seeing duty crew approach the forecastle, the robbers disembarked the vessel and escaped in a speed boat with the stolen stores. Upon investigation, it was found that the robbers boarded the ship by breaking the hawse pipe security steel grill/cover","Desc4":"bolt and nut lock.","coords.x1":117.6,"coords.x2":-0.26667} {"Reference":"2013-270","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER ST. MICHAELIS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 4 August, the anchored Hong Kong-flagged product tanker ST. MICHAELIS was boarded at 22-11N 091-41E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. While at anchor, robbers boarded the vessel from astern. When the alarm was raised, the crew locked itself in","Desc2":"the superstructure.","coords.x1":91.68333,"coords.x2":22.18333} {"Reference":"2013-252","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Three skiffs","Victim":"Crude oil tanker","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:On 4 August, a Liberian-flagged crude oil tanker experienced a suspicious approach approximately 110 nm southeast of Muscat, Oman. Three skiffs containing 3 individuals each, approached at 20 knots. The tanker crew mustered in the citadel and","Desc2":"the embarked security team on the bridge fired a warning flare. The skiffs continued their approach and a second flare was fired, resulting in the skiffs ceasing the approach and moving away.","coords.x1":59.96667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2013-254","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Chemical/gas tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 4 August, the Marshall Islands-flagged anchored chemical/gas tanker GARNET EXPRESS was boarded and robbed at an undisclosed port/anchorage.","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":-10} {"Reference":"2013-264","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Product tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 2 August, the underway Thailand-flagged product tanker DANAI 6 was boarded at 01-23N 104-30E, approximately 9nm north of Bintan Island. Six pirates, armed with knives and guns, boarded the vessel. The pirates fired at the glass panel of the","Desc2":"door of the bridge, where they entered and took control of the ship and all 14 Thai crew. They tied up the crew in the mess room and stole navigational equipment and crew's cash and personal belongings. The pirates left the ship after approximately 45","Desc3":"minutes.","coords.x1":104.5,"coords.x2":1.38333} {"Reference":"2013-247","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"robber","Victim":"tanker MARE NOSTRUM","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 2 August, the Italy-flagged anchored tanker MARE NOSTRUM was boarded at 01-06N 103-38E, at the Nipah Anchorage. When a crewmember noticed a robber outside the accommodation area, he immediately retreated into the bridge and informed the duty","Desc2":"officer who raised the alarm. After being detected by the crew, the robber escaped. During a search, the crew noticed that the robber had tried to enter the steering gear room, but it was locked from the inside. The robber escaped empty handed.","coords.x1":103.63333,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2013-246","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"two skiffs","Victim":"LPG tanker","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 01 August, an underway LPG tanker experienced a suspicious approach by two skiffs in vicinity of 13-40N 042-39E, near the Jazirat Hanisha Al Kabir Island when a Yemeni-style skiff shadowed the vessel at a distance of 1 nm while another","Desc2":"approached the vessel at 15 knots. When the armed embarked security team displayed their weapons, the skiffs changed course and stopped their pursuit.","coords.x1":42.65,"coords.x2":13.66667} {"Reference":"2013-268","DateOfOcc":"2013-09-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 4 September, an underway chemical tanker was fired upon at position 04-11N 005-34E, 20 nm south of Pennington Oil Terminal. A speed boat approached the chemical tanker with intent to board. The duty officer raised the alarm, alerted the crew","Desc2":"and made evasive maneuvers to prevent the boarding. The pirates tried to board the vessel using hooks attached to a rope. The on board security team fired warning shots at the boat and the pirates retaliated by returning fire. Facing resistance, the","Desc3":"pirates aborted the attempt and moved away from the scene.","coords.x1":5.56667,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2013-271","DateOfOcc":"2013-09-03","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 3 September, an anchored chemical tanker was boarded at 10-13N 107-02E, at the Vung Tau Anchorage. Six robbers disguised as fishermen boarded a chemical tanker at anchor. Duty crewman noticed the robbers and informed the bridge. The alarm was","Desc2":"raised and the crew moved forward. Upon seeing the alert crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores. All crew safe.","coords.x1":107.03333,"coords.x2":10.21667} {"Reference":"1998-2","DateOfOcc":"1997-07-01","SubReg":"11","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VANDERPOOL EXPRESS","Desc1":"VESSEL WAS DOCKED AT THE SEA TERMINAL ON THE MIAMI RIVER WHEN SHE WAS BOARDED BY A GANG ARMED WITH GUNS AND KNIVES. ONE CREW MEMBER WAS KILLED AND ANOTHER STABBED. THE ARMED MEN WERE APPARENTLY FRIGHTENED OFF. NOTE: THE VANDERPOOL EXPRESS CHANGED NAME TO","Desc2":"FIDEL EXPRESS ON 17 JULY 97.","coords.x1":-80.18333,"coords.x2":25.78333} {"Reference":"2000-281","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-02","SubReg":"12","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"UNITED STATES:Two intruders armed with guns boarded an unidentified bulk carrier at 0230 (local) 2 Mar in Port Newark, New Jersey. After breaking into the Chief Mate's cabin and threatening him, they stole personal belongings and cash. The intruders also","Desc2":"tried to break into the cabins of the Captain and Chief Engineer without success.","coords.x1":-74.16389,"coords.x2":40.73889} {"Reference":"2007-187","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-12","SubReg":"18","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CRUISE SHIP","Desc1":"UNITED STATES: Cruise ship reported suspicious approach 12 Aug 07 at 1130 local time, while docked at Long Beach Cruise Terminal. The coast guard received a report that a suspicious boat was within the 100-yard security zone around a cruise ship. The","Desc2":"suspicious boat was 15-18 feet long with a metal skiff that was holding three men and a female. The boat exited the area before enforcement authorities arrived. The Port Operations Dive Group (LM: CBS2.com).","coords.x1":-118.33333,"coords.x2":33.78333} {"Reference":"2012-324","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-12","SubReg":"21","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"PANAMA:Yacht boarded on 12 November at 08-39N 079-43W, in Punta Chame, approximately 20 nm southwest of the Balboa Anchorage. Four pirates in two skiffs pulled alongside the yacht and asked the occupants for drinking water. Once the occupants obliged and","Desc2":"entered the cabin to retrieve the water, the pirates boarded the vessel armed with pistols and held the family of four hostage, while they ransacked the yacht for valuables. The ordeal lasted approximately 15 minutes, and then the pirates departed,","Desc3":"leaving the occupants unharmed.","coords.x1":-79.71667,"coords.x2":8.65} {"Reference":"2005-336","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-30","SubReg":"21","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"EL SALVADOR: An unidentified yacht was broken into 30 Oct at 0130 local time, while at anchor in Bahia del sol. Four armed robbers broke into the skippers cabin. Duty crewmember noticed them and raised alarm, the robbers then jumped overboard and left","Desc2":"behind two machetes. The robbers fired shots at the yacht before leaving the scene, but escaped in an accomplice fishing boat waiting to pick them up. No injuries to crew. Port control informed and night patrols began near anchorage (IMB)","coords.x1":-88.88333,"coords.x2":13.265} {"Reference":"2002-125","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-25","SubReg":"21","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"PANAMA (PACIFIC):An unidentified fishing vessel was attacked 25 Apr in the Bay of Panama about 1 nm from Brujas. Six persons armed with revolvers and automatic weapons stole 1,200 lb of fish product. Captain was shot in stomach, engineer was shot six","Desc2":"times in leg and a crew member received head injury. Injured crew taken to hospital by helicopter.","coords.x1":-78.54194,"coords.x2":8.59056} {"Reference":"2002-34","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-31","SubReg":"21","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MEXICO: An unidentified ship reports it was chased 31 Jan at 0745 local time while underway in position 15-41N 098-30W off the southern coast of Mexico. Eight to ten armed persons in a fast boat approached from the stern at about 43 knots and followed","Desc2":"for ten minutes. Person in boat claimed they were Mexican navy but ship increased speed and maneuvered denying boat the opportunity to come alongside.","coords.x1":-98.5,"coords.x2":15.68333} {"Reference":"2001-244","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-12","SubReg":"21","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"MEXICO:A canadian yachtsman was assaulted and robbed 12 Aug while motoring 5 miles off shore near Santa Rosalia in Baja California. Two young men in a boat approached the yachtsman and asked for water. They then boarded the yacht demanding money and,","Desc2":"when the yachtsman refused, attacked him with a bread knife and slashed his throat before knocking him unconscious and stealing his possessions. The yacht drifted aground and the yachtsman was aided by local fishermen.","coords.x1":-112.33333,"coords.x2":27.33333} {"Reference":"2001-1","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-23","SubReg":"21","Aggressor":"Pirates or Narcotics Smugglers","Victim":"Shrimp Fishing Boats","Desc1":"GUATEMALA (WEST COAST):This report is from a newspaper article in the Guatemalan news paper \"Prensa Libre (Free Press)\" date 29 December 2000. The article reports a series of assults on 16 shrimp fishing boats along the Pacific coast. The last reported","Desc2":"attack was during the early hours of the morning, 23 December 2000. These incidents are reported occuring on the coast of the areas of Champerico, Escultila, Retauhleu and San Marcos. The assailants are using small boats called \"tiburoneras\" equiped with","Desc3":"150 hp engines and heavily armed men. The method of operation is to intercept the shrimp boats, fire into the air and take the shrimp from the boats. These incidents represent a loss of aproximately 400,000 Quezales or 51,000 USD. The Guatemalan navy was","Desc4":"alerted to these incidents.","coords.x1":-90.75,"coords.x2":13.75} {"Reference":"2000-334","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-04","SubReg":"21","Aggressor":"KIDNAPPERS","Victim":"SPORT FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"GUATEMALA:Kidnapping for ransom, long a problem in Guatemala, has reportedly moved to sport fishing boats in the pacific 40miles southwest of port quetzal according to a 4 Oct report of an august incident. The kidnappers wore army fatigues and operated","Desc2":"from a \"Ponga\" patrol boat with a 75-hp motor and the name (Lidya) on the bow. Following payment of the ransom the kidnapped son of the boat's owner was returned.","coords.x1":-92.5,"coords.x2":13.83333} {"Reference":"1996-9","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-02","SubReg":"21","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"ON 02 JAN 96 A SLEEPING GERMAN YACHTSMAN RECEIVED THREE GUNSHOT WOUNDS FROM ATTACKING PIRATES. THE ATTACK OCCURRED NEAR CONTADORA ISLAND, OFF PANAMA'S PACIFIC COAST.","coords.x1":-79.03333,"coords.x2":8.63333} {"Reference":"1996-19","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-02","SubReg":"21","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GERMAN YACHTSMAN","Desc1":"Panama A sleeping German yachtsman received three gunshot wounds from attacking pirates. He was reported to be in serious condition at a hosptial on the mainland. The assault occurred near the Contadora island, off Panama's pacific coast.","coords.x1":-79.0375,"coords.x2":8.6325} {"Reference":"1995-85","DateOfOcc":"1995-02-19","SubReg":"21","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PLEASURE CRAFT","Desc1":"A group boarded a pleasure craft off panama's pacific coast. One person was killed while a second radioed for assistance. Although such acts of violence may occur with some frequency In this area, actual reporting of incidents at sea in this Region is","Desc2":"rare.","coords.x1":-85.83333,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"2013-159","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-27","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONATAINER SHIP RIO EIDER","Desc1":"ECUADOR:On 27 May, the underway container ship RIO EIDER was boarded at 02-22S 081-00W, approximately 6.5 nm southwest of Anconcito. Approximately six armed persons with shotguns in a speed boat boarded the underway container ship, with pilot and unarmed","Desc2":"security guards on board. Upon investigation, it was discovered container seals had been broken, but nothing stolen.","coords.x1":-81,"coords.x2":-2.36667} {"Reference":"2013-178","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-24","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER ARDMORE CAPELLA","Desc1":"PERU:On 24 May, the Marshall Islands-flagged chemical tanker ARDMORE CAPELLA was boarded in the vicinity of 04-34S 081-17W, at Talara. Three males boarded the vessel, attacked the watchman and attempted to tie him up. He fought back and the pirates","Desc2":"jumped ship onto a boat and escaped.","coords.x1":-81.28333,"coords.x2":-4.56667} {"Reference":"2013-144","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-21","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP FIESTA","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:On 21 May, the anchored general cargo ship FIESTA experienced an attempted boarding at 03-50N 007-07W, at the Buenaventura Anchorage. Three robbers in a boat approached the anchored general cargo ship and attempted to board, via the anchor","Desc2":"chain. Alert duty crew noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. Seeing crew alertness, the robbers aborted the boarding and moved away. Coast guard and port control informed.","coords.x1":-77.11667,"coords.x2":3.83333} {"Reference":"2013-134","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-12","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER NORD MUMBAI","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:On 12 May, the bulk carrier NORD MUMBAI was boarded at 03-48N 077-11W, at the Buenaventura Inner Anchorage. While at anchor, the duty officer on board the bulk carrier noticed robber?s from a small boat boarding the vessel at the forecastle. He","Desc2":"immediately alerted the deck watch keepers to retreat to the bridge. Port control was informed and the ship was advised that a coast guard patrol vessel would be sent immediately. Crew on the bridge noticed five robbers disembarking from the forecastle","Desc3":"deck into a small boat. A coast guard boat arrived later and investigated. All crew are safe and nothing was stolen.","coords.x1":-77.18333,"coords.x2":3.8} {"Reference":"2013-135","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-05","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CAP PORTLAND","Desc1":"EQUADOR:On 5 May, the container ship CAP PORTLAND experienced an attempted boarding at 02-28S 080-04W, approximately 12.5nm north of Puna Island. Robbers attempted to board an underway container ship. Crew sounded the alarm, mustered, and subsequently","Desc2":"secured the vessel. Upon seeing crew actions, the robbers departed the area. Coastguard responded by sending a vessel to the area. All crew was safe.","coords.x1":-80.06667,"coords.x2":-2.46667} {"Reference":"2013-105","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-15","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP MAERSK NIENBURG","Desc1":"ECUADOR:On 15 April, the cargo ship MAERSK NIENBURG under pilotage was boarded at 02-18S 079-55W, at Guayaquil. A group of armed robbers in a boat approached and boarded a container ship departing from the berth. The alarm was raised and the crew","Desc2":"mustered in the accommodation area and locked all the doors. The Chief Security Officer contacted the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre and requested assistance. The Centre contacted the Ecuador Maritime Authorities and a coast guard patrol boat was sent to","Desc3":"the location. On arrival it was found that the robbers had left the vessel. All crew safe. The vessel continued her passage under pilotage with the patrol boat.","coords.x1":-79.91667,"coords.x2":-2.3} {"Reference":"2013-99","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-14","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"ECUADOR:On 14 April, a cargo ship under pilotage was boarded at 02-18S 079-55W, at Guayaquil. A group of armed robbers in a boat approached and boarded a container ship departing from the berth. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered in the","Desc2":"accommodation area and locked all the doors. The Chief Security Officer contacted the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre and requested assistance. The Centre contacted the Ecuador Maritime Authorities and a coast guard patrol boat was sent to the location. On","Desc3":"arrival it was found that the robbers had left the vessel. All crew safe. The vessel continued her passage under pilotage with the patrol boat.","coords.x1":-79.91667,"coords.x2":-2.3} {"Reference":"2013-100","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-13","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER UNIQUE GUARDIAN","Desc1":"PERU:On 13 April, an anchored tanker UNIQUE GUARDIAN was boarded at 04-34S 081-19W, at the Talara Anchorage. Duty watch man on board an anchored chemical tanker sighted two robbers armed with long knives and notified C/O who raised the alarm. Upon","Desc2":"hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with stolen stores. All crew safe.","coords.x1":-81.31667,"coords.x2":-4.56667} {"Reference":"2013-54","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-27","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"PERU:On 27 February, a tanker experienced an attempted boarding at 04-34S 081-18W, at the Talara Anchorage. Two robbers in a small motorized boat attempted to board the anchored vessel via the anchor chain. Alert duty crew noticed the robbers and","Desc2":"informed the Duty Officer, who raised the alarm and sounded ship's whistle. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers aborted the attempt and fled.","coords.x1":-81.3,"coords.x2":-4.56667} {"Reference":"2013-19","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-23","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"PERU:On 23 January, a tanker was boarded in the vicinity of 04-34S 081-16W, at the MBM Terminal, Talara Port. Robbers boarded the berthed vessel and escaped with ship's stores unnoticed. Upon investigation, it was found the robbers boarded via the hawse","Desc2":"pipe by dismantling the anchor chain metal guard and then forced their way into the forecastle store by breaking the watertight door padlock hinge. Incident reported to the authorities.","coords.x1":-81.26667,"coords.x2":-4.56667} {"Reference":"2012-315","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-13","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ECUADOR:Container ship boarded on 13 November at 02-31S 080-05W, at Guayaquil. A gang of 10 to 12 robbers armed with guns and knives in two boats boarded the container ship during a river passage. The aft duty crew noticed the boats and alerted the","Desc2":"Master, who raised the alarm, activated the SSAS, and mustered the crew. The robbers boarded the vessel, tied up a security guard and broke into four containers on deck. The robbers stole the shore security guard's personal property and cargo from the","Desc3":"containers before escaping. Pilot reported the incident to Guayaquil Port Control.","coords.x1":-80.08333,"coords.x2":-2.51667} {"Reference":"2012-316","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-11","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"PERU:Tanker boarded on 11 November at 04-34S 081-19W, at the Talara Anchorage. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the tanker while at anchor. When the robbers were spotted, they jumped overboard with stolen stores and escaped with three more","Desc2":"accomplices waiting in a boat. No reported injuries to crew.","coords.x1":-81.31667,"coords.x2":-4.56667} {"Reference":"2012-219","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-31","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 31 July at 03-49N 077-09W, Buenaventura Anchorage. Three robbers in a black motor boat boarded the anchored vessel and broke the padlocks on the forecastle paint locker and forward stores. The duty crew spotted the","Desc2":"robbers and notified the Duty Officer, who raised the alarm. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped in the waiting boat. The Coast Guard was informed and investigation revealed the ship's stores were stolen.","coords.x1":-77.15,"coords.x2":3.81667} {"Reference":"2012-207","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-02","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ECUADOR:Container ship boarded on 2 July at 02-33S 080-06W, 25 nm southwest of Guayaquil. Two speed boats with six pirates approached and boarded the vessel while underway using hooks attached to ropes and ladders. The Master raised alarm. The crew","Desc2":"mustered and armed themselves with crowbars and approached the pirates at the boarding area. The Thrid Officer reported that one of the pirates was armed with a gun, so the Master immediately ordered all crewmembers to retreat back to the accommodations","Desc3":"and lock the doors. The pirates commenced looting the vessel, throwing boxes into their boats. The Master was unable to increase speed or take evasive maneuvers due to the restricted waters. Once their boats were full of stolen items, the pirates escaped","Desc4":"into theiboats and departed. Darkness and distance made it difficult for the Master to determine if the pirates had stolen cargo from containers or from the ship's stores.","coords.x1":-80.1,"coords.x2":-2.55} {"Reference":"2012-183","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-27","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ECUADOR:Four robbers armed with knives boarded a berthed container ship during formality inspection by the immigration and customs department. Duty bosun noticed the robbers boarding the vessel from seaward side using ropes and hooks. One of the robbers","Desc2":"was proceeding aft towards the accommodation. Bosun reported to master and chief officer via the walkie talkie and alarm raised. On seeing the alert crew the robber on deck ran towards the bosun waving his knife. All the four robbers jumped overboard and","Desc3":"escaped with their three accomplices waiting in the boat. Port authority informed and a coast guard boat was dispatched to search the area.","coords.x1":-79.90167,"coords.x2":-2.28333} {"Reference":"2012-169","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-13","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:Bulk carrier was boarded on 13 May while underway at 03:46 N - 077:27 W, around 9.4 nm from Isla La Palma, Buenaventura. Four pirates boarded the bulk carrier while it was waiting for berthing instructions. The alarm was raised and the crew","Desc2":"mustered and approached the pirates with steel pipes. The pirates jumped overboard and escaped with stolen ship's stores.","coords.x1":-77.45,"coords.x2":3.76667} {"Reference":"2012-170","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-17","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ECUADOR:Seven robbers in a small fast craft approached and came alongside a container ship underway during a river passage. Alert crew noticed the robbers with a ladder attempting to board and raised the alarm. Seeing the alert crew the robbers aborted","Desc2":"the attempt and moved away. Pilot reported to harbour control.","coords.x1":-79.89028,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"2012-46","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-26","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: Container ship chased on 26 January by three suspected armed pirates while underway near position 02-26N 079-18W, approximately 45 miles from Tumaco, Colombia. The suspected pirates were described as wearing \"black military style uniforms\". The","Desc2":"container ship increased speed, made evasive maneuvers and the crew mustered in preparation for other action wehn required. After chasing the vessel for another 45 minutes, the pirate boat aborted the attempt and moved away. (IMB)","coords.x1":-79.3,"coords.x2":2.43333} {"Reference":"2012-27","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-13","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CALLAO ANCHORAGE, PERU: Six robbers armed with long knives attempted to board an anchored bulk carrier via the anchor chain. Alert crew noticed the robbers, raised alarm and crew mustered. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers aborted the attempted","Desc2":"boarding and escaped. Port authorities informed and the coast guard came for investigation.","coords.x1":-77.205,"coords.x2":-12.12833} {"Reference":"2012-14","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-05","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"CALLAO ANCHORAGE, PERU: Two robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored container vessel unnoticed, stole ship stores and escaped. Duty crew noticed the theft during thier routine rounds and raised alarm. Port control informed and a patrol boat sent","Desc2":"out for investigation.","coords.x1":-77.205,"coords.x2":-12.12833} {"Reference":"2011-496","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-27","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ECUADOR: Container ship boarded by five robbers with long knives on 27 December at 0145 LT while anchored in position 02-21.4S 079-59.9W in the Guayaquil Inner Anchorage. They broke open three containers, but escaped without stealing anything after","Desc2":"seeing alert duty crew. After the coast guard was informed a patrol boat came to investigate. (IMB)","coords.x1":-79.99833,"coords.x2":-2.35667} {"Reference":"2011-493","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-22","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"PERU: Tanker boarded on 22 December at 0400 LT while anchored in position 04-34.2S 081-18.8W in the Talara Anchorage. Robbers boarded and entered the forward store. Alert duty watchman spotted the hawse pipe cover was open and alerted the officer of the","Desc2":"watch who raised the alarm. After the crew alerted the robbers escaped without stealing anything. Incident reported to harbor master via port agents. (IMB)","coords.x1":-81.31333,"coords.x2":-4.57} {"Reference":"2012-4","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-20","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GUAYAQUIL DATA PILOT STATION, ECUADOR: A container vessel was boarded by around 12 robbers while underway. The robbers took hostage the bosun, tied his hands, then opened ten containers and stole contents. Crew alerted the port control and the coast","Desc2":"guard boarded the vessel for inspection.","coords.x1":-79.98167,"coords.x2":-2.34833} {"Reference":"2011-479","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-03","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: Bulk carrier boarded and robbed on 3 December while anchored in position 03-50N 077-10W, approximately 7 nm southwest of Buenaventura, Colombia. The robbers boarded unnoticed during heavy rain, stole the ship's stores, and escaped. The duty","Desc2":"crew noticed the loss during rounds at 1000 UTC. (IMB)","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":3.83333} {"Reference":"2011-421","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-07","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ECUADOR: Fifteen robbers armed with guns boarded a container vessel underway during river pilotage in the Guayaquil River, 10 October at 2200, near position 02-21S 079-59W. The robbers began opening and stealing contents of two shipping containers.","Desc2":"Ship's Master raised alarm and robbers aimed their guns at Bridge area and escaped with stolen cargo.","coords.x1":-79.98333,"coords.x2":-2.35} {"Reference":"2011-374","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-19","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"ESMERALDAS ANCHORAGE, ECUADOR: Duty watchman onboard an anchored chemical tanker noticed three robbers on the forecastle deck. One of the robbers shouted at the watchman and threatened him with a long knife. The watchman ran away and informed the duty","Desc2":"officer on the bridge who raised the alarm. Seeing crew alertness the robbers escaped with ship stores. Port authorites informed.","coords.x1":-79.65,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"2011-361","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-09","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GUAYAQUIL ROADS, ECUADOR: Duty watchman onboard a drifting container vessel spotted two robbers on the main deck and informed the duty officer and Captain. Alarm raised and crew mustered. The robbers escaped upn seeing the crew alertness. Inspection","Desc2":"revealed that three containers seals were broken but nothing was stolen. Port control informed.","coords.x1":-80.58333,"coords.x2":-2.83333} {"Reference":"2011-240","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-07","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GUAYAQUIL INNER ANCHORAGE, ECUADOR: 12 robbers in two boats armed with guns approached a container ship at anchor. They boarded the ship using hooks and ladders. Master raised alarm, activated SSAS and crew locked all accomodation doors. The robbers","Desc2":"stole cargo from three contatiners and escaped. Port control informed. Coast guard and the harbor officials came for investigation.","coords.x1":-79.96667,"coords.x2":-2.33333} {"Reference":"2011-142","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-07","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TRAWLER","Desc1":"PERU: Trawler was robbed 7 Mar while at anchor off the port of Callao. Twenty robbers boarded the vessel via two rowboats and tied up the 15 crewmembers and stole cash, crew valuables and ship's communication equipment before escaping. The incident was","Desc2":"reported to the Port Authority. The criminals stayed on board for about 3 hours. (ONI)","coords.x1":-77.14472,"coords.x2":-12.0475} {"Reference":"2011-44","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-09","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"CALLAO ANCHORAGE, PERU: Eight robbers in two boats boarded a vehicle carrier at anchor. Duty officer noticed the robbers on the forecastle deck ad raised the alarm. On hearing the alarm the robbers escaped in fast boats. Ship stores stolen. Port control","Desc2":"informed.","coords.x1":-77.21667,"coords.x2":-12.01833} {"Reference":"2011-1","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-23","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DREDGER","Desc1":"PERU: Dredger robbed 23 Dec 10 at 0430 local time while at anchor in position 12-02.47S 077-09.21W, in the north break water of Callao anchorage. Four robbers in a small boat armed with guns and knives approached a dredger from the port side. They","Desc2":"started making noise to attract crew's attention. While the crew was distracted, robbers from another boat on the starboard side boarded the vessel. The robbers threatened the security guard who approached them, and they stole ship's equipment. Local","Desc3":"authorities informed and a coast guard boat was dispatched. Later, a naval patrol vessel designated to protect the dredger arrived at location and commenced patrolling area. (IMB)","coords.x1":-77.1535,"coords.x2":-12.04117} {"Reference":"2010-312","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-06","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: Bulk carrier robbed 6 Sep 10 at 0300 local time while anchored in position 03-51N 077-06W, Buenaventura anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel during heavy rain. They attacked and tied up the forward watchman. When","Desc2":"the officer of the watch received no response, he dispatched the aft watchman to investigate. Upon seeing the crewmember's discovery, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores. The incident was reported to the coast guard who arrived 30","Desc3":"minutes later. (IMB)","coords.x1":-77.1,"coords.x2":3.85} {"Reference":"2010-306","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-05","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"PERU: General cargo ship boarded 5 Sep 10 at 0140 local time while anchored in position 12-01.7S 077-11.7W, Callao anchorage. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel at anchor. The duty crew spotted them, raised the alarm, and the crew","Desc2":"mustered. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":-77.14472,"coords.x2":-12.0475} {"Reference":"2010-296","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-19","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PERU: Container ship robbed 19 Aug 10 at 0234 local time while anchored at Callao anchorage. Six robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel and took the duty watchman hostage. After the watch did not respond on radio, the alarm was raised and","Desc2":"another watchman was sent to look for him. The robbers released the hostage before escaping with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2010-257","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-20","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"PUERTO BOLIVAR ANCHORAGE, ECUADOR: Four robbers armed with guns and knives boarded a refrigerated reefer vessel from a boat. The robbers were spotted by a member of the ship's crew who raised the alarm. The robbers hit the crew member on the back, forced","Desc2":"him to the deck and tied him up. The ship's shore security was already on the vessel and the robbers jumped overboard escaping in a waiting boat with ship property.","coords.x1":-80,"coords.x2":-3.25} {"Reference":"2010-229","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-18","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"CALLAO ANCHORAGE, PERU: Two robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored chemical tanker via the anchor chain and entered the forepeak store. Duty A/B on anti piracy watch went forward, saw a robber with a knife and immediately reported to the deck","Desc2":"officer. Robber threatened the A/B with the knife. Deck officer raised the alarm and the robbers jumped overboard and escaped emtpty handed in a small boat. Port authority informed.","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2010-179","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-12","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"PERU: Bulk carrier robbed 12 May 10 between 1830-1930 local time while anchored in position 12-01.7S 077-12.1W, Callao anchorage. Armed robbers boarded the vessel and took one shore guard hostage, and threatened him by pointing a gun to his head. Another","Desc2":"guard informed the bridge, who then raised the alarm and mustered the crew. Local authorities were then informed. The robbers broke open the bosun store door and escaped with ship's stores before the patrol boat arrived on location (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.20167,"coords.x2":-12.02833} {"Reference":"2010-115","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-09","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"PERU: Chemical tanker boarded 9 Apr 10 at 1918 local time while in position 12-00S 077-12W, Callao. A robber was seen climbing the anchor chain of the vessel. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The crew used water to force the robber to jump","Desc2":"back into the water and escape. Authorities were informed and a patrol boat was dispatched (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.2,"coords.x2":-12} {"Reference":"2010-98","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-05","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"CALLAO ANCHORAGE, PERU: Four masked robbers armed with long knives were seen on forecastle of a container ship. Alarm raised and crew mustered on bridge and all access to accommodation locked. Attempts to contact the authorities for assistance was","Desc2":"futile. Owers CSO contacted IMB PRC for assistance. Central relayed message to authorities requesting assistance. Later, robbers escaped with stolen ship's stores.","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2010-84","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-28","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"CONCHAN TERMINAL, PERU: Three robbers boarded a tanker from a small wooden boat. Alarm raised, crew mustered and proceeded to forecastle to investigate. Upon seeing the alert crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with stolen ship's stores","coords.x1":-76.93,"coords.x2":-12.25833} {"Reference":"2010-87","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-28","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"PERU: Tanker robbed 28 Mar 10 at 0118 UTC while moored in position 12-15.5S 076-55.8W, Conchan terminal. Three robbers boarded the vessel from a small wooden boat. The alarm was raised and the crew proceeded to the forecastle to investigate. The robbers","Desc2":"jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-76.93,"coords.x2":-12.25833} {"Reference":"2010-38","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-05","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"PERU: Bulk carrier robbed 5 Feb 10 at 1935 local time while in Callao anchorage. Robbers armed with guns boarded the vessel via the hawse pipe. The alarm was raised, but the robbers managed to steal ship's stores before escaping. The incident was","Desc2":"reported to port authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19,"coords.x2":-12.02333} {"Reference":"2010-29","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-20","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ECUADOR: Bulk carrier boarded 20 Jan 10 at 0220 local time while anchored in position 02-46.5S 080-26.6W, Guayaquil outer anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and tried to gain access into the forward store. The duty crew noticed them and informed the","Desc2":"duty officer on the bridge who raised the alarm and mustered the crew. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty handed. Port control was informed but no action taken (IMB).","coords.x1":-80.44333,"coords.x2":-2.775} {"Reference":"2009-469","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-16","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: Vessel robbed 16 Dec 09 at 1735 local time while anchored in Callao anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel via the anchor chain and by cutting the hawse pipe cover. They stole ship's stores and escaped. The incident was only discovered after the","Desc2":"robbers had left the vessel and when the ship's crew went forward to heave up the anchor. The incident may have occurred when all crew was assembled in the accommodation during port authorities inspection (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.14472,"coords.x2":-12.0475} {"Reference":"2009-470","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-14","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PERU: Container ship robbed 14 Dec 09 at 2100 local time while anchored in position 12-02.0S 077-11.6W, Callao anchorage. The duty officer onboard raised the alarm when he failed to get a response from the watchman on deck. The crew went forward to","Desc2":"investigate and found the watch lying on the deck with his hands and feet tied up and minor shoulder injuries. The robbers had broken into and stolen ship stores from the forecastle store. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19333,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2009-458","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-25","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CALLAO ANCHORAGE, PERU: During routine radio communications with deck watcmen, on an anchored bulk carrier, the Chief officer did not get a response from the forward AB. He instructed the bosun to check. The bosun found the forward AB tied up with","Desc2":"injuries to his head. The AB informed that he had heard the noise of an approaching motor boat and when he went to check two masked men attacked him from behind and tied him up. Meanwhile another robber boarded the vessel. Robbers stole ship's stores and","Desc3":"escaped. Port authority informed and a police boat was sent out for investigation.","coords.x1":-77.2,"coords.x2":-12.01667} {"Reference":"2009-413","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-26","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ECUADOR: Container ship robbed 26 Oct 09 at 2222 UTC while underway in position 02-30S 080-04W, Guayaquil. Five men armed with guns and knives boarded the vessel underway. They broke open containers, stole goods, and escaped in their boat. The coast","Desc2":"guard was informed. Two patrol boats arrived and detained the robbers' skiff (IMB).","coords.x1":-80.06667,"coords.x2":-2.5} {"Reference":"2009-336","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-09","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"PUNTA ARENA ANCHORAGE GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR: Robbers approached and boarded a launch carrying six ships (LPG taker anchored) crew ashore. The 10 robbers wearing masks and armed with guns fired warning shots and boarded the boat. They stole crew personal","Desc2":"belongings, cash, seaman's book, extra gasoline, and damaged communications and escaped. Later local fishermen assisted the crew and landed them ashore.","coords.x1":-79.93333,"coords.x2":-2.16667} {"Reference":"2009-281","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-23","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PERU: Container ship robbed 23 May 09 at 2045 local time while anchored in 12-01S - 077-11W, Callao anchorage. Duty crew reported sighting of robbers at forecastle. The alarm was raised and crew mustered. A search was conducted and found ship's","Desc2":"properties stolen. One deck watchman was tied up (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.18333,"coords.x2":-12.01667} {"Reference":"2009-261","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-09","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PERU: Container ship robbed 9 May 09 while anchored in Pier 5D, Callao port. Robbers boarded the vessel at berth during cargo operations and managed to steal ship's rescue boat's engine and escape. Local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.14472,"coords.x2":-12.0475} {"Reference":"2009-173","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-09","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BUENAVENTURA ANCHORAGE, COLOMBIA: Seven robbers armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier at anchor during heavy rain. Duty crew saw movement at ship's store and raised alarm. Crew mustered and rushed to the location. The robbers escaped with ship's","Desc2":"properties.","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":3.825} {"Reference":"2009-182","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-08","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: Bulk carrier robbed 8 Apr 09 at 0200 local time while anchored in position 03:49N - 077:10W, Buenaventura anchorage. Seven robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel at anchor during heavy rain. The duty watchman saw movements at the","Desc2":"bosun store and raised the alarm. The crew mustered and rushed to the location. The robbers escaped with ship's properties (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":3.81667} {"Reference":"2009-94","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-24","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"EIGHT ARMED PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PERU:Eight armed robbers boarded a container ship at anchor. They took hostage two shore employed security watchmen and tied them up. They broke into the forecastle store and stole ship's stores and escaped. One of the watchmen managed to inform the duty","Desc2":"A/B who raised the alarm. Crew mustered, searched the area and released the other watchmen. Tramar port control and coast guard informed. Three coast guard personnel came onboard for investigation.","coords.x1":-77.18556,"coords.x2":-12.01722} {"Reference":"2009-89","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-18","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"CALLAO ANCHORAGE, PERU: An anchored container ship, waiting for a bunker barge, was approached by two small boats. The two boats asked for heaving lines to assist securing the bunker barge. The OOW suspecting them for robbers and raised the alarm. Crew","Desc2":"mustered. While the attention of the ship's crew was diverted robbers gained access onto the ship probally via the anchor chain and stole ship's store, which was only realized when an inspection was carried out.","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2009-82","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-14","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PERU: Container ship robbed 14 Feb 09 at 0300 local time while anchored at Callao anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and broke open the bosun store, stealing ship's stores. The master informed local police, but the authorities did not arrive (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2009-71","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-06","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"CALLAO ANCHORAGE, PERU: Six masked robbers armed with long knives in black clothes boarded a container ship at anchor. They attacked and seized two duty watchmen, broke into the bosun store and stole ship's stores. Other watchmen noticed the robbers and","Desc2":"reported to bridge. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Robbers escaped upon hearing the alarm. Port control informed and a police patrol boat came but no investigation had been done.","coords.x1":-77.14472,"coords.x2":-12.0475} {"Reference":"2009-53","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-22","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"La Pampilla Port, Peru: A chemical tanker, at berth was boarded by an uknown number of robbers, while cargo operations were in progress. The deck security watchman was found to be beaten up and tied up. Upon searching, no robbers were found onboard.","Desc2":"Authorities were informed and a coast guard boat arrived and conducted an investigation. Ship's stores were stolen. Injured crew was sent ashore for medical treatment and later returned to vessel.","coords.x1":-79.00556,"coords.x2":-8.23333} {"Reference":"2009-35","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-09","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PERU:Container ship robbed 09 Jan 2009 at 0130 utc while anchored in position 12-01S 077-12W, callao anchorage no. 1. crew member onboard spotted armed robbers lowering ship's stores. two of the robbers tried to attack the crew member but he managed to","Desc2":"run and inform the bridge. the robbers escaped in a motor boat upon hearing the alarm.","coords.x1":-77.2,"coords.x2":-12.01667} {"Reference":"2009-34","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-06","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"PERU: Bulk carrier boarded 06 jan 2009 at 1945 local time while anchored at 12-01S 077-13W, Callao. Five robbers boarded the bulk carrier at anchor. Duty crew noticed the robbers trying to break the forepeak store hatch and raised the alarm. on hearing","Desc2":"the alarm, robbers jumped into the water and escaped. Nothing was reported stolen. port control was informed and patrol boat came and searched the area.","coords.x1":-77.21667,"coords.x2":-12.01667} {"Reference":"2009-19","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-03","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ONE PIRATE","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:Bulk carrier boarded 03 Jan 09 at 0305 local time while anchored at position 03-49.6N 077-09.4W, Buenaventura anchorage. One robber was sighted near the forward cargo compartment. Master raised alarm and mustered ship's crew. Master reported to","Desc2":"the coast guard. Later the man jumped overboard and escaped. Coast guard boarded for investigation.","coords.x1":-77.15111,"coords.x2":3.81833} {"Reference":"2009-17","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-28","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"PERU:Bulk carrier boarded 28 Dec 08 at 1950 local time while anchored at position 12-01.9S 077-11.1W, Callao anchorage. Ten robbers took hostage one duty crew and tied his hands and legs. Robbers stole ship's stores, property and escaped. Port control","Desc2":"was informed. A coast guard boat came and patrolled the area.","coords.x1":-77.18361,"coords.x2":-12.01917} {"Reference":"2008-430","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-08","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"ECUADOR: Yacht boarded, robbed 8 Nov 2008 at 0800 local time while anchored in position 00-48N 080-07W, Punta Pedernales. Five armed robbers boarded the yacht at anchor. They roughed up the crew and stole money and electronic items. Injuries consisted of","Desc2":"cuts and bruises. With the assistance of another yacht, the incident was reported to (USCG ALAMEDA) who then contacted the Ecuadorian authorities (IMB, Noonsite).","coords.x1":-80.11667,"coords.x2":0.8} {"Reference":"2008-424","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-08","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"Punta Pedernales, Ecuador: Five armed robbers in a small fishing boat boarded an anchored yacht on 08 Nov 08 at 1400 UTC in 00:48N 080:07W. They roughed up the crew and stole valuables and yacht's property. With the assistance of another yacht, the","Desc2":"incident was reported to USCG Alameda who then contacted the Ecuadorian authorities. The authorities advised the yachts to meet at Punta Galera.","coords.x1":-80.11667,"coords.x2":0.8} {"Reference":"2008-383","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-02","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PERU: Container ship reported attempted boarding on 02 Oct 08 at 2305 local time while at anchorage Callao anchorage No.12. Five masked robbers attempted to board the ship via the anchor chain. Alert crew used fire hoses and flashlights to scare off the","Desc2":"robbers (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.14472,"coords.x2":-12.0475} {"Reference":"2008-276","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-13","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"PERU:Ship boarded, robbed 13 Aug 08 at 0005 UTC while in position 12-00.8S 077-12.1W, Callao Anchorage. The duty crew noticed robbers boarding the vessel. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The robbers overpowered a duty crewmember and tied him","Desc2":"up.","coords.x1":-77.15,"coords.x2":-12.05} {"Reference":"2008-275","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-13","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"REFRIGERATED CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"ECUADOR:Refrigerated cargo ship boarded, robbed 13 Aug 08 at 0130 local time, Outer Anchorage, Guayaquil. Duty watchman onboard the vessel spotted two robbers hiding behind a 40 container. They had stolen the ships stores from the paint locker and","Desc2":"lowered them into a waiting boat. As soon as they realized they had been spotted, they jumped into the water and escaped in the waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":-80.01667,"coords.x2":-2.41667} {"Reference":"2008-42","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-06","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"PERU:Container ship boarded 06 Feb 08 at 0052 local time at Anchorage no. 1, Callao. Robbers boarded the vessel from a small boat. The duty crew spotted them. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The robbers escaped and the authorities were","Desc2":"informed. The Coast Guard patrol boat arrived after more than one hour, patrolled the waters around the vessels for about ten minutes, and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.18333,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2008-28","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-31","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"PERU:Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 31 Jan 2008 at 1955 local time while in position 12-01.8S 077-11.8W, Callao anchorage. Four robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel. The robbers tied up the duty crew and stole their personal belongings. They","Desc2":"also broke into the bosun store and stole ships stores and escaped. The Master tried to contact port authority via VHF, no response (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19667,"coords.x2":-12.03} {"Reference":"2008-11","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-14","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRACY","Victim":"TRANSPORT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:Vessel transporting tourists robbed, six passengers kidnapped, 14 Jan 08, late in the afternoon shortly after landing near Nuqui. The six hostages belonged to a group of 19 people taking a boat trip on the Atrato river in the west of the","Desc2":"country. When they stepped ashore at one point in an area known locally as Morromico, they were surrounded by 10 armed men who said that they were members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The rebels took the tourists money, cell","Desc3":"phones, as well as fuel from the vessel. The six captives were then led into the jungle (AP, REUTERS, LM: Radio Netherlands Worldwide).","coords.x1":-77.26667,"coords.x2":5.71667} {"Reference":"2007-251","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-07","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: General Cargo Vessel was boarded and robbed 1 Oct 07 at 2230 local time at Callao anchorage no.1. The duty crew spotted three robbers near the forecastle of the vessel. Officer of the watch raised the alarm. The ships whistle sounded and the crew","Desc2":"rushed to forward. Upon seeing the crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting boat. The crew searched the area and found some ships stores missing (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2007-217","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: Container ship boarded and robbed 04 Sept 07, at 0001 local time Callao anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel, tied up the watchman, stole from the ships stores, and from the crews personal effects. The local authorities and agents were informed","Desc2":"but did not provide any assistance (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2007-180","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-16","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: Container ship boarded, robbed 16 Jul at 2310 local time in Callao anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and within a period of ten minutes, the robbers stole from the ship's stores, even though there were four crewmembers on roving watch. The port","Desc2":"control was informed but there was no response (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2007-179","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-03","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: Container ship boarded, robbed 03 Jul at 1920 local time at Pier 5D, Callao port, per 6 Aug reporting. Three masked robbers armed with knives, boarded the vessel while at berth. One robber with a knife held a duty cadet whilst the other two lowered","Desc2":"lashing chains to their waiting boat. After 10 minutes, the robbers sighted the coast guard patrol boat and immediately jumped into the water and escaped. The alert coast guard pursued the boat. The boat was finally recovered near the fishing berths with","Desc3":"the weapons on board, however the robbers escaped with the stolen stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.14333,"coords.x2":-12.04333} {"Reference":"2007-52","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-28","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU:28 Febuary 2007 at 1500 UTC in position 06-53.06S 81-43.08W, 50NM off Islas Lobos De Afuera, west coast of Peru, a chemical tanker underway detected a small craft at 3NM range on radar on Port Bow. Craft was stationary but started crossing to STBD","Desc2":"BOW. Ship took evasive manueuvres to prevent craft from getting closer. The craft altered course to close in on the vessel. The master was informed and raised alarm. When craft was in close vicinity, crew mustered on deck with long pipes and sticks.","Desc3":"Craft changed course and fled.","coords.x1":-81.718,"coords.x2":-6.88433} {"Reference":"2007-27","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-16","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 26 Dec, 1950 local time in position 12-01.2S 077-11.0W, Inner Anchorage No.1, Callao. Three robbers armed with guns and knives boarded the bulk carrier and tied up the watchman. Another watchman noticed the robbers and","Desc2":"informed the bridge. The master sounded the whistle and general alarm. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19611,"coords.x2":-12.02917} {"Reference":"2007-12","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-26","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: Bulk carrier boarded and robbed 26 Dec, 1950 local time in position 12-01.2S 077-11.0W, Inner Anchorage No.1, Callao. Three robbers armed with guns and knives boarded the bulk carrier and tied up the watchman. Another watchman noticed the robbers","Desc2":"and informed the bridge. The master sounded the whistle and general alarm. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.18333,"coords.x2":-12.02} {"Reference":"2006-288","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-06","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: General cargo ship boarded, robbed 06 Dec, at 2010local time while anchored in position 12:01.0S-077:12.0W, CallowOuter Anchorage No. 1. Two robbers armed with a handgun and ajungle bolo boarded the vessel at the forepart of the vessel. Theytook a","Desc2":"duty AB hostage and stole from the ship's stores. The DutyOfficer raised the alarm and the robbers escaped in a speed boat.The port authorities were informed and a coast guard patrol boatcame and searched the area (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.2,"coords.x2":-12.01667} {"Reference":"2006-282","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-25","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"ECUADOR: Sailing vessel (ROBINS NEST) attacked by unknown vessel 25 Nov, 80nm NW of Esmeraldas. The (ROBIN'S NEST) issued a mayday call (picked up by the (USS ROBERT G BRADLEY) and US Coast Guard Communication Area Master Station Atlantic (CAMSLANT))","Desc2":"reporting that it was under attack and that the vessel (ROBIN'S NEST) reported having repelled boarders with a flare gun, but the suspect vessel was continuing pursuit. The Joint Interagency Task Force South (JIATFS) diverted the (USS ROBERT G BRADLEY)","Desc3":"to the scene and passed tactical control of that asset, to the Eleventh Coast Guard District in Alameda, CA. The US Coast Guard initiated operations center-to-operations center communications with the Ecuadorian Coast Guard, which launched the 82 foot","Desc4":"patrol vessel (24TH OF MAY) in response to the distress call. At approximately 0200 EST on 26 Nov, the Ecuadorian Coast Guard reported to the US Coast Guard that an Ecuadorian patrol craft had rendezvoused with the (ROBIN'S NEST) in international waters,","Desc5":"off the coast of Esmeraldas and was escorting it into Ecuador. The Ecuadorians reported that there were no other vessels detected in the vicinity or on surface search radar (USCG).","coords.x1":-79.64167,"coords.x2":0.99722} {"Reference":"2006-247","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-20","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: Bulk carrier boarded 20 Oct at 0045 UTC in position 12-01S 077-11W, Callao anchorage 1a, Peru. Robbers boarded the bulk carrier via hawse pipe and stole from the ship's stores. The incident was reported to local authorities but no help arrived","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":-77.18333,"coords.x2":-12.01667} {"Reference":"2006-222","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-21","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: Container ship boarded and robbed 21 Sep at 2005 local time, at position 12-01S 077-13.5W in Callao Roads anchorage no 12. A robber boarded a container ship, while port authorities boarded for formalities. D/o raised alarm but the robber threw","Desc2":"ships stores overboard and threatened the duty crew with a big knife. Upon seeing crew alertness, the robber jumped into the water and escaped, with a boat waiting with four accomplices. Harbor master was informed and coast guard patrol boat arrived to","Desc3":"search the area (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.23056,"coords.x2":-12.01667} {"Reference":"2006-198","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-11","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: Bulk carrier was boarded and robbed 11 Aug at 1910local time while anchored in Callao anchorage No. 12. The bosuns store was forced open. C/O raised alarm and alerted crew.Robbers escaped in their boat empty handed. Port authorities were informed","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":-77.15,"coords.x2":-12.01667} {"Reference":"2006-100","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: Unidentified bulk carrier boarded 4 Apr at 0050 UTC at Callao anchorage. Three robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel at forecastle. Robbers threatened ship's security staff and broke padlock to the hatch. Duty officer sounded alarm and","Desc2":"robbers escaped. Master reported to port authorities and a patrol boat arrived for investigation and surveillance (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2006-56","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified product tanker was boarded and robbed 4 Mar during early morning, at anchorage off Talara. Seven armed robbers held the master and crew at gunpoint. They stole cash, equipment, and personal belongings of crew and escaped (IMB, LL).","coords.x1":-81.29833,"coords.x2":-4.56583} {"Reference":"2006-73","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: Product tanker (ISABEL BARRETO) boarded and robbed while at anchor, waiting to berth at the Northern Peruvian Refinery of Petro Peru in Talara. Seven armed men boarded the vessel in the early hours of Mar 4. Master and crew held at gunpoint.","Desc2":"Robbers stole personnel effects, money, watches, lap tops GPS, and radios etc. Robbers also stole expensive tanker equipment. No injuries reported (LL).","coords.x1":-81.29167,"coords.x2":-4.555} {"Reference":"2006-54","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-23","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded and robbed 23 Feb at 1930 local time at Callao anchorage, Peru. Two life rafts and ship's stores were stolen and robbers escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2006-33","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded and robbed 4 Feb at 2010 local time, at Callao anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives and iron bars boarded at forecastle. C/O raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers stole forward life raft and","Desc2":"escaped in a boat5m in length. Port authority was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.18333,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2006-34","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-29","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified container ship was boarded and robbed 29 Jan at 1936 local time, at inner Guayaquil anchorage. Four robbers armed with guns and iron bars boarded, broke open two containers and stole cargo. Shore-guards onboard fired warning","Desc2":"shots. Robbers returned fire and escaped. Coast guard informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-80.44722,"coords.x2":-2.725} {"Reference":"2005-355","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-03","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified tanker was boarded 3 Dec Callao, at anchorage area no. 12, by an armed robber. Robber threatened duty seaman with a gun and stole ship stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.14722,"coords.x2":-12.02778} {"Reference":"2005-263","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 04 Aug at 0250 local time, while at anchorage no. 2, Ilo. Two robbers, armed with long knives, boarded at forecastle and stole ships stores. Robbers escaped in an awaiting fishing boat. Master called","Desc2":"port authorities on VHF but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":-71.375,"coords.x2":-17.61667} {"Reference":"2005-249","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 04 Aug at 0250 local time, while at anchorage no. 2, Ilo. Two robbers, armed with long knives, boarded at forecastle and stole ships stores. Robbers escaped in an awaiting fishing boat. Master called","Desc2":"port authorities on VHF but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":-71.36944,"coords.x2":-17.61667} {"Reference":"2005-250","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified tanker was boarded 04 Aug at 0006 local time, while at Callao anchorage area no. 8. Three robbers climbed the anchor chain, broke padlocks off forward locker, stole ships stores, and escaped. Master informed port authorities and","Desc2":"police. (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.175,"coords.x2":-11.99167} {"Reference":"2005-234","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-21","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 21 Jul at 2000 local time, while at Callao anchorage no 1. Six robbers in a boat approached the vessel. One robber boarded via the anchor chain. Alert crew raised the alarm and the robber escaped empty","Desc2":"handed. Master informed authorities and the coast guard arrived for an investigation and patrol of the area (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.025} {"Reference":"2005-169","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-18","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified tanker was boarded and robbed 18 May at 0325 local time, while at Callao anchorage. Robbers boarded the tanker at the forecastle, stole ship's stores, and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2005-165","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-18","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified tanker was boarded and robbed 18 May at 0325 local time, while at Callao anchorage. Robbers boarded the tanker at the forecastle, stole ship's stores, and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2005-55","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-07","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 07 Feb at 0400 local time, while anchored at Buenaventura inner anchorage number three. Two robbers boarded a bulk carrier at forecastle and broke padlocks on store rooms. Crew raised alarm and robbers","Desc2":"jumped overboard and escaped empty handed. Master informed Coast Guard and Coast Guard boat arrived within nine minutes for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.12167,"coords.x2":3.85667} {"Reference":"2005-47","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-19","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified tanker was boarded 24 Jan at 2310 local time, at Callao anchorage. Two robbers armed with knives attempted to steal ship's stores. Alert crew mustered and robbers jumped overboard. Robbers escaped in a boat waiting with other","Desc2":"accomplices. Incident was reported to authorities and they boarded for investigation. Coast guard sent a boat to patrol area (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2004-273","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-06","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified tanker was boarded 6 Nov at 0345 UTC, while at Callao anchorage. A single thief gained access at the forecastle and escaped, with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.19167,"coords.x2":-12.03333} {"Reference":"2004-258","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-16","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 16 Oct at 1000 UTC, while anchored in position 03-52.4N 077-05.4W at Buenaventura. Ten thieves boarded using long poles with hooks, broke into forecastle locker, and stole ship's stores. Alarm","Desc2":"raised and crew used flares to repel boarders who jumped into the water and fled. Master states, this was third attack on his ship, at this port in two months (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.09,"coords.x2":3.87333} {"Reference":"2004-242","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-27","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 27 Sep at 0130 local time, while berthed at Conchan. Five armed persons took security guard hostage and beat him. Shore security patrol exchanged gunfire with the robbers who stole ship's stores and escaped","Desc2":"in a high speed boat. No injuries reported to crew (IMB)","coords.x1":-76.88333,"coords.x2":-12.31667} {"Reference":"2004-175","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified container ship was boarded 4 Jul at 1815 local time while at Guayaquil anchorage. Ten persons armed with guns and knives gained access via the poop deck and tied up the duty seaman. Alarm was raised and thieves escaped in their","Desc2":"boat, with ship's property (IMB).","coords.x1":-79.89028,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"2004-149","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified cargo ship reports attempt to board 4 Jun at 2115 local time while at Salaverry anchorage by four persons who tried to climb anchor chain. Crew raised alarmand the intruders escaped in a boat (IMB).","coords.x1":-79.00556,"coords.x2":-8.23333} {"Reference":"2004-94","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-19","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: Unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 19 Apr at 0520 local time while underway in the Buenaventura River. Twelve persons in two high speed boats attempted to board using grappling hook, but fled when crew raisedalarm, switched on","Desc2":"lights and directed searchlights at the boats (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.08333,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2004-102","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-05","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILING VESSEL","Desc1":"EASTERN PACIFIC: Unidentified sailing vessel was boarded 5 Apr (reported 20 Apr) at 1500 local time while underway in position 03-20N 084-44W nw of Ecuador. Five masked persons armedwith guns and knives tied up the captain and another crew member and","Desc2":"stripped the boat of its electronic equipment, documents, charts and crew possessions. Attackers rammed the sailboat on its port quarter using a wooden fishing boat 15-20 m long, damaging the radar post (rudder post?) (IMB).","coords.x1":-84.73333,"coords.x2":3.33333} {"Reference":"2004-12","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-10","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified container ship was boarded 10 Jan at 2330 local time while anchored in position 12-12.2S 077-13.0W anchorage 12, Callao. Three persons armed with guns and knives entered engine room and stole spare parts.","coords.x1":-77.21667,"coords.x2":-12.37} {"Reference":"2003-379","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-29","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 29 Nov at 0730 UTC while in position 03 52N, 077 05W, Buenaventura inner roads. Two persons armed with crowbars gained access, but jumped overboard and escaped when a contract guard employed by the ship","Desc2":"fired two warning shots. Master informed Coast Guard which sent a boat to investigate (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.08333,"coords.x2":3.86667} {"Reference":"2003-319","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-12","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 12 Oct at 0322 local time while at inner anchorage, Buenaventura. Four persons tried to take duty seaman hostage but he escaped and raised alarm. Intruders fled empty handed in a waiting boat. Master","Desc2":"reported incident to Coast Guard which took no action (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.08333,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2003-304","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-02","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 2 Sep at 0130 local time while at berth 5C, Callao. One person boarded the ship while two accomplices waited in their boat. Second officer raised alarm and intruder jumped overboard and escaped in the boat","Desc2":"toward breakwater (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":-12.05} {"Reference":"2003-254","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-24","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 24 Jul at 0815 local time while underway in position 00-23N, 082-33W. Three speedboats with a total of fifteen persons dressed in black were spotted by alert crew who mustered and activated","Desc2":"fire hoses. The boats then withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":-82.55,"coords.x2":0.38333} {"Reference":"2003-244","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-10","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified container ship was boarded 10 Jul at 1819 local time while at Callao during cargo operations. A single man armed with a knife assaulted a security guard and then escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":-12.05} {"Reference":"2003-222","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-24","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 24 Jun at 0405 local time while at pier 5C, Callao. Two persons wearing masks tried to steal ship's stores but jumped overboard and escaped when discovered (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":-12.05} {"Reference":"2003-205","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-10","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 10 Jun at 1950 local time while at Berth No. 5, Buenaventura. Two persons went to the boat deck while a third went into the engine room. Safety equipment was stolen from two life rafts and the thieves","Desc2":"escaped when a seaman raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.08333,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2003-185","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-12","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 12 May at 0340 local time while anchored off buoy no. 24, Buenaventura. Four persons armed with long knives boarded at the forecastle, took duty seaman hostage and tied him up. They broke into forecastle","Desc2":"and stole ship's stores and a life raft. Coast guard came aboard to inspect following report (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.08333,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2003-160","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-11","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 11 May at 1900 local time while drifting 20 nm off the sea buoy, Guayaquil. Two blue wooden speedboats approached but master took evasive measures and increased speed. Five persons in one","Desc2":"boat came alongside and tried to board using hooks on bamboo poles. Crew activated fire hoses and boarding was aborted. Port Control informed and promised to send coast guard boat, which did not arrive (IMB).","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"2003-159","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-07","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 7 May at 1830 local time while at berth 5E, Callao. Three persons gained access at the forecastle and fled with a liferaft when duty seaman raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":-12.05} {"Reference":"2003-60","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-01","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified container ship was subject to attempted boarding 1 Mar at 0326 local time at Buenaventura. Nine persons attempted to board form a wooden boat on the port side, using a wooden ladder against the side. Crew switched on lights and","Desc2":"sounded alarm and the intruders fled (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.08333,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2003-61","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-22","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified ship was boarded 22 Feb at 2215 local time while at berth 5C, Callao. The intruders broke open forecastle locker and escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":-12.05} {"Reference":"2003-44","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-08","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 8 Feb at 0430 local time while in position 05 03-5S, 081-07W at Portuario de Paita Terminal. A person armed with a knife boarded via the poop from a small boat. Watch raised alarm and Coast Guard","Desc2":"apprehended the intruder (IMB).","coords.x1":-81.11667,"coords.x2":-5.06667} {"Reference":"2003-15","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-31","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 31 Dec at 2310 local time while at outer anchorage, Guayaquil. Five men in a wooden boat were spotted during attempt and withdrew.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"2002-350","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-09","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was subject to attempted boarding 9 Dec at 0120 local time while underway 1 nm west of sea buoy at Buenaventura outer roads. Seven persons in a wooden motorboat attempted to board using grappling hooks but were","Desc2":"repelled by crew.","coords.x1":-77.08333,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2002-306","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-31","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified bulk carrier was robbed of zinc anodes 31 Oct at 1530 local time while at berth 5-C, Callao. Chief officer spotted person in the act and informed the Coast Guard which arrived within 15 minutes. Local security guards hired and","Desc2":"onboard did not assist","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":-12.05} {"Reference":"2002-292","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-11","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: An unidentified container ship was boarded 11 Oct at 2140 local time at port of Callao. Two persons armed with knives attacked local watchman, stole ship's stores and escaped. Master raised alarm and informed authorities.","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":-12.05} {"Reference":"2002-271","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-20","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified cargo ship reports attempt to board 20 Sep at 0415 local time at inner anchorage, Buenaventura. Three persons attempted to gain access using a long pole but fled in a small wooden boat when alarm raised","coords.x1":-78.08333,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2002-272","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-06","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 6 Sep at 0430 local time while at inner anchorage, Buenaventura. Three persons armed with machetes boarded using a long pole with hooks and stole ship's stores. Coast Guard informed but only arrived after","Desc2":"day break to check boats in the vicinity","coords.x1":-77.08333,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2002-203","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-18","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified ship was boarded 18 Jul at 2115 local time at Guayaquil outer anchorage. Ten persons armed with guns boarded near the data pilot buoy and broke into a container on deck. Master reported to pilot station and a patrol boat was sent","Desc2":"to the scene.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"2002-204","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-17","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified tanker was boarded 17 Jul at 2200 local time while anchored at the port of La Libertad. Thieves boarded via the anchor chain and stole a liferaft and supplies.","coords.x1":-80.91667,"coords.x2":-2.21667} {"Reference":"2002-195","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-09","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified container ship was boarded 9 Jul at 0620 local time while underway two nm off Manta, Ecuador. Three persons with guns threatened crew which retreated into accommodation. Mater alerted port and police boat escorted ship to dock.","Desc2":"Seal on one container reported broken.","coords.x1":-80.71667,"coords.x2":-0.95} {"Reference":"2002-184","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-07","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: Chilean-flag container ship (PACIFIC RIDER) was boarded 7 Jul at 0115 local time while berthed at Callao. Master was at work in his office when he noticed a gun pointed at him through the office porthole. A second thief dropped a bag though another","Desc2":"porthole and forced master to hand over ship's money, totaling $20,000.","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":-12.05} {"Reference":"2002-146","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-13","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified cargo ship reports suspicious approach and probable attempt to board 13 May at 0220 UTC while underway in position 00-52S 081-16W off Isla de la Plata. A fast speedboat with four persons came alongside and remained there as ship","Desc2":"undertook evasive maneuvers. Boat departed when alarm was sounded and lights were directed at it.","coords.x1":-81.26667,"coords.x2":-0.86667} {"Reference":"2002-126","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-27","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship reported suspicious approach 27 Apr at 0230 UTC while underway at 21 knots off Guayaquil. A speedboat containing four persons passed close abeam. When crew switched on lights and sounded alarm boat","Desc2":"withdrew within five minutes.","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":-12.05} {"Reference":"2002-127","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-25","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified container ship reported an attempt to board 25 Apr while underway in position 01-10S 081-20W 21 nm west of Isla de la Plata. Three persons in a speedboat came within three meters of ship but withdrew when crew mustered and","Desc2":"switched on deck lights.","coords.x1":-81.33333,"coords.x2":-1.16667} {"Reference":"2002-128","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-24","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"24-APR-2002","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: The Antigua flag container ship (MAERSK LA GUAIRA) was boarded early 24 Apr as it entered Manta harbor. Thieves broke in a container at that time. Later the same day as the ship was entering Guayaquil persons boarded the ship at the entrance to","Desc2":"the channel to Guayaquil and broke open two containers. In this incident the two persons were apprehended by the Ecuadorian Coast Guard but escaped from the Coast Guard patrolboat.","coords.x1":-80.71667,"coords.x2":-0.95} {"Reference":"2002-117","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-23","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified container ship was boarded 23 Apr at 0155 local time while approaching the pilot buoy at Guayaquil. Four persons were spotted on deck near container bay 15 by a guard at whom they fired two shots before jumping over side and","Desc2":"fleeing in a boat with white hull.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"2002-129","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-23","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified container ship was boarded 23 Apr at 0155 local time while approaching the pilot buoy at Guayaquil. Four persons were spotted on deck near container bay 15 by a guard at whom they fired two shots before jumping over side and","Desc2":"fleeing in a boat with white hull.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"2002-116","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-16","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU:An unidentified bulk carrier reported attempt to board 16 Apr at 0800 UTC while anchored at Callao. Two persons in speedboat approached and one tried to board via anchor chain but fled when crew alerted.","coords.x1":-77.16667,"coords.x2":-12.05} {"Reference":"2002-100","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-09","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: Container vessel (SEA TIGER) was boarded and robbed 9 Apr at 0100 local time while about 14 miles before its arrival at the data buoy at Guayaquil. Eleven containers were broached and several cartons thrown into the thieves' boat. Master","Desc2":"reported thieves waved at him as they worked. Coast guard did not respond until 30 minutes after the incident.","coords.x1":-80.02611,"coords.x2":-2.37306} {"Reference":"2002-68","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-14","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR:Watch on an unidentified bulk carrier found three unauthorized persons near paint locker 14 Mar at 0715 UTC while ship was alongside at Manta. He raised alarm upon sightingthree more persons on forecastle. Thieves jumped overboard with ship's","Desc2":"stores. Port authority-required watchmen stated to have been \"not helpful.\"","coords.x1":-80.73333,"coords.x2":-0.93333} {"Reference":"2002-36","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-28","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was boarded 28 Jan at 2350 local time while at Guayaquil anchorage. One person was seen lowering stores into water when duty seaman raised alarm and the thief fled.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"2002-1","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-08","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: The container ship (CSAV ATLANTA) was boarded 8 Jan at 2258 local time while dropping pilot on departure Guayaquil. Two small boats observed at port side and crew alerted to search ship. Two men observed running and jumping overboard on","Desc2":"starboard side and boats observed on radar returning in direction of data buoy. One of men had a knife and one a walkie talkie and was wearing a jacket of the security guard force. Six containers opened or had seals removed. No information loss of","Desc3":"contents.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"2001-328","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-06","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"ECUADOR: An unidentified container ship was boarded 6 Dec at 0455 local time by seven thieves while underway at Guayaquil pilot station, Ecuador. The crew mustered on the bridge when the alarm sounded. However, the intruders, armed with guns and knives,","Desc2":"were able to break open containers and steal part of the cargo before escaping in a speedboat.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"2001-323","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-22","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: The Antigua-flag container ship (MAERSK LA GUAIRA) was boarded 22 Nov by three men operating from a speedboat while the ship was between buoys 48 and 44 leaving Guayaquil. The men broke the seals of two containers and threatened the deck watch","Desc2":"with iron bars before escaping when ship's alarm was sounded. Nothing was reported stolen from the containers. Local Coast Guard notified.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"2001-257","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-23","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"CSAV MANZANILLO","Desc1":"Ecuador:The Antigua-flag container ship (sav Manzanillo) was approached 23 Aug (reported 5 Sep) at 0350 local time by a boat with approximately 10 armed persons. Ship was about 10 miles off data sea buoy waiting for pilot to proceed into Guayaquil.","Desc2":"Security guards detected attempt to board and repelled boarders using their guns. Boarders escaped in their speedboat; Guayaquil coast guard and pilot station notified. No injuries reported.","coords.x1":-80,"coords.x2":-2.25} {"Reference":"2001-150","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-11","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"FISHING BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Ecuador:An unidentified container ship was approached 11 may at 1940 local time by two boats disguised as fishing boats. The container ship was about 20 miles off the coast about 98 miles from Guayaquil on a voyage from Buenaventura. After executing","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers and illuminating ship's decks and the pursuing boats with searchlights, the container ship turned out to sea and pursuit ceased after about twenty minutes.","coords.x1":-81,"coords.x2":-0.5} {"Reference":"2001-151","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-06","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Ecuador:An unidentified container ship was boarded 6 May at 2230 local time while anchored at Guayaquil (reported 18 May). Ten persons boarded from a boat alongside and shots were fired when crew tried to stop boarding. General alarm sounded and pilot","Desc2":"station informed via channel 12. Vessel was advised coast guard would be on scene in twenty minutes. The intruders opened and pilfered 10 containers and loaded contents into two boats, leaving the vessel after about 45 minutes. No coast guard response","Desc3":"occurred. No injuries reported.","coords.x1":-79.9,"coords.x2":-2.21667} {"Reference":"2001-107","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-26","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"CAP DOMINGO","Desc1":"Ecuador:The 31,446-ton Malta-flag container ship (Cap Domingo) was boarded 26 Mar at 0330 by persons who gained access from a small boat in heavy rain as ship approached sea buoy. When master shined light on the intruders shots were fired whereupon crew","Desc2":"withdrew into locked accommodation block. Ship proceeded to board pilot and 5 security personnel. Four containers found with seals broken and doors open as far as lashing bars allowed. No contents noted missing.","coords.x1":-81,"coords.x2":-2} {"Reference":"2000-383","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-30","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CSAV TAIPEI","Desc1":"Ecuador:The 24,053-ton, German-flag container ship (csav Taipei) was attacked and boarded 30 Oct off Guayaquil at the data sea buoy as it approached the pilot station (reported 15 Nov). Four armed attackers boarded from a boat despite having been spotted","Desc2":"and ship's alarm being sounded. The attackers fired their weapons while boarding to keep the crew at bay and were joined by 3 persons from a second boat. During a 30-minute period goods were removed form broached containers. Pilot, who had been alerted","Desc3":"via vhf boarded ship with four armed guards.","coords.x1":-79.9,"coords.x2":-2.21667} {"Reference":"2000-347","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-12","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"CIELO DE CHILE","Desc1":"Ecuador:The 14,366-ton Cyprus flag container ship (Cielo de Chile) was approached \"early\" 12 Oct at Guayaquil while underway near the data sea buoy by two boats each containing about seven armed persons. Boats attempted to come alongside. Alarm was","Desc2":"sounded and crew mustered on deck at the same time pilot boat approached and the two boats sped off at speeds reportedly in excess of 21 knots. A gunshot was also reported heard but no damage or injuries reported.","coords.x1":-79.9,"coords.x2":-2.21667} {"Reference":"2000-304","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-18","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Ecuador:An unidentified ship was reportedly boarded by thieves 18 Sep at 2240 local time while approaching Guayaquil. They were discovered by a watchman and fired at him when he approached. The thieves then fled to a boat tied alongside with one of the","Desc2":"ship's Liferafts.","coords.x1":-79.8775,"coords.x2":-2.20083} {"Reference":"2000-250","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"PELLA","Desc1":"PERU:The 22,102-ton Cyprus-flag tanker (PELLA) was boarded 4 Sep (reported 14 Sep) and robbed of mooring line, life buoys, and fire hoses while moored at Callao discharging cargo. The thieves escaped in a waiting fishing vessel.","coords.x1":-77.14472,"coords.x2":-12.0475} {"Reference":"2000-251","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-02","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"GUNMAN","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR:An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was attacked 2 Sep (reported 13 Sep) at 0100 local time while navigating in position 02-03S 080-21W, by an unknown person who fired a single shot at the ship from a small boat passing on its starboard side.","Desc2":"The attacking boat approached at high speed, held a parallel course, then sped off after firing the shot. No injury was reported to ship or personnel.","coords.x1":-80.35,"coords.x2":-2.05} {"Reference":"2000-141","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-14","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU:An unidentified German container ship was boarded 14 Jul at 0320 local time (reported 25 Jul) while awaiting bunkers at Callao Anchorage. The thieves, armed with knives, escaped when spotted by a watchman, after steaming a mooring line from the","Desc2":"forecastle store. The incident is linked to a similar theft 24 Apr 2000, also at Callao anchorage.","coords.x1":-74,"coords.x2":-39} {"Reference":"2000-142","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-12","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"CONCENSUS REEFER","Desc1":"ECUADOR:The 7,239-ton, Netherlands-flag refrigerated cargo ship (CONSENSUS REEFER) was boarded 12 Jul at 0415 local time (reported 25 Jul) while at Guayaquil outer anchorage. Watch was accosted by a man with a knife and spotted three intruders at the","Desc2":"forecastle store. Intruders left soon after being spotted and investigation revealed loss of electrical equipment, tools, 150 liters of paint, and a life raft. A second ship was reported attacked while alongside its berth during the night of 12-13 Jul","Desc3":"and two life rafts were reported stolen.","coords.x1":-80.66667,"coords.x2":-3.5} {"Reference":"2000-123","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-03","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MINNESOTA","Desc1":"ECUADOR:The 6,794-ton Malta-flag refrigerated cargo ship (MINNESOTA) was boarded 3 Jul at 1930 local time while at Puerto Bolivar anchorage. During the incident one crew member was shot and wounded. Other ships in the area reportedly left the anchorage","Desc2":"and proceeded to sea. The condition of the wounded crew member is not reported.","coords.x1":-80.25,"coords.x2":3.33333} {"Reference":"2000-115","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-02","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR:An unidentified Liberian-flag general cargo ship was approached 2 Jun 0030 local time (reported 29 Jun) as it approached port at Guayaquil in the vicinity of buoy 48. Twelvepersons in a motor launch approached from vessel's stern and were judged","Desc2":"to be preparing an attack based on pilot's experience. Launch left area when ship's spotlight was directed against it. Master later noted that an hour later another vessel broadcast it had been boarded and robbed while approaching port. Hired local","Desc3":"security guards were positioned forward and on main deck during time threat craft approached from stern.","coords.x1":-81,"coords.x2":3} {"Reference":"2000-59","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-10","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"ARCTIC OCEAN","Desc1":"ECUADOR:The 10,829-ton, Bahamas-flag, refrigerated container ship (ARCTIC OCEAN) was boarded near buoy 22 while approaching the port of Gye at Guayaquil 10 May 2218 local time. A single container was entered and about ten percent of its cargo of","Desc2":"computers, monitors, and printers stolen.","coords.x1":-79.86861,"coords.x2":-2.18139} {"Reference":"2000-26","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-01","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR:An unidentified 9,700-ton, Bahamas-flag, refrigerated cargo ship was boarded at midnight while anchored 4.5 miles off the Data Sea Buoy (02-44S 080-25W) at Guayaquil. Five thieves armed with knives and handguns boarded the ship and drove the","Desc2":"crew, which had first tried to resist, to the safety of the accommodation block after the thieves began firing their weapons. During the next thirty minutes 760 liters of paint, other stores, and safety equipment were stolen from the equipment store. At","Desc3":"0035 the thieves left the ship in two blue boats with outboard motors. The ship's master then moved his ship 35 miles offshore, where he drifted awaiting orders.","coords.x1":-80.41667,"coords.x2":-2.73333} {"Reference":"2000-58","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-01","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU:An unidentified 15,000-ton, Liberian-flag chemical tanker was boarded between 0130 and 0230 local time 1 May (reported 16 May) while berthed at Pisco. The thieves removed mooring line and towing equipment.","coords.x1":-76.29,"coords.x2":-13.73} {"Reference":"2000-27","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-23","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR:An unidentified 14,000-ton, Cyprus-flag, container ship was boarded and a container broached by at least three individuals. At the time of the attack, the ship was navigating the Estero Salado channel, near buoys 29 and 31, approaching the port","Desc2":"having taken on a pilot. Anti-piracy measures were in place with three watchmen at the forecastle and one on the poop. A motorboat was noticed alongside amidships. When the ship's alarm was sounded, three thieves emerged from among the containers and","Desc3":"escaped in the boat. Fourcontainers had been broached and apparently pilfered of some content.","coords.x1":-80.16667,"coords.x2":-2.6} {"Reference":"2000-24","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-19","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR: A 7,000-ton container ship was boarded at 0455 as it lay at anchor off Guayaquil. Thieves gained access via the anchor chain and stole paint and mooring line from the forecastle store. Ship's alarm was sounded and the thieves fled leaving the","Desc2":"mooring line behind. Despite the incident being reported to port control, the pilot station and other vessels via VHF, no action was taken.","coords.x1":-80.43333,"coords.x2":-2.78333} {"Reference":"2000-300","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-31","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ECUADOR:An unidentified container ship was boarded 31 Mar at 2306 local time while heaving anchor eight nautical miles off the sea buoy at Guayaquil. Two persons boarded the ship using long poles,leaving two accomplices in their speedboat. The assailants","Desc2":"broke into three containers and the engine room before crew repelled the attack and the attackers fled empty-handed. Failure to take cargo from the broached containers indicates this was not a case of internal conspiracy with the attackers guided to","Desc3":"specific containers of cargo of high interest or value.","coords.x1":-79.88083,"coords.x2":-2.22083} {"Reference":"2000-282","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-12","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"HERRENTOR","Desc1":"ECUADOR:The 5,025-ton Cyprus flag cargo ship (HERRENTOR) was reportedly boarded 12 Feb in port Guayaquil (reported 2 Mar). Ten armed robbers broke open a container and removed between 30 and 40 boxes.","coords.x1":-80.03056,"coords.x2":-2.41111} {"Reference":"1999-107","DateOfOcc":"1999-10-16","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"FARC GUERRILLAS","Victim":"TOURIST EXCURSION BOATS","Desc1":"A tourist excursion boat underway off Buenaventura (03-54n 077-05w), Colombia was hijacked by four suspected Farc guerrillas. The hijacked boat was taken to a beach where 13 male passengers, all Colombian nationals, were held hostage for ransom. The","Desc2":"boat's captain and the women and children were freed. At about the same time, a crew member aboard another boat was killed in an apparent hijack attempt. The boat was hijacked, according to the hijackers' declaration, because its owner refused to pay","Desc3":"protection money to the rebels.On 21 Oct seven of the thirteen hostages were freed.","coords.x1":-77.08333,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"1999-71","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-07","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO report states:A 22,076 gross ton Panamanian bulk carrier was boarded by armed robbers while at theBuenaventura, Columbia anchorage. At 0420 hrs the forward lookout spotted the robbers boarding on the ship's port side, and informed the bridge by","Desc2":"walkie-talkie. Of the five that boarded the ship, three of the thieves were carrying firearms while the remaining two were carrying large knives. When the ship's alarm was sounded and her crew mustered, the thieves escaped on their speedboat. Inspections","Desc3":"revealed that no ship's items had been stolen during the incident. The Coast Guard was informed of the event, but no action was taken by them. The Master reports that during the previous night a Coast Guard cutter made frequent patrols in the vicinity of","Desc4":"the vessel.","coords.x1":-77.08333,"coords.x2":3.88333} {"Reference":"1999-25","DateOfOcc":"1999-03-11","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"A refrigerated cargo chip was boarded while waiting for a pilot at the Callao anchorage area in Peru. The vessel was boarded at 2015 LMT by way of the bow. A crowbar and metal saw were used to remove locks securing heaving and mooring lines, which were","Desc2":"stolen. When spotted by crew members the thieves fled leaving behind the crowbar. The attack was reported to authorities but no subsequent action has been taken.","coords.x1":-77.13333,"coords.x2":-12.06667} {"Reference":"1999-10","DateOfOcc":"1999-01-01","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"WISIDA NORDIC","Desc1":"A Bahamian-flag reefer vessel was boarded by five or six thieves armed with rifles while at anchor in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Paint and fire equipment were stolen. The master reported the incident to the local authorities who failed to respond.","coords.x1":-79.93333,"coords.x2":-2.16667} {"Reference":"1999-9","DateOfOcc":"1998-12-29","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"Ten armed thieves boarded a cargo vessel in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Five local police officers who had been hired to protect the vessel in port detected the thieves. A gunfight ensued in which the thieves jumped over the side into the water. No injuries were","Desc2":"sustained by the crew or police officers.","coords.x1":-79.93333,"coords.x2":-2.16667} {"Reference":"1998-51","DateOfOcc":"1998-08-24","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CSAV RUNGUE","Desc1":"A German-flag container ship was attacked while in the outer Anchorage at Guayaquil at 0115 local time. The ship's crew detected The intrusion and the would-be robbers escaped in small boats. Nothing was reported stolen and none of the crew were injured.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"1998-43","DateOfOcc":"1998-06-01","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"Peruvian fishermen's union sources charged that Ecuadorian pirate Attacks against Peruvian vessels resumed in early June. Fishermen Were reportedly beaten and robbed of batteries, radio, fishing Sonars, clothes and catch. In December 1997 20 vessels were","Desc2":"Reported attacked. Ten more boats were reported robbed in March 1998.","coords.x1":-82.25,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"1998-29","DateOfOcc":"1998-04-01","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"Three shrimping vessels have been robbed of their catch between 01 Apr and 11 Apr in the gulf of Guayaquil. Communication Equipment was also stolen.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"1998-30","DateOfOcc":"1998-03-18","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"An Ecuadorian-flagged vessel was robbed of its shipment of 200 Containers in the gulf of Guayaquil. Six well-equipped and armed Quick boats attacted the vessel. During the shooting one of the Guards was hurt.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"1998-26","DateOfOcc":"1998-03-18","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED VESSEL","Desc1":"An Ecuadorian-flagged vessel was robbed of its shipment of 200 Containers in the gulf of Guayaquil. Six well-equipped and armed Quick boats attacted the vessel. During the shooting one of the Guards was hurt.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"1997-71","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-15","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Ecuador The 17,367 gross ton Bahamian flagged general cargo ship (Illapel) was boarded by two armed robbers while it was at anchor in the outer roads of Guayaquil, Ecuador on 15AUG97. At 0120 local time two armed robbers climbed aboard the ship from the","Desc2":"starboard side near the forecastle. The robbers were noticed by a watchman and the alarm was sounded. The robbers then jumped overboard and were picked up by a waiting boat. Four containers were unsealed but none of them opened. There were no injuries.","Desc3":"The local authorities were notified and four armed watchmen were sent and arrived onboard at 0350.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"1997-32","DateOfOcc":"1997-01-22","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South America The 14 passenger cruise vessel \"Rio Amazonis\" was boarded by bandits on Janury 22, 1997 while transiting the Amazon River between Peru and Colombia. The bandits came alongside the cruise vessel in a speed boat and crawled through an open","Desc2":"window in the ship's galley. The bandits, armed with pistols, terrorized the crew and passengers and took about $20,000 (US) in cash and jewelry. They stole the ship's radio, fuel reserves, and food. None of the passengers or crew were seriously injured.","coords.x1":-72.6075,"coords.x2":-3.4625} {"Reference":"1997-30","DateOfOcc":"1997-01-01","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South America An unidentified containership was attacked on January 1, 1997 by eight armed men while anchored in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Once onboard ship, the thieves captured the watchman and stole the contents of several containers. The watchman was later","Desc2":"released after suffering minor injuries. After the attack, the Guayaquil Port Authority responded to the vessel's request for assistance.","coords.x1":-79.88333,"coords.x2":-2.73333} {"Reference":"1997-7","DateOfOcc":"1996-05-31","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Buenaventura, Columbia On May 18, the India-Flagged M Bulk carrier Holck-Larsen was anchored at the inner anchorage, awaiting berthing to unload it's cargo of wheat at Buenaventura, Columbia. Two shore watchmen were employed and were on round-the-clock","Desc2":"duty on board. In addition, two of the ship's crewmen were assigned anti-piracy patrols aboard the vessel during the night. On May 31, 1996, $2,000 (US) was found missing from the Radio Officer's cabin, and a briefcase was missing from the second","Desc3":"officer's cabin. Local agents, Police, and the manager of the security company were informed immediately. The briefcase was found in the officer's laundery, but it's contents of cash worth $3,400 was missing. The money taken from the Radio Officer's","Desc4":"cabin was not recovered.","coords.x1":-77.08333,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"1997-4","DateOfOcc":"1996-05-08","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERU: M/V Isla Bartolome, Bahamian flagged, 13,237 gross tons, general cargo, arrived at Callao Anchorage on 8 May 1996 0130 local and was anchored as per agent's instructions waiting for authorities. The crew of the vessel established the security watch","Desc2":"as required by local regulation. At 0220 local four men were found on the forecastle deck stealing a coil of mooring rope. When the crew was alerted, the thieves jumped overboard with the rope. Port authorities were notified immediately by VHF radio. The","Desc3":"patrol boat arrived at 0330 and the ship's master protested to the local authorities handling of the matter.","coords.x1":-80,"coords.x2":-30.08333} {"Reference":"1995-17","DateOfOcc":"1995-02-24","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO owner member has reported that one of the company's vessels was involved in two security incidents in the port of Guayaquil. In the early morning hours of 24 February, the wheelhouse door and radio room door were forced open and items of","Desc2":"equipment stolen from the radio room. Prior to departure, the vessel's crew carried out a stowaway search without result. A further search revealed two stowaways hidden in a ventilator in cargo hold No. 3. The master was able to disembark the stowaways","Desc3":"in the pilot boat. During previous calls at Guayaquil, stowaways had been found hidden in containers, and the master had therefore implemented strict security procedures.","coords.x1":-79.86667,"coords.x2":-2.2} {"Reference":"1994-67","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-26","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"CARIA","Desc1":"M/v Caria boarded by six thieves from two boats while at anchor Guayaquil inner roads, off Isla de la Esperanza, at 1325 on Nov. 26. Thieves pilfered cargo after breaking into container. Crew tried to Catch thieves as they jumped over the side and","Desc2":"escaped on two boats.","coords.x1":-79.93333,"coords.x2":-2.31667} {"Reference":"1994-59","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"Ecuador BIMCO members report that at 1330 hrs on 4 November 1994 six intruders were spotted on board a vessel approaching Guayaquil, about two nautical miles from berth. Two other men were in a small boat alongside the vessel. The crew chased the","Desc2":"intruders off the vessel. During the attack the intruders broke the seals of 8 containers, however it was not established whether any cargo was pilfered. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":-81,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"1995-1","DateOfOcc":"1994-10-20","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SEA WIND","Desc1":"The Greek flag ship sea wind had departed the load berth in Guayaquil. During manuvering while all crew was standing by Fore and aft, a small boat came along side hold no.4 from the Sea side. Six persons had boarded the vessel and opened one Container on","Desc2":"deck. Crew alerted but boarders departed vessel Before they could be apprehended.","coords.x1":-79.84333,"coords.x2":-2.73333} {"Reference":"1990-4","DateOfOcc":"1990-03-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SS ASHLEY LYKES","Desc1":"Port of Guayaquil, Ecuador Ss Ashley Lykes boarded briefly by pirates while approaching Guayaquil quarantine anchorage 040124 March 1990 local. Two Pirates boarded but were driven off by crew. No injuries or Damage reported.","coords.x1":-82,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"1990-1","DateOfOcc":"1989-06-27","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"S/S MALLORY LYKES","Desc1":"Guayaquil Equador. At 270015z Dec 1989 during undocking at Guayaquil, the channel Pilot noted pirates alongside starboard side stealing bags of Coffee into a small boat. Pilots radioed police but by the time They responded the deck department had ran the","Desc2":"pirates off.","coords.x1":-81,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"1988-24","DateOfOcc":"1988-09-04","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"ZOELLA LYKES","Desc1":"Callao Peru. 4 Sept 1988. Zoella lykes boarded by thieves While working cargo in port. Cargo of ceramic art glaze Broken into. Thieves accosted by police while attemping to lower Cargo to get away boat. Partial lot recovered.","coords.x1":-77.2,"coords.x2":-12.11667} {"Reference":"1988-25","DateOfOcc":"1988-08-03","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SS STELLA LYKES","Desc1":"Guayaquil Ecuador. 3 Aug 1988 the SS Stella lykes while alongside Dock was boarded by seven to eight pirates. They were discovered at 2300 local time breaking into a 20 foot Container atop number 4 hatch. Vessel was cleared and armed Guards allowed","Desc2":"onboard, taking up stations on deck. Pirates were On board for only a few minutes. No injuries reported.","coords.x1":-81,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"1988-17","DateOfOcc":"1988-06-08","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SS MALLORY LYKES","Desc1":"8 JUNE 1988, PORT OF GUAYAQUIL ECUADOR. SS MALLORY LYKES AT ANCHOR 1400 LOCAL TIME, SS MALLORY LYKES BOARDED BY PIRATES WHO BROKE INTO THREE LOCKED LOCKERS AND STOLE PAINT , LINE AND OTHER ITEMS. THE PIRATES ALSO BROKE INTO A CONTAINER BUT NOTHING WAS","Desc2":"STOLEN. NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":-82,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"1988-16","DateOfOcc":"1988-05-26","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SS STELLA LYKES","Desc1":"26 May 1988, port of Guayaquil Ecuador, SS Stella ykes At anchor in the rio guayas, lower roads, awaiting clearance And berth. Pirates boarded SS Stella Lykes while anchored between 1215 And 1250 local time. By the time the pirates were discovered And","Desc2":"chased off the ship, 70 gallons of paint had been Stolen and several containers had been broken into. There were no injuries reported. Port authorities were Notified.","coords.x1":-82,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"1988-15","DateOfOcc":"1988-05-01","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SS ALLISON LYKES","Desc1":"01 May 1988, port of Guayaquil Ecuador SS Allison Lykes docked. 0018 hours local time. Small craft with no lights came Alongside SS Allison Lykes by the number 4 hatch. Pirates Attempted to board ship but retreated when the Crew set off a parachute flare","Desc2":"No injuries were reported","coords.x1":-82,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"1988-14","DateOfOcc":"1988-04-14","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SS STELLA LYKES","Desc1":"Port of Guayaquil, Ecuador. SS Stella Lykes at anchor. 0600 local time 14 April 1988 crew member is bound and Gaged on fantail. Pirates break into three containers At number 8 hatch. 0620 local time, pirates are discovered and lower themselves On lines","Desc2":"secured to port quarter rails to their boat and Get away. No injuries or stolen goods reported.","coords.x1":-82,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"1985-1","DateOfOcc":"1981-04-10","SubReg":"22","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: Mariners are advised to be alert to unusual, abnormal, or hostile activities by pirates (especially during darkened hours) in the approaches to and in Buenaventura Harbor/Anchorage. Two U.S. flag vessels have recently been fired upon, resulting","Desc2":"in personal injuries.","coords.x1":-77.76667,"coords.x2":3.5} {"Reference":"1999-101","DateOfOcc":"1999-09-23","SubReg":"23","Aggressor":"GREENPEACE ACTIVISTS","Victim":"API IV","Desc1":"The 1,819-ton, Argentine fish factory trawler, api iv, was disabled when divers working for greenpeace wrapped chain around its propeller to protest overfishing of hake in the south Atlantic","coords.x1":-60,"coords.x2":-44} {"Reference":"1989-17","DateOfOcc":"1989-09-23","SubReg":"23","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LASH STONEWALL JACKSON","Desc1":"Indian ocean On Sept. 24th 1989 0200hrs. (local time) while approaching the pilot Station at madras, India, the vessel Stonewall Jackson was boarded By thieves. The vessel slowed for pilot afterwhich it was boarded from a fishing Boat showing no lights.","Desc2":"Crew was held up at knife point. Thieves Stole aluminum ladders only. No reported injuries.","coords.x1":80.3,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2013-104","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP SHAMROCK","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:On 16 April, the anchored cargo ship SHAMROCK was boarded at 10-22N 075-33 W, at the Cartagena Inner Anchorage. The Officer of the Watch (OOW) observed a boat with several persons maneuvering in the vicinity of the vessel. Two watchmen were sent","Desc2":"to check and they observed the vessel for some time and then while returning heard noises from the aft part of the vessel. When watchmen went closer to investigate they saw a few robbers near the paint locker. They informed the OOW, who then raised the","Desc3":"alarm. In response, all of the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their boat. Upon investigation, it was found that the paint locker, CO2 station, oxygen locker, and engine compartment doors were open and ship?s stores stolen. Port control contacted","Desc4":"and agent contacted.","coords.x1":-75.55,"coords.x2":10.36667} {"Reference":"2013-71","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:On 16 March, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 11-08N 074-16W, at the Puerto Prodeco Anchorage. Duty officer onboard the vessel noticed an unidentified person on the forecastle and immediately advised the deck security guard and port","Desc2":"security guard to investigate. When they arrived at the forecastle, they noticed two robbers climbing down the anchor chain and trying to escape by swimming in heavy seas and swell. One of the robbers was rescued by throwing a lifebuoy while the other","Desc3":"disappeared out of sight. Later, the robber was taken ashore by the security. The boarding resulted in a failed robbery attempt.","coords.x1":-74.26667,"coords.x2":11.13333} {"Reference":"2013-55","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-24","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"COLUMBIA:On 24 February, an LPG tanker was boarded in the vicinity of 10-18N 075-31W, at the Cartagena \"A\" Anchorage. Four robbers boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain and hawse pipe. The robbers captured and tied up the duty A/B, who had","Desc2":"sighted and shouted at them. The robbers broke into the forecastle store and escaped with ship's property.","coords.x1":-75.51667,"coords.x2":10.3} {"Reference":"2013-20","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-17","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER ALGA","Desc1":"ATLANTIC OCEAN:On 17 January, the tanker ALGA experienced a suspicious approach in the vicinity of 08-02N 034-30W, approximately 1205 nm off the coast of Guinea. Two white skiffs containing an unknown number of suspected pirates attempted to advance","Desc2":"towards the vessel. Due to increasing speed and utilizing evasive maneuvering, the Master was able to escape without incident.","coords.x1":-34.5,"coords.x2":8.03333} {"Reference":"2013-9","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-09","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"LPG TANKER CONISTON","Desc1":"GUYANA:On 09 January, LPG Tanker CONISTON boarded in the vicinity of Guyana. Two robbers armed with guns and long knives boarded the berthed vessel from the offshore side using a grappling hook. They took the First Officer and a shore security guard as","Desc2":"hostages, proceeded to the Master's cabin, stole ship's cash and escaped. No injury to crew.","coords.x1":-58.17333,"coords.x2":6.80556} {"Reference":"2012-323","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-25","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:Tanker boarded on 25 November at 10-18N 075-33W, at the Cartagena Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored tanker, stole ship's stores from the forward store and escaped unnoticed. The crew on duty noticed the theft and reported the incident to","Desc2":"Port Control and Coast Guard.","coords.x1":-75.56,"coords.x2":10.30667} {"Reference":"2012-314","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"COLOUMBIA:Tanker boarded on 16 November at 10-19N 075-31W, at the Cartagena Inner Anchorage. Robbers boarded and stole ship's stores from the anchored LPG tanker and escaped unnoticed. The theft was later noticed by ship's crew during routine day work.","Desc2":"Alarm raised, crew mustered and a search was carried out. Port authority informed.","coords.x1":-75.51667,"coords.x2":10.31667} {"Reference":"2012-45","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Bulk carrier experienced an attempted boarding on 27 January while at anchor at 00-02N 050-59W, Macapa Anchorage, Amazon River, Brazil. The deck watch crew noticed four robbers climbing up the anchor chain and trying to remove the hawse pipe","Desc2":"cover and informed the bridge. The duty watch officer raised the alarm and activated the fire pump to start anchor wash process. The robbers aborted the boarding and escaped in their boat. Port control and ships in vicinity were informed of the incident.","Desc3":"(IMB)","coords.x1":-50.98333,"coords.x2":0.03333} {"Reference":"2011-457","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Container ship boarded by robbers on 8 November at 2100 LT while drifting in position 10-27.1N 064-39.3W, approximately 14 nm northwest of Guanta, Venezuela. Duty watchman spotted three robbers on the main deck and informed the officer of the","Desc2":"watch (OOW) who raised the alarm. The bridge crew directed searchlight towards the robbers? boat. After the robbers heard the alarm the robbers left in their boat. Later one container was found with a broken seal and the door opened, however, nothing was","Desc3":"stolen, (IMB)","coords.x1":-64.655,"coords.x2":10.45167} {"Reference":"2011-441","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-17","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"PORT OF BELEM, BRAZIL: Three robbers armed with long knives in a wooden boat approached a berthed bulk carrier. The robbers attempted to board by climbing the anchor chain. Alert crew raised alarm and additional crew members mustered and prevented the","Desc2":"robbers from boarding. Robbers jumped into the sea and escaped in their boat with their accomplices.","coords.x1":-48.5,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2011-442","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-07","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BELEM INNER ANCHORAGE, BRAZIL: Four robbers armed with long knives in a long wooden boat, approached an anchored bulk carrier. Attempts were made to board the ship via anchor chain but foiled by ship's crew. A search was conducted and found nothing was","Desc2":"stolen.","coords.x1":-48.5,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2011-423","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-04","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VENEZEULA: Five robbers in a high-speed boat approached a container ship awaiting pilot boarding at Guanta Port, 04 October at 1720. One of the robbers attempted to board the ship with a hook attached to a long pole. The robbers in the boat threw stones","Desc2":"at arriving crewmembers while one of the robbers attempted to climb onboard. As more crewmembers began arriving at the location of the attempted boarding, the robbers aborted the attempted boarding and moved away from the ship at high speed.","coords.x1":-64.57444,"coords.x2":10.30444} {"Reference":"2011-378","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-26","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"JOSE PORT ANCHORAGE, VENEZUELA: Two skiffs with 11-12 robbers approached a bulk carrier at anchor. Crew alerted armed security guards onboard who opened fire resulting in the robbers moving away.","coords.x1":-64.7675,"coords.x2":10.17528} {"Reference":"2011-356","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-04","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL","Desc1":"MAMONAL INNER ANCHORAGE, COLOMBIA: Six robbers in a wooden speed boat attempted to board an anchored chemical tanker via the anchor chain. Alert duty A/B noticed the robbers, raised the alarm and flashed lights on them. Upon seeing crew alertness the","Desc2":"robbers aborted the attempt and escaped. Incident was reported to the Mamonal port control who informed the coast guard.","coords.x1":-75.52778,"coords.x2":10.32167} {"Reference":"2011-331","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: A container vessel experienced an attempted boarding 16 July at 0330 UTC while underway in position 10-18.9N 075-35.3W at the Cartagena Pilot Station, Colombia. Three robbers in a small boat attempted to board the vessel via a rigged pilot","Desc2":"ladder. The alert duty ordinary seaman saw the pirates and notified the bridge via VHF. The Master increased the speed of the vessel and the crew pulled the pilot ladder up. The robbers chased the vessel for a few minutes and aborted the attack. (IMB)","coords.x1":-75.58833,"coords.x2":10.315} {"Reference":"2011-300","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-18","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"PUERTO LA CRUZ, VENEZUELA: Master onboard an anchored general cargo vessel noticed a speed boat approaching the vessel. He ordered the duty crew to investigate. Later, one AB entered the bridge in a frightened state and reported that robbers had boarded","Desc2":"the vessel and taken hostage the second duty watchman at knife point and had stolen ship stores. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Port control and CSO informed.","coords.x1":-64.71833,"coords.x2":10.28833} {"Reference":"2011-301","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-17","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GEORGETOWN INNER ANCHORAGE, GUYANA: Four robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored container ship. They took the bosun as hostage and stole ship's properties and escaped. The alarm raised and crew mustered. Authorties informed.","coords.x1":-58.17,"coords.x2":6.82167} {"Reference":"2011-291","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-13","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CARTAGENA TANKER ANCHORAGE, COLOMBIA: Duty AB onboard a bulk carrier at anchor spotted robbers trying to gain access via the hawse pipe. The AB alerted other crew members who rushed forward resulting in the robbers aborting the attempt and moving away.","Desc2":"Later as the AB moved aft during his rounds he observed barefoot marks on the deck and noticed that the ship's stores were stolen.","coords.x1":-75.54333,"coords.x2":10.30833} {"Reference":"2011-218","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-21","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"CARIBBEAN SEA: A fishing vessel was robbed 21 April 2011 at 0100 UTC while anchored off of Montrose, Guyana. Four armed robbers boarded the vessel and stole various goods. (Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":-58.08333,"coords.x2":6.78333} {"Reference":"2010-514","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Tanker robbed 27 Nov at 0800 local time while at anchor in position 10-16N 064-42W in Puerto la Cruz. Six robbers in a small craft boarded the tanker at anchor and broke the forward store's padlock. Duty watch raised alarm and crew rushed to","Desc2":"the forward deck. The robbers escaped with the stolen stores. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":-64.7,"coords.x2":10.26667} {"Reference":"2010-435","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Tanker boarded 3 Nov 10 at 1906 local time while at anchor in position 10-12N 064-47W, in Bahia de Barcelona. Six robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored tanker via the anchor chain. The robbers threatened the duty watch and took his","Desc2":"walkie talkie and other personal belongings. The duty watch managed to inform the bridge. Alarm raised and crew mustered. The robbers escaped empty handed. Port control informed. (IMB)","coords.x1":-64.78333,"coords.x2":10.2} {"Reference":"2010-434","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-30","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Bulk carrier robbed 30 Oct 10 at 0100 local time while at anchor in position 01-31S 048-45W, in Vila do Conde. Four robbers armed with knives boarded a bulk carrier at anchor. They took hostage a duty watchman, threatened him with knives, and","Desc2":"tied him up. They stole ship's stores and properties and lowered them into their boat. Before escaping, the robbers stole the personal belongings of the watchman and released him. The duty watchman informed the bridge who raised the alarm and informed","Desc3":"port authorities. (IMB)","coords.x1":-48.75,"coords.x2":-1.55} {"Reference":"2010-391","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Cargo ship boarded 15 Oct 10 at 0500 local time while at anchor in position 01-31.7S 048-47.1W in Vila do Conde. Three robbers boarded an anchored general cargo ship via the anchor chain. Deck security watchman noticed a small boat near the","Desc2":"anchor chain and raised the alarm to muster crew. When they heard the alarm, the robbers escaped empty-handed. Investigations indicated the robbers cut through the forward stores padlock. All crew safe and nothing stolen. Authority and agent were","Desc3":"informed. (IMB)","coords.x1":-48.785,"coords.x2":-1.52833} {"Reference":"2010-370","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-07","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Chemical tanker robbed 7 Oct 10 at 0440 local time while at anchorage in position 10-16N 064-43W, in Puerto la Cruz tanker anchorage. Three robbers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor. The duty watch had just started his shift and noticed the","Desc2":"forecastle door's padlock was broken. He informed the watch officer who raised the alarm. Crew mustered and assembled in forecastle. Upon seeing crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's properties and stores in their wooden","Desc3":"boat. Port control was informed and the authorities boarded the tanker for investigation. (IMB)","coords.x1":-64.71667,"coords.x2":10.26667} {"Reference":"2010-353","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-02","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Bulk carrier boarded 2 Oct 10 at 0345 local time while at anchorage in position 01-31.4S 048-45.6W in Vila do Conde. Five robbers in a wooden boat boarded a bulk carrier at anchor. They attempted to steal the ship's properties but were noticed by","Desc2":"duty crew who informed bridge and raised alarm. Ship's whistle sounded and crew rushed to forecastle. Upon seeing alert crew, the robbers escaped empty-handed in their boat. Port control was informed but did not respond. (IMB)","coords.x1":-48.76,"coords.x2":-1.52333} {"Reference":"2010-359","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-25","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Bulk carrier robbed 25 Sep 10 at 0245 local time while at anchorage in position 01-05.6S 048-27.8W in Mosqueiro. Six robbers armed with knives in a four meter, black-colored wooden boat approached an anchored bulk carrier. They boarded the ship,","Desc2":"took hostage the duty officer, and stole his personal belongings. Seeing a duty watchman approaching, the robbers escaped. Alarm was raised and crew mustered. Investigation showed ship's properties stolen. (IMB)","coords.x1":-48.46333,"coords.x2":-1.09333} {"Reference":"2010-297","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"BRAZIL: General cargo ship robbed 16 Aug 10 at 0530 UTC while anchored at Villa do Conde. During watch handover procedures, the duty officer noticed a wooden boat moving away from the shipside. The alarm was raised and crew mustered. Upon investigation,","Desc2":"it was discovered the robbers had broken into the forward store and stolen ship's stores. The incident was not noticed by the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":-48.75028,"coords.x2":-1.5425} {"Reference":"2010-244","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CEMENT CARRIER","Desc1":"GUYANA: Cement carrier robbed 3 Jul 10 at 2035 local time while anchored at Georgetown roads. Robbers in a small boat boarded the vessel at anchor, broke into the bosun store and stole ship's stores before escaping. The chief engineer noticed that the","Desc2":"door to the emergency generator room alarm was triggered and informed the chief officer who raised the alarm. Authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.8} {"Reference":"2010-232","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-23","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Tanker reported attempted boarding 23 Jun 10 at 2106 local time while anchored in position 10-16.3N 064-42.2W, Puerto la Cruz. Two robbers attempted to board the vessel by climbing the anchor chain. Crew spotted them and raised the alarm. The","Desc2":"robbers jumped back into the water and escaped in their speed boat (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.70333,"coords.x2":10.27167} {"Reference":"2010-227","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-22","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"PUERTO LA CRUZ ANCHORAGE, VENEZUELA: Deck patrol onboard an anchored chemical tanker noticed a small unlit boat near the anchor cable and immediately informed the duty officer, who raised the alarm. Seeing crew alertness the robbers jumped overboard and","Desc2":"escaped. Upon investigation the crew discovered the paint locker was broken into and the ship's stores stolen.","coords.x1":-64.58333,"coords.x2":10.25} {"Reference":"2010-178","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: General cargo ship robbed 3 May 10 at 2300 local time berthed in position 10-57.5N 074-45.5W, Palermo terminal, Barranquilla. A vessel at berth had completed cargo operations and was preparing to depart. The captain from the ship berthed ahead","Desc2":"of them informed the gangway watch keeper that robbers had just stolen ship property from his ship and were making their way towards their ship. The duty officer raised the alarm and due to the timely information provided by the ship's captain, prevented","Desc3":"any further incidents from occurring (IMB).","coords.x1":-74.75833,"coords.x2":10.95833} {"Reference":"2010-124","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: General cargo ship reported attempted boarding 8 Apr 10 at 1050 UTC while anchored in position 10-38N 071-35W, inner anchorage, Maracaibo port. Four robbers in two boats attempted to board the vessel at anchor. The robbers aborted the attempt","Desc2":"after the ship's alarm was sounded. Port authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-71.58333,"coords.x2":10.63333} {"Reference":"2010-1","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-26","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Sailing vessel","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: Sailing vessel robbed 26 Dec 09 in the early morning while anchored in Cartagena. Owner's sailboat was anchored on the outer south eastern edge of the anchorage and the dinghy was secured to a boat with galvanized chain. Robbers cut the chain","Desc2":"and escaped with both the dinghy and engine. This is the first report of a chain being cut during a robbery.In the previous cases, the dinghy's were only secured with a painter (Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-75.7,"coords.x2":10.7} {"Reference":"2009-475","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Container ship reported attempted boarding 15 Dec 09 at 2150 local time while in Puerto la Cruz. Duty seaman onboard the vessel spotted six robbers in a boat attempting to board the vessel. The alarm was raised and the crew alerted. The","Desc2":"robbers aborted the attempt and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.61667,"coords.x2":10.21667} {"Reference":"2010-2","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-11","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Catamaran","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: Catamaran (FRITZ THE CAT) robbed 11 Dec 09 during the night while anchored off Cartagena in front of club Nautico. Robbers approached the catamaran on a small boat, broke in through a hatch, and stole personal belongings including a computer,","Desc2":"cell phones, and cameras. A safe was also damaged but the robbers were unsuccessful in opening it (Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-75.63333,"coords.x2":10.86667} {"Reference":"2009-429","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-06","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILING VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Sailing vessel (JUPITER) reported suspicious approach 6 Nov 09 at 1700 local time while underway between positions 10-55N 065-00W (Isla la Tortuga) and 11-00N 064:30W (Isla de Margarita). A skiff painted in bright colors with three men onboard","Desc2":"began to follow within 100-200 meters of the vessel's wake. When they accelerated and approached to within 60 yards, the crew onboard the (JUPITER) went to the aft deck with a flare gun and other offensive measures and directly confronted them. The","Desc3":"suspicious men dropped back several times and conferred before making several more close passes. After doing this several more times, they eventually stopped following and dropped out of sight. The incident was reported to the US Customs and Border","Desc4":"agents that came aboard upon clearing at Marina Puerto del Rey, Puerto Rico (Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-65,"coords.x2":10.91667} {"Reference":"2009-389","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-10","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Tanker robbed 10 Oct 09 in the early morning while anchored in position 10-15.48N 064-41.5W, Puerto le Cruz anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and escaped with ship's stores. A crewmember discovered the theft at 0810 local time when he","Desc2":"noticed the padlock of the forward store was damaged. Port authority was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.69167,"coords.x2":10.258} {"Reference":"2009-376","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-28","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Chemical tanker boarded 28 Sep 09 at 2350 local time in position 10-16.7N 064-42.1W, Puerto le Cruz anchorage. Three robbers boarded the boat, but when the crew spotted them, they immediately jumped overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.70167,"coords.x2":10.27833} {"Reference":"2009-350","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-04","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MAMONAL INNER ANCHORAGE, COLOMBIA: Robbers boarded a product tanker at anchor, unnoticed and stole ship's property and escaped. Duty crew observed the padlock of the forward store broken and raised the alarm. Crew mustered and searched the area and found","Desc2":"traces of bare feet on deck. Coast guard informed and they came for investigation.","coords.x1":-75.51722,"coords.x2":10.32556} {"Reference":"2009-332","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Bulk carrier robbed 27 Jul 09 at 2355 local time while anchored in position 01-05.41S - 048-29.08W, Mosqueiro anchorage. Robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel at anchor. They tied up the watch officer's hands and stole ship's stores before","Desc2":"escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":-48.48467,"coords.x2":-1.09017} {"Reference":"2009-81","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CATAMARAN","Desc1":"ITAPARICA MARINA, BRAZIL: Two robbers armed with guns in a small row boat boarded a catamaran at anchor. The captain confronted the robbers and they shot and killed him. Robbers jumped overboard and swam off leaving their row boat. Nothing stolen.","coords.x1":-38.67333,"coords.x2":-12.885} {"Reference":"2009-57","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-11","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Container ship robbed 11 Jan 09 at 0255 local time while anchored in Guanta port. Four robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel during cargo operations. They broke open one reefer container and stole contents from it. Upon seeing the","Desc2":"watchman, the robbers escaped. Port police were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.6,"coords.x2":10.2} {"Reference":"2009-39","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-10","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"FORTALEZA PORT, BRAZIL:FOUR ROBBERS IN A BOAT APPROACHED A PRODUCT TANKER AT BERTH. ONE OF THE ROBBERS BOARDED THE TANKER USING A HOOK ATTACHED TO A ROPE. DUTY A/B NOTICED THE ROBBER AND RAISED ALARM. THE ROBBER JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED WITH HIS","Desc2":"ACCOMPLICES AND SHIP'S STORES.","coords.x1":-56.41667,"coords.x2":6.06667} {"Reference":"2009-43","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-10","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Tanker robbed 10 Jan 09 at 2300 local time while at berth in Fortaleza port. Four robbers in a boat approached a product tanker at berth. One of the robbers boarded the tanker using a hook attached to a rope. A duty crewmember noticed the robber","Desc2":"and raised the alarm. The robber jumped overboard and escaped with his accomplices and ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-38.53333,"coords.x2":-3.71667} {"Reference":"2009-18","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-26","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"BRAZIL:Yacht robbed 26 Dec 08 while anchored at position 12-53.05S 038-41.15W, Bahia de Todos Os Santos. Two armed robbers boarded the yacht and assaulted the two crew members. Robbers stole ship's properties, cash and crew properties before escaping.","Desc2":"The two injured crew were given shore medical treatment. Authorities are investigating.","coords.x1":-38.68583,"coords.x2":-12.88417} {"Reference":"2008-451","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-13","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARRIER","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: Cement carrier boarded and robbed on 13 Nov 08 at 1000 UTC while at anchor, Cartagena. Robbers armed with a gun and knives boarded the vessel, tied up one crewmember and stole ships stores. The coast guard boarded vessel for investigation","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":-75.58333,"coords.x2":10.4} {"Reference":"2008-448","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-13","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CEMENT CARRIER","Desc1":"Robbers armed with gun and knives boarded a cement carrier at anchor. They tied up one crewmember and stole ship's stores. Coast guard boarded vessel for investigation.","coords.x1":-75.58333,"coords.x2":10.4} {"Reference":"2008-429","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-09","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILING VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Sailboat (CHILL) boarded, captain killed 9 Nov 2008 at 1730 local time while anchored at position 10:17N 064:45W at Isla Borracha. Three men onboard a small fishing pibelow with water, they shot him in the chest. Another couple from a sailboat","Desc2":"anchored with the (CHILL) was also onboard and the robbers shot a second man as well. The second man reportedly shot at the robbers with a shotgun, killing one and injuring another. The captain died while the second man is recovering at a hospital,","Desc3":"according to officials. One suspect has been detained in the nearby town of Arapito, but has yet to be formally charged (AP, Noonsite)..","coords.x1":-64.75,"coords.x2":10.28333} {"Reference":"2008-352","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-19","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"VENEZUELA General cargo ship boarded 19 Sep 08 at 2145 local time while in position 10-16.3N 064-34.3W, 2nm north of Guanta port, Venezuela. Five robbers broke into the forecastle store and stole ship's stores and property. The ships alarm was raised and","Desc2":"crew was mustered. The robbers escaped with stolen items. The duty crew directed search light at the robber's boat, saw the name of the boat and informed port control. The coast guard came on board the vessel to take statements and later searched for the","Desc3":"boat. Two hours later, the boat was found with the stolen items. Master went to police station to give statement and now waiting for court hearing in few months to receive the stolen items (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.57167,"coords.x2":10.27167} {"Reference":"2008-330","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILBOAT","Desc1":"VENEZUELASailboat boarded, robbed, tourist killed 15 Sep 08 while at anchorage, Caraballeda. Several armed robbers boarded the vessel. The robbers killed the French tourist. Four shots were fired at the victim when he resisted the armed men on his","Desc2":"vessel. The robbers reportedly stole an unknown amount of USD and Venezuelan currency. Authorities are investigating the incident (AP).","coords.x1":-66,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"2008-297","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"unknown","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:Dinghy stolen 27 Aug 08 at 1830 local time, Porlamar, Margarita Island. The owner stated that there were approximately 12 other dinghies tied to the dock when boat was stolen. He stated that he had paid the dock attendant to \"safeguard\" the","Desc2":"boat, but the perpetrators were still able to steal the boat (Operator: Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-63.85,"coords.x2":10.95} {"Reference":"2008-263","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-28","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:Yacht (MUSTANG SALLY) witnessed altercation, perpetrators arrested 28 Jul 08 during mid-afternoon, Porlamar. Three armed men entered the marina on foot while the driver waited out front. The police noticed the three walking down the dock and","Desc2":"ordered them to stop. One man shot at the police who then opened fire, shooting 5 shots in return. One perpetrator was shot in the stomach, and one jumped in the water. One perpetrator walked off the dock with his hands on his head and a police pistol","Desc3":"pointing at the back of his head. The driver sped off. Six shots in total were fired (Operator: noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-63.85,"coords.x2":10.95} {"Reference":"2008-226","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATE BOARDING","Victim":"SAILBOAT","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:Sailboat boarded 8 Jul 08 at 2300 local time, Porlamar, Margarita Island. One female crewmember and a baby were on board at the time. The woman was blindfolded with a towel and tied up with duct tape. The intruder went through and searched for","Desc2":"money. After 30 minutes the intruder left. The incident was reported to the local police and the VHF Ch. 72. No injuries to crew (Operator: Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-63.85,"coords.x2":10.95} {"Reference":"2008-235","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-05","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Yacht","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:Yacht boarded, robbed 5 Jul 08, while underway, 10 miles from Puerto Santos. A couple was approached by six men in a battered, unmarked pirogue speeding towards them. One man was in a military uniform. As the men approached, they fired a shot.","Desc2":"The yacht took evasive maneuvers. The attackers boarded the vessel and shot and stabbed the family dog, but didnt kill it. They tied the man on the deck and pointed a gun at him, then went down below and held his wife with two guns pointing at her face.","Desc3":"They took USD $300, a laptop computer, tool boxes, the SSB radio, outboard motor, and ripped the microphones from the VHF. They tried to take the compass as well, along with the radar and forward looking sonar, but they were fixed to the ship too well.","Desc4":"They also tried to steal the woman wedding ring, but she could not remove it and in the process severely cut her hand. After the attackers left, there were no means to call for help so they traveled to Trinidad. (Operator: noonsite.com, LM:","Desc5":"dailymail.co.uk).","coords.x1":-61.53333,"coords.x2":10.63333} {"Reference":"2008-227","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-04","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHTS","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:Yachts boarded, some robbed 4 Jul 08 at 1830 and 2030, while at anchorage, Porlamar, Margarita Island. The first boat was boarded by three men while the owner was on board. He heard noises and woke up and saw the perpetrators leave quickly.","Desc2":"Nothing was stolen from this vessel. The second boat was boarded, and the perpetrators attempted to cut off two big fenders, however a watchful cruiser nearby chased them off by pointing a light at them. A call for help was made via VHF, but no response.","Desc3":"The third boat was boarded and robbed of a life raft, lines and fenders. All incidents were reported to the local police and on VHF 72 to make all cruisers in the anchorage aware, no injuries (Operator: noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-63.85,"coords.x2":10.95} {"Reference":"2008-236","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-01","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Yacht","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:Yacht boarded, robbed 1 Jul 08 at 1500 local time while in position 10-46.41N 62-16.8W, NNE of Cacao. The vessel was approached from behind by a fast pirogue-type open fishing boat with four Yamaha 75hp outboard motors. The hull was mostly dark","Desc2":"green with a wide turquoise stripe over and a narrow red stripe separating the green from the turquoise. The boat displayed the name AMGUNA on the stern and MOSS on the bow. The attackers came alongside and asked for water. When the captain attempted to","Desc3":"pass a water container to them, he was confronted by six guns (five 9mm automatic pistols and one semi automatic rifle). The attackers boarded the vessel and stole everything of value, including, cash, jewelry, computers, radios, satellite/cell phones,","Desc4":"outboard motor, AC unit, food, clothing and other items. The attackers made no effort to hide either their own identity or that of the attacking vessel. None of the three crewmembers aboard the vessel was injured during the encounter (Operator:","Desc5":"noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-62.28,"coords.x2":10.7735} {"Reference":"2008-228","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-28","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILBOAT","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:Sailboat boarded, robbed 28 Jun 08 between 0200 and 0400 while at anchorage, Pampatar, Margarita Island. Five armed men boarded the vessel and tied up the owner for the next two hours while they went through the boat and stole all valuables.","Desc2":"The incident was reported on 30 Jun 08 to the cruisers net on VHF 72 and local police (Operator:noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-63.85,"coords.x2":10.95} {"Reference":"2008-177","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-29","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:Yacht (MOON GODDESS) boarded 29 Apr 08 at 2145 local time while at anchorage at Puerto Santos, four miles east of Carupano Port, per 24 May 08 reporting. They heard banging and the noise of a pirogue hitting the boat followed by men yelling and","Desc2":"pounding on the hatches and companionway door. The skipper fired a couple of flares out of a salon hatch which scared off the perpetrators (Operator: Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-63.21667,"coords.x2":10.61667} {"Reference":"2008-176","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-01","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:Yacht boarded 1 Apr 08, Isla Fuerte. A perpetrator boarded the vessel. The noise awoke the crew and chased the perpetrator off (Operator: safetyandsecuritynet.com).","coords.x1":-76.25,"coords.x2":9.25} {"Reference":"2008-79","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-29","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SURINAME:Fishing vessel hijacked, suspected pirates apprehended 29 Mar 08 at approximately 1500 local time, Coppename River. Six fishermen were attacked while operating in the Coppename River by pirates. Six fishermen were captured and subsequently bound","Desc2":"and gagged while their boat was seized and two other fishermen were ordered to accompany the pirates in another vessel for further attacks and robberies to fishing boats. After two of the six victims were freed during a police raid, they informed","Desc3":"detectives that at least 10-12 other boats were attacked in Surinamese waters robbing them of fuel, food and other valuables. Maritime police units and members of the Anti-Terror Unit (ATE) were dispatched to the area around 1830 local time and spotted","Desc4":"one of the boats that had been hijacked. On this vessel police arrested two suspected pirates and freed the remaining four fishermen who were being held. The search continued around 0700 local time on 30 Mar 08. Officers from the ATE located a second","Desc5":"boat and subsequently arrested the other four pirates, who were holding the remaining two victims. The victims claimed that they were brutally beaten. All of the victims are Guyanese nationals working for Surinamese boat owners (LM:","Desc6":"carribeannetnews.com).","coords.x1":-55.91667,"coords.x2":5.8} {"Reference":"2008-71","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-13","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Fishing Vessel","Desc1":"GUYANA:Fishing vessel boarded, robbed, 13 Mar 08, 0830 local time, Bertice River. A boat came up alongside the fishing vessel while it was moored in the Bertice River. Two men, one armed with a cutlass, and the other a gun, jumped onto the vessel and","Desc2":"immediately ordered the crew of four to lie flat on the vessel. One of the men ordered them to take out the engine and lift it into the robbers boat. As soon as the engine was in the other boat, the crew was beaten with the cutlass. The robbers also","Desc3":"stole their water pump and valuables, including money. After the robbers left, the vessel drifted for a few hours before being rescued. The incident was reported to the police (LM: Stabroek News).","coords.x1":-57.51667,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2008-31","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-28","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Civilian Yacht","Desc1":"BRAZIL:Yacht (NIRVANA 3) reported suspicious approach late 2007, probably Dec at 0600 near Abrolhos Islands, approximately 87NM from the coast, per 28 Jan 2008 reporting. A small fishing boat with four men on board reportedly chased the vessel. The","Desc2":"vessel was traveling at a speed of 9 knots but due to rough weather the suspicious vessel eventually moved away. A call was made on chn. 16 for help (Operator, Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-38.68333,"coords.x2":-18.01667} {"Reference":"2008-30","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-28","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Civilian Yacht","Desc1":"BRAZIL:Yacht (NIRVANA 3) boarded, crewmembers assaulted, robbed late Nov 2007 at 0200, while at anchorage of the Sao Luis Yacht Club, per 28 Jan 2008 reporting. The vessel carrying a husband and wife couple was anchored alone at the mooring when it was","Desc2":"boarded and attacked by four men armed with three knives and one with a hand gun in a rowing boat. The husband received several head wounds that required stitching. The wife was not physically wounded but the intruders were reportedly very violent and","Desc3":"aggressive. The couple was robbed of their money, two laptops, two cell phones, alcohol, cigarettes, and more. The couple contacted authorities by VHF ch.16 before police arrived and took the man to the hospital. (Operator, Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-44.30833,"coords.x2":-2.53} {"Reference":"2008-29","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-22","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Fishing vessels","Desc1":"SURINAME:Fishing vessels attacked, robbed 22 Jan 2008, off the coast of Coronie. Five pirates attacked the crews of 10 fishing boats in the Atlantic Ocean and robbed them of their engines, fish and fish glue. Three of the boats had returned to the Number","Desc2":"66 Fish Port Complex on the morning of 23 Jan 2008. Some of the boats drifted to the Coronie shore where the crewmembers awaited rescue; a rescue team from the complex had gone there with engines. Reportedly a suspicious boat was spotted on the Rose Hall","Desc3":"shore on 25 Jan 2008. A patrol was carried out but unable to trace a boat. According to the official, fishermen who are part of an Anti-Piracy Committee were willing to pursue the strange boat using the one that the government had presented to them. An","Desc4":"official claimed that the piracy situation was under control for one month but has started again since some of the men were granted bail in Suriname. A reward of $500,000 for any information that can lead to the capture of the pirates had been sent out","Desc5":"(LM: starbroeknews.com).","coords.x1":-56.2,"coords.x2":6.06667} {"Reference":"2008-80","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-21","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CIVILIAN YACHT","Desc1":"BRAZIL:Yacht boarded, robbed 21 Jan 08 at 0100 local time while at anchorage in position 01-27.43S 48-30.53W, 200 meters from the ferry quay, Port Belem, per 23 Mar 08 reporting. While in bed asleep, the crew of two woke up to two men with pistols to","Desc2":"their heads. Their hands were tied up and were ordered to and over all money, mobile phones and watches in the dark. After handing over the valuables the robbers left (Operator: Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-48.50883,"coords.x2":-1.45717} {"Reference":"2007-323","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-09","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Fishing Vessels","Desc1":"1800 LT: 16 NM off Coroni shore, Suriname:Five masked pirates armed with guns approached the fishing vessel underway. They fired several shots and ordered the crew to lie on the icebox. They then locked the crew in the fish pen. The pirates took hostage","Desc2":"2 crewmembers at gunpoint and ordered them to discharge the fish into their boat. before leaving, the pirates stole a drum of gasoline, one propeller, vessel's property and two cell phones. They destroyed the fishing vessel's engine coil and escaped. The","Desc3":"fishing vessel was drifting until the next day afternoon, when another fishing boat towed them to Mahaica bridge area. Incident reported to Mahaica police station.","coords.x1":-56,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"2007-320","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-04","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"GUYANA:Fishermen boats attacked 04 Dec 07, late evening, eastern sector. Approximately 15 boats with Berbice Fishermen on board were subject to attack by pirates. Five of the boats are reportedly missing (LM: Starbroek.com).","coords.x1":-59,"coords.x2":7} {"Reference":"2007-294","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-01","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"GUYANA:Fishing vessels attacked, robbed 01 Nov 07 at 0830 local time off the Corentyne coast. A band of armed, masked pirates raided five Guyanese fishing vessels, stripping them of their engines and other equipment before ferrying the fisher folk to","Desc2":"Suriname. A big boat with bright lights pulled up alongside and pointed guns at the vessel and crew. They were then ordered to loosen the engine from the vessel and climb aboard their vessel. The masked pirates then ordered them to pilot their vessel","Desc3":"while they raided other boats in the deep sea. The victims were taken to Suriname where they were left on a boat. The victims managed to sail back to the No.66 Fish Port sometime on 03 Nov 07 in the morning where they made reports to the police station","Desc4":"and Coast Guard, who were searching for them. No reported injuries (LM: Stabroek.com).","coords.x1":-58,"coords.x2":8} {"Reference":"2007-281","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BRAZIL:(Santos Outer Roads Anchorage) Robbers armed with guns boarded a container ship and fired their guns at the approaching crew members. For safety, crew members locked themselves in a safer place. Robbers opened 8 reefer containers and stole cargo","Desc2":"contents and escaped. No one was injured.","coords.x1":-46.33333,"coords.x2":-24.16667} {"Reference":"2007-212","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: Fishing boat hijacked and robbed 27 Aug 07, Waini River. Five robbers armed with guns boarded the vessel and robbed the crew of their catch of fish. The robbers also stole from the ships stores. They took the crew as hostages to another fishing","Desc2":"boat nearby and robbed the other boats crew of their catch, stores, and cash as well. The robbers kept both the fishing boats crew in one boat and escaped in the other fishing boat (IMB).","coords.x1":-59.95,"coords.x2":8.51667} {"Reference":"2007-172","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: Fishing vessels (MOLISSA) and (BALLIE) attacked and robbed, 27 Jul in Waini River. A six-member crew of fishing vessel (BALLIE) and fishing vessel (MOLISSA) with a crew of five, were fishing close to each other at Waini Point. It is alleged five","Desc2":"armed men approached in a boat and held the crew of the (MOLISSA) at gunpoint. They took away their catch of fish, fishing seine, three drums of gasoline, and a quantity of groceries. The sea bandits then took the fishing boat and crew to the (BALLIE),","Desc3":"where the other crew was held at gunpoint and robbed of their catch of fish, a quantity of fish glue, a cellular phone, and $19,000. The five armed men then transferred the crew of the (BALLIE) into the (MOLISSA) and escaped with the (BALLIE) (LM:","Desc4":"Stabroek News).","coords.x1":-59.95,"coords.x2":8.51667} {"Reference":"2007-225","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-21","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Container ship (HS BERLIOZ) boarded and robbed 21 Jul 07 at 0245 local time, approximately 11 miles offshore Santos, per 7 Sept 07 reporting. Two crew on deck patrol reported to the bridge, via radio, that they sighted two robbers wearing ski","Desc2":"masks and armed with automatic pistols. As a result of the safety measures being properly followed, both robbers fled in a small aluminum boat with an outboard engine, which had been seen earlier on the starboard side. At least three other accomplices","Desc3":"were believed to be in the boat. No harm to crewmembers. Six broken container seals were found on deck, one container had been unlatched and two containers appeared to have been opened. Deck patrol radios were stolen. All crew mustered and then half of","Desc4":"the crew, led by the SSO and the Chief Officer, went forward to search for the deck patrol. Security message was broadcast and security procedures were followed. The incident was reported to the Santos Pilot Station, CSO, superintendent, local agents,","Desc5":"and charterer (IMO MSC.4/Circ.107, 7 Sept 07).","coords.x1":-46.33333,"coords.x2":-23.96667} {"Reference":"2007-224","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-13","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Container ship (HS DISCOVERER) boarded and robbed 13 Jul 07 at 0320 local time, Santos, per 7 Sept 07 reporting. Four pirates, armed with guns and knives and wearing black masks, came on board and threatened forward security watchman. One boat,","Desc2":"with two or three more persons onboard, was sighted near the ship. The ships property and walkie-talkie stolen. Once the ship was anchored, security patrols and security duties as per company procedures and ISPS plan were carried out. During the","Desc3":"incident, crewmembers were ordered inside accommodation, while waiting for the arrival of the police. The Federal Police boat arrived and circled the ship. Due to the sea state, the police could not board the ship. They were subsequently able to come on","Desc4":"board and investigate the incident, after the pirates escaped (IMO MSC.4/Circ.107, 7 Sept 07).","coords.x1":-46.33333,"coords.x2":-23.96667} {"Reference":"2007-89","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-18","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: Containership reported suspicious approach 18 Apr at 2320 local time, at the entrance to Cartagena. While disembarking the pilot on the port side, the vessel detected one unlit suspicious boat approaching from the starboard side, at high speed","Desc2":"via radar. The master alerted the crew. The boat came very close to the vessel (approximately 10 meters from the hull). On seeing the alert crew on ship's side, the boat retreated and disappeared into the darkness. The master informed the IMB to alert","Desc3":"other vessels calling at Cartagena, Colombia (IMB).","coords.x1":-75.58333,"coords.x2":10.4} {"Reference":"2007-74","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-25","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOAT","Desc1":"GUYANA: Fishing vessel boarded and robbed 25 Mar at 2330 local time, at the mouth of the Pomeroon River. Five robbers armed with guns, in a speed boat, boarded the fishing vessel and opened fire. They then ordered the fishermen to lie down on the deck","Desc2":"and stole the ships properties and escaped. There were no injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":-58.75,"coords.x2":7.66667} {"Reference":"2007-35","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-30","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Container ship boarded 30 Jan, 1945 local time in position 10-15.4N 064-42.5W, Bahia de Pozuelos, Puerto la Cruz. Two robbers boarded a container ship at anchor. The duty crew spotted the robbers and informed the duty officer on the bridge.","Desc2":"The alarm was raised and the search was carried out. All the doors and access into the ship was closed down/locked. The attack was unsuccessful (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.70833,"coords.x2":10.25667} {"Reference":"2006-273","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:On 11-11-2006 at 0030 LT at Bahia de Robledal, Margarita, Venezuela, three robbers armed with guns boarded a sailing yacht, at anchor. Robbers tied two crew members back to back and stole all valuable items. There were no injuries to the crew.","Desc2":"Robbers left with the stolen goods in a small boat.","coords.x1":-64.41667,"coords.x2":11.06667} {"Reference":"2006-281","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-11","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"VENEZEULA: Yacht (LADY ANN) robbed 11 Nov around midnight, in position 11-01.5N 64-22.7W, Isla Margarita. Three gunmen in a small boat approached the yacht and boarded holding a couple hostage for three hours, while they ransacked the boat and stole","Desc2":"everything of value. The victims proceeded to Porlamar, where they reported the attack to the local authorities (LM: noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-64.37833,"coords.x2":11.025} {"Reference":"2006-263","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-01","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARGENTINA: Merchant vessel robbed 1 Nov, Parana River, San Nicolas, Buenos Aires. The vessel was boarded by 17 pirates, who proceeded to destroy the communication equipment. The pirates also broke into the containers, taking dozens of DVD players and","Desc2":"video recorders. The criminals fled in another vessel, which the coast guard was later able to detain (Air Security International).","coords.x1":-58.33333,"coords.x2":-33.33333} {"Reference":"2006-259","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-25","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"TRINIDAD/TOBAGO: Fishing vessel was boarded and robbed, crewmember shot, 25 Oct, off Palo Seco, Pt Erin. The fisherman was shot in the abdomen by pirates, who plundered his boat. The fisherman was able to make a call that night on his cell phone, that","Desc2":"began the search to his rescue. The pirates stole the vessels $60,000 engine and net. According to the article, five fishermen have been killed in pirate attacks in the Gulf of Paroa, over the past three years (LM: trinidadexpress.com).","coords.x1":-61.64583,"coords.x2":10.05556} {"Reference":"2006-258","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-13","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Yacht boarded and robbed 13 Oct at 0400 local time, in position 10:28.7N-064:08.5W, Navimca, Cumana. Robbers boarded a yacht at anchor and stole two outboard engines (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.14167,"coords.x2":10.47833} {"Reference":"2006-236","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-05","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: Fishing vessel (MISS SUCILLA II) attacked, fisherman shot dead 5 Oct just after midnight, off the west coast between Cedros and Changuanas. The fishing vessel was approached by another boat with no lights. The fishermen cut the ropes","Desc2":"attached to their nets and started the engine, intending to outrun the pirates. The fishing vessel was fired upon as it fled, killing one crewmember. According to the media report, Cedros fishermen claim nopatrol boats were assigned to the area on a","Desc3":"permanent basis and there were no night patrols. Over the past five years, there have been seven reported deaths linked to piracy off Trinidads west coast, between Cedros and Chaguanas. Southern Division Homicideofficers are investigating (LM).","coords.x1":-61.5,"coords.x2":10.3} {"Reference":"2006-231","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-01","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Container ship boarded 01 Oct at 0523 UTC, in position 24-05.5S 046-21.5W, Santos anchorage no. 4. Eight robbers wearing black clothes came alongside the container ship at port side and one robber boarded. Duty officer raised alarm, sounded","Desc2":"whistle, and crew mustered and the robber escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-46.35833,"coords.x2":-24.09167} {"Reference":"2006-223","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-19","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Container ship boarded 19 Sep at 0300 local time in position 24-07.7S 046-18.2W, Santos anchorage no. 4. Three masked robbers armed with guns boarded and held a duty crew hostage. They took his walkie talkie and freed him at 0420 local time and","Desc2":"he raised alarm. Robbers opened eight containers but escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":-46.30333,"coords.x2":-24.12833} {"Reference":"2006-224","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-19","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Container ship boarded 19 Sep at 0215 local time, in position 24-07S 046-21W, at Santos anchorage area no. 4 Brazil. Seven robbers armed with guns, in six meter long blue hull boat, boarded and held hostage one of two watchmen. Other watchman","Desc2":"reported to d/o. Crew mustered and SSAS activated and port authorities informed. Robbers broke into a container and escaped 50 mins later in their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":-46.35,"coords.x2":-24.11667} {"Reference":"2006-225","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-19","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Container ship boarded 19 Sep at 0200 local time, in position 24:05.1S 046:21.5W Santos outer anchorage no. 3. Robbers boarded and broke seals on 16 containers on deck but escaped empty handed. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-46.35833,"coords.x2":-24.085} {"Reference":"2006-213","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-01","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"TRINIDAD: Fishing raft fired on 01 Sep at San Fernando by gunmen in a white boat. Two brothers and their cousin left Bay Shore aboard a Styrofoam raft and sailed to Kings Warf to fish. The teens were forced to jump off the raft and swim to shore when","Desc2":"gunmen began firing at them. One teen, identified as Ramlakhan, was shot on the palm of his hand. According to Kendal Williams, 14, the gunmen fired at least five shots at them before they turned their vessel around and headed in the opposite direction","Desc3":"(LM).","coords.x1":-61.47167,"coords.x2":10.28333} {"Reference":"2006-207","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-21","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Container ship boarded and robbed 21 Aug at 0044 local time in position 24:08.3S 046:17.2W, Santos anchorage no. 4. Seven robbers armed with guns boarded at the forecastle. They took hostage two watchmen and entered accommodation. D/O raised","Desc2":"alarm, crew mustered, SSAS activated and port authorities informed. Robbers took vhf radio from the watchmen, broke open one container and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-46.28667,"coords.x2":-24.13833} {"Reference":"2006-203","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-17","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILING VESSEL","Desc1":"TRINIDAD: Sailing Vessel (VESLA) was boarded and robbed 17 Aug between 0230 and 0300 Local Time while at anchor in front of Peake Yacht Services, Chaguaramas Bay. According to the report,an aluminum dinghy coming from Fishermans Village near Cruise","Desc2":"Inn,came alongside the Norwegian yacht asking for a drink and cigarettes. Suddenly one of the men came aboard and produced a gun.The (VESLA) was robbed of computers, money, credit cards, cigarettes, alcohol, and so on. The robbers then destroyed the","Desc3":"inflatable, sank the outboard and took off in a westerly direction toward open water (www.noonsight.com).","coords.x1":-61.64167,"coords.x2":10.68} {"Reference":"2006-197","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Stolen engines taken from Guayaguayare fishermen on 08 Aug were recovered by Venezuelan military officers in the coastal town of Perdanales. Police have identified three ofthe thieves who raided the fishing depot near the Guayaguayare seawall","Desc2":"in the pre-dawn incident. The thieves are said to be part of an organized gang operating around Trinidad, stealing high-powered engines to sell on the black market (LM).","coords.x1":-60.98333,"coords.x2":10.15} {"Reference":"2006-186","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-07","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Container ship boarded, robbed 07 Jul at 2345 local time while at Punta Guanta anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and stole cargo from two containers. Master informed authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.575,"coords.x2":10.26667} {"Reference":"2006-181","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-07","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN: General cargo vessel (MOON LIGHT) was struck by a probable missile 14 Jul, while underway approximately 35km off the coast of Lebanon. All 12 crewmembers, one with serious injuries, were rescued by a nearby merchant vessel owned by","Desc2":"the same company. Reporting speculates the vessel was inadvertently hit during an attempt by Hezbollah to hit Israeli naval vessels blockading their coast. According to media reports, Israeli sources claim a radar guided missile with a range of 60 miles","Desc3":"(100km) was what was fired at the vessels. Due to the potential for collateral damage of this nature, merchant vessel operators in the Eastern Mediterranean report being advised not to come within 50 NM of the Lebanese coast as of 15 July 0500 UTC","Desc4":"(REUTERS, AP, FP, LM, OPERATOR)","coords.x1":-64.575,"coords.x2":10.26667} {"Reference":"2006-174","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-04","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: LPG tanker boarded, robbed 04 Jul at 1450 UTC, while preparing to depart from Texaco berth. One robber boarded the vessel and stole ships equipment. Perpetrator escapedin a motorboat that was waiting with four accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":-58.18889,"coords.x2":6.75556} {"Reference":"2006-175","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-04","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Containership reported attempted boarding 04 Jul at 0430 UTC, while anchored at Santos anchorage no. 3. Two robbers attempted to board the vessel via the anchor chain. Alert crew raised alarm and boarding was averted. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-46.3375,"coords.x2":-24.08194} {"Reference":"2006-164","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-24","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: Passenger vessel boarded and robbed 24 Jun at 0900 local time, while underway near the mouth of the Moruca River. Master observed an approaching speedboat equipped with 200hp engines, became suspicious, and increased speed but could not outrun","Desc2":"the faster speedboat. Gunmen dressed in army-type fatigues held up the vessel, which had departed the Northwest District at 0600 bound for the Pomeroon. Passengers were robbed of cash and other valuables. A drum of fuel was stolen as well. Three male","Desc3":"suspects are being held by police in Georgetown in connection to the robbery and a vessel suspected to have been used in the robbery is being held at Parika. While the investigation continues, boat operators plying the Pomeroon district are calling for","Desc4":"regular security patrols because pirate attacks can seriously affect their business (LM).","coords.x1":-59,"coords.x2":7.66667} {"Reference":"2006-160","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: Unidentified general cargo ship boarded and robbed 16 Jun at 0540 UTC at Magdalena river, Barranquilla. A robber armed with a knife boarded the vessel at anchor. He stole a life raft and safety equipment and escaped in a boat, waiting with an","Desc2":"accomplice. Master informed port authority and after 30 minutes a patrol boat recovered the life raft, in damaged condition (IMB).","coords.x1":-74.75667,"coords.x2":10.95833} {"Reference":"2006-155","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-05","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"GUYANA: Six fishing boats attacked and robbed 5 and 6 June, Corentyne River close to Suriname waters. Seven masked gunmen attacked fishing boats of the Number 66 Fish Port Complex, about 9 pm on 5 Jun. A second attack was launched about 12 midnight and","Desc2":"continued until about 1:30 am 6 Jun, and again between 10 am and 1 pm on 6 Jun. Reportedly, the masked gunmen claimed to have recognized a fisherman whom they accused of reporting them to police following an attack in November and wanted to kill him. The","Desc3":"accused fisherman was beaten along with one additional fisherman. Pirates escaped with about $22.5K USD in engines, gasoline, and fish. The fishermen were left to drift for days. Some boats still have not returned to safety. It is not clear whether these","Desc4":"bandits are connected to those responsible for the attack on fishermen at the mouth of the Berbice River on 5 and 6 Jun. Two men have been detained in connection to this robbery (LM).","coords.x1":-57.13333,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"2006-154","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-05","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: Eight fishing boats attacked and robbed 5 and 6 Jun, Berbice River. Several fishermen beaten, locked up , and held at gunpoint by four pirates beginning around 2 pm on 5 Jun and continued until late 6 Jun in the vicinity of the mouth of the","Desc2":"Berbice River. Pirates escaped with more than $25K USD of gasoline, engines, groceries, crews clothing and personal items, cigarettes and other items. Fishermen were rescued around 7 pm on 6 Jun. According to 11 Jun media reporting, two of the four","Desc3":"pirates were arrested. The police reported that about 1:30 pm on 9 June the Berbice Anti-Smuggling Squad, acting on a tip-off, caught two men with two boats suspected to have been used in the hijacking. Two engines along with leads and other items have","Desc4":"been recovered. The men are being held at the Springdale Police Station (LM).","coords.x1":-57.58333,"coords.x2":6.26667} {"Reference":"2006-122","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-28","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: Yacht boarded and sailor shot, 28 Apr, Islas de Piritu anchorage, off Puerto la Cruz. Five armed robbers boarded the boat and shot the only sailor onboard. He was injured in his stomach but escaped in a dinghy. He was operated on in a hospital","Desc2":"and one of his kidneys needed removal (IMB).","coords.x1":-65.51667,"coords.x2":10.46667} {"Reference":"2006-110","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-18","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: Unidentified product tanker reported attempted boarding 18 Apr at 2218 local time, Mamonal Roads. A robber attempted to board the vessel using a hook, attached to a rope. Alert crew raised alarm and robber escaped in a boat. Coast guard","Desc2":"informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-74.5,"coords.x2":10.3} {"Reference":"2006-87","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-25","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Unidentified container ship boarded 25 Mar at 0145 local time at, quarantine anchorage no.2, Santos Roads. Four robbers boarded the vessel via anchor chain. Duty officer raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers escaped empty handed in an unlit","Desc2":"speedboat. Port authority informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-46.33333,"coords.x2":-24.05} {"Reference":"2006-29","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-31","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: A container ship (SAFMARINE ZAMBEZI) was boarded and robbed while berthed at the Tecondi Container Terminal at the port of Santos, Brazil per 31 Jan reporting. According to the report, thieves arrived alongside in a motorboat and stevedore","Desc2":"accomplices threw cargo taken from one of the containers, down to them. An alert guard noticed and sounded the alarm resulting in a high speed chase across the harbor, with the ports water police in hot pursuit. The robbers in the motorboat escaped.","Desc3":"However, the accomplices on board have been taken into custody (LL).","coords.x1":-46.29167,"coords.x2":-23.9625} {"Reference":"2005-343","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-19","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 19 Nov at 2000 local time while anchored in position 10-19N 075-32W in Cartagena Bay. Four thieves boarded via the forecastle, broke padlock on locker, and stole ships safety equipment and stores, despite the","Desc2":"watchman raising alarm. Coast Guard and port authorities notified and responded within 30 minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":-75.51667,"coords.x2":10.31667} {"Reference":"2005-257","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-05","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified yacht was boarded 05 Aug at 1220 local time, while anchored off Laguna Grande. Three robbers, armed with machetes, boarded the yacht and lowered the dingy. Skipper confronted one of the robbers who then slashed him with the","Desc2":"machete. Robbers jumped into the water and started taking the dingy. Skipper pursued them but robbers repeatedly slashed him with machetes causing severe injury. Skippers colleague onboard contacted authorities and armed guards arrived and took skipper","Desc3":"ashore for hospital treatment. Subsequently, stolen dingy was recovered (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.05,"coords.x2":10.575} {"Reference":"2005-243","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-26","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 26 Jul at 2000 local time, while departing the port of Georgetown. Five robbers, armed with guns, boarded the vessel as it was departing port, with the pilot on board. They held crew at gunpoint and","Desc2":"broke padlock off forward storeroom. The crewmembers managed to escape and raised the alarm. Robbers left empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":-58.17333,"coords.x2":6.80556} {"Reference":"2005-105","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-21","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"SURINAME: Police report at least six Surinamese fishing boats were hijacked and stripped of their motors 21 Mar, while fishing off the coast near Coronie and Commewijne Districts. At about the same time, 3 Guyanese fishing boats were also attacked,","Desc2":"stranding 12 Guyanese fishermen in Suriname. Suriname authorities blame a gang of 7 Guyanese men, one of whom is armed with a hunting rifle, for the attacks. On 31 Mar, Guyana's coast guard announced they will be patrolling their territorial waters in","Desc3":"search of these pirates and to protect their fishermen. This announcement comes after a recent attack where pirates, pretending to be hungry and begging for food, shot and wounded two fishermen before boarding and plundering the boat. ONI NOTE: Crimes","Desc4":"against yachts and fishing boats tend to be less reported than those against larger maritime interests insured thorough commercial maritime means. This report should not be taken as indicative of the level of such crime so much as of the type of crime","Desc5":"that continually occurs below normal reporting channels' radar (INFO, ONI).","coords.x1":-56.1175,"coords.x2":5.97778} {"Reference":"2005-65","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-11","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified bulk carrier was approached by two unlit boats on 11 Feb, 0400 local time in position 10-16N 064-35W, Pertigalete port cement terminal, Venezuela. Two unlit boats approached within 100 meters before moving away, after security","Desc2":"guards fired warning shots (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.58333,"coords.x2":10.26667} {"Reference":"2005-38","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 15 Jan at 0730 UTC, while at Macapa anchorage on the Amazon River. Intruders boarded via anchor chain and stole ship's stores, from forecastle locker. Crew raised alarm and robbers escaped in a","Desc2":"speedboat. Master reported incident to local authorities, but there was no response (IMB).","coords.x1":-51.05,"coords.x2":0.01944} {"Reference":"2004-307","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-11","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified general cargo ship noted suspicious approach 11 Dec at 0054 local time, by a pilot vessel. This was noted shortly after the ship had dropped its outward pilot at Cartagena. Crew rushed aft and found a grappling hook on the rail","Desc2":"and a line trailing astern, which crew removed averting a possible attempted boarding. Several private pilot boats operate in the area (IMB).","coords.x1":-75.55556,"coords.x2":10.425} {"Reference":"2004-308","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-24","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was boarded 24 Nov at 0100 local time, while at Georgetown anchorage maneuvering with pilot on board. Intruders broke into mast house but escaped empty handed, when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-58.17333,"coords.x2":6.80556} {"Reference":"2004-287","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-24","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 17 Nov at 0850 UTC, while anchored in position 06-58N 058-02W in Georgetown Roads. Thieves stole ship's stores and escaped in a high speed boat, when duty officer raised alarm. Port control informed","Desc2":"and a coast guard boat arrived (IMB).","coords.x1":-58.03333,"coords.x2":6.96667} {"Reference":"2004-289","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-24","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was boarded 24 Nov at 0100 local time, while at Georgetown anchorage maneuvering with pilot on board. Intruders broke into mast house but escaped empty handed, when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-58.175,"coords.x2":6.80694} {"Reference":"2004-290","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-22","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL:An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 22 Nov, while anchored in position 32-13.6S 051-58.2W at Rio Grande do Sul. Persons in a small craft attempted to board from port quarter, but were driven off when crew mustered and directed","Desc2":"searchlights at them (IMB).","coords.x1":-51.97,"coords.x2":-32.22667} {"Reference":"2004-261","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-30","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified bull carrier was boarded 30 Oct at 0140 local time while anchored at Maracaibo. A single man gained access via the anchor chain but fled in a waiting boat when duty seaman raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-71.60417,"coords.x2":10.62222} {"Reference":"2004-281","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-30","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified bull carrier was boarded 30 Oct at 0140 local time, while anchored at Maracaibo. A single man gained access via the anchor chain but fled in a waiting boat, when duty seaman raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-71.58333,"coords.x2":10.63333} {"Reference":"2004-229","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-09","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ERITREA: The container ship (SEALAND ATLANTIC) reports suspicious approach 9 Sep at 1345 local time, while underway in position 13-46N 042-27W (about 14 nm off Tekay Deset, Eritrea) and one hour steaming north of the beginning of the Traffic Separation","Desc2":"Scheme at the Bab el Mandeb. Two boats, approximately 35 feet long with high powered outboard engines and making about 15 knots, approached to within 150 meters on a course of 100 degrees, true, but were unable to catch the ship which increased its speed","Desc3":"to maximum, and to adverse weather conditions (18 knot SE breeze and moderate sea). Each boat was observed to hold about six men; no weapons were observed. Ship had been on MARSEC level one since prior to entering the narrow part of the Red Sea, with","Desc4":"total crew lockdown, no personnel working on deck, extra lookout, and passes advice that all ships should do the same when transiting the southern Red Sea, (especially at night), and that speed be increased to maximum allowable (Operator).","coords.x1":-42.45,"coords.x2":13.76667} {"Reference":"2004-219","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-25","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: An unidentified container ship was boarded 25 Aug at 0345 local time, while anchored in position 032-11S 051-58W at Rio Grande. Ten persons broke into 8 containers on deck but fled, when duty officer sounded alarm and ship's whistle. Port","Desc2":"authority did not respond to VHF calls; local police came aboard to investigate the next day after ship berthed (IMB).","coords.x1":-51.96667,"coords.x2":-32.18333} {"Reference":"2004-206","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 8 Aug at 0340 local time, while at Pertigalete anchorage, la Cruz. Crew raised alarm and two intruders fled empty handed in a boat (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.575,"coords.x2":10.26667} {"Reference":"2004-125","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: Unidentified fishing vessel boarded 16 May in position 24-05S 046-19W at Ilhas Das Palmas (Guaruja), Santos by 3 persons operating from a red and white aluminum boat. The 3 stole ship's equipment, stores and personal property and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-24.08333} {"Reference":"2004-80","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-28","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified yacht was boarded 28 Mar at 0300 local time while at Polamar, Isla Margarita. An outboard motor was stolen from the yacht's dingy. Yacht master reported several attempted thefts during the week.","coords.x1":-63.84667,"coords.x2":10.95444} {"Reference":"2004-69","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-26","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: A Trinidadian fisherman was shot and killed 26 Mar within Trinidad's territorial waters 13 miles off Soldado Rock, Cedros. The assailants rammed the fishing boat, shot one crew member when he sat up from his sleeping position, and","Desc2":"stole the boat's engine, nets, food and crew clothing. The pirates were said to be Spanish-speaking which is interpreted locally to mean from Venzuela.","coords.x1":-61.69472,"coords.x2":10.67389} {"Reference":"2004-56","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-05","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 5 Mar at 2110 local time while anchored at Mamonal inner anchorage in approximate position 10-19N 075-31W. Three persons armed with knives threatened the chief officer and duty seaman before escaping with a","Desc2":"life raft. Coast Guard boarded to investigate within 20 minutes of being informed.","coords.x1":-75.51667,"coords.x2":10.31667} {"Reference":"2004-57","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-28","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified yacht was boarded 28 Feb at 2215 local time anchored in position 10-43N 062-34W at Punta Pargo. Several persons armed with guns boarded the yacht and master sent mayday message o VHF as well as firing flares. The intruders","Desc2":"fired several shots at crew and stole a dinghy. No injuries reported.","coords.x1":-62.56667,"coords.x2":10.71667} {"Reference":"2004-42","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-19","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 19 Feb at 0220 UTC while at Guanta port. Two armed persons threatened the bosun with knives but escaped empty handed when alarm was sounded.","coords.x1":-64.51111,"coords.x2":10.25056} {"Reference":"2004-31","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-02","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: An unidentified LPG tanker was boarded 5 Feb at 0815 UTC while in position 01-24-09S 048-30-18W at Belem inner anchorage. Four persons operating form a small boat stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":-48.505,"coords.x2":-1.4025} {"Reference":"2004-23","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-28","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An Italian yacht captain was shot dead 28 Jan after he and two companions had been robbed in the early morning hours while the South African-flag yacht (JOE'S DOG) was about 50 km from Isla Margarita on a voyage from St. Vincent to Puerto la","Desc2":"Cruz, Venezuela. The attackers boarded from a motor boat after asking for water and drew guns once aboard. The captain and his two Italian companions had difficulty understanding the attackers' Spanish and in the confusion the captain tried to escape","Desc3":"into the yacht's cabin, whereupon he was shot. Yacht attacks are assessed to be far more common than reporting would indicate; most incidents probably being handled locally as police matters and rarely reported in commercial maritime circles.","coords.x1":-63.79278,"coords.x2":11.09278} {"Reference":"2003-389","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-06","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 6 Dec at 0130 as it came to anchor with a pilot on board at Georgetown. Alarm was raised but the thieves escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2003-388","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-29","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 29 Nov at 0200 local time at anchor at Puerto la Cruz, Venezuela. 3 persons armed with knives took duty seaman hostage and tied him up. They stole ship's stores and safety equipment before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.63333,"coords.x2":10.23333} {"Reference":"2003-346","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-02","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"TRINIDAD ISLAND: Two fishing boats were raided and robbed of engines, gas tanks and their catches 2 Nov at 2130 and 2200 local time off Columbus Channel, South Trinidad. Four Spanish speaking pirates, believed by their victims to be Venezuelan, raided","Desc2":"the (CRYSTAL CLEAR) and (KELLY) and left the helpless boats to be paddled toward shore. The owner of (CRYSTAL CLEAR) estimates his losses at $20,000 while that for (KELLY) is estimated at $25.000 (INFO, LM).","coords.x1":-61.5,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"2003-345","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-31","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLUMBIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 31 Oct at 1900 local time during heavy rain while the ship lay at anchor at Mamonal. Two persons armed with knives stole stores and safety equipment from the forecastle locker before being confronted","Desc2":"by crew and escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":-75.51667,"coords.x2":10.31667} {"Reference":"2003-336","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 27 Oct at 1520 local time at the Texaco Berth, Georgetown. Thieves boarded at forecastle and stole ship's stores before escaping in a waiting boat with 3 accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2003-320","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 8 Oct at 1910 local time while at a berth in Guanta. Three persons armed with steel bars broke open paint store and stole ship's stores. When confronted by crew they jumped overboard and escaped","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":-64.58333,"coords.x2":10.25} {"Reference":"2003-312","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-19","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 19 Sep at 0200 UTC while at Icoaraci anchorage, Belem. Three persons climbed the anchor chain and broke into the paint store but fled empty handed when alarm sounded (IMB).","coords.x1":-48.5,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2003-305","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 3 Sep at 2040 local time while at Georgetown. Thieves stole ship's stores and property, although ship had employed shore guards on board (IMB).","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2003-285","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-24","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 24 Aug at 0100 local time while berthed at the Coal Terminal, Cartagena. Persons armed with knives gained access at the forecastle, assaulted and tied up a crew member, stole ship's stores and escaped. The","Desc2":"crew member suffered knife wounds (IMB).","coords.x1":-75.53333,"coords.x2":10.41667} {"Reference":"2003-271","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-10","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: An unidentified chemical tanker reports attempt to board 10 Aug at 0430 local time while at Belem anchorage. A single individual tried to climb anchor chain but fled when seaman raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-48.5,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2003-270","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 8 Aug at 0400 local time while at berth 29, Puerto Cabello. Intruders broke open a paint locker but fled empty handed when crew foiled their theft (IMB).","coords.x1":-68,"coords.x2":10.48333} {"Reference":"2003-257","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-26","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 26 Jul at 0600 local time while at Berth 16, Santos, engaged in cargo operations. Armed persons damaged bridge door and provision storeroom door and stole ship's equipment and stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-46.3,"coords.x2":-23.95} {"Reference":"2003-258","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-26","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: An unidentified container ship was boarded 26 Jul at 0305 UTC while at Berth 11, Belem. Two persons armed with guns attacked duty seaman, broke into paint locker and stole ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-48.5,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2003-255","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-25","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 25 Jul at 0045 local time while underway near Barranquilla. Persons armed with knives stole ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-74.8,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"2003-256","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-22","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 22 Jul at 2235 local time while underway in Maracaibo Channel near Isla Pescadores. Persons in five speedboats were detected by alert crew who switched on deck lights, activated hose,","Desc2":"fired flares at the boats and directed searchlights at them. Pilot on board called Coast Guard who did not respond. After several attempts boarding was abandoned (IMB).","coords.x1":-71.61667,"coords.x2":10.91667} {"Reference":"2003-245","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-18","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 18 Jul at 0830 local time during cargo operations at Puerto Cabello. Safety equipment was stolen form aft store (IMB).","coords.x1":-68,"coords.x2":10.48333} {"Reference":"2003-247","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 15 Jul at 0130 local time while at berth 29A, Puerto Cabello. Four darkly dressed persons in a boat attempted to gain access using a grappling hook but alert crew drove them off by","Desc2":"directing searchlights at their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":-68,"coords.x2":10.48333} {"Reference":"2003-239","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-11","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 11 Jul in the early morning while berthed at Guanta. The intruders broke padlocks on storerooms but fled when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.58333,"coords.x2":10.25} {"Reference":"2003-204","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-12","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 12 Jun at 2300 local time while at Barranquilla anchorage. Three persons n a boat gained access at the forecastle using grappling hooks. Crew raised alarm and intruders escaped, apparently empty handed","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":-74.8,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"2003-124","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-17","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 17 Apr at 1700 local time while at Georgetown inner anchorage 'B'. Two persons gained access via the forecastle and stole safety equipment before escaping in a boat. Authorities informed and a coast guard patrol","Desc2":"boat searched the area (IMB).","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2003-115","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-11","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 11 Apr at 1320 local time at berth Puerto Cabello. Several persons armed with knives broke open paint locker and stole stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-68,"coords.x2":10.48333} {"Reference":"2003-93","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-29","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 29 Mar at 0430 UTC while at inner anchorage no. 6, Paranagua. Five persons gained access via the forecastle and tried to open paint locker. Watchman raised alarm, crew mustered and intruders fled (IMB).","coords.x1":-48.51667,"coords.x2":-25.5} {"Reference":"2003-54","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-20","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded via the stern 20 Feb at 2130 local time in Cartagena inner roads by persons armed with guns. They bound three watchmen and forced them into the hold, but fled when spotted by ship's crew (IMB).","coords.x1":-75.53333,"coords.x2":10.41667} {"Reference":"2003-50","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-06","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: The tanker (MEKHANIK KARASYOV) was boarded 6 Feb at day break, while anchored in inner harbor, Santos. Thieves boarded from a boat and stole personal effects, electronics and other items. When discovered on deck by crew members, the intruders","Desc2":"responded with gunfire, killing the Chief Mate and wounding one other officer, who was hospitalized (INFO).","coords.x1":-46.3,"coords.x2":-23.95} {"Reference":"2003-8","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-30","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: The 9,981-ton fruit juice tanker (ORANGE STAR) was boarded 30 Dec at 0030 local time while at Santos anchorage No. 4 in position 24 07.5S, 46 17.2W. Approximately 10 persons armed with shotguns, handguns and knives smashed a radio room port to","Desc2":"gain access to the accommodation and made their way the bridge. The assailants took Chief Officer hostage and fired three shots at other crew members. The Captain acceded to the robbers' demands and came out of his cabin. The thieves stole cash, bonded","Desc3":"stores,radios and other items damaging three doors and the radio room window. Note IMB gives incident date as 20 Dec in their 31 Dec report. report","coords.x1":-46.28333,"coords.x2":-24.11667} {"Reference":"2002-357","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-06","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 6 Dec at 0110 UTC while anchored in position 10 19.2N, 075 31.5W Bahia de Cartagena. Five persons climbed up anchor chain and broke into Bosun's store. Crew sounded alarm and thieves jumped overboard, escaping","Desc2":"with stores.","coords.x1":-75.53333,"coords.x2":10.31667} {"Reference":"2002-340","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-02","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 2 Dec between 0100 and 0130 local time while inbound to Georgetown. Thieves stole stores from forecastle locker and escaped.","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2002-307","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-22","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified tug was boarded 22 Oct between 0300 and 0600 local time while berthed at Puerto Cabello. Thieves stole stores and crew belongings. Master was advised thatarmed robbery was common and to hire guards.","coords.x1":-68,"coords.x2":10.48333} {"Reference":"2002-297","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 16 Oct at 0945 local time while berthed at Georgetown. Seven persons armed with long knives and machetes broke into forward store and stole ship's stores. Alarm raised and thieves escaped in boat after","Desc2":"threatening crew. Crew attempts to contact port authorities by VHF unsuccessful.","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2002-283","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 3 Oct during the early morning hours while berthed at Santana (Macapa). Thieves stole an outboard motor from a lifeboat and ship's stores","coords.x1":-51.05,"coords.x2":0.03333} {"Reference":"2002-282","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-29","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 29 Sep at 0305 local time while in position 24 05.42S, 046 21.23W at No. 3 Santos outer anchorage. Six persons, four of whom were armed with guns and long knives, boarded from a small speedboat. Watch","Desc2":"sounded alarm; thieves threatened crew while stealing cash and property and went to Captain's cabin to silence alarm.","coords.x1":-46.35,"coords.x2":-24.08333} {"Reference":"2002-258","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-12","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 12 Sep at 0130 local time from the water side while berthed at Guanta. Five persons armed with knives boarded from a small boat using a hook on a pole. Two patrolling watchmen retreated into","Desc2":"accommodation, locked hatches and had alarm sounded. Intruders jumped overboard and escaped without taking anything.","coords.x1":-64.58333,"coords.x2":10.25} {"Reference":"2002-273","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-07","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: A 1,213-ton Danish flag cargo ship was boarded 7 Sep at 0445 local time while berthed at St. Laurent port. Three persons armed with iron bars and handguns beat several crew, including the master. Chief mate slipped away and notified police who","Desc2":"responded promptly but were unable to apprehend any of the perpetrators who escaped with crew valuables and cash from the safe. Master was hospitalized with serious head injuries.","coords.x1":-54.03333,"coords.x2":5.5} {"Reference":"2002-252","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 3 Sep at 1045 local time while anchoring at Georgetown anchorage. One person boarded at stern using a grappling hook and threw stores plus the electric gangway motor into a waiting boat. Local authorities","Desc2":"noticed the attack and notified the crew, who had been unaware of the boarding while they were busy with the anchoring, via VHF. A police boat recovered some of the stolen items","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2002-251","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-01","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified cargo ship was subject to attempt to board 1 Sep at 0300 local time while berthed at Guanta. Crew contacted coast guard which responded by firing warning shots. Intruders aborted boarding but one was caught by crew who turned","Desc2":"him over to authorities.","coords.x1":-64.58333,"coords.x2":10.25} {"Reference":"2002-257","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-29","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: U. S. flag yacht (MISS T) was boarded and ransacked, one crew member injured 29 Aug between 0715 UTC and 1415 UTC. Yacht was anchored in Carnero Bay in position 10 31.65N, 066 05.9W. Five persons, two or more of whom may have been in military","Desc2":"style uniform, Assailants pistol whipped one crew member ransacked the vessel and stole the yacht's keys, money, passports and other valuables.","coords.x1":-66.1,"coords.x2":10.53333} {"Reference":"2002-243","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 27 Aug during the night while berthed at Puerto La Cruz, a port operated by the state oil company PDVSA. Three persons boarded from a boat on vessel's seaward side, entered the master's cabin and forced him","Desc2":"to hand over the more than $10,000 in his safe. Although local authorities reported this is the first incident against a ship at berth, as opposed to one at anchor, on 16 Aug a tanker was also boarded and robbed at its berth in Puerto la Cruz (as","Desc3":"reported by the IMB 20 Aug).","coords.x1":-64.63333,"coords.x2":10.23333} {"Reference":"2002-227","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 16 Aug between 2000 and 2130 local time while at berth 6, Puerto La Cruz. Persons armed with knives gained access via the port side and escaped with a stolen liferaft.","coords.x1":-64.63333,"coords.x2":10.23333} {"Reference":"2002-233","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-01","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified yacht was attacked 1 Aug (reported 26 Aug) while anchored n position 10-14N 064-32W off Playa Conoma, 8 nm from Puerto la Cruz. Yacht master and his wife seriously injured by five person armed with knives, machetes and guns;","Desc2":"crew valuable and $1,400 cash stolen. Master reports another yacht allegedly robbed by six armed persons about 30 Jun.","coords.x1":-64.53333,"coords.x2":10.23333} {"Reference":"2002-205","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-20","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified ship was boarded 20 Jul at Pertigalete Bay, Guanta. Persons with guns stole cash and crew personal effects and escaped in a motorboat. Master called port authorities but received no response.","coords.x1":-64.58333,"coords.x2":10.25} {"Reference":"2002-185","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified container ship was subject to attempted boarding 3 Jul at 0300 local time while in Rio Magdalena channel at anchor. A high speed boat with 5 or 6 persons was repelled by alert crew.","coords.x1":-74.8,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"2002-187","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified cargo ship was subject of attempted boarding 3 Jul at 0305 local time while in Demerara River anchorage. Ship's crew spotted four persons using grappling hooks and duty officer drove them away by firing flares at them.","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2002-186","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 3 Jul at0740 local time while at anchor in Demerara River. Two persons boarded at the forecastle but fled empty-handed when spotted by crew","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2002-164","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 15 Jun at 2200 local time by five armed persons while at Belem inner anchorage. Duty seaman was tied up and blindfolded while thieves stole ship's stores, departing when alarm was sounded by another seaman.","coords.x1":-48.5,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2002-160","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-09","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 9 Jun at 0500 local time while berthed at Georgetown. Thieves stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2002-159","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-05","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 5 Jun at 2300 local time while berthed at Barranquilla. Three persons broke into portside locker but jumped over board and escaped with watch sounded alarm. No information on losses.","coords.x1":-74.8,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"2002-161","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: Persons from a boat boarded an unidentified general cargo ship 3 Jun at 2300 local time as it approached the port of Georgetown with pilot on board and stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2002-154","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-29","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 29 May at 2320 local time while anchored at Barranquilla. Ten persons broke into forward lockers and stole a large quantity of ship's store before escaping in a big speedboat.","coords.x1":-74.8,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"2002-149","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified gas carrier was boarded 15 May at 0410 local time while underway in the inner roads port of Rome. Thieves armed with knives stole ship's stores and escaped. A second attack was made at 0435 while ship was mooring and thieves stole","Desc2":"a life raft and three fire hoses.","coords.x1":-57.54944,"coords.x2":6.77083} {"Reference":"2002-138","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA: An unidentified tanker was subject to attempted boarding during the night of 2 May while anchored at Golden Grove on the Demerara River, Georgetown, Guyana. Boarding was aborted when crew raised alarm.","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2001-340","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-19","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL: The container ship (CSAV SINGAPORE) was boarded 19 Dec at 0230 local time while anchored at Rio Grande outer roads awaiting berth. Duty officer noted boat at vessel's starboard bow and raised alarm. Five persons were seen fleeing in two boats.","Desc2":"Cargo check revealed six containers interfered with: Two had contents stolen, two were broken into but not missing cargo, and two had seals broken only.","coords.x1":-52.08333,"coords.x2":-32.05} {"Reference":"2001-329","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-05","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"BRAZIL: America's Cup yachting winner, Sir Peter Blake was shot and killed late 5 Dec aboard his yacht (SEAMASTER) anchored near Macapa at the mouth of the Amazon. Two other crew were wounded. Watches, cameras and an inflatable boat were stolen by the","Desc2":"men, one of whom may have been wounded by a gun fired by Blake. Seven or eight persons wearing hoods boarded the yacht late at night after the crew had returned from dinner ashore. On 8 Dec Brazilian police reported they had arrested seven men in the","Desc3":"death and that four had confessed to the robbery and shooting claiming they had shot Blake twice in the back in self-defense. Blake was ending a tour to heighten environmental awareness in the Amazon region and had reported death threats earlier in his","Desc4":"expedition. All concerned appear to be handling the case as one of robbery and murder without making any connection to Blake's environmental activity. Assaults against yachtsmen are not uncommon but the speed with which the alleged perpetrators were","Desc5":"arrested by Brazilian authorities. If the motive was simply robbery it is unclear why the assailants waited until Blake and his crew had reboarded the yacht.","coords.x1":-51.06639,"coords.x2":0.03389} {"Reference":"2001-299","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-21","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MARIE THERESE","Desc1":"BRAZIL: The 3,113 ton Antigua flag cargo ship MARIETHERESE was boarded 21 Oct at 0430 local time while berthed at Belem. Three persons armed with knives broke into a storeroom and stole ship's stores before fleeing to their boat when spotted by watchman.","coords.x1":-48.5,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2001-291","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-13","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"COLOMBIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports an attempt to board 13 Oct at 0230 local time while underway at Cartagena. Eight persons approached in a small boat and attemptedto gain access via the ship's ladder which was over the side. Alarm raised and","Desc2":"boarding averted.","coords.x1":-75.53333,"coords.x2":10.41667} {"Reference":"2001-140","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 8 May at 0155 local time while berthed at sugar terminal, by ten persons armed with pistols and machine guns. Crew members were taken hostage or tied up while robbers broke into cabins and stole cash,","Desc2":"stores and crew valuables. Third officer freed himself, sounded alarm and sent alert message. Police investigated.","coords.x1":-34.88333,"coords.x2":-8.1} {"Reference":"2001-101","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-20","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LORNA","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:Yacht (lorna), nationality unknown, was attacked by four persons in a pirogue 20 Mar 3 miles off the venezuelan coast (reported 28 mar) the pirogue approached the yacht and its occupants asked for cigarettes. When the owner turned away he was","Desc2":"shot and the four then boarded the yacht, taking cash and personal items. The yacht owner's wife contacted the trinidad and tobago coast guard which lacked permission to enter venezuelan waters. (lorna) was eventually escorted to trinidad by a venezuelan","Desc3":"and a trinidadian coast guard cutter and the yacht owner transferred to hospital. Yacht incidents are assumed to be far more numerous than are reported in the usual maritime information channels.","coords.x1":-62,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"2001-177","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-20","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LORNA","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:SAILING YACHT (LORNA) WAS ATTACKED BY GUNMEN 20 MARCH (REPORTED 20 JUN) AT 0030 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 10-44.6N 062-22.1W BETWEEN ISLA MARGARITA AND TRINIDAD. THE YACHT'S OWNER WAS SHOT AND THE YACHT RANSACKED BY FOUR MEN ARMED","Desc2":"WITH GUNS AND OPERATING A PIROGUE. THE YACHT AND WOUNDED MAN PROCEEDED TO TRINIDAD AFTER BOTH VENEZUELAN AND TRINIDADIAN COAST GUARD RESPONDED TO DISTRESS CALL.","coords.x1":-62.36833,"coords.x2":10.74333} {"Reference":"2001-9","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-02","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL:WATCH ON AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER AT ANCHOR SANTANA, SPOTTED PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES AND GUNS ON FORECASTLE 2 DEC AT 0410 LOCAL TIME. PORT CONTROL INFORMED, NO ACTION TAKEN. THIEVES ESCAPED WITH SHIPS STORES.","coords.x1":-34.8925,"coords.x2":-5.40167} {"Reference":"2001-10","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-05","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"STOLT KENT","Desc1":"BRAZIL:THE 12,141-TON, ISLE OF MAN FLAG CHEMICAL TANKER (STOLT KENT) WAS BOARDED ABOUT 5 NOV (REPORTED 4 DEC) WHILE AT COPESUL TERMINAL, RIO GRANDE. THE MASTER, OTHER OFFICERS AND CREW WERE THREATENED WITH GUNS WHILE THEIR CABINS WERE RANSACKED AND","Desc2":"VALUABLES STOLEN. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED. SHIP'S MASTER REPORTS THAT THIEVES WERE FAMILIAR WITH SHIP'S LAYOUT AND PROCEDURES.","coords.x1":-52.13333,"coords.x2":-32.05} {"Reference":"2000-333","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-19","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"CSAV CHARLESTON","Desc1":"COLOMBIA:THE 14,865-TON CYPRUS-FLAG CONTAINER SHIP (CSAV CHARLESTON) WAS APPROACHED 19 SEP (REPORTED 3 OCT) WHILE UNDERWAY OFF CARTAGENA WITH THE PILOT STILL ON BOARD. FOUR ARMED MEN IN A MOTORBOAT ATTEMPTED TO SECURE A LINE TO THE SHIP BUT ABORTED THEIR","Desc2":"ATTACK WHEN ALARM WAS SOUNDED AND THEY WERE ILLUMINATED BY SEARCHLIGHTS.","coords.x1":-75.66667,"coords.x2":10.5} {"Reference":"2000-303","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-12","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED 12 SEP AT 0315 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT EVERTON WHARF, NEW AMSTERDAM, GUYANA. FIVE PERSONS ARMED WITH GUNS AND KNIVES BROKE INTO THE PAINT LOCKER AND STOLE SHIP'S STORES BEFORE ESCAPING IN A BOAT. ALL","Desc2":"ATTEMPTS TO CONTACT POLICE FAILED.","coords.x1":-57.025,"coords.x2":6.795} {"Reference":"2000-122","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"ATL ENDURANCE","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:The 4,455-ton, Panama-flag (ATL ENDURANCE) was boarded 3 Jul at 0130 local time while at berth 5, Guanta. Six intruders boarded from the seaward side armed with knives and bolt cutters. Holding a crew member at knifepoint, they opened three","Desc2":"40-foot containers and removed several cartons before escaping in a small motor boat carrying two more accomplices when spotted by the Second Officer.","coords.x1":-65,"coords.x2":10.33333} {"Reference":"2000-61","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-06","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"GEFION","Desc1":"BRAZIL:The 7,170-ton, Philippine-flag bulk carrier (GEFION) was boarded at daybreak 6 May (reported 16 May) while anchored in Santos Outer Roads. The robbers, said to number between five and eight stole approx. $2,000 from the ship's safe.","coords.x1":-33.93833,"coords.x2":-7.55639} {"Reference":"2000-62","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-01","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL:An unidentified 9,760-ton container ship was boarded about 2320 local time 1 May (reported 16 May) while anchored in Santos Roads. Duty watchman spotted two men searching between containers and shortly afterward more persons attempted to board","Desc2":"from a small boat using a hooked bamboo pole. Ship's alarm was sounded and, as they fled, one of the intruders fired a gunshot. Ship then heaved anchor and proceeded seawards.Upon inspection it was found that four containers had been opened and two had","Desc3":"their contents pilfered.","coords.x1":-33.90444,"coords.x2":-7.58944} {"Reference":"2000-60","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-28","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"ALEXANDRA","Desc1":"VENEZUELA:The 7,361-ton, Antigua-flag container ship (ALEXANDRA) was discovered to have been boarded at anchor, Guanta, 28 Apr (reported 15 May) 1915 local time when heaving anchor to proceed to berth. Four persons were seen running along the deck to a","Desc2":"small craft tied alongside. Upon inspection two reefer containers were found to have been opened and the contents of one, destined for discharge at Miami, had been pilfered. Five stowaways found during pre-sailing search by crew when ship was preparing","Desc3":"to leave Guanta.","coords.x1":-66.8375,"coords.x2":10.6875} {"Reference":"2000-21","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-26","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"SPEAR","Desc1":"BRAZIL:The 37,955-ton Panamanian-flag bulk carrier, SPEAR, was boarded 0700 UTC 26 Apr while alongside the terminal at Sepetiba, Brazil. Master and crew \"attacked\" but no one was injured and there is no report of loss.","coords.x1":-43,"coords.x2":-23} {"Reference":"2000-283","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-23","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL:Four thieves boarded an unidentified ship at anchor in the Fazandinha Anchorage (Munguba Port) on the Amazon River 23 Jan (reported 3 Mar). The intruders were discovered in process of lowering tins of paint to a waiting boat and attacked the","Desc2":"ship's crew. After the thieves had escaped in their boat crew discovered other supplies and equipment missing.","coords.x1":-33.92139,"coords.x2":-7.57306} {"Reference":"2000-212","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-17","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"NASIA","Desc1":"BRAZIL:The 4,909-ton, Cyprus-flag cargo ship (NASIA) was boarded 17 Jan at Sepetiba Anchorage by 5-6 men armed with knives and guns. The boarders stole money and crew valuables. Total of ship s money lost was $3,600 and total for crew losses still being","Desc2":"tabulated. Master states he attempted to contact Sepetiba Port authorities without reply.","coords.x1":-45.75,"coords.x2":-25.5} {"Reference":"1999-93","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-31","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"Authorities in Guyana reported nearly one dozen cases of robbery from fishing boats in rivers or off the coast, and the killing of one robber aboard a ship moored at Georgetown (06-50N 058-10W). On a single day in August six fishing boats working within","Desc2":"a 50 km sq area were robbed of engines, fish catch and equipment and left adrift while the robbers fled toward Venezuela. The robbers reportedly work from border towns in Suriname andVenezuela.","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"1999-80","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-09","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"EMILIA THERESA","Desc1":"The 3,356-ton, Isle of Man-flag chemical tanker, Emilia Theresa, was attacked and boarded by six armed robbers while at anchor, awaiting berthing at Rio Grande, Brazil. The robbers ransacked the master's cabin and took about $23,000 in crew wages,","Desc2":"equipment and other valuables. Two crew were assaulted in the attack before the robbers fled in their speedboat, after locking the master and some of the crew in a cabin. The Brazilian Coast Guard, and other unnamed authorities, were reportedly alerted","Desc3":"but did not react with any urgency.","coords.x1":-52.08333,"coords.x2":-32.05} {"Reference":"1999-75","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"NORDANA ADVISOR","Desc1":"The 13,315-ton, Liberian-flag container ship, Nordana Advisor, was boarded by armed robbers while at its berth at Guanta, Venezuela. Five thieves boarded at 0200 and heldthe crew at bay with knives. About thirty pieces of plywood, used as dunnage, were","Desc2":"thrown into the water and were recovered by the thieves, assisted by three men in two boats. During the incident, the ship attempted to contact Coast Guard by VHF but the calls werenot answered. In addition to the theft of the plywood, the seal on one","Desc3":"container was reported to have been broken.","coords.x1":-64.58333,"coords.x2":10.25} {"Reference":"1999-56","DateOfOcc":"1999-06-01","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"JORK","Desc1":"The 12,029-ton Antigua-flag container ship, Jork, was boarded at the Tecon Terminal, Santos, Brazil by 10 armed robbers. The ship's crew and stevedores were kept at bayas the robbers opened a supposedly empty container, from which they removed \"many\"","Desc2":"cartons. The cartons were loaded onto a speedboat and the robbers made their escape. The container had been loaded and declared as an empty at Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.","coords.x1":-46.33333,"coords.x2":-23.96667} {"Reference":"1999-49","DateOfOcc":"1999-05-02","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"At 2345 local time, a 7,167-ton Netherlands-Antilles-flag container ship was boarded by armed thieves as the vessel was loading alongside the container berth at Guanta, Venezuela. Approximately fifteen thieves, in three speedboats, approached the vessel","Desc2":"from the sea-side . Within a period of ten minutes they boarded the vessel, opened two containers, and tossed several packages into their boats. The police were informed and arrived to investigate the thefts. No injuries were reported during the","Desc3":"incident.","coords.x1":-64.6,"coords.x2":10.2} {"Reference":"1999-24","DateOfOcc":"1999-03-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"CIELO DEL VENEZUELA","Desc1":"A German-flag cargo ship was attacked while at berth at Guanta, Venezuela. A crew member was attacked by four or five thieves who boarded from small boats while wielding knives. Police were notified and found no trace of the attackers.","coords.x1":-64.6,"coords.x2":10.2} {"Reference":"1999-11","DateOfOcc":"1998-12-31","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"MARSHELL KONEV","Desc1":"A Malta-flag ore carrier was boarded while alongside the ore berth at Sepetiba, Brazil. The thieves armed with pistols and knives boarded the ship at 0140 LMT and two crew members were taken hostage. The thieves forced their way into the accomodation","Desc2":"area and removed the master's safe from his cabin. Radios and crew belongings were also taken. No crew injuries reported. The master notified port authorities and warned other ships in the area via VHF. Sepetiba is near Rio De Janeriro which, with","Desc3":"Santos, reports the majority of incidents of maritime crime in Brazilian waters.","coords.x1":-44,"coords.x2":-23} {"Reference":"1998-63","DateOfOcc":"1998-11-09","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"RUGIA","Desc1":"A Maltese-flag bulk carrier was boarded by five thieves while at Golden Grove Anchorage, on the Demerara River, Georgetown, Guyana. The intruders were spotted by the third mate who sounded the alarm, and the crew mustered on the bridge. Fearing the","Desc2":"thieves might be armed, all access to the accommodation were secured. The captain called Georgetown lighthouse authorities seeking police assistance, but no police or authorities attended. 440 liters of paint and some mooring line were taken. The","Desc3":"intruders left in small motorboats. Shortly after the first incident a second boarding was attempted but abandoned when the alarm was sounded and flares were fired.","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"1998-52","DateOfOcc":"1998-08-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"HOPE","Desc1":"A CYPRIOT-FLAG TANKER WAS BOARDED WHILE AT BERTH IN RIO DE JANEIRO AT 0345 LMT. SEVEN PERSONS IN BOILER SUITS ARMED WITH AUTOMATIC HANDGUNS AND RIFLES, FORCED 2 CREWMEN TO THE MASTERS CABIN. THE THIEVES WANTED TO KNOW IF THE SHIP HAD COME FROM THE UNITED","Desc2":"STATES, APPARENTLY INTENDING TO TAKE CASH FROM THE SAFE AND CREW. UPON LEARNING THE SHIP HAD BEEN AT SEA FOR WEEKS AT AN OFFSHORE OIL FIELD, THEY TOOK TWO WALKIE-TALKIES AND BINOCULARS. THE 2 CREW HOSTAGES WERE LOCKED IN A LIFEJACKET LOCKER BEFORE BEING","Desc3":"FOUND BY A SEARCH PARTY TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES LATER.THE INCIDENT TOOK PLACE DESPITE PREVENTIVE ANTI-PIRACY MEASURES IMPLEMENTED BY THE MASTER, INCLUDING 3 ADDITIONAL WATCHMEN, AND SECURING THE ACCOMMONDATION DOORS.","coords.x1":-43.16667,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1998-53","DateOfOcc":"1998-06-17","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ZADAR","Desc1":"A LIBERIAN-FLAG TANKER HAD $1,800 TAKEN FROM THE SAFE WHILE AT BERTH IN RIO DE JANEIRO. INVESTIGATION OF THE INCIDENT LED TO CANCELLATION OF CLEARANCE TO DEPART AND FEES OF $3,800 FOR INTERPRETERS AND OTHER EXPENSES. THE VESSEL SAILED 6/20/98.","coords.x1":-43.16667,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1998-41","DateOfOcc":"1998-03-24","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"unknown","Victim":"passenger","Desc1":"The American Admiralty Bureau Ltd requests the assistance of the maritime community in locating Amy Lynn Bradley, missing passenger from the Royal Carribean Cruise Lines vessel RHAPSODY OF THE SEAS. Miss Bradley is a 24 year old white female US citizen.","Desc2":"She was traveling with her parents and was last seen in their stateroom at 5:15 a.m. on March 24, 1998 as the vessel was maneuvering into the port of Curacao. At 6:15 a.m. her father went to wake her and she was gone. A thorough search for a person in","Desc3":"the water was conducted. Private investigators believe that an abduction is the most probable cause of the disappearance. There have been unconfirmed reports of two sightings ashore and one on another ship, of a female fitting Miss Bradley's description,","Desc4":"seemingly under the influence of drugs and being ordered about by a malehandler. Detailed description and photographs of Miss Bradley and REWARD information are available on the internet at http://www.curanow.com/amy The American Admiralty Bureau Ltd is","Desc5":"currently providing pro bono consulting services to the family. Our Intelligence Services Dept may be reached at 301-805-8728. Our website is located at http://members.aol.com/AABLtd/main.htm The lead private investigator on the case is Mr. Rich Brennan.","Desc6":"He may be reached at 888-486-7463 toll free, pager 314-259-4059 or http://www.DetectNet.com William M. Riley, LCDR, USCG, Retired Chief Forensic Examiner, American Admiralty Bureau, Ltd.","coords.x1":-68.96667,"coords.x2":12.16667} {"Reference":"1998-1","DateOfOcc":"1998-01-09","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"tanker Isomeria","Desc1":"A U.K. FLAG LPG TANKER ISOMERIA WAS BOARDED AT ITS DISCHARGE BERTH BY FOUR ARMED ATTACKERS ARMED WITH \"MINI-UZIS\" FROM A SMALL HIGH SPEED BOAT. WHILE ONE GUARDED A CADET AND TWO WATCHMEN, THE OTHER THREE FORCED THE THIRD MATE TO TAKE THEM TO THE BRIDGE","Desc2":"WHERE THEY ATTEMPTED TO LOCK THE CAPTAIN AND CHIEF MATE IN A CABIN. THIS ATTEMPT FAILED AS THE CABIN DOORS CANNOT BE LOCKED FROM THE OUTSIDE. POLICE, ALERTED BY A PASSING SHIP, ARRIVED QUICKLY AND SHOT DEAD THE ATTACKER GUARDING THE WATCHMEN. THE THREE","Desc3":"REMAINING ATTACKERS ATTEMPTED TO FLEE USING HOSTAGES. THE ATTACKERS ARE REPORTED TO HAVE BEEN TAKEN INTO CUSTODY BY BRAZILIAN POLICE AUTHORITIES. THIS REPRESENTS THE FIRST REPORT OF BRAZILIAN AUTHORITIES SUCCESSFULLY ARRESTING PERPETRATORS OF ATTACKS IN","Desc4":"THE PORT OF SANTOS. THE SECOND MATE AND WATCHMAN BOTH SUFFERED GUNSHOT WOUNDS.","coords.x1":-46.3,"coords.x2":-23.95} {"Reference":"1997-82","DateOfOcc":"1997-10-22","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINERSHIP ZIM MONTEVIDEO","Desc1":"BRAZIL: The 15,922-ton Antigua flagged containership (Zim Montevideo) was robbed while docked in Guanabara Bay, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil in the early hours of 22 Oct 97. Aprox 15 men were dressed in scuba gear and armed with sub machine guns, boarded the","Desc2":"ship from small boats using ropes to scale the side. The thieves took electronic equipment from a container.","coords.x1":-44.13333,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1997-75","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-21","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL, PORT SANTOS. ARMED INTRUDERS HELD TWO CREWMEMBERS AT GUNPOINT TO GAIN ACCESS TO A SAFE ABOARD THE 11,084 PANAMANIAN FLAGGED CARGO SHIP (TIA ANGELICA) AT SANTOS. THE ATTACK OCCURED AT 0400 ON 21 AUG 97. AT THE TIME OF THE ATTACK THE SHIP WAS","Desc2":"ALONGSIDE LOADING BAGGED SUGAR AT SHEDS 16-17. FOUR MASKED MEN FORCED OPEN THE DOOR TO THE MASTER'S OFFICE AND GAINED ACCESS TO HIS CABIN BY THREATINING TO KILL TWO CREW MEMBERS THEY WERE HOLDING AT GUNPOINT. THE ROBBERS TOOK $12,000 (US) AND MEDICINE","Desc3":"FROM THE SAFE. THE FOUR ATTACKERS WERE REPORTED AS WHITE AND THEIR LEADER SPOKE ENGLISH TO THE SHIP'S MASTER.","coords.x1":-46.3,"coords.x2":-23.95} {"Reference":"1997-66","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-12","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"N/A","Victim":"N/A","Desc1":"Brazil In a report received August 12, 1997, Brazilian police report that some ships have been anchoring near a small island 20 kilometers outside the port of Rio De Janeiro while waiting for berthing in an attempt to avoid being boarded by pirates. They","Desc2":"report that these precautions have proved useless because those ships are being attacked by more sophisticated priates using fast powerboats. The report further stated that the pirate's main targets are ships carrying containers loaded with electronic","Desc3":"equipment, drinks, and canned food.","coords.x1":-43.28333,"coords.x2":-22.91667} {"Reference":"1997-53","DateOfOcc":"1997-06-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Brazil The 42,904 gross ton Kuwaiti-flagged liquid gas tanker (Gas Al Burgen) was reportedly boarded by pirates while it was berthed at the Alamoa Terminal in Santos, Brazil on June 16, 1997. The ship was discharging its cargo of propane when, at","Desc2":"approximately 0550 local time, five armed men boarded the ship by means of the ship's gangway on the port side. Two watchmen were accosted by the pirates and the pirates demanded to be taken to the master's cabin where they took $10,000 (US) in cash from","Desc3":"the ship's safe. It was further reported that at about 0605 general alarm was sounded by the third officer who announced that there were pirates onboard. The chief officer had made a mayday call on the VHF and had tried to contact the terminal operators","Desc4":"but failed. It was reported that from the bridge he observed the pirates getting into a boat jetty and the boat proceeding around the ship's bow and back down river toward Santos at approximately 0620. The police came on board at 0635. No injuries were","Desc5":"reported.","coords.x1":-46.3,"coords.x2":-23.95} {"Reference":"1997-49","DateOfOcc":"1997-05-18","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Brazil The 10,949 gross ton Russian flagged merchant ship (Ilya Erenburg) was attacked by pirates armed with guns and knives while berthed at the Alamoa Terminal in Santos, Brazil on May 18, 1997. Six masked attackers climbed aboard the ship from both","Desc2":"port and starboard sides simultaneously and opened fire with guns. An operator from the terminal was taken hostage and brought onto the ship. General Alarm was sounded but one deck officer and three sailors were captured on deck. All of the doors to the","Desc3":"outer contour bar had been locked but the pirates were able to access the deck house. The rest of the crew were able to prevent further access to the superstructure by closing fire doors and holding them shut. Information was transmitted to the pilot","Desc4":"station via VHF communications and local police were notified. The pirates left the vessel after 15 minutes of futile attempts to access the ship's superstructure. After 40 minutes, local police arrived. The report stated there were no injuries or","Desc5":"material losses.","coords.x1":-46.3,"coords.x2":-23.95} {"Reference":"1997-3","DateOfOcc":"1997-05-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"Rio De Janeiro, Brazil The International Maritime Bureau received a report from the owners of the M/V san Marino, a 14,366 gross ton, Cypriot flagged container vessel on 3 May 96. The vessel's master reports that the ship was attacked by armed pirates on","Desc2":"2 May 1996, at 0200 local, while anchored in Rio De Janeiro. The pirates approached the ship in two launches along the forward starboard side of the vessel. Five men, armed with knives, came on board. The pirates broke the seals on 22 containers, opened","Desc3":"ten, and stole boxes from two. Local authorities were informed of the incident.","coords.x1":-43.16667,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1997-41","DateOfOcc":"1997-03-09","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South America The 14,866 gt container ship (Libra Buenos Aires) was boarded by approximately ten heavily armed bandits at midnight on March 9, 1997 while the ship was at anchor in the outer roads of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. The bandits boarded the ship","Desc2":"using a grappling hook. Five crew members were locked in one room while the other crew members remained in their respective cabins. The master was physically assaulted and forced to open the ship's safe. The bandits took $24,700 (US) in cash, personal","Desc3":"belongings of the crew, six pallets of typewriters, and other valuables from other containers.","coords.x1":-43.16667,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1997-29","DateOfOcc":"1996-12-22","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South America An unidentified reefer vessel was attacked on December 22, 1996 by five armed men while anchored in Georgetown, Guyana. After being spotted by the crew, the thieves left the vessel and escaped in a motorboat. No property was stolen, no","Desc2":"injuries were reported.","coords.x1":-58.61667,"coords.x2":6.41667} {"Reference":"1997-24","DateOfOcc":"1996-11-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Rio De Janeiro, South America The containership San Marino (CYP), was boarded by ten gunmen on 15 Nov 96. The ship was preparing to depart Rio De Janeiro when the attack took place. Once onboard ship, the armed gunmen demanded money and the ship' stowage","Desc2":"plans. After a thorough search of the ship, the gunmen found more than $8,400 (US) and boxes of computer hardware equipment. They also seized all of the VHF equipment. After the pirates departed, the master contacted the pilot station for assitance and","Desc3":"was told no assitance was available. No crew members were hurt during the attack.","coords.x1":-43.11667,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1997-2","DateOfOcc":"1996-05-02","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"Rio Grande, Brazil The International Maritime Bureau received a report from the operators of the M/V Nema, a 36,741 gross ton, Greek flagged bulk carrier on 8 May 1996. While topping off at the grain terminal in Rio Grande, Brazil, on 2 May 1996, at","Desc2":"about 0400, loading operations were temporarily suspended. Aproximately 30 minutes later the vessel was boarded from the sea by a gang of seven heavily armed raiders wearing balaclava style helmets and armed with automatic weapons. The raiders proceeded","Desc3":"to round up the room and lock them in the officer's smoke room. The raiders ransacked the vessel's accomodations for cash, valuables and electronics goods. No shots were fired during the incident; however, two crew members sustained minor injuries.","coords.x1":-52.08333,"coords.x2":-32.05} {"Reference":"1996-3","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-05","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUYANA BIMCO REPORTS: ON 5 JANUARY 1996 A LATVIAN REEFER SHIP WAS APPROACHED BY THREE MOTORBOATS AT 2210 HRS AT THE GEORGETOWN OUTER ANCHORAGE. ABOUT FIFTEEN ARMED MEN ABOARD THE MOTORBOATS HAD TO GIVE UP THEIR ATTEMPT TO BOARD THE SHIP AS HER CREW","Desc2":"DEFENDED HER BY MANNING THE FIRE HOSES. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED. THE MASTER REPORTED THE INCIDENT TO THE PORT AUTHORITIES.","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.81667} {"Reference":"1995-127","DateOfOcc":"1995-10-19","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"TRSL CONCORD","Desc1":"ON 19 OCT 95, WHILE AT ANCHOR AT SANTOS ROADS, THE DANISH-FLAGGED CONTAINER SHIP TRSL CONCORD WAS BOARDED BY FOUR THIEVES, ARMED WITH GUNS AND KNIVES, FROM 0015 TO 0140 LOCAL TIME. THE THIEVES BOARDED THE VESSEL THROUGH HATCH NO.3 FROM AN INFLATABLE","Desc2":"RUBBER DINGHY. A CREWMAN WAS ABDUCTED AND ROBBED OF HIS WATCH AND VHF RADIO. TEN CONTAINERS WERE OPENED. THE PORT CONTROL WAS CALLED SEVERAL TIMES VIA VHF RADIO, BUT DID NOT REPLY.","coords.x1":-46.3,"coords.x2":-23.95} {"Reference":"1995-124","DateOfOcc":"1995-09-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"URUGUAY EXPRESS","Desc1":"BETWEEN 08 AND 10 SEP 95, WHILE AT ANCHOR AWAITING ENTRY INTO THE PORT OF SANTOS, THE URUGUAY-FLAGGED CONTAINERSHIP URUGUAY EXPRESS WAS BOARDED BY THIEVES. THERE WERE NO PERSONAL INJURIES BUT THE THIEVES BROKE INTO TEN CONTAINERS.","coords.x1":-46.3,"coords.x2":-23.95} {"Reference":"1995-118","DateOfOcc":"1995-08-23","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"NEDLLOYD CRISTOBAL","Desc1":"ON 23 AUG 95, AT 0345 LOCAL TIME, SIX PIRATES BOARDED THE BAHAMIAN-FLAGGED GENERAL CARGO SHIP NEDLLOYD CRISTOBAL WHILE ANCHORED IN RIO DE JANEIRO INNER ROADS. THE MASTER SOUNDED THE GENERAL ALARM, PLACED THE SHIP'S WHISTLE IN AUTOMATIC MODE, AND NOTIFIED","Desc2":"PORT AUTHORITIES. THE CREW LOCKED DOORS AND HID IN THEIR CABINS. AFTER 1.5 HOURS THE PIRATES LEFT THE VESSEL. NO INJURIES REPORTED AND NO SIGNS OF DAMAGE OR THEFT. AT 1950 LOCAL TIME THE SAME DAY, PIRATES ATTACKED THE VESSEL WHILE BERTHED AT TECONT QUAY.","Desc3":"USING FIREARMS THE PIRATES TOOK THE MASTER AND FIVE CREWMEN HOSTAGE. THE PIRATES DISCHARGED CARGO OF CIGARETTES FROM A CONTAINER INTO A LAUNCH ON THE SEA SIDE. UPON COMPLETION THE PIRATES ESCAPED BY LAUNCH AND THE GANGWAY.","coords.x1":-43.16667,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1995-122","DateOfOcc":"1995-08-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ON 15 AUG 95 A BAND OF SEVEN THIEVES BOARDED AN UNIDENTIFIED MERCHANT SHIP WHILE ANCHORED OFF SANTOS AWAITING BERTH. THE THIEVES GAINED ACCESS TO THE SHIP USING GRAPPLING HOOKS. THE THIEVES HELD THE DECKWATCH AT GUNPOINT WHILE THEY BROKE INTO SEVEN","Desc2":"CONTAINERS. THE INCIDENT LASTED BETWEEN 10-20 MINUTES AND THERE WERE NO REPORTS OF ITEMS STOLEN.","coords.x1":-46.3,"coords.x2":-23.95} {"Reference":"1995-109","DateOfOcc":"1995-05-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"IBN QUTAIBAH","Desc1":"ON 16 MAY 95 WHILE LOADING PIERSIDE IN RIO DE JANEIRO THE SAUDI ARABIAN-FLAGGED IBN QUTAIBAH WAS BOARDED BY A GROUP OF ARMED ROBBERS, PRETENDING TO BE STEVEDORES. TWO CREWMEN WERE HELD AT GUNPOINT WHILE VARIOUS ITEMS WERE STOLEN FROM CONTAINERS ONBOARD.","Desc2":"PART OF THE GANG LEFT BY MOTORBOATS WHICH WERE BROUGHT ALONGSIDE DURING THE INCIDENT; THE OTHERS LEFT BY THE GANGWAY. THE CREW WAS UNHARMED.","coords.x1":-43.16667,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1995-97","DateOfOcc":"1995-05-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"STOLT SPUR","Desc1":"ON 15 MAY, THE M/V STOLT SPUR WAS BOARDED BY TWENTY ARMED PIRATES WHILE DISCHARGING CARGO AT THE PETROBRAS TERMINAL, RIO DE JANEIRO. USING THREE SMALL BOATS AND A LARGE SHIP, THE PIRATES BOARDED SIMULTANEOUSLY FROM EACH OF THE SHIP'S DIRECTIONS. THE","Desc2":"PIRATES OVERTOOK FOUR WORKERS AND THE WATCHMAN ON THE TERMINAL, AND THEN ROBBED THE CREW AND SHIP'S SAFE. VARIOUS DECK EQUIPMENT WAS ALSO STOLEN, WITH AN ESTIMATED LOSS OF US $10,000 IN CREW PERSONAL EFFECTS AND CASH. THE ENTIRE ATTACK TOOK LESS THAN 15","Desc3":"MINUTES AND WAS CONDUCTED IN A MILITARY/POLICE-LIKE FASHION, ACCORDING TO THE MASTER. PORT POLICE FAILED TO RESPOND TO MASTER'S CALLS. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":-43.13333,"coords.x2":-22.8} {"Reference":"1995-74","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"Nordcloud","Desc1":"BIMCO reports that a vessel was boarded by thieves at Santos on 27 April 1995 at about 2300 hrs. The attack took place whilst the ship was berthed at Shed 15 and working cargo. The duty officer noticed two men rummaging in an open container at about 2315","Desc2":"hrs, and saw that about 50 small cartons taken from the container had been lowered to two other men in a motorboat alongside the ship. The ship's alarm was sounded and the two men onboard escaped via the quay as the motorboat sped off. The Master","Desc3":"reported that despite compulsory watchmen regulations at Santos, there was no watchmen assigned to the ship when the attack took place.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1996-7","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-23","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Santos BIMCO REPORTS: On 23 April 1995 watchmen on board a vessel anchored at the outer roads spotted men at the ship's forecastle at 0145 hrs. As the ship's alarm was sounded the intruders escaped. Subsequent inspections revealed that two containers had","Desc2":"been forced open but the contents had not been pilfered.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1995-46","DateOfOcc":"1995-03-29","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ARGENTINE CONTAINERSHIP","Desc1":"BIMCO REPORTS THAT AN ARGENTINE FLAG CONTAINERSHIP WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES WHILE AT THE OUTER ANCHORAGE OF RIO DE JANEIRO. 4 TWENTY FOOT AND 3 FORTY FOOT BOXES WERE PILFERED.","coords.x1":-37,"coords.x2":-22} {"Reference":"1995-45","DateOfOcc":"1995-03-25","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Rio De Janeiro Continued Lack of Security A BIMCO member reports an attack which took place whilst the ship was alongside. On 25 March 1995 at 0130 hrs. the duty officer and two AB's on deckwatch were approached by armed men who then forced them at","Desc2":"gunpoint to sit down below the hatch coaming. Thieves then began to pilfer the contents of one container stowed on deck, lowering the cargo onto a motorboat alongside the vessel. In the meantime the legitimate stevedores continued their operations","Desc3":"unabated. Once the thieves had completed their pilferage of the container the crew was released and warned that if the police were notified, the thieves would return and kill the crewmen. The thieves boarded the ship via the gangway as ordinary","Desc4":"stevedores, placing their own armed watchmen at the gangway and in various positions on deck. They left the ship in the same orderly fashion, even re-lashing the pilfered container prior to disembarking. The same vessel had been attacked whilst anchored","Desc5":"in the inner roads on 21 March 1995 (see separate report).","coords.x1":-43.2,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1995-44","DateOfOcc":"1995-03-21","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Rio De Janeiro A BIMCO member reports an attack at the inner roads which took place on 21 March 1995 at 0230 hrs. Six to eight men armed with guns, knives and baseball bats boarded the ship via a rope tied to the ship's stern. Once on board they","Desc2":"attempted to enter the ship's accommodation, however as all doors had been locked their attempts failed. As the ship's Master radioed for assistance and called all crew to the bridge, the attackers left the vessel and headed for Pto. do Matosa in a","Desc3":"motorboat. Four days later on 25 March 1995, the ship was boarded again by thieves whilst alongside (see separate report).","coords.x1":-43.2,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1995-42","DateOfOcc":"1995-03-07","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"San Miguel","Desc1":"A BIMCO owner member has reported that on 7 March 1995 a vessel was boarded at 0300 hrs by an armed gang whilst alongside berth no. 3 at Rio de Janeiro. The gang threatened to shoot the ship's and Brazilian watchmen, and after 30 minutes the gang left","Desc2":"the ship taking some parcels with them. During the attack seven containers were opened by the thieves.","coords.x1":-43.2,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1995-67","DateOfOcc":"1995-02-11","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"REGINA","Desc1":"ARMED WITH GUNS AND KNIVES, THIEVES BOARDED THE PANAMANIAN FLAGGED BULK CARRIER REGINA ON THE NIGHT OF 11 FEB 95 SW OF RIO DE JANEIRO. IT IS SUSPECTED THAT THEY GAINED ACCESS VIA THE ANCHOR CHAIN. THE SIX OR SEVEN MASKED INTRUDERS FORCED THE CREW INTO","Desc2":"THE CHIEF ENGINEER'S CABIN WHERE THEY WERE ROBBED AND HELD WHILE THE THIEVES STOLE APPROXIMATELY US $16,000 IN CONTRABAND. THE THIEVES USED THEIR OWN KEYS TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE CREW QUARTERS.","coords.x1":-43,"coords.x2":-23} {"Reference":"1995-15","DateOfOcc":"1995-02-07","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO member reports that a tanker berthed at the Shell Terminal at Rio de Janeiro was attacked by eight armed men at around 0300 hours on 7 February. The thieves arrived by boat and boarded via the terminal's quay, overcoming one terminal guard and","Desc2":"then assembling all crew in the officers' Mess Room. The attackers ransacked all cabins, taking TV sets, radios, jewelry, cash, VHF radios, binoculars and other equipment. Fortunately there were no injuries to crew members reported. After the attack,","Desc3":"vessel and Terminal staff attempted to notify the Navy Patrol and Pilot Station of the attack. There was no response from either party.","coords.x1":-43.2,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1995-23","DateOfOcc":"1995-01-06","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BIMCO has received a report involving a container vessel berthed at the Tecont container terminal at Rio de Janeiro. At 0145 hrs on 16 January 1995 the first officer observed a small boat approaching the ship's port side. As he shouted at the boat to","Desc2":"stay away two armed men who had been hiding between containers stowed on deck appeared and held the first officer at gunpoint. The first officer managed to alert the seaman on duty, however when he arrived at the scene the intruders also held him at","Desc3":"gunpoint, forcing the two to sit on the hatch coaming for about one hour whilst a group of 10 to 15 persons pilfered the contents of several containers which were then thrown onto the small boat alongside. The Master was advised of the problem at 0235","Desc4":"hrs and the police were then informed by the ship agents. After the intruders had left the shore watchmen claimed that he was unaware of any anomalies, although several longshoremen passed the first officer and crewman whilst they were being held at","Desc5":"gunpoint without reacting. The police indicated that they would first arrive at the scene after 0800 hrs in order to make a report.","coords.x1":-43.2,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1995-14","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-31","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO member reports that on 31 December 1994 a tanker berthed alongside at Rio de Janeiro was boarded by a gang of six men and one woman, all armed. They boarded from the harbour side at 0330 hrs and took the Chief Officer hostage as he was verifying","Desc2":"the lines aft, taking him then to the accommodation where they woke the other officers and the Master. The thieves then proceeded to take personal belongings, watches, radios, cash, and the bonded store of cigarettes, wines and spirits. These items were","Desc3":"loaded on board a motorboat within the two hour duration of the attack. Although a call was immediately made to the local harbour police and the harbour master, neither responded.","coords.x1":-43.2,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1995-4","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-26","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ULF RITSCHER","Desc1":"M/V ULF RITSCHER ATTACKED BY A GROUP OF FOUR MEN, ARMED WITH RIFLES AND MACHINE GUNS, USING A BOAT AT ABOUT 0200 LOCAL TIME DEC. 26 WHILE ANCHORED AT SANTOS OUTER ROADS. BOXES OF FROZEN CHICKEN WERE STOLEN. THE FOUR MEN WERE CAPTURED BY MARINE POLICE BUT","Desc2":"THE STOLEN CARGO WAS NOT RECOVERED. NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":-46.33333,"coords.x2":-24.01667} {"Reference":"1995-20","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-26","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO member reports that at 1715 hrs on 24 December 1994 a vessel arrived at Santos roads where she anchored about 15 miles off the port. At 0230 hrs on 26 December ten men boarded the ship and began to remove the contents of four containers, which","Desc2":"they lowered into their two boats alongside. Once the thieves were detected by the ship's crew the alarm was sounded and the intruders escaped onto their motor boats. A police patrol boat which was in the vicinity began to chase the thieves who then","Desc3":"began to jettison the stolen cargo. Reportedly shots were exchanged and the thieves aboard one of the boats were apprehended by military officers when they came ashore in the Bay of Sao Vicente. Those aboard the second boat escaped. (This report could be","Desc4":"ASAM 95-0004.)","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1994-63","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OCEAN COMPETENCE","Desc1":"AT 0515 ON NOV. 27, IN SANTOS ROADS, SIX OR SEVEN ARMED PIRATES BOARDED THE M/V OCEAN COMPETENCE BY SPEED BOAT USING ROPE HOOKS. PIRATES FORCED SECOND OFFICER TO OPEN THE MASTER'S CABIN AND ROBBED HIM. MASTER ALERTED ENGINE ROOM TO RING THE FIRE ALARM TO","Desc2":"WARN CREW MEMBERS. CREW POURED BUCKETS OF WATER FROM CABIN WINDOWS TO THE BOAT AND MAY HAVE CAUSED DAMAGE TO BOAT DUE TO THE IMPACT. PIRATES UNDERSTOOD THE DANGER AND RAN AWAY. DUTY MAN ON DECK WAS INJURED.","coords.x1":-46.3,"coords.x2":-23.95} {"Reference":"1994-49","DateOfOcc":"1994-10-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Santos, Brazil BIMCO members report that on 15 October 1994 at 0320 hrs on board a vessel anchored off Santos about 1 mile south of Ponta Grossa a masked man grabbed the ship's watchman and pressed a gun to his head. Two other crewmen who were also on","Desc2":"watch were grabbed simultaneously in the same manner, and the three were ordered to lead the attackers to the master's cabin. The master was then ordered to open the ship's safe and after about ten minutes the attackers left with cash and jewelry aboard","Desc3":"a small boat. The Santos Pilot station failed to respond to calls over VHF until 0500 hrs. Inspections carried out after the incident revealed that six container seals had been broken, although the low-value contents were intact. XXXXX","coords.x1":-45,"coords.x2":-23} {"Reference":"1994-47","DateOfOcc":"1994-09-28","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL:A BIMCO owner member has reported that a vessel which sailed from Rio Haina on 28 September experienced many security problems during her stay at the port. The shipmaster summarized the events as follows: - 19 stowaways captured, 11 arrested and 8","Desc2":"escaped - 4 thieves escaped, 3 containers pilfered - Crew attacked by thieves with knives/guards fired shots at thieves.","coords.x1":-40,"coords.x2":-24} {"Reference":"1994-46","DateOfOcc":"1994-09-12","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL:A BIMCO member reports that at 1230 hrs on 12 September several thieves armed with knives and firearms boarded a container vessel anchored off at Vitoria. The Captain and some crewmembers were held hostage whilst the thieves stole personal","Desc2":"belongings of the crew, and forced open the ship's safe. The only injury sustained during the incident was that the Master's chin was cut.","coords.x1":-40,"coords.x2":-24} {"Reference":"1994-45","DateOfOcc":"1994-08-25","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL:BIMCO reports that on 25 August a vessel anchored off Rio Grande was boarded by six armed thieves at 0405 hrs. The intruders immediately began to break into the forecastle storerooms to steal ship's supplies. When they were approached by the deck","Desc2":"watchman they threatened him and continued their pilfering. The general emergency alarm was sounded and attempts were made to raise the shore authorities by radio, however the only response was that the pilot station replied that the authorities had no","Desc3":"means to respond. At 0430 hrs the thieves escaped as additional crewmen came on deck. During the incident 1,173 litres of paint were stolen, as well as several carpenter's tools. It was later learned that a similar incident took place on board another","Desc4":"vessel at anchorage during the same night.","coords.x1":-40,"coords.x2":-24} {"Reference":"1994-43","DateOfOcc":"1994-08-17","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRAZIL:BIMCO has been informed by a U.K. member of the following incident which took place in Rio Grande on 17-18 Aug 1994. During the Rio Grande call on 17 and 18 August 94, the vessel was attacked twice. Please note that about 15 men, 2 armed, seemed","Desc2":"to know the interesting containers to be broken open. They kept the crew out of sight of the 'business areas' with guns, cut open the seals, opened the containers and threw their stealings over board in a small craft. When we are sure that the small","Desc3":"craft is at a good distance we hope that intruders have left and start checking the containers/seals. The agent did his best for us, the vessel and the cargo and he called the police: but...but...but...was the answer. I hope not to experience such","Desc4":"problems again in Paranagua or Santos and shall be very glad to see some form of efficient counter measure taken to protect my crew and the vessel. Please forget the idea of extra watchmen who disappear in those critical moments.","coords.x1":-40,"coords.x2":-24} {"Reference":"1994-36","DateOfOcc":"1994-08-17","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V MAERSK LA PLATA","Desc1":"CONTAINER VESSEL MAERSK LA PLATA WAS INVADED BY 10 ARMED PIRATES WHILE AT ANCHOR IN SANTOS. PIRATES STOLE ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, MONEY AND CREW'S BELONGINGS. PIRATES DEPARTED IN TWO SMALL BOATS. NO CARGO FROM THE CONTAINERS WAS STOLEN.","coords.x1":-46.36667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1994-35","DateOfOcc":"1994-08-14","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATESS","Victim":"M/V ALEXANDERGRACHT","Desc1":"DUTCH M/V ALEXANDERGRACHT WAS ATTACKED BY FOUR ARMED PIRATES WITH HANDGUNS IN VITORIA ROADS, BRAZIL. NO INJURIES OR DAMAGE TO VESSEL. ABOUT 10,000 US DOLLARS WORTH OF CASH/PROPERTY STOLEN FROM CREW.","coords.x1":-40.35,"coords.x2":-20.31667} {"Reference":"1994-39","DateOfOcc":"1994-08-04","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"M/V SCOTT UNITY","Desc1":"BIMCO members report that on 4 August 1994 thieves boarded a vessel at the Georgetown anchorage. At 0120 hrs a thief was heard attempting to break into the ship's galley, and shortly thereafter a second thief was spotted on the poop deck attempting to","Desc2":"open the rope storage hatch. Both men leapt from the vessel into the water upon realizing that they had been detected, where a small boat alongside was waiting for them. Inspections conducted after the incident revealed that one coil of mooring rope had","Desc3":"been stolen. A second vessel at the anchorage was reportedly boarded by thieves twice during the same night.","coords.x1":-58.16667,"coords.x2":6.81667} {"Reference":"1994-40","DateOfOcc":"1994-07-15","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"m/v ULF RITSCHER","Desc1":"The incident took place about 1.5 miles south of Ponta Rasa. Six men armed with firearms boarded the vessel at about 0230 hrs, and held one crewman hostage while pilfering the contents of seven containers bound for Santos and Buenos Aires. The attack","Desc2":"lasted about thirty minutes, during which time there were fortunately no injuries sustained by the crew. Despite repeated attempts to obtain assistance from the Navy and Harbor Police, the authorities did not arrive at the vessel until three hours after","Desc3":"the thieves had escaped. On 21 June the shipmaster attended a meeting with the Santos Port Authority, the local Police, Navy and Customs Authorities, however no positive results emerged.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1994-29","DateOfOcc":"1994-06-09","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V SAN GIOVANNI","Desc1":"ON JUNE 09, AN ARMED GANG OF NINE MEN ASSAULTED M/V SAN GIOVANNI BERTHED AT ALEMOA TERMINAL, SANTOS. PIRATES STOLE 21,280 US DOLLARS. PIRATES ESCAPED THE VESSEL BY BOAT.","coords.x1":-46.3,"coords.x2":-23.95} {"Reference":"1995-38","DateOfOcc":"1994-06-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"BIMCO reports on 3 June 1994, at 0130 hours armed thieves boarded a vessel at anchor in the Santos outer roads in position Lat. 24 deg. 03.5 min S Long. 46 deg. 19.5 min. They were spotted by the crew watchman when tampering with containers on deck by","Desc2":"hatch number 4. The officer on watch then blew the whistle and called for assistance on VHF 16. The pilot station acknowledged and said they would advise the port authority. The thieves disappeared over the side and made off in an unlighted small boat.","Desc3":"Later inspection showed that two containers had been opened. The thieves must have been disappointed when they discovered that the containers were stuffed with big bags of ferro silicon.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1995-39","DateOfOcc":"1994-06-02","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"BIMCO reports on 2 June 1994, at 0130 hours armed thieves boarded a regular general cargo vessel which was berthed alongside shed 33 at Santos. The crew watchman interrupted three men on deck by number 1 hatch who were meddling with two containers","Desc2":"containing footwear loaded at Itajai. The crewmember was menaced with guns to keep quiet and keep away. Some footwear was stolen.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1994-22","DateOfOcc":"1994-05-16","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V ALASKA","Desc1":"WHILE AT ANCHOR IN SANTOS ROADS, M/V ALASKA WAS BOARDED BY 11 ARMED PIRATES. PIRATES HELD CREW AT GUNPOINT AND BROKE INTO TWO CONTAINERS. CREW WAS NOT INJURED AND ATTACK WAS REPORTED TO PORT CONTROL WHILE IN PROGRESS.","coords.x1":-46,"coords.x2":-24} {"Reference":"1995-36","DateOfOcc":"1994-05-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"BIMCO reports a theft on board a container ship at the Santos anchorage. A full container liner vessel had taken the precaution of anchoring well beyond the normal anchorage, at a point six miles from both Ponta Rasa and Ponta Itaipu, and still suffered","Desc2":"an attempt by thieves. On Sunday 8 May 1994 three men on board a 4 metre boat came alongside at 0150 hrs. The crewmember on watch saw a man moving about on deck whilst a second man was seen climbing over the gunwale from a rope attached to a grappling","Desc3":"hook. Upon sounding the alarm and illuminating the area both men dove into the water and escaped on their boat. Although the pilot station confirmed that the coast guard had been advised, no officials arrived at the vessel. It was found that no","Desc4":"containers had been pilfered during the attack.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1995-34","DateOfOcc":"1994-04-18","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"BIMCO reports that on 18 April a container vessel at Santos outer roads was attacked by five armed men at 0230 hrs. The vessel was anchored 3.5 miles off the coast. Upon spotting the attackers all compartments were locked, the floodlights were switched","Desc2":"on, the whistle was sounded and police assistance was requested by VHF via the pilot station. The police again failed to arrive at the vessel, and investigations after the attack found that two containers stowed on deck had been tampered with.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1995-35","DateOfOcc":"1994-04-10","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"A BIMCO owner member's vessel anchored at Santos roads anchorage on 10 April 1994, as instructed by the pilot. Despite the vessel being fully illuminated and patrolled by two deck watchmen, thieves boarded the ship at 0210 hrs on 11 April. Two small","Desc2":"boats each carrying four men approached the vessel. Once onboard the thieves began opening containers and pilfering the contents. As one watchmen approached the thieves he was threatened at gunpoint as the thieves continued their work. As the beam of the","Desc3":"bridge searchlight was aimed at the thieves they dropped the cartons removed from the containers into their boats and escaped. Fortunately no crewmembers were injured during the attack.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1995-33","DateOfOcc":"1994-04-04","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"BIMCO reports that two attacks took place during the morning of 4 April at Santos outer roads. The first attack occurred at 0245 hrs. The attackers were armed with knives and once on board they threatened the crewmembers who tried to intervene. Although","Desc2":"the Master requested assistance on the VHF, and his request was acknowledged by the Pilot Station, no police arrived at the vessel. During the attacker's stay on board which lasted about 15 minutes, eight containers were tampered with and some had their","Desc3":"contents pilfered. At about 0500 hrs the same morning a second container vessel was boarded by thieves who were spotted by the officer on duty. The crew watchman went to investigate but was threatened at gunpoint by the thieves, who were in the process","Desc4":"of lowering cartons taken from containers into a small boat alongside.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1995-32","DateOfOcc":"1993-10-24","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"BIMCO received a report of robbery on board a vessel at Santos outer roads. On 24 October 1993 during the early morning hours a crewmember on watch spotted some movement on the forward deck. The vessel's alarm was sounded and the pilot station was","Desc2":"contacted by VHF, in an attempt to alert the authorities for assistance. The vessel was advised that neither the Federal nor Naval Police could attend as no launch was available. Inspections at daylight revealed that twelve containers had their seals","Desc3":"broken and doors opened, one of which had been pilfered.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1995-31","DateOfOcc":"1993-10-19","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"BIMCO has received a report of a container vessel which was attacked during the early morning hours of the 19th of October. Inspections afterward revealed that 10 containers had been pilfered.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1995-30","DateOfOcc":"1993-10-10","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"BIMCO has received a report of a container vessel which was attacked during the early morning hours of the 10th of October. The vessel reported that the attackers fled by speed boat once the alarm was sounded. Inspections afterward revealed that 16","Desc2":"containers stowed on deck had their seals broken, and three had been partly pilfered.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1993-105","DateOfOcc":"1993-09-30","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V SAO PAULO","Desc1":"M/V SAO PAULO WHILE ANCHORED AT SANTOS OUTER ROADS ATTACKED BY 6 PIRATES ON 30 SEP 93. ATTACK OCCURRED AT ABOUT 0500 HRS. 5 CONTAINERS WERE VIOLATED.","coords.x1":-47,"coords.x2":-24} {"Reference":"1993-104","DateOfOcc":"1993-09-29","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V BETELGEUSE","Desc1":"RO/RO M/V BETELGEUSE ATTACKED BY 6 PIRATES WHILE ANCHORED AT SANTOS OUTER ROADS ON 29 SEP 93. CREWMEMBERS ACTIVATED THE ALARM AND THE PIRATES FLED.","coords.x1":-47,"coords.x2":-24} {"Reference":"1995-28","DateOfOcc":"1993-08-09","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"BIMCO reports an attack on 9 August 1993 which involved a vessel at anchorage off Belem, with a double watch on deck plus a duty officer on the bridge. At 2115 hrs the duty officer sounded the general alarm having noticed suspicious activity on the","Desc2":"forecastle. As officers and crew arrived on the forecastle to investigate, the crewman assigned to patrol the area was found lying between the two forward hatches. He explained that he had been attacked by six to seven intruders whilst making his rounds.","Desc3":"During the attack the intruders had broken both his legs. Before leaving the vessel the attackers forced entry into the paint store from which they removed about forty litres of paint. After repeated attempts to raise the shore officials on VHF, after","Desc4":"one hour a launch finally arrived alongside the vessel to transport the injured crewman to a hospital. During the remainder of the night it was not possible to contact the police or port authority on VHF. The agents later advised vessel's owners that the","Desc5":"local ship agents association has made appeals to the Federal Police to tackle the problem of attacks on vessels at Belem. The police have taken the position that until they are furnished with adequate communications equipment, such as walkie-talkies,","Desc6":"they are not capable of taking effective measures. The police maintain that a local gang known as the Water Rat are behind the attacks, and this gang has now been active at the port for over two years. This gang has reportedly become better organized and","coords.x1":-48.48333,"coords.x2":-1.46667} {"Reference":"1995-29","DateOfOcc":"1993-08-07","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"BIMCO reports an attack which took place on 7 August 1993. During the night at Rio Grande roads anchorage, a small unlit boat was spotted in the vicinity of the vessel's forecastle at 0305 hrs. Three minutes later, four to five men were sighted on the","Desc2":"main deck near the forward hatch. In an attempt to frighten the intruders off the vessel the main alarm and whistle were sounded, the deck lights were repeatedly switched on and off, and the crew was called on deck. Vessels nearby were warned of the","Desc3":"presence of the attackers on VHF CH 16. By 0314 the intruders were seen departing the vessel into their boat, which headed for the breakwater entrance. The boat was tracked by vessels' radar and seen entering the breakwater at 0330 hrs. An inspection","Desc4":"made of the vessel at daylight revealed that although the ship's stores were intact, a container stowed on deck had its seal broken and was forced open. Fortunately the contents of the container, a hazardous cargo, were untouched.","coords.x1":-52.08333,"coords.x2":-32.05} {"Reference":"1993-55","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-25","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V SANTA MONICA","Desc1":"M/V SANTA MONICA WAS BERTHED AT SANTOS WHEN THREE PIRATES BOARDED HER AND STOLE ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS AND PERSONAL BELONGINGS. THE PIRATES WERE CAUGHT AND CONFESSED TO OTHER PIRACY ACTS. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":-46.74917,"coords.x2":-24.3575} {"Reference":"1993-56","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-08","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V ARGENTINA STAR","Desc1":"M/V ARGENTINA STAR WAS BOARDED BY PIARTES TWICE. 08 MAR 93 PIRATES BOARDED HER BY BOAT AT SANTOS AND 21 MAR 93 AT RIO DE JANEIRO.","coords.x1":-42.9725,"coords.x2":-24.0475} {"Reference":"1995-27","DateOfOcc":"1992-11-22","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"The following report was reprinted by BIMCO with the kind permission of IMB, London. The IMB has received a report from the Master of a tanker attacked by armed pirates in Rio de Janeiro on the 22nd November 1992. The vessel was loading at Rio de Janeiro","Desc2":"DTSE/PP1 Sea Island. At about 0300 hours local time, the jetty lights went out and she was boarded by seven armed pirates from the seaward side. The pirates held the ship's duty watch in the Cargo Control Room and forced the Second Officer, then on duty,","Desc3":"to take them to the Master's cabin. The pirates roused the Master from his sleep by striking him with their guns and continued beating him as they demanded cash from him. The Master gave them US $480 of his money and regarding this as too small a sum,","Desc4":"they began to systematically pillage the other cabins. By chance, in the course of their search, the pirates found the ship's cash under an old radio set and were furious, putting the Master and crew in fear of their lives. After vandalizing the vessel","Desc5":"they departed. The attack lasted less than an hour and left the crew, with the exception of the second officer, tied up and a total of US $7,800 and GRD 20,000 stolen.","coords.x1":-43.2,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1995-26","DateOfOcc":"1992-02-13","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"BIMCO has received a report of piracy involving a vessel discharging at Santos. The attack took place on 13 February 1992 between 0200 and 0400 hours, during which time pirates broke into two portholes in order to gain entrance to two cabins wherein deck","Desc2":"stores and other supplies were stowed. The pirates stole 2 radios, clothing, boots, and a raincoat. Other items were left behind as they could not be passed through the portholes. The incident was discovered at 0600 hrs by a crewmember whilst fetching","Desc3":"items from the pilfered cabins.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"1992-7","DateOfOcc":"1992-02-10","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V ANAND","Desc1":"Brazilian Sea Coast-vicinity Rio de Janeiro 10FEB92 Heavily armed pirates boarded M/V ANAND. Four casualties reported. Stolen were money and radio equipment.","coords.x1":-44,"coords.x2":-24} {"Reference":"1995-25","DateOfOcc":"1992-01-11","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"BIMCO has received a report of piracy at the port of Rio de Janeiro. In brief, the vessel was attacked whilst at anchorage on 11 January 1992. Five pirates assaulted the Master and 3rd Officer and stole approximately US $6,000 in cash and personal","Desc2":"effects. Fortunately no member of the crew was injured.","coords.x1":-43.2,"coords.x2":-22.9} {"Reference":"1991-22","DateOfOcc":"1991-07-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V GOOD FAITH","Desc1":"BRAZIL, SOUTHERN COAST-Vicinity Copacabana Beach On 03JUL91, nine armed pirates boarded M/V GOOD FAITH during hours of darkness. Stolen were rifles, ammunition, and $11,127. The pirates showed no interest in the ship or its cargo. The International","Desc2":"Federation of Mariners has recognized the risk and danger of piracy in this region.","coords.x1":-43,"coords.x2":-23.16667} {"Reference":"1989-18","DateOfOcc":"1989-12-14","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL CARRIER:STOLT EAGLE","Desc1":"ARATU, BRAZIL 14 DECEMBER 1989 While at anchor in the harbor of Aratu, Brazil, the STOLT EAGLE was boarded by (6) six pirates. The pirates were all dressed in boiler suits and armed with machine guns, revolvers, and knives. The Master was forced to his","Desc2":"cabin where at least $15,000 was stolen along with other personal possessions. The Master, Chief Officer, and First Assistant Engineer were seriously injured. The pirates left about 0240 (local time) and rowed away in a small boat. Efforts were made to","Desc3":"contact Police ashore to apprehend the pirates but to no avail.","coords.x1":-38.48333,"coords.x2":-12.78333} {"Reference":"1990-7","DateOfOcc":"1988-12-18","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER CHURCHILL","Desc1":"SANTOS BRAZIL UK REGISTERED OIL TANKER CHURCHILL BOARDED BY THREE PIRATES, CHIEF OFFICER SHOT IN THE LEG. POLICE INVESTIGATIONS LED TO THREE ARRESTS. TIME OF INCIDENT ON 12 DEC 90 EARLY HOURS.","coords.x1":-46,"coords.x2":-24} {"Reference":"1990-6","DateOfOcc":"1988-04-20","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SALMONPOOL","Desc1":"SANTOS, BRAZIL THREE ARMED MEN BOARDED SHIP AND FORCED MASTER TO OPEN SAFE. INCIDENT OCCURED AT 0245 LOCAL 20 APR 88.","coords.x1":-46,"coords.x2":-24} {"Reference":"1989-2","DateOfOcc":"1988-01-27","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V SEA WOLF","Desc1":"SANTOS BRAZIL. 24 JANUARY 1988. THE M/V SEA WOLF, A CONTAINER/RORO VESSEL, WHILE AT ANCHOR IN SANTOS WAS BOARDED BY SIX ARMED PIRATES WEILDING HAND AND MACHINE GUNS AT 0420 LOCAL TIME. AFTER ATTEMPTS TO CONTACT THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES FAILED, THE MASTER","Desc2":"PROCEEDED ON DECK ARMED WITH A HAND GUN. THE SHIP'S WHISTLE WAS BLOWN . THERE WAS AN EXCHANGE OF GUNFIRE AND THE PIRATES FLED THE VESSEL VIA THE MOORING LINES. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED. THE INCIDENT WAS REPORTED TO THE FEDERAL BRAZILIAN AUTHORITIES.","Desc3":"THIS WAS THE FIFTH BOARDING BY PIRATES ON THE M/V SEA WOLF.","coords.x1":-46,"coords.x2":-24} {"Reference":"1986-33","DateOfOcc":"1986-07-21","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"POLISARIO FRONT GUERRILLAS","Victim":"ANDES","Desc1":"Fishing boat came under machine gun fire from unknown attackers off the Moroccan coast. Boat sustained damage and one crew member killed. No location of incident available.","coords.x1":-35,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"1985-30","DateOfOcc":"1985-11-03","SubReg":"24","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TACKLER ARABIA","Desc1":"THE MV TACKLER ARABIA WAS ATTACKED BY ARMED ROBBERS WHILE ALONGSIDE AT SANTOS BRAZIL AT 0010 LOCAL TIME 03 NOV. TWO OFFICERS TIED AND GAGGED. MASTER AND R/O CABINS RANSACKED. SAFE AND PERSONAL BELONGINGS STOLEN. THE TACKLER ARABIA IS ON A REGULAR RUN","Desc2":"FROM SANTOS TO RIO DE JANIERO.","coords.x1":-46.31667,"coords.x2":-23.93333} {"Reference":"2012-321","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-20","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC:Tanker boarded on 20 November at approximately 18-26N 069-18W, at the San Pedro de Macoris Port. Robbers boarded a berthed product tanker unnoticed. They stole ship's properties and escaped. The theft was noticed by crew doing routine","Desc2":"ship search after departure.","coords.x1":-69.3,"coords.x2":18.43333} {"Reference":"2009-259","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-14","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"GRENADA: Yacht attacked 14 Apr 09 while anchored in Mt. Hartman Bay, per 15 May reporting. Two men boarded the vessel while the owner was away and assaulted the owner?s wife. They tied her up and threatened to kill her. The owner returned shortly after","Desc2":"and confronted the robbers. The robbers were able to escape and had stolen money, credit cards, and electronic equipment. The incident was reported to the local police who are investigating the incident (Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-61.75,"coords.x2":12} {"Reference":"2009-258","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-14","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"DOMINICA: Yacht (CLYPEUS) attacked, robbed 14 May 09 shortly after midnight while anchored in Prince Rupert Bay. Three men armed with machetes and a pistol boarded the vessel and attacked the couple onboard. They beat them, tied them up, and threatened","Desc2":"to kill them. The attackers stole money and electronics from the yacht, destroyed the radios, and then afterwards assaulted them again before leaving in the yacht's dingy. The couple were able to alert a nearby yacht who called the police. The Dominica","Desc3":"Coast Guard arrived on the scene a short time later. The local police department is also investigating (Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-62,"coords.x2":16} {"Reference":"2009-64","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-20","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA: Yacht boarded, attacked 20 Jan 09 in the early morning while anchored in Moscito Cove, per 4 Feb 09 reporting. Three men attacked the vessel early in the morning and one of them managed to slip into the cabin. A fist fight ensued and","Desc2":"the captain managed to get the man out of the cabin. As he was trying to push the robber into the water, the robber pointed a gun at them, but they managed to close the hatch, put on outside spots, and called for help. The three men left shortly after","Desc3":"(Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-61.89972,"coords.x2":17.08306} {"Reference":"2009-32","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-14","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILBOAT","Desc1":"ST. LUCIA:SAILBOAT ROBBED WHILE ANCHORED IN SOUFRIERE BAY, 14 JAN 09 REPORTING. WHILE OWNERS WERE OUT, ROBBERS BROKE THE LOCK AND BOARDED THE SAILBOAT. A LAPTOP, JEWELRY, AND A VIDEO CAMERA WERE REPORTED STOLEN.","coords.x1":-61.03333,"coords.x2":13.83333} {"Reference":"2009-33","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-08","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES:YACHT ROBBED 8 NOV 08 WHILE ANCHORED IN PORT ELIZABETH, BEQUIA, PER 14 JAN 09 REPORTING. WHILE OWNERS WERE AWAY, ROBBERS BROKE IN AND STOLE A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF MONEY AND A CELL PHONE. THE POLICE WERE CONTACTED AND A","Desc2":"REPORT WAS FILED.","coords.x1":-61.26667,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"2008-296","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-12","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Yacht","Desc1":"DOMINICA:Yacht boarded 12 Aug 08 at 0415 local time while mooring, Roseau. Two perpetrators boarded the vessel. When an audible alarm sounded, one perpetrator jumped off the vessel, while the other attempted to hide in a small inflatable under the yacht.","Desc2":"The perpetrator in the inflatable rowed away and picked up the other perpetrator and escaped. No one was hurt and nothing was taken (Operator: Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-61.38333,"coords.x2":15.28333} {"Reference":"2008-244","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-21","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Yacht","Desc1":"ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES:Yacht boarded, robbed 21 or 22 Jun 08 at 0100 local time, Chateaubelair, per 14 Jul reporting. Two couples and a child were victims to an armed robbery attack. Four bandits boarded the vessel armed with knives and machetes","Desc2":"demanding money. After stealing the money they threatened that if the couples reported the incident that they would be back for them. The bandits then swam back to shore. The yacht left the area promptly. This incident was not reported to the police or","Desc3":"any other authority (Operator: noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-61.23333,"coords.x2":13.28333} {"Reference":"2008-216","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-13","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Catamaran","Desc1":"DOMINICA:Catamaran boarded, robbed 13 Jun 08 at approximately 1030 local time while moored, Roseau. After the passengers turned in for the evening they woke up and discovered all their cash had been removed from their wallets. The incident was reported","Desc2":"to the Dominican Coast Guard and the board of Tourism (Operator: noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-61.38333,"coords.x2":15.28333} {"Reference":"2008-169","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-24","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS:Yacht boarded, robbed 24 Apr 08, Nanny Cay Boatyard. The vessel was having work being done to it and was left unlocked. Discovery of a cell phone and US$600 was found stolen (Operator: safetyandsecuritynet.com).","coords.x1":-64.5,"coords.x2":18.16667} {"Reference":"2008-170","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-24","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS:Yacht boarded, robbed 24 Apr 08, Nanny Cay Boatyard. The vessel was robbed of a cell phone and a computer. It is not known if the vessel was secured or not (Operator: safetyandsecuritynet.com).","coords.x1":-64.5,"coords.x2":18.16667} {"Reference":"2008-174","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-20","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATE THEFT","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"ST. VINCENTS AND GRENADINES:Yacht boarded, robbed 20 Apr 08 at Young Island Cut. The crew returned from dinner to find a 10 hatch opened (not locked when left) and 20 Euros and 5 EC missing. It is assumed that a small kid may have entered the space","Desc2":"(Operator: safetyandsecuritynet.com).","coords.x1":-61.25,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"2008-172","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-07","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"ST LUCIA:Yacht boarded, robbed 7 Apr 08, Rodney Bay Inner Lagoon. The vessels dink was located near a supermarket access dock at night while the crewmembers were out to dinner and returned to find the cable cut. It was reported to Gros Islet Police. The","Desc2":"dink was returned two days later (Operator: safetyandsecuritynet.com).","coords.x1":-61,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"2008-171","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-02","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"MARTINIQUE:Yacht boarded, robbed 2 Apr 08 in the evening, Anes Mitan. The vessel was robbed while the crew slept (Operator: safetyandsecuritynet.com).","coords.x1":-61,"coords.x2":14.5} {"Reference":"2008-173","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-30","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"ST. VINCENTS AND GRENADINES:Yacht boarded, robbed 30 Mar 08 at Bequia Princess Margaret Beach. The vessel was robbed of cash while the crew was off the vessel at dinner (Operator: safetyandsecuritynet.com).","coords.x1":-61.5,"coords.x2":13.25} {"Reference":"2008-175","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-28","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATE THEFT","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"ST. VINCENTS AND GRENADINES:Yacht boarded, robbed 28 Mar at Young Island Cut. The crew discovered that US$700 was missing when paying for the mooring. It is assumed that it was stolen the night before while off the boat to dinner due to the hatch being","Desc2":"closed but not locked (Operator: safetyandsecuritynet.com).","coords.x1":-61.25,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"2008-27","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-31","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Civilian Yacht","Desc1":"ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES:Yacht (CHAKITA) boarded, robbed 23 Dec 2007, Chateaubelair, NW anchorage. Three robbers, armed with machetes and a gun, boarded the vessel with a married couple onboard. They demanded entry into the hatch which resulted in","Desc2":"a physical altercation. The husband suffered deep cuts to his head and body. The robbers threatened to kill them if they did not hand over all their money. Police arrived within 30 minutes of the incident (Operator: yachtpiracy.org).","coords.x1":-61.25,"coords.x2":13.28333} {"Reference":"2006-191","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-18","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"SAINT. LUCIA: Yacht boarded, crew assaulted, and robbed 18 Jun, while moored outside Rodney Bay Marina (reported 02 Aug). Perpetrators swam from shore to the yacht. The male crewmember was severely beaten and the female crewmember was raped. Perpetrators","Desc2":"attempted to swim back to shore with a laptop and camera, but discarded them into the water after the items got wet. Reportedly, three men are under arrest and have confessed to the crime (LM).","coords.x1":-60.9625,"coords.x2":14.075} {"Reference":"2005-42","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-19","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified tanker was boarded 19 Jan at 0135 local time, while at berth No. 2 (Rio Haina) during cargo operations. Two persons armed with knives were discovered and jumped overboard to escape, when duty seaman raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2005-25","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-31","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified LPG tanker was boarded 31 Dec at 0330 local time, while at CBM terminal, Rio Haina. Two persons armed with long knives boarded at the mooring buoys but jumped overboard after one had threatened duty officer, when he","Desc2":"sounded alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2004-161","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-15","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINCAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 15 Jun during the night by six men armed with knives while berthed at Puerto Plata. Crew raised alarm, secured the accommodation and chased the intruders, who jumped into the water and escaped","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":-70.69833,"coords.x2":19.80278} {"Reference":"2003-378","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-22","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"CARIBBEAN: An unidentified yacht reports being chased 22 Nov at 2200 UTC while underway in position 17 45N, 054 31W east of the Leeward Islands. Several persons in a 30 meter vessel were assessed to be preparing to board. Yacht switched off lights and","Desc2":"electronic gear and reversed course. The other boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":-54.51667,"coords.x2":17.75} {"Reference":"2003-292","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-30","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified ocean going tug was boarded 30 Aug at 0230 local time while moored at San Pedro de Macoris. Four persons armed with knives came aboard from an unlit boat alongside but fled when watch called for assistance from guards","Desc2":"ashore (BIMCO, IMB, MSC)","coords.x1":-69.31667,"coords.x2":18.45} {"Reference":"2003-263","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-30","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CARIBBEAN-ST. LUCIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports a speedboat came close aboard 30 Jul at 0030 UTC while underway in position 14.00N, 062 30W and the persons on board asked for help. They refused to explain the help needed and continued to follow","Desc2":"the ship, attempting to board. Ship raised alarm, switched on deck lights and activated fire hoses, whereupon the boat withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":-62.5,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"2003-262","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-30","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CARIBBEAN-ST. LUCIA: An unidentified tanker reports being chased 30 Jul at 0630 local time while underway in position 14 04N, 062 30W, SW of the island of St. Lucia. A white speedboat with orange interior, named MANADA BAY and containing two persons,","Desc2":"withdrew when crew manned fire hoses and switched on deck lights (IMB).","coords.x1":-62.5,"coords.x2":14.06667} {"Reference":"2003-246","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-17","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VENEZUELA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 17 Jul at 0320 UTC while berthed at Guanta. A single armed individual stole safety equipment from a liferaft and escaped. Authorities did not respond to attempted contact (IMB).","coords.x1":-64.58333,"coords.x2":15} {"Reference":"2003-196","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-04","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TRINIDAD & TOBAGO: An unidentified ro/ro was approached several times 4 Jun at 0605 UTC while underway in position 12 01.6N, 059 43.5W near Tobago Island. Five persons in a unlit fast craft came alongside several times but ship maneuvered evasively to","Desc2":"prevent boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":-59.725,"coords.x2":12.02667} {"Reference":"2003-123","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-20","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"MARTINIQUE: An unidentified tug was boarded 20 Apr during the early morning hours while anchored at Fort-de-France. Three armed persons broke wheelhouse door and stole cash, property and safety equipment. When approached by master the thieves escaped in","Desc2":"a wooden fishing boat with powerful outboard motor. Police informed and Harbor Master took a statement (IMB).","coords.x1":-61.08333,"coords.x2":14.6} {"Reference":"2003-114","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-13","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 13 Apr at 0400 local time while at berth 6A, Rio Haina. Six armed persons took two watchmen and one crew member hostage. They stole ship's property, crew personal effects and cash before","Desc2":"escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2003-90","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-30","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified gas carrier was boarded 30 Mar at 2225 local time while berthed at Rio Haina. Two persons escaped with safety equipment from life rafts when they fled after crew sounded alarm. Incident reported to police who did not","Desc2":"show up to investigate (IMB).","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2003-91","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-27","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 27 Mar at 0710 UTC while berthed at Recodo Oriental, Rio Haina. Three persons armed with knives stole ship's property and escaped when alarm sounded (IMB).","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2003-92","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-26","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 26 Mar at 0440 local time while berthed at Rio Haina. Four armed persons tried to remove equipment from lifeboat but jumped overboard empty-handed when crew sounded alarm (IMB)","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2003-49","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-09","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified tanker was boarded 9 Feb at 0350 local time while at berth No. 1-2, Rio Haina. About ten persons armed with knives boarded simultaneously fore and aft and stole ship's stores before being driven off by crew (IMB).","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2002-332","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-22","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified LPG carrier was boarded 22 Nov at 0030 local time while moored at buoys, Rio Haina by six persons, one armed with a rifle. Duty seaman sounded alarm and thieves jumped into the sea. Crew later discovered safety","Desc2":"equipment stolen for lifeboat.","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2002-320","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-06","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 6 Nov at 0340 local time while at pier no.1, east, Rio Haina. Five persons armed with knives and wooden battens boarded via the forecastle, beta and tied the 2nd officer and hit duty seaman on","Desc2":"head when alarm raised. The intruders destroyed a life raft, stole ship's stores and crew belongings, and escaped. Injured crew sent ashore for treatment.","coords.x1":-69.9,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2002-270","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-18","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 18 Sep at 0235 local time while berthed at Rio Haina. Five persons armed with long knives tried to break into bridge and chased duty seaman and 2nd mate, who retreated into accommodation. Alarm","Desc2":"raised and intruders jumped into the water. Authorities responded within ten minutes of being notified","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2002-250","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-04","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 4 Sep between 0400 and 0420 local time while berthed at Rio Haina. Three persons armed with machetes and guns broke open bridge door and threatened second mate. Duty seaman raised alarm and the","Desc2":"intruder escaped by jumping overboard with a bag of the ship's pyrotechnics.","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2002-226","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-06","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 6 Aug at 0440 local time (reported 20 Aug) while moored at Rio Haina. Three persons armed with axes and knives entered the bridge and tied up the second officer, oiler and a watchman before","Desc2":"stealing their personal belongings and escaping by jumping overboard.","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2002-209","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-20","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: An unidentified tanker was boarded 20 Jul during the night as it proceeded to pick up a pilot at Rio Haina Roads. A liferaft was stolen, unnoticed by the crew.","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2001-252","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-15","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 15 AUG AT 0110 LOCAL TIME WHILE MOORED AT RIO HAINA. TWO TEAMS OF THIEVES, ONE AT THE FORECASTLE AND ONE AT THE POOP USED GRAPLING HOOKS TO BOARD. CREW RESPONDED IMMEDIATELY AND THIEVES FLED AFTER","Desc2":"STEALING DISTRESS SIGNALS FROM A LIFEBOAT.","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2001-130","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-20","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 20 APR AT 2200 LOCAL TIME WHILE BERTHED AT RIO HAINA. FOUR PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES TRIED TO DISMANTLE A LIFEBOAT ENGINE AND JUMPED OVERBOARD ESCAPING WITH SAFETY EQUIPMENT WHEN SPOTTED. MARINE","Desc2":"POLICE ARRESTED ONE OF THE PERPETRATORS.","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2000-140","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-24","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"STOWAWAYS","Victim":"COLUMBIA 1","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC:The 17,200-ton Cyprus-flag cargo ship (COLOMBIA 1) was threatened by 21 knife-armed stowaways after they were discovered on board 24 Jul enroute Miami. U. S. federal agents boarded the ship offshore and stowaways were taken into","Desc2":"custody on arrival at Miami. There is the possibility this incident reflects the beginning of a dangerous trend toward armed intervention by groups of stowaways if they are discovered.","coords.x1":-70.75,"coords.x2":20} {"Reference":"2000-121","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-29","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 29 Jun at 0330 local time while berthed at Rio Haina. The intruders entered the bridge through a window and stole communications gear and signal flares. Two navy security guards were on board at","Desc2":"the time of the incident.","coords.x1":-70,"coords.x2":19.91667} {"Reference":"1999-8","DateOfOcc":"1998-12-28","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"GINA","Desc1":"A Norweigian-flagged chemical tanker was boarded by three thieves alongside a berth at Rio Haina, Dominican Republic. The intruders boarded from the sea side using hooked bamboo poles armed with survival knives. As the thieves attempted to break down a","Desc2":"door, they were discovered by a deck watchman. The alarm was sounded and the crew mustered on deck. The thieves jumped into the water leaving behind a knive. No injuries were sustained or items stolen.","coords.x1":-70,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"1998-47","DateOfOcc":"1998-07-31","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"NICKOLAS","Desc1":"MALTESE-FLAG BULK CARRIER WAS ROBBED TWICE AT RIO HAINA ON 31 JULY AND 3 AUGUST. THIEVES STOLE SURVIVAL AND RESCUE GEAR FROM A LIFERAFT. PORT SECURITY GUARDS WERE ON BOARD AS REQUIRED.","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"1997-42","DateOfOcc":"1997-03-09","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Caribbean An unidentified Bahamian-flagged general cargo ship was boarded and robbed on March 9, 1997 while it was in port Rio Haina, Dominican Republic. One of the ship's crewmen spotted one of the thieves plundering safety equipment from one of the","Desc2":"ship's lifeboats. The thief was lowering the items to two accomplices in a motorboat that had pulled alongside. When the thieves were approached by three crewmen they drew knives to avoid apprehension, but then escaped in their motorboat. The thieves","Desc3":"were able to steal flares, binoculars, walkie-talkies, and safety equipment from the bridge and first aid kits, food rations, and flares from two life boats. The incident was reported to the harbor master via the port agents.","coords.x1":-70.01667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"1995-120","DateOfOcc":"1995-07-20","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"STOWAWAYS","Victim":"GUR MAIDEN","Desc1":"ON 20 JUL 95 STOWAWAYS ABOARD THE BAHAMIAN-FLAGGED GENERAL CARGO SHIP GUR MAIDEN OVERTOOK THE CREW AND DEMANDED PASSAGE TO THE UNITED STATES. THE SHIP DEPARTED RIO HAINA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ON 17 JUL ENROUTE FREEPORT, BAHAMAS. IT IS UNCLEAR WHETHER THE","Desc2":"CREW OR U.S. COAST GUARD THWARTED THE ATTEMPTED HIJACKING.","coords.x1":-66.55,"coords.x2":16.65} {"Reference":"1991-10","DateOfOcc":"1991-02-28","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"AUTHORITIES IN JACMEL, HAITI","Victim":"M/V CARDENAS","Desc1":"28 FEBRUARY 1991, JACMEL HAITI. A LOCAL HARBOR PILOT WAS HIRED BY AN AMERICAN BARGE OWNER TO DELIVER AN ENGINE PART TO ONE OF TWO TUG BOATS 4 MILES OFFSHORE. AFTER DELIVERING THE PART, THE PILOT CONFISCATED THE PASSPORTS OF BOTH CREWS PLUS OTHER","Desc2":"DOCUMENTATION AND ORDERED BOTH VESSELS TO JACMEL. HE INDICATED THAT THE MAYOR AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES NEEDED TO INSPECT THE BARGE'S CARGO. WHILE WAITING FOR LOCAL AUTHORITIES TO RELEASE THE VESSELS, THE M/V CARDENAS, FORCED TO OPERATE IN CONFINED WATERS,","Desc3":"RAN AGROUND AS DID THE 260 FOOT BARGE. THE REMAINIG TUG WAS ABLE TO EVENTUALLY FREE THE BARGE AND CONTINUE THE VOYAGE. M/V CARDENAS REMAINS HARD AGROUND ON A REEF (27MAR91). THE BARGE OWNER WAS PLACED UNDER HOUSE ARREST AT A LOCAL HOTEL FOR 4 DAYS","Desc4":"PENDING ARRIVAL OF THE BARGE IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. NO CHARGES WERE EVER FILED. THE BARGE WAS LOADED WITH 5,000 TONS OF COAL.","coords.x1":-72,"coords.x2":17} {"Reference":"1991-9","DateOfOcc":"1990-10-30","SubReg":"25","Aggressor":"HAITIAN AUTHORITIES","Victim":"S/V REWA","Desc1":"HAITI, 30 OCTOBER 1990. S/V REWA (65 FEET) WAS FORCED TO TAKE REFUGE FROM A STORM IN THE AREA OF COTES-DE-FER, HAITI. AFTER EXPRESSING AN INTEREST IN REPLENISHING FOOD SUPPLIES, THE CREW WAS INVITED ASHORE BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES (IN COTES-DE-FER AND","Desc2":"JACMEL). UPON REACHING THE TOWN, THE CREW WAS ARRESTED ON SUSPICION OF DRUG SMUGGLING. NO REASON FOR THE SUSPICION WAS GIVEN. S/V REWA WAS ALLOWED TO PROCEED ON TO JACMEL WITH A SKELETON CREW. IN JACMEL, THE OWNER WAS PLACED UNDER HOUSE ARREST AT A LOCAL","Desc3":"HOTEL FOR 7 DAYS PENDING AN INVESTIGATION. NO CHARGES WERE EVER FILED AND NO DRUGS WERE EVER FOUND.","coords.x1":-72,"coords.x2":17} {"Reference":"2012-265","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-21","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"HAITI:Cargo ship was boarded on 21 September at 18-09N 072-01W, Port-Au-Prince. The anchored vessel was boarded by three armed robbers carrying machetes. A watchman conducting routine rounds discovered the robbers on the forecastle. The robbers attacked","Desc2":"the watchman and injured him. The Deck Officer raised the alarm and mustered the crew. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew's alertness, the robbers escaped with the stolen stores. Port authority personnel were informed and the Coast Guard arrived","Desc3":"at the location three hours later.","coords.x1":-72.01667,"coords.x2":18.15} {"Reference":"2012-117","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-24","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"CARIBBEAN:Petroleum products tanker boarded on 24 March while anchored at position 18:32 N - 72:23 W, the Port au Prince anchorage. Two boats approached the vessel during a heavy rain. Duty crew noticed there were 2-3 armed robbers on each boat and one","Desc2":"robber threatened him by waiving a hand gun. One of the robbers armed with machete managed to board the tanker and was seen attempting to cut the mooring rope. Duty Officer raised the alarm and contacted pilot station for assistance. On hearing the","Desc3":"alarm, the robber jumped into the water with small amount of stolen ship?s stores and escaped. A coast guard boat came to the location and investigated the immediate area. Master weighed anchor and proceed to drift outside the anchorage area.","coords.x1":-72.38333,"coords.x2":18.53333} {"Reference":"2011-330","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-10","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"HAITI: A container ship was robbed 10 July at 0500 UTC while anchored in position 18-32N 72-23W in the Port au Prince anchorage, Haiti. Robbers boarded the vessel and stole ship's property. (IMB)","coords.x1":-72.38333,"coords.x2":18.53333} {"Reference":"2010-519","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-03","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PERU: Container ship robbed 3 Dec 10 at 2355 local time while at anchor in position 12-02N 077-12W, in Callao anchorage. Four robbers wearing diving suits armed with guns and knives boarded an anchored container ship. They threatened the forward duty","Desc2":"crew and tied him up. They broke the forward store's padlock and stole ship's stores. Upon seeing another watchman approaching, the robbers escaped with the ship's stores and property and the duty crew's personal belongings. Coast guard was informed.","Desc3":"(IMB)","coords.x1":-77.2,"coords.x2":12.03333} {"Reference":"2010-326","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-16","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RO-RO","Desc1":"PORT AU PRINCE ANCHORAGE, HAITI: Duty crew on a RO-RO ship spotted one robber armed with knife on the aft deck. Alarm raised. The robbers jumped overboard and swam to a waiting boat and escaped. On investigating it was discovered that ship's stores were","Desc2":"stolen.","coords.x1":-72.525,"coords.x2":18.56833} {"Reference":"2010-304","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-29","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"HAITI: General cargo ship robbed 29 Aug 10 at 0115 local time while in position 18-33.3N 072-21.2W, South Finger Pier, Port au Prince. Crewmember spotted robbers on the aft deck and raised the alarm. The robbers jumped overboard and swam to a waiting","Desc2":"boat and escaped. Upon investigating, it was discovered that the robbers had broken into the paint locker and stolen ship's stores. (IMB)","coords.x1":-72.35333,"coords.x2":18.555} {"Reference":"2010-202","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-29","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PORT AU PRINCE ANCHORAGE, HAITI: Six robbers armed with knives attempted to board a container ship at anchor. Alert crew raised alarm and mustered. Robbers aborted the attempt and escaped. Master informed port authority and ships in the vicinity. No","Desc2":"casualties and no damage to ship.","coords.x1":-72.38333,"coords.x2":18.56667} {"Reference":"2010-42","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-15","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LANDING CRAFT","Desc1":"PORT AU PRINCE, HAITI: Robbers atempted to board an anchored landing craft. The alert master and duty crew managed to prevent the robbers from boarding the vessel. The crew and vessel safe.","coords.x1":-72.37167,"coords.x2":18.58222} {"Reference":"2009-464","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-01","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HAITI: Vessel robbed 1 Dec 09 at 2300 local time while in position 18-33N 072-23W, Port au Prince anchorage. The duty officer heard noises on the poop deck and upon investigation, found three robbers already in the process of leaving in their boat after","Desc2":"lowering ship's stores. Authorities were informed and a coast guard boat arrived at the location (IMB).","coords.x1":-72.38333,"coords.x2":18.55} {"Reference":"2009-237","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-05","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"HAITI: General cargo ship boarded 5 May 09 at 0330 local time while anchored in Port au Prince. Robbers boarded the vessel via the forecastle. Due to crew alertness, they aborted the attempt and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-72.40417,"coords.x2":18.57222} {"Reference":"2009-170","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-25","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"TWO PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"PORT AU PRINCE, HAITI:Watchman on board a chemical tanker spotted two robbers armed with knives on forecastle, robbers had tried to steal ship's shores but failed due to vigilant anti piracy watch. Port control did not respond to calls.","coords.x1":-72.66667,"coords.x2":18.75} {"Reference":"2009-132","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-25","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"HAITI: Chemical tanker boarded 25 Mar 09 at 0020 local time while anchored in Port au Prince outer anchorage. A watchman onboard the vessel spotted two robbers armed with knives on the forecastle deck. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. Upon","Desc2":"inspection, robbers had tried to steal ship's stores but failed due to a vigilant piracy watch. Port control did not respond to calls (IMB).","coords.x1":-72.40417,"coords.x2":18.57222} {"Reference":"2009-42","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-12","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"HAITI: RORO vessel reported an attempted boarding 12 Jan 09 at 0340 local time, while anchored at Port Au Prince. Three robbers in a small boat approached the ship at anchor. One of the robbers attempted to board via side ramp. The duty officer shouted","Desc2":"at the robber and raised the alarm. The robber jumped off the ship and escaped with his accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":-72.40417,"coords.x2":18.57222} {"Reference":"2009-38","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-12","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RORO SHIP","Desc1":"PORT AU PRINCE ANCHORAGE, HAITI:THREE ROBBERS IN A SMALL BOAT APPROACHED A RORO SHIP AT ANCHOR. ONE OF THE ROBBERS ATTEMPTED TO BOARD VIA SIDE RAMP. DUTY A/B SHOUTED AT THE ROBBER AND RAISED ALARM. THE ROBBER JUMPED OFF THE RAMP AND ESCAPED WITH HIS","Desc2":"ACCOMPLICES.","coords.x1":-72.46667,"coords.x2":18.6} {"Reference":"2008-243","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-13","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"General Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"HAITI:General cargo ship boarded, robbed 13 Jul 08 at 2040 local time while in position 18-34N 072-24W, Port Au Prince Anchorage. The duty AB on board the vessel noticed six robbers on the forecastle stealing ships stores. Ship alert was raised and the","Desc2":"crew mustered. Upon seeing the alert crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Two vessels were noticed moving away from the ship. The port control was informed of the incident (IMB).","coords.x1":-72.4,"coords.x2":18.56667} {"Reference":"2008-242","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-08","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Yacht","Desc1":"JAMAICA:Yacht (JACKAROO) reported attempted boarding 8 Jul 08, while underway, passing Point Morant. The vessel was reportedly approached from astern by two heavily armed men in a 20 ft canoe motor boat. They attempted to board on the starboard side,","Desc2":"bent the stanchions and bashed into the yacht. After the perpetrators were not able to board, they moved away. The vessel incurred some damages but the tender was damaged badly. The incident was reported to the Port Antonio Marine Police. No injuries to","Desc3":"crew (Operator: noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-76.41667,"coords.x2":17.88333} {"Reference":"2008-209","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-18","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"Pirate Boarding","Victim":"Vehicle Carrier","Desc1":"HAITI:Vehicle carrier boarded, robbed 18 Jun 08 at 0530 local time while at anchorage in position 18-34.2N 072-24.2W, Port Au Prince anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel via the anchor chain. They stole ship's stores from the forward station and escaped","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":-72.40333,"coords.x2":18.57} {"Reference":"2007-259","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-10","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"HAITI:Refrigerated cargo vessel boarded, robbed 10 Oct 07 between 2200 and 2300 local time, in position 18-33.4N - 072-23.1W, at sector B and sector J Port Au Prince anchorage. Three perpetrators reportedly boarded the two vessels by climbing up with","Desc2":"long poles with hooks at the bow. While on board, they stole two new ropes (600 feet in length). No injuries to crew. The authorities have been advised, but no action has been taken. The Master observed that the anchorage area is not patrolled by the","Desc3":"Haitian Coast Guard at night. He noted all vessels at anchorage in the evening do so at their own risk (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":-72.385,"coords.x2":18.55667} {"Reference":"2007-223","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-13","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HAITI: General cargo ship boarded and robbed 13 Sept 07 at 0550UTC, in position 18-33.9N 072-23.0W, Port-au-Prince. Robbers, armed with knives, boarded the vessel unnoticed. The ships general alarm sounded and the crew mustered. The robbers jumped","Desc2":"overboard and escaped with the ships stores. The attempt to contact local authorities was futile (IMB).","coords.x1":-72.38333,"coords.x2":18.565} {"Reference":"2007-211","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-27","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: General cargo ship boarded and robbed 27 Aug 07 in the evening, Kingston outer anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel unnoticed. They broke into containers and storerooms and stole the ships cargo and stores. They also entered the superstructure,","Desc2":"mess-rooms, and galley and stole ships property. The police came on board for investigations when the ship berthed (IMB).","coords.x1":-76.77667,"coords.x2":17.88167} {"Reference":"2006-173","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-27","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: Fishermen operating in the vicinity of the Pedro Cays say they are being attacked, by heavily armed men who mount early morning attacks, per 27 Jun reporting. One of the affected fisherman told the media that he is now scared to fish in the","Desc2":"area. Earlier this month, two men were attacked near Bushy Cay, three miles off the Port Royal coast. Their attackers opened fire at them, forcing both men to dive overboard. One man managed to swim to safety despite being shot, while the other man","Desc3":"remains missing. The fishermen are appealing for assistance from the Marine Police (LM).","coords.x1":-76.86944,"coords.x2":17.89583} {"Reference":"2006-141","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-20","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"suspicous approach","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"JAMAICA: Unidentified container ship reported attempted boarding 20 May at 0245 local time while in position 17-52.7N 076-46.6W , Kingston outer anchorage. Five persons in a small unlit boat approached the ship. Alert crew directed searchlights at the","Desc2":"boat and boarding was averted. At 0305 local time and 0315 local time, two other ships at anchorage reported attacks by robbers (IMB).","coords.x1":-76.77667,"coords.x2":17.86667} {"Reference":"2006-140","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-20","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: Unidentified container ship reported attempted boarding 20 May at 0810 UTC, Kingston outer anchorage. Two boats approached the vessel. One boat had five robbers armed with knives and the other boat had one robber armed with a knife. They tried","Desc2":"to board but duty officer raised alarm, crew mustered, activated fire hoses, and directed searchlights. The attempted boarding was averted. Master reported incident but received no response from coast guard (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.8,"coords.x2":17.95} {"Reference":"2006-129","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-09","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: Unidentified cargo ship boarded and robbed 9 May at 0800 - 0910 UTC in position: 17-52.9N 076-46.6W, Kingston outer anchorage. Six robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel at portside bow. They threatened deck watchman with knives, broke","Desc2":"open paint locker, stole a large quantity of stores and escaped. Local authorities informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-76.77667,"coords.x2":17.88167} {"Reference":"2006-8","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-16","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified Yacht was boarded 16 Dec at 0630 UTC, while anchored off Kingston harbor. Five robbers, armed with assault rifles, boarded the yacht from a 25 ft canoe with an outboard motor. They took substantial equipment at gunpoint and","Desc2":"escaped. Jamaican authorities informed. No injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.8,"coords.x2":17.95} {"Reference":"2005-280","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-08","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 08 Sep at 2235 UTC while moored to a buoy in position 17-52.8N 077-06.2W, Old Port Harbor. Four robbers, armed with knives and hooks, were detected onboard the vessel by the alert crew. Crew raised alarm and","Desc2":"robbers escaped empty handed in an unlit speedboat. Harbor authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.10333,"coords.x2":17.88} {"Reference":"2005-270","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-25","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 25 Aug at 0225 UTC while anchored in position 17-48.5N 077-06.5W, Rocky Point anchorage. Three persons in an unlit speedboat attempted to board the vessel via anchor chain. Alert duty crew","Desc2":"raised alarm and boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.10833,"coords.x2":17.80833} {"Reference":"2005-256","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-09","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified container ship reported attempted boarding 09 Aug at 0035 UTC while anchored in position 17-52.4N 076-47.1W, Kingston outer anchorage. Four robbers in an unlit boat approached the ship and tried to board. Duty officer raised","Desc2":"alarm, sounded whistle, mustered crew, and robbers aborted the boarding. Ship heaved up anchor and moved out of anchorage area (IMB).","coords.x1":-76.785,"coords.x2":17.87333} {"Reference":"2005-233","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-18","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 18 July at 0300 local time, while at Kingston Anchorage. Alert crew raised alarm after a robber, armed with a crowbar, boarded the vessel. The robber jumped overboard and escaped, in a boat waiting with","Desc2":"four accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.8,"coords.x2":17.95} {"Reference":"2005-224","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-18","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 18 July at 0300 local time, while at Kingston Anchorage. Alert crew raised alarm after a robber, armed with a crowbar, boarded the vessel. The robber jumped overboard and escaped in a boat, waiting with","Desc2":"four accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.8,"coords.x2":17.95} {"Reference":"2005-215","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-06","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 06 July at 0550 UTC, while at Kingston anchorage. Five robbers, armed with long knives, threatened the crewmember on duty, broke locks off storerooms, and opened a container on deck. Alert crew raised","Desc2":"alarm and robbers escaped empty handed in their boat. Master informed authorities and coast guard came for investigation two hours later (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.8,"coords.x2":17.95} {"Reference":"2005-168","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-24","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 24 May at 1000 UTC in position 17-52.7N 076-47.1W, Kingston outer anchorage. Five robbers threatened duty A/B with a knife and tied him up. A/B managed to escape and raised alarm. Robbers broke the","Desc2":"seal of a container and tried to break into the storeroom. Finally, they stole crew's belongings and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-76.785,"coords.x2":17.87833} {"Reference":"2005-153","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-05","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HAITI: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 05 May at 0135 local time, while at Port Au Prince anchorage. Duty officer raised alarm after robbers, armed with long knives, boarded the vessel. Robbers escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":-72.40417,"coords.x2":18.57222} {"Reference":"2005-154","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-28","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HAITI: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was boarded 28 Apr in the evening, while at Port Au Prince anchorage. Robbers, armed with long knives, stole ships stores and escaped. Earlier on 27 Apr, robbers boarded another vessel and stole ship's","Desc2":"stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-72.40417,"coords.x2":18.57222} {"Reference":"2005-37","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-11","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 11 Jan at 0350 local time, while underway at Kingston, Jamaica. Three persons armed with long knives boarded at forecastle, broke into locker and stole supplies. Crew mustered and robbers left at 0415 in a boat","Desc2":"containing two accomplices. ONI NOTE: Jamaica has become a crime hotspot after years as relatively free of reports of action against ships (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":-77.8,"coords.x2":17.95} {"Reference":"2004-306","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-09","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: A Jamaican source claimed 9 Dec that container ships delayed, at Kingston by congestion, are being victimized by theft. A Marine Police spokesman denied that any thefts had been reported, but the source stated that a container ship of Hamburg","Desc2":"Sud Amerika line had been the most recent victim. In most cases, the thefts involved loss of items such as paint and mooring line, which are among the most commonly reported items taken in \"pirate\" incidents around the world. ONI NOTE: It is routine for","Desc3":"maritime crime to begin to flourish, even in normally low crime ports, if congestion leads to backlogs of ships for periods of about two weeks.(INFO, ONI).","coords.x1":-77.8,"coords.x2":17.95} {"Reference":"2004-288","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-26","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 26 Nov at 0715 UTC, while anchored in position 17-51.8N 076-46.7W, Kingston outer anchorage. One person gained access at the forecastle using a grappling hook. Crew raised alarm and intruder escaped","Desc2":"through hawse pipe into a speedboat, with 3 waiting accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":-76.77833,"coords.x2":17.86333} {"Reference":"2004-286","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-20","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 20 Nov at 1040 UTC, while anchored at Port Esquivel. Three persons from an unlit speedboat stole ship's stores and fled, when duty officer raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.075,"coords.x2":17.75833} {"Reference":"2004-240","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-17","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 17 Sep at 0300 local time, while anchored in position 17-50N 077-05W at Port Esquivel. Six robbers armed with guns, knives, and crowbars broke into forward lockers and stole ship's stores. When crew","Desc2":"mustered, the robbers escaped in a motor boat (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.08333,"coords.x2":17.83333} {"Reference":"2004-241","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-15","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 15 Sep at 0824 UTC, while at the outer anchorage of Kingston. Five robbers armed with guns broke into a cargo hold and forward locker and stole ship's stores. Crew raised alarm and master informed port","Desc2":"control, but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":-76.85,"coords.x2":17.94167} {"Reference":"2004-214","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-16","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HAITI: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 16 Aug at 0300 local time and then again 18 Aug at 0600 local time, while berthed at Varraux Terminal, Port Au Prince. In both cases, alertcrew drove off the intruders empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":-72.35417,"coords.x2":18.55556} {"Reference":"2004-183","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-07","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HAITI: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 7 Jul at 0650 UTC by about 8 armed persons while at anchorage \"Hotel\", Port au Prince. The robbers gained access via the hawse pipe, stole ship's stores and escaped after threatening crew with their","Desc2":"knives (IMB).","coords.x1":-72.40417,"coords.x2":18.57222} {"Reference":"2004-103","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-23","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: Unidentified tanker was boarded 23 Apr at 0310 local time while at Rocky Point inner anchorage. Thieves boarded via the bow, stole ship's stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-77.3,"coords.x2":17.76667} {"Reference":"2004-79","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-02","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 2 Apr at 0300 local time while berthed at the Port Kaiser alumina jetty. Two persons armed with knives threatened duty seaman and escaped with ship's stores. Port control informed and security personnel boarded","Desc2":"to investigate.","coords.x1":-77.59333,"coords.x2":17.86667} {"Reference":"2004-46","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-23","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HAITI: An unidentified container ship was boarded 23 Feb at 0230 local time while at anchorage 'F', Port Au Prince. One persons boarded but fled empty handed, with 3 accomplices in aboat, when duty officer raised alarm.","coords.x1":-72.35,"coords.x2":18.55083} {"Reference":"2004-22","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-27","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HAITI: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 27 Jan at 0350 local time while in position 18-33.8N 072-22.9W, anchorage 'd', Port au Prince. Four persons armed withknives tried to board using grappling hooks but fled when duty seaman","Desc2":"raised alarm.","coords.x1":-72.38167,"coords.x2":18.56333} {"Reference":"2003-279","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-17","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CARIBBEAN-JAMAICA: An unidentified general cargo ship reports attempt to board 17 Aug at 2343 local time while underway in position 17 29.6N, 077 25W, south of Kingston. Unlit speedboat with two men on deck and two hidden inside came close but withdrew","Desc2":"toward coast when crew raised alarm and activated fire hoses (IMB)","coords.x1":-77.41667,"coords.x2":17.5} {"Reference":"2003-278","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-05","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PANAMA: Container ship (APL ALMANDINE) reports attempt to board 5 Aug at 2315 local time (reported 15 Aug). Ship was at anchor, Cristobal outer anchorage when a boat containing an undetermined number of persons approached anchor chain with apparent","Desc2":"intent to board. Contract security personnel detected attempt and intruders left the scene. It is undetermined if potential boarders were to be stowaways, thieves or drug couriers.Incident reported to Canal authorities (Operator).","coords.x1":-79.91667,"coords.x2":9.35} {"Reference":"2003-201","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-13","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 13 Jun at 0140 local time while at the inner anchorage, Kingston. Four persons were spotted on the forecastle; duty officer raised alarm and the intruders fled empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":-76.78333,"coords.x2":17.96667} {"Reference":"2003-202","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-09","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 9 Jun at 0415 local time while five miles from the sea buoy, Kingston, awaiting a pilot. Duty officer sounded alarm and the thieves escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-76.78333,"coords.x2":17.83333} {"Reference":"2003-203","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-25","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HAITI: An unidentified cargo ship was robbed 25 May (reported 17 Jun) while at South Pier, Port Au Prince. Forecastle store was broken into and ship's stores stolen along with bagged cargo either by stevedores r persons who boarded with them (IMB).","coords.x1":-72.35,"coords.x2":18.55} {"Reference":"2003-30","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-17","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 17 Jan at 0120 local time while anchored 1.3 nm west of Pigeon Island. Four persons from an unlit boat boarded via the anchor chain. They broke open the forecastle locker and escaped with ship's property","Desc2":"when crew raised alarm.","coords.x1":-77.11667,"coords.x2":17.8} {"Reference":"2003-21","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-09","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 9 Jan at 0225 local time at anchor at Kingston. Several persons from two motor boats about 10 meters long climbed the anchor chain and were discovered in the master's office. Alarm raised and intruders","Desc2":"escaped with ship's stores and equipment.","coords.x1":-76.78333,"coords.x2":17.96667} {"Reference":"2002-356","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-15","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 15 Dec between 0500 and 0545 local time while at the fairway buoy, Kingston. Thieves stole ship's property and broke into a container, stealing cargo.","coords.x1":-76.78333,"coords.x2":17.96667} {"Reference":"2002-35","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-04","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAMAICA: An unidentified ULCC reports approach 4 Feb at 1400 UTC while underway in position 18-28N 076-45W north of Jamaica. Five fast boats with three persons each approached from the starboard side. Crew rigged fire hoses, boats approached within one","Desc2":"cable and shouting was heard. Boats broke off pursuit after thirty minutes.","coords.x1":-76.75,"coords.x2":18.46667} {"Reference":"2001-116","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-14","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"NUEVA ALCAMAR","Desc1":"PANAMA:ACCORDING TO A 14 APR PRESS REPORT, SIX THIEVES ROBBED PASSENGERS ABOARD THE (NUEVA ALCAMAR) (PROBABLE COASTAL FERRY) OF $8,300 WHILE THE SHIP WAS AT KUNA YALA. THE THIEVES REPORTEDLY PASSED THEMSELVES OFF AS AGENTS FROM THE NATIONAL POLICE","Desc2":"INFORMATION AND INVESTIGATION DIRECTORATE. ALTHOUGH SUCH CRIME IS RARELY REPORTED IN THE MAINSTREAM MARITIME PRESS, THE SUPPOSITION IS THAT THEY OCCUR RELATIVELY FREQUENTLY AROUND THE WORLD.","coords.x1":-78.75,"coords.x2":9.5} {"Reference":"2000-75","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-16","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"GONIVE ENFLECHE","Desc1":"HAITI:Ten Haitian police officers seeking political asylum in the U.S. hijacked the catamaran ferry (GONIVE ENFLECHE)16 May after it sailed from Port Au Prince. The ferry's master and mate had been tied up but none of the 121 passengers and crew was","Desc2":"injured. On 23 May the ferry was found by the U. S. Coast Guard drifting out of fuel 30 miles south of Andros Island in the Bahamas.","coords.x1":-72.5,"coords.x2":18.7} {"Reference":"1999-92","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-19","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CAP \nORTEGAL","Desc1":"The 25,500-ton, German-flag container ship Cap Ortegal was boarded while at anchor atKingston, Jamaica (17-57N 076-47W). When preparing to weigh anchor and move to its berth a mate reported from the forecastle that a liferaft was missing, the paint","Desc2":"locker had been ransacked and emptied, and the ship's mooring lines were dangling over the side with one missing. Four of the ship's containers were later found to have been broached and cartons of vegetables taken from two of them.","coords.x1":-76.78333,"coords.x2":17.95} {"Reference":"1998-56","DateOfOcc":"1998-09-15","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"NELVANA","Desc1":"A VANUATU-FLAG BULK CARRIER WAS ROBBED WHILE ALONGSIDE A BERTH AT BRITISH COAL TERMINAL, KINGSTON, JAMAICA AT 0300 LMT. VESSEL WAS BOARDED FROM A MOTORBOAT BY WAY OF THE FORWARD MOORING LINES. 1,200 LITERS OF PAINT, AN ELECTRIC HOSE CUTTER, AND TWO","Desc2":"SHEETS OF PLYWOOD WERE STOLEN. THEY WERE DETECTED AND ESCAPED BY THEIR MOTOR BOAT. AN ALARM WAS SOUNDED AT 0405. SHIP NOTIFIED HARBOR POLICE AT 0450. POLICE ARRIVED ALONGSIDE AT 0600.","coords.x1":-76.78333,"coords.x2":17.96667} {"Reference":"1993-58","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-02","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V ICONOS","Desc1":"M/V ICONOS WAS FIRED UPON BY PIRATES IN SPEEDBOATS. PIRATES FLED NORTH. NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":-74.45,"coords.x2":21.65} {"Reference":"1990-9","DateOfOcc":"1990-06-03","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"CUBAN GUNBOAT","Victim":"BELESBAT QUEEN","Desc1":"A CUBAN GUNBOAT COMMANDEERED LUXURY YACHT BELESBAT QUEEN (145 FEET) 14 MILES NORTH OF CUBA ON 13 JUNE 1990. THE CUBAN GUNBOAT FIRED SHOTS ACROSS THE YACHT'S BOW SEVERAL TIMES. CUBAN AUTHORITIES HELD THE YACHT THE MASTER AND CREW OF 10 IN THE PORT OF VITA","Desc2":"FOR 5 DAYS BEFORE RELEASING THE YACHT AND CREW. THE YACHT WAS IN AN INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING LANE KNOWN AS THE OLD BAHAMA CHANNEL WHEN SHE WAS INTERCEPTED.","coords.x1":-75.13333,"coords.x2":21.93333} {"Reference":"1989-20","DateOfOcc":"1989-12-20","SubReg":"26","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PANAMA CANAL. 20 DECEMBER 1989. THE MOTOR CONTAINER SHIP ASIAN SENATOR, LIBERIAN REGISTRY, O.N. 8561, WAS BOARDED AND TAKEN OVER BY SEVENTEEN PIRATES ON 20 DECEMBER 1989 WHILE THE SHIP WAS AT PIER 9, PORT COLON, ON THE CARIBBEAN SIDE OF THE PANAMA CANAL.","Desc2":"SEE SPECIAL WARNING 74","coords.x1":-80,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"2003-31","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-26","SubReg":"27","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"CUBA: An unidentified yacht was boarded 26 Jan at night while anchored in the channel at Nueva Gerona, Isla de Juventud. Crew and yacht property stolen. Crew reports local authorities unresponsive to report of the theft.","coords.x1":-82.8,"coords.x2":21.91667} {"Reference":"2003-32","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-22","SubReg":"27","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CUBA: An unidentified bulk carrier was robbed 22 Jan at 0600 local time during cargo operations in the port of Havana. Intruders broke open the forecastle store and stole ship's supplies. Authorities were informed but no action was taken.","coords.x1":-82.33333,"coords.x2":23.13333} {"Reference":"2002-23","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-20","SubReg":"27","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAYMAN ISLANDS: An unidentified cargo ship reports it was chased 20 Jan at 2130 UTC while underway in position 20-31N 081-19W off the Cayman Islands. A fast boat with three armed persons \"blocked ship's passage\" and ordered it to stop engines. Fast craft","Desc2":"followed the ship for twenty-five minutes before moving away.","coords.x1":-81.31667,"coords.x2":20.51667} {"Reference":"2012-178","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-17","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"COSTA RICA:Container Ship attempted boarded on 17 May at 09:58 N ? 083:00 W, Puerto Limon Anchorage, Costa Rica. Five pirates in a boat were noticed by alert deck watchmen alongside their container ship with boat hooks in an attempt to board. The duty","Desc2":"officer raised the alarm and reported the incident to port authorities. Seeing the alerted crew, the pirates aborted the attempt and moved away.","coords.x1":-83,"coords.x2":9.96667} {"Reference":"2011-225","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-02","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RORO SHIP","Desc1":"PUERTO LIMON ANCHORAGE, COSTA RICA: Ten robbers managed to board a Roro ship at anchor. The robbers captured and tied up tow ship crew and kicked them and stole their property. The tied up crew managed to free themselves around 20 minutes after the","Desc2":"robbers left them. Bridge was immediately informed and alarm raised. Robbers managed to escape with stolen items. The incident was reported to port authority.","coords.x1":-83.01667,"coords.x2":9.97667} {"Reference":"2011-58","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-15","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"COSTA RICA: General cargo ship was robbed 15 Jan at 0025 local time while in port09-58.8N 083-00.6W, at Puerto Limon, Costa Rica. Robbers boarded the vessel unnoticed. Duty watchman discovered the paint store and bosun store on the forecastle were broken","Desc2":"into, but the vessel was searched and the robbers were not found. The robbers escaped with stolen ship's equipment and stores. (IMB)","coords.x1":-83.01,"coords.x2":9.98} {"Reference":"2009-412","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-26","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILING VESSEL","Desc1":"NICARAGUA: Sailing vessel (BLU INTERLUDE) robbed 26 Oct 09 at 0700 local time while underway in position 15-04.7N 082-55.1W, approximately 14NM off Cabo Gracias a Dios. While sailing along the Nicaraguan banks, the vessel was flagged down by a green","Desc2":"panga with four men onboard wearing what appeared to be paramilitary clothing. As the vessel slowed down, the men pulled out shotguns and pistols and then boarded the vessel. At gun point, they tied up all three crewmembers and then stole cameras, money,","Desc3":"and other personal belongings including a hand held GPS and VHF radios. They were onboard for approximately 45 minutes searching for valuables. The robbery was reported to the Coast Guard at San Andreas Island, Colombia (Operator, Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-82.91833,"coords.x2":15.07833} {"Reference":"2009-345","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-26","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"MOIN ANCHORAGE, COSTA RICA: Two robbers boarded a container ship by using hooks. Duty watchman alerted the master and crew. On noticing the crew robbers jumped overboard and escaped without stealing anything. Local authorities informed.","coords.x1":-83.08333,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"2009-329","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-23","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PUERTO LIMON ANCHORAGE, COSTA RICA: Two robbers in a boat boarded a container vessel at anchor. Crew noticed one robber trying to transfer stolen ship's stores into the boat. The robber escaped with stores by jumping into water. The ship and crew are","Desc2":"safe.","coords.x1":-83.00833,"coords.x2":9.975} {"Reference":"2009-280","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-21","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"COSTA RICA: Container ship robbed 21 May 09 at approximately 2200 local time while anchored in Puerto Moin outer roads. Two robbers boarded a container ship at anchor. They broke the padlock of a paint locker and stole ship's stores before escaping.","Desc2":"Local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-83.07833,"coords.x2":10.00556} {"Reference":"2008-270","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-09","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILBOAT","Desc1":"GUATEMALA:Sailboat boarded, robbed, US passenger killed 9 Aug 08, in the evening while at anchorage, Lake Izabal. Four perpetrators armed with long machetes, boarded the vessel, possibly swimming from shore. The perpetrators assaulted the couple and","Desc2":"demanded the keys to the vessel along with money, specifically USD. The perpetrators killed the US tourist and seriously wounded his wife in the attack. The woman was hospitalized and is being sent back to the United States for medical care (AP).","coords.x1":-89.1,"coords.x2":15.43333} {"Reference":"2008-225","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-14","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CIVILIAN YACHT","Desc1":"NICARAGUA:Yacht (FAIRSKY) reported suspicious approach 14 Jun 08, Mosquito Coast. A couple was approached by a 24ft centre console boat with seven men on board. They spoke in Spanish, however the couple did not. The yacht (NATURAL SELECTION), who was","Desc2":"accompanying their yacht, had an individual that could speak Spanish. The suspicious craft moved away slightly when they saw that the crew on the (NATURAL SELECTION) had tasers on board. The suspicious craft tailed their vessel. The boat had no flag, no","Desc3":"VHF, and no radar. It also had two large drums for fuel. Two of them men appeared to be wearing uniforms, the other five did not. The U.S. Coast Guard was contacted via satellite phone but there were no boats to assist (Operator: noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-82.7,"coords.x2":14.5} {"Reference":"2008-168","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-02","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"GUATEMALA:Yacht (SERENADE) boarded, robbed 2 Apr 08 at 0200 local time while at anchorage, east of village El Estor, per 24 May 08 reporting. The vessel, accompanied by two other yachts was boarded by four bandits armed with a pistol, machete, night","Desc2":"stick and bolt cutters. A crewmember woke in the night and was confronted by the pistol bearing man and managed to disarm him but was hit on the head by one of the other perpetrators. The engine was stolen and the crewmember was sent to the hospital for","Desc3":"x-rays and stitches. The police and navy installation did not respond to calls for assistance. The incident was reported to the authorities (Operator: Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-89.35,"coords.x2":15.53333} {"Reference":"2004-132","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-20","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HONDURAS: Unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 20 May at 0220 local time while anchored at Puerto Cortes. Three persons tried to gain access via anchor chain but fled when alarm was raised (IMB).","coords.x1":-87.95139,"coords.x2":15.83611} {"Reference":"2003-277","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-18","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HONDURAS: An unidentified container ship was boarded 18 Aug at 0001 local time while anchored in Puerto Cortes Roads. Two persons armed with knives climbed anchor chain but fled empty handed when seaman sounded alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-87.95,"coords.x2":15.83333} {"Reference":"2000-114","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-07","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SEA LION","Desc1":"GUATEMALA:The owner of the yacht (SEA LION) was found dead aboard 7 Jun after apparently being shot several times about 3 Jun, and the vessel had been ransacked. At the time of incident yacht was anchored on the Rio Dulce. Assaults on and robbery of","Desc2":"yachtsmen are not normally reported in piracy and violence at sea channels, but this incident occurred at the same time as the shootings on the ferry (MARIA ESTELA) though not reported until 21 Jun.","coords.x1":-88.87222,"coords.x2":15.7475} {"Reference":"2000-93","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-30","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"MARIA ESTELA","Desc1":"GUATEMALA. BELIZE:Three gunmen hijacked the commuter ferry (MARIA ESTELA) 30 May on a routine voyage across the Gulf of Honduras from Puerto Barrios, Guatemala to Punta Gorda, Belize. Five passengers and crew were shot and their bodies later recovered","Desc2":"from the water. Three survivors were rescued by fishermen after 17 hours in the water. The boat was recovered2 Jun abandoned in the Sarstoon River in Guatemala near the border. No motive has been suggested for the hijack.","coords.x1":-88.91667,"coords.x2":15.9} {"Reference":"2000-20","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-28","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"HAYAT","Desc1":"CARIBBEAN SEA:The son of the owner of the Dutch yacht, HAYAT, was shot and wounded 28 Mar. Assailants, who appeared to be fishermen boarded the craft by invitation while it was anchored at Half Moon Cay, about fifty miles east of the Nicaragua-Honduras","Desc2":"border which is in dispute along its seaward extension. After boarding the wife of the owner was assaulted and her son shot by an attacker with an AK-47, who then fled with the other assailants in their 18-foot wooden boat. The shooting is not believed","Desc3":"directly linked to the border dispute. However. cutbacks in patrols by rival militaries to avoid confrontation undoubtedly contribute to an atmosphere in which smuggling and piracy can flourish.","coords.x1":-82,"coords.x2":15.5} {"Reference":"1999-51","DateOfOcc":"1999-05-31","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MEXICO I","Desc1":"The ferry Mexico I, carrying 253 passengers, was attacked at night by a half-dozen hooded pirates brandishing a grenade and firing assault rifles into the air. The ferry was returning from the Caribbean resort isle of Cozumel enroute to Playa del Carmen.","Desc2":"The pirates robbed the passengers of money and valuables, threw two security guards overboard (drowning one), and beat a crew member before speeding off in another boat.A 02 June 1999 report states that only money from an armored car aboard the ferry was","Desc3":"taken.","coords.x1":-87,"coords.x2":20} {"Reference":"1995-119","DateOfOcc":"1995-08-16","SubReg":"28","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"F/V LADY DIANA","Desc1":"ON 16 AUG 95 THIEVES BOARDED THE HONDURAN-FLAGGED FISHING VESSEL LADY DIANA OFF CAYOS MISKITOS, APPROXIMATELY 40NM OFF THE NICARAGUAN COAST. THE SHIP'S CATCH WAS STOLEN AND THE CREW ROBBED. A SIMILIAR ATTACK OCCURRED AGAINST ANOTHER UNNAMED FISHING","Desc2":"VESSEL, OWNED BY THE SAME COMPANY, ON 21 AUG 95. BOARDINGS AND ROBBERIES AGAINST FISHING VESSELS COMMITTED BY SMALL BANDS OF ARMED THIEVES, USING SMALL AND FAST SPEEDBOATS, ARE REPORTEDLY PREVALENT IN THIS AREA.","coords.x1":-82.63333,"coords.x2":14.36667} {"Reference":"2007-226","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-11","SubReg":"36","Aggressor":"ATTEMPTED BOARDING","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"UNITED KINGDOM: Bulk Carrier (BROADGATE) attempted boarding and arrest made 11 Jul 07 at 1650 local time, Liverpool per 7 Sept 07 reporting. The second officer on the gangway watch saw two men coming up the gangway, dressed as stevedores. When the duty","Desc2":"officer asked to see their ID, they replied that they did not have one but would go back and return with it. Due to prior police warning about thieves operating in the area and being suspicious, the local police were informed. The police caught one of","Desc3":"the thieves who turned out to be one wanted by the police. No harm to vessel or crew (IMO MSC.4/Circ.107, 7 Sept 07).","coords.x1":-2.98333,"coords.x2":53.41667} {"Reference":"2002-225","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-25","SubReg":"36","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"UNITED KINGDOM: Two ships were boarded and robbed 5 and 25 Jul while berthed at Goole (reported 7 Aug). In the first incident master's cabin was broken into at 1155 local time and stole $7,000 cash, a passport, and ship's certificates. On the 25th crew","Desc2":"returning to the ship found their cabin doors open and cash and a passport were missing from one of the rooms.","coords.x1":-0.86667,"coords.x2":53.7} {"Reference":"2009-333","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-24","SubReg":"37","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SWEDEN: Vessel (ARCTIC SEA) boarded 24 Jul 09 at approximately 0300 local time while underway in Swedish territorial waters. Eight to twelve armed men allegedly wearing masks and uniforms bearing the word \"police? boarded the vessel using a black rubber","Desc2":"boat. While onboard, the men allegedly assaulted and tied up many of the crew members. During this time, crew members were questioned about drug trafficking. The men stayed onboard the vessel for approximately 12 hours, during which time they rummaged","Desc3":"through the cabins. The crew members were eventually released and the men departed the vessel. It's unknown if anything was stolen. Swedish police are currently investigating the incident. UPDATE: On 4 Aug 09, the vessel was expected to make a port call","Desc4":"in Algeria, but never arrived. Russian authorities are investigating the incident and have begun searching for the vessel. There is no further information to provide at this time (AP, Bloomberg, LM: Times of Malta).","coords.x1":-6.21528,"coords.x2":48.39194} {"Reference":"2001-108","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-28","SubReg":"37","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"SPAR EIGHT","Desc1":"BELGIUM:THE 22,300-TON, NIS-FLAG BULK CARRIER (SPAR EIGHT) WAS BOARDED 28 MAR AT 0240 LOCAL TIME BY TWO ARMED MEN WHO ENTERED THE MASTER'S CABIN, BOUND HIS HANDS AND FEET, AND RANSACKED THE CABIN, APPARENTLY IN SEARCH OF KEYS OR SAFE COMBINATION. THE","Desc2":"THIEVES TOOK $320 FROM THE MASTER'S WALLET AND LEFT THE SHIP.","coords.x1":3,"coords.x2":51.25} {"Reference":"1999-104","DateOfOcc":"1999-10-06","SubReg":"37","Aggressor":"GREENPEACE ACTIVISTS","Victim":"MSC CARMEN","Desc1":"THE 20,391-TON, PANAMANIAN-FLAG RO-RO, MSC CARMEN, WAS BLOCKADED IN A REPAIR DOCK IN ANTWERP (51-13N 004-24E) BY GREENPEACE ACTIVISTS, PROTESTING ITS COATING WITH A PAINT USING THE CHEMICAL TBT WHICH IS NOT REGISTERED FOR USE IN BELGIUM.","coords.x1":4.4,"coords.x2":51.21667} {"Reference":"1998-31","DateOfOcc":"1998-04-26","SubReg":"37","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"HELEN C","Desc1":"CYPRUS-FLAG BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED WHILE LYING IDLE ALONGSIDE A BERTH AT ROUEN, FRANCE. TWO MEN FORCED THEIR WAY INTO THE MASTER'S CABIN, ASSAULTED HIM AND STOLE TWO LADIE'S WATCHES AND $164 IN CASH. THE INCIDENT WAS NOT REPORTED UNTIL 29 MAY.","coords.x1":1.1,"coords.x2":49.45} {"Reference":"2009-84","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-14","SubReg":"42","Aggressor":"RUSSIAN WARSHIP","Victim":"CHINESE CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"RUSSIA: Vessel (NEW STAR) fired upon 14 Feb 09 while underway off the coast of Vladivostok. The Chinese cargo vessel was being detained at the Russian port of Nakhodka after being suspected of smuggling. The vessel left the port without permission, and","Desc2":"after failing to stop after warnings were given, a Russian warship fired on the vessel, eventually sinking it. Three Chinese sailors were rescued, while seven others were still missing (Reuters, AP).","coords.x1":77.55,"coords.x2":67.78333} {"Reference":"2000-166","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-10","SubReg":"44","Aggressor":"RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS","Victim":"NORWEGIAN DREAM","Desc1":"GERMANY:Extra police protection was provided to the 50,764-ton Bahamas flag cruise ship (NORWEGIAN DREAM) during its 10 Aug call at Rostock, Germany. A clash had occurred between the ship's multi-racial crew and right-wing extremists in Warnemunde in","Desc2":"July. Although this is the first public report of anti-foreign violence against cruise ship crews, industry and government sources report that ethnic minorities from other ships including naval and coast guard units have been victimized in Baltic ports.","coords.x1":12.12111,"coords.x2":54.09333} {"Reference":"2013-185","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-19","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP LANGENES","Desc1":"GUINEA:On 19 June, the anchored Norway-flagged general cargo ship LANGENES was boarded at 09-14N 013-57W,approximately 2 nm southwest of Conakry. Five pirates, armed with machine guns, boarded a general cargo ship at anchor. They threatened the crew,","Desc2":"stole ship's cash, crew personal belongings, then escaped. All crew were reported safe.","coords.x1":-13.95,"coords.x2":9.23333} {"Reference":"2013-127","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-26","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:On 26 April 2013 at 1830 UTC, a container ship was attacked by armed pirates around the vicinity of position 03-46N 005-08E, off Nigerian coast. The vessel increased speed and managed to evade the attack. Pirates may still be in the area","Desc2":"and if possible ships should keep clear of this area.","coords.x1":5.13333,"coords.x2":3.76667} {"Reference":"2013-126","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-24","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:Possibly hijacked in 03-51.3N 005-40.5E at 242245Z APR. Vessels are advised to keep clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":5.675,"coords.x2":3.855} {"Reference":"2013-102","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-11","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP RMS BAERL","Desc1":"SIERRA LEONE:On 11 April, the anchored cargo ship RMS BAERL was boarded at 08-30N 013-11W at Freetown Inner Roads. Master on board the anchored general cargo ship noticed a boat approaching and sent the able bodied seaman (AB) to investigate. Master then","Desc2":"noticed, eight robbers already on board had detained the AB and laid him on the deck at knife point. Master then raised the alarm and went forward to assist the AB with the help of another crewmember. While attempting to assist the AB, the robbers","Desc3":"threatened them, forcing their retreat into the accommodation area, where the Master called the security vessel. By the time the security vessel arrived on the scene, the robbers had already escaped with stolen ship stores.","coords.x1":-13.18333,"coords.x2":8.5} {"Reference":"2013-31","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-31","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"MAURITANIA:On 31 January, a refrigerated cargo ship was boarded at 20-53N 016-59W, at the Nouadhibou Port. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the anchored vessel, while six more robbers waited in their boat. Alert duty crewman spotted the robbers and","Desc2":"raised the alarm. On hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty-handed. Port Control contacted, but no response received.","coords.x1":-16.98333,"coords.x2":20.88333} {"Reference":"2012-289","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-16","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GUINEA:Cargo ship boarded on 16 October near 09-24N 013-45W, Conakry Roads. Six robbers boarded the vessel while at anchor. The crew secured themselves in the accommodations and contacted the owners for help. The owners informed the IMB Piracy Reporting","Desc2":"Center, who relayed the message to the Guinea authorities, who dispatched a patrol boat to assist the vessel. The robbers stole contents from cargo containers and escaped upon seeing the approaching patrol boat. All crew reported safe.","coords.x1":-13.75,"coords.x2":9.4} {"Reference":"2012-237","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-21","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA:Cargo vessel boarded on 21 August at 15-50N 013-58W, approximately 23 nm southwest of Conakry Port. Seven armed robbers in a fast boat boarded the anchored vessel during heavy rain. Six of the robbers boarded the vessel and entered the bridge by","Desc2":"breaking the windows with gunfire. They took three Officers hostage, tied their hands and took them to the Master's cabin. They ransacked the Master's cabin and the cabins of several Officers, stealing cash and other valuables, and escaped. One of the","Desc3":"captured Officers received slight injuries when he was assaulted during the incident.The Master contacted Conakry Port Control, but received no response.","coords.x1":-13.96667,"coords.x2":15.83333} {"Reference":"2012-241","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-21","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA:Armed pirates attacked and boarded a cargo vessel. All crew members immediately took shelter in the citadel. The pirates damaged bridge windows, ransacked crew cabins, stole cash and personal effects, and escaped. Master contacted Conakry Port","Desc2":"Control, but no response was received.","coords.x1":-13.97167,"coords.x2":9.265} {"Reference":"2012-234","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-10","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SIERRA LEONE:Bulk carrier boarded on 10 August at 08-30N 013-32W, Freetown Outer Anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel. The Duty Officer spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. The crew mustered and the Master","Desc2":"notified the port authority and local agent. The robbers escaped with stolen stores. All crew was reported safe.","coords.x1":-13.53333,"coords.x2":8.5} {"Reference":"2012-216","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-15","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP OLIVIA","Desc1":"GUINEA:German-flagged container ship OLIVIA boarded on 15 July at 09-13N 013-47W, approximately 22 nm southwest of Conakry. Seven pirates armed with guns and knives boarded the vessel while awaiting berthing instructions. The pirates entered the bridge","Desc2":"and took two Officers hostage, tying their hands behind their backs. Two of the pirates took the 2/O and knocked on the Master's cabin. When the Master opened the door, the pirates slammed it into his face. They stole ship's cash and crewmembers'","Desc3":"belongings. The pirates reassembled on the bridge and took the crew hostage until they disembarked into their waiting boat. Port control and ships in the vicinity of the ship were informed.","coords.x1":-13.78333,"coords.x2":9.21667} {"Reference":"2011-458","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-03","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: General cargo ship boarded by pirates on 3 November at 0255 LT while anchored in position 08-30.06N 013-13.82W in the Freetown Inner Anchorage, Sierra Leone. The duty watch man spotted two robbers onboard the main deck and informed the bridge,","Desc2":"which raised the alarm. The robbers escaped and port authorities were informed. Nothing was stolen and no injuries were reported. (IMB)","coords.x1":-13.23033,"coords.x2":8.501} {"Reference":"2011-407","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-29","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GUINEA: Cargo ship (THOR LIGHT) boarded and robbed 29 September at 0505 UTC while anchored in position 09-24N 013-43W, Conakry anchorage. Ten to twelve robbers armed with guns and knives boarded the vessel and assaulted the eleven crew members. Robbers","Desc2":"stayed onboard for approximately 40 minutes, during which time they stole ship's and crew's cash and crew's personal belongings before escaping. Port authorities were contacted but received no response. (Open Source, IMB)","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.4} {"Reference":"2011-340","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-22","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA: A vehicle carrier was robbed 22 July at 0340 UTC during cargo operations in Conakry Port, Guinea. Armed robbers held a duty crewmember at gunpoint, forced him to direct them to the ship's stores, and hit him when he resisted. The robbers","Desc2":"forced themselves into the forecastle store, stole the ship's stores, and escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":-13.71222,"coords.x2":9.50917} {"Reference":"2011-323","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-09","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CONAKRY, GUINEA: Pirates in a motor boat approached a drifting bulk carrier. Duty officer noticed the approaching boat and raised alarm and crew mustered. Pirates fired machine guns and rpgs at the vessel and moved away. Vessel proceeded further out to","Desc2":"sea.","coords.x1":-14.105,"coords.x2":9.1} {"Reference":"2011-257","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-23","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"CONARKY ANCHORAGE, GUINEA: Ten robbers armed with guns attacked, fired upon and boarded a general cargo ship at anchor. They threatened the crew members and stole ship's cash, properties, crew's cash and personal belongings and escaped. No injuries to","Desc2":"crew. Port authority informed.","coords.x1":-13.74,"coords.x2":9.42389} {"Reference":"2011-78","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-23","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GUINEA: A container ship was robbed 23 Jan at 0320 local time while at anchor at theConakry Outer Anchorage, Guinea. The Duty A/B noticed that four robbers armed with knives had boarded the ship. The bridge was informed via VHF. The Duty officer raised","Desc2":"the alarm and the crew mustered. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with a barrel of oil. (IMB)","coords.x1":-14.1,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"2010-515","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-28","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GUINEA: Bulk carrier robbed 28 Nov at 0330Z while at anchor in position 09-22N 013-47W in Conarky. Six robbers armed with machine guns boarded an anchored bulk carrier. Officer raised alarm and tried to contact port control without any success. The","Desc2":"robbers entered bridge and accommodation and stole ship's cash and equipment. All crew safe.","coords.x1":-13.78333,"coords.x2":9.36667} {"Reference":"2010-419","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-31","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"CONAKRY PILOT STATION, GUINEA: Five pirates armed with automatic weapons in a small speed boat chased and boarded a general cargo ship underway. Master immediately informed port control and the agent. Pirates entered the bridge, ordered the Master to","Desc2":"stop the vessel adn asked for the destination of the cargo. They searched the master's cabin, and stole the master's and 2nd officer's personal belongings. Later a wooden boat came alongside and the pirates left the ship. Port control advised the ship to","Desc3":"proceed 3 miles away to drop anchor.","coords.x1":-13.28333,"coords.x2":9.29167} {"Reference":"2010-294","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-25","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GUINEA: Container ship robbed 25 Aug 10 at 0300 UTC while at anchor in position 09-19.2N 013-45.2W, approximately 10NM south of Conakry, Guinea. Ten robbers armed with AK-47s and knives boarded a container ship at anchor. The duty watch and the 2nd","Desc2":"officer were attacked and taken to the master's cabin where the pirates stole ship's cash. After the attack, the master heaved anchor and shifted away from the coast. (IMB)","coords.x1":-13.75333,"coords.x2":9.32} {"Reference":"2010-246","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-08","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"GUINEA: Vehicle carrier robbed 8 Jul 10 at 0500 UTC while berthed in position 09-31N 013-43W, Conakry berth no. 4. Robbers boarded the vessel via the forward mooring ropes and stole ship's stores before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"2010-64","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-03","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"LIBERIA: Vessel robbed 3 Mar 10 at 2300 local time while in port Monrovia. While crew was busy during final stages of cargo operations, robbers broke into galley and stole ship's stores and provisions. Port authority was notified but no action was taken.","Desc2":"The vessel was attacked on three more occasions before sailing out. Additionally during final stowaway search, the crew found five stowaways hiding in the rudder trunk (IMB).","coords.x1":-10.81667,"coords.x2":6.33333} {"Reference":"2010-44","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-13","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"CONAKRY, GUINEA: Pirates armed with rifles boarded a chemical tanker underway. Master raised alarm, crew locked all access doors, mustered on bridge and hide in a safe place. Pirates tried to gain entry into the locked accommodation door but were","Desc2":"unsuccessful. Due to the alarm continuosly ringing, they aborted the attacked and fled away. Crew and vessel safe.","coords.x1":-14.53333,"coords.x2":9.18972} {"Reference":"2010-25","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-12","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILING VESSEL","Desc1":"CAPE VERDE: Sailing vessel (ENEA) stolen 12 Jan 10, marina of Mindelo. The 38 foot sailboat was stolen during the night from in front of the marina of Mindelo where it was anchored. The vessel has a blue hull with a yellow line (Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-24.99667,"coords.x2":16.89833} {"Reference":"2009-478","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-18","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"CONARKY, GUINEA: Pirates armed with machine guns in a speedboat approached and fired upon a chemical tanker drifting. The tanker, increased speed, enforced anti-piracy measures, reported to authorities and prevented the pirates from boarding it. No","Desc2":"injuries to crew.","coords.x1":-14.82167,"coords.x2":9.29667} {"Reference":"2010-3","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-05","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"Suspicious boat","Victim":"Sailing vessel","Desc1":"ATLANTIC OCEAN: Sailing vessel (MARANO) reported suspicious approach 5 Dec 09 at 1930 local time while underway in position 23-55N 023-28W, approximately 400NM southwest of the Canary Islands. The crew noticed white lights appearing to be coming from a","Desc2":"boat in the distance on the port side. They noticed it was making its way toward them. The crew tried to contact them by radio but received no response. When the boat was approximately 2-3 miles away, the crew decided to change course and noticed the","Desc3":"boat changed course along with them. When the suspicious boat closed in within two miles away, the crew sent out a distress call. The call was received and transmitted to NOAA in the US, who in turn alerted the Canadian Joint Rescue Coordination Center","Desc4":"in Halifax. They were able to contact the ship?s captain and monitor the situation by keeping in touch with him every 15 to 20 minutes. They also notified the rescue team in Spain to alert them of the situation. Approximately two hours later, the","Desc5":"suspicious craft had fallen back and eventually disappeared from sight. Spanish officials contacted the vessel and no further incidents were reported (Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-23.46667,"coords.x2":23.91667} {"Reference":"2009-414","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-25","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GUINEA: Bulk carrier robbed 25 Oct 09 at 1500 local time while anchored in position 09-25.4N 013-43.3W, approximately 6NM south of Conakry. Five robbers armed with guns boarded the vessel and stole ship's stores and crewmembers? personal belongings. The","Desc2":"robbers escaped 40 minutes later. Local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-13.72167,"coords.x2":9.42333} {"Reference":"2009-403","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-21","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"35 MILES N OFF CONAKRY, GUINEA: Eight pirates in a small black hull boat approached a general cargo ship underway. D/O raised alarm, took evasive maneuvers and increased speed. As the boat approached at a distance of 150 meters, crew noticed one pirate","Desc2":"was holding a rope, two pirates were armed with guns and the others were signalling the ship to stop. D/O increased speed to maximum and continued with evasive maneuvers. Finally, the pirates stopped chasing the ship and aborted the attempted boarding.","Desc3":"Port control was contacted but received no response.","coords.x1":-14.2,"coords.x2":9.21667} {"Reference":"2009-388","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-11","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"CONAKRY GUINEA: Nine priates armed with machine guns in a 15 meter length speed boat attempted to board a chemical tanker underway using hooks and ladders. Master raised alarm, activated DSC alert increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. Crew mustered","Desc2":"and activated fire hoses. The pirates commenced firing and followed the tanker for 30 minutes and finally aborted the attempt. No injuries to crew. Port authority contacted but no response.","coords.x1":-14.01667,"coords.x2":9.25} {"Reference":"2009-381","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-06","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GUINEA: Tanker robbed 6 Oct 09 at 2314 UTC while drifting in position 09-08.56N 014-06.06W, approximately 30NM southwest of Conakry. Men armed with automatic rifles and pistols in one boat boarded the vessel while drifting. They stole the crew's cash and","Desc2":"escaped. No injury to the crew was reported (IMB).","coords.x1":-14.101,"coords.x2":9.14267} {"Reference":"2009-313","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-30","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"ATLANTIC OCEAN: General cargo ship reported attempted boarding 30 Jun 09 at 0500 UTC while underway in position 11-20N 017-15W, approximately 60NM off the coast of Guinea Bissau. Twelve armed men in a boat reportedly attempted to board the vessel while","Desc2":"underway. Due to the quick action and defensive measures by the master and crew, the armed men were unable to board and aborted their attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":-17.25,"coords.x2":11.33333} {"Reference":"2008-256","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-23","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Personal Craft","Desc1":"CANARY ISLANDS:Personal craft boarded, robbed 23 Jul 08, at Pontoon 17, Muelle Deportivo de Las Palmas. Personal craft was docked wide open at the head of pontoon number 17 with lock on the gate. Burglars boarded vessel at night while owners slept,","Desc2":"stealing personal belongings and various equipment. Marina staff was very cooperative and report was filed with local police (Operator: noonsite.com).","coords.x1":-15.41667,"coords.x2":28.13333} {"Reference":"2008-145","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-04","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container ship","Desc1":"LIBERIA: Container ship boarded, robbed 4 May 08 at 0050 local time while at berth, Monrovia port. Three robbers armed with knives, boarded the vessel. The robbers cut and stole a reefer container of electric cables. The master tried to contact PFSO by","Desc2":"VHF but no response (IMB).","coords.x1":-10.80167,"coords.x2":6.3475} {"Reference":"2008-32","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-27","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Vessel","Desc1":"MOROCCO:Container ship reported suspicious approach 27 Jan 2008 at 2105 local time, while at berth, Agadir port. Three persons in divers suites, without cylinders, swam to the vessel. The ships watchmen saw the divers and raised the alarm. The suspected","Desc2":"robbers swam to another berth and escaped. The Master informed the port control. The port police arrived an hour after reporting (IMB).","coords.x1":-9.62167,"coords.x2":30.42} {"Reference":"2007-322","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-16","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"2115 UTC: 8-48.5N 13-57W: SIERRA LEONE:Eight pirates armed with AK-47 guns in military like fatigues boarded a chemical tanker underway. They stole crew personal belongings, ship's properties and escaped. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":-13.95,"coords.x2":8.80833} {"Reference":"2007-260","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-19","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"MOROCCO:Chemical tanker boarded, 19 Oct 07 at 0230 local time, while at berth in Safi port. Thirty robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel. The crew confronted the robbers at the gangway and the alarm was raised. The robbers threatened the crew with","Desc2":"knives but later got off without injuring the crew. At the time of the incident, the terminal watchman had left his post.Port authority informed but no action taken (IMB).","coords.x1":-9.25,"coords.x2":32.36667} {"Reference":"2007-252","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-03","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: Bulk Carrier boarded and robbed 3 Oct 07 at 0300 UTC, Conakry anchorage. Duty crew on the vessel noticed two robbers stealing from the ship stores on the forecastle. The alarm was raised and the whistle sounded. The crew mustered and directed the","Desc2":"ships search lights towards the robbers. The robbers escaped. Vessels in the vicinity were informed. All calls to port authorities were futile (IMB).","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"2007-244","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-23","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"SIERRE LEONE: Two fishing vessels report coming under attack 23 Sept 07, 18NM off Freetown, Sierra Leone. The distress call was reportedly made by a local agent of a fishing vessel known as LIAN RUN 24, which is licensed to operating in Sierra Leones","Desc2":"EEZ. The Sierra Leone Armed Forces Maritime Wing promptly responded to the distress call and apprehended eight Guinean nations and their speedboat, while another speedboat was said to have fled the scene. Of the eight suspects arrested under the alleged","Desc3":"act of piracy, two were reportedly lieutenants of the Guinean armed forces (one from the navy and another from the army) and two fisheries inspectors. Aboard the seized speedboat, authorities report finding two AK-47 rifles, eight pistols, three","Desc4":"magazines with 55 round of ammunition and one bayonet. Guinean authorities rejected the piracy charge, saying the men were on a legitimate fisheries protection patrol. Guineas navy said the military personnel were accompanying inspectors from the","Desc5":"countrys National Fisheries Surveillance Center. The matter has been referred to Sierra Leones Criminal Investigative Division and the local authorities are in contact with the Guinean Embassy in Sierra Leone. ONI Comment: It should be noted that on 06","Desc6":"Apr 2006 in an area 200 miles SW of Guinea Bissau, a fishing vessel named LIAN RUN 24 was reportedly documented by GREENPEACE as transshipping fish believed to be harvested in the Guinean EEZ to a reefer named BINAR 4. At the time, the LIAN RUN 24 was","coords.x1":-13.2,"coords.x2":8.46667} {"Reference":"2007-205","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-25","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: Chemical tanker boarded 25 Aug 07, 0300 UTC, Conakry anchorage. Approximately 30 robbers armed with guns boarded the vessel. The crew locked all access to the ship and attempted to contact local authorities for help but failed to get a response.","Desc2":"The robbers later left the vessel. Nothing was stolen and there was no harm to the crew or vessel. The ship weighed anchor and proceeded to high seas for safety (IMB).","coords.x1":-13.73,"coords.x2":9.46528} {"Reference":"2007-106","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-12","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"LIBERIA: Refrigerated cargo vessel (TAHOMA REEFER) reportedly overtaken by pirates and towed away12 May, while docked in Monrovia. The vessel ran into engine problems and docked in Monrovia for four days, while it awaited mechanical help. Two fishing","Desc2":"boats approached the vessel and approximately 25 prates jumped aboard brandishing machetes. Three crewmembers were reportedly injured. A UN helicopter saw the vessel being towed away and one person was arrested in connection with the incident. The vessel","Desc3":"was last seen being towed deep into neighboring Cote dIvoire waters. The vessel was carrying several thousand tons of fuel used to power the vessel. The vessel was last reported as having been sold for scrap after suffering a fire in Aug 06 (AP, LM:","Desc4":"Shipping Times).","coords.x1":-10.76667,"coords.x2":6.33333} {"Reference":"2007-227","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-12","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SIERRA LEONE: Oil Tanker (ATROPOS) boarded and robbed 12 Mar 07 at 0200 local time in position 08-44.60N 013-51.20W, 40NM off Freetown per 7 Sept 07 reporting. Pirates armed with machine guns and knives boarded the vessel, stole cash and valuables and","Desc2":"escaped in their speedboat. The Master and officer on the bridge were unable to activate the SSAS, as they were under close observation of the pirates. No crew members were injured. This incident was reported to the Coastal State Authorities (IMO","Desc3":"MSC.4/Circ.107, 7 Sept 07).","coords.x1":-13.85333,"coords.x2":8.74333} {"Reference":"2006-237","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-10","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: General cargo ship boarded and robbed 10 Oct, at 0300 local time, at Conakry anchorage. Robbers threw drums on deck overboard. Alert crew raised alarm and crew mustered.Robbers jumped overboard and escaped. No response from port control. Because","Desc2":"the robbers boat was hovering around the ship, master picked up anchor and moved to open sea (IMB).","coords.x1":-13.8,"coords.x2":9.46611} {"Reference":"2006-217","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-14","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"SIERRA LEONE: Tug was boarded and robbed 14 Sep at 2230 UTC, in position 08-29.8N 013-12.50W, 4nm north of Queen Elizabeth II berth 4 in Freetown. Two robbers, armed with knives in a boat, boarded the tug from stern while at anchor. Robbers attempted to","Desc2":"steal the ships rescue boat outboard engine but were repelled by ships crew. Robbers managed to cut the battery power cable but escaped empty handed. Port authority were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-13.20833,"coords.x2":8.49667} {"Reference":"2006-202","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-22","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"GUINEA: Integrated Tug and Barge (ITB) boarded and robbed 22 Aug at 0200 UTC while anchored in position 09-25.25N 013-44.30W, 2.5 NM South of Conakry, Guinea Sea Buoy. Two or more persons boarded vessel and stole deck items. They came alongside in the","Desc2":"cover of darkness, using a small wooden boat, powered with a small outboard engine. The crew was alerted and scared off the intruders. It is unknown where the intruders came from, or where they departed to (Operator).","coords.x1":-13.73833,"coords.x2":9.42083} {"Reference":"2006-142","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-22","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: Russian product tanker (SHKOTOVO) boarded and robbed 22 May at 0620 local time, while underway in position: 09-16.7N 014-42.5W, 60 nm from Conakry. The tanker provides fuel for fishing vessels in the area. Two speedboats approached the vessel and","Desc2":"six pirates armed with automatic rifles and RPG boarded. They took the cook hostage and forced him to take them to master's cabin. Two pirates went to the bridge and took hostage commanding officer. Two more pirates were stationed on port and starboard","Desc3":"side at cargo deck and aimed their weapons at the bridge. When the cook arrived at master's cabin and informed him that pirates were onboard, Master sent security message. Master was taken to the bridge and pirates demanded cargo documents, which were","Desc4":"produced, and demanded the gain from sales. Pirates demanded cash and master handed over about 3, 000 USD. Pirates disembarked at 0650 and fled. The main boat was described as 5 - 7 meters in length, metallic grey/green, engine - Yamaha 40, and \"kassa p","Desc5":"17\" was the name on the hull. The second boat was described as 15 - 20 meters in length, without any identity marks. Leader of pirates spoke Portuguese. ONI Comment: This incident, along with recent reporting from Chinese fishing vessels in the area","Desc6":"speculating Guinean soldiers are attacking them due to territorial claims (para 4.G.3 below) and the arrest of a self proclaimed registered vigilante of the Guinean Armed Forces in the act of piracy against a Korean fishing vessel by the Sierra Leone","coords.x1":-14.70833,"coords.x2":9.27833} {"Reference":"2006-130","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-13","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MAURITANIA: Unidentified refrigerated cargo ship approached 13 May at 2125 local time, while drifting in position: 19-04N 017-09W, Nouadhibou roads. Pirates in an unlit boat approached the vessel 60 nm off the coast. Master raised alarm, took evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers, crew mustered and activated fire hoses. Unlit boat increased speed to 17 kts and continued to chase the ship. Master increased his speed to the maximum and found another boat tried to block the ship's course. Boats pursued the ship for almost","Desc3":"three hours and then aborted the chase. Master tried to contact local MRCC but could not communicate due to language difficulties (IMB).","coords.x1":-17.15,"coords.x2":19.06667} {"Reference":"2006-123","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-02","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: Unidentified chemical tanker reported suspicious approach and attempt to board 2 May at 1030 local time, while drifting in position 09-13.1N 014-06.2W off Conakry. Drifting 25 nm off the port, the vessel received a VHF call by someone claiming to","Desc2":"be from Conakry port. Caller asked the ship to rig the pilot ladder as the pilot was on the way. Soon after, duty officer noticed a grey boat with five persons being launched by a mother fishing vessel nearby. Persons in the boat were armed with","Desc3":"automatic weapons and wore life jackets. They pretended to be officials and demanded pilot ladder to be lowered. As the ship was not expecting to berth until the following day, master raised alarm and crew activated fire hoses. After following for some","Desc4":"time the suspicious boat returned to the mother ship. Master reported the incident to port authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":-14.10333,"coords.x2":9.21833} {"Reference":"2006-44","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-13","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: An unidentified bulk carrier reported an attempted boarding13 Feb at 0415 local time, while at anchor off San Pedro. Six boats, with more than fifteen persons, tried to board using hooks and ropes at the stern and near the no.1 hatch, port","Desc2":"side. Boarding was interrupted by fast response of ships crew. No assistance from port control was offered. Eight persons able to get into steering flat through rudder trunking were handed over to local police (IMB).","coords.x1":-7.75,"coords.x2":4.66667} {"Reference":"2006-35","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-27","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SIERRA LEONE: Korean fishing vessel (MUJIN-5) was boarded on 27 Jan at approximately 2200 local time, while trawling off Yeliboya, per 1 Feb reporting. Thirteen armed pirates aboard a dug out canoe and dressed in military clothing, approached the vessel","Desc2":"and two of the pirates forced their way onboard. Reportedly, two Sierra Leone Navy (SLN) personnel were deployed onboard the vessel, acting on intelligence. A firefight ensued and a nearby SLN patrol craft responded to the incident and one pirates was","Desc3":"captured while the rest escaped. The captured pirate, Abdul Karim Sillah, was arrested with a Short Machine Gun and two magazines (1 empty the other had 13 rounds). The captain of the vessel sustained gun shot wounds and is responding to treatment. No","Desc4":"other injuries were reported. The police have Abdul Karim Sillah in custody and are investigating further. Abdul Karim Sillah is the second pirate to be apprehended by the SLN in the last two months, both detained pirates claim to be registered","Desc5":"vigilantes of the Guinean Armed Forces (LM, LL)","coords.x1":-13.46667,"coords.x2":8.9} {"Reference":"2005-330","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-27","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MAURITANIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 27 Oct at 2030 local time, in position 20-47.8N 017-01.8W, off Nouadhibou inner anchorage. Eight robbers approached in a wooden boat fitted with an outboard motor. Two robbers boarded via anchor chain.","Desc2":"Duty crewmember noticed them and raised alarm. Robbers escaped in their boat. Port control informed (IMB)","coords.x1":-17.03,"coords.x2":20.79667} {"Reference":"2005-324","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-18","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 18 Oct at 0345 UTC, while anchored in position 09-17.6N 013-45.2W, Conakry anchorage. Three robbers in a speedboat, armed with billhooks, boarded the vessel and assaulted the duty watchman and stole ships","Desc2":"stores. Duty officer raised alarm, sounded ships whistle and crew mustered. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped. D/O called port control but received no response.","coords.x1":-13.75333,"coords.x2":9.29333} {"Reference":"2005-77","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-03","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MOROCCO: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 04 Mar at 0315 local time, while berthed at Casablanca port. The duty officer raised alarm and master called police via VHF, after 20 robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel. Police","Desc2":"arrived promptly and robbers fled, after seeing the police car (IMB).","coords.x1":-7.6,"coords.x2":33.63833} {"Reference":"2004-243","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-20","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 20 Sep at 2220 local time, during cargo operations, while at Berth No. 3, Conakry. Six persons armed with long knives tried to enter accommodation but crew mustered and informed local police and port","Desc2":"control. The robbers took ship's stores and left in a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":-13.7175,"coords.x2":9.51389} {"Reference":"2004-215","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-23","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified product tanker was boarded 23Aug at 2355 local time while underway in position 14.37.2N, 017 25.5W at Dakar Roads soon after dropping the outward pilot. The intruders stole ship's stores and escaped (MB).","coords.x1":-17.425,"coords.x2":14.62} {"Reference":"2004-199","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-02","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SIERRA LEONE: The general cargo ship (PATRAIKOS II) was attacked 2 Aug at 0420 local time. Ten persons opened fire as they approached, while the ship was anchored at Freetown. The attackers boarded using grappling hooks, smashed cabin doors, held the","Desc2":"crew at gunpoint and stole their belongings. The thieves left at 0500. Master contacted port control while the robbers were on board, but no one boarded the ship until 0700. Four crew members were injured and hospitalized (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":-13.21889,"coords.x2":8.5} {"Reference":"2004-198","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-26","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified container ship was boarded 26 Jul at 2230 local time, while underway in position 14-38.4N 017-22.9W (3 miles from the port entrance of Dakar). As it departed, three persons armed with knives escaped with a \"large quantity\" of","Desc2":"ship's stores despite crew raising alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-17.38167,"coords.x2":14.64} {"Reference":"2004-190","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-23","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: An unidentified dry cargo ship was boarded 23 Jul at 0530 local time, by 2 persons armed with long knives while at berth Conakry. Duty officer raised alarm and then two jumpedinto the water and fled. Earlier on 22 Jul at 0500 local time two","Desc2":"similarly armed intruders threatened the duty officer, but jumped into the water and fled when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"2004-171","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-23","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: An unidentified Ro/Ro ship was boarded 23 Jun at 0400 local time while berthed at Conakry, Guinea. Armed persons threatened duty seaman with knives, but fled when other crew arrived to assist (IMB).","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"2004-162","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-19","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 19 Jun at 0615 local time while anchored in position 14-41.24N 017-23.36W at Dakar anchorage. Three persons armed with long knives held duty seaman hostage and stole ship's stores. Crew raised alarm and","Desc2":"the robbers jumped into the water and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-17.38933,"coords.x2":14.68733} {"Reference":"2004-163","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-13","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"CAMEROON: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 13 Jun at 0540 local time, while at Douala port. The intruders gained access at the stern using ropes but could not enter the accommodation, which was secured. Crew chased off the first two but","Desc2":"three others simultaneously armed with knives boarded at the gangway and threatened the duty watchman (IMB).","coords.x1":-9.67778,"coords.x2":4.04167} {"Reference":"2004-133","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-18","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: Unidentified container ship was boarded 18 May at 0520 local time while anchored at Dakar. Three masked persons from a fishing boat threatened crew and escaped with ship's stores. Port authority notified via VHF (IMB).","coords.x1":-17.40833,"coords.x2":14.67778} {"Reference":"2004-127","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-15","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SIERRA LEONE: Unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 15 May at 0210 local time while at B1 inner anchorage, Freetown. Duty seaman spotted persons trying to gain access via hawse pipe and raised alarm. Signal station informed and naval patrol","Desc2":"boat came to scene (IMB).","coords.x1":-13.21667,"coords.x2":8.50278} {"Reference":"2004-116","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-02","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MAURITANIA: Unidentified refrigerated cargo ship boarded 2 May at 0110 UTC while at inner anchorage, Nouadhibou. Ten persons armed with knives gained access via the anchor chain. They threatened duty seaman and stole his walkie talkie, then broke into","Desc2":"storeroom and stole ship's property. At 0210 three intruders stole more ship's property. Master contacted port control which failed to respond (IMB).","coords.x1":-17.03333,"coords.x2":20.89167} {"Reference":"2004-70","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-21","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified LPG tanker was boarded 21 Mar between 0030 and 0100 local time while underway off Dakar. The pirates stole ship's stores before escaping.","coords.x1":-17,"coords.x2":14.25} {"Reference":"2003-381","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-24","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 24 Nov at 0130 UTC while anchored at Conakry. Fifteen persons armed with \"high powered guns\" operating from two motorboats took two crew hostage and entered accommodation via the bridge. They assaulted","Desc2":"master and crew, ransacked cabins and stole ship's property and cash (IMB).","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"2003-359","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-10","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was boarded 10 Nov about 1.5 miles from Dakar pilot station while underway inbound. Persons armed with knives were chased by crew who mustered when alarm sounded. Dakar port control provided a police boat","Desc2":"to escort ship to berth (IMB).","coords.x1":-17.43333,"coords.x2":14.68333} {"Reference":"2003-330","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-19","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: The 2,002 ton general cargo ship (SAAD) was boarded 19 Oct at 0220 local time while anchored in Conakry roads by about ten persons armed with machine guns and hand guns. The attackers rounded up the crew, beat some and threatened to kill them if","Desc2":"they did not cooperate. The robbers stole the crew's personal effects, ship's equipment and bonded stores. Master's complaint to local authorities went unanswered for at least 36 hours (BIMCO, IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"2003-272","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-11","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified container ship was boarded 11Aug underway after dropping pilot off Dakar. Thieves escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-17.43333,"coords.x2":14.68333} {"Reference":"2003-248","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-20","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified tanker was boarded 20 Jul at 0130 local time while at Dakar anchorage. Thieves broke into bosun's stores and stole ship's supplies. When contacted, Port Control advised they were unable to assist (IMB).","coords.x1":-17.43333,"coords.x2":14.68333} {"Reference":"2003-214","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-21","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 21 Jun at 2105 local time while underway off Dakar. Crew raised alarm and attempt was abandoned (IMB).","coords.x1":-17.51667,"coords.x2":14.68333} {"Reference":"2003-197","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-04","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"LIBERIA: The Antigua-flag cargo ship (ST. PAULI) was boarded 4 May (reported 4 Jun) at 0615 while awaiting pilot outside breakwater at Monrovia. Eight persons in fatigue uniforms demanded to board the ship from a big canoe, declaring they were part of an","Desc2":"Anti-terrorist Unit. Master contacted the pilot to ask if such boarding was normal and was informed that it was not. The ship's crew treated the boarders with courtesy but informed them that police were coming from shore, whereupon the boarders","Desc3":"reembarked in their canoe and left in a southerly direction at about 0655. Master reports full cooperation through out the situation from Port Control and the pilot who monitored the situation. Master's coolness and prompt request for corroborating","Desc4":"information undoubtedly defused what could have been a dangerous situation (INFO, ONI).","coords.x1":-10.81667,"coords.x2":6.31667} {"Reference":"2003-55","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-24","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified container ship was boarded 24 Feb at 0030 local time in Dakar Roads as it approached port. Ship's stores were stolen from the poop (IMB).","coords.x1":-17.43333,"coords.x2":14.68333} {"Reference":"2003-45","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-09","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was boarded 9 Feb at 0400 local time in Dakar Roads, 2 nm southeast of Ile de Goree. To persons armed with knives boarded via the stern but were chased off by alert crew (IMB).","coords.x1":-17.43333,"coords.x2":14.68333} {"Reference":"2003-16","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-05","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified container ship was robbed of a mooring line 5 Jan, apparently when it encountered a small boat shortly after leaving Dakar. The boat shone a strong light as it moved close. Ship's master suspects it was signaling accomplices","Desc2":"aboard to lower the line into the water. Loss of the line was only discovered the following day.","coords.x1":-17.43333,"coords.x2":14.68333} {"Reference":"2002-228","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-14","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified tanker was subject to attempted boarding 14 Aug at 0050 UTC while in Dakar anchorage. Duty watch spotted three persons attempting to climb anchor chain and raised alarm whereupon intruders fled in their boat.","coords.x1":-17.43333,"coords.x2":14.68333} {"Reference":"2002-196","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-09","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified container ship was boarded 9 Jul at 0500 local time while underway at Dakar pilot station. Four persons gained access via the poop and stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":-17.43333,"coords.x2":14.68333} {"Reference":"2002-87","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-28","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: The Ukraine flag fishing vessel (VOSTOCHNYY) was attacked 28 Mar at an unknown location off the Guinea coast by seven person who robbed it of $13,000 plus audio and video equipment. No crew injuries reported but an electricity cable was shot","Desc2":"through and destroyed.","coords.x1":-14.23056,"coords.x2":9.96472} {"Reference":"2002-88","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-27","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: The Ukraine flag tanker (SKHIDNYY) was boarded 27 Mar at 0520 UTC while in position 10-04N 016-23.5W in territorial waters near Conakry. Ten persons armed with machine guns stole cash (some accounts say $15,000), TV sets and radios. The thieves","Desc2":"fired on the tanker to make it stop.","coords.x1":-16.39167,"coords.x2":10.06667} {"Reference":"2002-70","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-08","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SIERRA LEONE: Fishing vessel (SAWA II) was reported to have been attacked 8 Mar (reported 14 Mar) off Yelibouya Island, three miles from Guinean waters. Two patrol boats sent by the Maritime Wing of the Rep. of Sierra Leone Armed Forces came under","Desc2":"sustained fire from five heavily armed men in military fatigues. One sailor injured and one boat damaged. Pursuit broken off when assailants fled into Guinean waters. All the crew of the fishing vessel reported safe.","coords.x1":-13.29667,"coords.x2":8.94} {"Reference":"2002-54","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-28","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: The cargo ship HORNESRAND was ordered to stop and fired upon 28 Feb at 0600 while in position 09-11N 014-33W off Conakry. Eight persons armed with unspecified guns chased the ship for one hour and broke off the chase at 0710 after crew switched","Desc2":"on lights, increased speed took evasive maneuvers. and fired eight distress rockets at the pursuing boat. No injuries reported but ship was struck by several bullets. At least one of the pursuers was reported armed with a submachine-gun","coords.x1":-14.55,"coords.x2":9.18333} {"Reference":"2002-69","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-13","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA-BISSAU: An unidentified ship was pursued and fired upon 13 Feb (reported 18 Mar) while underway in position10-42-59N 16-28-04W outside the islands offshore of Guinea Bissau. A speedboat containing five armed men in military uniform started to come","Desc2":"alongside and occupants opened fire demanding vessel stop. Master decided to increase speed and began evasive maneuvering. Pursuit broken off after about five minutes. Incident may be connected to pursuit of (HORNESTRAND) 28 Feb off Guinea Coast.","coords.x1":-16.46778,"coords.x2":10.71639} {"Reference":"2002-10","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-05","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SENEGAL: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 5 Jan at 0310 local time while anchored at Dakar outer roads. Small boats approached bow and stern and one person gained access.Alarm sounded and fire hoses activated; no loss reported.","coords.x1":-17.43333,"coords.x2":14.68333} {"Reference":"2001-330","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-02","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 2 Dec at 0410 local time in position 09-50N 017-10W. The vessel was underway off Conakry, Guinea when two unlit speedboats approached. Duty Officer altered course, raised the alarm,","Desc2":"directed searchlights, fired rockets, and had the crew activate fire hoses in order to ward off the suspected intruders.The speedboats moved away after about 20 minutes.","coords.x1":-17.16667,"coords.x2":9.83333} {"Reference":"2001-289","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-11","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SIERRA LEONE: The 2,384ton, Bolivian-flag bunkering tanker (CAPE GEORJEAN) was boarded 11 Oct at 0120 UTC by at least thieves armed with Kalashnikov rifles. The ship's superintendant fired on the intruders with a pump-action shotgun and may have killed","Desc2":"two before the remainder escaped with crew belongings. The ship was anchored off Cape Sierra Point, three miles from land at the time.","coords.x1":-13.3,"coords.x2":8.5} {"Reference":"2001-275","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-18","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"KASSOS","Desc1":"GUINEA:The 11,582 ton Cyprus flag log carrier, Kassos, was subject to attempted boarding 18 Sep while underway in position 09-11N 014-32W, off Conakry, by twelve persons in each of two fishing boats. Alert crew foiled the attempt.","coords.x1":-14.53333,"coords.x2":9.18333} {"Reference":"2001-271","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-14","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA:Persons in two fast speedboats attempted to board an unidentified bulk carrier 14 Sep at 2200 local time in position 09-11.3N 014-31.3W off Conakry Guinea. Alarm and whistle sounded and flares fired at boats; boarding aborted.","coords.x1":-14.52167,"coords.x2":9.18833} {"Reference":"2001-253","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-23","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SIERRA LEONE:AN UNIDENTIFIED RO-RO SHIP WAS BOARDED 23 AUG AT 0500 LOCAL TIME WHILE BERTHED AT FREETOWN BY PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES WHO THREATENED THE DUTY SEAMAN. A CONTAINER WAS BROACHED AND PART OF ITS CARGO STOLEN BEFORE THE THIEVES ESCAPED WHEN","Desc2":"SPOTTED BY AN OFFICER. A REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE FROM THE PORT WAS IGNORED.","coords.x1":-13.25,"coords.x2":8.5} {"Reference":"2001-186","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-23","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 23 JUN AT 0435 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT CONAKRY. PERSONS ARMED WITH GUNS AND KNIVES ASSAULTED THREE OFFICER WHO RECEIVED INJURIES. SHIP'S STORES, CASH FROM SAFE AND CREW VALUABLES WERE TAKEN.","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"2001-187","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-22","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"ESA TRUST","Desc1":"SIERRA LEONE:THE 997 TON, PANAMANIAN FLAG TANKER (ESA TRUST) REPORTED BEING BOARDED 22 JUN AT 0428 UTC WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 08-59.7N 013-51.5W. THREE CREW REPORTED BRUISED.","coords.x1":-13.85833,"coords.x2":8.995} {"Reference":"2001-166","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-31","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"SEA REGENT","Desc1":"SENEGAL:THE FORMER CRUISE SHIP (SEA REGENT) (POSSIBLY (REGENT SEA) UNDER TOW TO INDIA WHERE IT WAS TO BE USED AS A HOTEL OR ACCOMMODATION SHIP, WAS RANSACKED BY LOCAL INHABITANTS WHILE OFF DAKAR ACCORDING TO A 31 MAY PRESS REPORT. THE THIEVES, OPERATING","Desc2":"FROM AS MANY AS 12 MOTORIZED PIROUGUES, TOOK COMPUTERS, FURNISHINGS, AND OTHER ELECTRONIC GEAR AND SHUTTLED THEIR LOOT ASHORE TO AT LEAST THREE FISHING VILLAGES BEFORE CREW MEMBERS REALIZED WHAT WAS HAPPENING. SENEGALESE POLICE REPORTEDLY MADE UP TO","Desc3":"FORTY ARRESTS AND RETURNED SOME OF THE STOLEN ITEMS TO THE SHIP.","coords.x1":-17.5,"coords.x2":14.5} {"Reference":"2001-152","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-16","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MOROCCO:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 16 MAY AT 0300 LOCAL TIME AT AGADIR BY EIGHT PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES AND STICKS. THE INTRUDERS THREATENED THE WATCHMEN BUT CREW ARRIVED AND CAPTURED FOUR PERSONS, DETAINING THEM UNTIL POLICE ARRIVED WITHIN","Desc2":"FIFTEEN MINUTES.","coords.x1":-9.66667,"coords.x2":30.5} {"Reference":"2001-141","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-14","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"USNS LITTLEHALES","Desc1":"SENEGAL:THE U.S. FLAG SURVEY SHIP (USNS LITTLEHALES) WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED OF SIX MOORING LINES 14 MAY ABOUT 0530 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY FIVE MILES SOUTH OF DAKAR PORT. ROVING DECK WATCH NOTICED SMALL UNLIT BOAT ASTERN CONTAINING EIGHT PERSONS WHICH","Desc2":"SPED OFF WHEN SHOUTED AT. LOSS OF LINES NOTED SUBSEQUENTLY.","coords.x1":-17.5,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"2000-372","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-05","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"TORM ALEXANDRA","Desc1":"GUINEA:THE 3,972-TON, MALTA-FLAG CARGO SHIP (TORM ALEXANDRA) WAS BOARDED IN CONAKRY ON 5 NOV AT 0300 UTC BY 8 TO 10 MACHINE-GUN ARMED PERSONS WHO STOLE ABOUT $3,000 AND SHIP'S EQUIPMENT.","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"2000-252","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-01","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"L'OBJECTIF LUNE","Desc1":"EASTERN ATLANTIC-MADEIRA:A French yachtsman reported 10 Sep that he had been boarded 1 Sep about 200 miles north of Funchal while sailing alone from the Brittany coast to Madeira. According to the report several young men boarded the yacht (L'OBJECTIF","Desc2":"LUNE) during the night and then again the following night. The yachtsman was reportedly tied up and tortured, mainly with electrical shocks. The yacht was found adrift by a Swiss yacht and towed to Funchal where the yachtsman was treated for a deep cut","Desc3":"to his throat, abrasions on wrists and head, and bruises on his legs. No report of theft was given.","coords.x1":-16.9475,"coords.x2":35.5675} {"Reference":"2000-218","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-29","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER BERTHED AT CONAKRY, GUINEA WAS SUBJECTED TO FIVE UNSUCCESSFUL BOARDING ATTEMPTS DURING THE NIGHT OF 29 AUG BEFORE A SIXTH ATTEMPT SUCCEEDED AT 0600 LOCAL TIME. THREE MASKED AND ARMED PERSONS BOARDED VIA STERN MOORING","Desc2":"LINES, THREATENED THE CHIEF OFFICER WITH KNIVES, AND STOLE SHIP'S STORES BEFORE ESCAPING IN A SMALL BOAT.","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"2000-184","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-15","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA:On 15 Aug at 0400 local, nine persons armed with shotguns in a wooden boat attempted to board a bulk carrier at anchor 26 miles south of Conakry, Guinea in position 09-05N013-49W. The duty officer raised the alarm and sounded the whistle. The crew","Desc2":"fired rocket flares at the boat and the pirates aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":-13.81667,"coords.x2":9.08333} {"Reference":"2000-143","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-17","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PROTESTERS","Victim":"RANGER 1","Desc1":"SPAIN:The 6,272-ton Maltese-flag cargo ship (RANGER 1) docked 17 Jul at Villagarcia with Greenpeace protesters chained to its mast and to shoreside cranes in protest of the import of allegedly illegal timber from Cameroon. Spanish authorities had earlier","Desc2":"removed four protesters in a dingy which had attached itself to the ship's anchor chain as it approached port.","coords.x1":-9.16667,"coords.x2":40.5} {"Reference":"2000-144","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-15","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MAURITANIA:An unidentified container vessel was boarded 15 Jul at about 0001 local time while anchored in Nouadhibou Bay by thieves operating from small speed boats. The intruders fled with ship's stores and equipment when crew mustered on deck.","coords.x1":-16.25,"coords.x2":19.5} {"Reference":"2000-133","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-10","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"GREENPEACE ACTIVISTS","Victim":"AEGIS","Desc1":"PORTUGAL:The 13,123-ton Cyprus-flag cargo ship (AEGIS) was boarded 10 Jul by four Greenpeace activists who chained themselves to the mast as the ship entered Leixoes to protest illegal logging in Cameroon where the cargo was loaded. As of 12 Jul the","Desc2":"protesters remained in place. Protesters left the ship 14 Jul after 90 hours.","coords.x1":-9.25,"coords.x2":39.5} {"Reference":"2000-124","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-02","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"VENEZIA","Desc1":"GUINEA:An unidentified cargo ship, assessed to be 11,536-ton, Malta-flag cargo ship (VENEZIA) was attacked by gun fire 2 Jul at 2100 local at its berth, Conakry. Ship had been experiencing pilferage of cargo of bagged rice during stay and, on 2 Jul,","Desc2":"Master ordered crew to repel the thieves using fire hoses. Shots were then fired at the ship and crew took refuge in accommodation. Port authorities and police called but did not respond.","coords.x1":-14,"coords.x2":9} {"Reference":"1999-124","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-06","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LOUISE","Desc1":"The 19,925-ton, Liberian-flag tanker, Louise, was attacked while drifting about 18 nm off the Guinea coast. The ship was approached by a gray craft with fixed machine guns. Fifteen persons were sighted on board, all wearing brown uniforms. The craft came","Desc2":"alongside the tanker in an attempted boarding maneuver, but to prevent this from succeeding the Master got underway at full speed, away from the coast. At this point, the attackers opened fire on the ship with machine guns, aiming at the accommodation,","Desc3":"bridge and radio room. This caused extensive damage to the ship. The bullets pierced through steel bulkheads and entered the accommodation, continuing and penetrating cabin doors. As the distance between the tanker and the craft increased to about 0.4","Desc4":"nm, the attackers switched to rocket fire. As the distance increased to about 0.6 nm, the attackers aborted their pursuit. The assault lasted for a period of thirty minutes of continuous gunfire. No crewmen were injured.","coords.x1":-14.06667,"coords.x2":9.15} {"Reference":"1999-112","DateOfOcc":"1999-09-21","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"A SWISS-FLAG BULK CARRIER REPELLED AN APPARENT ATTACK BY TRACKING AN APPROACHING SMALL BOAT WITH THE SHIP'S SEARCHLIGHT AT ABOUT 0030 LOCAL TIME, WHILE AT ANCHOR OFF CONAKRY, GUINEA (09-31N 013-43W).LATER THAT NIGHT, ANOTHER SHIP ANCHORED ABOUT THREE","Desc2":"MILES AWAY BROADCAST AN APPEAL FOR HELP STATING IT HAD BEEN BOARDED BY 6 THIEVES ARMED WITH HANDGUNS AND A MACHINE GUN. THE SECOND MATE WAS FORCED AT GUN POINT TO THE MASTER'S CABIN WHERE THE SAFE WAS OPENED AND CASH AND CREW VALUABLES TAKEN. THE MATE","Desc3":"WAS INJURED AND REQUIRED TREATMENT ASHORE. PORT AUTHORITIES, NOTIFIED OF THE ATTACK, STATED THAT NO POLICE OR NAVY PERSONNEL WERE AVAILABLE TO ASSIST AND THAT THE SHIP SHOULD HAVE ANCHORED AT LEAST 15 MILES OFF THE PORT AS THE PORT AUTHORITY CLAIMS IT","Desc4":"ADVISED ON VESSEL'S ARRIVAL. REPORTING VESSEL STATED ITS INTENT TO DRIFT 100 MILES OFFSHORE RATHER THAN ANCHOR NEAR OTHER SHIPS AND POSSIBLY IN A DANGEROUS AREA.NOTE: REPORTS RECEIVED BY BIMCO INDICATE THAT REGULAR VIOLENT ATTACKS OCCURRED AT THE CONAKRY","Desc5":"ANCHORAGE AREAS DURING THE WEEK OF 21 THRU 28 SEP. ROBBERS, ARMED WITH HANDGUNS AND MACHINE GUNS, MADE NOCTURNAL RAIDS ON SHIPS IN THE ANCHORAGE AREA, ABOUT 10 MILES OFF THE COAST, AND THAT CREW HAVE BEEN BEATEN AND INJURED DURING THESE ATTACKS.","Desc6":"UNCONFIRMED REPORTS INDICATE THAT SOME CREW MAY HAVE RECENTLY BEEN KILLED BY THE ATTACKERS.","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"1999-102","DateOfOcc":"1999-09-08","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"PINK SANDS","Desc1":"THE 22,009-TON, MALTESE-FLAG BULK CARRIER, PINK SANDS, WAS BOARDED BY THIEVES WHILE ANCHORED OFF CONAKRY, GUINEA (09-31N 013-43W). THE BOARDING OCCURRED AT 0220 LOCAL TIME, DURING HEAVY RAIN, WHICH HAMPERED VISIBILITY FOR FIVE CREW ON WATCH DUTY. THIEVES","Desc2":"FORCED THEIR WAY INTO MASTER'S CABIN AND STOLE PERSONAL POSSESSIONS, ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT AND SHIP'S CASH BEFORE LEAVING AT 0410.","coords.x1":-13.7,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"1999-66","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-13","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"GUINEA-BISSAU GOVERNMENT FORCES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"A small bitumen tanker, navigating off the Guinea-Bissau coast, was intercepted by a launch, equipped with a large gun on her aft deck, and forced to stop in internationalwaters by threat of arms from government forces. The ship was then boarded and","Desc2":"ordered tosail to Bissau. The vessel was accused of violating pollution regulations and held in port for a week while the charges were processed. In order to secure the ship's release, a negotiated settlement was reached and the local authorities agreed","Desc3":"to accept a payment of $150,000 (reduced from the original fine of $1 million).","coords.x1":-16.85,"coords.x2":10.53333} {"Reference":"1999-34","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-06","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"About 60 people are reported to have been shot to death or drowned when rebels opened fire on two river passenger-cargo boats on the Mabang River, Sierra Leone. The cargo was also reported stolen.","coords.x1":-13.1,"coords.x2":8.78333} {"Reference":"1999-53","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-04","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAAD III","Desc1":"The 3,493-ton Belize-flag cargo ship, SAAD III, was attacked at Conakry, Guinea by agroup of about 25 armed men. In the hour-long incident the Syrian and Egyptian crew were threatened with guns and knives, and some were struck with rifle butts. There is","Desc2":"no report of stolen items from the ship.","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"1999-46","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-04","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAAD III","Desc1":"A Belize-flag general cargo ship was boarded at 0200 GMT by 20 to 25 men from a canoe while at anchor in Conakry, Guinea. The second mate was taken captive as they boarded. Six had automatic weapons and on their way around the ship they beat several crew","Desc2":"members with their gun belts, particularly on the feet and ankles. In the master's cabin they held a knife to his throat and other body parts and shot into the deckhead while demanding $50,000 USD. He was threatened with a gun and was also beaten with a","Desc3":"gun butt. A number of the intruders seemed to speak good English. The whole incident took about one hour. Port Control was called via VHF; however, it is not a 24 hour port and no assistance was received until 0600 when they were put through to the","Desc4":"ship's agents. The vessel berthed later in the morning. Eight crew members received medical assistance, no major injuries reported. The pirates made off with computers, walkie talkies, money, and crew possessions.","coords.x1":-13.7,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"1999-22","DateOfOcc":"1999-02-22","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"FLINT","Desc1":"A Cyprus-flag general cargo ship was boarded in Conakry Roads, Guinea at about 0230. While on board the intruders fired rounds from automatic weapons at the bridge and stole mooring lines, tools, televisions, walkie talkies, and personel items before","Desc2":"leaving at about 0330.","coords.x1":-13.7,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"1999-33","DateOfOcc":"1999-02-19","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"A Antiguan-flag container ship is reported to have been boarded after sailing from Dakar, Sengal. The ship sailed at 0500 and was off Cap Manuel when a motorboat came alongside. The master raised the alarm to muster the crew by which time one attacker","Desc2":"gained access to the ship using a grappling hook. When approached by the crew the attacker fled to the speedboat which abandoned pursuit.","coords.x1":-17.46667,"coords.x2":14.71667} {"Reference":"1999-14","DateOfOcc":"1999-01-15","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"An unidentified cargo vessel was boarded mid-January by armed stowaways in Casablanca, Morocco. Despite hiring of watchmen it took the efforts of the entire crew to prevent further boardings and to remove an additional five armed men hiding in a cargo","Desc2":"hold.","coords.x1":-7.61667,"coords.x2":33.71667} {"Reference":"1999-20","DateOfOcc":"1999-01-15","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"A vessel reports that operations at Conakry, Guinea are being adversely affected by the conflict in Sierra Leone. After a mid-January arrival the vessel was harassed over minor paperwork deficiencies, and \"advised\" to buy port-supplied handbooks and","Desc2":"forced to work under armed supervision. The master reports suspicion that armed guards were responsible for cargo pilferage.","coords.x1":-13.7,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"1999-15","DateOfOcc":"1999-01-07","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"ANNA THERESA","Desc1":"A Cyprus-flag chemical-oil tanker was boarded in Casablanca, Morocco by five teenagers armed with knives. They threatened the chief mate and cut the tarpaulin of a lifeboat in an attempt to steal the equipment. Despite the master having requested gangway","Desc2":"watchmen, none were present at the time of the incident. A watch was posted in the wheelhouse and no further problems occured. There were no crew injuries.","coords.x1":-7.61667,"coords.x2":33.71667} {"Reference":"1998-54","DateOfOcc":"1998-08-10","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"JAN-RASMUS","Desc1":"AN ANTIGUAN CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED BY THIEVES WHILE AT DAKAR ANCHORAGE IN SENEGAL.THE BOARDING TOOK PLACE AT 0545 LMT. THE CASH BOX, MOORING LINES, AND A PORTABLE COMPUTER WERE TAKEN.","coords.x1":-17.43333,"coords.x2":14.68333} {"Reference":"1998-3","DateOfOcc":"1997-12-19","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CLIPPER SEA","Desc1":"AT 2355 LPG CARRIER CLIPPER SEA APRROACHED DAKAR, SENEGAL, WHEN 2 PIRATES ARMED WITH KNIVES BOARDED VESSEL FROM THE STERN. THE 2 SEAMEN ON WATCH DID NOT OBSERVE THE HOOKS BEING LANDED. ONCE ONBOARD THE SECOND PIRATE PLACED THE MOORING LINE THROUGH THE","Desc2":"CENTER LEAD AND JUMPED OVERBOARD WITH THE END OF THE ROPE AND COMMENCED PULLING THE MOORING LINE INTO THE WATER. THE BOSUN AND THE ORDINARY SEAMAN MANAGED TO PUT THE LINE ON THE WINCH DRUM. THE FIRST PIRATE WHO HAD BEEN HOLDING/GUARDING THE 2 SEAMEN WITH","Desc3":"KNIVES THEN CUT THE MOORING LINE AND JUMPED OVERBOARD. THE DURATION OF THE ATTACK WAS ESTIMATED AS LESS THEN 2 MINUTES.","coords.x1":-17.43333,"coords.x2":14.68333} {"Reference":"1997-65","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-06","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"N/A","Victim":"N/A","Desc1":"Africa The ECOMOG peacekeeping force, a Nigerian led Military coalition based in Liberia, warned ships and aircraft to keep clear of Sierra Leone's territorial waters immeditately in a report released recently. The report stated that the coalition would","Desc2":"start enforcing the blockade of Sierra Leone on August 6, 1997 to force coup leaders there to relinquish power. The military coup in Sierra Leone, which toppled elected president Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, has been denounced by the United Nations and the","Desc3":"organization of African Unity.","coords.x1":-12,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"1997-44","DateOfOcc":"1997-04-02","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Africa The 6,769 gross ton Cypriot flagged cargo ship (South County) was attacked by pirates with machine guns on April 2, 1997 near Conakry, Gutnea. The ship was waiting for berthing instructions when a group of about 20 pirates in a canoe attempted to","Desc2":"board the ship. The crewmen of the ship attempted to prevent the pirates from coming aboard and the pirates began firing their machine guns. The master ordered the anchor up and the ship then proceeded westwards towards open sea leaving the pirates","Desc3":"behind. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"1997-50","DateOfOcc":"1997-02-05","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"Europe On May 30, 1997, the yacht \"Fair Lady\" was reported stolen. The theft occured February 5, 1997 at the Peniche Marina, Portugal. The ship is valued at $160,000 (US) and it's home port is Freeport, Bahamas. Also reported stolen on May 30, 1997 was a","Desc2":"yacht named \"Feeling.\" The yacht was charted in Workum, Netherlands and has not been seen since May 05, 1997. The hull No. is BAV-DE-LD2A292.","coords.x1":-9.36667,"coords.x2":39.36667} {"Reference":"1997-26","DateOfOcc":"1996-12-08","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Africa On Dec 8 1996, fifteen men boarded Altair 1 (BHS Flag, 22,116 GT) as it arrived at Freetown, Sierre Leone. The pirates stayed onboard for thirty minutes and departed with an undetermined amount of cash and valuables. Two watchmen on deck were","Desc2":"bound and beaten. Attempts to contact port authorities and vessels were unsuccessful. After they left, the Altair 1 immediately heaved up the anchor and sailed away to open sea.","coords.x1":-13.23333,"coords.x2":8.5} {"Reference":"1997-20","DateOfOcc":"1996-10-10","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Africa, Sierra Leone. The following report was received from the master of the Alex III on 14 Oct 96: Hooded pirates firing AK-47 automatic rifles attacked the 560 gt, Greek flagged Alex III on 10 Oct 96. Eleven pirates, wearing army fatigues, came","Desc2":"within close range of the Alex III located off the coast of Sierra Leone. The pirates opened fire wounding some crew members before boarding. Other crew members including the master were clubbed to the deck with rifle butts. Personal items of the crew","Desc3":"were taken in addition to the fish and shrimp caught that day. Value of missing catch is several thousand dollars.","coords.x1":-12.71,"coords.x2":6.33} {"Reference":"1996-27","DateOfOcc":"1996-03-27","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Guinea, Africa Seven armed men in a high speed boat attacked the Greek-flagged 13,538 GRT bulk carrier Esperanza at approximately 0130 local time on 27 March 1996. The Esperanza was at the port of Conakry when the robbery took place. There were no","Desc2":"injuries; however, the thieves stole US $3,150 and some personal effects.","coords.x1":-13.71667,"coords.x2":9.51667} {"Reference":"1995-134","DateOfOcc":"1995-11-18","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"ANAX PUMA","Desc1":"ON 18 NOV 95 A SMALL BOAT FIRED FLARES AND MANEUVERED IN AN APPARENT ATTEMPT TO STOP AND BOARD THE PANAMANIAN-FLAGGED TANKER ANAX PUMA AS IT TRANSITED OFF THE COAST OF LIBERIA. THE TANKER SUCCESSFULLY AVOIDED A CONFRONTATION BY INCREASING SPEED AND","Desc2":"DEPARTING THE AREA.","coords.x1":-10.25,"coords.x2":4.75} {"Reference":"1991-1","DateOfOcc":"1991-01-04","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DANISH VESSEL","Desc1":"FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE: A DANISH VESSEL WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES AT MIDSTREAM OFF FREETOWN HARBOR. THE PRIATES ATTACKED THE PILOT AND SIX OTHER CREW MEMBERS AT GUNPOINT AND MADE OFF WITH A LARGE NUMBER OF GOODS.","coords.x1":-13.21667,"coords.x2":8.50278} {"Reference":"1990-15","DateOfOcc":"1990-05-01","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ALL COMMERCIAL SHIPPING","Desc1":"FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE. REPORTS INDICATE THAT SHIPS DISCHARGING AND LOADING CARGO IN FREETOWN SIERRA LEONE HAVE EXPERIENCED AN INCREASE IN FREQUENCY OF PILFERING. THE TIME FRAME OF REPORTS IS JUNE,JULY AND AUGUST OF 1990. DESPITE THE FACT THAT SHORE","Desc2":"AUTHORITIES PROVIDE SECURITY, ARMED THIEVES BOARD SHIPS THREATENING AND ROBBING CREW MEMBERS. VESSELS DISCHARGING RICE, SUGAR, OR CEMENT ARE THE MAIN TARGETS. VEHICLES AND CONTAINERS ARE ALSO BEING BROKEN INTO. PORT AUTHORITIES REFUSE TO ACCEPT","Desc3":"RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY LOSS.","coords.x1":-13.23333,"coords.x2":8.5} {"Reference":"1989-5","DateOfOcc":"1989-06-11","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES/THIEVES","Victim":"ESSO LANGUEDONC","Desc1":"AT NIGHT WHILE AT ANCHOR IN ABOVE POSITION, EIGHT MILES OFFSHORE OF DAKKAR, THE VESSEL WAS BOARDED BY AN UNKNOWN NUMBER OF PERSONS. THE VESSEL HAD A BRIDGE WATCH AND ALL DECK LIGHTS ON. A MOORING LINE AND MOORING TALE, 800 KILOS OF PAINT, 7 FIRE HOSES,","Desc2":"AND SOME PERSONAL EFFECTS WERE STOLEN. THE CAPTAIN ESTIMATES IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN 8 MEN TO REMOVE THE ITEMS. THERE WERE MANY FISHING VESSELS IN THE GENERAL AREA, SOME WITHOUT NAVIGATION LIGHTS. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED. ABOVE RECEIVED FROM EXXON","Desc3":"INTERNATIONAL.","coords.x1":-17.33333,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"1987-15","DateOfOcc":"1987-02-27","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"M/V MADONNA","Desc1":"27 FEBRUARY 1987. MONROVIA. LIBERIA. M/V MADONNA BOARDED BY THIEVES OUTSIDE HARBOR AT MONROVIA (6-19N 10-49W) 0100 LOCAL TIME. THE HATCH TARPAULIN WAS CUT UP AND STOLEN. POSITION IS FOR REFERENCE. NOT POSITION OF INCIDENT.","coords.x1":-10.81667,"coords.x2":6.31667} {"Reference":"1987-14","DateOfOcc":"1987-02-19","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"M/V TRANSBERLIN","Desc1":"19 FEBRUARY 1987. MONROVIA. LIBERIA. M/V TRANSBERLIN REPORTED THIEVES CUTTING AND STEALING MOORING ROPES WHILE AT MONROVIA (6-19N 10-49W). POSITION IS FOR REFERENCE. NOT POSITION OF INCIDENT.","coords.x1":-10.81667,"coords.x2":6.31667} {"Reference":"1987-13","DateOfOcc":"1987-02-17","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"M/V KRITONAS","Desc1":"17 FEBRUARY 1987. MONROVIA. LIBERIA. M/V KRITONAS, WHILE ANCHORED OFF MONROVIA (6-19N 10-49W), WAS RAIDED AT 0410 LOCAL TIME BY THIEVES WITH KNIVES, WHO BOARDED FROM A CANOE. HATCH CANVAS WAS STOLEN. POSITION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NOT POSITION OF","Desc2":"INCIDENT.","coords.x1":-10.81667,"coords.x2":6.31667} {"Reference":"1987-4","DateOfOcc":"1987-01-23","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ALLEGED POLISARIO FRONT","Victim":"MARITIME KING","Desc1":"VESSEL MARITIME KING WAS ATTACKED WITH SMALL ARMS, AUTOMATIC WEAPONS AND GRENADES WHILE PROCEEDING FROM EAST GERMANY TO CONAKRY, GUINEA. THE ATTACK TOOK PLACE IN THE VICINITY OF CAPE COBIERO. THE MASTER OF THE SHIP WAS WOUNDED. THE MARITIME KING DID","Desc2":"SUSTAIN DAMAGE. THIS MESSAGE WAS UPDATED ON 2/13/87 FROM LLOYDS LIST THE POSITION AND PORT OF DEPARTURE WERE CORRECTED. SEE LLOYDS DATED 24 JAN 87. SEE SPECIAL WARNING 69.","coords.x1":-17.25,"coords.x2":21.46667} {"Reference":"1987-7","DateOfOcc":"1987-01-21","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"POLISARIO FRONT","Victim":"PLEASURE CRAFT","Desc1":"26 JAN 1987, POLISARIO GUERRILLAS SAID THEY DESTROYED A PLEASURE CRAFT SOUTH OF DAKHLA IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF WESTERN SAHARA. THE TWO PASSENGERS, A SWEDE AND A SPAINIARD WERE NOT HARMED. SEE SPECIAL WARNING 69","coords.x1":-16,"coords.x2":24} {"Reference":"1987-3","DateOfOcc":"1987-01-20","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"P0LISARIO FRONT","Victim":"F/V EUGENIA","Desc1":"THE FISHING VESSEL EUGENIA WAS ATTACKED BY ARMED PERSONNEL IN INFLATABLE BOATS WHILE OPERATING OFF CAPE CORBIERO. THREE MOROCCAN SOLDIERS ABOARD THE EUGENIA WERE KILLED. THIS ATTACK WAS IN THE SAME GENERAL AREA AS THE SEPT 1985 ATTACK ON THE SPANISH","Desc2":"FISHING VESSEL JUNQUITO AND ON THE SPANISH NAVAL PATROL SHIP TAGO MAGO . TWO SAILORS DIED IN THAT INCIDENT. THE ABOVE POSITION IS A GENERALIZATION. THE STATED AGGRESSOR IS A MEDIA ASSUMPTION. SEE SPECIAL WARNING 69.","coords.x1":-16.98333,"coords.x2":21.8} {"Reference":"1987-8","DateOfOcc":"1986-11-29","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"POLISARIO FRONT GUERRILLAS","Victim":"ESTRELLA DEL MAR","Desc1":"29 NOVEMBER 1986. TRLR ESTRELLA DEL MAR WAS ATTACKED WITH MACHINE GUN FIRE OFF THE COAST OF WESTERN SAHARA SOME 80 MILES SOUTH OF DAKHLA .THE ATTACKERS CLAIM TO BE PPOLISARIO FRONT GUERRILLAS.","coords.x1":-16,"coords.x2":23} {"Reference":"1986-36","DateOfOcc":"1986-09-04","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"POLISARIO FRONT GUERRILLAS","Victim":"PUENTE CANARIO","Desc1":"SPANISH FREIGHTER PUENTE CANARIO WAS FIRED UPON AROUND MIDNIGHT LOCAL TIME ON 04 SEP 86 LEAVING ONE CREW MEMBER DEAD AND ONE INJURED. THE GUNMEN, BELIEVED TO BE GUERRILLAS BELONGING TO THE POLISARIO FRONT, ATTACKED THE FREIGHTER 4 NAUTICAL MILES WEST OF","Desc2":"CABO CORBEIRO (CAPE CORVEIRO) 21-48N 016-59W NEAR THE MOROCCO-MAURITANIAN BORDER USING MACHINE GUNS AND MORTARS. THE ATTACKERS WERE IN A RUBBER BOAT. THERE HAVE BEEN SEVERAL ATTACKS ON SPANISH TRAWLERS AND SHIPS IN THIS AREA. SEE SPECIAL WARNING 69. XXX","coords.x1":-16.98333,"coords.x2":21.8} {"Reference":"1986-34","DateOfOcc":"1986-07-01","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PATROL VESSEL","Victim":"TITO UNCRIAK","Desc1":"SOVIET FISHING REEFER SHIP ATTACKED BY SMALL PATROL VESSEL WHILE 11 MILES OFF AD DAKHLA.","coords.x1":-16.1,"coords.x2":23.7} {"Reference":"1986-30","DateOfOcc":"1986-06-09","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"IRENE PATERAS","Desc1":"GREEK BULK CARRIER, IRENE PATERAS, BOUND FOR SARDINIA FROM ROSARIO, GROUNDED WHILE UNDER ATTACK BY LOCALS OFF THE COAST OF SPANISH SAHARA. DISABLED, THE VESSEL WAS REFLOATED AND TOWED TO GILBRALTAR. UPDATE: APPARENTLY THE SHIP RAN AGROUND FIRST AND THEN","Desc2":"WAS FIRED UPON FROM SHORE IN THE VICINITY OF CAPE BARBAS (22-19N 016-41W).","coords.x1":-16.68333,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"1986-22","DateOfOcc":"1986-05-23","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BLANDIE","Desc1":"FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE. ABOUT 50 PIRATES ATTACKED FRENCH SHIP BLANDIE AS IT WAITED IN THE SIERRA LEONE HARBOR TO DISCHARGE CARGO OF FLOUR. NOTHING WAS STOLEN. A FRENCH CREW MEMBER OF THE BLANDIE WAS REPORTEDLY STABBED.","coords.x1":-13.33333,"coords.x2":8.53333} {"Reference":"1986-32","DateOfOcc":"1986-05-16","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"SAHARAN GUERRILLAS","Victim":"NEJMA-5","Desc1":"WESTERN SAHARA. PORTUGUESE FISHING VESSEL, NEJMA-5, (SAILING UNDER MOROCCAN FLAG) WAS ATTACKED BY PRESUMED SAHARAN GUERRILLAS ON AN UNIDENTIFIED PATROL VESSEL, FIRING HEAVY ARMS AND ROCKETS, CAUSING GRAVE DAMAGE. ONE CREWMEMBER WAS KILLED AND THREE","Desc2":"INJURED. THE ATTACK TOOK PLACE OFF THE COAST OF DAKHLA (23-42N 015-56W).","coords.x1":-15.93333,"coords.x2":23.7} {"Reference":"1986-31","DateOfOcc":"1986-05-07","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MAERSK BELLA","Desc1":"FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE.CONTAINER VESSEL, MAERSK BELLA, ATTACKED BY PIRATES OFF THE COAST OF FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE. THIS WAS THE SECOND ATTACK BY PIRATES ON THIS SHIP THIS YEAR.","coords.x1":-13.23333,"coords.x2":8.5} {"Reference":"1985-22","DateOfOcc":"1985-08-22","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"URUNDI","Desc1":"THE WEST GERMAN-FLAG URUNDI WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES WHILE DROPPING ANCHOR IN FREETOWN HARBOR, SIERRA LEONE. THE PIRATES WHO WERE ARMED WITH KNIVES AND AXES, CLIMBED ON BOARD THE SHIP AFTER APPROACHING IT ON A MOTOR BOAT, SMASHED IN 6 CONTAINERS, AND","Desc2":"STOLE SOME GOODS. THE CAPTAIN OF THE URUNDI, WHICH WAS CHARTERED BY THE WEST GERMAN COMPANY WOERMANN, TOOK THE ATTACKERS BY SURPRISE AND THEY FLED.","coords.x1":-13.23333,"coords.x2":8.5} {"Reference":"1985-14","DateOfOcc":"1984-10-19","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIPS / FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"WEST COAST OF AFRICA. WESTERN SAHARA. MAURITANIA. There have been reports of firings during recent months on cargo ships and fishing boats in the waters near the coasts of Mauritania and Western Sahara. The reported attacks have been with rocket","Desc2":"propelled grenades and small automatic weapons fired from small boats.","coords.x1":-17.38333,"coords.x2":20.91083} {"Reference":"1985-5","DateOfOcc":"1980-02-13","SubReg":"51","Aggressor":"N/A","Victim":"N/A","Desc1":"MOROCCO, WESTERN SAHARA. Navigation prohibited zones established as follows: Area bound by shore and line joining 33-49N 007-12W, 33-55N 007-20W, 34-13N 006-58W, 34-05N 006-48W. Area within 13 miles from coast between Agadir (30-27N, 009-37W) and Guera","Desc2":"Point (20-49N, 017-06W). All vessels not signaled (without previous permission) and detected within this zone will be seized. Vessels which are supplying Aaiun and Dakhla should report their intentions 24 hours in advance.","coords.x1":-7.2,"coords.x2":33.81667} {"Reference":"2012-185","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-29","SubReg":"52","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ALGERIA:Bulk carrier was boarded while on 29 May at berth at Port of Alger, Algeria.The duty crew at the aft mooring deck onboard a berthed bulk carrier noticed two robbers trying to open the port life raft. He reported to the Duty Officer who raised the","Desc2":"alarm and had the crew mustered. Upon seeing the alert crew, the robbers dropped the life raft into the water, jumped overboard and escaped empty handed. The crew managed to recover the life raft and brought it back onboard the ship. Port control was","Desc3":"later informed.","coords.x1":3.06667,"coords.x2":36.76667} {"Reference":"2000-274","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-24","SubReg":"52","Aggressor":"GUNBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH-CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN-ALGERIA:An unidentified bulk carrier reports being followed by suspicious high-speed gunboat type vessel on 24 Feb in position 37-15.5N 007-50.6E off the coast of Algeria. The crew of the bulk carrier turned on lights and","Desc2":"mustered at the stern whereupon the boat gave up the chase.","coords.x1":7.84333,"coords.x2":37.25833} {"Reference":"1999-60","DateOfOcc":"1999-05-06","SubReg":"52","Aggressor":"MOROCCAN NAVAL FORCES","Victim":"LEADER A II","Desc1":"MEDITERRANEAN SEA:A Moroccan Navy gunboat attacked the Cyprus-flag bulk carrier, Leader A II, using a light deck gun and small arms fire. The attack occurred about 2 miles west of Tangier, after the ship, damaged by a fire earlier in the day, defied the","Desc2":"gunboat's order to take a tow into port and drifted into Moroccan territorial waters.","coords.x1":5.83333,"coords.x2":35.81667} {"Reference":"1998-39","DateOfOcc":"1998-06-23","SubReg":"52","Aggressor":"ALGERIAN COASTAL PATROL","Victim":"LAURISSA","Desc1":"A SINGAPOREAN-FLAGGED CARGO SHIP REPORTED BEING FIRED ON BY AN ALGERIAN COASTAL PATROL BOAT OFF THE COAST OF ALGERIA. THE SHIP SUFFERED BROKEN WINDOWS AND BULLET HOLES. SIMILAR INCIDENTS HAVE OCCURRED IN THE PAST DURING PERIODS OF HEIGHTENED ALGERIAN","Desc2":"MARITIME SECURITY. WHETHER THIS WAS A CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY OR INDICATES ACTUAL ALGERIAN FOREKNOWLEDGE OF A SMUGGLING ATTEMPT OR OTHER ILLEGAL ACTION IS NOT KNOWN.","coords.x1":4.5,"coords.x2":37.5} {"Reference":"1994-30","DateOfOcc":"1994-07-07","SubReg":"52","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"UNKNOWN ITALIAN MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"SEVEN ITALIAN MERCHANT SAILORS WERE KILLED WHILE IN THE PORT OF JIJEL, 180 MILES EAST OF ALGIERS. ASSAILANTS RAIDED THE CARGO SHIP DURING THE NIGHT.","coords.x1":5.78333,"coords.x2":36.83333} {"Reference":"1991-21","DateOfOcc":"1991-06-07","SubReg":"52","Aggressor":"Algerian Patrol Vessel","Victim":"Spanish Fishing Trawler","Desc1":"W. MEDITERRANIAN-COAST OF ALGERIA-VICINITY CAP DE TROIS FOURCHES 07JUN91 Spanish Trawler ENMANUEL was fired upon by an Algerian Patrol Vessel, killing crewman Jose Salmeron of Almeria, Spain. The attack took place in International Waters, 64-miles SW","Desc2":"Cabo de Greta.(See also 91-0019)","coords.x1":-2.33333,"coords.x2":35.83333} {"Reference":"1991-19","DateOfOcc":"1991-06-03","SubReg":"52","Aggressor":"Unidentified Gun Boats","Victim":"SS Wright","Desc1":"W. MEDITERRANIAN-COAST OF ALGERIA-VICINITY CAP-DE-FER 032215ZJUN91 US FLAG SHIP, SS WRIGHT, WAS HARRASSED WHILE STEAMING IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS -IN THE VICINITY OF CAP-DE-FER- BY FAST ATTACK GUN BOATS, SHOWING VESSEL FISHING LIGHTING CHARACTERISTICS.","Desc2":"AGGRESSORS USED SPOT LIGHTS TO ILLUMINATE THE PILOT HOUSE AND FIRED ROUNDS INTO THE STERN OF THE SS WRIGHT TO FORCE A CHANGE OF COURSE TO 250 DEG T. MASTER DENIED COMPLIANCE,BUT DID CHANGE COURSE TO 265 DEG T TO EXPEDITE TRANSIT VIA STRAIT OF GIBRALTER","Desc3":"AND INFORMED THE AGGRESSOR THAT SS WRIGHT WAS A US MERCHANT SHIP. AGGRESSORS RESPONDED THAT THEY WERE IN SEARCH OF FISHING VESSELS AND HARRASSMENT CEASED.","coords.x1":7.28333,"coords.x2":37.43333} {"Reference":"1986-15","DateOfOcc":"1986-03-18","SubReg":"52","Aggressor":"TUNISIA","Victim":"M/V WILDRAKE","Desc1":"NOTE: SOURCE OF INFORMATION DOES NOT PROVIDE A GEOGRAPHIC POSITION. WILDRAKE REPORTEDLY SEIZED 60 KM NORTH OF TUNIS. TUNISIAN AUTHORITIES SEIZED THE M/V WILDRAKE, A NORWEGIAN DIVING/MAINTENANCE/SUPPORT VESSEL, WHILE UNDERTAKING SALVAGE OPERATIONS IN THE","Desc2":"MEDITERRANEAN SEA. THE MANAGERS OF THE M/V WILDRAKE STRESSED THE FACT THAT THE VESSEL HAD BEEN WORKING IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS. NO EXPLANATION WAS GIVEN BY THE TUNISIAN AUTHORITIES FOR THE SEIZURE. M/V WILDRAKE WAS DETAINED AT THE QUAYSIDE AT BIZERTA.","Desc3":"THE WILDRAKE'S CARGO WAS CONFISCATED AND THE SHIP RELEASED.","coords.x1":10.47972,"coords.x2":34.36278} {"Reference":"2013-106","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-01","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"BULK CARRIER CONDOR","Desc1":"LIBYA:On 01 April, the underway bulk carrier CONDOR experienced a suspicious approach at 34-50N 014-40E, approximately 133nm North-northeast of Tripoli. A group of boats were discovered off the ship's port side. Security team took \"shooting\" position.","Desc2":"Crew retreated to the citadel. Ship increased its speed to maximum and took evasive maneuvers. There were no aggressive actions taken toward the vessel.","coords.x1":14.66667,"coords.x2":34.83333} {"Reference":"2009-297","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-18","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"Three Pirates","Victim":"Yacht","Desc1":"ITALY: Yacht boarded, stolen 18 Jun 09 at approximately 2100 local time while underway in the Bay of Naples. Three armed men aboard a dinghy reportedly rammed the 38ft yacht and boarded the vessel, robbing the owner and his friend before forcing them to","Desc2":"jump overboard wearing lifejackets. The robbers then left with the vessel while an accomplice followed in the dinghy. The owner and his friend were later rescued and suffered mild hypothermia. Local police are investigating (Noonsite.com, ANSA.it, UPI).","coords.x1":14.15,"coords.x2":40.66667} {"Reference":"2008-285","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-24","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Civilian Yacht","Desc1":"CORSICA:Yacht (TIARA) boarded, robbed 24 Aug 08 at 2340 local time, while at anchorage in position 41-30.3N 009-16E, Golfe de Porto Novo. Four armed masked men in a speedboat boarded the vessel and robbed the passengers and crew of more than 100,000","Desc2":"euros. The captain was ordered to empty the vessel?s safe. They also robbed the nine passengers of jewelry. Artworks were also taken from the vessel. No injuries to crew or damage to vessel. The Coastguard stated that it was very rare for such an attack","Desc3":"to occur in European waters (LM: Yachting Monthly, SuperyachtTimes.com).","coords.x1":9.26667,"coords.x2":41.505} {"Reference":"2007-161","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-18","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"IMMIGRANTS","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"MALTA: Fishing vessel (HADJ MAHMOUD) overtaken by migrants 18 Jul, 1335 local time, 90NM southwest of Malta and 43NM from the Italian island of Lampedusa. A group of immigrants had taken over the Tunisian fishing vessel, while the vessel was traveling","Desc2":"north at 7 knots. The group aboard the boat originally consisted of 47 immigrants. Naval authorities from Italy, Tunisia, and Malta came to the assistance and eventually transferred the migrants off the fishing vessel (LM)","coords.x1":14.41667,"coords.x2":35.83333} {"Reference":"2005-297","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-27","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FERRYBOAT","Desc1":"FRANCE: Ro-pax ferry (PASCAL PAOLI) hijacked 27 Sep, Marseille. The hijackers are striking SNCM seafarers outraged by the French governments sale of the state-owned ferry operator, SNCM to an investment company. Members of the Corsican trade union STC","Desc2":"said they had seized the vessel with the intention of reclaiming it for the island of Corsica. No passengers were reported onboard. On 28 Sep, French police special intervention forces regained control of the ferry off Bastia, Corsica and they are","Desc3":"reportedly taking it to either Toulon or Marseille, escorted by three French naval vessels. Clashes between police and striking union activists have ensued in Marseille and the Corsican port of Bastia. Per 28 Sep reporting, the passenger port at","Desc4":"Marseille as well as the oil and container terminals at Fos and Lavera were all shut down (LL, FP, TRADEWINDS).","coords.x1":9.45,"coords.x2":42.7} {"Reference":"2000-156","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-31","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"ACTIVISTS","Victim":"AQUITANIA","Desc1":"FRANCE:French commandos on 31 Jul arrested six Greenpeace activists who had occupied the 13,519-ton, Cypriot-flag cargo ship (AQUITANIA) for 27 hours to prevent offload of itscargo of timber allegedly harvested illegally in Cameroon. The activists had","Desc2":"occupied the ship, attaching themselves to three cranes, for 27 hours.","coords.x1":4.33278,"coords.x2":43.44278} {"Reference":"1997-79","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-16","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BUNKER VESSEL SEAGULL","Desc1":"MALTA - Port Hay Wharf The Bunkering Vessel (Seagull) was boarded in Port at Hay Wharf, Marsamxett, Malta at 1230 local time 16 Aug 97 by two men who stole cash, checks, and credit cards after tying up two watchmen and ransacking the vessel's safe.","coords.x1":14.50417,"coords.x2":35.9} {"Reference":"1997-70","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-16","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Mediterranean Sea Malta: The Bunkering vessel (Seagull) (NFI) was boarded in port at Hay Wharf, Marsamxett, Malta at 1230 16Aug97 by two men who stole cash, checks and credit cards after tying up a watchman and ransacking the vessel's safe.","coords.x1":14.55,"coords.x2":35.81667} {"Reference":"1997-12","DateOfOcc":"1996-08-20","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Mediterranean Sea - Southern Italy A group of pirates attacked a private yacht moored near the village of Scilla, in southern Italy. A few hours after reaching it's anchorage, the British-registered yacht Renalo was boarded by a group of men, one armed","Desc2":"with a pistol, from a small motorboat. They forced the crew and six Frenchwomen (passengers) on board to hand over jewelry and money before making their escape. The estimated value of the foreign currency and jewels taken was $2,600 (US). There were no","Desc3":"injuries.","coords.x1":15.725,"coords.x2":38.275} {"Reference":"1992-27","DateOfOcc":"1992-11-21","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"15 Meter Yacht CRIALE","Desc1":"MEDITERRANEAN SEA-FRENCH COAST. 21NOV92 Three armed men in a speed boat, not making way, appeared to be in need of assistance. Yacht CRIALE was attacked upon the offer of assistance to the speed boat. The yacht was seized as well as 48,000 Swiss Francs","Desc2":"and crew were set adrift in the dinghy. The incident was reported to French authorities in Nice three hours latter. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":7.25,"coords.x2":43.33333} {"Reference":"1988-19","DateOfOcc":"1988-06-23","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"SHIPYARD WORKERS, VALLETTA MALTA","Victim":"COPPER MOUNTAIN","Desc1":"THURSDAY 23 JUNE, 1988. VALLETTA, MALTA THE U.S.-FLAG TANKER COPPER MOUNTAIN UNDERGOING REPAIRS AT THE SHIPYARD IN VALLETTA WAS SEIZED BY SHIPYARD WORKERS ALLEGEDLY SYMPATHETIC TO THE OPPOSITION SOCIALIST PARTY. THE 80,000 DWT TANKER WAS TOWED TO THE","Desc2":"MOUTH OF VALLETTA'S GRAND HARBOR AND MOORED ACROSS FROM THE BREAKWATER THUS BLOCKING THE HARBOR TO SHIPS LARGER THAN TUGBOAT SIZE. THE OPPOSTION GROUP WAS ATTEMPTING TO THWART A VISIT OF BRITISH WARSHIPS CLAIMED TO BE CARRYING NUCLEAR ARMS. THE COPPER","Desc3":"MOUNTAIN WAS MOVED ON FRIDAY JUNE 24, 1988 OPENING THE HARBOR. THE COPPER MOUNTAIN WAS UNOCCUPIED DURING THE INCIDENT. NO INJURIES OR THEFTS WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":14.58333,"coords.x2":35.91667} {"Reference":"1986-12","DateOfOcc":"1986-01-30","SubReg":"53","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"SVALAN / TARNAN","Desc1":"THE HYDROFOILS SVALAN AND TARNAN SANK IN PORT OF MESSINA AFTER TWO EXPLOSIONS. A MAGNETIC DEVICE, THOUGHT TO BE A BOMB, WAS FOUND ATTACHED TO THE KEEL OF ONE OF THE VESSELS, ALONG WITH A LARGE HOLE IN HER HULL.","coords.x1":15.56667,"coords.x2":38.2} {"Reference":"2003-81","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-14","SubReg":"54","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 14 Mar at 0300 local time while at Lagos anchorage. Two armed persons stole ship's stores and escaped. Port control advised ship to weigh anchor and to drift until a berth was notified (IMB).","coords.x1":25.13333,"coords.x2":41} {"Reference":"2003-62","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-27","SubReg":"54","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified liquefied gas carrier was boarded 27 Feb at 0455 local time at anchor, Lagos Roads. A lone individual armed with knife and machete threatened duty seaman and escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":25.13333,"coords.x2":41} {"Reference":"2000-183","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-19","SubReg":"54","Aggressor":"YUGOSLAV MILITARY GUNBOAT","Victim":"M/V DELAWARE BAY","Desc1":"The U.S.-flagged vessel, M/V Delaware Bay, was boarded and detained near the port of Bar, Montenegro (42-05N 019-05E) by a Yugoslav gunboat. The vessel, owned by First American Bulk Corporation (FABC) and on charter to Farrell Lines, was carrying USAID","Desc2":"food aid cargo bound for Bar, as well as military cargo destined for Israel and Egypt, when approximately seven Yugoslav soldiers, armed with automatic weapons, boarded the vessel.The armed Yugoslav military personnel who boarded the Delaware Bay","Desc3":"believed the vessel had offloaded ammunition and arms in Albania. They demanded the ship be diverted to a Yugoslavian military port, but the Master refused, citing the falseness of the accusations. When commanded to turn the vessel's communications","Desc4":"system off, the Master again refused. The military personnel threatened to arrest and jail the Captain and his crew for not cooperating. The agent for Farrell Lines in Genoa was contacted, and paid out to the Yugoslavian Army-Navy Headquarters 6,800","Desc5":"Deutsch marks (approximately $3,200). The Yugoslavs allowed the vessel to dock at the Montenegrin port of Bar, its original port of destination, and off-load its cargo. Shortly after the payment was received, the vessel was released.","coords.x1":19.01667,"coords.x2":42.1} {"Reference":"2000-199","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-07","SubReg":"54","Aggressor":"YUGOSLAV NAVY","Victim":"DEA AND KABAN","Desc1":"MONTENEGRO:At least three ships have been stopped by elements of the Yugoslav navy while approaching the harbor at Bar, Montenegro. The three ships known to have been stopped are: (DEA), 1,798 tons, Croatian flag, 7 Aug; (DELAWARE BAY), 31,920 tons, U.S.","Desc2":"flag; (KABAN), 2,900 tons, Antigua & Barbuda flag. No reason for the ship detentions has been stated by Yugoslav authorities. In all cases the ships were allowed to proceed to Bar to discharge cargo.","coords.x1":19.08778,"coords.x2":42.10056} {"Reference":"2000-157","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-26","SubReg":"54","Aggressor":"HIJACKER","Victim":"ERATO","Desc1":"GREECE:A gunman who had commandeered a yacht chartered by a Swiss family was shot dead 26 Jul by Greek coastguard divers who had been trying to speak with the unidentified gunman. The yacht (ERATO), with is five passengers and captain had been hijacked","Desc2":"as it left the port of Nafplio by a man who demanded to be taken to Morocco.","coords.x1":23.17556,"coords.x2":39.04667} {"Reference":"1999-111","DateOfOcc":"1999-09-06","SubReg":"54","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ROBBERS BOARDED A CYPRUS-FLAG SHIP AT ITS BERTH AT RAVENNA, ITALY BETWEEN 0100 AND 0600 LOCAL TIME. WITHOUT BEING DETECTED, THE ROBBERS ENTERED THE CABINS OF THE MASTER, CHIEF MATE, AND CHIEF ENGINEER AND STOLE CASH AMOUNTING TO US$ 3,150.","coords.x1":12.18333,"coords.x2":44.41667} {"Reference":"1997-54","DateOfOcc":"1997-06-11","SubReg":"54","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MILITARY VESSELS","Desc1":"MEDITERRANEAN SEA: Two seperate incidents on June 11, 1997 highlight the maritime violence involving Albanians. It was reported that an unidentified Albanian registered vessel, carrying 700 people fired on an Italian coast guard vessel near Durres,","Desc2":"Albania. The Italian vessel returned fire and forced the Albanian vessel back to port. Those aboard the Albanian vessel denied that anyone fired on the Italian vessel. On the same day an Albanian speedboat opened fire on a Greek Coast Guard vessel near","Desc3":"Igoumenitsa, Greece. The Greek vessel returned fire and those on the boat jumped overboard and swam to nearby rocks. A subsequent search revealed that the Albanian speedboat was carrying 300 kilograms of Hasish, two Kalishnikov rifles, ammunition and a","Desc4":"hand grenade.","coords.x1":20,"coords.x2":37} {"Reference":"1993-5","DateOfOcc":"1992-12-14","SubReg":"54","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"KRITI FILOXENIA","Desc1":"KRITI FILOXENIA WAS ATTACKED BY FOUR ARMED PIRATES AT 0600 DEC.14. NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":25.08333,"coords.x2":40.66667} {"Reference":"1988-20","DateOfOcc":"1988-07-11","SubReg":"54","Aggressor":"UNIDENTIFIED TERRORISTS","Victim":"CITY OF POROS","Desc1":"GREECE: 11 Jul 1988 three gunmen who apparently boarded the 200 ft Greek cruise ferry City of Poros with other passengers opened fire with submachine guns at 2030LT. The ferry enroute from the Island of Aegina to a marina in the Athens suburb of Paleo","Desc2":"Faliron was carrying 500 passengers including european and american tourists. The gunmen randomly discharged their automatic weapons and tossed hand grenades onto the deck and at the ferry's smoke stack, killing at least nine people and wounding about","Desc3":"100. Many passengers jumped overboard and some were dismembered by the ships's propeller. The gunmen escaped after the attck on a speedboat that pulled alongside the ferry about 3 miles off the coast of Aegina. Ships in the vicinity rushed to the area","Desc4":"and began plucking passengers from the water while the ferry steamed at full speed to the mainland.","coords.x1":33.5,"coords.x2":37.75} {"Reference":"1988-2","DateOfOcc":"1988-02-15","SubReg":"54","Aggressor":"SUSPECTED TERRORISTS","Victim":"SOL PHRYNE","Desc1":"PORT OF LIMASSOL, CYPRUS (34-40N 33-03E) 15 FEBRUARY 1988. THE SOL PHRYNE SUSTAINED DAMAGE TO ONE OF HER FUEL TANKS AS A RESULT OF AN UNDERWATER EXPLOSION. WATER ENTERED THE TANK CAUSING THE SOL PHRYNE TO LIST. NO CASUALTIES WERE REPORTED. THE VESSEL WAS","Desc2":"TO CARRY PALESTINIAN DEPORTEES AND HUNDREDS OF JOURNALISTS AND FOREIGN OBSERVERS TO ISRAEL. THREE DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS CLAIMED RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE EXPLOSION. POSITION GIVEN FOR REFERENCE ONLY NOT ACTUAL LOCATION OF INCIDENT.","coords.x1":33.05,"coords.x2":34.06667} {"Reference":"1988-3","DateOfOcc":"1987-12-27","SubReg":"54","Aggressor":"CHRISTIAN LEBANESE FORCES","Victim":"INGE WEBB - VANUATU FLAG","Desc1":"THE VESSEL INGE WEBB WAS STOPPED BY CHRISTIAN LEBANESE FORCES OFF THE COAST OF LEBANON. CREW WAS DETAINED AT MILITIA HEADQUARTERS IN EAST BEIRUT FOR ROUTINE CHECK.","coords.x1":33.83333,"coords.x2":35} {"Reference":"1986-28","DateOfOcc":"1986-06-30","SubReg":"54","Aggressor":"TURKISH NAVAL FORCES","Victim":"CITY OF LIMASSOL.","Desc1":"SOUTHEAST AEGEAN SEA. SHORTLY AFTER DEPARTING RHODES (36-15N 028-05E) THE GREEK CRUISE LINER, CITY OF LIMASSOL, BOUND FOR KASTELLORIZON (36-09N 029-35E) WAS APPROACHED IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS BY FIVE TURKISH DESTROYERS. REPORTEDLY, ONE OF THE TURKISH","Desc2":"DESTROYERS ORDERED THE GREEK CRUISE LINER TO MOVE OUT OF THE AREA BECAUSE LIVE AMMUNITION EXERCISES WERE IN PROGRESS. THE TURKISH DESTROYER (WHICH WAS 1 TO 2 KILOMETERS FROM THE GREEK CRUISE LINER) THEN FIRED TWO EXPLOSIVE DEVICES; ONE FORWARD (ABOUT 10","Desc3":"METERS FROM THE BOW OF THE GREEK CRUISE LINER) AND ONE AFT OF THE GREEK CRUISE LINER. NO DAMAGE OR INJURIES WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":31.04833,"coords.x2":35.24944} {"Reference":"2006-178","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-09","SubReg":"55","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ROMANIA: Bulgarian ferry boarded and robbed 09 Jul, Danube River, Galatz port. During a passport review, when the crew and passengers had to leave the vessel, thieves came aboard and broke the windows of two cars and stole money, cloths, and a dog. The","Desc2":"ferry routinely sails from the Bulgarian Ruse to the Ukrainian port of Reni. According to passengers who usually travel that route, such attacks are not rare. The crew speculates the thieves could be listening to their radio channels when they report","Desc3":"what the ferry is carrying and stated this was 21st century piracy (LM).","coords.x1":28.05,"coords.x2":45.45} {"Reference":"2003-169","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-09","SubReg":"55","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BULGARIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 9 May between 1630 and 1915 local time while berthed at Bourgas. Thieves entered the master's cabin and stole ship's cash (IMB).","coords.x1":27.48333,"coords.x2":42.48333} {"Reference":"2002-301","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-21","SubReg":"55","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GEORGIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 21 Oct at 1935 local time while in port Poti. Two persons armed with guns and pretending to be Customs Officers entered captain's cabin and beat him severely, stealing $76,192 in ship's cash. Master bound","Desc2":"with tape and assailants escaped.","coords.x1":41.58333,"coords.x2":42.15} {"Reference":"2002-60","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-09","SubReg":"55","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BULGARIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 9 Mar at 2030 local time by eight persons who broke into crew cabins and stole cash and personal belongings. Crew raised alarm and port authorities arrested the intruders.","coords.x1":27.55,"coords.x2":42.5} {"Reference":"1997-33","DateOfOcc":"1997-01-10","SubReg":"55","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Mediterranean Sea A Bomb was found on an unidentified ferry in Bakirkoy, Istanbul in Turkey on 10 Jan 97 but was successfully defused.","coords.x1":28.96667,"coords.x2":41.01667} {"Reference":"1996-5","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-16","SubReg":"55","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"AVRASYA","Desc1":"ON 16 JAN 96 A GROUP OF ARMED CHECHEN SYMPATHIZERS HIJACKED THE PANAMANIAN-FLAGGED PASSENGER/RO-RO CARGO/FERRY AVRASYA AT THE TURKISH PORT OF TRABZON. THE VESSEL WAS DIVERTED FROM ITS SCHEDULED PORT OF CALL, SOCHI, RUSSIA TO A COURSE HEADING FOR","Desc2":"ISTANBUL, TURKEY. THE HIJACKERS STATED THAT THEY HAD EXPLOSIVES AND THREATENED TO BLOW UP THEMSELVES AND THE HOSTAGES. THEY SURRENDERED PEACEFULLY AFTER FOUR DAYS WITH NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":39.76667,"coords.x2":44.01667} {"Reference":"1996-22","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-16","SubReg":"55","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Turkey A group of armed Chechen sympathizers hijacked Panamanian-flagged, Passenger/Ro-Ro cargo/ferry avrasya at the Turkish port of Trabzon. The terrorists diverted the ferry from it's scheduled port of call, Sochi, Russia, to a course heading for","Desc2":"Istanbul. The pro-Chechen activists stated that they had explosives and threatened to blow up themselves and the hostages. After four days, the four gunmen surrendered peacefully, without a shot being fired. Further investigation revealed an additional","Desc3":"five hijackers still on the ferry. All nine were apprehended, are being detained in Istanbul, and will stand trial in Turkey. Within ten hours of the conclusion of the hijacking, Avrasya was enroute back to her home waters in the Eastern Black sea.","coords.x1":39.76667,"coords.x2":41.01667} {"Reference":"2013-235","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-31","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 31 July, an anchored merchant vessel was boarded in the vicinity of 31-10N 029-51E, at the Alexandria Port. An AB on duty noticed a robber inside the Bosun forward store and immediately informed the Duty Officer. Upon further inspection, it was","Desc2":"discovered that the robber had fled and a life raft had been opened and damaged.","coords.x1":29.85,"coords.x2":31.16667} {"Reference":"2013-243","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-31","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"robber","Victim":"container ship MARY SCHULTE","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 31 July, the Liberia-flagged berthed container ship MARY SCHULTE was boarded in the vicinity of 31-10N 029-51E, at Berth No. 49, Alexandria Port. An AB on duty noticed a robber inside the Bosun forward store. He immediately informed the Duty","Desc2":"Officer. No robber was found upon checking the store, but a life raft in the store had been opened and damaged.","coords.x1":29.85,"coords.x2":31.16667} {"Reference":"2013-224","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-19","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RO-RO VESSEL","Desc1":"LIBYA:On 19 July, approximately twelve armed Libyan men boarded and hijacked a berthed Ro-ro vessel was hijacked at the Bengazi Port. The hijackers are holding the 19 Ukranian crew members as hostages, with demands that a ransom of $9.5 million be paid","Desc2":"by the ship's owner.","coords.x1":20.05,"coords.x2":32.11667} {"Reference":"2013-171","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-27","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER GLOBAL F","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 27 May, the Liberia-flagged anchored bulk carrier GLOBAL F was boarded at 31-12N 029-46E, at the El Dekheila Anchorage, Alexandria Port. Alert duty crew on board the anchored bulk carrier noticed three robbers near the forecastle and raised the","Desc2":"alarm; resulting in the robbers escaping with stolen ship stores.","coords.x1":29.76667,"coords.x2":31.2} {"Reference":"2013-161","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-23","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER B ELEPHANT","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 23 May, the anchored tanker B ELEPHANT was boarded at 31-12N 029-42E, at the Alexandria Waiting Area Anchorage. When the crew noticed the forecastle door and rope hatch opened, they discovered some of the ship's equipment and stores had been","Desc2":"stolen. The theft likely occurred sometime during the night. The thieves likely boarded via anchor chain.","coords.x1":29.7,"coords.x2":31.2} {"Reference":"2013-153","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-18","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER GANDHI","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 18 May, the anchored chemical tanker GANDHI was boarded in the vicinity of 31-13N 029-45E, at the Alexandria Waiting Anchorage. Duty officer on board noticed a robber lowering ship's stores into a waiting boat. The alarm was raised and crew","Desc2":"mustered. Upon seeing crew alertness, the robber escaped with his accomplices. Port control informed.","coords.x1":29.75,"coords.x2":31.21667} {"Reference":"2013-116","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-28","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP NOR CHIEF","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 28 March, the anchored supply ship NOR CHIEF was boarded at 31-14N 032-18E, at the Port Said Anchorage. While anchored, four robbers boarded the ship. Two duty AB's conducting security checks discovered the robbers on the main deck. Upon seeing","Desc2":"of the robbers, the chief officer raised the alarm. The robbers tried to gain entry to the winch house and accommodation block but did not succeed as the rooms were secured. They eventually aborted the attempt after 5 minutes and left the vessel. It was","Desc3":"reported that the robbers had threatened the duty AB's with knives. All 16 crew onboard the ship were reported to be safe.","coords.x1":32.3,"coords.x2":31.23333} {"Reference":"2013-75","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-26","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 26 March, a berthed container ship was boarded at 31-14N 032-18E, at the Port Said West Terminal. Six robbers in a boat armed with knives came alongside. Four robbers boarded the vessel and injured an onboard security guard. The robbers stole","Desc2":"ship's stores and transferred them into their boat. The incident was reported to the local police.","coords.x1":32.3,"coords.x2":31.23333} {"Reference":"2013-24","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-28","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"PASSENGER VESSEL","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 28 January, a passenger vessel being reported as ISLAND OF RHODES was fired upon at 31-15N 032-18E, at Port Said. The Greek-owned vessel came under fire from unknown persons during a regular inspection by the Consular Harbor Master. It should be","Desc2":"noted that there is tension in Port Said following the court decision on the soccer tragedy that resulted in over 70 deaths. As soon as the ship came under fire, it left the port. All passengers and crew are safe, as is the Consular Harbor Master who was","Desc3":"carrying out the inspection.","coords.x1":32.3,"coords.x2":31.25} {"Reference":"2012-279","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-15","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"EGYPT:Bulk carrier boarded on 15 September near 31-11N 29-46E, Alexandria. An unknown number of robbers boarded the vessel while at anchor. Crewmember discovered and confronted the robbers and sounded the alarm. Upon seeing the crewmembers approaching,","Desc2":"the robbers fled the vessel but were able to steal a life raft. Alexandria port officials were notified of the incident.","coords.x1":29.76667,"coords.x2":31.18333} {"Reference":"2012-227","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-21","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"EGYPT:Bulk carrier was robbed on 21 July at 31-09N 029-48E, El Dekheila Port. Six robbers in two boats approached the berthed vesel during cargo operations. Without boarding, the robbers cut and escaped with four mooring line eyes. The vessel remained","Desc2":"alongside and the crewmembers were able to re-moor the vessel. Port authorities were informed.","coords.x1":29.8,"coords.x2":31.15} {"Reference":"2012-195","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-10","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"EGYPT:Bulk carrier boarded on 10 June at 31:13 N - 029:42 E, El Dekheila Anchorage, Egypt. An anchored bulk carrier was boarded by robbers via the hawse pipe by forcibly removing the secured anchor chain cover. The portside watertight door padlock was","Desc2":"broken and the contents from the port life raft were stolen. The alarm was raised when D/O noticed that the portside watertight door was partly opened and duty A/B and boatswain investigated. After hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in a small boat","Desc3":"with the stolen stores.","coords.x1":29.7,"coords.x2":31.21667} {"Reference":"2012-184","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-25","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"EGYPT:Bulk Carrier was boarded on 25 May while at anchor at El Dekheila Outer Anchorage. A fishing boat was seen dropping anchor stern of a bulk carrier at anchor. The duty deckhand remained near the stern during his watch. Later the C/O noticed two","Desc2":"robbers armed with knives near the forecastle lowering ship stores. Seeing the robbers with the knives, the crew waited until the pirates had departed before going forward to investigate. It was noticed that the hawse pipe cover was removed and the paint","Desc3":"store padlock was cut using a hacksaw blade.","coords.x1":29.75,"coords.x2":31.2} {"Reference":"2012-145","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-30","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"EGYPT:Bulk Carrier boarded on 30 April while anchored at 31:12 N - 029:45 E, El Dekheila Anchorage, Egypt. Six pirates armed with knives boarded an anchored bulk carrier. D/O raised the alarm and three crewmembers rushed forward to try and stop the","Desc2":"robbery. The robbers threatened the crewmembers with knives and they retreated and armed themselves with iron rods and confronted the pirates with the other crew. The pirates escaped with the stolen crewmembers property and ship?s stores in their boats","Desc3":"after seeing the armed crewmembers. Port control was contacted but they received no response.","coords.x1":29.75,"coords.x2":31.2} {"Reference":"2011-482","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-06","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"EGYPT: Bulk carrier boarded and robbed on 6 December at 0035 UTC while anchored in Position 31-11N 029-52E, in the inner anchorage of Alexandria. Three robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel, robbed the ship's stores, and escaped in a motor boat.","Desc2":"(IMB)","coords.x1":29.86667,"coords.x2":31.18333} {"Reference":"2011-294","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-12","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SUEZ CANAL ANCHORAGE, EGYPT: Robbers boarded and stole ship property from an anchored container vessel. The incident was reported to the local authorities who managed to track down the robbers and reclaim the stolen property.","coords.x1":32.34417,"coords.x2":30.705} {"Reference":"2011-2","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-16","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RORO","Desc1":"EGYPT: Roll-on roll-off ship was robbed 16 Dec 10 at 1430 UTC while at anchor in position 31-14N 032-18E, in the inner waiting area of Port Said. About 20 robbers from a boat boarded a RoRo cargo ship during anchoring operations. The robbers broke the","Desc2":"padlock on the emergency entrance and stole ship's propverty. During the incident the robbers assaulted and injured one crew member. Robbers were very aggressive and shouted at police whoe arrived at scene. Later the robbers escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":32.3,"coords.x2":31.23333} {"Reference":"2010-542","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-07","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"EGYPT: Chemical tanker boarded 7 Dec 10 at 1200 UTC while at anchor in position 31-16N 032-19E in Port Said, Egypt. Seven robbers in a boat boarded a chemical tanker during mooring operations. They approached the duty watchman with an iron rod and","Desc2":"threatened to assault him. Alarm was raised and all crew mustered resulting in a struggle between the robbers and the crew. Port authority and the agents were informed. (IMB)","coords.x1":32.31667,"coords.x2":31.26667} {"Reference":"2007-213","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-23","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EGYPT: General cargo ship boarded 23 Aug 07, 2210 local time, Port Said. Robbers from five boats boarded the vessel during mooring maneuvers, despite prevention attempts by the master and crew. The robbers tried to force open and gain access into","Desc2":"storerooms, cargo holds, and the superstructure but failed, as the doors were padlocked and secured. The three pilots on board, at the time, asked the master not to interrupt the mooring maneuvers for safety reasons. Once the ship was safely moored, the","Desc3":"crew started chasing the robbers out. The watchmen and police on board started to help, only when the master told them they would not get any cigarettes; unless, they made sure that there were no robbers onboard. The pilots later apologized for the","Desc4":"business people (IMB).","coords.x1":32.31667,"coords.x2":31.25} {"Reference":"2007-90","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-11","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EGYPT: General cargo ship boarded 11 Apr, Egypt mooring buoy, Port Said. While the crew was busy in mooring operations at the mooring buoy, robbers boarded the general cargo ship using a hook ladder, from a mooring boat. The robbers lowered the gangway","Desc2":"for their colleagues to board the ship easily. Two robbers entered the accommodation, while the others looked for stores to rob on deck. Due to the crew vigilance, the robbers were spotted and chased away. Nothing was stolen. Agents were informed but no","Desc3":"action was taken (IMB).","coords.x1":32.3,"coords.x2":31.26667} {"Reference":"2001-157","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-26","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EGYPT:An unidentified container ship was boarded 26 may at 1625 local time while at outer anchorage, suez. Unauthorized person found at forward stores while a second attempted to board from a launch. Two other persons found in accommodation. alarm raised","Desc2":"and the four escaped after threatening crew.","coords.x1":29.83333,"coords.x2":32.56667} {"Reference":"2000-384","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-10","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"STOWAWAYS","Victim":"ANGLIA","Desc1":"LEBANON:TWO IRAQIS SHOVED ASIDE A WATCHKEEPER AND FORCED THEMSELVES ABOARD THE 4,927-TON, ANTIGUAN FLAGGED CARGO SHIP (ANGLIA) 10 NOV AS IT LAY ALONGSIDE AT BEIRUT. AFTER A SEARCH OF THE VESSEL THREE MEN WERE DISCOVERED IN ADDITION TO THE TWO INITIALLY","Desc2":"SOUGHT. THIS IS REPORTEDLY THE FIRST TIME VIOLENCE HAS BEEN USED BY STOWAWAYS TO GAIN ACCESS TO A SHIP.","coords.x1":35.5,"coords.x2":33.86667} {"Reference":"1998-12","DateOfOcc":"1998-03-09","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"NEMESIS","Desc1":"CYPRUS FISHING VESSEL WAS ATTACKED BY EGYPTAIN FISHING VESSELS 25 MILES OFF THE COAST OF EGYPT. TWO CREW MEMBERS SUSTAINED SERIOUS STAB WOUNDS. CYPRUS POLICE ARE INVESTIGATING A CASE OF PIRACY, THEFT AND ATTACK. THE DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE ATTACK IS","Desc2":"ESTIMATED AT 20,000 CYPRUS POUNDS.","coords.x1":32,"coords.x2":33.5} {"Reference":"1996-11","DateOfOcc":"1996-02-11","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CIMBRIA","Desc1":"INDONESIA Three would be thieves boarded Danish-Flagged , 2000 DWT, Livestock Carrier, Cimbria, in Jakarta Roads on February 11, 1996. The crew cut off the painter line of the Pirate boat forcing the robbers overboard .","coords.x1":32.3,"coords.x2":31.25} {"Reference":"1994-16","DateOfOcc":"1994-04-09","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GERMAN FLAGGED VESSEL","Desc1":"09 APR 94 ISRAELI OCCUPATION AUTHORITIES OFF THE LEBANESE COAST INTERCEPTED A GERMAN FLAGGED SHIP. PIRATES SEARCHED THE SHIP BEFORE ALLOWING IT TO ENTER THE PORT OF TYRE.","coords.x1":35,"coords.x2":33.16667} {"Reference":"1989-11","DateOfOcc":"1989-07-09","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"SYRIAN GUNBOATS","Victim":"M TANK ALOIL","Desc1":"LEBANON. M TANK ALOIL BROKE THROUGH A SYRIAN NAVAL BLOCKADE TO LEBANON. SHE DISCHARGED HER CARGO AT JONIEH, LEBANON. THE ALOIL SAILED LIGHT 1215 JULY 9, 1989. WHILE SAILING IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS THE VESSEL WAS SHELLED OR TORPEDOED BY THE SYRIAN NAVY,","Desc2":"SUSTAINING DAMAGE TO HER ENGINE ROOM. THE M TANK ALOIL SUBSEQUENTLY SUNK.","coords.x1":35.25,"coords.x2":34.16667} {"Reference":"1989-8","DateOfOcc":"1989-07-01","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"SYRIA","Victim":"SEA TIGER","Desc1":"LEBANON. THE LEBANESE YACHT SEA TIGER AND HER CREW OF SIX WERE INTERCEPTED BY SYRIAN GUNBOATS OFF OF LEBANON'S CHRISTIAN ENCLAVE AND TAKEN TO THE PORT OF TARTOUS WHERE THEY WERE QUESTIONED BY SYRIAN AUTHORITIES. THE YACHT AND CREW WERE RELEASED. NO","Desc2":"INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":35.25,"coords.x2":34.16667} {"Reference":"1989-4","DateOfOcc":"1989-04-01","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"ISOLA AZZURRA","Desc1":"THE ITALIAN SHIP ISOLA AZZURRA, CARRYING MORE THAN 5,000 TONS OF SULFURIC ACID, WAS ATTACKED WHEN IT WAS ENTERING THE PORT OF BEIRUT FOR A ROUTINE CUSTOMS INSPECTION. FOUR ROCKET GRENADES FIRED FROM THE COAST BLEW A HOLE ABOUT FIVE FEET IN DIAMETER IN","Desc2":"THE SHIP'S SIDE ABOVE THE WATER LINE, DAMAGING CREW QUARTERS. NONE OF THE 20 CREW ON BOARD WERE HURT. THE ATTACK TOOK PLACE ABOUT 1.5 MILES OFF THE COAST OF BEIRUT. SEE SPECIAL WARNING 71.","coords.x1":35.33333,"coords.x2":33.75} {"Reference":"1987-19","DateOfOcc":"1987-07-27","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MV CAPE HENRY","Desc1":"BETWEEN SUNSET 26 JUL AND SUNRISE 27 JUL WHILE ANCHORED 5 MILES 141 DEGREES TRUE FROM THE SOUTH BREAKWATER ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT, THE VESSEL REPORTED TO BE MISSING THE FORWARD LIFERAFT AND AN UNLIGHTED LIFERING. FURTHER SEARCH REVEALED TWO CONTAINERS ON DECK","Desc2":"TO HAD BEEN BROKEN INTO, BUT CONTENTS WERE NOT STOLEN (BAGGED LIME).","coords.x1":29.83333,"coords.x2":31.16667} {"Reference":"1985-28","DateOfOcc":"1985-10-07","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"TERRORISTS","Victim":"ACHILLE LAURO","Desc1":"PALESTINIAN GUERRILLAS SEIZED THE ITALIAN CRUISE SHIP ACHILLE LAURO AT 2145 GMT 07 OCT WHILE SHE WAS STEAMING ABOUT 50 KM NORTH OF PORT SAID EGYPT. REPORTS INDICATE THE SHIP WAS CARRYING ABOUT 450 PASSENGERS AND CREW ENROUTE FROM ALEXANDRIA TO PORT SAID.","Desc2":"THE PIRATES CALL THEMSELVES THE PALESTINE LIBERATION FRONT AND THE PLO HAVE DISAVOWED ANY AFFILIATION CLAIMED. UPDATE ENTERED TO MESSAGE ON 10 OCT 85: ONE HOSTAGE KILLED ON 09 OCT 85 BY TERRORISTS WHO LATER SURRENDERED TO EGYPTIAN AUTHORITIES. THE","Desc3":"ACHILLE LAURO WAS FREED.","coords.x1":32.33333,"coords.x2":31.75} {"Reference":"1985-18","DateOfOcc":"1980-01-11","SubReg":"56","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"INSTERGENERAL R. GUMUSPALA","Desc1":"Instergeneral R. Gumuspala, a Turkish-flag general cargo vessel, was intercepted by Corvettes and shot at with machine guns 24 miles west of Beirut.","coords.x1":34,"coords.x2":34} {"Reference":"2013-268","DateOfOcc":"2013-09-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 4 September, an underway chemical tanker was fired upon at position 04-11N 005-34E, 20 nm south of Pennington Oil Terminal. A speed boat approached the chemical tanker with intent to board. The duty officer raised the alarm, alerted the crew","Desc2":"and made evasive maneuvers to prevent the boarding. The pirates tried to board the vessel using hooks attached to a rope. The on board security team fired warning shots at the boat and the pirates retaliated by returning fire. Facing resistance, the","Desc3":"pirates aborted the attempt and moved away from the scene.","coords.x1":5.56667,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2013-256","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Product tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 15 August, the Nigeria-flagged product tanker NORTE was boarded in the Gulf of Guinea. On 17 August, the vessel was reportedly chased by vessels from the Nigerian Navy; to include two Navy ships of destroyer-size, 6 gun boats, and patrol plane","Desc2":"from the Nigerian Air Force. The Nigerian forces surrounded the tanker in the Niger Delta region. The pirates attempted to flee the tanker when night fell, but were intercepted. During the ensuing gun battle 12 pirates were killed and 4 were captured. No","Desc3":"details on the fate of the crew were given. The tanker is presently anchored in Lagos.","coords.x1":4,"coords.x2":5.5} {"Reference":"2013-257","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 15 August, the anchored Marshal Islands-flagged tanker BLUEGREEN TIGRE experienced an attempted boarding in the vicinity of 06-21N 003-28E, at the Lagos Anchorage. Approximately 8-10 robbers, in a speed boat, attempted to place a hook on the","Desc2":"tanker's railing. They were spotted by the crew and the alarm was raised. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing crew alertness, the pirate's boat moved away. Other ships were informed on VHF radio. Local authorities were informed and a naval patrol arrived","Desc3":"at the location and conducted a search.","coords.x1":3.46667,"coords.x2":6.35} {"Reference":"2013-259","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 12 August, the anchored Marshall Islands-flagged chemical tanker SP ATLANTA was hijacked at 06-19N 003-27E, at the Lagos Anchorage. Approximately 11 pirates, armed with guns, boarded and hijacked the chemical tanker at anchor. They stole crew","Desc2":"personal belongings and caused minor injuries to the crew members. On the 13 August, the vessel was released and safely arrived at the Lagos Anchorage.","coords.x1":3.45,"coords.x2":6.31667} {"Reference":"2013-258","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Gunboats","Victim":"Offshore support vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 12 August, a Nigeria-flagged offshore support vessel was fired upon approximately 35nm off the Nigerian coast. Two gunboats with approximately 7 - 8 pirates on board fired upon the vessel. A near-by patrol boat responded to the emergency","Desc2":"calls. The patrol boat exchanged fire with the pirates, resulting in the pirate boats retreating north at high speed.","coords.x1":4.8,"coords.x2":5.55} {"Reference":"2013-250","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Hijackers","Victim":"Chemical tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 11 August, gunmen hijacked the anchored Marshall Islands-flagged chemical tanker SP ATLANTA near the port of Lagos. On 13 August, the vessel along with its crew, were released.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2013-251","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Product tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 11 August, robbers in a small skiff attempted to board the anchored Liberia-flagged product tanker FPMC 25 at 06-18N 003-26E, at the Lagos Anchorage. Master raised the alarm and mustered the crew, while embarked armed guards fired warning","Desc2":"shots, resulting in the skiff moving away.","coords.x1":3.43333,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2013-244","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"robbers","Victim":"bulk carrier ATHOS","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:On 31 July, the Cayman Islands-flagged anchored bulk carrier ATHOS was boarded at 05-13N 004-03W, at the Abidjan Anchorage. Robbers boarded the ship at anchor using a long pole with a hook. The crew spotted them and raised the alarm. On","Desc2":"hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in a wooden boat. All crew are safe and nothing was stolen.","coords.x1":-4.05,"coords.x2":5.21667} {"Reference":"2013-245","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"gunboat","Victim":"chemical tanker HIGH JUPITER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 30 July, the Hong Kong-flagged underway chemical tanker HIGH JUPITER was fired upon at 03-31N 006-05E, approximately 45 nm south of Brass. A gunboat claiming to be a Nigerian navy boat called a chemical tanker on VHF and asked details of","Desc2":"vessel, cargo, last and next ports. This information was passed to the gun boat. After approximately 15 minutes, the gun boat approached the vessel at high speed and demanded that the vessel be stopped and boarding permitted. The Master informed them","Desc3":"that he would not be stopping due to the areas high risk for piracy attacks. The gun boat threatened them and followed the vessel for 20 minutes and then fired two shots in the air. The Master immediately raised the alarm over VHF and requested ships in","Desc4":"the vicinity relay its message to port control, which was not responding to its calls. Upon hearing the VHF alarm, the gun boat moved away.","coords.x1":6.08333,"coords.x2":3.51667} {"Reference":"2013-225","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL C VIKING","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 19 July, the Vanuatu-flagged anchored offshore supply vessel C VIKING was boarded at 04-18N 007-46E, at the Usari Field, offshore Akwa lbom state. Crew managed to lock themselves in a citadel, no injuries reported. Pirates looted the vessel,","Desc2":"including bridge, and destroyed some equipment on the bridge before leaving.","coords.x1":7.76667,"coords.x2":4.3} {"Reference":"2013-234","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER LOULOU","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 24 July, the anchored Nigeria-flagged product tanker LOULOU was boarded at 04-16N 007-56E, at the Eked Offshore Anchorage, approximately 40 nm southeast of Port Harcourt. Pirates reportedly boarded the vessel, destroyed the bridge laptop, and","Desc2":"inflicted damage to the bridge via gun shots. Two suspected pirate's remained in hiding aboard the ship, until their later discovery, when they jumped overboard. Exxon Terminal security staffs responded to the incident, but were unable to locate any of","Desc3":"the suspects.","coords.x1":7.93333,"coords.x2":4.26667} {"Reference":"2013-226","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER LIBERTY GRACE","Desc1":"TOGO:On 18 July, the United States-flagged anchored bulk carrier LIBERTY GRACE experienced an attempted boarding at 06-05N 001-17E, at the Lome Anchorage. Duty Officer on board the anchored bulk carrier spotted an unlit skiff with 5-6 persons","Desc2":"approaching. The Duty Officer directed the ship search light towards the skiff, raised the alarm, activated the fire hoses, and called the Togo navy. It was observed that the robbers, with hoods pulled over their heads, were attempting to board the","Desc3":"vessel using a pole and hook. Three flares were fired in the direction of the skiff. Seeing the crew alertness the robbers aborted the attempt and moved away. During the incident another two skiffs were observed close to the vessel. A navy boat arrived","Desc4":"later at the location.","coords.x1":1.28333,"coords.x2":6.08333} {"Reference":"2013-214","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER OCEAN CENTURION","Desc1":"TOGO:On 16 July, the Marshall Islands-flagged underway product tanker OCEAN CENTURION was hijacked at 05-29N 001-38E, approximately 46nm southeast of Lome. Armed pirates in two speed boats approached, boarded, and hijacked the product tanker. They took","Desc2":"hostage all the crew members, stole their personal belongings, ordered the Master to sail south, and then north towards the Togo/Benin border. The pirates then disembarked and escaped via a speedboat, 12nm from the coastline. The Togo Navy was informed","Desc3":"about the hijacking and a patrol boat was dispatched, which escorted the tanker to Lome anchorage for investigation. Two crew members were injured during the incident and were transferred to a clinic for medical attention.","coords.x1":1.63333,"coords.x2":5.48333} {"Reference":"2013-223","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:M/V attacked in 01-6.8N 004-41.0E on 16 July 2013 at 0410Z. Vessels are advised to keep clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":4.68333,"coords.x2":1.11333} {"Reference":"2013-215","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER COTTON","Desc1":"GABON:On 15 July, the Malta-flagged underway chemical tanker COTTON was hijacked at 00-26S 008-51E, approximately 13 nm off Port Gentil. 12 to 15 gunmen armed with AK-47 assault rifles hijacked the tanker and its 23 crewmembers. The tanker was later","Desc2":"released on 22 July.","coords.x1":8.85,"coords.x2":-0.43333} {"Reference":"2013-227","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"LANDING CRAFT RENOVATION","Desc1":"GABON:On 14 July, the Gabon-flagged underway landing craft RENOVATION was boarded at 00-29S 008-51E, at Port Gentil. Approximately 20 armed robbers in a speed boat approached and boarded the landing craft underway. They stole crew personal belongings and","Desc2":"escaped. Port maritime authority notified. No injury to crew or any damage to vessel.","coords.x1":8.85,"coords.x2":-0.48333} {"Reference":"2013-222","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GABON:On 15 July 2013 at 0552 LT, a merchant ship at anchored was suspected to be hijacked by pirates at position 00-26.49S 008-51.45E, around 17.4 nm north of Port Gentil, Gabon. The owner reported that they had lost communication with the vessel.","Desc2":"Further detail awaits.","coords.x1":8.8575,"coords.x2":-0.4415} {"Reference":"2013-216","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER OVERSEAS ATHENS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 10 July, an anchored chemical tanker experienced a suspicious approach at 06-17N 003-21E, approximately 5.4nm southwest of Fairway Buoy, Lagos Anchorage. Armed security personal onboard the anchored chemical tanker noticed a small boat with an","Desc2":"unknown number of persons approaching. When the small boat got to within 50 meters of the vessel, the armed security team fired one warning shot causing the boat to depart the area.","coords.x1":3.35,"coords.x2":6.28333} {"Reference":"2013-217","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:On 7 July, gunmen boarded and kidnapped the crew of an underway supply vessel at 04-24N 007-03E, in the vicinity of the New Calabar River. The incident took place as the vessel was transiting from Port Harcourt to Nembe. Initial reports","Desc2":"state that the captain, chief engineer and a deckhand were taken hostage.","coords.x1":7.05,"coords.x2":4.4} {"Reference":"2013-218","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 5 July, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 06-26N 003-23E, on Lagos Port Road. Three armed men were reported to have separated part of the razor wire and gained access via a rope. The bosun spotted them and alerted the duty officer by","Desc2":"radio. The bosun was subsequently wounded by the gunmen before other crew came to assist. The robbers escaped via speedboat. The injured crew member was hospitalized.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.43333} {"Reference":"2013-221","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 27 June 2013, a fishing vessel was attacked at approximately 9 nm north of Brass Terminal. Several crew members were assaulted and the vessel had some damage. Two crew members may have been kidnapped. No more information.","coords.x1":6.28333,"coords.x2":4.06667} {"Reference":"2013-186","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER ADOUR","Desc1":"TOGO:On 13 June, the anchored France-flagged chemical tanker ADOUR was hijacked at 05-41N 001-18E, approximately 30 nm south of Lome. Armed robbers boarded an anchored chemical tanker and took the duty officer hostage to the Masters cabin. When the","Desc2":"Master opened the cabin door the robbers hit the Master on the face and ordered him to muster the crew on the bridge. Once the crew was mustered on the bridge one of the younger robbers was very violent and beat the crew as well as broke a glass on one","Desc3":"of the crews head. The robbers asked the Master and the C/O about the cargo in the tanks and when the Master replied that the vessel was in ballast the robbers again beat the Master and asked him to weigh anchor and proceed south. At around 0315 LT, the","Desc4":"robbers speed boat returned with more people. At around 0500 LT, the tanker sailed towards Lagos and the robbers appeared to be negotiating on the satellite phone. They then ordered the Master to use the tanker to approach other vessels in the area and","Desc5":"they asked the crew to fabricate a ladder in facilitate the boarding. On 16 Jun, the robbers took two crew members and disembarked from the tanker with the rescue boat taking along ship's cash, crew cash and personal belongings. The crews were released","Desc6":"once later. Three crew members were injured during the incident. Incident reported to Togo and French Authorities.","coords.x1":1.3,"coords.x2":5.68333} {"Reference":"2013-187","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL MDPL CONTINENTAL ONE","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 13 June, the Singapore-flagged underway offshore supply vessel MDPL CONTINENTAL ONE was boarded and personnel kidnapped at 04-02N 008-02E, approximately 7 nm southwest of the OFON Oil Field. Two fiberglass speed- boats, each with 2 outboards","Desc2":"engines, each carrying 14 gunmen in wearing casual t-shirts and no masks, launched an attack. The pirates were armed with AK47's. After stealing personal items and belongings, four expat crew were kidnapped (Polish (Chief Engineer) and three Indians","Desc3":"(Captain, Chief Officer, and Bosun).","coords.x1":8.03333,"coords.x2":4.03333} {"Reference":"2013-179","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP C VIKING","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 04 June, the underway offshore supply ship C VIKING was attacked in the vicinity of 04-14N 007-45E, at the Usari Field. No further reporting at this time.","coords.x1":7.75,"coords.x2":4.23333} {"Reference":"2013-177","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA:04 June 2013, 2300 UTC, Position: 04-14.9N 007-45.7E, USARI Field, Nigeria. Pirates boarded an offshore supply ship underway, on standby duties. Seeing the pirates the crew raised the alarm, retreated into the citadel, alerted other vessels and","Desc2":"shore based office by VHF and waited until the pirates had left. On investigation it was found that ship's and crew belongings were stolen. All crew safe.","coords.x1":7.76167,"coords.x2":4.24833} {"Reference":"2013-180","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER RHINO","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 03 June, the Singapore-flagged chemical tanker RHINO was fired upon at 06-16N 003-20E, at the Lagos Anchorage. While at anchor, an unknown number of robbers attempted to board the vessel through the hawse pipe via chain locker and exchanged","Desc2":"gunshots with the Nigerian naval personnel onboard. The general alarm was activated and the crew mustered at the designated muster station. The robber's boat eventually left after 20 minutes. There was no injury to the crew or items stolen.","coords.x1":3.33333,"coords.x2":6.26667} {"Reference":"2013-172","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Chemical Tanker BLUEGREEN TIGRE","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 03 June, the Marshall Islands-flagged underway chemical tanker BLUEGREEN TIGRE was fired upon at 04-42N 008-19E approximately 2.5 nm north of James Town, in the Calabar River. Ten armed robbers in two speed boats approached and fired upon the","Desc2":"chemical tanker underway with pilot on board. Master raised alarm, mustered all crew, and reported the incident to the Nigerian Authorities. The armed robbers aborted the attack and moved away when the Nigerian Marine Police arrived on the scene. All","Desc3":"crew are safe, but the ship sustained minor damage due to the firing.","coords.x1":8.31667,"coords.x2":4.7} {"Reference":"2013-160","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER MATRIX I","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 25 May, the underway chemical tanker MATRIX I was boarded and personnel kidnapped approximately 40 nm off the coast of Bayelsa state. Armed pirates attacked the underway tanker and abducted seven Pakistani crew members, whom are being held for","Desc2":"ransom. The vessel and its remaining crew have been released.","coords.x1":6.4,"coords.x2":4.53333} {"Reference":"2013-145","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER MARIELLA BOTTIGLIERI","Desc1":"TOGO:On 17 May, the anchored chemical tanker MARIELLA BOTTIGLIERI experienced an attempted boarding at 06-03N 001-17 E, at the Lome Anchorage. Eleven robbers in an unlit boat approached the anchored chemical tanker. The duty A/B noticed the boat and","Desc2":"informed the OOW who raised the alarm, contacted Togo Navy, and activated the fire pumps. Two persons jumped into the water and attempted to board the tanker via the anchor chain, but failed and returned to their boat. Later, the boat returned and","Desc3":"approached again from the port quarter with additional persons who were seen holding hooks attached with ropes. The duty crew directed search lights towards the boat and noticed that the boat was flooding due to the fire hose water. The boat remained","Desc4":"alongside the ship and made several attempts to board the tanker. After several failed attempts at boarding, the persons aborted and moved away. Shortly after, a Togo Navy boat arrived at the location and patrolled the area.","coords.x1":1.28333,"coords.x2":6.05} {"Reference":"2013-146","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPORT VESSEL SAINT PATRICK","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 14 May, the offshore diving support vessel SAINT PATRICK was boarded at 04-25N 007-28E, approximately 7.5 nm south-southwest of the Opobo river estuary. The offshore diving support vessel was reported as being boarded and attacked by pirates","Desc2":"at approximately 02:00 LT. Both the SAINT PATRICK and LADY SWATHIN were attacked in the same area off Idoho field, approximately six hours apart.","coords.x1":7.46667,"coords.x2":4.41667} {"Reference":"2013-147","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER BARGE LADY SWATHIN","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 14 May, the self-propelled tanker barge LADY SWATHIN was hijacked at 04-20N 007-40E, approximately 8.5 nm south of the Opobo River Estuary. The self-propelled tanker barge was reported as being hijacked by nine armed pirates in a white-hulled","Desc2":"speedboat at approximately 08:00 LT. Both the LADY SWATHIN and SAINT PATRICK were attacked in the same area off Idoho field, approximately six hours apart.","coords.x1":7.66667,"coords.x2":4.33333} {"Reference":"2013-148","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 13 May, an anchored oil tanker was boarded at 06-20N 003-19E, approximately 8 nm south-southwest of Lagos. Vessel reported to authorities via VHF Channel 16 that two persons had boarded the ship and were seen on the deck. During the","Desc2":"communication, vessel stated that the two people had jumped overboard.","coords.x1":3.31667,"coords.x2":6.33333} {"Reference":"2013-149","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 12 May, a fishing vessel was attacked approximately 15 nm south of Akwa Ibom state. The fishing trawler reported being attacked by armed pirates in a white-hulled speedboat at 0820 LT. Later, the same speedboat was reported to have approached","Desc2":"another fishing vessel at 0900 LT, off Calabar River.","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2013-150","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PASSENGER BOATS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 11 May, ten (10) passenger boats were boarded and robbed in the vicinity of Sagbatoru-Igweta-Iwoama waterways in Nembe Local Government Area of Bayelsa state. Heavily armed sea pirates, in three speedboats, rounded up ten speed boats filled","Desc2":"with 80 passengers enroute to a funeral service and diverted them towards the creeks and started searching the passengers, collecting their phones, cash, and other valuables. Victims were threatened to be set on fire, if they did not cooperate with the","Desc3":"bandits and surrender their personal belongings. Total value of stolen affects is worth millions of naira. The bandits also made off with multiple outboard engines and jerry-fuel-cans.","coords.x1":6.4,"coords.x2":4.53333} {"Reference":"2013-136","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER CAP LARA","Desc1":"TOGO:On 9 May, the tanker CAP LARA experienced an attempted boarding at 06-04N 001-15E, at the Lome Anchorage. Eight persons in a boat came alongside the anchored tanker and attempted to board the vessel. Alert duty crew spotted the approaching boat,","Desc2":"sounded the alarm, charged fire hoses, and informed Togo Navy. As the boat attempted to come along side from various directions, the crew used fire hoses to prevent a boarding. The suspected pirates eventually abandoned their boarding attempts when their","Desc3":"boat began to fill up with water from the fire hoses. All crew were safe on the vessel.","coords.x1":1.25,"coords.x2":6.06667} {"Reference":"2013-137","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER CENTENARIO BLU","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 7 May, the bulk carrier CENTENARIO BLU was fired upon at 04-43N 008-20E, approximately 4 nm north-northeast of James Town. Seven heavily armed pirates in a speed boat approached and fired upon the underway bulk carrier, channeling at Calabar","Desc2":"River with Calabar Pilot onboard. Master raised alarm, increased speed, sent distress message, activated SSAS, and had non-essential crew members mustered in the citadel. The pirates aborted the attack and moved away when they heard the ship?s alarm. No","Desc3":"injuries endured by the crew.","coords.x1":8.33333,"coords.x2":4.71667} {"Reference":"2013-131","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:On 06 May 2013, at 0010 UTC, a merchant vessel was attacked by pirates around the vicinity of position 05-41.0N 001-26.2E. All crew are in the citadel and TOGO Navy armed personnel onboard still monitoring the situation. Pirates may still","Desc2":"be in the area and if possible ships should keep clear of this areaa. Ships are advised to maintain strict anti piracy measures. Vessels are advised to monitor the IMB PRC satellite broadcast warnings via INMARSAT C EGC safety net and report all attacks","Desc3":"and suspicious sightings to the IMB piracy reporting center.","coords.x1":1.43667,"coords.x2":5.68333} {"Reference":"2013-138","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER SEAPRIDE","Desc1":"TOGO:On 5 May, the underway tanker SEAPRIDE was fired upon at 05-41N 001-26 E, approximately 27 nm south-southeast of Lome. During STS operations the tanker saw armed pirates on the deck of the adjacent vessel. The alarm was raised, SSAS activated and","Desc2":"all crew mustered. The on board Togo navy guards exchanged fire with the pirates. Later a large skiff with eight to ten armed pirates was spotted leaving the adjacent vessel and proceeded to the tanker. Seeing this, the Master instructed all crew members","Desc3":"to retreat into the citadel and informed the Togo Navy. The on board naval guards took the necessary action to prevent the pirates from boarding the tanker and in the meantime the Togo Navy dispatched two patrol boats to provide assistance which then","Desc4":"escorted the tanker back to the anchorage. All crew reported safe.","coords.x1":1.43333,"coords.x2":5.68333} {"Reference":"2013-139","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER MADONNA I","Desc1":"TOGO:On 5 May, the tanker MADONNA I was boarded at 05-41N 001-26E, approximately 27nm south-southeast of Lome. Nine armed pirates in a speed boat approached the tanker during STS operations. Three pirates boarded the tanker and opened fire. The Togo navy","Desc2":"guards on board another tanker alongside exchanged fire with the pirates resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted attack and moving away.","coords.x1":1.43333,"coords.x2":5.68333} {"Reference":"2013-129","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CMA CGM AFRICA FOUR","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 4 May, the underway container ship CMA CGM AFRICA FOUR was fired upon at 04-02N 006-54 E, approximately 28 nm southwest of Bonny. Seven armed pirates in a speed boat, with two outboard motors, approached a container ship underway. Master","Desc2":"raised alarm, increased speed, sent distress message, activated SSAS and non essential crew members mustered in the citadel. The pirates closed in to a distance of 60-70 meters and fired upon the bridge and superstructure, using automatic weapons. At","Desc3":"0953 UTC, the pirates aborted the attack and moved away as the distance between ship and boat increased. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":6.9,"coords.x2":4.03333} {"Reference":"2013-132","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP FRIO ATHENS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 4 May, the underway cargo ship FRIO ATHENS was fired upon at 03-49N 006-41E, approximately 33 nm southwest of Bonny. Six to eight pirates in a speed boat chased and fired upon an underway refrigerated cargo ship. The vessel enforced","Desc2":"anti-piracy measures and managed to move away. All crew was safe, but the ship sustained minor damage due to the firing.","coords.x1":6.68333,"coords.x2":3.81667} {"Reference":"2013-120","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CITY OF GUANGZHOU","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 26 April, the underway container ship CITY OF GUANGZHOU experienced an attempted boarding at 03-48N 004-57E, approximately 83 nm west-southwest of Brass. Pirates in a boat attempted to attack a container ship underway. Master raised alarm,","Desc2":"switched off all ship?s lights, altered course and increased speed. The boat chased the ship for one hour and aborted the attempted attack.","coords.x1":4.95,"coords.x2":3.8} {"Reference":"2013-121","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CITY OF XIAMEN","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 25 April, the underway container ship CITY OF XIAMEN was boarded at 04-10N 005-30E, approximately 45 nm west-southwest of Brass. Heavily armed pirates boarded underway ship. The ship raised the alarm and the crew took shelter in the citadel.","Desc2":"The pirates were able to breach the citadel and kidnapped five crewmembers before departing the vessel. The remaining crews were reported safe.","coords.x1":5.5,"coords.x2":4.16667} {"Reference":"2013-107","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP BOSUN","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 24 April, the underway cargo ship BOSUN was fired upon at 03-51N 005-40E, approximately 32 nm off the Niger Delta. The 3rd Officer observed one skiff approaching the vessel. The pirate's skiff approached from the starboard abeam, increased","Desc2":"speed (26 knots), and was very close to the vessel when the pirates started shooting. The crew raised the alarm, SSAS was activated, announced by VHF CH-16 that the vessel was under attack, and initiated evasive maneuvers. Pirate's skiff came upon the","Desc3":"starboard quarter and attempted to board the vessel. After approximately 30 minutes, the skiff aborted the attack. No crew injuries, but the vessel sustained damage from where the bullets struck the vessel.","coords.x1":5.66667,"coords.x2":3.85} {"Reference":"2013-108","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP HANSA MARBURG","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 22 April, the container ship HANSA MARBURG was boarded at 02-31N 006-50E, approximately 133nm South of Port Harcourt. Armed pirates boarded a container ship underway. They kidnapped four crew members and escaped. No injuries were reported to","Desc2":"the remaining crew members who sailed the ship to Senegal.","coords.x1":6.83333,"coords.x2":2.51667} {"Reference":"2013-109","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"OIL TANKER CAP THEODORA","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:On 22 April, the crude oil tanker CAP THEODORA was attacked near position 03-06N 007-08E, approximately 77 nm south of Bonny, Nigeria. During this attack, the vessel was approached by a speedboat with five or six men on board while","Desc2":"underway. The men attempted to board the tanker several times. The attack was reportedly thwarted by protective measures enacted by the crew and by defensive maneuvering. A fishing trawler with a red hull and white superstructure was spotted nearby,","Desc3":"possibly acting as a mothership. Of note, this ship was previously attacked on the same voyage, on 16 April. In that event, which took place near Principe Island, in the Gulf of Guinea, armed pirates in a skiff approached and fired upon the ship.","Desc4":"According to a report from the International Maritime Bureau, the alarm was raised and distress signals were activated; the fire pump was started; the crew went to their emergency stations and to the citadel; the ship's speed was increased and evasive","Desc5":"maneuvers were made. After about 20 minutes the skiff aborted the attack and moved away, leaving the crew and vessel unharmed.","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":3.16667} {"Reference":"2013-110","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP CORINTH","Desc1":"CONGO:On 18 April, the anchored cargo ship CORINTH experienced an attempted boarding at 04-44S 011-48E, at the Pointe Noire Anchorage. Three robbers in a small boat approached and attempted to board an anchored ship. Alert duty crew spotted the robbers","Desc2":"climbing the anchor chain and raised the alarm. On hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped into the water and escaped empty handed. Incident reported to port control.","coords.x1":11.8,"coords.x2":-4.73333} {"Reference":"2013-101","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER CAP THEODORA","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:On 16 April, the underway tanker CAP THEODORA was fired upon at 01-48N 006-46E approximately 36 nm west-northwest of Principe Island. The crew raised the alarm, activated the SSAS, initiated distress signals, and started the fire pump.","Desc2":"Crew then proceeded to their emergency stations and citadel, while the master increased the vessel's speed and initiated evasive maneuvers. After approximately 20 minutes, the skiff aborted the attack and moved away.","coords.x1":6.76667,"coords.x2":1.8} {"Reference":"2013-112","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL GYRE, ESCORT BOAT BLUE JAY","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 13 April, the offshore supply vessel GYRE and escort boat BLUE JAY were fired upon at 04-43N 008-20E, approximately 5nm South of Parrot Island. A fast boat was spotted moving on intercept course towards the OSV. Escort boat, Blue Jay,","Desc2":"intercepted the suspicious boat and fired warning shots, shots returned from the attacking boat. Fire exchange followed, pirates boat turned away and headed towards shore. No casualties reported. Both vessels in convoy safely reached Calabar.","coords.x1":8.33333,"coords.x2":4.71667} {"Reference":"2013-111","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER LEON DIAS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 13 April, the tanker LEON DIAS was boarded at 03-48N 006-25E, approximately 30nm Southeast of Brass. Vessel issued a distress signal, reported being under attack, and boarded by pirates. Although no further details are available; it is","Desc2":"presumed the crew and vessel were robbed. Pirates departed the tanker and with the crew safe, the vessel proceeded to Douala.","coords.x1":6.41667,"coords.x2":3.8} {"Reference":"2013-85","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER SEA HERMES","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 30 March, the tanker SEA HERMES was fired upon at 03-57N 006-41E, approximately 22 nm ssw of Bonny. A small skiff containing 8 to 10 pirates was sighted fast approaching the tankers starboard bow. Master and Duty Officer flashed a light and","Desc2":"shouted at the suspicious craft. Upon seeing the crew's alertness, the suspicious craft immediately moved away while firing upon the ship. No crew injuries sustained. Bullet marks were left on the starboard bridge wing, accommodations house, and one","Desc3":"floodlight.","coords.x1":6.68333,"coords.x2":3.95} {"Reference":"2013-74","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP OCEAN CHARGER","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:On 24 March, the berthed cargo ship OCEAN CHARGER was boarded in the vicinity of 05-17N 004-01W, at the Abidjan Port. Shore security guard onboard the vessel noticed two robbers at the aft mooring station. He immediately informed the Duty","Desc2":"Officer, who alerted the Master and other crew members. Upon seeing the alerted crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their small boat. Port control was informed, who later informed the Master that the robbers were detained and the stolen","Desc3":"items were recovered.","coords.x1":-4.01667,"coords.x2":5.28333} {"Reference":"2013-63","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 05 March, an LPG tanker was boarded at 06-27N 003-23E, in the vicinity of Lagos, and robbed by pirates.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2013-64","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL ARMADA TUAH 22","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 04 March, the vessel ARMADA TUAH 22 was hijacked at 03-42N 005-39E, approximately 50 nm southwest of Brass. Contact with the vessel's owner was lost and the vessel did not respond to radio calls, and the vessel's AIS was turned off.","Desc2":"Unconfirmed reports state that the Captain, Chief Engineer and Second Engineer were kidnapped. A cook was also reported to have been injured in the attack.","coords.x1":5.65,"coords.x2":3.7} {"Reference":"2013-98","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Armed pirates attacked and boarded a supply ship underway. at 3-57.3N 5-21.0E, about 57 nm WSW of Brass.","coords.x1":5.35,"coords.x2":3.955} {"Reference":"2013-65","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING TRAWLER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 02 March, a fishing trawler was attacked at 04-07N 005-36E, approximately 25 nm from the Bayelsa Coast. Unconfirmed reports state that the Captain was killed during the attack. The pirates managed to escape, prior to the arrival of the","Desc2":"Nigerian Naval Patrol.","coords.x1":5.6,"coords.x2":4.11667} {"Reference":"2013-56","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PASSENGER VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 25 February, a passenger boat was boarded and personnel kidnapped at 04-37N 008-22E, in the Ibaka Channel, Calabar River. The vessel was attacked and boarded by approximately 20 armed pirates in two speedboats. The pirates were reported to","Desc2":"have kidnapped one person. The vessel continued to port.","coords.x1":8.36667,"coords.x2":4.61667} {"Reference":"2013-57","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP KOTA BAHAGIA","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 22 February, the cargo ship KOTA BAHAGIA was fired upon and endured multiple attempted boardings at 03-51N 005-57E, approximately 30 nm SSW of Brass. A gand of approximately six pirates armed with automatic rifles in a skiff launched from a","Desc2":"mother vessel, chased and fired upon the vessel while underway. Master raised alarm, activated anti-piracy preventive measures, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, and directed non-essential crew to shelter in the citadel. The pirates attempted to","Desc3":"board the ship several times, and finally aborted the attempt due to the hardening measures taken by the ship. Incident reported to MRCC Nigeria. No Injuries to crew, but the ship sustained some damage due to the firing.","coords.x1":5.95,"coords.x2":3.85} {"Reference":"2013-42","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG ARMADA TUGAS 1","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 17 February, the tug ARMADA TUGAS 1 was boarded and personnel kidnapped at 03-57N 005-20E, approximately 40 nm WSW of Brass. Pirates boarded the vessel and kidnapped 6 officers. The remaining 12 crew members were unharmed and there was no","Desc2":"damage to the vessel. The vessel and remaining crew were escorted back to Port Harcourt.","coords.x1":5.33333,"coords.x2":3.95} {"Reference":"2013-43","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER AFRICAN JOY","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 17 February, the bulk carrier AFRICAN JOY was boarded at 06-27N 003-23E at Berth No.2, Apapa, Lagos. Robbers in a wooden boat approached the berthed vessel. One robber boarded the ship, broke into the forward store, and stole ship's stores,","Desc2":"including four drums of paint. Duty crew noticed the robber and raised the alarm. The robber escaped with the stolen stores.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2013-34","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 11 February, the general cargo ship SAFMARINE SAHEL was fired upon at 04-06N 006-52E, approximately 10.5 nm southwest from Bonny River fairway buoy. While the cargo ship was underway, it noticed a speedboat approaching from portside containing","Desc2":"four pirates. The skiff came alongside and the pirates attempted to board the vessel. Evasive maneuvers were utilized such as increasing speed, raising the alarm, and all crew mustering on the bridge. Pirates launched gun fire on the vessel's","Desc3":"superstructure. The vessel was able to evade the pirates, but was pursued for approximately 20 minutes, before the pirates aborted the attempts at boarding the vessel.","coords.x1":6.86667,"coords.x2":4.1} {"Reference":"2013-52","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP WALVIS 7","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 10 February, the cargo ship WALVIS 7 was boarded and personnel kidnapped at 03-33N 006-35E, approximately 45nm off Bonny River. Twelve heavily armed pirates approached, fired upon, and boarded the vessel while underway. Alarm raised and most","Desc2":"of the crew retreated into the citadel. Pirates stole cash and personal belongings. Prior to escaping, the pirates captured and kidnapped the Chief Engineer and Master. The remaining 18 crewmembers arrived safely at port.","coords.x1":6.58333,"coords.x2":3.55} {"Reference":"2013-53","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP ESTHER C","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 07 February, the general cargo ship ESTHER C was boarded and personnel kidnapped at 03-40N 005-53E, approximately 40nm SSE of Brass. A gang of approximately 17 pirates armed with AK47 assault rifles attacked, boarded and hijacked the vessel","Desc2":"while underway and attempted to use it as a mother vessel. Prior to the vessel's release on 11 February, pirates stole ship's stores and equipment, damaged communication equipment, and kidnapped 3 crew members before escaping.","coords.x1":5.88333,"coords.x2":3.66667} {"Reference":"2013-37","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG/BARGE","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 06 February, a tug towing a barge was fired upon in vicinity of 05-10N 006-12E, along the River Forcados at the Angiama Community area of Bayelsa. Pirates ambushed the tug and barge, which was being escorted by a military vessel while","Desc2":"transiting from Warri to Port Harcourt. Four persons, including two soldiers, a retired naval officer, and the pilot of the tug were killed during the gunfire exchange.Two additional soldiers sustained serious injuries. Three pirates were seriously","Desc3":"wounded and reportedly died soon after escaping. The reason for the attack is unsure, as neither the tug nor barge were carrying cargo.","coords.x1":6.2,"coords.x2":5.16667} {"Reference":"2013-28","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER PYXIS DELTA","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 04 February, the chemical tanker PYXIS DELTA was fired upon at 06-19N 003-24E, at the Lagos Anchorage. Pirates armed with guns approached and fired upon the anchored vessel during ship-to-ship transfer operations. The response of the onboard","Desc2":"naval security team resulted in the attackers moving away. One crew member received a gunshot wound to the leg and was evacuated for medical treatment, but did not survive.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.31667} {"Reference":"2013-29","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER GASCOGNE","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:On 03 February, the oil tanker GASCOGNE was hijacked in the vicinity of 04-07N 003-54W, approximately 70 nm south of Abidjan port. Owners reported that they had lost contact with their vessel and its 17 crew members while underway and","Desc2":"suspected the vessel had been hijacked. Vessel was released by the hijackers on 06 February, after stealing an unknown quantity of its fuel cargo. Two of the crewmembers were slightly injured during the incident.","coords.x1":-3.9,"coords.x2":4.11667} {"Reference":"2013-30","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER OLIVIA II","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 31 January, the tanker OLIVIA II was fired upon at 03-46N 005-19E, approximately 45 nm SSW of Brass. While underway, the vessel noticed three skiffs approaching at high speed. A suspected mother vessel was observed on radar at a distance of","Desc2":"about 1.2 nm. As the skiffs closed, The Duty Officer raised the alarm and directed non-essential crew to muster in the citadel. Vessel commenced evasive maneuvers and headed towards a nearby oil terminal to seek assistance from naval guard vessels. Two","Desc3":"additional skiffs were noticed approaching the vessel and all skiffs fired towards the bridge and accommodations. An RPG was also fired, but missed the vessel. The attack lasted for nearly one hour before the skiffs broke off. Crew was unharmed, but","Desc4":"vessel sustained damage from the firing.","coords.x1":5.31667,"coords.x2":3.76667} {"Reference":"2013-21","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER ITRI","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:On 16 January, the tanker ITRI was hijacked at 03-27N 001-06W, at the Abidjan anchorage. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel while it was preparing to offload jet fuel at the port. The crew of 16 were held hostage and locked in a dining","Desc2":"room while the hijackers siphoned off 5,000 tons of cargo. All crew members and the tanker were released unharmed on 22 January. After release, the vessel proceeded to Lagos port.","coords.x1":-1.1,"coords.x2":3.45} {"Reference":"2013-14","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"CONGO:On 15 January, a container ship was boarded at 04-43S 011-46E, at the Pointe Noire Anchorage. Three robbers armed with knives disguised as fishermen in a small boat approached and boarded the anchored vessel. Duty crew spotted the robbers and","Desc2":"raised the alarm. On hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty-handed in their boat. Port Control was contacted, but received no response.","coords.x1":11.76667,"coords.x2":-4.71667} {"Reference":"2013-1","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:On 23 December 2012, tanker boarded at 05-12N 004-02W, at the Abidjan anchorage. Robbers armed with machine guns and knives boarded the anchored vessel and took the crew hostage. They forced the Chief Engineer and Master to start the engines.","Desc2":"However, since the engines had been disengaged by the crew earlier, the vessel could not make way. The robbers threatened and assaulted the crew, then locked them in the engine room and ransacked the crew cabins. Prior to escaping, the robbers damaged","Desc3":"some communication equipment and stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":-4.03333,"coords.x2":5.2} {"Reference":"2012-353","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Supply vessel ASSO VENTUNO boarded and crew kidnapped on 23 December at 04-01N 005-14E, approximately 40 nm off the coastline of Bayelsa. Pirates armed with guns attacked and boarded the offshore supply vessel while underway, and kidnapped four","Desc2":"crew members. No injuries to the remaining crew members. The vessel continued on its passage to a safe port.","coords.x1":5.23333,"coords.x2":4.01667} {"Reference":"2013-2","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 17 December, offshore supply vessel boarded and crew kidnapped at 04-15N 004-44E, while enroute to the Mobil Erah Oilfield. Armed pirates boarded the vessel, kidnapped three crew members and escaped. The bosun later navigated the vessel to","Desc2":"Onne port.","coords.x1":4.73333,"coords.x2":4.25} {"Reference":"2012-346","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tanker boarded and crew kidnapped on 17 December in the vicinity of 03-41N 07-12E, approximately 40 nm off the Niger Delta. An unknown number of pirates boarded the tanker. During the ordeal, pirates stole personal items, vandalized the vessel,","Desc2":"and kidnapped five crew members.","coords.x1":7.2,"coords.x2":3.68333} {"Reference":"2013-6","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER SP BRUSSELS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 17 December 2012, tanker SP BRUSSELS boarded and crew kidnapped in the vicinity of 03-44N 05-37E, approximately 40 nm off the Niger Delta. Three pirates armed with machine guns attacked and boarded the vessel while underway. They stole","Desc2":"personal belongings and kidnapped the Master, First Officer, Second Officer, Chief Engineer and a crew member, and then escaped. The vessel sent SSAS and requested assistance. The vessel and the rest of crew members were unharmed.","coords.x1":5.61667,"coords.x2":3.73333} {"Reference":"2012-347","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA:RO-RO vessel fired upon on 13 December at 04-16N 05-19E, approximately 25 nm southwest of Bayelsa. Piratesin a boat armed with machine guns chased and fired upon the ship while underway. Master raised the alarm, increased speed, sent distress","Desc2":"message and mustered crew in the safe room. The onboard security team returned fire, and after around 20 minutes the firing ceased and the pirates moved away. One security personnel was killed and two sustained injuries from the exchange.","coords.x1":5.31667,"coords.x2":4.26667} {"Reference":"2012-344","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OFFSHORE SUPPORT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:A offshore support vessel near 04-01.5N 005-29.1E was fired upon by heavily armed pirates in a small boat. The security team onboard responded by returning fire. Two security personnel were injured in the exchange.","coords.x1":5.485,"coords.x2":4.025} {"Reference":"2012-348","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Tanker under suspicious approach on 11 December at 06-04N 001-16E, at the Lome anchorage. Eight robbers in a wooden boat approached the anchored tanker at high speed. Seeing the armed Togo navy guards and security team on board the vessel, the","Desc2":"robbers aborted the attack and moved away. At 0330 local time, another boat with nine robbers approached the anchored tanker; however, they too aborted and moved away upon seeing the armed navy personnel.","coords.x1":1.26667,"coords.x2":6.06667} {"Reference":"2012-337","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Tanker experienced suspicious approach on 30 November at 06-02N 001-18E, at the Lome Anchorage. Four robbers in a blue and white colored skiff approached the anchored tanker. Armed guards onboard the tanker deemed the intention of the skiff as","Desc2":"aggressive and fired a warning shot. The skiff aborted the approach and moved away. Master called the Togo Navy but received no response. At 2305 UTC, the skiff along with three similar skiffs approached the tanker at high speed from the bow, amidship","Desc3":"and stern. The armed guards fired two warning shots in the air that were ignored by the skiffs, which then moved alongside the ship near the stern. Only when the armed team fired more warning shots did the skiffs move away. The Master heaved up the","Desc4":"anchor and sailed further away from the anchorage area. At 2320Z, Togo Navy finally responded and the Master reported the incident.","coords.x1":1.3,"coords.x2":6.03333} {"Reference":"2012-320","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"TOGO:Cargo ship experienced a suspicious approach on 21 November at 06-03N 001-16E, at the Lome Anchorage. Six robbers in three unlit boats approached the anchored cargo ship twice in 30 minutes. The boats hid behind the bunker barge before approaching","Desc2":"the vessel from the port and starboard sides. On both occasions, the boats were unsuccessful due to vigilance of the crew and the presence of security personnel. On reporting to Port Control, a Navy vessel was dispatched to investigate.","coords.x1":1.27444,"coords.x2":6.05611} {"Reference":"2012-325","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING TRAWLER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Fishing trawler experienced an attempted kidnapping on 13 November in the vicinity of 04-45N 006-49E. A fishing trawler was attacked by seven pirates armed with an AK-47 and one rifle. The pirates attempt to kidnap the occupants onboard was","Desc2":"foiled by the Nigerian Navy, who responded to the distress call. All seven pirates were captured, with no injuries to the crew.","coords.x1":6.81667,"coords.x2":4.75} {"Reference":"2012-305","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BARGE CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Barge carrier experienced attempted boarding on 24 October at 03-54N 005-27E, near Port Harcourt. Seven robbers in a speedboat attempted to board the vessel while underway by throwing a hook to the upper deck of the vessel. The vessel made","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers, increased speed and avoided the boarding.","coords.x1":5.45,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2012-290","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tug boarded on 15 October near 03-39N 006-14E, approximately 40 nm South of Brass. Seven armed pirates boarded the tug while underway via speedboat launched from a mother vessel. They stole crew personal effects, kidnapped seven crewmembers and","Desc2":"escaped. The remaining nine crewmembers were reported to be safe and in transit to Onne.","coords.x1":6.23333,"coords.x2":3.65} {"Reference":"2012-277","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA:Vessel ORFEAS possibly hijacked on 6 October at 05-12.56N 004-03.68W.","coords.x1":-4.06133,"coords.x2":5.20933} {"Reference":"2012-287","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:Tanker hijacked on 5 October at 05-12.56N 004-03.68E, 3 nm south of Abidjan Anchorage, Ivory Coast. A gang of approximately 14 pirates armed with AK47 assault rifles and knives boarded and hijacked the tanker while at anchor. They damaged the","Desc2":"ship's communication equipment and sailed the tanker to an unknown location, where part of the cargo was transferred to another vessel. Prior to releasing the vessel on 9 October, the pirates stole crew personal belongings and cash.","coords.x1":4.06133,"coords.x2":5.20933} {"Reference":"2012-281","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Tanker hijacked on 4 October near 04-48N 001-25E. Twelve armed robbers boarded the vessel while at anchor. The 14 crewmembers were held captive under threats of harm, while the attackers transferred the ship's fuel to a waiting bunker barge.","Desc2":"Afterwards, the robbers raided the rest of the vessel, locking the crew in the master's cabin and stealing their personal belongings. There were only a few minor injuries among the crew. The vessel was released on 5 October.","coords.x1":1.41667,"coords.x2":4.8} {"Reference":"2012-255","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Oil tanker fired upon while underway on 9 September at 06-09N 002-53E, approximately 34 nm southwest of Lagos during voyage from Lome to Lagos. An unknown number of pirates fired several shots at the vessel in an attempt to board. Non-essential","Desc2":"crew mustered in citadel and the vessel utilized evasive action to evade the attacking vessel. Pirates attempted to board the vessel several times, but abandoned the pursuit after a 20-minute chase. No damage to vessel or injuries to the crew reported,","Desc3":"but several bullets did strike the vessel's superstructure. Nigerian Navy deployed an escort while the tanker anchored off Lagos.","coords.x1":2.88333,"coords.x2":6.15} {"Reference":"2012-263","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"CAMEROON:LPG tanker boarded on 8 September at 04-03N 009-41E, Douala Port Facility. The ship was boarded while the shore security watch was on a break. The robbers took the deck cadet hostage, and stole ship's stores. Before escaping, they released the","Desc2":"cadet who immediately raised the alarm. Incident reported to port control. A police team boarded to investigate the incident.","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2012-260","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:A large group of heavily armed pirates boarded a drifting chemical tanker. The crew shut down and disabled all machinery, retreated into the citadel, and contacted their owners for assistance. Upon receipt of this distress message, the IMB Piracy","Desc2":"Reporting Center contacted the Nigerian authorities and foreign naval forces requesting assistance for the crew and vessel. The Nigerian authorities despatched a helicopter, which located the vessel, and directed a warship to the location. The vessel was","Desc3":"rescued and escorted by the warship to a safe anchorage.","coords.x1":2.93333,"coords.x2":6.18333} {"Reference":"2012-250","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER ABU DHABI STAR","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tanker Abu Dhabi Star was boarded and hijacked by pirates on the evening of 4 September at 06-11N 002-55E, Lagos Anchorage. All crew members locked themselves in the citadel safe room.","coords.x1":2.91667,"coords.x2":6.18333} {"Reference":"2012-243","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER ENERGY CENTURION","Desc1":"TOGO:Tanker Energy Centurion hijacked on 28 August at 05-52N 001-24E, Lome Anchorage. An unknown number of pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel. Togo Navy dispatched a patrol boat, which intercepted the tanker and ordered her to stop. The hijacked","Desc2":"tanker ignored the warning and an exchange of gunfire took place between the pirates and the naval patrol boat. On 30 August, the ship was released.","coords.x1":1.4,"coords.x2":5.86667} {"Reference":"2012-248","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Armed pirates boarded and hijacked an anchored tanker. The TOGO Navy received the vessel's distress call and dispatched a patrol boat, which intercepted the tanker while underway. Orders to stop the vessel were ignored and the pirates opened fire at","Desc2":"the patrol boat. The patrol boat returned fire. The tanker proceeded to a neighboring country's waters and escaped. The IMB Piracy Reporting Center informed all authorities in the region and issued a broadcast warning to look out for the vessel and","Desc3":"report any sightings. A search by air and sea was carried out. The vessel was released on 30 August The crew and vessel are safe and proceeding to a safe port.","coords.x1":1.26667,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"2012-249","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:A gang of approximately 16 pirates armed with machine guns boarded a tanker drifting within an anchorage area. The pirates hijacked the vessel and sailed her to an unknown location, while sabotaging the ship's communication equipment, speed boats,","Desc2":"rescue boat, engines, and the cargo loading computer. The ship's funnel was repainted, name changed and IMO number removed. During transfer of the vessel's cargo to another vessel, the hull was damaged. Prior to escaping, the pirates stole cash, personal","Desc3":"belongings, handheld radios, printers, scanners, and safety equipment. No injuries to crew reported. The vessel was released on 23 August.","coords.x1":1.23333,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"2012-261","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP","Desc1":"CONGO:Robbers boarded an anchored supply ship and broke into various store rooms, stole ship's stores and properties and escaped Unnoticed. The theft was later noticed by the duty crew on security rounds. Incident reported to Port Authority.","coords.x1":11.81667,"coords.x2":-4.75} {"Reference":"2012-242","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Eight robbers in a wooden craft approached and attempted to board an anchored chemical tanker using a hook attached to a long pole. Alert watchstanders spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. All crew was mustered. Upon seeing crew alertness, the","Desc2":"robbers aborted the boarding attempt and moved away. Master reported the incident to TOGO Navy, who dispatched a patrol boat to search the area.","coords.x1":1.26667,"coords.x2":6.05} {"Reference":"2012-228","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE JACSON 33","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Accommodation barge JACSON 33 boarded on 4 August, at approximately 35 nm off the coast of Bonny, Nigeria. The offshore supply and support barge employed six Nigerian Naval personnel as an onboard security team. During the pre-dawn attack, an","Desc2":"unknown number of pirates boarded the barge, killed two security personnel and wounded two others. The pirates kidnapped four multi-national crewmembers from the vessel. The Nigerian Navy has not been able to locate the pirates or the kidnapped","Desc3":"crewmembers.","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2012-240","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Pirates armed with AK-47 assault rifles approached and boarded an anchored barge. They opened fire, killing two naval security officers and injuring two crew members. The pirates stole vessels property and cash and escaped. Incident was reported","Desc2":"to Nigerian Navy and Bonny Station. Naval personnel were deployed to secure the barge.","coords.x1":6.66667,"coords.x2":3.76667} {"Reference":"2012-226","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Five robbers in a wooden boat approached an anchored chemical tanker. Alarm raised, crew mustered in the citadel and TOGO Navy notified. The robbers aborted the attempt and moved away upon seeing the Navy patrol boat approaching. Later, two boats","Desc2":"with 16 robbers approached and came alongside the vessel from both sides and were observed investigating the fendering arrangement around the vessel. TOGO Navy failed to respond to calls made by the vessel. Alarm raised and ship's whistle continously","Desc3":"sounded, resulting in the robbers moving away.","coords.x1":1.275,"coords.x2":6.04167} {"Reference":"2012-225","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Duty Office aboard an anchored chemical tanker noticed on radar a contact approaching at a speed of five knots. Lookouts directed the search light towards the approaching boat and 12 armed robbers were identified. Alarm raised and ship's horn","Desc2":"sounded, but the boat continued the approach. All crew entered the citadel except Duty Officer, who tried to call Togo Navy without success. After alerting other vessels in the vicinity, the Duty Officer retreated into the citadel as the robbers boarded","Desc3":"the vessel using ropes and hooks. After several attempts to contact them directly, and later with the assistance from other ships in the vicinity, the Duty Officer finally established communication with the Togo Navy and informed them of the boarding.","Desc4":"After approximately 30 minutes, a Togo Navy boat arrived, confirmed presence of no other boats in the vicinity, and advise the Duty Officer to search the vessel. Once it was established that no robbers were on board, the Navy personnel boarded the","Desc5":"vessel, completed a search of the entire vessel, and took statements from the crew. Nothing was found stolen and no damages were found to the tanker.","coords.x1":1.3,"coords.x2":6.08333} {"Reference":"2012-229","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Tanker approached on 27 July at 06-00N 001-17E, approximately 8 nm from Lome, Togo. Robbers in three boats approached and attempted to board the anchored vessel. The Master raised the alarm and the crew activated fire hoses to repel the boats. The","Desc2":"robbers sheilded themselves with rain coats and continued their attempt to board. The Master heaved up anchor and proceeded away from the attempted boarding. The Togo Navy was informed.","coords.x1":1.28333,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"2012-215","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BENIN:Bulk carrier boarded on 17 July at 06-17N 002-28E, Cotonou Anchorage. Two robbers armed with guns boarded the anchored vessel, entered the Master's cabin and stole ship's cash. The robbers escaped in a small wooden boat. No injuries to the crew","Desc2":"were reported. Local authorities where notified, who arrived later to investigate.","coords.x1":2.46667,"coords.x2":6.28333} {"Reference":"2012-214","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 30 June at 0615 local time, a vessel was fired upon by pirates in 02-40.0N 006-08.3E, but managed to evade the attack.","coords.x1":6.13833,"coords.x2":2.66667} {"Reference":"2012-208","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tanker fired upon on 30 June at 04-01N 006-06E, 70 nm southwest of Port Harcourt. Armed pirates in a boat chased and fired upon the vessel while underway from Bonny River.Nigerian Navy personnel onboard returned fire, resulting in the pirates","Desc2":"aborting the attempted attack after 15 minutes of firing exchange. Both the crew and vessel were reported unharmed.","coords.x1":6.1,"coords.x2":4.01667} {"Reference":"2012-209","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Container ship awaiting berthing instructions was approached on 30 June at 02-38N 006-09E by five armed pirates in a wooden speed boat with two outboard engines. The fired upon the vessel, damaging some bridge windows and equipment. The vessel","Desc2":"raised the alarm, activated SSAS, started the main engines and maneuvered away from the approaching boat. Non-essential crew retreated into the citadel. All crew was reported unharmed.","coords.x1":6.15,"coords.x2":2.63333} {"Reference":"2012-224","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA:A container ship awaiting berthing instructions was approached by five armed pirates in a wooden speed boat with two outboard engines. As the pirates approached, they fired upon the vessel damaging some bridge windows and equipment. The vessel","Desc2":"raised alarm, activated SSAS, started main engines and maneuvered away from the approaching boat. Non-essential crew retreated into the citadel. No injuries resulted from the incident.","coords.x1":6.15833,"coords.x2":2.64833} {"Reference":"2012-213","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Chemical tanker boarded on 25 June at 05-32N 003-32E. Twelve pirates armed with guns approached the vessel in a speed boat and boarded. The crew was forced to muster in the mess room, but the Master and Chief Engineer were allowed to remain on","Desc2":"the bridge and in the engine room, respectively. The pirates made the vessel steer towards Togo, raided crew cabins, and stole personal effects and ship's cash. After 45 hours, the pirates disembarked the vessel near Escravos Terminal, Nigeria. All crew","Desc3":"was reported safe.","coords.x1":3.53333,"coords.x2":5.53333} {"Reference":"2012-189","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tanker boarded on 01 June at 06:19 N - 003:29 E, Lagos Anchorage. Three armed robbers boarded the tanker from a wooden boat. The alarm was raised and the crewretreated into the citadel. After four hours the crew emerged from the citadel and found","Desc2":"that the pirates had left. No damage was reported and the crew was reported safe.","coords.x1":3.48333,"coords.x2":6.31667} {"Reference":"2012-220","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Vessel boarded on 17 May at 04-39N 004-45E, 45. Pirates armed with guns approached a landing craft at a speed of 7 knots. Master raised the alarm, stopped the main engines, and instructed the crew to muster in the citadel. By the time the pirates","Desc2":"boarded, only four of the eight crewmembers had entered the citadel. The pirates attempted to gain access to the citadel using hammers and firing automatic weapons. After ten hours in the citadel, the crew emerged and found the remaining crew beaten and","Desc3":"the cabins looted. As the vessel continued underway, they noticed armed pirates approaching in a speed boat. The crew again mustered in the citadel. After six hours, they exited the citadel and all bridge equipment was destroyed. The master contacted","Desc4":"Escravos Terminal and sailed towards it.","coords.x1":4.75,"coords.x2":4.65} {"Reference":"2012-164","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Supply vessel towing a barge was boarded on 08 May underway at 03:53 N ? 005:35 E, near the Pennington Oil Terminal. Six pirates armed with assault rifles in a speed boat launched from a nearby fishing trawler. The alarm was raised and the crew","Desc2":"mustered in the citadel. The crew exited citadel 90 minutes later and found the pirates had left. They inspected the vessel and noticed that the bridge windows were damaged and ship?s property and supplies were stolen.","coords.x1":5.58333,"coords.x2":3.88333} {"Reference":"2012-165","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Supply vessel was hijacked on 07 May at 04:26 N - 004:58 E, approximately 38 nm offshore from the Nigerian coastline. The pirates hijacked the vessel and took 17 crew members as hostages. The pirates released the crew and the vessel later that","Desc2":"same day.","coords.x1":4.96667,"coords.x2":4.43333} {"Reference":"2012-155","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:The missing/hijacked tanker BW Rhine was last reported in posn lat 05:27N - long 002:36E on 03.05.2012 at 0840 UTC.","coords.x1":2.6,"coords.x2":5.45} {"Reference":"2012-148","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO: Product Tanker was hijacked while anchored on 30 April at 06:01 N - 001:20 E, Lome Anchorage, Togo. The owners of a product tanker anchored off Lome received a phone call from the Master who appeared to be under duress. The owners believe the","Desc2":"vessel may have been hijacked. There are 24 crew members onboard the vessel. The IMB Piracy Reporting Centre has contacted the local authorities and requested assistance in locating the missing vessel.","coords.x1":1.33333,"coords.x2":6.01667} {"Reference":"2012-146","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"DEM. REP. CONGO:Container Vessel was boarded while anchored on 27 April at 05:51 S - 013:24 E, around 4.5nm from Port of Matadi, Democratic Republic of Congo. Four boats with seven pirates armed with knives approached and boarded the vessel. The crew","Desc2":"noticed the pirates and raised the alarm. They also contacted the local port authorities. The pirates later escaped with stolen ship cargo. The crew is safe.","coords.x1":13.4,"coords.x2":-5.85} {"Reference":"2012-147","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO: Oil Tanker was approached while anchored on 25 April at 06:02 N - 001:15 E, 6nm SW of Lome, Togo. Two boats with eight pirates in each approached the anchored oil tanker, one from the forward and the other from aft. The crew raised the alarm and","Desc2":"spotlights were directed towards the boats. The ships master informed Togo Navy officials and the crew was able to deter the pirates. The boats were seen leaving the immediate area. Later that day, the crew noticed the boats approaching again but they","Desc3":"were again able to deter the attempted attack.","coords.x1":1.25,"coords.x2":6.03333} {"Reference":"2012-138","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"TOGO:Bulk carrier experienced an attempted boarding on 4 April at 06:01 N 001:17 E, 7 nm southeast of Lome. Four robbers in a boat attempted to board the anchored bulk carrier. The duty crew raised the alarm and the robbers aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":1.28333,"coords.x2":6.01667} {"Reference":"2012-127","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PETROLEUM TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Petroleum products tank experienced an attempted boarding on 4 April while anchored at position 06:05 N - 001:15 E, Lome Anchorage. Ten robbers in a boat came alongside and attempted to board the ship. Alert duty officer raised alarm and informed","Desc2":"Togo Navy authorities and directed the search light towards the boat resulting in the boat movingtowards another vessel in the anchorage. A short while later, another boat with six robbersapproached this same tanker at high speed. Alarm once again raised","Desc3":"and crew alerted. Seeing crew alertness and razor wire around the ship, the robbers again moved away. Ship's Master weighed anchor and proceeded to a safer distance away from the area.","coords.x1":1.25,"coords.x2":6.08333} {"Reference":"2012-139","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO:Tanker boarded at anchor on 4 April at 05:58 N ? 001:16 E, 9.6 nm South of Lome Breakwater, Lome, Togo. Two pirates armed with machine guns boarded the anchored tanker and entered the engine room and berthing. The crew raised the alarm andretreated","Desc2":"into the citadel. Attempts to contact the authorities failed but the sister ship of the vessel in the vicinity relayed the area message to the Togo navy. A Navy team subsequently boarded vessel for investigation. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":1.26667,"coords.x2":5.96667} {"Reference":"2012-121","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Chemical Tanker was chased on 22 March 100nm SW off Bonny Island, Nigeria at position 02:57 N - 006:12 E. Armed pirates in two boats chased a chemical tanker. The Master raised the alarm and sent a SSAS alert and instructed the crew to proceed to","Desc2":"the safe room. A US warship responded to the alert and offered assistance. The pirates later aborted and left.","coords.x1":6.2,"coords.x2":2.95} {"Reference":"2012-99","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"LPG Tanker","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:LPG Tanker boarded on 17 March while anchored at position 05:13 N - 004:02 W, Abidjan Anchorage. The robbers reportedly boarded the ship during a heavy rain and between rounds by duty personnel. The robbers managed to steal ship?s stores and","Desc2":"escaped unnoticed. Theft of stores noticed during the subsequent security rounds by duty personnel. Port authorities and other ships in vicinity were notified.","coords.x1":-4.03333,"coords.x2":5.21667} {"Reference":"2012-96","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Cargo Ship","Desc1":"Dem. Rep Congo:Refrigerated Cargo Ship boarded on 14 March while anchored at 05:51 S ? 013:03 E, Boma Anchorage. Ten robbers in two boats boarded the ship took duty crewman hostage; they attempted to enter the forward cargo hold by breaking the hatch","Desc2":"seal. They later escaped with ship?s cargo and stores stolen from the ship. The duty crewman was slightly injured during the attack. Port control called but no reply was received.","coords.x1":13.05,"coords.x2":-5.85} {"Reference":"2012-87","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"Nigeria:Chemical tanker underway approached on 7 March while underway near position 04:12 N - 006:54 E, approximateely 5.8nm off Port Harcourt Fairway Buoy. Seven Heavily armed robbers in a speed boat approached the tanker, bridge crew raised the alarm,","Desc2":"increased speed and set course away from land. The armed naval guards onboard the vessel made their presence known. Seeing vessel readiness and armed guards, the robbers aborted the attempted attack and moved away.","coords.x1":6.9,"coords.x2":4.2} {"Reference":"2012-81","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA, 5 MILES OFF BAYLESA, NIGERIA: Seven to eight armed robbers in a boat chased and fired upon a chemical tanker underway. Alarm raised, crew mustered on bridge and all access to accommodation secured from inside. The robbers chased the","Desc2":"tanker for around an hour before aborting and moving away. All crew safe. Ship sustained gun shot damages.","coords.x1":5.78333,"coords.x2":4.33333} {"Reference":"2012-79","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"80 MILES OFF PORT HARCOURT, NIGERIA: Heavily armed pirates fired upon a chemical tanker underway. The vessel enforced anti-piracy measures, increased speed and managed to evade the boarding. The pirate group may still be in the area.","coords.x1":5.75,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2012-78","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"REFRIGERATED CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Refrigerated cargo ship boarded on 28 February while anchored at position 04-12 N 006-56 E, 3 nm from Fairway Buoy Port Harcourt. Eight pirates armed with guns boarded the ship from a small wooden boat and started firing toward the bridge and","Desc2":"galley areas. The pirates ransacked the ship and stole crew cash, personal effects, and ship's cash and property. They took hostage the Ship's Master and Chief Engineer and escaped. The ship informed the local authorities through the agents and sailed to","Desc3":"a safe distance without the presence of Master and Engineer aboard. One crew wounded and one other crewman remains unaccounted for. (IMB)","coords.x1":6.93333,"coords.x2":4.2} {"Reference":"2012-75","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: Offshore supply ship boarded on 26 February while anchored at 05-16N 004-01W, Abidjan Inner Anchorage 9. Three robbers in a canoe, armed with knives, boarded from the port side main deck. One robber threatened the watch man with a knife","Desc2":"while the other two took a pressure washer and they left the ship. The alarm was raised and Port Control was informed. After a short while a harbor police patrol boat came and returned the stolen item.No injuries and no damage to the vessel were","Desc3":"reported. (IMB)","coords.x1":-4.01667,"coords.x2":5.26667} {"Reference":"2012-66","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"LAGOS ANCHORAGE, NIGERIA: OOW on board an anchored chemical tanker noticed two heavily armed pirates on deck and raised the alarm. Master contacted the navy on VHF ch 16 but received no response. Non-essential crew locked themselves in a safe location.","Desc2":"The pirates made their way to the bridge, fired warning shots and gained entry into the bridge. They assaulted the Master and stole his personal effects. In the meantime another 10 pirates arrived and ordered the Master to heave up anchor and chief","Desc3":"engineer to start engines. The pirates were very aggressive and highly agitated and forced all crew members to lie down on the bridge floor. Under the pirates command, the vessel sailed to a location approximately 80-100 miles south of Lagos. The crew","Desc4":"were foreced to prepare the vessel for lighting operations. On 20 january, all crew members were locked in the smoke room and the lighting commenced. None of the crew members were able to see the lighting ship. On 21 January, the pirates disembarked at","Desc5":"position 06-04N 004-28E after stealing crew cash and personal effects and ship's cash. The master returned to Lagos anchorage where authorities boarded for investigation. No injuries to crew but vessel sustained damage during lighting operations.","coords.x1":3.33333,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2012-62","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Bulk carrier boarded on 13 February while adrift while awaiting berthinginstructions near position 04-43 N 003-44 E, approximately 110 nm south of Lagos. The pirates took the chief cook hostage and forced him to take them to Master's cabin. They","Desc2":"fired 20shots to force open master's cabin door. Pirates fired two shots at Master, killing him, thenremoved ship's safe from the cabin. The pirates then tried to enter Chief Engineer's cabin.During this the Chief Engineer attempted to escape through","Desc3":"cabin porthole window by using two bed sheets tied together to climb down from the porthole. During this attempt, he fell and, as a result of serious injuries, he died. The pirates managed to escape in a waiting boat. A French warship that was in the","Desc4":"area heard the broadcast for assistance and went to the aid of the vessel. A boarding team boarded the vessel and the warship escorted the cargo ship to Lagos port. On arrival at the inner anchorage, Lagos port the authorities boarded the vessel and","Desc5":"provided medical assistance to the crew. Later all 18 crewmembers and the bodies of the Master and Chief Engineer were taken ashore. The authorities are investigating the case. (IMB)","coords.x1":3.73333,"coords.x2":4.71667} {"Reference":"2012-61","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: General cargo ship fired upon 11 February while underway near position05-11 N 003-27 E, approximately 74 nm south of Lagos fairway buoy. Bridge crew noticed two boats approaching from astern. As the boats closed the cargo ship, they fired upon","Desc2":"the vessel. Master raised alarm and crew mustered in a safe area. The boats chased the vessel for 25 minutes before aborting and moving away. All crew are safe. The ship sustained minor damage from gunshots. (IMB)","coords.x1":3.45,"coords.x2":5.18333} {"Reference":"2012-54","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"GHANA: Offshore tug boarded by four robbers on 9 February while berthed at position 04-53N 001-45W, Takoradi Port. The robbers, armed with long knives, threatened duty watchman and stole ship's stores, and escaped in a waiting canoe. No crew injuries and","Desc2":"incident reported to port authorities. (IMB)","coords.x1":-1.75,"coords.x2":4.88333} {"Reference":"2012-58","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"BENIN: Product tanker boarded on 9 February while adrift, awaiting orders, near position 04-57 N 002-16 E, approximately 83 nm South of Cotonou. Pirates boarded and hijacked the ship and sailed to an unknown location. Awaiting further reporting. (IMB)","coords.x1":2.27833,"coords.x2":4.96167} {"Reference":"2012-47","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"POINT NOIRE ANCHORAGE, THE CONGO:Duty watch onboard an anchored container ship noticed wet foot prints on the deck and the padlock to the bowthruster room broken. He informed the OOW who noticed a small boat alongside the vessel near the starboard","Desc2":"midship. OOW raised the alarm and crew mustered. Upon inspection a number of stores were found broken into and ship's stores and equipment stolen. Master contacted port control but did not receive any response.","coords.x1":11.78333,"coords.x2":-4.76667} {"Reference":"2012-76","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GUARD VESSEL","Desc1":"POINT NOIRE ANCHORAGE, THE CONGO: Five robbers in a canoe approached an anchored guard vessel during heavy rain. One of the robbers boarded the vessel and stole ship stores. C/O on watch noticed the robber with a long knife on the main deck and raised","Desc2":"the alarm. Crew mustered and shouted at the robber who jumped overboard and escaped with his accomplices. Incident reported to the local police and port authorities.","coords.x1":11.8,"coords.x2":-4.75} {"Reference":"2012-17","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: Two robbers armed with long knives boarded an anchored container ship. They took hostage the duty watchman, stole his radio, ship's stores and escaped. The watchman informed the bridge who raised the alarm. Port control informed.","coords.x1":-4.04306,"coords.x2":5.21861} {"Reference":"2012-16","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"85 MILES SOUTH OF BONNY ISLAND, NIGERIA: About eight pirates armed with AK-47s in a skiff launched from a fishing trawler chased, fired upon and attempted to board a container ship underway. The Master increased speed, took evasive maneuvers and crew","Desc2":"mustered in the citadel. Later the pirates aborted the attack and moved away.","coords.x1":7.46667,"coords.x2":3} {"Reference":"2012-25","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA: A suspicious boat approached a drifting bulk carrier. Duty crew spotted the boat and raised alarm. The boat closed onto and fired upon the vessel. All crew retreated into the citadel. After nearly 12 hours the crew emerged from the","Desc2":"citadel and found no pirates onboard. HOwever, before leaving the pirates had ransacked crew cabins and stole cash and ship's stores. All crew safe.","coords.x1":7.215,"coords.x2":3.35667} {"Reference":"2012-18","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"LAGOS, NIGERIA: Around ten pirates armed with guns boarded a drifting chemical tanker. The pirates destroyed the communication equipment, stole ship's cash and properties, crew's cash and belongings and escaped. One crew member was injured during the","Desc2":"incident. Attack was reported to Nigerian Navy.","coords.x1":3.09667,"coords.x2":5.85833} {"Reference":"2011-454","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Petroleum tanker (HALIFAX) hijacked by pirates on 29 October at 1219 UTC while in position 03-26.5N 006-42.3E, approximately 62 nm southwest of Bonny. Vessel was awaiting further berthing instructions from its charterers. Vessel has a crew of 24","Desc2":"Filipinos and one Bulgarian. The pirates released the vessel on 5 November after siphoning off part of the cargo. (IMB, Open Source)","coords.x1":6.705,"coords.x2":3.44167} {"Reference":"2011-447","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"REFRIGERATED CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"OFF TOGO: A refrigerated cargo ship drifting noticed on radar an approaching small boat. As the boat closed towards the vessel no change in course or speed was observed. Seeing this the Master raised alarm, started main engine, increased speed and","Desc2":"commenced evasive maneuvers. The boat followed the vessel for a while before reducing speed and moving away.","coords.x1":1.42667,"coords.x2":4.26} {"Reference":"2011-422","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Product Tanker CAPE BIRD boarded and hijacked 08 October at 2040 UTC near position 04-55N 004-51E, approximately 90 nm south of Lagos, Nigeria. Recent reporting indicates that the ship has not yet been released. (IMB)","coords.x1":3.26667,"coords.x2":4.91667} {"Reference":"2011-412","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"BENIN: Chemical tanker fired upon, boarded, and robbed 2 October at 2337 LT while drifting in position 04-06N 002-51E, approximately 136 nm southeast of Cotonou, Benin. Pirates armed with automatic weapons approached in two small boats and boarded the","Desc2":"vessel. The crew retreated into the citadel and stayed there the whole night, when they emerged the next day they found that the pirates had stolen ship cash. (IMB)","coords.x1":2.85,"coords.x2":4.1} {"Reference":"2011-399","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"LOME ANCHORAGE, TOGO: Two small boats closed onto the shipside of an anchored chemical tanker. The duty officer told the boats to move away but this was ignored. Later, two more boats were seen approaching the vessel from the stern and securing","Desc2":"themselves to the ship's rudder. Master informed Togo Navy which responded and detained all four boats. Nothing was reported stolen.","coords.x1":1.25,"coords.x2":6.01667} {"Reference":"2011-398","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"LOME ANCHORAGE, TOGO: Duty officer onboard an anchored chemical tanker noticed a fishing boat slowly approaching. As the boat closed to the ship, the duty officer informed the boat to move away. This was ignored by the fishing boat and later two more","Desc2":"boats were seen to join the first boat. master informed Togo Navy which responsed to the call and detained two boats while the third escaped.","coords.x1":1.25,"coords.x2":6.01667} {"Reference":"2011-389","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"TOGO: Bulk carrier experienced an attempted boarding on 16 September at 0340 LT while anchored in position 06-03.7N 001-17.5E at the Lome Anchorage. Seven robbers in a fast boat approached the vessel, one of the robbers had a hook attached to a rope. The","Desc2":"duty crew spotted the robbers, contacted the bridge, and informed another watchman. Master raised the alarm, sounded the ship's horn, and the crew directed search lights. The pirates aborted the attack upon seeing the alerted crew. The Togo Navy was","Desc3":"contacted but did not respond; later, a naval boat patrolled the area. (IMB)","coords.x1":1.29167,"coords.x2":6.06167} {"Reference":"2011-390","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"LOME ANCHORAGE, TOGO: Six suspected robbers in a boat approached an anchored product tanker and attempted to climb onboard. Master raised the alarm, mustered all crew and contacted local authorities on VHF ch 16. Seeing crew alertness the robbers aborted","Desc2":"the attempt. Later a naval patrol boat arrived on location and after a search were able to apprehend the suspected robbers.","coords.x1":1.32667,"coords.x2":6.01167} {"Reference":"2011-380","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"TOGO: Chemical tanker experienced an attempted boarding 14 September at 0415 UTC while anchored in position 06-01.39N 001-18.30E, approximately 8NM southeast of Lome break water, Togo. About 26 robbers in two boats attempted to board the vessel, a","Desc2":"portable ladder and ropes were seen in both boats. The master raised the alarm, mustered the crew, contacted local authorities on VHF channel 16, and left anchor. After the crew alerted, the robbers aborted the attempt. The master reported that the same","Desc3":"robbers had attempted to board another vessel eight cables from his vessel's position prior to the attack on his vessel, no further information. (IMB)","coords.x1":1.305,"coords.x2":6.02317} {"Reference":"2011-382","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"COTONOU, BENIN: Armed pirates boarded a prodcut tanker during STS operations. Master sent SSAS alert, crew locked in engine room and contacted CSO. Later pirates left the vessel. Crew came out of the engine room and conducted a search for the pirates and","Desc2":"found the vessel safe. The crew regained control of the vessel.","coords.x1":2.43333,"coords.x2":6.36667} {"Reference":"2011-375","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"POINTE NOIRE ANCHORAGE, CONGO: Robbers boarded a anchored container ship, stole ship's properties and escaped unnoticed by the crew.","coords.x1":11.76167,"coords.x2":-4.75} {"Reference":"2011-368","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"BENIN: Chemical tanker (EMOCEAN) was hijacked 20 August at 2325 UTC while conducting ship-to-ship (STS) operations in position 05-38N 002-39E, approximately 44NM southeast of Cotonou, Benin. Twelve pirates boarded, took control of the ship, and sailed to","Desc2":"an unknown location. Owners were unable to contact the vessel. Awaiting further details. (IMB)","coords.x1":2.65,"coords.x2":5.63333} {"Reference":"2011-353","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"POINT NOIRE ANCHORAGE, CONGO: Ship watchman onboard an anchored container vessel spotted four armed robbers on the main deck. He immediately informed the duty officer who raised the alarm, alerted all crew members and informed the port control. Seeing","Desc2":"crew alertness the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a long wooden boat with stolen ship stores.","coords.x1":11.77833,"coords.x2":-4.765} {"Reference":"2011-348","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"ATLANTIC OCEAN: General cargo ship was robbed 1 August at 0015 UTC while anchored at Pointe Noire Roads, The Congo. After the duty crew alerted, the five robbers escaped with ships stores in a high speed boat. (IMB)","coords.x1":11.85,"coords.x2":-4.8} {"Reference":"2011-347","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA: Chemical tanker (GOTLAND SOFIA) was boarded by 10 pirates with guns on 31 July at 0150 UTC while engaged in ship-to-ship operations about 38NM outside Cotonou Port, Benin. The robbers fired at the bridge, the crew barricaded themselves in","Desc2":"the engine room. The pirates left the vessel when Benin naval vessels approached. (IMB, Open Sources)","coords.x1":2.48333,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"2011-351","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA: Tanker experienced an attempted boarding 30 July at 1934 UTC while drifting in position 05-42N 003-05E, approximately 48NM southwest of Lagos, Nigeria. An inflatable boat with six people onboard approached at high speed and attempted to","Desc2":"hang a hook with a knotted rope to the ship's rails. After the crew turned on the fire hoses, two men on the boat fired 15?20 shots at the crew on the bridge wing. Men were armed with a shotgun and one pistol. The pirates made another attempt to board","Desc3":"the vessel from the starboard side and aborted the attack. None of the crew was injured. (Flag State)","coords.x1":3.08333,"coords.x2":5.7} {"Reference":"2011-338","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA: Tanker (RBD ANEMA E CORE) was hijacked 24 July at 0140 UTC while engaged in ship-to-ship operations with another tanker in position 05-59.36N 002-24.11E, approximately 22NM southwest of Cotonou, Benin. The pirates boarded the tanker via","Desc2":"the other tanker. The hijacked tanker had 23 crewmembers onboard. (IMB, Open Source)","coords.x1":2.40183,"coords.x2":5.98933} {"Reference":"2011-335","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"60 MILES WEST OF LUANDA, ANGOLA: A speed boat with unknown number of persons approached a tanker underway. Duty officer informed the Master who took evasive maneuvers, increased speed, raised alarm, mustered crew and activated fire pumps. The speed boat","Desc2":"chased the tanker for more than one hour before moving away. Master reported the incident to Luanda port authorities.","coords.x1":12.35,"coords.x2":-8.41667} {"Reference":"2011-341","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA: Product tanker was hijacked 30NM off the coast of Nigeria on 16 July. The vessel was transiting from Ghana to Benin. The vessel was released on 18 July at 1700 UTC, and all 20 crewmembers were reported in good health. It is unknown","Desc2":"whether or not a ransom was paid for the vessel. After its release, the vessel headed towards Tema, Ghana. (Open sources)","coords.x1":2.51333,"coords.x2":6.14667} {"Reference":"2011-339","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA: A tanker experienced two attempted boardings, the first on 6 July at 2230 UTC while launching in position 06-15.6N 002-23E, approximately 6NM southwest of Cotonou, Benin. Ten robbers with guns attempted to board the vessel with a hook","Desc2":"attached to a rope. The alert crew raised the alarm. The Master used the VHF to inform the Cotonou signal station and navy. The robbers then aborted the attempt. On 7 July at 0230 UTC, the same robbers approached the vessel. The crew became alert to the","Desc3":"situation and fired parachute flares. The robbers them aborted the attempt. (IMB)","coords.x1":2.38333,"coords.x2":6.26} {"Reference":"2011-314","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"COTONOU ANCHORAGE, BENIN: A product tanker was robbed 30 Juneat 0205 UTC while anchored at 06-00N 002-29E in the Cotonou anchorage, Benin. The vessel was conducting ship-to-ship (STS) transfer operations when robbers in a speedboat boarded it, stole","Desc2":"ship's and crew properties, and escaped. The robbers gained access to the vessel because the razor wire had been removed for STS transfer operations. (IMB)","coords.x1":2.48333,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"2011-312","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA: A chemical tanker was hijacked 26 June at 0245 UTC off of Cotonou, Benin. Ten robbers boarded the vessel, threatened and robbed the crew, damaged the vessel's equipment, and ordered the crew to sail to Lagos or Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The","Desc2":"master was shot in the leg and some crew members were physically assaulted. The robbers left the tanker and the vessel transited to Cotonou. (Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":2.53333,"coords.x2":6.2} {"Reference":"2011-306","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"COTONOU, BENIN: Twelve armed pirates boarded a chemical tanker drifting in preparation for STS operations. They took hostage all crewmembers and hijacked the tanker. The tanker was released after 17 hours. Awaiting further details.","coords.x1":2.53333,"coords.x2":6.15972} {"Reference":"2011-308","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"COTONOU ANCHORAGE, BENIN: About ten robbers armed with guns and knives in a speed boat were seen approaching an anchored tanker with STS fenders alongside. Duty officer raised alarm, activated the SSAS and called port control but received no response.","Desc2":"Four robbers boarded the tanker via the STS fenders, entered the bridge and took the Master to his cabin and stole ship's cash and personal belongings. Later the duty officer was taken to his cabin as well as all the other crew cabins and stole crew","Desc3":"personal belongings. At this time the crew were threatened. Some crew were also beaten. All the robbers left the tanker at 0330 local time. Port control was called again but there still was no answer.","coords.x1":2.55667,"coords.x2":6.265} {"Reference":"2011-309","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"12 MILES OFF COTONOU, BENIN: Four robbers in a speed boat boarded the vessel. All crew went into the citadel, but robbers managed to capture the 2nd engineer before he could enter the citadel. Seeing this, the Master presented himself to the robbers as","Desc2":"well. The robbers took the Master and 2nd engineer and stole ship's and crew's cash. Personal belongings were taken, during this time the Master and the 2nd engineer were also hit by the robbers. Port control was contacted but received no response. At","Desc3":"the time of the incident the vessel was undergoing STS operations and had to remove the razor wire to enable smooth operations. The robbers took advantage of this and gained access to the vessel.","coords.x1":2.47111,"coords.x2":6.14306} {"Reference":"2011-302","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"REFRIGERATED CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"MATADI ANCHORAGE, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Robbers boarded and stole ship stores from an anchored refrigerated cargo vessel on three occasions between 0500 local and 0740 local time. Duty crew spotted the robbers and raised the alarm on each","Desc2":"occasion resulting in the robbers jumping overboard and escaping in a waiting boat. No response received from port authority when called on VHF.","coords.x1":13.41194,"coords.x2":-5.86667} {"Reference":"2011-304","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"REFRIGERATED CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"BOMA ANCHORAGE, DEMORCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: A vigilant deck watchman onboard an anchored refrigerated cargo vessel noticed a robber with a long knife hiding on the forecastle deck. The robber jumped overboard when the deck watchman illuminated the","Desc2":"area with his flashlight. Nothing reported stolen.","coords.x1":13.04278,"coords.x2":-5.865} {"Reference":"2011-297","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"COTONOU ANCHORAGE, BENIN: Armed robbers boarded and hijacked an anchored chemical tanker. They forced the captain to sail the vessel to an unknown location. The pirates stole ship's properties and left the vessel.","coords.x1":2.6,"coords.x2":5.86667} {"Reference":"2011-293","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"COTONOU ANCHORAGE, BENIN: Heavily armed robbers attacked and hijacked an anchored chemical tanker and forced the crew to sail to an unknown location. The vessel was made to discharge part of her cargo into another lightering vessel. Before leaving the","Desc2":"tanker, ship property was stolen. On being released the crew sailed the vessel towards Cotonou port.","coords.x1":2.51667,"coords.x2":6.28333} {"Reference":"2011-274","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ATLANTIC OCEAN: A ship was boarded 28 May at 0245 UTC while anchored in position 05-52.55S 013-01.78E, approximately 3NM southwest of Boma, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The officer of the watch spotted two robbers on the forecastle and alerted the","Desc2":"duty able seaman and sounded the ship's whistle. The robbers escaped. Later it was discovered that the robbers had boarded the vessel using a rope and hook, and nothing was stolen. (IMB)","coords.x1":13.02967,"coords.x2":-5.87583} {"Reference":"2011-266","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ATLANTIC OCEAN: A container ship was robbed 17 May at 2230Z in the Boma anchorage at position 05-52S 013-05E off the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Four robbers used a wooden boat to board the vessel. The robbers broke open a container on deck, stole","Desc2":"part of the cargo and escaped. (IMB, Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":13.08333,"coords.x2":-5.86667} {"Reference":"2011-251","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"OFF COTONOU, BENIN: Armed pirates boarded a chemicl tanker at anchor waiting for STS operations. They hijacked the tanker to an unknown location. The pirates stole ship's properties, crew personal belongings and some cargo and left the tanker on 16 May","coords.x1":2.43333,"coords.x2":6.25} {"Reference":"2011-233","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 20 MILES SOUTH OF COTONOU, BENIN: Six pirates armed with guns boarded a taker underway. Pirates opened fire towards the bridge and accomodation. Pirates stole ships cash and crew personal belongings. Two crew members were manhandled and suffered","Desc2":"minor injuries. Pirates left in a boat after 90 minutes.","coords.x1":2.36667,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"2011-238","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"COTONOU ANCHORAGE, BENIN: Armed robbers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor. They threatened and assaulted some crew members. Robbers stole ship's properties, crew personal properties and escaped. One crew member remains missing.","coords.x1":2.445,"coords.x2":6.265} {"Reference":"2011-235","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPORT VESSEL","Desc1":"TAKORADI ANCHORAGE, GHANA: Around seven robers armed with knives in three fishing boats came close to a support vessel at anchor. Two robbers managed to board and steal ship properties during watch change over. Port authority informed. All crew safe.","coords.x1":-1.72333,"coords.x2":4.90333} {"Reference":"2011-224","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA: Two robbers attempted to board a tanker 29 April at 2255 UTC while at anchor in position 06-06N 002-37E, approximately 22NM south of Porto Novo, Benin. Seven armed robbers approached the tanker in a boat. Two robbers tried to board the","Desc2":"tanker from the fenders. After an alarm was raised, the robbers aborted the attack and traveled toward Lagos, Nigeria. (IMB)","coords.x1":2.61667,"coords.x2":6.1} {"Reference":"2011-203","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 67 MILES OFF COTONOU, BENIN: Ten armed robers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor. The vessel sent an SSAS alert. The piracy reporting center cotacted the authorities and requested assistance for the crew and vessel. Further information indicated","Desc2":"that the robers left the vessel on 14 April after stealing crew and ship property. All crew safe.","coords.x1":2.08333,"coords.x2":5.26667} {"Reference":"2011-204","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA: A supply ship was attacked 11 April at 1100Z while in position 04-39N 008-22.12E, approximately 82 miles souteast of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The vessel was attacked by 12 armed men in a speedboat. The captain of the vessel was taken","Desc2":"hostage. (Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":8.36867,"coords.x2":4.65} {"Reference":"2011-170","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GHANA: A tanker was suspiciously approached 21 Mar at 1630 UTC while underway in position 03-42N 001-58W, approximately 70NM SW of Takoradi. A single boat with five persons onboard approached within 10 meters of the vessel. The Master raised the alarm","Desc2":"and activated fire hoses. A second boat joined the first but remained 100 meters behind the tanker before breaking off. (IMB)","coords.x1":-1.96667,"coords.x2":3.7} {"Reference":"2011-143","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: A chemical tanker was suspiciously approached 3 March at 1730 UTC while underway in position 06-18.7N 003-25.0E, approximately 3NM south of the Lagos fairway buoy. Three persons in a green colored fast craft approached the vessel. One person was","Desc2":"in uniform. They fired their weapons in the air and demanded the gangway be lowered. The Master refused to lower the gangway, heaved up anchor and moved away from the anchorage. (IMB)","coords.x1":3.41667,"coords.x2":6.31167} {"Reference":"2011-103","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Chemical tanker was approached 10 Feb at 0135 local time while underway in position 05-31.9N 003-38E, approximately 50NM off Lagos, Nigeria. Seven to eight armed robbers in a fishing boat approached the tanker from astern. The duty officer","Desc2":"noticed the approach and informed the tanker's Master. The Master then raised the alarm, activated SSAS alert, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The robbers opened fire while attempting to board the tanker using heaving line attached to a hook.","Desc3":"The robbers chased the tanker for around one hour before aborting the attack. Local authorities were informed. (IMB)","coords.x1":3.63333,"coords.x2":5.53167} {"Reference":"2011-91","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tug was boarded 27 Jan at 0820 local time while underway in position 04-11.6N 006-58.3E, approximately 3NM SW of the Bonny Fairway buoy. Six criminals armed with guns boarded the vessel. They stole the vessel's and captain's cash, property, and","Desc2":"personal belongings, and escaped with no injuries to the crew. (IMB)","coords.x1":6.97167,"coords.x2":4.19333} {"Reference":"2011-3","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Chemical tanker robbed and hijacked 24 Dec 10 at 2220 UTC while at anchor in position 06-07.7N 002-37.2E, approximately 60NM southwest of Lagos. 15 armed men boarded an anchored chemical tanker. The robbers were very violent with the crew and","Desc2":"mustered them in the mess room. Ship and crew cash and crew personal items stolen. Some crew members suffered minor injuries. Later the robbers forced the chief engineer and master the sail the vessel under their orders to an undesignated position. Here","Desc3":"the vessel was forced to conduct STS operations and discharge their cargo into a smaller unnamed vessel. The STS operations were completed on 26 Dec. The men then ordered the vessel to sail under their orders. The robbers left the vessel on 27 Dec, and","Desc4":"the incident was reported to the owners. (IMB)","coords.x1":2.62,"coords.x2":6.12833} {"Reference":"2010-538","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"25 MILES OFF LAGOS NIGERIA: A suspicious vessel approached a drifting container ship. At a distance of 2.1 miles the vessel stopped and launched a skiff with seven armed pirates. The skiff chased ad fired upon the ship with intent to board. Master raised","Desc2":"alarm, increased speed and crew activated hoses, smoke signals and fired rocket flares at the skiff. The pirates made several attempts to board the ship and finally aborted the attack due to the effective and anti-piracy measures taken by the ship","Desc3":"including rigging of razor wires and electric fence.","coords.x1":3.55972,"coords.x2":6.01} {"Reference":"2010-537","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: General cargo ship robbed 14 Dec 10 at 2345 UTC while drifting in position 05-55N 003-17E, approximately 30NM south of Lagos. About eight robbers armed with crowbars, machetes, and guns fired upon and boarded a general cargo ship drifting off","Desc2":"Lagos. Crew were assaulted, resulting in four injuries. The robbers stole ship and crew cash and property and escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":3.28333,"coords.x2":5.91667} {"Reference":"2010-483","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: Tanker robbed 21 Nov at 0235 local time while at anchor in position 05-13.5N 004-02.1W in the Abidjan anchorage. Three robbers ared with knives boarded a tanker at anchor. Duty officer noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. Robbers","Desc2":"managed to escape along with stolen ship's stores.","coords.x1":-4.035,"coords.x2":5.225} {"Reference":"2010-436","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tug robbed 5 Nov 10 at 1322 local time while underway in position 04-38N 008-22E, approximately 10NM south of Parrot Island, Calabar. Twenty pirates armed with guns in two speed boats boarded a tug underway. All crew locked themselves into the","Desc2":"citadel which had CCTV. Pirates damaged and stole ship's properties. After pirates left, the crew regained control of the vessel. (IMB)","coords.x1":8.36667,"coords.x2":4.63333} {"Reference":"2010-392","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Container vessel robbed 20 Oct 10 at 0001 local time while at anchor in position 06-07.5N 003-26.7E, approximately 20NM south of Lagos. Armed men approached in a boat, fired at the vessel, and boarded. The crew raised the alarm and cooperated","Desc2":"with the gang. Robbers took all the crew's personal belongings, including computers, cell phones, and money. The robbery lasted approximately one hour. There were no injuries to the crew. Port control in Lagos was raised on VHF but did not respond. (ONI)","coords.x1":3.445,"coords.x2":6.125} {"Reference":"2010-349","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker boarded and three crewmembers kidnapped 1 Oct 2010 at 0100 local time while in position 04-03.45N 006-48.07E, approximately 25NM southwest of Bonny Island. Heavily armed men boarded a tanker and kidnapped the chief engineer, 2nd officer,","Desc2":"and mess boy. IMB awaits further details.(IMB)","coords.x1":6.80117,"coords.x2":4.0575} {"Reference":"2010-360","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Bulk carrier robbed 23 Sep 10 at 1945 local time while at berth in Lagos. Five robbers armed with knives boarded a bulk carrier at berth. The robbers threatened one of the deck watch keepers, took his walkie talkie, and locked him in the paint","Desc2":"store. They were spotted by the shore watchman who raised the alarm. The robbers escaped with ship stores and crew personal effects. The incident was reported to the local authorities, and the police boarded the vessel for further investigation. (IMB)","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2010-361","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: General cargo ship robbed 22 Sep 10 at 2200 UTC while in berthed in position 06-26.5N 003-23.2E in Apapa port. Four robbers armed with a gun, a knife, and two sticks boarded a berthed general cargo ship via speed boat. They took hostage the duty","Desc2":"crew, hit him with sticks, and stole his walkie talkie and cell phone. Master raised alarm and reported to port control. The crew armed with long sticks proceeded toward the robbers. Upon seeing the alert crew, the robbers escaped with ship's properties.","Desc3":"Local authorities dispatched four policemen to the ship but the robbers had already escaped in their speed boat. (IMB)","coords.x1":3.38667,"coords.x2":6.44167} {"Reference":"2010-327","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TOWED VESSEL","Desc1":"BONNY RIVER, NIGERIA: About 21 armed pirates in three crafts boarded a pipe layer crane vessel undertow. All crew locked themselves in accomodations. Pirates were able to take one crewmember as a hostage. Master called Nigerian naval vessel in vicinity.","Desc2":"Later pirates released the crew and left the vessel. All crew safe.","coords.x1":6.91,"coords.x2":3.83167} {"Reference":"2010-325","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"DOUALA PORT, CAMEROON: Two robbers armed with knives in a boat boarded a berthed general cargo ship during heavy rain. They opened the locked mast house but were noticed by duty crew. The robbers escaped with ship's stores.","coords.x1":9.7,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2010-318","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"CAMEROON: Dredger (AMERIGO VESPUCI) robbed 12 Sep 10 at 2130 local time while at anchor in position 03-53N 009-32E in port Douala. About 12 robbers armed with machine guns in two speed boats boarded a general cargo ship at anchor. They took hostage four","Desc2":"crew members and damaged ship's equipment. The crew contacted local authorities. The robbers left before the authorities arrived. A company spokesman said he had no news regarding the demands of the gang, such as whether it was seeking a ransom for the","Desc3":"two hostages. (IMB, Reuters)","coords.x1":9.53333,"coords.x2":3.88333} {"Reference":"2010-309","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: Vessel robbed 4 Sep 10 at 0130 local time while underway in position 05-51.9S 013-03E, 1NM southeast of Boma anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel. The duty officer noticed and raised the","Desc2":"alarm, but the robbers managed to steal ship's stores and escape. (IMB)","coords.x1":13.05,"coords.x2":-5.865} {"Reference":"2010-301","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: Product tanker robber 31 Aug 10 at 0110 UTC while at anchorage in position 05-52.4S 013-01.9E, approximately 2NM west of Boma. Three robbers armed with knives boarded a product tanker at anchor. They stole ship's stores","Desc2":"and escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":13.03167,"coords.x2":-5.87333} {"Reference":"2010-269","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LANDING CRAFT","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Landing craft vessel boarded, crewmembers kidnapped 11 Aug 10 at 1636 UTC while underway in position 04-05N 006-45E, approximately 2NM off Bonny River fairway buoy. Seven men armed with machine guns boarded the vessel while underway. The master","Desc2":"and chief officer remained on the bridge and all the other crewmembers were instructed to lock themselves in a safe compartment. After a few hours, the crew came out of hiding to find the bridge unmanned. The gunmen had kidnapped the master and chief","Desc3":"officer and taken them to an unknown location. The chief engineer informed the owners and managers who reported the incident to local authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":6.75,"coords.x2":4.08333} {"Reference":"2010-255","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SURVEY VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: Seismic survey vessel fired upon 25 Jul 10 at 0200 UTC while underway in position 04-16N 008-52E, approximately 2NM off the coast. The vessel supported by four chase boats with armed personnel onboard was approached by two boats with six armed","Desc2":"men in each. The boats opened fire on one chase boat and attempted to board. The armed guards returned fire and the two boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":8.86667,"coords.x2":4.26667} {"Reference":"2010-234","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"3 MILES SOUTH OF BONNY RIVER, NIGERIA: Twelve robbers in two speed boats attacked a bulk carrier at anchor. They fired with hand made guns and attempted to board the ship using hooks attached to ropes. Ship's crew raised alarm, directed search light and","Desc2":"attacked the robbers with sling shot. Robbers fired several shots and finally aborted the attempt and moved away. One crew wounded but not serious. Bonny signal station and pilot station were informed.","coords.x1":7.03222,"coords.x2":4.15306} {"Reference":"2010-221","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"COTE D'IVOIRE: Container ship robbed 14 Jun 10 at 0030 local time while anchored in position 05-13.2N 004-02.6W, Abidjan anchorage. Four to five robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel and threatened the deck watchmen, who retreated into the","Desc2":"accommodation. The robbers stole ships stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-4.04333,"coords.x2":5.22} {"Reference":"2010-195","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"CAMEROON: Cargo ship (NORTH SPIRIT) robbed, crewmembers kidnapped 16 May 10 at 2140 UTC while anchored in position 03-44N 009-21.1E, Douala outer anchorage. Robbers armed with guns boarded the vessel and disabled all radio and navigation equipment, took","Desc2":"valuables, money and personal effects from the crewmembers' cabins. They took the Russian master and senior mechanic hostage when they departed the vessel. As of 17 May, the men's whereabouts were still unknown (IMB, Reuters, MSC-HOA).","coords.x1":9.35167,"coords.x2":3.73333} {"Reference":"2010-194","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"CAMEROON: Refrigerated cargo ship (ARGO) robbed, crewmember kidnapped 16 May 10 at 2255 UTC while anchored in position 03-44.2N 009-24.59E, Douala outer anchorage. Approximately 10 robbers boarded the vessel and opened fire with automatic weapons. They","Desc2":"robbed the ship's safe and kidnapped the captain before escaping (IMB, Reuters).","coords.x1":9.40983,"coords.x2":3.73667} {"Reference":"2010-162","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"LAGOS, NIGERIA: Seven robbers armed with rifles and knives boarded a bulk carrier during anchoring operations. They assaulted the master and 3rd officer. The masters eye was injured and both the master and 3rd officer received head injuries resulting in","Desc2":"bleeding. The robbers damaged ships equipments, took crew's cash and personal belongings and escaped.","coords.x1":3.35833,"coords.x2":6.29833} {"Reference":"2010-151","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"OFF LAGOS, NIGERIA: 3RD officer on a product tanker noticed on radar a boat approaching from the port bow. When Aldis lights were directed at the boat, the boat stopped and turned towards another vessel. Later the boat approached the tanker from astern.","Desc2":"Alarm raised, pirates opened fire at tanker. Pirates attempted to board the vessel but failed due to razor wire around the deck and the constant maneuvering. All ships in the vicinity informed via VHF. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":3.34861,"coords.x2":6.16833} {"Reference":"2010-153","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Tanker robbed 24 Apr 10 while anchored at Boma. Robbers boarded the vessel and stole ship's properties before escaping unnoticed. No further details to provide (IMB).","coords.x1":13.05,"coords.x2":-5.86667} {"Reference":"2010-134","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Container ship reported attempted boarding 12 Apr 10 at 1215 UTC while drifting in position 06-16.6N 003-26.9E, Lagos roads. Three men armed with automatic rifles in a fiberglass motor boat approached the vessel with intent to board. The duty","Desc2":"officer raised the alarm and conducted evasive maneuvers. The armed men aborted the attempt due to the alertness of the crew. Port authority and ships in the vicinity were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":3.44833,"coords.x2":6.27667} {"Reference":"2010-83","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"LAGOS ANCHORAGE, NIGERIA: Eight robbers armed with knives boarded a chemical tanker. The robbers injured two crew who had to be taken ashore by pilot vessel for treatment. Ship's and crew cash and properties stolen.","coords.x1":3.40167,"coords.x2":6.31167} {"Reference":"2010-88","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tug robbed 20 Mar 10 at 1411 UTC while underway in position 04-47N 008-18.5E, Calabar. Three armed men boarded the vessel and fired warning shots into the air with machine guns. The master sent SSAS alert and contacted local agents for","Desc2":"assistance. The men managed to enter the bridge, steal ship's equipment and escape (IMB).","coords.x1":8.30833,"coords.x2":4.78333} {"Reference":"2010-21","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"COTE D'IVOIRE: Tanker robbed 5 Jan 10 at 2356 local time while anchored at Abidjan outer anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives in a small boat boarded the tanker. One of the robbers a crewmember hostage and threatened him with a knife while the","Desc2":"other robbers stole ship's stores. The alarm was raised and the robbers escaped with the stolen stores. Port authority was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-4.02667,"coords.x2":5.33639} {"Reference":"2010-5","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Small boat with armed pirates","Victim":"Bulk carrier","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Bulk carrier fired upon 29 Dec 09 at 2010 UTC while anchored in position 06-10N 003-24E, Lagos anchorage. One small boat with armed robbers onboard opened fire on the vessel. Counter-piracy measures were enforced which prevented the boarding","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.16667} {"Reference":"2010-4","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Three Pirates","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker robbed 29 Dec 09 at 2116 local time while anchored in position 06-17.73N 003-22.7E, Lagos anchorage. Three armed robbers boarded the vessel and stole crew personal belongings and ship?s equipment before escaping approximately 2 hours","Desc2":"later (IMB).","coords.x1":3.37833,"coords.x2":6.2955} {"Reference":"2010-6","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"General cargo ship","Desc1":"NIGERIA: General cargo ship fired upon, robbed 28 Dec 09 at 0020 local time while anchored in Lagos anchorage. Robbers armed with automatic weapons boarded the vessel and opened fire at the crew, injuring three crewmembers. The robbers stole personal","Desc2":"belongings and ship's stores and equipment. The captain attempted to contact authorities for assistance but was not successful. The IMB Piracy Reporting Center received the distress message from the vessel and relayed the message to the Nigerian","Desc3":"authorities who responded by sending a boat to evacuate the injured crewmembers to shore for medical treatment (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2009-486","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"LAGOS ANCHORAGE, NIGERIA: Robbers armed with automatic weapons attacked and boarded an anchored general cargo ship. They assaulted and fired at the crew. Three crew members were injured. The robbers stole crew personal properties and ship's stores and","Desc2":"equipment. Master's attempt to contact authorities and agents for assistance were futile. The IB PRC received the distress message from the ship and relayed to the Nigerian authorities requesteding to render assistance for the injured crew. At dawn,","Desc3":"agents sent a boat to evacuate the injured crew's to shore for medical treatment.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2010-7","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Fly boat","Victim":"Supply vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Supply vessel fired upon 19 Dec 09 at 0250 local time while in position 04-15N 008-11E, Ubit oil field. While at stand-by running security patterns at Ubit North anchorage, a fly boat was spotted approaching the vessel. Shot were fired and the","Desc2":"bridge responded with lock-down order and evasive actions. The fly boat circled and when the spot-light focused on them, they ran north towards shore. No injuries or damage to report. A sweep of the vessel found no boarders (Risk Intelligence/MaRisk).","coords.x1":8.18333,"coords.x2":4.25} {"Reference":"2009-477","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"TEMA ROADS, GHANA: Ten robbers ared with machetes boarded a container ship at anchor via the anchor chain. They held three duty crewmembers, threatened them with the machetes at their throat and tied the up to bollards. The robber stole ship's property","Desc2":"and stores from forward store and escaped. Port control informed. A patrol boat was sent to the location.","coords.x1":0.04833,"coords.x2":5.64667} {"Reference":"2010-8","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Five Pirates","Victim":"Fishermen","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Fishermen attacked, robbed 10 Dec 09 at 0700 local time at Beregede village along the Bonny River. Five men in one speedboat reportedly attacked two fishermen resulting in severe injuries. The robbers stole their 15 HP outboard engine before","Desc2":"escaping (Risk Intelligence/MaRisk).","coords.x1":4.13333,"coords.x2":5.58333} {"Reference":"2009-453","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"BENIN: Tanker (CANCALE STAR) robbed, crewmember killed 24 Nov 09 early morning while underway approximately 18 NM off Fairway Bouy, Cotonou. The tanker's Latvian captain said around six or seven men had approached the tanker in a speed boat. The","Desc2":"Ukrainian Chief Officer was killed. Medics aboard the vessel said four other crew members were wounded in the attack, one seriously. Some of the crew managed to overpower one of the attackers and handed him over to police for questioning. The captured","Desc3":"individual said he was from a Nigerian border town (Risk Intelligence/MaRisk, Reuters).","coords.x1":2.43333,"coords.x2":6.35} {"Reference":"2009-454","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Bulk carrier robbed 20 Nov 09 at 0500 local time while berthed at Port Harcourt. A tug came alongside the vessel when three robbers armed with knives boarded her and threatened two duty crewmembers who approached them. The robbers stole two","Desc2":"drums from the vessel. The vessel's crew reported the robbery to port security who then arrived on the scene and managed to convince the men on the tug to return the drums by giving them money. The tug came back alongside the vessel and returned the","Desc3":"drums (IMB).","coords.x1":7,"coords.x2":4.75} {"Reference":"2009-459","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Bulk carrier robbed 15 Nov 09 at 2100 local time while anchored in position 06-12.8N 003-23.7E, Lagos anchorage. Robbers armed with guns and knives in a speedboat boarded the vessel by using bamboo sticks with hooks. They fired warning shots","Desc2":"when the crew tried to remove the bamboo sticks. Eleven crewmembers were injured after being assaulted with cable wires. The robbers destroyed navigational equipment and stole crew cash and personal belongings before escaping. The robbers were onboard","Desc3":"for approximately two hours. Port control was notified but were unable to provide assistance (IMB).","coords.x1":3.395,"coords.x2":6.21333} {"Reference":"2009-415","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Bulk carrier robbed 30 Oct 09 at 2125 UTC while anchored in position 06-08.16N 003-27.68E, Lagos anchorage. Nine armed men in a speedboat boarded the vessel and opened fire. They took all the crewmembers hostage. They assaulted the crew and","Desc2":"damaged the ship's communication equipment. They stole ship's cash and money and other personal belongings from the crew before escaping. Five crewmembers were injured. The Nigerian navy was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":3.46133,"coords.x2":6.136} {"Reference":"2009-416","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Chemical tanker robbed 30 Oct 09 at 2015 local time while underway in position 06-10N 003-33E, Lagos anchorage. Six men armed with guns and knives in a speedboat boarded the vessel as it was drifting. The master raised the alarm, activated SSAS,","Desc2":"and contacted Lagos port control while the crew activated fire hoses. The armed men started firing at the bridge windows and accommodation doors, but were unable to gain entry into the accommodation. The robbers were able to enter into the bridge and","Desc3":"took all the crewmembers hostage. They assaulted some of the crewmembers and damaged the communication equipment. They stole ship's cash and money and other personal belongings from the crew. They then locked the crewmembers in a cabin before escaping","Desc4":"(IMB).","coords.x1":3.55,"coords.x2":6.16667} {"Reference":"2009-399","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Chemical tanker robbed 16 Oct 09 at 0300 local time while anchored at Lagos anchorage. Six robbers armed with guns boarded the vessel. They stole and transferred a cargo of oil into their boat and escaped. No injuries to the crew were reported","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2009-390","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: Fishing vessel (ROSE III) attacked 10 Oct 09, while operating off the Bakassi Peninsula. No crewmembers were injured in the attack and the vessel was not damaged. Cameroon forces reportedly seized the men responsible for the attack (Reuters,","Desc2":"Risk Intelligence/MaRisk).","coords.x1":8.83333,"coords.x2":4.83333} {"Reference":"2009-377","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Supply vessel robbed 28 Sep 09 close to midnight while underway in position 04-10N 007-00E, approximately nine nautical miles off Bonny and close to the Bonny Fairway Buoy. The robbers took crew valuables (Risk Intelligence/MaRisk).","coords.x1":7,"coords.x2":4.16667} {"Reference":"2009-359","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Cargo ship robbed 20 Sep 09 at 0815 local time while underway in position 03-59N 006-46E, Bonny River. Six armed men boarded the vessel, stealing ship's stores and cash. They ransacked the crew cabins stole personl belongings and left the vessel","Desc2":"after approximately one hour. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB).","coords.x1":6.76667,"coords.x2":3.98333} {"Reference":"2009-354","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tug briefly hijacked, vessel robbed 7 Sep 09 at 0600 UTC in position 03-53.50N 006-47.50E, approximately 30NM from Port Harcourt. Nine men armed with automatic weapons in a speedboat boarded and hijacked an offshore tug. They then used the tug","Desc2":"to board another vessel in the vicinity. They robbed crew members of personal belongings and then left both vessels after approximately 40 minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":6.79167,"coords.x2":3.89167} {"Reference":"2009-349","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"DOUALA PORT, CAMEROON: Armed robbers in two skiffs approached a tanker restricted in her ability to maneuver. One skiff managed to throw a hook and line over the vessel. The alert crew raised the alarm switched on the deck lights and mustered. Seeing","Desc2":"alert crew the robbers aborted and moved away. Later the master heard over the VHF that armed robbers had assaulted the crew and looted another vessel. The robbers had jammed the VHF signal for the duration of the attack.","coords.x1":9.41722,"coords.x2":3.80056} {"Reference":"2009-346","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"APAPA PORT, LAGOS, NIGERIA: Four robbers boarded a chemical tanker at berth and threatened the duty watchman with a gun. The robbers stole ship's properties and escaped by boat. Local authorities informed, no one injured.","coords.x1":3.36667,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2009-340","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"BOMA ANCHORAGE, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Two robbers armed with sticks boarded a refridgerated cargo ship at anchor. Duty crew spotted the robbers and raised alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped in the water and escaped. Traffic control","Desc2":"informed.","coords.x1":13.05,"coords.x2":-5.86667} {"Reference":"2009-337","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Vessel (SATURNAS) boarded, crewmembers kidnapped 3 Aug 09 while operating in the vicinity of the Escravos River in the western Niger Delta. The Lithuanian-flagged vessel came under attack by an unidentified group in a high-speed boat, according","Desc2":"to a statement by the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry. The men kidnapped five of the crewmembers, taking them to an unknown location, but left the remaining nine crewmembers onboard. No crewmembers were reported injured, while the vessel sustained no damage","Desc3":"(Bloomberg, LM: Topnews.in).","coords.x1":5.07361,"coords.x2":5.47389} {"Reference":"2009-331","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BONNY RIVER PORT HARCOURT NIGERIA: Heavily armed pirates in two speedboats, seven in each boat approached and opened fired on a bulk carrier at anchor. The vessel immediately heaved anchor and proceeded to open seas for safety reasons. One crew member","Desc2":"injured.","coords.x1":6.62194,"coords.x2":3.92444} {"Reference":"2009-319","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"C?TE D'IVOIRE: Tanker robbed 12 Jul 09 at 2336 UTC while anchored in position 05-12.5N 004-03.9E, Abidjan anchorage. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the tanker via the forecastle. The robbers stole the ships stores, and escaped in a small boat when","Desc2":"discovered (IMB).","coords.x1":4.06,"coords.x2":5.20833} {"Reference":"2009-320","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"MILITANTS/PIRATES","Victim":"OIL FACILITY","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Oil facility attacked 12 Jul 09 at 2230 local time at the Atlas Cove jetty in Lagos. Four naval officers and four civilians were killed in an attack reportedly carried out by MEND. The militants exchanged gunfire with naval officers guarding the","Desc2":"facility, before they used dynamite to hit 10 pipes. A MEND spokesman confirmed that the group was responsible for the attack. According to the spokesman, 18 militants in two gunboats were involved in the attack. About 20 workers were injured in the fire","Desc3":"(LM: AllAfrica).","coords.x1":3.33333,"coords.x2":6.28333} {"Reference":"2009-315","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Chemical tanker (SIEHEM PEACE) boarded, crewmembers kidnapped 5 Jul 09 at 2045 local time while underway, approximately 20NM from Escravos. The militant organization MEND claimed it seized the six crewmembers from the vessel and would hold the","Desc2":"crew until further notice. The group also claimed it had destroyed a strategic Chevron facility. There were no indications of casualties (AP, Bloomberg).","coords.x1":5.11,"coords.x2":5.55083} {"Reference":"2009-309","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ABIDJAN ANCHORAGE IVORY COAST: Four armed robbers in a boat came close to a bulk carrier at anchor. Two robbers boarded and were cutting the ship line when the alert duty watchman sighted and shouted at the men and also reported to the duty officer. One","Desc2":"robber approached the duty watchman with a long knife. The duty watchman ran away and the ship's alarm was raised. Robbers escaped with no injuries and nothing.","coords.x1":-4.04972,"coords.x2":5.21639} {"Reference":"2009-312","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"LAGOS, NIGERIA: Armed robbers attempted to board an anchored bulk carrier using hooks and ropes. Noticing the robbers the ship's crew tried to drive away the attackers. One robber managed to board but was forced back. In the attempt to board the robbers","Desc2":"fired automatic weapons on the ship injuring three crew members. The injured were later sent ashore for medical treatment.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2009-285","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Five pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Bulk carrier robbed 10 June 09 at 0545 UTC while anchored in position 04-01N 006-48E, approximately 20NM off Nigeria. Five heavily armed robbers boarded the vessel using a hook attached to a rope. Once on board, they fired warning shots and","Desc2":"threatened to take the master hostage. Approximately a half hour later, the robbers left the vessel with the crew and ship?s cash as well as any property of value (IMB)..","coords.x1":6.8,"coords.x2":4.01667} {"Reference":"2009-286","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Sixteen Pirates","Victim":"Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"CAMEROON: Cargo vessel robbed 9 June 09 at 0324 UTC while at anchorage in Douala. Sixteen robbers armed with guns and knives damaged communication equipment and stole all cash located on the vessel. Three crewmembers were injured in the incident (IMB).","coords.x1":9.66667,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"2009-287","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"CAMEROON: Tanker robbed 9 June 09 at 0224 UTC while underway near Douala anchorage. Robbers disabled communication equipment, stole all money on board an escaped. The 3rd officer was injured in the incident. (IMB)","coords.x1":9.65,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"2009-272","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"CONGO: Vessel boarded 29 May 09 at 0340 local time while anchored in Boma roads. Two robbers armed with machetes boarded the vessel and threatened the duty watchman. The alarm was raised and crew mustered. The robbers escaped upon hearing the alarm","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":13.05,"coords.x2":-5.86667} {"Reference":"2009-262","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Vessel robbed 21 May 09 at 0320 local time while anchored in Lagos roads. Six robbers armed with automatic weapons boarded the vessel. They broke down the captain and chief officer's cabin doors and stole cash. The captain raised the distress","Desc2":"signal. The robbers left 20 minutes later after stealing personal property (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2009-208","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Chemical tanker robbed, crew members kidnapped 20 Apr 09 at 2030 local time while underway in position 04-00N - 006-07E, approximately 50NM southwest of Onne. Eight pirates in a speed boat wearing masks and armed with guns fired upon the vessel","Desc2":"and boarded it. They shut down the INMARSAT system and took hostage the chief officer. The main engine was stopped under armed threat and another boat came alongside with two more gunmen. Their intention was to get the ship?s cash and not to harm any of","Desc3":"the crew. The captain gave all the cash to the gunmen. They kidnapped the captain and the engineer and escaped with the cash and personal belongings. The two kidnapped crew members were released two days later (IMB).","coords.x1":6.11667,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"2009-192","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"LAGOS, NIGERIA: Two motor boats with eleven robbers armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier at berth. Robbers climbed using hooks and ropes. Robbers broke into store room and stole ship's stores. Duty officer raised alarm, crew mustered and rushed","Desc2":"to the location. On sighting the crew, robbers threatened with long knives and escaped in their boats.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2009-141","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Chemical tanker reported attempted boarding 26 Mar 09 at 2220 local time while at Lagos anchorage. The vessels crew noticed a boat with several persons armed with machine guns, RPGs, and machetes attempting to climb onboard with the use of a","Desc2":"rope. All crew was alerted and the alarm raised. Upon seeing the alert crew, the robbers aborted the attempt and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2009-119","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Passenger boats attacked, women abducted 14 Mar 09 while underway from Bonny Island to Part Harcourt. According to a Nigerian military spokesman, gunmen attacked two passenger boats, forcing the men to jump overboard. They then abducted at least","Desc2":"five women and brutally raped and tortured them. The women were later rescued by the Nigerian military after receiving a distress call (BBC, LM: Afriquejet).","coords.x1":7.01667,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2009-120","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: Vessel (SIL TIDE) attacked, crewmembers kidnapped 14 Mar 09 while underway approximately 8NM off the coast of Bakassi, on the Nigeria-Cameroon border. According to security officials, approximately 30 gunmen in speedboats attacked the vessel","Desc2":"early morning. Around five shots were fired and six men were taken as hostages. All six hostages were released two days later (AFP, LM: AfricaNews).","coords.x1":8.83333,"coords.x2":4.33333} {"Reference":"2009-109","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: TANKER BOARDED 11 MAR 09 AT 0252Z WHILE ANCHORED IN POSITION 06-19N 003-25E, LAGOS ANCHORAGE. MEN ARMED WITH GUNS, KNIVES, AND IRON RODS BOARDED THE VESSEL AND ASSULTED THE CREW. THE CAPTAIN AND ANOTHER CREW MEMBER WERE SERIOUSLY INJURED. THE","Desc2":"CAPTAIN RECEIVED MEDICAL TREATMENT ONBOARD WHILE THE OTHER INJURED CREW MEMBER WAS SENT ASHORE FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT. THE VESSEL WEIGHED ANCHOR AND PROCEEDED AWAY FROM PORT. A FULL REPORT AND MORE DETAILS ARE AWAITED FROM THE OWNERS.","coords.x1":3.41667,"coords.x2":6.31667} {"Reference":"2009-99","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FERRY BOAT","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Ferry hijacked, passengers kidnapped 4 Mar 09 midday local time while underway near the Bonny Island gas terminal at Dutch Island Creek. While transiting from Port Harcourt to Bonny Island, the ferry was hijacked by gunmen, who then robbed all","Desc2":"the passengers of their valuables. The passengers were later released along a mangrove at a creek. However, the vessels boat driver and conductor were still held onboard. No injuries to the released passengers were reported. No group has claimed","Desc3":"responsibility for the hijacking (AFP, Reuters).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2009-95","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SEVEN PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Five pirates armed with automatic guns in a high speed boat and two pirates in a fishing boat approached a product tanker underway. They opened fire at the bridge and attempted to board the tanker. Master raised alarm, increased speed and took","Desc2":"evasive manoeuvres. Due to the evasive manoeuvres, pirates aborted the attempted attack.","coords.x1":6.76806,"coords.x2":3.98333} {"Reference":"2009-83","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker attacked, robbed 14 Feb 09 at 2130 UTC while at Lagos anchorage. Around 12 to 14 robbers wearing masks and armed with AK-47s boarded the vessel at anchor. They took a crewmember hostage and forced him to guide them to the bridge. They","Desc2":"opened fire and destroyed the ship's communication system and then stole ship's stores and personal belongings before departing after 30 to 40 minutes. No crewmembers were injured (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2009-80","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SE OF PENNINGTON TERMINAL, NIGERIA: Ten heavily armed pirates in a speed boat approached and attempted to stop a tanker underway. The pirates opened fire at the vessel. Alarm raised and crew alerted. Master took evasive measures and prevented boarding.","Desc2":"Pirates continued firing at the vessel and attempted to board but failed due to effective preventive measures. Later, pirates aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":5.78333,"coords.x2":3.98333} {"Reference":"2009-65","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Vessel attacked, captain killed 5 Feb 09 at 0200 UTC while operating in an oilfield off the coast of southern Nigeria's Akwa Ibom state. Two private security groups working in the sector said a gang in two boats attacked the vessel. The captain","Desc2":"of the vessel was killed and one other crewmember was injured, according to sources (AP, Reuters).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2009-59","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: Fishing vessels attacked, skipper killed 24 Jan 09 while operating just off the port of Douala near Kribi. According to reports some 30 armed men used three small craft to board and seize a fishing vessel. They attempted to take it into","Desc2":"international waters but a second fishing vessel gave chase. The skipper of the second vessel was shot dead. The gang then robbed the crews of both ships and abandoned them, escaping from the scene in their small craft. The Cameroonian navy is reported","Desc3":"to have rescued the 40 surviving fishing vessels crew members (Maritime Global Net).","coords.x1":9.7,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2009-47","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker (MEREDITH) attacked 21 Jan 09, early morning while underway in the Bonny Fairway Buoy in the Niger Delta. Heavily armed assailants riding in four speedboats hit the tanker with dynamite at around dawn as it was in transit to Port Harcourt","Desc2":"with approximately 4,000 tons of diesel fuel. A Romanian crewmember was taken hostage but later released according to Nigerian military officials. An official said the unidentified gunmen inflicted massive damage on the tankers engine and superstructure.","Desc3":"The militant group MEND later claimed its affiliates had carried out the attack (UPI, Reuters, AP).","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2009-54","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"TEMA ROADS, GHANA: Robbers boarded a container ship at anchor. They broke into a container and escaped with its contents and other ship's stores.","coords.x1":-0.03611,"coords.x2":5.625} {"Reference":"2009-58","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GHANA: Container ship robbed 19 Jan 09 at 2300 local time while anchored in Tema roads. Robbers boarded the container ship and broke into a container, then escaping with its contents and other ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":-0.03611,"coords.x2":5.625} {"Reference":"2009-46","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL, TANKER, TUG","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Loading vessel (LAMNALCO WAXBILL), tanker (FRONT CHIEF), tug boat attacked 18 Jan 09, early morning at a crude loading platform in the Bonny oil terminal, owned by Shell and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation. According to sources,","Desc2":"Nigerian militants attempted to board the tanker (FRONT CHIEF) but were unable to do so, then turned their attention to the (LAMNALCO WAXBILL) as it was loading crude oil. The militants abducted eight Nigerians from a nearby tugboat, killing another, and","Desc3":"wounding the captain. The militant group MEND later claimed its affiliates were behind the attack (AFP, Reuters, LL).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2009-44","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"TOGO: Bulk carrier reported an attempted boarding 15 Jan 09 at 0145 UTC while anchored in position 06-05N 001-15E, Lome anchorage. Seven armed robbers in a motor boat attempted to board the vessel at anchor. The duty officer raised the alarm and the crew","Desc2":"prepared fire hoses. Upon seeing crew alertness, the robbers aborted the attempted attack. Port control was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":1.25,"coords.x2":6.08333} {"Reference":"2009-36","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"LOME ANCHORAGE, TOGO:SEVEN, ARMED ROBBERS IN A MOTOR BOAT ATTEMPTED TO BOARD A BULK CARRIER AT ANCHOR. DUTY OFFICER RAISED ALARM AND CREW PREPARED FIRE HOSES. UPON SEEING CREW ALERTNESS THE ROBBERS ABORTED THE ATTEMPTED ATTACK. PORT CONTROL INFORMED.","coords.x1":1.25167,"coords.x2":6.09361} {"Reference":"2009-37","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"Lome anchorage, togo:Four robbers in a motor boat attempted to board a bulk carrier at anchor. Duty officer raised alarm and crew activated fire hoses. Upon seeing crew alertness the robbers aborted the attempt. Master heaved up anchor and proceeded to","Desc2":"open sea for drifting.","coords.x1":1.25167,"coords.x2":6.09361} {"Reference":"2009-41","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"LAGOS OUTER ANCHORAGE, NIGERIA:10 ROBBERS ARMED WITH GUNS AND KNIVES BOARDED A TANKER AT ANCHOR. THEY ATTACKED THE CAPTAIN, ROBBED CASH AND VALUABLES AND ESCAPED. AUTHORITIES INFORMED.","coords.x1":5.08333,"coords.x2":5.35} {"Reference":"2009-45","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"TOGO: Bulk carrier reported an attempted boarding 15 Jan 09 at 0235 UTC while anchored in position 06-05N 001-15E, Lome anchorage. Four robbers in a motor boat attempted to board the vessel at anchor. The duty officer raised the alarm and the crew","Desc2":"activated fire hoses. Upon seeing crew alertness, the robbers aborted the attempt. The master heaved up anchor and proceeded to open sea for drifting (IMB).","coords.x1":1.28722,"coords.x2":6.14} {"Reference":"2009-55","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"LAGOS OUTER ANCHORAGE, NIGERIA: 10 Robers armed with guns and knives boarded a tanker at anchor. They attacked the captain robbed cash adn valuables and escaped.","coords.x1":5.08333,"coords.x2":5.35} {"Reference":"2009-48","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CABLESHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Cable ship (VIKING FORCADOS) fired upon 13 Jan 09 while underway in the Niger Delta. Gunmen reached the ship on two or three swift boats and managed to climb aboard its deck but were unable to get inside. Crew members barricaded themselves in","Desc2":"the superstructure. The gunmen shot at the craft before disappearing after approximately two hours. None of the 52 crewmembers were injured, and ship suffered material damage (AFP, LM: Norway Post).","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":4.16667} {"Reference":"2009-30","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY TANKER","Desc1":"BONNY RIVER NIGERIA:SUPPLY VESSEL (BOURBON LEDA) HIJACKED 4 JAN 09, SUBSEQUENTLY RELEASED 7 JAN 09 WHILE TRANSITING ALONG THE BONNY RIVER, NIGER DELTA. THE VESSEL AND ITS NINE CREW MEMBERS WERE HIJACKED BY AN UNKNOWN NUMBER OF GUNMEN AS IT WAS MAKING ITS","Desc2":"WAY TO OFFSHORE OILFIELD. THE VESSEL WAS LATER RELEASED WITH ALL CREW MEMBERS REPORTEDLY UNHARMED. THERE HAVE BEEN NO FURTHER DETAILS ON THE RELEASE OF THE VESSEL.","coords.x1":7.25,"coords.x2":3.83333} {"Reference":"2008-502","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker fired upon 16 Dec 08 at 0740 local time while underway in position 03-43N 007-13E, 41NM south of Bonny River. A crewmember on watch onboard the tanker observed two speed boats approaching. Engines were started and the crew was alerted.","Desc2":"Several bullets from automatic gun were fired towards the accommodations. The boats were white in color. Each boat had at least nine pirates onboard dressed in blue/white coveralls (IMB).","coords.x1":7.21667,"coords.x2":3.71667} {"Reference":"2008-500","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"TWO SPEED BOATS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:OOW onboard a tanker drifting in position 03-43.3N 007-13.8E, observed two speed boats approachig it. Engines were started and crew alerted. Several bullets from automatic guns were fired towards the accommodation. The boats were white in color.","Desc2":"Each boat had at least nine pirates dressed in blue/white coveralls.","coords.x1":7.21889,"coords.x2":3.7175} {"Reference":"2008-479","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"TEMA ANCHORAGE, GHANA:FOUR ROBBERS BOARDED A OIL TANKER AT ANCHOR. ROBBERS STOLE SHIP'S STORES AND ESCAPED WHEN NOTICED. NO INJURIES TO CREW.","coords.x1":-0.03611,"coords.x2":5.625} {"Reference":"2008-468","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"Lagos Anchorage, Nigeria: Armed robbers in a small craft boarded a chemical tanker at anchor. They stole ship's property and escaped before the duty A/B raised the alarm. The craft was observed approaching another vessel. The tanker warned the vessel.","Desc2":"The craft aborted the attempt and headed back to the shore.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-474","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Chemical tanker boarded and robbed on 26 Nov 08 at 0430 local time while at anchorage Lagos. Armed robbers boarded the tanker from a small craft, stole the ships property and escaped before the alarm was raised. The craft was seen approaching","Desc2":"another vessel and the tanker warned the vessel. The craft aborted the attempt and headed back to shore (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-452","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Refrigerated cargo ship reported being fired upon on 16 Nov 08 at 0430 UTC while at anchor in position 04:08N-006:50E, Bonny outer road. Robbers in a speedboat circled the ship four times and then left. There was no injury to the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":6.83333,"coords.x2":4.13333} {"Reference":"2008-478","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"WARRI RIVER, NIGERIA:SEVERAL SPEEDBOATS WITH HEAVILY ARMED MEN APPROACHED A GENERAL CARGO SHIP UNDER PILOTAGE. THEY FIRED WARNING SHOTS INTO THE AIR, ORDERED THE PILOT TO STOP THE SHIP AD DEMANDED THE GANGWAY LADDER TO BE LOWERED. THE PIRATES BOARDED THE","Desc2":"SHIP AD SAILED IT TO THEIR REBEL BASE WHERE THEY ANCHORED IT. THE 19 CREW WERE TAKEN ASHORE. THE CREW AND SHIP WAS LATER RELEASED . NO HARM TO CREW.","coords.x1":5.3775,"coords.x2":5.58139} {"Reference":"2008-483","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:GENERAL CARGO VESSEL BOARDED 16 NOV 08 AT 1142Z WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 05-34N 005-22E, WARRI RIVER, PER 9 DEC REPORTING. SERVERAL SPEEDBOATS WITH HEAVILY ARMED MEN APPROACHED THE VESSEL UNDER PILOTAGE. THEY FIRED WARNING SHOTS INTO THE AIR,","Desc2":"ORDERED THE PILOT TO STOP THE SHIP AND DEMANDED THE GANGWAY LADDER TO BE LOWERED. THE PIRATES BOARDED THE SHIP AND SAILED IT TO THEIR REBEL BASE AND ANCHORED IT. THE 19 CREWMEMBERS WERE TAKEN ASHORE BUT LATER RELEASED. NO HARM WAS DONE TO THE CREW (IMB).","coords.x1":5.36667,"coords.x2":5.56667} {"Reference":"2008-447","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"REEFER VESSEL","Desc1":"Bonny Outer Road, Nigeria: Six robbers armed with automatic weapons opened fire at a refrigerated cargo ship at anchor. Robbers in a speedboat circled 4 times around the ship and left. No injury to crew.","coords.x1":0.83333,"coords.x2":4.13333} {"Reference":"2008-421","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: General cargo vessel boarded 2 Nov 08 at 0420 local time while in Apapa port, Lagos. Seven robbers boarded the vessel at berth. They broke the forecastle store padlocks, but escaped in a waiting speedboat as soon as the alert duty crew noticed","Desc2":"them. Local agent and company CSO were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-431","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker robbed on 1 Nov 2008 at 2205 local time while anchored at 06-19N 003-26E, Lagos OPL anchorage. Two robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored tanker from the stern. They overpowered the duty crewmember, tied up his hands, stole his","Desc2":"radio and threatened to kill him if he screamed. The robbers then stole ships stores. When the duty officer on bridge could not get a response to his routine call on radio, he instructed another crewmember to look for him. The second crewmember noticed","Desc3":"robbers and notified the bridge. Alarm was raised, crew was alerted. The robbers escaped in their waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":3.43333,"coords.x2":6.31667} {"Reference":"2008-425","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"Lagos, Nigeria:Two robbers armed with knives boarded and anchored tanker in 06:19N 003:26E at 2205 local time from the stern. They overpowered the duty crew, tied up his hands, stole his walkie-talkie and threatened him that they would kill him if he","Desc2":"screamed. The robbers then stole ship's stores. When duty officer on bridge could not get a response to his routine call on walkie-talkie, he instructed another crewmember to look for him. The second crew noticed the roers ad notified the bridge. Alarm","Desc3":"raised, crew alerted. Robbers escaped in their waiting boat.","coords.x1":3.43333,"coords.x2":6.31667} {"Reference":"2008-412","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"CAMEROON: Tug attacked, crewmembers kidnapped 31 Oct 08 at approximately midnight local time, while off the coast of Cameroon. An unknown number of hijackers, reportedly part of a militia group, riding speedboats and carrying small arms boarded the tug","Desc2":"as it was working at an offshore oil terminal. According to the French maritime services company Bourbon, the hijackers left with 10 crewmembers seven French nationals, two Cameroonians, and one Tunisian. Five other crewmembers stayed onboard the vessel","Desc3":"and are safe. Militia commander Ebi Dari told The Associated Press by telephone from an undisclosed location that they will kill the captives if demands are not met (AP). UPDATE: All 10 hostages were released on 11 Nov. Cameroons ministry of external","Desc4":"relations confirmed the release of all 10 hostages. No details were given of how the men were released or where, but a Cameroon government spokesperson said that the exchange was peaceful (LM: Aljazeera.net).","coords.x1":9.68083,"coords.x2":4.00639} {"Reference":"2008-422","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DIVING VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: Diving support vessel boarded 25 Oct 08 at 0430 local time in Douala port. Robbers boarded the vessel while at berth. Alert shore security apprehended them. Nothing was stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":9.68083,"coords.x2":4.02306} {"Reference":"2008-411","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GHANA: Chemical tanker robbed on 21 Oct 08 at 0330 local time while at anchorage, Tema. The robbers boarded the vessel, broke open the forecastle locker, stole the ships stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-0.03611,"coords.x2":5.625} {"Reference":"2008-395","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"NIGERIAN NAVY","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Nigerian naval vessels fired upon on 15 Oct on Bonny Island near main crude oil and liquefied natural gas export terminals, the Nigerian military and security sources said. Gunmen in six speedboats attacked the vessels while they were protecting","Desc2":"Bonny Island in the Niger Delta. A member of the taskforce was wounded and several of the attackers were killed when two of their boats were sunk. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. The Nigerian military reported on 16 Oct 08 that it had","Desc3":"recovered dynamite, arms and ammunition from the attackers (REUTERS).","coords.x1":7.01667,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2008-396","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach on 04 Oct 08 at 1530 local time while underway in position 03:36.00N 06:19.50E, 53nm southwest of Bonny River. Men, armed with guns, approached the ship in a wooden boat. The ship increased speed","Desc2":"while the wooden boat followed for two hours before aborting (IMB).","coords.x1":6.325,"coords.x2":3.6} {"Reference":"2008-384","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OILER SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Oil service vessel boarded, hostages taken on 04 Oct 08 between Port Harcourt and Bonny, Niger Delta. A speedboat carrying 12 gunmen attacked the vessel and took six Filipino hostages, including the boats captain and two engineers. No group has","Desc2":"claimed responsibility for the attack. Criminal gangs in the delta, a vast network of mangroves opening into the Gulf of Guinea, have taken advantage of the breakdown in law and order. Kidnapping for ransom of businessmen, local politicians and foreign","Desc3":"workers is common. (REUTERS).","coords.x1":5.09639,"coords.x2":5.33944} {"Reference":"2008-385","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Refrigerated cargo ship boarded on 02 Oct 08 at 1215 UTC while the ship was drifting 20nm south of Bonny signal station. About ten pirates armed with submachine guns and hand grenades boarded the vessel. The ship contacted authorities and","Desc2":"enforced preventive measures. Pirates escaped in their speedboat. There were no injuries to the crew and nothing was stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2008-386","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Container ship boarded and robbed on 27 Sep 08 at 2140 UTC while at anchor in position 06-17.8N 003-24.0E, Lagos fairway buoy. Duty crew spotted one robber and raised the alarm and mustered crew. Robber jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting","Desc2":"boat with accomplices. The ships stores were stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.28556} {"Reference":"2008-369","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"GHANA:Container ship robbed on 23 Sep 08 at 1751 local time while at Tema port, Ghana. Robbers boarded a container ship at anchor. Robbers took one crewmember hostage and stole ships stores. Robbers fled when master alerted the authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":-0.03333,"coords.x2":5.63333} {"Reference":"2008-370","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker Ship","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tanker robbed on 20 Sep 08 at: 0100 local time while at anchor 6.6 nm off Lagos breakwater, Nigeria. Two robbers armed with knives boarded a tanker at anchor. Duty A/B noticed the robbers on the poop deck. He shouted at them and informed the duty","Desc2":"officer. Robbers caught the A/B, threatened him with a knife and took his personal belongings. Alarm was raised, ship's whistle sounded and crew was mustered. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped. A/B received minor injuries (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-331","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL PIPLINE","Desc1":"NIGERIAEmancipation of Niger Delta (MEND) and Niger Delta Volunteer Force (NDVF) claim Shell/Agip facility attack 17 Sep 08 at 0930 local time/0830 UTC, Rumuekpe, Rivers State. According to a MEND spokesman, a major trunk crude oil pipeline, believed to","Desc2":"belong to both Italian oil giant Agip and Shell has been blown up. The MEND said in an e-mail that it had destroyed the pipeline. If confirmed, it would be the group's second attack in a 24-hour period (AFP, LM: Monsters and Critics).","coords.x1":4.26667,"coords.x2":5.41667} {"Reference":"2008-332","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PIPELINE","Desc1":"NIGERIAMEND and NDVF claim Shell facility attack 16 Sep 08 at 2200 local time/2100 UTC Orubiri flow station. The groups claim they attacked and destroyed the Orubiri flow station. The MEND also stated that it killed all soldiers on guard at the station","Desc2":"and stole their weapons. The Army, however, denied the claims stating that none of the ten naval personnel or guards were killed or sustained any injuries. The MEND reportedly arrived in eight speedboats, detonated dynamite, bombs and lobbed hand","Desc3":"grenades at the facility, Military spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Sagir Musa said. Shell spokesman in the region, Precious Okolobo, also confirmed the attack and said that damage had been suffered to another company pipeline at Rumueke Shell made no","Desc4":"immediate comment. MEND renewed a warning to soldiers and oil workers to abandon all oil installations, including deep offshore (AFP, AP).","coords.x1":4.28333,"coords.x2":5.45} {"Reference":"2008-333","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PIPELINE","Desc1":"NIGERIA:MEND attack two oil installations 15 Sep 08 Bakan, Rivers State. The MEND claimed responsibility for sabotaging a pipeline operated by Shells Nigeria unit and Chevron operated oilfield. However, a military spokesman dismissed MEND's claims,","Desc2":"saying there were no security breaches (AFP).","coords.x1":5.41667,"coords.x2":5.45} {"Reference":"2008-301","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tug Boat","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tug (HD BLUE OCEAN) hijacked 9 Sep 08 at 1430 local time at the entrance of Sabriero River, Delta. Unidentified gunmen hijacked the vessel with five foreign workers and eight Nigerians. Nigerian military officials were not immediately able to","Desc2":"confirm the attack and the nationalities of the foreigners on board were unknown. Unconfirmed reports state that include a Croatian, Malaysian and Filipinos (REUTERS, AFP, LL).","coords.x1":8.5,"coords.x2":4.75} {"Reference":"2008-299","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Container ship boarded 9 Sep 08 at 2345 local time, Lagos anchorage. Four perpetrators boarded the vessel while drifting from the poop deck. The perpetrators hit the duty watchman causing minor head injuries and escaped with ships stores. The","Desc2":"port control was informed via VHF. Later, the ship moved 30NM away from fairway buoy (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-334","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS BOAT","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIAContainer ship boarded 8 Sep 08 at 0500 local time, Tincan Island container terminal, berth no. 4, Lagos. The Duty AB onboard detected a suspicious boat. Upon checking, he discovered one robber had already boarded. There were six more persons in","Desc2":"the boat. The crew was alerted and rushed towards the robber. When the robber realized he had been detected, he jumped overboard and escaped with the others in the boat (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38556,"coords.x2":6.16861} {"Reference":"2008-302","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Supply Vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Supply vessel (POLARIS) boarded, robbed 8 Sep 08, 35NM southwest of Bonny. According to media reports, men onboard two speedboats first opened fire on the vessel. The perpetrators boarded the vessel and stole personal belongings and damaging","Desc2":"equipment. Following their departure, the crew was unable to restart the engines, and drifted before help arrived (LL).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2008-300","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tug boat","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tug (FULMAR LAMNACO) hijacked, sailor killed 7 Sep 08 in the early hours Sabriero River off Bonny in southern Rivers state. Nigerian militants killed one sailor and kidnapped another when they hijacked a vessel belonging to the Nigerian Unit of","Desc2":"Italian oil company Agip. The vessel was unescorted at the time and no group has claimed responsibility for the attack (AFP, Vanguard).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2008-298","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:Tanker boarded, robbed 30 Aug 08 at 2330 local time while in position 05-13N 004-02E, Port Abidjan Anchorage. The duty crew onboard the vessel spotted a robber on the poop deck. The bridge was informed and the alarm was raised. The robber","Desc2":"jumped overboard escaping with ships stores (IMB).","coords.x1":4.03333,"coords.x2":5.21667} {"Reference":"2008-303","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Chemical tanker boarded 25 Aug 08 at 0030 local time while in position 06-10.7N 003-23.8E, Lagos anchorage. Robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel and stole the ships stores. The duty crew spotted them and informed the duty officer,","Desc2":"who raised the alarm and alerted the crewmembers. The robbers escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":3.39667,"coords.x2":6.17833} {"Reference":"2008-286","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirate Hijacking","Victim":"Oil Supply Vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Oil supply vessel (BENUE) hijacked 24 Aug 08 at 1440 UTC, Bonny Channel, Rivers State. The vessel was traveling from Agbami oilfield to Onne when it was seized by unknown militants. The vessel is owned by West Africa Offshore and has a crew of","Desc2":"eight Nigerians. No group has claimed responsibility for the hijacking (AFP, REUTERS).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2008-277","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Unknown","Victim":"Unknown","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Nigerian Navy (NN) clash with unidentified gunmen 15 Aug 08, Niger Delta, southern Rivers State. Two naval vessels were on patrol, heading to a base near a Royal Dutch Shell PLC installation when attackers in speedboats fired on their convoy,","Desc2":"prompting a counterattack that left 12 assailants dead, according to a navy spokesman. No sailors were reportedly killed during the clash (LM: Aljazeera.net, AP).","coords.x1":5.1,"coords.x2":5.33333} {"Reference":"2008-264","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Nigerian Navy (NN) engages in gun battle with militants 6 Aug 08 Cawthorne Channel, 10NM off Port Harcourt. The NN shot dead an unspecified number of militants and destroyed two boats in an encounter. A naval patrol vessel was on routine patrol","Desc2":"when it was fired upon by occupants of three speedboats according to navy spokesman, LT Way Oblabisi. The naval gunboats in self defense engaged the militants in a gun battle, killing some militants. Two militant boats were destroyed, while the third","Desc3":"vessel was seized, which carried a machine gun with a large quantity of ammunition (LM: Bloomberg).","coords.x1":7.01667,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2008-258","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tanker (BERGER SISAR) hijacked 26 Jul 2008, Bonny River. According to a military spokesman, around six armed militants attacked the tanker, shooting two civilians and abducting eight crewmembers. The two civilians were wounded, but did not die in","Desc2":"the attack. Two days later on 28 July, all eight crewmembers were released, unharmed (REUTERS, LM: Sea News, Russia).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2008-257","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tugboat","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tugboat (HERKULES) hijacked 25 Jul 2008, Bonny River. The vessel was sailing to Akpo Oil Field when armed gunmen in speedboats seized the vessel and its 12-man crew. According to local reports, upon taking control of the vessel, the gunmen","Desc2":"steered it toward Sombereiro River, approximately 15 miles west of the Bonny River. The gunmen later released the vessel along with seven of the crewmembers, but kept the remaining five as hostages. Crewmembers were reportedly robbed of their","Desc3":"possessions. The remaining hostages were eventually released (LM: Russia Today, The Moscow Times)","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2008-245","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirate Attack","Victim":"Passenger Boat","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Passenger boat attacked by unidentified gunmen 19 Jul 08, near Obioku, Nembe, Bayelsa State. A vessel traveling to Yenagoa, the Bayelsa state capital, with reportedly seven passengers including four Joint Task Force (JTF) soldiers was reported","Desc2":"missing. The military reportedly believes they were killed by sea pirates; however local media sources stated that they may have been attacked by suspected militants. Commander of the JTF in Bayelsa, Lt-Col Chris Musa, confirmed a shoot out between JTF","Desc3":"and the unidentified gunmen and that security operatives were searching for the perpetrators of the attack. On 21 Jul 08, five bodies were recovered in the Nembe council area of Bayelsa state in Nigeria's Niger Delta oil region (LM: The Punch, Nigerian","Desc4":"Tribune, AFP).","coords.x1":6.36667,"coords.x2":4.56667} {"Reference":"2008-247","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirate Attack","Victim":"Naval Houseboat","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Naval Houseboat attacked 16 Jul 08 at 0200 local time, Bonny, Rivers State. The vessel was guarding oil installation facilities belonging to Shell Petroleum Development, when local sources claimed that more than 30 militants in speedboats","Desc2":"attacked the naval vessel. A spokesman at Joint Task Force confirmed the attack and said that naval men responded in self defense, adding that the gun battle lasted at least two hours. It was also stated that three suspected militants were killed. Five","Desc3":"people, including a civilian and a naval officer were also reportedly killed and several wounded in the shootout. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack (AP, REUTERS, LM: allafrica.com).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2008-246","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 16 Jul 08 at 0028 UTC while in position 04-40.37N 007-06.23E, Bonny River Anchorage. Eight armed and two unarmed militants boarded the vessel via a barge alongside. They incapacitated the local security guards and","Desc2":"entered the accommodation. They manhandled the crew and damaged the accommodation. The militants stole the crews personal belongings, ship's cash, and property. No injuries to the crew were reported. SSAS activated (IMB).","coords.x1":7.10383,"coords.x2":4.67283} {"Reference":"2008-238","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Militants","Victim":"Naval Houseboat","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Naval Houseboat attacked 16 Jul 08 at 0200 local time, Bonny, Rivers State. The vessel was guarding oil installation facilities belonging to Shell Petroleum Development, when local sources claimed that more than 30 militants in speedboats","Desc2":"attacked the naval vessel. A spokesman at Joint Task Force confirmed the attack and said that naval men responded in self defense, adding that the gun battle lasted at least two hours. It was also stated that three suspected militants were killed. Five","Desc3":"people, including a civilian and a naval officer were also reportedly killed and several wounded in the shootout. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack (AP, REUTERS, LM: allafrica.com).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2008-239","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Militants","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 15 Jul 08 at 0315 local time, 0115 UTC, at Port Harcourt. The ship's captain stated that five heavily armed militants boarded the Norwegian vessel. A rescue centre spokesperson stated that there were 8-10 armed","Desc2":"pirates. The attackers tied up the crew and roughed up some of them while stealing equipment and money from the vessel. The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre for southern Norway was alerted about the attack. The attackers did not leave the vessel until","Desc3":"0645 local time. There were no serious injuries. The vessel was reportedly manned by a 22 Indian crew (REUTERS, LM: Bloomberg.com, International Herald Tribune, iol.co.za).","coords.x1":7.01667,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2008-259","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"CAMEROON:Vessel boarded, robbed 8 Jul 2008, while in position 03-46N 009-19E, approximately 27NM southwest of the port of Douala. The vessel was bound for the port of Douala when gunshots were heard around 0200. The crew went outside and observed a","Desc2":"locally made fiberglass speed boat approximately 12 meters in length which had been tied up along the port side below the rescue boat. Two pirates were making their way onboard, while two others were already onboard holding automatic weapons. A total of","Desc3":"five pirates boarded the vessel and all carried weapons. They were of African decent who spoke English and wore black bandannas covering their heads. The crew was instructed to stop the vessel and comply. All crew members were robbed of their money and","Desc4":"personal belongings. Several work vests, one fire axe, and four portable VHF radios were also stolen. Shots were fired during the robbery to intimidate the victims and damage some of the electrical equipment. One engineer was injured as he was struck on","Desc5":"the back of his shoulder with a gun and on his legs before being pushed inside his cabin. Vessel damage consisted of gun shots from at least six bullets fired onboard (STATE).","coords.x1":9.31667,"coords.x2":3.76667} {"Reference":"2008-237","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:Chemical tanker boarded, robbed 5 Jul 08 at 0325 local time, Abidjan Anchorage. The Duty AB onboard the vessel noticed a small boat approaching from the aft. The AB informed the OOW and went to check the other side of the vessel and saw one","Desc2":"robber armed with a knife running towards him. The OOW raised the alarm and alerted the crew. The robber stole ship's equipment and escaped by the ship's messenger line. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-4.03333,"coords.x2":5.33333} {"Reference":"2008-229","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPECTED MILITANTS","Victim":"HOUSEBOAT","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Houseboat attacked, security operatives killed 29 Jun 08 in the early hours, Oloma area of Rivers State. Suspected militants attacked a houseboat owned by Shell and reportedly killed two security operatives from the boat. The Nigerian military","Desc2":"however, has confirmed that four military personnel were killed when the houseboat was attacked. Conflictive reporting states that suspected militants also attacked a Shell Petroleum Development Company Facility (SPDC) at Oloma Flow Station in Bonny.","Desc3":"This attack, strongly denied by Royal Dutch Shell reportedly had a total of four naval personnel and three civilians killed. Shell stated that the flow station is still operating and there was no attack to their knowledge. No group has claimed","Desc4":"responsibility for any attacks (REUTERS, LM: Panapress, Vanguard).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2008-217","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Attempted Boarding","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"GHANA:Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 28 Jun 08 at 2145 UTC, Takoradi Anchorage. One robber, armed with a long knife, attempted to climb onboard the vessel via the anchor chain. The alert duty watchman saw the robber and informed the duty","Desc2":"officer who raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robber jumped into the sea and escaped with two other accomplices waiting in a boat (IMB).","coords.x1":-1.81667,"coords.x2":4.88333} {"Reference":"2008-218","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirate Hijacking","Victim":"Passenger Boats","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Passenger boats hijacked, passengers killed 26 Jun 08, Bonny. Four vessels were traveling from Bonny en route Port Harcourt when they were attacked in mid-sea by unidentified gunmen. The gunmen robbed all the passengers and reportedly killed the","Desc2":"boat driver and a pensioner during the robbery. The remaining passengers were dropped off on an island near Bonny while the gunmen fled with the boats (LM: The Tide Online, Bloomberg).","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2008-210","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"unknown","Victim":"Oilfield Production Unit","Desc1":"NIGERIA:MEND reportedly attacks Bonga oilfield production unit 19 Jun 08, oilfield OML 212, approximately 63NM offshore. According to a Nigerian Navy spokesman, three people were kidnapped from a private security vessel during the attack. MEND reportedly","Desc2":"attempted to break into the computer control room, which they hoped to destroy, but were unsuccessful. MEND claimed responsibility for the Bonga attack and urged oil companies to evacuate foreign staff from Nigeria. Oil production was stopped from the","Desc3":"oil field and reportedly resumed 25 Jun 08. MEND, which has stepped up attacks on Nigeria's oil infrastructure since Apr 08, also said that oil and gas tankers were at risk of attack if they entered Nigerian waters (LM: Bloomberg.com, AFP, AP, REUTERS).","coords.x1":3.5,"coords.x2":5.75} {"Reference":"2008-205","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirate Kidnapping","Victim":"Oil Supply Vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Oil supply vessel (SOLAR TIDE II), American citizen kidnapped 19 Jun 08, 25NM west of the Pennington River entrance. The kidnapping came after a militant group in speedboats launched an attack on the Bonga flow station. After the attack, the","Desc2":"gunmen came across the oil supply vessel and kidnapped its U.S. captain in an apparent opportunistic attack, according to a navy spokesman. A leader of the MEND claimed responsibility, Royal Dutch Shell also confirmed the attack, giving no details. The","Desc3":"seizure of the American worker was confirmed by private security officials. Officials also stated that two other seamen on board were injured in the attack. The American citizen was subsequently released the same day at 0445 local time, according to a US","Desc4":"official. The Nigerian navy has sent two frigates, (NNS NWAMBA) and (NNS OLOGBO) to patrol near the major deep-sea oilfield that was attacked by rebels, military sources stated 23 Jun 08. The two frigates are each mounted with two 30mm cannons and a crew","Desc5":"of about 50. One military source said the two vessels deployed on 21 Jun 08 would only have a dissuasive effect, as they are not sufficiently mobile and no match for the MEND speedboats (AFP, AP, REUTERS).","coords.x1":5.58333,"coords.x2":4.75} {"Reference":"2008-191","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Fishing Vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Fishing trawler (MAREENA 1) boarded, robbed, crewmember killed, 13NM off the coast, early 2008, per 12 Jun 08 reporting. The vessel was boarded by nine heavily armed men in a speedboat who shot dead the boats cook. The pirates stole everything","Desc2":"that was not welded down. Pirate attacks on fishing trawlers increased from four reported cases in 2003 to 107 in 2007, according to the Nigerian Trawler Owners Association (LM: Lagos Journal).","coords.x1":4.25,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"2008-188","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SECURITY VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Security vessel (SEACOR MACOR) attacked 10 Jun 08, early morning off Akwa Ibom State, Addaks Anthan oilfield OML123, off Qua Iboe river. The vessel, owned by Canada's Addax Petroleum Company, was attacked by unidentified armed militants in two","Desc2":"speedboats and reportedly killed nine Nigerian Navy members and injured four civilians according to a spokesman for the Joint Task Force. Addax said it believed the attack had been carried out by criminals rather than by politically motivated militants.","Desc3":"No group has claimed responsibility for the attack (REUTERS, AFP, LM: allafrica.com, thestar.com).","coords.x1":7.75,"coords.x2":4.75} {"Reference":"2008-194","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MILITARY BOAT","Desc1":"CAMEROON:Military boat hijacked 9 Jun 08, Bakassi Peninsula, Gulf of Guinea. Suspected pirates have conducted an attack on a Cameroonian military patrol. Out of nine Cameroonian military officers who were on board the boat conducting a docking maneuver,","Desc2":"six were reportedly abducted by the assailants during the attack. Three of the other soldiers, one badly wounded, were able to dive into the water. The pirates took the hostages in an unknown direction, as well as the boat and weapons on board. The army","Desc3":"stated that Cameroonian forces were searching the area, and that it had been sealed off. A defense ministry official reported that the deputy regional governor had been abducted, but the government was unable to confirm the information at the time.","Desc4":"Security forces are calling this an act of piracy (AFP, REUTERS, Xinhua).","coords.x1":8.75,"coords.x2":4.83333} {"Reference":"2008-189","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES ATTACK","Victim":"OIL SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Oil supply vessel (ALTRA G) attacked 8 Jun 08 at 1145 local time, in oilfield OML126, approximately 22NM offshore the Nigerian coastline, south of Bonny. The vessel, owned by Canada's Addax Petroleum Company, was traveling from Calabar area to","Desc2":"Onne when unidentified gunmen in two speedboats reportedly ambushed the vessel that was transporting eight navy seamen. The Addax Company stated that one of the firm's contractors was killed in the attack, while one naval personnel and a crewmember were","Desc3":"injured during the altercation before being repelled by Joint Task Force (JTF). Additional reporting states that four naval men were injured. However, the navy denies reports of any causalities or injuries and states that they successfully foiled the","Desc4":"attack without incident. According to navy spokesman Henry Babalola, gunmen were initially repelled and two of their boats sunk after an exchange of gunfire. The attackers later regrouped and came back in six speedboats to board the vessel. He claimed","Desc5":"about 56 militants boarded the vessel but were later dislodged when reinforcements dispersed into the surrounding creeks. Further reporting claims that the navy sunk four to six speedboats during the altercation. A foreign news agency reported that the","Desc6":"gunmen abducted eight navy personnel in the attack, an allegation also denied by the navy. The firm said in a statement that its production facilities were not targeted in the attack. However, the Nigerian navy stated that the attack had been against the","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2008-190","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Chemical tanker boarded 7 Jun 08, Lagos tanker berth. Robbers boarded the vessel from the outboard side. They attempted to open a cargo tank. The duty AB spotted him and the robber immediately jumped overboard and escaped. At the time of the","Desc2":"incident, there were no shore guards as there were no cargo operations in progress (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-195","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"REFRIGERATED CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"CONGO:Refrigerated cargo ship reported attempted boarding 5 Jun 08 at 0415 local time, Poine Noire Anchorage. Two robbers in a canoe approached the vessel. One robber attempted to board the ship with a long pole attached with a hook. As the robber","Desc2":"reached the main deck level, the duty AB hit him and he fell overboard. The port control responded after nearly two hours (IMB).","coords.x1":11.88333,"coords.x2":-4.73333} {"Reference":"2008-178","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Product tanker boarded 27 May 08 at 0545 local time, while at anchorage offshore Lagos. Four robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel. They lowered a hose into Cargo Tank No. 1 and started to discharge cargo into the boat. The duty crew","Desc2":"spotted them and raised the alarm. The robbers threatened the crew. The crew retreated into the accommodation and returned armed with pipes, sticks, etc. Upon seeing the armed crew, the robbers threw their knives towards the crew and jumped overboard. No","Desc3":"reported injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-192","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Terrorist Attack","Victim":"Shell Oil Facility","Desc1":"NIGERIA:MEND claims responsibility for attack on Shell facility, soldiers reportedly killed 26 May 08 at 0100 local time, Awoba flow station in Degema Local Government Area of Rivers State. According to the MEND, they successfully sabotaged another major","Desc2":"trunk pipeline belonging to the Shell Petroleum Development Company. An attack was confirmed on Nembe Creek pipeline at Awoba and production has stopped because of an oil spill in the area according to a Shell spokesman. The MEND claimed that after the","Desc3":"sabotage, their fighters encountered a military gunboat and reportedly killing all 11 soldiers in close quarter combat. They also claimed to have collected their weapons, ammunition and bullet-proof vests before using dynamite to sink the gunboat with","Desc4":"its dead occupants, both of which were strongly denied by a Joint Task Force spokesman (LM: allafrica.com, AFP).","coords.x1":6.73333,"coords.x2":4.75} {"Reference":"2008-193","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Nigerian security forces reportedly foiled attack on maintenance crew at Royal Dutch Shell 22 May 08, Niger Delta oilfield. The crew was on its way to the Alakiri oilfield in Okrika district of Rivers state when it was attacked by gunmen, who","Desc2":"were later repelled by a security patrol team in the area, a Shell spokesman said. A spokesman for the military taskforce overseeing security in Rivers state said the patrol team killed two gunmen and recovered 3 AK-47 rifles, 122 rounds of ammunition,","Desc3":"dynamite and a passenger boat from the attackers (REUTERS).","coords.x1":6.25,"coords.x2":5.5} {"Reference":"2008-146","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Oil ship","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Oil ship (LOURDES TIDE) hijacked 13 May 08, evening, near Port Harcourt. The vessel, which ferries supplies for the oil company Chevron, was sailing from Onne port in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, to Escravos in Delta State when gunmen boarded","Desc2":"and hijacked the vessel. The militants are reportedly demanding a ransom of 30m naira (approximately $259,000USD) for the boat and the crew of 11. Chevron confirmed the attack and reportedly promised to assist in the release of the hostages. The MEND has","Desc3":"stated they were not responsible for the attack. No one has claimed responsibility (AFP, BBC).","coords.x1":7.01667,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2008-147","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Cargo shop","Desc1":"NIGERIA: General cargo ship boarded 10 May 08 at 0330 local time while at berth, Tin Can port, Lagos. Alert crew raised the alarm and the robbers jumped overboard into their waiting boat and headed for another ship (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-136","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Suspected Pirates","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Unidentified militants attack ship, hostages taken 03 May 08 at 1100 local time, 15NM northwest off the Bonny coast in Rivers State. Attackers in five speedboats attacked a yet to be identified ship and took the captain and the engineer hostage","Desc2":"before escaping. The incident was confirmed by an Army Public Relations Officer. No known militant group operating in the Niger-Delta region has claimed responsibility for the attack (LM: Daily Trust (Abuja)).","coords.x1":7.13167,"coords.x2":4.66389} {"Reference":"2008-157","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Product tanker","Desc1":"Nigeria:Product tanker boarded 29-APR-08 in position 06-15.1N 003-22.2E, Lagos anchorage. Four robbers boarded the vessel. They stole ship's stores from aft locker. Seeing the alert crew they escaped. Lagos port control informed. Vessel weighed anchor","Desc2":"and proceeded about 30nm off the coast to drift while awaiting berth.","coords.x1":3.37,"coords.x2":6.25167} {"Reference":"2008-135","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Refrigerated cargo ship","Desc1":"TOGO:Refrigerated cargo ship boarded, robbed 27 Apr 08 at 2145 UTC while at anchorage in position 06-05N 001-17E, Lome. Six armed robbers boarded the vessel via the forecastle. When spotted by the crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Ship","Desc2":"stores stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":1.28333,"coords.x2":6.08333} {"Reference":"2008-124","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Vessel boarded 17 Apr 08 at 0455 local time while at berth at Apapa/Tin Can Island. Ten robbers in two speedboats boarded the vessel. They broke open the paint store and stole ship's stores. The alarm was raised and the ship's crew locked","Desc2":"themselves inside the accommodation for their own safety. Another group of robbers on motorcycles arrived near the vessel and the stolen ship's stores were lowered. The two shore watchmen employed for security duties were missing during the incident and","Desc3":"appeared once the robbers were gone. Authorities informed, but no action taken (IMB).","coords.x1":3.39056,"coords.x2":6.43639} {"Reference":"2008-115","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Bulk carrier boarded 14 Apr 08 at 0340 local time, Lagos anchorage. Five robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel. They took one crewmember hostage, tied his hands and feet and injured another crewmember. The alarm was raised and the crew","Desc2":"mustered. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in their motor boat (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-98","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tanker reported suspicious approach 06 Apr 08 at 2000 UTC while in position 05-17.7N 004-43.03E, 92NM southeast of Lagos. An unlit speedboat approached the vessel from the stern. The alarm was raised and SSAS alarm activated. The speedboat fired","Desc2":"warning shots with automatic weapons and left. No injuries to crew or damaged to vessel (IMB).","coords.x1":4.71717,"coords.x2":5.295} {"Reference":"2008-99","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Refrigerated Cargo Ship","Desc1":"CONGO:Refrigerated cargo ship boarded, robbed 02 Apr 08, Boma anchorage. Two robbers boarded the vessel. They broke the seal to the cargo compartment and commenced stealing the cargo. The duty watchman noticed some cargo on deck and raised the alarm.","Desc2":"Upon seeing the watchman, the robbers threatened him. However, upon seeing the crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":13.05,"coords.x2":-5.86667} {"Reference":"2008-81","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GHANA:Chemical tanker boarded 23 Mar 08 at 0055 local time, Tema anchorage. Three robbers boarded the vessel. The duty crew noticed the robbers and informed the bridge. The duty officer raised the alarm and sounded the ship's whistle for crew muster. The","Desc2":"robbers jumped into the water and escaped, nothing stolen. Port control informed. A security boat came and conducted a full search of the area (IMB).","coords.x1":0.03333,"coords.x2":5.56667} {"Reference":"2008-82","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"MILITANTS","Victim":"SHIPYARD","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Explosion at the NNS Pathfinder Shipyard, three boats and barge destroyed, causalities involved 21 Mar 08 in the early morning, Port Harcourt. At least five sailors were reported dead as a result of an explosion that tore through the naval jetty,","Desc2":"destroying two gunboats, a speedboat and a barge. The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), militants group has claimed responsibility for the event claiming it was carried out in retaliation for the incident in Baysela when a naval","Desc3":"gunboat ran into a passenger boat killing 16 persons. However, military officials denied the MEND's involvements and stated the event was triggered by an electrical fault. Olabisi Wey, a navy spokesman at the Patfinder jetty, claimed the fire started","Desc4":"from an electric fuel line as the boats were about to cast off and that it was not through a MEND attack or any militant group (REUTERS, LM: Leadership, The Tide Online).","coords.x1":7.01667,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2008-75","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirate Attack","Victim":"Security Vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Security vessel attacked, 19 Mar 08, late evening, Bonny River in the vicinity of the port of Onne, Nigeria. Around 15 unknown gunmen aboard a speedboat attacked a security vessel as it travelled along the Bonny River towards Onne, a major oil","Desc2":"industry port in the Niger Delta, killing one Nigerian sailor according to sources within Nigeria's oil industry (REUTERS).","coords.x1":7.06667,"coords.x2":4.75833} {"Reference":"2008-74","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirate attack","Victim":"Passenger Boats","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Passenger boats attacked, 19 Mar 08, along the Bonny Channel near Dawes Island, Rivers State. Militants in two speedboats attempted to rob passenger boats by firing shots but were foiled when Nigeria's Joint Military Task Force (JTF) intervened.","Desc2":"According to a JTF spokesman, the task force had been inundated with complaints of robberies along the route and positioned its men to secure it. He claimed militants in two speedboats attempted to stop the passenger boats. When they allegedly fired","Desc3":"shots to stop the boats mid-sea, the JTF allegedly responded and exchanged gun fire before the pirates fled. There were no casualties suffered by the JTF, and no confirmation of casualties on the militants side (LM: allAfrica.com, This Day, Vanguard","Desc4":"Media).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2008-72","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tug Boats","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Vessel, two tugboats boarded, crew kidnapped, 12 Mar 08, 1250 local time, Calabar River, Rivers State. Suspected pirates, armed in three speedboats, seized one vessel and two tugboats along with six crewmembers while the vessel and tugs were","Desc2":"transiting along the Calbar River en route Port Harcourt. According to various sources, the vessels belong to construction company Julius Berger, and were conveying cement to a project site in one of the creeks when the gunmen attacked them. One","Desc3":"crewmember was released and ordered to deliver a message to the company that unless a 20 million naira (approximately $170,000) ransom was paid to them, they would blow up the vessel and the remaining crew. The five remaining crewmembers were later","Desc4":"released, following the intervention by some traditional institutions in the state (IMB, LM: allAfrica.com, This Day (Lagos), Daily Champion).","coords.x1":7.01667,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2008-73","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Attempted Boarding","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding, 4 Mar 08, 1830 local time, Tincan Island, Lagos. Armed robbers in a speedboat attempted to board the bulk carrier while underway in pilotage waters. The second officer on duty, while astern, alerted the","Desc2":"bridge. The master raised the alarm. Upon seeing the alert crew, the robbers aborted their attempt to board the vessel (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-65","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tanker boarded, robbed 02 Mar 08 at 2315 local time while in position 06-18.3N 003-20.54E, Lagos light house anchorage. Two robbers armed with knives attacked, injured, and robbed the duty watchman onboard the vessel. Another watchman nearby","Desc2":"informed the bridge and tried to assist the watchman. The alarm was raised and the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Facial injuries were tended to by the onboard medical officer. Arrangements were made for injured AB to visit the doctor the next","Desc3":"day. The master's attempt to contact the port control was futile (IMB).","coords.x1":3.34233,"coords.x2":6.305} {"Reference":"2008-54","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:General cargo ship boarded, robbed 21 Feb 08 at 0330 local time in position 06-26.3N 003-23.5E, Apapa berth no. 12, Lagos. Two robbers managed to board the vessel in spite of armed navy guards being onboard. The robbers forced open the forecastle","Desc2":"door and stole ship's stores. The duty watchman noticed the robbers and informed the guards. By the time the guards arrived forward, the robbers escaped in their speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":3.39167,"coords.x2":6.43833} {"Reference":"2008-55","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Vessel reported attempted boarding 21 Feb 08 at 2340 local time while in position 06-18.4N 003-20.4E, Lagos anchorage. Just before watch change over, the forward duty watchman heard the engine of a motor boat approaching on the portside. He","Desc2":"immediately alerted the others who commenced to check the portside. At the same time, the watchmen checked the starboard side realizing that the boat on the port side could be a decoy. The watchmen noticed four to five persons attempting to board the","Desc3":"vessel via hooks attached to the starboard side deck. The duty officer raised the alarm, the watchman shouted at them, and the robbers slowly moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":3.34,"coords.x2":6.30667} {"Reference":"2008-43","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Security Vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Security vessel (PATIENCE) boarded, robbed 11 Feb 08 at Buoy 35, Bonny Channel. The vessel, belonging to the Elf Petroleum Nigeria Limited, was boarded by unknown gunmen and reportedly threw a crewmember overboard. The crewmember was later","Desc2":"rescued by another vessel. The gunmen injured other crewmembers and stole military firearms. There are conflicting reports that the attack between this incident and the Naval vessel at the NLNG plant were the same or happened simultaneously (LL, REUTERS,","Desc3":"AFP, LM: This Day, Nigerian Tribune).","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2008-34","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Container ship boarded 01 Feb 2008 at 0315 UTC, Berth Tin Can No. 4, Lagos port. Three robbers boarded the vessel and broke into the forward paint locker. The duty officer raised the alarm and the robbers escaped in a waiting boat. Nothing was","Desc2":"stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-36","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Cement Carier","Desc1":"EQUATORIAL GUINEA:Cement carrier boarded, robbed 31 Jan 2008 at 0615 local time while underway in position 03-12N 008-36E, 15NM southwest of Bioko Island. Ten armed persons in military clothing boarded the vessel. The intruders identified themselves as","Desc2":"Nigerian rebels and only demanded food. After nearly six hours onboard, the intruders disembarked into speedboats where another five accomplices were waiting. No injury to crew or damage to ship (IMB).","coords.x1":8.6,"coords.x2":3.2} {"Reference":"2008-33","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 30 Jan 2008 at 0145 local time, Abidjan inner anchorage. Two robbers boarded the vessel. They stole ship's store and escaped. The port authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-4.03,"coords.x2":5.33167} {"Reference":"2008-44","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Product Tanker","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Product tanker boarded 30 Jan 08 at 2130 UTC in position 06-17.62N 003-24.7E, Lagos anchorage. Four robbers armed with handguns and knives boarded the vessel. The alert crew raised the alarm and the crew mustered. The robbers stole ship's stores","Desc2":"and escaped in their waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":3.41167,"coords.x2":6.29367} {"Reference":"2008-37","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"General Cargo","Desc1":"ANGOLA:General cargo ship boarded, robbed 23 Jan 2008 at 0620 local time in position 08-46.2S 013-16.4E, Luanda inner anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and broke open the forward paint locker, and stole ship's stores unnoticed. A search was","Desc2":"conducted, no robbers were found. No injuries to crew. The authorities were notified (IMB).","coords.x1":13.27333,"coords.x2":-8.77} {"Reference":"2008-35","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tanker boarded, robbed 18 Jan 2008 at 0353 local time, 3NM off Lagos. Robbers boarded the vessel during STS cargo operations, stole ship's stores and escaped. No injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-13","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL SERVICE VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Oil service vessel (LIBERTY) attacked by gunmen, 14 Jan 08, while underway near Aker base, Bonny River. The vessel was attacked while in route to the (MYSTRAS) platform. Eyewitness accounts said that a passing boat suddenly opened fire.","Desc2":"Crewmembers were reportedly injured (LM: This Day, Vanguard).","coords.x1":7,"coords.x2":4.78333} {"Reference":"2008-25","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"ANGOLA:General cargo ship boarded, robbed 14 Jan 08 at 0144 local time in position 08-42.9S 013-18.8E, Luanda anchorage. Two robbers boarded the vessel from a small boat. They broke open the forecastle paint store and stole ship's stores. The robbers","Desc2":"were spotted by ship's crew. The alarm was raised, and the robbers jumped overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":13.31333,"coords.x2":-8.7125} {"Reference":"2008-14","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Product tanker (GOLDEN LUCY) suffered explosion 11 Jan between 0600 and 0700 local time while docked in Port Harcourt. The fire is reported to have spread quickly and the tanker was moved away from facilities and beached on the opposite side of","Desc2":"the river. The tanker was then abandoned by its captain and 21 crewmembers after they were unable to contain the fire. Crewmembers report having to defend against local robbers who tried to seize their belongings amid the chaos. Associates of MEND","Desc3":"claimed responsibility for the explosion and stated they detonated a bomb placed on the vessel. Nigerian officials have denied any sabotage occurred, claiming the explosion was an accident caused by electrical problems (LM: This Day, Philippine Daily","Desc4":"Inquirer).","coords.x1":7,"coords.x2":4.78333} {"Reference":"2008-24","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"MILITANT ATTACK","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:M/V (BOURBON) fired upon 09 Jan 08 while underway in the Bonny River. Police stated gunmen suspected to be militants attacked a vessel operated by an oil service company, InterOil, in Nigeria's oil producing Niger Delta region, wounding three","Desc2":"crew members. A Southern Rivers state police spokesperson told journalists that the ship was attacked 09 Jan 08 as it sailed from Onne port in the state capital on its way to Gabon. Crewmembers were shot by gunmen who rode in speedboats and fired","Desc3":"indiscriminately at the vessel. The victims were reportedly taken to a hospital in nearby Bonny for treatment (LM: Panapress).","coords.x1":7.08667,"coords.x2":4.71833} {"Reference":"2008-12","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GHANA:Chemical Tanker boarded 08 Jan 08 at 0055 local time at Tema anchorage. Three robbers, armed with knives, boarded the vessel via the forecastle. The Duty A/B spotted the robbers who tried to catch him. Luckily, the A/B managed to escape. The Duty","Desc2":"Officer raised the alarm; the crew mustered and searched the area. It was found that the robbers had unscrewed all the butterfly nuts of the forecastle hatch. However, as the hatch was locked from inside the robbers could not enter the store. Nothing was","Desc3":"stolen. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-0.03333,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2008-15","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ATTEMPTED BOARDING","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 04 Jan 08 at 1740 UTC in position 06-16.2N 003-22.7E, 7.5M off Lagos anchorage. Four armed robbers in a small rubber boat attempted to board the vessel using a grappling hook. The duty crew raised the","Desc2":"alarm and the crew mustered. The robbers escaped. Nothing was stolen. The Master tried to report the incident to the port control but did not receive a response (IMB).","coords.x1":3.37833,"coords.x2":6.27} {"Reference":"2008-19","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Tanker (RIO BRAVO) boarded, robbed 06 Apr 07 at 0200 local time, while at berth, Lagos, per 01 Jan 08 reporting. Robbers boarded the vessel and broke open the paint storage and stole ship's stores. The alarm was raised and authorities informed.","Desc2":"The Master suspected robbers may have boarded with the assistance of the port watchman (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-16","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Bulk Carrier boarded, 31 Dec 07 at 0340 UTC, Berth no. 20, Apapa, Lagos. Two armed robbers boarded the vessel during cargo operations using a long stick with a hook. Two more robbers remained in a speedboat. The duty watch keeper spotted them and","Desc2":"raised the alarm. Armed police arrived on the scene and tried to stop the robbers but the robbers resisted. The police opened fire and one robber was injured. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped. There were no injuries to crew and nothing was stolen","Desc3":"(IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-17","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Product tanker boarded, robbed 21 Dec 07 at 0100 UTC in position 06-16.1N 003-18.3E, Lagos anchorage. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel from the port quarter, while the duty watch keeper was on the starboard side. The robbers held","Desc2":"the watch keeper at knifepoint and threatened him. The robbers stole his personal belongings. The second watch keeper noticed the robbers and informed the duty officer. The alarm was raised and crew alerted. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a","Desc3":"small wooden boat (IMB).","coords.x1":3.305,"coords.x2":6.26833} {"Reference":"2008-59","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Container ship (MAERSK VYBORG) boarded, robbed 30 Dec 07, while at berth, Onne port container terminal. Eight armed men boarded the vessel at the bow and moved to the accommodation area, shooting out the windows. The crew reportedly sent distress","Desc2":"messages and sounded the general alarm but received no answer from authorities for at least 45 minutes. The pirates were not able to enter the vessel accommodation. They stole mobile phones left on deck by the crew and a satellite dish and fled (LM:","Desc3":"Intership Navigation Training Center WEB NEWS).","coords.x1":7.03333,"coords.x2":4.73333} {"Reference":"2008-1","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PASSENGER VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Passenger Vessel attacked, passenger killed 30 Dec 07 in the early hours, Bonny Channels. The vessel was traveling from Bonny Island to Port Harcourt, when it was approached by pirates who attempted to force it to stop mid-sea, but failed as the","Desc2":"boat driver refused to stop. The action of the boat driver reportedly angered the pirates who opened fire with their automatic weapons on the boat and in the process, killed one of the passengers. Details of the attack are still unclear (LM: This Day).","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2008-2","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Chemical tanker boarded, robbed 28 Dec 07 at 0100 UTC in position 06-20N 003-20E, Lagos anchorage. Armed robbers boarded the vessel during STS operations. With the crew involved in cargo operations, anti-piracy watches maintained only one","Desc2":"crewmember forward and one aft. The robbers held the aft anti-piracy watch at knifepoint and severely beat him. The crewmembers hands and legs were tied up. The robbers stole the ship's stores and equipment and escaped in a waiting boat. The injured","Desc3":"crewmember received first aid treatment onboard. Attempts to contact port control agents for help were futile (IMB).","coords.x1":3.33333,"coords.x2":6.33333} {"Reference":"2008-3","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OFFSHORE SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Offshore Supply Vessel attacked, crewmembers injured 26 Dec 07 near Bonny. It was reported that two speedboats with an unknown number of assailants mounted an attack against the vessel. The Nigerian Navy was notified and diverted a nearby patrol","Desc2":"boat. The boat arrived on scene and exchanged fire with the assailants, who all fled. Three crewmen were injured during the incident. Preliminary reporting indicates their injuries were not life threatening (USCG, LM: Deutsche Presse-Agentur,","Desc3":"Afriquenligne).","coords.x1":7.23333,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2008-4","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Bulk carrier boarded 24 Dec 07 at 0310 UTC, berth no. 20, Apapa, Lagos. Four robbers boarded the vessel from a boat. They held one crew at knifepoint while they tried to open the bosun store. The second duty officer, while on routine security","Desc2":"rounds noticed the robbers and alerted the crew. The robbers escaped. Witnesses estimated that there were 20 robbers operating out of two boats. Nothing was stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2008-18","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL INDUSTRY BARGE","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Oil Industry Barge destroyed, bystanders killed 19 Dec 07, Okrika. Nigerian gunmen attacked the vessel, a jetty and a government building, briefly capturing 18 Filipino crew and fighting with troops. The attacks were reportedly in retaliation for","Desc2":"an army incursion into Okrika on 10 Dec 07, but this could not be confirmed. Officials said the gunmen had been trying to hijack the vessel when troops opened fire, causing them to flee in their speedboats. The 18 Filipinos were rescued by the troops","Desc3":"after the militants blew up the vessel with dynamite. The gunmen also set fire to the jetty operated by the state oil company before attacking the Okrika local government headquarters. A man and a woman were killed in the crossfire and the gunmen torched","Desc4":"several vehicles, but no troops or attackers were killed (REUTERS).","coords.x1":7.08333,"coords.x2":4.73333} {"Reference":"2007-321","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Bulk carrier boarded 12 Dec 07 at 0206 UTC while drifting, in position 06-14N 003-22E, Lagos Anchorage. Two pirates, armed with guns and knives boarded the vessel. The pirates tied up the aft watchmen. The forward watchman sighted the pirates,","Desc2":"ran into the accommodation and locked all entrance doors. The duty officer was informed, then raised the alarm and mustered the crew. The pirates immediately jumped overboard and fled in the waiting wood motor boat. The two watchmen had light injuries.","Desc3":"Port control was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":3.36667,"coords.x2":6.23333} {"Reference":"2007-317","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"0206Z: 06-14N 003-22E: LAGOS ANCHORAGE, NIGERIA:Two pirates, armed with guns and knives, boarded a bulk carrier drifting. The pirates tied up the aft watchmen. The forward watchman sighted the pirates, ran into the accommodation and locked all entrance","Desc2":"doors. Duty officer informed, alarm raised and crew mustered. Pirates immediately jumped overboard and fled in the waiting wooden motor boat. The two watchmen had light injuries. Port controle informed.","coords.x1":3.36667,"coords.x2":6.23333} {"Reference":"2007-318","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"Lagos, Africa:In what appeared to be a military launch with twelve armed robbers dressed in military fatigues approached the tanker at anchor. Nine persons boarded the vessel and ordered the master to disembark into their launch. The master refused and","Desc2":"escaped towards the accomodation. The robbers opened fire an the master. Luckily, the master escaped unhurt. While searching and looting the accomodation, the robbers took as hostage, the 2nd officer, one A/B and the cook. The three hostages were","Desc3":"released after 90 minutes in exchange for cash and cigarettes. On 29-NOV-2007, the master received a phone call, threatening him that the robbers would attack again in the next port.","coords.x1":3.75,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"2007-312","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"0345 LT: Lagos anchorage, Nigeria:Four armed robbers in a small wooden boat boarded a container ship from aft. They stole ship's store and escaped. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":3.35333,"coords.x2":-6.29667} {"Reference":"2007-313","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"0212 LT: Lagos, Nigeria (15 miles from shore):Five pirates armed with knives boarded a tanker drifting around 15 NM from shore. Duty crew spotted the pirates and informed the duty officer. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Pirates escaped with ship stores.","coords.x1":3.3,"coords.x2":6.2} {"Reference":"2007-305","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSELS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Unidentified militants in speedboats attack jetty area, victim killed, 12 Nov 07 in the early hours, the Qua Iboe Terminal, Akwa Ibom state. Approximately 50 gunmen dressed in red attire, traveling in seven to eleven speedboats with general","Desc2":"purpose machine guns attacked the security post at the terminal and engaged soldiers in a prolonged gun battle. Sources reported that the militants had difficulty in berthing near the Mobil installation which appeared to have been their target, however,","Desc3":"due to stormy weather or high tide, they were forced to divert to a jetty near the naval base in the area. The militants were not able to gain access to the oil production facilities at the terminal. During the invasion, stray bullets hit a pregnant","Desc4":"woman and killed her and wounded four other innocent people. According to the police, the militants managed to seize four pump rifles and two boats with 75-horse power engines. The militants later used explosives to blow up the boats, while the engines","Desc5":"were taken away. The shooting ended by midday and the facility and military personnel remained unharmed (LM: The Hindu, allafrica.com).","coords.x1":8,"coords.x2":4.25} {"Reference":"2007-304","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON:Ambush on Cameroon military by unidentified gunmen, military personnel killed 12 Nov 07, Bakassi Peninsula. Unidentified gunmen reportedly dressed in Nigerian military uniforms and traveling in seven speedboats ambushed a Cameroon military post.","Desc2":"Additional reporting indicates the ambush was against a boat carrying food and supplies to Cameroonian soldiers on the peninsula. The attackers seized the soldiers weapons leaving others wounded. The Nigerian military stated they did not have any hand in","Desc3":"the attacks and blamed militants from the volatile Niger Delta region. Nigeria handed the sensitive and oil-rich Bakassi Peninsula over to Cameroon in August 2006 after a ruling by the International Court of Justice (AFP, BBC, LM: allafrica.com, Daily","Desc4":"Triumph, ).","coords.x1":8.66667,"coords.x2":4.75} {"Reference":"2007-287","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER VESSEL","Desc1":"0330 LT: Lagos, Nigeria:Three pirates armed with knives boarded a tanker drifting. They took hostage the duty A/B and O/S and tied them up. They threatened the O/S with knives on his throat and asked him to open the accommodation doors but the O/S did","Desc2":"not have the key. Two of the pirates then went to the bridge and assaulted the 2/O. The next watch keeper woke up and saw the movements on the poop deck and raised the alarm. All crew mustered. Pirates escaped with ship's stores, property, crew personal","Desc3":"belongings and cash. First aid administered to the O/S who received knife injuries. Port controle informed.","coords.x1":3.25,"coords.x2":6.25} {"Reference":"2007-288","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Reefer Vessel","Desc1":"2120 LT: 15 NM off fairway bouy, Bonny Town, Nigeria:Ten robbers armed with guns boarded a reefer vessel. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Robbers escaped. Attempt to contact Bonny signal station were futile.","coords.x1":6.83833,"coords.x2":3.99333} {"Reference":"2007-261","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FPSO","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Floating Production Storage and Offloading FPSO (MYSTRAS) attacked, hostages kidnapped 26 Oct 07, shortly before dawn, 20 miles south of Bonny Island oil and gas export complex, Lagos. The gunmen overpowered an oil industry vessel and used it to","Desc2":"board the nearby (MYSTRAS) oil production facility. Six workers were seized including Polish, Filipino and Nigerian nationals. The Nigerian Navy dispatched a vessel to the area. No group has yet claimed responsibility for this latest attack (AP,","Desc3":"REUTERS).","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":4.48667} {"Reference":"2007-282","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:(OFF LAGOS APAPA LIGHTERING AREA) Two robbers boarded a product tanker during STS operation at anchor. They tied up two crew members and stole cash and valuables from one crew. During encounter one seaman received minor injury. Master activated","Desc2":"ssas alert. Local police and port authority informed.","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2007-262","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FPSO","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels attacked, support vessel hijacked, oil workers kidnapped, 20 Oct 07 at approximately 2045 local time, off Bayelsa State. The FPSO vessels belong to Shell Petroleum Development Company of","Desc2":"Nigeria (SPDC) at EA field. Heavily armed gunmen with assault rifles, sub-machine guns, explosives and other sophisticated guns were in up to 30 speedboats (approximately 10 gunmen per boat) when they kidnapped seven oil workers, including three","Desc3":"foreigners after a three-hour gunfight with Nigerian troops. The attackers made away with a support vessel on which the hostages had been working on. In an online press release, The Movement for Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) admitted that it","Desc4":"carried out the attack but only acknowledged seizing the expatriates. The group had no comment regarding the four Nigerians being held hostage as well. On 22 Oct 07, the seven oil workers were reportedly released (REUTERS, LM: allafrica.com, Vanguard).","coords.x1":6,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"2007-289","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"2315 LT: Offshore Lagos, Nigeria:Robbers armed with knives boarded a tanker at anchor. They took as hostage on AB. They tied him up and warned him not to make any attempt to escape. They stole some ship's store. Robbers then took the AB into the","Desc2":"accommodation and searched for money. They then returned to stern, lowered ship's store into the waiting boat and escaped.","coords.x1":3.33333,"coords.x2":6.16667} {"Reference":"2007-263","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:General cargo vessel boarded 18 Oct 07 at 0200 local time in position 04-29.2N - 007-10.7E, Bonny Inland anchorage. During heavy rain, robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel. They tied-up the duty AB and took the OS as hostage to open","Desc2":"the forecastle and paint stores. Another duty AB spotted the robbers and informed D/O on bridge. The alarm was raised and crew mustered. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped with the ships stores. Attempts made to contact bonny signal station were","Desc3":"futile (IMB).","coords.x1":7.17833,"coords.x2":4.48667} {"Reference":"2007-264","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Product tanker boarded 10 Oct 07 at 2202 local time, Bonny Island anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel. They seized an AB while on his routine anti-piracy rounds and tied him up. However, before the robbers tied up","Desc2":"the bosun, he managed to alert the others on the walkie-talkie. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The port authorities were contacted, but no response. The robbers escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":7.18333,"coords.x2":4.48333} {"Reference":"2007-248","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Passenger vessels boarded, robbed, and personnel injured 3 Oct 07 at approximately 0700 local time, Bonny channel. The pirates were said to have hidden in a mangrove and targeted four passenger boats. While some of the pirates boarded the vessels","Desc2":"at the jetties as passengers, their collaborators were said to have waited at a midway point and apparently attacked the boats when signaled. The boats, which were heading towards Bonny from Port Harcourt, were taken to one area and dumped there until","Desc3":"other boats were able to rescue them. The wounded were rushed to clinics in Bonny. One of the passengers, who asked to not have his name in print, said they were stopped in the middle of the river and threatened with automatic weapons, which made even","Desc4":"the uniformed men among them to comply with the demands of the hoodlums. After dispossessing them of their valuables, the pirates were said to have unleashed a volley of shots in the air before speeding into one of the channels, from where they","Desc5":"disappeared into the creeks. Confirming the story, Police Public Relations Officer, Mrs. Ireju Barasua said the incident was unfortunate but assured that they were doing everything to ensure that the channel was safe for law abiding citizens. Ireju said","Desc6":"of the attack the gunmen intercepted the boats and dispossessed the passengers of their valuables. They also assaulted some of them before kidnapping two, yet to be identified persons.. She assured that they have already started investigations into those","coords.x1":7.15,"coords.x2":4.38333} {"Reference":"2007-235","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Deck crew onboard a tanker, at Lagos anchorage at 0330UTC, carrying out STS operations noticed two small boats in the vicinity. Suddenly one of the boats with three persons on board approached the ship. The OOW was informed, alarm raised, and","Desc2":"crew mustered. Robbers noticed the alert crew and aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":3.36667,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2007-236","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:At 0216 LT, the deck watchman on an anchored tanker noticed a fast boat, with 3-4 robbers, approaching from astern. One robber was seen holding a pole with a hook attached to it. The OOW was informed, alarm raised,crew mustered, and port control","Desc2":"informed. On hearing the alarm, the robbers aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":3.355,"coords.x2":6.275} {"Reference":"2007-238","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker reported suspicious approach 14 Sept 07 at 0216 local time in position 06-16.5N 003-21.3E, Lagos anchorage. The deck watchman on the vessel noticed a fast boat, with 3-4 robbers, approaching from astern. One robber was seen holding a","Desc2":"pole, with a hook attached to it. The officer on watch was informed, alarm raised, crew mustered, and port control informed. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers aborted the attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":3.355,"coords.x2":6.275} {"Reference":"2007-237","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker reported suspicious approach 14 Sept 07 at 0330 UTC in position 06-18N 003-22E, Lagos anchorage. Deck crew onboard the vessel carrying out STS operations noticed two small boats in the vicinity. Suddenly one of the boats with three","Desc2":"persons on board approached the ship. The officer on watch was informed, alarm raised and the crew mustered. The robbers noticed the alert crew and aborted the attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":3.36667,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2007-228","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Chemical tanker boarded 12 Sept 07 at 0350 local time, Bonny River anchorage. Five robbers, in two motor boars, armed with guns and knives boarded the vessel, from the bow using ropes and hooks. The duty crew spotted the robbers and raised the","Desc2":"alarm. The robbers broke the padlock on the forward store and stole from the ships stores and escaped. The Bonny signal station was called many times but did not respond. The master requested additional guards from agents (IMB).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2007-199","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DEM. REP. CONGO: Refrigerated cargo ship boarded and robbed 15 Aug 07 0130 UTC, in position 05-51S 013-24E at anchorage. Eight robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel. They stole cargo from the ships stores and escaped. No injuries to crew. Attempts","Desc2":"to contact local agents via VHF were futile (IMB).","coords.x1":12.5,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2007-178","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: LPG tanker boarded, robbed 05 Aug at 0330 local time in position 06-19.29N 003-23.62E, Lagos anchorage. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel. The duty crew raised the alarm and the robbers escaped with the ship's stores. The","Desc2":"port control was informed. The ship was advised to drift 15NM away from the pilot station (IMB).","coords.x1":3.39367,"coords.x2":6.3215} {"Reference":"2007-189","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker reported attempted boarding 05 Aug 07 at 0225 UTC in, position 06-18.6N 003-23.9E, Lagos anchorage. A boat with six robbers approached the vessel from the stern. The watchman on duty spotted the robbers trying to board the ship by hooking","Desc2":"a bamboo pole, onto the ships rail. He informed the bridge, the alarm was raised and the whistle sounded. The robbers aborted the attempt and escaped. An investigation carried out later found nothing stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":3.39833,"coords.x2":6.31} {"Reference":"2007-188","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DEM. REP. CONGO: Refrigerated cargo ship boarded and robbed 05 Aug 07 at 0119 local time, Ango-Ango, Matadi port anchorage. Armed robbers in two canoes boarded the vessel and threatened the deck watchman with a knife and chased him; luckily the watchman","Desc2":"managed to escape and raised the alarm. Meanwhile, other robbers stole from the ships stores. Upon seeing the alerted crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":12.48333,"coords.x2":-5.81667} {"Reference":"2007-141","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker (CAPE BRINDISI) boarded 22 Jun, in the morning, 20 miles off the coast at Pennington offshore terminal. The vessel was boarded by at least three militants armed with AK-47 rifles. The attackers fired their weapons in the air and then","Desc2":"began shooting at the vessel. The ship went into lockdown mode and the attackers are said to have left after some time, without causing any injuries. The militants also commandeered a tug attending the tanker and apparently took control of the Pennington","Desc3":"offshore terminal, where the vessel had been loading (TW).","coords.x1":5.48333,"coords.x2":4.65} {"Reference":"2007-150","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:At 2302 LT at Pennington, a tanker undergoing operations at a SBM was attacked by armed pirates. The pirates boarded the standby tug at the stern of the vessel and contacted the ship via VHF demanding to be let on board or they would sink the","Desc2":"ship.The crew mustered, cargo operations were stopped, and the vessel disconnected from the SBM. The tug was cast off and the ship proceeded at full speed to sea. All attempts to contact the authorities and the Nigerian navy were futile.","coords.x1":5.58333,"coords.x2":4.25} {"Reference":"2007-142","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker boarded and robbed 16 Jun, at 0140 local time, Lagos Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel, while it was undergoing preparations for STS operations. The robbers armed with knives tied up the aft station watchman. The D/O noticed a small","Desc2":"wooden boat, with ships mooring ropes, and raised the general alarm. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the forward mooring station crew coming aft, the robbers cut the mooring ropes and escaped with stolen stores. No injuries to crew. The port control","Desc3":"was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2007-229","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Chemical tanker (SILVIA) boarded and robbed, 09 Jun 07 0400 local time, three miles away from jetty outer roads of Lagos, per 7 Sept 07 reporting. While alongside the jetty, pending shifting to another berth for discharge of cargo, the ship was","Desc2":"attacked by robbers armed with knives and possibly guns. The ship repeatedly tried to call Lagos port authority and Lagos pilot on VHF but did not receive a response. A crewmember was injured and a mooring rope was reported stolen. The ship left the","Desc3":"anchorage drift at a safe distance offshore (IMO MSC.4/Circ.107, 7 Sept 07).","coords.x1":3.25,"coords.x2":6.25} {"Reference":"2007-131","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Support vessel (SEACOR) attacked and hostages taken 2 Jun in the evening, while at anchor off Port Harcourt. Two Filipino employees, of West Africa Offshore drilling, were taken from the vessel by gunmen. The hostages were rescued four hours","Desc2":"later on 3 Jun, by the police of Elelenwo waterfront. One hostage taker was killed (LM).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45556} {"Reference":"2007-115","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Pipe-laying vessel attacked and personnel kidnapped 25 May off the coast of the southern state of Bayelsa. Suspected militants in two speedboats fired shots, during the abduction. Four Britians, three Americans and one South African were","Desc2":"reportedly kidnapped (LM: ITV.com).","coords.x1":5.61667,"coords.x2":4.41667} {"Reference":"2007-160","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA:At a position 2.2 miles from Tema Port Breakwater, robbers armed with knives boarded a general cargo ship at anchor. They caught and tied up the Duty AB and took his walkie talkie. The robbers stole ship's stores from the forecastle store and they","Desc2":"escaped in the waiting boat. Duty AB released himself and raised the alarm.","coords.x1":-0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2007-136","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Four armed pirates in military fatigues boarded a refrigerated cargo ship, in berth no. 4 at Port Harcourt. The pirates boarded the cargo ship via the quayside accommodation ladder, at 2120 LT. Duty AB tried to inform the D/O. The pirates","Desc2":"assaulted the duty AB with the butt of their guns and then shot his legs. Hearing the shots, the alarm was raised and the pirates ran back onto the quay. While escaping they fired more shots at the ships superstructure. They escaped in a boat waiting at","Desc3":"the stern. The ambulance and the police refused to come to the port and the injured AB had to be sent to the hospital via the port security car. After 4 hours, the pirates attempted to gain access to the vessel via the stern but were deterred by the","Desc4":"sounding of the ships alarm and the armed watchmen on the nearby vessel.","coords.x1":7.00833,"coords.x2":4.76167} {"Reference":"2007-114","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker reported suspicious approach 16 May at 0125 local time, while drifting at Fairway Buoy RACON B, Bonny River. Watch officer noticed three boats on radar, at a range of one mile. When the boats came within two cables from the ship, watch","Desc2":"officer informed the master and alerted the crew. The suspicious boats moved away, when searchlights were directed towards them (IMB).","coords.x1":7.00278,"coords.x2":4.20556} {"Reference":"2007-101","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Unknown vessel (DLB CHEYENNE) attacked, hostages taken 08 May at 2300 local time 10 km off Escravos, Delta State. The attack reportedly involved almost 40 gunmen on six small vessels. Nigerian military personnel fought the attackers but could","Desc2":"not stop the abductions of four US oil workers. One Nigerian crewmember and three Nigerian naval personnel sustained non-life threatening injuries during the attack and were treated onsite (Agencies).","coords.x1":4.95,"coords.x2":5.45} {"Reference":"2007-95","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FPSO VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel (MYSTRAS) attacked, hostages taken early 3 May while at anchor 55 NM off the coast from Port Harcourt, Okono Oil Field. The Italian oil firm (Eni SpA) confirmed hostages were taken from","Desc2":"the vessel, managed by its subsidiary. The nationalities of the hostages are two Croatian, one Briton, one Romanian, and one Australian. Later the same day, the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta reportedly, said in an e-mail that, the","Desc3":"hostages were on their way back to Port Harcourt by boat and a local official confirmed authorities planned to receive them at the state government headquarters (AP).","coords.x1":7.33333,"coords.x2":4.06667} {"Reference":"2007-93","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERA: Product tanker boarded and robbed 27 Apr at 0140 UTC, in position 06-17.0N 003:21.7E, Lagos outer anchorage. Two robbers armed, with long knives, boarded the product tanker at anchor. The alarm was raised and the crew alerted. The robbers","Desc2":"threatened crew with knives and jumped into water, with ship's stores. They escaped in a boat with four accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":3.36167,"coords.x2":6.28333} {"Reference":"2007-117","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: General cargo ship boarded and robbed 24 Apr at 0245 local time, while anchored 2.2 miles from Tema Port breakwater. Robbers armed with knives boarded the general cargo ship. They tied up the duty AB and took his walkie talkie. The robbers stole","Desc2":"from the ship's forecastle store. The robbers escaped in a waiting boat. The duty AB released himself and raised the alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":-0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2007-94","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker reported suspicious approach 23 Apr at 0115 local time, in position 06-16.6N 003-15.47E, Lagos outer port limit. The duty officer onboard the tanker at anchor noticed a tug named (CAPTAIN KOLA), approaching the vessel without reason. The","Desc2":"tug came within a range of 35 meters, on the port quarter. The crew was alerted and kept a continuous watch on the tug. There were four persons on the tug looking at the vessel. The tug moved slowly to the starboard bow and then moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":3.25783,"coords.x2":6.27667} {"Reference":"2007-116","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker boarded and robbed at 4 Apr at 0200 local time, while at berth in Lagos (per 22 May reporting). Robbers broke open the paint store and stole from the ships stores. The alarm was raised and the authorities were informed. The master","Desc2":"suspected the robbers might have boarded, with the assistance of the port watchman (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2007-68","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL RIG","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Oil rig (BULFORD DOLPHIN) boarded and worker kidnapped 31 Mar at 0400 local time, 40 NM off the coast of Nigeria. The gunmen first targeted a support vessel, moored to the Bulford Dolphin rig. The gunmen overpowered the crew, then climbed onto","Desc2":"the rig and seized an expatriate worker. A company spokesman explained, they had recently suffered a breakdown in relations with local communities and that discontented factions might be behind the abduction. The worker was released on 04 Apr and the oil","Desc3":"rig will not restart operations until a full review of security has been completed. Eight expatriate workers were kidnapped, off the same rig, in Jun of last year and freed two days later (REUTERS, BBC, LM: The Herald).","coords.x1":6.66667,"coords.x2":4.08333} {"Reference":"2007-67","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Product tanker boarded 31 Mar, at 0100 local time in position 06-14.4N 003-14.4E, 12NM southwest of Lagos. The robbers, armed with knives, boarded the product tanker at forecastle anchor using grappling hooks. They successfully cut mooring ropes","Desc2":"and threw them overboard, into a waiting boat. The watchmen informed the duty officer, who raised the alarm and alerted the crewmembers. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped, when the crewmembers went forward to apprehend them. The vessel weighed","Desc3":"anchor and drifted 35NM off port limit (IMB).","coords.x1":3.24,"coords.x2":6.24} {"Reference":"2007-54","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN BOAT","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Policemen killed, robbed, 12 Mar at approximately 1400 local time in Rivers State. The policemen were escorting a boat belonging to the Nigerian Liquidified Natural Gas (NLNG) to Bonny Island when the boat ran into an ambush laid by alleged","Desc2":"pirates. The suspected pirates opened on the boat, killing the two mobile policemen before robbing the passengers of money and other personal effects (LM: allafrica.com).","coords.x1":7.1,"coords.x2":4.28333} {"Reference":"2007-53","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ANGOLA: General cargo ship boarded, robbed, 9 Mar at 0335 local time at Luanda Inner Anchorage. Two robbers boarded the general cargo ship forward. They tied up the duty AB and snatched his walkie-talkie and tried to open the hawse pipe cover plate nuts.","Desc2":"The Duty AB managed to untie himself and inform the Duty Officer on the bridge. The Duty Officer raised the alarm and sounded the ships whistle. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped with the ships property (IMB).","coords.x1":13.26806,"coords.x2":-8.76389} {"Reference":"2007-48","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Ship boarded, robbed 27 Feb, at 0415 local time approximately 5NM off Lagos. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the ship, via the stern. They threatened the watch keepers with knives and stole two mooring ropes. The alarm was raised. The","Desc2":"robbers left without stealing anything else. One of the fire hoses was cut in two but robbers left it behind. No injuries to crew. The port control was informed (IMB)..","coords.x1":3.35167,"coords.x2":6.31778} {"Reference":"2007-230","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker (BOW BAHIA) boarded 09 Feb 07 at 0230 local time in position 06-15.00N 003-15.00E, Lagos Roads, per 19 Sept 07 reporting. The bridge security guard observed three robbers boarding on port side aft, during bunkering operations at barge (MT","Desc2":"JS DESIRE). They informed the officer on watch via a handheld radio and the general alarm was raised. Upon seeing the crew approach, two of the robbers jumped overboard and the third one hit the master on the face, with a knife before jumping. The alarm","Desc3":"was raised and the crew mustered (IMO MSC.4/Circ.107, 7 Sept 07).","coords.x1":3.25,"coords.x2":6.25} {"Reference":"2007-39","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tug boarded while underway 8 Feb, at 1950 local time in position 05-23.4N 005-11.7E, vicinity of Forcados River. Five heavily armed pirates in a speedboat boarded a tug while underway. The pirates ordered the master to drop the anchor and forced","Desc2":"all crewmembers and supernumeraries to the bridge. The pirates smashed the masters head with a bottle. Then, they ransacked the crewmembers cabins and took all the personal belongings, the vessels property and escaped at 0130 local time. The vessels","Desc3":"calls for assistance from ashore was ignored by the authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":5.195,"coords.x2":5.39} {"Reference":"2007-45","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker boarded and robbed 3 Feb, 0245 local time in position 06-03.0N 003-25.5E, Lagos Roads. Five pirates, armed with guns, boarded the tanker drifting 20 miles off the breakwaters. The pirates threatened the duty AB, at forward station by","Desc2":"pointing a gun at him. They entered the bosun store. The other duty crew informed the OOW, who raised the alarm. The crew mustered. The port control was informed but the call was ignored. The pirates stole from the ships stores and escaped in a motor","Desc3":"canoe. No one was injured (IMB).","coords.x1":3.425,"coords.x2":6.05} {"Reference":"2007-28","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Cargo ship (BACO LINER 2) boarded, vessel and crew of 24 Filipino nationals reportedly held hostage 20 Jan, on Chanomi Creek while en route to Warri. Per 23 Jan reporting, the Philippine foreign affairs undersecretary was under the impression 17","Desc2":"crewmembers were taken ashore, while the remaining crewmembers were forced to stay on the vessel and are reportedly making food that is being taken to the hostages in a nearby village. The vessels managing company, located in Germany, reported having no","Desc3":"contact with the vessel and could only assume that the ship and all 24 crewmembers were being held. Reports on who perpetrated this hijacking vary between the Movement for Emancipation of the Niger-Delta (MEND) and the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Front","Desc4":"(NDPVF), while other reports claim no involvement by these organizations. Ransom demands reported are typical for the region and include the release of certain prisoners, compensation for unpaid oil revenues, and assurances that no one from the current","Desc5":"Rivers and Delta state administrations be nominated by the Peoples Democratic Party, citing criminal and corrupt behavior of the two administrations. On 22 Jan, Philippine President Gloria Arroyo ordered a temporary suspension in the processing of","Desc6":"contracts and deployment of Filipino workers bound for Nigera (Reuters, BBC, AFP, LM)","coords.x1":5.40833,"coords.x2":5.55833} {"Reference":"2007-15","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Vessel attacked, robbed 16 Jan, in the evening near Bonny Island, River State. Robbers killed one foreigner and two Nigerians traveling from Port Harcourt to Bonny Island. The gunmen also critically injured six other passengers, while robbing","Desc2":"them of all their valuables. The Rivers State Police Command and The Marine Police are investigating. No group has claimed responsibility for this attack (LM: The Guardian).","coords.x1":7.19167,"coords.x2":4.51667} {"Reference":"2007-21","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPIPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Offshore Supply Vessel reported suspicious approach 16 Jan at 2300 local time, while underway in location 03-42N 007-01.5E, 31 NM off the coast. Suspicious vessel approached off port bow at speed of 14 kts. Attempts to establish radio contact","Desc2":"were unsuccessful. Supply vessel altered course and suspicious vessel altered course to close distance. Supply vessel sounded alarm, mustered the crew, and secured the vessel. A small white boat was sighted several hundred feet away, but poor visibility","Desc3":"due to sand laden winds precluded further identification. At 0130 local time on 17 Jan, four vessels were observed by radar, approximately 4-5 nm off stbd. The four suspicious vessels closed to a distance of 3.75 NM over the next 2.5 hours, despite","Desc4":"supply vessels evasive maneuvers. At 0400 local time, radar indicated a smaller faster vessel was launched from one of the four suspicious vessels and headed strait for the supply vessel at 16.5 kts. Radar contact was lost when it came within 2NM. A","Desc5":"visual ID was never made on the smaller craft. At 0800 local time, all radar contact was lost on suspicious vessels. Authorities were informed (Operator).","coords.x1":7.025,"coords.x2":3.7} {"Reference":"2007-16","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SMALL FERRY","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Small ferry attacked 15 Jan, Kula, southern Niger Delta. Western oil companies evacuated staff from three oilfields, after gunmen opened fire on a small ferry carrying 14 passengers. The gunmen killed 12 passengers and the other two are being","Desc2":"treated for bullet wounds in Port Harcourt (LM: The Australian, Herald Sun).","coords.x1":6.65,"coords.x2":4.35} {"Reference":"2007-19","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CONGO: RoRo ship boarded and robbed 10 Jan at 2300 local time in position 05-52S 013-03.3E, Boma Anchorage, Congo River. A large group of robbers, in several boats armed with long knives and wooden sticks, boarded the vessel. The robbers tried to attack","Desc2":"the duty crew on deck but the crew retreated to the bridge and raised the alarm. The robbers broke two containers, stole cargo, and then escaped. The duty officer tried to call port control but there was no response (IMB).","coords.x1":13.05,"coords.x2":-5.86667} {"Reference":"2007-17","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Product tanker boarded and robbed 08 Jan at 2335 local time, while berthed at Lagos Roads. Robbers armed with guns and knives boarded the product tanker, during STS cargo operations. They attacked a crewmember, tied him up, and asked for a key","Desc2":"and the security lock code for the cargo control room. The duty officer noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. The robbers stole personal belongings from the duty crew and ships stores and then escaped. One crewmember sustained injuries on his left","Desc3":"hand. Port control was informed (IMB)..","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2007-18","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Patrol boat attacked, two seamen kidnapped 7 Jan, in Port Harcourt near Soku, an island in the coastal area of Rivers State. Gunmen in seven speedboats attacked the patrol boat and seized two naval officers, one of them a sub-lieutenant whose","Desc2":"body has now been found. No one had claimed responsibility for the attack and it is unclear what exactly happened (REUTERS).","coords.x1":7.01667,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2007-40","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CONGO: Container ship boarded, robbed 6 Jan, at 0107 local time while berthed at Boma Anchorage, Congo River. The robbers boarded a container ship waiting for berth at Matadi. The alert crew noticed the robbers, raised the alarm, and tried to obstruct","Desc2":"them but failed. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped with two drums of lub oil in a canoe. The master sent a distress alarm by VHF but there was no response, from the port authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":13.05,"coords.x2":-5.86667} {"Reference":"2007-5","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Vessel boarded, robbed 21 Dec, at 0115 UTC in position 06:11N 003:20.1E, 13nm south of Lagos. Deck watchmen on the vessel spotted two robbers, dressed in black overalls and armed with crow bars on forward deck. The robbers broke open and robbed","Desc2":"the forward bosun store and container (IMB).","coords.x1":3.335,"coords.x2":6.18333} {"Reference":"2007-2","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ANGOLA: Ro-ro ship boarded, 13 Dec at 0030 UTC, in position 08:45S - 013:17E Luanda Roads. The Robbers arrived in small boats and boarded the ro-ro ship, via the anchor chain. The robbers managed to break the locks, on the forepeak store, however,","Desc2":"nothing was stolen. When the robbers had realized, the crew detected their presence and they escaped. The master advised all ships bound for Luanda to maintain a vigilant anti-piracy watch and have all main deck lights on (IMB).","coords.x1":13.28333,"coords.x2":-8.75} {"Reference":"2007-4","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: Chemical tanker boarded, robbed 11 Dec, at 0200 local time in position 05-37-30N 00-02-10W, Tema. Seven robbers armed with knives boarded the chemical tanker. The robbers tied up the duty ABs legs and hands and kept him at knife point. The robbers","Desc2":"entered the forecastle store, stole from the ships stores, and lowered them into a canoe waiting alongside. The AB untied himself and reported to the duty officer, who raised the alarm and informed the port control. A patrol boat arrived and searched the","Desc3":"surrounding area but could not find the canoe or robbers (IMB).","coords.x1":-0.03611,"coords.x2":5.625} {"Reference":"2006-289","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TOGO: Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 07 Dec, at 0300 UTC atberth in position 06:08.41N-001:17.43E, Lome port. Four robbersarmed with knives and bars boarded the vessel as it waited to commence cargo operations. They threatened three duty crewmen who ran","Desc2":"towardsaccommodation and raised the alarm. The robbers stole from theship's stores and jumped overboard and escaped towards a nearbyfishing boat. Local authorities informed (IMB).","coords.x1":1.2905,"coords.x2":6.14017} {"Reference":"2006-287","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Off Port Harcourt, Nigeria -- 10 robbers armed with guns boarded an offshore processing ship. They kidnapped seven workers and left the ship. Ship reported to Nigerian authorities and they intercepted the pirate boat. The Nigerian authorities","Desc2":"engaged in a shoot-out with the robbers. They rescued five hostages. One hostage was killed and the other one was injured.","coords.x1":7.00333,"coords.x2":4.75833} {"Reference":"2006-274","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel boarded and seven hostages were taken 22 Nov, approximately 30 miles off the coast of Nigerias Rivers State. Twenty-five foreign workers and nearly sixty Nigerians employees were aboard a","Desc2":"vessel that was attacked overnight. The FSPO was approximately 30 miles off the coast of Nigerias Rivers State, when nearly all those on the vessel were held at gunpoint by ten gunmen. The gunmen escaped in a speedboat kidnapping seven people. (AP).","coords.x1":6.08333,"coords.x2":4.3} {"Reference":"2006-268","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Militants in speedboats attack oil facility 15 Nov, Lagos. Reports vary between 11 to as many as 30 armed men attacked Oporoma station, owned by a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell at Nun River in Bayelsa state, trying to shut down the facility.","Desc2":"Naval forces were able to push back the men and killed two bandits and apprehended one. No damage was done to the flow-station, which connects oil pipelines. The captured bandit told the authorities that the group mounted the assault to recover the rest","Desc3":"of a ransom, that was not fully paid after a hostage taking last month. The bandit claimed that the group had only received $38,500 of the $300,000 that was promised (AP, REUTERS)","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2006-269","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Offshore Supply Vessel (SURF VIKING) fired upon mid Nov 0030 local time, while underway in position 04-00.6N 006-42.5E. The vessel was 23 miles from its destination of Bony Signal, when the ship was shot at. The vessel increased speed, turned","Desc2":"off all lights, and put the crew on standby in case of another emergency. There were no injuries (Operator).","coords.x1":6.775,"coords.x2":4.01} {"Reference":"2006-267","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: Refrigerated cargo ship robbed 13 Nov, at 0010 UTC in position 05-36.4N 000-02.9E, Tema Outer Roads. Ten robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel, at anchor. The robbers over powered a crew member and assaulted him. However, the crew member","Desc2":"managed to raise the alarm, to alert the other crew members. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped, in a small boat with stolen items (IMB).","coords.x1":0.04833,"coords.x2":5.60667} {"Reference":"2006-266","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ANGOLA: LPG tanker robbed 09 Nov, at 0200 UTC in position 08-45.8S 013-16.8E, Luanda Anchorage. Two robbers in a small open boat boarded the LPG tanker, at the forecastle. The robbers broke into the bosuns store and compressor room. The alert crew raised","Desc2":"the alarm and the robbers escaped with the ships equipment (IMB).","coords.x1":13.28,"coords.x2":-8.76333} {"Reference":"2006-260","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Oil-prospecting ship boarded, two crewmembers kidnapped 2 Nov, Bayelsa Niger Delta. The hostages were kidnapped by armed attackers from an oil industry ship, off the coast ofNigerias southern state of Bayelsa. The gunmen came in six boats, in","Desc2":"the early morning, and took only the two men, leaving other members of the ships crew unharmed. No demands have been received from the kidnappers (REUTERS).","coords.x1":6.00556,"coords.x2":4.06667} {"Reference":"2006-232","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Oilfield supply vessels attacked 02 Oct, in Cawthorne Channel, Rivers state, Niger Delta. At least three soldiers protecting the convoy were killed, when about 70 gunmen in speedboats attacked the barges carrying fuel and other supplies, to","Desc2":"shell facilities in the remote Cawthorne Channel. Approximately 25 Nigerians, working for a contractor to Royal Dutch Shell, were abducted during the attack. The whereabouts of the 25 Nigerians are unknown (REUTERS).","coords.x1":7.1,"coords.x2":4.45833} {"Reference":"2006-238","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Oilfield supply vessels attacked 02 Oct, in Cawthorne Channel, Rivers state, Niger Delta. At least three soldiers protecting the convoy were killed, when about 70 gunmen in speedboats attacked the barges carrying fuel and other supplies to shell","Desc2":"facilities in the remote Cawthorne Channel. Approximately 25 Nigerians working for a contractor to Royal Dutch Shell were abducted during the attack. Hijackers discharged the barges at Billie and the 25 workers are being held in that village (REUTERS","Desc3":"IMB).","coords.x1":7.1,"coords.x2":4.45833} {"Reference":"2006-214","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Small boat attacked and boarded 12 Sep at 0200 UTC, by gunmen in the Niger Delta. According to industry sources, the US supply vessel was boarded by gunmen shooting sporadically and looking for valuables. One Nigerian worker was killed and two","Desc2":"others injured (REUTERS, LM).","coords.x1":6.26667,"coords.x2":4.25} {"Reference":"2006-226","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Tanker boarded and robbed 11 Sep at 2355, in position 06-19.5N 003-25.0E at Lagos outer roads. Two robbers boarded during STS operations. Alert crew mustered but robbers stole ships stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":3.41667,"coords.x2":6.325} {"Reference":"2006-208","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: Tanker boarded and robbed 30 Aug at 0215 local time at Tema Roads. Five robbers armed with knives boarded via the anchor chain. They stole ships stores and walkie-talkie from duty a/b. Another a/b raised alarm; crew mustered and proceeded to","Desc2":"forecastle. Robbers escaped seeing crew alertness. Port control informed and they advised master to leave anchorage at night time and drive a minimum of five miles off shore (IMB).","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.62861} {"Reference":"2006-196","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Anchor Handling/Supply Tug (NORTHERN COMRADE) boarded and four crewmembers kidnapped late 08 Aug while off the coast of Nigeria. Officials identified the hostages as two Norwegian and two Ukrainian workers. One of the Norwegian captives is","Desc2":"reported to be the ships captain. Representatives of the vessels operator assured the men are well and talks concerning their release are currently underway (LL, UPI, VOA News).","coords.x1":6.28333,"coords.x2":4.08333} {"Reference":"2006-187","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CONGO: Bulk carrier boarded and robbed 24 Jul at 0200 local time, while anchored 1.5 nm off the breakwater, Pointe Noir. Robbers boarded the vessel at the anchor by using hooks. They stole ships stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":11.82278,"coords.x2":-4.78167} {"Reference":"2006-188","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ANGOLA: Containership boarded and robbed 21 Jul at 0205 local time, while anchored in position 08-45.9S 013-16.6E, Luanda Bay Anchorage. One robber boarded the vessel, broke forward store padlock, and stole ships stores. Ships motion sensors sent signal","Desc2":"to duty officer, who then raised the alarm and the crew mustered. Robber jumped into a waiting boat and escaped. Master was unable to contact port control (IMB).","coords.x1":13.27667,"coords.x2":-8.765} {"Reference":"2006-182","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ANGOLA: Container ship boarded 16 Jul at 0225 local time, while at Luanda anchorage. Four robbers in a wooden boat, armed with knives, boarded the vessel at forecastle. They threatened a crewmember with knives and broke open paint store padlock. The","Desc2":"crewmember escaped, raised the alarm, and crew mustered. Robbers jumped into their boat and left empty handed. Local authorities informed (IMB).","coords.x1":13.26667,"coords.x2":-8.76667} {"Reference":"2006-179","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ROMANIA: Bulgarian ferry boarded and robbed 09 Jul, Danube River, Galatz port. During a passport review, when the crew and passengers had to leave the vessel, thieves came aboard and broke the windows of two cars and stole money, cloths, and a dog. The","Desc2":"ferry routinely sails from the Bulgarian Ruse to the Ukrainian port of Reni. According to passengers who usually travel that route, such attacks are not rare. The crew speculates the thieves could be listening to their radio channels when they report","Desc3":"what the ferry is carrying and stated this was 21st century piracy (LM).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.33333} {"Reference":"2006-176","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: Bulk carrier boarded and robbed 01 Jul at 0330 local time, while at Bonaberi berth no 52, cement berth, Douala port. Three armed robbers boarded the vessel and threatened acrewman with knives. They stole ships stores and escaped. Port control","Desc2":"and harbor police were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":9.69306,"coords.x2":4.06806} {"Reference":"2006-162","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Unidentified bulk carrier boarded and robbed 20 Jun, at 0310 UTC at Lagos Roads anchorage. Three robbers armed with guns and knives boarded the vessel from forecastle. They took hostage a duty A/B and held him at gunpoint. They lowered ship's","Desc2":"stores into a waiting motor boat and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2006-147","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Unidentified tanker boarded and robbed 24 May at 0350 local time, Lagos outer anchorage. Two robbers boarded the vessel at stern using a rope. They assaulted a crewmember and tied his hands. They stole ship's stores, property, and the","Desc2":"crewmembers personal belongings (IMB).","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2006-113","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Unidentified tanker reported attempted boarding 24 Apr at 0210 UTC, while in position: 06-01.3N 003-17.4E, Lagos Roads. Three robbers in an 8 meter boat attempted to board the vessel. Alert crew prevented boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":3.29,"coords.x2":6.02167} {"Reference":"2006-75","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CONGO: Unidentified container ship boarded and robbed 9 Mar at 0150 local time, Boma anchorage Congo river. Two robbers boarded the vessel, broke open containers, and stole cargo. Alarm was raised and crew mustered. Robbers escaped with stolen cargo","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":13.05417,"coords.x2":-5.86611} {"Reference":"2006-74","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CONGO: Unidentified refrigerated cargo ship reported boarding and attempted robbery 13 Mar at 0130 local time, Ikungulu anchorage, Matadi,Congo river. Two robbers boarded the vessel. Alert crew raised alarm and robbers escaped empty handed. Robbers made","Desc2":"second attempt to board at 0240 local time (IMB).","coords.x1":13.05417,"coords.x2":-5.86611} {"Reference":"2006-55","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified supply ship reported an attempted boarding 26 Feb at 1300 local time, while underway 8nm off Bonny fairway buoy. Four pirates armed with AK-47 rifles, in a black zodiac rubber dinghy with outboard motor, attempted to board.","Desc2":"Master informed Bonny signal station, which in turn contacted the Navy (IMB).","coords.x1":7.01667,"coords.x2":4.21667} {"Reference":"2006-42","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An offshore barge was boarded and hostages taken 18 Feb in a pre-dawn raid, along the Escravos coast. Militants in speedboats stormed the barge and abducted nine people. Militants also blew up two nearby oil and gas pipelines, and set fire to a","Desc2":"tanker loading platform. Eight hostages were working as contractors for Houston based Willbros Group Inc., which was subcontracted by Shell. Willbros has confirmed that three Americans, two Egyptians, two Thais, and one Filipino were taken hostage.","Desc3":"Additionally, one British national, working as a security export for a private firm under contract with Willbros, was also taken hostage. The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) reported that the attacks were a response to military","Desc4":"air raids in the delta state that took place earlier this week and indicated another wave of violence on a grander scale will follow. Shell was warned not to repair the offshore loading platform, threatening a more brutal attack (LM).","coords.x1":4.95,"coords.x2":5.45} {"Reference":"2006-23","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 20 Jan at 0310 local time, while in position 06-09N 003-15E, Lagos anchorage. Five robbers in a wooden boat attempted to board using a hook, attached to a long pole. Alert crew thwarted","Desc2":"the attempt and robbers fled. Lagos port security informed (IMB).","coords.x1":3.25,"coords.x2":6.15} {"Reference":"2006-14","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Support vessel (LIBERTY SERVICE) boarded 11 Jan, while underway approximately 7 nm off the coast of Bayelsa State. An estimated 40 armed men, traveling in three canoes, forced their way aboard the vessel and abducted four western expatriates. An","Desc2":"e-mail statement issued by, a little known group calling themselves, The Emancipation of the Niger Delta claimed responsibility for the kidnapping, but the claim cannot be verified. Violence against the oil sector is frequent in the Niger Delta, where an","Desc3":"estimated 20 million people live in poverty alongside a multi-billion-dollar industry. Resentment, coupled with break-down of law and order, has fuelled killings, sabotage, kidnappings, and oil theft (LL, REUTERS).","coords.x1":6.25,"coords.x2":4.31667} {"Reference":"2005-346","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 24 Nov at 0430 local time, while at Lagos anchorage, 15 nm from port. Ten robbers, armed with knives, boarded the vessel via the stern from a speedboat, during heavy rain. They threatened duty A/B and","Desc2":"escaped with ships stores. Port control responded after three hours and asked master to contact agents (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2005-303","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 3o Sep at 0330 local time, while at Abidjan anchorage. Robbers stole ships stores. Master was advised by port authority to drift 10-15 miles offshore, while awaiting berth (IMB).","coords.x1":-4.035,"coords.x2":5.26944} {"Reference":"2005-313","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: It was erroneously reported to the IMB that, an unidentified tanker was boarded 27 Sep at Escravos anchorage and two crew were shot. Further investigation reveals the tanker was providing assistance to a fishing vessel, which was fired upon,","Desc2":"boarded, and robbed 28 Sep at 2330 local time while fishing off Forcados. The pirates fired on the vessel with automatic weapons and injured three crewmen. They proceeded to ransack the vessel and stole cash and ships property. The fishing vessel","Desc3":"proceeded to the nearby tanker for assistance after it was determined the captain needed immediate medical attention (Operator).","coords.x1":5.44167,"coords.x2":5.36333} {"Reference":"2005-304","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 27 Sep at Escravos anchorage and two crew members were shot. No report on extent of crew injures or loss to ship (IMB).","coords.x1":4.95,"coords.x2":5.45} {"Reference":"2005-290","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 19 Sep at 1220 local time, while anchored in position 05-10N 004-03W, off Abidjan. Three robbers, armed with knives and a steel bar, boarded via the anchor chain. Duty officer raised alarm. Crew","Desc2":"mustered and secured access doors. Robbers escaped empty handed in small boats at 1245 local time. Port control was informed. Master heaved up anchor and proceeded south to drift (IMB).","coords.x1":-4.05,"coords.x2":5.16667} {"Reference":"2005-347","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: An unidentified tug was boarded 03 Sep at 0400 local time while at Total jetty, Douala. Three robbers armed with knives and spears boarded the offshore tug. They confronted duty A/B and bosun The robbers stole ships property and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":9.67083,"coords.x2":4.0375} {"Reference":"2005-277","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 02 Sep at 0200 UTC, while drifting in position 06:05N, 003:24E, 19 nm off Lagos. Four robbers in a wooden boat, armed with long knives, boarded the vessel. Alarm was raised, crew mustered, and robbers","Desc2":"escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.08333} {"Reference":"2005-271","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 25 Aug at 0140 UTC while undergoing STS operations, in position 06-18N 003-22E, off Lagos. Three robbers, armed with long knives, threatened duty crew, stole ships stores, and escaped in a speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":3.36667,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2005-264","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 22 Aug at 0245 UTC, while anchored in location 06-20.7N 003-20.3E Lagos anchorage, Nigeria. Two robbers boarded the vessel and tried to assault duty a/b. He managed to raise alarm and crew mustered.","Desc2":"Robbers stole ships stores and broke seals of two containers before escaping.","coords.x1":3.33833,"coords.x2":6.345} {"Reference":"2005-226","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified product tanker was boarded 15 Jul at 0315 local time, while in position 06-19.7N 003-22.5E, Lagos anchorage. Three robbers, armed with knives, boarded the vessel during STS operations. Two robbers overpowered a duty crewman and","Desc2":"held him at knifepoint. They took away his handheld radio and assaulted him causing serous injuries. Robbers stole ships stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":3.375,"coords.x2":6.32833} {"Reference":"2005-235","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 15 Jul at 0215 local time, while in position 06-18.2N 003-23.4E, Lagos anchorage. Three robbers, armed with knives, held two duty crew hostage and took their walkie-talkies. They stole ships stores and escaped.","Desc2":"Master tried to contact marine police, but received no response. Master then aised anchor and proceded to high seas to drift, 25 miles off the coast (IMB).","coords.x1":3.375,"coords.x2":6.30333} {"Reference":"2005-225","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 15 Jul at 0215 local time, while in position 06-18.2N 003-23.4E, Lagos anchorage. Three robbers, armed with knives, held two duty crew hostage and took their walkie-talkies. They stole ships stores and escaped.","Desc2":"Master tried to contact marine police, but received no response. Master then aised anchor and proceded to high seas to drift 25 miles off the coast (IMB).","coords.x1":3.39,"coords.x2":6.30333} {"Reference":"2005-213","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 04 Jul at 0310 local time in position 06-19.5N 003-22.0E, anchored 4nm from the breakwater, Lagos. Five robbers tied up and assaulted duty crewman. They stole ship's equipment and stores. They then escaped at","Desc2":"0340 local time. Master reported incident to authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":3.36667,"coords.x2":6.325} {"Reference":"2005-205","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 25 Jun at 0230 local time, while at Tema anchorage. Three robbers boarded the vessel via the hawse pipe. They cut forward store lock but were unable to open the door. Crewman on duty raised alarm and crew","Desc2":"mustered. Robbers escaped empty handed in an awaiting boat manned by one accomplice. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":-0.03611,"coords.x2":5.625} {"Reference":"2005-185","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 24 May at 2359 local time, while anchored in the vicinity of the Bonny River Fairway Buoy, Onne. Persons armed with guns boarded the ship, beat up crew, and fired some shots before stealing ship's cash,","Desc2":"stores, and crew belongings. The robbers then escaped in a 20-foot blue colored high speed boat (IMB).","coords.x1":6.99306,"coords.x2":4.21833} {"Reference":"2005-196","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 17 Jun at 0240 local time while anchored six nm from fairway bouy, Lagos anchorage. Six robbers, armed with guns and knives, came alongside the bulk carrier in a speedboat. Four robbers boarded, held duty","Desc2":"crewman at gunpoint and stole ship's stores. Duty crewman managed to raise alarm and crew mustered. Robbers escaped with ship's stores in the awaiting speedboat. No injuries to crew. Master reported to port authorities, heaved up anchor, and proceeded to","Desc3":"sea for drifting (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.41111,"coords.x2":6.36583} {"Reference":"2005-198","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 14 Jun at 0430 local time, while berthed at port Douala. Four armed robbers assaulted the duty crewman and forced him to open the Bosun store. A cadet on rounds came to forecastle and he, along","Desc2":"with the duty crewman, were held as hostages. Robbers stole ship's stores and escaped leaving the two hostages in Bosun store. Master reported incident to port control (IMB).","coords.x1":9.55,"coords.x2":3.89167} {"Reference":"2005-194","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 13 Jun at 0500 local time, about five nm south-southwest of Lagos lighthouse. Two robbers were spotted on the poop deck cutting ropes and throwing them overboard to a wooden boat, where five men were","Desc2":"waiting. The men in the boat threw empty bottles and metal parts at the deck patrol, while the two robbers onboard left the ship. The wooden boat did not give off a radar signature (LL).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2005-195","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified vessel was boarded 13 Jun at 0300 local time, while drifting about 15 nm off the coast of Lagos Roads. The robbers, armed with knives and machetes, seriously injured the watchman on the poop deck. Despite his injuries, the","Desc2":"watchman managed to alert the officer on watch and the alarm was raised, after which the robbers left the ship (LL).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2005-182","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 12 Jun at 0145 UTC, at Takoradi anchorage. Three armed persons gained access at the forecastle and stole ship's stores, before escaping in a boat. Master informed port control who sent official to","Desc2":"investigate (IMB).","coords.x1":-1.7375,"coords.x2":4.89722} {"Reference":"2005-197","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: The offshore processing tanker (JAMESTOWN) was boarded 12 Jun at 1100 local time, 10 miles off the coast of Warri. Reports of up to 50 Nigerian hijackers, (carrying machine guns and knives) ordered a halt to oil production, barricaded the","Desc2":"helicopter pad, and demanded cash from the company's oil profits. After negotiations, the hijackers departed on 15 Jun at 0945 local time. No injuries to crew (LL, IMB, BBC)","coords.x1":5.735,"coords.x2":5.81111} {"Reference":"2005-183","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified supply boat reports being followed 10 Jun at 0820 local time by 5 persons wearing yellow raincoats in a 20-foot blue fiberglass craft, while the supply boat was underway in position 03-55.1N 07-08E, 20 miles SW of the Bonny River","Desc2":"fairway buoy. Master took evasive measures and craft moved away. The blue boat is similar to the one described in the 24 May incidents, see below) ONI NOTE: In all, 4 similar incidents, occurring between 24 May and 10 Jun, were reported the week of 12","Desc3":"Jun for the Bonny River estuary, after a significant lull in reported activity. Unusually, none appear directly connected to the ongoing civil strife in Nigeria's oil regions, which has accounted for most maritime crime in Nigerian waters (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":7.13333,"coords.x2":3.91833} {"Reference":"2005-184","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship reports attempt to board 7 Jun at 0120 local time, while anchored in position 04-12.3N 006-57.3E, at the Bonny River anchorage. Five persons armed with machine guns tried to board using grappling hooks but","Desc2":"fled, after firing several shots when crew raised alarm. No crew struck but bullets hit vessel bulwarks (IMB).","coords.x1":6.955,"coords.x2":4.205} {"Reference":"2005-186","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 24 May at 2110 local time, while anchored in position 04-12.6N 006-55.6E, off the Bonny River Fairway Buoy, Onne. One crew member was injured by a gunshot and the robbers escaped with ship's cash,","Desc2":"bonded stores, and crew belongings (IMB).","coords.x1":6.92667,"coords.x2":4.21} {"Reference":"2005-170","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 19 May at 0150 local time, while at Abidjan anchorage. Robbers, armed with long knives, boarded the vessel via the anchor chain. They overpowered and tied up the duty A/B and robbed him of his","Desc2":"personal belongings and hand radio. A/B managed to free himself and raised alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, robbers jumped overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":-4.035,"coords.x2":5.26944} {"Reference":"2005-144","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 02 May at 0215 local time, during STS cargo operations at Lagos anchorage. Two robbers, armed with knives, threatened the duty officer, tied his hands and legs, and gagged his mouth. The robbers tried","Desc2":"to break into storerooms but did not succeed and left empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2005-79","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Ghana: At Tema Roads, ten robbers in a motor boat attempted to board a refrigerated cargo ship. Alert crew activated fire hoses and directed searchlights.Robbers aborted attempt and fled.POrt control informed who advised master to heave up anchor and","Desc2":"move further offshore.","coords.x1":-0.03611,"coords.x2":5.625} {"Reference":"2005-78","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship reported an attempted boarding 03 Mar at 0110 local time while anchored near Tema Roads. Alert crew activated fire hoses and directed search lights after ten robbers attempted to board. Robbers aborted their","Desc2":"attempt and fled. Port control was informed, and then advised the vessel to heave up anchor and move further offshore (IMB).","coords.x1":-0.03611,"coords.x2":5.625} {"Reference":"2005-56","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Nigerian military reports 1 person was killed during the occupation of an oil terminal near Warri, in Nigeria's southern Delta region on 04 Feb. On 05 Feb, nine people were reported kidnapped and later killed after their boat was ambushed by","Desc2":"militant youths from a rival community, in a protracted bitter dispute over an oil-rich parcel of land in the southeastern Nigerian state of Bayelsa. (INFO, REUTERS)","coords.x1":5.695,"coords.x2":5.53833} {"Reference":"2005-1","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Nigerian militants on 25 Dec seized a Danish-operated supply vessel, which supports Shell Oil operations in the Niger Delta's Bayelsa State at Ekeremore. Fifteen Nigerians in the crew were released but a single Croatian was held hostage (INFO).","coords.x1":6.51667,"coords.x2":5.5} {"Reference":"2004-317","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was boarded 16 Dec at 0455 local time, while anchored in position 06-17.8N 003-21.3E at Lagos Roads. One of 4 persons in an unlighted boat gained access via grappling hook and threatened duty crew. Alarm","Desc2":"was sounded and intruder fled. Port control notified but did not respond (IMB).","coords.x1":3.355,"coords.x2":6.29667} {"Reference":"2004-318","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 16 Dec at 0200 local time at Lagos anchorage. Thieves boarded at forecastle and stole ship's stores. Port control notified and advised master, to leave anchorage (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2004-319","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 15 Dec at 0210 local time, at Lagos anchorage by thieves who stole ships stores. Port control notified, but did not respond (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2004-320","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was subject to attempted boarding by four persons, in an unlighted boat 13 Dec at 0420 local time. This happened just after coming to anchor in, position 06-17.8N 003-21.3E, Lagos Roads (IMB).","coords.x1":3.355,"coords.x2":6.29667} {"Reference":"2004-309","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Watchmen aboard an unidentified bulk carrier, at berth 8 Dec at Lagos, discovered that protective bars, covering the rudder trunk opening under the ship's stern, had been cut away. Master reports two boats, with 7 to 9 men each, followed the","Desc2":"ship from port the same day but moved away, after master altered course. ONI NOTE: Implication is that ship was being prepared to received stowaways, in the rudder well (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2004-299","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 2 Dec at 0130 local time, while anchored in Lagos Roads. Twelve persons armed with guns, knives, and axes approached in speedboats. They boarded and rushed the bridge, despite the second officer shining","Desc2":"searchlights on them. The robbers stole ship and crew cash and belongings before leaving at 0145. The captain received knife wounds to his throat, while being held hostage (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2004-291","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was boarded 28 Nov at 0145 local time, while underway off buoy 19, Escravos River. Five persons armed with machine guns took watchman hostage and beat him. The intruders fired shots at crew, stole cash","Desc2":"from ship's safe, ship's property, and crew belongings before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":4.95,"coords.x2":5.45} {"Reference":"2004-282","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: An unidentified supply vessel reports attempt to board 12 Nov at 0730 local time, while underway in position 03-45.5N 008-59.5E. When 6m long speedboat with 6 persons approach, supply ship's master increased speed and boat abandoned chase","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":8.99167,"coords.x2":3.75833} {"Reference":"2004-292","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 25 Nov at 2345 local time. While at Lagos anchorage, fifteen robbers armed with guns and long knives, took duty seaman hostage. Duty officer raised alarm and crew mustered in locked accommodation, but robbers","Desc2":"forced their way onto bridge, ordered duty officer to shut down all comms, took master hostage, threatened and manhandled the crew. The robber's took cash form ship's safe, crew belongings, and ship's property. Themaster and third officer suffered","Desc3":"injuries and all crew are in shock. Robbers left in two speedboats at 0030 26 Nov. Port control was called but did not respond (IMB).","coords.x1":4.95,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2004-262","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 31 Oct at 0145 UTC while at berth 13, Lagos. A group tried to steal from the ship's cargo of rice, but fled when duty officer raised alarm and crew mustered, firing flares. Port police responded to the","Desc2":"ship's call at 0400 (IMB)","coords.x1":3.39306,"coords.x2":6.4375} {"Reference":"2004-249","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 3 Oct at 2250 UTC, at Lagos outer anchorage. Duty watchman was distracted by flashing light from a small fishing boat on the port side. When watchman went to investigate, a larger boat came alongside to","Desc2":"starboard, two thieves boarded the ship, and stole ship's stores before escaping. This is the first report of an apparent coordinated theft in Nigeria (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2004-227","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 2 Sep at 0445 local time while anchored in position 06-20N 003-22E, 3 nm off the Lagos fairway buoy, and engaged in ship to ship transfer operations. Two armed persons tied up duty seaman, broke into storeroom,","Desc2":"and stole ship's stores. Thieves escaped when another seaman raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":3.36667,"coords.x2":6.33333} {"Reference":"2004-220","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 30 Aug at 0200 local time, while at Lagos anchorage. Two persons tried to steal ship's stores but fled empty handed, when crew sounded alarm One crew member reported injured (IMB).","coords.x1":3.43333,"coords.x2":6.35} {"Reference":"2004-221","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 25 Aug at 1620 local time, while anchored 6 nm of Lagos fairway buoy. Three persons demanded money from master but were driven back to their boat by crew. The intruders then threatened to ignite glass","Desc2":"bottles filled with gasoline and to throw them on the deck but were met by the crew, with activated fire hoses. Master then weighed anchor (took up the anchor) and moved to the open sea (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.41389,"coords.x2":6.36944} {"Reference":"2004-210","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 9 Aug at 0330 local time, while anchored at Lagos in position 06-18.1N, 003-16.0E. Seven persons in a boat tried to gain access at stern using grappling hooks, but aborted attempt and fled","Desc2":"when crew raised alarm and activated fire hoses (IMB).","coords.x1":3.26667,"coords.x2":6.30167} {"Reference":"2004-191","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 20 Jul at 0230 UTC, while in position 06-18N 003-19E at Lagos anchorage. Two persons armed with long knives held night watchman at knifepoint, stole ship's stores and escaped with accomplices in a boat","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":3.31667,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2004-126","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 12 May while engaged in STS operations 10 nm off Lagos (06-27N 003-23W). Intruders assaulted duty seaman who raised alarm, but thieves escaped with stores, equipment and crew personal effects (IMB).","coords.x1":-3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2004-120","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: Unidentified product tanker was boarded 4 May at 0125 UTC in position 05-36N 00-01E. Tema outer anchorage by 3 persons armed with knives. Duty seaman raised alarm and thieves stole his walkie talkie and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.6} {"Reference":"2004-104","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: Unidentified container ship boarded 20 Apr at 2020 UTC while at Abidjan container terminal. Duty seaman raised alert and single thief jumped into water and escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":-4.02778,"coords.x2":5.32083} {"Reference":"2004-86","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Unidentified tanker attacked by five persons armed with machine guns 7 Apr at 0104 local time while anchored in position 05-28N 005-05E, Escravos anchorage. Anti-piracy crew raised alarm and directed foam monitor at boat. Attackers opened fire","Desc2":"and crew retreated into accommodation, whereupon attackers boarded and began shooting out portholes. Chief engineer taken hostage and offered attackers $100, which was rejected with demandfor \"thousands\". Chief struck with axe when more money not","Desc3":"forthcoming and gang leader ordered member to shoot him, but he deflected gun barrel into deck. Thieves left after 30 minutes taking ship's property; second and third officer injured by shrapnel and flying glass; vessel later proceeded to seaward.","coords.x1":5.08333,"coords.x2":5.46667} {"Reference":"2004-117","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker reports attempt to board 29 Mar at o330 UTC while anchored in position 06 12.9N 003 20E, Lagos. Three persons in a boat withdrew when watchman raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":3.33333,"coords.x2":6.215} {"Reference":"2004-71","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker reports attempt to board 29 Mar at o330 UTC while anchored in position 06-12.9N 003-20E, Lagos. Three persons in a boat withdrew when watchman raised alarm.","coords.x1":3.33333,"coords.x2":6.215} {"Reference":"2004-72","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was ordered to stop 23 Mar at 1013 UTC while underway in position 05-33.4N 005-24.4E in the Warri River. Armed persons in 6 boats ordered the tanker to pump part of its gasoline cargo into a barge and about 650 mt of cargo","Desc2":"were taken before the tanker was allowed to resume its voyage.","coords.x1":5.40667,"coords.x2":5.55667} {"Reference":"2004-58","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: A local boat, identified as (AVIJAJA), loaded with scrap, was attacked 5 Mar after it anchored at Takoradi in approximate position 04-53N 001-44W for repairs. About 200 persons, operating from canoes dismantled the vessel's communications, stole","Desc2":"engines and scrap. Six were reported arrested.","coords.x1":-1.73333,"coords.x2":4.88333} {"Reference":"2004-47","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 29 Feb at 2300 UTC at Lagos anchorage. Four persons threw glass bottles and pieces of metal at crew as they stole ship's stores and escaped.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2004-38","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was approached 12 Feb at 0744 UTC while drifting in position 05-09N 004-21E off Lagos by five persons armed with guns in a tugboat. Master raisedalarm and ship gathered speed whereupon the tug moved away toward","Desc2":"Escavos River.","coords.x1":4.35,"coords.x2":5.15} {"Reference":"2004-24","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified supply vessel was boarded 28 Jan at 1515 local time while berthed at Ohne Port. Three persons tried to steal ship's stores but jumped into their canoe and fled when duty seaman raised alarm. Seaman was slightly injured in the","Desc2":"incident.","coords.x1":7.09528,"coords.x2":4.1825} {"Reference":"2004-19","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship reports two attempts to board 22 Jan at 0255 and 0350 local time while anchored at Tema. The first occasion involved seven persons in a single boat, while the second involved about 20 persons in two boats.","Desc2":"The ships crew repelled both attempts and notified authorities.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2004-20","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was boarded 22 Jan at 0030 UTC while anchored .7 mi. from the Tema breakwater. Three persons stole ship's stores before escaping.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2004-16","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified LPG tanker reports attempt to board 17 Jan at 0330 local time while ship was anchored at Tema. Persons in two boats approached but fled when alarm raised.","coords.x1":1.59583,"coords.x2":5.60056} {"Reference":"2004-7","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BENIN: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 24 Dec at 0357 local time while anchored 3.5 miles south of fairway buoy at Cotonou anchorage. Five persons armed with guns and knives took watchman and chief engineer hostage. They broke into master's","Desc2":"cabin and stole ship's cash, personal belongings and two passports. Crew sounded alarm and mustered and pirates fled firing shots which injured bosun and second officer in the leg. Master reported near daily attempts to board.","coords.x1":2.43333,"coords.x2":6.35} {"Reference":"2003-380","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 28 Nov at 0205 local time at Lagos anchorage. Four persons armed with knives gained access from a fishing boat. They threatened duty seaman who received head injuries. The intruders stole 8 mooring lines","Desc2":"before alarm was raised and they escaped. Lagos port control reportedly did not respond to master's call for aid (IMB).","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2003-373","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 22 Nov at 2300 local time at Lagos anchorage. Thieves stole ship's stores before escaping in a waiting trawler (IMB).","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2003-366","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship reports being surrounded 11 Nov at 1030 UTC while underway in the Warri River, by three boats which attempted to black its passage. Persons in the boat opened fire with machine guns at the ship's hull, but","Desc2":"ship increased speed and began evasive maneuvers and chase was abandoned. On board pilot contacted authorities but no assistance was reported (IMB).","coords.x1":5.5,"coords.x2":5.4} {"Reference":"2003-360","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 9 Nov at 2248 UTC while in position 06-20.2N 003-22.8E in Lagos Roads. Thieves boarded at stern from a speedboat and stole ship's stores, before crew raised alarm and they escaped (IMB)","coords.x1":3.39667,"coords.x2":6.33667} {"Reference":"2003-329","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 17 Oct at 0040 UTC while anchored 16 miles SW of Lagos. Four persons armed with two-foot long machetes boarded from a small boat, cut mooring lines and lowered them to the boat before escaping when","Desc2":"alarm was sounded (IMB).","coords.x1":2.23333,"coords.x2":6.16667} {"Reference":"2003-310","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 8 Sep at 0010 local time while at Lagos anchorage. Three persons armed with long knives came aboard from an unlit small boat using a grappling hook. They took ship's stores and fled when duty seaman","Desc2":"raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2003-293","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 25 Aug at 2235 local time while at Lagos SBM. Five persons stole a mooring line and held off duty seaman by brandishing empty glass bottles (IMB).","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2003-287","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 21 Aug at 1130 local time while underway in position 05 47.8N, 005 20.5E, Deli Creek, Sapele. Groups armed with firearms boarded from speedboats, ordered the ship to anchor and open all cargo holds. They","Desc2":"threatened the chief mate, stole his walkie talkie and smashed the forecastle life raft, and then stole cargo and provisions from the galley. Pilot was removed ashore by the leader of the attackers and returned to the ship at 1700 when ship heaved anchor","Desc3":"and departed. Even by Nigerian standards this represents an unusually well-coordinated attack (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":5.35,"coords.x2":5.8} {"Reference":"2003-288","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: An unidentified reefer ship was boarded 20 Aug at 0530 local time while at Douala. Four persons broke the seal on number four hatch but escaped empty handed when crew sounded alert (IMB).","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2003-286","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 19 Aug at 0005 local time while anchored in Tema Roads. Four persons armed with long knives stole ship's stores before crew raised alarm and the thieves escaped in an unlit boat. Master informed other","Desc2":"ships in the vicinity (IMB).","coords.x1":0,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2003-280","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 18 Aug at 0225 local time while anchored at Bonny Roads. About ten persons, armed with knives, took duty seaman hostage, stole all five mooring lines from forecastle, and escaped. Bonny signal station","Desc2":"was called, but did not respond (IMB).","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2003-223","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: 1 German and 2 Filipino contractors working for Shell Nigeria were kidnapped 23 Jun from their tug off the Forcados Export terminal. On 26 Jun the unidentified abductors sent a ransom demand for $2 million plus a smaller sum for feeding the","Desc2":"hostages. Shell ruled out negotiations with the abductors who are not believed to be related to the local communities who frequently use hostage taking to back up demands for money or amenities such as roads and schools. No mention has been made of any","Desc3":"assessment that the straightforward demand for ransom may be related to a successful attempt earlier this year in which Maersk paid out a ransom for some of its employees (INFO, ONI).","coords.x1":5.43333,"coords.x2":5.36667} {"Reference":"2003-206","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 13 Jun at 0730 UTC while underway in position 09 05S, 015 35W about 90 nm west of the Guinea Coast. 15 to 20 persons in a wooden boat apparently abandoned their attempt when duty","Desc2":"officer sounded whistle and mustered crew (IMB).","coords.x1":-15.58333,"coords.x2":-9.08333} {"Reference":"2003-208","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ANGOLA: An unidentified supply vessel was boarded 13 Jun between 0300 and 0600 local time while anchored in Luanda Bay. Thieves stole ship's equipment (IMB).","coords.x1":13.25,"coords.x2":-8.8} {"Reference":"2003-207","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports being boarded and robbed 12 Jun between 2200 and 0600 UTC while underway between 10 53S, 017 17W and 09 38N, 016 05W about 60 to 90 nm west of Guinea. Ship's stores are reported stolen by persons who","Desc2":"allegedly boarded and departed unnoticed. If this report is really a theft from a vessel underway at this distance offshore it is virtually unprecedented (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":-17.28333,"coords.x2":-10.88333} {"Reference":"2003-191","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified roll-on/roll-off ship was boarded 30 May at 0330 local time while anchored in position 06 17N, 003 22E at Lagos. Four persons armed with knives and wooden clubs assaulted duty seaman who nonetheless raised alarm. The thieves","Desc2":"stole ship's equipment and stores before escaping. Ship called port authority which did not respond (IMB).","coords.x1":3.36667,"coords.x2":6.28333} {"Reference":"2003-144","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: An unidentified tanker was subject to an attempt to board 1 May at 0400 UTC while in the Abidjan pilot waiting area, position 05 13N, 004 02.6W. Two persons armed with knives boarded at the poop using grappling hooks. When crew sounded alarm","Desc2":"the intruders jumped overboard and escaped in their small boat (IMB).","coords.x1":-4.05,"coords.x2":5.21667} {"Reference":"2003-142","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified offshore support vessel was subject to attempted boarding 25 Apr at 0835 local time while in position 04 48N, 05 20E. Twelve persons attempted to gain access from a speedboat. Guard on board the vessel fired warning shots and the","Desc2":"intruders withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":5.33333,"coords.x2":4.8} {"Reference":"2003-143","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified cargo ship was subject to an attempt to board 30 Apr at 0005 local time while anchored at Takoradi. Four persons operating form a small boat tried to board at the stern using a hook on a bamboo pole. Duty seaman raised alarm and","Desc2":"the intruders fled. Takoradi port control sent a patrol boat to search the area (IMB).","coords.x1":-1.73333,"coords.x2":4.88333} {"Reference":"2003-145","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: An unidentified tanker was boarded 30 Apr while in the pilot waiting area, position 05 13N, 004 02.6W. One person armed with a knife threatened crew but jumped overboard and escaped empty handed in his wooden boat (IMB).","coords.x1":-4.05,"coords.x2":5.21667} {"Reference":"2003-140","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 28 Apr between 0045 and 0145 local time while anchored in position 06 19.6N, 003 20.7E 4.3 nm off Lagos port. Three persons boarded from a 14 ft boat and threw empty glass bottles at duty seaman when","Desc2":"discovered. One of the intruders had earlier been observed to board the ship under the pretext of selling goods (IMB).","coords.x1":3.35,"coords.x2":6.33333} {"Reference":"2003-129","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified cargo ship was subject to five unsuccessful attempts to stop it through use of gunfire 25 Apr between 1315 and 1645 UTC while underway at Nana Creek, Benin River. Despite the reported failure to stop the vessel by firing from","Desc2":"their speedboat, the would be pirates were reportedly paid off in cash, provisions and diesel oil from the ship (IMB).","coords.x1":5.16667,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"2003-131","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-25","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ANGOLA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 25 Apr between 0300 and 0400 local time at Luanda anchorage and ship's stores were stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":13.25,"coords.x2":-8.8} {"Reference":"2003-141","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: The offshore support ship (MAERSK SHIPPER) was boarded 15 Apr and its crew of 16 held hostage off the Nigerian Coast. The vessel's operator paid what is described as a $2.500 ransom in local currency and the hostages were freed beginning 4 May.","Desc2":"Hostage taking has been common in other similar incidents involving the Nigerian oil industry and foreign employees related to labor and revenue sharing issues between the Nigerian government and local tribes. While ransom payments have probably been","Desc3":"made in the past, it is unusual, and possibly precedent-setting, for the operator to have publicized the payment - possibly in response to Danish media criticism. BIMCO and the IMB are quoted as supporting the decision to pay ransom in this case. No","Desc4":"official support has been given to the decision to publicize the payment which is almost certain to generate further hostage takings for ransom. (BIMCO, IMB, INFO, ONI).","coords.x1":3.33333,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"2003-106","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 7 Apr at 0445 UTC while anchored in position 06 17.7N, 003 23.8E off Lagos. Three persons armed with long knives tried to cut mooring lines from winch drum on poop deck. One threatened duty seaman and threw","Desc2":"empty bottles at him. Alarm raised and thieves escaped in their boat. Port control did not respond to ship's VHF calls (IMB).","coords.x1":3.48333,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2003-94","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 27 Mar at 0635 local time via the gangway while at berth no. 3, Douala. Watch raised alarm and duty officer rushed to assist but was held at knifepoint while watch was assaulted. Thieves stole ship's","Desc2":"stores. When master informed port control he was informed to contact his agent (IMB).","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2003-80","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 17 Mar between 0140 and 0150 UTC while in position 06 19.57N, 003 20.57E at Lagos anchorage. Two armed persons took watchman hostage and threatened him with a knife before escaping with ship's stores","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":3.35,"coords.x2":6.33333} {"Reference":"2003-70","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified tanker is reported to have sent a distress message 10 Mar at 0140 UTC from position 06 15N, 003 16E off Lagos reporting a pirate attack. Further details awaited (IMB).","coords.x1":3.26667,"coords.x2":6.25} {"Reference":"2003-71","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 10 Mar at 0100 UTC at Lagos. Duty seaman raised alarm and intruder fled to boat with five accomplices. Same ship had been boarded earlier and reports loss of stores (IMB).","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2003-72","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 6 Mar at 0630 local time at Lagos anchorage. Ship reports stores stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2003-46","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TOGO: An unidentified tanker reports attempted boarding 7 Feb at 2315 UTC while anchored in position 06 04N, 001 21E at Lome. Eight persons armed with knives attempted to board using a grappling hook. When crew thwarted attempt persons in boat threw a","Desc2":"small net in the water and pretended to fish. Through the night other small boats with from eight to ten armed persons and little fishing gear circled the ship in apparent attempts to board (IMB).","coords.x1":1.35,"coords.x2":6.06667} {"Reference":"2003-33","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified cargo ship was subject to attempted boarding 24 Jan between 0454 and 0600 local time while anchored at Tema. Alert crew repelled the attempt but the twelvepersons in a wooden boat then attempted to gain access to another anchored","Desc2":"ship., but also failed, whereupon they returned for a second attempt against the first vessel. Port control was notified and sent a boat to investigate at 0710.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2003-34","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified LPG tanker was boarded 23 Jan at 0405 local time while aT Bonny Town anchorage, Port Harcourt. One of three persons operating form a small boat gained access at the forecastle, unreported by the contract watchman. Crew spotted","Desc2":"the intruder and raised alarm, whereupon he jumped into the river and was recovered by his accomplices.","coords.x1":7,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2003-22","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: The 6,285-ton cargo ship (CEC MEADOW) was boarded 11 Jan at 0300 local time by about twenty armed robbers, while the ship was discharging at berth 4. The intruders began beating the stevedores and their foreman, while the ship's crew fled into","Desc2":"the accommodation and locked all doors. Robbers left in four automobiles after about 40 minutes of unsuccessfully attempting to gain entrance to the accommodation, taking chains and electrical cables. Calls to Port Control and the Port Police were","Desc3":"unanswered, but 90 minutes after the attack cargo and local military representatives arrived and assured the crew there would be no further attacks.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2003-9","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-27","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 27 Dec at 0220 UTC while at outer roads, Tema. Five persons armed with long knives attacked duty seaman on forecastle but fled in waiting boat when alarm raised.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2002-358","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported attempT to board 11 Dec at 1805 local time while at Lagos anchorage. Six persons armed with M16s attempted to climb the anchor chain from a speedboat but aborted the attempt when confronted with an alert","Desc2":"crew. Master notified authorities and other ships in area.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2002-341","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: A Nigerian fishing trawler was attacked 28 Nov while anchored at the Fairway Buoy, East Mole, Lagos. About 20 masked and painted thieves approached the boat in two high-speed motorboats and stole part of their catch. Some of the fishing boat's","Desc2":"crew were reported injured. Nigerian sources state that five fishing boats had been attacked during the previous week.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2002-309","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: Antigua-flag container ship (ALEXANDRA) was boarded 2 Nov at 0300 UTC by between 5 and 7 armed persons while ship was at anchor outside Tema. Alarm raised and intruders escaped in sea-going canoe. Forecastle locker was discovered forced open and","Desc2":"five 40-foot containers had been broached. Contents of some of the containers were found abandoned on deck. Port advises container vessels and others with low freeboard to stay away from anchorages while awaiting berths.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2002-308","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 28 Oct between 0300 and 0315 local time while at berth no. 16, Apapa, Lagos. Six armed persons threatened ship's crew before escaping in a speedboat. No report of losses.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2002-259","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: An unidentified tug was boarded 13 Sep at 0305 local time in position 05 13N, 004 00W, outer roads, Abidjan. Eight persons armed with long knives boarded from two boats and stole ship's stores before escaping when alarm was sounded.","coords.x1":-4,"coords.x2":5.21667} {"Reference":"2002-230","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 14 Aug at 0615 local time while at berth 6, Douala. Four persons armed with knives boarded and attacked the chief mate and third mate and stole ship's stores which they passed to about 20 accomplices who","Desc2":"waited on the quay. Shore watchman reportedly slept through the incident.","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2002-229","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 13 Aug at 0132 local time while at Tema anchorage. Eight persons armed with knives were discovered by crew who raised alarm. The thieves fled with bags of cargo and a mooring line.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2002-165","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified container ship was subject to attempted boarding 15 Jun at 0205 local time at Lagos anchorage. Intruders tried to gain access via anchor chain but were spotted by watch and escaped n wooden boat.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2002-166","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GABON: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 14 Jun at 1000 local time during cargo operations at Port Gentil. Several persons armed with knives threatened the captain and duty crew and tried to make them open ship's stores without success. The","Desc2":"intruders took ship's walkie-talkie and left.","coords.x1":8.8,"coords.x2":-0.2} {"Reference":"2002-162","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: The third officer of an unidentified bulk carrier was threatened by several persons with knives 2 Jun at 0620 local time while ashore reading ship's draft while ship was moored at jetty no. 7. Officer's walkie-talkie stolen. The previous day at","Desc2":"0440 local time four persons disguised as stevedores boarded the same ship and assaulted the duty seaman and dragged him to vessel's poop. They then stole ship's stores and equipment form engine room and steering gear flat. Contract police guard was","Desc3":"absent during incident and may have colluded with intruders.","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2002-147","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was boarded 20 May at 0550 UTC while berthed at Douala Port. Persons armed with knives boarded but were spotted by watch which raised alarm. The intruders escaped by jumping over the side; no mention of","Desc2":"any losses.","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2002-139","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 2 May at 0200 local time while anchored at Accra. Ship's stores stolen before alarm raised and port control informed. Police patrol boat detained one boat with stolen stores.","coords.x1":-0.2,"coords.x2":5.53333} {"Reference":"2002-118","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: The refrigerated carrier (FRIO JAPAN) was boarded 20 Apr at 0200 while berthed at Port Harcourt. Six persons armed with clubs and machetes overpowered two security guards, injuring one. While crew locked themselves in the accommodation block the","Desc2":"thieves stole a drum of lubricating oil and fled.","coords.x1":7,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2002-101","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 3 Apr at 0330 UTC while at Lagos anchorage. Armed persons stole ship's stores and an outboard motor from a lifeboat. Duty seaman was attacked with knives and bottles. When crew sounded alarm thieves escaped","Desc2":"in a small boat toward Lagos port whose Port Control was informed.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2002-91","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GABON: The Cyprus flag cargo ship (TORM COTE D'IVOIRE)was boarded during the night of 1-2 Apr while anchored in Port Gentil Roads. About 30 persons boarded and the master was beaten with a rifle butt suffering a broken nose and other injuries. Thieves","Desc2":"stole half the GMDSS equipment, a computer, copier, FAX machine, portable VHF unit, binoculars, rescue boat outboard motor, televisions, radios, VCRs and cash along with the ship's certificates and all the seamen's book sand certificates. Although all","Desc3":"the lost items have a black market value, the significance of the loss of the seamens' documents cannot be assessed, although it appears to be highly unusual.","coords.x1":8.8,"coords.x2":-0.2} {"Reference":"2002-102","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: Militant youths seized a crew boat and ten persons and held them hostage 1 Apr in the Dodo River. The attack involved about 40 persons in 8 boats and was part of anoperation that had begun about two weeks earlier by locals seeking compensation","Desc2":"for their boats which had been destroyed by the Nigerian Navy. Hostages were freed 4 Apr. Although once a common occurrence, this type of hostage taking by militant Nigerian youths had not occurred since 15 Nov, 2001.","coords.x1":5.14028,"coords.x2":5.06} {"Reference":"2002-104","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GABON: The Cyprus-flag cargo ship (TIM BUCK) was one of two ships attacked during the night of 31 Mar-1 Apr at Owendo mooring station. Master reported seriously injure din machete attack. This marks three attacks accompanied by significant violence in an","Desc2":"area not previously reporting maritime crime.","coords.x1":9.5,"coords.x2":0.28333} {"Reference":"2002-103","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GABON: The Liberian flag cargo ship (SEA BRILLIANCE) was one of two ships attacked during the night of 31 Mar-1 Apr at Owendo mooring station. Master and chief mate were injured and the mate hospitalized. The ship's safe was emptied.","coords.x1":9.5,"coords.x2":0.28333} {"Reference":"2002-110","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 30 Mar at 2250 UTC while at Tema anchorage. About thirteen persons boarded from a small wooden boat via the anchor chain. Crew chased them and they jumped overboard and escaped, apparently without stealing","Desc2":"anything.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2002-90","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 30 Mar at 2250 UTC while at Tema anchorage. About thirteen persons boarded from a small wooden boat via the anchor chain. Crew chased them and thy jumped overboard and escaped, apparently without stealing","Desc2":"anything.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2002-89","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 29 Mar at 2030 local time while at berth 18 Abidjan. Thieves boarded from an unlit boat using grappling hooks and escaped with ship's stores.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"2002-80","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 20 Mar at Lagos Anchorage. Two persons boarded via the stern and held duty seaman hostage at gunpoint while they lowered three mooring lines into a waiting boat and escaped.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2002-71","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 15 Mar at 0230 local time while at Lagos anchorage. Four persons armed with long knives held a seaman hostage. Second officer raised alarm and drove off the thieves with help of two watchmen. Thieves fled","Desc2":"with ship's stores.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2002-62","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TOGO: An unidentified container ship was subject to an attempt to board 6 Mar at 0445 while anchored in Lome Roads. Five persons in a motorized fishing boat tried to gain access at the stern. Watchman sounded ship's whistle and directed searchlights at","Desc2":"the boat and the attempt was abandoned.","coords.x1":1.28333,"coords.x2":6.13333} {"Reference":"2002-61","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 5 Mar at 0225 UTC while anchored in the Abidjan outer anchorage. Two persons armed with knives stole ship's stores before alarm wasraised whereupon they jumped overboard and escaped.","coords.x1":-4.08333,"coords.x2":5.225} {"Reference":"2002-40","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 11 Feb at 0410 local time while at Lagos anchorage, Nigeria. Alert crew fought back, and intruders jumped overboard andescaped.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2002-37","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 31 Jan at 0300 local time while anchored at Lagos. Six persons armed with long knives, operating from three canoes, climbed aboard and took the duty seaman hostage. The thieves stole ship's stores and","Desc2":"lowered them into their boats before freeing the hostage and escaping.","coords.x1":3.26833,"coords.x2":6.25} {"Reference":"2002-24","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: The Norwegian-flag tanker (E|WILANA) was boarded 12 Jan \"late\" while anchored at Abidjan. Five persons boarded via anchor chain and threatened deck watch at knifepoint, beat him and tied him up. Two mooring lines, the watchman's watch and","Desc2":"VHF set were stolen.","coords.x1":-4.01667,"coords.x2":5.25} {"Reference":"2002-2","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GABON: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 4 Jan at 0440 local time while anchored at Libreville. About 10 to 15 persons armed with long knives boarded at forecastle. Crew mustered on main deck and fired signal rockets but thieves opened four","Desc2":"containers and stole an unreported quantity of cargo before escaping.","coords.x1":9.45,"coords.x2":0.38333} {"Reference":"2001-349","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 20 Dec at 0345 local time while ship was anchored in Lagos Roads. Six persons in boat were spotted by watch who raisedalarm and activated ire hoses before boat moved off.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2001-342","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 15 Dec at 0300 local time while at Abidjan outer anchorage. Three persons armed with knives assaulted at watchman, bound and gaggedhim and broke into ship's stores. Another watch man spotted the","Desc2":"intruders and sounded the alarm whereupon they fled with stores and a radio.","coords.x1":-4.01667,"coords.x2":5.25} {"Reference":"2001-341","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified cargo ship was subject to an attempted boarding 14 Dec at 0300 local time by six persons in a small, unlit motor boat. Anti-piracy watch raised alarm and foiled attempt.","coords.x1":5,"coords.x2":5} {"Reference":"2001-332","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GABON: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded and robbed 8 Dec at 0315 local time at Libreville Roads, Gabon. The Master raised the alarm, fired signal rockets, and sent a distress signal to counter the attack. The thieves stole cargo from","Desc2":"containers before escaping","coords.x1":9.45,"coords.x2":0.38333} {"Reference":"2001-331","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON:An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded and robbed 6 Dec at 0330 local time in Douala port, Cameroon. The four thieves were armed with knives and stole ship's stores. When the alarm was raised, they jumped into the water and escaped in a","Desc2":"small boat .","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2001-313","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 26 Nov at 0415 UTC while anchored about 5.5 miles from mole signal station, Lagos. The intruders escaped without stealing anything when spotted by watch.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2001-324","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: A Ro-Ro was boarded 14 Nov at 0345 via the ship' stern ramp at Bonny Town, Nigeria anchorage (reported 4 Dec). The thieves were armed and stole mooring rope. The Bonny Town Port Control was notified, but the thieves had left the scene by the","Desc2":"time the patrol craft arrived to investigate.","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"2001-304","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 4 Nov at 0410 local time by six persons who stole a life raft and ship's stores. Ship was drifting in position 06-06N 003-37E, 20 miles south of fairway buoy.","coords.x1":3.61667,"coords.x2":6.1} {"Reference":"2001-303","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:An unidentified bulk carrier reports an attempted boarding 4 Nov at 2245 local time while drifting in position 06-01.7N 003-37E off Lagos. The crew spotted a small boat that was illuminated by searchlight and which then left the area.","coords.x1":3.61667,"coords.x2":6.02833} {"Reference":"2001-300","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 29 Oct at 0403 UTC 5.5 nm from the south mole signal station at Lagos. Six persons boarded from a small boat and escaped with stores andsafety equipment.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2001-292","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 Oct at 0205 UTC while at Lagos Anchorage by three persons armed with knives and operating form a speedboat. The thieves stole ship's stores, crew property and a VHF radio.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2001-293","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GABON: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 17 Oct at 0130 UTC while anchored at Owendo. Six persons armed with guns boarded at the forecastle and stole ship's equipment and stores despite crew attempts a thwarting them.","coords.x1":9.5,"coords.x2":0.28333} {"Reference":"2001-285","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST: An unidentified tanker was boarded 6 Oct at 0200 UTC while anchored at Abidjan Roads. Four persons came alongside the anchor chain and two persons armed with long knives boarded and stole ship's stores before escaping in their boat when","Desc2":"alarm raised.","coords.x1":-4.01667,"coords.x2":5.25} {"Reference":"2001-286","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 4 Oct at 2300 local time while unloading cargo at Douala. A locker at the base of the stack was broken into and \"safety equipment\" stolen.","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2001-274","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:An unidentified container ship was boarded 24 Sep at 0510 local time in Lagos by three persons armed with guns and knives operating from a speedboat that came alongside as the ship waited to berth. Duty watch raised the alarm and the thieves fled","Desc2":"after threatening the watchman and stealing mooring line.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2001-272","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 11 Sep at 0115 local time while anchored at Pilot Station, Douala. Watch noticed three men armed with long knives lowering mooring line into water and was threatened when the men were challenged. Alarm","Desc2":"raised and men escaped with lines.","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2001-268","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP DISCHARGING CARGO AT DOUALA WAS BOARDED 9 SEP AT 0510 LOCAL BY 8 TO 10 PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES WHO ARRIVED IMMEDIATELY AFTER STEVEDORES WENT ASHORE. THE INTRUDERS THREATENED DUTY OFFICER AND TWO CREW AND STOLE THEIR","Desc2":"WATCHES. CAPTAIN CONTACTED PORT CONTROL ON VHF BUT RECEIVED NO RESPONSE.","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2001-267","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 5 SEP AT 0400 LOCAL TIME SOON AFTER DROPPNG ANCHOR AT LAGOS ROADS. AN UNKNOWN NUMBER OF PERSONS STOLE CREW PROPERTY AND STORES.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2001-258","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS SUBJECT TO ATTEMPTED BOARDING 29 AUG AT 2315 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT BERTH 67, ABIDJAN. TWO PERSONS TRIED TO CLIMB ABOARD USING A HOOKED POLE BUT ESCAPED IN THEIR BOAT WHEN CREW RESPONDED.","coords.x1":-4.01667,"coords.x2":5.31667} {"Reference":"2001-245","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 20 AUG AT 0510 LOCAL TIME WHILE DRIFTING 20 NM OFF LAGOS. SIX PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES STOLE TWO MOORING LINES BEFORE ESCAPING. MASTER NOTIFIED PORT CONTROL AND OTHER SHIPS IN THE VICINITY.","coords.x1":3,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"2001-254","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 20 AUG AT 0330 LOCAL TIME AT ABIDJAN ANCHORAGE. A CREWMEMBER WAS THREATENED AND HIS WALKIE TALKIE AND WRISTWATCH STOLEN. THE THIEVES ESCAPED AFTER TAKING SHIP'S STORES.","coords.x1":4.01667,"coords.x2":5.31667} {"Reference":"2001-234","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"GHANA:AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP WAS BOARDED 7 AUG BETWEEN 0150 AND 0230 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT TEMA ANCHORAGE. DUTY OILER ON WATCH ON FORECASTLE WAS THREATENED WITH GUNS AND KNIVES, ROBBED AND LEFT BOUND HAND AND FOOT. DUTY OFFICER SENT TEAM TO INVESTIGATE WHEN","Desc2":"WATCH DID NOT RESPOND TO RADIO CALL. BY THIS TIME THIEVES HAD FLED WITH SHIP'S STORES.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.63333} {"Reference":"2001-227","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"ANGOLA:AN UNIDENTIFIED SUPPLY VESSEL WAS BOARDED 24 JUL (POSS. 24 JUN) AT 1450 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY NEAR PUNTA FINHAL, LUANDA. TWO PERSONS CAME ABOARD FROM A SPEEDBOAT AND ASSAULTED THE WATCHMAN BEFORE JUMPING OVERBOARD WHEN CREW RESPONDED. THE TWO","Desc2":"MADE SEVERAL MORE UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS TO BOARD.","coords.x1":13.25,"coords.x2":-8.83333} {"Reference":"2001-220","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS BOARDED 21 JUL AT 1815 LOCAL TIME AT ABIDJAN ANCHORAGE BY A SINGLE PERSON ARMED WITH A LONG KNIFE. THE INTRUDER THREATENED THE WATCHMAN AND WAS LATER JOINED BY FIVE OTHER WHO STOLE SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND","Desc2":"ESCAPED IN A SMALL BOAT.","coords.x1":4.01667,"coords.x2":5.31667} {"Reference":"2001-212","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER REPORTS BEING APPROACHED AND FOLLOWED 12 JUL AT 1125 UTC BY A BOAT CONTAINING 5 PERSONS WHILE UNDERWAY OFF GHANA IN POSITION 04-19N 001-14W, 45 MILES OFFSHORE. AFTER FOLLOWING ALTERATIONS OF THE VESSEL'S COURSE THE","Desc2":"MOTORIZED CRAFT WITH SAIL MOVED AWAY.","coords.x1":-1.23333,"coords.x2":4.31667} {"Reference":"2001-206","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 9 JUL AT 0224 LOCAL TIME AT LAGOS ANCHORAGE. DUTY SEAMAN WAS TIED UP AND SHIP'S STORES STOLEN.","coords.x1":3.31667,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2001-207","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-06","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 6 JUL AT 0345 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED FOUR MILES FROM THE FAIRWAY BUOY, LAGOS ROADS. THREE PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES BOARDED VIA THE STARBOARD QUARTER. DUTY SEAMAN WAS STRUCK AND HIS WALKIE-TALKIE","Desc2":"AND WATCH STOLEN. ALARM WAS SOUNDED AND THIEVES FLED. PORT CONTROL NOTIFIED TWO HOURS LATER AND DID NOT RESPOND.","coords.x1":3.31667,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2001-208","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GUINEA BISSAU:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 3 jul at 1940 local time while underway in position 10-38S 003-05E. about ten armed persons gained access but retreated to their boat when alarm sounded. boat then shadowed the vessel for about one","Desc2":"hour.","coords.x1":3.08333,"coords.x2":-10.63333} {"Reference":"2001-194","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 2 JUL AT 0400 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED FIVE MILES FROM BREAKWATER, LAGOS. THREE PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES BOARDED VIA THE PORT QUARTER AND, WHEN CHALLENGED BY ANTI-PIRACY WATCH, THREATENED HIM STEALING HIS","Desc2":"WALKIE-TALKIE, WRISTWATCH, AND SAFETY SHOES.","coords.x1":3.5,"coords.x2":6.41667} {"Reference":"2001-156","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 22 MAY AT 0130 WHILE AT LAGOS ANCHORAGE. FOUR ARMED PERSONS ATTEMPTED TO BREAK INTO THE ROPE STORE BUT FLED WHEN THEY WERE SPOTTED AND ALARMS WAS RAISED.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2001-142","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 11 MAY AT 0155 UTC AT LAGOS ANCHORAGE AND ONE CREW MEMBER TAKEN HOSTAGE AND THEN THROWN OVERBOARD CATCHING HIMSELF ON A RAIL. ALARM RAISED AND THIEVES ESCAPED WITH SHIP'S STORES. LAGOS PORT CONTROL","Desc2":"REPORTEDLY TOOK NO ACTION AFTER REPORT WAS MADE.","coords.x1":3.38333,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2001-131","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 24 APR AT 0145 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED IN TEMA OUTER ROADS. TWO CREW CHECKING THE ANCHOR CHAIN WERE ASSAULTED AND HELD HOSTAGE BY TWO PERSONS WHILE THREE OTHERS STOLE SHIP'S STORES AND CREW EFFECTS. NO","Desc2":"INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.63333} {"Reference":"2001-95","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CONGO:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 18 MAR AT 0300 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT POSITION 04-49S 011-39E, 1.2 NM FROM POINTE-NOIRES. TWO PERSONS, AT LEAST ONE OF WHOM WAS ARMED WITH A KNIFE, LOWERED MOORING LINES INTO A WAITING BOAT. WHEN SPOTTED","Desc2":"THEY JUMPED OVERBOARD AND DROPPED THE ENDS OF THE LINES, WHICH WERE RECOVERED BY A POLICE BOAT.","coords.x1":11.65,"coords.x2":-4.81667} {"Reference":"2001-94","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 14 MAR AT 0350 LOCAL TIME AT LAGOS ANCHORAGE BY THREE MEN ARMED WITH JUNGLE BOLOS. CREW LOCKED THEMSELVES IN THE ACCOMMODATION AND INFORMED PORT CONTROL. AFTER 15 MINUTES THE THIEVES LEFT WITH THREE","Desc2":"MOORING LINES.","coords.x1":3.46667,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2001-86","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED LPG CARRIER WAS BOARDED 2 MAR AT 0245 AT ANCHOR 7 NM FROM THE LAGOS BREAKWATER. THREE PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES AND MACHETES BOARDED THE SHIP FROM A BOAT CONTAINING SIX PERSONS. ALTHOUGH THE ALARM WAS SOUNDED THE THIEVES CUT ONE","Desc2":"MOORING LINE AND LOWERED INTO THE BOAT BEFORE FLEEING AFTER STRIKING ONE CREW MEMBER.","coords.x1":3.46667,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2001-60","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TORM ALEXANDRA","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:THE 3,972-TON MALTA-FLAG CARGO SHIP (TORM ALEXANDRA) WAS BOARDED 20 JAN AT 0415 LOCAL TIME AT ITS BERTH, ABIDJAN. SEVERAL PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES AND PIPES BROKE INTO A CONTAINER AND STOLE TWO BAGS OF COCOA. SHOUTS FROM THE CREW AND THE","Desc2":"PRESENCE OF WATCHMEN ON SHORE DID NOT DISTURB THE THEFT AND THE ROBBERS REPORTEDLY LOITERED ON THE QUAY BEFORE DEPARTING THE HARBOR AREA. THE SHIP WAS ATTACKED 6 NOV AT THE SAME PORT.","coords.x1":-4.01667,"coords.x2":5.31667} {"Reference":"2001-59","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 17 JAN AT ITS BERTH AT DOUALA. DUTY OFFICER THREATENED WITH LONG KNIFE AND SHIP'S STORES STOLEN. POLICE AND HARBOR MASTER'S OFFICE NOTIFIED BUT DID NOT RESPOND.","coords.x1":9.71667,"coords.x2":4.06667} {"Reference":"2001-53","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 10 JAN AT 0115 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT TEMA. TWO PERSON BOARDED THROUGH THE HAWSE PIPE BUT FLED WHEN ALARM WAS SOUNDED AND ESCAPED IN A SMALL CANOE.","coords.x1":-0.01667,"coords.x2":5.66667} {"Reference":"2001-52","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 9 JAN AT 0200 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED. THE INTRUDERS ENTERED VIA THE HAWSE PIPE BUT FLED WHEN THE ALARM WAS SOUNDED.","coords.x1":6.99167,"coords.x2":4.15} {"Reference":"2001-32","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO WAS BOARDED 19 DEC AT LAGOS ANCHORAGE BY PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES. SHIP WEIGHED ANCHOR AND PROCEEDED TO THE OPEN SEA WITH TWO INTRUDERS STILL ON BOARD. THE TWO THREATENED THE MASTER WITH DEATH WHEN HIS SHIP ENTERS PORT AND","Desc2":"JUMPED OVERBOARD. SHIP'S SAFETY EQUIPMENT WAS STOLEN. PORT CONTROL DID NOT RESPOND TO CALLS FROM SHIP.","coords.x1":3.46667,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2001-31","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"NIKOLAY KANTEMIR","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:THE 3,988-TON RUSSIAN-FLAG CARGO SHIP (NIKOLAY KANTEMIR) WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED 9 DEC AT 1755 LOCAL TIME WHILE BERTHED AT ABIDJAN. TEN ARMED PERSONS BOARDED FROM THE QUAY WHICH WAS LEVEL WITH THE SHIP'S DECK AND STOLE TWO OF THE SHIP'S CARGO","Desc2":"OF 111 DRUMS OF COLORANT. TWO UNARMED WATCHMEN WERE PRESENT BUT UNABLE TO INTERFERE. THE ROBBERY TOOK PLACE DURING A BREAK IN LONGSHOREMEN'S SHIFTS.","coords.x1":4.01667,"coords.x2":5.31667} {"Reference":"2001-11","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GABON:UNIDENTIFIED SHIP BERTHED AT OWENDO PORT DISCOVERED PERSONS ON FORECASTLE 1 DEC AT 0130 LOCAL TIME. ALARM RAISED AND THIEVES JUMPED OVERBOARD WITH SHIP'S STORES.","coords.x1":9.48333,"coords.x2":0.35} {"Reference":"2000-392","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RYTAS","Desc1":"EQUATORIAL GUINEA:THE 5,783-TON LITHUANIAN-FLAG FISHING VESSEL (RYTAS) WAS INTERCEPTED AND BOARDED 15 NOV OFF MALABO BY \"DRUNKEN SAILORS\" WHO DESTROYED THE SHIP'S RADIO AND TRANSFERRED ITS CATCH TO THEIR OWN BOAT. ON ARRIVAL AT PORT THE CAPTAIN AND 7 OF","Desc2":"THE CREW WERE TAKEN INTO CUSTODY AND CHARGED WITH ILLEGAL FISHING EVEN THOUGH SHIP WAS CARRYING A FROZEN CARGO BETWEEN MAURITANIA AND CAMEROON. THROUGH 27 NOV AT LEAST, THE GOVT OF LITHUANIA, WHICH LACKS DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH EQUATORIAL GUINEA, WAS","Desc3":"ATTEMPTING TO ENLIST ASSISTANCE OF THE U.S., RUSSIA, FRANCE AND SPAIN IN SECURING RELEASE OF SHIP AND CREW.","coords.x1":8.66667,"coords.x2":3.35} {"Reference":"2000-385","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-04","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"AZTLAN","Desc1":"GABON:THE 26,047-TON PANAMA-FLAG BULK CARRIER (AZTLAN) WAS BOARDED 4 NOV AT 0300 LOCAL TIME AT ANCHOR, OWENDO (REPORTED 15 NOV). SECOND OFFICER RAISED ALARM WHEN INTRUDERS WERE SPOTTED ON FORECASTLE ATTEMPTING TO STEAL MOORING LINES AND THE SIX PERSONS","Desc2":"FLED EMPTY-HANDED. WARNING WAS BROADCAST TO OTHER SHIPS IN AREA AND A SECOND SHIP REPORTED THEFT OF MOORING LINES DURING AFTERNOON MEAL BREAK. PORT AUTHORITIES DID NOT RESPOND AND IT WAS CLAIMED NO ONE AT PORT COULD SPEAK ENGLISH.","coords.x1":9.48333,"coords.x2":0.35} {"Reference":"2000-319","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GHANA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP REPORTED ATTEMPT TO BOARD 28 SEP AT 1158 UTC WHILE RAISING ANCHOR TEMA ANCHORAGE 05-40N 000-01W. ANTI-PIRACY WATCH SPOTTED SMALL WOODEN BOAT WHICH WAS DRIVEN AWAY. LATER ONE PERSON ATTEMPTED TO BOARD VIA THE ANCHOR","Desc2":"CHAIN AND HAWSE PIPE. ALARM WAS RAISED AND INTRUDERS FLED.","coords.x1":-0.01667,"coords.x2":5.66667} {"Reference":"2000-305","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 14 SEP AT 0500 WHILE ANCHORED AT LAGOS ROADS. THREE PERSONS STOLE SHIP'S STORES AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT.","coords.x1":3.40194,"coords.x2":6.43528} {"Reference":"2000-253","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 5 Sep at 0530 local time while at Douala berth 11. Four persons were observed by the duty cadet passing drums of lube oil over the side. When the cadet alerted other crew the intruders jumped over the side.","Desc2":"A policeman on the jetty was alerted but did not respond.","coords.x1":9.68083,"coords.x2":4.02306} {"Reference":"2000-219","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"DAWN","Desc1":"GHANA:THE 8,909-TON, PANAMANIAN FLAG CARGO SHIP (DAWN) WAS SUBJECT OF ATTEMPTED BOARDING 29 AUG AT 2345 LOCAL TIME BY TEN PERSONS, TWO OF WHOM TRIED TO CLIMB THE ANCHOR CHAIN. WHEN CREW SOUNDED AN ALERT THE INTRUDERS LEFT THE AREA.","coords.x1":-1,"coords.x2":5} {"Reference":"2000-220","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"NORDSTRENGTH","Desc1":"TOGO:THE 57,148-TON, CYPRUS-FLAG TANKER (NORDSTRENGTH) WAS BOARDED 28 AUG AT 0030 LOCAL TIME (REPORTED 5 SEP). WATCH SPOTTED PERSONS ON THE FORECASTLE AND RAISED THE ALARM. IT WAS DISCOVERED THAT THE LOCK TO THE FORECASTLE HAD BEEN FORCED WITH A CROWBAR","Desc2":"AND ITEMS WORTH $6,000 STOLEN. SHIP'S MASTER ISSUED A WARNING TO OTHER SHIPS IN THE AREA AND TRIED UNSUCCESSFULLY TO CONTACT LOME PORT AUTHORITIES.","coords.x1":1.21667,"coords.x2":6.15} {"Reference":"2000-158","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-31","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"MILITANTS","Victim":"OIL RIGS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Ijaw militants in Nigeria's Bayelsa State seized two oil rigs operated by Royal Dutch Shell 31 Jul and held 165 employees hostage. 60 persons operating from boats stormed the rigs in mangrove swamps demanding jobs for local youths. On 3 Aug","Desc2":"agreement was reached to free the hostages in return for a meeting 15 Aug on the militants' agenda.","coords.x1":5.09639,"coords.x2":5.33944} {"Reference":"2000-145","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"MILITANT YOUTHS","Victim":"OIL FIELD SERVICE BOAT","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Militant youths attacked an oil field service boat carrying workers of China's National Petroleum Corporation 21 Jul in the Forcados River. Two Chinese workers were kidnapped. Nigerian naval authorities state that more than 40 persons have been","Desc2":"seized in \"the past few days\" and that the navy would soon storm the militants' base.","coords.x1":5.09639,"coords.x2":5.33944} {"Reference":"2000-159","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MEDEMSAND","Desc1":"NIGERIA:The 2,028-ton, Panamanian-flag refrigerated cargo ship (MEDEMSAND) was boarded 12 Jul (reported 27 Jul) while discharging cargo at Lagos. Three uniformed men boarded the ship and went to the captain's cabin where they threatened him with knives","Desc2":"and extorted cash amounting to about $10,000. The men then left the port area in their car.","coords.x1":5.41667,"coords.x2":5.25} {"Reference":"2000-116","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"SCAN EAGLE","Desc1":"CAMEROUN:The 1,964-ton Danish-flag cargo ship (SCAN EAGLE) was boarded 23 Jun at 0015 local time while berthed at Douala, Cameroun. Several men, reportedly heavily armed (NFI) retrained three crew while they removed drums of paint from the ship's store.","Desc2":"Shore guards, which are required, reportedly took no action to either protect the crew nor to apprehend the thieves.","coords.x1":9.5,"coords.x2":3.5} {"Reference":"2000-94","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:Stores were stolen and a crew member injured and hospitalized following an attack 2 Jun at 0125 UTC on an unidentified tanker anchored at Abidjan, Ivory Coast.","coords.x1":-4.955,"coords.x2":4.44611} {"Reference":"2000-95","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ANGOLA:The 8,922-ton St. Vincent-flag bulk carrier was boarded 17 May (reported 1 Jun) at Luanda anchorage. A gang, said to number 8 or 9, armed with long knives, swords and iron rods pursued the crew and tied and beat two men, on of whom was left","Desc2":"unconscious. Ship's alarm and whistle were sounded and port authorities were radioed but did not respond. The attackers stole four fire hoses, a television, video player and heaving lines among other items.","coords.x1":13.20917,"coords.x2":-8.80944} {"Reference":"2000-63","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Nigerian fishermen have been attacked on the Bakassi Peninsula and while fishing in territorial waters between 11 and 13 May. The attackers reportedly came from Cameroon and stole valuables, boats and fishing gear at gun point.","coords.x1":5.09639,"coords.x2":5.33944} {"Reference":"2000-65","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:An 11 May report states that a vessel at Lagos was boarded at anchor from the launch (BAHIM SANI ABACHI) by six men, three of them uniformed, who attempted to extract payments of $5,000 for services not rendered. The Captain's attempt to obtain","Desc2":"assistance from port authorities was unsuccessful as were attempts to get the men to identify themselves. After three hours of refusal to pay the false claim the boarders left without receiving any money.","coords.x1":5.07917,"coords.x2":5.32222} {"Reference":"2000-64","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-10","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"MILITANT YOUTHS","Victim":"MILLARD BAY 74","Desc1":"NIGERIA:About 30 Ijaw militants stormed the Chevron operated drill rig (MILLARD BAY 74) 10 May in the Dibi area of Delta State. The youths assaulted company personnel, seized four workboats and threatened to blowup the facility if drilling operations","Desc2":"were not stopped. The company shut down the drilling operation and evacuated its personnel. As of 12 May the workboats remain in the militant's hands.","coords.x1":5.09639,"coords.x2":5.33944} {"Reference":"2000-76","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"GANG MEMBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Nigerian police on 23 Apr raided the hulk of a sunken merchant ship off Lagos which was being used by a gang as a base from which to raid nearby island communities and ships anchored offshore. Six persons were arrested and 12 others escaped. On","Desc2":"15 May naval personnel arrested 8 persons said to have abducted 2 naval ratings and 5 Shell employees from the Opuama Flow Station 9 May.","coords.x1":5.07917,"coords.x2":5.32222} {"Reference":"2000-297","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"MILITANT YOUTHS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Militant youths in the Niger Delta attacked a commercial boat 26 Mar as it entered the Benin River. Ten passengers and 6 military escorts were injured in the gunfire from armed personnel in three speedboats..","coords.x1":2.53333,"coords.x2":6.15833} {"Reference":"2000-285","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ANGOLA:Unidentified ship boarded from boat at bow at 0200 29 Feb in anchorage 8 miles off Luanda by five attackers armed with knives. Robbers succeeded in stealing life raft after the general alarm was sounded. Repeated requests for assistance to the","Desc2":"port authorities were reportedly not answered.","coords.x1":13.20917,"coords.x2":-8.80944} {"Reference":"2000-275","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CONGO:An unidentified bulk carrier alongside berth 9 unloading rice at Matadi, was boarded 1540 UTC on 24 Feb by 100 to 120 persons who rushed past the watchman. The mob stole loose items on deck and rice from the cargo until crew members raised the","Desc2":"alarm and drove the invaders from the ship.","coords.x1":11.50028,"coords.x2":-4.52417} {"Reference":"2000-267","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"DUBAI PRIDE","Desc1":"NIGERIA:The 9,094-ton, Bahamian-flag chemical tanker (DUBAI PRIDE) was boarded 11 Feb 0430 UTC at Lagos Anchorage by ten attackers armed with long knives. The attackers threatened the duty seaman and raided the ship's stores.","coords.x1":3.5,"coords.x2":6.3} {"Reference":"2000-262","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-30","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED HEAVY-LIFT VESSEL IN TRANSIT OF THE ESCRAVOS RIVER IN NIGERIA WAS REPORTEDLY APPROACHED BY A SPEED BOAT CONTAINING THREE PERSONS IN MILITARY UNIFORM WHO DEMANDED THE VESSEL STOP 30 JAN (REPORTED 8 FEB). WHEN THE ORDER WAS REFUSED","Desc2":"THE ATTACKERS FIRED AT THE SHIP WITH RIFLES AND PURSUED IT FOR ABOUT TEN MINUTES BEFORE BREAKING OFF THE ATTACK WITH NO REPORTED INJURY TO SHIP OR CREW.","coords.x1":5.09639,"coords.x2":5.33944} {"Reference":"2000-231","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-26","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RED MARTIN 1","Desc1":"NIGERIA:The 1,930-ton, St. Vincent flag supply vessel (RED MARTIN 1) was boarded 0115 26 Jan in posit. 04-03N 05-56E off the Niger Delta. Seven men armed with machine guns stole a\"large amount\" of equipment and crew's possessions and the vessel's master","Desc2":"and second engineer received minor injuries.","coords.x1":5.93333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"2000-233","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"SEABULK LINCOLN 6","Desc1":"NIGERIA:The 137-ton, St. Vincent-flag supply vessel (SEABULK LINCOLN 6) was chased by would-be boarders 0400 22 Jan from a position 6 miles offshore from FIniwa, Nigeria. Shots fired at the vessel struck its starboard side and portable Diesel fuel tank.","coords.x1":5.84167,"coords.x2":4.41667} {"Reference":"2000-284","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"ARKTIS MARINER","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:An unidentified vessel, possibly 6,285-ton Danish-flag (ARKTIS MARINER), was attacked at anchor 21 Jan in Abidjan inner anchorage (reported 3 Mar). Robbers stole personal belongings from seaman on watch and tried unsuccessfully to enter the","Desc2":"accommodation before giving up and leaving the vessel.","coords.x1":-4.955,"coords.x2":4.44611} {"Reference":"2000-234","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"HOVERCRAFT","Desc1":"NIGERIA:On 20 Jan an unidentified Shell Oil Co. hovercraft with 5 staff was hijacked near Bugama Flow Station near Port Harcourt. Hostages released 24 Jan but craft still held as of 27 Jan.","coords.x1":7.01667,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2000-232","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-19","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"SMIT-LLOYD 31","Desc1":"NIGERIA:The 1,089-ton, Bahamas-flag supply vessel (SMIT-LLOYD 31) was boarded at 0340 19 Jan near Olibiri, Nigeria. Three crew suffered cuts and bruises.","coords.x1":6.29167,"coords.x2":5.09167} {"Reference":"2000-235","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"LETUGBENE COMMUNITY","Victim":"TUGS","Desc1":"NIGERIA:Two tugs (NFI) carrying 9 crew from Shell Oil Co. Opukushi Flow Station were seized by the Letugbene Community of Bayelsa State 18 Jan. No information on the craft or their crew was available as of 27 Jan.","coords.x1":5.09639,"coords.x2":5.33944} {"Reference":"2000-230","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:An unidentified supply vessel was reported boarded by \"pirates\" carrying rifles, six miles from Funiwa, Nigeria, at 0400 15 Jan. The boarders stole food, personal belongings, the life raft, a computer and radio equipment.","coords.x1":5.84167,"coords.x2":4.41667} {"Reference":"2000-13","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"MILITANT YOUTHS","Victim":"CAMCO BLUE TIDE","Desc1":"NIGERIA: A Shell Oil Company barge, CAMCO BLUE TIDE, was invaded by militant youths at Otumara Field and stripped of all food supplies in an apparent continuation of dispute over whether village elders to share oil money received.","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.43333} {"Reference":"2000-2","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"PIONEER SPIRIT","Desc1":"IVORY COAST:The 12,233-ton, Maltese-flag cargo ship, Pioneer Spirit, was boarded by nine thieves operating from three small boats at 0135 while anchored off Abidjan. Even though discovered by a watchman who alerted the rest of the crew, they continued","Desc2":"removing lengths of mooring line until they moved about 100 meters away form the ship at 0245 just prior to the arrival of port authorities.","coords.x1":-4.03333,"coords.x2":5.35} {"Reference":"1999-121","DateOfOcc":"1999-11-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"NIGERIAN TRIBAL YOUTH GANGS","Victim":"MM22","Desc1":"NIGERIA (BONNY RIVER):ARMED YOUTHS HIJACKED THE SHELL PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY BOAT, MM22, AND HELD ITS PASSENGERS AND CREW FOR \"INTERROGATION\", BEFORE RELEASING THEM. THE BOAT WAS BEING USED TO TRANSPORT GUARDS TO THE CAWTHORNE CHANNEL FLOAT","Desc2":"STATION WHEN IT WAS INTERCEPTED BY 6 YOUTHS IN A SPEEDBOAT. THE YOUTHS REPRESENT A GROUP TRYING TO FORCE SHELL TO HIRE 200 LOCAL TRIBESMEN.","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.43333} {"Reference":"1999-113","DateOfOcc":"1999-11-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"NIGERIAN TRIBAL YOUTH GANGS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA (BONNY RIVER):MERCHANT VESSEL, OWNED BY TIDEWATER OIL CO., WAS SEIZED AND A U.S. CITIZEN WAS KIDNAPPED, ALONG WITH A POLISH ENGINEER AND 12 NIGERIANS.THE VESSEL WAS RELEASED ALONG WITH THE HOSTAGES ON 3 NOV AFTER A COURT INJUNCTION WAS OBTAINED.","Desc2":"TWO OTHER SHIPS OF THE TIDEWATER FLEET WERE BREIFLY HELD IN THE SAME WEEK; A BELIZE-FLAG VESSEL WITH AN ALL-NIGERIAN CREW ON 23 OCT AND THE EXPLORER SEAHORSE \"SEVERAL DAYS\" LATER.","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"1999-108","DateOfOcc":"1999-10-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"NIGERIAN TRIBAL YOUTH GANGS","Victim":"DAMAS VICTORY","Desc1":"NIGERIA (BONNY RIVER):SHIPPING CONTINUES TO BE AFFECTED BY THE INSTABILITY IN THE BONNY RIVER REGION. LOCAL YOUTH GANGS ARE DEMANDING THAT TRANSITING SHIPS PROCURE PERMIT \"STICKERS\". THE ST. VINCENT-FLAG TUG-SUPPLY BOAT, DAMAS VICTORY, WAS SEIZED AT","Desc2":"BONNY BECAUSE IT DID NOT DISPLAY SUCH A \"STICKER\".","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"1999-109","DateOfOcc":"1999-10-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"NIGERIAN NATIONALS","Victim":"UNICORN 1","Desc1":"THE 137-TON, NIGERIAN-FLAG FISHING BOAT, UNICORN 1, WAS REPORTED HIJACKED BY NIGERIAN NATIONALS. THE FOUR CREW ARE REPORTED SAFE. THE VESSEL DEPARTED PORT HARCOURT, NIGERIA ON 10 OCT BOUND FOR CONAKRY, GUINEA VIA MONROVIA AND FREETOWN. LAST REPORTED","Desc2":"POSITION WAS ON 10 OCT WHEN CLEARING BONNY. THE HONG KONG OWNERS OF THE VESSEL HAD REPORTED IT OVERDUE, AND THEN SAFE 12 OCT, BEFORE THE ATTACK OCCURRED THE FOLLOWING DAY.","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.43333} {"Reference":"1999-119","DateOfOcc":"1999-10-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"YRIA","Desc1":"THE 15,639-TON, ST. VINCENT-FLAG BULK CARRIER, YRIA, WAS ATTACKED AT ITS BERTH IN ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST (AT THE BEGINNING OF OCTOBER (REPORTED 01 NOV)). THE INTRUDERS OVERPOWERED THE SHIP'S CREW AND WATCHMEN, BROKE OPEN PADLOCKS AND STOLE PART OF THE","Desc2":"CARGO (BAGGED RICE) AS WELL AS SHIP'S EQUIPMENT. THE ROBBERS RETURNED ABOUT THREE HOURS LATER, BUT WERE REPELLED BY THE CREW WHO WERE NOW ON ALERT.","coords.x1":-4.01667,"coords.x2":5.26667} {"Reference":"1999-78","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"DOLPHINE 4","Desc1":"The fishing boat Dolphine 4, flag unknown, was stormed by youths off Pennington Island (Niger Delta). The captain and crew were assaulted during the attack. The boat, robbed of \"goods\" and communication equipment, was vandalized and had to be towed in","Desc2":"the following day. At least six fishing boats have been attacked recently in the Niger Delta, in conjunction with communal violence ashore.","coords.x1":5,"coords.x2":-15} {"Reference":"1999-64","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-20","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"KILCHEM OCEANIA","Desc1":"A group of about twenty armed men boarded the 4,497-ton Bahamas-flag tanker, Kilchem Oceania, off Lagos (06-24N, 003-24E), Nigeria. After stealing numerous items from the vessel, the attackers forced two Russian seafarers, the ship's third officer and an","Desc2":"oiler, to join them as they left the ship. The attackers also demanded that the vessel return to the same spot, in two days, to exchange additional goods as ransom for the safe release of the two seafarers.Attempts are being made to contact the attackers","Desc3":"in order to negotiate the safe release of the hostages.A 01 Sep 1999 report states that the two Russians taken hostage were released at Port Harcourt on 26 Aug 1999, following extensive negotiations.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"1999-63","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"NORDISLE","Desc1":"The 57,148-ton Cypriot flag tanker, Nordisle, was boarded by 5 armed men at an offshore oil terminal at Abidjan (05-15N, 004-01W), Ivory Coast. Crew detected the intruders and sounded the ship's alarm. The pirates lowered 2 ropes and escaped in waiting","Desc2":"motorboats.","coords.x1":-4.01667,"coords.x2":5.25} {"Reference":"1999-65","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-11","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"NIGERIAN MILITARY FORCES","Victim":"VEGA","Desc1":"The 3,172-ton Lithuanian-flag reefer ship was strafed by high-calibre machine guns as the vessel navigated on the Escravos River, Nigeria at 0930 local time. The vessel was approached by a speedboat whose occupants, clad in military uniforms, attempted","Desc2":"to stop the ship. The Master, following the advice of the pilot, chose not to stop the vessel. The aggressors eventually abandoned their pursuit, but only after firing heavily at the ship with their weapons. The Master was slightly wounded during the","Desc3":"attack by flying debris. The ship sustained considerable damage including more than fifty bullet holes which pierced the accommodation, damaged aerials, damaged radio units, broken windows on the bridge, broken portholes, broken radar, broken","Desc4":"floodlights, and damage to cables and dents and scratches to the ship's superstructure.","coords.x1":5.25,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"1999-70","DateOfOcc":"1999-06-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO report states:A 57,148 gross ton Cypriot tanker was boarded by five armed robbers at the Abidjan offshore terminal \"CBM-SIR-1\". The robbers boarded the ship at her forecastle at 0115 hrs. They were carrying long knives and spears. Once the","Desc2":"thieves were detected the ship's alarm was sounded. The thieves then lowered two ropes into motorboats awaiting alongside before escaping. Abidjan police arrived at the vessel at 0215 hrs. to investigate theincident and take statements, leaving again at","Desc3":"0300 hrs.","coords.x1":-4,"coords.x2":5.3} {"Reference":"1999-58","DateOfOcc":"1999-06-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"A BIMCO owner member reported that one of their reefer ships was subjected to hostilities near the entrance to the Benin River while navigating from Warri to Koko. Local tribesmen opened fire on the ship with automatic weapons. The ship suffered several","Desc2":"broken portholes as a result. The ship's speed was increased to 21 knots in order to escape. None of the crew were injured.","coords.x1":5,"coords.x2":5.75} {"Reference":"1999-52","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"STRONGHAND","Desc1":"GULF OF GUINEAThe 497-ton Nigerian-flag tanker, Stronghand, was abandoned after being attacked and stripped by local youths. The vessel had run aground off Madangho, Nigeria in the Escavros River. Three crewmembers, who had been seized following the","Desc2":"grounding, were released on payment of ransom by the vessel's owners.","coords.x1":7,"coords.x2":3} {"Reference":"1999-38","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"A standby tug serving Nigeria's Forcado Oil Terminal was attacked by an armed gang. Nigerian military forces intervened to stop the attack but all loading at the terminal was suspended temporily in fear of a a revenge strike by the same gang. Nigerian","Desc2":"oil terminals and production fields have experienced significant violence during the past year from local tribes and townspeople seeking greater share in proceeds from oil exploration and production.","coords.x1":5.44722,"coords.x2":5.36667} {"Reference":"1999-35","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ORIONAS","Desc1":"A Lithuanian-flag refrigerated cargo ship was attacked by armed intruders after sailing from Matadi, Congo Republic. Two speedboats opened fire and at 1530 the vessel was stopped. Fifteen men boarded taking about $5,000 cash and other valuables and","Desc2":"stores. Attackers left the vessel at 1625. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":13.48333,"coords.x2":-5.81667} {"Reference":"1999-39","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"An unnamed containership (assessed to be the Antigua-flag P&O NEDLLOYDS LAGOS) was boarded while at anchor 4.4 miles off the Tema breakwater. The contents of two containers were partialy pilfered. The deck watchman spotted the intruders who fled after","Desc2":"the ship's alarms were sounded. The ship left the anchorage area and moved 12 to 15 miles offshore. A knife, steel pipe, and rope were left behind. No description of the stolen items has been provided.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.66667} {"Reference":"1999-31","DateOfOcc":"1999-03-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FIONE","Desc1":"A Panamanian-flag cargo ship was boarded as it approached the pilot station at Escravos Bar off Sapele, Nigeria. The ship previously minimized exposure to attack by drifting at sea rather than anchoring prior to pilot pick up. Vessel was boarded at 0200","Desc2":"by six masked individuals armed with axes, hammer and machine guns, from a speed boat. The master and crew were ordered to the bridge where the attackers demanded money. When informed that no money was available the attackers became violent, striking the","Desc3":"master and some crew as well as smashing navigation and radio equipment on the bridge. One crew member suffered a skull fracture, and the captain suffered injuries to his arm after being hit with a hammer trying to protect the equipment. An armed guard","Desc4":"was hired to accompany the ship to its berth and was also on board during outward transit. (See ASAM 990032)","coords.x1":5.71667,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"1999-30","DateOfOcc":"1999-03-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"A Panamanian flag LPG tanker was boarded while at anchor in Luanda Bay, Angola, about 0.6 miles north of the gas terminal. Eight or nine thieves boarded the ship at about 0315 from three motorboats. Three of them held the night watchman hostage at","Desc2":"knifepoint while the others pilfered items from the forecastle and accommodation areas. The thieves fled after an attack lasting about 15 minutes after being spotted by the crew. Crew was mustered to ensure no one was missing or injured and stowaway","Desc3":"search conducted. Master radioed local authorites and other vessels. Two armed guards were placed on board that evening by port authorities.","coords.x1":13.23333,"coords.x2":-8.83333} {"Reference":"1999-16","DateOfOcc":"1999-01-29","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"IZMAYLOVO","Desc1":"A Liberian-flag tanker was boarded at 0420 LMT in Lagos Roads, Nigeria. The intruders used a six-meter hooked bamboo pole to climb aboard and stole three mooring lines and safety equipment. Other vessels were warned by VHF radio. The signal station","Desc2":"responded after 20 minutes advising ship to seek safer waters in the open sea. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"1999-18","DateOfOcc":"1999-01-15","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"BRITTA","Desc1":"A Antigua-flag cargo ship was boarded at 0340 LMT while in the port of Douala, Cameroon. Several drums of paint were stolen from the forecastle locker. Watchmen abandoned their post without explanation between 2000 and 0430.","coords.x1":9.7,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"1999-32","DateOfOcc":"1999-01-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BACO LINER 3","Desc1":"A German barge carrier was attacked by six individuals in a similar incident as the Panamanian-flag cargo ship FIONE off Sapele, Nigeria. (See ASAM 990031)","coords.x1":5.71667,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"1998-64","DateOfOcc":"1998-11-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"HIGHLANDER I","Desc1":"A Panamanian-flag cargo ship was attacked by would-be boarders at 0410 local time while at anchore off Tema, Ghana. Four boats, each contaning 8 to 12 men were detected and fended off by crewmembers who sounded the general alarm, used searchlight and","Desc2":"discharged fire hoses. There were no injuries or damage to the cargo of bagged sugar.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"1998-65","DateOfOcc":"1998-11-09","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"INNES","Desc1":"A Cypriot-flag cargo ship experienced an apparent attempt to stop the vessel with possible intent to board while leaving Soyo, Angola. The ship was underway about three miles from the port entrance buoys when a line of fishing boats connected by line was","Desc2":"observed blocking the channel ahead. One of the approximately 12-meter boats acted as a tug to position the floating barrier which was moved to head off the exiting ship. The ship maneuvered around the obstacle and escaped to sea. Calls to port control","Desc3":"were unanswered.","coords.x1":12.23333,"coords.x2":-6.33333} {"Reference":"1998-57","DateOfOcc":"1998-09-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BENGUELA STREAM","Desc1":"A NETHERLAND-FLAG REFRIGERATED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED AT THE DOUALA BANANA TERMINAL IN CAMEROON. THE VESSEL WAS BOARDED FROM THE OUTBOARD SIDE. THE FORECASTLE STORE WAS BROKEN INTO AND SUPPLIES WERE TAKEN. THE SHIP HAD ENHANCED SECURITY BY","Desc2":"HIRING A LOCAL POLICEMAN AND ASHORE WATCHMAN BUT NEITHER WAS REPORTED PRESENT AT THE TIME OF THE INCIDENT.","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"1998-55","DateOfOcc":"1998-08-12","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BRITTA","Desc1":"AN ANTIGUAN-FLAG CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED TWICE WHILE AT BERTH IN DOUALA, CAMEROON. THE FIRST INCIDENT OCCURRED AT 0550 12 AUG WHEN 6 OR 7 THIEVES ARMED WITH KNIVES AND IRON BARS CAME ABOARD AND BROKE OPEN THE FORECASTLE STORAGE LOCKER AND STOLE MOORING","Desc2":"LINES, PAINT, AND POWER TOOLS. THE SECOND INCIDENT TOOK PLACE 0242 13 AUG WHEN 2 MEN BOARDED THE SHIP AND THREATENED THE MASTER AND CREW WITH KNIVES. THERE IS NO INFORMATION IN THE LOSSES. DESPITE IMMEDIATE NOTIFICATION TO THE POLICE, 25 MINUTES ELAPSED","Desc3":"BEFORE THEY ARRIVED.","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"1999-17","DateOfOcc":"1998-07-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SIR RAPHAEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:A Belize-flag anchor-handling supply tug was hijacked and held for ransom near Kaugama, Nigeria. The master was forced at gunpoint to take the tug up the Fishtown River in northern Nigeria. The crew were held for more than two weeks before being","Desc2":"repatriated. Negotiations to free the tug were unsuccessful and an attempt to tow it free with another chartered tug ended in failure when SIR RAPHAEL touched a sand bar carrying away the towline. The following morning the tug had been beached by high","Desc3":"tide and was overrun and vandalized with all equipment stolen or destroyed. The tug had been working off the Nigerian and Cameroon coasts since 1996 and apparently fell victim to the long-running violence which has plagued oil industry workers caught","Desc4":"between Nigerian government and tribal chiefs struggling for shares of oil revenue. This incident was not reported until the end of January 1999, when the tug was declared a constructive total loss.","coords.x1":9.76667,"coords.x2":-12.51667} {"Reference":"1998-44","DateOfOcc":"1998-07-22","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V AACHEN","Desc1":"A GERMAN CONTAINERSHIP WAS BOARDED AT ANCHOR OFF TEMA, GHANA. A WATCHMAN WAS HELD AT GUNPOINT WHILE PAINT AND A MOORING LINE WERE STOLEN.","coords.x1":0.01667,"coords.x2":5.61667} {"Reference":"1997-81","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-28","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP FRISCHLAND","Desc1":"NIGERIA The Liberian-flag cargo 2,514-ton ship Frischland was attacked by robbers in the Chanomi creek while outbound from Warri, Nigeria at 1210 local time 27 Aug 97. The attack was staged from a speedboat containing seven armed men. After pursuing the","Desc2":"cargo ship to a point near Bedford Point the thieves climbed aboard using hooked poles. The attackers were armed with clubs, guns and knives. The crew was held at gunpoint and the master forced to open the safe which was emptied of cash, and the thieves","Desc3":"also ransacked the crew's cabins taking any valuables they could find. The pilot and two crewmen on the bridge were beaten by two of the thieves who stationed themselves there throughout the incident during which the ship sailed for about twenty minutes","Desc4":"with the helm unmanned. At 1230 local time, the thieves spotted a nearby police boat and left the ship with the patrol boat in pursuit.","coords.x1":5.73333,"coords.x2":5.51667} {"Reference":"1997-73","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-23","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHNANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMEROON, PORT DOUALA. THE 12,445 GROSS TON BAHAMAS-FLAG CONTAINER SHIP (CMBT EXPRESS), WAS BOARDED IN PORT AT DOUALA, CAMEROON BY A GROUP ARMED WITH KNIVES AT 0330 23 AUG. THE INTRUDERS OPENED FOUR TWENTY-FOOT CONTAINERS WITH MIXED CARGO AND WERE","Desc2":"CARRYING OFF THE CONTENTS WHEN THEY WERE CHASED BY THE SHIP'S CREW.","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"1997-46","DateOfOcc":"1997-05-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Africa On May 6, 1997 the 4,997 gross ton Ukraine flagged general cargo ship (Rybinsk) was boarded and robbed while it was in Port Douala, Cameroon on MAY 1, 1997. The robbers were armed with knives and stole a television set, one telephone, and one of","Desc2":"the crewmen's watch. The port watchmen were reported as absent during the attack.","coords.x1":9.68333,"coords.x2":4.05} {"Reference":"1997-18","DateOfOcc":"1996-09-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Abidjan, Ivory Coast The following report was received from the master of the Finnsnes on 25 Sep 96. On 24 Sep 96, while located 15 nautical miles off Abidjan, Ivory Coast, armed pirates boarded the Cyprus flagged M bulk carrier Finnsnes. The pirates","Desc2":"ransacked the forward paint and rope storerooms. They took 1,900 liters of paint, 60 kilograms of grease, one coil of 16 millimeter rope, jet chisels and strippers, shovels and buckets. The master attempted to contact local authorities ashore but","Desc3":"received no answer. The master made changes to his course and speed moving further off shore and the pirates jumped into the sea. No injuries to the crew were reported.","coords.x1":-4.01667,"coords.x2":5.25} {"Reference":"1997-9","DateOfOcc":"1996-07-03","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Lagos, Nigeria A report on July 3, 1996 indicated that an unidentified vessel was hijacked in June at Apapa/Lagos. Shortly after the mooring to offload salt, the vessel, with a crew of 22, was boarded and occupied by a group of more than 100 angry men","Desc2":"carrying iron bars, wooden clubs, stones, and steel bolts. The gang appeared to be union Stevedores demonstrating over the charterer's and/or receiver's arrangement of non-union labor to offload the vessel. Two europeans representing the charterers and","Desc3":"the receivers, and two clerks from the local agents were taken hostage. The crew avoided capture by barricading themselves in the aft accommodation. The group's leader warned the master not to allow non-union Stevedores aboard or the vessel would be set","Desc4":"ablaze. The stand off lasted two days, during which both the Navy and Police attempted to approach the ship only to be repelled by the group. On the third day of the siege, the hostages were freed. The leader ordered the gang to depart on the following","Desc5":"day; yet reiterated to the master his earlier warning of not permitting non-union Stevedores aboard. On the fith day, the parties reached a compromise, allowing both union and non-union Stevedores to off load cargo.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"1997-8","DateOfOcc":"1996-04-24","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Nigeria Seven Nigerian thieves, armed with guns and long knives, boarded a vessel (NFI) in river transit from the port of Warri, Nigeria to the sea, on April 24, 1996. The master started the emeregency alarm upon detecting the bandits; however, some of","Desc2":"the crew locked themselves inside in quarters and the master, second mate and helmsman stayed on the bridge and locked the doors. After absconding with six mooring ropes, a winch drum and six life rings, the thieves jumped into the water where they met","Desc3":"an accomplice in a speedboat.","coords.x1":5.75361,"coords.x2":5.49722} {"Reference":"1995-60","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-21","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"Abidjan, Ivory Coast Following reported to BIMCO: On 21 April 1995 a vessel was boarded by 15 men armed with knives and pistols. The men came on board at about 0430 hrs whilst the vessel was at anchorage. Three deck watchmen on duty at the time were","Desc2":"beaten by the pirates and suffered minor injuries. During the attack, which lasted about 30 minutes, the thieves stole paint, lubricants, rope, and other ships' items. Also a container stowed on deck was opened and partially pilfered.","coords.x1":-4,"coords.x2":5.3} {"Reference":"1994-58","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-17","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"River Zaire BIMCO members report that on 17 November 1994 a vessel which was en route to Matadi was attacked by 3 uniformed men in a speedboat who fired upon the vessel with rifles. The incident took place about three miles beyond the Banana pilot","Desc2":"station. The speedboat gave up its pursuit as the vessel increased speed. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":13,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"1994-44","DateOfOcc":"1994-09-07","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BIMCO has received a report regarding a violent incident which took place on board a general cargo vessel berthed at Tin Can Island, Nigeria. The vessel had arrived on 5 September 1994, and upon arrival arranged for the employment of two day watchmen and","Desc2":"three night watchmen for the length of her stay. On the morning of 7 September, two crewman and the ship's second officer were on duty in addition to the three night watchmen as two stevedore gangs loaded cargo on board. From his position on the","Desc3":"forecastle, a crewman spotted a large motorboat alongside the vessel at about 0330 hrs. He was then suddenly overtaken by several men who beat him and held him at knife-point. At the same time another group of men beat and held the second officer, one of","Desc4":"the crewman and one of the watchmen on duty. The crewman who was being held on the forecastle witnessed one of the attackers making cash payments to the stevedores in order to prevent them from interfering. Whilst these payments were being made other men","Desc5":"opened a 20' container stowed on deck and emptied nearly its entire contents of clothing in cartons onto the motorboat. Once they had nearly emptied the container they released the second officer, two crewman and night watchmen, and then escaped on board","Desc6":"the motorboat. A second night watchmen who witnessed the actions of the intruders managed to run to the police station to seek assistance. Despite the watchman's pleas for help the police officer on duty refused to intervene. Aside from the lack of","coords.x1":4,"coords.x2":5} {"Reference":"1993-123","DateOfOcc":"1993-10-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES, ARMED MEN","Victim":"AWAFC VESSEL","Desc1":"M/V ATTACKED IN THE PORT OF HARCOURT, NIGERIA. CREW SUFFERED SLIGHT INJURIES WHEN 8 MEN ARMED BOARDED THE SHIP. ACCORDING TO (AWAFC) AMERICAN WEST AFRICAN FREIGHT CONFERENCE, PIER WATCHMEN DID NOT INTERVENE. CONFERENCE ALSO CHARGES THAT STEVEDORES OPEN","Desc2":"CONTAINERS AND REMOVE CONTENTS DURING CARGO DISCHARGE.","coords.x1":7,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"1993-48","DateOfOcc":"1992-12-13","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KRITI FILOXENIA","Desc1":"M/V KRITI FILOXENIA WAS ATTACKED BY FOUR ARMED PIRATES WHILE ANCHORED 11NM OFF LAGOS. FOUR MOORING LINES AND TWO FIRE HOSES WERE STOLEN. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":3,"coords.x2":5} {"Reference":"1995-76","DateOfOcc":"1992-09-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VESSEL ARRIVED AT LAGOS ROADS AND DROPPED ANCHOR AT 1245 HRS ON 17 SEPT. AT NIGHT, ALL ENTRANCES TO ACCOMMODATIONS AND ALL OTHER DOORS AND ENTRANCES WERE CLOSED AND LOCKED. A DUTY OFFICER WAS POSTED TO THE BRIDGE AND ENGINE ROOM WAS MANNED. WHILE ON","Desc2":"ROUNDS 3RD ENGINEER, AT 0205 HRS 18 SEPT, NOTICED AN EMERGENCY DOOR OPEN. TWO PIRATES ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES APPEARED AND FORCED HIM TO OPEN CREW ACCOMMODATIONS. A THIRD PIRATE WAS OBSERVED LOWERING THE SHIP'S MOORING LINES TO A CANOE ALONGSIDE. TWO MEN","Desc3":"WITH RIFLES MANNED THE CANOE. VARIOUS PERSONAL EFFECTS AND CASH WERE STOLEN. 2ND OFFICER MANAGED TO CONTACT THE BRIDGE AND GENERAL ALARM WAS SOUNDED. PIRATES ESCAPED IMMEDIATELY, CIRCLING THE VESSEL SEVERAL TIMES IN THEIR CANOE, BEFORE HEADING TOWARDS","Desc4":"LAGOS PORT ENTRANCE. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED DURING THE ATTACK, THROUGHOUT WHICH THE PIRATES CONTINUOUSLY HELD A KNIFE TO THE 3RD'S THROAT.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.38333} {"Reference":"1995-75","DateOfOcc":"1992-09-16","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VESSEL ARRIVED AT LAGOS ROADS AND DROPPED ANCHOR AT 0830 HRS ON 14 SEPT. IN ORDER TO REDUCE RISK OF PIRACY, VESSEL SHIFTED ANCHORAGE TO A POINT FARTHER AWAY FROM COAST. AT NIGHT, VESSEL WAS FULLY ILLUMINATED AND ONE WATCHMAN WAS CONTINUOUSLY ON DECK, IN","Desc2":"RADIO CONTACT WITH BRIDGE. AT 0415 HRS ON 16 SEPT TWO PIRATES WERE OBSERVED REMOVING MOORING ROPES FROM AFT WINCHES. DESPITE BEING CHASED BY PIRATE ARMED WITH KNIFE, WATCHMAN MADE IT TO SAFETY AND SOUNDED GENERAL ALARM. THE TWO PIRATES THEN ESCAPED WITH","Desc3":"THE MOORING ROPES.","coords.x1":3.4,"coords.x2":6.38333} {"Reference":"1992-23","DateOfOcc":"1992-08-18","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V LILAS","Desc1":"NIGERIA-GULF OF GUINEA-LAGOS. 180230ZAUG92 M/V LILAS was attacked at anchor. Stolen were two coils of mooring line from aft capstan/wildcat. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":3.38667,"coords.x2":6.31333} {"Reference":"1990-13","DateOfOcc":"1990-08-08","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"LIBERIAN REBEL SHIPS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"SPECIAL WARNING NUMBER 78. LIBERIA THE U.S. GOVERNMENT HAS RECEIVED INFORMATION THAT LIBERIAN REBEL SHIPS MIGHT ATTEMPT TO BOARD MERCHANT VESSELS. THE INFORMATION INDICATES THAT THE REBEL SHIPS WILL BE FLYING TWO FLAGS, THE FLAG OF LIBERIA AND THE","Desc2":"NATIONAL PATRIOTIC FRONT OF LIBERIA (NPLF), (RED WITH A BLACK SCORPIAN). MARINERS ARE ADVISED TO EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN SAILING NEAR THE COAST OF LIBERIA. SEE SPECIAL WARNING 78.","coords.x1":-8,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"1988-21","DateOfOcc":"1988-04-14","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"INGA BASTIAN","Desc1":"WEST COAST AFRICA. NIGERIA. BONNY RIVER. THE INGA BASTIAN WAS BOARDED AND LOOTED BY PIRATES AT THE ENTRANCE TO BONNY RIVER ON 14 APRIL 1988. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":7,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"1987-21","DateOfOcc":"1987-07-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"pirates","Desc1":"NIGERIA Bonny (04-27N 007-10E) July 1987 (no specific date given) RECENTLY A VESSEL LYING 15 MILES SOUTH OF BONNY FAIRWAY BUOY WAS BOARDED BY 30 ARMED MEN WHO ATTACKED AND SERIOUSLY INJURED TWO CREWMEN AND MADE OFF WITH WALKIE TALKIES AND HAWSERS.","Desc2":"POSITION GIVEN AS A REFERENCE NOT AS LOCATION OF INCIDENT.","coords.x1":7.16667,"coords.x2":4.45} {"Reference":"1986-38","DateOfOcc":"1986-10-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"EQUATORIAL GUINEA","Victim":"FREIGHTER","Desc1":"A REPORT HAS BEEN RECEIVED INDICATING THAT A SMALL FREIGHTER, POSSIBLY OF FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY REGISTRY, HAS BEEN ARRESTED BY AUTHORITIES OF EQUATORIAL GUINEA FOR VIOLATING THAT COUNTRY'S TERRITORIAL WATERS. THE VESSEL WAS REPORTEDLY RELEASED","Desc2":"AFTER PAYING A FINE OF APPROXIMATELY $15,000.","coords.x1":8.78333,"coords.x2":3.75} {"Reference":"1986-26","DateOfOcc":"1986-06-05","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"KAPITAN VISLOBOKOV / KAPITAN CHIRKOV","Desc1":"NAMIBE, ANGOLA. SOVIET SHIPS KAPITAN VISLOBOKOV AND KAPITAN CHIRKOV WERE DAMAGED BY EXPLOSIONS AS THEY DISCHARGED CARGO IN NAMIBE (15-12S 012-09E). NO CASUALTIES WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":12.15,"coords.x2":-15.2} {"Reference":"1986-6","DateOfOcc":"1986-02-01","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"WORLD PROLOGUE","Desc1":"THE 29,990 DWT TANKER WORLD PROLOGUE, UNDER GREEK FLAG, REPELLED BOARDERS USING CLUBS AND CHAINS WHILE WAITING TO DISCHARGE OFF PORT HARCOURT, NIGERIA. NO DAMAGE TO SHIP OR CREW WAS REPORTED. ATTACKERS APPROCHED BY HIGH SPEED LAUNCH AND USED ROPES AND","Desc2":"HOOKS TO SCALE THE SIDE OF THE TANKER. THE NIGERIAN COAST GUARD FAILED TO RESPOND TO CALLS FOR ASSISTANCE.","coords.x1":7,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"1985-7","DateOfOcc":"1983-03-02","SubReg":"57","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"NIGERIA, LAGOS. Reports of vessels being boarded by armed pirates off Lagos Harbor continue. Frequently vessels at anchor are boarded, crew members injured, ships property and personal property stolen. Mariners are advised to exercise caution in these","Desc2":"waters.","coords.x1":3.33333,"coords.x2":6.43333} {"Reference":"2013-182","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER ESHIPS LIWA","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE:On 01 June, the berthed Hong Kong-flagged chemical tanker ESHIPS LIWA was boarded at 19-49S 034-50E, at the Beira Port. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the tanker at berth during cargo operations using the forward fire wire. Alert","Desc2":"shore and deck watchmen and agents noticed them and raised the alarm resulting in the robber escaping via the anchor chain. There were no vessel or crew properties stolen. Port authorities and local police were notified.","coords.x1":34.83333,"coords.x2":-19.81667} {"Reference":"2013-155","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-07","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:On 7 May, a fishing vessel experienced a suspicious approach at 01-53N 051-13E, approximately 320 nm off the Somali coast. A Spanish fishing vessel observed a skiff with six pirate?s onboard approach another fishing vessel. A Spanish warship","Desc2":"intervened and detained the suspect pirates. Suspected pirates could not explain why they had sailed so far from land. There was no evidence of trade or legal activity and the Spanish warship crew found equipment on board that is commonly related to","Desc3":"piracy. There was insufficient evidence on this occasion to guarantee a legal prosecution; therefore, the decision was made to return the men to the Somali coast.","coords.x1":51.21667,"coords.x2":1.88333} {"Reference":"2013-86","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP ALPHA KIRAWIRA","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 02 April, the cargo ship ALPHA KIRAWIRA was fired upon at 00-52N 044-01E, approximately 13nm South of Baraawe. Around seven to eight armed pirates in a skiff approached and fired upon a general cargo ship underway. The on board armed security","Desc2":"team fired warning shots resulting in the pirates moving away.","coords.x1":44.01667,"coords.x2":0.86667} {"Reference":"2013-77","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONYAINER SHIP JPO SAGITTARIUS","Desc1":"TANZANIA:On 24 March, the berthed container ship JPO SAGITTARIUS was boarded at 06-50S 039-17E, at the Dar es Salaam Port, Berth No. 11. A robber boarded the vessel via the forward mooring ropes. The duty A/B noticed the robber, who threatened the A/B","Desc2":"with a long knife. The A/B then immediately ran away and reported to a shore security officer who raised alarm and informed the port control. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew's alertness, the robber jumped overboard and escaped empty-handed in","Desc3":"his boat. Shore security guards came onboard to investigate the incident.","coords.x1":39.28333,"coords.x2":-6.83333} {"Reference":"2013-44","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 18 February, a cargo ship was fired upon at 07-14N 052-17E, approximately 150 nm ESE of Eyl. Two white speed boats approached and fired upon the vessel while underway. Onboard armed security team returned fire, resulting in the skiffs moving","Desc2":"away.","coords.x1":52.28333,"coords.x2":7.23333} {"Reference":"2013-11","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL MSC JASMINE","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 05 January, container ship MSC JASMINE fired upon on at 03-07N 051-51E, approximately 400 nm ENE of Mogadishu. Six pirates in a skiff pursued and fired upon the vessel with automatic weapons and an RPG. Vessel raised the alarm, crew mustered","Desc2":"in the citadel and armed security team fired warning shots resulting in the pirates aborting and moving away. A warship and naval helicopter were dispatched towards the vessel. Crew and vessel were unharmed.","coords.x1":51.85,"coords.x2":3.11667} {"Reference":"2013-3","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:On 1 January, a merchant vessel experienced suspicious approach near 02-18N 046-02E, approximately 42 nm northeast of Mogadishu and approximately 7 nm off the Somali coast. The activity consisted of four skiffs. Few other details have been","Desc2":"released and the incident is being investigated further.","coords.x1":46.03333,"coords.x2":2.3} {"Reference":"2012-298","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MILITARY VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:HNMLS Rotterdam fired upon on 24 October off Somali coast. While conducting routine surveillance off the Somali coast, HNMLS Rotterdam, the flagship for NATO's OCEAN SHIELD counter-piracy mission, came under fire from groups of suspected","Desc2":"pirates. A boarding team from the Rotterdam was making an approach on a suspected dhow near the coast when they came under fire from ashore and from the dhow itself.","coords.x1":50.66667,"coords.x2":8.66667} {"Reference":"2012-297","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 19 October at 1250Z, a fishing vessel was hijacked by pirates at 08-52N 050-28E, east of Eyl, Somalia.","coords.x1":50.46667,"coords.x2":8.86667} {"Reference":"2012-282","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Fishing vessel attacked on 10 October near position 00-31N 050-37E. One skiff with six to eight pirates approached the fishing vessel at high speed and fired on the vessel. The onboard security team returned fire and the skiff broke off the","Desc2":"attack and moved away.","coords.x1":50.61667,"coords.x2":0.51667} {"Reference":"2012-286","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Merchant vessel attacked on 12 October in vicinity of 00-26N 050-39E.","coords.x1":50.65,"coords.x2":0.43333} {"Reference":"2012-236","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:At 0600Z on 10 August, a vessel was attacked from a dhow in 03-22S 083-12E, but managed to evade a hijacking.","coords.x1":83.2,"coords.x2":-3.36667} {"Reference":"2012-218","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE:Robbers boarded a container vessel at berth, stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed. Master informed port authorities and local agent. All crew safe.","coords.x1":34.83333,"coords.x2":-19.81667} {"Reference":"2012-210","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Container ship boarded on 3 July at 6-50S 039-17E, at Dar Es Salaam. Robbers boarded the berthed vessel, stole ships stores and escaped unnoticed. The theft was later noticed by the duty A/B while on rounds. The incident was reported to Port","Desc2":"Security.","coords.x1":39.28333,"coords.x2":-6.83333} {"Reference":"2012-186","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"KENYA:Chemical tanker was boarded on 24 May while berthed at 04:02 S - 039:38 E, Berth No. 8, Mombasa Port. A robber armed with a knife boarded a chemical tanker at berth during cargo operations. The robber attacked the duty officer on deck rounds,","Desc2":"injured him, stole his personal belongings and escaped. The Master reported the incident to the port police and agent who boarded the vessel for investigation.","coords.x1":39.63333,"coords.x2":-4.03333} {"Reference":"2012-140","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE:Bulk carrier attacked while underway on 13 April at 11:18 S - 041:00 E 40 nm east of Mocimboa da Praia, Mozambique. Seven pirates armed with automatic weapons in a skiff chased and fired upon the bulk carrier. Ship?s Master raised the alarm,","Desc2":"took evasive maneuvers, informed UKMTO and mustered the crew. After chasing the skiff for 20 minutes the pirates aborted the attack because of measures taken by the vessel and the adverse sea conditions.","coords.x1":41,"coords.x2":-11.3} {"Reference":"2012-129","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE:Chemical Tanker at berth was boarded on 29 March at 19:48 S-034:07 E, Jetty No.12, Beira Port. Duty crewman noticed one robber armed with a knife aboardthe vessel and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the pirate escaped with stolen","Desc2":"ship?s stores with an accomplice piloting a waiting canoe.","coords.x1":34.11667,"coords.x2":-19.8} {"Reference":"2012-116","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Suspicious Craft","Victim":"N/A","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Suspicious blue coloured skiff with 7 POB reported in vicinity 08 30N - 53 00E at 280917UTC MAR 12. Vessels are advised to keep well clear and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":53,"coords.x2":8.5} {"Reference":"2012-115","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Fishing Vessel","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:A fishing vessel 'Naham 3' was reported hijacked in position 06:18.5N - 050:13.04 at 280730Z MAR, course 295, speed 10 kts and may be used as a pirates mothership. Vessels are advised to exercise extreme caution when navigating within 100","Desc2":"nautical miles of the position given in this report and maintain maximum CPA with any ship acting suspiciously. Early assessment/detection will allow ships to take evasive measures to prevent boarding and request for assistance. All attacks and","Desc3":"suspicious sightings including possible pirate mother vessel towing skiffs should be reported.","coords.x1":50.21722,"coords.x2":6.30833} {"Reference":"2012-124","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Tanker attacked on 26 March while underway near position 05:21 S - 049:18 E,approximately 370 nm west of Victoria, Seychelles. Four armed pirates in a skiff chased the ship, reportedly firing 30 rounds at the vessel. Ship?s Master increased","Desc2":"speed and employed other anti-piracy measures. The onboard security team returned fire, resulting in the skiff aborting the attack moving away. The crew and vessel are reported safe.","coords.x1":49.3,"coords.x2":-5.35} {"Reference":"2012-122","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Fishing vessel reportedly hijacked on 26 March while underway near position 10:00 S - 050:00 E, approximately 115 nm north of Madagascar. It has been reported that maritime officials have lost contact with the vessel, and that there are 15","Desc2":"crewmembers of unknown nationalities aboard.","coords.x1":50,"coords.x2":-10} {"Reference":"2012-100","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Container ship fired upon 19 March while underway at position 05:40 N - 053:23 E, approximately 520 nm northeast of Mogadishu. Six pirates in one skiff, armed with assault rifles and at least one rocket propelled grenade, chased the ship and","Desc2":"then fired upon the ship. Ship?s Master raised the alarm, increased speed and mustered the crew in a safe location on the ship. The onboard armed security team returned fire, causing the skiff to break off the attack and move away. No injuries to the","Desc3":"crew were reported.","coords.x1":53.38333,"coords.x2":5.66667} {"Reference":"2012-101","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Suspicious craft","Victim":"Merchant Vessel","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Merchant vessel fired upon 17 March while underway at position 05:47 N - 053:50 E, approximately 390 nm south of Socotra Island, Yemen.","coords.x1":53.83333,"coords.x2":5.78333} {"Reference":"2012-67","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker attacked on 18 February while underway near position 05-29S 064-02E, approximately 500 nm east of the Seychelles. One skiff notedapproaching ship from 2 nm. As the skiff closed to a half nautical mile, it stopped and five to","Desc2":"six pirates with RPGs and automatic weapons were seen by bridge crew. The onboard armed security team fired warning shots; pirates aboard the skiff returned fire with automatic weapons then moved away. (IMB)","coords.x1":64.03333,"coords.x2":-5.48333} {"Reference":"2012-52","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VLCC","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN, EAST OF SEYCHELLES ISLAND: OOW onboard a VLCC sighted two skiffs approaching. The VLCC increased speed to maimum and made evasive maneuvers and applied anti piracy measures. The skiff had five pirates carrying guns and a ladder.","Desc2":"Onboard security team fired warning shots at the skiff as a result the skiff stopped approaching.","coords.x1":59.98333,"coords.x2":-4.3} {"Reference":"2012-50","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Pirates in two white colored skiffs approached a chemical tanker uderway. OOW informed the Master who raised teh alarm and activated anti-piracy measures. As the skiffs approached, the onboard security team fired warning shots which were","Desc2":"ignored by the skiffs. As the skiffs continued to approach the vessel at high speed the security team again fired warning shots which resulted in the skiffs moving away.","coords.x1":66.13333,"coords.x2":-5.05} {"Reference":"2012-36","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA: Two skiffs with five pirates in each skiff approached a chemical tanker underway. Vessel enforced anti-piracy measures, increased speed, deployed security team. When skiff approached closer to the vessel, the security team fired","Desc2":"warning flares resulting in the skiffs moving away.","coords.x1":39.33333,"coords.x2":-6.68333} {"Reference":"2012-20","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"Naval Auxiliary Ship","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Six pirates in a skiff approached, fired upon and attempted to board a naval auxiliary ship underway from the stern. The naval force-protection team from the ship returned fire in self defense forcing the pirates to abort the","Desc2":"attempted attack. The ship's helicopter was lauched to track the skiff and the pirates surrendered. The injured pirates were given medical treatment onboard the naval ship.","coords.x1":46,"coords.x2":-1.61667} {"Reference":"2011-467","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (MSC JEANNE) was fired upon by six pirates in two skiffs on 21 November at 0536 UTC while underway in position 04-03S 042-55E, about 198 nm east of Mombasa, Kenya. The Master raised the alarm, took anti-piracy preventive","Desc2":"measures, and fired flares toward the skiffs, resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted attack and moving away. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":42.91667,"coords.x2":-4.05} {"Reference":"2011-463","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (ER COPENHAGEN) experienced an attempted boarding by pirates in one skiff on 11 November at 0824 UTC while underway in position 03-56S 047-14E, approximately 452 nm east of Mombasa, Kenya. Six pirates armed with guns and an","Desc2":"RPG chased and fired upon the vessel. Master raised the alarm, increased speed, and mustered the crew, except the bridge team, in the citadel. After several attempts, the pirates aborted their attack due to the vessel's evasive maneuvers. The vessel did","Desc3":"not have an armed security team. A mothership was spotted in the vicinity. The crew suffered no harm, but there was some damage to the vessel and cargo. (UKMTO, IMB)","coords.x1":47.23333,"coords.x2":-3.93333} {"Reference":"2011-453","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Pirate activity group, one whaler and one skiff detected in position 05-20.0S 042-40.8E at 0655Z on 03 Nov. Four persons in the skiff/ ladder sighted, 12 barrels and four persons in whaler. Vessels are advised to keep well clear of","Desc2":"this position and to exercise extreme caution if in vicinity.","coords.x1":42.68,"coords.x2":-5.33333} {"Reference":"2011-456","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (CHIN I WEN) hijacked on 3 November at 2100 UTC while underway in position 06-10S 051-10E, approximately 722 nm northeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. On 5 November, the crew regained control of the vessel and rendezvoused","Desc2":"with a warship that provided assistance. All 28 crewmembers survived the incident, and the vessel proceeded to a safe port. (IMB)","coords.x1":51.16667,"coords.x2":-6.16667} {"Reference":"2011-452","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (TORRE GIULIA) attacked by pirates in two skiffs on 1 November at 0936 UTC while underway in position 01-21S 052-21E, approximately 591 nm southeast of Kismaayo, Somalia. Vessel had protection detachment onboard. A mothership","Desc2":"was detected in the vicinity. (Operator)","coords.x1":52.35,"coords.x2":-1.35} {"Reference":"2011-455","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Petroleum tanker (DYNATANK) fired upon by pirates on 1 November at 0050 UTC while underway in position 08-10S 046-06E, approximately 407 nm southeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The onboard security team returned fire, and after 30 minutes","Desc2":"the pirates aborted their attack. (UKMTO)","coords.x1":46.1,"coords.x2":-8.16667} {"Reference":"2011-459","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 420 MILES EAST OF MOMBASSA, KENYA: About four to five pirates in a skiff armed with guns chased and fired upon a tanker underway. Master raised alarm and all crew except the bridge team mustered in the citadel. The onboard armed securtiy team","Desc2":"fired warning shots resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted attack and moving away.","coords.x1":43.71167,"coords.x2":-4.32167} {"Reference":"2011-451","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tuna fishing vessel attacked by pirates on 31 October at 1415 UTC while underway in position 02-23S 049-29E, approximately 444 nm southeast of Kismaayo, Somalia. The vessel had a protection detachment onboard the vessel. (Operator)","coords.x1":49.48333,"coords.x2":-2.38333} {"Reference":"2011-448","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Petroleum tanker (SCF PLYMOUTH) fired upon by four to five pirates in one skiff on 30 October at 1254 UTC while underway in position 04-20S 043-41E, approximately 245 nm southeast of Mombasa, Kenya. Vessel was traveling at a speed of 14.7","Desc2":"knots. Pirates fired six rounds towards the vessel; armed security in turn fired six rounds back at the skiff. RPG and guns spotted, no ladders seen. (UKMTO)","coords.x1":43.68333,"coords.x2":-4.33333} {"Reference":"2011-446","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo ship (HR CONSTELLATION) fired upon by pirates in two skiffs on 20 October while approximately 275 nm northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. One of the two skiffs approached to within 50-100 meters of the vessel. The armed security","Desc2":"team on board the cargo ship fired warning shots and the skiff broke pursuit with the pirates returning fire. The crew had mustered in the safe room while the Master, chief mate, and security team remained on the bridge. The Master reported that the","Desc3":"vessel had implemented version 4 Best Management Practices, reported to UKMTO, and had conducted weekly counter-piracy drills. The master later reported the vessel safe. (UKMTO, Owner)","coords.x1":55.41167,"coords.x2":-4.58083} {"Reference":"2011-443","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"HEAVY LOAD CARRIER","Desc1":"270 MILES OFF SEYCHELLES: Armed pirates in two skiffs chased and fired upon a heavy load carrier underway with intent to hijack. Master raised alarm, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, contacted CSO and all crew mustered at citadel. Onboard","Desc2":"security team returned fire. Later the pirates aborted the attack and moved away.","coords.x1":58.53833,"coords.x2":-1.19167} {"Reference":"2011-436","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 01-12S 058-32E at 1432Z on 20 Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":58.53333,"coords.x2":-1.2} {"Reference":"2011-433","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel attacked in 06-27S 040-08E at 2114Z on 17 Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":40.13333,"coords.x2":-6.45} {"Reference":"2011-435","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container vessel (EMIRATES ZAMBEZI) fired upon by six pirates in one skiff on 17 October at 2100 UTC while underway in position 06-26S 040-06E, approximately 35 nm east of Zanzibar Island, Tanzania. Pirates were armed with guns and an RPG.","Desc2":"The Master raised the alarm, took evasive maneuvers, and all crew except bridge team mustered in citadel. Onboard armed security team activated deck lights and fire hoses and returned weapons fire, resulting in the pirates moving away. (IMB)","coords.x1":40.1,"coords.x2":-6.43333} {"Reference":"2011-431","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel (GAS BALI) reported being attacked on 16 October at 10:57 UTC while underway in position 05-01S 040-03E, approximately 64 nm northeast of Zanzibar Island, Tanzania. One skiff closed on the ship and the onboard security team","Desc2":"fired a warning shot. Personnel in the skiff returned fire with an RPG, which did not hit the ship. Crew mustered in the citadel with exception of bridge team. Skiff reportedly aborted attack at this point. (Operator)","coords.x1":40.05,"coords.x2":-5.01667} {"Reference":"2011-430","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (BERNICA) fired upon by pirates on 15 October at 0324 UTC while underway in position 00-54N 050-13E, approximately 299 nm southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. One mothership and two skiffs were involved in the attack. (Operator)","coords.x1":50.21667,"coords.x2":0.9} {"Reference":"2011-429","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (VIA MISTRAL) attacked by pirates on 15 October at 1050 UTC, while underway in position 00-39N 050-32E, approximately 326 nm southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. (Operator)","coords.x1":50.53333,"coords.x2":0.65} {"Reference":"2011-426","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"OFF GRANDE COMORE ISLAND, COMOROS: About five pirates armed with guns in two high speed skiffs chased a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm, sounded ship's whistle and crew mustered at citadel except the bridge crew and armed security team. Master","Desc2":"increased speed to maximum, took evasive maneuvers and the armed security team took their positions. The pirates attempted to board the ship but unable to do so due to the aggressive maneuvers maintained by the Master and the presence of the armed","Desc3":"security team on the bridge wing. The pirates aborted teh attack, after 30 minutes of the first attack another two skiffs approached and attacked the ship. The armed security team remained standby with their weapons. The Master resumed the evasvie","Desc4":"maneuvers and finally the pirates aborted the attack and proceeded towards the Grand Comore Island. Later the Master advised a naval helicopter on the pirates last known position and the situation onboard.","coords.x1":42.58,"coords.x2":-11.43833} {"Reference":"2011-424","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (KOTA NASRAT) fired upon by pirates in two skiffs 6 October at 1650 UTC while underway in position 06-03.5S 042-15.8E, approximately 184 nm northeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The duty officer raised the alarm, sent a","Desc2":"distress message, and all crew mustered in the citadel except the master, bridge duty crew, and armed security team. The security team fired flares and warning shots but the pirates ignored the warnings and continued to chase and fire upon the vessel.","Desc3":"The armed security team returned fire resulting in the pirates aborting the attack. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":42.26333,"coords.x2":-6.05833} {"Reference":"2011-419","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: A merchant vessel was attacked in 06-01S 042-20E at 1620Z on 06 Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":42.33333,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2011-418","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OILER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Oil exploration vessel (OCEAN RIG POSEIDON) fired upon by pirates 3 October at 2016 LT while underway in position 07-49S 040-14E, approximately 83 nm southeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Seven pirates approached the vessel, which sent out","Desc2":"a distress call. Vessel with Tanzanian Navy personnel responded, there was an exchange of fire, and the pirates were arrested. (IMB, Open Source)","coords.x1":40.23333,"coords.x2":-7.81667} {"Reference":"2011-394","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 12-16.1S 043-19.5E at 0850Z on 22 Sep. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":43.325,"coords.x2":-12.26833} {"Reference":"2011-396","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"MAYOTTE ISLAND, MADAGASCAR: A container ship underway noticed two skiffs with three to four persons in each at a distance of 1.5 miles. The skiffs increased speed to 18 knots and approached and chased the vessel from different sides. The vessel made","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers, increased speed and enforced anti-piracy measures. The skiffs aborted the attempt after chasing the vessel for 25 minutes.","coords.x1":46.30833,"coords.x2":-12.77667} {"Reference":"2011-392","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 04-13S 042-23E at 1525Z on 20 Sep. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":42.38333,"coords.x2":-4.21667} {"Reference":"2011-391","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship (PACIFIC EXPRESS) boarded by two skiffs with six pirates each, armed with guns and an RPG, on 20 September at 0734 UTC while underway in position 04-47S 044-35E carrying a cargo of steel, approximately 298NM southeast of","Desc2":"Mombasa, Kenya. The vessel's crew consisted of 25 Filipinos and one Ukrainian. Pirates boarded the vessel and set fire to it after the crew retreated to the citadel. A coalition warship rescued the crew; however, the ship was lost. (IMB, UKMTO, Operator)","coords.x1":44.58333,"coords.x2":-4.78333} {"Reference":"2011-388","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship (AN NING JIANG) fired upon by six pirates with AK-47s in one skiff on 17 September at 1035 UTC while underway in position 03-54.6S 041-04.7E, approximately 86NM northeast of Mombasa, Kenya. A bright white skiff approached","Desc2":"the vessel, the crew retreated into the citadel, and the security guards onboard exchanged fire with the pirates for about 45 seconds before the skiff aborted the attack. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":41.07833,"coords.x2":-3.91} {"Reference":"2011-346","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"KENYA: Container vessel was robbed 1 August at 0100 UTC while moored with buoys in position 04-03.7S 039-38.6E in Mombasa Port, Kenya. Two robbers with knives boarded the vessel. The onboard security team noticed the robbers on the forecastle deck and","Desc2":"raised the alarm. The robbers escaped after stealing the ship's stores. (IMB)","coords.x1":39.64333,"coords.x2":-4.06167} {"Reference":"2011-292","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"AROUND 26 MILES OFF THE COAST OF SOMALIA: Four pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a general cargo ship underway. One pirate managed to board the vessel but had to jump overboard after the crew successfully confronted him. All crew safe.","coords.x1":51.25,"coords.x2":9.3} {"Reference":"2011-265","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Pirate ship M/V Orna carrying out mothership operations in position 06-09N 050-33E at 0908Z on 26 May. Vessels are advised to keep well clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":50.55,"coords.x2":6.15} {"Reference":"2011-253","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 11-56S 058-41E at 1415Z on 18 May. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":58.68333,"coords.x2":-11.93333} {"Reference":"2011-254","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo vessel (PUNCHDAN) was fired upon by two skiffs 17 May at 0556Z while underway in position 06-50N 051-22E, approximately 122 miles southeast of Garacad, Somalia. (UKMTO)","coords.x1":51.36667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2011-248","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"AROUND 160 MILES OFF DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA: Five pirates in a skiff attempted to attack a fishing vessel underway. The security team onboard fired warning shots resulting in the pirates aborting the attempt. A mother vessel was sighted in the vicinity.","coords.x1":40.93333,"coords.x2":-8.98333} {"Reference":"2011-249","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"AROUND 183 MILES OFF COMOROS: Four pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a vehicle carrier underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers resulting in the pirates aborting the attack.","coords.x1":40.74333,"coords.x2":-9.41} {"Reference":"2011-222","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (GEMINI) was hijacked 30 April at 0430 UTC while underway in position 07-01S 041-22E, 140NM southeast of Zanzibar, Tanzania. Pirates attacked from two skiffs. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":41.36667,"coords.x2":-7} {"Reference":"2011-223","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-27","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RESEARCH VESSEL","Desc1":"AROUND 115 MILES OFF COMOROS: Pirates in two skiffs approached a reserch vessel underway towing. Vessel raised alarm and the Mozambique military onboard the vessel went to standby.","coords.x1":41.41667,"coords.x2":-10.73333} {"Reference":"2011-213","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (ATLANTIA) was fired upon by seven pirates in two skiffs (NFI) 24 April at 1800 UTC while underway in position 06-57S 045-40E, approximately 381NM southeast of Zanzibar, Tanzania. The pirates failed to attach a boarding","Desc2":"ladder to the vessel because the vessel engaged in evasive maneuvers. Vessel experienced damage due to the attack. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":45.66667,"coords.x2":-6.95} {"Reference":"2011-214","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Oil products/chemical tanker (PORT UNION) was fired upon 24 April at 0300 UTC while underway in position 04-09.8S 047-43.0E, approximately 484NM east of Mombasa, Kenya. Pirates chased the vessel in two skiffs, one of which had five pirates","Desc2":"in it, the other was unknown; and one pirate mothership. The armed guards onboard the PORT UNION fired four warning shots at the pirates from 0.5NM away; the pirates fired back and aborted the attack. (IMB, Operator, Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":47.71667,"coords.x2":-4.16333} {"Reference":"2011-187","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (ELENI G) was fired upon by one skiff 03 April at 0205Z while underway in position 05-35S 040-20E, approximately 96 miles northeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Six pirates fired rpgs and small arms at the vessel. The master","Desc2":"raised the alarm and engaged in evasive maneuvers. (Comercial source IMB)","coords.x1":40.33333,"coords.x2":-5.58333} {"Reference":"2011-176","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONATAINER SHIP","Desc1":"24 MILES SORTHWET OF GRAND COMORE ISLAND: Three to four speed boats with 4-6 pirates in each boat chased a container ship underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The pirates approached the vessel from various directions","Desc2":"and closed to 0.8 miles. Due to the effectvie evasive maneuvers the pirates aborted the attempt after 100 minutes.","coords.x1":42.96667,"coords.x2":-11.13333} {"Reference":"2011-162","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"495 MILES NORTHEAST OF MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: A tanker underway was chased by one mother vessel and two skiffs with four pirates in one skiff and ten pirates in the other skiff. The pirates fired upon the tanker with rpg and guns and attempted to board. The","Desc2":"tanker increased speed, took evasive maneuvers and activated SSAS. Master, two crew and the unarmed security team remained on the brdige while all the other crewmembers retreated into the citadel. The vessel managed to evade the boarding. Due to the","Desc3":"continuous firing, two crew members sustained injuries of which one was very serious. Vessel sustained damages as well.","coords.x1":53,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2011-164","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"190 MILES NORTHEAST OF PEMBA ISLAND, TANZANIA: C/O onboard a container ship underway spotted one mother vessel and two skiffs at a distance of 6 miles from the ship. Alarm raised, speed increased and crew standby for safe room. When the skiffs closed to","Desc2":"2.5 miles, master ordered crew into the safe room and activated SSAS. The skiffs continued to chase the vessels at a speed of around 20.4 knots. The master took evasive maneuvers and headed the vessel into the swell. The skiffs finally aborted the","Desc3":"attemped attack.","coords.x1":42.925,"coords.x2":-3.9} {"Reference":"2011-138","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tug (KMC RHINO) was fired upon 6 Mar at 0901 UTC while underway in position 07-24N 051-50E, approximately 130NM east of Eyl, Somalia. One mother ship and a skiff approached and fired upon the vessel, but the tug evaded a boarding. (ONI,","Desc2":"UKMTO)","coords.x1":51.83333,"coords.x2":7.4} {"Reference":"2011-126","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel attacked in 02-24S 046-07E at 1100Z on 01 Mar. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":46.11667,"coords.x2":-2.4} {"Reference":"2011-111","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (DELMAS KETA) was fired upon 19 Feb at 0728 UTC while underway in position 11-33S 050-45E, approximately 100NM NE of Antisiranana, Madagascar. The vessel was fired upon with automatic weapons by a pirate action group","Desc2":"consisting of a single skiff and a mother ship 8.7NM off the attack. The vessel managed to evade the hijack attempt. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":50.75,"coords.x2":-11.55} {"Reference":"2011-76","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel BELUGA NOMINATION hijacked. Last known position 01-45S 051-00E at 1700Z on 25 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":51,"coords.x2":-1.75} {"Reference":"2011-61","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel (ADVANTAGE) was fired upon 18 Jan at 2303 UTC while underway in position 03-10N 051-11E, approximately 315NM SE of Garacad, Somalia. The vessel was attacked and fired upon by pirates with automatic weapons in one skiff but","Desc2":"managed to avoid the hijack attempt. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":51.18333,"coords.x2":3.16667} {"Reference":"2011-25","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE CHANNEL: Fishing vessel attacked in 14-28S 041-42E at 1934Z on 31 Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":41.7,"coords.x2":-14.46667} {"Reference":"2011-6","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (SHIUH FU 1) was hijacked 25 Dec 10 at 1000 UTC while underway in position 12-58.9S 051-52.01E, approximately 120NM east of Nosy Ankao, Madagascar. Pirates hijacked a fishing vessel along with her 26 crew members. A","Desc2":"previously hijacked merchant ship was reported to be in the vicinity during the hijacking of the fishing vessel. (IMB)","coords.x1":51.86683,"coords.x2":-12.98167} {"Reference":"2011-7","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE CHANNEL: Bulk carrier (MAJESTIC) was fired upon 25 Dec 10 at 0830 UTC while underway in position 19-04S 038-42E, approximately 185NM east of Beira, Mozambique. Eight pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Pirates","Desc2":"aborted attempt. (IMB)","coords.x1":38.7,"coords.x2":-19.06667} {"Reference":"2011-9","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE CHANNEL: Tanker (NS AFRICA) reported a suspicious approach 24 Dec 10 at 1528 UTC while underway in position 18-51S 039-53E, approximately 115NM southeast of Macalonga Point, Mozambique. A mother vessel was spotted on radar at a range of 14NM","Desc2":"approaching a tanker. At a distance of approximately 7.9NM, the mother vessel was seen launching a skiff. Tanker raised alarm, activated SSAS alarm, broadcast distress message, increased speed, activated water jets, and all crew except bridge and engine","Desc3":"team mustered in the safe room. The skiff with approximately six armed pirates approached and chased the tanker for around 50 minutes before aborting and returning to the mother vessel. (IMB)","coords.x1":39.88333,"coords.x2":-18.85} {"Reference":"2011-12","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (ORNA) was hijacked 20 Dec 10 at 1129 UTC while underway in position 01-42S 060-52E, approximately 950nm east of Mogadishu. Pirates took all 19 crewmembers hostage. (IMB)","coords.x1":60.86667,"coords.x2":-1.7} {"Reference":"2010-549","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"950 MILES EAST OF MOGADISHU: Pirates attacked and hijacked a bulk carrier (ORNA) and took her 19 crew members hostage. Pirates are sailing the vessel towards Somalia. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme","Desc2":"caution.","coords.x1":60.53333,"coords.x2":-1.76667} {"Reference":"2010-536","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 03-05-12N 049-48-29E on 17 Dec at 0342Z. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":49.80806,"coords.x2":3.08667} {"Reference":"2010-530","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"10 MILES OFF PEMBA ISLAND, TANZANIA: A product tanker underway spotted two skiffs at a distance of 6.5 miles approaching her at high speed. The tanker increased speed raised alarm and instructed all crew to muster in a safe room except bridge crew and","Desc2":"security team. Warship in vicinity informed. At a range of 3.5 miles, the speed boats opened fire at the tanker. When warship arrived at the location, the skiff aborted the attack ad returned to mother vessel.","coords.x1":39.96667,"coords.x2":-5.46667} {"Reference":"2010-526","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Pirate activity in 13-14.8S 054-43.0E on 13 Dec. The area involved should be avoided if possible. This area will remain high risk for at least 24-48 hours. Caution advised.","coords.x1":54.71667,"coords.x2":-13.24667} {"Reference":"2010-525","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Piracy action group reported in 07-33S 042-05E at 111030Z Dec. Vessels passing within 100 miles are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":42.08333,"coords.x2":-7.55} {"Reference":"2010-546","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: A container ship (MSC PANAMA) was hijacked 10 Dec at 1212 UTC while underway in position 09-57S 041-46E, approximately 240NM southeast of Dar es Salam, Tanzania. A container vessel was hijacked by armed pirates in two skiffs. All 23 crew","Desc2":"members were taken hostage. (IMB)","coords.x1":41.76667,"coords.x2":-9.95} {"Reference":"2010-531","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 09-57S 041-46E at 101212Z Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":41.76667,"coords.x2":-9.95} {"Reference":"2010-528","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: A merchant vessel noted being attacked by two skiffs at 1233Z on 10 Dec in position 09-56S 041-48E, approximately 123 miles northeast of Comoros. This area will remain high risk for the next 24-48 hours.","coords.x1":41.8,"coords.x2":-9.93333} {"Reference":"2010-513","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"SOMALIA-SOUTH COAST: Possible mothership activity in 04-08N 049-28E at 051537Z Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":49.46667,"coords.x2":4.13333} {"Reference":"2010-493","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (MEDI CHENNAI) fired upon 26 Nov at 0114Z while underway in position 00-26S 070-00E, approximately 185 miles west of the Maldives. Six armed pirates in a boat chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. The vessels enforced","Desc2":"counter-piracy measures and evaded the boarding. The vessel sustained some damages to rpg ad gunfire. (IMB)","coords.x1":70,"coords.x2":-0.15} {"Reference":"2010-470","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARGO","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk cargo ship (GRACEFUL MADONNA) fired upon 20 Nov 10 at 0715 UTC while underway in position 01-07S 067-05E, approximately 493NM northwest of Diego Garcia. One skiff approached vessel from port side firing eight to ten shots from","Desc2":"automatic weapon. Skiff closed to within 70 meters on port quarter and aborted attempt after 30 minutes. No mother ship was noted. (IMB)","coords.x1":67.08333,"coords.x2":-1.11667} {"Reference":"2010-467","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 01-18S 052-47E at 181945Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":52.78333,"coords.x2":-1.3} {"Reference":"2010-508","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (NORTHERN VALOR) fired upon 18 Nov 10 at 1945 UTC while underway in position 00-18S 052-47E, approximately 460NM southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. Master confirmed automatic weapons and RPG fired. Vessel maintained maximum","Desc2":"speed and non-essential crew mustered in safe room. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":52.78333,"coords.x2":-0.3} {"Reference":"2010-455","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Pirate action group in 06-12S 050-02E at 180953Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":50.03333,"coords.x2":-6.2} {"Reference":"2010-453","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessels fired upon 17 Nov at 0516Z while underway in position 06-34S 050-01E, approximately 639 miles east of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. Pirates operating out of two skiffs fired rpgs at the vessels. Armed security fired warning","Desc2":"shots. No damage to ship and no casualties.","coords.x1":50.01667,"coords.x2":-6.56667} {"Reference":"2010-450","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"KENYA: Bulk cargo carrier (AFRICAN EAGLE) fired upon on 16 Nov at 0642Z while waiting for berthing instructions at position 04-35S 039-57E, approximately 17 miles east of Mombasa, Kenya. Individuals in one skiff conducted the attack. (IMB and Open Press)","coords.x1":39.95,"coords.x2":-4.58333} {"Reference":"2010-451","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN, KENYA: Six pirates wearing masks, armed with guns and rpg in a skiff fired upon a drifting bulk carrier with intent to hijack. Ship increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The pirates aborted the attempted boarding due to the","Desc2":"barbed wire and electrical fencing around the ship. No injuries to crew. Port control informed.","coords.x1":39.95833,"coords.x2":-4.02833} {"Reference":"2010-449","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"Pirate action group in 01-00S 052-06E at 130938Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution. Pirate action group consisted of 1 mother ship with 4 persons onboard and 1 skiff.","coords.x1":52.1,"coords.x2":-1} {"Reference":"2010-444","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN, KENYA:Piracy action group reported in 04-01S 041-12E at 120355Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":41.2,"coords.x2":-4.01667} {"Reference":"2010-447","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"KENYA: A hijacked fishing vessel was observed being used by pirates as a mother ship at 1340Z on 12 November approximately 125 miles east of Mombasa, at 03-56S 041-45E. This area will remain high risk for atleast 24-48 hours. Caution advised.","coords.x1":41.75,"coords.x2":-3.93333} {"Reference":"2010-466","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PATROL BOAT","Desc1":"KENYA: Kenyan Naval Patrol Boat on 12 Nov at 2300 local time illegally boarded by Somali pirates near Kilifi, Kenya. Four pirates boarded the underway patrol boat. Kenyan navy officers shot dead three of the pirates, one pirate jumped into the water and","Desc2":"likely died. (Open Press)","coords.x1":39.85,"coords.x2":-3.63333} {"Reference":"2010-443","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RORO VESSEL","Desc1":"300 MILES SOUTHEAST OF MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: Seven pirates armed with automatic weapons chased a RORO vessel. Effective anti-piracy measures resulted in the pirates aborting the attempt.","coords.x1":49.53333,"coords.x2":-0.83333} {"Reference":"2010-430","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-09","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN, SOMALIA: Pirates armed with rpg and rifles in two skiffs chased and fired upon a chemical tanker. The vessel sent a distress signal and all crew members hid in the citadel. Upon receiving the distress the IMB piracy reporting center","Desc2":"immediately contacted the authorities for assistance. Meanwhile, the armed security team onboard the tanker exchanged fire with the pirates who aborted the attack. Vessel sustained some damage from rpg.","coords.x1":53.16667,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"2010-437","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-09","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (FLOYEN) fired upon 9 Nov 10 at 0500 local time while underway in position 01-01N 052-58E, approximately 350NM north of the Seychelles. Two white skiffs with nine people in each chased a tanker for two hours and fired upon","Desc2":"the tanker. (IMB)","coords.x1":52.96667,"coords.x2":1.01667} {"Reference":"2010-429","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker fired upon 8 Nov 10 at 1345 UTC while underway in position 06-43S 051-15E, approximately 750NM southeast of Mombasa, Kenya. One white-hulled, seven meter skiff with six people on board approached tanker from astern and fired RPG,","Desc2":"hitting accommodation. Most of crew was in safe room, and four were on the bridge increasing speed and conducting evasive maneuvers. Pirates abandoned attack after 45 minutes. (UKMTO)","coords.x1":51.25,"coords.x2":-6.71667} {"Reference":"2010-432","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"Warship","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Spanish warship (ESPS INFANTA CRISTINA) fired upon 6 Nov 10 at 1725 UTC while underway in position 01-48S 042-31E, approximately 80NM south of Kismaayo, Somalia. The warship was attacked with AK-47 from pirates aboard a previously hijacked","Desc2":"general cargo ship (IZUMI) Vessel was escorting World Food Program shipment to Mombasa. The spanish warship increased speed and maneuvered in order to place herself between the pirated ship and her escort. The attack was foiled without injury or damage","Desc3":"due to the quick reaction and efficiency of the warship's crew. The warship defened herself and her escort with minimal damage force in order not to endanger the lives of the hostages. The warship and her escort continued towards Mombasa, Kenya. (Mercury","Desc4":"Chat (Operator))","coords.x1":42.51667,"coords.x2":-1.66667} {"Reference":"2010-426","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHAT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN, TANZANIA: A merchant vessel reported being chased by hijacked vessel (IZUMI) at 1316Z in position 05-09S 040-45E. Pirates aboard IZUMI launched one skiff which fired upon the target vessel. After four hours of chasing and firing,","Desc2":"the pirates aborted the attack.","coords.x1":40.75,"coords.x2":-5.15} {"Reference":"2010-438","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Tanker (TORM KANSAS) chased and fired upon 5 Nov 10 at 1457 UTC while underway in position 05-25S 040-42E, approximately 50NM east of Pemba Island, Tanzania. Heavily armed pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a product tanker underway. The","Desc2":"tanker made evasive maneuvers, contacted the coalition forces, and escaped attempt. The skiff was deployed by pirates from a previously hijacked general cargo ship (IZUMI), which was being used as a mother ship. (IMB, UKTMO)","coords.x1":40.7,"coords.x2":-5.41667} {"Reference":"2010-425","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Pirate activity in 05-30S 043-30E at 031830Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":43.5,"coords.x2":-5.5} {"Reference":"2010-424","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 05-15S 043-39E at 030700Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":43.65,"coords.x2":-5.25} {"Reference":"2010-423","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Mothership activity vicinity 03-45S 046-45E at 030410Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":46.75,"coords.x2":-3.75} {"Reference":"2010-420","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier fired on 2 Nov at 0300Z while underway in position 03-58S 043-49E, approximately 285 miles east of Mombasa, Kenya. Seven pirates armed with rpgs and automatic guns in two skiffs chased and fired upon a bulk carrier","Desc2":"underway with intent to hijack. Ship raised alarm. Armed security team onboard took prevetive measures and fired rocket flares resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted boarding. No damages to the ship or injuries to the crew. (IMB)","coords.x1":43.81667,"coords.x2":-3.96667} {"Reference":"2010-413","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 09-57S 042-19E at 310632Z Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":42.31667,"coords.x2":-9.95} {"Reference":"2010-417","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"290 MILES SOUTHEAST OF DAR es SALAAM, TANZANIA: Armed pirates boarded a chemical tanker. All crew retreated into the citadel from where they could control the ship. Unable to take control of the vessel the pirates left. At 1059Z, the master and the crew","Desc2":"regained control of the ship. No damage to the ship and no casualties.","coords.x1":42.31667,"coords.x2":-9.95} {"Reference":"2010-411","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Product tanker (POLAR) hijacked 30 Oct at 0140Z while underway in position 12-12N 064-53E, approximately 700 miles east of Socotra Island. Armed pirates in two skiffs boarded and hijacked a product tanker. (IMB, TW)","coords.x1":64.88333,"coords.x2":12.2} {"Reference":"2010-410","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN, KENYA:Tanker fired upon 29 Oct at 1245Z while underway in position 04-22S 039-58E, approximately 28 miles southeast of Mombasa. Pirates armed with rpgs and ak-47s in two skiffs fired upon a tanker with intent to board. Security team","Desc2":"onboard took preventive measures, resulting in the pirates aborting attack and regrouping with their mother vessel. (IMB)","coords.x1":39.96667,"coords.x2":-4.36667} {"Reference":"2010-408","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN, SEYCHELLES: Two fishing vessels reported being hijacked vicinity of Denis Island (03-48S 055-40E) at 282011Z Oct. Vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":55.66667,"coords.x2":-3.8} {"Reference":"2010-409","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (MSC AYALA) fired upon 28 Oct 10 at 2057 UTC while drifting in position 04-10S 039-56E, approximately 20NM east of Mombasa, Kenya. One skiff with approximately 10 men fired upon a container ship. Crew evaded attack and","Desc2":"reported it to authorities, but there was no initial response.","coords.x1":39.93333,"coords.x2":-4.16667} {"Reference":"2010-406","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TANZANIA: About five heavily armed pirates carrying rpgs in a skiff chased and fired upon a LPG tanker underway. The crew contacted the authorities and went into the citadel/safe room. Pirates boarded the tanker but could not sail the tanker. Before","Desc2":"leaving the vessel the pirates caused some damage. Later, the crew took comand of the tanker and sailed towards a safe port. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":40.70667,"coords.x2":-8.33667} {"Reference":"2010-402","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Merchant vessel attacked in 09-26S 041-22E at 261515Z Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":41.36667,"coords.x2":-9.43333} {"Reference":"2010-401","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA-SOUTH COAST: Merchant vessel hijacked in 00-54S 043-08E at 231311Z Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":43.13333,"coords.x2":-0.9} {"Reference":"2010-398","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"KENYA: Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) tanker (YORK) hijacked 23 Oct 10 at 1235 UTC while underway in position 04-14S 041-19E, approximately 98NM east of Mombasa, Kenya. Armed pirates hijacked an LPG tanker underway. Vessel transited to anchorage outside","Desc2":"Harardhere, Somalia. (IMB, Reuters)","coords.x1":41.31667,"coords.x2":-4.23333} {"Reference":"2010-396","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"43 MILES EAST OF MOMBASA, KENYA: Taking advantage of a moonlight night, four pirates in a skiff chased and came alongside a product tanker underway. Alert duty officer heard the sound of the boat engine and upon investigation noticed the pirates","Desc2":"attempting to board his vessel. Alarm sounded and speed increased. The skiff aborted the attack and attempted once again after 20 minutes. Due to effective preventive measures, the skiff aborted the attempts. A fishing vessel suspected to be the","Desc3":"mothership was noticed around 6 miles off.","coords.x1":40.41667,"coords.x2":-4.34028} {"Reference":"2010-388","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Container ship fired upon 21 Oct 10 at 0825 local time while underway in position 09-45S 039-56.9E, approximately 10NM east of Lindi. Two skiffs, one with five people onboard and another with six people onboard, approached the ship, which was","Desc2":"transiting at 19kts. Pirates fired AK-47s and four RPG, three of which hit the ship. The incident lasted 31 minutes. There was damage to two cabins on board but no injuries to the crew. (IMB)","coords.x1":39.94833,"coords.x2":-9.75} {"Reference":"2010-386","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"SOMALIA-NORTHEAST COAST: Possible mothership activity in 07-17N 050-01E at 202303Z Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":50.01667,"coords.x2":7.28333} {"Reference":"2010-382","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Product tanker (DAPHNE) fired upon 19 Oct 10 at 1830 UTC while underway in position 02-02.0N 050-13.7E, approximately 290NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Six pirates armed with guns in a skiff chased a product tanker underway. Master raised","Desc2":"alarm, increased speed, and conducted evasive maneuvers. At a distance of 100 meters, the pirates began firing at the tanker. Master continued with the evasive maneuvers and crew started firing with pyrotechnics and hand-held rocket flares. The pirates","Desc3":"aborted the attempted attack and moved away. No injuries to crew or damage to tanker. (IMB)","coords.x1":50.22833,"coords.x2":2.03333} {"Reference":"2010-384","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity within 150 miles of 02-00S 045-00E on 19 Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":45,"coords.x2":-2} {"Reference":"2010-383","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 00-19S 047-00E on 18 Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":47,"coords.x2":-0.31667} {"Reference":"2010-378","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (GOLDEN WAVE 305) reported hijacked 9 Oct 10 at 0745 UTC while underway off Lamu, Kenya. Vessel was missing and owner reported on 17 Oct the ship was hijacked 9 Oct. The vessel has left anchorage and is now possibly operating","Desc2":"as a mother ship off the coast of Kenya or Tanzania.(IMB, Open Press)","coords.x1":47.96667,"coords.x2":-3.1} {"Reference":"2010-373","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Merchant vessel (ANUKET JADE) fired upon 10 Oct 10 at 1848 UTC while underway in position 09-52S 040-08E, approximately190NM southeast of Dar es Salaam. Five men armed with guns chased and opened fire on a product tanker underway. The Master","Desc2":"enforced all counter-piracy measures and contacted the Tanzanian navy. Master reported being fired on by a skiff with five people on board. (IMB, EU NAVFOR)","coords.x1":40.13333,"coords.x2":-9.86667} {"Reference":"2010-358","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN, KENYA: Merchant vessel attacked in 03-28S 040-49E at 101338Z Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":40.81667,"coords.x2":-3.46667} {"Reference":"2010-357","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN, TANZANIA: Merchant vessel attacked in 09-52S 040-08E at 101911Z Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":40.13333,"coords.x2":-9.86667} {"Reference":"2010-375","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"KENYA: Merchant vessel (IZUMI) hijacked 10 Oct 10 at 1338 UTC while underway in position 03-28S 040-49E, approximately 75NM northeast of Mombasa. (IMB)","coords.x1":40.81667,"coords.x2":-3.46667} {"Reference":"2010-356","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 04-42S 040-07E at 100600Z Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 1000 miles clear of this postion and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":40.11667,"coords.x2":-4.7} {"Reference":"2010-354","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel hijacked in 13-49.8S 054-27.6E on 08 Oct. Awaiting further details.","coords.x1":54.46,"coords.x2":-13.83} {"Reference":"2010-348","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing Vessel (FENG GUO NO. 168) possibly hijacked 06 Oct 10 while underway approximately 270NM east of Madagascar. The vessel departed Port Lewis, Mauritius on 1 Oct and transited northwest. The company reported that they lost contact","Desc2":"with the vessel 5 Oct. The vessel was last located at 1622 UTC on 7 Oct transiting southeast. Unconfirmed reporting indicates that the vessel could have been freed and is now returning to Mauritius. UPDATE: FENG GUO NO 168 reported safe and returned to","Desc3":"Port Lewis, Mauritius. Vessel assessed not to have been boarded by pirates. (IMB)","coords.x1":55.38333,"coords.x2":-15.81667} {"Reference":"2010-365","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 2 Oct 10 at 0830 UTC while underway in position 03-53.0N 050-35.8E, approximately 153NM southeast of Harardheere, Somalia. Three pirates armed with automatic guns in a small, white craft approached","Desc2":"the bulk carrier. The master raised the alarm and increased speed and activated fire hoses. The security team onboard fire shots and the men in the small boat left the area. (IMB, ONI)","coords.x1":50.59667,"coords.x2":3.88333} {"Reference":"2010-345","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Three pirates armed with automatic guns in a small white colored craft approached a bulk carrier underway. At a distance of around 400 meters from the ship the pirates opened fire. Master raised alarm, increased speed and crew","Desc2":"activated fire hoses. The security team onboard returned fire and the pirates aborted the attempted attack.","coords.x1":50.59667,"coords.x2":3.88333} {"Reference":"2010-338","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Asphalt tanker (ASPHALT VENTURE) hijacked 29 Sep 10 at 0058 UTC while underway in position 07-09S 040-59E, approximately 100NM southeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Currently, the vessel is transiting north, reportedly toward Harardheere on the","Desc2":"central Somali coast. (LL, Mathaba).","coords.x1":40.98333,"coords.x2":-7.15} {"Reference":"2010-333","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Chemical tanker (MISSISSIPPI STAR) fired upon 28 Sep 10 at 0747 UTC while underway in position 06-28S 039-48E, approximately 40NM northeast of Dar es Salaam. Five pirates armed with M16s and RPG on a speedboat approached along the starboard","Desc2":"side at the main deck. The crew observed aluminum hook ladders. Pirates fired at crew and superstructure. Crew activated fire pumps, foam monitors, and fire hoses. After 30 minutes, the pirates aborted their attack after 30 minutes. A helicopter arrived","Desc3":"on location to assist the vessel. (IMB)","coords.x1":39.8,"coords.x2":-6.46667} {"Reference":"2010-339","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel hijacked in 07-11S 041-02E at 282036 UTC Sep. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":41.03333,"coords.x2":-7.18333} {"Reference":"2010-332","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Research vessel fired upon 26 Sep 10 at 2050 UTC while underway in position 06-54S 040-27E, approximately 80NM east of Dar es Salaam. Two to three skiffs opened fire. The pirates aborted attack after vessel returned fire. No injuries reported.","Desc2":"(UKMTO, TW)","coords.x1":40.45,"coords.x2":-6.9} {"Reference":"2010-330","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Tanzanian Navy patrol boat fired upon 25 Sep 10 at 2000 UTC while underway in position 09-34S 040-14E, approximately 175NM southeast of Dar es Salaam. One skiff with four pirates onboard armed with small arms and RPG approached and fired upon","Desc2":"the vessel, attempting to hit the rudder. Patrol boat fired back and skiff retreated. Two personnel on patrol boat were injured. Due to small size of skiff, captain believes a mother ship may be operating in the vicinity. Patrol boat attempted to chase","Desc3":"the pirates but could not because the rudder was blown out. (UKMTO)","coords.x1":40.23333,"coords.x2":-9.56667} {"Reference":"2010-322","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIPS","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Possible mothership activity in 06-59N 049-24E on 20 Sep. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":49.4,"coords.x2":6.98333} {"Reference":"2010-323","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIPS","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Piracy action group reported in 01-17N 052-51E at 190847 UTC Sep. Vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":52.85,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"2010-317","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTER INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 05-20N 048-30E at 140505 UTC Sep. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":48.5,"coords.x2":5.33333} {"Reference":"2010-226","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RORO VESSEL","Desc1":"50 MILES FROM DAR ES SALAAM, SOMALIA: A roro vessel spotted a suspicious skiff approaching it. The vessel altered course to prevent the skiff from coming closer.","coords.x1":39.85,"coords.x2":-7.01667} {"Reference":"2010-203","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"DAR ES SALAAM ANCHORAGE, TANZANIA: Robbers boarded an anchored container ship. They assaulted the forward deck watch keeper, threatened him at knife point and tied him to a pole. When there was no communication with the forward crew, other crew members","Desc2":"were sent forward. Alarm raised and port control contacted. One unarmed security guard was sent onboard the vessel. Investigation showed containers were broke into.","coords.x1":39.33333,"coords.x2":-6.75} {"Reference":"2010-198","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-27","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIPS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 00-01N 054-00E at 270957UTC May. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":54,"coords.x2":0.01667} {"Reference":"2010-193","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN, TANZANIA: A tanker reported coming under fire 25 May 10 at 0235 UTC while underway in position 05-40S 039-29E. Vessel reported being fired upon by one skiff with five persons onboard. The skiff aborted the attack after approximately","Desc2":"five minutes. Then at 0338 UTC, the vessel came under fire again from two skiffs with five persons onboard each, with gun shots striking the bridge of the vessel. The vessel continued at a speed of 15 knots, while employing barbed wire and hoses to evade","Desc3":"the attackers. The vessel reported being safe with no casualties.","coords.x1":39.48333,"coords.x2":-5.65} {"Reference":"2010-191","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 00-52.8S 064-45.6E at 241146 UTC May. Vessels are advised to keep a 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":64.76,"coords.x2":-0.88} {"Reference":"2010-188","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 06-18S 042-12E at 141000 UTC May. Vessels are advised to keep clear 100 miles of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":42.2,"coords.x2":-6.3} {"Reference":"2010-183","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (MSC PEGGY) fired upon 12 May 10 at 1520 UTC while underway in position 09-59.12S 042-16.27E, approximately 300NM southeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Suspected pirates opened fire on the vessel with two rpg rounds. The","Desc2":"vessel conducted evasive maneuvers and increased to maximum speed of 17 knots (IMB,Mercury chat, Tradewinds).","coords.x1":42.27117,"coords.x2":-9.98533} {"Reference":"2010-173","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIPS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 01-19N 045-39E at 100930 UTC May. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":45.65,"coords.x2":1.31667} {"Reference":"2010-170","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 09-36N 051-32E at 060757 UTC May. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":51.53333,"coords.x2":9.6} {"Reference":"2010-169","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 02-09N 052-51E at 060711 UTC May. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":52.85,"coords.x2":2.15} {"Reference":"2010-171","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Pirate activity reported in 03-15S 042-03E at 060855 UTC May. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":42.05,"coords.x2":-3.25} {"Reference":"2010-165","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 01-59N 051-45E at 050912 UTC May. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":51.75,"coords.x2":1.98333} {"Reference":"2010-166","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (OCEAN TRADER) fired upon 5 May 10 at 0520 UTC while underway in position 09-43S 041-15E, approximately 210 miles southeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Armed men in a skiff chased the vessel underway and opened fire on it. An","Desc2":"embarked security team returned fire forcing the skiff to abort the attack and move away. No crewmembers were injured (IMB, AFP, Mercury chat).","coords.x1":41.25,"coords.x2":-9.71667} {"Reference":"2010-146","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Pirate vessels sighted in 08-20N 053-58E at 232300 UTC Apr. Vessels have blue and white hulls separated by red line. Vessels passing within 100 miles are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":53.96667,"coords.x2":8.33333} {"Reference":"2010-141","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 06-00S 045-00E on 22 Apr. Mariners are advised to keep clear of this area if possible. Area is considered high risk for atleast the next 24-48 hours.","coords.x1":45,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"2010-145","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Mothership reported in 00-30S 053-04E at 210757 UTC Apr. Vessels passing within 100 miles are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":53.06667,"coords.x2":-0.5} {"Reference":"2010-133","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: French warship (FS SOMME) fired upon 19 Apr 10 at 2101 UTC while underway approximately 400NM southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. Two skiffs opened fire on the ship, causing the SOMME to return fire with warning shots. When the skiffs","Desc2":"attempted to flee, the SOMME pursued the skiffs and was able to capture one, detaining four suspected pirates (Reuters, MSCHOA).","coords.x1":51.5,"coords.x2":-0.83333} {"Reference":"2010-128","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: A pirate action group has been reported in 01-40S 057-37E at 0800 UTC 16 Apr 10. One motherskiff, two attack skiffs course 230, speed 6 knots.","coords.x1":57.61667,"coords.x2":-1.66667} {"Reference":"2010-114","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship (RAK AFRIKANA) hijacked 11 Apr 10 at 0741 UTC while underway in position 04-45S 051-00E, approximately 565NM southeast of Kismayo, Somalia. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel and have sailed it to an undisclosed","Desc2":"location off Somalia (IMB, AP).","coords.x1":51,"coords.x2":-4.75} {"Reference":"2010-109","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-07","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (YASIN C) hijacked 7 Apr 10 at 1243 UTC while underway in position 04-59S 043-52E, approximately 260NM east of Mombasa, Kenya. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel with its 25 crewmembers and have sailed it to an undisclosed","Desc2":"location (IMB, MSCHOA).","coords.x1":43.86667,"coords.x2":-4.98333} {"Reference":"2010-142","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Motor vessel attacked in 09-20S 044-32E at 041406 UTC Apr. Vessels passing within 100 miles are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":44.53333,"coords.x2":-9.33333} {"Reference":"2010-103","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 4 Apr 10 at 1340 UTC while underway in position 09-24.3S 044-30.2E, approximately 340NM southeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Men in a skiff armed with RPGs and automatic weapons chased and fired upon the vessel.","Desc2":"The vessel increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers to evade the attack (IMB).","coords.x1":44.50333,"coords.x2":-9.405} {"Reference":"2010-110","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (WESTERMOOR) fired upon 2 Apr 10 at 1100 UTC while underway in position 11-06S 046-07E, approximately 160NM northeast of Comoros. Two skiffs with armed men onboard chased and opened fire with RPGs and automatic weapons.","Desc2":"Vessel conducted evasive maneuvers and successfully escaped (IMB, EUNAVFOR).","coords.x1":46.11667,"coords.x2":-11.1} {"Reference":"2010-95","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (EVITA) fired upon 31 Mar 10 at 0513 UTC while underway in position 02-03N 052-27E, approximately 425NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Vessel reported coming under fire by two skiffs. Vessel conducted evasive maneuvers and evaded the","Desc2":"attack. No injuries were reported (UKMTO, MSCHOA).","coords.x1":52.45,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"2010-143","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Pirates armed with guns in two skiffs chased and fired upon a product tanker underway. Master raised alarm took anti-piracy measures, increased speed and managed to evade the boarding.","coords.x1":40.05,"coords.x2":-5.05} {"Reference":"2010-94","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship (CHOL SAN BONG CHONG NYON HO) fired upon 31 Mar 10 at 0610 UTC while underway in position 02-15S 041-31E, approximately 150NM northeast of Mombasa, Kenya. Armed men opened fire on the vessel with automatic weapons and","Desc2":"RPGs, resulting in severe injuries for nine crewmembers. Kenyan Coast Guard responded to the distress call to provide assistance (IMB, MSCHOA).","coords.x1":41.51667,"coords.x2":-2.25} {"Reference":"2010-93","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (DL COSMOS) fired upon 31 Mar 10 at 1320 UTC while underway in position 05-24S 040-05E, approximately 60NM southeast of Mombasa, Kenya. Captain reported being fired upon by two skiffs from the stern. Vessel was moving at","Desc2":"approximately 14 knots when the attack occurred. The captain increased speed and was able to separate from the skiffs. No casualties were reported (Mercury Chat, Tradewinds).","coords.x1":40.08333,"coords.x2":-5.4} {"Reference":"2010-82","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: A merchant vessel reported coming under fire at 0830 UTC on 28 Mar 10 in position 01-01S 057-14E. This area will remain high risk for the next 24-48 hours as weather conditions continue to be conducive to small boat operations.","coords.x1":57.23333,"coords.x2":-1.01667} {"Reference":"2010-144","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 00-59S 057-19E at 280830 UTC Mar. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":57.31667,"coords.x2":-0.98333} {"Reference":"2010-121","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-27","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 03-49S 052-12E at 271004 UTC Mar. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":52.2,"coords.x2":-3.81667} {"Reference":"2010-122","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-27","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 03-03N 052-24E at 271021 UTC Mar. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":52.4,"coords.x2":3.05} {"Reference":"2010-78","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 25 Mar 10 at 0804 UTC while underway in position 03-49S 046-10E, approximately 300NM southeast of Kismayo, Somalia. Vessel reported coming under fire from two skiffs with 4-5 persons onboard. Vessel increased speed","Desc2":"and the two skiffs aborted the attack (UKMTO).","coords.x1":46.16667,"coords.x2":-3.81667} {"Reference":"2010-120","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Suspected hijacked vessel being used for pirate activity in 06-43S 044-22E at 230840 UTC Mar.","coords.x1":44.36667,"coords.x2":-6.71667} {"Reference":"2010-72","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo ship (ALMEZAAN) fired upon 23 Mar 10 at 0808 UTC while underway in position 03-45N 048-07E, approximately 30NM from the coast of Somalia and 200NM northeast of Mogadishu. Owner reported the vessel came under attack by three skiffs","Desc2":"while underway. A security team onboard returned fire, killing one pirate. Six suspected pirates were captured and detained by the Spanish navy (UKMTO, AP, BBC).","coords.x1":48.11667,"coords.x2":3.75} {"Reference":"2010-67","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"160 MILES SOUTHEAST OF KISMAYO, SOMALIA: Possible pirate attack group (PAG) located at 0900 UTC on 17 Mar 10 near position 02-47S 043-16E. PAG is probably heading in a southerly direction in search of merchant vessels to attack and hijack. This area will","Desc2":"remain high risk for the next 24-48 hours, and the general area due south of this position will remain high risk for the next 24-96 hours, as weather conditions continue to be conducive to small boat operations.","coords.x1":43.26667,"coords.x2":-2.78333} {"Reference":"2010-68","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"WARSHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Warship (HNLMS TROMP) reported suspicious approach 17 Mar 10 at 0601 UTC while underway in position 05-22S 051-43E, approximately 225NM southwest of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Two small skiffs made a fast approach toward the warship,","Desc2":"prompting warning shots to be fired in their direction. A helicopter was deployed, which intercepted the two skiffs as well as a third boat, likely a mothership. A search of the skiffs uncovered ammunition and RPG rounds. The suspects were eventually","Desc3":"released, while the two skiffs were destroyed (MSCHOA).","coords.x1":51.71667,"coords.x2":-5.36667} {"Reference":"2010-69","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Two fishing vessels reported suspicious approach 16 Mar 10 while underway in position 06-24S 050-53E, approximately 290NM southwest of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Three skiffs approached the fishing vessels. Armed security teams onboard","Desc2":"fired warning shots and the skiffs moved away (Mercury).","coords.x1":50.88333,"coords.x2":-6.4} {"Reference":"2010-66","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"146 MILES NORTHWEST OF MADAGASCAR: A merchant vessel reported coming under fire at 1317 UTC on 15 March 10 in position 11-02S 046-57E. Armed men onboard two skiffs are closing on the vessel firing automatic weapons in hopes of boarding. Vessel is","Desc2":"reported to be 1 mile away from skiffs but is not yet considered to be safe. Crew members have mustered in a safe room and the Master remains on the bridge making best speed to evade boarding. This area will remain high risk for the next 24-48 hours as","Desc3":"weather conditions continue to be conducive to small boat operations.","coords.x1":46.95,"coords.x2":-11.03333} {"Reference":"2010-70","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (TXORI ARGI) reported suspicious approach 14 Mar 10 at 0910 UTC while underway in position 03-03S 055-08E, approximately 95NM north of Port Victoria, Seychelles. The vessel reported being approached by one mothership and two","Desc2":"smaller skiffs. An armed security team onboard fired several warning shots and the suspicious skiffs turned around (Risk Intelligence/MaRisk, AFP).","coords.x1":55.13333,"coords.x2":-3.05} {"Reference":"2010-65","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel (ER LUBECK) fired upon 12 Mar 10 at 0045 UTC while underway in position 03-10S 062-06E, approximately 400NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Armed men in two skiffs chased and opened fire on the vessel. The vessel conducted","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers and increased speed while sending out an SSAS alert. Effective counter measures prevented further attacks (IMB, LM: Allafrica.com).","coords.x1":62.1,"coords.x2":-3.16667} {"Reference":"2010-119","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (SAKOBA), previously hijacked, is being used as a platform for piracy in 00-52N 046-56E at 080704 UTC Mar.","coords.x1":46.93333,"coords.x2":0.86667} {"Reference":"2010-61","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Fishing vessel (TREVIGNON) fired upon 5 Mar 10 at 0639 UTC while underway in position 04-34S 048-09E, approximately 413NM southeast of Kismayo, Somalia. Armed men on two skiffs and one larger skiff fired at the vessel. The fishing vessel had","Desc2":"an armed security team embarked which returned fire at the suspect pirates (AP, UKMTO).","coords.x1":48.15,"coords.x2":-4.56667} {"Reference":"2010-60","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (ARTXANDA) reported suspicious approach 5 Mar 10 at 0924 UTC while underway in position 03-21S 045-32E, approximately 315NM south of Mogadishu, Somalia. The master reported coming under attack by two skiffs. An embarked","Desc2":"security team deterred the two skiffs, forcing them to move away (LM: Beforeitsnews.com).","coords.x1":45.53333,"coords.x2":-3.35} {"Reference":"2010-56","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"300 MILES SOUTH OF MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: Pirates armed with guns in two small skiffs and one large skiff attempted to attack a fishing vessel. Crew raised alarm, informed coalition forces and secured themselves inside the vessel. Security team took their","Desc2":"position to resist the attack. A maritime patrol aircraft and two French helicopters arrived at the location and the pirates aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":45.86667,"coords.x2":-2.93333} {"Reference":"2010-55","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Chemical tanker (UBT OCEAN) hijacked 05 Mar 10 at 0535 UTC while underway in position 08-53S 043-23E, approximately 263NM southeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Vessel and its 21-member crew are currently being held off the Somali coast (IMB,","Desc2":"BBC).","coords.x1":43.38333,"coords.x2":-8.88333} {"Reference":"2010-58","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (ALBACAN) fired upon 4 Mar 10 at 0728 UTC while underway in position 03-26S 047-11E, approximately 340NM south of Mogadishu, Somalia. Men in two skiffs attacked and opened fire on the vessel while underway. Armed security","Desc2":"guards onboard the vessel repelled the attack by firing back over the heads of the men in the skiffs, forcing them to flee. All crewmembers were unharmed (IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":47.18333,"coords.x2":-3.43333} {"Reference":"2010-62","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SURVEY SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Oceanographic vessel (BEAUTEPS BEAUPRE) fired upon 04 Mar 10 at 1437 UTC while underway in position 01-17S 047-07E, approximately 277NM southeast of Kismayo, Somalia. Armed men in two skiffs fired upon the vessel. Vessel employed evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers and was able to prevent boarding before French Naval vessel NIVOSE arrived on scene detaining the suspect pirates (UKMTO, LM: Ennahar Online).","coords.x1":47.11667,"coords.x2":-1.28333} {"Reference":"2010-12","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk carrier","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (NAVIOS APOLLON) hijacked 28 Dec 09 at 1610 UTC while underway in position 03-22S 059-44E, approximately 268NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Pirates attacked and hijacked the vessel while underway and are sailing it","Desc2":"toward Somalia. Further information is pending (Reuters, IMB).","coords.x1":59.73333,"coords.x2":-3.36667} {"Reference":"2009-482","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Pirates attacked and hijacked a bulk carrier underway. The hijackers are sailing the vessel to Somali coast. Further reports awaited.","coords.x1":59.73333,"coords.x2":-3.36667} {"Reference":"2009-479","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Dhow hijacked and likely conducting mothership operations. Last reported location underway near position 004-01S 048-47E. Vessel was headig north. Mariners are warned to steer clear of this area if possible.","coords.x1":48.78333,"coords.x2":-4.01667} {"Reference":"2009-476","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"SOMALIA: About nine pirates armed with guns in a small boat attacked, boarded and hijacked a dhow underway along with its 13 crewmembers.","coords.x1":42.61833,"coords.x2":-2.76167} {"Reference":"2009-471","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Dhow (LAXMI SAGAR) hijacked on 10 December 09 while underway near position 06-00N 51-00E, approximately 115NM southeast of Garacad, Somalia. Vessel was controlled by armed men for approximately five days before being released. Reportedly no","Desc2":"ransom was paid. Armed men stole crew belongings and money before disembarking the dhow (IMB, LM: AFRICA NEWS).","coords.x1":51,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"2009-461","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-27","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tug reported suspicious approach 27 Nov 09 at 1340 UTC while underway in position 03-41S 044-48E, approximately 240NM southeast of Kismayo, Somalia. The vessel reported being approached by two skiffs. A warship nearby dispatched a","Desc2":"helicopter which approached and fired warning shots at the skiffs, before securing it. One attack skiff managed to escape (ONI).","coords.x1":44.8,"coords.x2":-3.68333} {"Reference":"2009-457","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"470 MILES SOUTH WEST OF MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: Pirates armed with rpg and machine guns in two skiffs chased and fired upon a container ship underway with intent to hijack her. Master raised alarm, activated SSAS increased speed and took evasive maneuvers.","Desc2":"The pirates continued to chase and fire at the ship for around three hours before aborting. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":43.76667,"coords.x2":-5.88333} {"Reference":"2009-443","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"470 MILES NORTH EAST OF PORT VICTORIA, SEYCHELLES: A merchant vessel reported coming under fire on 20 November 2009 at 1530 UTC. The vessel was attacked by armed men on board a skiff with ak-47s and rpgs. The second officer was reportedly injured by a","Desc2":"piece of shrapnel and will require medical assistance.","coords.x1":62.46667,"coords.x2":-1.13333} {"Reference":"2009-447","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: Six pirate boats with a mother vessel in sight chased and opened fire upon an oil tanker underway. Two rpgs penetrated into port bridge door. Ship sustained damages and one crew member was injured. Pirates aborted the attempt after","Desc2":"about three hours of chasing.","coords.x1":62.41667,"coords.x2":-1.41667} {"Reference":"2009-445","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"1050 MILES EAST OF MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: Eight pirates in one craft and four pirates in another craft armed with machine guns and rpgs, chased a bulk carrier underway from the port and stbd sides. They fired at the vessel with machine guns and rpg and","Desc2":"attempted to board her. Master raised alarm, increased speed and made evasive maneuvers, crew activated anti-piracy measures and finally managed to evade the attempted boarding. Ship's bridge glasses damaged and sustained bullet holes around","Desc3":"accommodation. No injuries to crew memebers.","coords.x1":62.66667,"coords.x2":-1.33333} {"Reference":"2009-439","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"275 MILES SOUTH OF MOGADISHU: A merchant vessel reported coming under fire on 18 November 09 at 0715 UTC in position 01-48S 049-01E. The vessel was attacked by 2 skiffs who fired automatic weapons and at least 2 rpg rounds. The master conducted counter","Desc2":"piracy maneuvers and evaded the attack.","coords.x1":49.01667,"coords.x2":-1.8} {"Reference":"2009-438","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (THERESA VIII) hijacked 16 Nov 09 at 1053 UTC while underway in position 08-00.11S 045-58E, approximately 600NM south of Mogadishu, Somalia. Pirates armed with machine guns attacked and hijacked the vessel, taking hostage 28","Desc2":"crewmembers. The pirates are in control of the vessel and are sailing it to an undisclosed location (IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":45.96667,"coords.x2":-8.00183} {"Reference":"2009-434","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo ship (JOLLY ROSSO) reported suspicious approach 13 Nov 09 at 0720 UTC while underway in position 11-26S 043-42E, approximately 15NM east of Comoros. Men in two small skiffs armed with guns chased the vessel. The master raised the","Desc2":"alarm, contacted flag state authorities who informed coalition forces, and conducted evasive maneuvers to evade the pursuit (Operator, IMB, Australia.TO).","coords.x1":43.7,"coords.x2":-11.43333} {"Reference":"2009-435","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship fired upon 13 Nov 09 at 0446 UTC while underway in position 00-42S 047-58E, approximately 220NM southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. Men in a white skiff armed with guns chased and opened fire on the vessel while underway.","Desc2":"The master raised the alarm, contacted coalition forces, increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers to evade the attack (IMB).","coords.x1":47.96667,"coords.x2":-0.7} {"Reference":"2009-432","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (FILITSA) reportedly hijacked 11 Nov 09 at 0200 UTC while underway in position 00-35S 062-40E, approximately 500NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. According to the owners, pirates boarded the vessel and all","Desc2":"communication with the crew has ceased. There are 22 crewmembers onboard of Greek and Filipino nationality. Further information is awaited (IMB, Reuters).","coords.x1":62.66667,"coords.x2":-0.58333} {"Reference":"2009-428","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (NELE MAERSK) fired upon 10 Nov 09 at 0200 UTC while underway in position 00-43.7S 061-57.8E, approximately 455NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Men in two skiffs armed with assault rifles and RPGs chased and opened","Desc2":"fire on the vessel. The skiffs approached the vessel from the starboard side at approximately 25-30 knots and were spotted by extra bridge lookouts at a distance of 3NM. At that time the skiffs were not yet picked up on radar. The vessel increased speed,","Desc3":"conducted evasive maneuvers, and successfully deterred the attack after 30 minutes. Coalition forces were informed (LL, IMB).","coords.x1":61.96333,"coords.x2":-0.71667} {"Reference":"2009-433","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (FELICITAS RICKMERS) fired upon 10 Nov 09 at 0430 UTC while underway in position 06-33S 048-14E, approximately 500NM southeast of Kismayo, Somalia. The vessel reported being under attack by two skiffs. Shots were fired, but","Desc2":"no damage was reported. The vessel conducted evasive maneuvers and prevented being boarded (IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":48.23333,"coords.x2":-6.55} {"Reference":"2009-427","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-09","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (BW LION) fired upon 9 Nov 09 at 0830 UTC while underway in position 01-09S 061-35E, approximately 420NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Several men in two skiffs armed with assault rifles and RPGs chased and opened fire on","Desc2":"the vessel. The master increased speed, conducted evasive maneuvers, deployed self protection measures, and successfully deterred the attack after one hour. Coalition forces were informed. The vessel sustained minor damages (AP, IMB).","coords.x1":61.58333,"coords.x2":-1.15} {"Reference":"2009-422","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"690 MILES SOUTH OF MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: Pirates have attacked and hijacked a bulk carrier underway. Further information awaited.","coords.x1":45.09139,"coords.x2":-9.6725} {"Reference":"2009-436","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (DELVINA) hijacked 5 Nov 09 at 0426 UTC while underway in position 09-40.36S 045-05.48E, approximately 690NM south of Mogadishu, Somalia. The owners reported the vessel came under attack and was boarded by pirates (AFP, IMB).","coords.x1":45.09133,"coords.x2":-9.67267} {"Reference":"2009-419","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (HARRIETTE) fired upon 2 Nov 09 at 0810 UTC while underway in position 03-34.3S 045-40.1E, approximately 270NM southeast of Kismayo, Somalia. Two skiffs with six armed men in each boat chased and fired upon the vessel. The men","Desc2":"were unable to hook their ladder onto the vessel's side. The master increased speed and carried out evasive maneuvers while activating fire hoses. After approximately 20 minutes the men abandoned the attempt. The vessel sustained bullet holes but no","Desc3":"crewmembers were injured (IMB, AP).","coords.x1":45.66833,"coords.x2":-3.57167} {"Reference":"2009-411","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"320 MILES EAST OF MOMBASA, KENYA: A bulk carrier is under attack at 0800 UTC on 02 Nov 09 in position 03-44.1S 045-41.3E by armed pirates in skiffs with rpgs and automatic rifles. Ships area advised to be extra cautious.","coords.x1":45.68833,"coords.x2":-3.735} {"Reference":"2009-410","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"450 MILES FROM SEYCHELLES: A merchant vessel reported coming uder attack at 1213 UTC on 02 Nov 09 in position 07-55S 047-40E, approximately 450 miles from Seychelles. Two skiffs with 5-6 persons on board fired at the vessel with AK-47's, damaging the","Desc2":"port-wing and bridge. The merchant vessel increased speed causing the skiffs to break off their attack. Rpgs were seen but not used. All crew on board the merchant vessel are reported as safe and unharmed, and the vessel is continuing en route to its","Desc3":"next port of call.","coords.x1":47.66667,"coords.x2":-7.91667} {"Reference":"2009-418","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (JO CEDAR) fired upon 2 Nov 09 at 1213 UTC while underway in position 07-55S 047-40E, approximately 530NM southeast of Mombassa, Kenya. One skiff with five armed men onboard chased the vessel and opened fire while two more","Desc2":"skiffs stood by in the vicinity. The vessel increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers until the skiff abandoned the attack. The ship sustained bullet holes, but no crewmembers were reported injured (IMB, MSCHOA).","coords.x1":47.66667,"coords.x2":-7.91667} {"Reference":"2009-420","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (AVEL VAD) fired upon 31 Oct 09 at 0831 UTC while underway in position 01-29N 051-38E, approximately 370NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Two blue skiffs, 5-6 meters long, opened fire on the vessel. They aborted the attack after","Desc2":"warning shots were returned from a security team onboard the fishing vessel (IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":51.63333,"coords.x2":1.48333} {"Reference":"2009-421","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (ARTZA) fired upon 31 Oct 09 at 0730 UTC while underway in position 02-00N 050-10E, approximately 290NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Three skiffs opened fire on the vessel. A security team onboard the vessel returned fire in","Desc2":"self defense and the skiffs broke off their attack (IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":50.16667,"coords.x2":2} {"Reference":"2009-409","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (THAI UNION 3) hijacked 29 Oct 09 at 0247 UTC while underway in position 01-55S 055-53E, approximately 165NM north of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Armed pirates in two skiffs approached the vessel from both sides. The vessel","Desc2":"took evasive maneuvers and sent a distress message which was received by the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre and relayed to coalition naval forces to render assistance. A warship was dispatched to the location, but the pirates were able to board and hijack","Desc3":"the vessel (IMB, Bloomberg).","coords.x1":55.88333,"coords.x2":-1.91667} {"Reference":"2009-406","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-27","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (CAP ST. VINCENT) fired upon 27 Oct 09 at 1020 UTC while underway in position 01-25N 050-41E, approximately 330NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. The vessel reported being chased and fired upon by two skiffs with approximately","Desc2":"six persons onboard. The visual presence and noise of warning shots fired by an armed security team onboard the vessel deterred the approach at 0.8 miles away. A German warship was dispatched to the scene and located the skiffs trying to flee the area.","Desc3":"The men onboard the skiffs were later arrested (AFP, AP, IMB).","coords.x1":50.68333,"coords.x2":1.41667} {"Reference":"2009-405","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"475 MILES SOUTH OF MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: Six pirates armed with machine guns in a white plastic hull speedboat, chased a container ship underway. Ship raised alarm, adopted anti-piracy preventive measures and increased to maximum speed. At a distance of","Desc2":"about three cables, pirates started firing at the ship. The pirates eventually aborted the attack and the vessel continued underway at maximum speed.","coords.x1":45.16667,"coords.x2":-6.12833} {"Reference":"2009-407","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Sailing vessel (LYNN RIVAL) hijacked 23 Oct 09 while underway approximately 60NM west of Port Victoria, Seychelles. The vessel was bound for Tanzania when it dispatched an emergency distress signal on 23 Oct, and then lost contact (AP,","Desc2":"AFP).","coords.x1":54.35556,"coords.x2":-4.58083} {"Reference":"2009-401","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: RoRo vessel (JOLLY ROSSO) fired upon 22 Oct 09 at 0415 UTC while underway in position 03-45.28S 046-43.24E, approximately 320NM southeast of Kismayo, Somalia. Men armed with automatic weapons and RPGs in two skiffs opened fire on the vessel","Desc2":"with intent to board. The vessel increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers to escape the attack (Reuters, IMB).","coords.x1":46.72067,"coords.x2":-3.75467} {"Reference":"2009-402","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"570 MILES SE OF MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: Pirates armed with automatic weapons and rpgs in skiffs opened fire on a bulk carrier underway. The pirates boarded, took hostage 26 crewmembers and hijacked her. The vessel is now under the control of the pirates and","Desc2":"are sailig her to an undisclosed location.","coords.x1":52.58333,"coords.x2":-4.15} {"Reference":"2009-397","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (DE XIN HAI) hijacked 19 Oct 09 at 0815 UTC while underway in position 01-53S 060-05E, approximately 325NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel while underway. There are 25 crew","Desc2":"members onboard. Further information is pending (AP, IMB).","coords.x1":60.08333,"coords.x2":-1.88333} {"Reference":"2009-393","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (KOTA WAJAR) hijacked 15 Oct 09 at 0237 UTC while underway in position 01-33S 054-52E, approximately 190NM north of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Owners of the vessel received a call stating that the vessel has been attacked and","Desc2":"hijacked. No further information is available at this time (AFP, UKMTO).","coords.x1":54.86667,"coords.x2":-1.55} {"Reference":"2009-394","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (DRENNEC) fired upon 10 Oct 09 at 0359 UTC while underway in position 02-05S 055-58E, approximately 160NM north of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Vessel reported coming under fire from two skiffs, one white and one blue. A","Desc2":"security team onboard the fishing vessel returned fire, forcing the skiffs to abandon the attack. Coast guard vessels from the nearby Seychelles archipelago pursued one of the skiffs and disabled the engine (AP, IMB).","coords.x1":55.96667,"coords.x2":-2.08333} {"Reference":"2009-383","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FRENCH NAVAL VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: French navy vessel (SOMME) fired upon 6 Oct 09 at 2119 UTC while underway in position 01-35N 050-42E, approximately 320NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. One skiff with approximately six men onboard opened fire on the ship, likely mistaking the","Desc2":"ship for a commercial vessel. The (SOMME) gave chase and captured the suspected pirates (AP, IMB).","coords.x1":50.7,"coords.x2":1.58333} {"Reference":"2009-379","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vehicle carrier (HOEGH PUSAN) fired upon 4 Oct 09 at 1900 UTC while underway in position 01-47.2S 056-07.1E, approximately 150NM north of Seychelles. Two unlit boats chased the vessel from astern and opened fire. The master increased speed,","Desc2":"conducted evasive maneuvers, started the fire pump and switched on all deck lights. The master contacted coalition forces, increased speed, headed into the wind and activated the SSAS alarm. After approximately 10 minutes, the boats fell behind and the","Desc3":"vessel moved away. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB, Maritime Global Net).","coords.x1":56.11833,"coords.x2":-1.78667} {"Reference":"2009-384","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (ALAKRANA) hijacked 2 Oct 09 at 0345 UTC while underway in position 02-36S 048-34E, approximately 330NM southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. Armed pirates attacked and hijacked the vessel. The vessel is currently anchored off the","Desc2":"coast of Harardhere (AFP, IMB).","coords.x1":48.56667,"coords.x2":-2.6} {"Reference":"2009-351","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Cargo ship fired upon 5 Sep 09 at 1610 UTC while anchored in position 02-03.8N 045-30.65E, approximately 10NM east of Mogadishu. Ten heavily armed robbers in two speedboats opened fire at the vessel while it was making repairs to the engines.","Desc2":"The crew responded by throwing Molotov cocktails and signal rockets at the speedboats. One crewmember was injured and the vessel sustained minor damage. A US warship responded, but no medical assistance was required (IMB).","coords.x1":45.51083,"coords.x2":2.06333} {"Reference":"2009-348","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-27","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel fired upon 27 Aug 09 at 0230 UTC while underway in position 00-08N 044-50E, approximately 140NM northeast of Kismayo, Somalia. Vessel reported coming under fire by four skiffs firing RPGs. UKMTO reported the vessel had increased","Desc2":"speed to 10 kts, putting a distance of 3NM between it and the skiff. A US warship nearby launched a helicopter and contacted the vessel. The crew responded that they were no longer under attack (UKMTO, IMB).","coords.x1":44.83333,"coords.x2":0.13333} {"Reference":"2009-253","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"880 MILES SOUTHEAST MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: Pirates in skiffs, chased ad fired upon a chemical tanker underway. Master made evasive maneuvers and escaped from the pirates.","coords.x1":54,"coords.x2":-9.98333} {"Reference":"2009-269","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker fired upon 19 May 09 at 0026 UTC while underway in position 09-59S - 054-00E, approximately 320NM south of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Men in skiffs chased and fired upon the vessel while underway. The captain conducted","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers and escaped the attack (IMB).","coords.x1":54,"coords.x2":-9.98333} {"Reference":"2009-244","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Container ship fired upon 12 May 09 at 1615 local time while underway in position 01-02S 057-18, approximately 250NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Nine pirates in two skiffs chased and fired on the vessel using automatic weapons","Desc2":"and RPGs. They attempted to board the vessel four times, but were denied each time by the vessel's evasive maneuvering. Distress call was sent out on Ch.16. After pursuing for 45 minutes, the two skiffs abandoned their pursuit (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":57.3,"coords.x2":-1.03333} {"Reference":"2009-248","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARRIER","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Eight pirates in two boats attempted to board a vehicles carrier underway. Pirates closed to 10 meters and attempted to board serveral times. Master increased speed and carried out evasive maneuvers and prevented the boarding.","coords.x1":53.81667,"coords.x2":-2.63333} {"Reference":"2009-245","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Container ship boarded 7 May 09 at 0020 UTC while anchored in Dar es Salaam. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel at anchor using hooks attached to long poles. The alert crew spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the","Desc2":"alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with eight accomplices waiting in their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":39.35,"coords.x2":-6.76667} {"Reference":"2009-230","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel reported attempted boarding 5 May 09 at 0930 local time while underway in position 02-38S - 053-49E, approximately 155NM northwest of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Eight pirates in two speed boats armed with automatic weapons approached","Desc2":"the vessel with a speed of 23 knots. A third boat was observed further back and assessed as being a mother ship. The captain increased speed and alerted the crew. The two speed boats arrived approximately 10 meters off the stern and attempted to get","Desc3":"alongside the vessel several times in an attempt to board the vessel by using a portable ladder. The vessel conducted evasive maneuvers for 20 minutes before the pirates abandoned their pursuit (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":53.81667,"coords.x2":-2.63333} {"Reference":"2009-223","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (ARIANA) hijacked 2 May 09 at 0230 UTC while underway in position 07-19S - 052-11E, approximately 245NM southwest of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Armed pirates attacked and hijacked the vessel while underway. Twenty four","Desc2":"crewmembers are currently onboard (IMB, Reuters).","coords.x1":52.18333,"coords.x2":-7.31667} {"Reference":"2009-224","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"560 MILES SOUTHEAST OF MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: A pirate mother vessel and two high speedboats were observed at a distance of six miles from a tanker underway. Master altered course and the boats started chasing the tanker. Master raised alarm, sent distress","Desc2":"message, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The boats came very close to the tanker and suddenly the 2nd boat stopped chasing the tanker, due to engine problem. The 1st boat fired upon the tanker with rpg and aborted the attack as the distance","Desc3":"from the mother vessel increased to 20 miles. No damages and injuries to crew.","coords.x1":50.2,"coords.x2":-6.11667} {"Reference":"2009-222","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: Armed pirates attacked and hijacked a general cargo ship underway. Additional information awaited.","coords.x1":47.96667,"coords.x2":4.2} {"Reference":"2009-249","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Armed pirates attacked and hijacked a general cargo ship underway. Further report are awaited.","coords.x1":47.96667,"coords.x2":4.2} {"Reference":"2009-218","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: A merchant vessel reported coing under pirate attack at 0430 UTC on 01 May 09 in position 03-05S 053-19E approximately 180 miles northwest of Seychelles. Vessel first observed mothership with 2 high speed boats in the distance, and after","Desc2":"30-40 minutes the 2 speed boats approached the vessel. Upon sighting the pirates the captain altered course to put the pirates on his stern, and once the pirates were alongside, he performed evasive maneuvers to prevent 4-5 boarding attepts by hook","Desc3":"ladder. Pirates fired automatic weapons as well as 5 rpgs while trying to board the vessel. Vessel suffered damages to the bridge, hull, and superstructure resulting from rpg fire as well as bullet fire.","coords.x1":53.31667,"coords.x2":-3.08333} {"Reference":"2009-219","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Another merchant vessel reported coming under attack at 0530 UTC on 01 May 09 in position 04-52S 060-06E approximately 250 miles east of Seychelles. Vessel first sighted pirates about 11 miles away bearing 120 degrees. After about 20","Desc2":"minutes, first boat with 3 men onboard came alongside and tried to board with a hooked ladder but failed many times. Second boat with 4 men onboard continued to fire on bridge and accommodation and reportedly never tried to board. Captain performed","Desc3":"evasive maneuvering to prevent boarding. Pirates remained on station firing at the vessel with automatic weapons for about 40 minutes before finally breaking off the attack. No serious damages were reported, just minor holes in the accomodation. It is","Desc4":"important to note that the vessel reported the sea state as calm with no swell.","coords.x1":60.1,"coords.x2":-4.86667} {"Reference":"2009-221","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"960 MILES OF MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: Pirates in two small boats armed with automatic guns attacked a bulk carrier underway. Duty officer raised alarm ad crew locked all access spaces. 1st boat attempted to board the ship using ladder ad the 2nd boat fired","Desc2":"upon the ship at bridge ad accomodation. Pirates aborted the attempt at 0620 UTC due to the evasive maneuvers and the freeboard of the ship. No injuries to crew. Ship sustained some damages.","coords.x1":60.06667,"coords.x2":-4.73333} {"Reference":"2009-231","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 1 May 09 at 1100 local time while underway in position 08-04S - 057-11E, approximately 220NM southeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Vessel reported being chased for approximately 20 minutes after the","Desc2":"suspicious craft diverted its course and headed towards the vessel?s direction. The captain conducted evasive maneuvers until they were able to increase their distance before the craft resumed its previous course (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":57.18333,"coords.x2":-8.06667} {"Reference":"2009-234","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 30 Apr 09 at 0224 UTC while underway in position 07-46S - 051-32E, approximately 290NM southwest of Port Victoria, Seychelles. A speed boat with 6-7 persons onboard and a second speed boat with 3-4 persons onboard","Desc2":"chased the vessel and opened fire with automatic weapons and RPGs. The vessel sustained damages to its starboard side accommodation. One RPG shell fell onboard but did not explode (IMB).","coords.x1":51.53333,"coords.x2":-7.76667} {"Reference":"2009-232","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 30 Apr 09 at 1224 UTC while underway in position 04-01S - 059-33E, approximately 250NM east of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Eight pirates in two speedboats armed with guns and RPGs chased the vessel. The master","Desc2":"raised the alarm, increased speed, and conducted evasive maneuvers. The pirates fired upon the vessel, but later aborted the attack. No injuries to the crew were reported. The ship sustained minor damages. One mother ship, 10-15 meters in length was","Desc3":"observed at 3NM from the vessel (IMB).","coords.x1":59.55,"coords.x2":-4.01667} {"Reference":"2009-220","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ALPHOUSE ISLAND: Two speed boats the first, white hull and black stripes with 6-7 pirates and the second boat with white hull and 3-4 pirates chased a container ship and fired automatic weapons and rpg. The vessel sustained damages to it's stbd side","Desc2":"accomodation. One rpg shell fell onboard but did not explode.","coords.x1":51.53333,"coords.x2":-7.76667} {"Reference":"2009-233","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PRIATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel (JOLLY SMERALDO) fired upon 30 Apr 09 at 0350 UTC while underway in position 00-36N - 050-08E, approximately 250NM off the coast of Somalia. Pirates armed with automatic weapons in a skiff chased the vessel and opened fire. The","Desc2":"captain conducted evasive maneuvers and escaped the boarding (IMB, PRESS TV, UPI).","coords.x1":50.13333,"coords.x2":0.6} {"Reference":"2009-210","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel fired upon 29 Apr 09 at 1550 local time while underway in position 01-40S - 047-12E, approximately 280NM southeast of Barawe, Somalia. Five men armed with automatic weapons in a white colored speed boat approached the vessel from the","Desc2":"starboard quarter and began opening fire. The captain increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers while activating fire hoses. After 15 minutes, the speed boat aborted the attack (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":47.2,"coords.x2":-1.66667} {"Reference":"2009-235","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel (JOLLY SMERALDO) fired upon 29 Apr 09 at 1250 UTC while underway in position 01-40S - 047-12E, approximately 245NM southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. Pirates armed with automatic weapons chased and fired upon the vessel. The captain","Desc2":"conducted evasive maneuvers and prevented the boarding (IMB, PRESS TV, UPI).","coords.x1":47.2,"coords.x2":-1.66667} {"Reference":"2009-206","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PASSENGER VESSEL","Desc1":"Pirates in a skiff attacked and fired upon a passenger vessel underway. The attempted boarding was unsuccessful due to vessels evasive maneuvers and the armed security team onboard the vessel. Vessel sustained light damages.","coords.x1":55.66667,"coords.x2":-1.28333} {"Reference":"2009-213","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PASSENGER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Passenger ship (MELODY) fired upon 26 Apr 09 at 1942 UTC while underway in position 01:17S ? 055:40E, approximately 480NM east of Hobyo, Somalia. Six men in a small white speed boat attacked and fired upon the ship. An armed security","Desc2":"onboard the cruise ship returned fire and sprayed them with water hoses, forcing the pirates to retreat. The pirates reportedly linked to the failed attack were later captured by Spanish naval forces (AP, BBC, IMB).","coords.x1":55.66667,"coords.x2":-1.28333} {"Reference":"2009-196","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"DAR ES SALAAM ANCHORAGE, TANZANIA: Alert duty crew onboard a tanker at anchor saw a boat near the port quarter. The duty watchman raised alarm. On hearing the alarm ten robbers were sighted on the poop deck. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped. On","Desc2":"inspection the robbers had managed to gain access and steal ship stores by cutting the padlocks to the store. Port authority was informed.","coords.x1":39.34167,"coords.x2":-6.77222} {"Reference":"2009-214","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Tanker robbed 21 Apr 09 at 0510 local time while anchored in position 06-46S - 039-21E, Dar es Salaam anchorage. Alert duty crew member onboard saw a boat near the port quarter and raised the alarm. On hearing the alarm, 10 robbers were sighted","Desc2":"on the poop-deck. They then jumped overboard and escaped. On inspection, the robbers had managed to gain access and steal ship stores by cutting the padlocks to the store. Port authority was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":39.35,"coords.x2":-6.76667} {"Reference":"2009-190","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: A passing vessel relayed sighting of one large skiff loaded with fuel tanks towing two smaller skiffs in position 00-36S 049-14E, course 300, speed 3 knots. All vessels to remain vigilant and stay clear of the suspicious boats.","coords.x1":49.23333,"coords.x2":-0.6} {"Reference":"2009-191","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel (POMPEI) hijacked 18 Apr 09 at 0327 UTC while underway in position 02:45S - 056:48E, approximately 680NM off the coast of Somalia. Pirates in skiffs armed with automatic weapons and an RPG attacked and hijacked the vessel. Ten crew","Desc2":"members are onboard. A helicopter from the EU naval force Operation Atalanta flew over and visually confirmed the hijacking (Reuters, IMB).","coords.x1":56.8,"coords.x2":-2.75} {"Reference":"2009-185","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo ship (SEA HORSE) 14 Apr 09 at 1400 UTC while underway in position 02:16N - 047:37E, approximately 137NM northeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. Pirates in three skiffs chased the vessel and successfully boarded it. They hijacked the vessel","Desc2":"and sailed it to an undisclosed location (IMB, BBC).","coords.x1":47.61667,"coords.x2":2.26667} {"Reference":"2009-186","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 14 Apr 09 at 1300 local time while underway in position 03:45S - 048:20E, approximately 385NM southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. Two speed boats approached the vessel from the starboard bow at a distance of 4NM. The","Desc2":"pirates were armed with automatic weapons and RPGs. One speed boat with six pirates attempted to board but the vessel conducted evasive maneuvers and the boat retreated. The speed boats attacked the vessel again and fired an RPG, which resulted in slight","Desc3":"damage to the vessel (IMB).","coords.x1":48.33333,"coords.x2":-3.75} {"Reference":"2009-184","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel (LIBERTY SUN) fired upon 14 Apr 09 at 1810 local time while underway in position 02:42S - 046:24E, approximately 265NM southeast of Barawe, Somalia. Pirates in skiffs launched from mother ships chased a bulk carrier underway and","Desc2":"opened fire with automatic weapons and an RPG. The vessel sustained damages but escaped due to evasive maneuvering. The skiffs returned to the mother ship (IMB, AP).","coords.x1":46.4,"coords.x2":-2.7} {"Reference":"2009-187","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 11 Apr 09 at 1240 UTC while underway in position 00:18N - 051:44E, approximately 330NM off the coast of Somalia. Eight pirates armed with guns and an RPG in two skiffs launched from a mother ship, attacked the","Desc2":"vessel underway. The master increased speed to 22 knots and the skiffs followed at 23 knots. They approached very close and fired upon the vessel. The captain conducted evasive maneuvers and prevented the boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":51.73333,"coords.x2":0.3} {"Reference":"2009-177","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: Eight pirates armed with guns and rpgs in two skiffs, launched by a pirate mother vessel, attacked a container ship underway. Master increased speed to 22.8 knots and the skiffs followed at 23.5 knots. They approached very close and","Desc2":"fired upon the ship. Master made evasive maneuvers and prevented the boarding.","coords.x1":51.73833,"coords.x2":0.30333} {"Reference":"2009-176","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-09","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"DAR ES SALAAM ANCHORAGE, TANZANIA: While the crew kept a vigilant anti piracy watch on board a container ship, robbers boarded her and succeeded in throwing one life raft into the sea. The crew raised alarm, mustered and reported to the authorities.","Desc2":"Vessel did not attempt to recover the life raft due to the large number of robbers.","coords.x1":39.33333,"coords.x2":-6.73333} {"Reference":"2009-154","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V MAERSK ALABAMA","Desc1":"SOMALIA: M/V MAERSK ALABAMA, 21 CREW MEMBERS ON BOARD, BOARDED BY PIRATES IN 02-25N 051-14E AT 080430Z APR. CAUTION ADVISED. NO FURTHER DETAILS AVAILABLE.","coords.x1":51.23333,"coords.x2":2.41667} {"Reference":"2009-161","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship hijacked 8 Apr 09 at 0430 UTC while underway in position 02-24N 051-40E, approximately 235NM southeast of Hobyo, Somalia. Four pirates in a skiff boarded and hijacked the vessel while underway. The crew of 20 onboard managed","Desc2":"to overpower one of the pirates, forcing the remaining three pirates to depart the vessel into a life boat along with the captain of the, who was still being held by the pirates. The US warship arrived on the scene to provide assistance. Further details","Desc3":"are still ongoing and updates will be provided when available (IMB, AP, BBC).","coords.x1":51.66667,"coords.x2":2.4} {"Reference":"2009-162","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN BOAT","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel hijacked 6 Apr 09 at 0300 local time while underway in position 01-50S 055-27E, approximately 585NM off the coast of Somalia. The vessel reported being chased and then boarded by at least one boat. According to the owners of","Desc2":"the vessel in communications with the vessel's captain, the pirates intended on using the vessel as a mother ship and hijack three other similar fishing vessels operating in the same area. There are 30 crewmembers on board (IMB, AP, Bloomberg).","coords.x1":55.45,"coords.x2":-1.83333} {"Reference":"2009-163","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"WHITE BOAT","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 5 Apr 09 at 1630 local time while underway in position 01-00S 056-10E, approximately 590NM off the coast of Somalia. The vessel passed a white boat with four men onboard at a speed of 4 kts. The boat","Desc2":"increased speed with indications of pursuing the vessel. The vessel increased to maximum speed and the boat returned to its normal speed, giving no further indications of following (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":56.16667,"coords.x2":-1} {"Reference":"2009-166","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Yacht (TANIT) hijacked 4 Apr 09, approximately 350NM of Ras Hafun in northeast Somalia. The vessel was boarded and hijacked and reportedly sailing toward Puntland. Further details surrounding the hijacking are still unclear at this time and","Desc2":"further reporting is pending (AFP).","coords.x1":52.18333,"coords.x2":9.63333} {"Reference":"2009-165","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel hijacked 4 Apr 09 at 0530 UTC while underway in position 02-40S 048-03E, approximately 320NM southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. Pirates armed with automatic weapons and RPGs boarded and hijacked the vessel. There are 24 crewmembers","Desc2":"onboard (IMB, Reuters, AP).","coords.x1":48.05,"coords.x2":-2.66667} {"Reference":"2009-155","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:A yacht with seven crew departed from Seychelles. Pirates boarded and hijacked it. On 04 Jan 09 the master contacted the owners to inform that the yacht had been hijacked. The pirates are believed to be sailing the yacht to the Somali coast.","coords.x1":47,"coords.x2":-9} {"Reference":"2009-148","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship reported suspicious approach 28 Mar 09 at 1555 local time while underway in position 07-21S 046-44E, approximately 420NM east of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A high speed boat launched from a mother ship chased the vessel. The","Desc2":"vessel increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers. The speed boat came as close as three cables to the ship, but stopped, likely due to engine problems. The vessel continued its passage (IMB).","coords.x1":46.73333,"coords.x2":-7.35} {"Reference":"2009-151","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"TANZANIA:A HIGH SPEED BOAT LAUNCHED FROM A MOTHER SHIP CHASED A CONTAINER SHIP. THE VESSEL INCREASED SPEED AND COMMENCED MADE EVASIVE MANOEUVRES. THE SPEED BOAT CAME AS CLOSE AS 3 CABLES TO THE SHIP BUT STOPPED, PROBABLY DUE TO ENGINE PROBLEM. SHIP","Desc2":"CONTINUED PASSAGE.","coords.x1":46.73444,"coords.x2":-7.35194} {"Reference":"2009-149","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-27","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PASSENGER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Passenger ship (INDIAN OCEAN EXPLORER) hijacked 27 Mar 09 while underway in position 08-30S 046-30E, approximately 420NM east of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Owners have confirmed that the vessel has been hijacked. Seven crewmembers are","Desc2":"reportedly onboard with no passengers. No further information to report at this time (AFP, IMB).","coords.x1":46.5,"coords.x2":-8.5} {"Reference":"2009-135","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (BOW ASIR) hijacked 26 Mar 09 at 0745 UTC while underway in position 02-26S 048-11E, approximately 315NM southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. Armed pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel. There are 23 crew members onboard. The","Desc2":"owners had received a security alert saying the vessel was being pursued by two small boats. Approximately three hours later, the owners received an email from the vessel confirming that 16 to 18 pirates carrying machine guns had gained control of the","Desc3":"vessel. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB, AP).","coords.x1":48.18333,"coords.x2":-2.43333} {"Reference":"2009-139","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CATAMARAN","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Catamaran (SERENITY) hijacked Mar 09 based on 25 Mar 09 reporting while en route Madagascar from Seychelles. The vessel was transiting to Madagascar on 28 Feb 09 but had not reported its whereabouts since its departure. One of the hostages","Desc2":"reportedly called his family on 24 Mar 09, claiming he was being held by pirates. The vessel is currently being held at anchor near Garacad, Somalia (Reuters, IMB, yachtpals.com).","coords.x1":49.26667,"coords.x2":6.91667} {"Reference":"2009-136","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (NIPAYIA) hijacked 25 Mar 09 at 1503 UTC while underway in position 01-42N 053-41E, approximately 370NM east/southeast of Hobyo, Somalia. Armed pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel while underway. Nineteen crewmember are being","Desc2":"held hostage (IMB, AP, MSCHOA).","coords.x1":53.68333,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2009-138","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier fired upon 25 Mar 09 at 0506 UTC while underway in position 07-55S 046-52E, approximately 440NM east of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. While underway, vessel was chased and fired upon by two speed boats from either side of the","Desc2":"vessel. The master increased speed and took evasive maneuvers to prevent boarding. The pirates eventually aborted the attempt due to effective anti-piracy measures (IMB).","coords.x1":46.86667,"coords.x2":-7.91667} {"Reference":"2009-152","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"SOMALIA:PIRATES IN A SPEED BOAT ATTACKED AND HIJACKED A CHEMICAL TANKER UNDERWAY. PIRATES ARE IN CONTRO OF THE VESSEL AND HAVE TAKEN HOSTAGE 19 CREW. PRESENTLY PIRATES ARE SAILING THE VESSEL TO AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION IN SOMALIA. FURTHER REPORT AWAITED.","coords.x1":53.68583,"coords.x2":1.71472} {"Reference":"2009-131","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo vessel fired upon 23 Mar 09 at 1740 local time while underway in position 02-28N 050-49E, approximately 215NM off the coast of Somalia. Vessel sighted a mother ship vessel ahead launching two skiffs with lengths about 6-7m. The men","Desc2":"onboard were armed with automatic weapons. The skiffs chased the vessel and opened fire at it. The captain increased speed, activated fire hoses, fired rocket flares, and made evasive maneuvers which prevented the pirates from boarding. The vessel","Desc3":"sustained minor damages but was able to continue its passage. The crew and vessel are safe (IMB).","coords.x1":50.81667,"coords.x2":2.46667} {"Reference":"2009-127","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vehicle carrier fired upon 22 Mar 09 at 1307 UTC while underway in position 02-46S 052-11E, approximately 500NM southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. Two speed boats with pirates armed with automatic weapons and RPGs chased and opened fire on","Desc2":"the vessel. The vessel sustained minor damages. The captain increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers to prevent the boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":52.18333,"coords.x2":-2.76667} {"Reference":"2009-126","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"380 NM OFF MOGADISHIU, SOMALIA: While underway a bulk carrier was chased by two boats with pirates armed with automatic weapons and RPGs. Pirates fired upon the vessel. Vessel increased speed, made evasive maneuvers. Later, the boats aborted the attempt","Desc2":"and moved away. Crew and vessel safe.","coords.x1":50.21667,"coords.x2":-2.23333} {"Reference":"2009-125","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 22 Mar 09 at 0840 UTC while underway in position 02-26S 051-11E, approximately 395NM southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. Seven men in two white colored speed boats chased the vessel armed with AK47s and RPGs. They","Desc2":"opened fire on the vessel for approximately 30-45 minutes with the AK47s and shot two rounds from the RPG, causing damage. The captain took evasive maneuvers and escaped. The entire incident lasted approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":51.18833,"coords.x2":-2.44667} {"Reference":"2009-128","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Dhow (AL RAFIQUEI) boarded, robbed 21 Mar 09 at 0600 local time while underway in position 04-11N 050-25E, approximately 130NM east of Hobyo, Somalia. Men in speed boats chased the dhow and then boarded it. They stole ship's stores and crew","Desc2":"personal belongings before releasing the vessel. The crew and dhow are safe and proceeding to a port in Somalia (IMB, Xinhua).","coords.x1":50.41667,"coords.x2":4.18333} {"Reference":"2009-129","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 20 Mar 09 at 1002 local time while underway in position 07-51S 045-04E, approximately 330NM east of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Five armed men in a boat chased the vessel while underway. The captain raised","Desc2":"the alarm and took evasive maneuvers. The gunmen gave up the pursuit after chasing the vessel for 30 minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":45.075,"coords.x2":-7.86333} {"Reference":"2009-118","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"MOGADISHU, SOMALIA: While underway, a general cargo ship was chased by a speed boat launched from a mother vessel. Pirates fired RPG and automatic guns at the vessel. aster made evasive maneuvers and escaped the attack. Once crew received minor injuries","Desc2":"on his head from gun shots fired by the pirates. Vessel sustained damages from bullets and RPG fire. Vessel resumed voyage on intended route.","coords.x1":46.55,"coords.x2":-4.03333} {"Reference":"2009-112","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:VESSEL FIRED UPON 11 MARCH 09 AT 2240Z WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 04-02S 046-33E, APPROXIMATELY 410 NM EAST OF MOMBASA, KENYA. ONE WHITE SKIFF WITH AN UNKNOWN NUMBER OF ASSAILANTS CAME WITHIN 100 METERS OF THE VESSEL AND FIRED MACHINE GUNS","Desc2":"AND ROCKET PROPELLED GRENADE. A SECOND LARGER BOAT WAS OBSERVED IN THE VICINITY. THE MARINERS TOOK APPROPRIATE ANTI-PIRACY MEASURES AND ESCAPED BUT SUSTAINED MINOR DAMAGE TO THE VESSEL AND ONE CREWMEMBER WAS INJURED.","coords.x1":46.55,"coords.x2":-4.03333} {"Reference":"2009-115","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:VESSEL FIRED UPON 6 MARCH 09 AT 0658Z WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 03-51S 044-10E, APPROXIMATELY 265NM EAST OF MOMBASA, KENYA. ONE SKIFF WITH SIX MEN CAME WITHIN 100 METERS OF THE VESSEL AND FIRED WAT WAS BELIEVED TO BE A ROCKET PROPELLED","Desc2":"GRENADE. A SECOND LARGER BOAT WAS OBSERVED IN THE VICINITY BUT COULD ONLY ACHIEVE 8 KNOTS. THE ALERT MARINERS TOOK APPROPRIATE ANTI-PIRACY MEASURES AND ESCAPED WITH NO DAMAGE TO THE VESSEL, CREW OR CARGO.","coords.x1":44.16667,"coords.x2":-3.85} {"Reference":"2009-104","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"KENYA: A merchant vessel reported coming under fire 6 March 2009 at 0658 UTC while underway in location 003:51S - 044:10E, approximately 265 NM east of Mombasa, Kenya. One skiff with six men came within 100 meters of the vessel and fired what was","Desc2":"believed to be a rocket propelled grenade. A second larger boat was observed in the vicinity but could only achieve 8 knots. The alert mariners took appropriate anti-piracy measures and escaped with no damage to the vessel crew or cargo.","coords.x1":44.16667,"coords.x2":-3.85} {"Reference":"2009-88","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING TRAWLER","Desc1":"EAST COAST, SOMALIA: Five pirates in a boat fired upon a fishing trawler underway. Pirates attempted to board the ship. Master carryout evasive maneuvers, increased speed and moved away. The ship sustained bullet hole damage. There were no leakage and no","Desc2":"casualties.","coords.x1":52.91667,"coords.x2":4.55} {"Reference":"2009-90","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"HOBYO, SOMALIA: A commercial fishing vessel reported a pirate attack 19 Feb 09 at 16:30 UTC while underway in location 004-33N 052-55E, approximately 265 miles east of Hobyo Somalia. Victim observed a small white skiff with a blue bow. Four or five men","Desc2":"were in the skiff armed with automatic rifles and rocket propelled grenades.","coords.x1":52.91667,"coords.x2":4.55} {"Reference":"2009-77","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA: Three robbers armed with knives boarded a container ship at anchor. They tied up the duty A/B, took his personnel belongings and then opened a contaier and stole the cargo. At 0200 UTC, the robbers left the ship in a small boat","Desc2":"after releasing the duty A/B. Port authorities informed but no action taken.","coords.x1":39.34167,"coords.x2":-6.77222} {"Reference":"2009-61","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Four robbers in a small wooden boat attempted to climb onboard an anchored container vessel. Alert duty watchmen informed the duty officer who raised the general alarm and directed the ship search light towards the robbers.","Desc2":"Seeing that they were noticed the robbers aborted and moved away. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":39.30833,"coords.x2":-6.72833} {"Reference":"2009-68","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Container ship reported attempted boarding 28 Jan 09 at 2340 UTC while anchored at position 06-43S 039-18E, Dar es Salaam. Four robbers in a small wooden boat attempted to climb onboard an anchored container vessel. Alert duty watchmen informed","Desc2":"the duty officer who raised the general alarm and directed the ship search light towards the robbers. Seeing that they were noticed, the robbers aborted the attempt and moved away. Port control was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":39.3,"coords.x2":-6.71667} {"Reference":"2009-50","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"KENYA: Fishing vessel robbed 8 Jan 09 at 0030 local time while anchored at position 01-44S 041-29E, Kiunga. Heavily armed men in a speedboat came alongside the fishing vessel at anchor. They boarded the vessel and tied up all crewmembers. They stole","Desc2":"cash, some valuable equipment and forced three crewmembers into their speedboat and escaped. Some of the crew swam ashore and reported the incident to the local police. This fishing vessel was brought back to Mombasa. Kenyan police are investigating the","Desc3":"incident (IMB).","coords.x1":41.48333,"coords.x2":-1.73333} {"Reference":"2009-29","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"KIUNGA, KENYA:HEAVILY ARMED PIRATES IN A SPEEDBOAT, PRESUMED TO BE FROM SOMALIA, CAME ALONGSIDE A FISHING VESSEL AT ANCHOR, THEY BOARDED THE VESSEL AND TIED UP ALL CREWMEMBERS. THEY STOLE CASH, SOME VALUABLE EQUIPMENT AND FORCED THREE CREWMEMBERS INTO","Desc2":"THEIR SPEEDBOAT AND ESCAPED. SOME OF THE CREW SWAM ASHORE AND REPORTED THE INCIDENT TO THE LOCAL POLICE. THE FISHING VESSEL WAS BROUGHT BACK TO MOMBASA. KENYAN POLICE ARE INVESTIGATING THE INCIDENT.","coords.x1":41.48528,"coords.x2":-1.74944} {"Reference":"2008-480","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"COTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SOMALIA:TWO PIRATE SKIFFS WERE SEEN APPROACHING A CONTAINER SHIP UNDERWAY. THE 2ND MATE INCREASED SPEED, RAISED ALARM, ACTIVATED FIRE HOSES AND MUSTERED CREW ON BRIDGE. THE PIRATES FIRED UPON THE SHIP WITH GUNS AND RPG. MASTER ACTIVATED SSAS, DSC","Desc2":"DISTRESS AND INCREASED SPEED TO MAXIMUM. AFTER SOME TIME, THE PIRATES STOP FIRING AND THE DISTANCE INCREASED. THE PIRATES RELOADED THEIR WEAPONS AND START FIRING AGAIN. FOR SOME REASON, ONE OF THE SKIFFS SLOWED DOWN AND THE OTHER BOAT WAS JUST TRAILING","Desc3":"WITHOUT FIRING. FINALLY, THE TOW SKIFFS STOPPED AND ABORTED THE ATTEMPTED ATTACK. NO INJURIES TO CREW. A FIRE BROKE OUT O BOARD THE VESSEL DUE TO THE GUN FIRE AD RPG. A WHITE HULLED FISHING BOAT-LIKE VESSEL WAS SIGHTED 10 NM AWAY WHICH COULD BE THE","Desc4":"PIRATE MOTHER VESSELS.","coords.x1":46.96667,"coords.x2":-6.7} {"Reference":"2008-428","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirate Hijacking","Victim":"MT Sirius Star","Desc1":"450 Miles South-East of Mogadishu:It has been reported that the MT Sirius Star (VLCC) was attacked some 450 NM south-east of Mogadishu. The Liberian flagged vessel is the largest to be hijacked to date, with a deadweight (DWT) of 319,430 tons.","Desc2":"Furthermore, the attack has taken place further from the coast than any before. Still onboard the ship are 25 crewmen. The vessel, owned by Saudi Arabian interests, was thought to be carrying a cargo of oil when she was hijacked on 15-NOV-2008. Position","Desc3":"provided is approximate.","coords.x1":48.71667,"coords.x2":-4.68333} {"Reference":"2008-458","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 14 Nov 08 at 2134 UTC while underway in position 04-25S 048-58E. Pirates heavily armed with automatic weapons and RPGs in two speedboats chased and fired upon a container ship underway. The master increased speed,","Desc2":"took evasive maneuvers and the crew activated fire hoses. Pirates aborted the attempted attack at 2256 UTC. The ship sustained damages due to gunshots and RPG fire. No injuries to the crew were reported. ONI Comment: This incident occurred 9 hours prior","Desc3":"to the (SIRIUS STAR) hijacking. Both incidents occurred within 20NM of each other (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":48.96667,"coords.x2":-4.41667} {"Reference":"2008-442","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (TANYO 8) hijacked 14 Nov 08 early morning while off the coast of Kenya. The Chinese vessel was hijacked by pirates armed with rocket launchers and automatic weapons while it was fishing off the coast of Kenya, according to","Desc2":"an unidentified official of the Chinese Transport Ministry. The vessel had 24 crewmembers onboard including Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, and Filipino nationals. According to the official who claimed to have spoken with a pirate leader, all crewmembers","Desc3":"are in good condition (AP, IMB, LM: Xinhua)","coords.x1":44.85,"coords.x2":-4.85} {"Reference":"2008-443","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 13 Nov 08 while underway in position 04-51S 044-51E, off the coast of Kenya. Master of the vessel reported to RCC Halifax that they were being chased and fired upon by pirates in a speedboat. The master increased","Desc2":"speed and took evasive maneuvers to avoid being boarded. There was a small fire onboard and damages caused by the firings. No further information was provided (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":44.85,"coords.x2":-4.85} {"Reference":"2008-444","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"REEFER VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Reefer vessel fired upon 10 Nov 08 at 1005 UTC while underway in position 01-12N 050-41E, approximately 250NM off the coast of Somalia. Armed pirates in two white speedboats approached the vessel from astern. One boat approached the ship's","Desc2":"starboard side and started spraying bullets towards the vessel. The vessel increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. Four pirates were observed in that boat, three carrying small arms and one with an RPG launcher on his shoulder. Due to the wake","Desc3":"created by evasive maneuvers, the boat could not reach closer to the vessel. After approximately 15 minutes of pursuit, the pirates aborted their attempt. On inspection after the incident, gunshot damages were found on the superstructure, funnel, and","Desc4":"mainmast (Operator).","coords.x1":44.85,"coords.x2":1.2} {"Reference":"2008-408","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Containership fired upon 23 Oct 08 at 1732 UTC while underway near position 03:47S-047:46E, approximately 180 NM off Mombasa, Kenya. Vessel was chased and fired upon by two small boats. Vessel escaped but sustained bullet damage (IMB,","Desc2":"Operator).","coords.x1":42.78333,"coords.x2":-3.78333} {"Reference":"2008-401","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach on 10 Oct 08 at 2020 local time while underway in position 01:44N-052:51E, off Somalia. A speed boat was seen being released from a suspicious vessel about 8.5 NM away. The ship increased speed,","Desc2":"altered course and conducted evasive maneuvering. After 20 minutes the speed boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":52.85,"coords.x2":1.73333} {"Reference":"2008-390","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-09","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship fired upon 09 Oct 08 at 1330 local time while underway in position 02:07S-043:09E. The ship conducted evasive maneuvers and avoided boarding(IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":43.15,"coords.x2":-2.11667} {"Reference":"2008-356","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEANRoll-on/roll-off cargo vessel (FAINA) hijacked 25 Sep 08 at 1600 local time while in position 02-01N 050-40 E, approximately 280NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Three pirate boats attacked the ship. Pirates, armed with automatic weapons, then","Desc2":"boarded the vessel (IMB, AP)","coords.x1":50.66667,"coords.x2":2.01667} {"Reference":"2008-379","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"TANZANIAContainer ship robbed on 23 Sep 08 at 0050 local time: while at anchorage Dar es Salaam anchorage. Approximately six robbers boarded the ship. Alarm was raised, and crew mustered. Upon seeing crew alertness, the robbers jumped into a waiting boat","Desc2":"and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":39.33333,"coords.x2":-6.76667} {"Reference":"2008-357","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SMALL BOATS","Victim":"USNS VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEANUSNS (JOHN LENTHALL) reported suspicious approach 23 Sep 08 while underway off the central east coast of Somalia. Despite defensive measures to deter them from approaching, the small boats continued to approach the ship. An embarked security","Desc2":"team aboard the ship fired warning shots in the vicinity of two small boats. The rounds impacted the water approximately 50 yards from the closest boat and resulted in both small boats ending their pursuit. All shots were accounted for as they entered","Desc3":"the water. There were no reports of casualties. This incident is clear proof that all mariners must remain vigilant, said Captain Steve Kelley, the commander responsible for all Military Sealift Command (MSC) ships in the region. I am extremely pleased","Desc4":"with the actions taken by the ship's master and ultimately by the security personnel aboard. They initially used defensive measures and when those weren't enough the security personnel took action to defend the ship. While it is unclear if personnel on","Desc5":"the boats were intent on attacking the 41,000-ton ship, it is clear they were not following the international rules of the road observed by mariners around the globe. More importantly, the location of the incident, the types of boats involved (small open","Desc6":"skiffs), and the maneuvering they undertook was consistent with reports from previous attacks on merchant vessels in the region. (LM: Combined Maritime Forces Public Affairs, Release #116-08)","coords.x1":48,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"2008-359","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THREE SPEED BOATS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEANBulk carrier (CAPT STEFANOS) hijacked 21 Sep 08 at 0310 UTC while underway in position 02-30.0N 051-59.5E, 250 nm off Somali coast. Four pirates in three speedboats boarded a bulk carrier underway. They took hostage the 19 crewmembers","Desc2":"composed of 17 Philippine nationals, one Chinese national, and one Ukrainian. The owners were unable to contact the ship (IMB, LL, LM: Ukrainian News Agency).","coords.x1":51.99167,"coords.x2":2.5} {"Reference":"2008-358","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"NINE SMALL BOATS","Victim":"DRY CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEANDry cargo ship reported suspicious approach 21 Sep 08 while underway in position 01-27N 052:15E. The vessel reported being followed by eight to nine small boats (IMB).","coords.x1":52.25,"coords.x2":1.45} {"Reference":"2008-363","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"TANZANIAContainer ship robbed 20 Sept 08 at 0030 local time while in position 06-41.1S 039-26.2E, Dar es Salaam anchorage. 16 pirates in a 15-meter long boat armed with knives boarded the ship. The pirates gained access to the ship via the forecastle","Desc2":"deck. They took hostage and tied up three duty crew. The pirates broke into three containers and stole cargo. The duty officer sent another crew to check the status of the three duty crewmembers who were not responding. The crew noticed the pirates and","Desc3":"informed duty officer who raised the alarm. All crew mustered and searched the forecastle. Pirates jumped overboard and escaped with crew personal belongings, ship's stores and property (IMB).","coords.x1":39.43667,"coords.x2":-6.685} {"Reference":"2008-360","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEANTanker fired upon 20 Sep 08 at 1700 UTC while in position 02-37N 051-25E, 250 nm east of the Somali coast. Three pirates armed with machine guns and RPG in a white-colored fast boat chased and fired upon the ship. The ship's master increased","Desc2":"speed, took evasive maneuvers, sent distress message, raised alarm, mustered crew and activated fire hoses. Pirates aborted the attempted boarding after 30 minutes. There was visible damage to the vessel but no injury to the crew and no damage to cargo","Desc3":"(IMB).","coords.x1":51.41667,"coords.x2":2.61667} {"Reference":"2008-361","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEANBulk carrier (CENTAURI) hijacked 18 Sep 08 at 0250 UTC while underway in position 02-22.22N 050-55.26E, 250nm east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Five armed pirates in a speedboat attacked the carrier. 25 crewmembers were taken hostage (IMB)..","coords.x1":50.92389,"coords.x2":2.37278} {"Reference":"2008-362","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Tanker robbed 18 Sep 08 at 0045 UTC while drifting in position 06-40S 039-35E, 18nm east of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Six pirates boarded the tanker, broke forward store, and stole ship's stores. Alarm was raised and crew was mustered. Pirates","Desc2":"jumped overboard and escaped with stolen stores in a waiting small craft (IMB).","coords.x1":39.58333,"coords.x2":-6.66667} {"Reference":"2008-345","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THREE WHITE SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEANGeneral cargo vessel hijacked 18 Sep 08 at 0200 UTC while underway in position 02-21.49N 050-52.02E, 236NM off Somali coast. No further information (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":50.87,"coords.x2":2.36361} {"Reference":"2008-367","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THREE WHITE SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIAThree white coloured speed boats, possibly, from a mother ship, fired on and tried to close onto a fishing vessel underway. The master increased speed and moved away.","coords.x1":54.61667,"coords.x2":2.16667} {"Reference":"2008-304","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Container ship boarded 30 Aug 08 at 0001 local time while drifting in position 06-47.4S 039-40.2E, Dar es Salaam Roads. Three perpetrators armed with knives boarded the vessel. Another three perpetrators were seen climbing up using a knotted","Desc2":"line started its engine. The perpetrators fled empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":39.67,"coords.x2":-6.79} {"Reference":"2008-364","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Container ship boarded 30 Aug 08 at 0001 local time while drifting in position 06-47.4S 039-40.2E, Dar es Salaam Roads. Three perpetrators armed with knives boarded the vessel. Another three perpetrators were seen climbing up using a knotted","Desc2":"line. However, when the perpetrators were noticed, the ship's crewmembers raised the alarm and started its engine. The perpetrators fled empty handed (IMB). .","coords.x1":39.67,"coords.x2":-6.79} {"Reference":"2008-305","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Container ship boarded, robbed 29 Aug 08 at 2005 local time while in position 06-46.95S 039-21.68E, Dar es Salaam Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel. The duty crew noticed one robber on the starboard side armed with a knife. The robber threw","Desc2":"a lashing bar towards the duty crew who escaped and informed the bridge. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered and rushed to the forecastle. The robbers escaped upon hearing the alarm. The crew found one container opened and ship's stores stolen.","Desc3":"The Port Control was informed. The ship weighed anchor and proceeded further out to sea for drifting (IMB).","coords.x1":39.36133,"coords.x2":-6.7825} {"Reference":"2008-365","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIAContainer ship boarded, robbed 29 Aug 08 at 2005 local time while in position 06-46.95S 039-21.68E, Dar es Salaam Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel. The duty crew noticed one robber on the starboard side armed with a knife. The robber threw a","Desc2":"lashing bar towards the duty crew who escaped and informed the bridge. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered and rushed to the forecastle. The robbers escaped upon hearing the alarm. The crew found one container opened and ship's stores stolen. The","Desc3":"Port Control was informed. The ship weighed anchor and proceeded further out to sea for drifting (IMB). .","coords.x1":39.35167,"coords.x2":-6.76917} {"Reference":"2008-260","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Container ship boarded 19 Jul 2008, while drifting at position 06-39S 039-25E, Dar es Salaam roads. The duty watchman onboard noticed a robber on the forecastle deck. The alarm was raised and ship's whistle sounded. The robber escaped. A","Desc2":"ten-meter long orange boat with five people in it was noticed slowly moving away from the vessel. Port control was informed. No stores were stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":39.41667,"coords.x2":-6.65} {"Reference":"2008-219","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Attempted Boarding","Victim":"Supply Vessel","Desc1":"KENYA:Supply vessel reported attempted boarding 30 Jun 08 at 0200 local time, Berth No. 12, Mombasa. The alert crew onboard the vessel, spotted a robber using a rope attached with a hook to gain access to their vessel from the offshore side. As soon as","Desc2":"the robber saw the alert crew, he jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":39.66667,"coords.x2":-3.98333} {"Reference":"2008-159","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Cargo ship","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (VICTORIA) hijacked 17 May 08 at 0905 local time while underway in position 02-13.19N 046-49.38E, 40NM off Mogadishu, Somalia. The Jordanian-flagged vessel, owned by Marwan Shipping Company, with a crew of 21, was","Desc2":"transporting 4,200 tons of bagged sugar from Mumbai, India to Mogadishu when it was hijacked by unknown gunmen. The BBC World Service reported pirates tried to dock the vessel off Hobyo but the local residents resented their presence. Shariff Ali Guure,","Desc3":"a member of the Hobyo Traders, told reporters that the pirates should leave the area or face confrontation. According to local media reporting, the vessel owners and Somali officials are conducting negotiations. Marwan Shipping reported that the","Desc4":"hijackers are demanding a ransom, but the sum was not revealed. All crewmembers are reportedly safe (IMB, AFP, AP, BBC, LM: Shipping Times UK, The Times of India, Indo-Asian News Service, Hindustan Times, nationmedia.com).","coords.x1":46.823,"coords.x2":2.21983} {"Reference":"2008-144","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Cargo ship","Desc1":"0905 LT: 02-13.19N 046-49.38E, Costal waters off Somalia:Pirates boarded and hijacked a general cargo ship underway. Ship was on passage to Mogadishu, Somalia. Further details awaited.","coords.x1":46.823,"coords.x2":2.21983} {"Reference":"2008-158","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Cargo ship","Desc1":"Somalia:17.05.2008: 0950 LT: Position 02-13.19N 046-49.38E: Pirates boarded and hijacked a general cargo ship underway. Ship was on passage to Mogadishu, Somalia.","coords.x1":46.823,"coords.x2":2.21983} {"Reference":"2008-139","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical tanker","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker fired upon 04 May 08 around 1300 UTC while underway in position 01-00N 051-30E, 300NM from the east coast of Somalia. The IMB Piracy Reporting Center received a call from the vessel owner stating the tanker was fired upon by","Desc2":"pirates in two speedboats. The master took evasive maneuvers, increased to max speed and turned to a course of 090 degrees. Machine gun fire and some form of projectiles were reportedly directed at the vessel. At 1420 UTC, the small boats were reported","Desc3":"to be 5NM away but still pursuing. At 1530 UTC, the tanker lost all contact with the small boats and resumed course to next destination. No injuries to crew reported. ONI COMMENT: This incident occurred well beyond the usual Somali piracy operating range","Desc4":"of 200NM from the east coast of Somalia. All vessels are advised to maintain strict vigilance at all distances from the Somali coast and report all suspicious sightings or radar contacts of larger vessels (vessels loitering or towing small skiffs) that","Desc5":"could be supporting this activity in the vicinity of this attack (IMB, UKMTO, ONI).","coords.x1":51.5,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"2008-143","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirate attack","Victim":"Chemical tanker","Desc1":"2215 LT: 01-00N 051-30E: Off Somalia:Two speedboats chased a chemical tanker underway. Pirates opened fire on the tanker. Master took evasive maneuvers and increased speed. Later, the boats aborted the chase. Ship continued her passage. No reported","Desc2":"injuries to crew.","coords.x1":51.5,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"2008-126","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Container ship boarded, robbed 22 Apr 08 between 1715-1855 local time, while at anchorage in position 06-41S 039-42E, 30NM off Dar es Salaam. Eight robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel. They stole ship's stores, broke open two","Desc2":"containers and stole their contents. The robbers escaped once the alarm was raised. The local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":39.7,"coords.x2":-6.68333} {"Reference":"2008-125","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Container ship boarded, robbed 22 Apr 08 at 0315 local time, Anchorage no. 1, Dar es Salaam anchorage. Eight robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel. Before the duty watch could contact the bridge to warn them, the robbers tied them up. The","Desc2":"alarm was raised only when the chief officer could not contact the watch keepers. By then, the robbers had stole contents from several containers. The robbers escaped when the alarm was raised. The port authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":39.34167,"coords.x2":-6.77222} {"Reference":"2008-118","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirate Hijacking","Victim":"Fishing Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Fishing vessel (PLAYA DE BAKIO) hijacked 20 Apr 08 at 1300 local time/1100UTC, 215NM off the coast of Somalia. The vessel was reportedly seized in international waters while fishing for tuna by four pirates armed with grenade launchers. The","Desc2":"ship was damaged in the attack but it is still able to sail. The vessel is carrying a crew of 26. The wife of the captain of the vessel told Spanish National Radio that her husband told her by telephone that the pirates had ordered the crew off the boat,","Desc3":"but a Spanish government statement released said they were still onboard. Spain's warship (MENDEZ NUNEZ) is expected to arrive early 24 Apr 08 to observe negotiations with the pirates according to the daily El Pais. Spain has also sent an air force","Desc4":"reconnaissance plane to the Horn of Africa (AFP, LM: news.monstersandcritics.com, earthtimes.com, Independent Online, SomaliNet).","coords.x1":51.51667,"coords.x2":5.1} {"Reference":"2008-100","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Container ship boarded, robbed 08 Apr 08 at 0247 local time, Dar es Salaam anchorage no. 6. Anti-piracy watchman sighted one robber near the boson store. Upon sighting the watchman, the robber jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting boat. The","Desc2":"alarm was raised. Investigations indicated that the duty watch keepers had abandoned their stations to look into a noise they had heard, allowing the robber to access the ship unnoticed. Ship's stores were found stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":39.33333,"coords.x2":-6.76667} {"Reference":"2008-84","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Two World Food Program boats stolen, both recovered, suspects apprehended 24 Mar 08 at midnight local time, while at anchorage, Merca. Two fiberglass boats used by the WFP to train staff members for emergency cases were stolen by unknown bandits.","Desc2":"There were no staff members present at the time of the event. Five suspects were arrested and one of the boats was recovered after being found crashed near the coast of Jazeera in the outskirt of Mogadishu. The other boat was later recovered, neither had","Desc3":"engines when recovered. An investigation to recover the engines is in progress (AFP, LM: Independent Online).","coords.x1":44.83333,"coords.x2":1.63333} {"Reference":"2008-83","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Container ship boarded 19 Mar 08 at 0300 local time, Tanga anchorage. A bandit from a fishing boat boarded the vessel. The bandit jumped overboard as soon as the anti-piracy crew spotted him. The alarm was raised; the crew mustered and searched","Desc2":"the ship. Nothing was stolen. The watch keepers noticed seven people in the fishing boat (IMB).","coords.x1":39.1,"coords.x2":-5.06667} {"Reference":"2008-77","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-09","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Vessel","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Container vessel boarded, robbed, 9 Mar 08, 0445 local time while in position 06-31.8S 039-51.5E, approximately 40NM off the coast of Dar Es Salaam. While drifting and awaiting pilot, the deck patrol onboard the container ship spotted one","Desc2":"speedboat with approximately 10 people onboard near the forward section of the vessel. The crew was alerted. Upon inspection, it was discovered that ship's stores were stolen and some container seals broken with the contents inside stolen. Port control","Desc3":"was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":39.85833,"coords.x2":-6.53} {"Reference":"2008-60","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE:Tanker boarded 02 Mar 08 at 0045 local time Nacala Bay anchorage. Robbers in three boats boarded the vessel. They were in the process of lowering ship's stores when duty crew spotted the robbers. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The","Desc2":"robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":40.66667,"coords.x2":-14.54167} {"Reference":"2008-45","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Ship boarded, robbed 14 Feb 08 at 0341 local time while drifting in position 06-43.5S 039-43.8E, 20NM off the coast. Three pirates boarded the vessel from a small wooden boat equipped with an outboard engine. The ship was awaiting berthing","Desc2":"instructions. The alert duty crew noticed the pirates and the alarm was raised, ship's whistle sounded, the crew mustered and the master increased speed. The pirates fled immediately. Upon inspection, two containers were found open (IMB). Two ropes were","Desc3":"found overboard, one from the forward life raft that was used to flee and another one towards the aft of the ship. Authorities were informed (Operator).","coords.x1":39.73,"coords.x2":-6.725} {"Reference":"2008-46","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"General Cargo","Desc1":"TANZANIA:General cargo ship boarded 04 Feb 08 at 0330 local time, Dar es Salaam anchorage area 4. Twelve robbers in a speedboat approached the vessel and two of the robbers boarded the vessel. The alert crew raised the alarm, SSAS was activated and the","Desc2":"port control was informed. The ship's crew mustered and took necessary anti-piracy measures. The robbers jumped into the water and escaped in their waiting boat. The police patrol boat came for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":39.33333,"coords.x2":-6.76667} {"Reference":"2008-20","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-07","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE:Chemical tanker boarded, robbed 07 Jan 08 at 0235 local time while at berth No. 5, Beira. A duty seaman onboard the vessel noticed one robber on the forecastle deck. The duty officer was informed and the crew alerted. When confronted, the","Desc2":"robber threatened the duty seaman with a knife. Noticing the alert crew the robber jumped into the water and escaped. The ship stores were stolen. Port facility informed (IMB).","coords.x1":34.83333,"coords.x2":-19.85} {"Reference":"2007-319","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-09","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"0430LT: 06-44S 039-32E: port of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:Pirates boarded a container ship drifting. Pirates boarded unnoticed. They broke padlocks, removed container lashing bars and stole ship's stores and cargo. On carrying out a search only footprints","Desc2":"were noticed. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":39.53333,"coords.x2":-6.73333} {"Reference":"2007-303","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"BEIRA PORT, MOZAMBIQUE:0400 LT: Robbers boarded a container ship at berth and stole ship's stores amid tight anti piracy watches. The ship had shore security personal deployed by the port security. In addition, there were armed security guards on the","Desc2":"shore side.","coords.x1":34.83333,"coords.x2":-19.82056} {"Reference":"2007-292","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Vessel","Desc1":"0410 LT: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:Ten pirates in a 10m long wooden boat boarded a container ship drifting. They broke into three containers, stole ship's stores, property and escaped as soon as the crew was alerted. Port control informed.","coords.x1":44.45,"coords.x2":-6.83333} {"Reference":"2007-283","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:The North Korean-flagged general cargo vessel (DAI HONG DAN) infiltrated on the evening of 29 Oct while in port Mogadishu. An allegedly corrupt security detachment hired by a Mogadishu shipping agent boarded the vessel prior to its departure from","Desc2":"port where it discharged its cargo. After departure, the security team began to demand money and attacked the crew, taking control of the bridge. Crewmembers were still able to control the steering and engineering spaces of the ship. The Combined","Desc3":"Maritime Forces Headquarters in Bahrain received a call from the International Maritime Bureau on the morning of 30 October, providing the status of the DAI HONG DAN. At that time, USS JAMES E WILLIAMS (DDG 95) was approximately 50 NM from the vessel.","Desc4":"They arrived in the vicinity of the vessel midday local time on 30 October and contacted the perpetrators via bridge-to-bridge radio, ordering them to give up their weapons. Shortly after, the North Korean crew, which according to reports, numbered 43","Desc5":"persons, confronted the infiltrators and overpowered them, regaining control of the vessel. They began communicating with WILLIAMS, requesting medical assistance. Three corpsmen from WILLIAMS, along with a boarding team, provided medical assistance and","Desc6":"other support as needed to the crew of the vessel. Reports from the crew are that three of the perpetrators were critically injured and one is dead. hey remain aboard the DAI HONG DAN (IMB, CTF-150).","coords.x1":45.79917,"coords.x2":2.19278} {"Reference":"2007-284","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-27","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Container ship reported suspicious approach, 27 Oct 07 at 1940 local time in position 00-48.8N 053-49.4E. The officer of the watch noticed a suspicious craft on radar and proceeded at 6 KTS. He altered course to starboard and the craft did the","Desc2":"same. The watch officer raised the alarm, notified the master, and increased to full speed. The crew mustered and activated anti-piracy measures. The craft proceeded at 10 KTS and followed the ship. At 2040 local time, the craft reduced speed to 4 KTS","Desc3":"and abandoned its pursuit (IMB).","coords.x1":53.82333,"coords.x2":0.81333} {"Reference":"2007-285","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE:Container ship boarded, robbed 26 Oct 07 at 0130 local time, Nacala anchorage. Bandits boarded the vessel and stole ships stores. The vessel contacted port control but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":40.65,"coords.x2":-14.55} {"Reference":"2007-286","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE:Container ship reported attempted boarding, 26 Oct 07 at 0410 local time, Nacala anchorage. Bandits in two boats attempted to board the vessel. Anti-piracy crew activated fire hoses at the boats and the bandits aborted the attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":40.65,"coords.x2":-14.55} {"Reference":"2007-267","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:General cargo vessel (JAIKUR II) fired upon 21 Oct 07 at 1250 local time while underway approximately 60NM off the coast near Baraawe, (100NM south of Mogadishu). The master sent out a distress call to the UN World Food Program (WFP) Somalia,","Desc2":"claiming he was being attacked and chased by pirates in two speedboats and was advised to turn off all lights and head out to sea. The pirates continued to chase and fire at the vessel while in position 00-26N - 044-38E. The vessel eventually increased","Desc3":"its distance from the attackers and escaped to open sea. The vessel was under charter for the UN WFP and had unloaded its cargo in Mogadishu. It was returning to Mombasa to load more cargo for a second voyage for UN WFP. CTF-150 contacted the ships","Desc4":"master after the incident and he claimed he was safe and no significant damage to the crew or vessel had occurred. The UN WFP informed NATO shipping and MARLO who in turn advised CTF150 (UKMTO, CTF-150, AFP, IMB).","coords.x1":44.63333,"coords.x2":0.43333} {"Reference":"2007-296","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILBOAT","Desc1":"MADAGASCAR:Sailboat boarded, robbed, crewmembers assaulted 19 Oct 07 at 0200 local time, Majunga harbour. Four robbers boarded the sailboat, assaulting the skipper and taking the skippers wife hostage before trying to strangle her. Both the skipper and","Desc2":"his wife received many injuries, including fractured ribs. The robbers stole cash and valuables before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":46.30972,"coords.x2":-15.72778} {"Reference":"2007-269","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Bulk carrier reported being fired upon 18 Oct 07 at 1000 UTC while underway in position 03-45N - 051-30E, 200NM off the Somali coast. At 3NM two small speedboats disguised as fishing vessels, each carrying four armed men approached the vessel,","Desc2":"one at the bow and the other at the stern, increased its speed and proceeded towards the ship. The gunmen in the speedboat at the bow started firing in the air and waving their arms signaling to stop. This was soon followed by gunmen in both speedboats","Desc3":"firing directly at the ships accommodations. One bullet hit the bridge window. Vessel increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. After 15 minutes, the speedboats moved away (Operator, IMB, UKMTO, IMB)","coords.x1":51.5,"coords.x2":3.75} {"Reference":"2007-270","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Vessel reported suspicious approach 18 Oct 07, 0805 local time in position 03-54.34N 050-37.9E, 155 miles off the Somali coast. One white colored speedboat approached directly towards the vessel from astern. Two Somali gunmen onboard the ship","Desc2":"fired warning shots at the boat and the pirates returned fire. The alarm was sounded and the crew mustered. The vessel maneuvered and was chased for approximately 15 minutes. The suspicious craft later moved away (Operator, IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":50.63167,"coords.x2":3.90567} {"Reference":"2007-268","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:General cargo vessel (ALMARJAN) hijacked 17 Oct 07 at 1830 local time, approximately 10-20NM from Mogadishu port after departing bound for Mombasa, Kenya. According to the owners of the ship, the last message they received from the ships master","Desc2":"was that armed pirates in a speedboat chased the vessel, opened fire with automatic weapons, and boarded by using a ladder. The vessel was hijacked and sailed into coastal waters and anchored closer to shore. To date, the owners lost contact with the","Desc3":"vessel. At this time, there has been no further contact with the vessels master or the hijackers. The vessel was under charter for the UN World Food Program (WFP) and had discharged its cargo in Mogadishu (IMB, SAP, AFP).","coords.x1":45.35,"coords.x2":2.03333} {"Reference":"2007-271","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Vessel reported suspicious approach 14 Oct 07 at 2335 UTC in position 00-36.7N 050-20.1E, 312NM off Mogadishu. The ship was traveling at 19.2kts when the second officer spotted a target on the radar. The target was three points on the port bow","Desc2":"about 8NM off course, traveling at 6kts. At 2337 UTC the second officer noticed that the target suddenly altered its course and headed towards the vessel and he immediately called the Master. At 2338 UTC the Master was present on the bridge and noticed","Desc3":"the fairly big vessel heading on a converging course. The speed was increased to 12kts and the range was 7.2NM. At one stage the suspicious vessels seed was at 15kts. At 2339 UTC the general emergency alarm was raised. The vessel altered its course and","Desc4":"increased its speed to 19.8kts. At 2342 UTC all the ships company mustered at the emergency stations. The suspicious boat continued to maintain on a converging course until 2345 UTC and the range was 5.2NM. At 2345 UTC the suspicious boat reduced its","Desc5":"speed and moving away. No further action was taken. At 2355 UTC the vessel continued on its passage (Operator, IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":50.335,"coords.x2":0.61167} {"Reference":"2007-254","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Vessel boarded, robbed 30 Sept 07 at 0530 local time at 06-46.4S 039-20.9E, Dar es Salaam anchorage. During routine anti-piracy rounds, the aft duty AB discovered the forward AB tied up near the bunker station. He informed the duty officer who","Desc2":"raised the alarm and mustered the crew. The crew noticed that two containers had been broken into and some ships stores were missing. The released AB said that during his rounds on the main deck, two robbers armed with knives attacked him and tied him","Desc3":"up. He said that he had noticed six robbers wearing only shorts. Port Authorities informed (IMB).","coords.x1":39.34833,"coords.x2":-6.77333} {"Reference":"2007-250","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Container ship boarded 24 Sept 2007 at 0145 local time while adrift, in position 06-36S 039-35E, Dar es Salaam. While the vessel was awaiting berth, a crewmember onboard the vessel noticed three robbers on the port side deck. The alarm was","Desc2":"sounded and the robbers disembarked into a small boat alongside the ship. The bridge directed a search light towards the small boat and observed a 25ft wooden craft with a blue stripe, center console, and outboard engine slowly moving away. The boat had","Desc3":"about 15-20 individuals onboard and a ladder. The individuals were dressed only in shorts. A search of the vessel found no other robbers onboard the vessel. However, a container seal was broken and some of the cargo was removed and left on deck. In","Desc4":"addition, a forward store room lock was found damaged. The port authorities were notified (IMB).","coords.x1":39.58333,"coords.x2":-6.6} {"Reference":"2007-240","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 19 Sept 07 at 0430 UTC in position 010-33.6N 051-41.5E. A blue-hulled vessel with a white superstructure and two masts was drifting, at a distance of 11.5NM from the vessel. The ship altered its course","Desc2":"at 0438 to a 090 degree north to stay away from the suspicious craft, while the suspicious craft started to head to 060 degrees north and increased its speed from six to 12knts. At 0510 the distance between the vessel and suspicious craft increased to","Desc3":"12.5NM and the vessel altered its course to 210 degrees. The suspicious craft altered its course to 250 degrees and increased its speed to 15.5knts. At 0525, the suspicious craft reduced its speed to 7knts, then again increased to 14.4knts. The","Desc4":"suspicious vessel altered its course and speed a number of times. The bulk carrier continued to plot the suspicious vessel until finally past and clear. Note: In this case, the IMB notes the movements of the suspicious vessel to be quite similar to those","Desc5":"of fishing vessel (IMB, UKMTO, Operator).","coords.x1":51.69167,"coords.x2":1.56} {"Reference":"2007-241","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Bulk carrier reported two suspicious approaches 17 Sept 07 at 0250 UTC, while underway in position 02-27.1N 051-56.0E. The vessel sighted the suspicious craft drifting, on the port bow, at a range of 12NM. The boat suddenly increased its speed","Desc2":"and moved towards the ship. The ship took evasive action and increased its speed to keep away from the suspicious craft. Due to ships higher speed, the suspicious boat moved away. An hour later, another suspicious boat was sighted on the starboard bow;","Desc3":"the ship took evasive action to keep away from the boat. Due to ships higher speed, the boat was left behind. Ship continued her passage (IMB).","coords.x1":51.93333,"coords.x2":2.45167} {"Reference":"2007-243","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Cargo Vessel reported suspicious approach 12 Sept 07, at 0850 UTC in position 01-30.0N 050:12.5E. The suspicious vessel was at a distance of 7.5NM, bearing 335 degrees, with a speed of about 12kts and a course of 170 degrees. Closest Point of","Desc2":"Approach (CPA) was 2.3NM. To increase CPA, the cargo vessel altered course 40 degrees to starboard and maintained 075 degrees. Suddenly the suspicious craft altered its course to port side and tried to approach closer. The crew was immediately alerted,","Desc3":"speed increased, and the course was adjusted to keep the suspicious vessel at stern. After about one hour, the distance between the two vessels increased to 7NM and vessel resumed its voyage to destination. The suspicious craft was described as having a","Desc4":"dark blue hull, white superstructure, about 50 meters in length, and the shape and equipment as a big fishing vessel. On the starboard side, there was a small boat of orange color, hanging outboard. ONI Comment: This observed behavior is also consistent","Desc5":"with a pelagic purse seine fishing vessel searching for a school of tuna (ONI, Operator).","coords.x1":50.20833,"coords.x2":1.5} {"Reference":"2007-234","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:At 850 UTC, a container ship underway sighted a suspicious craft, at a distance of 7.5nm with a speed of 12knots. Ship took evasive manoeuvres to avoid craft but craft altered course and tried to approach the ship. The ship increased speed,","Desc2":"altered course, and alerted the crew. Due to ship's higher speed the distance between the craft and the ship increased. Description of craft: Hull - dark blue, superstructure - white, length - 50meters, type - big fishing vessel, a small speedboat -","Desc3":"colour orange hanging outboard.","coords.x1":50.20833,"coords.x2":1.6} {"Reference":"2007-218","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-09","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Cargo Vessel reported suspicious approach 09 Sept 07, at 0850 UTC in position 01-30.N 050-12.5E. The suspicious vessel was at a distance of 7.5NM, bearing 335 degrees, with a speed of about 12kts and a course of 170 degrees. Closest Point of","Desc2":"Approach (CPA) was 2.3NM. To increase CPA we altered course 40 degrees to starboard and maintained 075 degrees. Suddenly the suspicious craft altered its course to port side and tried to approach closer. The crew was immediately alerted, speed increased","Desc3":"and the course was adjusted to keep the suspicious vessel at stern. After about one hour, the distance between the two vessels increased to 7NM, and vessel resumed its voyage to destination. The suspicious craft was described as having a dark blue hull,","Desc4":"white superstructure, about 50 meters in length, and the shape and equipment as a big fishing vessel. On the starboard side, there was a small boat of orange color, hanging outboard. ONI Comment: This observed behavior is also consistent with a pelagic","Desc5":"purse seine fishing vessel searching for a school of tuna (ONI, Operator).","coords.x1":50.20833,"coords.x2":1.5} {"Reference":"2007-206","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Container ship reported suspicious approach 23 Aug 07, 0555 UTC while underway in position 00-58N 050-48E. The vessel spotted a suspected pirate boat at a range of 10NM. The boat suddenly increased its speed and headed for the vessel. The vessel","Desc2":"increased its speed and took evasive maneuvers, to maintain a CPA of not less than 5NM with the boat. The suspected boat pursued the ship for around two and a half hours, before moving away (IMB).","coords.x1":50.8,"coords.x2":0.96667} {"Reference":"2007-190","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Refrigerated cargo ship reported suspicious approach 11 Aug 07 at 1200 UTC, while underway in position 01-13N 052-38E. A trawler reportedly attempted to intercept the vessel. The ship altered its course and the trawler altered onto a collision","Desc2":"course with the vessel. The ship took evasive maneuvers, increased its speed and attempted to contact the trawler on VHF, but did not receive a response. After following the ship for one hour, the suspicious trawler moved away. Suspicious vessel","Desc3":"described as having sleek hill, tall watch tower, derrick aft, and something that looks like fishing nets piled up on the aft deck. ONI COMMENT: A photo of the suspicious vessel was that of a pelagic purse seine fishing vessel (IMB, Operator, ONI).","coords.x1":52.63333,"coords.x2":1.21667} {"Reference":"2007-191","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-07","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Vessel reported suspicious approach 07 Aug 07 at 1910 UTC while underway, in position 01-24S 050-45E. A suspicious boat crossed the bow of the vessel from starboard to port side. There was no data found on AIS. The boat altered its course and","Desc2":"headed directly for the ship. The ship increased its speed and another suspicious boat approached the port bow. The boat chased the vessel and after more than one hour, the suspicious boat reduced its speed and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":50.75,"coords.x2":-1.4} {"Reference":"2007-181","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Container ship reported suspicious approach 03 Aug at 0620 UTC while underway in position 02:54N - 051:42E, 240NM off the coast. A medium-sized craft altered towards the vessel. As the master altered its course, the craft altered its direction","Desc2":"as well and continued to remain on collision course with the vessel. Due to the large difference in speeds between the two ships, the craft moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":51.7,"coords.x2":2.9} {"Reference":"2007-182","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 29 Jul at 1020 UTC in position 00-27.5S 049-36.4E, 270NM off the coast. A suspicious craft followed the vessel underway for 4 hours. The craft failed to reply on the VHF and did not transmit any AIS","Desc2":"data. As the master altered its course to move away from the unknown craft, the craft aborted the chase and proceeded towards the Somali coast. After a few hours, the same craft started following the same vessel again. The suspect vessel followed for","Desc3":"about 3 hours, and when the master once again took evasive actions, the craft aborted its attempt and altered towards the Somali coast (IMB).","coords.x1":49.60111,"coords.x2":-0.45139} {"Reference":"2007-162","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 16 Jul 2007 UTC/2400 local time, in position 00-27S-049-10E. The vessel was bound south for Argentina from Socotra, when an unidentified boat attempted to close in on the vessel. The vessel altered and","Desc2":"moved away after noticing (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":49.16667,"coords.x2":-0.45} {"Reference":"2007-163","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Tanker reported suspicious approach 16 Jul at 1130 UTC in position 01-46.3S 047-46.7E. A suspicious boat was sighted 5NM away from the vessel. It was 20 meters in length (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":47.77833,"coords.x2":-1.77167} {"Reference":"2007-152","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Container ship reported suspicious approach 8 Jul at 1842 local time, while underway in position 00-19-0N 050-45-0E, 351NM east of Kisamayo. OOW on the container ship spotted a small craft at distance of 13NM on the starboard bow. The craft","Desc2":"increased its speed and headed directly for the vessel. The master was notified and the ship carried out evasive maneuvers. The craft adjusted its course and speed to close onto the ship. The master ordered all lights to be switched off and increased its","Desc3":"speed. The distance between the craft and the ship slowly decreased, however, the craft later moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":50.75,"coords.x2":0.31667} {"Reference":"2007-138","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:At 0300 UTC, a bulk carrier, underway and 315 NM SE of Mogadishu, spotted a fishing vessel at about 12 NM. The fishing vessel was on a converging course with the bulk carrier. The master of the bulk carrier altered course away from the fishing","Desc2":"vessel. He noticed that the fishing vessel also altered to maintain the converging course. When the fishing vessel was about 5NM astern of the bulk carrier, she suddenly altered course and headed off towards Mogadishu. The bulk carrier was slightly","Desc3":"faster than the fishing vessel.","coords.x1":49.51028,"coords.x2":-1.34111} {"Reference":"2007-133","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Cargo vessel (DANICA WHITE) hijacked likely on 01 Jun, at an estimated distance of 205 NM off the central east coast of Somalia. The U.S. dock landing ship (CARTER HALL) had been on patrol in international waters under operational control of","Desc2":"Combined Task Force 150, when it encountered the (DANICA WHITE) on 02 Jun. No distress call had been received by Coalition forces but it quickly became clear, to the sailors aboard the (CARTER HALL), that the vessel was under pirate control. The Carter","Desc3":"Hall crew fired machine gun bursts, first as warning shots and then disabling shots nearly destroying the three small pirate skiffs in tow behind the hijacked vessel. The pirates, hiding behind hostages as human shields, forced the vessel into Somali","Desc4":"territorial waters, where the Coalition warship could not enter due to rules of engagment. The Danish flagged vessel was carrying building and construction materials to Mombasa from Dubai with a crew of five Danish nationals. The vessel is believed to be","Desc5":"anchored in the vicinity of five other hijacked vessels, being held for ransom between Harardere and Hobiyo, Somalia. ONI COMMENT: Based on extrapolations of estimated time-distance variables, ONI assesses the hijacking likely occurred in the vicinity of","Desc6":"01:50N 050:02E and sometime in the afternoon on 01 Jun. This location is approximately 70 NM NE of the reported attack locations on the (IBN YOUNUS) (MUVUNO I) and (MAVUNO II) (see Para 5.G.9 and 10 of this message)(ONI, Navy Times, IMB, CNN, FOX).","coords.x1":50.03333,"coords.x2":1.83333} {"Reference":"2007-132","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Container ship reported attempted boarding 31 May at 2243 UTC, while drifting in position 06-50.2S 039-37.3E, 22NM off Dar es Salaam Pilot Station. Pirates, in two boats with ten persons in each boat, attempted to board the container ship,","Desc2":"while waiting for the pilot to board. The alert crew raised the alarm and the attempt was aborted (IMB).","coords.x1":39.62167,"coords.x2":-6.83667} {"Reference":"2007-159","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:In Mogadishu, pirates attacked and seized a dhow with 14 crewmembers. The hijacked dhow remained at anchor, off Haradhere, until negotiations with the owners were completed. The dhow was released on the 21 June 2007.","coords.x1":45.33333,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"2007-118","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Cargo dhow (AL AQEEQ) hijacked 24 May at 1700 local time near Mogadishu. No additional information is available at this time (SAP, LM).","coords.x1":45.33333,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"2007-128","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"KENYA: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 20 May at 0330 local time, while underway in position 02-55N 046-04E, 300NM from the coast. The vessel observed an unlit craft at a distance of 3 miles. When called on VHF they replied that they","Desc2":"could not speak English and that they were only fishing. They asked for the vessel's course and kept following. The master suspected piracy and took anti-piracy measures and altered its course to keep away from the craft. When the suspicious craft moved","Desc3":"away, the vessel resumed course/journey (IMB)..","coords.x1":46.06667,"coords.x2":2.91667} {"Reference":"2007-119","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Cargo vessel (VICTORIA) attacked 19 May in the afternoon, while underway, 60NM off the coast. Pirates attacked the UN World Food Program (WFP) chartered vessel, while it was enroute to Kismayo from Merca. The Jordanian-registered vessel sent out","Desc2":"a distress call and the owner relayed the message to the Merka agent of the Somali contractor who chartered the vessel. That agent sent out guards in two boats, who intercepted the pirates before they could board the ship. One guard was wounded in an","Desc3":"exchange of fire and later died in Merca hospital. The vessel returned to Merca port after the attempted hijacking. There are no apparent damages to the vessel and all crew are reportedly safe (LM: WFP, Washington Times, SAP).","coords.x1":44.5,"coords.x2":0.66667} {"Reference":"2007-231","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"KENYA: Container ship (LISSY SCHULTE) reported containers broken into 17 May 07 at 0036 local time, Mombasa port inner anchorage, per 7 Sept 07 reporting. While making the second round, the deck watchman noticed two containers on Bay #2 open with broken","Desc2":"seals on forecastle from port side, which he had not noticed during his first round of watch. Both containers were re-sealed and additional watchmen were posted. The security level was increased to level 2. Incident reported to Port State Control (IMO","Desc3":"MSC.4/Circ.107, 7 Sept 07).","coords.x1":39.64583,"coords.x2":-4.06389} {"Reference":"2007-129","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Fishing vessel (QING ZI HAO) hijacked 16 May off the coast. The vessel set sail from Koahsiung, Taiwan in Feb 2006 and had a crew of four Taiwanese and eight Chinese sailors onboard, however the current makeup of the crew is unknown. The vessel","Desc2":"is reportedly being held alongside the (MAVUNO I) and the (MAVUNO II). (see ref. no. 20070107) The Taiwan fishery authorities said that the situation is unclear and they are working to resolve the incident (LM).","coords.x1":49,"coords.x2":1.33333} {"Reference":"2007-107","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Fishing trawlers (MUVUNO I) and (MAVUNO II) hijacked 15 May at 0900UTC while underway in position 01:20N-049:00E, approximately 200NM from the East Central Coast. Ten pirates, fivided into two groups of five, boarded each vessel and reportedly","Desc2":"intended to take the vessels to position 04:30N 048:10E. No injuries were reported among the 24 crewmembers (SAP)","coords.x1":49,"coords.x2":1.33333} {"Reference":"2007-108","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Cargo vessel (IBN YOUNUS) reported being fired upon 14 May at 1530 local time while underway in position 01:19.62N-048:51.92E, approximately 190 NM off the East Central Coast. The vessel observed one white speedboat with three men, armed with","Desc2":"machine guns and RPGs, ordering the vessel to stop. The master took evasive maneuvers and pirates fired one RPG round, hitting the accommodations and starting a fire. Crew members extinguished the fire and after one hour of evasive maneuvering, prevented","Desc3":"the boarding. No injuries reported (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":48.86533,"coords.x2":1.327} {"Reference":"2007-109","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Merchant vessel hijacked 10 May, approximately 12 miles north of Mogadishu. Armed pirates have hijacked the merchant vessel and ,reportedly, anchored it 400 km north of Mogadishu, near Hobiyo. Little detail is known about the incident; however,","Desc2":"negotiations are currently underway for the release of the vessel. (REUTERS, SAP).","coords.x1":45.34167,"coords.x2":2.025} {"Reference":"2007-103","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: General cargo ship hijacked while underway 3 May, at 0700 local time, 12 miles off Mogadishu. A group of Somali pirates armed with guns boarded the vessel. They hijacked the ship and took it to Hobiyo, (300 miles north of Mogadishu) where it is","Desc2":"currently at anchorage. The vessel was loaded from Ajman Port with general cargo to Mogadishu. Negotiations with the pirates are ongoing. Currently the pirates are requesting 150,000 USD(IMB).","coords.x1":45.33333,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"2007-102","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: General cargo ship reported attempted boarding 30 Apr, at 2345 UTC, while drifting in position 06-40S 039-44E, 27 miles ENE of the port, Dar es Salaam. A black hull boat with five pirates onboard attempted to board the vessel. The alarm was","Desc2":"raised and the crew mustered. The pirates aborted the attempt and moved in SW direction towards another vessel drifting 7.5NM away. All vessels in the area warned via VHF radio (IMB).","coords.x1":39.73333,"coords.x2":-6.66667} {"Reference":"2007-88","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Containership boarded and robbed 11 Apr at 0530 UTC, while drifting in position 06-32S 039-35E, 28 miles Northeast of Dar Es Salaam. Robbers broke open two containers and stole some cargo bags before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":39.58333,"coords.x2":-6.53333} {"Reference":"2007-75","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Containership robbed, 5 Apr after 2130 local time in position 06-36S 039-36E, 23NM east of Dar Es Salaam entrance channel. The duty officers did not notice any suspicious boat movement on the radars, while drifting off the coast, awaiting","Desc2":"berthing instructions. However, in the morning, six containers were found broken into. One of the containers had items stolen. Some of the ships stores were stolen as well","coords.x1":39.6,"coords.x2":-6.6} {"Reference":"2007-69","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Cargo dhow (MSV SAHIBA) attacked 5 Apr in the afternoon, while underway in territorial waters off the port of Kismayo. Gunmen in speedboats opened fire on the Indian flagged dhow, but then experienced engine troubles allowing the dhow time to","Desc2":"escape (LM: Khaleej Times).","coords.x1":42.56667,"coords.x2":-0.41667} {"Reference":"2007-70","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Cargo dhow (M/V NISHAN) attacked 3 Apr in the evening, while anchored outside the port of Mogadishu. Gunmen in two boats approached the UAE registered vessel and opened fire. The captain contacted the port authorities, who sent in speedboats","Desc2":"that thwarted the attack (SAP, LM).","coords.x1":45.33333,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"2007-71","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Cargo dhow (M/V NIMATULLAH) hijacked 1 Apr, in the evening, while anchored outside the port of Mogadishu. The UAE registered dhow was hijacked, while awaiting clearance to enter the port of Mogadishu. Sources report that the vessel was seized by","Desc2":"Somali pirates, who are demanding ransoms ranging between $20,000 and $50,000. The vessel was carrying a crew of 14 Indian nationals and a cargo of general merchandise to include clothes, cosmetics, sugar and oil. The dhow is reportedly being held near","Desc3":"the East central coastal town of Haradheere, a common anchorage location of hijacked vessels (SAP, LM).","coords.x1":45.33333,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"2007-79","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:During the evening hours, off the port of Mogadishu, pirates hijacked an anchored dhow, outside the deep waters of Mogadishu port. Further details are being awaited. Latest information received indicates the vessel was released on 6 April 2007","Desc2":"and the vessel is proceeding to discharge the cargo. All crew are safe. Unconfirmed information received indicates that, another dhow was attacked by pirates outside Mogsdishu port. Port authorities dispatched a speedboat to assist the vessel and the","Desc3":"pirates escaped.","coords.x1":45.34083,"coords.x2":2.25} {"Reference":"2007-57","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Port of Mogadishu mortared 18 Mar, Somalia. More than 15 persons were wounded, after unknown gunmen fired a barrage of mortars, at Mogadishu international seaport and surrounding neighborhoods. Three mortar rounds reportedly hit inside the port","Desc2":"and wounded three workers, including the pilot who directs ships to the port. Witnesses indicated to reporters that a large cargo ship docked at the port seemed to be targeted. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the mortar attacks (LM:","Desc3":"Shabelle.net, allafrica.com).","coords.x1":45.33333,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"2007-49","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Ship boarded, robbed 26 Feb, at 0315 local time in position 06-37.4N 039-32.0E, drifting off Dar es Salaam port. Ten pirates, armed with long knives, boarded the ship from the bow. The pirates tied up the duty AB and asked for ship's store","Desc2":"keys. The duty officer spotted the pirates, raised the alarm, and the crew mustered. The pirates escaped with the ship's stores. No injuries to crew. The port control was informed; however, no action was taken (IMB).","coords.x1":39.53333,"coords.x2":6.62333} {"Reference":"2007-41","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Product tanker reported attempted boarding, 8 Feb at 2130 local time in position 02:00.44N-045:20.7E, 1.5nm off Mogadishu. Five pirates armed with guns attempted to board the product tanker at anchor. The master raised the alarm, and the crew","Desc2":"mustered and activated the fire hoses. Pirates fired upon the ship and escaped. The master contacted the port control and agent for assistance. Four port security gunmen with a tug came and searched the area at 2245 local time and then boarded the ship.","Desc3":"One bullet hit near the starboard navigation light. No injuries to the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":45.345,"coords.x2":2.00733} {"Reference":"2007-30","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Vessel attacked, robbed 29 Jan, at 0030 local time, while at berth in Dar-es-Salaam. Despite having three crew keep deck watch, supplemented with five local watchmen, robbers boarded the vessel and held a knife to the throat of a shore","Desc2":"watchman. The robbers stole two mooring lines and two life buoys. The gangway watchman reported the activity to the port security authorities. The patrol arrived 30 minutes later but the robbers escaped. The next morning, statements were taken from the","Desc3":"crew by the port security officer (BIMCO).","coords.x1":39.34167,"coords.x2":-6.77222} {"Reference":"2007-37","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Container ship boarded and robbed 29 Jan, 0030 local time while at berth in Dar es Salaam. Despite active anti-piracy measures, the vessel was boarded by robbers armed with knives. They took one of the watchman hostage, placed a knife to his","Desc2":"throat, and threatened him. The robbers stole from the ships stores and escaped by jumping overboard. The port authorities were informed and a patrol boat arrived 30 minutes later. A search was carried out, but no arrests were made (IMB).","coords.x1":39.34167,"coords.x2":-6.77222} {"Reference":"2007-22","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Container ship boarded 16 Jan, at 0430 local time, about 18nm off Dar es Salaam Roads. While the container ship was drifting, the duty AB noticed some suspicious movements on the forecastle deck. The alarm was raised and the crew alerted. The","Desc2":"robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Three containers were found open with seals broken (IMB).","coords.x1":39.34167,"coords.x2":-6.77222} {"Reference":"2007-20","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach 13 Jan, while underway in position 05-12.0N 052-37.5E, 225NM off the east central coast. The United States Coast Guard Command Center (USCGCC) received reporting on the incident at 0635 UTC; however,","Desc2":"the exact time of the incident was not reported. According to the report, the chemical tanker was being pursued by a vessel with hostile intent. At 0825 UTC, USCGCC received a message reporting that the tanker was 18NM ahead of the suspected pirate","Desc3":"vessel and was believed to be outrunning it. No further information was received (USCG).","coords.x1":52.625,"coords.x2":5.2} {"Reference":"2007-13","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Container ship boarded and robbed while underway 26 Dec, at 0200 UTC in position 07:06S-039:41E, 10nm off Dar es Salaam. Robbers in a six meter wooden fishing boat boarded the container ship, while underway in the forepart. The robbers opened","Desc2":"eightcontainers and stole the cargos contents. The robbers escaped and were seen heading towards the shore (IMB).","coords.x1":39.68333,"coords.x2":-7.1} {"Reference":"2007-14","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Bulk Carrier reported suspicious distress call 19 Dec, off the SE coast of Somalia. According to the IMB, the incident occurred at 1932 LT, in position 00:32.6S-043:57.8E. The (SHEILA MCDEVITT) received the distress message from a vessel five","Desc2":"miles off their starboard bow and began tracking the signal of the allegedly distressed vessel, but did not change course. The bulk carrier caught sight of the suspect vessel within five minutes of receiving the distress call. Due to the frequency of","Desc3":"pirate attacks in the waters off Somalia, the approaching vessels relative high speed and interceptive course, the distress claims became suspect. The suspect vessel did not appear to be in distress and a group of men appeared to be on deck. Suspecting","Desc4":"piracy, master altered course, increased speed, and locked down the house. The suspect ship followed for two miles before altering course. (Operator, IMB, OSAC)","coords.x1":43.96333,"coords.x2":-0.54333} {"Reference":"2007-3","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Vessel, SHEILA MCDEVITT, pursued by suspected pirates 19 Dec. Security officer, from TECO Ocean Shipping, reported the vessel SHEILA MCDEVITT was being chased by suspected pirates. The SHEILA MCDEVITT was 120 miles off the coast of Somalia when","Desc2":"another vessel approached them, claiming to be in distress. The master of the ship turned east and went to maximum speed. The last report was that the master was increasing distance between his vessel and the pursuing ship (Operator).","coords.x1":48.83333,"coords.x2":5.5} {"Reference":"2006-275","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Container ship boarded 16 Nov at 0335 local time, drifting in position 06-42.5S 039:39.9E 20nm ENE from Dar es Salaam Harbor Entrance. Fifteen armed pirates in a boat approached the container ship, which was waiting for a berth. One of the","Desc2":"robbers, armed with a knife, boarded at main deck between hatches one and two. Duty crew noticed the robber and the robber jumped overboard and escaped in a boat. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The vessel moved to a new position, about 90nm","Desc3":"NNE from harborentrance. The master tried to contact Dar es Salaam signal station but no response was received (IMB).","coords.x1":39.665,"coords.x2":-6.70833} {"Reference":"2006-270","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Container ship boarded 08 Nov, six miles off Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. One robber boarded the container ship, waiting to embark pilot. The alert crew raised the alarm and the robber escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":39.345,"coords.x2":-6.69} {"Reference":"2006-264","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Bulk Carrier (VEESHAM I) hijacked 1 Nov and freed 7 Nov, Central East Coast. The vessel departed El Maan 1 Nov at 1300, en route to Dammam, Saudi Arabia with a cargo of charcoal. The vessel missed its 1900 check-in call, at 1930 the office","Desc2":"called the vessel and learned from the master that six armed Somalis had hijacked the vessel. The hijackers ordered the master to sail in the direction of Obbia, Somalia. On 7 Nov, the VEESHAM I was reportedly freed by Somalias Union of Islamic Courts","Desc3":"fighters somewhere off the coast of Obbia. (Operator, IMB, AFP, BBC, LM).","coords.x1":47.73333,"coords.x2":4.16667} {"Reference":"2006-262","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:In the evening of 1 NOV 06 at 19:30, when the office was calling the ship the Master declared that the ship is hijacked by 6 armed Somalia citizens. They instructed the Master to sail in direction to the next en-route north destination in Somalia","Desc2":"OBBIA. After this call, the ship's telephone was not responding. The ship had dropped off its shipment of charcoal at Elmaan, Somalia. at 1300 that day.","coords.x1":47.73333,"coords.x2":4.16667} {"Reference":"2006-261","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Chemical tanker boarded and robbed 25 Oct, at 0515 local time, Dar es Salaam anchorage. Robbers boarded the chemical tanker via anchor chain. The robbers stole from the ships stores and escaped. The masters attempt to contact port control was","Desc2":"futile (IMB).","coords.x1":39.34167,"coords.x2":-6.77222} {"Reference":"2006-242","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: General cargo ship reported attempted boarding 12 Oct, at 0500 local time in position 06-42.7S 039-28.3E, 10nm east of Dar Es Salaam pilot station, Tanzania. Three robbers armed with long knives attempted to board the general cargo ship, using","Desc2":"a hook attached to a rope. Alert crew raised alarm. Robbers jumped into water empty handed and escaped, with three accomplices waiting in a boat. Port control informed and they advised master to move further away (IMB).","coords.x1":39.47167,"coords.x2":-6.71167} {"Reference":"2006-243","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Container ship boarded and robbed 7 Oct, at 0140 local time in position 06-45.1S 039-19.9E, Dar Es Salaam anchorage area no. 2, Tanzania. Five robbers armed with knives boarded the container ship. The robbers held up one crew member and tied","Desc2":"the rest of the crew members hands and feet. The robbers then proceeded to rob the ship. Master reported to port police but robbers escaped before the police arrived (IMB).","coords.x1":39.33167,"coords.x2":-6.75167} {"Reference":"2006-253","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-09","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Container ship boarded 9 Oct, at 0755 local time in position 06-44S 039-20E, Dar es Salaam pilot station, Tanzania. Six robbers boarded the container ship and stole goods from two containers (IMB).","coords.x1":39.33333,"coords.x2":-6.73333} {"Reference":"2006-228","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: LPG tanker boarded and robbed at Dar Es Salaam outer anchorage. Five robbers boarded ship at forecastle deck. D/o raised alarm, activated SSAS, crew mustered and secured accommodation doors from inside. Robbers stole ship stores and escaped.","Desc2":"Port control informed and security police boarded for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":39.32778,"coords.x2":-6.74722} {"Reference":"2006-151","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: Unidentified tanker boarded and robbed, 5 June at 02:15 local time, at Dar Es Salaam Roads. Six robbers armed with knives and tools, for cutting locks, boarded the vessel. They broke into forward locker and stole ships stores. Alert crew raised","Desc2":"alarm and robbers escaped in a motorboat. Master reported the incident to port control (IMB).","coords.x1":39.34167,"coords.x2":-6.77222} {"Reference":"2006-149","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Unidentified cargo ship fired upon 22 May at 1815 local time while underway in position: 01-57N 045-31E, 10.5nm SE of Mogadishu. Duty officer of the vessel noticed a target at range of 1.5nm on radar. He alerted two armed security guards on","Desc2":"board. At 1910 local time, crewmember spotted a speedboat approaching from stern. Pirates in the boat opened fire at the ship and security guards fired back. Boat stopped and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":45.51667,"coords.x2":1.95} {"Reference":"2006-114","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Vessel (AL TAJI) hijacked 25 Apr, Southern Somali coast. Isse Sheik Elmi, who is the agent for the (AL TAJI), said the vessel sailed from Dubai on 6 Apr and arrived at El Maan, Somalia on 23 Apr where it unloaded goods for Mogadishu businessmen.","Desc2":"The vessel then sailed from El Maan on 25 Apr bound for Kismayo, Somalia and it is believed the vessel was hijacked near the coastal town of Barawe in Southern Somalia. The vessels agent stated the captain of the vessel is from Libya and the nine","Desc3":"crewmembers are Indian and was hired by Somalis Kheyr Shipping Company. The vessel is believed to be taken to Gann, 18 nm north of Xarardheere, about 400 km north of Mogadishu, where pirates still hold a tanker operated from UAE and a fishing boat from","Desc4":"South Korea. Sheik Elmi went to Mogadishu to negotiate for the vessels release (REUTERS, LM).","coords.x1":44.05,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"2006-124","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Vessel (AL TAJ) hijacked 25 Apr, Southern Somali coast. Isse Sheik Elmi, who is the agent for the (AL TAJ) said the vessel sailed from Dubai on 6 Apr and arrived at El Maan, Somalia on 23 Apr, where it unloaded goods for Mogadishu businessmen.","Desc2":"The vessel then sailed from El Maan on 25 Apr bound for Kismayo, Somalia and it is believed the vessel was hijacked near the coastal town of Barawe in Southern Somalia. The vessels agent stated, the captain of the vessel is from Libya and the nine","Desc3":"crewmembers are Indian and were hired by Somalis Kheyr Shipping Company. The vessel is believed to be taken to Gann, 18 nm north of Xarardheere, about 400 km north of Mogadishu, where pirates still hold a tanker operated from UAE and a fishing boat from","Desc4":"South Korea. Sheik Elmi went to Mogadishu to negotiate for the vessels release). Vessel released on 6 May after businessman reportedly paid a $25,000 ransom. One fatality and two injuries were reported. Vessel is said to be en route to Dubai with her","Desc5":"cargo intact (REUTERS, LM, IMB, TW).","coords.x1":44.05,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"2006-91","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: South Korean fishing vessel (DONG WON No 628) hijacked 04 Apr, while operating 60 miles off the east coast of Somalia. Coalition warships, USS Roosevelt and HNLMS Zeven Provencien, responded to distress calls but were unable to persuade the","Desc2":"hijackers to release the vessel and broke off the pursuit out, of concern for the safety of the victims. Abdi Garaad Daahir, a militia spokesman contacted by The Associated Press via two-way radio, said fighters from his clan had captured the vessel","Desc3":"fishing illegally in Somalias territorial waters. South Korea disputed this saying the pirates seized the vessel in international waters and later took it to Somalias waters. ONI Note: according to the CIA world fact book, Somalia claims a 200 nm","Desc4":"territorial sea; however, under article three of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), every State has the right to establish the breadth of its territorial sea up to a limit not exceeding 12 nm. UNCLOS also defines the exclusive","Desc5":"economic zone (EEZ) as an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea, subject to the specific legal regime established in UNCLOS, under which the rights and jurisdiction of the coastal State and the rights and freedoms of other States are governed","Desc6":"by the relevant provisions of the Convention. Article 57 states the EEZ shall not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured (AP, ONI).","coords.x1":45.33333,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"2006-90","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Tanker hijacked 29 Mar mid-day in Somali territorial waters, shortly after departing Ceel-Adde port, in northern Mogadishu. The tanker is reported to have recently unloaded diesel in the port. Sources at the port are unaware if ransom demands","Desc2":"have yet been made. ONI Note: It is important for vessels operating off the east cost of Somalia not to be lulled into a false sense of security, due to Coalition presence and the recent arrests of suspected Somali pirates. Vessels should still maintain","Desc3":"at least a 200NM standoff when transiting off the east coast of Somalia. Obviously, vessels calling on east coast Somali ports are particularly vulnerable (LM, ONI).","coords.x1":45.35278,"coords.x2":2.02778} {"Reference":"2006-95","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Somalia:On March 29 at 1154 LT 30nm off Mogadihu, east coast of Somalia, twelve pirates boarded a product tanker underway. The pirates were armed with machine guns, AK-47 rifles, and hand arms in two small speed boats. They took hostage 19 crewmembers","Desc2":"and took the ship 2nm off the coast of Heredera. Pirates contacted owners and demanded a ransom for the release of the ship and its crew.","coords.x1":45.71667,"coords.x2":2.13333} {"Reference":"2006-77","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Unidentified cargo ship chased 13 Mar at 0930 local time, while underway in position 01-21N - 044-40.32E, off Marka. Armed pirates in a boat chased the vessel and fired shots at bridge, lifeboat, and superstructure, which caused bullet holes.","Desc2":"When boat tried to come alongside master altered course and rammed the boat and boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":44.50528,"coords.x2":1.35} {"Reference":"2006-60","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified cargo ship was approached 2 Mar at 1722 local time, while underway in position 01-28N - 052-42E, 350 nm from the east coast. A white-hulled trawler making 12.6 knots followed the vessel. Master took evasive maneuvers and trawler","Desc2":"moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":52.7,"coords.x2":1.46667} {"Reference":"2006-52","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:The dhow (Bhaki Sagar), an Indian Vessel, was on route from Kismayo to El-Maan. While underway off Mogadishu at 0530UTC, Pirates, armed with guns in two speedboats, boarded a big wooden vessel (dhow or Bhaki Sagar). They hijacked the vessel and","Desc2":"are holding 25 crew members hostage.","coords.x1":45.91667,"coords.x2":2.21667} {"Reference":"2006-47","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified container ship reported being followed 20 Feb at 0618 UTC, while underway in position 01-55.9N 048-52.2E, 150 nm off the coast. The vessel observed two white speedboats following them, while doing 17 knots. The vessel increased","Desc2":"speed, and after one hour, the two speedboats reduced speed and stopped following (IMB).","coords.x1":48.87,"coords.x2":1.93167} {"Reference":"2006-43","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified RO-RO ship was followed 18 Feb at 0720 local time, while underway in position 00-11.48N - 052-45.59E, 400nm off the coast. A boat doing 12 knots followed the vessel. Ship took evasive maneuvers, increased speed, and proceeded to","Desc2":"open sea. Boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":52.75983,"coords.x2":0.19133} {"Reference":"2006-24","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: The (AL MANARA) falsely reported being Hijacked 22 Jan by pirates armed with guns, while underway in position 02-48N 048-36E. A Coalition warship responded to the distress call and determined it was issued by the master as a result of a dispute","Desc2":"involving two armed Somali security guards, who had been contracted by the ship(IMB, Reuters).","coords.x1":48.6,"coords.x2":2.76667} {"Reference":"2006-25","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported being chased 20 Jan at 0700 local time, while underway in position 05-25.1N 052-34.6E, 213nm east of Somali coast. Two speedboats, operating from a mother ship gave chase. One boat had three men with machine","Desc2":"guns and the other had two men. They opened fire aiming for the bridge. Boats came close to ship and persons inside attempted to board. Ship increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. Boats stopped chase and returned to mother ship. ONI Note: The","Desc3":"reported mother ship was a recently hijacked cargo dhow, utilized by the pirates to conduct attacks against larger merchant vessels at greater distance from the Somali coast. (USS WINSTON S. CHURCHILL was alerted to the attack by the IMB Piracy Reporting","Desc4":"Center and apprehended the perpetrators (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":52.57667,"coords.x2":5.41833} {"Reference":"2006-2","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified container ship detected a suspicious craft 16 Dec at 2227 local time, while underway in position 03-01.9N 051-17.7E, off the east coast of Somalia. Master notices the craft on radar and took evasive maneuvers to avoid collision.","Desc2":"Craft changed course and continued to follow the ship. Master increased speed and the craft moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":51.295,"coords.x2":3.03167} {"Reference":"2006-6","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified bulk carrier had an attempted boarding 15 Dec at 0145 local time, while anchored in position 06:44.7S 039:20.2E, Dar Es Salaam OPL anchorage. Seven persons in an unlit boat approached the vessel. Two persons attempted to board","Desc2":"via anchor chain. Alert crew prevented boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":39.33667,"coords.x2":-6.745} {"Reference":"2006-5","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 15 Dec at 0100 local time, while anchored at Dar Es Salaam outer anchorage. One robber boarded the vessel, via grappling hook, and removed the hawse pipe cover, allowing three of his accomplices to","Desc2":"board the vessel via the anchor chain. Duty A/B raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty handed in a boat waiting, with four additional accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":39.33333,"coords.x2":-6.75278} {"Reference":"2006-3","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified general cargo ship reports being chased by an unidentified fishing trawler 12 Dec at 0200 UTC, while underway in position 04-50.5S 048-00.0E. Cargo ship undertook evasive maneuvers but trawler drew closer to 1.4 nm, until","Desc2":"abandoning the chase when cargo ship increased speed. Trawler, described as 50 to 60 mtrs long and a white hull with single boom, abandoned the chase when ship increased speed (IMB).","coords.x1":48,"coords.x2":-4.84167} {"Reference":"2005-357","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified general cargo ship reports being chased by an unidentified fishing trawler 12 Dec at 0200 UTC, while underway in position 04-50.5S 048-00.0E. Cargo ship undertook evasive maneuvers; however, trawler came as close as 1.4 nm until","Desc2":"abandoning the chase, when cargo ship increased speed. Trawler is described as 50 to 60 mtrs long and has a white hull with a single boom (IMB).","coords.x1":48,"coords.x2":-4.84167} {"Reference":"2006-1","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-07","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was hijacked 07 Dec off Hobyo, central east coast of Somalia. Hijackers have demanded ransom for release of 11 crewmembers and ship (IMB).","coords.x1":48.55,"coords.x2":5.33333} {"Reference":"2005-351","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Taiwanese fishing vessel (FENG JUNG No 16) reported hijacked 30 Nov. The longliner was reportedly fishing under the legal protection of the Somali fishery cooperation. The fishing vessel had three Taiwanese and 12 foreign crewmembers. The Somali","Desc2":"government has been engaged to negotiate for the release of the vessel (INFO).","coords.x1":48.05833,"coords.x2":4.65444} {"Reference":"2005-337","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-07","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified Thai-flagged general cargo ship was hijacked 07 Nov at 0600 UTC, while underway off the east coast of Somalia. Once hijacked, the captors forced the ship to anchor 04-28N 048-01E near the Somali coastline, Pirates have since","Desc2":"demanded a large ransom for the release of the ship. ONI Comment: This anchorage location is not far from where the recently released UN World Food Program M/V SEMLOW was reportedly held (near Haradheere) for over three months (see ONI World Wide Threat","Desc3":"to Shipping report 28 Sep 05 Para 5.H.3) and are likely the same perpetrators of the attack on C/S SEABOURN PRINCESS on 05 Nov and the attack on the unidentified RORO on 06 Nov (LL, ONI).","coords.x1":48.01667,"coords.x2":4.46667} {"Reference":"2005-338","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified RORO came under attack 06 Nov while underway, in position 02-29.3N 048:28.2E, off the east coast of Somalia. Pirates armed with machine guns and rocket launchers fired upon the ship. The master took evasive maneuvers, increased","Desc2":"speed, and the pirates boats fell behind. No injuries were reported (IMB).","coords.x1":48.47,"coords.x2":2.48833} {"Reference":"2005-340","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CRUISE SHIP","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Cruise ship (SEABOURN SPIRIT) came under fire 05 Nov at 0225 UTC, while underway in position 02-59N 048-01E, 70 NM from the east coast of Somalia. Six heavily armed pirates in two boats chased the cruise ship, while firing with rocket launchers","Desc2":"and machine guns causing damage to the ships side. Master took evasive maneuvers and sailed away from the coast. Pirates aborted the attempt and fled. One crew sustained injuries to his hand. ONI Comment: The only difference between this attack, the","Desc3":"numerous other attacks, and vessel hijackings in this area is the interest it generated, due to the nature of the victim. The cruise ship was the first in a string of attacks on merchant vessels before the successful hijacking of a Thai-flagged general","Desc4":"cargo ship, which is now being held for ransom (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":48.01667,"coords.x2":2.98333} {"Reference":"2005-331","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: An unidentified tanker was approached 26 Oct at 1810 local time, while underway in position 06-09N 053-45E, approximately 250 NM off the east coast of Somalia. Five speedboats reportedly flashed lights at the vessel and gave chase.One boat","Desc2":"increased speed and came close on port beam. Crew switched on deck lights and ship moved further away from the Somali coast and boat gave up chase. ONI Comment: While this type of approach at this distance from shore is usually associated with fishermen","Desc3":"protecting deployed gear, the increasing number of hijackings at greater distances off the Somali coastline requires taking the evasive actions demonstrated by the alert crew necessary,at all distances off the Somali coastline (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":53.75,"coords.x2":6.15} {"Reference":"2005-322","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: M/V (SAN CARLO) was hijacked 20 Oct, while underway in position 02-013N 049-44E approximately 170 NM off the east coast of Somalia (IMB).","coords.x1":49.73333,"coords.x2":2.21667} {"Reference":"2005-325","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: M/V (SAN CARLO) was hijacked 20 Oct, while underway in position 02-13N 049-44E, approximately 170 NM off the east coast of Somalia (IMB).","coords.x1":49.73333,"coords.x2":2.21667} {"Reference":"2005-326","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: M/V (PANAGIA) was hijacked 18 Oct, while underway in position 06-59.18N 051-08.39E, approximately 90 NM off the east coast of Somalia (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":51.13983,"coords.x2":6.98633} {"Reference":"2005-323","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: M/V (PANAGIA) was hijacked 18 Oct, while underway in position 06-59.18N 051-08.39E, approximately 90 NM off the east coast of Somalia (Operator).","coords.x1":51.13983,"coords.x2":6.98633} {"Reference":"2005-316","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 12 Oct at 0240 local time, while anchored at Dar es Salaam. Three robbers, armed with long knives, boarded the vessel via the hawse pipe. They threatened the crewmember on duty and stole ships stores. Port","Desc2":"control was informed and a patrol boat arrived for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":39.34167,"coords.x2":-6.77222} {"Reference":"2005-314","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: M/V (MILTZOW) was hijacked 12 Oct at 1530 local time, while offloading in Merca. According to press reports, six gunmen stormed the vessel and ordered it out to sea. Two crewmembers managed to escape as the dockworkers were forced off the vessel","Desc2":"by the gunmen. The vessel reportedly had offloaded half its UN World Food Program cargo of rice, corn and vegetable oil before the hijackers made off with an estimated 400 tons of remaining cargo. The cargo was headed for approximately 78,000 people in","Desc3":"the Jilib district, just north of Merca, which has suffered ongoing violence, flooding, and total crop failure in recent months (REUTERS, LM, AFP).","coords.x1":44.73333,"coords.x2":1.71667} {"Reference":"2005-315","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: M/V (TORGELOW) was reported hijacked as of 10 Oct while in route to El Maan. No details regarding the incident are known. The (TORGELOW) was reported to be carrying fuel and supplies to the recently released (SEMLOW), as well as a consignment of","Desc2":"foodstuffs for a Somali businessman (LL, REUTERS, LM).","coords.x1":48.16667,"coords.x2":4.66667} {"Reference":"2005-305","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-30","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was pursued 30 Sep at 2320 UTC, while underway in position 05-05N 051-05E, about 150 nm off the Somali coast. A fishing boat came within 1.7 nm, while ships master undertook evasive maneuvers. Boat pursed the bulk","Desc2":"carrier for about 2 hours. ONI NOTE: If this represents a true attempted boarding, it sets a new outer boundary for safe steaming, which has previously been set as 120 nm off the Somali coast (IMB).","coords.x1":51.08333,"coords.x2":5.08333} {"Reference":"2005-298","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: M/V (IBN BATOUTA) hijacked off the east coast of Somalia per 26 Sep reporting. It is believed the same group of hijackers responsible for the hijacking of the M/V (SEMLOW) are responsible for the hijacking of the M/V (IBN BATOUTA). The hijacking","Desc2":"occurred after the pirate controlled M/V (SEMLOW) unexpectedly departed El Maan, after another negotiation breakdown. This lead some to speculation the pirates used the M/V (SEMLOW) to commandeer the M/V (IBN BATOUTA), but there is no evidence to confirm","Desc3":"this (AP, BBC).","coords.x1":42.83333,"coords.x2":-0.16667} {"Reference":"2005-292","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MADAGASCAR: An unidentified tanker was boardedand robbed 13 Sep at 0200 local time, while berthed at Mahajunga port. They broke open bosun store, stole ships stores, and escaped in a boat (IMB).","coords.x1":46.30972,"coords.x2":-15.72778} {"Reference":"2005-265","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified fishing vessel was reportedly hijacked 16 Aug, while fishing off the Somali coast, south of Kismayo. The fishing vessel, reportedly owned by a Chinese company, was seized by six unidentified gunmen, as it was fishing inside","Desc2":"Somali territorial waters. Abdullahi Sheikh Fartag, spokesmen for the Juba Valley Alliance (JVA) militia, which controls the main southern port of Kismayo, condemns this action. He warned that if the vessel is not released unconditionally, his militia","Desc3":"will attack the hijackers, and rescue the crew. A Kismayo journalist reported witnessing several gunmen unloading a cargo of fish, lobster, and shark fins 60 km south of Kismayo, near Koyame. The journalist reports the gunmen stated the cargo was from a","Desc4":"fishing vessel. Their colleagues are holding the cargo along with its 10 Indochinese crewmembers (LM, REUTERS)","coords.x1":42.525,"coords.x2":-0.39444} {"Reference":"2005-278","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified fishing vessel was reportedly hijacked 16 Aug while fishing off the Somali coast, south of Kismayo. The fishing vessel, reportedly owned by a Chinese company, was seized by six unidentified gunmen as it was fishing inside Somali","Desc2":"territorial waters. Abdullahi Sheikh Fartag, spokesmen for the Juba Valley Alliance (JVA) militia, which controls the main southern port of Kismayo, condemns this action. He warned that if the vessel is not released unconditionally, his militia will","Desc3":"attack the hijackers, and rescue the crew. A Kismayo journalist reported witnessing several gunmen unloading a cargo of fish, lobster and shark fins 60 km south of Kismayo, near Koyame. The journalist reports the gunmen stated the cargo was from a","Desc4":"fishing vessel their colleagues are holding along with its 10 Indochinese crewmembers. On 26 Aug, Taiwan reported that three deep sea fishing vessels were hijacked off the port of Kismayo and their crews held hostage on 16 Aug. ONI Note: Given the","Desc5":"similar date and location, the Chinese fishing vessel hijacking report and the three Taiwanese fishing vessel hijacking report are likely interrelated. Further reporting from 06 Sep indicates the hijackers have lowered their ransom demands from $500,000","Desc6":"per vessel down to $50,000 per vessel. Other reports out of Taiwan and the Philippines state the hijacked vessels names are (ZHONG I 218), (CHENG QING FENG), and (SHIN LIAN FA 36). A total of 48 hostages are reported held, three Taiwanese captains and 45","coords.x1":42.525,"coords.x2":-0.39444} {"Reference":"2005-272","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified fishing vessel was reportedly hijacked 16 Aug while fishing off the Somali coast, south of Kismayo. The fishing vessel, reportedly owned by a Chinese company, was seized by six unidentified gunmen as it was fishing inside Somali","Desc2":"territorial waters. Abdullahi Sheikh Fartag, spokesmen for the Juba Valley Alliance (JVA) militia, which controls the main southern port of Kismayo, condemns this action. He warned that if the vessel is not released unconditionally, his militia will","Desc3":"attack the hijackers, and rescue the crew. A Kismayo journalist reported witnessing several gunmen unloading a cargo of fish, lobster and shark fins 60 km south of Kismayo, near Koyame. The journalist reports the gunmen stated the cargo was from a","Desc4":"fishing vessel their colleagues are holding along with its 10 Indochinese crewmembers. On 26 Aug, Taiwan reported that three deep sea fishing vessels were hijacked off the port of Kismayo and their crews held hostage on 16 Aug. ONI Note: Given the","Desc5":"similar date and location, the Chinese fishing vessel hijacking report and the three Taiwanese fishing vessel hijacking report are likely interrelated (LM, REUTERS, IMB, ONI)","coords.x1":42.525,"coords.x2":-0.39444} {"Reference":"2005-251","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified container ship reported an attempted boarding 03 Aug at 0212 local time, while underway off Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Ten persons in a white boat attempted to board the ship; however, the crew mustered and the suspects aborted","Desc2":"their attempts to board (IMB).","coords.x1":39.26667,"coords.x2":-6.8} {"Reference":"2005-244","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERSCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was fired upon 28 Jul at 0415 UTC, while underway in position 04-08.5N 049-49.3E, off the east coast of Somalia. Six pirates, armed with guns, approached the vessel in a white hulled speedboat and opened fire. Alert","Desc2":"crew mustered and boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":49.82167,"coords.x2":4.14167} {"Reference":"2005-248","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Tanker (CIELO DI MILANO) was fired upon 26 Jul at 1110 UTC, while underway in position 03-09N 048-47E, off the east coast of Somalia. Two speedboats, each with four pirates armed with machine guns and RPGs, approached the tanker. One boat came","Desc2":"within 30 meters and fired shots at the tanker. Crew mustered and activated fire hoses. Master increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, and proceeded away from the coast. Boats then aborted boarding attempt. Speedboats had white hulls with blue stripes.","Desc3":"No injuries to crew or damage to ship (Italian Navy, IMB).","coords.x1":48.78333,"coords.x2":3.15} {"Reference":"2005-237","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: RORO vessel (JOLLY MARRONE) was fired upon 21 Jul at 1100 local time, while underway in position 03-30N 049-20E, east coast of Somalia. Six pirates, armed with guns, opened fire from two boats in an attempt to board. Crew mustered and ship","Desc2":"increased speed. Pirates aborted boarding (IMB, Italian Navy).","coords.x1":49.33333,"coords.x2":3.5} {"Reference":"2005-242","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On July 21at 8:30GMT, one Italian Merchant Vessel in navigation off Somalia shores, in position LAT: 03:31.5N LONG: 049:23.7E, has been hijacked by two fiberglass fast boats six meters in length with three persons on board each. Pirate boats have","Desc2":"shooted repeatedly against the Italian Merchant Vessel with automatic rifles. Pirates were also armed with a rocket gun. All ships expecting to approach the area are invited to keep a sharp lookout. In case suspect boats are sighted, it is strongly","Desc3":"suggested to assume maximum speed, diverting own course towards the open sea.BT","coords.x1":49.395,"coords.x2":3.525} {"Reference":"2005-236","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was fired upon 21 Jul at 1745 local time while underway in position 03-38N 049-30E, east coast of Somalia. Pirates, armed with guns, approached the vessel in a blue and white-hulled speedboat, that was approximately","Desc2":"8 to 10 meters in length. Master raised the alarm, crew mustered, activated fire hoses, and fired one rocket flare. Pirates opened fire with automatic weapons. Master increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, and moved away from the Somali coast. Pirates","Desc3":"abandoned boarding due to rough weather (IMB).","coords.x1":49.5,"coords.x2":3.63333} {"Reference":"2005-227","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded at 0200 local time, while drifting off port at Dar Es Salaam. Eight robbers boarded the vessel from a motorboat and broke into a container. Alert crew mustered and robbers escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":39.4,"coords.x2":-6.71667} {"Reference":"2005-229","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: M/V (PARANA) was fired upon 16 Jul at 1600 local time, while underway in position 04-37.4N 04825.9E, east coast of Somalia. Four pirates, wearing military fatigues and armed with shoulder fired rockets and machine guns, opened fire upon the","Desc2":"vessel in an attempt to board. Vessel sustained some damage but was able to avoid being boarded. No injuries to crew. Pirate vessel had a white hull with black bulwark and a high powered engine (IMB).","coords.x1":48.43167,"coords.x2":4.62333} {"Reference":"2005-228","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: M/V (HANSEDUO) was fired upon 16 Jul at 1325 local time, while underway in position 03-05N 048-05E, east coast of Somalia. Four pirates, armed with guns, fired upon the vessel from a speedboat and tried to board at the starboard quarter. Ship","Desc2":"increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. Crew activated fire hoses and fired rocket flares. After 15 minutes, pirates aborted boarding attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":48.08333,"coords.x2":3.08333} {"Reference":"2005-216","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: The general cargo ship (SEMLOW) was hijacked 26 Jun, while underway in position 04:47.6N, 048:12.0E, off Hobyo. Hijackers are demanding $500,000 to free the vessel and ten crewmen. The vessel was under charter of the UN World Food Program (WFP)","Desc2":"and is carrying 850 MT of rice, donated by Japan and Germany, destined for Bossaso, Somalia. On 12 Jul, the UN WFP director warned the pirates that if the vessel, crew, and cargo were not released within 48 hours, then the WFP would blacklist the area of","Desc3":"Haradheere and Hobyo for the next 10 years. Mohamed Abdi Hassan, the leader of the group holding the vessel, denied they were demanding ransom but rather simply guarding the seas against illegal fishing and dumping of toxic waste, and impounded the","Desc4":"vessel because of improper documentation. ONI NOTE: This is likely the same militia group responsible for the attempted boarding of M/V (TIMBUCK) and successful hijacking of a LPG tanker back in April (see 20 Apr ONI Worldwide Threat to Shipping report","Desc5":"paragraphs 5.H.3 and 5.H.4). After 18 days of captivity, the LPG tanker and crew were released, unharmed upon receipt of ransom payment. All vessels should heed the IMB warning to stay as far away as practical from the eastern coast of Somalia,","Desc6":"particularly in the area off Haradheere and Hobyo. (IMB, REUTERS, BBC, LM, ONI, LL).","coords.x1":48.2,"coords.x2":4.79333} {"Reference":"2005-291","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: The general cargo ship (SEMLOW) was hijacked 26 Jun, while underway in position 04-47.6N 048-012.0E, off Hobyo. Hijackers are demanding $500,000 to free the vessel and ten crewmen. The vessel was under charter of the UN World Food Program (WFP)","Desc2":"and is carrying 850 MT of rice, donated by Japan and Germany, destined for Bossaso, Somalia. On 12 Jul, the UN WFP director warned the pirates that if the vessel, crew, and cargo were not released within 48 hours, then the WFP would blacklist the area of","Desc3":"Haradheere and Hobyo for the next 10 years. Mohamed Abdi Hassan/Afweyne, the leader of the group holding the vessel, denied they were demanding ransom but rather simply guarding the seas against illegal fishing and dumping of toxic waste, and impounded","Desc4":"the vessel because of improper documentation. Per 01 Aug reporting, the hijackers said they were going to release the eight Kenyan crewmembers, but were going to keep the Sri Lankan master and Tanzanian crewmember in captivity. Per 10 Aug reporting, the","Desc5":"pirates have failed to release the vessel and crew as previously negotiated, and it is feared the talks have broken down. As part of the negotiations, the vessel was to be allowed to return to a Somali port by Aug 9th, and the rice onboard to be","Desc6":"distributed throughout the central region, vice its intended destination to the north. Per 17 Aug reporting, the hijackers are unloading the rice themselves for local distribution/sale in the town of Haradheere.As a result, it is reported the price of","coords.x1":48.2,"coords.x2":4.79333} {"Reference":"2005-214","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: The general cargo ship (SEMLOW) was hijacked 26 Jun while underway, in position 04-47.6N 048-12.0E, off Hobyo. Hijackers are demanding $500,000 to free the vessel and ten crewmen. The vessel was under charter of the UN World Food Program and is","Desc2":"carrying 850 MT of rice, donated by Japan and Germany, destined for Bossaso, Somalia (IMB, REUTERS, BBC, LM).","coords.x1":48.2,"coords.x2":4.79333} {"Reference":"2005-246","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: The general cargo ship (SEMLOW) was hijacked 26 Jun, while underway in position 04-47.6N 048-12.0E, off Hobyo. Hijackers are demanding $500,000 to free the vessel and ten crewmen. The vessel was under charter of the UN World Food Program (WFP)","Desc2":"and is carrying 850 MT of rice, donated by Japan and Germany, destined for Bossaso, Somalia. On 12 Jul, the UN WFP director warned the pirates that if the vessel, crew, and cargo were not released within 48 hours, then the WFP would blacklist the area of","Desc3":"Haradheere and Hobyo for the next 10 years. Mohamed Abdi Hassan, the leader of the group holding the vessel, denied they were demanding ransom but rather simply guarding the seas against illegal fishing and dumping of toxic waste, and impounded the","Desc4":"vessel because of improper documentation. Per 01 Aug reporting, the hijackers said they were going to release the eight Kenyan crewmembers, but were going to keep the Sri Lankan master and Tanzanian crewmember in captivity. ONI NOTE: This is likely the","Desc5":"same militia group responsible for the attempted boarding of M/V (TIMBUCK) and successful hijacking of a LPG tanker back in April (see 20 Apr ONI Worldwide Threat to Shipping report paragraphs 5.H.3 and 5.H.4). After 18 days of captivity, the LPG tanker","Desc6":"and crew were released unharmed upon receipt of ransom payment. All vessels should heed the IMB warning to stay as far away as practical from the eastern coast of Somalia, particularly in the area off Haradheere and Hobyo. (IMB, REUTERS, BBC, LM, ONI,","coords.x1":48.2,"coords.x2":4.79333} {"Reference":"2005-187","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: The bulk carrier (TIGRIS) reported an attempted boarding 06 Jun at 1535 UTC, while underway in position 02-23N 046-07E, off Mogadishu. Three pirates, armed with automatic weapons, opened fire on the vessel from a white speedboat. The nearby USS","Desc2":"Gonzalez responded to a distress call from the master and came close to assist. The USS Gonzalez fired parachute flares and .50 caliber machine guns, directed searchlights to illuminate the area, and escorted the bulk carrier to a safer location, away","Desc3":"from the Somali coastline. No injuries to crew, but gunfire by the pirates caused 10 bullet holes on starboard side near bridge (IMB, LM).","coords.x1":46.11667,"coords.x2":2.38333} {"Reference":"2005-206","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: The general cargo ship (SEMLOW) was hijacked 27 Jun somewhere between Haradhere and Hobyo, approximately 190 miles northeast of Mogadishu. Hijackers are demanding $500,000 to free the vessel and ten crewmen. The vessel was under charter of the","Desc2":"UN World Food Program and is carrying 850 MT of rice, donated by Japan and Germany, destined for Bossaso, Somalia (REUTERS, BBC, LM).","coords.x1":45.34167,"coords.x2":2.01944} {"Reference":"2005-177","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported an attempted boarding 06 Jun at 1535 UTC, while underway in position 02-23N 046-07E, off Mogadishu. Three pirates, armed with automatic weapons, opened fire on the vessel from a white speedboat. The nearby","Desc2":"USS Gonzalez responded to a distress call from the master and came close to assist. The USS Gonzalez fired parachute flares, directed searchlights to illuminate the area, and escorted the bulk carrier to a safer location (away from the Somali coastline).","Desc3":"There were no injuries to the crew, but gunfire by the pirates caused 10 bullet holes on starboard side near bridge (IMB).","coords.x1":46.11667,"coords.x2":2.38333} {"Reference":"2005-171","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 29 May at 0015 local time in position 06-45S 039-20E, No. 2 anchorage, Dar Es Salaam. Three robbers, armed with machetes, boarded the vessel via the hawse pipe. They stole ship's stores and","Desc2":"escaped. Master heaved up anchor and proceeded to open sea to drift. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":39.33333,"coords.x2":-6.75} {"Reference":"2005-178","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 22 May at 1500 local time, while underway in position 03-42N 48-16E. Pirates beat up the 21 crewmembers and locked them in a room. The pirates hijacked the vessel and have demanded ransom for","Desc2":"releasing the ship and the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":48.26667,"coords.x2":3.7} {"Reference":"2005-155","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-09","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 09 May at 0445 local time, while at anchor in Dar Es Salaam. Duty officer raised alarm after robbers boarded the vessel. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a boat (IMB).","coords.x1":39.34167,"coords.x2":-6.77222} {"Reference":"2005-130","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified ship was boarded, hijacked 10 Apr at 1200 UTC while underway in position 00-50S 047-36E, off the eastern coast of Somalia. Armed pirates took all 17 crewmembers hostage and hijacked the ship, forcing it to anchor close to the","Desc2":"Somali coast. IMB piracy reporting center alerted relevant authorities. Further news is awaited (IMB).","coords.x1":47.6,"coords.x2":-0.83333} {"Reference":"2005-118","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: M/V (TIM BUCK) was boarded 10 Apr at 1000 local time, while underway in position 03-24N 048-17E, approximately 55 NM off the coast of Somalia. Pirates, armed with grenade launchers and automatic weapons, set fire to a starboard rescue boat but","Desc2":"failed to penetrate inside the ship. The crew acted in strict compliance with the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) in this emergency situation. The fire was localized. There were no injuries to the crew and no goods were","Desc3":"taken. The vessel sustained a small amount of damage. ONI NOTE: The long distance from shore, at which recent attacks have occurred off the Somali coastline, demonstrates an increased tenacity by local pirates. All vessels transiting this area should","Desc4":"take precautions. (INFO, ONI).","coords.x1":48.16667,"coords.x2":3.4} {"Reference":"2005-162","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: The unidentified ship boarded and hijacked 10 Apr at 1200 UTC while underway, in position 00-50S 047-36E, off the eastern coast of Somalia was freed 28 Apr according to 5 May reports. The ship, an LPG tanker proceeding empty to its next load","Desc2":"port, was lured into the Somali coast by an apparent deceptive distress flare and then surrounded by a fleet of small boats. There is some confusion as to how far to sea the hijacking occurred, with accounts giving the initial encounter as for out as","Desc3":"135nm. The ship was forced to anchor close offshore, while ransom talks were begun, with the owners who refuse to be named. A U.S. naval vessel stood by during the incident, but was not reported involved in the ransom talks. Unspecified ransom demands","Desc4":"are understood to have been met and the 17 crew were released unharmed, while the hijackers returned ashore unmolested (Fairplay, IMB).","coords.x1":47.6,"coords.x2":-0.83333} {"Reference":"2005-106","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-31","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified general cargo ship reports an attempted boarding 31 Mar at 1330 UTC, while underway in position 00-40.5N 048-49.1E off Somalia, by six persons armed with guns and grenades in two speedboats. Ship sent distress message, increased","Desc2":"speed, and took evasive maneuvers. Speedboats aborted attempted boarding at 1520 UTC (IMB).","coords.x1":48.81833,"coords.x2":0.675} {"Reference":"2005-71","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was approached 25 Feb at 1700 UTC, while underway in position 06-43.98N 050-35.17E. A speedboat followed the vessel for 15 minutes, before moving away (IMB).","coords.x1":50.58617,"coords.x2":6.733} {"Reference":"2005-80","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was approached 25 Feb at 1700 UTC, while underway in position 06-43.98N 050-35.17E. A speedboat followed the vessel for 15 minutes before moving away (IMB).","coords.x1":50.58617,"coords.x2":6.733} {"Reference":"2004-310","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 8 Dec at 0015 UTC, while anchored at Dar es Salaam. Two persons armed with knives took duty seaman hostage, stole ship's property,and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":39.34167,"coords.x2":-6.77222} {"Reference":"2005-5","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified tanker reports being trailed on 15 Nov between 0100 and 0300 local time, while underway, in position 01-57.7S 044-47.8E, off the SE Somali Coast. A boat of about 60 meters in length came within one cable of ship's side before","Desc2":"pulling away, when crew switched on the lights and challenged with Aldis lamp and VHF (IMB).","coords.x1":44.79667,"coords.x2":-1.96167} {"Reference":"2004-263","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 28 Oct at 0320 local time, in position 06-41.7S 039-27.3E in the outer roads at Dar es Salaam awaiting berthing. Three of about 15 persons in a long boat, armed with knives, boarded at the forecastle","Desc2":"and stole cargo from two containers on deck. When alarm sounded, robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores and the unidentified cargo (IMB).","coords.x1":39.455,"coords.x2":-6.695} {"Reference":"2004-176","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-27","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MADAGASCAR: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 27 Jun at 0400 local time while at Majunga inner anchorage. Duty seaman was struck on head and neck. The thieves stole forward life raft and escaped. Seaman was hospitalized for treatment (IMB).","coords.x1":46.3,"coords.x2":-15.73056} {"Reference":"2004-172","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-20","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"UNIDENTIFIED ATTACKERS","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified yacht reports being fired upon 20 Jun at 1100 UTC while anchored in position 10-30N 051-15E off Raas Xaafun (Hafun). Nine persons in a fishing boat approached the yacht which had anchored to attend to an injured crew member. The","Desc2":"fishing boat crew waved and acted friendly until they drew close, when they produced weapons and began firing. The crew returned fire with their own guns and the fishing boat retreated. There is no area of the Somali coast where it is safe to anchor or","Desc3":"to proceed close inshore (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":51.25,"coords.x2":10.5} {"Reference":"2004-153","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"KENYA: An unidentified trawler was boarded 3 Jun at daybreak while anchored at Mombasa by nine persons who stole ship's property and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":49.85972,"coords.x2":4.13361} {"Reference":"2004-87","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-08","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"MILITIAMEN","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"SOMALIA: According to 8 Apr report, activity at port of Kismaayo has been halted by threat of militiamen allied with Juba Valley Alliance to attack vessels entering or leaving port with anti-aircraft missiles with which they are armed. Three ships have","Desc2":"reportedly entered the port, safely, despite sporadic firing on the port area by militiamen demanding a unspecified amount of money from the Alliance.","coords.x1":42.55,"coords.x2":-0.36667} {"Reference":"2004-43","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified Egyptian fishing vessel was hijacked in January by gunmen working for the Somali fishing firm Raas in what was termed a commercial dispute. Twenty-three of the24-person crew were freed 23 Feb at Beravo, about 150 km south of","Desc2":"Mogadishu, in a deal brokered by Somalia's Provisional Government. The ship and one crew member are being held pending financial settlement.","coords.x1":44.91417,"coords.x2":0.86333} {"Reference":"2003-367","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified tanker reports being trailed 15 Nov between 0100 and 0300 local time while underway in position 01 57.7S, 044 47.8E off the SE Somali coast. A boat of about 60 meters length came within one cable of ship's side before pulling","Desc2":"away when crew switched on lights and challenged with Aldis lamp and VHF (IMB).","coords.x1":44.8,"coords.x2":-1.96667} {"Reference":"2003-273","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-09","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified general cargo ship reports attempt to board 9 Aug at 0220 local time while anchored in position 06 38S, 039 28E, Dar es Salaam. Four persons in a small boat came close aboard and attempted to board using grappling hook. Crew","Desc2":"raised alarm and boarding attempt was abandoned (IMB).","coords.x1":39.46667,"coords.x2":-6.63333} {"Reference":"2003-125","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 18 Apr at 0006 local time while at Dar es Salaam anchorage. Thieves boarded at the forecastle and stole ship's stores and safety equipment (IMB).","coords.x1":39.3,"coords.x2":-13.05} {"Reference":"2003-146","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: The Korean-flagged fishing boat (BEIRA 9) was hijacked near Kismayo on 1 April by an unnamed Somali warlord, according to a 4 May report. The boat's 24 crew members are being held by the warlord who is demanding payment of three months fishing","Desc2":"dues and an unspecified amount for security service provided by the warlord to the vessel and its companion (BEIRA 3) while they fished off the southern Somali coast. The crew consists of 3 Koreans, 4 Chinese, 5 Vietnamese and 12 Kenyans (INFO).","coords.x1":42.55,"coords.x2":-0.36667} {"Reference":"2003-63","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Chemical tanker (MONNERON) reports being fired upon 22 Feb between 1310 and 1405 UTC while underway in position 09 56N, 051 43E off Somalia's northeast coast. Seven persons in two 6-meter white open speedboats were armed with machine guns and","Desc2":"rockets and were reportedly making 18 knots. Tanker took evasive action and cleared area without injury or serious damage but evidence of 18 bullet hits and one grenade-strike were found (IMB, INFO, LM).","coords.x1":51.71667,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2003-57","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified chemical tanker reports being fired upon 22 Feb between 1310 and 1405 UTC while underway in position 09 56N, 051 43E off Somalia's northeast coast. Seven persons in two 6-meter white open speedboats were armed with machine guns","Desc2":"and rockets and were reportedly making 18 knots. Tanker took evasive action and cleared area without injury or serious damage (IMB).","coords.x1":51.71667,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2003-56","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified Ro/Ro was boarded 13 Feb at 0210 local time at Mtwara port. Watchman spotted one person on board who passed ship stores to two others in a boat. Port policeinformed and on arrival they fired warning shots. Thieves fled and","Desc2":"stolen items plus their boat recovered (IMB).","coords.x1":40.2,"coords.x2":-10.26667} {"Reference":"2003-38","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 1 Feb at 0230 local time at container berth 11, Dar es Salaam. Ship was preparing to depart and 5 shore watchmen did not report the intruders. When spotted by crew the thieves jumped overboard and","Desc2":"escaped with a mooring line.","coords.x1":39.3,"coords.x2":-6.81667} {"Reference":"2003-27","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE: An unidentified container ship was boarded 13 Jan at 2045 UTC at Nacala anchorage. Duty seaman spotted person lowering mooring line through hawse pipe and sounded alarm whereupon the intruder fled.","coords.x1":40.66667,"coords.x2":-14.53333} {"Reference":"2002-325","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: U. S. flag roll-on/roll-off ship (MAERSK CONSTELLATION) was boarded 18 Nov at 2130 local time while anchored off Dar es Salaam anchorage no. 2. Thieves armed with knives boarded at bow via anchor chain and took bosn hostage. Thieves stole","Desc2":"bosn's radio, hat and boots as well as two mooring lines. Ship retrieved third line from water and reported incident to harbor authorities who dispatched boat about twenty minutes after report. At time of robbery ship had sides illuminated to waterline,","Desc3":"a two-man roving patrol and mate on the bridge.","coords.x1":39.3,"coords.x2":-6.81667} {"Reference":"2002-321","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified cargo ship reports being chased 5 Nov at 0510 UTC while underway in position 00 04.5N, 045 05.5E, off Somalia. Master increased speed and mustered crew and boats displayed searchlights as a signal to stop. Ship continued on","Desc2":"course until boats disappeared astern.","coords.x1":45.1,"coords.x2":0.08333} {"Reference":"2002-322","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified container ship was approached 4 Nov at 0215 local time while underway in position 08 10N, 052 24E off Somalia. An unidentified speedboat approached from port quarter. Ship altered course and increased speed while master mustered","Desc2":"crew. Boat later moved away from ship.","coords.x1":52.4,"coords.x2":8.16667} {"Reference":"2002-244","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 26 Aug at 0315 local time while at the inner anchorage, Quelimane. Armed persons boarded via the stern. They jumped overboard and escaped with a mooring line when spotted by duty officer and","Desc2":"alarmsounded.","coords.x1":36.88333,"coords.x2":-17.88333} {"Reference":"2002-155","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-29","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MADAGASCAR: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 29 May at 0140 local time while berthed at Diego Suarez. Four armed persons boarded from a small boat and broke open the forward locker room which they took ship's stores. Anti piracy watch threatened","Desc2":"with an iron bar when the thieves were spotted. Alarm raised and thieves jumped overboard to escape in their boat.","coords.x1":49.3,"coords.x2":-12.26667} {"Reference":"2002-156","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MADAGASGAR: Armed thieves boarded an unidentified cargo ship 24 May at its berth at Diego Suarez. Thieves stole safety equipment from lifeboats before escaping.","coords.x1":49.3,"coords.x2":-12.26667} {"Reference":"2002-111","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified Ro-Ro reports suspiciousapproach 10 Apr at 1200 UTC while underway in position 00-56S 043-41E 70 miles from Chisimayo. Three white boats approached from the port side and followed when the ship altered course. Two other white","Desc2":"boats later followed from the starboard side but all boats broke off following at 1250 UTC.","coords.x1":43.68333,"coords.x2":-0.93333} {"Reference":"2002-105","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified cargo ship reports being \"chased closely\" 5 Apr at 0330 UTC while underway in position 00-07N 043-58E off Somalia. Five speedboats with six or seven armed persons each approached form both sides. Ship altered course and increased","Desc2":"speed. Pursuit ended after about 40 minutes.","coords.x1":43.96667,"coords.x2":0.11667} {"Reference":"2002-72","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA:An unidentified container ship was boarded 13 Mar at 0240 local time while berthed at container terminal, Dar es Salaam. Thieves armed with knives threatened to kill five dutywatchmen. Duty officer raised alarm and thieves jumped overboard with","Desc2":"ship's stores. Port control informed and patrol boat arrived to search area.","coords.x1":39.28333,"coords.x2":-6.8} {"Reference":"2002-25","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Liberian flag cargo ship (PRINCESS SARAH) was attacked again 17 Jan while in position 08-23N 050-20E and crew of 18 held for reported $200,000 ransom. Industry sources question vessel's lingering after first attack (see ASAM 20020011), citing","Desc2":"suspicion of illicit dealings with persons ashore, but Lebanese manager claims unspecified engine repairs prevented moving to safer waters. Press reports of 22 Jan state ship will be released 23 Jan on payment of smaller ransom than initially demanded.","Desc3":"French frigate (FLOREAL) will reportedly be standing by to witness handover of ship. Incident is consistent with others off Somalia where attempts to stop vessels involve firing of RPGs, etc., except insofar as (PRINCESS SARAH) loitered in area of","Desc4":"initial attack. Stopped vessels have been held with their crews for ransom, often for periods of several months, and all ships continue to be advised to stay a minimum of fifty nm off the Somali coast with distances as great as 100 miles recommended.","Desc5":"Attacks have occurred as far out as forty miles. NIMA Special Warning 111, 12 May 1999 remains in effect.","coords.x1":50.33333,"coords.x2":8.38333} {"Reference":"2002-11","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Liberian flag cargo ship (PRINCESS SARAH) reported it was attacked 14 Jan between 0715 and 0815 local time while underway in position 7-49N 49-57E off coast of Somalia. Attack was from two white-hulled speedboats with six persons aboard. Boats","Desc2":"chased ship, fired upon it, and demanded master stop. Master took evasive action and crew was kept inside accommodation. Boats came alongside but boarding was prevented by rough seas. Incident is consistent with others off Somalia where attempts to stop","Desc3":"vessels involve firing of RPGs, etc. Stopped vessels have been held with their crews for ransom and allships continue to be advised to stay a minimum of fifty nm off the Somali coast.","coords.x1":49.95,"coords.x2":7.81667} {"Reference":"2002-3","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA:An unidentified container ship was boarded 4 Jan at 0300 local time by three persons operating form a wooden boat. The alarm was raised and the intruders escaped with one mooring line.","coords.x1":39.33667,"coords.x2":-6.75833} {"Reference":"2001-308","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified chemical tanker reports an attempt to board 6 Nov at 0150 local time while anchored at Dar es Salaam. Six persons operating form a small black wooden boatwere noticed in the attempt and \"drifted away\" when alarm raised.","coords.x1":39.35333,"coords.x2":-6.725} {"Reference":"2001-305","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified cargo ship was fired upon 5 Nov at 1055 local time while casting off and preparing to sail from Kismayu. At least 20 rounds from machine gun struck thesuperstructure shattering windows. Incident reported to harbor master and","Desc2":"shooting stopped. A small wooden ship was reportedly also fired upon earlier same day.","coords.x1":42.55,"coords.x2":0.36667} {"Reference":"2001-301","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:An unidentified chemical tanker reports being approached by two boats with \"several\" persons on board. When crew was alerted boats turned away after firing four shots, none of which struck the tanker, which then turned to a course farther","Desc2":"offshore.","coords.x1":46.38333,"coords.x2":2.33333} {"Reference":"2001-294","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 19 Oct at 0045 local time while at anchorage 1, Dar es Salaam. Two groups of three persons armed with knives boarded at the forecastle and poop deck, from a group of twenty in a boat. Crew raised alarm and","Desc2":"thieves escaped with mooring line form the forecastle.","coords.x1":39.28333,"coords.x2":-6.83333} {"Reference":"2001-246","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED MULTI-PURPOSE CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 16 AUG AT 0200 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT DAR ES SALAAM OUTER ANCHORAGE. TWENTY PERSONS IN TWO BOATS STOLE SHIP'S STORES OVER A TWENTY-MINUTE PERIOD ALTHOUGH ANTI-PIRACY MEASURES WERE IN PLACE.","Desc2":"INCIDENT REPORTED TO PORT AUTHORITY AND WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BUT NO ACTION WAS TAKEN.","coords.x1":39.3,"coords.x2":-6.85} {"Reference":"2001-228","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THIEF","Victim":"MECHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 26 JUL AT 2245 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT DAR ES SALAAM. A SINGLE PERSON ARMED WITH A KNIFE BOARDED AT THE FORECASTLE USING A GRAPPLING HOOK AND LOWERED A MOORING LINE INTO A WAITING BOAT. DUTY OFFICER RAISED","Desc2":"ALARM AND THIEF ESCAPED IN THE BOAT.","coords.x1":39.3,"coords.x2":-6.85} {"Reference":"2001-196","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-27","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED BY THREE PERSONS DRESSED AS DOCK LABOR 27 JUN AT 0530 WHILE BERTHED AT DAR ES SALAAM. THE THREE STOLE SHIP'S STORES AND, WHEN CHALLENGED, JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED BY BOAT.","coords.x1":39.3,"coords.x2":-6.85} {"Reference":"2001-188","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH AFRICA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP REPORTS SUSPICIOUS APPROACH WITH APPARENT INTENT TO BOARD 24 JUN AT 1128 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 31 13.3S, 030 09.3E. CREW MUSTERED ON DECK AND SHIP ALTERED COURSE WHEREUPON BOAT BROKE OFF","Desc2":"CONTACT.","coords.x1":30.155,"coords.x2":-31.22167} {"Reference":"2001-195","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"NEDLLOYD EVEREST","Desc1":"MADAGASGAR:ANTIGUAN FLAG CONTAINER SHIP (P & O NEDLLOYD EVEREST) WAS BOARDED 24 JUN AT ITS BERTH TOAMASINA AND NINE CONTAINERS WERE BROACHED AND SOME CARGO STOLEN DESPITE FOUR PERSONS HAVING BEEN ON WATCH DURING NIGHT TIME CARGO OPERATIONS.","coords.x1":49.38333,"coords.x2":-18.16667} {"Reference":"2001-178","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 12 JUN AT 0220 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT DAR ES SALAAM, BY ABOUT 20 PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES. PIRACY WATCH SPOTTED THEM LOWERING MOORING LINE TO A WAITING BOAT AND RAISED THE ALARM. RESPONDING CREW","Desc2":"WERE THREATENED WITH KNIVES BEFORE THE THIEVES JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED WITH A PORTION OF THE MOORING LINE.","coords.x1":39.33333,"coords.x2":-6.75} {"Reference":"2001-175","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-07","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED LPG CARRIER REPORTS APPROACH BY DARK GRAY SPEEDBOAT OPERATING AT 25 KNOTS 7 JUN AT 1215 UTC WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-08S 085-25E. BOAT \"HOVERED\" AROUND SHIP FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES AND LEFT WHEN SHIP FLASHED","Desc2":"SEARCHLIGHT. INCIDENT REPORTED TO JOHORE VTS AND VIA VHF BROADCAST.","coords.x1":85.41667,"coords.x2":-1.13333} {"Reference":"2001-170","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP REPORTS ATTEMPTED BOARDING 4 JUN AT 0100 LOCAL TIME BY A GROUP OF 20 TO 30 PERSONS OPERATING FROM EACH OF TWO BOATS SPOTTED AT THE VESSEL'S ANCHOR CHAIN WHILE AT ANCHOR DAR ES SALAAM. ALARM SOUNDED AND CREW MUSTERED","Desc2":"WHEREUPON THE BOATS WITHDREW.","coords.x1":39.33333,"coords.x2":-6.75} {"Reference":"2001-117","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"FISHING BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS FIRED ON FROM THREE FISHING BOATS 10 APR AT 1400 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 00-08.8S 044-06.2E, NINETY NAUTICAL MILES EAST OF KISMAYU. FOUR SHOTS WERE FIRED AND BOARDING WAS REPORTEDLY ATTEMPTED","Desc2":"BEFORE THE BOATS BROKE OFF PURSUIT. THIS IS BELIEVED TO BE THE FARTHEST TO SEAWARD THAT SHIPS OPERATING OFF THE SOMALI COAST HAVE BEEN INTERFERED WITH.","coords.x1":44.10333,"coords.x2":-0.14667} {"Reference":"2001-112","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"MOTOR BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:ABOUT 14 PERSONS IN TWO MOTOR BOATS CHASED AND FIRED SHOTS AT AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP 2 APR AT 1230 UTC WHILE THE SHIP WAS UNDERWAY IN POSITION 06-52N 050-01E, 40 NM OFF THE SOMALI COAST. THE CARGO SHIP ALTERED COURSE AND THE PURSUIT WITH","Desc2":"GUNFIRE LASTED TEN MINUTES BEFORE BEING BROKEN OFF.","coords.x1":50.01667,"coords.x2":6.86667} {"Reference":"2001-38","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"KENYA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 24 DEC AT 0210 AT KIPEVU OIL TERMINAL BY PERSONS WHO APPROACHED IN TWO CANOES CONTAINING SIX PERSONS EACH. SHIPS STORES WERE STOLEN BEFORE THE ANTI-PIRACY WATCH CHASED THEM AWAY.","coords.x1":40,"coords.x2":-4} {"Reference":"2001-18","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-09","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"BOARDER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"KENYA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER REPORTED A MAN CUT TWO LINES MOORING SHIP TO DOLPHIN 9 DEC AT 0125 LOCAL TIME, ATKIPEVU OIL TERMINAL, MOMBASSA. MOMBASSA PORT AUTHORITY INFORMED AND POLICE ARRIVED 0310.","coords.x1":39.66667,"coords.x2":-4.06667} {"Reference":"2001-19","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"KENYA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED IN MOMBASSA 5 DEC AT 0545 LOCAL TIME BY A MAN ARMED WITH A KNIFE WHO ATTACKED THE SHIP'S WATCHMAN. DUTY OFFICER RESPONDED AND DISCOVERED SOME SHIP'S EQUIPMENT STOLEN. WATER POLICE CONTACTED BY VHF AND","Desc2":"THIEVES FLED WHEN POLICE BOAT ARRIVED.","coords.x1":39.66667,"coords.x2":-4.06667} {"Reference":"2001-2","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-25","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THIEF","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MOZAMBIQUE:CREW OF AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP DISCHARGING CARGO 25 NOV AT 1400 UTC AT NACALA DISCOVERED A STEVEDORE ARMED WITH A KNIFE LOWERING SHIP'S STORES INTO THE SEA. HE WAS CAUGHT AND TURNED OVER TO POLICE.","coords.x1":40.66667,"coords.x2":-14.55} {"Reference":"2000-393","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PURSUING BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN-SOMALIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP REPORTS BEING PURSUED 16 NOV BETWEEN 0700 AND 0900 UTC BY A SUSPICIOUS SUPPLY BOAT-TRAWLER TYPE VESSEL IN POSITION 04-21N 049-49E ABOUT 80 MILES OFFSHORE. PURSUING BOAT, DESCRIBED AS GREY HULL AND WHITE","Desc2":"UPPER WORKS BROKE OFF THE PURSUIT AFTER ABOUT 2 HOURS.","coords.x1":49.81667,"coords.x2":4.35} {"Reference":"2000-146","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-19","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA:Five armed thieves boarded an unidentified tanker 19 Jul at 2350 UTC while the ship was anchored at Dar-es-Salaam. The five came aboard from an 8-meter white unlit motor boat manned by three accomplices and escaped with ship's stores despite","Desc2":"duty watch raising the alarm.","coords.x1":39.28972,"coords.x2":-6.82861} {"Reference":"2000-139","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"NET EXPRESS","Desc1":"SOMALIA:The French-flag cargo ship (NET EXPRESS), not further identified, was reportedly attacked 10 Jul off Bargal in Northern Somalia. The ship, which had broken down and had been drifting for two days, was boarded by about 20 persons operating from","Desc2":"speedboats. Seven crew wee taken ashore and the captain and two others remain under guard on board. No ransom demands were made and local clan elders reportedly were negotiating for the crew's release. Hijacking and extortion had been a chronic problem","Desc3":"for ships passing upwards of 33 miles off the Somali coast but there have been no reports of hijack or hostage taking since June 1999. In some incidents complicity of a vessel's owner has been suspected. Nonetheless ships are cautioned to remain at least","Desc4":"fifty miles offshore whenever possible.","coords.x1":51.09139,"coords.x2":-11.27417} {"Reference":"2000-160","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MAD EXPRESS","Desc1":"SOMALIA:The ship hijacked 10 Jul off Bargaal, Northern Somalia has been identified as the 949-ton French-flag fishing vessel (MAD EXPRESS). Some of the gunmen who had been holding the ship and its crew were arrested 11 Jul after fleeing the ship.","Desc2":"Assistance was rendered by the British-flag fisheries protection vessel (CELTIC HORIZON) and the crew which had been taken ashore were released. Both the presence of the fisheries protection vessel and the cooperation of the Puntland authorities ashore","Desc3":"at Bosasso were cited in the successful resolution of the incident. Before leaving the raiders stole generators, food, fuel and crew belongings. Authorities of the self-declared autonomous state of Puntland have increasingly been asserting control within","Desc4":"their part of Somalia. Despite successful resolution of this case and the apparent willingness and ability of authorities ashore to protect legal rights, shipping is still advised to stay at least 50 miles and preferably 100 miles offshore and also","Desc5":"advised to keep radio transmissions to a minimum.","coords.x1":51.09139,"coords.x2":-11.27417} {"Reference":"2000-22","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"VANDALS","Victim":"ASIAN SUN","Desc1":"KENYA:According to 13 Apr report, Kenyan authorities are investigating vandalism of 133 of a cargo of 600 vehicles on board vehicle carrier, ASIAN SUN. Radios and power windowswitches were stolen while vehicles were still aboard.","coords.x1":40.5,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"2000-298","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TANZANIA:An unidentified tanker reports being approached 26 Mar while at anchor at Dar Es Salaam by five persons in an unlit boat. The boat was detected near the vessel's stern and a searchlight shone on it from the bridge after which it moved away.","coords.x1":39.28722,"coords.x2":-6.82361} {"Reference":"2000-236","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"KENYA:Unidentified chemical tanker boarded at Mombasa Inner Anchorage 22 Jan. Boarders operated form two canoes and stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":39.67528,"coords.x2":-4.05306} {"Reference":"1999-40","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"An Antigua-flag container ship was intercepted, fired upon with light weapons, and pursued off Somalia's east coast. The attack was made from one of two boats which approached from shoreward as the KARIN S passed another ship. One of the attacking boats","Desc2":"was described as wood with an outboard motor while the second was steel hulled. The attack began at 0135 when 6 or 7 armed men waved their weapons as a signal to the ship to stop. The ship's master altered course to seaward and increased speed. After","Desc3":"about three minutes pursuit during which shots were fired, the boats gave up chase. Damage was reported to bridge windows and deck crane but no crew were injured.","coords.x1":49.91,"coords.x2":7.31333} {"Reference":"1999-44","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-05","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"Pirates pretending to be fishermen approached a vessel at 0900 20 to 25 miles off the Somali coast. They opened fire using machine guns. They were unable to board the vessel due to its high freeboard. After a pursuit lasting about 30 minutes they gave up","Desc2":"their chase.","coords.x1":51.16,"coords.x2":9.17333} {"Reference":"1999-23","DateOfOcc":"1999-03-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"WORLD KINSHIP","Desc1":"A Greek-flag tanker was approached by three vessels while steaming off the eastern Somali coast. An immediate order to stop and prepare for boarding was sent via VHF chanel 16 to the World Kinship. At the same time gunmen began firing on the ship. The","Desc2":"master increased speed and the three vessels did not pursue. The only damage sustained was several bullet holes.","coords.x1":50,"coords.x2":8} {"Reference":"1999-36","DateOfOcc":"1999-03-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SALWAH","Desc1":"Two fishing vessels were hijacked off the Somali eastern coast near Eli Town. Over 30 Taiwanese, Ugandan, Tanzanian and Indian nationals on a Taiwanese-flag fishing vessel were captured in the first incident. During the second incident, a Ukrainian-flag","Desc2":"fishing vessel was hijacked and the crew of one Somali and about 20 Ukrainian crewmen were taken hostage.On 25 March one of the seized ships was apparently identified as the 5,916-ton Belize-flag cargo ship, Salwah, which was reported stopped 14 March in","Desc3":"08-14.5N 050-40.4E (about 33 miles offshore) at 1443 after being fired upon. Vessel was chased from 08-19.5N 050-39.5E (about 25 miles offshore). Ship's 19 Ukrainian crew members were being held for undisclosed ransom by 27 persons in 07-56.1N","Desc4":"049-53.2E.BIMCO and other maritime authorities reiterate their advice that all ships stay at least 50 miles offshore from Somalia. A 30 June 1999 report states that the Salwah was apparently released and has resumed trading. There is no information on","Desc5":"whether ransom was paid or how the release of the ship was achieved.","coords.x1":50,"coords.x2":8} {"Reference":"1999-45","DateOfOcc":"1999-03-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"An unidentified 6,380 dwt vessel is under control of Somali pirates who boarded the vessel 25 miles offshore. At 1400 the vessel altered course to avoid four other approaching vessels. At 1443 the four vessels closed in and began to open fire. At 1510","Desc2":"the efforts to evade were aborted and the pirates boarded the vessel now 33 miles offshore. Initially 17 pirates came on board. This group was later joined by an additional ten. The pirates are now reportedly demanding a large ransom for the safe return","Desc3":"of the vessel and crew.","coords.x1":50.65,"coords.x2":8.31667} {"Reference":"1999-3","DateOfOcc":"1998-12-24","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SEA JOHANNA","Desc1":"A Belize-flag cargo ship has been reported hijacked off southern Somalia and is being held about 70 miles NE of Lamu Island (01-24N 041-51E) near the Somali boarder with Kenya. About 15 members of the predominantly Pakistani crew are reported being held","Desc2":"ashore. Owners report that the attack was carried out by terrorists associated with the Jaamatul Ihtizam group which has demanded a ransom variously reported as $200,000 or 6.5 million. The ship has been trading coastwise between Tanzania, Kenya and","Desc3":"Somalia and was reportedly intercepted while working close inshore in Somali waters.A 12 May 1999 report states that the vessel was recovered by the Kenyan Navy drifting in Kenyan waters 27-28 March. The ship's owner is trying to raise the $60,000 ransom","Desc4":"to free the crew which is still being held in Somalia. A 19 May 1999 report states that on 11 May all remaining crew were released by their captors. No ransom was paid. The militia responsible for the kidnapping reportedly were tired of waiting for","Desc5":"payment.","coords.x1":43,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"1999-21","DateOfOcc":"1998-12-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"militiamen","Victim":"BAHARIHNDI","Desc1":"A Kenya-flag trawler and its crew of 33 who were held for ransom in southern Somalia by militiamen followers of Mohammed Said Hersi who hold the port of Kismayu (00-22S 042-33E), were released 19 Feb 99 at Eyl, Somalia after paying a fine of U.S.","Desc2":"$230,000. The trawler and crew arrived in Mombasa, Kenya 21 Feb. The trawler was arrested in early December 1998 and the crew charged with multiple violations of Somali sovereignty. A ransom of $500,000 had been demanded. According to press accounts the","Desc3":"same vessel was held in the same area for 50 days during April and May 1998 for a ransom of $200,000 before being released.","coords.x1":42.51667,"coords.x2":-0.31667} {"Reference":"1998-28","DateOfOcc":"1998-05-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YIN CHUAN","Desc1":"CHINESE-FLAG DRY CARGO SHIP WAS ATTACKED AT MOMBASA, KENYA AND TWO CREWMEMBERS WERE HOSPITALIZED AS A RESULT.","coords.x1":39.85,"coords.x2":-4.06667} {"Reference":"1998-67","DateOfOcc":"1998-03-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"NATASHA I","Desc1":"According to reporting from the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) a Honduran-registered freighter was hijacked in March 1998 while sailing off the Somali coast. The vessel was boarded by armed men operating from speedboats and taken to El-Man, Somalia","Desc2":"where it was to be released due to engine failure. While anchored at El-Man militiamen controlling that port took control demanding ransom payment, ultimately stealing 400 tons of the 3000-ton steel cargo. The ship was towed to Mombasa, Kenya (04-04S,","Desc3":"039-51E) where it arrived 7 Sep 98. Not reported until 15 Nov 98.","coords.x1":50.5,"coords.x2":4.5} {"Reference":"1998-16","DateOfOcc":"1998-01-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BUSHEY","Desc1":"EQUATORIAL GUINA-FLAG GENERAL CARGOSHIP BUSHEY WAS SEIZED OFF THE COAST OF SOMALIA. AN ARMED GANG OF ABOUT 20, OPERATING FROM A SPEED BOAT, TOOK OVER THE SHIP AFTER FIRING SHOTS ACROSS ITS BOW TO FORCE IT TO SLOW DOWN. THE VESSEL HAD BEEN TRADING SALT","Desc2":"BETWEEN MASSAWA AND MOMBASA. THE VESSEL WAS HELD RANSOM BY THE PIRATES DEMANDING AN UNSPECIFIED SUM OF MONEY FROM THE SHIP-OWNERS. VESSEL WAS RELEASED AND ARRIVED IN ADEN 2/14/98.","coords.x1":51,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"1998-15","DateOfOcc":"1998-01-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ALFA BG","Desc1":"BELIZE FREIGHTER ALFA BG WHILE UNDER TOW FROM A UNKNOWN SYRIAN VESSEL WAS SEIZED IN SOMALI WATERS. AN ARMED GANG OF ABOUT 25 MEN OPERATING FROM A SPEEDBOAT FIRED SHOTS ACROSS THE BOW TO FORCE IT TO SLOW DOWN. THE SHIP WAS REPORTEDLY PLUNDERED AND THE 11","Desc2":"CREW FROM THE ALFA BG WERE TAKEN HOSTAGE ALONG WITH 22 FROM THE SYRIAN SHIP. THE BULGARIAN OWNERS OF THE BELIZE-FLAG FREIGHTER HAVE AGREED TO PAY RANSOM FOR THE 11 CREW OF ITS SHIP AND THE CREW MEMBERS OF THE UNKNOWN SYRIAN FREIGHTER. THE ALFA BG ARRIVED","Desc3":"IN ADEN 2/14/98 FROM DAR ES SALAAM.","coords.x1":50.5,"coords.x2":4.5} {"Reference":"1997-52","DateOfOcc":"1997-06-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Africa The 8,246 gross ton Panamanian-flagged general cargo ship (Stella Th) was boarded by pirates while at the outer anchorage of Dar Es Salaam, Tanazania on June 11, 1997. It was reported that at 0230 local time 30 to 35 men armed with knives boarded","Desc2":"the ship, overpowered the watch, and then forced the master to open the ship's safe. The pirates stole a large amount of money, ship's tackle, stores, and spare parts. The pirates then made their escape in two launches and have not been apprehended since","Desc3":"the incident. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":39.3,"coords.x2":-6.81667} {"Reference":"1997-5","DateOfOcc":"1997-05-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Unidentified Somali militia released a Russian salvage tug (SB-408, 2,050 Gross Tons) and her crew in international waters near Dijibouti. The tug was on standby aproximately 16 nautical miles off the Arab Bank Sandbar when she was approached on","Desc2":"20 May 1996 by two patrol boats manned by Somalis, in civilian dress, toting automatic weapons. The vessels master and third officer were forced at gunpoint onto one of the launches while the crew (20 personnel) and tug were escorted south toward the","Desc3":"horn of Africa. The captors scavenged the tug for money and supplies for their boats. According to the tug's master, the pirates had intimidating behavior, but did not use physical violence. During the 12 hour ordeal, the crew was unable to use the","Desc4":"radio. The hostages were allowed back on board the tug after the master handed over about $8,000. (US) in cash, 10 tons of diesel fuel, two drums of lubrication oil; and about $2,000 (US) worth of stores and provisions. Upon release, the salvage tug had","Desc5":"again taken up station off Djibouti, but reportedly in a different location.","coords.x1":44.3,"coords.x2":-12.1} {"Reference":"1997-43","DateOfOcc":"1997-04-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Africa The 11,982 gross ton Malaysian flagged containership (Nedlloyd Main) was boarded by three pirates while the ship was at Toamasina Anchorage, Madagascar on April 3, 1997. A duty offier spotted the pirates while they were pulling away the ship's","Desc2":"mooring lines. The crew was alerted and they sounded the fog horn. The pirates escaped without incident, nothing was reported stolen and there were no reports of injury.","coords.x1":49.36667,"coords.x2":-18.15} {"Reference":"1997-38","DateOfOcc":"1997-03-07","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Africa The 3,016 gt merchant tanker (Helena) was approached by two fishing vessels while it was transiting off the coast of Somalia on March 7, 1997. One of the fishing vessels reportedly fired a grenade at the tanker that fell short. The fishing vessels","Desc2":"also indicated that they wanted the tanker to stop, but the tanker increased it's speed. The fishing vessels eventually stopped and the tanker was able to escape.","coords.x1":49.5,"coords.x2":4.5} {"Reference":"1997-37","DateOfOcc":"1997-02-18","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Africa On February 18 , 1997, an unknown merchant vessel was boarded by 10- 15 thieves while at anchor in the Dar Es Salaam Roads. The thieves attacked a watchman and stole his walki-talkie. The incident was reported to port control, but no action was","Desc2":"taken by the authorities. The vessel then moved 12 nautical miles off the coast. No further information was reported.","coords.x1":39.3,"coords.x2":-6.81667} {"Reference":"1997-34","DateOfOcc":"1997-02-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Africa Eight Somali gunmen in speedboats seized the Kenyan registered ship (Clove) on 01 Feb 96 off the coast of Somalia near Mogadishu. The gunmen are demanding money for the release of the vessel and reports state that they are demanding as much as","Desc2":"$100,000,000 (US). The ship has a crew of 20 and is carrying consumer goods from Mombasa to Kismayo. The gunmen reportedly posed as Coast Guard personnel to board the ship and they have been in contact with the vessel's owner.","coords.x1":45.35,"coords.x2":2.03333} {"Reference":"1997-10","DateOfOcc":"1996-08-02","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania The following report was received from the master of Singapore flagged M tanker Mimosa Aug 2, 1996 in the outer anchorage of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania at 0734 August 1, 1996: At 0230 on 2 August 1996, port control advised that","Desc2":"vessel was boarded by four pirates who climbed the anchor chain and entered through the hawse pipe access unnoticed. The crew was alerted but the four pirates made their getaway on a motorized speedboat. Two lengths of mooring rope each measuring 7","Desc3":"inches in diameter and 220 feet in length were taken, no other stores were stolen.","coords.x1":39.34278,"coords.x2":-6.76167} {"Reference":"1996-4","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-21","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Tanzania BIMCO REPORTS: On 21 January 1996 a Latvian tanker was boarded by three thieves at 2120 hrs at the Dar-Es-Salaam outer anchorage. The intruders were discovered by the watch officer on the forecastle. Once the ship's alarm was sounded the thieves","Desc2":"jumped overboard. Investigations conducted afterwards revealed that some ship's property had been stolen. The Master reported the incident to the port authorities.","coords.x1":39.28333,"coords.x2":-6.83333} {"Reference":"1995-128","DateOfOcc":"1995-10-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"DURING THE LATE HOURS OF 23 OCT 95, A SPEEDBOAT, MOUNTED WITH A HEAVY MACHINE GUN, FIRED UPON A VESSEL AT EL-MA'AN PORT, 30KM NORTHEAST OF MOGADISHU (02-02N 045-21E). THERE WERE NO REPORTS OF INJURIES OR DAMAGE. HOWEVER, THE SHIP WAS FORCED TO MOVE AND","Desc2":"ANCHOR OUT AT SEA.","coords.x1":45.41056,"coords.x2":1.97} {"Reference":"1996-20","DateOfOcc":"1995-10-23","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"EW COOK","Desc1":"Somalia A speedboat mounted with a heavy machine gun fired upon a vessel at El-Ma'an port 30km northeast of Mogadishu. The shooting forced the ship to cease unloading livestock and to remove itself from harm's way by anchoring out to sea. Reporting from","Desc2":"late November suggests that the Panamanian-Flagged refrigerated cargo ship EW COOK may have been the victim ship. The vessel reported its intent to effect repairs to damage sustained by gunfire while in Mogadishu in October.","coords.x1":45.41667,"coords.x2":1.91667} {"Reference":"1995-112","DateOfOcc":"1995-08-04","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"VERANO/CORUNA/DOAL UCKA","Desc1":"ON 04 AUG 95 THE MASTERS OF THE CARGO SHIPS VERANO (CYPRIOT), CORUNA (SPANISH) AND DOAL UCKA (BAHAMIAN) REPORTED THAT DURING THE NIGHT ASSAILANTS ATTEMPTED TO CUT THEIR RESPECTIVE SHIP'S MOORING LINES WHILE AT BERTH IN BEIRA, MOZAMBIQUE.","coords.x1":34.83333,"coords.x2":-19.83333} {"Reference":"1995-58","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-22","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"Radnor","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: BIMCO has received a report dated 22 April 1995 in which an incident involving a ship in position 12-09N 058-48E (east of Suqutra Island, Somalia) is described. The vessel was approached by two motorboats and fired upon by machine guns and","Desc2":"artillery. Fortunately the ship was able to evade the attackers by increasing her speed to 12 knots.","coords.x1":58.8,"coords.x2":12.15} {"Reference":"1995-72","DateOfOcc":"1995-01-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"BANDITS","Victim":"M/V PEGASUS","Desc1":"THE M/V PEGASUS ANCHORED OFF DAR ES SALAAM ON THE NIGHT OF 28 JAN 95. THE MASTER FELT SECURE IN THE FACT THAT TANZANIAN PORT AUTHORITIES HAD ANNOUNCED THAT A PATROL BOAT WOULD BE ON CALL DURING PERIODS OF DARKNESS. SEVERAL BANDITS BOARDED THE VESSEL","Desc2":"WHILE SHE WAS AT ANCHOR. THE MASTER ALERTED PORT AUTHORITIES OF THE ONGOING ATTACK AND THE BANDITS IMMEDIATELY ABORTED THE BOARDING. THE IMMEDIATE RETREAT OF THE PIRATES SUGGESTS THAT THEY MONITOR PORT SECURITY FREQUENCIES. (THIS REPORT IS ALSO ASAM","Desc3":"95-0013.)","coords.x1":39.3,"coords.x2":-6.81667} {"Reference":"1995-13","DateOfOcc":"1995-01-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO member reports that on 28 January 1995 at 0400 hrs his vessel was boarded by several thieves at the anchorage Dar es Salaam. As the Master was aware of such problems at Dar es Salaam as reported in the BIMCO Weekly News, precautions had been","Desc2":"taken including the keeping of a strict watch and all doors to the accommodation, storage etc., had been locked. As soon as the intruders were spotted on board the port authorities were notified via VHF. As soon as this was done the attackers fled,","Desc3":"leading the master to conclude that the attackers had been monitoring the VHF channels.","coords.x1":42,"coords.x2":-13} {"Reference":"1995-18","DateOfOcc":"1995-01-13","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO member reports an incident which involved a vessel awaiting berth whilst anchored off Dar es Salaam. On 13 January at 0400 hrs robbers on board a speedboat attempted to board the ship, however the crew was able to push them overboard. Despite the","Desc2":"quick action of the crew the thieves managed to steal one mooring rope.","coords.x1":39.28333,"coords.x2":-6.83333} {"Reference":"1995-16","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-27","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO member reported that at 0100 hrs on 27 December 1994, a total of 20 armed thieves boarded their vessel at Dar es Salaam outer anchorage. The thieves opened one container and stole one car tire and damaged one bus before being repelled by the","Desc2":"crew. One crew member was wounded in the arm by a knife during the attack.","coords.x1":39.28333,"coords.x2":-6.83333} {"Reference":"1995-86","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-15","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"ON 15 DEC, MEJERTEIN PIRATES CAPTURED TWO FISHING VESSELS BELONGING TO THE SOMALI HIGHSEAS FISHING COMPANY (SHIFCO) OUTSIDE HURDIYO, SOMALIA. SHIFCO PAID A US$ ONE MILLION RANSOM FOR THE TWO VESSELS WHICH WERE RETURNED 09 JAN 95.","coords.x1":51.33333,"coords.x2":10.6} {"Reference":"1995-87","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V SEA LADY I","Desc1":"ON 10 DEC, A GANG OF APPROXIMATELY 15 MEN BOARDED THE M/V SEA LADY I IN THE OUTER ANCHORAGE OF DAR ES SALAAM. NIGHT DUTY OFFICER SOUNDED THE ALARM AND THE THIEVES MADE THEIR GETAWAY VIA THE ANCHOR CHAIN. DECK EQUIPMENT WAS STOLEN.","coords.x1":39.28333,"coords.x2":-6.83333} {"Reference":"1995-19","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-03","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO member reports that at 0030 hrs on 3 December 1994 a vessel anchored at Dar es Salaam roads to await pilots, during which time 2 seaman were assigned to keep watch. At 0200 hrs intruders were discovered on board and the Master and crew were","Desc2":"alerted. The pirates then escaped in a small motorboat alongside. Inspections afterwards revealed that two containers had been opened and their contents had been pilfered.","coords.x1":39.28333,"coords.x2":-6.83333} {"Reference":"1995-7","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-17","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"M/V ANOMIS","Desc1":"BIMCO received the following master's report as submitted to the ship's owners: Yesterday, 17 November at 1106 UTC in pos 10-30N 051-41E while rounding Rashafun at a distance of 17NM we were attacked by 2 pirate boats which I assume to be Somalis.","Desc2":"Initially they looked like fishermen but on closing they contacted by VHF and said they were Somali Coast Guards. They opened fire and strafed us repeatedly with their machine guns from a distance of less than 2 cables while passing us on a reciprocal","Desc3":"course on the starboard side. Fortunately there was a swell so their boats were bobbing up and down and they could not aim properly. After passing they turned towards us but by that time we had put them astern and increased speed by going into overdrive.","Desc4":"They chased us for a while but gave up when it was obvious that we were faster. There were no casualties and they only managed to score two hits on the funnel. There was no other damage.","coords.x1":51.68333,"coords.x2":10.5} {"Reference":"1994-60","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-07","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V OMI MISSOURI","Desc1":"M/V OMI MISSOURI WHILE ANCHORED OFF DAR ES SALAMM, TANZANIA WAS BOARDED. AT 2300 HRS THE BOW MAN SPOTTED A MAN CLIMBING UP THE ANCHOR CHAIN. HE FRIGHTENED THE MAN OFF BY YELLING AND THE BOAT WHICH CARRIED HIM LEFT.","coords.x1":39.35,"coords.x2":-6.76667} {"Reference":"1994-53","DateOfOcc":"1994-10-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"M/V TROPICAL SUN","Desc1":"M/V TROPICAL SUN, IN PORT MOGADISCIO, SOMALIA WAS FIRED UPON BY MORTOR SHELLS ON 26 OF OCTOBER 1994. IN ADDITION, CREW NARROWLY ESCAPED SMALL ARMS FIRE OVER THE MAIN DECK. THE UNITED NATIONS FORCES VOICED THE OPINION THAT THE VESSEL WAS BEING TARGETED","Desc2":"DELIBERATELY. WITH THIS WARNING THE CREW WAS KEPT INSIDE THE SHIP.","coords.x1":45.75,"coords.x2":2} {"Reference":"1994-51","DateOfOcc":"1994-09-26","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Mombasa, Kenya BIMCO members report that on the morning of 26 September 1994 four men were observed on a vessel at Mombasa. They had apparently broken into the ship's bond locker and removed about US $500 worth of cigarettes. Although the thieves were","Desc2":"held by the vessel's crew, they managed to escape on board dug out canoes with the cigarettes before the port police arrived. During a previous call on 3 September the same vessel had a television set, video player and radio stolen whilst in port.","coords.x1":42,"coords.x2":-5} {"Reference":"1994-12","DateOfOcc":"1994-02-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V CASTOR","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: At 0630 hrs, M/V Castor was attacked by pirates claiming to be Somalian Army. Pirates were armed and attacked from an inflatable boat. Six pirates boarded the vessel in position 11-39N 43-25E. All the crew's personal possessions and the","Desc2":"vessel's portable equipment were taken during the attack. The vessel drifted towards Ceebaad Island and grounded. Crewmembers were injured during the attack.","coords.x1":43.41667,"coords.x2":11.65} {"Reference":"1994-15","DateOfOcc":"1993-12-28","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V STELLA LYKES","Desc1":"28 DEC 93 WHILE AT ANCHOR IN DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA, M/V STELLA LYKES WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES. PIRATES (9 TO 10) BOARDED FROM A SMALL BOAT, STOLE SALAD OIL FROM SEALED CONTAINERS BEFORE BEING CHASED AWAY BY CREW. REPORT FROM ANOTHER ANCHORED SHIP (CLOSE","Desc2":"BY) THE FOLLOWING NIGHT, HAD TO RESORT TO HAND TO HAND COMBAT WITH PIRATES.","coords.x1":38,"coords.x2":-7} {"Reference":"1993-57","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-01","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"F/V SOMALIAN GLORY","Desc1":"F/V SOMALIAN GLORY WAS FIRED UPON BY THREE PIRATE BOATS USING AUTOMATIC WEAPONS AND ROCKETS. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":50.71,"coords.x2":4.39} {"Reference":"1995-77","DateOfOcc":"1992-12-14","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WHILE BERTHED AT THE CONTAINER TERMINAL IN DAR ES SALAAM, THE VESSEL WAS ATTACKED TWICE BY PIRATES DURING THE NIGHT, ONCE AT 0200 HRS AND AGAIN AT 0400 HRS. THE PIRATES BOARDED THE VESSEL FROM SEVERAL SMALL BOATS AND OPENED SIX CONTAINERS STOWED ON DECK.","Desc2":"EXACT QUANTITY OF STOLEN CARGO WAS UNKNOWN. AT NIGHT, A CONSTANT WATCH WAS MAINTAINED ON BOARD CONSISTING OF AN OFFICER ON THE BRIDGE AND TWO CREW MEMBERS STATIONED ON DECK OUTSIDE THE VESSEL'S ACCOMMODATION. DESPITE THE POSTED WATCH, THE ATTACKS COULD","Desc3":"NOT BE PREVENTED. NO CREW MEMBERS WERE REPORTED INJURED DURING THE ATTACKS.","coords.x1":39.29167,"coords.x2":-6.83333} {"Reference":"1991-16","DateOfOcc":"1991-05-10","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SOMALI PATRIOTIC MOVEMENT (SPM)","Victim":"SOMALI POLICE VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN- VICINITY OF MOMBASA, KENYA 10MAY91 during hours of darkness, members (number unknown) of the Samali Patriotic Movement (SPM) hijacked a Somali Police Vessel by force in the vicinity of Mombasa, Kenya. Somalian Police were transporting an","Desc2":"unknown number of refugees when the attack occured. The extent of injuries to the crew and passengers can not yet be established. 11MAY91 the Kenyan Naval Ship Harambee was ordered to patrol Kenyan waters in the vicinity of the Port of Kismaayo to","Desc3":"monitor the arrival of the hijacked vessel. No other information is immediately available.","coords.x1":39.83333,"coords.x2":-4} {"Reference":"1991-4","DateOfOcc":"1991-01-12","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MV NAVILUCK","Desc1":"SOMALIA. 12 JANUARY 1991. SOMALI PIRATES ATTACKED MV NAVILUCK OFF SOMALIA, KILLING THREE FILIPINO CREWMEN AND SETTING FIRE TO THE VESSEL. THREE BOATLOADS OF ARMED SOMALI PIRATES BOARDED THE VESSEL ON 12 JAN 91 TOOK THE CREW ASHORE AND KILLED THREE OF","Desc2":"THEM. THE CAPTAIN SAID THE VESSEL WAS ATTACKED OFF XAAFUUN WHILE ON HER WAY FROM MOMBASA TO JEDDAH. HE DECLINED TO SPECIFY THE CARGO. THE SURVIVING CREW WERE MADE TO JUMP OVERBOARD, AND LATER WERE RESCUED BY M STERN TRLR DUBAI DOLPHIN.","coords.x1":52,"coords.x2":10.83333} {"Reference":"1990-21","DateOfOcc":"1990-11-16","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MANCHESTER","Desc1":"SOUTH AFRICA. PORT OF DURBAN. 16 NOVEMBER 1990. VESSEL LYKES MANCHESTER BOARDED BY TWO INDIAN MALES AND ONE BLACK MALE, WHO ASSULTED MASTER AND ROBBED VESSEL SAFE. TIME OF INCIDENT WAS 1835 LOCAL.","coords.x1":32,"coords.x2":-30} {"Reference":"1990-2","DateOfOcc":"1989-12-11","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"SOMALIA NATIONAL MOVEMENT REBELS","Victim":"KWANDA","Desc1":"SOMALIA. 11 DECEMBER 1989. REBELS CAPTURED THE ITALIAN SHIP KWANDA AND HER CREW OF 2 ITALIANS AND 14 SOMALIS WITHOUT A FIGHT OFF NORTHERN SOMALIA NEAR THE PORT OF ZEILA. SHE WAS CARRYING PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FROM DJIBOUTI. SHE WAS CAPTURED BY REBELS IN","Desc2":"SPEED BOATS ARMED WITH MACHINE GUNS. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED. THE KWANDA WAS ANCHORED AND HER CARGO OF PETROLEUM WAS DISCHARGED BY THE REBELS. 7 JANUARY 1990. DJIBOUTI. KWANDA RELEASED BY CAPTORS AFTER 27 DAYS. THE KWANDA ENTERED THE PORT OF DJIBOUTI","Desc3":"AFTER BEING RELIEVED OF ITS CARGO OF 350 TONS OF FUEL OIL, FOOD RESERVES, TOOLS, AND EVERYTHING ELSE THAT COULD BE REMOVED AND SOLD. THE CREW WERE ROBBED OF THEIR MONEY AND CLOTHES AND BEATEN WITH RIFLE BUTTS BY THE SNM REBELS. SEE SPECIAL WARNING 76","coords.x1":51,"coords.x2":8} {"Reference":"1989-7","DateOfOcc":"1989-07-06","SubReg":"61","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN TERRORISTS","Victim":"OCEAN STAR","Desc1":"AFRICA, WEST COAST. THE OCEAN STAR AND ANOTHER YACHT WERE FIRED UPON WHILE SAILING OFF THE MOSAMBICAN COAST, SOUTH OF PUNTA DA BARRA DE SOUSA. THE ATTACK LASTED 15 MINUTES. NO PERSONAL OR PROPERTY DAMAGE REPORTED. POSITION GIVEN FOR REFERENCE ONLY NOT","Desc2":"ACTUALY LOCATION OF INCIDENT.","coords.x1":36,"coords.x2":-20} {"Reference":"2013-252","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Three skiffs","Victim":"Crude oil tanker","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:On 4 August, a Liberian-flagged crude oil tanker experienced a suspicious approach approximately 110 nm southeast of Muscat, Oman. Three skiffs containing 3 individuals each, approached at 20 knots. The tanker crew mustered in the citadel and","Desc2":"the embarked security team on the bridge fired a warning flare. The skiffs continued their approach and a second flare was fired, resulting in the skiffs ceasing the approach and moving away.","coords.x1":59.96667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2013-246","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"two skiffs","Victim":"LPG tanker","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 01 August, an underway LPG tanker experienced a suspicious approach by two skiffs in vicinity of 13-40N 042-39E, near the Jazirat Hanisha Al Kabir Island when a Yemeni-style skiff shadowed the vessel at a distance of 1 nm while another","Desc2":"approached the vessel at 15 knots. When the armed embarked security team displayed their weapons, the skiffs changed course and stopped their pursuit.","coords.x1":42.65,"coords.x2":13.66667} {"Reference":"2013-237","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 27 July, the Singapore-flagged anchored container ship HONG KONG BRIDGE was boarded at 29-50N 032-34E, at the Suez Anchorage. Upon boarding the vessel, the robbers were spotted by the crew, who then raised the alarm. After hearing the alarm, the","Desc2":"robbers escaped empty handed.","coords.x1":32.56667,"coords.x2":29.83333} {"Reference":"2013-219","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER CONCORD","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 16 July, the Marshall Islands-flagged underway chemical tanker CONCORD experienced a suspicious approach by three skiffs at 13-28N 043-01E, approximately 16 nm northwest of Mocha. The onboard security team took their position while non essential","Desc2":"crew mustered in the citadel. The individuals in the skiff had weapons to include an RPG. The skiffs departed the area when the security team fired warning flares.","coords.x1":43.01667,"coords.x2":13.46667} {"Reference":"2013-208","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA:On 8 July, an underway bulk carrier experienced a suspicious approach at 13-10N 043-06E, approximately 11 nm southwest of Mocha, Yemen. Armed security team on board the underway bulk carrier noticed two skiffs near the stern of the vessel, at a","Desc2":"distance of 5-10 meters. Alarm sounded and the armed team fired warning shots, resulting in the skiffs moving away.","coords.x1":43.1,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"2013-207","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 04 July, 2013 at 0950 UTC, a merchant vessel was closed to four cables by eight suspected pirates in two skiffs. The position of the incident was 12-59.6N 043-06.7E. Pirates were armed with machine guns. Ship's security team made warning shots","Desc2":"and the skiffs moved awa. Pirates action group may be still in the area. Vessels are advised to exercise extreme caution when navigating within the position given in this report and maintain maximum CPA with any vessel acting suspiciousy.","coords.x1":43.11167,"coords.x2":12.99333} {"Reference":"2013-196","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:On 21 June, an underway merchant vessel experienced a suspicious approach at 15-02N 041-42E, approximately 73 nm northwest of Al Hudaydah. Weapons and ladders were sighted, as multiple skiffs approached at high speed. The embarked AST fired","Desc2":"several warning shots. The skiffs aborted their approach and moved towards another merchant vessel, approximately 2 nm to their starboard. AST observed the other vessel take evasive action. When last seen, the skiffs were paralleling the course of the","Desc3":"second merchant ship.","coords.x1":41.7,"coords.x2":15.03333} {"Reference":"2013-203","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 20 June, an underway merchant vessel experienced an aggressive approach by two skiffs at 12-42N 043-19E, approximately 5 nm northwest of Birim Island. The first skiff with two pirates on board approached from the starboard side, while the second","Desc2":"skiff with eight pirates on board approached from the port. Once the skiffs had closed in on the vessel, the armed security team fired two warning flares and a tracer round. The skiffs subsequently departed the area. No pirate weapons or ladders were","Desc3":"seen on board the skiffs.","coords.x1":43.31667,"coords.x2":12.7} {"Reference":"2013-204","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAN:On 17 June, an underway vessel experienced a suspicious approach at 25-33N 057-23E, approximately 21 nm southwest of Bandar-e-Jask. Vessel reported being approached by two skiffs, coming within 20-30 meters of the vessels stern. No pirate","Desc2":"paraphernalia was sighted, but the skiffs followed the vessel for 15-20 minutes.","coords.x1":57.38333,"coords.x2":25.55} {"Reference":"2013-197","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPISIOUC CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 14 June, the underway Malta-flagged tanker experienced a suspicious approach at 12-36N 043-25E, approximately 2 nm southwest of Birim Island. A single skiff paralleled the tanker's course, and then moved toward the vessel at high speed,","Desc2":"approaching within 500 meters. The AST displayed their weapons, resulting in the skiff moving away.","coords.x1":43.41667,"coords.x2":12.6} {"Reference":"2013-198","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:On 13 June, a merchant vessel experienced suspicious activity at 13-05N 043-09E, approximately 15 nm southwest of Mocha. Approximately 20 skiffs surrounded the vessel. The Master ordered the crew into the citadel and the embarked AST fired","Desc2":"warning shots. The incident's duration lasted 20-30 minutes, before the skiffs moved away. Crew andvessel are safe.","coords.x1":43.15,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2013-173","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"DHOW SHAHE FAIZE NOORI","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 05 June, the India-flagged dhow SHAHE FAIZE NOORI was hijacked at 11-36N 049-15E, approximately 20 nm north of Bosasso. The dhow was reported hijacked and 14 crew members taken hostage. Later the pirates left the dhow for unknown reasons and","Desc2":"released the hostages. The crew and dhow are reported to be safe and proceeding to a safe port.","coords.x1":49.25,"coords.x2":11.6} {"Reference":"2013-176","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"RED SEA:On 4 June 2013, two merchant vessels reported being attacked in vicinity of 15-20N 041-50E in the Red Sea, approximately 185 nm northwest of Bab el Mandeb. Mariners should remain vigilant for the potential presence of pirate attack group in the","Desc2":"southern Red Sea. The area will remain at high risk for at least the next 48-72 hours.","coords.x1":41.83333,"coords.x2":15.33333} {"Reference":"2013-163","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP APL LE HAVRE","Desc1":"EGYPT:On 21 May, the anchored container ship APL LE HAVRE was boarded at 29-50N 032-33E, at the Suez E16 Anchorage. Duty officer on board the anchored container ship noticed on CCTV three robbers in boiler suits near the forecastle. The duty officer","Desc2":"raised the alarm and sounded the fog horn. Upon being detected the robbers escaped. On inspection it was noticed that five container seals had been broken and contents of one container pilfered. Port control informed.","coords.x1":32.55,"coords.x2":29.83333} {"Reference":"2013-165","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFTS","Victim":"TANKER ENJOY","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 20 May, the underway tanker ENJOY was attacked at 13-12N 049-56E, approximately 100nm south-southeast of Al Mukalla. Via VHF Chan 16, the tanker requested warship assistance due to being attacked by 7 skiffs. The warship dispatched a helicopter,","Desc2":"which identified the skiffs. Upon the arrival of the helicopter, the skiffs subsequently pulled back.","coords.x1":49.93333,"coords.x2":13.2} {"Reference":"2013-164","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"BULK CARRIER YONGXING","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 20 May, the underway bulk carrier YONGXING experienced a suspicious approach by two skiffs at 13-11N 048-54E, approximately 65 nm south of Al Mukalla. The two yellow and blue skiffs with 12 individuals on board approached from the port side.","Desc2":"When the skiffs closed to 500 meters, the embarked AST fired 3 warning shots towards the skiffs. The skiffs immediately departed the area.","coords.x1":48.9,"coords.x2":13.18333} {"Reference":"2013-166","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFTS","Victim":"TANKER FIDELITY 2","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 19 May, the underway tanker FIDELITY 2 was fired upon at 12-19N 043-58E, approximately 17nm south of the Al Maqatirah District coast. The tanker reported via VHF channel 16, being fired upon by 1 red and 1 white skiff. An embarked armed security","Desc2":"team fired warning shots at 800 meters; coalition warship dispatched a helicopter to assist.","coords.x1":43.96667,"coords.x2":12.31667} {"Reference":"2013-151","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"IRAN:On 19 May, an underway LPG tanker experienced an suspicious approach at 25-32 N 057-27E, approximately 18 nm west-southwest of Bandar-e-Jask. Four suspicious boats with three armed persons in each boat chased an LPG tanker while underway. Master","Desc2":"raised alarm, activated SSAS, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, contacted an Iran warship by VHF for assistance, and the crew mustered in the citadel. The boats followed the tanker for 30 minutes and then moved away.","coords.x1":57.45,"coords.x2":25.53333} {"Reference":"2013-152","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP SE PELAGICA","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:On 19 May, the underway cargo ship SE PELAGICA experienced a suspicious approach at 12-12N 044-20E, approximately 52 nm south-southwest of Aden, Yemen. Five pirates armed with AK47 rifles and a RPG approached a general cargo ship underway.","Desc2":"The vessel enforced anti piracy measures and the embarked armed guards fired warning shots at the skiff once it had closed to 400 meters from the vessel; resulting in the skiff aborting the attempt and moving away. The crew and vessel are safe.","coords.x1":44.33333,"coords.x2":12.2} {"Reference":"2013-154","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:On 16 May, a merchant vessel experienced a suspicious approach at 12-03N 045-42E, approximately 58 nm south-southeast of Aden, Yemen. A suspected pirate mothership towing two skiffs was spotted by the security team onboard the merchant ship.","Desc2":"The suspect vessel increased its speed and moved closer to the M/V. At a distance of 3 nm from the M/V, the mothership deployed the two skiffs with suspected pirates onboard, heading toward the M/V. The alarm was sounded and all non-essential crew moved","Desc3":"into the citadel. The M/V commenced evasive maneuvering; the Master contacted a nearby warship, and sent a mayday message via VHF Channel 16. As the suspected pirate vessels approached within 2 nm, the embarked security team demonstrated their presence","Desc4":"onboard, resulting in the skiffs changing course and moving away. Due to poor visibility, there was difficulty detecting the number of people or any piracy-related equipment. MV continued transit to her destination.","coords.x1":45.7,"coords.x2":12.05} {"Reference":"2013-140","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:On 11 May, a merchant ship experienced a suspicious approach by seven skiffs at 13-30N 050-01E, approximately 78 nm southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Each skiff had approximately 5-6 individuals onboard. In addition there was a possible","Desc2":"mothership nearby. When the group of skiffs saw the armed embarked security team, they stopped pursuing the merchant ship. The AEST reportedly observed ladders in four of the skiffs.","coords.x1":50.01667,"coords.x2":13.5} {"Reference":"2013-130","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:On 5 May, an underway tanker experienced an attempted boarding at 13-40N 048-30E, approximately 63 nm south-southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Four high speed skiffs, with three persons in each skiff, approached the tanker in groups of two,","Desc2":"from its starboard side. Two skiffs closed within a distance of 200 meters from the tanker and the armed security team fired warning shots, resulting in the skiffs aborting their attempt.","coords.x1":48.5,"coords.x2":13.66667} {"Reference":"2013-91","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 28 March, a fishing vessel was hijacked at 11-52N 051-18E, off Raas Caseyr. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel and took her 20 crew members hostage. Vessel was rescued later that day. The vessel and crew members were unharmed and","Desc2":"proceeded to a safe port.","coords.x1":51.3,"coords.x2":11.86667} {"Reference":"2013-76","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 25 March, an underway tanker experienced a suspicious approach at 14-01N 051-33E, approximately 141 nm south-southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. A group of boats closed to within 0.8 nm of the vessel, who displayed weapons resulting in the approach","Desc2":"being aborted and the boats moving away on a near-reciprocal course and speed to their original approach. The group was comprised of a dhow with a light-colored hull and skiffs with dark-colored hulls. No weapons were sighted.","coords.x1":51.55,"coords.x2":14.01667} {"Reference":"2013-72","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER ORANGE STARS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:On 14 March, the underway tanker ORANGE STARS experienced a suspicious approach at 13-39N 050-48E, approximately 107 nm south-southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Four suspicious dhows along with skiffs were noticed nearby the vessel. From this","Desc2":"group, one skiff approached the tanker at high speed. Alarm sounded and non-essential crew retreated to the citadel. As the skiff approached, weapons and a ladder were sighted onboard. The armed security team fired one warning shot resulting in the skiff","Desc3":"retreating back to the group..","coords.x1":50.8,"coords.x2":13.65} {"Reference":"2013-66","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER AL BUHAIRA","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 4 March, the tanker AL BUHAIRA experienced a suspicious approach at 14-17N 049-51E, at approximately 40 nm southeast of Mukalla City. Four skiffs with approximately six persons in each skiff approached the underway vessel from the port bow,","Desc2":"amidship and the stern. Master raised alarm, took anti-piracy measures, informed UKMTO, and directed all non-essential crew to the citadel. Onboard armed security team fired warning shots resulting in the skiffs stopping the approach at a distance of","Desc3":"around 0.4 nm from the vessel. Ladder and RPG sighted in the approaching skiffs. A warship was deployed to the location for assistance.","coords.x1":49.85,"coords.x2":14.28333} {"Reference":"2013-67","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"BAHRAIN:On 04 March, a dhow was fired upon and a crewman was kidnapped approximately 60 nm north of Al Dair. The Bahraini-registered vessel was attacked by four armed men in two boats. The dhow was forced to stop and was dragged from the location of the","Desc2":"attack into Iranian waters. The sailors were kidnapped but later released, with one sailor suffering from two gunshot wounds to the shoulder. He was taken to the hospital and listed in stable condition.","coords.x1":50.43333,"coords.x2":26.61667} {"Reference":"2013-58","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"OMAN:On 25 February, a merchant ship reported a suspicious approach by one skiff in an area approximately 15 nautical miles north of Masirah Island, Oman. No shots were fired but the merchant ship reported sighting weapons aboard the skiff.","coords.x1":58.88333,"coords.x2":20.83333} {"Reference":"2013-59","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPECIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN:On 22 February, a cargo ship was fired upon at 23-08N 060-49E, approximately 130 nm southeast of Muscat, Oman.","coords.x1":60.81667,"coords.x2":23.13333} {"Reference":"2013-60","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER MEGACORE PANTHEA","Desc1":"OMAN:On 31 January, the tanker MEGACORE PANTHEA experienced a suspicious approach in the vicinity of 21-23N 059-59E, approximately 33 nm East of Ash Sharqiyah. Vessel sighted a white skiff 3 miles off the starboard quarter. Skiff was proceeding in the","Desc2":"same direction of the vessel with speed up to 25 knots. Ship security guards and crew put on high alert. Speed increased to maximum and evasive maneuvers taken. The skiff maintained this position for 30 minutes, until suddenly altering course towards the","Desc3":"vessel and crossed behind at a distance of 1.7 nm. Skiff maintained position on port quarter until altering to a westerly course and proceeded at high speed. A second skiff was later sighted 7 miles off the starboard quarter. No close approach was made.","Desc4":"Photographs taken by a high-resolution camera show two men aboard the skiff wearing head gear.","coords.x1":59.98333,"coords.x2":21.38333} {"Reference":"2013-10","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"YEMEN:On 08 January, LPG tanker experienced suspicious approach at 12-40N 043-16E, at Bab El Mandeb. Approximately 5 to 6 persons each in two skiffs approached the vessel while underway. Alarm raised, anti-piracy measures initiated, and distress message","Desc2":"transmitted. The onboard security team fired a warning flare and showed their weapons. One skiff slowed down but the other skiff continued its approach and closed to within 200 meters of the tanker. The security team fired two more warning shots but the","Desc3":"skiffs ignored the warning shots and continue to approach the tanker. Further shots were fired across the lead skiff's bow resulting in the skiffs retreating.","coords.x1":43.26667,"coords.x2":12.66667} {"Reference":"2012-354","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"OMAN:Merchant vessel experienced suspicious approach at 0535 UTC on 27 December near position 26-17N 056-43E in the Gulf of Oman, approximately 22 nm east of Al Kasab, Oman. The activity consisted of two skiffs, one of which approached the vessel to","Desc2":"within 500 meters, with possible weapons sighted. Vessel's armed embarked security team fired flares and the skiff moved away. The second skiff approached to within 200 meters. Embarked security team again fired a warning flare but there was no response","Desc3":"from the second skiff. Vessel security team then fired two warning shots to the side of the second skiff. Both skiffs then broke off the approach and departed the area.","coords.x1":56.71667,"coords.x2":26.28333} {"Reference":"2013-8","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOMALIA:On 11 November 2012, a general cargo ship was detained by Somali authorities and ordered to anchor off Bossaso. Eight Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF) personnel (four policemen and four soldiers) were detailed to guard the ship. The four","Desc2":"soldiers took over the ship and forced the Master to sail to another port. It is suspected that the soldiers were paid by pirates to hijack the ship. While enroute, one of the soldiers rejoined the four policemen, gained control of the vessel and sailed","Desc3":"back to Bossaso. The vessel arrived and berthed at Bossaso Port on 20 December, where the PMPF personnel were replaced.","coords.x1":49.15444,"coords.x2":11.30167} {"Reference":"2013-15","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER TSURUMI","Desc1":"IRAN:On 20 December, the tanker TSURUMI was boarded at 24-46N 57-54E, approximately 25 nm South of Bandar-e-Jask. The tanker underway en route to Fujairah sighted a speed boat approaching at a speed of around 25 knots. The Master raised alarm, activated","Desc2":"SSAS, sent a distress alert, took evasive maneuvers, mustered the crew and closed all accommodation doors. The distress alert was acknowledged by UKMTO and a helicopter was seen approaching the location. When the boat was around 0.5nm from the tanker","Desc3":"five masked persons with weapons and a RPG were identified. Seeing the helicopter, the boat altered and moved away from the tanker.","coords.x1":57.9,"coords.x2":24.76667} {"Reference":"2013-7","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOMALIA:A tanker underway en route to Fujairah sighted a speed boat approaching at about 25 knots. The Master raised the alarm, activated SSAS, sent a distress alert, took evasive maneuvers, mustered the crew, and closed all accommodation doors. The","Desc2":"distress alert was acknowledged by UKMTO and a helicopter was seen approaching the location. When the boat was about 0.5 nm from the vessel, five masked persons with weapons, including an RPG, were identified. Seeing the helicopter, the boat altered","Desc3":"course and moved away from the vessel.","coords.x1":57.91333,"coords.x2":24.78167} {"Reference":"2012-345","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Vessel reported activity in 24-35N 57-34E on 16 December at 0100Z suspected to be a mothership engaged in piracy, but was able to evade any approach by the suspicious vessel.","coords.x1":57.56667,"coords.x2":24.58333} {"Reference":"2012-349","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"OMAN:Tanker fired upon on 15 December at 24-36N 057-32E, approximately 80 nm northwest of Muscat. Armed pirates in a skiff approached and opened fire on a tanker while underway. The Master raised alarm, commenced evasive maneuvers, called UKMTO, sent","Desc2":"distress alerts via VHF and SSAS and all crew retreated into the citadel. Navies in the vicinity responded to the distress and a naval boarding team was sent to rescue the crews. On boarding the vessel, no pirates were found and the crew regained control","Desc3":"of the tanker and continued their passage.","coords.x1":57.53333,"coords.x2":24.6} {"Reference":"2012-350","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"OMAN:Tanker under suspicious approach on 15 December at 24-10N 059-08E, approximately 45 nm northeast of Muscat. A dhow was seen launching a skiff which approached the tanker while underway. Master raised the alarm, increased speed, altered course. Crew","Desc2":"wasmustered and contacted authorities for assistance. At a distance of 0.2 nm, weapons and ladders were identified on the skiff and the onboard armed security team fired warning shots resulting in the skiff moving away.","coords.x1":59.13333,"coords.x2":24.16667} {"Reference":"2012-351","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"IRAN:Tanker boarded on 15 December in the vicinity of 24-33N 058-05E, approximately 67 nm south of Jask. A pirate gang utilizing three suspicious skiffs approached the vessel. Alarm was raised and crewmembers mustered in the citadel and awaited the","Desc2":"arrival of a warship. Pirates are thought to have left the vessel after seeing the approach of the HDMS Iver Huitfeldt. Evidence showed damaged barbed wire at the stern and an unsuccessful attempt at breaching the citadel.","coords.x1":58.08333,"coords.x2":24.55} {"Reference":"2012-317","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SAUDI ARABIA:Tanker fired upon on 1 November at 16-35N 41-28E, near Jizan. While sailing, the tanker was pursued by a suspected boat with three armed robbers onboard. The high speed boat closed in on the tanker and discharged their weapons. The Master","Desc2":"increased speed and carried out evasive maneuvers, successfully evading the pursuit.","coords.x1":41.46667,"coords.x2":16.58333} {"Reference":"2012-312","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:On 1 November at 0650Z, a merchant vessel was fired upon by a skiff in position 16-26N 041-23E, in the southern Red Sea.","coords.x1":41.38333,"coords.x2":16.43333} {"Reference":"2012-299","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Fishing vessel hijacked on 19 October approximately 250 nm off the coast of Somalia. On 20 October, the EU Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) German frigate FGS SACHSEN located a dhow after receiving the fishing vessel's distress signal, rescuing 20","Desc2":"Iranian fishermen and detaining seven suspected pirates. Several AK47 assault rifles and a rocket-propelled grenade launcher (RPG) were confiscated.","coords.x1":52.86667,"coords.x2":13.03333} {"Reference":"2012-278","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"EGYPT:Container vessel boarded on 10 October near 29-27N 14-32E, at Suez Anchorage. Four robbers boarded the anchored vessel via a hawse pipe. They broke into a container and stole contents while the duty crew were tending to the Suez Canal mooring boat.","Desc2":"When a duty crew member returned to the forecastle, he noticed two robbers escaping to a small unlit boat near the anchor chain. Port authorities informed. All crew safe.","coords.x1":32.55,"coords.x2":29.81667} {"Reference":"2012-266","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"OMAN:Dhow attacked on 24 September near 15-45 N 055-26E. An unknown number of pirates attempted a failed hijacking on the dhow.","coords.x1":55.43333,"coords.x2":15.75} {"Reference":"2012-233","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA:Two white skiffs with seven armed pirates in each approached a bulk carrier from both sides while underway in the Traffic Separation Scheme south of Hanish Al Kubra Island. When the skiffs closed to within 0.2 nm of the vessel, ladders","Desc2":"were sighted. The onboard armed security team fired warning shots resulting in the skiffs moving away.","coords.x1":42.65,"coords.x2":13.56667} {"Reference":"2012-204","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"YEMEN:Bulk carrier fired upon on 27 June at 14-22N 054-38E, 110 nm North of Socotra Island. Pirates in a dhow approached the vessel while underway. The Master raised the alarm and took evasive maneuvers. As the dhow approached, the onboard security team","Desc2":"fired warning shots. The dhow continued its approach and ignored the warning shots. Two armed pirates hiding under a blanket fired upon the ship. There was an exchange of fire between the onboard security team and the pirates until the attack was","Desc3":"aborted. No injuries to crew were reported. The ship's Master reported the wind direction to be SSW and wind force to be 7 knots.","coords.x1":54.63333,"coords.x2":14.36667} {"Reference":"2012-205","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"OMAN:LPG Tanker approached on 25 June at 25-15N 057-16E, 48 nm East of Fujairah, Oman. Pirates armed with guns in two skiffs approached the vessel while underway and closed to within 0.6 nm. The Master fired warning flares and pyrotechnics, increased","Desc2":"speed, and maneuvered the vessel to keep the skiffs right astern. UKMTO and local authorities were informed. An Iran Navy warship responded and escorted the tanker until the skiffs were clear. The vessel's crew was reported unharmed.","coords.x1":57.26667,"coords.x2":25.25} {"Reference":"2012-199","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"OMAN:Marshall Island Flagged, US owned, M/V LNG ARIES was attacked by a skiff with 5-6 pirates onboard on 20 June at 20:50 N - 059:30 E, 35 nm northeast of Masirah Island, Oman. The skiff had no visible ladders onboard but opened fire with machine guns","Desc2":"at approximately 400-600 yards. The vessel also reported sighting an RPG. No casualties were reported. The vessel had no EST aboard but had a citadel onboard, razor wire and fire hoses were rigged. The vessel increased speed and separated 4 nm from the","Desc3":"skiff before the skiff ended pursuit. The USS VICKSBURG was approximately 200 nm northeast of Masirah, Oman. M/V LNG ARIES was later confirmed safe.","coords.x1":59.5,"coords.x2":20.83333} {"Reference":"2012-203","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:Dhow attacked in vicinity 20 29N - 059 03E at 201200 UTC Jun 12. Vessels are advised to keep well clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution if in vicinity.","coords.x1":59.05,"coords.x2":20.48333} {"Reference":"2012-198","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk Carrier approached on 18 June at 12:19 N - 043:57 E, Gulf of Aden. Six skiffs with 4-6 pirates in each skiff approached a bulk carrier underway at 25 knots from the starboard bow. The Master raised alarm, increased speed, altered course","Desc2":"and sent a distress message. The skiffs attempted to approach the vessel from the starboard beam and starboard quarter and have one skiff approach from the port bow. The onboard armed security team fired eight warning flares but the pirates continued","Desc3":"their approach. Weapons and ladders were seen in the skiff. After 40 minutes the security team fired six warning shots and the pirates aborted the approach. A naval ship arrived for assistance.","coords.x1":43.95,"coords.x2":12.31667} {"Reference":"2012-202","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:A merchant vessel reported coming under fire at 0928Z on 18 June in position 14:28N - 050:45E, approximately 230 NM Northwest of Socotra Island in the Gulf of Aden. This area will remain high risk for at least the next 24-48 hours.","coords.x1":50.75,"coords.x2":14.46667} {"Reference":"2012-196","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA:Tanker was approached on 12 June at 13:20 N ? 042:56 E, Red Sea. A tanker underway noticed a white skiff with two outboard motors approach her at more than 25 knots. Initially two pirates were observed in the skiff and as the skiff closed five","Desc2":"more were observed to surface from the skiff floor. As the skiff continued to approach aggressively at a distance of 200 meters from the tanker, the Master authorized the armed team to fire warning shots. After 1 hour 25 minutes, another two white skiffs","Desc3":"with twin outboard motors doing more than 25 knots were observed approaching the tanker. The armed security team showed their weapons again and fired warning shots with rocket flares at a distance of 200 meters. In both incidents the non essential crew","Desc4":"retreated into the citadel and a distress signal was sent requesting assistance. Surveillance aircraft were dispatched which arrived at the location.","coords.x1":42.93333,"coords.x2":13.33333} {"Reference":"2012-197","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"OMAN:Chemical Tanker was chased on 09 June at 24:52 N - 056:38 E 12 nm east of Al Bulaydah, Oman. Pirates in four boats chased a chemical tanker underway. Two boats approached from stern and positioned itself not more than five meters from the tanker's","Desc2":"poop deck. The master raised alarm, took evasive maneuvers and non-essential crew mustered in the citadel. The ship's whistle was sounded continuously and the search light was directed towards the third boat. The boat altered course and moved away. The","Desc3":"remaining three boats passed very close to the tanker's side without stopping. After 20 mins, two other boats approached the tanker from stern, one from port and the other from stbd. The master took counter-piracy preventive measures, directed the search","Desc4":"light and noticed four persons in one boat and five on another boat. After 15 mins, the boats increased speed and moved away.","coords.x1":56.63333,"coords.x2":24.86667} {"Reference":"2012-194","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:The previously hijacked vessel \"Mt Smyrni\" was last reported in position at Lat 12:02.8N - 50;41.1E on 07.06.2012 at 0534 UTC. It appears that the pirates are still onboard. All vessels are advised to keep well clear of this vessel as the","Desc2":"pirates may use the vessel as a mothership to attack other vessels.","coords.x1":50.685,"coords.x2":12.04667} {"Reference":"2012-192","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN:Possible pirate activity observed in the vicinity of 25:32N 056:59E, 43 nm SW of Bandar-e-jask, Iran, involving two small craft with reported weapons. Forecasted weather conditions are currently marginal for small boat activity in this area","Desc2":"for the next two days. This area will remain at high risk for at least the next 24-48 hours.","coords.x1":56.98333,"coords.x2":25.53333} {"Reference":"2012-193","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:The previously hijacked vessel \"Mt Royal Grace\" is seen moving and her last position was reported as Lat 11:59N - 050:37E on 07.06.2012 at 0550 UTC. It appears that the Somali pirates are still onboard. All vessels are advised to keep well","Desc2":"clear of this vessel as the pirates may use the vessel as a mothership to attack other vessels.","coords.x1":50.61667,"coords.x2":11.98333} {"Reference":"2012-179","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAN:A merchant vessel reported being fired upon from multiple skiffs at approximately 0900Z on 23 May in position 2528N 05720E approximately 26NM south west of Bander-e-Jask, Iran.","coords.x1":57.33333,"coords.x2":25.46667} {"Reference":"2012-180","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAN:General cargo vessel MAERSK TEXAS fired upon while underway on 23 May at position 25:29 N - 057:16 E, approximately 28 nm west-southwest of Bandar-e-Jask, Iran. Duty Officer onboard the cargo ship noticed a group of 10 skiffs at a distance of 2 nm","Desc2":"from the ship on the starboard side. The forward skiff broke off from the group and approached the ship at a speed of 20-25 knots. The vessel?s Master and security team were both informed. The alarm was raised, fire hoses and SSAS activated. UKMTO and","Desc3":"the Iranian Navy were informed. The ship increased its speed and commenced maneuvering away from the skiffs. As the skiffs closed to 500 meters, the embarked armed security team fired warning shots. The skiffs ignored the warning shots and continued to","Desc4":"approach aggressively and weapons were sighted on the skiffs. As the skiffs closed to 300 meters the security team once again fired at the skiffs and noticed that the skiffs returned fire towards the ship. Eleven additional skiffs were sighted on the","Desc5":"port side advancing towards the ship. As the security team fired warning shots the skiffs stopped and moved away. The skiffs on the starboard side continued to chase the ship. After 12 minutes from the initial approach, the skiffs moved away towards a","Desc6":"dhow in the vicinity. No damage or injuries to crew were reported. While the large number of skiffs involved resembles fishermen firing upon a merchant vessel transiting through their fishing area, vessel's master reported to authorities that assailants'","coords.x1":57.26667,"coords.x2":25.48333} {"Reference":"2012-171","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"EGYPT:Product tanker was boarded on 14 May while anchored at 29:50 N - 032:31 E, Port Suez Anchorage, Egypt. Pirates boarded an anchored product tanker unnoticed, stole ship stores and escaped unnoticed. The theft occurred during a sandstorm when the","Desc2":"duty crewman was called into the accommodation. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":32.51667,"coords.x2":29.83333} {"Reference":"2012-172","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"OMAN:Liberian-flagged crude oil tanker pirated on 10 May while underway at 15:58 N ? 061:02 E, around 250 nm southeast of Ras Al Madrakah, Oman. Ten pirates in two skiffs armed with automatic weapons chased a crude oil tanker underway. The tanker","Desc2":"enforced anti piracy measures, increased speed, made evasive maneuvers and managed to evade the boarding attempt resulting in the skiffs regrouping with the mother ship in the vicinity. Later, the skiffs launched a second attack on the tanker, approached","Desc3":"at a speed of 24 knots and managed to successfully board and hijack the vessel and take hostage the 26 crew members.","coords.x1":61.03333,"coords.x2":15.96667} {"Reference":"2012-162","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"YEMEN:Tanker fired upon on 10 May while underway at 14:18 N - 058:27 E around 260 nm east-northeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. Six pirates in a skiff approached and fired upon a tanker underway from a distance of 500 meters. The armed security team","Desc2":"returned fire which resulted in the skiff aborting and moving away.","coords.x1":58.45,"coords.x2":14.3} {"Reference":"2012-175","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"OMAN:Amerchant vessel reported being hijacked at 1126Z on 10 May in position 1548N 06118E approximately 450NM south east of Salalah, Oman.","coords.x1":61.3,"coords.x2":15.8} {"Reference":"2012-152","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN:A merchant vessel reported being hijacked at 1924Z on 04 May near 25 11N 056 37E, approximately 75NM Southwest of Jask in the Gulf of Oman. This area will remain at high risk for the next 24 - 48 hours.","coords.x1":56.61667,"coords.x2":25.18333} {"Reference":"2012-151","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN:M/V has been pirated in vicinity 25 39N 057 45E at 1515 UTC 04 May 2012. Vessels are advised to keep well clear and to exercise extreme caution if in vicinity.","coords.x1":57.75,"coords.x2":25.65} {"Reference":"2012-149","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA:Bulk Carrier was approached while underway on 29 April at 13:16 N - 042:55 E, Bab El Mandeb Straits, Red Sea. Four skiffs approached the bulk carrier underway at 20 knots. The ship raised alarm and sounded the ship?s horn; all non-essential","Desc2":"crewmembers mustered in the citadel. All four skiffs stopped their approach at 1.5nm away. Two of the four skiffs made another attempt to approach the ship two minutes later. They stopped their approach at 1nm when they saw the armed security team","Desc3":"onboard. Six of the eight pirates were armed and carrying guns.","coords.x1":42.91667,"coords.x2":13.26667} {"Reference":"2012-156","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Merchant Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:A merchant vessel reported a prevented pirate attack on 26 APR 12 at 0740 UTC in position 11 56.9N 044 039.3E approximately 19 NM before the entrance in to the Transit Corridor (19 NM from \"Point ALFA.\"). This area will remain high risk for","Desc2":"at least 24-48 hrs.","coords.x1":44.655,"coords.x2":11.94833} {"Reference":"2012-150","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Tanker was approached while underway on 26 April at 11:56 N - 044:39 E, 19nm from \"A\" IRTC, Gulf of Aden. Four skiffs manned with four pirates armed with AK 47 rifles chased the tanker. All non essential crew mustered in the citadel. The","Desc2":"onboard armed security team fired warning shots resulting in the pirate attack being aborted.","coords.x1":44.65,"coords.x2":11.93333} {"Reference":"2012-142","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"YEMEN:Fishing vessel hijacked on 21 April underway at 15:20 N - 052:12 E 17nm South of Ras Fartak, Yemen. Somalia pirates hijacked a fishing vessel and two of her skiffs underway.","coords.x1":52.2,"coords.x2":15.33333} {"Reference":"2012-132","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN:General Cargo Vessel was attacked and boarded on 6 April 16 nm southwest of Bandar-e-Jask, Iran at position 25:28N ? 057:32E. Armed pirates attacked and boarded the underway vessel. The vessels Master alerted the crew by raising the alarm","Desc2":"and the crew mustered in citadel. The pirates took crewmembers hostage and hijacked the ship. An Iranian warship responded and proceeded towards the vessel in response to the incident. The vessels Master requested that the warship not approach via VHF","Desc3":"because it received death threats from the pirates. The Iranian ship proceeded to move closer and fire was exchanged between the pirates and the warship. The Iranian navy boarded the vessel and managed to detain nine pirates and saved the 28 crewmembers.","coords.x1":57.53333,"coords.x2":25.46667} {"Reference":"2012-133","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN:Bulk Carrier was attacked on 4 April while underway 50 nm southeast of Ras Al Haad, Oman at position 21:37N - 059:59E was fired upon and chased by 4-6 pirates armed with automatic rifles. Ship?s Master raised the alarm, mustered the crew in","Desc2":"the citadel and began evasive maneuvers and activated the ships distress signal as well. The security team onboard returned fire and the pirates aborted the mission and escaped.","coords.x1":59.98333,"coords.x2":21.61667} {"Reference":"2012-128","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:Bulk carrier attacked on 4 April while underway at position 21:38 N - 059:59 E, approximately 130 nm southeast of Muscat, Oman. Pirates in one skiff fired upon thevessel and security team aboard the merchant vessel returned fire, forcing the","Desc2":"pirates to move away.","coords.x1":59.98333,"coords.x2":21.63333} {"Reference":"2012-114","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:25-MAR12: 1335 UTC: Posn 14:18.5N - 056:49.2E, around 170 nm NE of Socotra Island, Yemen. Two skiffs approached a bulk carrier underwa. As the skiffs closed the onboard security team fired warning shots. At a distance of around 0.8 nm one","Desc2":"skiff fired a RPG towards the vessel. The security team returned fire resulting in the skiffs aborting and moving away.","coords.x1":56.82,"coords.x2":14.30833} {"Reference":"2012-125","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Merchant vessel attacked on 25 March while underway near position 14:17 N - 056:51 E, approximately 215 nm northeast of Socotra Island, Yemen.","coords.x1":56.85,"coords.x2":14.28333} {"Reference":"2012-108","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Merchant Vessel","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:M/V Cosmic Jewel reported at 241131 UTC Mar that one skiff approached at high speed up to one nm. Armed security team onboard vessel fired four warning shots. The skiff returned to mother vessel in position 20-48N - 062-27E. M/V cosmic Jewel","Desc2":"remained safe.","coords.x1":62.45,"coords.x2":20.8} {"Reference":"2012-106","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Merchant Vessel","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:M/V Andinet reported a suspicious approach by three small crafts in position 22-37N - 063-31E. Armed security team onboard vessel repelled the crafts from the distance of two cables. Vessel remained safe.","coords.x1":63.51667,"coords.x2":22.61667} {"Reference":"2012-119","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"OMAN:A Tanker was approached by a skiff on 24 March 190nm east-northeast of Sur, Oman, Somalia at positions 20:49N - 062:27E. A Pirate mother ship was at a distance of 6 nm. The Takers Master observed a skiff launch 4nm away. The Master alerted the","Desc2":"onboard security team. The skiff approached the vessel at a speed of around 25-30 knots. Master raised alarm, sent a distress signal and altered course. As the skiff closed to around 1000 meters, the onboard security team launched a rocket flare and","Desc3":"fired two warning shots resulting in the skiffs stopping and moving towards the tanker?s stern. The skiff with 6-7 pirates onboard maintained a distance of 1nm and continued to chase the Tanker. The armed security team fired several warning shots causing","Desc4":"the skiff to stop the attack and return to the mother vessel. A warship responded to the distress message and sent a surveillance aircraft to the location.","coords.x1":62.45,"coords.x2":20.81667} {"Reference":"2012-126","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Merchant vessel attacked on 23 March while underway near position 16:58 N - 062:48 E, approximately 285 nm southeast of Masirah Island, Oman.","coords.x1":62.8,"coords.x2":16.96667} {"Reference":"2012-120","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFTS","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"NIGERIA:A General Cargo vessel was approached by three skiffs at high speed on 23 March 220nm East of Sur, Oman, Somalia at positions 22:37 N - 063:31 E. The skiffs were observed following the ship as she altered course to move away. The ships Master","Desc2":"alerted the security team who fired warning shots at the skiffs who were 15/20 feet away from the ship. The skiffs later sailed away.","coords.x1":63.51667,"coords.x2":22.61667} {"Reference":"2012-102","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Petroleum Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Petroleum products tanker attacked on 17 March while underway at position 13:09 N - 048:52 E, approximately 70 nm southeast of al Mukalla, Yemen. A skiff with six pirates aboard was noticed by bridge crew as it made a high speed approach","Desc2":"toward the ship. Bridge duty officer raised alarm, informed the Ship?s Master and the embarked security team. Master increased speed, altered course and contacted a nearby warship for assistance. The pirate skiff closed to within a half mile and fired","Desc3":"upon the ship. The embarked armed security team returned fire resulting in the pirates aborting the attack and moving away. The nearby warship dispatched a helicopter to the location to search for the skiff, without success. No crew injuries or damage to","Desc4":"the ship was reported.","coords.x1":48.86667,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2012-91","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Five pirates in a skiff doing 22 knots chased and fired upon a container ship underway at 21 knots. Pirates closed to the port quarter of the vessel and fired a rpg towards the bridge. Master increased speed, enforced anti-piracy measures","Desc2":"and crew mustered in safe area. After about 20 minutes of chasing, the pirates aborted the attack and moved away.","coords.x1":57.93333,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2012-97","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Carrier","Desc1":"Indian Ocean:Container carrier attacked on 11 March while underway near position 13:09 N - 057:56 E, approximately 210 nm east-northeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. Five pirates in a skiff doing 22 knots chased and fired upon the ship which was steaming at","Desc2":"21 knots. Pirates closed to the port quarter of the vessel and fired a rocket propelled grenade towards the bridge. Master increased speed, initiated other anti-piracy measures and mustered the crew in safe of the ship. After 20 minutes of chasing the","Desc3":"ship, the pirates aborted the attack and moved away.","coords.x1":57.93333,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2012-177","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:A merchant vessel attacked in vicinity 13 13N 057 50E at 110737 UTC Mar 12.","coords.x1":57.83333,"coords.x2":13.21667} {"Reference":"2012-92","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN, RED SEA: One skiff approached and chased a tanker underway. Master raised alarm, activated anti-piracy measures and contacted an Iranian warship for assistance. Seeing the warship the pirates aborted the attempted attack.","coords.x1":43.44667,"coords.x2":12.54167} {"Reference":"2012-89","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Craft","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:Tanker ADVANCE VICTORIA attacked on 6 March while underwaynear position 14 20 N - 052 45 E, approximately 113 nm northwest of Socotra Island, Yemen. Ship approached by one skiff described as dark in color. Shots fired by suspected pirates","Desc2":"aboard the skiff. Embarked security team returned fire, causing the skiff to pull away and withdraw.","coords.x1":52.75,"coords.x2":14.33333} {"Reference":"2012-176","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"OMAN:A merchant vessel reported being fired upon at 0505Z on 06 Mar 2012 in position 1421N 05236E, approximately 212NM Southwest of Salala, Oman.","coords.x1":52.6,"coords.x2":14.35} {"Reference":"2012-88","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:Chemical tanker ROYAL GRACE hijacked on 2 March while underwaynear position 21:27 N - 062:37 E, approximately 215 nm northeast of Masirah, Island, Oman.","coords.x1":62.61667,"coords.x2":21.45} {"Reference":"2012-84","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 21-2N 062-37E at 1219Z on 02 March. Vessels are advised to keep clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":62.61667,"coords.x2":21.45} {"Reference":"2012-82","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: While underway, a chemical tanker spotted 3-4 pirates in a skiff heading towards her at a speed more than 20 knots. Alarms raised, evasive maneuvers made, fire pumps activated, armed security team made their pressence. The skiff later","Desc2":"stopped their approach and the chemical tanker continued her passage. A mother vessel was seen in the vicinity.","coords.x1":58.98167,"coords.x2":16.065} {"Reference":"2012-77","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 15-01N 054-56E at 1206Z on 28 February. Vessels are advised to keep clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":54.93333,"coords.x2":15.01667} {"Reference":"2012-72","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA/ GULF OF ADEN: A bulk carrier underway noticed nine skiffs approaching aggressively at stbd side and one skiff at ort side. Master raised alarm, increased speed and began evasive maneuvers. One of the skiffs with 10-15 pirates onboard close in to","Desc2":"a distance of less than one mile and the security team fired warning shots. The skiff stopped its approach for a moment and began to chased the shipe again. Then, the security team fired more warning shots resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted","Desc3":"attack and rejoin with the other skiffs and continued to drift.","coords.x1":43.68333,"coords.x2":12.48333} {"Reference":"2012-73","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"STRAIT OF HORMUZ: A container ship underway noticed three skiffs at a distance of 2 miles approaching her at high speed. Master raised alarm, activated SSAS, altered course, non-essential crew mustered in the citadel and the onboard armed guards took","Desc2":"their position. The armed guards fired warning shots when the skiffs closed to a distance of 1 mile, resulting in the pirates aborting the attack and moving away.","coords.x1":56.70167,"coords.x2":26.14833} {"Reference":"2012-74","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Pirates in three skiffs with ladders doing arouns 20 knots chased a container ship underway. Non essential crew took shelter in the citadel and security team deployed. Master informed UKMTO who advised ship to alter course towards a","Desc2":"coalition ship. After chasing for around 30 minutes, the skiffs aborted the attempt and moved away.","coords.x1":59.39,"coords.x2":20.32667} {"Reference":"2012-69","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A tanker underway sighted a skiff at 1.6 miles approaching at around 20 knots. A suspicious dhow was sighted in the vicinity. Master sent distress to navies and informed UKMTO. As the skiff approached weapons were sighted and the onboard","Desc2":"armed security team fired warning shots. Following this the pirates immediately fired upon the tanker with ak47s. There was an exchange of fire between the armed team and the pirates with around 50-60 rounds being fired by the pirates before aborting and","Desc3":"moving away. A naval helicopter was dispatched.","coords.x1":50.36667,"coords.x2":13.5} {"Reference":"2012-68","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABAIN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 18-10N 057-21E at 171937Z Feb. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":57.35,"coords.x2":18.16667} {"Reference":"2012-71","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Seven pirates in two skiffs chased a chemical tanker underway. Master raised alarm, altered course and the onboard security team fired hand flares followed by a warning shot resulting in the pirates aborting the attack and moved away.","coords.x1":43.34167,"coords.x2":12.595} {"Reference":"2012-60","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA, SOUTHEAST OF MASIRAH ISLAND: C/O onboard a container ship underway noticed two suspicious boats in the vicinity. He informed the Master and started tracking the boats. It was observed that a red hull fishing vessel and a white skiff were","Desc2":"chasing the ship. The skiff was observed to be doing around 19 knots. Alarm raised and anti-piracy measures taken by Master and crew. As ship's speed was greater than the skiff the distance between them increased and the skiff slowed down and stopped","Desc3":"after 45 minutes.","coords.x1":61.53333,"coords.x2":18.73333} {"Reference":"2012-53","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel hijacked in 13-32N 058-36E on 8 February at 1438Z. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":58.6,"coords.x2":13.53333} {"Reference":"2012-64","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Pirates attacked and hijacked a bulk carrier underway. Pirates sailed the vessel towards Somalia coast. Awaiting further details.","coords.x1":62.43333,"coords.x2":16} {"Reference":"2012-55","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Bulk carrier hijacked on 7 February while underway near position 16-03N 062-26E, approximately 520 miles off Socotra Island, Yemen. UKMTO was first notified about the potential hijacking when the vessel owner informed them that he could not","Desc2":"contact the vessel. The Free Goddess was en route from Adabiya, Egypt to Singapore, carrying 19,475 metric tons of steel cable with a crew of 21 on board. (Press)","coords.x1":62.43333,"coords.x2":16.05} {"Reference":"2012-57","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Pirates in two skiffs chased a LPG tanker underway and approached within .2 miles. The tanker enforced anti-piracy measures, altered course and managed to evade the attack.","coords.x1":43.29167,"coords.x2":12.73} {"Reference":"2012-56","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"RED SEA: About 6-7 pirates in each skiff chased a general cargo ship and approached within 200 meters with intnet to board. The vessel enforced anti-piracy measures and contacted warship on VHF. The skiffs aborted the attack.","coords.x1":43.31833,"coords.x2":12.73833} {"Reference":"2012-37","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Security team onboard a bulk carrier underway reported two skiffs were approaching the vessel. There were a total of seven skiffs in the vicinity. The 1st skiff had six pirates armed with AK47s. No weapons were seen in the 2nd skiff which had","Desc2":"four pirates. The vessel enforced anti-piracy measures, made evasive maneuvers and two armed guards were placed on the stbd and port bridge wings. Upon seeing the armed guards the skiffs aborted the attack and moved away.","coords.x1":43.03083,"coords.x2":13.20667} {"Reference":"2012-22","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PIPE LAYER","Desc1":"93 MILES OFF SOCOTRA ISLAND, YEMEN: Armed pirates in a skiff approached a pip layer vessel underway. The armed security team onboard showed their weapons and made their presence known. The pirates aborted the approach and moved away.","coords.x1":55.73333,"coords.x2":13.53333} {"Reference":"2012-29","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 15-02N 058-14E at 0814Z on 16 January. Vessels are advised to keep clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":58.23333,"coords.x2":15.03333} {"Reference":"2012-24","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Lookouts onboard a tanker underway noticed six pirates in a skiff approaching their vessel at a distance of 3.5 miles. At a distance of around 300 meters the onboard unarmed security team engaged the skiff with the LRAD and the non-essential","Desc2":"crew members mustered in the citadel. The skiff fired at the vessel and continued to approach. The security team fired warning flares which landed close to the skiff. The pirates continued to approach and fire upon the vessel. However after the security","Desc3":"team fired two more flares close to the skiff the pirates aborted but tailed the vessel for 15 minutes before heading towards a mother vessel in the vicinity.","coords.x1":58.28333,"coords.x2":15.06667} {"Reference":"2012-40","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Five armed pirates boarded and hijacked a Dhow and took her eight crew members as hostage. The pirates released fire crew members at Ras Hafoon and maintained control over the remaining three crew and the Dhow.","coords.x1":49.13333,"coords.x2":14.53333} {"Reference":"2012-21","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 14-51N 056-03E at 0943Z on 12 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":56.05,"coords.x2":14.85} {"Reference":"2012-38","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Pirates in skiffs approached a LPG tanker underway. The tanker enforced anti-piracy measures, sent distress message and ordered armed guards to standby. When skiffs approached closer than 1000 meters, warning shots were fired and the skiffs","Desc2":"returned fire. Warning shots were fired again and as a result the skiffs moved away.","coords.x1":56.53333,"coords.x2":14.86167} {"Reference":"2012-31","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN: Petroleum Tanker HAPPY BIRD fired upon by pirates in two skiffs on 12 January near position 14-51N 056-03E, approximately 170 nm southeast of Salalah, Oman. Onboard security team returned fire, prompting skiffs to break off attack and","Desc2":"depart the area. (Operator)","coords.x1":56.05,"coords.x2":14.85} {"Reference":"2012-13","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Six pirates in a skiff approached a bulk carrier underway. Master contacted a warship in the vicinity when the skiff came to a distance of 2.5 miles and the warship advised that a helicopter will be proceeding to the location. Alarm raised,","Desc2":"non-essential crew mustered in the citadel and the Master took anti-preventive measures as per BMP 4 requirements. Machine guns and a rpg were sighted on teh skiff when it came close to a distance of five calbes from the ship. The helicopter arrived on","Desc3":"scene resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted attack and moved away.","coords.x1":60.98333,"coords.x2":22.45} {"Reference":"2012-10","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirates in a skiff chased and attempted to board a bulk carrier underway. The vessel enforced anti-piracy measures, increased speed and made evasive maneuvers resulting in the pirates moving away.","coords.x1":44.19667,"coords.x2":12.24333} {"Reference":"2012-12","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel attacked in 12-17N 044-10E at 0822Z on 04 Jan. Vessels requested to keep a sharp lookout and exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":44.16667,"coords.x2":12.28333} {"Reference":"2012-8","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier M/V DELFA chased and fired upon by pirates in noe skiff on 04 Jan at 0200Z near position 13-10N 049-12E, in the Gulf of Aden. Onboard security team fired flares to no effect, they then returned gunfire, causing the skiff to","Desc2":"retreat and depart the area. Several other vessels in this area during this period also reported suspicious activity. (UKMTO)","coords.x1":49.2,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"2012-9","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirates in a skiff chased and fire upon a bulk carrier underway. Onboard security team fired flares to warn the pirates which were ignored and later only when the security team returned fire the skiff aborted the attack.","coords.x1":49.2,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"2012-11","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Four pirates in a skiff maintained a parallel course with a crude tanker before suddenly increasing speed to 25 knots and coming alongside in an attempt to board. No ladders were seen on the skiff. Master raised the alarm, commenced evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers and non-essential crew retreated into the citadel. Five minutes later, the pirates aborted their attempt and targeted another vessel in the convoy.","coords.x1":44.18333,"coords.x2":12.23333} {"Reference":"2011-497","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Chemical tanker (ENRICO IEVOLI) hijacked by five pirates in one speedboat on 27 December at 0403 UTC while underway in position 18-18N 057-36E, approximately 216 nm northeast of Salalah, Oman. The vessel was transiting from Fujairah, United","Desc2":"Arab Emirates, to the Mediterranean Sea with a cargo of 15,750 tons of caustic soda when it was hijacked. Right before it was hijacked, the vessel was transiting to the rendezvous point for the Chinese armed convoy. The crew of 18 includes seven Indians,","Desc3":"six Italians, and five Ukrainians. (UKMTO, Open Source)","coords.x1":57.6,"coords.x2":18.3} {"Reference":"2012-2","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel attacked in 12-24N 046-31E at 1045Z on 19 December. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":46.51667,"coords.x2":12.4} {"Reference":"2011-489","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Two skiffs approached and fired upon a tanker underway. A ladder was sighted on one of the skiffs. Master made evasive maneuvers while the armed security team onboard fired warning shot. The skiffs slowed down and returned fire resulting in","Desc2":"the security team responding. Later the pirates aborted the attempt and moved away.","coords.x1":47.03333,"coords.x2":12.6} {"Reference":"2011-481","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: A bulk carrier underway was chased and fired upon by pirates. Master took preventive measures and the onboard security team returned fire resulting in the pirates aborting and moving away.","coords.x1":60,"coords.x2":20.65} {"Reference":"2011-476","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (FANEROMENI) fired upon by as many as 14 pirates in two skiffs on 30 November at 1405Z while underway in position 12-18N 044-03E, approximately 42 miles southeast of Perim Island, Yemen. The armed security onboard returned fire","Desc2":"until the skiffs ceased their attack and backed off. (UKMTO)","coords.x1":44.05,"coords.x2":12.3} {"Reference":"2011-475","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Six pirates armed with guns and rpgs in two skiffs approached and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed and all crew except the bridge team mustered in the citadel. Armed security team on board the vessel","Desc2":"fired a warning shot. The pirates returned fire with AK-47s. The exchange of fire lasted for about twenty minutes before the pirates aborted the attack and moved away.","coords.x1":44.05,"coords.x2":12.31667} {"Reference":"2011-474","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Armed pirates in a skiff approached and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Master raised the alarm, carried out evasive maneuvers and all crew except bridge team and armed security retreated into the citadel. The pirates attempted to board","Desc2":"the vessel but the armed security team managed to deter the pirates.","coords.x1":56.6,"coords.x2":15.01667} {"Reference":"2011-483","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"EGYPT: Liquefied gas tanker boarded on 26 November at 2048 UTC while at anchor in position 29-46N 032-35E, approximately 12 nm south of Suez. Alert crew raised the alarm and the robbers jumped over the side with nothing stolen. (Operator)","coords.x1":32.58333,"coords.x2":29.76667} {"Reference":"2011-468","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (PIONEER PACIFIC) was fired upon by eight pirates in two speed boats on 20 November at 1345 UTC while underway in position 12-27N 043-47E, about 24 nm southeast of Perim Island, Yemen. Master fired flares when the speed boats","Desc2":"were 600 m away from the vessel and the onboard security team returned fire, resulting in the boats moving away. (IMB)","coords.x1":43.78333,"coords.x2":12.45} {"Reference":"2011-466","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA, GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel attacked in 12-33N 043-31E at 0500z on 18 Nov. Vessels are advised to keep clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":43.51667,"coords.x2":12.55} {"Reference":"2011-462","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Product tanker (BW DANUBE) fired upon by pirates in two skiffs on 15 November at 0418 UTC while underway in position 15-49N 055-05E, approximately 302 nm northeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Eight pirates in two skiffs chased the vessel. The","Desc2":"master raised the alarm, increased speed, and took evasive maneuvers, and all crew, except the bridge team, mustered in the citadel. The onboard, unarmed security team fired flares to warn the skiffs. The pirates fired upon the tanker, aborted the","Desc3":"attack, and moved towards a mothership. (UKMTO, IMB)","coords.x1":55.08333,"coords.x2":15.81667} {"Reference":"2011-449","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (LIQUID VELVET) hijacked by six pirates on 31 October at 0842 UTC while underway in position 12-00N 045-33E, approximately 55 nm southeast of Aden, Yemen. The crew (21 Filipinos and one Greek) were able to lock themselves in the","Desc2":"citadel, but the pirates were able to breach it. (UKMTO, Operator)","coords.x1":45.55,"coords.x2":12} {"Reference":"2011-450","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A merchant vessel reported being hijacked at 1152Z on 31 Oct in position 12-02N 045-38E, approximately 140 miles southeast of Bab el Mandeb. This area will remain at high risk for at least 24-48 hours.","coords.x1":45.63333,"coords.x2":12.03333} {"Reference":"2011-432","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo vessel (BURAK A) fired upon with an RPG by pirates in two skiffs on 16 October at 1508 UTC while underway in position 14-26N 052-49E, approximately 170 nm southwest of Salalah, Oman. Vessel did not have security onboard or a citadel.","Desc2":"(Operator)","coords.x1":52.81667,"coords.x2":14.43333} {"Reference":"2011-416","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel attacked in 13-02N 048-51E at 0421Z on 02 Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":48.85,"coords.x2":13.03333} {"Reference":"2011-413","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel attacked in 16-27N 062-57E at 0921Z on 02 Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":62.95,"coords.x2":16.45} {"Reference":"2011-410","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Cargo vessel (LARA RICKMERS) fired upon by five pirates in one skiff 2 October at 0901 UTC while underway in position 16-06N 062-47E, approximately 525 nm northeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. Skiff approached at 23 knots, the cargo vessel was","Desc2":"traveling at 18 knots. The master raised the alarm and all nonessential crew retreated into the citadel. The armed security team of four fired a warning flare, the skiff continued to approach and started to fire at the vessel about 60 meters from it. The","Desc3":"team fired warning shots in front of the skiff, then again as the skiff continued its approach. The skiff moved away, and at a distance of 700 meters fired an RPG which did not hit the skiff. The team fired warning shots, the skiff them moved away and","Desc4":"returned to a mother vessel. One additional skiff was sighted. (UKMTO, IMB)","coords.x1":62.79333,"coords.x2":16.10556} {"Reference":"2011-411","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (THEOFOROS I) experienced an attempted boarding by seven pirates in one skiff 2 October at 0400 UTC while underway in position 13-01N 048-49E, approximately 92 nm southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Master noticed skiff approaching","Desc2":"at 20 knots, raised the alarm, informed navies in the vicinity, and enforced antipiracy measures. Unarmed security team fired a warning flare at 500 meters, crew retreated to the citadel. After pirates in the skiff hooked a ladder onto the vessel the","Desc3":"security team retreated to the citadel. Communications with navies were established and a helicopter confirmed there were no pirates onboard the vessel. Security team left the citadel, confirmed there were no pirates onboard, and let the crew out.","Desc4":"Pirates had ripped off some of the razor wire on the vessel. (IMB, Open Source)","coords.x1":48.81667,"coords.x2":13.01667} {"Reference":"2011-414","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel attacked in 16-06N 062-47E at 0921Z on 02 Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":62.78333,"coords.x2":16.1} {"Reference":"2011-405","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Four pirates in a white colored skiff chased, fired upon and attempted to board a chemical tanker underway. Master raised alarm, took evasive maneuvers and contacted authorities for assistance. The pirates aborted the attempted attack due to the","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers taken by the Master.","coords.x1":42.81667,"coords.x2":14.04167} {"Reference":"2011-400","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"RED SEA: Container ship underway noticed a skiff at a distance of two nautical miles. The skiff was seen to increase in speed and approach the vessel at 16 knots. At a distance of one mile the Master raised the alarm, alerted the armed security team and","Desc2":"all crew retreated into the citadel. At a distance of 0.5 miles the skiff was seen to have seven people armed with guns. When the skiff closed to 0.2 miles the security team fired warning shots resulting in the skiff moving away.","coords.x1":41.87056,"coords.x2":14.06972} {"Reference":"2011-402","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Chemical tanker (LIME GALAXY) experienced an attempted boarding by two skiffs on 28 September on 1159 UTC while underway in position 14-18N 042-50E, approximately 53NM southeast of Ras Isa, Yemen. Pirates fired upon the vessel, one pirate","Desc2":"attempted to board it with a ladder, the master raised the alarm and engaged in evasive maneuvers, and the pirates aborted the attack. The vessel did not have a security team. (UKMTO, IMB)","coords.x1":42.83333,"coords.x2":14.3} {"Reference":"2011-406","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Pirates in three skiffs chased a chemical tanker underway. One of the skiffs fired a rpg and attempted to board the tanker. Master took evasive maneuvers and contacted authorities for assistance. The pirates chased the tanker for 15 minutes and","Desc2":"aborted the attempted attack due to the hardening measures employed by the tanker.","coords.x1":42.81667,"coords.x2":14.1} {"Reference":"2011-401","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Chemical tanker (GINGA BOBCAT) experienced an attempted boarding and was fired upon one skiff with an RPG, 28 September at 1258 UTC while underway in position 14-02N 042-53E, approximately 70NM southeast of Ras Isa, Yemen. Entire attack group","Desc2":"consisted of 3?4 skiffs, each with 4?5 pirates onboard. The vessel was damaged and had a hole in the inert gas room. Vessel did not have a security team. The master took evasive maneuvers, pirates chased the vessel for 15 minutes, and the pirates aborted","Desc3":"their attack. (UKMTO, IMB)","coords.x1":42.88333,"coords.x2":14.03333} {"Reference":"2011-403","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"RED SEA: Cargo vessel (CS CIHAN) boarded by pirates on 25 September at 1342 UTC while underway in position 14-09N 042-49E, approximately 62NM southeast of Ras Isa, Yemen. The pirates boarded the vessel and damaged it by firing upon it. The crew stopped","Desc2":"the ship when the attack occurred and retreated to a citadel for about 3.5 hours before they left and discovered no pirates onboard. The vessel had no security team. (Operator, UKMTO)","coords.x1":42.81667,"coords.x2":14.15} {"Reference":"2011-395","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in vicinity 14-14N 042-50E at 1342Z on 25 Sep. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":42.83333,"coords.x2":14.23333} {"Reference":"2011-397","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirates in a dark colored rubber boat chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Master, duty watchman and duty armed guard noticed the small boat at a distance of 20 meters from the ship. Master raised alarm, all crew retreated to a","Desc2":"safe area except master and the bridge crew. Other guards came to the bridge, took their positions and one of the guards fired a warning shot resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted attack and move away.","coords.x1":43.63667,"coords.x2":12.43} {"Reference":"2011-385","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA, GULF OF ADEN: Armed pirates in four skiffs approached a bulk carrier underway, two from the port side and two from the stbd side. Master raised alarm, took evasive maneuvers and the onboard security team fired warning shots resulting in","Desc2":"the pirates aborting the attack. Crew and vessel safe.","coords.x1":43.425,"coords.x2":12.59167} {"Reference":"2011-384","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 14-06N 042-45E at 0627Z on 10 Sep. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":42.75,"coords.x2":14.1} {"Reference":"2011-381","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Six pirates in one skiff chased and fried upon a tanker underway. Another two skiffs were seen at a slight distance. The Master and all crew gathered on the brdige, sent a May Day via VHF, increased speed, activated SSAS, contacted CSO, made","Desc2":"evasvie maneuvers and locked all access to the ship. All crew except Master and Chief engineer entered into the engine room. When pirates boarded the vessel the Master and Cheng retreated into the engine room. A naval helicopter responded to the distress","Desc3":"and arrived on location. A boarding team arrived and searched the vessel before releasing the crew. Later ship's crew took control of the tanker and continued passage.","coords.x1":42.85,"coords.x2":14.06667} {"Reference":"2011-379","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A oil tanker (MT FAIRCHEM BOGEY) came under attack at 1317z on 08 Sep in position 15-27N 052-14E, approximately 8 miles off the coast of Yemen. The tanker had armed guards on board when she sailed through the Gulf of Aden on its way to","Desc2":"unload at the Saudi port of Al Jubai, but was unprotected when she was taken by armed pirates after dropping the security team off in Oman. Pirates waited for armed guards to depart, approached the tanker in a vessel ferrying cattle.","coords.x1":52.23333,"coords.x2":15.45} {"Reference":"2011-371","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Five pirates armed with guns in two skiffs approached a chemical tanker underway. Master raised alarm, gave one long blast and crew mustered at a safe place. When the skiffs came close to 15 meters from the tanker, the onboard security team","Desc2":"fired warning shots resulting in the pirates aborting the attack.","coords.x1":43.87278,"coords.x2":12.50417} {"Reference":"2011-373","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Two skiffs with five pirates in each approached a bulk carrier underway. The vessel increased speed, made evasive maneuvers and crew entered the citadel. The onboard security guards enforced anti-piracy measures and prevented the","Desc2":"boarding. Crew and vessel safe.","coords.x1":42.365,"coords.x2":14.60667} {"Reference":"2011-366","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Five armed pirates in a white colored skiff chased and fired upon a container ship underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers and contacted warship for assistance. Pirates aborted after chaseing the ship for 20","Desc2":"minutes.","coords.x1":49.18333,"coords.x2":13.13333} {"Reference":"2011-367","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a chemical tanker underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The pirates made several attempts to board the tanker and finally aborted the attack due to the evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers made by the tanker. A mother vessel was sighted in the vicinity.","coords.x1":53.6,"coords.x2":16.15} {"Reference":"2011-369","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"SALALAH ANCHORAGE, OMAN: Armed pirates attacked and boarded a chemical tanker at anchor. They took hostage 21 crew members and hijacked the tanker to Somalia.","coords.x1":54.05,"coords.x2":16.9} {"Reference":"2011-365","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Six pirates armed with guns in a skiff chased a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed and all crew except the bridge team mustered in the citadel. As the skiff approached to come alongside, the onboard security team","Desc2":"fired warning shots resulting in the pirates aborting the attack and moving away..","coords.x1":48,"coords.x2":13.06667} {"Reference":"2011-364","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Seven high speed boats suddenly approached around a bulk carrier underway. Two of the boats with 3-5 persons in each boat armed with automatic weapons, approached the ship at high speed. Master raised alarm, increased speed, took","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers and crew mustered in the safe room except the bridge team. Later the pirates aborted the attack and moved away.","coords.x1":43.01833,"coords.x2":13.28} {"Reference":"2011-362","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: LPG tanker (GAS PRIDE) was fired upon by pirates on 12 August at 1406 UTC while underway in position 14-34.2N 042-23.9E, approximately 40NM southwest of Ras Isa, Yemen. Pirates in two skiffs, one with three pirates onboard and one with four","Desc2":"pirates onboard, approached and fired upon the vessel's superstructure area resulting in several areas damaged by bullets. The Master ordered the crew into the citadel. After the vessel engaged in evasive maneuvers the pirates broke off the attack. (IMB,","Desc3":"UKMTO)","coords.x1":42.39833,"coords.x2":14.57} {"Reference":"2011-358","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: Bulk carrier (CARAVOS HORIZON) was boarded by six pirates on 11 August at 1115 UTC while underway in position 15-09N 041-55E, approximately 44NM southwest of Ras Isa, Yemen. Three skiffs behind a mothership approached the bulk carrier at high","Desc2":"speed, one from portside, one from starboard side, and one from astern. The vessel engaged in evasive maneuvers, but the pirates were able to hook a ladder on the vessel. The 24 crewmembers retreated into the citadel and the pirates left the vessel.","Desc3":"(IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":41.91667,"coords.x2":15.15} {"Reference":"2011-352","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Five pirates armed with rpgs and guns in a 12 meter white plastic skiff chased and fired upon a general cargo ship underway. Onboard security team fired warning shots resulting in the pirates moving away. A warship in the vicinity carried","Desc2":"out a search in the area.","coords.x1":48.69333,"coords.x2":13.14667} {"Reference":"2011-355","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ASSAB, ERITREA, RED SEA: Tweleve skiffs with five to eight pirates in each approached a bulk carrier underway. As the skiff closed guns and ladders were noticed. Warning flares were deployed by the onboard security team. The skiffs continued to approach","Desc2":"the vessel at 17 knots. At a distance of around 300 meters, on the command of the Master, the onboard security team fired warning shots resulting in most of the skiffs falling back and circling the vessel. Two skiffs continued to chase the vessel and","Desc3":"return fire. The skiffs and the security team exchanged fire and after 30 minutes and numerous approaches the skiffs aborted and moved away.","coords.x1":43.08167,"coords.x2":13.12} {"Reference":"2011-345","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"40 MILES OFF ASSAB, ERITREA, RED SEA: Pirates in two skiffs approached a container ship underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers and crew activated fire hoses. The pirates chased the ship and later aborted the attempted","Desc2":"attack. At 0646 UTC, another skiff rushed out from Abu-Ali Island towards the ship at high speed. Due to the razor wire rigged along the ship's side and the evasive maneuvers the pirates aborted the attack. A mother vessel was sighted in the vicinity.","coords.x1":42.95667,"coords.x2":13.68833} {"Reference":"2011-344","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"30 MILES NORTH OF ASSAB, ERITREA, RED SEA: Three skiffs with 5-6 pirates in each were noticed by a tanker underway. One of the skiff suddenly approached the tanker. Master released two flares when the skiff closed to 700 meters. The skiff doing 20 knots","Desc2":"ignored the warning flares and continued chasing the tanker. As the skiff closed, onboard security team fired a flare and one warning shot resulting in the skiff moving away towards the other 2 skiffs. Coalition warship was informed and a helicopter was","Desc3":"dispatched.","coords.x1":42.70333,"coords.x2":13.52833} {"Reference":"2011-342","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Six armed pirates in a skiff chased a container vessel underway. Master raised the alarm, took evasive maneuvers and contacted the coalition forces. The vessel managed to evade the attempt.","coords.x1":48.36667,"coords.x2":13.00667} {"Reference":"2011-337","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel attacked in 12-56N 048-30E at 1029Z on 22 Jul. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":48.5,"coords.x2":12.93333} {"Reference":"2011-333","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Merchant vessel fired upon by six pirates in a skiff in 13-29N 042-36E at 1118Z on 21 Jul. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":42.6,"coords.x2":13.48333} {"Reference":"2011-349","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"ASSAB, ERITREA, RED SEA: A product tanker underway noticed one white colored skiff and on dark colored skiff with six pirates in each at a distance of 1.5 miles. The dark colored skiff approached the tanker at a speed of 15 knots. Master raised alarm and","Desc2":"took evasive maneuvers. When the skiff closed to 0.6 miles, the onboard security team fired a rocket parachute at the skiff, which was ignored. At a distance on 0.5 miles the armed guards noticed three rifles, a ladder and pole in the skiff and fired a","Desc3":"warning shot resulting in the pirates aborting the attack.","coords.x1":42.59833,"coords.x2":13.49333} {"Reference":"2011-329","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: A tanker was chased and fired upon by six to seven pirates wearing dark clothes in a skiff. Master increased speed and mustered crew. Onboard secutiy team released flares and when pirates continued, warning shots were fired resulting in the","Desc2":"pirates moving away.","coords.x1":42.69333,"coords.x2":13.43167} {"Reference":"2011-325","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Nine skiffs surrounded a LPG tanker underway. The security team observed one skiff carrying six men suddenly turned towards the tanker's stbd side and closed in aggressively. Master took evasive maneuvers when the skiff came close to 50-60","Desc2":"meters from the tanker. Fuel cans and weapons were sighted and the security team fired one flare towards the skiff and it was ignored by the pirates and they continued to approach the tanker. Two warning shots were fired by the security team and all the","Desc3":"skiffs dispersed and left the vicinity.","coords.x1":42.31833,"coords.x2":14.60167} {"Reference":"2011-328","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Oil tanker (JUBBA XX) was hijacked 16 July in the morning. The exact location of the vessel during the hijacking is unknown. As of 17 July at 0813 UTC, the vessel was located at 13-48N 051-25E, approximately 134NM northwest of Socotra","Desc2":"Island, Yemen. Nine Somali pirates were onboard the vessel on 17 July. There are 16 crewmembers onboard the vessel, including four Somalis (Open Source, Operator, UKMTO)","coords.x1":51.41667,"coords.x2":13.8} {"Reference":"2011-327","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Six pirates in a skiff chased a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm, crew proceeded to citadel and security guards onboard fired a hand flare. The pirates continued to chase the ship and closed to a distance of 300 meters from the","Desc2":"ship. The security guards fired a warning shot upon sighting guns, rpgs and ladders on the skiff. The pirates aborted the attempted attack and moved away. Incident reported to the warship.","coords.x1":50.28833,"coords.x2":13.605} {"Reference":"2011-326","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"EGYPT: A product tanker was robbed 15 July while anchored in position 29-49.25N 032-31.25E, in the Suez anchorage, Egypt. The robbers stole the forward life raft and escaped. The theft was not noticed until 0605 UTC. Port control was informed. (IMB)","coords.x1":32.52083,"coords.x2":29.82083} {"Reference":"2011-321","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"BAB EL MANDEB STRAITS, RED SEA: Pirates armed with guns in two skiffs chased and approached a chemical tanker underway. Maters mustered crew and ship's security team was deployed to the bridge wings. On sighting the security team, the pirates aborted the","Desc2":"attack and moved away.","coords.x1":43.3,"coords.x2":12.73333} {"Reference":"2011-324","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: A sailing yacht was hijacked by pirates in 14-57N 041-51E at 1700z on 08 Jul. The vessel and crew has been reported safe. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":41.85,"coords.x2":14.95} {"Reference":"2011-319","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Crude oil tanker (BRILLIANTE VIRTUOSO) was boarded 6 July at 0023 UTC while stopped in position 12-29N 044-44E, approximately 25NM southwest of Aden, Yemen. Seven suspected pirates boarded the vessel and left due to a fire onboard the","Desc2":"vessel. The crew also abandoned the vessel and was rescued by a nearby naval vessel. (IMB, Operator, Commercial Source)","coords.x1":44.73333,"coords.x2":12.48333} {"Reference":"2011-315","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 21 MILES OFF ASSAB, ERITREA, RED SEA: Two skiffs with six pirates in each approached a chemical tanker underway. Master raised alarm, crew alerted and commenced maneuvering. At a distance of 100 meters a ladder and weapons were sighted in the","Desc2":"skiff. Onboard security team fired warning shots and the pirates aborted the attack.","coords.x1":42.98333,"coords.x2":13.28333} {"Reference":"2011-311","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in vicinity 21-45N 060-31E at 0949z on 26 Jun. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":60.51667,"coords.x2":21.75} {"Reference":"2011-310","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RAS AL HADD, OMAN: Two skiffs with five pirates in each chased a bulk carrier underway. The pirates fired rpgs at the vessel. The pirates managed to hook on the ladder onto the ships rail however due to evasive maneuvers and using sea and swell to","Desc2":"advantage coupled with razor wire and response from coalition navies the pirates aborted the attempt and moved away. A grey hulled mother vessel approximately 40 meters in length was reported in the vicinity.","coords.x1":60.48333,"coords.x2":21.7} {"Reference":"2011-307","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"74 MILES EAST OF GHALAT, OMAN: Two skiffs with six pirates in each chased and attempted to attack a chemical tanker underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The onboard security fired warning shots resulting in the","Desc2":"pirates aborting the attempted attack and moved towards their mother vessel. The mother vessel was observed picking up the two skiffs.","coords.x1":60.2,"coords.x2":21.05} {"Reference":"2011-305","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"ASSAB, ERITREA, RED SEA: A skiff with firve pirates approached a general cargo ship underway at a speed of 25 knots. As the skiff closed, a pirate with a gun was observed. When the skiff closed to 100 meters the onboard security team fired warning shots","Desc2":"resulting in the skiff moving away.","coords.x1":42.94667,"coords.x2":13.73} {"Reference":"2011-288","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"40 MILES NORTH OF ASSAB, ERITREA, RED SEA: Five pirates in a skiff chased a tanker underway. Small arms and ladder observed in the skiff. All crew except master and OOW were mustered at safe point. Security guard onboard fired warning shots and pirates","Desc2":"moved away.","coords.x1":42.59667,"coords.x2":13.70167} {"Reference":"2011-296","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Chemical/oil products tanker (EMMA VICTORY) experienced an attempted boarding 11 June at 0451 UTC while underway in position 13-32N 042-41E, approximately 31NM northwest of Assab, Eritrea. Vessel spotted five skiffs but was only attacked by one.","Desc2":"Skiff attempted to put on a ladder on the vessel, but could not due to razor wire and evasive maneuvers. (UKMTO, Operator, Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":42.68333,"coords.x2":13.53333} {"Reference":"2011-289","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 27 MILES NORTH OF ASSAB, ERITREA, RED SEA: While underway the duty officer onboard a tanker spotted a skiff on radar. When the skiff approached closer, seven pirates were observed in the skiff. The pirates could not board the vessel due to high","Desc2":"freeboard. Later the skiff moved away.","coords.x1":42.71667,"coords.x2":13.48333} {"Reference":"2011-285","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"AROUND 30 MILES NORTH OF ASSAB, ERITREA, RED SEA: Six pirates in one skiff chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Vessel took all anti-piracy measueres and contacted the coalition forces resulting in the pirates aborting the attempt.","coords.x1":42.61667,"coords.x2":13.48333} {"Reference":"2011-282","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (ACHILLEAS) was fired upon by one skiff with 7-8 pirates onboard 7 June at 1339 UTC while underway in position 13-33N 050-27E, approximately 179NM northwest of Socotra Island, Yemen. Vessel was attacked with small arms. Armed","Desc2":"security fired warning shots, and the skiff aborted the attack. (Commercial Sources, UKMTO)","coords.x1":50.45,"coords.x2":13.55} {"Reference":"2011-283","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Bulk carrier (EMPEROR) was fired upon 6 June at 1208 UTC while underway in position 14-10N 052-18E, approximately 114NM northwest of Socotra Island, Yemen. Two skiffs with a total of 10-15 pirates onboard attacked the vessel. EMPEROR deployed","Desc2":"armed security team, crew went into the citadel, and vessel engaged in evasive maneuvers. The skiffs then aborted the attack. (Open sources, IMB, Operator)","coords.x1":42.3,"coords.x2":14.16667} {"Reference":"2011-275","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Bulk carrier (ATLAS) was boarded 31 May at 1303 UTC while underway in position 13-28.4N 042-36.8E, approximately 28NM northwest of Assab, Eritrea. (Commercial Sources, Operator)","coords.x1":42.61333,"coords.x2":13.47333} {"Reference":"2011-268","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: Chemical/oil products tanker (ASTIR LADY) experienced an attempted boarding 31 May at 0403 UTC while underway in position 13-32N 042-41E, approximately 31NM northwest of Assab, Eritrea. Six pirates in a single skiff attempted to board the vessel","Desc2":"three times with a ladder. Weapons were spotted. (Commercial Sources, UKMTO)","coords.x1":42.68333,"coords.x2":13.53333} {"Reference":"2011-269","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: Bulk carrier (HAWK I) was fired upon by two skiffs 29 May at 1211 UTC while underway in position 14-44N 042-06E, approximately 42NM southwest of Ras Isa, Yemen. Each skiff had six pirates onboard. Vessel's security team returned fire.","Desc2":"UNCLASSIFIED(Commercial Sources, UKMTO)","coords.x1":42.1,"coords.x2":14.73333} {"Reference":"2011-273","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EGYPT: A U.S.-flagged vessel experienced an attempted boarding 25 May at 0231 UTC while anchored in position 29-50.40N 032-34.08E, at Anchorage Point 13, Port Suez, Egypt. A crewmember saw a man climbing the anchor chain and notified the bridge. The man","Desc2":"fled in a blue wooden boat with four other men after being sighted. Crew conducted aUNCLASSIFIED search and found that there was no breach of security. (Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":32.568,"coords.x2":29.84} {"Reference":"2011-272","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"RED SEA: Pirates in two skiffs chased a container ship underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, contacted warship and authorites for assistance. The skiffs chased and closed in at a distance of 0.5 miles before aborting the","Desc2":"attempted attack.","coords.x1":43.32,"coords.x2":12.62} {"Reference":"2011-264","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA. GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessels attacked in 12-33N 043-26E at 1510Z on 25 May. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":43.43333,"coords.x2":12.55} {"Reference":"2011-261","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: A mother vessel was seen launching a skiff which chased and fired upon a chemical tanker underway. Master enforced anti-piracy measures and the ship's security team onboard returned fire resulting in the pirates aborting the attack and moving","Desc2":"away. The ship and the crew are safe.","coords.x1":42.21667,"coords.x2":14.51667} {"Reference":"2011-262","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"AROUND 460 MILES OFF SOCOTRA ISLAND: Pirates in two skiffs chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway damaging bridge windows and the life boat. On two occasions the pirates managed to come along side the vessel and as they attempted to latch the","Desc2":"ladder onto the ship rail the Master made small evasive maneuvers resulting in the attempt failing. Later the pirates moved away. A mother ship was noticed in the vicinity. Crew safe.","coords.x1":61.75,"coords.x2":15.73333} {"Reference":"2011-263","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"16 MILES SOUTH OF RASE JASK, IRAN: Five skiffs with about five persons onboard in each shiff approached a container ship underway. The persons onboard the skiffs seemed to be carrying weapons similar to rpgs. Two of the skiffs approached the vessel and","Desc2":"closed to 10 meters from the stern but moved away as soon as they noticed that they had been spotted by bridge crew. The remaining skiffs one on each side continued to chased the vessel at a speed of about 21 knots and closed to 0.4 miles. The vessel","Desc3":"increased speed made evasive maneuvers, contacted the authorities and sent distress messages. The crew prepared to go into citadel. An Iranian warship responded to the distress resulting in the skiffs moving away.","coords.x1":57.51667,"coords.x2":25.48333} {"Reference":"2011-256","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: A merchant vessel reported coming under attack at 0651Z on 20 May in position 13-15N 043-01E, approximately 114 miles southwest from Hodeidah, Yemen in the Red Sea. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise","Desc2":"extreme caution.","coords.x1":43.01667,"coords.x2":13.25} {"Reference":"2011-247","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 145 MILES OFF MASQAT, OMAN: Four pirates in a skiff armed with guns chased, fired upon and attepted to board a tanker underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, sent distress messages, contacted authorities and crew","Desc2":"activated fire hoses. The pirates attempted to board the tanker several times using grappling hooks but were unable due to the aggressive manuevers made by the tanker. A naval helicopter came for assistance and the pirates aborted the attempted attack.","Desc3":"The tanker and crew are safe.","coords.x1":61.18333,"coords.x2":24.18333} {"Reference":"2011-246","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"AROUND 110 MILES OFF SOCOTRA, YEMEN: Pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon on a container ship underway. The ship made evasive maneuvers and enforced anti-piracy preventive measures and as a result the pirates aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":55.41667,"coords.x2":14.15} {"Reference":"2011-242","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 190 MILES OFF RAS AL HAD, OMAN: Pirates in a dhow and a skiff chased a chemical tanker underway. Master raised alarm, icreased speed and took evasive maneuvers resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted attack. There were 4-5 pirates in the","Desc2":"skiff with ladders sighted.","coords.x1":60.31667,"coords.x2":19.21667} {"Reference":"2011-244","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"AROUND 220 MILES OFF SOCOTRA ISLAND, YEMEN: A general cargo ship underway spotted a mother vessel launch a skiff which approached the ship at 25 knots. Duty officer raised alarm, increased speed, altered course SSAS activated, security team onboard","Desc2":"alerted and crew went to the citadel. The security team fired rocket flares when the skiff was at a distance of 1.5 miles but the skiff continued to approach the ship. When the skiff closed to 600 meters, the security team fired warnig shots the skiff","Desc3":"continued its approach and the next warning shots were fired when the skiffs were at a distance of 400 meters from the vessel. This resulted in the pirates aborting the attempted attack and moving towards their mother vessel.","coords.x1":57.93667,"coords.x2":13.91167} {"Reference":"2011-245","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A small fast contact was noticed on radar approaching a container ship underway at 4 miles. Duty officer monitored the contact and at a distance of 1.6 miles it was observed as a skiff and alarm was raised. When the skiff approached at a","Desc2":"distance of 50 meters the bridge team noticed 4-5 pirates onboard with a hook ladder. The onboard security team fired two shots in to the skiff when the skiff closed to 30 meters resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted attack.","coords.x1":48.61667,"coords.x2":13.17833} {"Reference":"2011-236","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 220 MILES SOUTH OF RAS AL HAD, OMAN: Pirates in a skiff armed with rpg and guns chased and fired upon a product tanker underway. Master raised alarm, took evasive maneuvers and instructed crew to proceed into citadel. Armed security team took","Desc2":"measures to deter boarding of pirates resulting in the pirates aborting the attck. Crew and ship are safe.","coords.x1":59.53333,"coords.x2":18.7} {"Reference":"2011-239","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"AROUND 235 MILES EAST OF SALALAH, OMAN: Pirates in two skiffs armed with rpgs and guns chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm, SSAS activated increased speed, took evasive maneuvers and contacted warships for assistance. Due","Desc2":"to the aggresive maneuvers, the pirates aborted the attempted attack. The ship and crew members are safe.","coords.x1":58,"coords.x2":17.56667} {"Reference":"2011-237","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN: Two skiffs approached a container ship. The vessel altered course, increased speed raised alarm, crew went to citadel. There were four pirates in each boat. Long rods attached with hooks and ladders were noticed on the skiffs. The skiffs","Desc2":"followed the vessel at a distance of 1-3 cables astern. Later the skiffs aborted the attempt and moved away.","coords.x1":58.11333,"coords.x2":25.29667} {"Reference":"2011-234","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"SALALAH, OMAN: Armed pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a product tanker underway. The tanker took evasive maneuvers and contacted the coalition naval forces. The naval vessels in the area responded to the distress call and the pirates aborted the","Desc2":"attack. Vessel and crew are safe.","coords.x1":55.78333,"coords.x2":16.23333} {"Reference":"2011-229","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"AROUND 190 MILES SOUTHEAST OF SALALAH, OMAN: Four armed pirates in a skiff approached a general cargo ship underway. As the pirates closed to 0.3 miles they fired at the vessel. The vessel took evasive maneuvers and contacted the coalition naval forces.","Desc2":"Onboard armed security team returned fire with warning shots and the pirates aborted the attempt. Crew and vessel safe.","coords.x1":56.21667,"coords.x2":14.71667} {"Reference":"2011-227","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Watch keepers ad armed security team onboard a bulk carrier underway noticed a green and red hulled skiff with 8-9 persons onboard at a distance of 3-4 miles. The skiff was seen approaching the vessel at a speed of approximately 18 knots.","Desc2":"Weapons were sighted by the crew onboard the vessel. The armed security fired a warning flare over the skiff, however the skiff continued to approach the vessel. When the skiff was approximately 400 meters from the vessel the armed security team fired","Desc3":"five warning shots in front of the skiff resulting in the skiff moving away. UKMTO and warships in the vicinity were informed.","coords.x1":49.31333,"coords.x2":13.18167} {"Reference":"2011-228","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Cargo ship (NAXIHE) was fired upon by one skiff with 3-4 pirates onboard 28 April while underway in position 12-53N 048-20E, approximately 110NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. (Operator, Open Sources)","coords.x1":48.33333,"coords.x2":12.88333} {"Reference":"2011-215","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Product tanker (RUDEEF GNA) was fired upon 22 April at 2250 UTC while underway in position 15-11.03 N 051-36.36E, approximately 148NM northeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Pirates opened fire upon the tanker about 5-11 yards away, the onboard","Desc2":"security team fired back, and the pirates aborted their attack. (IMB, UKMTO, Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":51.60611,"coords.x2":15.18389} {"Reference":"2011-212","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Bulk carrier (ROSALIA D' AMATO) was hijacked 21 April at 0218Z while underway in position 13-17N 059-06E, approximately 274 miles northeast of Socotra, Island, Yemen. One skiff attacked the vessel. The pirates boarded and took the crew","Desc2":"hostage. (Commercial Sources IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":59.1,"coords.x2":13.28333} {"Reference":"2011-207","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Container vessel (HANJIN TIANJIN) was boarded 20 April at 2049 UTC while underway in position 12-58N 058-55E, approximately 262NM northeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. (Commercial Sources, Operator)","coords.x1":58.91667,"coords.x2":12.96667} {"Reference":"2011-210","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A merchant vessel reported a suspicious approach at 1806Z on April 18 in position 13-30N 049-45E, approximately 84 miles from Al Mukalla, Yemen in the Gulf of Aden.","coords.x1":49.75,"coords.x2":13.5} {"Reference":"2011-211","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A merchant vessel reported suspicious approach at 0450Z on 18 April in position 21-19N 059-32E, approximately 59 miles off Masirah, Oman in the Gulf of Aden.","coords.x1":59.53333,"coords.x2":21.31667} {"Reference":"2011-205","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: A merchant vessel reported suspicious approach at 0830Z on 17 Apr in position 14-04N 042-20E, approximately 84 miles from Eritrea, Eriterea. This area will remain a high risk for the next 24-48 hours.","coords.x1":42.33333,"coords.x2":14.06667} {"Reference":"2011-202","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: About five pirates in a skiff approached a bulk carrier underway. All crew went into citadel while bridge team increased speed, enforced anti piracy measures and contacted authorities. Later the skiff aborted the attempt and moved away.","coords.x1":42.6,"coords.x2":14.36667} {"Reference":"2011-201","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Oil products tanker (SAINT RAM) was fired upon by one skiff 12 April at 1218 UTC while underway in position 13-40N 049-56E, approximately 70NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. The vessel was fired upon by one skiff containing six pirates","Desc2":"with RPGs and guns. The armed security team onboard exchanged fire with the skiff, and the skiff then aborted the attack. (IMB, UKMTO, Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":49.93333,"coords.x2":13.66667} {"Reference":"2011-200","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PASSENGER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A passenger ship underway noticed a group of about 20 skiffs near the port bow at a distance of three miles. Five skiffs were seen to break out from this group and head towards the vessel. At a distance of around 600 to 700 meters the armed","Desc2":"security team noticed around five to seven pirates armed with rpgs and guns were seen in each skiff and instructed all crew members to stay inside the ship. As the skiffs approached closer the security team fired warning shots and the skiffs morved away.","Desc3":"At the same time three more skiffs approached the vessel from the stbd side at a distance of 800 meters. The security team noticed arms onboard these skiffs and fired warning shots when the skiffs cloesed to a distance of 600 to 300 meters. The pirates","Desc4":"aborted the attempted attack and moved away. Master informed a warship in the vicinity and all ships in the area via VHF.","coords.x1":43.63333,"coords.x2":12.51667} {"Reference":"2011-198","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: While underway a chemical tanker noticed one white and one blue skiff heading towards the vessel. Four persons were seen in the white skiff and five persons in the blue skiff. Crew alerted and armed security guards made themselves on the","Desc2":"bridge wings. The skiffs approached to around 500 meters and the security team fired warning shots resulting in the skiffs moving away. The skiffs continued to follow the vessel for around 15 minutes before finally moving away.","coords.x1":45.13333,"coords.x2":12.03333} {"Reference":"2011-196","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirate activity observed at 1005Z on 09 April in position 13-08N 056-18E. At 1506Z, approximately 120 miles northeast of Socortra Island, Yemen. This area will remain high risk for at least the next 24-48 hours.","coords.x1":56.3,"coords.x2":13.13333} {"Reference":"2011-195","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A merchant vessel reported being hijacked at 0234Z on 08 Apr in position 18-25N 057-27E, approximately 90 miles southeast of Duqm, Oman. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme cautioon.","coords.x1":57.45,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2011-197","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: General cargo ship (SUSAN K) was hijacked 08 April at 0234 UTC while underway in position 18-25N 057-27E, approximately 274NM southwest of Sur, Oman. About ten pirates boarded the cargo ship with weapons. The ten crew members and Master went","Desc2":"into the citadel, but pirates entered the citadel and took the crew members hostage.(IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":57.45,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"2011-194","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel (PACIFIC OPAL) was fired upon 05 April at 0656Z while underway in position 15-53N 059-57E, approximately 381 miles northeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. The pirate attack group consisted of a mothership and two large,","Desc2":"white-hulled skiffs. Each skiff had six to eight pirates aboard. Fire hoses were initiated and the armed security team onboard fired flares ad waring shots. One of the skiffs aborted the attack at that time. The security team reported five or six rounds","Desc3":"of incoming fire within 500 meters of the vessel. After more warning shots were fired, the second skiff aborted the attack. Both skiffs were equipped with motors capable of reaching 30 knots. (Commercial sources, IMB)","coords.x1":59.95,"coords.x2":15.88333} {"Reference":"2011-190","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 375 MILES OFF SOCOTRA ISLAND: Two large white hulled skiffs were noticed approaching a tanker underway at a distance of 2.5 miles. Master raised alarm and all crew except for the duty crew mustered in the safe room. The security team onboard fired","Desc2":"rocket flares as a warning. The skiffs ignored this and continued to approach the tanker at high speed and at a distance of 600 meters, the security team fired warning shots. One skiff stopped while the other continued its approach. The security team","Desc3":"reported that this skiff fired upon the vessel as it approached. The security team returned fire resulting in the skiff aborting the attempted attack.","coords.x1":59.86833,"coords.x2":16.01} {"Reference":"2011-185","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"AROUND 17 MILES OFF QISHN, YEMEN: A skiff with three pirates onboard came within ten meters of a bulk carrier underway. Onboard security team fired warning shots and the skiff moved away. Small arms were sighted in the skiff.","coords.x1":51.98833,"coords.x2":15.365} {"Reference":"2011-189","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A chemical tanker underway noticed a suspicious fishing vessel. After monitoring the vessel for some time it was observed that a skiff as being launched which then headed directly for the tanker. Alarm sounded and navies contacted. Armed","Desc2":"security team fired rocket flares in the direction of the approaching skiff. The pirates continued to approach the vessel and fired rpg and guns towards the vessel. The security team onboard returned fire and the pirates aborted the attack and moved","Desc3":"towards their mother vessel. No injuries to crew and tanker.","coords.x1":51.71667,"coords.x2":14.08333} {"Reference":"2011-183","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Four pirates in a white colored skiff chased a product tanker underway. Master heard shots being fired and the onboard security guards returned fire. The pirates managed to close to around 50 meters of the vessel before aborting the","Desc2":"attepted attack.","coords.x1":47.50389,"coords.x2":13.50194} {"Reference":"2011-179","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Oil product tanker (RUDEEF GNA) was attacked 29 Mar at 0612 UTC while underway in position 13-30N 047-30E, approximately 350NM northwest of Socotra Island, Yemen. The vessel was attacked by one skiff that placed a ladder on the vessel but","Desc2":"was deterred when the onboard security team fired at the skiff. (UKMTO, Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":47.5,"coords.x2":13.5} {"Reference":"2011-174","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Crude oil tanker (ZIRKU) was attacked 28 Mar at 0613 UTC while underway in position 15-36N 057-04E, approximately 237NM northeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. The vessel was attacked by two skiffs with small arms and RPGs. Vessel was reported","Desc2":"hijacked 28 Mar at 0653 UTC while underway in position 13-35N 057-10E, approximately 190NM southeast of Salalah, Oman. (Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":57.06667,"coords.x2":15.6} {"Reference":"2011-175","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"122 MILES OFF SALALAH, OMAN: A mother vessel was seen launching a skiff which approached a tanker at high speed. Alarm sounded, crew mustered in citadel, SSAS unit activated, speed increased and coalition forces contacted. Onboard security team fired","Desc2":"warning shots when the skiff was about 3 cables from the vessel. Pirates aborted the attack.","coords.x1":55.86167,"coords.x2":15.92167} {"Reference":"2011-167","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Bulk carrier (FALCON TRADER II) was boarded 24 Mar at 0737 UTC while underway in position 22-26N 063-40E, approximately 230NM east of Sur, Oman. The vessel was attacked by a skiff that had tried attacking the vessel earlier in the day. The","Desc2":"crew locked themselves in the citadel. Pakistani navy destroyer (BABUR) responded to the vessel's distress call. Pirates left the vessel before 0500 UTC 25 Mar. (UKMTO, Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":63.73333,"coords.x2":22.43333} {"Reference":"2011-165","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A bulk carrier underway was chased and fired upon by pirates in a skiff. The security team onboard enforced anti-piracy measures which prevented the pirates from boarding the vessel.","coords.x1":49.1,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"2011-161","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"522 MILES EAST OF SALALAH, OMAN:A chemical tanker was chased by five pirates armed with ak-47s in a white skiff doing 24 knots. Master increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, sent distress message and activated water jet from the fire monitor. Two of","Desc2":"the pirates caught the ship's side, cut the razor wire with a small tool and came on board while the other three pirates remained in the skiff. All crewmembers took shelter in the citadel. The pirates then made their way to the bridge and entered the","Desc3":"bridge by breaking the glass and the protecting bars. The crew remained in the citadel for 3.5 hours and later searched the ship and found no pirates onboard. All crewmembers and the tanker are safe.","coords.x1":63.30556,"coords.x2":17.22528} {"Reference":"2011-157","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo ship (SINAR KUDUS) was hijacked 16 Mar at 1639 UTC while underway in position 14-21N 059-25E, approximately 357NM SE of Salalah, Oman. The vessel was en route Singapore to Suez when it was hijacked with a crew of 20 Indonesia","Desc2":"nationals. Crew reports indicate 30-50 pirates are onboard. (UKMTO)","coords.x1":59.41667,"coords.x2":14.35} {"Reference":"2011-136","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Pirates in a mother vessel and a skiff chased a tanker underway. Master raised alarm, sent distress message and took evasive maneuvers. The pirates opened fire, came alongside and boarded the tanker. All crew retreated into the citadel from","Desc2":"where they were able to control the vessel. Authorities informed, awaiting further details.","coords.x1":62.76667,"coords.x2":16.05} {"Reference":"2011-131","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Oil products tanker (AEGEA) was fired upon 4 Mar at 0922 UTC while underway in position 18-35N 063-47E, approximately 300NM SE of Masirah Island, Oman. Automatic weapons and RPG were fired. All crew apart from bridge team and unarmed","Desc2":"security team retreated into the citadel. The security team fired over 20 flares at the attackers. The attack lasted 1 hour, 40 minutes but a boarding was evaded. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":63.78333,"coords.x2":18.58333} {"Reference":"2011-134","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 17-34N 060-37E at 2029Z on 04 Mar. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":60.61667,"coords.x2":17.56667} {"Reference":"2011-140","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"115 MILES SOUTH OF RAS AL HAD, OMAN: Pirates in three skiffs doing 20 knots chased a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed, altered course and contacted navy for assistance. A NATO warship responded and the pirates aborted the","Desc2":"attempted attack and moved towards the Oman coast. A suspected mother vessel was in the vicinity.","coords.x1":59.20167,"coords.x2":20.63667} {"Reference":"2011-128","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"OMAN-SOUTHEAST COAST: A dhow with white and black hull, 1 speed boat with four armed pirates with automatic weapons ad rpgs chased a tanker underway. The tanker made evasive maneuvers, fire hoses, increased speed and sent SSAS alert. The skiff later","Desc2":"aborted the attempt. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this postion and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":57.53167,"coords.x2":17.52} {"Reference":"2011-146","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Multi-purpose vessel (BRATTINGSBORG) was fired upon 3 Mar at 0840 UTC while underway in position 15-23.2N 052-04.3E, approximately 160NM SW of Salalah, Oman. Two skiffs with four pirates onboard each, approached the vessel from the aft and","Desc2":"fired upon the vessel. A short firefight took place between the pirates and an armed protection team, but the pirates aborted the attack. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":52.07167,"coords.x2":15.38667} {"Reference":"2011-122","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (DOVER) was hijacked 28 Feb at 0606 UTC while underway in position 18-48N 058-26E, approximately 35NM SE of Madrakah, Oman. Pirates took hostage the crew of 23. (IMB)","coords.x1":58.41667,"coords.x2":18.8} {"Reference":"2011-124","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (KIRAN ASYA) was fired upon 27 Feb at 0534 UTC while underway in position 20-29N 060-08E, approximately 66NM east of Masirah, Oman. A single skiff with seven pirates with small arms and RPGs fired upon the vessel, but it evaded","Desc2":"the hijacking attempt. (IMB)","coords.x1":60.13333,"coords.x2":20.48333} {"Reference":"2011-116","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:A bulk carrier underway noticed a mother vessel at a distance of 8 miles and two skiffs at a distance of 2 miles. The skiffs approached the vessel at approximately 21 knots. Master alerted the crew instructed them to proceed to the citadel","Desc2":"and took all preventive measures. The first skiff with four pirates and ladders on board chased the vessel however due to evasive maneuvers, the skiffs aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":58.4,"coords.x2":15.33333} {"Reference":"2011-121","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (GREAT LEGEND) was fired upon 25 Feb at 0829 UTC while underway in position 14-28 058-39E, approximately 250NM ENE of Socotra Island, Yemen. A skiff with five pirates onboard pursued the vessel and fired automatic weapons and","Desc2":"RPG. The vessel evaded the hijacking attempt. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":58.65,"coords.x2":14.46667} {"Reference":"2011-123","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"295 MILES SOUTHEAST OF SALALAH, OMAN: A container ship noticed an orange and blue colored fishing vessel doing 10 kots at a distance of 3 miles. The fishing vessel was seen to launch a white skiff which approached the container vessel at around 24 knots.","Desc2":"Master increased speed to 25 knots and altered course. The skiff chased the vessel for 15 minutes and then aborted.","coords.x1":58.835,"coords.x2":14.98667} {"Reference":"2011-120","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: A container ship underway noticed a mother vessel at a distance of 4.5 miles. At around 3 miles the mother vessel was seen to launch a white colored attack skiff. The skiff approached the vessel at approximately 24 knots. Master alerted the","Desc2":"crew and increased speed. The skiff with six pirates on board chased the vessel and fired rpg rounds, which luckily missed. Due to the excessive waves created by the vessel speed the skiff aborted the attempt after 15 minutes.","coords.x1":58.65,"coords.x2":14.76667} {"Reference":"2011-132","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Yacht (ING) was hijacked 24 Feb while underway in position 14-30N 058-19E, approximately 250NM NE of Socotra Island, Yemen. Pirates took the crew of seven, including three minors, hostage. (ONI, Open press)","coords.x1":58.31667,"coords.x2":14.5} {"Reference":"2011-119","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel attacked in 12-19N 044-06E at 1416Z on 19 Feb. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":44.1,"coords.x2":12.31667} {"Reference":"2011-112","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Yacht (QUEST) was hijacked 18 Feb at 1323 UTC while underway in position 18-00N 061-02E, approximately 282NM SE of Sur, Oman. Nineteen pirates reportedly were involved in the hijacking on QUEST, which resulted in the death of all four crew","Desc2":"members and four pirates onboard, and the detainment of fifteen pirates by U.S. forces. (IMB, Press)","coords.x1":61.03333,"coords.x2":18} {"Reference":"2011-105","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel was hijacked 13 Feb while underway in position 12-00N 053-02.1E, approximately 8NM south of Socotra Island, Yemen. The vessel has a crew of eight. (IMB)","coords.x1":53.035,"coords.x2":12} {"Reference":"2011-106","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (SININ) was hijacked 12 Feb at 1218 UTC while underway in position 20-15.43N 064-16.09E, approximately 280NM SE of Ras al Had, Oman. The vessel, which has a crew of 23, sent out a distress signal. A coalition aircraft was sent","Desc2":"to the area, and noticed two suspected pirate skiffs onboard the ship. (IMB)","coords.x1":64.26817,"coords.x2":20.25717} {"Reference":"2011-101","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel pirated in 19-29N 063-33E at 1947Z on 12 Feb. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":63.55,"coords.x2":19.48333} {"Reference":"2011-102","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel attacked in 12-51N 043-15E at 0510Z on 10 Feb. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":43.25,"coords.x2":12.85} {"Reference":"2011-96","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Oil tanker (IRENE SL) was hijacked 9 Feb at 0926 UTC while underway in position 21-27N 063-18E, approximately 255NM east of Masirah Island, Oman. The vessel was boarded and the 25 crewmembers onboard were taken hostage. (IMB)","coords.x1":63.3,"coords.x2":21.45} {"Reference":"2011-89","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (MAERSK PHOENIX) was fired upon 2 Feb at 1636 UTC, while underway in position 15-16.6N 054-35.8E, approximately 105NM south of Salalah, Oman. Pirates in two skiffs armed with machine guns chased and fired upon the tanker. The master","Desc2":"raised alarm, activated SSAS alert and increased speed. The skiffs chased the vessel for some time and then aborted the attack. (IMB)","coords.x1":54.59667,"coords.x2":15.27667} {"Reference":"2011-82","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (STAR OF ABU DHABI) was fired upon 30 Jan at 1013 UTC while underway in position 25-01N 060-26E, approximately 20NM south of Chah Bahar, Iran. The vessel was attacked by two skiffs with three people each. The skiffs broke off","Desc2":"the attack when at Iranian warship arrived in the area. (IMB)","coords.x1":60.43333,"coords.x2":25.01667} {"Reference":"2011-64","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Product tanker (JBU OSLO) was fired upon 20 Jan at 0333 UTC while underway in position 13-09N 049-14E, approximately 83NM south of Al Mukallah, Yemen. One skiff with five pirates with ladders fired upon the vessel. The vessel evaded the","Desc2":"hijacking attempt. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":49.23333,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2011-79","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (ARIANA) was fired upon 20 Jan at 1023 UTC while underway in position 14-56N 059-14E, approximately 308NM NE of Socotra Island. Pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon the vessel. The master increased speed and carried out","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers. Pirates abandoned the attempt after chasing more than an hour, with no injuries to the crew. (IMB)","coords.x1":59.23333,"coords.x2":14.93333} {"Reference":"2011-66","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (BUNGA LAUREL) was boarded 20 Jan at 1708 UTC, while underway in position 20-09N 063-38E, approximately 250NM SE of Ras al Hadd, Oman. Seven pirates boarded the vessel, and the crew members locked themselves in the citadel","Desc2":"and requested assistance. The pirates were later apprehended by Malaysian naval forces, and the crew is safe. (IMB)","coords.x1":63.63333,"coords.x2":20.15} {"Reference":"2011-65","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (KHALED MUHIEDDINE K) was hijacked 20 Jan at 1224 UTC, while underway in position 15-11N 059-38E, approximately 336NM NE of Socotra Island, Yemen. Pirates with automatic weapons hijacked the vessel and took hostage the crew of","Desc2":"25. (IMB)","coords.x1":59.63333,"coords.x2":15.18333} {"Reference":"2011-68","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (LUCKY VISHIP) was fired upon 18 Jan at 1125 UTC while underway in position 19-24N 058-54E, approximately 260 nautical miles east of Salalah, Oman. Pirates in three skiffs fired upon the vessel but were evaded. (IMB)","coords.x1":58.9,"coords.x2":19.4} {"Reference":"2011-60","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NORTH ARABIAN SEA: A merchant vessel reported being hijacked at 1052Z on 17 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":58.90639,"coords.x2":19.48333} {"Reference":"2011-57","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (COURIER) was fired upon 17 Jan at 1330 UTC while underway in position 17-02N 061-33E, approximately 420NM east of Salalah, Oman. Five pirates in a white hulled skiff chased and fired upon the ship. The master increased speed","Desc2":"and carried out evasive maneuvers, prompting the pirates to abort the attack after an hour. (IMB)","coords.x1":61.55,"coords.x2":17.03333} {"Reference":"2011-50","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (SAMHO JEWELRY) was hijacked 15 Jan at 0729 UTC while underway in position 21-58N 063-50E, approximately 110 NM east of Ras al Hadd, Oman. Pirates attacked and boarded the chemical tanker taking 21 crewmembers hostage. (IMB)","coords.x1":63.83333,"coords.x2":21.96667} {"Reference":"2011-59","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Oil tanker (RUDEEF GNA) was attacked 15 Jan at 1833 UTC while underway in position 12-41N 044-48E, approximately 3 NM SW of Aden Island, Yemen. Two pirates in a skiff approached the tanker underway. No shots were fired by the pirates but","Desc2":"the skiff hooked a ladder to the vessel's rails. A security team on board fired warning shots and the pirates aborted the attack. (IMB)","coords.x1":44.8,"coords.x2":12.68333} {"Reference":"2011-49","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 17-11N 061-21E at 1730Z on 14 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":61.35,"coords.x2":17.18333} {"Reference":"2011-70","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Products tanker (SMERALDO) was fired upon and boarded 14 Jan at 1730 UTC while underway in position 17-11N 061-21E, approximately 433NM NE of Salalah, Oman. The crew met in a citadel after two pirates managed to board, and awaited naval","Desc2":"assistance. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":61.35,"coords.x2":17.18333} {"Reference":"2011-71","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo vessel (LE LI) was fired upon 14 Jan at 0530 UTC while underway in position 13-53N 056-30E, approximately 141NM NE of Socotra Island,Yemen. Four pirates onboard a skiff attempted to board with a ladder, and weapons were sighted but","Desc2":"notused. The vessel evaded the boarding. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":56.5,"coords.x2":13.88333} {"Reference":"2011-72","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (NEW FORTUNER) was fired upon 13 Jan at 0914 UTC while underway in position 13-50N 056-45.0E, approximately 150NM NE of Socotra Island. Four pirates armed with guns and an RPG chased and fired upon the tanker. The tanker took evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers and enforced preventative counter piracy measures, and evaded the boarding. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":56.75,"coords.x2":13.83333} {"Reference":"2011-42","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked 13-50N 056-45E at 0920Z on 13 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":56.75,"coords.x2":13.83333} {"Reference":"2011-51","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Oil supply ship (BOURBON HECTOR) was chased 12 Jan at 1046 UTC while underway in position 12-06N 044-25E, approximately 50NM SW of Aden, Yemen. The vessel was attacked together with the BOURBON HESTIA, but the attack ceased when the onboard","Desc2":"security team fired warning and arresting shots. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":44.41667,"coords.x2":12.1} {"Reference":"2011-40","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 15-11N 058-18E at 1453Z on 12 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":58.3,"coords.x2":15.18333} {"Reference":"2011-48","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel (LEOPARD) was fired upon 12 Jan at 1322 UTC while underway in position 15-13N 058-17E, approximately 263NM ESE of Salalah, Oman. Pirates in two skiffs attacked and boarded the vessel. Pirates later transferred the crew to a nearby","Desc2":"pirate mother ship and departed the area. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":58.28333,"coords.x2":15.21667} {"Reference":"2011-41","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Oil supply ship (BOURBON HESTIA) was chased 12 Jan at 1046 UTC while underway in position 12-06N 044-25E, approximately 50NM SW of Aden,Yemen. The vessel was attacked together with BOURBON HESTIA, but the attack ceased when the onboard","Desc2":"security team fired warning and arresting shots. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":44.41667,"coords.x2":12.1} {"Reference":"2011-34","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (BARBAROSA) was fired upon 11 Jan at 1021 UTC while underway in position 16-33N 059-08E, approximately 290NM east of Salalah, Oman. Five pirates on a skiff fired automatic weapons and RPGs at the Tanker. Due to evasive maneuvering,","Desc2":"the attack was averted. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":59.13333,"coords.x2":16.55} {"Reference":"2011-35","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Bulk carrier (ORIENT CRUSADER) was fired upon 10 Jan at 2241 UTC while underway in position 14-31N 042-29E, approximately 31NM NE of Al Hudaydah, Yemen in the southern Red Sea. The master increased speed and took evasive maneuvers to elude the","Desc2":"attempted boarding. (IMB, ONI)","coords.x1":42.48333,"coords.x2":14.51667} {"Reference":"2011-45","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"152 MILES OFF SALALAH, OMAN: Armed pirates in skiffs fired upon and boarded a dhow underway. They took hostage 14 crewmembers and hijacked the vessel.","coords.x1":57.28333,"coords.x2":17.7} {"Reference":"2011-73","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"KUWAIT: Vessel was robbed and boarded 9 Jan at 29-23.30N 048-45.26E, in international waters off Kuwait. Five armed robbers, apparently Iraqis, boarded the vessel from a speedboat, threatened the six crew, and escaped with items from the vessel. The","Desc2":"Kuwaiti Coast Guard was contacted, but the robbers had escaped once the Coast Guard arrived on the scene. (ONI)","coords.x1":48.75433,"coords.x2":29.38833} {"Reference":"2011-46","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (HONG OCEAN) was chased 8 Jan at 0352 UTC while underway in position 15-46.8N 055-42.8E, approximately 115NM SE of Salalah, Oman. The master enforced evasive maneuvers and increased speed, and after two hours the pirates","Desc2":"aborted the attack.(IMB)","coords.x1":55.71333,"coords.x2":15.78} {"Reference":"2011-52","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (BW BAUHINIA) was attacked 7 Jan at 1629 UTC while in position 21-08N 062-45E, approximately 180NM ESE of Ras al Hadd, Oman. Five pirates in a skiff fired upon and attempted to board the vessel, but were evaded when the master","Desc2":"increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. (IMB)","coords.x1":62.75,"coords.x2":21.13333} {"Reference":"2011-53","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (FRONT WARRIOR) was fired upon 6 Jan at 0220 UTC while underway in position 20-00N 064-06E, approximately 503NM NE of Mumbai, India. Pirates in one skiff fired at the tanker, but the crew used razor wire and fire hoses to evade the","Desc2":"attack. (ONI)","coords.x1":64.1,"coords.x2":20} {"Reference":"2011-28","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 21-04N 063-19E at 0901Z on 06 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":63.31667,"coords.x2":21.06667} {"Reference":"2011-32","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Bulk carrier (ACHILLEAS) was fired upon 6 Jan at 0908 UTC while underway in position 21-04N 063-21E, approximately 220NM ESE of Ras Al Hadd, Oman. Five pirates in a skiff fired upon and attempted to board the carrier. The master increased","Desc2":"speed, took evasive maneuvers and evaded the attempted boarding. (IMB)","coords.x1":63.35,"coords.x2":21.06667} {"Reference":"2011-31","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LPG CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: LPG Carrier (BW AUSTRIA) was fired upon 6 Jan at 0700 UTC while underway in position 21-10.4N 063-17.4E, approximately 205NM ESE of Ras Al Hadd, Oman. Five armed pirates fired upon the vessel, and an RPG made a hole in the accommodation","Desc2":"block. The master increased speed, took evasive maneuvers and managed to evade the attempted boarding with all crew members safe. (IMB)","coords.x1":63.29,"coords.x2":21.17333} {"Reference":"2011-27","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 20-00N 064-00E at 0232Z on 06 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":64,"coords.x2":20} {"Reference":"2011-21","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirate action group in 12-10N 043-43E at 0532Z on 04 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":43.71667,"coords.x2":12.16667} {"Reference":"2011-23","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 15-48N 059-49E at 1039Z on 03 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":59.81667,"coords.x2":15.8} {"Reference":"2011-30","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"330 MILES OFF SALALAH, OMAN: Pirates in two skiffs armed with automtic guns and rpgs chased and fired upon a tanker underway with intent to hijack. Master raised alarm, contacted authorities for assistance, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The","Desc2":"pirates made several attempts to board the vessel and finally managed to gain access. All crew entered the safe room/citadel. Master iformed the authorities that all crew safe in citadel and that they were able to control the vessel. When the pirates","Desc3":"could not take command of the vessel they caused some damages to the tanker. A warship arrived at the location and the pirates disembarked and escaped. A boarding team searched the vessel and released the crew.","coords.x1":59.81667,"coords.x2":15.8} {"Reference":"2011-15","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"320 MILES OFF SALALAH, OMAN: Two skiffs chased a general cargo ship underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers and crew threw empty drums to deter the skiffs. Finally, the skiffs stopped chasing the ship.","coords.x1":59.39333,"coords.x2":15.48333} {"Reference":"2011-19","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Six pirates in a skiff chased, fired upon and attempted to board a chemical tanker underway. Due to evasive maneuvers and effective anti-piracy measures, the hijack was evaded.","coords.x1":48.81667,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2011-17","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (BLIDA) was hijacked 1 Jan at 1536Z while underway in position 15-28N 055-51E, approximately 130 miles off Salalah, Oman. The 27crew members were taken hostage. The HANNIBAL II was also in the area and probally acting as a","Desc2":"mothership.","coords.x1":55.85,"coords.x2":15.46667} {"Reference":"2011-4","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship (EMS RIVER) was hijacked 27 Dec at 1303 UTC while underway in position 17-57N 057-43E, approximately 225NM northeast of Salalah, Oman. Pirates using a previously hijacked tanker attacked and hijacked a general cargo ship","Desc2":"along with its either crew. (IMB, Open Press)","coords.x1":57.71667,"coords.x2":17.95} {"Reference":"2011-5","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (SIGLOO STAR) was chased 27 Dec 10 at 1200 UTC while underway in position 15-17N 056-22.8E, approximately 160NM southeast of Salalah, Oman. Skiffs launched from a previously hijacked vessel chased an LPG tanker. The tanker enforced","Desc2":"counter-piracy measures and requested assistance from a warship. Upon arrival of a naval helicopter, the skiff aborted the attack and returned to the mother vessel. Pirates on the mother vessel warned the helicopter via VHF to move away or they would","Desc3":"kill the ship's crew. Vessel and crew are safe. (IMB)","coords.x1":56.38,"coords.x2":15.28333} {"Reference":"2011-24","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 18-10N 057-50E at 0623Z on 27 Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":57.83333,"coords.x2":18.16667} {"Reference":"2011-8","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship (THOR NEXUS) was hijacked 25 Dec 10 at 0140 UTC while underway in position 16-01N 060-12E, approximately 380NM east of Salalah, Oman. Pirates boarded and hijacked a general cargo ship underway with her 27 crew members","Desc2":"hostage. (IMB)","coords.x1":60.2,"coords.x2":16.01667} {"Reference":"2010-552","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attcked in 17-03N 062-45E at 220428Z Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":62.75,"coords.x2":17.05} {"Reference":"2011-10","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (NORD STRAIT) reported an attempted boarding 22 Dec 10 at 0350 UTC while underway in position 17-00N 062-53E, approximately 500nm east of Salalah, Oman. One skiff with six pirates armed with RPGs and AK-47s fired on and","Desc2":"attempted to board the chemical tanker while underway. Due to evasive maneuvers and anti-piracy measures, the attack was aborted after 80 minutes. (IMB, Operator)","coords.x1":62.88333,"coords.x2":17} {"Reference":"2010-548","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (DOUBTLESS) was fired upon 19 Dec 10 at 0909 UTC while underway in position 19-04N 062-10E, approximately 475nm NE of Salalah, Oman. Two pirates attempted to board the vessel by using ladders. Due to evasive maneuvers and","Desc2":"effective anti piracy measures the attack enforced onboard the hijack was evaded. (IMB)","coords.x1":62.16667,"coords.x2":19.06667} {"Reference":"2010-532","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 18-27N 061-50E at 140756Z Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme cautioin","coords.x1":61.83333,"coords.x2":18.45} {"Reference":"2010-541","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: A bulk carrier (MICHELE BOTTIGLIERI) was fired upon 14 Dec 10 at 0800 UTC while underway in position 18-15N 061-37E, approximately 435NM northeast of Salalah, Oman. Pirates armed with guns and RPG in two skiffs chased and fired upon a bulk","Desc2":"carrier underway. The ship was able to evade the attack due to preventive measures. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":61.61667,"coords.x2":18.25} {"Reference":"2010-543","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A tanker (NORDIC APOLLO) was fired upon 13 Dec 10 at 1000 UTC while underway in position 13-09N 048-29E, approximately 90NM northwest of Al Mukallah, Yemen. Five pirates armed with guns and RPG in a skiff fired upon and attempted to board a","Desc2":"tanker underway. One of the skiffs managed to come alongside the tanker, but due to the evasive maneuvers and increasing speed of ship, the boarding failed. The tanker was part of the Chinese Naval Convoy when attacked. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":48.48333,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2010-540","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A bulk carrier (LEMESHEV) reported an attempted boarding 13 Dec 10 at 1920 UTC while underway in position 13-52N 051-07E, approximately 170NM southeast of Al Mukallah, Yemen. Three skiffs attempted to board the ship from the starboard and","Desc2":"port sides. After two and a half hours, armed men abandoned attempt. No shots were fired. (Operator)","coords.x1":51.11833,"coords.x2":13.87333} {"Reference":"2010-527","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel attacked in 13-09N 048-29E at 131000Z Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":48.48333,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2010-523","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 20-51N 062-46E at 101504Z Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":62.76667,"coords.x2":20.85} {"Reference":"2010-545","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: A tanker (UNITED STAR) was fired upon 10 Dec at 1454 UTC while underway in position 20-55N 062-47E, approximately 275NM SE of Muscat, Oman. Heavily armed pirates in two skiffs chased and fired upon a tanker underway. The tanker activated","Desc2":"the SSAS alert, increased speed, made evasive maneuvers and managed to escape the attempted boarding. Tanker sustained some damage from the attack. (IMB)","coords.x1":62.78333,"coords.x2":20.91667} {"Reference":"2010-529","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: A merchant vessel noted being attacked by two skifffs at 1550Z on 10 Dec in position 21-05N 062-44E approximately 200 miles southeast of Sur, Oman. This area will remain high risk for the next 24-48 hours.","coords.x1":62.73333,"coords.x2":21.08333} {"Reference":"2010-500","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 13-35N 042-56E on 29 Nov at 1749Z. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":42.93333,"coords.x2":13.58333} {"Reference":"2010-496","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (26 AGUSTOS) boarded by pirates 27 Nov at 0901Z while underway in position 13-34N 057-06E, approximately 152 miles northeast of Socotra Island. Crew mustered in citadel where they had initial steering control and access to the","Desc2":"ship with CCTV. When pirates boarded, they were unable to take control of crew and later departed the ship. (IMB)","coords.x1":57.1,"coords.x2":13.56667} {"Reference":"2010-497","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"267 MILES SOUTHEAST OF SALALAH, OMAN: A merchant vessel reported coming under fire at 0907Z on 27 Nov in position 14-16N 057-15E. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":57.25,"coords.x2":14.26667} {"Reference":"2010-492","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: A pirated vessel named HANNIBAL II has been conducting mothership activity in 18-50N 061-23E on 26 Nov at 0631Z. The mothership chased a merchant vessel. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme","Desc2":"caution.","coords.x1":61.38333,"coords.x2":18.83333} {"Reference":"2010-489","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (HADI) fired upon 25 Nov at 1439Z while underway in position 19-47N 062-56E, approximately 234 miles east of Masirah, Oman. Tanker fired on by pirates in a skiff with guns and rpgs. Vessel increased speed, sent alert, took evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers and evaded attempt. No damage was reported. (IMB)","coords.x1":62.93333,"coords.x2":19.78333} {"Reference":"2010-482","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Pirate action group in 13-33N 059-16E at 240350Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":59.26667,"coords.x2":13.55} {"Reference":"2010-479","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 15-47N 058-10E at 222326Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":58.16667,"coords.x2":15.78333} {"Reference":"2010-486","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (CARMENCITA) fired upon 22 Nov at 2300Z while underway in position 15-53N 058-14E, approximately 250 miles southeast of Salalah, Oman. Two white skiffs with five armed pirates in each skiff chased and fired upon a bulk carrier","Desc2":"underway. Master raised alarm activated SSAS, sent distress message, increased speed, and contacted warship for assistance. The pirates attempted to board the ship several times and finally aborted the attempted boarding upon seeing the presence of a","Desc3":"warship and two helicopters at the location. No injuries but the ship sustained some damages.","coords.x1":58.23333,"coords.x2":15.88333} {"Reference":"2010-503","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (FRONT ALFA) illegally boarded 21 Nov 10 at 2145 UTC while underway in position 15-30N 059-17E, approximately 580NM southeast of Salalah, Oman. Armed pirates in a skiff chased and boarded a tanker underway. The crew locked themselves","Desc2":"in the citadel. On 22 Nov 10, naval helicopter confirmed no pirates seen on vessel. Later crew regained control of vessel. (IMB)","coords.x1":59.28333,"coords.x2":15.5} {"Reference":"2010-478","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: A merchant vessel reported coming under fire at 2034Z on 21 Nov in position 15-30N 059-18E, approximately 332 miles from Salalah, Oman. This area will remain high risk for at least the next 24-48 hours.","coords.x1":59.3,"coords.x2":15.5} {"Reference":"2010-502","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (NORTHERN PROMOTION) fired upon 21 Nov 10 at 1114 UTC while underway in position 14-49N 059-55E, approximately 360NM southeast of Salalah, Oman. Pirates armed with guns in a skiff chased and fired upon a container ship","Desc2":"underway. Vessel activated counter-piracy measures and took evasive maneuvers. The vessel managed to evade the attempted boarding. (IMB)","coords.x1":59.91667,"coords.x2":14.81667} {"Reference":"2010-469","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: A merchant vessel was attacked by a dhow and a skiff in 20-30N 060-10E at 200857Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":60.16667,"coords.x2":20.5} {"Reference":"2010-506","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LOAD CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Multi-function large load carrier (TAI AN KOU) illegally boarded 20 Nov 10 at 0824 UTC while underway in position 20-30N 060-51E, approximately 438NM northeast of Salalah, Oman. 15-20 people in three speed boats with RPG and AK-47","Desc2":"approached the ship, and four men boarded ship by hand. Crew used evasive maneuvers, fired rocket flares, activated water spray, and used citadel. (IMB)","coords.x1":60.85,"coords.x2":20.5} {"Reference":"2010-454","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA, GULF OF ADEN: Pirate action group in 16-54N 057-25E at 180920Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":57.41667,"coords.x2":16.9} {"Reference":"2010-459","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A pirate skiff was observed two miles abeam of a chemical tanker underway. The skiff increased speed to 22 knots and approached the chemical tanker. At a distance of around five cables the onboard armed security team fired warning shots.","Desc2":"The skiff reciprocated by firing two shots. The onboard team returned fire the skiff aborted the attack and moved away.","coords.x1":49.13333,"coords.x2":14.05} {"Reference":"2010-448","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirate action group in 13-12N 048-59E at 130708Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution. The pirate action group consisted of 2 skiffs, white hull with atleast 6 persons on board.","coords.x1":48.98333,"coords.x2":13.2} {"Reference":"2010-422","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A fishing vessel hijacked 2 Nov at 1237Z while underway in position 13-31N 048-19E approximately 85 miles southwest of Al Mukallah, Yeman. A fishing vessel was reported hijacked by pirates.","coords.x1":48.31667,"coords.x2":13.51667} {"Reference":"2010-416","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (GO TRADER) illegally boarded 30 Oct at 0512Z while underway in position 15-06N 055-58E, approximately 190 miles southeast of Salalah, Oman. Armed pirates boarded a bulk carrier underway. All crew retreated into the citadel","Desc2":"where theycould control the ship, and pirates abandoned ship. (IMB, EU)","coords.x1":55.96667,"coords.x2":15.1} {"Reference":"2010-403","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (HELLESPONT PROTECTOR) fired upon 28 Oct 10 at 0539 UTC while underway in position 13-08N 049-14E, approximately 95NM south of Al Mukallah, Yemen. Pirates in two skiffs chased a tanker in a convoy and opened fire on it. Warship and","Desc2":"other military assets in the vicinity assisted tanker. (IMB)","coords.x1":49.23333,"coords.x2":13.13333} {"Reference":"2010-407","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A cargo dhow reported being hijacked, last known position 12-08N 054-25E at 281156Z Oct. Vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":54.41667,"coords.x2":12.13333} {"Reference":"2010-399","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (MERLIN ARROW) fired upon 23 Oct 10 at 0252 UTC while underway in position 13-09.1N 049-12.6E, approximately 90 NM south of Al Mukallah, Yemen. Five pirates armed with AK-47s in a skiff chased and fired upon a general","Desc2":"cargo ship underway. Master raised alarm and increased speed, and crew mustered in safe room. Onboard security personnel fired rocket flares at the skiff and the pirates aborted the attempted boarding. No injuries to crew or damages to ship. (IMB)","coords.x1":49.21,"coords.x2":13.15167} {"Reference":"2010-397","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Container ship fired upon and chased 22 Oct 10 at 2300 UTC while underway in position 13-08N 048-44E, approximately 115NM southwest of Al Mukallah, Yemen. Five pirates armed with guns in a high speed skiff chased and fired upon a container","Desc2":"ship underway. Master took evasive maneuvers, contacted warship and crew activated fire hoses. After 10 minutes of chasing, the pirates aborted the attack. There were no injuries to the crew. (IMB)","coords.x1":48.73333,"coords.x2":13.13333} {"Reference":"2010-412","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel pirated in 15-06N 055-58E at 300517Z Oct. Vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":55.96667,"coords.x2":15.1} {"Reference":"2010-369","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Piracy action group sighted in 14-09N 049-51E at 142130Z Oct. Vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":49.85,"coords.x2":14.15} {"Reference":"2010-393","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel fired upon 14 Oct 10 at 2130 UTC while underway in position 14-09N 049-15E, approximately 30NM south of Al Mukalla, Yemen. The vessel was shot but evaded the attack and is safe. (IMB)","coords.x1":49.25,"coords.x2":14.15} {"Reference":"2010-376","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel chased 10 Oct 10 at 0945 UTC while underway in position 12-15N 045-56E, approximately 70NM southeast of Aden, Yemen. While transiting the IRTC in a convoy. The vessel noted a mother skiff releasing two smaller skiffs each","Desc2":"with four people onboard. The two small skiffs approached another vessel in the convoy, then changed course heading for the reporting vessel. Vessel reported skiffs to UKMTO and two naval ships assisted vessel. (IMB)","coords.x1":45.93333,"coords.x2":12.25} {"Reference":"2010-346","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Piracy action group sighted in 13-22N 049-31E at 031615 UTC Oct. Vessels transiting the area are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this area and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":49.51667,"coords.x2":13.36667} {"Reference":"2010-362","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Crude oil tanker reported suspicious approach 3 Oct 10 while underway in position 15-27N 041-31E, approximately 120NM east of Massawa, Yemen. Two small white and blue-colored, 5-6 meter long crafts approached. Tanker transmitted a message to any","Desc2":"other vessels in area and called UKMTO Dubai to report situation. The two craft came within 0.5NM, and two more small craft approached within 1NM. Master raised alarm, mustered crew, transmitted Mayday, activated Distress via INMARSAT-C, and increased","Desc3":"speed. The first two small boats came within 2-4 meters of tanker. The six men onboard were armed, and the other two craft were nearby with six more armed men. Tanker conducted evasive maneuvering and small boats departed area after 15-20 minutes. (IMB,","Desc4":"Operator)","coords.x1":41.51667,"coords.x2":15.45} {"Reference":"2010-363","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker chased 3 Oct 10 at 1430 UTC while underway in position 13-21.2N 049-29.1E, approximately 88NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Five pirates wearing face masks and armed with guns in a skiff chased a tanker underway. Master raised","Desc2":"alarm, made evasive maneuvers, and contacted warship for assistance, and crew activated fire hoses. The master initially claimed the men opened fire in the tanker, and then stated that no shots were fired. A helicopter came to the location and the","Desc3":"pirates aborted the attack. (IMB)","coords.x1":49.485,"coords.x2":13.35333} {"Reference":"2010-340","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"OMAN: Four skiffs chasing a general cargo ship present in 17-35N 056-55E at 290915 UTC Sep. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":56.91667,"coords.x2":17.58333} {"Reference":"2010-343","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Piracy action group sighted in vicinity 12-22N 043-58E. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":43.96667,"coords.x2":12.36667} {"Reference":"2010-314","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Piracy action group reported in 12-54N 043-11E at 111212 UTC Sep. Vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":43.18333,"coords.x2":12.9} {"Reference":"2010-319","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"RED SEA: Container ship reported suspicious approach 11 Sep 10 at 1212 UTC while underway in position 12-54.0N 043-10.7E, in the Bab al Mandeb. Four skiffs with two to three peoples in each skiff chased and approached a container ship underway at high","Desc2":"speed. Ladders were seen in two skiffs as they approached the vessel. Master increased speed, altered course, contacted warships, and informed ships in the vicinity. Master continued with the evasive maneuvers, and after five minutes the skiffs ended","Desc3":"their chase and moved away. (IMB)","coords.x1":43.17833,"coords.x2":12.9} {"Reference":"2010-308","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Container ship (MAGELLAN STAR) boarded 8 Sep 10 at 0540 UTC while underway in position 13-23N 049-58E, approximately 83NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Armed pirates in a skiff boarded and attempted to hijack the vessel. The crew locked","Desc2":"themselves in a safe room and requested assistance. The vessel was freed the following day when US Marines boarded the vessel and arrested the suspected pirates. (IMB, LM: New York Times)","coords.x1":49.96667,"coords.x2":13.38333} {"Reference":"2010-313","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker (OLIB G) hijacked 8 Sep 10 at 0504 UTC while underway in position 13-26N 049-45E, approximately 73NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Armed pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel along with 18 crewmembers while underway.","Desc2":"(IMB, AP)","coords.x1":49.75,"coords.x2":13.43333} {"Reference":"2010-305","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach 6 Sep 10 at 0702 UTC while underway in position 13-32N 049-39.7E, approximately 65NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Master reported six armed men in a skiff attempted to board the vessel as they","Desc2":"were transiting under naval convoy. The master conducted counter-piracy measures and reported to coalition forces. The skiff aborted the pursuit as a coalition helicopter approached. The skiff was later boarded by coalition forces for investigation.","Desc3":"(IMB)","coords.x1":49.66167,"coords.x2":13.53333} {"Reference":"2010-295","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A pirate action group has been reported in 12-17N 044-59E on 28 Aug at 1449 UTC. Pirate action group consisting of 1 skiff with 1 outboard engine, orange hull, and 4 armed persons on board.","coords.x1":44.98333,"coords.x2":12.28333} {"Reference":"2010-293","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CEMENT CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Cement tanker fired upon 28 Aug 10 at 0800 UTC while underway in position 13-31.9N 049-58.2E, approximately 78NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Eight men armed with automatic guns in a high speed boat chased an underway cement carrier with","Desc2":"intent to hijack. Master raised alarm, activated SSAS, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, contacted warship for assistance, and activated fire hoses. The armed men fired at the bridge from a distance of 200 metres. Master continued with the evasive","Desc3":"maneuvers until the pirates aborted the attack. An aircraft and a helicopter searched the area. There were no injuries to crew. (IMB)","coords.x1":49.97,"coords.x2":13.53167} {"Reference":"2010-287","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 22 Aug 10 at 0435 UTC while underway in position 13-19.5N 049-49E, approximately 80NM south of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Armed men were spotted approaching the vessel underway. The master increased","Desc2":"speed, conducted evasive maneuvers, activated water hoses, and sent out a distress call to authorities for assistance. The suspicious craft eventually abandoned the pursuit and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":49.81667,"coords.x2":13.325} {"Reference":"2010-290","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Container ship reported suspicious approach 22 Aug 10 at 0410 UTC while underway in position 13-26.1N 049-41.6E, approximately 70NM south of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Five armed men in a skiff approached the vessel at a speed of 20 knots and came","Desc2":"as close as 200 meters. The vessel proceeded to maximum speed, raised the alarm, warned nearby vessels, and contacted authorities for assistance. The skiff eventually abandoned the pursuit and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":49.69333,"coords.x2":13.435} {"Reference":"2010-279","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 18 Aug 10 at 1400 UTC while underway in position 13-15.5N 049-08E, approximately 75NM south of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Six armed men in a skiff chased the vessel for approximately 15 minutes. The","Desc2":"master raised the alarm, conducted evasive maneuvers, and contacted nearby warships for assistance. The skiff eventually abandoned pursuit and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":49.13333,"coords.x2":13.25833} {"Reference":"2010-270","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"RED SEA: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 11 Aug 10 at 0640 UTC while underway in position 13-35.9N 042-38.1E, approximately 40NM northwest of Mokha, Yemen. A group of fishing vessels was observed on the starboard side. Four skiffs then","Desc2":"emerged from the group and headed toward the vessel at a speed of 20 knots at a range of 1NM. The vessel raised the alarm, mustered crew, and contacted coalition forces while the embarked security team deployed flares. Two of the skiffs aborted the","Desc3":"pursuit while the other two continued to follow at a distance of 0.5NM. The men onboard the skiffs were reportedly armed with automatic weapons and RPGs. A helicopter arrived and the skiffs ended their pursuit (IMB).","coords.x1":42.635,"coords.x2":13.59833} {"Reference":"2010-274","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"IRAQ: Container ship robbed 8 Aug 10 at 0330 local time while anchored in position 29-41.7N 048-40.1E, Umm Qasr anchorage. Two robbers in a fishing boat wearing masks and armed with AK-47s boarded the vessel at anchor. They entered the bridge, took the","Desc2":"chief officer hostage and entered the captain's cabin. They stole ship's cash and all the personal belongings of the ship's officers before locking them in a cabin and escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":48.66833,"coords.x2":29.695} {"Reference":"2010-273","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"IRAQ: General cargo ship robbed 8 Aug 10 at 0400 local time while anchored in position 29-42N 048-40.3E, Umm Qasr anchorage. Two robbers armed with AK-47s boarded the vessel at anchor. They overpowered the duty crew and broke open the master's office","Desc2":"locks. They then threatened to shoot the chief engineer if the master did not hand over the cash box. They stole ship's cash and crew's personal belongings before escaping. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB, Mercury chat).","coords.x1":48.67167,"coords.x2":29.7} {"Reference":"2010-271","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"BAB EL MANDEB: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 5 Aug 10 at 1000 UTC while underway in position 12-34.8N 043-24E, Bab el Mandeb. Two white and two black colored skiffs with five persons onboard approached the vessel underway. The master","Desc2":"increased speed , conducted evasive maneuvers and contacted coalition forces. The master reported one skiff with weapons. A coalition forces helicopter arrived on scene and the suspicious boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":43.4,"coords.x2":12.58} {"Reference":"2010-272","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (SYRIA STAR) hijacked 5 Aug 10 at 1514 UTC while underway in position 13-11N 049-04E, approximately 80NM south of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Armed men boarded and hijacked the vessel while underway. The vessel was released the","Desc2":"following day. Two crewmembers were injured during the hijacking and were treated by a coalition warship (IMB, AP).","coords.x1":49.06667,"coords.x2":13.18333} {"Reference":"2010-263","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 4 Aug 10 at 1345 UTC while underway in position 15-48.6N 041-25.7E, approximately 220NM northwest of the Bab el Mandeb. Captain reported seeing two skiffs with seven armed men in each approach the vessel","Desc2":"1NM away. Captain raised the alarm, conducted evasive maneuvers, mustered the crew, and activated fire hoses. The suspicious skiffs continued to follow the vessel for 30 minutes before moving away (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":41.42833,"coords.x2":15.81} {"Reference":"2010-264","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious craft","Victim":"M/V","Desc1":"RED SEA: Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach 3 Aug 10 at 0300 UTC while underway in position 13:42.5N 042:57E, approximately 28NM northwest of Mokha, Yemen. Three skiffs approached the vessel from different directions. Alarm was raised, crew","Desc2":"mustered, and the vessel increased speed while conducting evasive maneuvering. The crew also activated hot water curtain and foam monitors. After approximately 40 minutes of pursuit, the skiffs moved away. A helicopter was dispatched to the location","Desc3":"(IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":42.95,"coords.x2":13.70833} {"Reference":"2010-266","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker (BOW SAGA) fired upon 3 Aug 10 at 0317 UTC while underway in position 12:56N 048:08E, approximately 110NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Six men in a skiff armed with automatic weapons and RPGs approached the vessel from","Desc2":"the starboard beam and started firing. The duty officer raised the alarm and mustered the crew. The vessel increased speed, activated fire hoses, sent out a distress call, and fired rocket flares. A nearby warship was contacted and deployed a helicopter","Desc3":"to provided assistance. The armed men eventually ceased firing and aborted the attack. The warship pursued the skiff and was able to apprehend the suspected pirates (AP, IMB).","coords.x1":48.13333,"coords.x2":12.93333} {"Reference":"2010-258","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"mv","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden.Piracy.M/V Attacked in 13-05N 049-05EAt 050430Z Aug. Vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":49.08333,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2010-267","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (SUEZ) hijacked 2 Aug 10 at 0420 UTC while underway in position 13:02N 048:54E, approximately 90NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Pirates in three skiffs armed with automatic weapons boarded the vessel, taking the 24","Desc2":"crewmembers hostage (IMB, Reuters).","coords.x1":48.9,"coords.x2":13.03333} {"Reference":"2010-259","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden.Piracy.M/V Suez attacked in 13-35N 050-25EAt 011918Z Aug. vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":50.41667,"coords.x2":13.58333} {"Reference":"2010-265","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious craft","Victim":"M/V","Desc1":"RED SEA: Vessel reported suspicious approach 31 Jul 10 while underway in position 13:16.9N 043:03.5E, approximately 12NM west of Mokha, Yemen. Captain reported five high speed skiffs approached the vessel to less than 150 meters. Vessel conducted evasive","Desc2":"maneuvering and the skiffs eventually moved away (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":43.05833,"coords.x2":13.28167} {"Reference":"2010-261","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Possible pirate activity in 14-18N 042-05E at 291023 UTC Jul. Vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":42.08333,"coords.x2":14.3} {"Reference":"2010-251","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIPS","Desc1":"RED SEA: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 21 Jul 10 at 1252 UTC while underway in position 14-22N 042-08E, approximately 70NM southeast of Tio, Eritrea. Two white skiffs approached the vessel, one at the port bow and the other at the starboard","Desc2":"bow. The skiff on the port side suddenly increased speed toward the vessel. Once the vessel steered toward the starboard side, the second skiff increased speed as well. The crew was alerted and fire hoses were activated. After approximately 10 minutes,","Desc3":"the two skiffs abandoned their pursuit and moved away (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":42.13333,"coords.x2":14.36667} {"Reference":"2010-252","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: Vessel reported suspicious approach 18 Jul 10 at 1001 UTC while underway in position 15-10N 041-43E, approximately 53NM northeast of Tio, Eritrea. Master reported being approached by one skiff with four persons onboard equipped with two black","Desc2":"ladders. No further information to provide (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":41.71667,"coords.x2":15.16667} {"Reference":"2010-247","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Two fishing boats approached a bulk carrier underway fro the starboard side at high speed. Master conducts evasive maneuvers and fired a rocket flare when the boats were about 100 meters off the ship. Later C/O saw three more fishing boats about","Desc2":"300 meters aways approaching at hight speed. Master raised alarm, sounded ship's horn and continued evasive maneuvers. Master fired two more rocket flares at these boats. The boats aborted the attempted attack and headed westward. No fishing equipment","Desc3":"was seen on the boats.","coords.x1":41.70667,"coords.x2":15.48667} {"Reference":"2010-248","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"RED SEA: Container ship reported suspicious approach 9 Jul 10 at 2220 UTC while underway in position 13-20N 042-55E, approximately 18NM west of Mokha, Yemen. An unlit small boat doing a speed of 17 knots approached the vessel. Vessel increased speed","Desc2":",conducted evasive maneuvers, and activated fire hoses and search lights. The closest point of approach of the boat was 50 meters before moving away (IMB).","coords.x1":42.91667,"coords.x2":13.33333} {"Reference":"2010-241","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 11-33N 045-28E at 050332 UTC Jul. Vessels are advised to exercise extreme caution area involved should be avoided if possible.","coords.x1":45.46667,"coords.x2":11.55} {"Reference":"2010-240","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Chemical tanker (MOTIVATOR) hijacked 4 Jul 10 at 0944 UTC while underway in position 13-16N 042-56E, approximately 18NM west of Mokha, Yemen. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel along with its 18 crewmembers (IMB, AP, Mercury chat).","coords.x1":42.93333,"coords.x2":13.26667} {"Reference":"2010-242","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Tanker reported suspicious approach 4 Jul 10 at 1000 UTC while underway in position 15-18.4N 041-49.6E, approximately 48NM northwest of Ras Isa, Yemen. Two suspicious boats with six to seven persons onboard each approached the vessel at a","Desc2":"distance of about 1NM and then closed to 300 meters. They continued to follow for approximately 10 minutes. The security team onboard activated their LRAD at the port bridge wing. The master conducted evasive maneuvers using hard to helm tactics. The","Desc3":"alarm was raised and the crew mustered at the steering gear room. Shortly after the alarm was heard, the two boats altered course away from the vessel (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":41.82667,"coords.x2":15.30333} {"Reference":"2010-237","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Armed pirates attacked and hijacked a chemical tanker underway.","coords.x1":49.96667,"coords.x2":13.4} {"Reference":"2010-236","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"BAB EL MANDEB, RED SEA: Persons in an unlit boat approached a chemical tanker underway at high speed. Master raised alarm, increased speed took evasive maneuvers. Deck lights switched on and searchlights directed towards the boat. The boat chased the","Desc2":"tanker for 10 minutes and aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":42.64333,"coords.x2":13.45333} {"Reference":"2010-233","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"RED SEA: Container ship reported suspicious approach 24 Jun 10 at 1525 UTC while underway in position 13-12.2N 043-03.8E, approximately 12NM southwest of Mokha, Yemen. Armed men in four skiffs approached the vessel underway. The vessel increased speed","Desc2":"and conducted counter-piracy measures. The suspicious skiffs crossed the vessel's bow with a speed of over 21 knots. Four other skiffs were seen approaching the vessel afterward. Warnings were sent to other vessels in the vicinity via VHF (IMB).","coords.x1":43.06333,"coords.x2":13.20333} {"Reference":"2010-228","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Six pirates armed with guns in a skiff chased a bulk carrier underway. The vessel made evasive maneuvers and enforced anti piracy measures. Pirates in the skiff opened fire on the vessel. Due to effective anti piracy measures the vessel evaded","Desc2":"the attack.","coords.x1":42.985,"coords.x2":13.545} {"Reference":"2010-225","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Possible mothership activity 13-24N 042-45E at 181343 UTC Jun. Vessels transitig the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":42.75,"coords.x2":13.4} {"Reference":"2010-231","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"RED SEA: General cargo ship fired upon 18 Jun 10 at 1343 UTC while underway in position 13-23.6N 042-44.8E, approximately 30NM west of Mokha, Yemen. Armed men in two skiffs chased and fired upon the vessel. The captain reported the men attempted to board","Desc2":"the vessel using an aluminum ladder. The vessel conducted evasive maneuvers, mustered all crew and was able to evade the pursuit (IMB).","coords.x1":42.74667,"coords.x2":13.39333} {"Reference":"2010-218","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Tanker reported suspicious approach 15 Jun 10 at 0530 UTC while underway in position 13-26N 042-41E, approximately 30NM northwest of Mokha, Yemen. Master reported three skiffs with six men onboard each chased the vessel. The vessel increased","Desc2":"speed, sounded ship's alarm, and conducted evasive maneuvers while warning nearby ships via VHF Ch. 16. The suspicious skiffs eventually abandoned the pursuit (IMB).","coords.x1":42.68333,"coords.x2":13.43333} {"Reference":"2010-222","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (MERIOM IRIS) fired upon 13 Jun 10 at 1234 UTC while underway in position 13-24N 049-35E, approximately 70NM south of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Vessel reported coming under fire from an AK-47 by one skiff with six persons onboard. Crew was","Desc2":"mustered, whistle sounded, and fire hoses were activated. No injuries were reported (IMB, Tradewinds.com, Mercury chat).","coords.x1":49.58333,"coords.x2":13.4} {"Reference":"2010-209","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Pirates in two skiffs chased and fired upon a chemical tanker underway with intent to hijack. They attempted to board the tanker using a ladder. Tanker took evasive maneuvers and finally managed to evade the hijacking. One of the skiffs color","Desc2":"was green and the other is white.","coords.x1":42.76667,"coords.x2":13.38333} {"Reference":"2010-210","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Two white hulled boats with six pirates each approached a general cargo ship underway. Master took evasive action, raised general alarm, mustered all crew and activated fire hoses. The pirates aborted the attepted attack.","coords.x1":42.8,"coords.x2":13.35} {"Reference":"2010-206","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"73 MILES OFF MASIRAH ISLAND: One white hulled skiff with pirates armed with machine guns chased a container ship underway. The ship increased speed and enforced anti piracy counter measures and escaped the attack.","coords.x1":59.68333,"coords.x2":21.495} {"Reference":"2010-205","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Six pirates armed with rpg hijacked a general cargo ship and took her 24 crew members hostage. Vessel currently sailing towards Somalia coast.","coords.x1":50.3,"coords.x2":13.75} {"Reference":"2010-204","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICL TANKER","Desc1":"BAB EL MANDEB STRAITS (GULF OF ADEN): A white hulled boat with four armed pirates approached a chemical tanker underway. The security team onboard the tanker fired warning shots in the air resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted attack.","coords.x1":43.50306,"coords.x2":12.59833} {"Reference":"2010-207","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: About six to seven pirates armed with machine guns in a speed boat chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alaram, contacted warships, mustered crew and activated fire hoses. Pirates were unsuccessful in boarding the","Desc2":"ship using a aluminium ladder and aborted the attack. A warship sent a helicopter to the location.","coords.x1":48.7,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2010-200","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel attacked in 12-50N 048-41E at 302146 UTC May. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":48.68333,"coords.x2":12.83333} {"Reference":"2010-199","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Suspected pirates with two skiffs reported 13-14N 049-12.5E at 280005 UTC May. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":49.20833,"coords.x2":13.23333} {"Reference":"2010-196","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 25 May 10 at 1420 UTC while underway in position 14-25N 054-21E, approximately 100NM north of Socotra Island. The captain reported one white hulled skiff with five persons onboard approached the vessel","Desc2":"with weapons seen, but not fired. The skiff closed to within one cable. Counter-piracy measures were enforced and the skiff moved away (Mercury chat).","coords.x1":54.35,"coords.x2":14.41667} {"Reference":"2010-184","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (ELENI P) hijacked 12 May 10 at 0556 local time while underway in position 15-55N 060-50E, approximately 420NM northeast of Socotra Island. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel with its 23 crewmembers and are sailing it","Desc2":"towards the Somali coast (IMB, Reuters).","coords.x1":60.83333,"coords.x2":15.91667} {"Reference":"2010-180","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 12 May 10 at 1628 local time while underway in position 12-27.7N 043-43.4E, approximately 20NM east of the Bab el Mandeb. Five boats each containing two to three persons armed with RPGs and","Desc2":"automatic weapons approached the vessel from the port side and remained in close pursuit for approximately 10 minutes before eventually moving away (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":43.72333,"coords.x2":12.46167} {"Reference":"2010-181","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker (PANEGA) hijacked 11 May 10 at 1536 UTC while underway in position 12-31N 047-08E, approximately 120NM southeast of Aden, Yemen. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel along with its 15 crewmembers (AFP, IMB).","coords.x1":47.13333,"coords.x2":12.51667} {"Reference":"2010-177","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (MARIDA MARGUERITE) hijacked 8 May 10 at 1206 UTC while underway in position 14-58N 054-47E, approximately 140NM northeast of Socotra Island. Armed pirates chased, attacked, and hijacked the vessel along with its 22","Desc2":"crewmembers (IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":54.79667,"coords.x2":14.95} {"Reference":"2010-182","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PASSENGER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:SS (THE OCEANIC), a former passenger ship used by the Peace Boat, a Japan-based international non-governmental and non-profit organization to promote peace, fired upon 5 May 10 at 2122 UTC while underway in position 13-06N 048-37E,","Desc2":"approximately 90NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. One skiff opened fire on the vessel with automatic weapons and RPGs. The vessel increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers and was able to successfully avoid the attack. No injuries to the crew were","Desc3":"reported (IMB, Mercury chat, American Shipper Online).","coords.x1":48.61667,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2010-168","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CRUISE SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Cruise ship fired upon 5 May 10 at 2122 UTC while underway in position 13-06N 048-37E, approximately 90 miles southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. One skiff opened fire on the vessel with automatic weapons ad rpgs. The vessel increased speed and","Desc2":"conducted evasive maneuvers ad was able to successfully avoid attack. No injuries to the crew reported (IMB, Mercury chat).","coords.x1":48.61667,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2010-154","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Pirate boats chased and attempted to board a bulk carrier underway. Master increased speed and carried out evasive maneuvers. After about 80 minutes, pirates aborted the attempt and moved away. No casualties and no damage to ship.","coords.x1":42.96167,"coords.x2":13.77} {"Reference":"2010-155","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Two skiffs were sighted at a distance of one mile from a chemical tanker underway. Suddenly, one skiff with high speed approached and came very close to the tanker. Four pirates armed with guns and an aluminium ladder was seen in the","Desc2":"skiffs. Security personel onboard fired several warning shots in the air but the pirates kept approaching. Finally the security personel fired close to the skiffs and the pirates aborted the attempted attack.","coords.x1":43,"coords.x2":13.8} {"Reference":"2010-136","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (VOC DAISY) hijacked 21 Apr 10 at 0605 UTC while underway in position 16-25N 057-13E, approximately 280NM northeast of Socotra Island. Suspected pirates in skiffs boarded and hijacked the vessel, taking 21 crewmembers hostage","Desc2":"(AP, IMB).","coords.x1":57.21667,"coords.x2":16.41667} {"Reference":"2010-129","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (THOR TRAVELLER) fired upon 14 Apr 10 at 2345 UTC while underway in position 12-42N 047-23E, approximately 125NM northwest of Bosasso, Somalia. Approximately seven men armed with RPGs and guns in a skiff chased and opened","Desc2":"fire on the vessel underway. The captain conducted evasive maneuvers and contacted nearby warships for assistance, who later intercepted the skiff. The vessel sustained damages from gunfire (IMB, CMF).","coords.x1":47.38333,"coords.x2":12.7} {"Reference":"2010-126","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (NADA) fired upon 9 Apr 10 at 1005 UTC while underway in position 13-38N 056-08E, approximately 115NM northeast of Socotra Island. Armed men in skiffs chased and fired upon the vessel using machine guns and RPGs. The vessel","Desc2":"increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers (IMB, LM: Xinhua).","coords.x1":56.13333,"coords.x2":13.63333} {"Reference":"2010-123","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 13-38N 056-08E at 091016 UTC Apr. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":56.13333,"coords.x2":13.63333} {"Reference":"2010-127","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 8 Apr 10 at 0622 UTC while underway in position 13-43N 056-41E, approximately 150NM northeast of Socotra Island. Armed men in skiffs chased and opened fire on the vessel. The vessel increased speed, conducted","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers and avoided the attack (IMB).","coords.x1":56.68333,"coords.x2":13.71667} {"Reference":"2010-108","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Container ship fired upon 8 Apr 10 at 0622 UTC while underway in position 13-34.5N 057-26.7E, approximately 185NM northeast of Socotra Island. The captain initially reported a suspicious approach by one skiff with three persons onboard at","Desc2":"0430. The skiff continued to pursue and then opened fire on the vessel at 0622. Vessel increased speed to 22 knots and activated fire hoses before the skiff finally abandoned the attack (Mercury chat, IMB).","coords.x1":57.445,"coords.x2":13.575} {"Reference":"2010-97","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vehicle carrier reported suspicious approach 06 Apr 10 at 0840 UTC while underway in position 14-06.8N 051-51.8E, approximately 160NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Armed men in skiffs began initial approaches to the vessel, but never got","Desc2":"within boarding range as the vessel master employed counter-piracy measures and the skiffs aborted the chase (IMB).","coords.x1":51.86333,"coords.x2":14.11333} {"Reference":"2010-99","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (HAMBURG BRIDGE) fired upon 5 Apr 10 at 1205 UTC while underway in position 13-38.2N 055-38.2E, approximately 90NM northeast of Socotra Island. Armed men in skiffs chased and fired upon the vessel, using automatic weapons and","Desc2":"RPGs. The vessel increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers to escape (IMB, MSCHOA).","coords.x1":55.63667,"coords.x2":13.63667} {"Reference":"2010-102","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (RISING SUN) reported attempted boarding 5 Apr 10 at 0313 UTC while underway in position 18-21N 059-01E, approximately 110NM south of Masirah Island, Oman. The master reported being chased by three skiffs. A distress message","Desc2":"was sent requesting help. Two skiffs came close to the tanker and the men placed a ladder on the vessel's side to board. Due to evasive maneuvers conducted by the crew, the men failed to board the vessel. A warship arrived in the vicinity to provide","Desc3":"assistance. No injury to the crew was reported but the vessel sustained RPG damage (IMB, LM: Virginian-Pilot). vessel.","coords.x1":59.01667,"coords.x2":18.35} {"Reference":"2010-125","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach 4 Apr 10 at 0545 UTC while underway in position 13-58.8N 051-25E, approximately 135NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Vessel reported being chased by three white skiffs and one mother ship. The","Desc2":"captain conducted evasive maneuvers and reported no further incidents (IMB).","coords.x1":51.41667,"coords.x2":13.98} {"Reference":"2010-107","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (TORM RAGNHILD) fired upon 3 Apr 10 at 0539 UTC while underway in position 13-51.7N 051-05.1E, approximately 120NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Men armed with RPGs and automatic weapons chased and opened fire on the vessel. The","Desc2":"vessel enforced counter-piracy measures, conducted evasive maneuvers, and sent out a distress call. The IMB PRC relayed the request to authorities. A military aircraft arrived on location and circled the tanker, forcing the attackers to abort the attempt","Desc3":"(IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":51.085,"coords.x2":13.86167} {"Reference":"2010-111","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (ITAL GARLAND) fired upon 2 Apr 10 at 0834 UTC while underway in position 12-50.6N 058-10E, approximately 210NM east of Socotra Island. Two wooden boats with seven armed men onboard chased and opened fire on the vessel. The","Desc2":"master increased speed to maximum and carried out evasive maneuvers. After 30 minutes of pursuit, the two boats aborted the attack and moved away (IMB, EUNAVFOR).","coords.x1":58.16667,"coords.x2":12.84333} {"Reference":"2010-89","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (ICEBERG I) hijacked 29 Mar 10 at 0930 local time while underway in position 13-15N 046-40E, approximately 10NM off the Yemeni coast. Armed pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel, taking hostage the 24 crewmembers","Desc2":"onboard (IMB, Reuters).","coords.x1":46.66667,"coords.x2":13.25} {"Reference":"2010-86","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Four pirates in a skiff armed with machine guns chased and fired upon the tanker underway. Alarm raised, SSAS alert sent out and coalition forces contacted. A warship advised it would arrive at location within 40 minutes. Tanker increased","Desc2":"speed, adopted evasive maneuvers and escaped the boarding. Later warship arrived and pursued the pirate boat.","coords.x1":48.75,"coords.x2":13.13333} {"Reference":"2010-90","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach 26 Mar 10 at 1245 UTC while underway in position 12-32.2N 044-45.1E, approximately 20NM southwest of Aden, Yemen. Armed men in a skiff approached the vessel at a distance of 2NM. The vessel","Desc2":"increased speed to 16 knots as the skiff continued to approach. At a distance of less than a mile, the master and onboard security noticed three men in the skiff and due to persistence of approach, the security team fired warning shots. The skiff","Desc3":"continued to approach the tanker and the security team fired about 30 warning shots until the skiff abandoned the approach. Coalition forces were informed and a helicopter arrived on scene to investigate incident (IMB).","coords.x1":44.75167,"coords.x2":12.53667} {"Reference":"2010-85","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Six pirates in a skiff chased the tanker underway. They fired upon the tanker and attempted to board. Master enforced anti piracy measures, contacted coalition forces, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. Finally the pirates aborted","Desc2":"the attempted boarding.","coords.x1":49.19,"coords.x2":13.25667} {"Reference":"2010-79","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo ship reported suspicious approach 24 Mar 10 at 1649 UTC while underway in position 14-09N 052-27E, approximately 105NM northwest of Socotra Island. Vessel reported being approached by two skiffs and a mothership. Master increased","Desc2":"speed and the skiffs broke off pursuit (UKMTO).","coords.x1":52.45,"coords.x2":14.15} {"Reference":"2010-77","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel fired upon 24 Mar 10 at 0515 UTC while underway in position 13-24N 048-16E, approximately 80NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Vessel reported shots fired, and reportedly a security team was on board. No further information to","Desc2":"provide (Mercury chat).","coords.x1":48.26667,"coords.x2":13.4} {"Reference":"2010-80","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo ship (TALCA) hijacked 23 Mar 10 at 1258 UTC while underway in position 17-28N 056-42.7E, approximately 325NM northeast of Socotra Island. Pirates in two speed boats boarded and hijacked the vessel with 25 crewmembers while underway.","Desc2":"The vessel is currently sailing to an undisclosed location off the Somali coast (IMB, Operator, LM: Xinhua).","coords.x1":56.71167,"coords.x2":17.46667} {"Reference":"2010-101","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"20 MILES EAST OF KHURIYA MURIYA, OMAN: Pirates attacked and hijacked a refrigerated cargo ship underway and took hostage 21 crew members.","coords.x1":56.7,"coords.x2":17.45} {"Reference":"2010-73","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker fired upon 22 Mar 10 at 1200 UTC while underway in position 14-56.4N 055-01.6E, approximately 140NM northeast of Socotra Island. Six armed men in a speedboat chased and fired upon the vessel while attempting to board from the port","Desc2":"quarter. The master raised the alarm, fired rocket flares, increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers. The attack was aborted after approximately 20 minutes. No injuries to the crew were reported while the tanker sustained minor damages (IMB).","coords.x1":55.02667,"coords.x2":14.94} {"Reference":"2010-59","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: Vessel reported suspicious approach 10 Mar 10 at 1251 UTC while underway in position 13-29.9N 042-35.4E, approximately 17NM southwest from Hanish Island. Vessel observed and reported two open type wooden speed boats on the vessel's starboard","Desc2":"side about two miles away. The general alarm was raised and fire hoses were activated. The speed boats were observed altering to port towards the vessel approximately at approximately two cables on the starboard side while increasing speed. The vessel","Desc3":"conducted evasive maneuvers and notified UKMTO. The two boats crossed the stern at approximately 100 meters before moving away and reducing their speed (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":42.59,"coords.x2":13.49833} {"Reference":"2010-57","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Vessel reported suspicious approach 8 Mar 10 at 1354 UTC while underway in position 13-37.5N 042-31E, approximately 15NM southwest from Hanish Island. Master reported armed men in five skiffs approached the vessel from the port quarter, port","Desc2":"bow, and starboard bow. The vessel raised the alarm, sent distress messages, and conducted evasive maneuvers while firing rocket flares to warn other vessels. Coalition forces were contacted and a warship was dispatched. After 35 minutes, the skiffs","Desc3":"abandoned their pursuit (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":42.51667,"coords.x2":13.625} {"Reference":"2010-49","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Tanker reported suspicious approach 3 Mar 10 at 0628 UTC while underway in position 13-37N 042-58E, approximately 25NM northwest of Mokha, Yemen. Men in two small boats approached the vessel from the starboard side. The master raised the alarm,","Desc2":"activated fire hoses, and conducted evasive maneuvers while contacting coalition forces for assistance via VHF. The suspicious boats approached at a distance of less than 50 meters and followed the vessel for about one minute before they altered course","Desc3":"and moved away. No injuries to the crew and no damage to the vessel were reported (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":42.96667,"coords.x2":13.61667} {"Reference":"2010-52","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Tanker reported suspicious approach 2 Mar 10 at 0530 UTC while underway in position 15-33N 059-33E, approximately 360NM northeast of Socotra Island. The master reported five men in one skiff approached the vessel underway and attempted to","Desc2":"board. The master raised the alarm and conducted evasive maneuvers while contacting coalition forces for assistance (IMB).","coords.x1":59.55,"coords.x2":15.55} {"Reference":"2010-51","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 2 Mar 10 at 0345Z while underway in position 12-38.4N 044-47.4E, approximately 14NM southwest of Aden, Yemen. The master reported four men in a skiff approached the vessel and attempted to board. The","Desc2":"vessel conducted evasive maneuvers and fire hoses were activated. After about one hour of chasing, the skiff moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":44.79,"coords.x2":12.64} {"Reference":"2010-48","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (AL NISR AL SAUDI) hijacked 01 March while underway approximately 45 miles southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel, with its crew of 14, and have sailed it toward the Somalia coast. No further","Desc2":"information to provide at the time (AFP, IMB).","coords.x1":49.6,"coords.x2":14.05} {"Reference":"2010-50","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"BAB EL MANDEB: Tanker reported suspicious approach 28 Feb 10 at 0350 local time while underway in position 12-32.5N 043-26E. The duty officer onboard noticed two crafts on radar sailing parallel to the vessel. The crafts then started approaching the","Desc2":"vessel. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered on the bridge. Counter piracy measures were enforced, including the use of floodlights to track the crafts and recorded sounds of dogs barking. Naval forces responded to the distress call and the","Desc3":"suspicious crafts departed after almost 30 minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":43.43333,"coords.x2":12.54167} {"Reference":"2010-54","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 23 Feb 10 at 1645 UTC while underway in position 16-30N 058-50E, approximately 340NM northeast of Socotra Island. Armed men in a high-speed boat attempted to board the vessel using a ladder. The","Desc2":"master raised the alarm, sent mayday messages, contacted coalition forces, and conducted evasive maneuvers. Due to effective counter measures, including barbed wire fencing, the armed men were unable to board the vessel. All crew members were reported","Desc3":"safe (IMB).","coords.x1":58.83333,"coords.x2":16.5} {"Reference":"2010-46","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel (BARAKAALE I) fired upon 21 Feb 10 while underway in position 13-07N 047-37E, 120NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Master reported coming under fire from at least one skiff with men onboard. During the attempted boarding, the master","Desc2":"reported one of the pirates fell off and was recovered by the skiff. Two coalition warships responded and were able to intercept the skiff and arrest the suspected pirates (Reuters, ONI).","coords.x1":47.61667,"coords.x2":13.11667} {"Reference":"2010-39","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (ARIELLA) fired upon 5 Feb 10 at 0600 UTC while underway in position 13-00N 048-45E, approximately 93NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Six armed men in a speedboat opened fire on the vessel while underway. The vessel raised","Desc2":"the alarm, sent out a distress call and contacted coalition assistance while conducting evasive maneuvering. A Danish warship responded by deploying a helicopter to intercept the attack. The armed men aborted the attack once the warship arrived on scene","Desc3":"(IMB, AP).","coords.x1":48.75,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"2010-35","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Cargo ship (RIM) hijacked 3 Feb 10 at 0813 UTC while underway in position 13-04N 047-04E, approximately 120NM east of Aden, Yemen. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel. There is no further information to provide at this time (ONI, AP).","coords.x1":47.06667,"coords.x2":13.06667} {"Reference":"2010-34","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: At 1325 UTC a merchant vessel was under attack by two skiffs in position 12-44N 047-27E. One skiff had four persons onboard and was white and blue, the other skiff was the same color. While navigating in the region vessels are urged to","Desc2":"operate at a heightened state of readiness (UKMTO).","coords.x1":47.45,"coords.x2":12.73333} {"Reference":"2010-36","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 1 Feb 10 at 1150 UTC while underway in position 15-18.2N 052-32E, approximately 200NM northeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. The captain reported being chased by a vessel and seeing a mother ship in the","Desc2":"vicinity. The captain conducted evasive maneuvering and no further information was reported (IMB).","coords.x1":52.53333,"coords.x2":15.30333} {"Reference":"2010-33","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"153 MILES EAST OF SOCOTRA ISLAND: Possible mothership activity noted near position 13-08N 056-56E on 26 January at 1128 UTC. Mariners are warned to avoid this area if possible as it will remain high risk for at least the next 24-48 hours. If necessary to","Desc2":"transit near this position, all counter-piracy measures should be employed.","coords.x1":56.93333,"coords.x2":13.13333} {"Reference":"2010-28","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel fired upon 20 Jan 10 at 0330 UTC while underway in position 13-23N 047-22E, approximately 14NM south of the Yemeni coast and 140NM east of Aden, Yemen. Vessel reported coming under fire from one skiff with seven men onboard. The","Desc2":"vessel was embarked with a security team and avoided the attack. No casualties or injuries were reported. Several bullet holes were seen on the side of the vessel (IMB).","coords.x1":47.36667,"coords.x2":13.38333} {"Reference":"2010-26","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (MILTIADES) fired upon 17 Jan 10 at 1630 UTC while underway in position 12-39.3N 047-33.9E, approximately 140NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Four men armed with automatic weapons in a white colored skiff approached the","Desc2":"vessel. At a distance of 10 meters, the pirates opened fire on the ship. The master raised the alarm, rocket parachute flares were fired, and hand flares were thrown in the water to mark the position of the incident. One rocket flare hit the skiff and","Desc3":"injured one of the men onboard. The skiff pulled away and aborted the attack. A warship and helicopter arrived on scene to provide assistance (IMB, LM: Thaindian News).","coords.x1":47.565,"coords.x2":12.655} {"Reference":"2010-27","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (JAG LAYAK) fired upon 16 Jan 10 at 0425 UTC while underway in position 12-58N 048-42E, approximately 95NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Five armed men in a high speed skiff approached the vessel from the direction of the sun,","Desc2":"making it difficult to detect. The vessel spotted the skiff at a distance of about one to two nautical miles. The master raised the alarm, blew ship's horn, and carried out evasive maneuvers. The armed men opened fire with RPGs and automatic weapons. The","Desc3":"master informed coalition forces and a helicopter was dispatched. Upon seeing the helicopter, the pirates aborted the attempt. No damage to the ship or injuries to the crew were reported (MSCHOA, AFP, IMB).","coords.x1":48.7,"coords.x2":12.96667} {"Reference":"2010-22","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 9 Jan 10 while underway in position 11-48.5N 043-39.8E, approximately 30NM northeast of the port of Djibouti. Four armed security team were cross decking from a launch after a rendezvous with the tanker","Desc2":"when two skiffs were sighted. They approached to either side of the vessel to approximately 300 meters. The vessel altered its course and sounded its horn. A third skiff was sighted on the stern at 300 meters. As the vessel altered course, one skiff","Desc3":"changed its course to follow alongside the vessel. The security team onboard made a visible presence on the bridge with weapons when the skiffs turned away. No weapons were sighted on the skiffs, but the captain noticed the men onboard the skiffs","Desc4":"fiddling with things below his line of sight (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":43.66333,"coords.x2":11.80833} {"Reference":"2010-30","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Unidentified dhow hijacked on or about 5 Jan 10 while underway, exact location unknown. The vessel was reported underway 26 Jan 10 in position 13-08N 056-56E, likely conducting mothership operations (UKMTO).","coords.x1":56.93333,"coords.x2":13.13333} {"Reference":"2010-17","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (PRAMONI) hijacked 1 Jan 10 at 0944 UTC while underway in position 12-31N 047-17E, approximately 135NM southeast of Aden, Yemen. Pirates hijacked the vessel with its 24 crewmembers and are sailing the vessel to an undisclosed","Desc2":"location in Somalia (IMB, Reuters).","coords.x1":47.28333,"coords.x2":12.51667} {"Reference":"2010-9","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (ST JAMES PARK) hijacked 28 Dec 09 at 1449 UTC while underway in position 12-58N 048-34E, approximately 97NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Pirates attacked and hijacked the vessel while underway and are sailing the vessel toward","Desc2":"Somalia. Further information is pending (CNN, IMB).","coords.x1":48.56667,"coords.x2":12.96667} {"Reference":"2009-483","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirates attacked and hijacked a chemical tanker underway. The hijackers are sailing the tanker to an undisclosed location in Somalia. Further reports awaited.","coords.x1":48.56667,"coords.x2":12.96667} {"Reference":"2010-10","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Fishing dhow","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Fishing dhow reportedly hijacked 18 Dec 09 while underway, exact position unknown. Men attacked and hijacked the vessel with its 15-crewmembers. The vessel?s hull is red and white colored. It is believed the vessel may be used as a","Desc2":"mothership to attack other vessels transiting. All ships are advised to use caution (IMB).","coords.x1":49.73333,"coords.x2":13.21667} {"Reference":"2009-465","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (NORDIC SPRITE) fired upon 7 Dec 09 at 0501 UTC while underway in position 12-54N 048-07E, approximately 120NM northwest of Bosasso, Somalia. Armed men aboard two skiffs fired upon the vessel with automatic weapons and RPGs. The","Desc2":"vessel used counter-piracy measures and was able to prevent boarding. No injuries were reported (UKMTO, IMB, ONI, LM: Jakarta Post).","coords.x1":48.11667,"coords.x2":12.9} {"Reference":"2009-460","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel (BBC TOGO) fired upon 02 Dec 09 at 1206 UTC while underway near position 14-26N 054-18E, approximately 100NM north of Socotra Island. Armed men aboard two skiffs, which were launched from a mothership, fired upon the vessel with","Desc2":"automatic weapons and RPG's. No injuries were reported (UKMTO, ONI, AP).","coords.x1":54.3,"coords.x2":14.43333} {"Reference":"2009-450","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Yemeni Coast Guard","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (RED SEA SPIRIT) reported suspicious approach 19 Nov 09 at 2200 local time while underway in position 13-37.9N 047-41.0E. A suspicious craft was observed following the vessel until a distance of approximately 1.5 cables. The","Desc2":"vessel conducted evasive maneuvers, mustered crew to the bridge. The craft pointed a searchlight on the vessel and fired a shot into the air, claiming to be the Yemeni Coast Guard. The master contacted coalition forces when the craft ordered the vessel","Desc3":"to stop to conduct a search, for which the master refused. The men in the craft asked for information on the vessel and crew before eventually leaving.","coords.x1":47.68333,"coords.x2":13.63167} {"Reference":"2009-441","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (FENG LI 8) fired upon 12 Nov 09 at 0536 UTC while underway in position 14-33N 054-08E, approximately 115NM north of Socotra Island. Men armed with assault rifles chased and opened fire on the vessel. The vessel increased","Desc2":"speed, conducted evasive maneuvers, and deployed self-protection measures to successfully deter the boarding (Maritime Global Net, IMB).","coords.x1":54.13333,"coords.x2":14.55} {"Reference":"2009-442","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (FULL STRONG) fired upon 12 Nov 09 at 0330 UTC while underway in position 14-36.1N 054-14.5E, approximately 115NM north of Socotra Island. Men armed with assault rifles in skiffs opened fire on the vessel and attempted to","Desc2":"board. The vessel increased speed, conducted evasive maneuvers, and deployed self-protection measures to successfully deter the boarding (Maritime Global Net, IMB).","coords.x1":54.24167,"coords.x2":14.60167} {"Reference":"2009-426","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Six pirates armed with automatic weapons and rpg in a skiff fired upon a general cargo ship underway. Master raised alarm contacted coalition warship, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The pirates attempted to board the ship using","Desc2":"a ladder but were unable due to the ship's freeboard and evasive action taken by the ship.","coords.x1":47.19167,"coords.x2":12.625} {"Reference":"2009-424","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A small speedboat was sighted at a distance of four miles by a general cargo ship underway. When the boat passed the port beam of the ship it immediately changed course and approached the ship from astern. Duty officer raised alarm","Desc2":"contacted warship for assistance and crew mustered. Master increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. As the boat came closer, four pirates with guns were sighted. The pirates attempted to board the ship several times. Later the pirates aborted the","Desc3":"attempted attack due to the evasive maneuvers.","coords.x1":50.935,"coords.x2":13.71333} {"Reference":"2009-431","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (THEOFOROS I) fired upon 5 Nov 09 at 0333 UTC while underway in position 13-10N 049-11E. According to Greek authorities, the crewmembers activated high-pressure fire hoses against the attackers until a Turkish warship arrived","Desc2":"on scene to provide assistance (AFP, IMB).","coords.x1":49.18333,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"2009-430","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 5 Nov 09 at 0648 UTC while underway in position 13-42.8N 050-56.1E. A small speedboat was sighted at a distance of 4NM. When the boat passed the port beam, it immediately changed course and","Desc2":"approached the vessel from astern. The duty officer raised the alarm, contacted coalition forces, and mustered the crew. The master increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. As the boat came closer, four men with guns were spotted trying to board the","Desc3":"vessel. The men in the speedboat eventually aborted the pursuit due to effective counter-piracy measures (IMB).","coords.x1":50.935,"coords.x2":13.71333} {"Reference":"2009-417","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier fired upon 31 Oct 09 at 1530 UTC while underway in position 13-26N 049-42E. Two skiffs chased and opened fire on the vessel. They attempted to board, but due to effective counter piracy measures, the two skiffs aborted the","Desc2":"attempt and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":49.7,"coords.x2":13.43333} {"Reference":"2009-398","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: One skiff with 5-6 armed pirates chased and fired upon a general cargo ship underway. Master increased speed carried out evasive maneuvers and, headed towards a coalition warship. The vessel had rigged barbed wires along the railing and","Desc2":"activated fire hoses. The pirates chased the vessel for around 40 minutes and then aborted the attempt. The funnel, stern area and the accommodation was damaged due to the firing. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":50.925,"coords.x2":13.725} {"Reference":"2009-387","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A fishing vessel closed onto a general cargo vessel underway. Master increased speed ad took evasive maneuvers raised general alarm and contacted coalition warship. At distance of around 0.5 miles a white and blue hull skiff with 5 armed","Desc2":"pirates was launched from the fishing vessel. The skiff approached the vessel with a speed of approximately 20 knots but stopped and aborted the attack at a distance of around 0.2 miles. The attempt attack lasted around 25 minutes.","coords.x1":44.07889,"coords.x2":12.26389} {"Reference":"2009-391","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN: Container ship reported suspicious approach 11 Oct 09 at 1100 local time while underway in position 25-16.2N 058-14.9E, approximately 30NM southeast of Jask, Iran. A white speedboat 7 meters in length approached the vessel at a speed of 14","Desc2":"kts. Six people were visible on the boat wearing face masks. The vessel altered its course and conducted evasive maneuvers while increasing speed. The speedboat continued to pursue for approximately 40 minutes before eventually moving away (Operator,","Desc3":"IMB).","coords.x1":58.24833,"coords.x2":25.27} {"Reference":"2009-392","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 7 Oct 09 at 1320 local time while underway in position 12-07N 045-26.7E. Three skiffs approached the vessel underway. The vessel increased speed, conducted evasive maneuvers, and enforced counter-piracy","Desc2":"measures while contacting coalition forces. The skiffs eventually aborted their pursuit and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":45.445,"coords.x2":12.11667} {"Reference":"2009-382","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier fired upon 5 Oct 09 at 1759 UTC while underway in position 13-39N 050-30E. Two skiffs approached the vessel and opened fire with RPGs and automatic weapons. The master conducted evasive maneuvers and contacted coalition forces","Desc2":"for assistance. The two skiffs eventually broke off attacks after unsuccessfully attempting to board the vessel (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":50.5,"coords.x2":13.65} {"Reference":"2009-380","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"STRAITS OF BA EL MANDAB RED SEA: A chemical tanker under way reported a suspicious, white colored skiff around 10 meters long with a high rise bow and two blue camouflaged skiffs in tow in above position. Ships are advised to be vigilant and cautious","Desc2":"while transiting waters around this position.","coords.x1":43.16667,"coords.x2":12.91667} {"Reference":"2009-374","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Four pirates armed with guns chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Master increased speed and carried out evasive maneuvers and also contacted coalition warships. Coalition warship came to assist and the pirates aborted the attack","Desc2":"on sighting the warship.","coords.x1":49.31889,"coords.x2":13.19917} {"Reference":"2009-375","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirates in a skiff chased a bulk carrier underway. Master carried out evasive maneuvers, increased speed and informed coalition warships. A coalition warship and a helicopter intervention prented the pirates to continue the attempt. No","Desc2":"injuries to crew and no damage to the ship.","coords.x1":45.65,"coords.x2":12.25} {"Reference":"2009-373","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Eight pirates armed with guns in two high powered speed boats attempted to board a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm, took evasive maneuvers, fired parachute signals, activated SSAS and contacted coalition warships for assistance.","Desc2":"Sea water kept running on deck constantly and crew locked themselves in the bridge. Pirates started firing at the bridge and a coalition warship advised that they were getting closer to the ship. Pirates aborted the attempt upon seeing the warship. A","Desc3":"coalition helicopter carried out the inspection outside the ship's superstructure along every deck and confirmed no pirates onboard. Ship resume course.","coords.x1":49.41861,"coords.x2":13.19278} {"Reference":"2009-360","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (BBC PORTUGAL) fired upon 20 Sep 09 at 1545 local time while underway in position 12-49.48N 048-11.82E. One speed boat with seven armed men onboard approached the vessel. The master activated counter-piracy measures, and","Desc2":"an armed security team onboard exchanged gunfire with the men in the speedboat. The speedboat aborted its attack headed towards the Yemeni coast. An Australian warship responded to the call and boarded the speedboat, confiscating their weapons before","Desc3":"releasing them. (Operator, IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":48.197,"coords.x2":12.82467} {"Reference":"2009-363","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker fired upon 19 Sep 09 at 0550 UTC while underway in position 13-52.10N 051-04.17E. Four men armed with machine guns in a six meter long, white colored skiff, fired upon the vessel. The master raised the alarm increased speed, took","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers, informed ships in the vicinity and contacted coalition warships for assistance. The crew mustered and activated counter-piracy measures. A coalition helicopter arrived and the men in the skiff aborted the attack. No injuries to the","Desc3":"crew were reported (IMB).","coords.x1":51.0695,"coords.x2":13.86833} {"Reference":"2009-361","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier fired upon 19 Sep 09 at 0645 UTC while underway in position 13-52N 051-07E. Approximately seven armed men in a six meter long, while colored skiff fired upon the vessel. They attempted to board the vessel but were unable to do","Desc2":"so due to the evasive maneuvers and counter-piracy measures taken by the crew. The master contacted coalition forces for assistance. The men aborted the attempt upon seeing a coalition helicopter arriving at the scene. No injuries to the crew were","Desc3":"reported (IMB).","coords.x1":51.11667,"coords.x2":13.86667} {"Reference":"2009-362","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 19 Sep 09 at 0600 UTC while underway in position 13-54.2N 051-09.8E. Approximately six armed men in a white colored speedboat attempted to attack the vessel while it was underway with a convoy of two","Desc2":"other vessels. The master altered course and contacted coalition warships for assistance while the crew activated counter-piracy measures. The speedboat chased the vessel for 20 minutes and aborted the attempt upon arrival of a coalition helicopter","Desc3":"(IMB).","coords.x1":51.16333,"coords.x2":13.90333} {"Reference":"2009-364","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 18 Sep 09 0120 local time while underway in position 14-20.2N 049-47.1E. Men in a small boat approached the vessel and came as close as five meters. The alarm was raised and the crew was alerted. The","Desc2":"small boat eventually moved away and no further interaction was reported (IMB).","coords.x1":49.785,"coords.x2":14.33667} {"Reference":"2009-356","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: Vessel reported suspicious approach 16 Sep 09 at 1320 local time while underway in position 15-29N 041-34E. Vessel reported being chased by two high speed boats with approximately eight people dressed in black in each boat. The approach was made","Desc2":"from the port quarter. The vessel increased speed to maximum and conducted evasive maneuvers to put a wake between the vessel and the boats. The boats approached to within 0.5 miles before stopping, and then began drifting (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":41.56667,"coords.x2":15.48333} {"Reference":"2009-365","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship reported suspicious approach 16 Sep 09 at 1400 UTC while underway in position 15-20N 056-27.8E, approximately 170NM southeast of Salalah, Oman. A boat drifting on the port beam of the vessel increased speed and approached the","Desc2":"vessel. Due to vessel's higher speed, the boat was unable to get close and eventually moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":56.46333,"coords.x2":15.33333} {"Reference":"2009-344","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel fired upon 26 Aug 09 at 0829 UTC while underway in position 13-09N 048-45E. The vessel reported coming under fire by one small cargo vessel with a blue hull with 14 people onboard. The vessel changed course and managed to evade the","Desc2":"attack. Coalition warships arrived and investigated the incident. No injuries to the crew or damage to the vessel was reported (IMB).","coords.x1":48.75,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2009-342","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (ELGIZNUR CEBI) fired upon 14 Aug 09 at 0320 UTC while underway in position 12-35N 047-25E. Five men armed with automatic weapons and an RPG in a speedboat opened fire on the vessel. The master conducted evasive maneuvers to","Desc2":"prevent them from boarding. A German helicopter responded and fired warning shots at the speed boat, forcing them to abandon the attack. One crew member was reportedly injured. The vessel rendezvoused with a coalition warship to treat the injured crew","Desc3":"member (IMB, Reuters).","coords.x1":47.41667,"coords.x2":12.58333} {"Reference":"2009-334","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel fired upon 4 Aug 09 at 1310 UTC while underway in position 13-32N - 048-50E. Eight men in a 7-8m long, blue wooden boat armed with automatic weapons approached the vessel from the stern and opened fire. The general alarm was sounded","Desc2":"and the crew mustered on the bridge. The master increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers while activating the ship's alert system and contacting naval warships for assistance via VHF. After approximately 20 minutes, the boat abandoned its attack","Desc3":"when a nearby warship dispatched a helicopter to provide assistance (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":48.83333,"coords.x2":13.53333} {"Reference":"2009-338","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier fired upon 3 Aug 09 at 1500 UTC while underway in position 13-46.5N 050-42.3E. Ten heavily armed pirates in two boats fired upon the vessel underway. The pirates failed to board the vessel due to evasive action taken by the","Desc2":"master. All crew and ship properties are safe (IMB).","coords.x1":50.705,"coords.x2":13.775} {"Reference":"2009-321","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"FOUR PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (A ELEPHANT) fired upon 13 Jul 09 at 0420 UTC while underway in position 12-20.8N 043-54.3E, approximately 30NM southeast of Bab el Mandeb. Four pirates armed with automatic weapons in a skiff, operating with the previously hijacked","Desc2":"dhow (NAFEYA), chased and opened fire on the tanker. The skiff came close to the tanker and the pirates tried to hook a ladder onto the shipside. The master conducted evasive maneuvers and contacted nearby warships for help. A French warship responded","Desc3":"and helped prevent the boarding. Due to successful defense measures, the pirates aborted the attempt (IMB, Reuters).","coords.x1":43.905,"coords.x2":12.34667} {"Reference":"2009-322","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Dhow (NAFEYA) hijacked 10 Jul 09 while underway approximately 14NM off the coast of Bosasso, Somalia. Pirates boarded and hijacked the dhow with a crew of 11 Indians. The vessel was used as a mothership in a failed attack on the tanker (A","Desc2":"ELEPHANT). The dhow was released without ransom on 15 Jul 09, with all crew members safe (AFP, Reuters).","coords.x1":46.66667,"coords.x2":11.08333} {"Reference":"2009-316","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (HORIZON I) hijacked 8 Jul 09 at 0530 UTC while underway in position 13-44N 050-43E. Owners have verbally confirmed that pirates have taken hostage of crewmembers and are now sailing the vessel. There are currently 23 Turkish","Desc2":"crewmembers onboard (IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":50.71667,"coords.x2":13.73333} {"Reference":"2009-314","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"OMAN: The master of a bulk carrier reported that one small boat attacked the vessel from her stern and fired a rpg at her. Master took evasive action, increased speed and managed to escape. The sea condition at the time of the incident was beaufort scale","Desc2":"force 07.","coords.x1":58.49667,"coords.x2":14.855} {"Reference":"2009-326","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 4 Jul 09 at 1800 UTC while underway in position 14-51.3N 058-29.8E, approximately 220NM southeast of Sawqirah, Oman. The master of the vessel reported that one small boat approached the vessel","Desc2":"during bad weather conditions with very rough seas and allegedly fired an RPG. The master conducted evasive maneuvers, increased speed, and managed to elude the boat. ONI Comment: UKMTO contacted the master after the incident and was unable to confirm an","Desc3":"attack. No weapons seen, no damage confirmed to date, and no attempt to board was noted (IMB, UKMTO, ONI).","coords.x1":58.49667,"coords.x2":14.855} {"Reference":"2009-317","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 4 Jul 09 at 1800 UTC while underway in position 14-51.3N 058-29.8E, approximately 220NM southeast of Sawqirah, Oman. The master of the vessel reported that one small boat approached the vessel","Desc2":"during bad weather conditions with very rough seas and allegedly fired an RPG. The master conducted evasive maneuvers, increased speed, and managed to elude the boat. ONI Comment: UKMTO contacted the master after the incident and was unable to confirm an","Desc3":"attack. No weapons seen, no damage confirmed to date, and no attempt to board was noted (IMB, UKMTO, ONI).","coords.x1":58.49667,"coords.x2":14.855} {"Reference":"2009-300","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Two White Skiffs","Victim":"General Cargo Ship","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo vessel (BOLAN) fired upon 22 Jun 09 at 0850 local time while underway in position 13-33N 050-19E. Two small white skiffs with four to five armed men onboard chased and opened fire on the vessel while underway. The captain","Desc2":"raised the alarm and mustered the crew. The vessel conducted evasive maneuvers and fired rocket flares. Coalition forces in the area were also informed. A NATO warship in the vicinity responded and chased the skiffs before eventually capturing the armed","Desc3":"men (Operator, IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":50.31667,"coords.x2":13.55} {"Reference":"2009-299","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"White Skiff","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (MAERSK PHOENIX) fired upon 22 Jun 09 at 0910 local time while underway in position 13-29N 050-20E. Approximately six to eight armed men in a white skiff approached the vessel and fired at it with an RPG. The vessel conducted evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers to prevent a boarding. A NATO warship was sighted and the vessel proceeded toward the warship for assistance. The skiff turned away when the warship began pursuing it. The warships fired several shots at the skiff before the armed men finally","Desc3":"surrendered (Operator, IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":50.33333,"coords.x2":13.48333} {"Reference":"2009-298","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Skiffs","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"BAB EL MANDEB: Tanker reported suspicious approach 19 Jun 09 at 1220 UTC while underway in position 12-38N 043-21E. Armed men in skiffs chased the vessel while underway. The captain raised the alarm, sounded the whistle, and conducted evasive maneuvers.","Desc2":"The crew mustered and activated fire hoses. The men in the skiffs abandoned the pursuit due to evasive maneuvers and the repeated calls to nearby coalition forces (IMB).","coords.x1":50.33333,"coords.x2":13.48333} {"Reference":"2009-301","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Three Speed Boats","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"RED SEA: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 18 Jun 09 at 1500 UTC while underway in position 16-00N 041-24E, approximately 110NM northwest of Al Hudaydah, Yemen. Thirty men in three speed boats armed with guns and RPGs reportedly chased the vessel","Desc2":"while underway. The ship raised the alarm, sounded the whistle, mustered the crew, and conducted evasive maneuvers. The speed boats abandoned their pursuit a short time later (IMB).","coords.x1":41.4,"coords.x2":16} {"Reference":"2009-288","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Skiff","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker fired upon 15 June 09 at 1305 local time while underway in position 12-58N 048-27E. One skiff approached the vessel to within about ten meters and fired with gun and RPG rounds. The vessel conducted evasive maneuvers and the skiff","Desc2":"eventually broke away and fled the scene. An Iranian warship arrived on scene in about 20 minutes followed by a coalition helicopter later (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":48.45,"coords.x2":12.96667} {"Reference":"2009-291","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Skiffs","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 14 June 09 at 1435 UTC while underway in position 12-25N 043-28E. Several skiffs chased the vessel but aborted after the tanker applied anti-piracy measures to prevent boarding (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":43.46667,"coords.x2":12.41667} {"Reference":"2009-289","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Speed Boats","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker fired upon 14 June 09 at 1700 local time while underway in position 12-33N 043-29E, near Bab el Mandeb. Several speed boats approached the vessel, crossed its bow, and opened fire with automatic weapons. The tanker performed evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers to prevent the men from boarding (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":43.48333,"coords.x2":12.55} {"Reference":"2009-290","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Four Speed Boats","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 14 June 09 at 1740 local time while underway in position 12-58N 043-09E. Four speed boats with five to six persons in each armed with automatic weapons approached the vessel. The tanker performed evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers and activated fire hoses on deck. The speed boats later aborted the pursuit (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":43.15,"coords.x2":12.96667} {"Reference":"2009-292","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Unknown Vessel","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 14 June 09 at 1453 UTC while underway in position 12-59N 043-09E. Vessel took evasive maneuvers to prevent possible boarding (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":43.15,"coords.x2":12.98333} {"Reference":"2009-293","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Skiffs","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach 13 June 09 at 0110 local time while underway in position 12-36N 043-25E. Vessel performed evasive maneuvers and contacted coalition warships via VHF channel 16. The skiffs later aborted the","Desc2":"pursuit (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":43.41667,"coords.x2":12.6} {"Reference":"2009-294","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"General Cargo Ship","Desc1":"OMAN: General cargo ship (CHARELLE) hijacked 12 June 09 at 1334 UTC while underway in position 21-55N 059-51E, approximately 11NM off the coast of Oman. An unknown number of armed men boarded and hijacked the vessel after pursuing it for some time","Desc2":"(Operator, IMB, UPI).","coords.x1":59.85,"coords.x2":21.91667} {"Reference":"2009-295","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Ten Pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"OMAN: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 10 June 09 at 1420 UTC while underway in position 18-41N 058-01E, approximately 20NM off Ras al Madrakah. Approximately ten men armed with automatic weapons and an RPG in two speed boats chased the vessel","Desc2":"and attempted to board with a hooked latter. The vessel master sounded the ship?s whistle, activated the ship?s fire hoses and performed evasive maneuvers to prevent boarding (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":58.01667,"coords.x2":18.68333} {"Reference":"2009-282","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported being fired upon 3 Jun 09 at 1530 UTC while underway in position 13-19N - 046-51E. The captain reported men armed with guns and RPGs attacked the vessel while underway. No further information to report at this time","Desc2":"(Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":46.85,"coords.x2":13.31667} {"Reference":"2009-279","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker fired upon 1 Jun 09 at 0615 local time while underway in position 13-33N - 050-29E. Five armed men in a white skiff approached the vessel. The captain increased speed, activated high pressure fire hoses, mustered the crew, contacted","Desc2":"coalition forces and conducted evasive maneuvers. At 10 meters away from the vessel, the men in the skiff opened fire with automatic weapons. Due to anti-piracy measures, the men in the skiff were unable to board and aborted the attack (IMB).","coords.x1":50.48333,"coords.x2":13.55333} {"Reference":"2009-276","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Armed pirates in a boat attempted to board a tanker underway. Ship raised alarm sounded whistle, switched lights on, activated fire hoses, increased speed and commenced evasive maneuvers. Pirate boat came about 2-3 meters off the ship's","Desc2":"side, fired upon her and aborted the attempt. No injuries to crew. Coalition warship informed.","coords.x1":48.705,"coords.x2":12.995} {"Reference":"2009-277","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA: Tanker (STOLT STRENGTH) fired upon 31 May 09 at 1000 UTC while underway in position 13-29N - 043-01E, approximately 60NM northwest of the Bab el Mandeb. Seven armed men in a skiff chased and opened fire on the vessel. The captain increased","Desc2":"speed, conducted evasive maneuvers, and contacted coalition forces. Yemeni coast guard dispatched their military boats and later a coalition helicopter arrived at the location. No injuries were reported. The vessel sustained holes from RPG and automatic","Desc3":"gunfire (IMB, LL).","coords.x1":43.01667,"coords.x2":13.48333} {"Reference":"2009-274","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 29 May 09 at 1045 UTC while underway in position 12-20N - 046-26E. Six armed men in a speed boat approached the vessel. The vessel conducted evasive maneuvers to prevent a possible boarding and","Desc2":"contacted nearby coalition forces for assistance (IMB).","coords.x1":46.43333,"coords.x2":12.33333} {"Reference":"2009-275","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach 29 May 09 at 1050 UTC while underway in position 12-11N - 046-22E. Five pirates in a blue colored speed boat approached the vessel from less than 1NM away. The captain alerted UKMTO and MSCHOA","Desc2":"and then maneuvered the vessel toward a nearby warship, causing the speed boat to move away (IMB).","coords.x1":46.36667,"coords.x2":12.19833} {"Reference":"2009-270","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A merchant vessel reported coming under pirate attach at 0729 UTC on 28 May 09 approximately 110 NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen in position 13-01-24N - 048-48-36E. The pirate boat approached the vessel's port quarter as the merchant","Desc2":"vessel was heavily rigged with barbed wire around likely hook points at the mid-ship and stern area, and not as dense on the quarter. The merchant vessel was transiting in a convoy escorted by an Indian Navy vessel. The Indian Navy vessel immediately","Desc3":"launched a helicopter which fired upon the pirate boat and successfully prevented the pirates from boarding the vessel.","coords.x1":48.81,"coords.x2":13.02333} {"Reference":"2009-263","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (ANTONIS) fired upon 26 May 09 at 0430 local time while underway in position 13-05N - 048-58E. Two skiffs with four armed men onboard each approached the vessel from the port side and opened fire with machine guns. The vessel","Desc2":"conducted evasive maneuvers, opened up fire hoses, and fired rocket flares at the skiffs to in order to prevent the men from boarding. The two skiffs aborted the attack after approximately 45 minutes (Operator, IMB, AP).","coords.x1":48.96667,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2009-264","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier fired upon 25 May 09 at 0028 local time while underway in position 13-11N - 049-19E. Four armed men in a skiff approached the vessel from the port quarter and opened fire. The captain mustered the crew and conducted evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers while reporting the incident to nearby coalition forces. After approximately 10 minutes, the skiff aborted its attack (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":49.31667,"coords.x2":13.18333} {"Reference":"2009-266","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 22 May 09 at 1120 UTC while underway in position 12-53N - 048-02. A small boat was observed 3NM away on the starboard side. A small skiff then detached from the boat and started approaching the vessel?s","Desc2":"stern, coming as close as 1.5NM. The vessel informed naval warships on VHF Ch. 16 and conducted evasive maneuvers. The suspicious skiff was white colored and had 3 men onboard. The skiff eventually aborted its pursuit and moved back to the possible","Desc3":"mother ship (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":48.03333,"coords.x2":12.88333} {"Reference":"2009-265","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel (MARIA K) fired upon 22 May 09 at 0900 local time while underway in position 13-13N - 049-10E. One speed boat with nine men onboard fired an RPG at the vessel and missed. Coalition forces nearby responded, and the men in the skiff","Desc2":"aborted the attack 10 minutes later and proceeded toward another vessel in the vicinity. The speed boat was eventually seized by coalition forces (Operator, IMB, AP).","coords.x1":49.16667,"coords.x2":13.21667} {"Reference":"2009-267","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 19 May 09 at 0755 local time while underway in position 13-16N - 048-59E. A high speed boat chased the vessel while underway. The captain altered course to increase the distance and contacted nearby","Desc2":"warships for assistance. The boat aborted the pursuit due to the vessel's evasive maneuvers (IMB).","coords.x1":48.98333,"coords.x2":13.26667} {"Reference":"2009-254","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A high speed boat chased a tanker underway. Master altered course to increase CPA and contacted warship for assistance. The speed boat came very close ut due to ship;s evasive maneuvers, aborted the attempt and moved away.","coords.x1":48.99667,"coords.x2":13.28} {"Reference":"2009-250","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker fired upon 19 May 09 at 0214 local time while underway in position 12-56N - 048-30E. Five pirates armed with machine guns in a wooden boat approached the vessel and opened fire on the port side. The vessel increased speed and","Desc2":"conducted evasive maneuvers while activating the ship?s alarm. After four minutes, the men in the skiff aborted the attack and altered course (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":48.52667,"coords.x2":12.94} {"Reference":"2009-268","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 18 May 09 while underway in position 12-46N - 048-05E. Men in two skiffs approached the tanker while underway. The captain conducted evasive maneuvers, fired rocket flares, and contacted nearby warships","Desc2":"for assistance. The two skiffs eventually abandoned their pursuit (IMB).","coords.x1":48.08333,"coords.x2":12.76667} {"Reference":"2009-255","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirates in two skiffs attempted to board a tanker underway. The tanker took evasive maneuvers, fired rocket flares and contacted warship for assistance. Later, pirates aborted the attempt and returned to the mother vessel.","coords.x1":48.08333,"coords.x2":12.76667} {"Reference":"2009-257","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker fired upon 17 May 09 at 1012 local time while underway in position 14-10N - 051-55E. Six armed pirates in a white skiff approached the vessel from astern at 20 knots, and began opening fire with automatic weapons and RPGs. The","Desc2":"captain conducted evasive maneuvers and alerted nearby coalition forces. The pirates aborted the attack after approximately 36 minutes (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":51.91667,"coords.x2":14.15} {"Reference":"2009-252","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO/RORO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: RO/RO reported suspicious approach 15 May 09 at 0639 UTC while underway in position 14-44N - 051-15E. Armed men wearing masks in four speed boats approached the vessel, coming as close as 500 meters. The vessel conducted evasive maneuvers","Desc2":"and fired two flares at the pirate boats. The master contacted coalition warships for assistance. Thirty minutes later, a helicopter flew over the location. The speed boats aborted the attempt and regrouped around a suspected mother ship approximately","Desc3":"4NM away (IMB).","coords.x1":51.25,"coords.x2":14.73333} {"Reference":"2009-251","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Two boats with five pirates in each boat chased and fired upon a bulk carrier with automatic rifles and rpg. An orange and white colored mother vessel was noticed around 3 miles astern of the vessel. Master carried out evasive maneuvers,","Desc2":"increased speed and contacted coalition warship. A helicopter arrived at the location and the pirates aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":49.2,"coords.x2":13.28333} {"Reference":"2009-238","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel fired upon 13 May 09 at 1310 UTC while underway approximately 115NM south of al Mukalla, Yemen. The vessel reported being fired upon with RPGs from two skiffs. Coalition forces nearby arrived and provided assistance (Operator).","coords.x1":43.43333,"coords.x2":12.55} {"Reference":"2009-239","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 10 May 09 at 0715 UTC while underway in position 12:33N ? 043:26E. Two speed boats with approximately 13 persons onboard approached the vessel?s starboard quarter at high speed. The master raised the","Desc2":"alarm and alerted the crew. The vessel conducted evasive maneuvers and two signal rockets were launched from the vessel toward the speed boats? direction. Contact was established with a Russian warship in the vicinity and the two speed boats aborted the","Desc3":"attack (Operator).","coords.x1":43.43333,"coords.x2":12.55} {"Reference":"2009-242","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported attempted boarding 7 May 09 at 1220 local time while underway in position 12:12N ? 045:45E. One blue colored skiff with nine men onboard armed with guns approached the vessel and attempted to board. The captain raised the","Desc2":"alarm and the crew mustered. The alert crew fired four rocket flares and threw two hand flares on the skiff. The captain took evasive maneuvers and reported to nearby coalition forces. The men in the skiff aborted the attempt (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":45.75,"coords.x2":12.2} {"Reference":"2009-240","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (MARATHON) hijacked 7 May 09 at 1105 UTC while underway in position 13:43N ? 050:35E. Armed pirates in skiffs attacked, boarded, and hijacked the vessel with reportedly eight Ukrainian crew members onboard (Reuters, IMB).","coords.x1":50.58333,"coords.x2":13.71667} {"Reference":"2009-241","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk carrier fired upon 7 May 09 at 0930 UTC while underway in position 13:04N ? 049:00E. Seven pirates in a boat came close to the vessel and attempted to board by using an aluminum ladder and firing at the ship using automatic weapons and","Desc2":"RPGs. The master increased speed and carried out evasive maneuvers while informing coalition forces. When a coalition helicopter arrived, the pirates aborted the attempt. A coalition warship arrived shortly after and advised the vessel to follow. The","Desc3":"pirates were later arrested and detained (IMB).","coords.x1":49,"coords.x2":13.06667} {"Reference":"2009-227","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel fired upon 6 May 09 at 0910 UTC while underway in position 13-34N - 048-38E. Armed men in a skiff fired shots at the vessel while underway. The captain conducted evasive maneuvers, and in doing so, caused the pirate skiff to capsize,","Desc2":"knocking six pirates into the water. EU warships arrived on the scene to investigate (IMB).","coords.x1":48.63333,"coords.x2":13.56667} {"Reference":"2009-243","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 6 May 09 at 1145 UTC while underway in position 13:23N ? 048:28E. Two suspicious crafts were spotted and reportedly began chasing the vessel from the port quarter. The crew was alerted and immediately","Desc2":"activated fire hoses. Nearby naval warships were informed. The suspicious boats later aborted their pursuit (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":48.46667,"coords.x2":13.38333} {"Reference":"2009-229","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel (MICHAEL S) fired upon 5 May 09 at 0444Z while underway in position 13-09N - 049-08E. Four men onboard a boat opened fire on the vessel with an RPG. An Italian frigate in the vicinity arrived to provide assistance and the vessel was","Desc2":"able to escape (Operator, LM: timesofmalta.com).","coords.x1":49.13333,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2009-228","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (VICTORIA) hijacked 5 May 09 at 1304 UTC while underway in position 13-24N - 049-22E. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel while underway. Eleven crewmembers are currently onboard (IMB, Bloomberg).","coords.x1":49.36667,"coords.x2":13.4} {"Reference":"2009-211","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel fired upon 28 Apr 09 at 0704 UTC while underway in position 13-49N - 056-30E, approximately 380NM northeast of Caluula, Somalia. Two skiffs were launched from a mother ship and fired two RPGs at the bridge and missed. Automatic","Desc2":"weapons were fired and struck the vessel on the starboard side. No injuries were reported (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":56.5,"coords.x2":13.81667} {"Reference":"2009-207","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A merchant vessel reported being fired upon at 0704 UTC on 28 APR 09 in position 13-50N 056-26E 44 miles north by northwest of the incident reported on the 27 APR 09. Two skiffs were reportedly launched from mothership and fired upon the","Desc2":"cargo vessel using automatic weapons and two rpgs. Vessel enforced preventive piracy measures and was able to avoid the attack.","coords.x1":56.43333,"coords.x2":13.83333} {"Reference":"2009-209","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel fired upon 28 Apr 09 at 0630 UTC while underway in position 12-31N - 046-07E. One blue colored speed boat with six armed men onboard approached the vessel and opened fire with automatic weapons. The vessel conducted evasive maneuvers","Desc2":"and used rocket flares to prevent the boarding. Nearby coalition warships were contacted. The speed boat aborted the attempt approximately 30 minutes later. No injuries to the crew or damage to the vessel was reported (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":46.11667,"coords.x2":12.51667} {"Reference":"2009-204","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A merchant vessel reported coming under pirate attack at 1050 UTC on 27 APR 09 in position 13-10N 056-37E. A white colored wooden speed boat 10-12m in length was launched from mothership and traveled at a speed of 23 knots toward the","Desc2":"vessel. The speed boat had 3 pirates on board armed with machine guns and an rpg. The pirate boat ordered the vessel to stop, but the vessel took evasive maneuvers and avoided attack without sustaining any damage. At 1130 UTC the same mothership launched","Desc3":"2 pirate speed boats, this time with 4 pirates on one and 4-5 in the other. Both had machine guns and rpgs onboard. The two pirate boats approached the vessel from the port side and stern, firing machine guns and atleast 1 rpg at the vessel. The vessel","Desc4":"again took evsive maneuvers to avoid boarding and is now reported as safe.","coords.x1":56.61667,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"2009-212","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (NS COMMANDER) fired upon 27 Apr 09 at 1050 UTC while underway in position 13-10N - 056-37E, approximately 320NM east of Caluula, Somalia. One speed boat with three armed men approached the vessel and ordered it to stop. The captain","Desc2":"conducted evasive maneuvers, and the gunmen opened fire. After 30 minutes, two speed boats with four to five men in each boat approached and opened fire on the vessel. The master continued to carry out evasive maneuvers and succeeded in preventing the","Desc3":"men from boarding (IMB, LM: RIA Novosti).","coords.x1":56.61667,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"2009-205","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (GNA) hijacked 26 Apr 09 at 1130 UTC while underway in position 13-25N - 047-24E. The vessel was attacked and hijacked by approximately 14 pirates. The tanker was later taken back by Yemeni forces (AFP, IMB).","coords.x1":47.4,"coords.x2":13.41667} {"Reference":"2009-203","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship fired upon 25 Apr 09 at 0600 local time while underway in position 14-00N - 051-31E. Two small speed boats with five persons armed with guns approached the vessel. When they were approximately three cables away from the","Desc2":"vessel, they opened fire using automatic weapons. The master enforced anti-piracy measures and prevented the boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":51.51667,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"2009-202","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (PATRIOT) hijacked 25 Apr 09 at 0335 local time while underway in position 14-01N - 051-34E. Pirates in skiffs armed with guns attacked and hijacked the vessel. Seventeen crew members are onboard (Reuters, IMB).","coords.x1":51.56667,"coords.x2":14.01667} {"Reference":"2009-194","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Two speed boats with five to six pirates in each boat armed with guns approached a general cargo ship on the stbd quarter at a distance of 100-150 meters. Vessel fired rocket flares at the pirate boats and contacted the coalition warship","Desc2":"for assistance. The pirates aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":47.79167,"coords.x2":12.725} {"Reference":"2009-200","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Fishing dhow hijacked 5 Apr 09 in position 10:40N - 045:00E. The dhow reported being hijacked by approximately 20 pirates. On or about 22 Apr 09, a private security team from Puntland rescue the crew members and release the dhow. Two","Desc2":"pirates were captured while the rest were able to escape (IMB).","coords.x1":45,"coords.x2":10.66667} {"Reference":"2009-195","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Twelve pirates, in two white coloued speedboats ared with automatic wapons, chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Vessel made evasive maneuvers and enforced anti piracy measures and prevented the boarding.","coords.x1":47.66667,"coords.x2":13.25} {"Reference":"2009-198","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (FRONT ARDENNE) reported attempted hijacking 18 Apr 09 at 1530 local time while underway in position 12:18N ? 046:29E. Seven armed men in a blue skiff approached the tanker from the starboard quarter. No shots were fired, but the","Desc2":"armed men made aggressive maneuvers in an attempt to board. The officer on watch notified nearby coalition warships. The captain increased speed and activated fire hoses. The vessel conducted evasive maneuvers as advised by the warship. A Canadian","Desc3":"warship arrived, intercepting the skiff and thwarting the attack (Operator, CNN).","coords.x1":46.48333,"coords.x2":12.3} {"Reference":"2009-199","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker fired upon 18 Apr 09 at 0745 UTC while underway in position 12:14N ? 045:45E. A 20 meter black hull boat with a black sail was spotted. Once the boat was astern, it launched a white hull skiff which proceeded towards the","Desc2":"tanker. Men in the skiff prepared a ladder to board the tanker. The tanker increased speed and enforced anti-piracy preventive measures. An RPG was fired at the tanker, which fell on the deck but did not explode. The men in the skiff aborted the attack","Desc3":"and returned to the mother ship (IMB).","coords.x1":45.75,"coords.x2":12.23333} {"Reference":"2009-189","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A general cargo ship detected a speed boat approaching her at distance of seven nautical miles. Warship contacted and informed of the speed boat and mother vessel nearby. The speed boat doing a speed of 15 knots approached the vessel on the","Desc2":"stbd side. When the speed boat was about two miles, three armed pirates were sighted. Vessel fired rocket flares, activated fire hoses, alarm sounded. The speed boat came as close as 40-50 meters from the vessel. Master fired rocket towards the speed","Desc3":"boat. Later, the speed boat aborted and returned to the mother vessel.","coords.x1":47.81667,"coords.x2":12.85} {"Reference":"2009-179","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A 35,000 ton bulk carrier M/V Irene (E.M) was hijacked by unconfirmed number of pirates on 14 Apr 09 at 0200 local while underway in position 12-51N 084-11E, approximately 100 miles south of Al Mukala, Yemen in the Gulf of Aden. The crew on","Desc2":"board consists of 23 men, cargo on board is listed as fertilizer and the vessel is being sailed to an undisclosed location.","coords.x1":48.25,"coords.x2":12.9} {"Reference":"2009-180","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Six pirates armed with guns in a skiff fired upon a bulk carrier 12 Apr 09 at 0400 UTC while underway. Vessel sent distress messages and took evasive maneuvers finally prevented the boarding.","coords.x1":48.81667,"coords.x2":13.05} {"Reference":"2009-181","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An american-owned and Italian-flagged tug towing two barges, and operated by UAE company, was hijacked while travelling westbound through the Gulf of Aden at 1104 UTC this morning. The 16 man crew are believed to be unharmed and shipping in","Desc2":"the area has been warned to stay away from where the vessel was taken for fear of further attacks.","coords.x1":46.31667,"coords.x2":12.4} {"Reference":"2009-178","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"Either pirates armed with guns in a speed boat (blue color, plastic hull, 12 length) attacked a bulk carrier underway. Vessel took evasive maneuvers and contacted coalition warship. A coalition warship acknowledged and came to the location. The pirates","Desc2":"approached at a distance of 100m and aborted the attack.","coords.x1":46.38333,"coords.x2":12.26667} {"Reference":"2009-183","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Fishing vessel (AHMED SAMARAH) hijacked 10 Apr 09 in the vicinity of Ras Kampomi off Bosaso, Somalia. Pirates attacked and hijacked the vessel with 18 crew members onboard. It is suspected they may be using the fishing vessel as a pirate","Desc2":"mother ship to attack and hijack other vessels (IMB, Australia.TO).","coords.x1":49.2,"coords.x2":11.26667} {"Reference":"2009-174","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A general cargo ship underway sighted a suspicious mother vessel which later launched two skiffs. The boats chased the vessel ad opened fire with guns and RPG. Master raised alarm, carried out evasive maneuvers and succeeded in deterring","Desc2":"the pirates.","coords.x1":51.46667,"coords.x2":14.13333} {"Reference":"2009-175","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. The vessel commenced evasive maneuvers and contacted the coalition naval forces for assisstance. A military helicopter arrived and upon sighting the aircraft the pirates","Desc2":"aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":49.21667,"coords.x2":13.13333} {"Reference":"2009-158","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier hijacked 6 Apr 09 at 0620 UTC while underway in position 12-33N 049-02E. The vessel was boarded and hijacked by pirates while underway. The vessel was reportedly carrying iron and had a crew of 24 (IMB, AP).","coords.x1":49.03333,"coords.x2":12.55} {"Reference":"2009-160","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"TWO SPEED BOATS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 2 Apr 09 at 1300 UTC while underway in position 13-51N 051-14E. Two speed boats, blue and white in color, with three or four persons onboard approached the vessel underway at over 20 kts. The speed","Desc2":"boats came as close as 0.4NM away. The master sounded the alarm. An Indian warship was informed. Two helicopters from Japan and India responded and the pirates aborted their attempt on sighting the helicopters (IMB).","coords.x1":51.23333,"coords.x2":13.85} {"Reference":"2009-146","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 1 Apr 09 at 1130 UTC while underway in position 13-50N 055:15E, approximately 90NM northeast of Socotra Island. A dhow described as having a brown hull and blue superstructure with a length of 30 meters","Desc2":"was sighted at a course of 085 with a speed of over 8kts. According to the master, course and position of the dhow was suspicious for that area (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":55.25,"coords.x2":13.83333} {"Reference":"2009-150","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:PIRATES IN A SPEED BOAT APPROACHED AND ATTEMPTED TO BOARD A CHEMICAL TANKER UNDERWAY BY USING METAL HOOKS AND ROPES. ALERT CREW PREVENTED THE BOARDING AND INFORMED DUTY OFFICER ON BRIDGE. VESSEL MADE EVASIVE MANOEUVERES AND ESCAPED FROM THE","Desc2":"PIRATE ATTACK.","coords.x1":44.88417,"coords.x2":11.83389} {"Reference":"2009-143","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GERMAN NAVY TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: German navy tanker (FGS SPESSART) fired upon 29 Mar 09 at 1204 UTC while underway in position 12-57N 049-31E. Seven pirates in a skiff opened fire on the naval ship, mistaking it for a merchant vessel. Men on the ship returned fire, forcing","Desc2":"the skiff to flee. The German ship then pursued the skiff along with Spanish and Greek frigates. The skiff was halted and boarded by the Greek frigate, who seized the pirates along with their weapons. The pirates were then transferred to a German frigate","Desc3":"to be detained (AFP, AP, Operator).","coords.x1":49.51667,"coords.x2":12.95} {"Reference":"2009-142","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker reported attempted boarding 29 Mar 09 at 2123 local time while underway in position 11-50N 044-53E. Men in a speed boat approached and attempted to board the vessel by using metal hooks and ropes. A crew member on watch","Desc2":"heard a metal knock from the starboard side and saw a metal hook being thrown by one of the men in an attempt to attach to the vessel, but fell off. The watchman informed the bridge and the general alarm was sounded. The vessel conducted evasive","Desc3":"maneuvering while fire pumps were activated. Nearby warships were contacted and informed of the incident. A warship proceeded to the vessels direction to provide assistance. A security team boarded the vessel and conducted a search, but no discretions","Desc4":"were found (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":44.88333,"coords.x2":11.83333} {"Reference":"2009-144","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel fired upon 28 Mar 09 at 1400 UTC while underway in position 12-25N 046-25E. The vessel was approached by one skiff with seven men onboard armed with AK-47s. The men in the skiff fired shots in the air upon their approach. Coalition","Desc2":"helicopters were dispatched to provide assistance (Operator).","coords.x1":46.41667,"coords.x2":12.41667} {"Reference":"2009-157","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"TWO WHITE SPEED BOATS","Victim":"UKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"BAB-EL-MANDEB: Vessel reported suspicious approach 26 Mar 09 at 1828 local time while underway in position 12-38N 043-18E, per 7 Apr 09 reporting. Two white colored speed boats were sighted with five men onboard each. They approached from the port","Desc2":"quarter and one boat came within 100 meters. They followed the vessel for five minutes. The captain conducted evasive maneuvers and informed coalition forces. After approximately 12 minutes, the boats aborted their pursuit and moved away (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":43.3,"coords.x2":12.63333} {"Reference":"2009-153","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"RED SEA:A BULK CARRIER UNDERWAY WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES IN SPEED BOATS. THE VESSEL AVOIDED THE ATTEMPT BY EMPLOYING EFFECTIVE ANTI PIRACY MEASURES. NO FURTHER DETAILS AVAILABLE.","coords.x1":42.56667,"coords.x2":13.51667} {"Reference":"2009-159","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"WHITE CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported attempted boarding 20 Mar 09 at 0530 local time while underway in position 13-10N 049-13E, per 6 Apr 09 reporting. A white craft with blue stripes was sighted at the starboard bow heading towards the vessel. At a distance of","Desc2":"0.4 miles, the boat reduced its speed. Five men holding long poles with hooks were seen but as soon as the vessel altered course and alarmed coalition warships, the boat passed by turned attention to another vessel. It was reported that the attempt on","Desc3":"the second vessel was also unsuccessful as helicopters were seen heading to the area (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":49.21667,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"2009-133","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"BAB-EL-MANDEB: Vessel reported suspicious approach 20 Mar 09 at 0600 UTC while underway in position 13-42N 042-27E. Men in two speed boats armed with machine guns chased the vessel. The boats crossed the ship's bow and came onto the port side. The","Desc2":"captain conducted evasive maneuvers and activated fire hoses and prevented boarding (Operator).","coords.x1":42.45,"coords.x2":13.7} {"Reference":"2009-134","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 20 Mar 09 at 0600 local time while underway in position 13-07N 049-12E. A suspicious craft was sighted by a nearby tanker and approached her port bow heading towards the stern. The tanker contacted","Desc2":"coalition warships and reported a suspicious craft with about six persons onboard heavily armed. The craft aborted the approach and then proceeded to the vessel which was located behind the tanker. When the craft was at a distance of about 3NM from the","Desc3":"port bow, the duty officer reported the position to coalition forces. The craft then crossed their port bow to the starboard side and reduced speed to 2kts. The master conducted evasive maneuvers, stationed additional lookouts, and established bridge to","Desc4":"bridge contact with coalition warships nearby. A helicopter was deployed from a warship and arrived in the vicinity to patrol the surrounding areas. The suspicious craft then aborted the pursuit and moved away towards an undisclosed direction (Operator,","Desc5":"IMB).","coords.x1":49.2,"coords.x2":13.11667} {"Reference":"2009-130","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (TITAN) hijacked 19 Mar 09 at 1430 UTC while underway in position 12-35N 047-21E. Six men in a speed boat armed with AK47s and pistols boarded and hijacked the vessel. The pirates are in control of the vessel and sailing her to","Desc2":"Somali coastal waters (IMB).","coords.x1":47.35,"coords.x2":12.58333} {"Reference":"2009-123","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported attempted hijacking 1 Jan 09 at 1730 local time while underway in position 14-36N 051-07E, per 18 Mar 09 reporting. Eight men in a speed boat armed with machine guns and an RPG approached the vessel. The men in the speed","Desc2":"boat attempted to attach a hook ladder to the side of the vessel, but due to evasive maneuverings conducted by the captain and quick reactions by the crew, the pirates were unable to board and aborted their attempt (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":51.11667,"coords.x2":14.6} {"Reference":"2009-122","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Cargo vessel (DIAMOND FALCON) fired upon 14 Mar 09 at 0629 UTC while underway in position 13-42N 049-19E, approximately 50NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Two skiffs with men onboard armed with automatic weapons and RPGs fired upon the","Desc2":"vessel. The captain conducted evasive maneuvers and counter-piracy measures while a Turkish warship nearby dispatched two helicopters to provide assistance along with a Danish warship. The men in the two skiffs fled the scene after the warships arrival,","Desc3":"but no arrests were made. The vessel escaped but reported 40-45 shots around the bridge with minimal damage. No injuries to the crew were reported (Operator, AFP).","coords.x1":49.31667,"coords.x2":13.7} {"Reference":"2009-110","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:VESSEL REPORTED SUSPICIOUS APPROACH 11 MAR 09 AT 0520Z WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 13-16N 049-44E. A SUSPICIOUS BOAT WAS SIGHTED DRIFTING AT 5 MILES DISTANCE ON THE STARBOARD BEAM. THE VESSEL CONTINUED IT'S TRANSIT, AND THE DISTANCED TO THE","Desc2":"SUSPICIOUS BOAT WAS REDUCED TO LESS THAN 2 MILES. THE BOAT HAD A WHITE HULL WITH ONE WOODEN MAST IN THE CENTER, WHIT FIVE TO SIX MEN ONBOARD. THE BOAT THEN BEGAN MOVING TOWARDS THE VESSEL, INCREASING SPEED. THE CAPTAIN BEGAN CONDUCTING EVASIVE MANEUVERS","Desc3":"AND CALLED NEARBY WARSHIPS VIA VHF CH.16. THE GENERAL ALARM WAS SOUNDEDAND THE CREW MUSTERED. AT APPROXIMATELY 1 MILE AWAY, THE BOAT REVERSED COURSE AND THEN BEGAN DRIFTING AGAIN. TEN MINUTES LATER, TWO COALITIN WARSHIPS ARRIVED. THE WARSHIPS CONTACTED","Desc4":"THE VESSEL AND INTRUCTED THEM TO PROCEED WITH FULL SPEED.","coords.x1":49.73333,"coords.x2":13.26667} {"Reference":"2009-121","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"BAB-EL-MANDEB: Vessel reported suspicious approach 16 Mar 09 at 1505 UTC while underway in position 12-33N 043-25E. Five men in two speed boats armed with guns approached the vessel from the port bow. The captain conducted evasive maneuvers while","Desc2":"reporting the incident on VHF Ch. 16, but received no reply. The speed boats abandoned their pursuit after 10 minutes (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":43.41667,"coords.x2":12.55} {"Reference":"2009-100","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 5 Mar 09 at 1420 UTC while underway in position 13-45N 050-44E. A suspicious white boat towing three small, white boats was observed moving east with a speed of approximately 7kts. The same suspicious","Desc2":"boat was reported earlier at 0930Z on VHF Ch 16 to Coalition warships informing them that the three small, white boats approached the vessel at a speed of 16kts (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":50.73333,"coords.x2":13.75} {"Reference":"2009-101","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 4 Mar 09 at 0735 UTC while underway in position 12-17N 044-09E. One suspicious boat was spotted at the port bow quarter at a distance of approximately 2NM. The boat increased speed and tried to cross in","Desc2":"front of them. The captain raised the alarm, increased speed, and conducted evasive maneuvering. The suspicious craft then stopped and passed along the vessels port beam half a mile away. Five armed men were spotted in the boat. The vessel tried to","Desc3":"contact coalition forces but received no response, but the message was relayed by a nearby vessel. Approximately 30 minutes later, visual contact was made with a coalition warship (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":44.15,"coords.x2":12.28333} {"Reference":"2009-102","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel (MV COURIER) fired upon 3 Mar 09 at 0612 UTC while underway in position 13-02N 048-43E. The master reported coming under fire by pirates with rifles and an RPG. The vessel sent out a distress call, which was received by the German","Desc2":"frigate (RHEINLAND-PFALZ). The vessel managed to evade the pirates, who were later detained and arrested by the German navy (IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":48.71667,"coords.x2":13.03333} {"Reference":"2009-96","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirates armed with guns fired upon an oil tanker underway. Master reported to coalition warship adn UKMTO Dubai and increased speed took evasive maneuvers and altered away from the pirate boats. Later pirates aborted the atttack, all crew","Desc2":"safe.","coords.x1":45.55,"coords.x2":12.15} {"Reference":"2009-103","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (PRO ALLIANCE) fired upon 2 Mar 09 at 0649 UTC while underway in position 12-09N 045-33E, 45NM southeast of the port of Aden. Men armed with guns fired upon an oil tanker underway. The master reported to coalition warships and UKMTO","Desc2":"and increased speed while conducting evasive maneuvers. The Yemeni Coastguard responded to the distress call and dispatched a gunboat. The coastguard exchanged gunfire with the gunmen on the skiff, forcing them to flee the area and allowing the tanker to","Desc3":"continue its transit. Later, a Spanish frigate boarded a suspicious skiff matching the description and conducted an inspection, but found no evidence of unlawful activity (IMB, LM: The Earth Times; La Razon, Madrid).","coords.x1":45.55,"coords.x2":12.15} {"Reference":"2009-92","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:A group of armed pirates in three high speed boats approached and attempted to attack a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm and took evasive manoeuvres. Pirates aborted the attempted attack due to the evasive manoeuvres taken by the","Desc2":"ship.","coords.x1":43.51667,"coords.x2":12.18333} {"Reference":"2009-93","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"FOUR PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Four pirates in a speed boat armed with rocket launcher fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm, sent distress message, took evasive manoeuvres. Crew activated fire hoses and threw empty bottles. Pirates aborted the attempted","Desc2":"attack.","coords.x1":49.15139,"coords.x2":13.13444} {"Reference":"2009-91","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (YAN DANG HAI) fired upon 25 Feb 09 at 0556 local time while underway in position 13-11N 049-16E. The vessel reported coming under fire and sent out a distress call. The Danish destroyer (ABSALON) responded and seized the","Desc2":"pirates skiff after the vessel managed to escape. Upon boarding the skiff, they discovered an RPG, four AK-47s, two grenades, and a knife (Operator, BBC, AFP).","coords.x1":49.26667,"coords.x2":13.18333} {"Reference":"2009-85","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Armed pirates attacked a bulk carrier(M/V SALDANHA) underway. They boarded the ship, took hostage crewmembers and hijacked it to an undisclosed location. The vessel was provided with assistance from a US Coalition warship however the","Desc2":"pirates boarded the vessel very quickly making it difficult for her helicopter to take preventive action without endangering the Saldanha's 22 crewmembers.","coords.x1":47.02028,"coords.x2":12.56611} {"Reference":"2009-86","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Pirates in an unlit high-speed oat chased a general cargo ship underway. The boat came close to the ship and attempted to board. Master raised alarm, increased speed, took evasive action, crew switched on additional lighting and activated","Desc2":"fire hoses. The pirates aborted the attempt due to the evasive action taken by the ship.","coords.x1":53.71833,"coords.x2":14.51833} {"Reference":"2009-79","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Five pirates armed with RPG's in black/white color speed boat approached and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. They attempted to board the ship from the port side using a steel ladder. Master raised alarm, sent distress messages and took","Desc2":"evasive action. The coalition forces sent a helicpter to the location. After 10 minutes, pirates aborted their attack.","coords.x1":49.15,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2009-74","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (PREM DIVYA) fired upon 12 Feb 09 at approximately 0330 local time while underway in position 12-46N 047-52E. The vessel sent out a distress call reporting shots being fired upon it by a small skiff and that men onboard the skiff","Desc2":"were attempting to board. A US naval warship responded and deployed a helicopter to the scene. Upon arrival, the helicopter ordered the skiff to stop, and when it failed to comply, warning shots were fired. The skiff was finally stopped when a second US","Desc3":"warship intercepted the retreat. The skiff was boarded and nine pirates were arrested (AP).","coords.x1":47.86667,"coords.x2":12.76667} {"Reference":"2009-73","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (POLARIS) reported attempted boarding 11 Feb 09 at 1430 local time while underway in position 12-59N 048-16E. Seven men in a white speedboat armed with automatic weapons and an RPG approached the tanker from the west. The captain","Desc2":"sounded the alarm and alerted the crew, and conducted evasive maneuvers and activated SSAS. The tanker notified UKMTO, CMF, and naval warships in the area. The men in the speedboat used a portable ladder to try to climb onboard the tanker. The crew","Desc3":"managed to detach the ladder before the men could climb onboard. After four attempts, the pirates aborted their attempt. A US warship in the area responded to the distress call and later arrested all seven pirates (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":48.26667,"coords.x2":12.98333} {"Reference":"2009-67","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 2 Feb 09 while underway in position 12-21N 043-58E. A total of approximately 14 skiffs approached the vessel with armed persons onboard. Some of the men in the boats were dressed in camouflage military","Desc2":"style uniforms. Four of the skiffs crossed the bow of the vessel to the port side while four others were on the starboard side. The master increased speed and raised the alarm while the crew activated fire hoses. The incident lasted approximately 15","Desc3":"minutes before the suspicious craft gave up their pursuit (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":43.96667,"coords.x2":12.35} {"Reference":"2009-63","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Armed pirates six speed boats surrounded a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm, took evasive action and crew activated fire hoses. One of the speedboats chased the vessel for about one mile. Seeing the alert crew and the aggressive","Desc2":"action the pirates stopped chasing the ship. Later the Master noticed another five boats waiting in the vicinity of the ship. aster immediately activated SSAS and contacted the coalition forces. Later, a German coalition navy arrived at the location.","Desc3":"Ship continues her voyage.","coords.x1":44.175,"coords.x2":12.46167} {"Reference":"2009-60","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (LONGCHAMP) hijacked 29 Jan 09 at 0340 UTC while underway in position 14-10N 049-58E. The tanker was reportedly en route from Norway to Vietnam when it was attacked and boarded by seven pirates, according to a spokesman for the","Desc2":"ship's company. There are 13 crew members onboard including 12 Filipino and one Indonesian (IMB, UPI, Reuters).","coords.x1":49.96667,"coords.x2":14.16667} {"Reference":"2009-66","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 29 Jan 09 at 0620 UTC while underway in position 12-27N 044-10E. Gunmen in six speed boats surrounded the vessel underway. The master raised the alarm, took evasive maneuvers and the crew activated","Desc2":"fire hoses. One of the speedboats chased the vessel for about one mile. Seeing the alert crew and the aggressive maneuvers the men stopped chasing the ship. Later, the master noticed another five boats waiting in the vicinity of the ship. The master","Desc3":"immediately activated SSAS and contacted the coalition forces. A Chinese helicopter arrived at 0710 UTC and the men eventually abandoned their pursuit. Later, a German coalition warship arrived at the location. The ship continued on its voyage (IMB).","coords.x1":44.16667,"coords.x2":12.45} {"Reference":"2009-56","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A suspicious skiff was reported on 27 JAN 09, approximately 75 miles southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. The suspicious skiff was described as a blue hull speed boat, 10 meters in length with five to six people onboard, heading 358 degrees with","Desc2":"a speed of 14 knots. The sighting was reported to a naval warship in the area, which proceeded to investigate the skiff. The warship reported having ceased five pirates and their ammunition and weapons. Another speed boat was also sighted in the area.","coords.x1":50.2,"coords.x2":13.86667} {"Reference":"2009-31","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:TANKER REPORTED SUSPPICIOUS APPROACH 14 JAN 09 AT 1645 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 13-02N 046-41E. ONE FISHING BOAT WAS DETECTED ON STARBOARD BOW TOWING A SMALL SKIFF WITH A SPEED OF 7 KTS. THE FISHING BOAT REDUCED SPEED AND THE","Desc2":"DUTY OFFICER NOTICED A NUMBER OF MEN IN THE FISHING BOAT TRANSFERRING TO THE SKIFF. BOTH BOATS THEN INCREASED SPEED TO ABOUT 15-20 KTS AND APPROACHED THE TANKER FORWARD OF THE STARBOARD BEAM. AT APPROXIMATELY 150 METERS AWAY, THE MASTER COULD SEE SIX MEN","Desc3":"IN THE SKIFF, TWO OF THEM ARMED, AND TWO MORE MEN IN THE FISHING BOAT. THE MASTER CONDUCTED EVASIVE MANEUVERING, A DISTRESS CALL WAS SENT OUT ON VHF, AND SECURITY ALERT WAS ISSUED ONBOARD. A WARSHIP IN THE VICINITY ESTABLISHED CONTACT ON VHF, PREPARING","Desc4":"TO SEND A HELICOPTER FOR ASSISTANCE. A BRITISH SECURITY TEAM WAS EMBARKED ON THE TANKER AND TOOK POSITION ON THE BRIDGE, USING FIRE AXES, PRETENDING TO BE FIREARMS. SEEING THIS THE TWO SUSPICIOUS BOATS SLOWED DOWN AND ABANDONED THEIR PUSUIT. THE DISTRESS","Desc5":"CALL WAS CANCELED AND THE WARSHIP INFORMED THAT FURTHER ASSISTANCE WAS NOT REQUIRED.","coords.x1":46.68333,"coords.x2":13.03333} {"Reference":"2009-21","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:A MERCHANT VESSEL REPORTED COMING UNDER FIRE WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 12-24.5N 044-57.7E AT 0810Z ON 13 JAN 2009, APPROXIMATELY 21 NM SSW OF ADEN, YEMEN. ATTACK SKIFF WAS DISCRIBED A BLACK ZODIAC-TYPE APPROXIMATELY 6 METERS IN LENGTH WITH","Desc2":"6 PERSONS ONBOARD. TWO ROCKETS PROPELLED GRENADES WERE FIRED AT THE VESSEL. VESSEL INCREASED TO MAXIMUM SPEED AND TOOK EVASIVE MANEUVERS. ATTACK SKIFF FOLLOWED FOR 30 MINUTES WITHOUT FURTHER SHOTS FIRED BEFORE MOVING AWAY. ASSISTANCE WAS OFFERED BY TWO","Desc3":"WARSHIPS WHO WERE LAST REPORTED IN PURSUIT OF THE PIRATES.","coords.x1":44.95194,"coords.x2":12.40139} {"Reference":"2009-25","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:VESSEL REPORTED SUSPICIOS APPROACH 7 JAN 09 AT 1330 UTC WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 12-30N 043-47E. THE MASTER REPORTED TWO SUSPICIOUS BOATS FOLLOWING THE VESSEL. NO FURTHER INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED.","coords.x1":43.78333,"coords.x2":12.5} {"Reference":"2009-24","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:TANKER (DONAT) REPORTED ATTEMPTED BOARDING 4 JAN 09 WHILE UNDERWAY. TEN PIRATES IN A SPEED BOAT ATTEMPTED TO BOARD THE VESSEL WHILE UNDERWAY. ACCORDING TO THE SHIP'S MASTER, THE CREW OF THE TANKER MANAGED TO DEFEND THEMSELVES BY USING","Desc2":"FIRE-FIGHTING WATER CANNONS TO SPRAY THE SIDES OF THE SPEED BOAT, DISRUPTING THE PIRATES' ATTEMPTS TO BOARD. AFTERWARD, THE FRENCH WARSHIP (JEAN DE VIENNE) ARRIVED AND ARRESTED ALL TEN PIRATES.","coords.x1":50.86667,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"2009-27","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:FIVE PIRATES, IN A SPEED BOAT, ARMED WITH MACHINE GUNS ATTEMPTED TO BOARD A TANKER UNANOEUVRES AND CONTACTED A COALITION WARSHIP. WITHING 15 MINUTES A HELICOPTER ARRIVED AT THE LOCATION. THE SPEED BOATS MOVED AWAY ON SEEING THE HELICOPTER .","Desc2":"NO INJURIES TO THE CREW AND NO DAMAGES TO THE SHIP.","coords.x1":48.25,"coords.x2":13.4} {"Reference":"2009-1","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:SIX PIRATES IN ONE WHITE COULOURED SPEED BOAT ATTEMPTED TO BOARD A BULK CARRIER UNDERWAY. THREE OF THESE PIRATES WERE ARMED WITH MACHINE GUNS AND OPENED FIRE ON THE VESSEL. MASTER CARRIED OUT EVASIVE MANOEUVRES AND CONTACTED A COALITION","Desc2":"WARSHIP. WITHIN 15 MINUTES A HELICOPTER ARRIVED AT THE LOCATION. THE SPEED BOATS MOVED AWAY ON SEEING THE HELICOPTER. NO INJURIES TO THE CREW AND NO DAMAGES TO THE SHIP.","coords.x1":48.70139,"coords.x2":13.05} {"Reference":"2009-28","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:ARMED PIRATES IN FOUR BOATS ATTACKED AND HIJACKED A PRODUCT TANKER.","coords.x1":45.16667,"coords.x2":12.91667} {"Reference":"2009-20","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:ARMED PIRATES IN FOUR BOATS ATTACKED AND HIJACKED A PRODUCT TANKER UNDERWAY. INFORMATION INDICATES THE VESSEL HAS BEEN TAKEN TO EYL. 15 CREWMEMBERS TAKEN HOSTAGE. FURTHER DETAILS ARE AWAITED.","coords.x1":45.16667,"coords.x2":12.91667} {"Reference":"2009-22","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:TANKER (SEA PRINCESS II) HIJACKED 2 JAN 09 AT 0829 UTC WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 13-07N 047-27E. VESSEL REPORTED COMING UNDER ATTACK BY PIRATES. THE TANKER IS NOW ANCHORED AT EYL, SOMALIA. THERE IS NO FURTHER INFORMATION TO PROVIDE AT THIS","Desc2":"TIME.","coords.x1":50.86667,"coords.x2":13.11667} {"Reference":"2009-13","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:VESSEL FIRED UPON 2 JAN 09 WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 13-07N 047-27E. VESSEL REPORTED COMING UNDER ATTACK BY PIRATES. THERE IS NO FURTHER INFORMATION TO PROVIDE AT THIS TIME.","coords.x1":47.45,"coords.x2":13.11667} {"Reference":"2009-3","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:PIRATES IN SPEED BOATS APPROACHED A TANKER UNDERWAY. ONE SPEED BOAT WAS SPOTTED FOUR NM AND THE OTHER TWO WERE DRIFTING SEVEN NM AHEAD OF THE TANKER. MASTER RAISED ALARM, INCREASED SPEED, TOOK EVASIVE MANOEUVRES AND CREW ACTIVATED","Desc2":"ANTI-PIRACY MEASURES. THE FIRST SPEED BOAT CAME WITHIN TWO METERS OF THE STBD QUARTER AND FIRED UPON THE TANKER. MASTER SAW FIVE PIRATES ARMED WITH MACHINE GUNS. COALITION WARSHIPS CONTACTED. PIRATES ABORTED THE ATTEMPT AFTER FIVE MINUTES.","coords.x1":47.53472,"coords.x2":13.18333} {"Reference":"2009-23","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:CARGO SHIP REPORTED SUSPICIOUS APPROACH 2 JAN 09 AT 1240 LOCAL TIME WHILE TRANSITING THE GULF OF ADEN. THE SHIP DISCOVERED TWO BLUE SPEED BOATS FOLLOWING IT AT 1240 LOCAL TIME. THE MASTER CONTACTED THE IMB AND TWO COALITION WARSHIPS NEARBY","Desc2":"AND MANAGED TO KEEP THE TWO SUSPICIOS BOATS ON THE LEFT SIDE OF ITS STERN BEFORE FINALLY DISTANCING THEMSELVES FROM THE SPEED BOATS APPROXIMATELY 30 MINUTES LATER.","coords.x1":48.75,"coords.x2":13.61667} {"Reference":"2009-15","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:VESSEL FIRED UPON 2 JAN 09 AT 727 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 13-11N 047-32E. ONE SPEED BOAT WAS SPOTTED 4 NM AWAY ON THE STARBOARD QUARTER, APPROACHING WITH A SPEED OF 17 KTS. ANOTHER TWO WERE 7 NM AHEAD DRIFTING. THE BRIDGE AND","Desc2":"ENGINE ROOM WERE FULLY MANNED, THE ALARM WAS RAISED, AND THE VESSEL PUT ON HIGH ALERT. THE CREW WAS MUSTERED INSIDE THE ACCOMMODATION, SPEED WAS INCREASED TO THE MAXIMUM, AND ALL AVAILABLE SOUND EQUIPMENT WAS ACTIVATED. BOTH FIRE PUMPS WERE RUNNING, SO","Desc3":"THE HULL AROUND THE VESSEL WAS COVERED BY WATER SPRAY. THE MASTER CONDUCTED EVASIVE MANEUVERS, AND COALITION FORCES WERE CONTACTED. THE FIRST SPEED BOAT APPROACHED UNTIL IT WAS AT A DISTANCE OF 1-2 METERS ON THE STARBOARD QUARTER, AND FIRED FIVE OR SIX","Desc4":"TIMES. THE BOAT HAD A BLUE HULL, WITH FIVE MEN ONBOARD, DRESSED IN DARK RAINCOATS. A MACHINEGUN WAS SPOTTED ON THE FOWARD PART OF THE BOAT. AFTER FIVE MINUTES, THEY ABORTED THE ATTACK. THE OTHER TWO BOATS AHEAD BEGAN MOVING TOWARD THE VESSEL WITH A SPEED","Desc5":"OF 6 KTS, SO THE VESSEL WAS ABLE TO ALTER ITS COURSE TO AVOID CONTACT. THERE WERE NO INJURIES TO THE CREW AND NO DAMAGE TO THE VESSEL.","coords.x1":47.53333,"coords.x2":13.18333} {"Reference":"2009-14","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL (BLUE STAR)","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:VESSEL (BLUE STAR) HIJACKED 2 JAN 09 AT 0715 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY, APPROXIMATELY 50 NM SOUTHWEST OF AL MUKALLA, YEMEN. FIFTEEN ARMED PIRATES OVERTOOK THE VESSEL AFTER THE SHIP EXITED THE RED SEA, THE VESSEL WAS CARRYING A CARGO OF 6,000","Desc2":"TONS OF FERTILIZER WITH CREW OF 28 EGYPTIANS.","coords.x1":50.23333,"coords.x2":14.11667} {"Reference":"2009-2","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:PIRATES IN THREE SKIFFS ATTACKED A TANKER UNDERWAY. THEY FIRED UPON THE TANKER AND ATTEMPTED TO BOARD. MASTER RAISED ALARM, CONTACTED COALITION WARSHIPS, INCREASED SPEED AND TOOK EVASIVE MANOEUVRES. A COALITION HELICOPTER ARRIVED AND THE","Desc2":"PIRATES ABORTED THE ATTEMPT.","coords.x1":50.65,"coords.x2":13.7} {"Reference":"2009-6","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:TWO SKIFFS APPROACHED A TANKER UNDERWAY AND OPENED FIRE WITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS. MASTER INCREASED SPEED AND MADE EVASIVE MANOEUVRES, AND SENT A DISTRESS MESSAGE VIA VHF RADIO. A WARSHIP AND A HELICOPTER WERE SENT TO ASSIST THE TANKER. UPON","Desc2":"SEEING THE WARSHIP AND HEICOPTER THE SKIFF MOVED AWAY.","coords.x1":47.05,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2009-52","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden: Two skiffs approached the bulk carrier from aft. Pirates in both skiffs were armed with automatic weapons and RPGs. Ship made evasive and preventive measures to prevent boarding. Pirates opened fire with automatic weapons at ship. One skiff","Desc2":"came very close to ship's port side. Due to aggressive preventive measures, the pirates aborted the attempted boarding. A warship arrived at location and detained the pirates who claimed that they were fishermen. Pirates threw their weapons in to the","Desc3":"water. Warship contacted vessel to obtain concrete evidence against the pirates.","coords.x1":51.78333,"coords.x2":14.78333} {"Reference":"2009-49","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 1 Jan 09 at 0730 local time while underway in position 14-21N 050-34E. One skiff with six pirates approached the vessel underway. Owners contacted the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre for assistance.","Desc2":"Duty officer immediately contacted the coalition naval forces to render assistance to crew and vessel. Meanwhile, ship's crew enforced preventive measure and master reported sighting automatic weapons and RPGs in the skiff. The attack was aborted (IMB).","coords.x1":50.56667,"coords.x2":14.35} {"Reference":"2009-26","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:VESSEL (BLUE STAR) HIJACKED 1 JAN 09 AT 0715 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 13-55N 047-58E. FIFTEEN ARMED PIRATES OVERTOOK THE VESSEL AFTER THE SHIP EXITED THE RED SEA. THE VESSEL WAS CARRYING A CARGO OF 6,000 TONS OF FERTILIZER WITH","Desc2":"A CREW OF 28 EGYPTIANS.","coords.x1":47.96667,"coords.x2":13.91667} {"Reference":"2009-11","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:VESSEL REPORTED SUSPICIOUS APPROACH 1 JAN 09 AT 0755 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 14-23N 051-14E. THE VESSEL WAS APPROACHED BY THREE SPEED BOATS THAT BEGAN FOLLOWING THE VESSEL.. THE VESSEL INCREASED SPEED AND THE BOATS EVENTUALLY","Desc2":"DEPARTED.","coords.x1":51.23333,"coords.x2":14.38333} {"Reference":"2009-4","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:ARMED PIRATES ATTACKED AND HIJACKED A GENERAL CARGO SHIP UNDERWAY. 28 CREWMEMBERS TAKEN HOSTAGE.","coords.x1":47.96667,"coords.x2":13.91667} {"Reference":"2009-12","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:VESSEL FIRED UPON 1 JAN 09 AT 1530 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 13-53N 049-29E. FOUR ARMED MEN IN A SPEED BOAT APPROACHED THE VESSEL AND BEGAN FIRING. THE VESSEL CONDUCTED EVASIVE MANEUVERS AND THE PIRATES ABORTED THEIR ATTEMPT.","coords.x1":49.48333,"coords.x2":13.88333} {"Reference":"2009-7","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:A BULK CARRIER UNDERWAY WAS CHASED AND FIRED UPON BY PIRATES IN SPEED BOAT. NAVAL WARSHIPS INFORMED AND ATTACK WAS PREVENTED. FURTHER REPORT IS AWAITED.","coords.x1":47.45,"coords.x2":13.13333} {"Reference":"2009-10","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL (S VENUS)","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:VESSEL (S VENUS) REPORTED BEING FIRED UPON 31 DEC 08 AT 1330Z WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 13-09N 047-29E. A FRENCH FRIGATE IN THE VICINITY INTERCEPTED THE PIRATES AFTER RESPONDING TO THE DISTRESS CALL FROM THE VESSEL (MSCHOA, AFP,IMB).","coords.x1":47.48333,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2009-9","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:VESSEL REPORTED SUSPICIOUS APPROACH 27 DEC 2008 AT 1450 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 13-52N 049-27E. A SUSPICIOUS BOAT APPROACHED THE VESSEL FROM THE STARBOARD QUARTER APPROXIMATELY 3 MILES AWAY AT A SPEED OF 25 KTS. THE ALARM WAS","Desc2":"RAISED AND THE CREW MUSTERED. THE MASTER CONDUCTED EVASIVE MANEUVERS AND ATTEMPETD TO CONTACT COALITION FORCES VIA VHF CH 16, BUT RECEIVED NO RESPONSE. THE SUSPICIOUS BOAT ABORTED AHE CHASE AFTER APPROXIMATELY 15 MINUTES.","coords.x1":49.45,"coords.x2":13.86667} {"Reference":"2008-505","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel (WADI AL-ARAB) fired upon 25 Dec 08 at 0815 UTC while underway in position 14-13N 050-50E. Vessel reported coming under fire by a single boat. Another ship passing by alerted the IMB who then requested assistance from coalition","Desc2":"forces in the area. A helicopter was dispatched from a German warship, disarming the pirates and confiscating their weapons. The pirates were not detained or arrested. One crew member onboard the (WADI AL-ARAB) was shot in the attack and later airlifted","Desc3":"to a coalition vessel by a second helicopter (UKMTO, IMB, BBC).","coords.x1":50.83333,"coords.x2":14.21667} {"Reference":"2009-8","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:VEHICLE CARRIER REPORTED SUSPICIOUS APPROACH 22 DEC 08 AT 0530 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 13-44N 049-05E. AN 8 METER WHITE COLORED SKIFF APPROACHED THE VESSEL FROM THE STARBOARD BOW AT A SPEED OF APPROXIMATELY 25 KTS. THE MASTER","Desc2":"CONTACTED UKMTO, WHO THEN DISPATCHED A COALITION HELICOPTER THAT CHASED THE SKIFF AWAY (OPERATOR, UKMTO).","coords.x1":49.08333,"coords.x2":13.73333} {"Reference":"2008-503","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel (ZHEN HUA 4) boarded, reported attempted hijacking 17 Dec 08 at 0424 UTC while underway in position 14-28N 051-36E. Nine pirates in two speed boats chased and successfully boarded the heavy lift ship. The pirates were on the main","Desc2":"deck and could not enter the accommodation after the crew managed to lock themselves inside. According to the captain of the (ZHEN HUA 4), the crew had received related training and managed to counter attack the pirates by using fire hoses and incendiary","Desc3":"bombs when they boarded the vessel. After locking themselves in, the crew sent out a distress message to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre which was immediately relayed to coalition naval forces to render assistance. A Malaysian warship in the vicinity","Desc4":"sent a helicopter, which arrived on the scene and opened fire on the pirates. Coalition naval forces informed that the warship was on its way to assist the ship. The pirates disembarked from the ship into a speed boat. The crew and vessel are safe and","Desc5":"proceeding to destination port (IMB, Crienglish.com).","coords.x1":51.6,"coords.x2":14.46667} {"Reference":"2008-504","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Yacht reported suspicious approach 17 Dec 08 at 0935 local time while underway in position 14-24N 049-52E. Two high-speed boats converged on the yacht from port and starboard quarters at the same distance. The captain contacted UKMTO and","Desc2":"coalition forces. The two approaching vessels headed south away from the yacht. Approximately one hour later, six small speed boats converged on their position off the starboard quarter. Two of them split from the group and headed around the stern, two","Desc3":"more pacing the starboard quarter, and the other two staying stationary. After some time, they split off, headed south and seemed to converge on other vessels in the area. Several hours later, the captain noticed a vessel on the starboard bow with its","Desc4":"port light showing and no other navigation lights on display, approximately 2 NM away. The suspicious vessel then adjusted its course and headed straight towards the yacht. A voice then came over the radio CH 16 in english ordering them to stop. Five","Desc5":"armed Yemeni Coast Guard soldiers were onboard the yacht to provide security. The captain warned the vessel over the radio to steer clear or they will open fire. The vessel continued on a course directly for them. When the vessel reached 0.25 NM from the","Desc6":"yacht, the armed Yemeni Coast Guard fired warning shots into the air while the captain relayed another radio warning. More shots were fired before the suspicious vessel eventually turned away and left. The yacht continued its voyage without further","coords.x1":49.86667,"coords.x2":14.4} {"Reference":"2008-501","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"HEAVY LIFT SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Nine pirates in two speed boats chased and successfully boarded a heavy lift ship in position 14-28N 051-36E. The pirates were on the main deck and could not enter the accommodation. Ship sent a distress message to the IMB Piracy Reporting","Desc2":"Centre which was immediately relayed to coalition naval forces to render assistance. A malaysian warship, in the vicinity, sent a helicopter, which arrived on the scene and opened fire on the pirates. Coalition naval forces informed that the warship was","Desc3":"on its way to assist the ship. The pirates disembarked from the ship into a speed boat. Crew and ship are safe and proceeding to destination port.","coords.x1":51.6,"coords.x2":14.46667} {"Reference":"2008-497","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (BOSPHORUS PRODIGY) hijacked 16 Dec 08 at 0904 UTC while underway in position 13-20N 047-57E. Ten pirates in two speed boats armed with automatic weapons and RPGs boarded the vessel. Three Turkish and eight Ukrainian","Desc2":"crewmembers are onboard (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":47.95,"coords.x2":13.33333} {"Reference":"2008-491","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MALAYSIAN TUG","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Tug (MASINDRA 7) and barge hijacked 16 Dec 08 at 0715 local time while underway in position 13-54N 049-39E. Owners confirmed that pirates have hijacked the tug with barge in tow. There are 11 crewmembers onboard (IMB).","coords.x1":49.65,"coords.x2":13.9} {"Reference":"2008-496","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"WOODEN SPEED BOAT","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Container ship fired upon 13 Dec 08 at 1145 UTC while underway in position 13-43N 048-17E. One wooden speed boat with five to six persons armed with automatic weapons and RPGs chased and opened fire on the vessel. They attempted to board","Desc2":"with a ladder. The master took evasive maneuvers and contacted coalition warships for assistance. A naval helicopter arrived at location. Upon seeing the helicopter, the speed boat aborted the attack (IMB).","coords.x1":48.28333,"coords.x2":13.71667} {"Reference":"2008-495","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SIX OR SEVEN SPEED BOATS","Victim":"VESSEL (UNKNOWN TYPE)","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 13 Dec 08 at 0519 UTC while underway in position 14-33N 050-16E. Six or seven speed boats going approximately 20 kts with about six or seven persons onboard each boat approached the vessel and attempted","Desc2":"to board. Some of the men onboard were armed. The crew mustered on deck. The master increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers with fire hoses activated. Coalition warships were contacted via VHF Ch. 16 (Operator, UKMTO).","coords.x1":50.26667,"coords.x2":14.55} {"Reference":"2008-487","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:ONE WOODEN SPEED BOAT WITH 5-6 PERSONS ARMED WITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS AND RPG CHASED AND OPENED FIRE ON A CONTAINER SHIP UNDERWAY. PIRATES ATTEMPTED TO BOARD WITH A LADDER. MASTER TOOK EVASIVE MANOEUVRES AND CONTACTED COALITION WARSHIPS FOR","Desc2":"ASSISTANCE. A NAVAL HELICOPTER ARRIVED AT LOCATION. ONCE SEEING THE HELICOPTER THE SKIFF ABORTED THE ATTACK.","coords.x1":48.28333,"coords.x2":13.71667} {"Reference":"2008-494","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"TWO BOATS","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (GIBE) fired upon 13 Dec 08 at 0300 UTC while underway in position 13-19N 047-58E. The (GIBE) reported two boats were firing small arms at it when it sent out a rescue call. An Indian warship, which was sailing nearby,","Desc2":"intervened, causing the attackers to abort their attack and flee. The pirates were later apprehended by the Indian Navy (AP, IMB, CNN). Indian Navy arrests 23 suspected pirates in the Gulf of Aden, 13 Dec 08 reporting. Pirates on two speed boats had","Desc3":"surrounded the general cargo ship (GIBE) at approximately noon local time, when the Indian warship (INS MYSORE) intervened and warded off the attack, according to an Indian Navy spokesperson. The (GIBE) reported two boats were firing small arms at it","Desc4":"when it sent out a rescue call. The Indian warship, which was sailing nearby, moved its Marine Commandos on a helicopter to help the cargo ship. Upon seeing the helicopter and the (MYSORE) closing in, the attackers broke off and tried to flee, according","Desc5":"to Indian officials. The warship caught up to the boats, the larger which was described as a 24 to 30 foot dhow bearing the name (SALAHADDIN) and towing a small skiff. Indian sailors boarded the dhow and the 23 suspects surrendered peacefully. Upon","Desc6":"boarding, they seized seven AK-47 assault rifles, two other rifles, a grenade launcher, and 13 fully loaded magazines of ammunition from the 12 Somali and 11 Yemeni suspects. The (GIBE) was later escorted to safety. All 23 suspects were later handed over","coords.x1":47.96667,"coords.x2":13.31667} {"Reference":"2008-489","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:EIGHT PIRATES ARMED WITH MACHINE GUNS AND RPG IN A BLUE COLOURED SPEED BOAT DOING 17 KNOTS ATTACKED A GENERAL CARGO SHIP UNDERWAY. THEY FIRED UPON THE SHIP WITH MACHINE GUNS AND ATTEMPTED TO BOARD THE SHIP TWICE USING A LADDER. CREW MANAGED","Desc2":"TO DETACH THE LADDER EVEN THOUGH THE PIRATES WERE FIRING AT THE SHIP. PIRATES ABORTED THE ATTEMPED ATTACK AND TRIED TO ATTACK OTHER VESSELS IN THE VICINITY. COALITION FORCES WERE INFORED.","coords.x1":48.61806,"coords.x2":13.53528} {"Reference":"2008-493","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship fired upon 12 Dec 08 at 1212 local time while underway in position 13-32N 048-37E. Eight pirates armed with machine guns and RPGs in a blue colored speed boat doing 17 knots fired upon the vessel and attempted to board","Desc2":"twice using a ladder. The crew managed to detach the ladder even though the pirates were firing at the ship. The pirates aborted the attempted attack. Coalition forces were notified. The speedboat then moved toward a tanker that was transiting in the","Desc3":"vicinity. The speedboat approached the tanker from the port side at approximately 50 meters distance and began preparing the ladder in an attempt to board. The tanker began conducting evasive maneuvers and the speedboat aborted the attack, but then","Desc4":"headed toward another tanker transiting westbound. The second tanker increased speed to 16.5 kts before the speed boat eventually aborted the chase. UKMTO Comment: All three vessels were within 4 NM of each other. After attacking the first vessel, the","Desc5":"speedboat closed in on the second vessel and made an approach. Weapons were observed but no shots were fired and no attempt to board was made. The second vessel reported that the speed boat made its way to the third vessel, where an approach was made.","Desc6":"Coalition warships were informed and a helicopter and surface asset was dispatched (Operator, UKMTO).","coords.x1":48.61667,"coords.x2":13.53333} {"Reference":"2008-488","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:ONE PIRATE BOAT WITH SEVEN ARMED MEN CHASED A TANKER UNDERWAY. PIRATES WERE SEEN CARRYING AUTOMATIC WEAPONS, RPG AND A WOODEN LADDER FOR BOARDING. LATER, THE BOAT ABORTED THE CHASE AND HEADED TOWARS ANOTHER VESSEL NEARBY. A NAVY HELICOPTER","Desc2":"ARRIVED AT LOCATION. DISCRIPTION OF THE SPEED BOAT: WOODEN COSTRUCTION, 8-10 METERS IN LENGTH, BLUE COLOURED HULL, RAISED BOW, SPEEN ABOUT 17 KNOTS.","coords.x1":48.65,"coords.x2":13.51667} {"Reference":"2008-476","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker fired upon 3 Dec 08 at 0419 UTC while underway in position 12-59N 047-41E. Speed boat observed approximately 2-3 NM off forward bow. The number of persons onboard the speedboat is unknown, but were carrying firearms due to","Desc2":"the crew hearing three gunshots. The attackers attempted to board by hanging a portable ladder twice, but failed. The crew conducted evasive maneuvering and was able to avoid being boarded. The entire incident lasted approximately two hours. Any damage","Desc3":"to the vessel was not confirmed. No injuries were reported. Incident was reported to UKMTO who sent coalition helicopter to investigate (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":47.68333,"coords.x2":12.98333} {"Reference":"2008-492","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Somalian Pirates","Victim":"Car Carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Car Carrier reported being fired upon on 02 Dec 08 at 1715 UTC while underway in position 13-23.2N 048-14.9E. 4 pirates in a small boat was spotted on the starboard side at about 6-7 miles. Pirates approached the vessel and fired about 20","Desc2":"rounds using automatic rifles. The small boat then left. There was no injury to the crew.","coords.x1":48.23583,"coords.x2":13.38389} {"Reference":"2008-485","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel fired upon 2 Dec 08 at 0400 UTC while underway in position 13-57N 049-35E. A suspicious craft was spotted on the port side at about 2 miles. Approximately 15 minutes later they were able to see 7 persons onboard in military uniforms","Desc2":"armed with guns and RPGs. They approached the vessel about 10 meters away and fired at the vessel many times. The security team onboard the vessel responded and fired parachute rockets. The port side lifeboat was hit with one bullet hole. The gunmen","Desc3":"aborted their attempt and all crew including security team is in good condition (Operator, UKMTO).","coords.x1":49.58333,"coords.x2":13.95} {"Reference":"2008-469","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CRUISE SHIP","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden: Two pirate boats with three pirates in each boat attempted to intercept a passenger ship underway. Master sighted a gun on the second boat and later the pirates fired upon the ship. Master increased speed and the pirate boats were unable to","Desc2":"follow the ship and aborted the attempt. UKMTO Dubai was informed.","coords.x1":49.72833,"coords.x2":14.045} {"Reference":"2008-471","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden: Ten speedboats with 3 masked men in each boat cae close to an oil tanker underway. One of these boats came very close and the pirates were sighted as carrying guns. Master raised alarm and took evasive maneuvers. Pirate boats then moved","Desc2":"away. A coalition warship was informed.","coords.x1":49.43333,"coords.x2":13.9} {"Reference":"2008-470","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden:Two speedboats with ten pirates armed with guns and rockets attempted to board a bulk carrier underway. Boats closed the ship's bow and quarter. Master raised alarm, took evasive maneuvers and activated fire hoses. After 25 minutes of","Desc2":"chasing, the pirates aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":44.18333,"coords.x2":12.33333} {"Reference":"2008-462","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden: Chemical tanker (BISCAGLIA) hijacked 28 Nov 08 at 0447 UTC while underway in position 13-49N 049-44E. Information received from the owners confirmed the tanker had been hijacked. The tanker was reportedly carrying a cargo of vegetale oil","Desc2":"with 31 crew members onboard. Three crewmembers reportedly escaped by jumping overboard and were later rescued y a German helicopter and flown to a French frigate nearby (IMB, LM: Telegraph.co.uk).","coords.x1":49.73333,"coords.x2":13.81667} {"Reference":"2008-475","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Cargo vessel reported suspicious approach 25 Nov 08 while underway in position 13-38N 049-06E. An apparent single craft adrift off the starboard side was observed by the bridge watch and independently by the master at approximately 2 miles.","Desc2":"As the vessel proceeded in a westerly course at a speed of 16 kts, the small craft increased speed and approached the vessels starboard bow. The suspicious craft had a white hull,approximately 25 meters, with white canvass tarp across the bow. Persons","Desc3":"were observed on this craft watching the vessel. They approached to pass along the vessels starboard side at approximately 70 meters or less. The master then noticed a smaller craft under tow alongside the suspicious craft. Once on the starboard quarter,","Desc4":"the smaller craft was observed as a blue hull, 10 meters in length with four persons equally spaced. This craft broke free, engaged propulsion and deployed from the larger craft. The master reacted by sounding the alarm and alerting the armed security","Desc5":"team aboard. Word was passed by ship's radio of a security emergency. The security team deployed with weapons to the ship's stern. The crew responded to the alarm as trained. Engines were ordered to increase speed. The suspicious craft increased speed","Desc6":"and approached the stern of the vessel at high speed in the ship's wake. At this time, the vessel called by VHF radio Ch. 08 to any coalition warship in the area. A warship responded, taking a verbal report from the bridge watch. The master noticed that","coords.x1":49.1,"coords.x2":13.63333} {"Reference":"2008-473","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden: Armed pirates, in two speedboats approached and chased a bulk carrier underway. Master took evasive maneuvers, activated fire hoses and raised alarm. Pirates opened fire but could not board due to anti-piracy measures. Later the pirates","Desc2":"gave up the chase. A coalition warship proceeded to render assistance.","coords.x1":49.99167,"coords.x2":14.195} {"Reference":"2008-464","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Cargo vessel reported suspicious approach on 23 Nov 08 while underway in position 13:59.41N-049:34.33E. The master reported two suspicious speedboats in the vicinity of the vessel. The vessel was able to contact another vessel in the area","Desc2":"and received instruction from a coalition warship to alter course; the warship also informed that a helicopter was 40 minutes away from the ship. The helicopter arrived at 1629 local time and instructed the vessel to continue on the altered course. At","Desc3":"1700 local time the helicopter confirmed that the two speedboats had escaped to the north. The vessel continued on its voyage (IMB).","coords.x1":49.57217,"coords.x2":13.99017} {"Reference":"2008-463","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Cargo vessel reported suspicious approach on 23 Nov 08 while underway in position 14:03N-049:43E. The vessel took evasive maneuvering and later reported they avoided the boarding and were safe (IMB).","coords.x1":49.71667,"coords.x2":14.05} {"Reference":"2008-453","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Fishing vessel (EKAWATNAVA 5) was hijacked on 18 Nov 08 at 0600 UTC while underway in position 14:17.15N-050:15.7E. There are twelve crewmembers onboard (IMB). UPDATE: The fishing vessel was destroyed and subsequently sunk later the same","Desc2":"day when the pirates onboard reportedly fired upon the Indian Navy warship (INS TABAR). The (TABAR) returned fire, mistaking the hijacked vessel as a mother ship. One crewmember who survived the gunfire from the (TABAR) was rescued after six days adrift.","Desc3":"All other crewmembers remain missing (BBC).","coords.x1":50.26167,"coords.x2":14.28583} {"Reference":"2008-454","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (DELIGHT) was hijacked on 18 Nov 08 at 0600 UTC while underway in position 14:23N-051:05E. Further details on this incident are awaited (IMB).","coords.x1":51.08333,"coords.x2":14.38333} {"Reference":"2008-455","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (CHEMSTAR VENUS) hijacked on 15 November at 0915 UTC while underway in position 12-51N 046-43E. At 0907 UTC the ship transmitted VHF distress call stating armed pirates were attacking their vessel. At 0910 UTC the ship transmitted","Desc2":"that it had been boarded by pirates. There are 13 crewmembers onboard the tanker, including 5 Koreans and 8 Filipinos (UKMTO).","coords.x1":46.71667,"coords.x2":12.85} {"Reference":"2008-449","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden: Armed pirates attacked and hijacked a chemical tanker underway. Further details are awaited.","coords.x1":46.71417,"coords.x2":12.84472} {"Reference":"2008-438","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach on 14 Nov 08 at 0635 UTC while underway in position 13-21N 047-18E. The deck watch reported three small speedboats approaching from the port side approximately nine miles out with about three","Desc2":"people in each boat armed with automatic weapons. They were in a spread formation fast approaching. The vessel called for assistance from nearby Coalition warships in the area. They took evasive maneuvers to starboard in order to establish intentions.","Desc3":"When the speedboats were at two miles out, a special audio device was activated along with all hoses running throughout the ship at full pressure for full effect. At 600 meters out, they continued conducting evasive maneuvers. The speedboats never came","Desc4":"any closer, and after 10 minutes they turned away towards another vessel approximately 12 miles away. The other vessel was contacted via VHF and informed of the approach (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":47.3,"coords.x2":13.35} {"Reference":"2008-441","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Oil tanker reported suspicious approach on 14 Nov 08 at 0325 UTC while underway in position 12-32N 045-21E. A small boat with four persons onboard approached the tanker from 2NM away with a speed of 25kts. Master ordered rocket parachutes","Desc2":"fired in the air. When boat was at 1.5NM away, a second rocket parachute was fired off. When the boat was approximately 300 meters away, they fired a 3rd parachute. The pursuit was abandoned shortly after that (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":45.35,"coords.x2":12.53333} {"Reference":"2008-439","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier fired upon on 13 Nov 08 at 0630 local time while underway in position 13-28N 049-21E. Six pirates in a fast speedboat approached the vessel. The master raised the alarm, took evasive maneuvers, and the crew activated fire","Desc2":"hoses. The pirates ordered the vessel to stop and shot at the vessel with two RPGs and automatic weapons. The master called for Coalition assistance. A coalition warship responded and arrived approximately 15 minutes later, causing the pirates to abort","Desc3":"their attempt. No damages to the vessel or injuries to the crew were reported (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":49.35,"coords.x2":13.46667} {"Reference":"2008-432","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker (KARAGOL) hijacked 12 Nov 08 at 1415 UTC while underway in position 13-07N 046-48E. The tanker was in transit from Haifa, Israel to Mumbai, India with a cargo of petroleum products. There are 14 Turkish crewmembers onboard","Desc2":"(IMB, BBC).","coords.x1":46.8,"coords.x2":13.11667} {"Reference":"2008-440","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Oil tanker reported suspicious approach on 12 Nov 08 at 1610 local time while underway in position 12-33N 045-10E. Vessel reported being chased by four speedboats with approximately two to four pirates onboard each, armed with automatic","Desc2":"weapons. Vessel conducted evasive maneuvers and after approximately one hour, the pirates aborted their attempt. No injuries to the crew or damage to the vessel reported (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":45.16667,"coords.x2":12.55} {"Reference":"2008-437","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach on 11 Nov 08 at 0715 local time while underway in position 12-45N 046-04E. The vessels bridge team detected two suspicious speedboats with three to four people armed with guns onboard each boat. All","Desc2":"crewmembers were immediately alerted and the vessel maneuvered away from the boats. UKMTO was notified and coalition warships were called on CH16. Upon noticing the evasive maneuvering and the continuous blowing of the ship's whistle, the suspicious","Desc3":"boats suddenly altered course and crossed ahead of the vessel with a speed of around 15 kts. Approximately 30 minutes later, an Indian helicopter was sighted and the vessel was instructed by an Indian warship to meet up with them. After seeing the","Desc4":"helicopter closing in, the speedboats stopped chasing the vessel and turned away (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":46.06667,"coords.x2":12.75} {"Reference":"2008-456","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel fired upon 11 Nov 08 at 0415 UTC while underway in position 13-50N 049-22E. Vessel was approached parallel by one boat with five persons onboard at a speed of approximately 8 kts. A second boat approached from the north at","Desc2":"approximately 22 kts. The second boat began firing at the vessel with small arms. The engineer cabin window glass shattered and numerous superficial damages were sustained. The pirates attempted to board the vessel with an aluminum ladder, but the curved","Desc3":"sheer strake construction of the vessel, combined with the evasive maneuvering prevent them being able to attach the ladder. After the pirates had withdrawn, a coalition helicopter arrived. No injuries to the crew were reported (Operator, UKMTO).","coords.x1":49.36667,"coords.x2":13.83333} {"Reference":"2008-457","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Cargo vessel reported suspicious approach on 10 Nov 08 at 1505 UTC while underway in position 13-38N 048-44E. The vessel was approached and chased by a fast boat from the starboard side that tried to position itself along the side of the","Desc2":"vessel. Due to alertness of the crew, the alarm was raised and vessel conducted evasive maneuvers with fire hoses activated. The suspicious craft moved away and aborted their attempt (Operator, UKMTO).","coords.x1":48.73333,"coords.x2":13.63333} {"Reference":"2008-433","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker (STOLT STRENGTH) hijacked 10 Nov 08 at 1440 UTC while underway in position 13-56N 049-31E. The vessel was in route to Kandla, India from Senegal with a cargo of phosphoric acid, according to sources. Twenty-three Filipino","Desc2":"crewmembers are onboard (IMB, LM: MarineLog).","coords.x1":49.51667,"coords.x2":13.93333} {"Reference":"2008-436","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 9 Nov 08 at 0940 UTC while underway in position 13-08N 047-01E. Two armed blue speedboats began pursuing the vessel. The vessels alarm was raised and all crew mustered. The speedboats then abandoned it's","Desc2":"pursuit (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":47.01667,"coords.x2":13.13333} {"Reference":"2008-426","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden: Somolia pirates hijacked a general cargo ship underway in 12:46N 045:56E at 1241 UTC. There was no radio communication or any alarm received from ship. There are 13 crew members onboard. Further information waitig.","coords.x1":45.93333,"coords.x2":12.76667} {"Reference":"2008-434","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo vessel (CEC FUTURE) hijacked 7 Nov 08 at 1320 UTC while underway in position 12-46N 045-56E. At 1235 UTC, (CEC FUTURE) was in contact with a coalition warship and was reporting that she was being pursued by a speedboat with","Desc2":"six men onboard. A coalition plane was dispatched at that time and made VHF contact with CEC FUTURE. All VHF transmission was made on channels 16 and 73. At 1236 UTC, (CEC FUTURE) reported that the speedboat was quickly approaching and that they could","Desc3":"identify that men were armed with AK-47s and a bazooka. They were instructed to take evasive maneuver actions, which they did. At the same time, they reported they were being fired upon. By 1238 UTC, they reported that the boat had come along the","Desc4":"starboard side and two pirates with AK-47s had boarded the vessel. At this time, (CEC FUTURE) activated their VHF distress alarm. During the next five minutes, several more VHF transmissions were made after which the radio fell silent. The vessel was","Desc5":"observed to have slowed to about two knots and brought to a westerly then a northerly course. At one point, the vessel was steered northerly at approximately 10kts, then brought to an easterly heading at a speed of about four knots. (CEC FUTURE) has 13","Desc6":"crewmembers, including 10 Russian, two Estonian, and one Georgian, according to the ship owner. The vessel was reportedly carrying steel plates from Belgium to Indonesia (LL, UKMTO).","coords.x1":45.93333,"coords.x2":12.76667} {"Reference":"2008-435","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported suspicious approach on 3 Nov 08 at 0820 UTC while underway in position 13-13N 047-46E. Pirates in three speedboats approached from the port side at approximately three miles. Each boat had approximately four to five persons","Desc2":"onboard with automatic weapons. The duty officer raised the alarm and mustered the crew on the poop deck with projectiles to throw. The vessel shot three rocket flare signals toward the boats to acknowledge their detection. The pirates abandoned their","Desc3":"chase after seeing the flares (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":47.76667,"coords.x2":13.21667} {"Reference":"2008-423","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker fired upon on 2 Nov 08 at 1000 UTC while underway in position 13-02N 046-37E. A fishing boat, white hull and orange inboard, was observed on port bow. Suddenly, a small open boat, which had been hiding behind the fishing boat,","Desc2":"approached the tanker at high speed. Four or five men armed with hand weapons were observed. The terrorist alarm was raised and two fire pumps were stated. At the same time, the armed men in the small boat opened fire. According to the noise made,","Desc3":"automatic weapons were used. Within a minute or two, the tankers sides and stern was covered with water from the foam monitors and the fixed fire hoses. The firing stopped and the small boat went back to the fishing boat and both steamed eastward at low","Desc4":"speed. No crewmembers were hurt. Accommodation and engine spaces were searched and everything was found in good order. The incident was reported to a coalition warship on VHF 16 (Operator, UKMTO, IMB).","coords.x1":46.61667,"coords.x2":13.03333} {"Reference":"2008-413","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (YASA NESLIHAN) hijacked on 29 Oct 08 at 1030 UTC while underway in position 13:00N-046:40E. The ship reported to coalition aircraft that two boats, each with four men inside, were chasing. The ship conducted evasive","Desc2":"manoeuvres, altering course from east to north and then from north to south. Evasive manoeuvring resulted in speed loss from 11 kts to 6.5 kts. At 1045 UTC, the master reported that another two boats joined the chase while the first two boats came","Desc3":"alongside with extendable ladders and pirates began boarding the ship. The last report from the master at 1052 UTC stated that five armed persons had boarded the vessels. There are 20 Turkish crew members on board. The ship was carrying a cargo of iron","Desc4":"ore from Canada to China at the time of the attack (IMB, LL).","coords.x1":46.66667,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"2008-416","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker (LEANDER) fired upon, 28 Oct 08 at 0520Z while in position 13-23N 048-22E. Tanker was attacked by a group of three white, open boats. At 1300Z, the tanker was attacked again in position 12-54N 046-40E. The tanker reported a white","Desc2":"mother vessel from which three white hulled skiffs departed and approached the tanker. There were four persons in each boat. This second attack was more resilient and involved sustained small arms fire from one of the boats. During the attack, the","Desc3":"remaining two boats waited astern of the tanker. The closest boat was observed to have a boarding ladder arrangement in it. The freeboard of the tanker was 10m. Evasive maneuvering and the approach of an aircraft deploying smoke bombs deterred the","Desc4":"attack. The ship sustained minor damage to the bridge area with no injuries to the crew. (UKMTO, FP).","coords.x1":48.36667,"coords.x2":13.38333} {"Reference":"2008-415","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier fired upon on 28 Oct 08 at 1350 UTC while underway in position 13:17N-048:35E. A small speedboat was seen approaching the vessel from the starboard quarter. The general alarm was sounded and fire pumps were activated (hoses","Desc2":"were rigged in readiness). The small boat came near the starboard poop deck and fired three to five shots with an automatic weapon. The five nearby crewmembers immediately took shelter by lying on the deck. Evasive manoeuvres were conducted, SSAS alarm","Desc3":"was activated and a coalition warship in the area was contacted. At one point, a pirate fell overboard as the small boat took a heavy roll due to the wake. The pirates attempted to use a telescopic aluminium ladder to board the vessel but were","Desc4":"unsuccessful. The speedboat drifted away due to engine breakdown and was last seen being joined by another speedboat of similar appearance. There was no damage to the ship and no injury to the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":48.58333,"coords.x2":13.28333} {"Reference":"2008-484","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 28 Oct 08 at 1127 local time while underway in position 12-40N 045-28E, per 10 Dec reporting. Tanker reported being approached by six speedboats with approximately three to four persons onboard each. Each","Desc2":"person appeared to be carrying a gun. Vessel took evasive maneuvers with fire hoses activated (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":45.46667,"coords.x2":12.66667} {"Reference":"2008-414","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk cargo ship reported suspicious approach on 28 Oct 08 at 0800 local time while underway in position 12:42.6N-045:47.4E. The chief officer observed one speed boat from aft, two speed boats from the port side and two speed boats from the","Desc2":"starboard side of the vessel. Each of the speedboats had five to seven armed persons onboard. The master raised the general alarm and call on VHF channel 16 for help while the chief officer sent out a distress alert via INMARSAT. The crew activated fire","Desc3":"hoses on deck. The Master pressed the distress alert button. A container ship in the area responded via VHF. The container ship moved towards the bulk cargo ship under attack and the speedboats aborted the attack (IMB).","coords.x1":45.79,"coords.x2":12.41} {"Reference":"2008-417","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach on 26 Oct 08 at 0820 UTC while underway in position 12:49.9N-046:11.2E. Four speed boats approached the vessel from the starboard bow astern. The crew was mustered on deck and high pressure fire hoses","Desc2":"were activated. The speed boats later aborted the attempt (UKMTO).","coords.x1":46.18667,"coords.x2":12.83167} {"Reference":"2008-418","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Cargo ship reported suspicious approach on 21 Oct 08 at 1500 UTC while underway in position near 14:08N-049:05E. The master reported that two speedboats were following the vessel. A coalition force dispatched a helicopter and the speedboats","Desc2":"moved away (UKMTO).","coords.x1":49.08333,"coords.x2":14.13333} {"Reference":"2008-406","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach on 16 Oct 08 at 1700 UTC while underway in position 12 44.0N - 045 52.0E. Three small boats chased the vessel. The ship changed course, increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers to avoid boarding.","Desc2":"The fire pump was turned on, engine RPM increased to maximum speed and lookouts were placed around the bridge. The boats later aborted the chase (Operator, UKMTO, IMB).","coords.x1":45.86667,"coords.x2":12.73333} {"Reference":"2008-405","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: BULK CARGO SHIP HIJACKED ON 15 OCT 08 AT 0409 UTC WHILE UNDERWAY ALONG WITH 21 CREW IN POSITION 13-33.92N 050-10.70E. THE PIRATES ARE SAILING THE SHIP TO AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION IN SOMALIA. THE SHIP WAS ENROUTE FROM AQABA, JORDAN TO A PORT","Desc2":"IN CHINA.","coords.x1":50.17833,"coords.x2":13.56533} {"Reference":"2008-403","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A BULK CARRIER WAS ATTACKED AND HIJACKED BY PIRATES IN POSITION 14 DEGREES NORTH 050 DRGEESS, GULF OF ADEN ON 15102008 AT 0344 UTC.","coords.x1":50,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"2008-397","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk cargo ship (AFRICAN SANDERLING) hijacked on 15 Oct 08 at 0315 UTC while underway in position 13:28.9N-050:08.5E. The ship contacted coalition forces via VHF channel 16 and reported being chased by two light-green speed boats with about","Desc2":"eight heavily armed persons onboard. The vessel was carrying out evasive maneuvers continuously until the pirates boarded the vessel. The vessel was fired upon by pirates before the boarding. Two broadcast distress messages were sent on VHF just after","Desc3":"pirates boarded the vessel (IMB, LL).","coords.x1":50.14167,"coords.x2":13.48167} {"Reference":"2008-407","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Dhow hijacked on 14 Oct 08 while underway in position 12:59N 048:29E. Owners confirmed that the dhow was hijacked by nine armed Somali pirates in speed boats. The vessel was carrying a cargo of sugar from India to Berberra, Somalia when it","Desc2":"was attacked (IMB).","coords.x1":48.48333,"coords.x2":12.98333} {"Reference":"2008-399","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker hijacked on 10 Oct 08 while underway in position 13:06.1N-047:13.43E. At the time of the attack the ship had no working satellite comms or VHF. She was only able to get the message to her owner by GMDSS Telex. A coalition aircraft","Desc2":"arrived in the area but pirates had already boarded the vessel (IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":47.22383,"coords.x2":13.10167} {"Reference":"2008-398","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Cargo ship reported suspicious approach on 10 Oct 08 at 0900 local time while underway in position 15-10.0N 051-45.0E. A small craft with three armed men onboard was sighted four miles off the ship-s port beam and the craft began to","Desc2":"approach the vessel. The chief engineer increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers. The ship's alarm was raised and the emergency fire pump was activated. The men in the craft attempted to board; however, the vessel continued conducting evasive","Desc3":"maneuvers and the craft eventually slowed down and aborted the chase. An air asset flew over the area but found no evidence of skiffs (IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":51.75,"coords.x2":15.16667} {"Reference":"2008-400","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Dry cargo ship (WAEL H) hijacked on 09 Oct 08 at 1700 UTC while underway in position 014:04.52N 050:52.24E. The vessel was carrying 3000 MT of cement bags and was enroute Bosasso at the time of the hijacking. The vessel had 11 crewmembers","Desc2":"onboard. On 15 Oct 08, officials from the Puntland region rescued the vessel after a firefight with the pirates (IMB, LL).","coords.x1":50.87067,"coords.x2":14.07533} {"Reference":"2008-387","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Dry cargo ship reported suspicious approach 07 Oct 08 at 0900 UTC while in position 11-43.56N 047-15.02E. The ship's master reported that two speed boats, each with nine armed persons onboard, chased the vessel in the above position and","Desc2":"attempted to board. The attempt was unsuccessful due to the ship's high freeboard. The boats aborted the attempt and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":47.25056,"coords.x2":11.73222} {"Reference":"2008-388","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Cargo ship reported suspicious approach 02 Oct 08 at 0745 local time while underway in position 13-07.4N 048-45.8E. A look out sighted a suspicious vessel five miles off from starboard bow. A fast moving wooden craft powered by outboard","Desc2":"motor with twomen inside came out from the suspicious vessel and started heading towards the ship. Another three armed men with portable steel ladders and black suits came out. Ship's master raised the alarm and crew manned their assigned station. Fire","Desc3":"hoses were activated and aimed at ship's side and aft. The suspicious craft came close to starboard side. Master maneuvered the vessel to prevent the pursuing craft from boarding the vessel. At 0803 local time, the suspicious craft aborted the chase.","Desc4":"Coalition forces were contacted regarding the incident (IMB).","coords.x1":48.75028,"coords.x2":13.11667} {"Reference":"2008-373","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach on 01 Oct 08 at 0345 UTC while in position 13-10N 047-43E. Four pirates attempted to board the vessel. A naval ship engaged the pirates and the ship's master conducted evasive maneuvers. Pirates","Desc2":"were unsuccessful in boarding.","coords.x1":47.71667,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"2008-372","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Container ship fired upon 01 Oct 08 at 1435 UTC while underway in position 12-42.8N 049-09.9E. Four pirates fired upon the vessel and unsuccessfully attempted to board. Master and crew activated the fire hose and conducted evasive maneuvers.","Desc2":"There was no damage to the ship or cargo and no injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":49.165,"coords.x2":12.71333} {"Reference":"2008-371","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk carrier fired upon 01 Oct 08 at 0700 local time while underway. Two boats were following the vessel on the port side. The ship altered course to increase distance. The ship's general alarm and ship security alarm were sounded. A boat on","Desc2":"the port side attempted to put a ladder on the vessel and the ship's crew removed it. The same boat began firing bullets and parachute rockets. Coalition navy forces were contacted. The ship continued increasing speed and altering course until both boats","Desc3":"moved away and coalition helicopters arrived in the area (IMB).","coords.x1":48.5,"coords.x2":13.5} {"Reference":"2008-389","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach on 01 Oct 08 at 0523 UTC while underway in position 13-13.59N 047-57.52E, about 43 miles off the Yemen coast. Pirates attempted to board the ship but the ship increased speed and diverted from course. The","Desc2":"pirates aborted the pursuit. No crew was injured and no damage was reported (UKMTO).","coords.x1":47.96444,"coords.x2":13.23306} {"Reference":"2008-374","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"THREE SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENBulk carrier reported suspicious approach on 28 Sep 08 at 0210 local time while underway in position 13-30.4N 048-31.8E. Three speedboats chased the vessel. All crew was alerted and the master of the ship executed evasive maneuvers and","Desc2":"increased speed. The three speedboats reduced speed and eventually aborted the chase (UKMTO).","coords.x1":48.53,"coords.x2":13.50667} {"Reference":"2008-353","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENTanker (GENIUS) hijacked on 26 Sep 08 while underway in position 13-32N 048-26E, 30 NM off Yemen. The attack was reported to the shipping company by the ship's captain by radio shortly before the pirates boarded the vessel. The pirates fired","Desc2":"a number of shots into the air to bring the ship to a halt. According to the Greek coastguard, 19 Romanian sailors are aboard the tanker (IMB, LM: VisitBulgaria.info).","coords.x1":48.43333,"coords.x2":13.53333} {"Reference":"2008-376","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"TWO SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENBulk carrier reported suspicious approach on 25 Sep 08 at 1930 UTC while underway in position 13-16.9N 057-13.3E. Two speed boats and a possible mothership attacked the vessel. The ship conducted evasive maneuvers and the pirates aborted the","Desc2":"chase (UKMTO).","coords.x1":57.22167,"coords.x2":13.28167} {"Reference":"2008-378","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"FOUR BOATS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENCargo vessel reported suspicious approach on 24 Sep 08 at 1105 UTC while underway in position 13-37N 048-53E. Four boats chased the vessel. The crew was mustered, alarm raised and, speed increased. After speed was increased, one boat aborted","Desc2":"chase and three other boats continued pursuit. Ship conducted evasive maneuvering and altered course. After ten minutes the boats aborted the pursuit (UKMTO).","coords.x1":48.88333,"coords.x2":13.61667} {"Reference":"2008-375","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"FOUR SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENBulk carrier reported suspicious approach on 22 Sep 08 at 1151 UTC while underway in position 13-33.7N 048-37.5E. Four boats began chasing the vessel on the portside. The master transmitted distress message via VHF, HF and INM-C. Evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers were conducted. The boats continued chasing, at which point the ship shot distress flares toward the boats. The boats eventually aborted the chase as the master continued evasive maneuvering (UKMTO).","coords.x1":48.625,"coords.x2":13.56167} {"Reference":"2008-354","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENBulk carrier (GREAT CREATION) hijacked on 18 Sep 08 at 0618 UTC while in position 14-13.0N 049-59.0E, Gulf of Aden. About eight pirates armed with guns boarded the vessel. The vessel was drifting due to engine problems and had requested","Desc2":"assistance. Pirates took 25 crewmembers hostage consisting of 24 Chinese nationals and a Sri Lankan master (IMB, BBC, LL).","coords.x1":49.98333,"coords.x2":14.21667} {"Reference":"2008-336","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENChemical tanker reported suspicious approach 18 Sep 08 at 0730 UTC while underway in position 13-57N 049-34E. Suspected pirates were reportedly following the vessel before moving away. The ship and crews are reportedly safe and the vessel is","Desc2":"continuing its voyage to its destination (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":49.56667,"coords.x2":13.95} {"Reference":"2008-335","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:General cargo vessel hijacked 18 Sep 2008 at 0618 UTC while drifting in position 14-12N 050-08E, 40NM off Yemen coast. The vessel reportedly had engine problems and was later reported to have been hijacked by seven to eight pirates","Desc2":"(Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":50.13333,"coords.x2":14.2} {"Reference":"2008-377","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENContainer ship reported suspicious approach on 19 Sep 08 at 1349 local time while underway in position 13-13.6N 049-31.4E. Twelve pirates in three speedboats, armed with automatic guns and rocket propelled grenade launchers chased the ship.","Desc2":"The vessel increased speed, executed evasive maneuvers, and directed fire hoses at the speedboat. Pirates approached vessel on starboard bow and tried to board. They later aborted the attempt and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":49.52333,"coords.x2":13.22667} {"Reference":"2008-355","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEED BOAT","Victim":"BULK CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENBulk cargo ship reported suspicious approach on 16 Sep 08 at 0830 UTC while in position 12-28N 44-53E, 20nm miles southwest from Aden, Yemen. A speed boat with five armed pirates approached and attempted to board the vessel. The master raised","Desc2":"general alarm, crew alerted and sea water thrown against pirates by fire hoses. The pirates attempted three times to board the vessel unsuccessfully. After ten minutes the speed boat left and the attack was aborted. The master tried to call CMF by phone","Desc3":"and VHF but could not receive a signal. There was no crew injury or damage to the vessel or its cargo (UKMTO).","coords.x1":44.88333,"coords.x2":12.46667} {"Reference":"2008-338","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BLUE SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENGeneral cargo vessel fired upon 15 Sep 08 at 1453 UTC while underway in position 13-38.87N 048-59.0E. The duty officer onboard the vessel noticed a possible red mother-ship releasing speedboats. The blue speedboat had approximately six","Desc2":"pirates onboard and approached the vessel and opened fire. The Master contacted the coalition warships on VHF 16 but received no response. Anti-piracy measures were enforced, the speedboats followed for ten minutes before moving away (UKMTO, IMB,","Desc3":"Operator).","coords.x1":48.98333,"coords.x2":13.63556} {"Reference":"2008-366","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"RED SPEED BOATS","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENGeneral cargo vessel fired upon 15 Sep 08 at 1453 UTC while underway in position 13-38.87N 048-59.0E. The duty officer onboard the vessel noticed a possible red mother-ship releasing speedboats. The blue speedboat had approximately six","Desc2":"pirates onboard and approached the vessel and opened fire. The Master contacted the coalition warships on VHF 16 but received no response. Anti-piracy measures were enforced, the speedboats followed for ten minutes before moving away (UKMTO, IMB,","Desc3":"Operator).","coords.x1":48.98333,"coords.x2":13.63556} {"Reference":"2008-337","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENChemical tanker (STOLT VALOR) hijacked 15 Sep 08 at 1047 UTC/1316 local time, while underway in position 13-33N 049-09E, 60NM south of Al Mukalla, Yemen. There are approximately 15 pirates onboard and 22 crewmembers held hostage. The crew","Desc2":"consists of 18 Indians, two Filipinos, a Bangladeshi and a Russian (IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":49.15,"coords.x2":13.55} {"Reference":"2008-339","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"GREEN AND WHITE WOODEN BOAT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENTanker (GOLDEN ELIZABETH) reported suspicious approach 13 Sep 08 at 0845 local time/0445 UTC while underway in position 13-32.5N 048-47.5E. A suspicious green and white wooden boat, 7-10 meters long traveling at approximately 20kts had a crew","Desc2":"of no less than eight wearing dark camouflage clothing approached the vessel on port quarter with a CPA of 1-2 cables. No arms or ammunition was visible. There was one tanker about 2NM ahead and three vessels meeting off port bow. The OOW observed a","Desc3":"small boat approaching from port quarter. The Master ordered evasive maneuvers and sounded the alarms and activated INMARSAT-C Distress alarm and ISPS Piracy/Terrorist alarms, then reported the event to the UN Coalition Forces who advised the vessel to","Desc4":"proceed on a southerly course to meet with them as they were 14NM south. The suspicious boat moved away after a hard wheel turn to starboard pushed the boat away. At 1000 local time/0600 UTC while in position 13-27.8N 048-34.1E, the Master confirmed the","Desc5":"vessel is safely proceeding to its destination, Suez under a high level of anti-piracy measures (UKMTO, IMB, Operator, LM: Maritime Global Net).","coords.x1":48.79167,"coords.x2":13.54167} {"Reference":"2008-342","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENChemical tanker reported attacked 11 Sep 08 at 1335 UTC, while underway in position 12-24N 045-23E, off Yemen coast. A failed piracy attack was reported by the vessels Master. Naval helicopters from UKMTO promptly arrived and chased the","Desc2":"pirates. There were no injuries or damage to property or pollution (UKMTO, Operator).","coords.x1":45.38333,"coords.x2":12.4} {"Reference":"2008-340","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"25 SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENGeneral cargo vessel reported suspicious activity 11 Sep 08 at 0600 local time/0300 UTC while underway in position 12-38.3N 045-39.0E. The vessel reported approximately 25 speedboats in the vicinity in position 12-35.9N 045-35.3E (UKMTO,","Desc2":"Operator).","coords.x1":45.65,"coords.x2":12.63833} {"Reference":"2008-341","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BLUE SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENBulk carrier reported suspicious approach 11 Sep 08 at 0925 UTC while underway in position 13-17N 047-36E. A blue speedboat with three masked men onboard reportedly followed the vessel at full speed. The speedboat was initially stationary","Desc2":"before moving away. The vessel took evasive maneuvers, and other preventative actions. The vessel resumed voyage (UKMTO, Operator).","coords.x1":47.6,"coords.x2":13.28333} {"Reference":"2008-307","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 10 Sep 08 at 0125 UTC while underway in position 15-46N 053-07E. Three suspicious small boats were reportedly following the vessel. Coalition warships were urgently requested to render necessary","Desc2":"assistance. At 0330 UTC the vessel reported that the three suspicious small boats have moved away but another one is reportedly following the vessel, approximately 5NM away. Last located 15-48N 052-57E (IMB, Operator, UKMTO).","coords.x1":53.11667,"coords.x2":15.76667} {"Reference":"2008-343","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENBulk carrier fired upon 10 Sep 08 at 0343 UTC while underway in position 12-39.4N 048-23.0E. One speedboat chased and fired at the vessel. The vessel took evasive actions and contacted the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre for assistance. They duty","Desc2":"officer at the Centre informed the coalition navy which sent a warship and a helicopter that flew over the speedboat and interrupted the attack. The pirates moved away. The vessel continued its passage to its destination port. There was no damage to the","Desc3":"vessel or injury to crew (UKMTO, IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":48.38333,"coords.x2":12.65667} {"Reference":"2008-308","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk carrier (BRIGHT RUBY) hijacked 9 Sep 08 at 0657 UTC while underway in position 13-09N 047-57E, approximately 100NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. There are 21 crewmembers on board the vessel, eight Koreans and 13 Myanmar (IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":47.95,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2008-344","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENGeneral cargo vessel fired upon 9 Sep 08 at 1513 UTC while underway in position 13-24N 048-20E. Eight pirates in a skiff reportedly chased the vessel. They fired upon the vessel and attempted to board. The Master contacted the coalition","Desc2":"warships. A helicopter intervened and the pirates aborted the attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":48.33333,"coords.x2":13.4} {"Reference":"2008-368","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENGeneral cargo vessel fired upon 9 Sep 08 at 1513 UTC while underway in position 13-24N 048-20E. Eight pirates in a skiff reportedly chased the vessel. They fired upon the vessel and attempted to board. The Master contacted the coalition","Desc2":"warships. A helicopter intervened and the pirates aborted the attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":48.33333,"coords.x2":13.4} {"Reference":"2008-311","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:IMB reported suspicious vessel, per 8 Sep 08 reporting. A suspicious boat was transmitting the AIS with a different call sign VRWO. The IMO and MMSI number remains unchanged and untraceable. The passing ship reported to have seen the names","Desc2":"as (EAST TRADER) in position 14-13.73N 050-18.45E, 13.7kts at 0200 UTC. All ships are advised to stay clear of this suspicious vessel (IMB).","coords.x1":50.3075,"coords.x2":14.22883} {"Reference":"2008-310","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"Tanker reported suspicious approach 8 Sep 08 at 0655 UTC while underway in position 12-45.48N 046-05.3E. There were reportedly more than ten speedboats in the surrounding area with many personal on board. Incident was reported to coastal authority","Desc2":"(Operator, IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":46.08833,"coords.x2":12.758} {"Reference":"2008-309","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Container ship reported suspicious approach 8 Sep 08 at 0900 UTC while underway in position 12-54.2N 046-04.2E. Two suspicious speedboats crossed the bow from starboard to port at 20kts approximately 1NM away before altering course towards","Desc2":"the vessel. The vessel altered course heading towards the speedboats in a threat to hit them. They avoided by turning starboard and passing closely on port side. Observation by binoculars revealed a vessel approximately 120 meters long with a person","Desc3":"holding a rifle onboard. The speedboats eventually moved away (Operator, IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":46.07,"coords.x2":12.90333} {"Reference":"2008-306","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk carrier (MONIMA) reported suspicious approach 7 Sep 08 at 1500 local time, while underway in position 13-06.87N 045-41E, approximately 12NM off the Yemen coast. Three speedboats reportedly chased the vessel. The Master contacted the IMB","Desc2":"Piracy Reporting Centre to inform them of the situation and requested immediate assistance from warships. Two of the three boats continued to follow at a distance of 2.5NM. The Master suspected that the perpetrators may be armed with machine guns and may","Desc3":"board any time. The Yemeni coastguard arrived and the three boats moved away at the sight of the coastguard boats (Operator, IMB, UKMTO, LM: The News Straits Times Online).","coords.x1":45.68333,"coords.x2":13.1145} {"Reference":"2008-312","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 7 Sep 08 at 1020 UTC while underway in position 12-46N 045:54E. Suspected pirates in two speedboats reportedly chased the vessel. The owner contacted the IMB Piracy Reporting Center (PRC) for","Desc2":"assistance. The duty officer at PRC informed authorities to render necessary assistance. The Master was advised to enforce anti-piracy measures to delay and prevent boarding. The authorities advised the PRC that every effort was being made to send","Desc3":"assistance to the vessel. At 1343 UTC, the Master reported the suspicious boats moved away and was continuing passage to its destination port (IMB).","coords.x1":45.9,"coords.x2":12.76667} {"Reference":"2008-313","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Tanker (FRONT VOYAGER) fired upon 6 Sep 08 at 0950 UTC while underway in position 12-54.9N 047-05.1E, 39NM off the coast of Yemen. The vessel spotted a blue-hulled speedboat with five armed men onboard approximately 6NM away. The speedboat","Desc2":"approached the vessel and opened fire. The alarm was raised, speed increased and coalition warships contacted. When the coalition warship and navy helicopter arrived, the speedboat aborted the attack and moved towards a potential mother-ship. The vessel","Desc3":"sustained damages; however no crewmembers injured (Operator, IMB, UKMTO, LM: Aftenposten).","coords.x1":47.085,"coords.x2":12.915} {"Reference":"2008-314","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirate Attack","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Tanker fired upon 6 Sep 08 at 0705 UTC while underway in position 12-57.8N 47-01.6E. A white speedboat, less than 10 meters long with approximately five to six persons on board approach from port side, near the accommodation ladder. The","Desc2":"general alarm was raised and fog horn was sounded. The Chief Officer directed a fire hose at the speedboat. The persons in the boat signaled to reduce speed while pointing an RPG at the Chief Officer. The Chief Officer dropped the fire hose and entered","Desc3":"the galley and then went to the bridge to assist the Master. The Master began evasive maneuvers while the Chief Engineer advised him to give maximum revolutions on the engines. The Master activated the SSAS on the bridge and broadcasted a mayday message","Desc4":"on VHF.16. The first reported attempt to board resulted in the speedboat rolling heavily in the water because it was caught in the stern wash of the vessel. As a result, approximately three to four persons were washed out of the speedboat. The speedboat","Desc5":"recovered its crew and resumed chasing the vessel again. By this time, UKMTO had contacted the vessel on satellite phone and obtained the position and situation. The vessel contacted IMB Piracy Reporting Center on the satellite phone and advised the","Desc6":"situation. The speedboat approached a second time and reportedly chased the vessel for a considerable amount of time, while narrowing the gap steadily. The speedboat came very close and the crew was seen trying to raise a ladder to board the vessel. The","coords.x1":47.02667,"coords.x2":12.96333} {"Reference":"2008-315","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ARMED PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENGeneral cargo fired upon 5 Sep 08 at 0510 UTC, while underway in position 12-57N 047-04E, 118NM east of Aden, Yemen. The ship reportedly sighted a suspected mother-ship described as a blue tug towing a small boat about six miles off, bearing","Desc2":"155 degrees from the ship. At 0515 UTC, a small boat began approaching the ship at high speed. They duty officer raised the alarm and all crew mustered. At 0530 UTC, four armed suspected pirates were seen on the vessel. The vessel had one man steering","Desc3":"the vessel, one man with a rocket launcher, and two men armed with machine guns that reportedly fired at the vessel, and reportedly attempted to board. The ship increased speed, altered course, and began evasive maneuvers to prevent the small vessel from","Desc4":"coming alongside the ship. The crew used a hose, bottles, shackles, screws, dishes, etc, to throw at the pirates. The pirates reportedly attacked the ship four times with no success. The pirates moved away at 0600 UTC (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":47.06667,"coords.x2":12.95} {"Reference":"2008-318","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENContainer ship (AL MANSOURAH) hijacked 3 Sep 08 at 0900 local time while underway in position 12-57.5N 047-04E, 17 miles off Al Mukalla, Yemen. The pirates reportedly sailed the vessel and anchored it off Caluula, Somalia. There are","Desc2":"reportedly 25 crewmembers onboard. The vessel was enroute Bin Quasim, Pakistan (Bloomberg, IMB, LM: Xinhua, Maritime News Russia).","coords.x1":47.06667,"coords.x2":12.95833} {"Reference":"2008-317","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS BOAT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN Tanker reported suspicious approach 3 Sep 08 at 2030 UTC, while underway in position 13-44.4N 049-02.2E. The suspicious boat traveling at 14.5kts towards the vessel. Coalition forces were informed of the boats location and then the boat","Desc2":"altered course and moved away (Operator, IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":49.03667,"coords.x2":13.74} {"Reference":"2008-316","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEED BOAT","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENContainer ship reported suspicious approach 3 Sep 08 at 0310 local time while underway in position 14-18.3N 050-34E. The vessel detected an unlit speedboat approaching the vessel approximately 2.2NM on starboard bow. As the speedboat","Desc2":"approached closer to 1.5NM, a search light was directed on the boat and visually sighted. The speedboat was approximately one mile on starboard beam when it altered course and moved towards the vessel. Coalition naval forces were contacted immediately.","Desc3":"The fast boat increased speed and reportedly chased the vessel before moving away. At 0332 local time, two fishing vessels were sighted approximately 7.5NM on port and starboard bow of the vessel, suspected of being the mother-ship for these boats.","Desc4":"Latest position of two vessels was 14-15.1N 050-47.4E and 14-25.4N 050-45.3E (Operator, IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":50.56667,"coords.x2":14.305} {"Reference":"2008-319","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENBulk carrier (ORSOLINA BOTTIGLIERI) fired upon 3 Sep 08 at 1450 UTC while underway in position 13-36.8N 049-13.16E approximately 40NM off the Yemen coast. Reported pirates attempted to close in on the vessel for boarding; however the vessel","Desc2":"was able to increase its speed and diverted its course. A coalition navy warship was dispatched to the area. The pirate boat moved away. No injuries to crew, or damage to vessel (IMB, LM: rainews24.it).","coords.x1":49.21933,"coords.x2":13.61333} {"Reference":"2008-320","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENYacht (CARRE D'AS IV) hijacked 2 Sep 08 at 1853 UTC while underway in position 13-48N 050-32E, approximately 80NM north of Caluula, Somalia. The vessel reportedly departed Cocos Islands on 5 Aug 08 enroute to Aden, Yemen. There are reportedly","Desc2":"two French citizens onboard and one Australian. However, recent press report from the French authorities shows only two French crew. The vessel is reportedly traveling to Eyl (UKMTO, AFP, LM: afrol News, marinelog.com).","coords.x1":50.53333,"coords.x2":13.8} {"Reference":"2008-321","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS BOAT","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENBulk carrier reported suspicious approach 1 Sep 08 at 0600 UTC while underway in position 13-40.5N 049-08.7E. The suspicious boat was spotted on starboard bow at a distance of 3.7 miles. The vessel began evasive maneuvers. The suspicious boat","Desc2":"reportedly began to chase the vessel at a speed of 17kts. A coalition warship was contacted and responded to the emergency call. When the warship arrived, the suspicious boat began distancing from the vessel and eventually moved away. The suspicious boat","Desc3":"was described as having a brown hull with a white stripe and a white superstructure (Operator, IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":49.145,"coords.x2":13.675} {"Reference":"2008-322","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"TWO SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENLPG tanker reported suspicious approach 1 Sep 08 at 0735 local time while underway in position 12-48.5N 049-42.3E, Gulf of Aden. Two small speedboats approached the vessel from starboard side with entering ladders. A mother-ship was sighted","Desc2":"about 1NM away. The alarm was raised; the vessel increased its speed and contacted a coalition warship. The suspicious boats moved away after a few minutes. The security alarm was not engaged because the vessel was reportedly in close contact with an","Desc3":"American Coalition warship. All clear and voyage continue as normal at 0800 local time (Operator, IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":49.705,"coords.x2":12.80833} {"Reference":"2008-324","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPPEDBOAT","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENChemical tanker (BUNGA MELATI 5) hijacked 29 Aug 08 at 1400 UTC while underway in position 13-11N 046-38E, approximately 14NM off the coast of Yemen. The vessel was reportedly chased by a speedboat and requested coalition warship assistance.","Desc2":"The vessels crew activated hoses and attempted to ward off the attackers. The vessel was then fired upon for approximately ten minutes before being boarded. Communication then went dead. A warship arrived, but by then, the pirates had altered the course","Desc3":"of the vessel and headed towards Somali waters. The vessel reportedly has 41 crewmembers on board. ONI COMMENT: This location is in the central Gulf of Aden approximately 135NM farther to the west from previous hijack locations indicating an increased","Desc4":"operating area for piracy in the Gulf of Aden (Operator, ONI, UKMTO, LL, IMB).","coords.x1":46.63333,"coords.x2":13.18333} {"Reference":"2008-327","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SMALL CRAFT","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PERSIAN GULF:Container ship reported suspicious approach 26 Aug 08 at 1930 local time while underway in position 25-41.3N 054-49.2E, 36NM northwest of Dubai, UAE. A small craft was sighted stationary, 4NM off the starboard bow. The small craft had a CPA","Desc2":"of .7NM down the starboard side. At the time of the CPA, the small craft increased speed to approximately 20kts and headed towards the vessel, crossing the bow closely from starboard to port. The second officer called the captain to the bridge. The","Desc3":"captain took the conn with small craft now on port bow, range .2 nm. The small craft reportedly increased its speed again and crossed the bow from starboard to port flashing a search light at the vessels bridge. At 2040 local time while in position","Desc4":"25-54.9N 054-45.0E, a second small craft approached the vessel from the starboard side at a range of 5NM and a 0 CPA with a speed of 22kts and closing. The master altered its course starboard with the small craft 3NM off while it kept altering course to","Desc5":"remain at 0 CPA. The master conducted evasive maneuvers and increased its CPA from the suspicious crafts, sounded the alarm and assumed security positions. The suspicious crafts moved away due to an excellent security response. UKMTO NOTE: This report","Desc6":"was passed onto CTF-152 for investigation (UKMTO).","coords.x1":54.82,"coords.x2":25.68833} {"Reference":"2008-325","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS BOATS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Tanker reported suspicious approach 26 Aug 08 at approximately 2052 local time/1652 UTC while underway in position 12-27.29N 045-02.10E. Two suspicious small boats reportedly chased the vessel. The general alarm was raised; the crew mustered","Desc2":"and took evasive maneuvers. The small craft moved away. The incident was reported to the IMB and the vessels captain requested assistance from nearby coalition task force elements. There was reportedly one fishing boat drifting in position 12-22.7N","Desc3":"044-47.3E, which was described as possibly a suspicious trawling mother-ship. The vessel was proceeding to the Suez. UKMTO NOTE: No weapons seen and no concerted attempt to attack. CTF-150 investigated and now assesses mistaken identity of Aden Fishermen","Desc4":"(IMB, UKMTO, Operator).","coords.x1":45.035,"coords.x2":12.45483} {"Reference":"2008-326","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS VESSEL","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENContainer ship reported suspicious approach 26 Aug 08 while underway in position 12-29.7N 044-59.44E. The vessel requested assistance. UKMTO Note: No weapons were seen and no concerted attempt to attack. CTF-150 investigated and now assess","Desc2":"mistaken identity of Aden fishermen (UKMTO, IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":44.99067,"coords.x2":12.495} {"Reference":"2008-287","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Cargo vessel reported suspicious approach 26 Aug 08 at 1040 local time/0740 UTC while underway in position 13-30N 048-34E, 87NM southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. While transiting the Gulf of Aden the vessel reported a number of suspicious","Desc2":"boats to a Coalition Warship in the area. The vessel kept monitoring the suspicious boats and noticed two suspicious boats at the vessels port quarter about two miles off. The vessel increased its speed to move away from the suspicious boats (IMB,","Desc3":"Operator).","coords.x1":48.56667,"coords.x2":13.5} {"Reference":"2008-288","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 26 Aug 08 while underway near Aden, Yemen. A vessel heard an announcement on VHF Ch. 16 that another near by vessel stated that it had spotted three speedboats traveling at 22kts and getting off a reported","Desc2":"mother-ship. The position of the mother-ship was 12-28N 044-44E, 25NM southwest of Aden, Yemen (IMB).","coords.x1":44.73333,"coords.x2":12.46667} {"Reference":"2008-289","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Cargo vessel reported suspicious approach 24 Aug 08 at 0655 local time while underway in position 12-49N 050-30E, 52NM north northwest of Caluula, Somalia. The vessel reported a suspicious craft approaching. The suspicious craft?s speed was","Desc2":"between 1.5 and 4.7kts with a course of approximately 153 degrees. The vessel altered its course to gain distance from the suspicious craft. The silhouette of the vessel was described as a tug boat. The suspicious craft was last located at 0823 local","Desc3":"time while in position 12-53.8N 050-36.3E (UKMTO, IMB).","coords.x1":50.5,"coords.x2":12.81667} {"Reference":"2008-292","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 23 Aug 08 at 0630 UTC while underway in position 13-16.9N 042-55.3E, 53NM north northwest of Caluula, Somalia. A white colored speedboat with five persons onboard approached the vessel. The alarm was","Desc2":"raised; the crew mustered and activated the fire hoses. The suspicious craft approached a second time and followed the ship for ten minutes before finally moving away (IMB).","coords.x1":42.92167,"coords.x2":13.28167} {"Reference":"2008-291","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirate Attack","Victim":"Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Cargo vessel fired upon 23 Aug 08 at 1708 local time/1008 UTC, while underway in position 14-16N 050-19.40E, 65NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. The master reported the vessel had been fired upon. The master raised the alarm, increased its","Desc2":"speed, took evasive maneuvers and fired rocket flares. At 1052 UTC, the speedboats reportedly stopped firing and moved away. The speedboats were spotted with a possible mother-ship about 3NM away from the vessel (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":50.32333,"coords.x2":14.26667} {"Reference":"2008-290","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirate Attack","Victim":"Bulk Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk cargo vessel fired upon 23 Aug 08 at 1605 local time, while underway in position 14-11.3N 050-20.3E, 68NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. The master of the vessel reported that it had been fired upon and there were shots on the bridge.","Desc2":"The master requested immediate assistance from the coalition authorities. An aircraft arrived at the scene and the piracy tug boat (possibly the mother-ship) and the speedboats stopped firing. The ship is reportedly safe. Reported description confirms","Desc3":"that the pirate vessel being used is the (YENAGOA OCEAN) (IMB, Operator, UKMTO).","coords.x1":50.33833,"coords.x2":14.18833} {"Reference":"2008-282","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Bulk Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk cargo reported suspicious approach 20 Aug 08 while underway in position 13-37N 050-11E, 79NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen (UKMTO).","coords.x1":50.18333,"coords.x2":13.61667} {"Reference":"2008-278","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirate Hijacking","Victim":"Cargo Ship","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Cargo ship (BBC TRINIDAD) hijacked 21 Aug 08 at 0945 UTC while underway in position 12-57.9N 048-56.7E, 107NM south of Al Mukalla, Yemen. The vessel was attacked by two fast crafts. An additional orange mother-ship was spotted during the","Desc2":"hijacking. The vessel reportedly has 13 crewmembers onboard (one Slovak, three Russians and nine Filipinos) and is currently anchored of Eyl. Owners are unable to provide further information, however, they informed that the crew and vessel are safe","Desc3":"(Operator, IMB, LM: Caribbean New News).","coords.x1":48.945,"coords.x2":12.965} {"Reference":"2008-279","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Bulk Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk cargo reported suspicious approach 21 Aug 08 at 0920 local time/0620 UTC, while underway in position 13-15.8N 048-52.8E, approximately 50NM off the Yemen coast. The vessel detected two boats. The first boat was of dark grey without a","Desc2":"superstructure and several people on board, and the second boat (a little further away from the first boat) white in color. Both of them were detected from five to ten degrees off the port side at a radar distance of 1.5 miles. The first boat crossed the","Desc3":"vessels bow from port to starboard. The vessel took evasive maneuvers, altering to the starboard side. The dark grey boat was reportedly attempting to follow the vessel. The speed of the suspected boat was 7.5kts. Then the vessel inverted the course to","Desc4":"90 degrees for 15 minutes and the suspected boat moved away. The vessel then altered its course to 180 degrees for 30 minutes. At 1020 local time the vessel resumed its initial course of 257 degrees and proceeded with a speed of 15 kts following another","Desc5":"vessel at a distance of 8.5 miles from the bow (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":48.88,"coords.x2":13.26333} {"Reference":"2008-281","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Hijacking","Victim":"Bulk Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk carrier (IRAN DEYANAT) hijacked 21 Aug 08 at 0223 UTC, while underway in position 13-49.3N 050-23.9E, approximately 82NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. The vessel was fired upon and boarded, no further information. It is reported that","Desc2":"there are 18-20 pirates onboard the vessel. The vessel is currently anchored off Eyl (Operator, IMB, UKMTO, LM: Times of India).","coords.x1":50.39833,"coords.x2":13.82167} {"Reference":"2008-280","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Hijacking","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Chemical tanker (IRENE) hijacked 21 Aug 08 at 0358 UTC, while underway in position 14-26.42N 049-56.46E, 45NM east of Al Mukalla, Yemen. The vessel is transporting approximately 10,000 mt of chemical / flammable cargo. There are 19","Desc2":"crewmembers onboard, two Russians, one Croatian, and 16 Filipinos (Operator, IMB, REUTERS).","coords.x1":49.941,"coords.x2":14.44033} {"Reference":"2008-283","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Hijacking","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Chemical tanker (BUNGA MELATI DUA) hijacked 19 Aug 08, 1730 local time while underway in position 12-45.2N 047-57.7E, 123NM southwest of Mukulla, Yemen. There are 39 crewmembers onboard the vessel, traveling from Indonesia to Rotterdam with","Desc2":"a cargo of crude palm oil. No direct contact has been made with the captain of the ship. According to local media reports, a Filipino crewmember was reportedly killed during the hijacking. The event was reported to be an accident. All remaining","Desc3":"crewmembers are reportedly safe and the vessel is currently anchored at Eyl. Negotiations are ongoing (Operator, IMB, BBC, AP, UKMTO).","coords.x1":47.96167,"coords.x2":12.75333} {"Reference":"2008-271","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Cargo vessel (THOR STAR) hijacked 12 Aug 08 at 1418 UTC while underway in position 13-07.35N 050-10.75E, 75NM northwest of Caluula. A Yemeni naval official reportedly stated that the ship sent out a distress signal after coming under heavy","Desc2":"fire from armed pirates about 100 miles off the Yemen coast. The ship is believed to have been en route from Southeast Asia with a cargo of timber. The vessel has a crew of 28 Thai nationals (Operator, UKMTO, IMB, TW).","coords.x1":50.17917,"coords.x2":13.1225} {"Reference":"2008-266","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk carrier (GEM OF KILAKARAI) fired upon 8 Aug 08 at 0515 UTC (Operator) 0345 UTC (IMB) while underway in position 13-11N 049-55E, 85NM northwest of Caluula. Pirates in two white speedboats, armed with guns and rocket propelled grenade","Desc2":"launchers chased and fired small arms. They fired an RPG at the vessel; however, the RPG did not detonate. The master contacted the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre for assistance. The USS PELELIU was reportedly ten miles away when the attack occurred and","Desc3":"responded by sending three helicopters to the scene. Upon seeing the warship, the pirate boats moved away. The warship sent a team to dispose of the RPG found on the bridge wing. No reported injuries (Operator, UKMTO, IMB, LM: cargonewsasia.com,","Desc4":"military.com).","coords.x1":49.91667,"coords.x2":13.18333} {"Reference":"2008-265","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Tug (YENAGOA OCEAN) hijacked 4 Aug 08, 0500 local time, near Bosasso. The vessel traveled to an unknown destination. Pirates are reportedly demanding 1 million USD. The vessel had a crew of nine Nigerians (Operator, IMB, LM: thisday.com).","coords.x1":49.2,"coords.x2":11.26667} {"Reference":"2008-248","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirate Hijacking","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk carrier (STELLA MARIS) hijacked 20 Jul 08 at 0430 local time/0011 UTC while underway in position 13:16N-050:02E, approximately 87NM northwest of Caluula, Somalia. The vessel was enroute Suez when UKMTO Dubai was alerted via INMARSAT","Desc2":"that pirates were onboard, repeated three times before the line went dead. No returned calls were answered. The ships operators were alerted and at the same time a SSAS message was received by the operators and forwarded to UKMTO. According to Puntland","Desc3":"presidential advisor Bile Mohamoud Qabowsade, there were 38 heavily armed pirates that stormed the ship while sailing in international waters. Hared Ise Umar, the District Commissioner of Caluula, stated that the hijackers sailed the vessel close to","Desc4":"Caluula and indicated he expected the vessel to sail to Eyl (Operator, UKMTO, IMB, AFP, LM:hornafrik.com).","coords.x1":50.03333,"coords.x2":13.26667} {"Reference":"2008-249","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspisious Approach","Victim":"Container Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Container ship reported aggressive skiffs 18 Jul 08 at 0720 UTC while steaming in position 12-47.5N 051-02E, approximately 48NM north of Caluula, Somalia. Two, six meter yellow fiberglass crafts with 5-6 heavily armed men chased the vessel.","Desc2":"The vessel was traveling at 25knts when it was overtaken by pirates on the port side. The master estimated the speed of the pirates at approximately 30knts. The vessel took evasive maneuvers, raised the alarm, and the crew prepared fire hoses. Suspected","Desc3":"pirates moved away. No weapons were released and the vessel continued its voyage to Singapore (Operator, UKMTO, IMB).","coords.x1":51.03333,"coords.x2":12.79167} {"Reference":"2008-251","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Container ship reported suspicious approach 15 Jul 08 at 0735 local time, 125NM northwest of Caluula, Somalia. Vessel was approached by two speedboats, which finally turned away (Operator, UKMTO).","coords.x1":49.45,"coords.x2":13.21667} {"Reference":"2008-250","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirate Attack","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Chemical tanker fired upon 15 Jul 08 at 1030 local time while underway in position 13-31N 049-11E, 131NM northwest of Caluula, Somalia. The vessel was enroute Red Sea to Dahej, India when the master reported two boats in vicinity at the time","Desc2":"of attack. One vessel was a blue fiberglass fast boat, and the other fitted the description of a local wooden fishing vessel. The boats approached on the port side shooting. The master was unable to confirm whether the boats were working together, or it","Desc3":"was a coincidence that they were in the vicinity together. Similarly, the master was unable to confirm if fire was taken from one or both of the vessels. The master reported four hits, three high on the accommodation housing leaving dents, and one hit on","Desc4":"the radar mast. No injuries to crew. Vessel continued voyage (Operator, UKMTO, IMB).","coords.x1":49.18333,"coords.x2":13.51667} {"Reference":"2008-230","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"BAB-EL-MANDEB:Vessel reported suspicious approach 6 Jul 08 at 0745 UTC/0945 local time while underway in position 12-34.3N 043-25.6E, off Perim Island, Yemen. A wooden boat with a blue hull and about 10-15 persons on board approached the vessel from port","Desc2":"side. The general alarm was raised and alert crew started water on deck. After approximately 10 minutes of trying to get close to the vessel, the suspicious craft moved away. The vessel sent a security message to other vessels via VHF (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":43.42667,"coords.x2":12.57167} {"Reference":"2008-211","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"Private Yacht","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Privately owned yacht attacked, passengers kidnapped 23 Jun 08, coastal town of Lasqorey. Four foreign tourists (French and Germans) were cruising in the Gulf of Aden when they reportedly ran out of gas. An official said the foreigners were","Desc2":"taking pictures from their small yacht when the pirates snatched them, took them ashore, and spirited them away into the neighboring mountains near Puntland, possibly in attempt for ransom. Ahmed Yusuf Yasin, vice president of the self-declared","Desc3":"Somaliland, said soldiers and residents were searching for the pirates to try to free the hostages (BBC, AP, AFP, LM: The Post Chronicle).","coords.x1":48.25,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"2008-212","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 21 Jun 08 at 0610 local time while underway in position 13-08.7N 048-03.7E, approximately 50NM south of Yemen. Two wooden speedboats approached the vessel. One boat crossed the bow, and the other waited on","Desc2":"the port side until the ship was between them. Not suspecting they may be pirates, the vessel passed between the two boats. As soon as the vessels heading was between them, the suspicious boats moved closer. When the crew saw that they were preparing the","Desc3":"ladder with a hook at the end, they raised the alarm and made evasive maneuvers at full speed. After several turns, the boats stopped following the vessel (Operator).","coords.x1":48.06167,"coords.x2":13.145} {"Reference":"2008-213","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Cargo vessel reported suspicious approach 21 Jun 08 at 1015 UTC while underway in position 13-24.2N 048-17.9E, approximately 34NM south of Yemen. One speedboat with at least three persons onboard approached the vessel from the starboard","Desc2":"quarter and passed behind in a distance of three cables. The vessel then moved in a north northwest direction with a speed of about 18-20kts. The vessel had a white hull and was an open type boat. No weapons were sighted. The vessel is underway from the","Desc3":"Suez Canal to Abu Dhabi (Operator).","coords.x1":48.29833,"coords.x2":13.40333} {"Reference":"2008-214","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 17 Jun 08 at 0730 local time/0430 UTC while underway in position 13-29N 048-50E, 34NM south of Yemen. The vessel encountered six suspicious small crafts, with three men in each, converging towards the","Desc2":"vessel at a range of 3NM. The three small crafts increased its speed to about 18knts. Two men were standing in the bow area of the suspicious craft while the other was on the tiller/engine. The boats were joined by the other three crafts. The vessel took","Desc3":"evasive maneuvers at full speed until a coalition ship nearby was spotted approximately 10NM on the starboard side. The master hailed the coalition ship and described the present situation. The warship acknowledged the call and headed full speed towards","Desc4":"the troubled vessel. The small crafts were .5NM from the vessel. When the suspicious crafts saw the crafts, they stopped andslowly veered away from the vessel. The warship continued its intended intercept, until the small crafts were well clear of the","Desc5":"vessel and headed towards the Somali coast (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":48.83333,"coords.x2":13.48333} {"Reference":"2008-196","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Cargo ship reported suspicious approach at 0510 UTC while underway in position 13-04N 047-08E, 31NM off the coast of Yemen, per 9 Jun reporting. One suspicious speedboat traveling at a speed of approximately 20kts reportedly attempted to","Desc2":"approach the vessel from the starboard quarter with three persons onboard. Another craft was approaching from behind at a distance of 3 miles. Coalition Warships were requested and the two small speed crafts aborted their attempt, moving in a west","Desc3":"northwest direction (Operator, UKTMO).","coords.x1":47.13333,"coords.x2":13.06667} {"Reference":"2008-197","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Tanker reported suspicious approach 3 Jun 08 at 1640 local time/1340 UTC while underway in position 13-16N 047-20E, 21NM off the coast of Yemen. A white speedboat with four persons onboard crossed the front of the vessel at approximately two","Desc2":"cables, moving from starboard to port at approximately 320 degrees. The alarm was raised and the crew alerted. After the boat crossed at a distance of 1.5NM, the boat proceeded with a parallel course of 070 degrees at 15knts. At 1650 local time, the","Desc3":"speedboat changed its course and bound northwest. No arms observed. The entire incident lasted approximately eight minutes (Operator, UKTMO).","coords.x1":47.33333,"coords.x2":13.26667} {"Reference":"2008-179","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATE ATTACK","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Container ship fired upon 3 Jun 08 at 0705 UTC while underway in position 12-43.8N 049-51.5E, 73NM off the Somali coast. The vessel was approached by two boats armed with a rocket launcher and guns firing at the vessel. Warship assistance","Desc2":"was immediately requested. Crew on Canadian HMCS (CALGARY) received the distress call. As the warship changed its direction and sped toward the attackers, the ship's Sea King helicopter was redirected toward the incident. When the helicopter arrived,","Desc3":"crews spotted two small boats that appeared to be armed near the vessel. The commanding officer of the HMCS CALGARY stated he was convinced that the presence of his aircraft drove them away from the traffic lanes and prevented any further attacks in the","Desc4":"area. All crew reportedly safe (Operator, UKMTO, LM: Canada.com, IMB).","coords.x1":49.85833,"coords.x2":12.73} {"Reference":"2008-181","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Tanker reported suspicious approach 28 May 08 at 1200 UTC while underway in position 13-43N 048-50E, 21NM off the Yemen coast. Four suspicious wooden/plastic high-speed boats with gray hulls, about 15 meters long with four persons in each","Desc2":"boat reportedly approached the vessel. The master took evasive maneuvers to prevent the speedboats from approaching closer. One speedboat crossed the bow at a distance of half a mile. Later, the boats aborted and moved away in a south-easterly direction","Desc3":"(IMB).","coords.x1":48.83333,"coords.x2":13.71667} {"Reference":"2008-182","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATE HIJACKING","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Cargo ship (LEHMANN TIMBER) hijacked 28 May 08 at 1040 UTC while underway in position 13-09N 048-58E, 56NM south of the Yemen coast. The vessel was attacked by four heavily armed pirates. Lehmann GmbH shipping company said in a statement","Desc2":"that the owners continue to maintain regular contact with the vessel and all 15 members of the crew are well in view of the circumstances. The vessel has been sailed into Somali territorial waters (IMB, Operator, UKMTO, AP, LM: International Hearld","Desc3":"Tribune, Xinhua).","coords.x1":48.96667,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2008-183","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Tanker reported suspicious approach 27 May 08 at 0748 UTC while underway in position 14-04.30N 049-23.72E, 28NM off the Yemen coast. A suspicious speedboat, with about five persons, was noticed proceeding towards the vessel at the starboard","Desc2":"beam about 1.5-2NM away. The master increased speed, took evasive maneuvers and called for coalition forces. At about 0830 UTC, the speedboat was reportedly unable to intercept and after approximately forty minutes the boat aborted and moved away. At the","Desc3":"same time, another boat was seen crossing the bows at a distance of 3NM (IMB, UKTMO).","coords.x1":49.39533,"coords.x2":14.07167} {"Reference":"2008-164","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Cargo ship","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden:25.05.2008: 2235 LT: 13-13N 050-49E: Pirates hijacked a general cargo ship 80 nm off the coast of Somalia. Nine crewmembers are held hostage omboard. At present the vessel is 2.5 nm from the coast. Futher reports awaited.","coords.x1":50.81667,"coords.x2":13.21667} {"Reference":"2008-165","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Three boats","Victim":"Bulk Carier","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden:25.05.2008: 0610 LT: 13-25.2N 047-57.8E: Three boats closed onto a bulk carrier underway. There were four armed persons in each boat. The boats followed the bulk carrier at a distance of one cable and the armed men were heard shouting in a","Desc2":"foreign language. Master raised alarm, all crew mustered and anti piracy measures enforced. After following the vessel for 25 minutes, the boats aborted the attempt and moved away.","coords.x1":47.96333,"coords.x2":13.42} {"Reference":"2008-166","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden:24.05.2008: 1420 LT: 13-58N 050-42E: Two boats, with four armed pirates in each boat, closed onto a tanker underway. The pirates opened fire with automatic guns and RPG. One RPG round hit and damaged the port bridge wing. Evasive manoeuvres","Desc2":"prevented the pirates from boarding. No injuries to crew and no pollution. After breaking off the two boats were reported to be drifing in the same vicinity.","coords.x1":50.7,"coords.x2":13.96667} {"Reference":"2008-167","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden:23.05.2008: 0430 UTC: 13-16.2N 049-08.7E: Four pirates armed with automatic guns and rocket launcher in a grey coloured, long speedboat approached a bulk carrier underway from the port quarter. They fired at the bridge and accommodation.","Desc2":"Master raised alarm, increased speed, took evasive manoeuvres and crew mustered. OOW informed ships in vicinity via VHF Ch. 16. The pirates tried to board the ship without success and finally aborted the attempt. One, white hull fishing boat, was noticed","Desc3":"about six nm off.","coords.x1":49.145,"coords.x2":13.27} {"Reference":"2008-155","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious speedboats","Victim":"Yacht","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden:22.05.2008: 1430 UTC: 13-21.29N 048-25.96E. A speedboat crossed the bow of a yacht, underway, while two other speedboats approached from the stren. The skipper increased speed and enforced anti piracy measures to prevent boarding. After a","Desc2":"while, the speedboats moved away. The suspicious boats seemed to have been launched from a dhow, which was in the position 13-20.9N 049-37.32E. Dhow's descriptions: lenght 20m, red hull and white superstructure.","coords.x1":48.43267,"coords.x2":13.35483} {"Reference":"2008-156","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container ship","Desc1":"Gulf of Aden:19.05.2008: 1500 LT: 12-49.3N 050-36.3E: Two small speedboats approached a container ship underway from the bow. One of the speedboats had four pirates armed with automatic weapons and rocket launcher. The pirates aimed the rocket launcher","Desc2":"towards the bridge and tried to board the vessel. Master raised alarm, took evasive manoeuvres and crew mustered. After 10 minutes, the pirates aborted the attempt and were seen approaching two other ships about 5 miles off.","coords.x1":50.605,"coords.x2":12.82167} {"Reference":"2008-163","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Small speedboats","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"OMAN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 18 May 08 while underway in position 21-07.5N 059-47.10E, 30NM off coast of Oman, 55NM northeast of Masirah Island. The vessel sighted a small speedboat trailing the vessel from the right stern, and was","Desc2":"reportedly closing in at a distance of five cables. The crew was alerted, rigged fire hoses and posted extra lookouts. Another speedboat was sighted visually, and a weak echo of which was also sighted on the radar on the port quarter at a distance of","Desc3":"approximately 2NM, traveling at about 16knts. The vessel executed zigzag maneuvers and deterred any possible boarding. The speedboat passed less than 100 meters from the vessel on the starboard quarter, and was observed doing about 16knts as well. The","Desc4":"port quarter boat was also observed to have altered its course to portside and moved away from the vessel. The boats were white and approximately 15-20 meters long. One vessel was observed with three men on board (Operator, UKMTO, IMB).","coords.x1":59.785,"coords.x2":21.125} {"Reference":"2008-148","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious speed boats","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 15 May 08 while underway in position 12-43.1N 045-42.6E, 31NM east southeast of Port Aden, Yemen. Four speedboats were in close proximity of the vessel. Two of the speedboats were detected on the port","Desc2":"side and two speedboats on the starboard side. The master sounded the general alarm and briefed the crew on anti-piracy precautions. Each speedboat was manned by two persons. No weapons were observed. However, the master noticed concealed items within","Desc3":"the boat. At 0615 UTC, the master altered its course to the starboard side. The master observed the speedboats achieve a speed of over 20kts, but were having difficulty in the wind conditions. At 0620 UTC, the two speedboats on the starboard side crossed","Desc4":"the ship's bow and attempted to approach the vessels port side. The master altered its course to the starboard side in order to make the port side under swell direction. The master alerted the Company Security Officer in Dubai, UAE, and announced the","Desc5":"speedboats position via VHF ch. 16. At 0635 UTC, the vessel started to gain distance from the four speedboats. At 0635 UTC, Marshall Islands Duty Officer was advised about the situation via telephone by the Ship Manager in Dubai. At 0640 UTC, the four","Desc6":"speed boats altered its course to the port side, shore direction.speed boats via VHF Ch.16. Fortunately, the master was able to maneuver the vessel to take evasive action, thereby successfully mitigating the threat from the four speed boats, which headed","coords.x1":45.71,"coords.x2":12.71833} {"Reference":"2008-161","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"suspicious vessel","Victim":"Tamker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 15 May 08 while underway in position 15-40.8N 052-41E, approximately 59NM northeast of Qishn, Yemen. The vessel observed a high speed boat doing 24knts approaching the vessel from the port quarter. The","Desc2":"crew on the poop deck monitored the boat which came within 1.4NM and then altered course away from the vessel. The boat was steering 315T and approached from southeast. The boat was dark blue with four persons onboard (Operator, UKMTO, IMB).","coords.x1":52.68333,"coords.x2":15.68} {"Reference":"2008-160","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Four suspicious speedboats","Victim":"Container ship","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Container ship reported suspicious approach 15 May 08 at 0900 UTC while underway in position 13-02.6N 045-42.6E, 32NM northeast of Port Aden. Four suspicious speedboats reportedly chased the vessel. Each vessel had four people onboard. The","Desc2":"vessels speed was about 18knts but they did not close in. Two boats sped up to 22knts and closed in. The vessel increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. Thirty minutes later, the speedboats moved away (IMB, UKTMO, Operator).","coords.x1":45.71,"coords.x2":13.04333} {"Reference":"2008-162","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Four speedboats","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 13 May 08 while underway in position 12-43.1N 045-42.6E, 31NM east southeast of Port Aden, Yemen. Four speedboats were in close proximity of the vessel. Two of the speedboats were detected on the port","Desc2":"side and two speedboats on the starboard side. The master sounded the general alarm and briefed the crew on anti-piracy precautions. Each speedboat was manned by two persons. No weapons were observed. However, the master noticed concealed items within","Desc3":"the boat. At 0615 UTC, the master altered its course to the starboard side. The master observed the speedboats achieve a speed of over 20kts, but were having difficulty in the wind conditions. At 0620 UTC, the two speedboats on the starboard side crossed","Desc4":"the ship's bow and attempted to approach the vessels port side. The master altered its course to the starboard side in order to make the port side under swell direction. The master alerted the Company Security Officer in Dubai, UAE, and announced the","Desc5":"speedboats position via VHF ch. 16. At 0635 UTC, the vessel started to gain distance from the four speedboats. At 0635 UTC, Marshall Islands Duty Officer was advised about the situation via telephone by the Ship Manager in Dubai. At 0640 UTC, the four","Desc6":"speed boats altered its course to the port side, shore direction.speed boats via VHF Ch.16. Fortunately, the master was able to maneuver the vessel to take evasive action, thereby successfully mitigating the threat from the four speed boats, which headed","coords.x1":45.71,"coords.x2":12.71833} {"Reference":"2008-149","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Two white speedboats","Victim":"Cargo ship","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 4 May 08 at 1810 local time while underway in position 15-05.0N 051-13.0E, 46NM southwest of Qishn, Yemen. Two white speedboats reportedly chased the vessel. The vessel took evasive maneuvers","Desc2":"to prevent boats from getting closer. The two speedboats moved towards other larger vessels in the vicinity. Later, they returned with two more black speedboats, followed the ship for a while, then moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":51.21667,"coords.x2":15.08333} {"Reference":"2008-130","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 1 May 08 at 1515 UTC while underway in position 13-09N 050-22E, approximately 75NM north of Caluula, Somalia. Suspicious speedboats chased the vessel. The speedboats moved away. Vessel continued passage to","Desc2":"destination (Operator).","coords.x1":50.36667,"coords.x2":13.15} {"Reference":"2008-137","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 01 May 2008 at 1605 UTC while underway in position 14-51.9N 054-14.8E, 65NM east of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Two speedboats crossed the bow of the vessel. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered and","Desc2":"took evasive maneuvers. Both boats stopped briefly and then resumed trailing the vessel. The master contacted a coalition warship on VHF Ch. 16/72. The coalition warship crossed the ship's stern and informed the master to continue on her passage, as","Desc3":"there were no speedboats visible (IMB).","coords.x1":54.24667,"coords.x2":14.865} {"Reference":"2008-127","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 30 Apr 08 at 2005 local time/1605 UTC while underway in position 14-51.9N 054-14.8E, 125NM south of Port Salalah, Oman/130NM north of Socotra. Two speedboats traveling at approximately 15.5knts approached","Desc2":"the vessel. At 2015 local time, the first speedboat crossed the vessels bow at about half a nautical mile off and proceeded towards the starboard quarter. The master sounded the general alarm and ship's whistle, and all crew mustered on the bridge. At","Desc3":"2026 local time, the second speedboat also crossed the vessels port bow at about the same distance as the first while the vessel carried out evasive maneuvers. It was observed on radars that the speedboats stopped for a while until the vessel was a","Desc4":"little further away, and then resumed chasing from both sides. At 2047 local time, the master informed a coalition warship that four speedboats were now chasing the vessel from different directions. It was assumed that the speedboats wanted the vessel to","Desc5":"head south towards Somalia, however, the vessel turned counter-clockwise and headed northwest. Two speedboats stopped but the other two continued to follow. At 2148 local time, a coalition warship was sighted on radar and advised the vessel to maintain","Desc6":"their course while the warship approached. At 2220 local time, the coalition warship informed the vessel that they will cross the stern to investigate the situation. At 2238 local time, the vessel was advised there were no more speedboats in the area","coords.x1":54.24667,"coords.x2":14.865} {"Reference":"2008-138","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 28 Apr 08 at 2203 local time while underway in position 14-15.5N 050-11.8E, 145NM east of Qishn, Yemen. The vessel observed on radar three speedboats approaching at high speed. The alarm was raised","Desc2":"and anti-piracy measures were activated. All accommodation lights and navigations lights were switched off. The boats continued to follow and slowly closed onto the vessel. Finally, to deter them from pursuing, the chief officer threw wooden pallets and","Desc3":"old garbage drums overboard in the path of the boats. This caused the boats to suddenly stop and move away (IMB).","coords.x1":50.19667,"coords.x2":14.25833} {"Reference":"2008-128","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirate Attack","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk carrier fired upon 28 Apr 08 at 1110 UTC while underway in position 12-38N 048-47E, approximately 70NM northwest of Caluula, Somalia. The vessel was reportedly shot at with machine guns and a rocket propelled grenade by two small boats.","Desc2":"The skiffs aborted attempt because they were likely unable to board due to a high freeboard. The attack skiffs were last seen near another vessel 10 miles east. The master had requested warship assistance (Operator, IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":48.78333,"coords.x2":12.63333} {"Reference":"2008-129","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"General Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 26 Apr 08 at 1045 local time while underway in position 14-30.5N 051-55.1E, 50NM off Yemen coast. Two suspicious speedboats traveling at 20kts approached the vessel. The master raised the","Desc2":"alarm, took evasive maneuvers and the crew activated fire hoses. At 1100 local time the boats aborted and fled towards Somalia (IMB).","coords.x1":51.91833,"coords.x2":14.50833} {"Reference":"2008-132","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"PERSIAN GULF:Cargo vessel (WESTWARD VENTURE) reported suspicious approach, warning shots fired 24 Apr 08 at 0800 local time. The vessel was approached by two unidentified small boats. Following procedure, the vessel issued standard queries to the small","Desc2":"boats via bridge-to-bridge radio, but received no response. The vessel then activated a flare, which also did not receive a response. The small boats continued toward the vessel and the vessels security team fired warning shots and the small boats left","Desc3":"the area. A short time later, the vessel received a query from a unit identifying itself as the Iranian Coast Guard. It is not clear if this was one of the small boats or a separate boat. (LM: marinelog.com, marinelink.com).","coords.x1":51.55,"coords.x2":26.9} {"Reference":"2008-116","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirate Hijacking","Victim":"Cargo Dhow","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Cargo Dhow (AL-KHALEEJ) hijacked, rescued, pirates apprehended 21 Apr 08, approximately 5NM off Port Bossaso. The vessel was sailing from Dubai, UAE to Bossaso when seven pirates posing as thirsty fishermen came alongside the vessel asking for","Desc2":"drinking water. Three of the pirates were allowed onto the vessel and then suddenly the other four, who were armed, boarded the vessel. They ordered the captain to change course and travelled between Al Mukalla, Yemen, and Dubai, according to a","Desc3":"crewmember on the vessel. The vessel was carrying 16 Pakistani crewmembers. On the morning of 22 Apr 08, a score of security officers from the semi-autonomous Somali region of Puntland stormed the ship, carrying many troops on two speedboats, and engaged","Desc4":"the pirates in a gun battle for approximately one hour. Three of the pirates were injured before they all surrendered. The vessel was rescued before the pirates could make a ransom demand. Speaking after the incident, Puntland security minister,","Desc5":"Abdullahi Said Samatar, said: We arrested seven pirates. Three of them were wounded during the shootout. We will charge them. The penalty for piracy in our country is death. They will be killed.\" (REUTERS, AP, LM: khaleejtimes.com).","coords.x1":49.18333,"coords.x2":11.36667} {"Reference":"2008-117","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirate Attack","Victim":"VLCC Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:VLCC tanker (TAKAYAMA) fired upon 21 Apr 08 at 0110 UTC (reported by IMB), 0230 UTC (reported by operator), while underway in position 13-00N 049-07E, approximately 240NM east of Port of Aden, Yemen. Five speedboats chased and opened fire at","Desc2":"the vessel, in ballast, proceeding to Yanbo, Saudi Arabia. The vessel increased its speed and enforced anti-piracy preventative measures. A rocket was shot at the vessel, damaging its hull. Crewmembers on board have confirmed the existence of a","Desc3":"20-millimeter hole on the port side near the stern of the ship. The master sent out a radio distress call and was received by the German warship (EMDEN) who headed straight to the scene with a helicopter to intercept the pirates. By the time the","Desc4":"helicopter arrived, the pirates had fled in their speedboats. Yemeni coast guard forces also claimed a role in helping. There were no injuries to the crew of 23 and the vessel arrived at Port of Aden on 22 Apr 08 at 0330 local time (IMB, Operator, AFP,","Desc5":"LL, LM: Yemen News Agency, nytimes, Deutsche Welte).","coords.x1":49.11667,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"2008-120","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Tanker reported suspicious approach 16 Apr 08 at 0640 UTC while underway in position 14-02.0N 050-35.9E, 104NM southwest of Qishn, Yemen. The ship was approached and trailed by two 15-meter boats. One boat had three persons on it with a","Desc2":"yellow hull. The other boat had five persons on it and a white hull. The crew was alerted and all anti-piracy preventive measures were enforced. The ship took evasive maneuvers. The two suspicious boats moved away and headed in a southwesterly direction.","Desc3":"The ship reported a coalition warship in the area. When the warship arrived in the area, the suspicious boats disappeared (IMB).","coords.x1":50.59833,"coords.x2":14.03333} {"Reference":"2008-119","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 16 Apr 08 between 0600-1000 local time while underway in position 14-26N 050-30, 87NM southwest of Qishn, Yemen. Five speedboats, with three persons on each boat, chased the ship. The vessel took","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers, increased its speed, and crew mustered. Thirty minutes later, the boats retreated and regrouped closer to the mother vessel 10NM on a parallel course. Four hours later, the boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":50.5,"coords.x2":14.43333} {"Reference":"2008-101","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 15 Apr 08 at 0600 UTC while underway in position 14-35.8N 050-55.7E, 67NM southwest of Qishn, Yemen. Three speedboats approached the vessel, crossing the bow several times. The vessel altered its course","Desc2":"and contacted the warship in the area. After five minutes, the speedboats moved 2.5 miles away from the vessel. An additional speedboat was approximately 2 miles from the vessel and proceeded towards the other speedboats (Operator).","coords.x1":50.92833,"coords.x2":14.59667} {"Reference":"2008-102","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 14 Apr 08 at 1622 UTC while underway in position 15-17N 052-23E, 41NM east southeast of Qishn, Yemen. Four suspicious crafts were approaching the vessel from the port bow at a distance of 3NM. The vessel","Desc2":"circulated to evade confrontation, and the suspicious crafts moved away. Vessel resumed course (Operator).","coords.x1":52.38333,"coords.x2":15.28333} {"Reference":"2008-103","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Container ship reported suspicious approach 12 Apr 08 at 0511 UTC while underway in position 14-33.6N 050-32.2E, 81NM east of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Two suspicious crafts traveling at 17kts approached the vessel. The master took evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers and increased its speed to outrun the crafts. Both crafts had six to seven persons onboard. No weapons were sighted. There were several other small boats in the vicinity; however, there was no indication that these boats were associated with","Desc3":"the two suspicious crafts (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":50.53667,"coords.x2":14.56} {"Reference":"2008-104","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 09 Apr 08 between 1720-1745 UTC/2020-2040 local time while underway in position 13-57.5N 051-13.1E, approximately 125NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. A suspicious craft was picked up on radar","Desc2":"approximately 6NM off the starboard bow with its lights on, traveling at 5kts with a course of 118 degrees. At a distance of 4NM, the suspicious craft switched off its headlights and altered course towards the vessel at a closest point of approach (CPA)","Desc3":"of less than half a nautical mile. The vessel changed its course to increase CPA to 2NM but the suspicious craft was closing in. The vessel switched off its navigation lights and all ship's lights taking cover in the dark and began evasive actions. At","Desc4":"2NM, the boat moved away, likely due to losing sight of the vessel in the dark. The vessel resumed original course (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":51.21833,"coords.x2":13.95833} {"Reference":"2008-105","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Tanker reported suspicious approach 08 Apr 08 at 0700 UTC while underway in position 14-30N 051-52E, 56NM south of Qishn, Yemen. Suspicious boats approached and circled the vessel three times in 20 minutes. At first, one boat circled the","Desc2":"vessel. In the second and third instance, four boats circled the vessel. The master increased speed, took evasive maneuvers and enforced effective measures to prevent suspicious boats from closing in (IMB).","coords.x1":51.86667,"coords.x2":14.5} {"Reference":"2008-106","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 07 Apr 08 at 0900 local time while underway in position 15-06N 052-55E, 74NM southeast of Qishn, Yemen. One fishing boat approached the vessel. The boats showed white flags and asked for food. The vessel","Desc2":"activated fire hoses. After 30 minutes, the boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":52.91667,"coords.x2":15.1} {"Reference":"2008-121","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Civilian Yacht","Desc1":"ERITREA:Yacht reported suspicious approach 06 Apr 08 at 1315 (not specified UTC or local time), while underway in position 16-36.42N 39-18.06E, 79NM northeast of Asmara. The vessel was headed towards Difnein Island at 7.5-8kts. A large Eritrean fishing","Desc2":"boat anchored off with a couple small fiberglass fishing boats that had outboard motors. One of the fishing boats with two men on board began to approach the vessel, reportedly attempting to stop the vessel. The vessel sped up and after three minutes the","Desc3":"fishing boat headed back to the island. Approximately ten minutes later, the same fishing boat attempted to approach for a second time. A man on the fishing boat waved his gun at the vessel indicated that he wanted the vessel to turn back and head","Desc4":"towards the island, then shot a fire in the air. The individuals on the vessel responded with arms waving, trying to indicate that he contacted someone on radio and that another boat was coming. The man on the fishing boat fired another single shot in","Desc5":"the air and then turned around and headed back to the island. The vessel tried to contact Massawa Port Control numerous times on Ch16 and 2182 with no response (Operator: Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":39.301,"coords.x2":16.607} {"Reference":"2008-107","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious boat 05 Apr 08 at 0800 UTC, while underway in position 14-19.8N 050-16.0E, 60NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. An unidentified speedboat with a white hull, transporting three to four persons, was traveling from","Desc2":"the north to south course at 15kts. It was at a distance of 4.5NM to the reporting vessel. At 0808 UTC, the speedboat altered course. There were no other boats in the vicinity. The master reported that they were not chased, but reported this as","Desc3":"suspicious because the speedboat was paralleling at a distance of 2.2NM. The speedboat made no aggressive moves toward the boat and after one hour headed towards shore (Operator).","coords.x1":50.26667,"coords.x2":14.33} {"Reference":"2008-85","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CRUISE SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Cruise Ship (LE PONANT) hijacked 04 Apr 08 at 0948 UTC while underway in position 13-20N 050-23E, 80NM north of Caluula, Somalia. The French maritime transport company CMA-CGM and the French government confirmed that the vessel had been","Desc2":"seized in the Gulf of Aden. Ten pirates armed with AK47 guns and RPG in two speedboats attacked the vessel. SSAS activated. Yemen maritime authorities and coalition forces were informed. The luxury sailboat was traveling from the Seychelles to the","Desc3":"Mediterranean Sea when pirates stormed it in the Gulf of Aden. According to a spokesman for the tour companies, a total of 30 crewmembers, mostly French, are onboard the ship and no customers are onboard. On 06 Apr, the pirates reportedly killed two","Desc4":"members of a local milita group, which tried to prevent them from berthing the vessel at a fishing village in the Somali coastal state of Puntland, per radio operator Mohammed Ibrahim. The vessel subsequently moved south, and as of 09 Apr, the vessel is","Desc5":"at anchor under pirate control off the coastal town of Garacad, Somalia (IMB, AP, REUTERS, LL).","coords.x1":50.38333,"coords.x2":13.33333} {"Reference":"2008-87","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 02 Apr 08 at 0220 UTC while underway in position 12-57.4N 049-04.8E, 67NM off coast of Yemen. A high speed motor boat traveling at approximately 25kts suddenly stopped approximately 1 mile off the","Desc2":"starboard bow, then slowly altered its course to 075 degrees and passed almost half a mile on the starboard side then finally moved away slowly with a course of 180 degrees again when astern. The suspicious craft was 20m long with no roof, impossible to","Desc3":"see any persons onboard. Incident reported by phone to the anti-piracy center in Kuala Lumpur and informed local authorities. The Dubai anti-piracy center contacted the vessel back (Operator).","coords.x1":49.08,"coords.x2":12.95667} {"Reference":"2008-86","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Fishing vessel hijacked 02 Apr 08 at 1300 local time while in position 11-14.9N 047-15.5E, 10NM off the coast of Somalia. An offshore supply vessel picked up two small boats on radar moving towards a research vessel. The Somaliland Coast","Desc2":"Guard (SLCG) was informed and sent out a patrol boat to investigate the suspicious activity. It was found that three Somali nationals in a small outboard craft, dressed like locals in shirts and trousers, armed with AK-47s, hijacked a Yemeni fishing","Desc3":"vessel that was towing two small 7m boats and captured all 15 Yemeni crewmembers. However, when the hijackers were distracted by the patrol boat and a captured crewmember dove overboard, cut the towing line of one of the small crafts and escaped. He","Desc4":"claims that he is not aware of where the hijackers were coming from but was told they are heading to Bosaso. He also stated that they were not told what would happen to them and that they just wanted the fishing vessel. The rescued crewmember had a","Desc5":"treated wound (bite marks to hand). He made a request that he be put ashore so he could speak to his agent Farah Ali Jama. He will be landed at Berbera (Operator).","coords.x1":47.25833,"coords.x2":11.24833} {"Reference":"2008-88","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Tanker fired upon 01 Apr 08 at 0915 local time while underway in position 13-45.81N 049-18.79E, 36NM off the coast of Yemen. The vessel was later reportedly chased by another five speedboats while in position 14-00.96N 049-42.09E, 41NM off","Desc2":"coast of Yemen. One boat was within one mile distance and another five miles away. Three more speedboats were approaching from various directions. Finally, the vessel made its getaway and moved towards the shore of Yemen along with a car carrier and","Desc3":"VLCC. The aggressive boats moved away. According to the master, the vessel was attacked by machine guns and a rocket launcher and had damages to the funnel and lifeboat. No injuries to crew (Operator).","coords.x1":49.31317,"coords.x2":13.7635} {"Reference":"2008-108","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Fishing vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Fishing vessel boarded, skiffs stolen 31 Mar 08 while in position 12-10N 052-10E, Abd Al-Kuri Island, Yemen. Pirates armed with guns attacked and boarded the vessel. They shot and injured the master on his left shoulder, stole three zodiac","Desc2":"boats and escaped into Somali waters (IMB).","coords.x1":52.16667,"coords.x2":12.16667} {"Reference":"2008-89","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Merchant ship fired upon 29 Mar 08, while underway in position 14-12.2N 050-44.8E, 66NM off coast of Yemen. Three boats with armed men onboard approached the vessel and attempted to board. The vessel began evasive maneuvers and raised the","Desc2":"ship's alarm. They called the UKMTO Dubai and requested assistance from a coalition warship, according to instructions. The boats were unable to board the vessel, but continued to follow for two hours. The boats moved away at approximately 1145 local","Desc3":"time (Operator).","coords.x1":50.74667,"coords.x2":14.20333} {"Reference":"2008-78","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"(UPDATED INFORMATION) GULF OF ADEN:Tanker reported suspicious approach, warning shots fired 18 Mar 08 at 0850 local time/0350 UTC, while underway in position 12-53.2N 050-14.7E, approximately 60NM north of Caluula, Somalia. Two white hull speedboats","Desc2":"approximately five meters long with five armed men in camouflage clothing approached the vessel. The master raised the alarms, alerting the crew and then ordered them to leave the deck. The vessel commenced evasive maneuvers and increased its speed. Men","Desc3":"on one of the boats fired shots in the air, but soon moved away from the vessel. The crew continued to exercise vigilance and advised all vessels in the area regarding the incident (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":50.245,"coords.x2":12.88667} {"Reference":"2008-63","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Tug Boat","Desc1":"RED SEA:Tug reported suspicious approach 05 Mar 08, while underway in position 15-08N 042-14E, 40NM west of Al Hudaydah, Yemen. The suspicious craft traveling at a speed of 27kts, came from Jabal Zubayr Island towards the tug towing a crane barge. The","Desc2":"suspicious craft had seven persons on board, some with camouflage suits and automatic weapons in their hands, possibly Kalashnikov and AK 47s. They approached at a distance of 15 meters on the starboard side of the tug. They waved at the crew and called","Desc3":"the vessel by its name many times on VHF ch. 16. The tugs master visually indicated from the wheelhouse that he was aware of the speedboats presence but did not respond on VHF. The suspicious craft moved away and went back towards the direction of the","Desc4":"island. The incident lasted approximately five minutes (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":42.23333,"coords.x2":15.13333} {"Reference":"2008-61","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Unknown Vessel","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 05 Mar 08 at 0824 local time/0524 UTC while underway in position 13-46.5N 049-24.5E, approximately 40NM off the coast of Yemen. The vessel was approached on its starboard side by four open skiffs, doing 17","Desc2":"and 18.5 kts. One skiff crossed the vessels bow at a distance of about five cables then kept the port side of the vessel. The next skiff tried to challenge the vessel with 18.5 kts in a course that was possibly intended to get alongside the vessel,","Desc3":"finally turning to port and passing vessels stern at a distance of less than two cables. The third skiff passed the stern at a distance of about 3-4 cables. The fourth skiff tried to approach the vessels bow but the vessel carried out evasive maneuvers","Desc4":"while increasing its speed, it crossed the bow at a distance of about two cables. After the vessel had passed the skiffs and it was clear that the skiffs could not get any closer, they soon reduced their speed and moved away. All the skiffs were Arabian","Desc5":"open style boats, length about 8 to 10 or 12 meters with a sharp bow, and were probably wooden. They all had outboard engines. Two skiffs were mainly white, one with an orange hull, which had at least two engines, and one in multiple colors. Each craft","Desc6":"had at least three persons, all in uniform-like clothed (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":49.40833,"coords.x2":13.775} {"Reference":"2008-56","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CIVILIAN YACHTS","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Yachts reported suspicious approach 27 Feb 08 at 0700 UTC/1100 local time, while in position 13-05.6N 057-49.44E, 197NM east of Socotra Island, Yemen. The three vessels were approached by a 60-70ft long liner with at least 16 people on","Desc2":"board. The three boats downed their sails and turned on their engines, increased speed and moved closer together. The suspicious vessel tried to force a path between the vessels but were unsuccessful. The suspicious boat offered fish in exchange for","Desc3":"cigarettes, but were waved away and after approximately 15 minutes they moved away (Operator).","coords.x1":57.824,"coords.x2":13.09333} {"Reference":"2008-47","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 11 Feb 08 at 0540 UTC while in position 13-38.5N 050-22.0E, approximately 70NM off the coast of Yemen. Two suspicious vessels, one with a blue hull, and the other with a red hull, and both with a","Desc2":"white superstructure increased speed and altered its course towards the vessel. The master increased speed and altered course to increase CAP. Later, both suspicious vessels stopped following (IMB).","coords.x1":50.36667,"coords.x2":13.64167} {"Reference":"2008-39","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tug Boat","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Tug (SVITZER KORSAKOV) hijacked 01 Feb 08 at 1400 UTC while underway in position 12-57N 051-24E. An unknown number of Somali pirates attacked and hijacked the vessel, taking its crew of six hostage. All crewmembers are reportedly unharmed","Desc2":"and negotiations are underway for an unknown ransom amount. The spokesman of a group of gunmen who reportedly hijacked the ship has said that they are not pirates but are members of the Ocean Salvation Corps. He stated they are a group of Somali","Desc3":"nationals who take it upon themselves to protect Somalia's shores (Operator, IMB, AFP, AP, LM: Garowe).","coords.x1":51.4,"coords.x2":12.95} {"Reference":"2008-38","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirate Attack","Victim":"Product Tanker","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Product tanker fired upon 01 Feb 08 at 1510 local time while underway in position 12-55N 051-23.6E. A small wooden fast boat with four men onboard was observed approaching the vessel. The alert crew put their piracy attack plan in place,","Desc2":"locking the accommodation doors and starting the fire pumps. The small boat approached the tanker on the port side at a distance of about 60 meters and the men signaled the vessel to stop. The master had already commenced evasive maneuvering at which","Desc3":"point the aggressors started firing at the tankers accommodations. The tanker continued evasive maneuvers and discharged fire hoses throwing water along the deck and aft. The speedboat followed the vessel for about six miles appearing on the port and","Desc4":"starboard quarter alternatively with the tankers zigzagging. The small boat aborted the chase at 1530 local time. No damage to tanker except for bullet marks on exterior accommodations. All vessels in the vicinity were alerted on VHF and the incident was","Desc5":"reported to Combined Maritime Forces in Bahrain (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":51.39333,"coords.x2":12.91667} {"Reference":"2008-40","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Fishing Vessel","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Fishing vessel reported hijacked 26 Jan 08, near the village of Seyla, off the Puntland coast. The vessel was reportedly hijacked by six unidentified heavily armed gunmen and taken to Eyl. The spokesman of a group of gunmen who reportedly","Desc2":"hijacked the ship has said that they are not pirates but are members of the Ocean Salvation Corps. He stated they are a group of Somali nationals who take it upon themselves to protect Somalia's shores. The name of the vessel is unknown; however, it is","Desc3":"allegedly owned by an Omani company. ONI COMMENT: It would appear foreign controlled fishing vessels continue to operate in the unregulated Exclusive Economic Zone of Somalia despite the risk of piracy and repeated warnings to stay away. These vessels","Desc4":"are easy to target and could be hijacked by any number of potential perpetrators, many of which disdain their presence. This persistence poses a risk to commercial shipping due to the demonstrated propensity for pirates to use hijacked fishing vessels as","Desc5":"motherships to conduct additional attacks (LM: Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu), AP, ONI, LM: Garowe).","coords.x1":43.5,"coords.x2":11.4} {"Reference":"2008-5","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 11 Dec 07 at 1730 UTC in position 13-26.3N 049-46.2E, 65NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. The vessel detected a number of fast moving targets on the radar. The targets moved towards the vessel and were","Desc2":"nearby for approximately 30 minutes. The vessel sped up to the max speed, activated search lights and increased patrols on deck. After 30 minutes the boats moved away and disappeared from radar. Search of the vessel showed no successful boarding attempt","Desc3":"was made and the security of the vessel had not been compromised (Operator, UKTMO).","coords.x1":49.77,"coords.x2":13.43833} {"Reference":"2007-315","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CRUISE SHIP","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:Cruise ship (SEABOURN SPIRIT) reported suspicious approach, per 25 Nov 07 reporting, off Oman. The cruise ship's crew had grown increasingly concerned about three small fast moving skiffs closing in on their position and reported to UKMTO.","Desc2":"The skiffs moved away without incident (UKMTO, Marinelog.com, Navy.mil).","coords.x1":56.5,"coords.x2":26} {"Reference":"2007-309","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vehicle Carrier reported suspicious approach 17 Nov 07 at 0550 local time while underway. The vessel spotted three suspicious crafts on the starboard side and one suspicious craft on the port side at a distance of 0.4NM. The Master took all","Desc2":"necessary preventive measures and the suspicious crafts later moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":48,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"2007-298","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TANKER VESSEL","Desc1":"PERSIAN GULF:0800 LT: A suspicious craft approached a tanker, underway, from the stern. Master sounded general alarm, increased speed, crew mustered and fire hoses standby. The speed boat closed to 0.1nm, and when it noticed crew alertness, aborted","Desc2":"approach and moved away.","coords.x1":49.76667,"coords.x2":28.68333} {"Reference":"2007-295","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 08 Nov 07 at 0400 local time, while underway in position 13-48N 053-45E, north of Socotra Island. While the vessel was traveling at 16.5 KTS, an officer aboard the vessel noticed one unlit target 3NM of","Desc2":"the port bow with a speed of 19 KTS. Once the suspicious craft was approximately 1NM from the ship, it reduced its speed to 16.5 KTS and was trying to meet the ship. The master was called and the general alarm was raised. All crew mustered and were sent","Desc3":"all around the ship with radios. All deck lights switched on and continuous alarm was raised as well as the whistle and the crew made banging alarm in different places of the ships side. At 0430 local time, another unlit boat observed 2NM of port bow. At","Desc4":"0445 local time, boats headed towards Socotra Island and went away (Operator).","coords.x1":53.75,"coords.x2":13.8} {"Reference":"2007-299","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CAR CARRIER VESSEL","Desc1":"65 NM NORTH OF SOCOTRA ISLAND, SOMALIA:0400 LT: C/O onboard a car carrier, underway, noticed an unlit boat at 3NM off the port bow with a speed of 19 kts. The boat reduced speed to match the speed of the vessel. When the craft was about 1NM off master","Desc2":"raised alarm, crew mustered and switched on deck lights. At 0430 LT another unlit boat was observed 2NM of port bow of the ship. Both boats altered course towards Socotra at 0445 LT and moved away.","coords.x1":53.75,"coords.x2":13.8} {"Reference":"2007-301","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:1800 UTC: A bulk carrier underway detected an unlit suspicious craft, on radar, approaching directly twards own vessel at a speed of 19 knots. Master took all preventive measures to prevent boarding. Suspicious craft reached 0.1 NM from","Desc2":"vessel, on seeing crew alertness, the suspicious craft reduced speed and altered course towards another nearby vessel. All vessels were warned on VHF radio about suspicious craft approach.","coords.x1":62.51667,"coords.x2":22.1} {"Reference":"2007-280","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:An undesignated distress was received from a chemical tanker underway. Thereafter, there has been no communication with the tanker. The owners and the piracy reporting center have been unable to contact the vessel. Information from the","Desc2":"coalition naval forces, in the vicinity, indicates that pirates have hijacked and sailed the tanker into somali territorial waters. There are 23 crew on board the vessel.","coords.x1":50.4,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2007-265","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 24 Oct 07 at 0730 UTC, while underway in position 14-05.0N - 054-44.5E. The vessel was approached by a fishing boat on the starboard beam asking to trade water for fish. When the vessel declined the","Desc2":"suspicious craft, it altered its course and increased its speed to join a group of three other fishing vessels 4-5 miles northeastward. The vessel was in good condition and relatively new. There was wooden construction with grey house aft and white","Desc3":"awnings rigged. An attempted call to any coalition ship in the area was made, but no reply was received (Operator).","coords.x1":54.74167,"coords.x2":14.08333} {"Reference":"2007-266","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 22 Oct 07 at 0350 UTC while underway in position 12-32N - 045-24E. Initially, seven boats were following the vessel and the vessel managed to out maneuver five of the boats. Two boats continued following","Desc2":"the vessel at a distance of about 3-4NM. At the time of the reporting, all efforts by the vessel to shake off the following boats were unsuccessful. The Master of the vessel was advised to transmit an urgency signal to shipping in the vicinity as well as","Desc3":"convey the situation to the local security authorities to Yemen, the nearest Coastal State (Operator).","coords.x1":45.4,"coords.x2":12.53333} {"Reference":"2007-279","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:While underway, a chemical tanker was warned by vessels ahead of her about unlit boats that had failed in approaching them. The master of the chemical tanker rased the alarm, mustered the crew on the bridge and briefed them. The target boats","Desc2":"were picked up on radar and seen to approach the vessel from ahead. The master crried out evasive manoeuvers. The boat tried to pursue the ship but could not keep up. The entire incident lasted almost one and a half hours.","coords.x1":48.21667,"coords.x2":13.23333} {"Reference":"2007-275","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SHATT AL ARAB:Container ship boarded, robbed, shots fired 16 Oct 07 at 0145 local time while underway in position 30-06N 048-24E, inside Shatt Al Arab River. The vessel was approached by a speedboat while enroute to Khoramshahr Port in Iran. The duty AB","Desc2":"on the piracy watch on deck spotted the vessel by spot light. At that time a gun was pointed at the Duty AB and two pirates armed with AK-47s boarded the vessel. The Master, Chief Engineer, Second Officer and pilot were all held hostage. The Chief","Desc3":"Officer discovered the intruders and raised the alarm. They shot at the Chief Officer, but the CO jumped to main deck and hid inside a container row. They robbed all the crew of their cash and properties and then escaped at 0300 local time. The Master","Desc4":"and pilot informed the port control, Coast Guard and the CSO (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":48.4,"coords.x2":30.1} {"Reference":"2007-256","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"NORTHERN PERSIAN GULF:Container vessel boarded 12 Oct 07 at 0225 local time/2225 UTC while at anchor in position 29-52.0N 048-41.4E, near No. 5 buoy at entrance to Shatt al Arab. One small boat (about 7m) came along the starboard side. Four persons were","Desc2":"in the boat, two of them climbed on deck. The Duty AB noticed them and warned the duty officer on the bridge. According to the Duty AB, the perpetrators were armed with guns. The Duty officer immediately sounded the general alarm and ships typhoon while,","Desc3":"at the same time, switching off the lights for a moment. That action distracted the pirates and they ran away in ESE direction. The incident was reported immediately to a coalition warship via VHF. The Master noted that the inner anchorage off the Shatt","Desc4":"al Arab river entrance should be avoided and that the outer anchorages under control of the Coalition Forces should be used instead (Operator, IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":48.69,"coords.x2":29.86667} {"Reference":"2007-249","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 4 Oct 07 at 1040 local time/0640 UTC, while underway in position 25-22N 058-05E, approximately 12.5 NM from the Iranian coastline. The vessel was approached by three suspicious high speed craft. Two","Desc2":"crossed the bow at a standoff of 2NM and stopped. The other one was observed at the starboard quarter about 1NM away. Each boat was fiberglass and each carried three people with firearms and wearing what was described as masks. Upon detected by the","Desc3":"officer on watch and the Master from the bridge, the Master raised the alarm and notified all crewmembers and took maximum precautions. All crew alerted and posted forward and aft stations with pressured fire hoses. This continued for about two hours","Desc4":"before the small craft moved away (Operator, IMB, UKMTO).","coords.x1":58.08333,"coords.x2":25.36667} {"Reference":"2007-258","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN: At 0640Z nine pirates armed with guns, wearing masks in three high speed crafts approached a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm and crew mustered on forward and aft stations. Anti-piracy measures implemented. After around two hours","Desc2":"of chasing the ship the pirates aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":58.08333,"coords.x2":25.36667} {"Reference":"2007-253","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Vessel reported suspicious approach 29 Sept 07 at 1458 UTC while underway in position 13-52N 050-35E. The vessel noticed an unlit suspicious craft at a distance of 7.2NM via radar. The master altered course and increased speed. The","Desc2":"suspicious craft altered its course to continue following the ship. The master alerted the crew, and took anti-piracy measures. The crew directed searchlights in the direction of the boat. At 1546 UTC the craft altered its course and stopped following","Desc3":"the ship (IMB).","coords.x1":50.58333,"coords.x2":13.86667} {"Reference":"2007-239","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Fishing vessel hijacked 20 Sept 07 at 1715 local time, in position 10-46.7N 046-43.3E, 110NM west of Berbera. Pirates hijacked the vessel and anchored it near the village of Raas Shula. All crew including the four Somali security guards have","Desc2":"been taken out from the ship. Vessel was released after being robbed of all valuables (IMB).","coords.x1":46.72167,"coords.x2":10.77833} {"Reference":"2007-183","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: Container ship boarded 02 Aug at 0200 local time in position 29-43.06N 048-40.1E, Umm Qasr anchorage. Robbers armed with guns boarded the vessel and opened fire with automatic weapons, which damaged the master's cabin porthole and the second","Desc2":"officer received injuries on his fingers. The robbers stole money from the master and crew personal belongings (IMB).","coords.x1":48.66833,"coords.x2":29.71767} {"Reference":"2007-176","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SHATT AL ARAB (IRAQ): Container ship fired upon 20 Jul at 0635 local time, while underway to pilot station from Khorramshahr terminal, Iran. While underway to the pilot station, with pilot onboard, the vessel passed over fishing nets. A fishermen opened","Desc2":"fire on the vessel. Bullets hit the accommodation. Pilot notified the incident to the Iranian coast guard and port security officer. No casualties reported (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":49,"coords.x2":29.63333} {"Reference":"2007-194","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 20 Jul at 2020 UTC, while underway in position 12-31N 044-12E. Two unlit boats, doing about 11.5 knots approached the vessel on a collision course. The ship took evasive maneuvers, increased","Desc2":"speed, and directed the searchlights towards the boats. The closest the boats got to the ship was about two cables. When the boats came into the beam of the searchlights they moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":44.2,"coords.x2":12.51667} {"Reference":"2007-166","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 20 Jul at 2115 UTC, while underway in position 12-32N 044-03E. An unlit boat, doing about 8 knots, approached the vessel on a collision course. Alert crew directed the search light towards the","Desc2":"boat and the boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":44.05,"coords.x2":12.53333} {"Reference":"2007-168","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Container ship reported suspicious approach 20 Jul at 1200 local time, while underway in position 11-09.0N 052-46.8E, 95 NM off the NE coast of Somalia. A small, white hulled, boat about 30-50 meters long began to follow the vessel. At a","Desc2":"distance of about 5 NM, the boat increased speed and approached the vessel. The master altered course and the boat adjusted its course to follow the ship. At a distance of 3 NM, the boat stopped following the ship. Master altered course and moved away","Desc3":"from the boat (IMB).","coords.x1":52.78,"coords.x2":11.15} {"Reference":"2007-196","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Container ship reported suspicious approach 20 Jul at 1200 local time, while underway in position 11-09.0N 052-46.8E, 95 NM off the NE coast of Somalia. A small, white hulled, boat about 30-50 meters long began to follow the vessel. At a","Desc2":"distance of about 5 nm, the boat increased speed and approached the vessel. The master altered course and the boat adjusted its course to follow the ship. At a distance of 3 NM, the boat stopped following the ship. Master altered course and moved away","Desc3":"from the boat (IMB).","coords.x1":52.78,"coords.x2":11.15} {"Reference":"2007-167","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 20 Jul at 2020 UTC, while underway in position 12-31N 044-12E. Two unlit boats, doing about 11.5 knots approached the vessel on a collision course. The ship took evasive maneuvers, increased","Desc2":"speed, and directed the searchlights towards the boats. The closest the boats got to the ship was about two cables. When the boats came into the beam of the searchlights, they moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":44.2,"coords.x2":12.51667} {"Reference":"2007-193","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 20 Jul at 2115 UTC, while underway in position 12-32N 044-03E. An unlit boat, doing about 8 knots, approached the vessel on a collision course. Alert crew directed the search light towards the","Desc2":"boat and the boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":44.05,"coords.x2":12.53333} {"Reference":"2007-151","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Tug reported suspicious approach 10 Jul at 0245 UTC, while underway in position 12- 59N 049-17E, 67NM south of Yemen. The tug observed a dhow type-fishing vessel on her port side proceeding on a reciprocal course. The fishing vessel altered","Desc2":"and started coming closer to the tug. As the tug altered its course, the fishing vessel altered its course and increased its speed as well. Once the tug increased its speed, the fishing vessel aborted the attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":49.28333,"coords.x2":12.98333} {"Reference":"2007-174","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"QATAR (UAE): Three fishing vessels attacked and robbed a few days prior to 4 Jul, about 40 NM from Ruweis. In a newspaper interview, fishermen from Al Khor said sea pirates attacked their vessels and got away with their entire catch and valuables,","Desc2":"including mobile phones and computers. According to the fishermen, the pirates came in three groups, each consisting of at least four members each. The incident was reported to the Coastguard. According to the article, a similar attack occurred during","Desc3":"the third week of Jun, about 80 NM of the Qatar coast. The attackers reportedly got away with valuables, including the vessels GPS system (LM: Gulf Times).","coords.x1":52.76667,"coords.x2":24.11667} {"Reference":"2007-165","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICUIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA:At 1930 LT, an unlit craft approached a bulk carrier, underway from the starboard bow. The master continuously altered course; the craft also adjusted her course and speed. Later the ship spotted another unlit craft, which also started adjusting","Desc2":"course and speed towards the ship. The master notified all crew and took maximum precautions. This continued for about two and a half hours before the small crafts aborted their attempt.","coords.x1":52.35333,"coords.x2":13.35} {"Reference":"2007-143","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 20 Jun at 1930 local time/1630 UTC, in position 13-30N 052-00E, eastern most Gulf of Aden, midway between Somalia and Yemen. When the vessel observed the unlit craft approaching from the starboard bow,","Desc2":"the vessel altered its course to starboard to bring the suspicious craft to the port bow. As the vessel continued to alter its position, so did the suspicious craft leading the vessel to activate anti-piracy measures. At 1950 local time, the suspicious","Desc3":"vessel remained three miles away from the port bow. At 2010 local time, the vessel continued to alter its course while continuing to be followed by the suspicious craft, at a distance of three miles. At 2120 local time, the vessel altered its course","Desc4":"again when they observed another unlit craft on the starboard bow, approximately 8.2 miles, with a course of 023 degrees and a speed of 2.2 kts. Another unlit craft was sighted on the port bow approximately 9.7 miles off, almost dead in the water. At","Desc5":"2130 local time, the vessel observed that the two new suspicious crafts were increasing their speed and approaching the vessel. At 2200 local time the first suspicious craft on the starboard bow was observed slowly altering its course and getting closer","Desc6":"to the vessel, the two other suspicious crafts were also getting closer. The master reversed course but was continued to be followed for 10 minutes before the suspicious crafts aborted their approach (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":52,"coords.x2":13.5} {"Reference":"2007-91","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"OMAN: LPG Tanker reported attempted boarding 22 Apr, at 0545 UTC while underway in position 20-38.7N 059-17.0E, approximately 20NM Northeast of Masirah Island. The master reported a white speedboat ,with three people onboard, approached the vessel from","Desc2":"the aft starboard quarter. The speedboat had two engines manned by one person while two people stood forward by a white container and were holding a hook with a long line. The speedboat got within 2 to 3 meters. The men were reportedly well equipped with","Desc3":"their faces covered and wearing rubber gloves. No weapons were observed. The master sounded the alarm, the crew mustered, and took appropriate actions. The speedboat continued following for 8 minutes and then returned to a group of three similar","Desc4":"speedboats 1NM away. ONI Note: ONI is aware of four other incidents geo-located in this area in the past, all remarkably similar in nature, with the first incident reported in Feb 2002. All describe speedboats aggressively maneuvering within close","Desc5":"quarters of passing vessels. Some report seeing masked individuals on the speedboats. The vessels were never boarded and no weapons were positively identified. These incidents all plot close to a 73 NM line, drawn between the SW and NE most incidents","Desc6":"(20-28.7N 059-17.0E and 21-43.8N 059-52.2E respectively). This line comes within 20 NM of the coast and roughly parallels the 100 fathom contour curve near an area that drops to 1000 fathoms in as quickly as 5 to 10 NM. As such, this is a likely area of","coords.x1":59.28333,"coords.x2":20.645} {"Reference":"2007-83","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel reported suspicious distress call 14 Apr, at 0430 UTC coming from position 17-25N 57-55E. A call on Ch 16 coming from a fishing vessel, sounding like (FAJA), declared they had no water and was asking for the vessel, in sight","Desc2":"ahead, to give them water. From what the merchant vessel was able to ascertain from Ch 16, a nearby bulk carrier responded and threw some mineral water over as they passed. The master onboard the bulk carrier became concerned when 14 people appeared on","Desc3":"the deck of the fishing vessel and had to repeatedly request they stop approaching. It was also believed the fishing vessel was asking for cigarettes as well. All was reported quiet by 0530 UTC (UKMTO).","coords.x1":57.91667,"coords.x2":17.41667} {"Reference":"2007-81","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Victim":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: RO/RO vessel reported suspicious approach 12 Apr, at 0600 UTC in position 15-13N 052-57E. The suspicious speedboat was doing approximately 20 knots and was steering in various directions. At one point it proceeded on an apparent collision","Desc2":"course with the RO/RO vessel for five minutes. Later it proceeded in a southerly direction and disappeared out of sight. The speedboat did not come close enough for a positive identification but the following description was provided: approximately six","Desc3":"meters long, light colored, two or three men on board. No other vessels were in the area at the time of the encounter. ONI Comment: this incident occurred approximately 35 NM ESE from the attempted boarding incident reported the day before (UKMTO).","coords.x1":52.95,"coords.x2":15.21667} {"Reference":"2007-80","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Product tanker reported attempted boarding 11 Apr while underway, in position 15-14N 052-25.8E. The tanker reported that two speedboats doing a speed of 18 knots were chasing the vessel with the intent to board. The tanker reported the","Desc2":"speedboats moved away, after a Coalition helicopter arrived on scene. The ship and all crewmembers are safe (IMB).","coords.x1":52.43,"coords.x2":15.23333} {"Reference":"2007-96","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Yacht reported suspicious approach 21 Mar (per 1 May reporting) at 0950 local time, while underway in position 14-03.6N 04907.0E, approximately 17NM off the coast Yemen. Two suspicious vessels approached the yacht underway, at high speed.","Desc2":"The alarm was raised; the crew mustered and activated fire hoses. The yacht increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The vessels aborted the attempt and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":49.11667,"coords.x2":14.06} {"Reference":"2007-59","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RESEARCH SHIP","Desc1":"SUDAN: Research vessel fired upon 12 Mar at 1305 local time, while underway in position 18-27.4N 038-17.8E, within territorial waters off the southern coast of Sudan. Men in a wooden boat armed with AK-47s approached the research vessel, which was","Desc2":"conducting survey operations, and fired upon the ship. A Sudanese Navy vessel responded and detained the suspected perpetrators. After 20 minutes, the suspects were released. No injuries to crew. ONI Comment: Research vessels conducting near shore","Desc3":"surveys are highly susceptible to opportunistic criminal behavior, as well as fishermen aggressively protecting their nets (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":38.29667,"coords.x2":18.45667} {"Reference":"2007-56","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Heavy Lift vessel reported suspicious approach 12 Mar, while underway in position 12-42N 056-44E, east of Socotra, Yemen. A suspicious fishing vessel kept calling on VHF-16 to the heavy lift vessel and asking them to keep clear of their","Desc2":"fishing net(s). Next, all of a sudden they changed and started asking for water and food. The master decided to alter course in order to maintain his distance, from the suspicious vessels (IMB).","coords.x1":56.73333,"coords.x2":12.7} {"Reference":"2007-50","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"OMAN: Motor yacht reports suspicious approach 28 Feb, at 0945 UTC in position 21-11.47N 059-33.70E, 51NM northeast of Ras Hilf Masirah. The yacht was contacted on VHF by a passing vessel asking for a weather report and the number of crew on board.","Desc2":"Suddenly four suspicious speedboats with three persons on each boat wearing black emerged from the lee of the vessel and sped towards the yacht. One boat had a tripod mounted in the bow. The Captain raised the alarm; crew mustered and activated the fire","Desc3":"hoses. A distress message was sent by VHF. A French coalition warship responded to the distress call. The Captain doubled anti piracy watch. The suspicious boats moved away (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":59.56167,"coords.x2":21.19117} {"Reference":"2007-46","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: UN-chartered aid cargo ship hijacked 25 Feb, at 0603 UTC in position 11-50N 051-35E, off the northeastern coast near Bargal. Suspected Somali pirates, armed with AK-47 rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, intercepted the M/V ROZEN with","Desc2":"a speedboat. The suspected somalia pirates hijacked the M/V ROZEN along with its crew of six Sri Lankans and six Kenyans, after delivering 1,800 tons of food aid to the towns of Bosasso and Berbera, in the Somali region of Puntland. The vessel was empty","Desc3":"at the time of attack. Following the hijacking, the pirates anchored the vessel in the waters near the town of Bargal. Three Somali police speedboats surrounded the M/V ROZEN and a U.S. military vessel was also patrolling the area on 27 Feb, to monitor","Desc4":"the situation. Later on 27 Feb, conflicting reporting of either 4-6 suspected pirates were arrested by the police, after going ashore in the town of Bargal to get food and other items to take back aboard the M/V ROZEN. Four heavily armed pirates still","Desc5":"have control of the vessel and the 12 hostages. As of 28 Feb, the M/V ROZEN moved south and has anchored six miles off the coast of the Puntland region. All the glass of the bridge is damaged following a heavy exchange of gunfire between the Puntland","Desc6":"Coast Guards and the pirates. All crew members are said to be safe. No ransom has been demanded and negotiations are underway, to try and secure the release of the vessel and hostages (IMB, LM).","coords.x1":51.58333,"coords.x2":11.83333} {"Reference":"2007-44","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"RED SEA: Yacht reported suspicious approach 15 Feb, at 0935 local time in position 13-27N 043-02E, 15 miles northwest of Al Mukha. A 40-meter yacht sighted two small fishing crafts underway, carrying five persons each. One craft moved 200 miles ahead of","Desc2":"the yacht, while the other craft swung around and approached the yacht from the starboard quarter. Anti piracy measures were activated by the yacht and the suspicious craft moved away. Upon seeing the crew alertness, the suspicious craft departed and","Desc3":"sailed towards a bigger vessel. The craft could have been operating from a mother vessel (IMB)","coords.x1":43.03333,"coords.x2":13.45} {"Reference":"2007-24","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"NORTHERN PERSIAN GULF: Unspecified vessel attacked, robbed 22 Jan, off Bubiyan island. The pirates allegedly shot and killed one Iranian crewman and injured another before escaping, with merchandise from the vessel. Kuwaiti Coast Guard responded to the","Desc2":"distress call and rendered medical assistance (LM).","coords.x1":48.53333,"coords.x2":29.7} {"Reference":"2007-6","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAN: Tanker (MARITIME GISELA) boarded, robbed, and robber arrested 18 Dec, at 2100 local time in position 27-03.4N 056-13.5E, Merchant Anchorage, Bandar Abbas. The alarm was raised, when the master found a fire on the starboard life raft. The duty","Desc2":"officer and crewmen rushed to extinguish the fire with fire extinguishers. One robber was found jumping overboard and escaped, upon hearing the crewmen approach. A small boat was noticed waiting nearby. The port control was informed and they informed","Desc3":"that a Coast Guard boat had been summoned. While the crew made their rounds, they noticed a forwards life raft was also missing and forepeak hatch cover had been forced open. Later, port authorities advised that the robbers had been arrested and the","Desc4":"stolen items will be returned to ship (IMB)..","coords.x1":56.225,"coords.x2":27.05667} {"Reference":"2006-290","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: General Cargo ship approached 10 Dec, at0630 UTC while underway in position 14:15N-059:44E. A grey woodenboat 15 meters long approached the vessel asking for fresh water.The master, suspecting piracy, increased speed and took evasiveaction.","Desc2":"The boat pursued the vessel for 45 minutes beforeabandoning the chase. The master advised that he had a similarexperience in the area on another ship last year (IMB).","coords.x1":59.73333,"coords.x2":14.25} {"Reference":"2006-284","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 28 Nov at 2030 local time, while underway in position 12-25N 044-25E. The bulk carrier was underway when it detected an unlit craft on radar, at 5.5 miles off port bow. Suspicious craft closed","Desc2":"distance at a speed of 4 kts, which quickly increased to 7 kts. The ship sounded the emergency stations and switched on all deck lights, while using evasive movement to steer from the suspicious craft. At 2040 local time, suspicious craft maneuvered to","Desc3":"fast approach at a speed of 8 kts and within a distance of 2.7 miles off port beam. At 2055 local time, the suspicious craft reduced speed to 6 kts and distance increased to 3 miles off port quarter stern. At 2105 local time, suspicious craft appeared to","Desc4":"have abandoned the pursuit and altered course south toward Somali Coast, at 6 kts. (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":44.41667,"coords.x2":12.41667} {"Reference":"2006-276","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"PERSIAN GULF: Fishing vessel (SALIS) attacked 19 Oct (per 16 Nov reporting) near position 28-47.01N 049:28.42E, LuLu oilfield. The Saudi registered fishing vessel was attacked by three masked armed robbers with a pistol and machine gun. The robbers","Desc2":"boarded the fishing vessel, from a small red and white boat and stole ships equipment. One crewman from the fishing vessel was reportedly killed and another injured (IMB).","coords.x1":49.47367,"coords.x2":28.7835} {"Reference":"2006-204","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 27 Aug at 0045 local time while underway in position 13:15.5N 047:13.2E. Two speedboats approached the bulk carrier. Crew mustered and took anti piracy measures. Fifteen minutes later boats moved","Desc2":"away. Another suspicious approach was made at 0430 local time by several speed boats. After 40 minutes of anti piracy measures, suspicious boats fled area.","coords.x1":47.22,"coords.x2":13.25833} {"Reference":"2006-199","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN: Containership reported suspicious approach12 Aug at 0830 local time while underway in the Gulf of Oman, approximately 25 NM South of the Iranian coast. Ten to twelve individuals in a wooden hulled (brown) boat with white superstructure","Desc2":"approached the containership. A man was on top of the superstructure waving a cloth. Master took evasive maneuvers to avoid the approaching boat. Suspicious boat increased speed (12-14 kts) and tried to approach the vessel despite vessels attempts to","Desc3":"avoid close approach. Master raised alarm and crew mustered and activated fire hoses. After 15 minutes, suspicious vessel altered course and left the area (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":59.26833,"coords.x2":24.99} {"Reference":"2006-177","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Containership reported two suspicious craft 09 Jul at 0750 UTC, while underway in position 12-28N 045-10E. Two 10m turquoise colored speedboats, manned with three persons each, followed the containership. Ship increased speed, raised alarm,","Desc2":"crew mustered, and informed ships in vicinity via VHF. After 10 minutes, boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":45.16667,"coords.x2":12.46667} {"Reference":"2006-161","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Unidentified general cargo ship reported suspicious approach, 12 Jun at 1930 UTC while underway in position 15-23.7N 041-30.7E . A, white-hulled, speedboat doing over 18 kts approached the vessel. Alert crew raised alarm and master","Desc2":"zig-zagged course. Speedboat stopped the chase and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":41.51167,"coords.x2":15.395} {"Reference":"2006-163","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN: Unidentified chemical tanker reported gun assault and attempted boarding 4 Jun at 0630 UTC, while underway in position 25-40.0N 057-04.0E. Three armed pirates in a, high speed fiber glass, boat with a green hull followed the vessel, while","Desc2":"underway. They came within two meters and engaged the crew in meaningless conversation. Master took photos of the pirates and ,at this stage, a masked pirate started shooting at the master. Bulletsmissed the master and crew locked themselves inside the","Desc3":"accommodation and secured all entrances. Pirates realized that they were photographed and aborted attempted boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":57.06667,"coords.x2":25.66667} {"Reference":"2006-143","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Unidentified LPG carrier reported suspicious approach 20 May at 0500 UTC while underway in position 21-43.8N 059-52.2E, 20 miles off the coast of Oman. Three Speedboats approached the carrier. Ship raised alarm, crew mustered, and activated","Desc2":"fire hoses. Boats dropped back but continued to follow. Master increased speed and after 10 minutes the boats stopped following (IMB).","coords.x1":59.87,"coords.x2":21.73} {"Reference":"2006-133","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Unidentified tanker reported attempted boarding 10 May at 1530 UTC, while underway in position 12-55.2N 049-36.6E. Nine people in a 10 to 12 m wooden boat, white/red hull, tried to board the vessel. Master took evasive maneuvers and crew","Desc2":"mustered. Boat followed for 20 min and then moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":49.61,"coords.x2":12.92} {"Reference":"2006-104","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Integrated tug barge followed 17 Apr at 0951 local time, while underway in position 12-30.5N 042-29.3E, transiting Bab el Mandeb to Gulf of Aden. A green hulled, open ended flat bottom boat with inboard motor doing 10 to 11 kts with","Desc2":"three persons wearing faded army fatigues, started following the vessel which was doing 12.7 kts. The small boat came within 300 meters but it is believed the southeasterly force five wind created a sea state, which prevented the small boat from getting","Desc3":"any closer. No weapons were observed. Maritime Administration (MARAD) Office of Ship Operations, Maritime Liaison Office (MARLO) Bahrain, and ONI notified (Operator IMB).","coords.x1":42.48833,"coords.x2":12.50833} {"Reference":"2006-102","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Unidentified bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 16 Apr at 0500 UTC, while underway in position 14-00N 053-01.3E. Two boats, one white/blue and the other white/orange in color, approached the vessel. The boats requested ship to stop","Desc2":"and give them water. Master took evasive maneuvers but boats also altered course and kept following. Boats eventually reduced speed and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":53.02167,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"2006-96","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: Unidentified general cargo ship reported suspicious approach 9 Apr at 0140 local time, while underway in position 14-14N 042-44E. An unlit speedboat, doing over 26 kts, approached the vessel. Duty officer directed search lights and the boat","Desc2":"reduced speed to 15 knts. After 10 minutes, another unlit boat joined and both kept trailing the ship. At 0215 UTC both boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":42.73333,"coords.x2":14.23333} {"Reference":"2006-93","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: Unidentified general cargo ship reported attempted boarding 3 Apr at 0735 local time, while in position 30-06.74N 047-055.90E, Khawr Az Zubayr Roads. Armed robbers in four boats attempted to board the vessel. Duty officer raised alarm and crew","Desc2":"mustered. Robbers fired gunshots and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":47.93167,"coords.x2":30.11222} {"Reference":"2006-92","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Unidentified ship reported attempted boarding 1 Apr at 1900 UTC, while underway in position 13-32.70N 049-32.80E. Two unlit speedboats attempted to board the vessel. Ship took evasive maneuvers and raised alarm. Crew mustered and directed","Desc2":"searchlights. Boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":49.54667,"coords.x2":13.545} {"Reference":"2006-89","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: Unidentified tanker reported suspicious approach 26 Mar at 1435 local time, while underway in position 15-03N 041-58E. Two speedboats, with white hulls, approached the vessel. Duty officer took evasive maneuvers and crew mustered. Boats moved","Desc2":"away in northerly direction (IMB).","coords.x1":41.96667,"coords.x2":15.05} {"Reference":"2006-82","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Unidentified vehicle carrier approached 19 Mar at 0600 UTC, while underway in position 12-42.7N - 045-46.2E. Three speedboats approached the vessel. One boat came within five cables and master raised alarm. Boats moved away after following","Desc2":"for one hour.","coords.x1":45.77,"coords.x2":12.71167} {"Reference":"2006-86","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: Unidentified cargo ship boarded and robbed14 Mar at 0315 local time while in position 30:06.60N - 047:55.73E, Khawr Az Zubayr roads. Armed robbers boarded the vessel via anchor chain. They broke in to forward locker and stole ship's stores. Duty","Desc2":"officer raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers escaped in a speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":47.92883,"coords.x2":30.11} {"Reference":"2006-76","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Unidentified chemical tanker approached 7 Mar at 0900 UTC, while underway in position 14-42N - 052-08E. About fifteen small boats followed the vessel. Ship increased speedand chase was aborted. French maritime forces at Djibouti were","Desc2":"notified and an Italian warship was dispatched to the location (IMB).","coords.x1":52.13333,"coords.x2":14.7} {"Reference":"2006-64","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"YEMEN: Unidentified fishing boats were hijacked 6 Mar near Abd al Kuri Islands, Socotra. Somali pirates hijacked four Yemeni fishing vessels with 50 fishermen on board, as they carriedout their daily fishing duties. The four vessels where taken to an","Desc2":"unidentified location at gunpoint. Yemeni authorities are coordinating efforts with the Red Cross for the release of the fishermen (REUTERS, LM).","coords.x1":52.18333,"coords.x2":12.175} {"Reference":"2006-57","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: An unidentified bulk carrier was approached 5 Mar at 0500 UTC, while underway in position 14-42N - 051-42E. Six fast boats, with a yellow-red colored hull, approached the bulk carrier making more than 20kts. Each boat had four persons on","Desc2":"board. Coalition warships in the vicinity tried to contact the boats but received no response. Master sounded alarm and crew mustered and boats sped towards northern Somali coast (IMB).","coords.x1":51.7,"coords.x2":14.7} {"Reference":"2006-49","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"RED SEA: An unidentified yacht was boarded and robbed 19 Feb at 0400 local time, while anchored in position 27-33.7N 33-47.0E, Endeavour harbor, Tawila Island. Four robbers, in a six meter blue colored fishing boat, boarded the yacht. Alert skipper","Desc2":"confronted the robbers, who were lowering an outboard motor. Robbers threatened the skipper with a boat hook and left in a north easterly direction with the outboard motor. Incident reported to Abu Tig marina (IMB).","coords.x1":33.78333,"coords.x2":27.56167} {"Reference":"2006-45","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified chemical tanker was surrounded by boats 18 Feb at 0700 UTC, while underway in position 14-24.0N 051-43.6E. Six speedboats doing 20 knots surrounded the vessel. Master altered course, increased speed, raised alarm, and crew","Desc2":"mustered. Three more speedboats joined the group. Crew activated fire hoses at both sides and stood by with rocket flares. Master took evasive maneuvers and boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":51.72667,"coords.x2":14.4} {"Reference":"2006-46","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified container ship was surrounded by boats 18 Feb at 0430 UTC, while underway in position 13-39N 049-18E. Four crafts, doing 21 knots, surrounded the vessel. Boats came within 0.6 nm and crossed the bow and stern of the ship.","Desc2":"Ship raised alarm, sounded whistle and took evasive maneuvers. After 30 minutes, boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":49.3,"coords.x2":13.65} {"Reference":"2007-51","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"YACHT","Victim":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Sailing yacht reports suspicious approach 12 Feb, at 0920 local time. While underway, the crew onboard one of the Blue Water Rally group yachts (GYPSY MOTH IV) spotted a small boat, approaching a 53 foot ketch. The Captain tightened the","Desc2":"formation of his yachts and took precautionary measures. The small boat moved to the stern of the formation and was later joined by another larger boat and they followed the formation at a range of one mile. The yachts sent a distress message via VHF","Desc3":"radio. A coalition warship appeared in the vicinity and the trailing boats abandoned the chase (IMB, LM).","coords.x1":48.31389,"coords.x2":12.44972} {"Reference":"2006-40","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified RO RO ferry was approached 8 Feb at 0450 UTC, while underway in position 15-21.7N 052-34.1E. Several speedboats approached the ferry at forward and stern. Boats came within 400m at stern. Several persons in each boat had,","Desc2":"what appeared, to be weapons. Master increased speed, and after 10 minutes, boats sped off in a southerly direction (IMB).","coords.x1":54.56833,"coords.x2":15.36167} {"Reference":"2006-37","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: An unidentified container ship detected a craft by radar 2 Feb at 0130 UTC while underway at port, bow in position 19-38.8N - 039-04.0E. D/O altered course to starboard and the craft also altered course, increased speed, and tried to come close.","Desc2":"Craft showed misleading navigational lights thus making it difficult to know its direction. D/O directed searchlights and craft moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":39.06667,"coords.x2":19.64667} {"Reference":"2006-30","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was fired upon 27 Jan at 0645 local time, while underway in position 11-55.0N 051-19.0E, off Cape Guardafui, Somalia. Five pirates armed with machine guns and rocket launchers in a speedboat fired at the bulk","Desc2":"carrier. Master took evasive maneuvers and activated SSAS; crew mustered and started fire hoses. Pirates firing caused damage to bridge, windows, and accommodation. They restocked ammunition from a nearby wooden fishing boat and resumed firing. An","Desc3":"additional black steel hulled fishing boat came close and also fired at the ship. A coalition warship responded to the alert. At 0740 local time a helicopter arrived and pirates ceased firing. At 0810 local time a coalition warship arrived at the scene","Desc4":"(IMB).","coords.x1":51.31667,"coords.x2":11.91667} {"Reference":"2006-32","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: An unidentified container ship was chased 25 Jan at 0152 UTC, while underway in position 13-27.6N 042-59.0E. An unlit speedboat chased the container ship. Boat increased speed to 35 knots and came within 1.5 nm. Ship altered course and","Desc2":"crew directed searchlights. Craft reduced speed and aborted chase (IMB).","coords.x1":42.98333,"coords.x2":13.46} {"Reference":"2006-26","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:An unidentified hopper dredger reported an attempted boarding 21 Jan at 1810 UTC, while underway in position 15-50N 041-45E. Persons in several speedboats attempted to board. D/O raised alarm, crew mustered, directed searchlights, and speedboats","Desc2":"moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":41.75,"coords.x2":15.83333} {"Reference":"2006-15","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Victim":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified chemical tanker reported a suspicious approach 07 Jan at 0635 UTC, while underway in position 13-43N 049-09E. One 15 meter yellow speedboat doing 21 kts approached the tanker. Master raised alarm, sounded whistle, increased","Desc2":"to maximum, and took evasive maneuvers. Crew mustered and activated fire hoses. Speedboat came close, and seeing crew alertness, moved away at 0740 UTC (IMB).","coords.x1":49.15,"coords.x2":13.71667} {"Reference":"2006-16","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified chemical tanker reported a suspicious approach 07 Jan at 0440 UTC, while underway in position 13-58.6N 049-20.8E. Four 15 meter white boats doing 15 kts approached the tanker. Master raised alarm, increased speed, and took","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers. Boats moved away at 0505 UTC (IMB).","coords.x1":49.34667,"coords.x2":13.97667} {"Reference":"2006-10","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified tanker reported a suspicious approach 02 Jan at 0733 UTC, while underway in position 13-48N 049-48E. Three speedboats, with 3 or 4 persons onboard, followed the tanker. Master altered course and boats moved away. Later, at","Desc2":"0753 UTC in position 13-49N 049-54E, another speedboat with three persons onboard followed for 30 minutes. Alarm was raised and boats stopped following (IMB).","coords.x1":49.8,"coords.x2":13.8} {"Reference":"2006-4","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reported a suspicious approach 15 Dec at 2040 local time, while underway in position 12-12.8N 046-10.8E. An unlit white speedboat doing over 25kts came close to the vessel and persons inside asked the master to","Desc2":"stop. Master took evasive maneuvers and crew mustered. After 20 minutes, speedboat fled (IMB).","coords.x1":46.18,"coords.x2":12.21333} {"Reference":"2005-356","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN-SOMALIA: An unidentified general cargo ship reports being chased 11 Dec at 0810 local time. While underway in position 13-07N 049-13E, persons in a small speedboat attempted to board. Boarding was averted, when master increased speed and","Desc2":"undertook evasive maneuvers (IMB).","coords.x1":49.21667,"coords.x2":13.11667} {"Reference":"2005-350","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified tanker reported being chased 06 Dec while underway in position 12-01N 050-35E. The vessel reported seeing individuals in speedboats armed with machine guns and other weapons. The master contacted the owners and requested","Desc2":"assistance from Coalition naval vessels in the area. The tanker was proceeding from Dubai to the southern waters of Somalia, to supply fuel to fishing vessels in the area (IMB).","coords.x1":50.58333,"coords.x2":12.01667} {"Reference":"2005-344","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 20 Nov at 0345 local time, while at Umm Qasr anchorage off No. 2 buoy. Five heavily armed robbers boarded via the starboard quarter, took hostage 2 crew on deck. Robbers then went to the bridge, where they","Desc2":"held 2nd officer and 2 seaman at gunpoint. The robbers stole masters property and ships cash from safe and also stole property from Chief Officers cabin. The robbers then escaped in a speedboat. Master and some crew recieved serious injuries. Crew","Desc3":"contacted coalition forces who provided medical assistance.Injured crew are recovering on board (IMB).","coords.x1":48.675,"coords.x2":29.70833} {"Reference":"2005-345","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 19 Nov at 2200 UTC, while anchored in position 29-43.4N 048-37.5E off No.5 buoy. Three robbers armed with machine guns and pistols boarded at bridge deck and took 2nd officer hostage.They forced him to take","Desc2":"them to masters cabin, where they threatened the master. Robbers stole masters property and ships cash, and then robbed 2nd officer. Both master and 2nd officer suffered injuries. Before leaving the ship form the forecastle using 2nd officer as hostage,","Desc3":"robbers damaged ships radio. Master activated SSAS and notified the Regional Coordination Center, Australia (IMB).","coords.x1":48.625,"coords.x2":29.72333} {"Reference":"2005-342","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAITS OF HORMUZ:At approximately dusk local time yesterday (aftrenoon EST) Sunday Nov 13, 2005 , five small boats (est 20 footers) traveling in excess of 30 knots in a V formation approached the stern of CAPE DOUGLAS traveling inbound Straits of","Desc2":"Hormuz. Embarked DoD Force Protection Team determined approaching small boats constituted threat to the CAPE DOUGLAS; fired warning flares and boats did not respond., then fired small arms warning shots into the air and in the water, then fired at the","Desc3":"boats and hit the boats (no report of any injuries to people in the boats). Boats broke off attacks w/in 50 yards of CAPE DOUGLAS and departed the area. CAPE DOUGLAS made reports to DoD and proceededon voyage, staying as far from shoreline as possible,","Desc4":"with vessel Force Protection remaining at high level. No information at this time of addititional DoD instructions to the vessel. Recommend MARAD HQ consider coordination w/ DoD on addititional intel re: this incident and possible Notice to Mariners","Desc5":"warning.","coords.x1":56.5,"coords.x2":26.60833} {"Reference":"2005-341","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: An unidentified tanker was boarded and robbed 31 Oct at 1900 local time at Basrah oil terminal, Alfa anchorage, Iraq. Three armed robbers boarded the tanker and tied up two crewmembers, and took three crewmembers hostage. The robbers proceeded to","Desc2":"the masters cabin where they ransacked the space, stole the safe, and escaped without interdiction. (IMB)","coords.x1":48.81667,"coords.x2":29.23333} {"Reference":"2005-328","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: M/V (OCEAN ATLAS) was boarded 18 Oct at 0040 local time, while anchored in position 29-44.39N 045-39.14E, while awaiting pilot boarding to Umm Qasr in the morning. Three robbers, two armed with AK-47s, entered the bridge approximately 20 minutes","Desc2":"after dropping anchor and demanded money. Robbers stole the money in the ships safe and departed in an awaiting speed boat, with one more accomplice in a northerly direction. Speedboat was approximately 20 feet long; open white decking (inside hull);","Desc3":"hull was royal blue; powered by one very large light colored Evinrude motor. Coalition warships were notified immediately (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":48.75833,"coords.x2":29.63333} {"Reference":"2005-279","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: An unidentified bulk carrier thwarted an attempted boarding 31 Aug at 0130 local time, while underway in position 15-01N 041-53E, about 150 miles NW of Bab El Mandeb TSS. Pirates attempted to board a bulk carrier underway from starboard","Desc2":"side. Master took evasive maneuvers; crew mustered, directed searchlights, and activated fire hoses. Pirates then tried to board from the stern, but aborted attempt at 0215 local time (IMB).","coords.x1":41.88333,"coords.x2":15.01667} {"Reference":"2005-275","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: An unidentified LPG tanker was boarded and robbed 27 Aug at 0230 local time while anchored in position 29-43.7N 048-39.1E, by buoy no. 3 and 5, Khawr Abd Allah. Three robbers, armed with machine guns and steel bars, smashed the bridge window and","Desc2":"held second officer and master at gunpoint. They fired a shot at the master, narrowly missing his shoulder, and forced him to open the safe. Robbers took the cash, threatened the chief engineer, and escaped at 0315 local time, stealing the ships stores","Desc3":"too. Master reported incident to coalition forces who asked him for details on the attack. Master advised ships not to anchor in this area during night hours (IMB).","coords.x1":48.65167,"coords.x2":29.72833} {"Reference":"2005-267","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: General cargo ship (CEY PIONEER) was boarded 21 Aug at 1945 UTC, while anchored in position 29-43.6N 048-39.E Um Qasr-Khawr Abd Allah Channel, while awaiting berthing. Two boats slowly approached the vessel from the port side. Three watchmen and","Desc2":"the officer on watch started flashing search light and torch lights at the approaching vessels. Meanwhile, four robbers armed with machine guns and knives, boarded unnoticed from the port side and overpowered the watchmen. Robbers gathered up a total of","Desc3":"seven crewmembers and forced them into the masters cabin at gunpoint. By this time, the master had escaped down to the engine room. Robbers assaulted the hostages and threatened them with guns and knives and ordered them to open the safe. As none of the","Desc4":"hostages knew the combination, the robbers forced the crew to offload the safe onto their boat. The robbers escaped in a 2 m dark green speedboat at 2020 UTC (IMB).","coords.x1":48.655,"coords.x2":29.72667} {"Reference":"2005-252","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker (TAKIS) reported an attempted boarding 03 Aug at 1600 UTC, while underway in position 13-24N 049-25E, approximately 40 NM south of Al Mukalla, Yemen. The vessel was trailed by persons with guns in two speedboats, at a range","Desc2":"of 10 nm. Speedboats increased speed and came within two cables astern. Later, three speedboats made similar attempts to board the ship, but the master and crew took evasive maneuvers and the boarding was averted. (IMB).","coords.x1":49.41667,"coords.x2":13.4} {"Reference":"2005-245","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was fired upon 29 Jul at 1445 local time while underway in position 12:24N, 050:30E, off Caluula, NE coast of Somalia. A white speedboat with five pirates, armed with guns, approached the vessel and opened fire. Crew","Desc2":"mustered, activated fire hoses and fired rocket flares. Master increased speed, took evasive maneuvers and moved away from the coast. Attempted boarding was averted. No injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":50.5,"coords.x2":12.4} {"Reference":"2005-239","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: An unidentified general cargo ship reported an attempted boarding 23 Jul at 1650 local time, while underway in position 12-32.3N 043-26.6E, SE lane of Bab El Mandeb TSS, southern tip of the Red Sea. Six persons, armed with guns in a low profile","Desc2":"wooden boad with an outboard motor, approached the vessel at a speed of 20 kts, with the intent to board. Master raised alarm and crew mustered on deck. Persons aborted attempt, increased speed, and went towards a fully loaded tanker in the vicinity","Desc3":"(IMB).","coords.x1":43.44333,"coords.x2":12.53833} {"Reference":"2005-238","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: An unidentified general cargo ship reported an attempted boarding 23 Jul at 1030 local time, while underway in position 13-41.53N 042-29.16E, southern Red Sea. Twelve armed persons in, two low profile, white hull speedboats approached the vessel","Desc2":"at high speed. Persons in both boats attempted to board the vessel. Crew raised alarm, sounded whistle, and activated fire hoses. Attempted boarding was aborted (IMB).","coords.x1":42.486,"coords.x2":13.69217} {"Reference":"2005-230","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified container ship was fired upon 18 Jul at 0300 local time, while underway in position 12-11N 050-27E off Caluula, NE coast of Somalia. Six pirates in two boats, armed with guns, fired upon the vessel in an attempt to board. Ship","Desc2":"increased speed and boats moved away. No damage to ship or injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":50.45,"coords.x2":12.18333} {"Reference":"2005-231","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified RORO was fired upon 17 Jul at 1830 local time, while underway in position 12-09N 050-52E off Caluula, NE coast of Somalia. Seven pirates in two boats, armed with guns, fired upon the vessel in an attempt to board from the stern.","Desc2":"Ship increased speed and crew activated fire hoses. After 10 minutes, boats moved away. No damage to ship or injuries to crew. Pirate boats were white and approximately 4m in length (IMB).","coords.x1":50.86667,"coords.x2":12.15} {"Reference":"2005-218","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ-N.ARABIAN GULF: The M/V (DUBAI PALM) was boarded 10 July at 0230 UTC, while underway in position 29-36.4N 048-57.2. An unknown number of pirates held the crew at gunpoint and took money and personal effects before departing the vessel (Operator).","coords.x1":48.95333,"coords.x2":29.60667} {"Reference":"2005-212","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"IRAQ-N.ARABIAN GULF: The U.S. flag tug (THUNDER) and integrated barge (LIGHTNING) was boarded 30 June early morning local time, while approaching Iraqi waters enroute Umm Qasr, with reconstruction aid material. The pirates held crew at gunpoint, fired","Desc2":"shots inside vessel and took money, radios, jewelry, and watches. Pirates left without other incident and tug/barge proceeded to Umm Qasr (MARAD/Operator).","coords.x1":48.86667,"coords.x2":29.83333} {"Reference":"2005-200","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: M/T (PREMPUTLI) was boarded 15 Jun at 0315 local time, while anchored at Basra oil terminal 'B'. Three robbers, armed with machine guns and long knives, boarded the tanker via forecastle. Alert crewman raised alarm. Robbers stole ship's property","Desc2":"and fled in their speedboat. No casualties (IMB, LL, REUTERS)","coords.x1":48.83333,"coords.x2":29.65} {"Reference":"2005-179","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: Crude oil tanker (NORD MILLENNIUM) was boarded 31 May at 0230 local time, while anchored in position 29-27N 048-56E, (deep water anchorage A) south of Basra oil terminal. Persons, armed withAK-47 rifles, tried to enter the bridge claiming to be","Desc2":"policemen. Master denied them entry and pirates became violent and broke glass panels on bridge wing door and entered bridge. They assaulted the master, causing him injuries, and demanded money. They entered master's cabin, located the safe, stole cash,","Desc3":"and personal belongings. They dragged the master, tried to take him to the main deck, and left at 0240. Master sent a mayday message, activated SSAS, and moved to deep water (anchorage \"B\"). Later, a coalition warship arrived to investigate (IMB, LL).","coords.x1":48.93333,"coords.x2":29.45} {"Reference":"2005-172","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified tug reported a suspicious approach 28 May at 1835 local time, while underway in position 12-29N 044-57E. A speedboat approached the tug, which was towing two barges. When the speedboat came within 5 meters, crew fired rocket","Desc2":"flares and it sped away (IMB).","coords.x1":44.95,"coords.x2":12.48333} {"Reference":"2005-173","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: An unidentified RO/RO was approached 24 May at 1100 UTC, while underway in position 15-19.5N 041-32.5E. Persons in two boats attempted to come alongside the vessel. Master raised alarm and increased speed. Attempt was aborted (IMB).","coords.x1":41.54167,"coords.x2":15.325} {"Reference":"2005-137","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 Apr at 2350 local time, in position 29-37N 048-45.7E, Umm Qasr anchorage. Three robbers, armed with guns and a knife, boarded the vessel using hooks attached to ropes. They took several crewmembers","Desc2":"hostage, assaulted them, and demanded money. They took crew one by one to their cabins and stole cash and personal belongings. They also stole money from the ship's safe and master's personal belongings. They disembarked in a 5m long wooden boat waiting","Desc3":"with an accomplice. Master reported incident to coalition warships in the area (IMB).","coords.x1":48.76167,"coords.x2":29.61667} {"Reference":"2005-147","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 Apr at 2350 local time in position 29-37N 048-45.7E, Umm Qasr anchorage. Three robbers, armed with guns and a knife, boarded the vessel using hooks attached to ropes. They took several crewmembers","Desc2":"hostage, assaulted them, and demanded money. They took crew one by one to their cabins and stole cash and personal belongings. They also stole money from the ship's safe and master's personal belongings. They disembarked in a 5m long wooden boat waiting","Desc3":"with an accomplice. Master reported incident to coalition warships in the area (IMB). Port authorities at Umm Qasr confirmed security has been tightened up due to recent looting incident per 27 Apr message (LL).","coords.x1":48.76167,"coords.x2":29.61667} {"Reference":"2005-119","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN: An unidentified supply ship was approached 05 Apr at 1625 local time, while underway in position 25-14.1N 057-10.E, in the Gulf of Oman. A small vessel tried to come alongside the supply ship. Master took evasive maneuvers and sounded","Desc2":"whistle. Suspect vessel moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":57.16667,"coords.x2":25.235} {"Reference":"2005-99","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"Somalia:Three armed pirates in a boat hijacked a fishing vessel underway. They directed the fishing vessel to come closer to the Somali Coast. The Pirates held the 26-crew members as hostage for a ransom. IMB piracy reporting centre alerted coalition","Desc2":"ships in the area, who rescued the vessel and the crew and apprehended three pirates.","coords.x1":51.55306,"coords.x2":12.75583} {"Reference":"2005-90","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: The Thai-flag fishing vessel (SIRICHAINAVA 12) was seized 16 Mar at 0400 UTC, underway in position 12-45.35N 051-33.18E, by 3 Somali crewmen. The 3 Somali crewmen were working aboard as regular crew people.crew. The 3 held another 26 crew","Desc2":"hostage, demanding a ransom of $800,000. They were held until intercepted by the (USCGC MUNRO-WHEC 724), (HMS INVINCIBLE-R05) and (HMS NOTTINGHAM-D91) at about 1200 local time 17 Mar. One crew member suffered minor injuries and the Somali's were detained","Desc3":"without incident (INFO, IMB).","coords.x1":51.553,"coords.x2":12.75583} {"Reference":"2005-91","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified general cargo ship reports being chased 15 Mar at 1330 UTC, while underway in position 11-59.1N 051-16.6E off Somalia, by three persons armed with guns in a white-hulled speedboat. Ship's crew raised alarm, activated fire","Desc2":"hoses, sounded whistle, and began evasive steering. Boat gave up pursuit after about 30 minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":51.27667,"coords.x2":11.985} {"Reference":"2005-92","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified Ro/Ro was approached 15 Mar at 0531 UTC, while underway in position 14-20N 050-50E, by 3 speedboats each containing 4 persons. To prevent boarding, crew activated fire hoses, sounded whistle, and warned other ships in the","Desc2":"vicinity. The speedboats are described as one yellow and two brown (IMB).","coords.x1":50.83333,"coords.x2":14.33333} {"Reference":"2005-100","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Somali:Three pirates armed with guns, in a white hull speedboat, chased a general cargo ship underway and fired upon her. Crew raised alarm, activated fire hoses, increased speed, and took evasive manoeuvres. After 30 minutes pirates aborted attempt and","Desc2":"fled.","coords.x1":51.27667,"coords.x2":11.985} {"Reference":"2007-58","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RESEARCH SHIP","Desc1":"SUDAN: Research vessel fired upon 11 Mar, at 1929 local time while underway in position 18-29.02N 038-19.26E, within territorial waters off the southern coast of Sudan. Fifteen men in a 12 m wooden boat armed with AK-47s approached the research ship, as","Desc2":"it was conducting surveying operations, and fired upon the bridge of the ship. The ship activated SSAS, contacted Sudanese authorities, then maneuvered away from the area. No injuries to the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":38.321,"coords.x2":18.48367} {"Reference":"2005-85","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"YEMEN: Two U.S. Sailboats were approached 08 Mar at 1700 local time, while underway in position 13-28N 048-07E. Two fast boats, with four men in each, opened fire on the yachts (aiming at the cockpits) approximately 30 miles off the coast of Yemen. One","Desc2":"yacht returned fire, wounding one of the pirates. One yacht rammed one of the pirate boats, after which the pirates aborted their attempt and fled. Description of pirate boats: 30 ft long, blue hulled rib cage with outboard motors (IMB).","coords.x1":48.11667,"coords.x2":13.46667} {"Reference":"2005-93","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHTS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN-YEMEN: The U.S. sailboats (MAHDI) and (GANDALF) report approach 08 Mar at 1700 local time, while underway in position 13-28N 048-07E, approximately 30 miles off the coast of Yemen. Two fast boats, with four men in each, opened fire on the","Desc2":"yachts aiming at the cockpits. (MAHDI) returned fire, wounding 1 of the pirates, and (GANDALF) rammed the boat trying to come alongside to board, while shots were fired at the boat's intending boarders. Description of pirate boats: 30 ft long, blue","Desc3":"hulled rib cage with outboard motors. The yachtsmen involved believe an earlier approach by four boats may have been part of a pirate picket line. Since the boats were observed proceeding from the Yemen coast, the yachtsmen tend to doubt they are Somali","Desc4":"pirates, according to details reported 16 Mar (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":48.11667,"coords.x2":13.46667} {"Reference":"2005-39","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA-OMAN: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 12 Jan at 1045 local time, while underway in position 20-47N 059-14E. Four masked person in four white speedboats were driven off by crew, who mustered and activated fire hoses,","Desc2":"while master undertook evasive maneuvers. Master reports another 6 speedboats were observed at 1115 local time. ONI NOTE: Despite the fact that this report characterizes event as attempt to board, it is unclear how this was to be accomplished by four","Desc3":"boats each with a single individual, and event may reflect some other military or para-military training (IMB, ONI)","coords.x1":59.23333,"coords.x2":20.78333} {"Reference":"2005-29","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF HORMUZ: An unidentified container ship reports suspicious approach 2 Jan at 0730 local time by six 6- to 8-meter blue speedboats, while underway in position 26-13.2N 056-52.2E. Each boat held several persons armed with guns and wearing black","Desc2":"face masks. Duty officer raised alarm, mustered crew, and activated fire hoses. Boats followed ship but later moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":56.87,"coords.x2":26.22} {"Reference":"2005-40","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BAB EL MANDEB: An unidentified tanker reports suspicious approach 31 Dec at 2300 local time, by an unlit 10-meter fast boat, while underway in position 15-29N 042-29E. Crew directed searchlight at boat, on port quarter, and boat then turned and moved in","Desc2":"the direction of a container ship, at a distance of 8nm (IMB).","coords.x1":42.48333,"coords.x2":15.48333} {"Reference":"2004-321","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified chemical tanker reports attempt to board 19 Dec at 0940 local time, while underway in position14-35N 050-20E. Master increased speed and began evasive maneuvers, when approached by four speedboats with four persons each. The","Desc2":"boats continued their \"chase\" until 1340 local (IMB).","coords.x1":50.33333,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"2004-311","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Yacht (LILI MARLEEN) was fired on 12 Dec at 1031 UTC, while underway 20 miles off the Yemen coast in position 13-33.6N 048-12.6E. Persons in two orange launches, with five persons each, opened fire on the yacht which radioed for help. The","Desc2":"yacht increased speed and evaded its pursuers. It then approached the Bahamas-flag bulk carrier (PANORMOS PRIDE) but abandoned that apparent target when, a Djibouti based French Atlantique 2, aircraft arrived on the scene from its nearby anti-terrorism","Desc3":"patrol area. The nearby German frigate (MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN) sent a helicopter to the scene after which the boats departed the area (direction unspecified), while the helicopter accompanied the yacht (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":48.21,"coords.x2":13.56} {"Reference":"2004-264","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reports approach 28 Oct at 0950 UTC, while underway in position 12-33.0N 045-14.7E. Three boats crossed ship's bow and attempted to come alongside, whereupon master began evasive maneuvers. The crew mustered and","Desc2":"activated fire hoses, and boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":45.245,"coords.x2":12.55} {"Reference":"2004-246","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"YEMEN: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 26 Sep at 1255 UTC, while underway in position 12-37.5N 043-19.2E off Perim Island. Two speedboats, each with 9 men armed with guns attempted board using grappling hooks. Crew mustered and","Desc2":"activated fire hoses. Ship commenced zig zag course and boarding was aborted (IMB).","coords.x1":43.32,"coords.x2":12.625} {"Reference":"2004-251","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 26 Sep at 0530 local time while anchored in position 30-06N 047-55E at Khor Al Zubair. Four persons armed with automatic rifles stole ship's stores and fled (IMB).","coords.x1":47.91667,"coords.x2":30.1} {"Reference":"2004-222","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ERITREA: An unidentified tanker reports approach 26 Aug at 0545 UTC by about 13 persons in two boats while tanker was undergoing engine repairs in position 15 04N, 041 44E. Persons attempted to board form each side but crew mustered and activated fire","Desc2":"hoses. Boats remained in vicinity for four hours before moving away (IMB).","coords.x1":41.73333,"coords.x2":15.06667} {"Reference":"2004-177","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Unidentified container ship underway in position 12.25N 049-33E at 0500. 30Jun spotted two small craft lying ahead when the two suddenly accelerated toward the ship from a distance of 5 miles. Duty officer directed search lights at the two","Desc2":"craft, which then moved away.","coords.x1":49.55,"coords.x2":12.25} {"Reference":"2004-154","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports being chased 7 Jun at 1940 UTC while underway in position 12-30N 048-38E by an unlit boat. Crew sounded alarm and boat withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":48.63333,"coords.x2":12.5} {"Reference":"2004-128","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Unidentified general cargo ship reports being followed suspiciously 16 May at 0455 UTC while underway in position 12-34N 051-37E off N. E. Somalia. Boat did not continue pursuit when ship increased speed (IMB).","coords.x1":51.61667,"coords.x2":12.56667} {"Reference":"2004-95","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Unidentified cargo ship reports attempt to board 18 Apr at 1750 local time while underway in position 15-35.9N 055-41.3E. Persons tried to board from three boats, but fled when ship began evasive maneuvers, switched on floodlights, and","Desc2":"called for help from coalition war ships on VHF Ch. 16 (IMB).","coords.x1":55.68833,"coords.x2":15.59833} {"Reference":"2004-83","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SHATT AL ARAB: Thefts and extortion are report 3 and 4 Apr and 27 Mar from ships exiting the Shatt al Arab following calls at Abu Flus. The attacking boats used the same tactic in all cases; fishing nets were strung across the waterway and at least some","Desc2":"smaller ship shave been forced to stop after becoming entangled. Persons aboard small boats then demanded money threatening the stopped ship with guns and hand grenades. Although seldom reported, extortion campaigns I this waterway are believed to be","Desc3":"very common; the only difference in the recent cases is reportedly escalating financial demands from $100s to $1,000s and threat of weapons such as hand grenades.","coords.x1":48.7,"coords.x2":29.9} {"Reference":"2004-59","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified tanker reports observing five boats drifting 8 Mar at 0700 in position 12-27N 044-42E at a distance of about 5 nm. Boats suddenly accelerated to within one mile of vessel's stern before moving away as crew mustered and","Desc2":"activated fire hoses.","coords.x1":44.7,"coords.x2":12.45} {"Reference":"2004-60","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Unidentified vehicle carrier reports small boat with powerful engine and containing four persons followed from astern 3 Mar at 0330 while underway in position 14-42N 050-56E. Ship altered course toward open sea and boat withdrew.","coords.x1":50.93333,"coords.x2":14.7} {"Reference":"2004-50","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NORTH ARABIAN SEA: An unidentified chemical tanker reports attempt to board 29 Feb at 0625 UTC while underway in position 24-43.6N 061-55.0E. Four persons in two speedboats moved away when alarm raised and crew mustered with activated fire hoses.","coords.x1":61.91667,"coords.x2":24.72667} {"Reference":"2004-52","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA-BAB EL MANDEB: An unidentified container ship reports suspicious approach 29 Feb at 1700 local time while underway at the \"Bab el Mandeb Traffic Separation Scheme\". Two speedboats came within 1.5 nm but moved away, possibly due to rough","Desc2":"seas and the container ship continued at 25 knots. No information is provided whether ship had entered scheme or was in northbound or southbound lane. This and the following report, as well as this week's reports from the Gulf of Aden and N. Arabian Sea","Desc3":"reflect increased reporting from this area. Several cases imply possible extortion campaigns by government forces rather than unaffiliated criminal activity.","coords.x1":38.34167,"coords.x2":21.09778} {"Reference":"2004-53","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA-BAB EL MANDEB: An unidentified container ship reports two unlit speedboats lay in wait in the vicinity of the \"Bab el Mandeb Traffic Separation Scheme\" and attempted to board 27 Feb at 1900 local time. Ship increased speed to 25 knots","Desc2":"and escaped.","coords.x1":38.31139,"coords.x2":21.08083} {"Reference":"2004-48","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified yacht was boarded 27 Feb at 1530 local time by persons armed with automatic rifles and big knives, while underway in position 13-25N 047-30E. The thieves stole cash and valuables from the yacht's crew and escaped.","coords.x1":47.5,"coords.x2":13.41667} {"Reference":"2004-49","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified yacht reports being followed suspiciously 23 Feb at 1900 UTC while underway in position 13-45N 049-50E. Yacht's master took evasive action and boat moved away.","coords.x1":49.83333,"coords.x2":13.75} {"Reference":"2004-33","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: An unidentified supply vessel was challenged and stopped 30 Jan by 8 persons armed with automatic weapons operating from an 18-foot unmarked high-powered launch. 5 persons wore military uniforms. 6 person boarded the supply vessel, held","Desc2":"crew at gunpoint and switched off vessels comms gear. After demanding and getting a ransom payment for safe passage the intrudes departed and remain unidentified except that master states they were from Yemen.","coords.x1":40.26778,"coords.x2":17.34861} {"Reference":"2004-25","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"YEMEN: An unidentified cargo ship reports \"several\" attempts to board 29 Jan at 0555 local time while underway in position 14-34.6N 049-33.5E, 7.5 nm from Ash Shihr Oil Terminal.Four persons, armed with shotguns, made passes at the ship until crew","Desc2":"sounded alarm and turned on deck lights, whereupon the boat withdrew. Evidence is slight for attempted boarding or piracy, and this may have been an encounter with paramilitary forces. AshShihr is the terminal that tanker (LIMBURG) was approaching when","Desc3":"attacked Oct 2002 and is believed under intensive security by Yemeni Coast Guard, etc.","coords.x1":49.55833,"coords.x2":14.57667} {"Reference":"2004-8","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach by about five boats 28 Dec at 0215 local time while underway in position 13-45.8N 048-49.0E. About five boats were sighted 4 miles ahead and 2 of these closed in on both sides of the","Desc2":"ship. When duty crew fired signal rockets the boats turned away.","coords.x1":48.81667,"coords.x2":13.76333} {"Reference":"2003-325","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BAB EL MANDEB: An unidentified general cargo ship reports suspicious approach 7 Oct between 1200 and 1500 local time while underway in the southern Red Sea. Five boats between 5 and 7 meters long with powerful outboard motors and blue and white hulls,","Desc2":"each containing six men reportedly between 17 and 20 years of age, came close but pulled away when master raised alarm, took evasive action, and crew mustered (IMB).","coords.x1":43.33333,"coords.x2":12.66667} {"Reference":"2003-264","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified ship was reportedly approached 4 Aug at 0220 while underway in position 13 00N, 047 28.9E. Several boats \"intended to board\" but were driven off by crew preventive measures and the assistance of unspecified \"coalition","Desc2":"warships\". ONI has received no independent reports of coalition warship activity of this kind (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":47.48167,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"2003-265","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified tanker was approached 3 Aug at 2340 local time while underway in position 12 55N, 047 35E. Before abandoning the chased, three fast boats pursued the tanker for over an hour during which the tanker altered course, sounded","Desc2":"its whistle and notified other ships in the area (IMB).","coords.x1":47.58333,"coords.x2":12.91667} {"Reference":"2003-224","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified cargo ship reports suspicious approach 26 Jun at 0100 local time while underway in position 12 30N, 045 25E. A fast speedboat followed the ship and kept chasing when the ship took evasive maneuvers. When boat came within 1.2","Desc2":"nm ship directed searchlights and crew mustered with activated fire hoses. When contacted on VHF the boat replied it was a warship but did not give its nationality when asked. At 0140 the boat withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":45.41667,"coords.x2":12.5} {"Reference":"2003-213","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BAB EL MANDEB: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 13 Jun at 2245 local time while underway in position 12 46N, 043 15E. Duty officer raised alarm upon approach of fast boat and turned searchlights in its direction, whereupon boat moved","Desc2":"away (IMB).","coords.x1":43.25,"coords.x2":12.76667} {"Reference":"2003-209","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GLUF OF ADEN: An unidentified cargo ship reports being followed in a suspicious manner 13 Jun at 0001 UTC while underway in position 13 29.6N, 049 11.7E, south of Mukalla, Aden. Two speedboats moved away when ship altered course, switched on lights and","Desc2":"mustered crew (IMB).","coords.x1":49.2,"coords.x2":13.5} {"Reference":"2003-198","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified tug towing a tanker was shadowed 3 Jun while underway in position 12 45N, 045 38E. Two boats with seven men each were kept at bay when crew mustered and activated fire hoses. Twenty minutes later the same two boats","Desc2":"approached the tanker for the port side until the crew again mustered and the boats moved away toward the Yemeni coast. In past incidents vessels under tow for scrap, or otherwise unmanned, have been raided by coastal pirates looking to loot valuable","Desc3":"equipment still on board (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":45.63333,"coords.x2":12.75} {"Reference":"2003-186","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified chemical tanker reports being followed 20 May at 0600 UTC while underway in position 14 14.5N, 050 29.7E. Two speedboats paralleled the tanker's course for 30 minutes until crew mustered and activated fire hoses, whereupon","Desc2":"the boats turned town the Yemeni coast. About thirty minutes later the same activity was repeated (IMB).","coords.x1":50.5,"coords.x2":14.25} {"Reference":"2003-170","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier was followed 18 May at 0745 local time by six persons in two speedboats while underway in position 12 21N, 045 12E, 30 mi SE of Aden. The bulk carrier was followed for 45 minutes and when the boats approached to","Desc2":"within two cables the ship's crew mustered and activated fire hoses, whereupon the boats withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":45.2,"coords.x2":12.35} {"Reference":"2003-171","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 17 May at 1010 local time while underway in position 12 53.2N, 049 22.5E. Twelve persons in a vessel towing two small boats approached to within 1 nm and then transferred to the small","Desc2":"boats from which they reportedly attempted to board. Ship's master took evasive action and crew activated fire hoses whereupon the attempt was aborted (IMB).","coords.x1":49.38333,"coords.x2":12.88333} {"Reference":"2003-173","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified cargo ship reports being chased 17 May at 0750 local time while underway in position 14 42.2N, 051 34E. Three \"well-equipped\" fast craft doing 20 knots pursued the ship for 1 hour 15 minutes before master raised alarm, crew","Desc2":"mustered and boats withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":51.56667,"coords.x2":14.7} {"Reference":"2003-172","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach 17 May at 0930 UTC by two speedboats with four persons each while underway in position 13 12N, 048 41E. Ship raised alarm and crew activated fire hoses, whereupon boats moved away","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":48.68333,"coords.x2":13.2} {"Reference":"2003-174","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 16 May at 0400 local time while underway in position 12 18N, 047 33E. Six persons in a speedboat followed for one hour before heading for the ship and attempting to board. Crew raised","Desc2":"alarm and directed searchlight at the boat, which then withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":47.55,"coords.x2":12.3} {"Reference":"2003-175","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified chemical tanker reports being followed 15 May at 1030 local time while underway in position 13 24.8N, 049 09.0E. Five speedboats containing 5 to 6 persons each followed at a distance of 3 nm. When boats approached to within","Desc2":".5 nm ship raised alarm, crew mustered and activated fire hoses, whereupon boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":49.15,"coords.x2":13.41667} {"Reference":"2003-161","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 12 May at 0330 UTC while underway in position 14 20.5N, 050 36.7E. Ship was approached by eight speedboats. Master took evasive action, raised alarm and sent distress messages. Crew","Desc2":"activated fire houses and boats moved toward Yemeni coast after about 30 minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":50.61667,"coords.x2":14.35} {"Reference":"2003-162","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 8 May at 0840 UTC while underway in position 13 18N, 050 22E. A mother ship and three speedboats approached and the speed boats increased speed to 25 knots. Master raised alarm, took","Desc2":"evasive action and crew activated fire hoses whereupon the boats moved toward another ship (NFI) (IMB).","coords.x1":50.36667,"coords.x2":13.3} {"Reference":"2003-147","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified container ship was subject to an attempt to board 28 Apr between 0740 and 0830 UTC while underway in position 13 18N, 049 20E. Three speedboats approached at about 25 knots but gave up chase when ship altered course and","Desc2":"warned other ships in vicinity on VHF. Ships are warned that boats may be monitoring VHF channels to select their targets, but In this case, at least, that seems to have aided in driving the boats away as they were aware that other vessels had been","Desc3":"warned and might be better prepared to resist boarding (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":49.33333,"coords.x2":13.3} {"Reference":"2003-132","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHNT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAN: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was boarded 23 Apr during the night while at Bandar Bushehr anchorage. The intruders broke storeroom and generator room padlocks using oxyacetylene torches and stole ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":50.75,"coords.x2":29} {"Reference":"2003-126","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 20 Apr at -230 local time while underway in position 13 03N, 051 17E about 55 nm off N. E. tip of Somalia. Persons armed with guns boarded form three speedboats and took control of the ship. They","Desc2":"destroyed all communications gear and master received head injuries and stab wounds from knives. Other crew tied up and held in cabins and on bridge until pirates had stolen ship's cash and left the ship in the direction of the Somali coast at 0400 This","Desc3":"case is significant because it is the first successful boarding so far offshore from Somalia and for the violence used against the crew (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":51.28333,"coords.x2":13.05} {"Reference":"2003-107","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified chemical tanker was followed 5 Apr at 0510 local time while underway in position 12 53.6N, 049 21.5E north of Somalia. Three unlit boats came within 1 nm but decreased speed and moved away when ship flashed Aldis lamp at","Desc2":"them (IMB).","coords.x1":49.36667,"coords.x2":12.9} {"Reference":"2003-82","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified tanker was followed suspiciously 15 Mar at 1645 UTC while underway in position 12 44N, 048 16E. A boat making about 17.5 knots hovered about 2.5 nm astern until crew mustered, charged fire hoses and turned on lights when it","Desc2":"departed (IMB).","coords.x1":48.26667,"coords.x2":12.73333} {"Reference":"2003-73","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: The Maltese flag bulk carrier (TRADER) reports it was attacked 12 Mar at about 1100 UTC by small arms fire from four boats with four persons each, while underway in position 1200N, 051 00E off northeast Somalia. A military aircraft in the area","Desc2":"responded to ship's distress call and circled the location until the boats withdrew and ship had left the area (Operator).","coords.x1":51,"coords.x2":12} {"Reference":"2003-74","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A group of five yachts traveling in company reports being attacked 9 Mar at 0523 UTC while in position 13 11N, 048 40E. Three fishing boats approached the group and began firing at them. Yachts sent distress messages and took evasive action","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":48.66667,"coords.x2":13.18333} {"Reference":"2003-64","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified yacht was boarded 2 Mar at 0435 UTC while underway in position 13 30.8N, 048 20.8E. Crew belongings reported stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":48.33333,"coords.x2":13.51667} {"Reference":"2002-351","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: An unidentified cargo ship reported suspicious approach 5 Dec at 2355 local time while underway in position 16 24.9N, 061 24.2E. An unlit vessel was spotted on radar 8 nm ahead, proceeding at 5 knots. Unknown vessel increased speed to 25","Desc2":"knots and approached to within 4 nm. Ship switched on searchlights and mustered crew. Unknown vessel came to within 2 nm of starboard bow and stopped before moving away. Earlier in the day two suspicious boats tried to contact cargo ship on VHF CH 16 but","Desc3":"ship ignored calls.","coords.x1":61.4,"coords.x2":16.41667} {"Reference":"2002-335","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-21","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BAB-EL-MANDEB: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach 21 Nov at 0503 UTC while underway in position 12 41N, 043 20E. Eight persons in two white speedboats \"attemptedto board\" (NFI) but crew raised alarm and pressurized fire hoses and","Desc2":"boats disappeared in SSE direction. Ship reported to have established radio contact with a military aircraft.","coords.x1":43.33333,"coords.x2":12.68333} {"Reference":"2002-334","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN-SOCOTRA: A bulk carrier reports that 19 Nov at 2250 UTC, while underway in position 13 04N, 057 07E, east of Socotra, persons aboard a large boat called via VHF and ordered master to alter course toward them. Master ignored the call,","Desc2":"illuminated ship's side and directed searchlights at the boat, which then moved away.","coords.x1":57.11667,"coords.x2":13.06667} {"Reference":"2002-333","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reports being approached 20 Nov at 1810 UTC by two large speedboats. Ship was underway in position 12 05N, 051 40E at time. Boats approached to within 4 m and increased speed from 5.5 knots to 15.5 knots. Master","Desc2":"altered bulk carrier's course and directed searchlights at the boats which then moved away.","coords.x1":51.66667,"coords.x2":12.08333} {"Reference":"2002-326","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN-SOCOTRA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports being called on VHF 16 Nov at 1616 UTC by persons in a small boat who attempted to get vessel to alter course toward the boat under the ruse that it would run into fishing nets. Bulk carrier was","Desc2":"underway in position 11 33N, 054 34.2E, SE of Socotra Island. Master ignored VHF message; boat chased ship for 30 minutes before moving away.","coords.x1":54.56667,"coords.x2":11.55} {"Reference":"2002-323","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN-SOCOTRA: An unidentified bulk carrier was attacked 7 Nov at 0001 UTC while underway in position 12 22N, 054 45E. Two pirates armed with knives boarded from a boat, ransacked the master's cabin, held him hostage, and demanded money and the","Desc2":"safe key. Master severely beaten when he refused, receiving extensive injuries including speech impairment. $33,028 taken from ship's safe along with personal property. Incident is unusual for this region in that the attack occurred nearer Socotra than","Desc3":"either the Somali or Yemeni coast, it occurred at night, and the attackers succeeded in getting aboard the ship.","coords.x1":54.75,"coords.x2":12.36667} {"Reference":"2002-285","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"POSSIBLE TERRORISTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"YEMEN: The 157,833 ton, French Antarctic Territory flag ultra large crude carrier (LIMBURG) was damaged by explosion in the morning hours of 6 Oct as it picked up the pilot before mooring at al Shihr in position 14 42N, 049 32E. One crew member is dead","Desc2":"and 8 were hospitalized with injuries. The lightly loaded ship was to take on cargo at al Shihr. Careful analysis of press photography shows no indicators of internal explosion and all observed damage is consistent with external blast. Prior to being put","Desc3":"under Yemeni custody one officer reported observing a small boat approach rapidly from the starboard side before the blast occurred there and an attack scenario would be consistent with published warnings of terrorist threat for the region. Quoted hull","Desc4":"and machinery insurance rates for calls to Yemeni ports have reportedly tripled since the attack and some companies are known to be exploring bypassing those ports","coords.x1":49.53333,"coords.x2":14.7} {"Reference":"2002-284","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: A cargo ship underway 1 Oct in position 12 18N, 004 06E reports attempt to close by three persons in a small unlit boat. Crew directed searchlights at boat which withdrew.","coords.x1":49.55,"coords.x2":12.41667} {"Reference":"2002-263","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: Tanker (BOW CARDINAL) reports approach by suspicious vessel 8 Sep at 1205 local time while underway in position 13.8N, 042.7E in southern Red Sea near area referred to by seamen as \"Gate to Hell\". Small armed boat without number or","Desc2":"other identification, approached from stern at about 16.5 knots. Boat equipped with what appeared to be 16mm machine gun. Crew, in military uniform, waved to tanker to stop but did not identify themselves. Captain maintained course and speed. Warning","Desc3":"shots fired into air at 1208 and 1213 from boat. Captain ordered crew to remain below deck. Boat moved away at 1215; no injury to crew or damage to ship.","coords.x1":42.7,"coords.x2":13.8} {"Reference":"2002-234","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified tanker reports suspicious approach 22 Aug at 2200 UTC while underway in position 13-07N 046-20E. Two high speed boats approached form the stern and movedaway when the tanker took evasive action.","coords.x1":46.33333,"coords.x2":13.11667} {"Reference":"2002-222","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to intercept 11 Aug while underway in position 12 11N 044 37E. Two speedboats approached but moved away when duty officer flashed Aldis lamp at them.","coords.x1":44.61667,"coords.x2":12.18333} {"Reference":"2002-215","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: An unidentified cargo ship was reportedly hijacked 30 Jul at 0735 UTC while underway off the Somali coast and forced to anchor in position 11 53N 51 04E near Bossaso. IMB have been queried for further details and to be certain that this is not","Desc2":"duplicative reporting to the (AMER 1) case.","coords.x1":51.06667,"coords.x2":11.88333} {"Reference":"2002-167","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: The 14,921-ton Cyprus flag bulk carrier (PANAGIA TINOU) was seized by boarders one mile off the Somali coast 15 Jun at 0930 UTC and its crew of 23 held hostage on the ship with their passports sent ashore. The ship is reportedly in position","Desc2":"11-45N 050-30E, southwest of Cape Alula. The ship, which was on route from Europe to India with a cargo of fertilizer, having passed southbound out of the Suez Canal 8 Jun. At the time of the incident the ship was reportedly anchored close inshore while","Desc3":"the crew repaired engine damage. Ships are continually advised not to pass any closer than necessary to the Somali coast and where possible to remain at least fifty miles offshore.","coords.x1":50.5,"coords.x2":11.75} {"Reference":"2002-157","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified tanker reports approach 1 Jun at 0745 local time while underway in position 13-14.8N 042-56.5E about 25 nm from the northern entrance to the Bab el Mandeb. \"Several\" speedboats closed in and suddenly increased speed. Tanker","Desc2":"began evasive maneuvering and crew mustered, whereupon boats moved away.","coords.x1":42.94167,"coords.x2":13.24667} {"Reference":"2002-148","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified cargo ship reports suspicious approach 20 May at 1330 local time while underway in position 14-32N 049-39E. A blue colored boat kept coming closer despite the ship altering course. When fire hoses activated boat moved away.","coords.x1":49.65,"coords.x2":14.53333} {"Reference":"2002-140","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach 11 May at 2100 local time while underway in position 12-30 N, 046-23E. An unlit boat approached from the port bow and crossed ahead to try to approach from the starboard side. Crew","Desc2":"activated fire hoses while ship maneuvered evasively and alleged boarding attempt was broken off. Other than being a nighttime incident this event matches other S. red Sea and Gulf of Aden reports in terms of suspicious approach with out actual boarding.","coords.x1":46.38333,"coords.x2":12.5} {"Reference":"2002-130","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANET VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN RED SEA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach 28 Apr at 1030 local time while underway in position 14 50N, 041 55E. A boat with twenty persons aboard approached and followed the bulk carrier for twenty minutes during which","Desc2":"crew altered course and activated fire hoses.","coords.x1":41.91667,"coords.x2":14.83333} {"Reference":"2002-119","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified special purpose ship reports suspicious approach 18 Apr at 0848 local time while in position 12-22.6N 044-12.9E. Six men in a seven-meter boat approached to a distance of about 3 cables but withdrew when fire hoses were","Desc2":"discharged over the side and a signal flare was fired.","coords.x1":44.215,"coords.x2":12.37667} {"Reference":"2002-120","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 17 Apr at 1030 local time while underway in position 14-08N 049-39E off Mukalla. Crew activated fire hoses at six fast boats which withdrew after about 30 minutes.","coords.x1":49.65,"coords.x2":14.13333} {"Reference":"2002-108","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTERN RED SEA: An unidentified special purpose ship reports suspicious approach 7 Apr at 0950 UTC by towboats with three men each. Ship was underway in position 13-16.5N 043-07.7Ewhen boats were observed on reciprocal course. At one mile boats reversed","Desc2":"course and followed for about ten minutes before changing course and moving away. As with other reported incidents, activity is more consistent with coastal patrols than with attempted piracy.","coords.x1":43.12833,"coords.x2":13.275} {"Reference":"2002-106","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified tanker reports suspicious approach 4 Apr at 0745 UTC while underway in position 14-21N 050-41E. Five speedboats each with 3 to 4 persons approached on the starboard beam at a distance of about five miles. The five boats","Desc2":"positioned themselves two miles ahead of the ship and then followed for 45 minutes. Crew activated fire hoses and the boats moved off at 0900.","coords.x1":50.68333,"coords.x2":14.35} {"Reference":"2002-92","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified tanker reports suspicious approach 31 Mar at 0900 UTC while underway in position 14-00N 051-52.4E. Three speedboats each with three persons wearing masksattempted to come alongside but abandoned attempt when crew mustered","Desc2":"and activated fire hoses","coords.x1":51.87333,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"2002-93","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reported a suspicious approach 28 Mar at 2355 local time while underway in position 15-15N 051-40E. Speedboat with four persons approached within eight meters of the starboard quarter but moved away when alarm","Desc2":"raised and searchlight was trained on them.","coords.x1":51.66667,"coords.x2":15.25} {"Reference":"2002-46","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-13","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carrier was approached by a speed boat 13 Feb at 2100 local time while underway in position 13-15N 049-20E, Gulf of Aden. When the boat attempted to come alongside, the duty officer raised the alarm, increased speed,","Desc2":"zigzagged course, and activated fire hoses. The fast boat consequently gave up the chase.","coords.x1":43.33333,"coords.x2":13.25} {"Reference":"2002-41","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:An unidentified container ship reported two vessels \"acting suspiciously\" 10 Feb at 0830 local time while underway in position 12-25N 043-45E, Gulf of Aden. The two boats each carried 5 or 6 men distinguished only by wearing \"yellow","Desc2":"raincoats\". Whatever else is happening in this area, ONI does not assess that these incidents represent attempted piracy given their occurrence during daylight hours and lack of success In boarding ships. Although hostage taking for ransom, such as","Desc3":"occurs along the Somali coast cannot be ruled out, the probable focus is some as-yet unexplained para-military activity.","coords.x1":43.75,"coords.x2":12.41667} {"Reference":"2002-42","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified chemical tanker chased by suspicious vessel 6 Feb at 1200 local time while underway in position 12-28N, 043-43E, Gulf of Aden. Three persons were inthe pursuing boat, and four additional boats were positioned ahead. The","Desc2":"tanker increased speed while crew activated fire hoses. The boats gave up pursuit after 10 minutes.","coords.x1":43.71667,"coords.x2":12.46667} {"Reference":"2002-43","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified tanker was followed by several speedboats 5 Feb at 1412 local time while underway in position 13-32N 044-00E, south of Aden port, Yemen. The boats each carried 8 to 10 persons armed with machine guns. Attempts were made to","Desc2":"board the tanker, but master altered course while the crew used pressurized fire hoses to dissuade pursuit. The speedboats followed for some time, but finally gave up the chase. Later, the same suspicious vessels are reported to have attacked another","Desc3":"tanker.","coords.x1":44,"coords.x2":13.53333} {"Reference":"2002-38","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"OMAN: An unidentified cargo ship was followed 3 Feb at 0620 local time while underway in position 21-40N 059-46E, off Oman. Five masked persons in two speedboats were observed following and attempting to board. Ship increased speed and contacted Coast","Desc2":"Guard. After one hour the boats broke off the chase and sped toward the coast.","coords.x1":59.76667,"coords.x2":21.66667} {"Reference":"2002-31","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified container ship was followed by several suspicious fast wooden boats 24 Jan at 0615 local time while underway in position 14-55N 051-02E. The pursuing craft were approximately 5 meters in length, carried 3-4 men each, and","Desc2":"moved at a speed of about 17 knots. The container ship increased speed to 25 knots and altered course. After 5-10 minutes, the boats gave up the chase and headed toward the coast.","coords.x1":51.03333,"coords.x2":14.91667} {"Reference":"2002-13","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified cargo ship was pursued 9 Jan at 0600 local time with apparent intent to board by four fast boats each with three armed persons wearing yellow or brown uniforms while underway in position 14-42N 051-14E. Alarm raised and fire","Desc2":"hoses activated. Boats followed for 45 minutes before breaking off contact.","coords.x1":51.23333,"coords.x2":14.7} {"Reference":"2002-12","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified Kuwaiti LPG tanker was chased with apparent intent to board 9 Jan at 0600 UTC and again at 0830 UTC while underway in position 14-34N, 051-22.5E. Four tosix boats, each with three persons aboard approached tanker that took","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers to avoid boarding. Boats operate din two groups of three each. Tanker reportedly outran its pursuers at 16 knots aided by sea conditions. This report parallels others in recent months in which suspicious activity is assumed to be","Desc3":"attempted piracy boarding. ONI assesses that similarity of \"attacks\" in daylight and without any boarding to date indicates activity may be more likely to be paramilitary patrols to interdict smugglers or attempts to rendezvous with smuggler. Although","Desc4":"description of perpetrators varies, most have displayed arms and have been uniformly dressed, if not in observable uniforms, as such.","coords.x1":51.375,"coords.x2":14.56667} {"Reference":"2002-4","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: An unidentified bulk carriers reports attempted boarding 24 Dec at 0735 local time while underway in position 12-30N 044-49E, 13 nm south of Little Aden. Six persons inan unreported number of wooden boats attempted to board but ship altered","Desc2":"course and mustered crew on deck whereupon the attempt was aborted.","coords.x1":44.81667,"coords.x2":12.5} {"Reference":"2001-306","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"YEMEN: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempted boarding 5 Nov at 0715 UTC while underway in position 12-29N, 044-43E five nm from Aden. Ship began evasive maneuvers and attempt to board was abandoned.","coords.x1":44.71667,"coords.x2":12.48333} {"Reference":"2001-277","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:An unidentified container ship was reported 24 Sep to have been boarded at 1430 UTC while underway in position 14-15N 042-41E. According to the report five armed persons were involved. The master's requests for help were monitored by other ships","Desc2":"in the area and passed to the IMB Piracy Centre in Kuala Lumpur, which passed the report back to regional authorities. IMB states that \"Further details are awaited.\" If as stated, this would be the first actual boarding since the spate of apparent","Desc3":"surveillance activity reported as attempted piracy began in July 2000.","coords.x1":42.68333,"coords.x2":14.25} {"Reference":"2001-269","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BAB EL MANDEB:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP REPORTS THAT IT WAS SUBJECT TO AN ATTEMPTED BOARDING 8 SEP AT 0720 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 12-48N 043-15E. SEVERAL SPEED BOATS, EACH CONTAINING 5 TO 8 PERSONS APPROACHED BUT TOOK NO FURTHER ACTION","Desc2":"AFTER OBSERVING ALERT CREW.","coords.x1":43.25,"coords.x2":12.8} {"Reference":"2001-243","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MAURICE EWING","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:31 AUGUST 2001, 1410 GMT, U.S. RESEARCH VESSEL MAURICE EWING ATTACKEDBY 4-6 ARMED PERSONS OPERATING A SMALL CRAFT IN THE GULF OF ADEN.THE RV MAURICE EWING WAS CONDUCTING OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH NEAR11-08N AND 043-53E, OFF-SHORE NORTHERN","Desc2":"SOMALIA. THE SHIP WASFOLLOWED AND APPROACHED BY THE ATTACKING VESSEL AND FIRED UPONWITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS AND SHOULDER FIRED ROCKET LAUNCHERS.NUMEROUS SMALL ARMS ROUNDS AND AT LEAST ONE ROCKET WAS FIRED, BUTMISSED AND DID NOT DETONATE. THE SHIP EFFECTED","Desc3":"AN ANTI-PIRACY PLANAND MADE WAY OFF-SHORE. THE ATTACKERS PURSUED FOR APPROXIMATELYTWENTY MINUTES BEFORE TURNING AWAY. THERE WERE NO INJURIES TO THESHIP'S CREW OR SCIENTIFIC PARTY AND NO VISIBLE DAMAGE TO THE VESSELAS A RESULT OF THE INCIDENT.","coords.x1":43.88333,"coords.x2":11.13333} {"Reference":"2001-259","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA-GULF OF ADEN:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS APPROACHED 31 AUG AT 0915 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 12-43N 043-19E, ABOUT 5 NM NW OF PERIM ISLAND. PERSONS IN FOUR FAST FIBERGLASS BOATS APPROACHED AS IF TO BOARD. SHIP RAISED ALARM,","Desc2":"INCREASED SPEED AND ZIGZGGED AND BOATS WITHDREW.","coords.x1":43.31667,"coords.x2":12.71667} {"Reference":"2001-236","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAQ:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 11 AUG AT 1955 UTC WHILE AT UMM QASR PILOT STATION. THIEVES BOARDED FROM A WOODEN BOAT, BROKE INTO FORWARD LOCKER, AND ESCAPED WITH SHIP'S STORES. THIS IS THE SECOND INCIDENT REPORTED AT UMM QASR SINCE 28","Desc2":"JUN.","coords.x1":48.73333,"coords.x2":29.65} {"Reference":"2001-229","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"BAHARI KENYA","Desc1":"SOMALIA:THE HIJACKED KENYAN TRAWLER (BAHARI KENYA) AND ITS CREW OF 22 WHO ARE BEING HELD HOSTAGE HAVE BEEN AT THE PORT OF EYL, 150 KM EAST OF GAROWE, NOMINAL CAPITAL OF PUNTLAND AS OF 1 SEP ARE EXPECTED TO BE \"FINED\" BETWEEN $100,000 AND $200,000 AND","Desc2":"RELEASED. (BAHARI KENYA) WAS SEIZED 25 JUL WHEN 30 ARMED MEN STORMED THE SHIP AND KIDNAPPED ITS CREW OF KENYANS AND ITALIANS.","coords.x1":50,"coords.x2":12} {"Reference":"2001-197","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER REPORTS BEING APPROACHED SUSPICIOUSLY 2 JUL AT 0335 UTC BY TWO BOATS CONTAINING THREE PERSONS EACH WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 13-25.7N 043-02.4E, NEAR PORT AL MUKHA. BOATS TURNED AWAY WHEN CREW WENT ON ALERT.","coords.x1":43.04,"coords.x2":13.42833} {"Reference":"2001-198","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP REPORTS ATTEMPTED BOARDING 29 JUN AT 0445 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDER WAY IN POSITION 13-42.5N 043-24.6E. TWO VERY FAST UNLIT BOATS APPROACHED BUT TURNED AWAY WHEN CONFRONTED WITH CHARGED FIRE HOSES AND SEARCHLIGHTS.","coords.x1":43.41,"coords.x2":13.70833} {"Reference":"2001-199","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PERSIAN GULF-IRAQ:AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP WAS BOARDED 28 JUN WHILE AT ANCHOR IN POSITION 29-38.7N 48-45.2E NEAR UMM QASR. THIEVES BROKE INTO FORECASTLE STORE AND STOLE FIRE FIGHTING GEAR.","coords.x1":48.75333,"coords.x2":29.645} {"Reference":"2001-174","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER REPORTS APPROACH BY THREE SPEEDBOATS WITH ABOUT 10 PERSONS EACH 11 JUN AT 1130 UTC WHILE UNDERWAY IN ABU ALI CHANNEL, 14-14.8N 042-43.3E. MASTER TOOK EVASIVE ACTION AND THERE WAS NO BOARDING.","coords.x1":42.72167,"coords.x2":14.24667} {"Reference":"2001-171","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MOHYEDDIN-M","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN-YEMEN:THE SYRIAN-FLAG LIVESTOCK CARRIER (MOHYEDDIN-M) WAS REPORTED BOARDED PRIOR TO 10 JUN WHILE IN YEMENI WATERS NEAR OMANI BOARDER BY PERSONS WHO DEMANDED MONEY TO ALLOW CONTINUED PASSAGE OF THE VESSEL. SHIP CALLED AT OMAN ENROUTE MUMBAI,","Desc2":"INDIA AND THERE IS NO INFORMATION IF EXTORTION MONEY WAS PAID.","coords.x1":53,"coords.x2":16} {"Reference":"2001-158","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"IRAN:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS BOARDED 22 MAY AT BANDAR KHOMEINI INNER ANCHORAGE VIA HAWSE PIPE, AND SHIP'S STORES STOLEN. DESPITE PROBABLE OCCURRENCE OF MANY SUCH EVENTS, THIS IS RARE EXAMPLE OF ONE ACTUALLY BEING REPORTED.","coords.x1":49.1,"coords.x2":30.43333} {"Reference":"2001-144","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"YEMENI GOVERNMENT","Victim":"DELOS CARRIER","Desc1":"YEMEN:THE 4,878-TON, ST. VINCENT-FLAG VEHICLE CARRIER (DELOS CARRIER) WAS ABANDONED ABOUT 16 MAY BY ITS OFFICERS AND CREW AFTER THE SALVOR CONTRACTED TO FREE THE VESSEL AGROUND OFF YEMEN NEAR HODEIDAH LEFT THE SCENE FOLLOWING DEMANDS FOR PAYMENTS AND","Desc2":"INDEMNITIES FROM THE YEMENI GOVERNMENT. IN THE PAST YEAR SEVERAL WRECKED SHIPS HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY RANSACKED BY LOCALS, INCLUDING A CRUISE SHIP UNDER SALVAGE AT THE TIME. IT IS NOT KNOWN IF THE YEMENI DEMANDS WERE PURELY EXTORTION OR IF LOCAL OFFICIALS","Desc3":"SOUGHT TO CLEAR THE WAY FOR OTHER LOCALS TO STRIP THE SHIP OF USABLE ITEMS, INCLUDING THE CARGO OF VEHICLES BOUND FROM UKRAINE TO DUBAI.","coords.x1":43.2,"coords.x2":14.8} {"Reference":"2001-153","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"GULF STAR","Desc1":"YEMEN:THE 22,572-TON, BAHAMAS FLAG CONTAINER SHIP (GULF STAR) WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED 16 MAY BETWEEN 0030 AND 0600 LOCAL TIME BY PERSONS WHO ENTERED RADIO ROOM AND STOLE A LAPTOP COMPUTER, TWO PRINTERS AND A FAX MACHINE.","coords.x1":48,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"2001-123","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DAISY DUCK","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:THREE PIRATES IN A WOODEN BOAT REPORTEDLY APPROACHED A YACHT 12 APR AT 0440 UTC (REPORTED 24 APR) UNDERWAY IN POSITION 12-55N 048-20E, ORDERING IT TO STOP. WHEN THE YACHT INCREASED SPEED THE PIRATES SHOT AT THE YACHT USING A MACHINE GUN.","Desc2":"YACHT BROADCAST DISTRESS CALL ON VHF CH 16 AND OWNER FIRED WITH HIS PISTOL AFTER WHICH PIRATE BOATWITHDREW. ON 3 MAY YACHT WAS IDENTIFIED AS (DAISY DUCK). YACHT OWNER CLAIMS FOUR SHIPS WITHIN SIGHT OF VESSEL AND WITH WHICH COMMS HAD BEEN ESTABLISHED,","Desc3":"FAILED TO RESPOND TO YACHT'S DISTRESS CALL.","coords.x1":48.33333,"coords.x2":12.91667} {"Reference":"2001-118","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"JOLLY OVORIO","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:THE CYPRIOT-FLAG CONTAINER SHIP (JOLLY AVORIO) REPORTED TWO ATTEMPTED PIRACIES 7 APR AT 1400 AND 1530 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY ABOUT 33 NM SOUTH OF THE YEMENI COAST. THE FIRST INCIDENT INVOLVED FOURTEEN SMALL HIGH-SPEED BOATS IN POSITION","Desc2":"13-58N 049-25E. THE BOATS, WHICH WERE FIRST OBSERVED DEAD AHEAD, CLOSED TO WITHIN 1.5 NM BUT PULLED BACK WHEN MASTER ATTEMPTED EVASIVE STEERING AND, ALERTED CREW, AND LAID OUT CHARGED FIRE HOSES. DUTY OFFICER REPORTEDLY OBSERVED MEN IN THE BOATS WITH","Desc3":"LINE AND GRAPPLING HOOKS. THE SECOND INCIDENT INVOLVED FOUR BOATS IN POSITION 14-10N 049-47E AND INVOLVED APPROACHES AS CLOSE AS 50 M FROM THE VESSEL. CREW FIRED SIGNAL FLARES AT THE BOATS THAT WITHDREW. THE BOATS ARE DESCRIBED AS WOOD AND FIBERGLASS,","Desc4":"AND BETWEEN FIVE AND SEVEN METERS IN LENGTH, WITH AN OUTBOARD MOTOR. EACH BOAT HAD A CREW OF TWO OR THREE PERSONS, APPARENTLY UNARMED EXCEPT FOR THE LINE AND GRAPPLING HOOKS, DARK SKINNED AND WEARING BLACK SHIRTS. ONE SOURCE REPORTS THAT ATTEMPTS TO USE","Desc5":"VHF CH 16 WERE \"JAMMED\" BY MUSIC. SIMPLE ROBBERY SEEMS AN UNLIKELY MOTIVE FOR THIS COMPLEX PARA-MILITARY OPERATION, WHICHREMAINS ALL THE MORE OMINOUS FOR OCCURRING IN DAYLIGHT AND FORBEING UNEXPLAINED.","coords.x1":49.78333,"coords.x2":14.16667} {"Reference":"2001-119","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:AN UNIDENTIFIED FRENCH YACHT REPORTS BEING FOLLOWED FROM 2 TO 5 APRIL FROM POSITION 12-35N 047-47E TO POSITION 13-55N 052-12E. FOUR ATTEMPTS AT BOARDING WERE REPORTEDLY AVERTED WITH THE \"HELP\" OF A TANKER AND CARGO SHIP IN THE VICINITY.","coords.x1":47.78333,"coords.x2":12.58333} {"Reference":"2001-82","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"UNSPECIFIED","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP REPORTED BEING \"CHASED\" IN A MAYDAY MESSAGE 23 FEB. THE MESSAGE REPORTED THE INCIDENT OCCURRED AT 0347 UTC IN POSITION 13-47N 048-12E. IT DID NOT IDENTIFY THE SHIP BEING CHASED, WHOSE CALL WAS PICKED UP BY ANOTHER SHIP","Desc2":"AND RELAYED TO THE REGIONAL PIRACY CENTER AT KUALA LUMPUR, WHICH IN TURN RADIOED AUTHORITIES IN DJIBOUTI.","coords.x1":48.2,"coords.x2":13.78333} {"Reference":"2001-83","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER REPORTED 22 FEB THAT IT WAS CHASED AT 1120 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 13-29.8N 043-01E BY TWO HIGH SPEED BOATS. SHIP RAISED ALARM AND COMMENCED EVASIVE MANEUVERING WHEREUPON THE BOATS BROKE OFF PURSUIT AND APPROACHED","Desc2":"ANOTHER NEARBY SHIP.","coords.x1":43.01667,"coords.x2":13.5} {"Reference":"2001-72","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"INCAT 033","Desc1":"RED SEA-BAB EL MANDEB:THE 3,889-TON, BAHAMAS FLAG FAST FERRY (INCAT 033) WAS APPROACHED 5 FEB AT 0530 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 12-40N 043-18E BY TWO INFLATABLE BOATS, EACH WITH TWO PERSONS ABOARD AND POSSIBLY ARMED WITH TRIPOD-MOUNTED WEAPONS. THE BOATS","Desc2":"DISAPPEARED WHEN THE FERRY ACCELERATED LEAVING A SMOKE TRAIL AND LARGE WASH FROM ITS PUMP JET UNITS.","coords.x1":43.3,"coords.x2":12.66667} {"Reference":"2001-64","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SMALL BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA-BAB EL MANDEB:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS APPROACHED BY \"ABOUT\" EIGHT SMALL BOATS WITH SIX TO SEVEN MEN IN EACH 20 JAN AT 0730 UTC IN POSITION 12-29.8N 043-36.6E. THE BOATS APPROACHED TO WITHIN 30 METERS AND THEN FOLLOWED THE TANKER AT A DISTANCE","Desc2":"OF 50 METERS. THE TANKER'S CREW WAS ALERTED AND THE BOATS WITHDREW TOWARDS DJIBOUTI. REPEATED INCIDENTS OF THIS NATURE HAVE BEEN DESCRIBED AS PIRACY ATTEMPTS BUT ONI ASSESSES THAT THEY ARE LIKELY PART OF A DIFFERENT AGENDA. UNLIKE TYPICAL PIRACY, ALL","Desc3":"INCIDENTS HAVE OCCURRED IN DAYLIGHT WITH NO ATTEMPT TO HIDE APPROACH TO THE \"TARGET\" SHIP. NO ACTUAL BOARDING OR THEFT HAS OCCURRED, NOR HAVE THE SHIPS BEEN SUBJECT TO ANY APPARENT ATTEMPTS TO STOP OR DIVERT THEM. NATIONALITY AND STATUS OF PERSONS IN THE","Desc4":"BOATS HAVE NOT BEEN DETERMINED AND THE INCIDENTS COULD REFLECT ANYTHING FROM ATTEMPTS TO RENDEZVOUS WITH SMUGGLERS TO HEIGHTENED COASTAL SURVEILLANCE AGAINST SMUGGLING OPERATIONS, PARTICULARLY AS ALL HAVE OCCURRED NEAR THE DISPUTED ISLANDS AT THE","Desc5":"SOUTHERN END OF THE RED SEA.","coords.x1":43.61,"coords.x2":12.49667} {"Reference":"2001-20","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:A GENERAL CARGO SHIP UNDERWAY IN POSITION 12-51.1N 046-02.2E REPORTED SUSPICIOUS APPROACH BY SPEEDBOAT CONTAINING THREE MEN 11 DEC AT 0650 UTC. SHIP TOOK EVASIVE ACTION AND BOAT WITHDREW.","coords.x1":46.03667,"coords.x2":12.85167} {"Reference":"2001-21","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:A REFRIGERATED CARGO SHIP REPORTED APPROACH BY TWO HIGH SPEED BOATS, EACH CONTAINING TWO MEN IN MILITARY UNIFORM 10 DEC AT 0742 LOCAL TIME. SHIP'S ANTI-PIRACY CREW MUSTERED ON DECK AND BOATS WITHDREW.","coords.x1":45.06667,"coords.x2":12.28333} {"Reference":"2001-13","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"KIDNAPPERS","Victim":"FISHING BOAT","Desc1":"SOMALIA:A YEMENI FISHING BOAT WAS ATTACKED 7 DEC AND ITS CREW OF THREE TAKEN HOSTAGE OFF THE NORTHERN SOMALI VILLAGE OF HEIS. THE ATTACK WAS REPORTEDLY CARRIED OUT BY FIVE ARMED MEN WHO HAVE TAKEN THE HOSTAGES DEEP INTO THE INTERIOR OF THE BREAKAWAY","Desc2":"REGION OF SOMALILAND WHERE A RANSOM IS EXPECTED TO BE DEMANDED.","coords.x1":47,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"2001-12","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN-GULF OF ADEN:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS APPROACHED 3 DEC AT 0320 UTC IN POSITION 12-31.5N 045-00.0E BY FIVE BOATS, EACH CONTAINING TWO PERSONS. CREW MUSTERED AND BOATS WITHDREW TOWARD ADEN.","coords.x1":45,"coords.x2":12.525} {"Reference":"2001-14","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"UAE:FOUR PERSONS IN A SMALL BOAT ATTEMPTED TO BOARD AN LPG CARRIER 28 NOV AT 1530 UTC WHILE THE SHIP WAS AT ANCHOR 5.8 NM FROM KALBA BREAKWATER. CREW MUSTERED ON DECK AND DIRECTED HIGH PRESSURE WATER JETS AT THE CRAFT, DESCRIBED AS 7-8 M LONG, 2M WIDE","Desc2":"AND WHITE HULL WITH A RED STRIPE, WHICH THEN WITHDREW.","coords.x1":56.33333,"coords.x2":25.08333} {"Reference":"2001-5","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"SAILING YACHT","Desc1":"RED SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED FRENCH SAILING YACHT AVERTED BOARDING 26 NOV AT 0530 UTC WHEN TWICE APPROACHED BY SEVEN PERSONS IN TWO SPEEDBOATS IN POSITION 12-17N 044-52E.","coords.x1":44.86667,"coords.x2":12.28333} {"Reference":"2000-364","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS SURROUNDED 25 OCT BY \"SEVERAL\" SPEEDBOATS FROM TWO OF WHICH A BOARDING WAS ATTEMPTED. CREW MUSTERED AND ACTIVATED FIRE HOSES AND BOATS WITHDREW.","coords.x1":43.28333,"coords.x2":12.71667} {"Reference":"2000-357","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEED BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS APPROACHED 23 OCT AT 1245 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 13-20N 042-58E, 17 MILES FROM RAS FATUNA, ERITREA BY FOUR PERSONS IN A BLUE-STRIPED SPEEDBOAT TRACKED AT ABOUT 25 KNOTS. BOAT'S OCCUPANTS WERE ARMED WITH SWORDS \"AND","Desc2":"OTHER WEAPONS.\" SHIP TOOK EVASIVE ACTION, CREW MUSTERED, AND BOAT WITHDREW.","coords.x1":42.96667,"coords.x2":13.33333} {"Reference":"2000-351","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP DETECTED APPROACH OF TWO UNLIT HIGH SPEED BOATS ON RADAR 12 OCT AT 2350 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 14-08.0N 042-27.3E. THREE SIGNAL ROCKETS WERE FIRED AND BOATS WITHDREW.","coords.x1":42.455,"coords.x2":14.13333} {"Reference":"2000-335","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SUICIDE BOAT ATTACK","Victim":"USS COLE","Desc1":"YEMEN:THE U.S. FLAG DESTROYER USS COLE WAS SEVERELY DAMAGED 12 OCT BY AN EXPLOSION CAUSED BY AN APPARENT SUICIDE BOAT ATTACK WHILE MOORING AT THE PORT OF ADEN FOR REFUELING. THE REPORTED CASUALTY TOLL IS 17 DEAD AND NUMEROUS INJURIES. THE U.S. DEPARTMENT","Desc2":"OF STATE ISSUED SPECIAL WARNING NUMBER 113 ADVISING U.S. MARINERS TO AVOID YEMENI PORTS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. ONI DOES NOT BELIEVE THERE IS ANY CONNECTION BETWEEN THIS INCIDENT AND THE REPORTED \"ATTEMPTED BOARDING\" OF SHIPS IN THE SOUTHERN RED SEA.","coords.x1":45.05,"coords.x2":12.78333} {"Reference":"2000-350","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:FIVE HIGH SPEED BOATS, EACH CONTAINING 6 TO 7 PERSONS ATTEMPTED TO BOARD AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER 12 OCT BETWEEN 1050 AND 1140 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 12-36.0N 043-01.3E. DUTY OFFICER NOTICED THE BOATS AND RAISED THE ALARM. CREW ACTIVATED FIRE HOSES","Desc2":"AND BOATS WITHDREW.","coords.x1":43.02167,"coords.x2":12.6} {"Reference":"2000-338","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:ABOUT 40 PIRATES IN FIVE BOATS REPORTEDLY ATTEMPTED TO BOARD AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER 7 OCT AT 1330 LOCAL TIME IN THE SOUTHERN RED SEA IN POSITION 14-38.64N 042-03.93E. A PASSING SHIP REPORTEDLY CAME TO THE ASSISTANCE OF THE TANKER AND THE BOARDING","Desc2":"WAS ABORTED. OF ALL THE ATTEMPTED BOARDINGS REPORTED IN THE SOUTHERN RED SEA THIS YEAR, THIS IS THE FIRST WHERE THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT BOARDING WAS THE GOAL. ONI ASSESSES THAT PREVIOUSLY REPORTED INCIDENTS, AND POSSIBLY THIS INCIDENT AS WELL, ARE MORE","Desc3":"LIKELY CONNECTED WITH SMUGGLING, COUNTER-SMUGGLING, OR PATROLS OF DISPUTED WATERS THAN PIRACY. AMONG OTHER FACTORS, PIRACY IS ALMOST NEVER COMMITTED DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS AND PIRATES' APPROACH TO SHIPS RELY ON STEALTH RATHER THAN OBVIOUS SURVEILLANCE","Desc4":"DISPLAYED IN MOST OF THESE INCIDENTS.","coords.x1":42.0655,"coords.x2":14.644} {"Reference":"2000-256","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BOAT","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"RED SEA:An unidentified yacht reported 5 Sep that it was being followed by a boat in a \"suspicious\" manner at 0730 local time in the vicinity of Jabal al Tair Island in the lower Red Sea. At 0930 the suspicious boat moved away and no further incidents","Desc2":"were reported.","coords.x1":42.73472,"coords.x2":13.83972} {"Reference":"2000-257","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:An unidentified ship reported being approached 1 Sep at 0820 local time while underway in position 12-36N 046-23E. Two high-speed boats approached at bow and stern but sped away when alarm was sounded and searchlight turned on them.","coords.x1":46.38333,"coords.x2":12.6} {"Reference":"2000-188","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BOARDER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:Four persons in a small boat attempted to block the passage of a bulk carrier on 11 Aug at 1450 local time in the Straits of Bab El Mandeb in position 12-13N 042-29E. The boat reportedly followed close to the ship with the intent to board until","Desc2":"the duty officer alerted the crew who mustered on deck. The small boat then left and headed towards the north traffic lane.","coords.x1":42.48333,"coords.x2":12.21667} {"Reference":"2000-172","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:An unidentified tanker reported being chased 1 Aug at 0442 UTC in the Southern red Sea in position 13-44.2N 042-57.8E by speedboats. One boat, containing six persons, reportedly tried to block the tanker's passage but crew maneuvered past.","coords.x1":42.96556,"coords.x2":13.73667} {"Reference":"2000-173","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:An unidentified bulk carrier reported being approached by four unlit boats 29 Jul at 2250 UTC in the Southern Red Sea in position 13-11.5N 043-01.0E. The boats withdrew when illuminated by the ship's searchlight.","coords.x1":43.01667,"coords.x2":13.19167} {"Reference":"2000-150","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-15","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA-ADEN:An unidentified roll-on roll-off vessel was approached 15 Jul at 0330 local time by two small boats going \"over 23 knots\" while in position 13-38N 042-56E. The boats approached from the bow and retreated when illuminated by the ship's","Desc2":"searchlight.","coords.x1":42.93333,"coords.x2":13.63333} {"Reference":"2000-151","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA:An unidentified bulk carrier reports being approached 12 Jul at 2050 local time by two speed boats, each containing five persons. As the boats attempted to come alongside crew mustered and energized hoses and the boats moved away.","coords.x1":42.73472,"coords.x2":13.83972} {"Reference":"2000-101","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ETHIOPIA","Victim":"ERITREA","Desc1":"ERITREA-ETHIOPIA:Ethiopian aircraft reportedly conducted bombing raids around the port of Massawa 19 May and on 3 and 4 Jun fighting was reported near Assab port. Among Ethiopia's unstated war aims, access to the sea and control of a port must figure","Desc2":"strongly and continued fighting must eventually involve threats to port facilities and ships present.","coords.x1":42.81667,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"2000-31","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-07","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"FISHING BOAT","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"SOMALIA:An unidentified yacht reported being followed, at a range of 1.5 miles, by a fishing boat at 1956 local time, in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia. Persons in the boat fired gunshots at the yacht. The yacht took evasive action and the pursuit was","Desc2":"broken off after about two hours.","coords.x1":48.61667,"coords.x2":13.11667} {"Reference":"2000-291","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:An unidentified ship reports approach with apparent attempt to board 12 Mar by 25-meter brown-painted boat with large number of antennas at 1420 UTC in position 12-57N 055-00E. This report is believed additional to case 12 Mar cited by M/V","Desc2":"World Kudos.","coords.x1":55,"coords.x2":12.95} {"Reference":"2000-292","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:An unidentified ship responded via VHF to a distress signal 10 Mar in position 13-06.0N 053-06.8E but reports signaling vessel acted suspiciously when queried.","coords.x1":53.11333,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2000-293","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA-GULF OF ADEN:An unidentified vessel reports approach in 14-53.9N 051-01.8E at 1500 UTC 10 Mar by boat with four persons. When anti-piracy measures deployed, the craft immediately left the area.","coords.x1":51.03,"coords.x2":14.89833} {"Reference":"2000-246","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GONE TROPPO","Desc1":"YEMEN:An Australian woman was injured when five armed attackers assaulted the yacht (GONE TROPPO) carrying her and her family 27 Jan in position 13-03N 048-41E in the Gulf of Aden. After firing a barrage of shots the attackers boarded the yacht,","Desc2":"ransacked the vessel and stole property including the radio. The family then made temporary repairs and proceeded to Aden. In November another Australian yacht was attacked in the same area. In that case Yemeni Coast Guards subsequently arrested four of","Desc3":"the attackers.","coords.x1":48.68333,"coords.x2":13.05} {"Reference":"2000-247","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EGYPT:An unidentified container ship was boarded 27 Jan in the Suez outer anchorage. Three attackers operating from a motor boat were discovered removing stores from the forecastle locker via the anchor chain. When discovered the three fled and nothing","Desc2":"was reported taken.","coords.x1":33.68278,"coords.x2":27.54417} {"Reference":"1999-122","DateOfOcc":"1999-11-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ORIENT PATRIOT","Desc1":"The 17,702-ton, Indian-flag container ship, Orient Patriot, reported being approached by three armed men in a speedboat, while off Iran's Indian Ocean coast. The three tried to board the container ship, under the pretext of obtaining water, and fired a","Desc2":"few rounds at the ship when it refused to stop. The assailants broke off the pursuit when seeing \"a strong compliment of crew\". The Mumbai Coast Guard were activated.","coords.x1":60,"coords.x2":25} {"Reference":"1999-125","DateOfOcc":"1999-11-19","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LEOPARD STAR","Desc1":"Southern Red Sea (vicinity Jabal Attair):The 47-foot sailing vessel, Leopard Star, was boarded by eight men, armed with AK-47's,demanding money and passports. The attackers were given fuel and drink only and then left the vessel. No casualties reported.","coords.x1":41.88333,"coords.x2":15.53333} {"Reference":"1999-118","DateOfOcc":"1999-11-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"APHRODITE 3","Desc1":"AN AUSTRALIAN FAMILY ABOARD THEIR YACHT, APHRODITE 3, WAS ATTACKED AND ROBBED IN YEMENI COASTAL WATERS BY FIVE ARMED GUNMEN. THE ATTACK OCCURRED ABOUT 180 KM NORTHEAST OF ADEN. THE FAMILY WAS LEFT UNHURT.YEMENI AUTHORITIES ANNOUNCED THE DETENTION OF A","Desc2":"YEMENI AND A SOMALI SUSPECT IN THE ROBBERY ON 14 NOV.","coords.x1":44.98333,"coords.x2":12.81667} {"Reference":"1999-105","DateOfOcc":"1999-09-25","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ASPIDOFOROS","Desc1":"THE 21,030-TON, BAHAMAS-FLAG BULK CARRIER, ASPIDOFOROS, REPORTED THAT IT WAS PURSUED IN POSITION 26 30N, 56 35 E BY TWO SPEEDBOATS, EACH CARRYING FOUR PERSONS, WHICH MADE SEVERAL ATTEMPTS TO COME ALONGSIDE. SHIP'S GENERAL ALARM WAS SOUNDED, CREW PUT ON","Desc2":"HIGH ALERT WITH FIRE HOSES PRESSURIZED, AND SHIP BEGAN ZIG-ZAG MANEUVERING. AFTER TEN MINUTES BOATS BROKE OFF PURSUIT. INCIDENT REPORTED TO UAE COAST GUARD AND OTHER NEARBY VESSELS.","coords.x1":56.58333,"coords.x2":26.5} {"Reference":"1999-76","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"SABRINA I","Desc1":"The 11,748-ton, Panamanian-flag cargo ship, Sabrina I, has been reported missing by its owners and may be the victim of a hijack or mutiny by the crew. Ship left Tanjong Priok, Indonesia (06-06S 106-53E) 17 Jul with a cargo of bagged cement bound for Al","Desc2":"Mukalla, Yemen (14-30N 049-09E). The ship reported a leak in a cargo hold 31 Jul at which time the Captain stated he was taking the ship to Mogadiscio outer anchorage, to await a tug dispatched from Kenya. The ship did not make rendezvous and owners","Desc3":"suspect ship is now under control of Filipino crew. Alternatively, the ship may be in a Somali port under warlord control.","coords.x1":53,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"1999-59","DateOfOcc":"1999-06-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"Somali Salvation Democratic Front militiamen, operating from a speedboat, kidnapped four German tourists from a yacht off the north coast of Somali, about 100 miles east of Boosaaso (11-17N, 049-11E). The kidnappers took the hostages to the coastal","Desc2":"village of Bolimog, where they are being held for $50,000 ransom.","coords.x1":49.18333,"coords.x2":11.28333} {"Reference":"1999-47","DateOfOcc":"1999-05-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"Somali gunmen kidnapped two Finnish tourists from a yacht off Bosaso (Boosaaso) onSomalia's Gulf of Aden coast. The Somali Salvation Democratic Front has claimed responsibility for the hostage taking. No ransom demands have been reported.","coords.x1":49.2,"coords.x2":11.26667} {"Reference":"1998-60","DateOfOcc":"1998-09-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"NOURSTAR","Desc1":"299-TON DJIBOUTI-FLAG FREIGHTER WAS REPORTED HIJACTED FROM THE SOMALI PORT OF BOOSAASO BY SEVEN MEN WHO FORCED THEIR WAY ON BOARD, SHOOTING ONE CREWMEMBER. HALF THE CREW WERE DISEMBARKED AT RAS HAFOON NEAR SOCOTRA AND RELEASED. CREW REPORTED HEAVY GUNS","Desc2":"WERE PLACED ON BOARD TO PREY ON SMALL SHIPS AND DHOWS THERE AND IN THE GULF OF ADEN. ACCORDINGLY, VESSELS ARE ADVISED TO REMAIN AT LEAST 50 MILES OFF THE SOMALI COAST AND AVOID SAILING BETWEEN SOCOTRA ISLAND AND THE SOMALI COAST. WHEREABOUTS OF THE","Desc3":"REMAINING CREW, THEIR NUMBER, AND HOW THE THE RELEASED CREW KNOW OF THE HIJACKERS INTENTIONS ARE UNKNOWN. THE FOLLOWING IS A DESCRIPTION OF THE NOURSTAR: IMO NUMBER 7205893, LENGHT 49.7 METERS, BEAM 8.3 METERS. FLUSHED DECK WITHOUT RAISED FORECASTLE OR","Desc4":"POOPDECK, SINGLE LONG HATCH COVER. SHORT TWO-DECK SUPERSTRUCTURE RIGHT AFT, LOW SINGLE FUNNEL NOT REACHING BEYOND TOP OF BRIDGE. TWO POLE MAST; ONE RIGHT FORWARD AT BREAK OF RAISED BULWARK AROUND BOW, SECOND ABUTTING BRIDGE FRONT. SINGLE BOOM STEPPED","Desc5":"FROM EACH MAST. VESSEL IS REPORTED TO HAVE ARRIVED IN DJIBOUTI FROM THE SOMALI PORT OF BOSASO ON 12/14/98. NO INFORMATION HAS BEEN GIVEN AS TO ITS WHEREABOUTS AND ACTIVITY SINCE THE HIJACKING. (ONI MSG 062200Z JAN 99)","coords.x1":45.01667,"coords.x2":10.45} {"Reference":"1998-37","DateOfOcc":"1998-05-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LEROS STAR","Desc1":"A CYPRUS-FLAG BULK CARRIER WAS FIRED ON BY TWO ROCKETS FROM A LAUNCHER HIDDEN UNDER A TARPAULIN ON A SMALL BLUE-HULLED VESSEL THAT EMERGED FROM A GROUP OF FISHING BOATS. TWO CREW MEMBERS INJURED, ONE SERIOUSLY. THE RADIO ROOM WAS DESTROYED. MAYDAY CALL","Desc2":"ANSWERED BY UK NAVAL REPAIR SHIP DILIGENCE WHICH RENDERED MEDICAL ASSISTANCE AND ACCOMPANIED LEROS STAR TO ADEN. THE LEROS STAR WAS ON A VOYAGE FROM ARGENTINA TO YEMEN WITH A LOAD OF GRAIN WHEN THE ATTACK OCCURRED OFF THE COAST OF SOMALIA.","coords.x1":50.78667,"coords.x2":12.145} {"Reference":"1998-24","DateOfOcc":"1998-03-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DHOW","Desc1":"THE PAKISTANI CAPTAIN WAS SHOT AND KILLED BY ATTACKERS OFF NORTH EAST SOMALIA DURING THE NIGHT. THE ATTACKERS USED BOATS MOUNTED WITH HEAVY MACHINE GUNS AND DETAINED THE SHIP OVER NIGHT. THE SHIP WAS ENROUTE TO THE SOUTHERN WARLORDS' PORT OF HOBOYO WHEN","Desc2":"ATTACKED BY 24 MEN.","coords.x1":55,"coords.x2":15} {"Reference":"1997-87","DateOfOcc":"1997-11-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT POLOFLAT","Desc1":"RED SEA: ERITRREA-ZUBAYR ISLANDS The Australian-flag yacht Poloflat had been attacked by pirates while on the Red Sea close to the Zubayr Islands. The attackers in small boats fired at the yacht damaging its sails but did not injure any personnel","Desc2":"onboard. The yacht skipper defended himself with home made Molotov Cocktails after which the attackers desisted.","coords.x1":42,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"1997-23","DateOfOcc":"1996-10-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"PERSIAN GULF: Three Kuwaiti fishing boats were attacked in Northern Persian Gulf near international waters south east of Bubiyan Island on 24 Oct 96. The attackers siezed two of the boats and transfered the two two-man crews to the third boat. The third","Desc2":"boat was stripped of its radio and electronic equipment. One Kuwaiti fisherman was killed and another seriously wounded by the attackers who opened fire on the stranded vessel during their retreat. The fishing boat was left drifting and was eventually","Desc3":"rescued by the Kuwaiti coast guard. Reports by the surviving crewmembers speculated to the authorities that the nationality of the attackers could be Iraqi.","coords.x1":55,"coords.x2":26} {"Reference":"1997-21","DateOfOcc":"1996-10-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Persian Gulf Armed Iraqis gunmen stormed a Kuwaiti fishing vessel on 24 Oct 96, killing one fisherman and wounding another. The attack took place north of Kuwaiti territorial waters. After robbing the vessel and leaving it disabled, the gunmen fled. The","Desc2":"crew was eventually rescued by the Kuwaiti Coast Guard and taken to the hospital where one man died from his injuries. It is not known whether the gunmen were members of the Iraqi armed forces.","coords.x1":49.3,"coords.x2":29.1} {"Reference":"1996-21","DateOfOcc":"1995-12-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"KELLY MARIE","Desc1":"Southern Red Sea An unknown assailant twice fired upon U.S. flagged yacht Kelly Marie while anchored off the Hanish Islands in the Southern Red Sea. The yacht issued a distress which the USS Monterey picked up and relayed. U.S. officials contacted the","Desc2":"Yemeni military and foreign ministry to clear up any misunderstanding as to the identity of the yacht. Kelly Marie reported no injuries and safely departed the area 12/07/95.","coords.x1":41.5,"coords.x2":17.1} {"Reference":"1995-137","DateOfOcc":"1995-12-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"KELLY MARIE","Desc1":"ON 06 DEC 95 AN UNKNOWN ASSAILANT TWICE FIRED UPON THE U.S.-FLAGGED YACHT KELLY MARIE WHILE THE VESSEL ANCHORED OFF THE HANISH ISLANDS IN THE SOUTHERN RED SEA. THE YACHT REPORTED NO INJURIES AND SAFELY DEPARTED THE AREA 07 DEC. (YEMEN AND ERITREA ARE IN","Desc2":"DISPUTE OVER POSSESSION OF THE HANISH ISLANDS.)","coords.x1":42.83333,"coords.x2":13.75} {"Reference":"1996-25","DateOfOcc":"1995-11-27","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT TANKER","Desc1":"Iran Charterers of the Honduran-flagged ocean tug Negin (Of the Buoy Bandar Shipping Agency) reported the vessel and its $700,000 (US) cargo was missing 27 November 1996. On 13 November 1996 the master reported the vessel developing engine trouble and in","Desc2":"need of urgent repair. The charterer has not received further communication from the vessel. On 15 November 1996, the Buoy Bandar Shipping Agency informed the charterer the vessel was being repaired off Larak Island, Iran. Private attempts by the","Desc3":"charterer to locate the vessel and re-contact the shipping agency have failed. Further investigation revealed Bandar Abbas port authorities took port clearence on the vessel 11 November 1996 for India.","coords.x1":53.98333,"coords.x2":26.21667} {"Reference":"1995-135","DateOfOcc":"1995-11-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"NILKANTHA/SHREE VISHNU","Desc1":"ON 02 NOV 95 IRANIAN FORCES SEIZED AND HIJACKED AT GUNPOINT TWO CARGO SHIPS NEAR THE MOUTH OF THE SHATT AL-ARAB. THE CARGO SHIPS NILKANTHA AND SHREE VISHNU WERE BEING TOWED BY THE UKRAINIAN-FLAGGED TUG/SUPPLY SHIP DUMAY AT THE TIME OF THE HIJACK. THE TUG","Desc2":"EILAM, USED IN THE CAPTURE OF THE TWO CARGO SHIPS, BELONGS TO THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT AND IS OPERATED BY IRAN'S NATIONAL PORTS AUTHORITY. REVOLUTIONARY GUARDS IN IRAN HAVE MADE RANSOM DEMANDS AMOUNTING TO US$300,000, REDUCED TO US$182,000 AFTER THE","Desc3":"COMPANY PERFORMING THE SALVAGE OPERATION REFUSED TO PAY ANY RANSOM. SCRAP VALUE FOR THE TWO VESSELS IS ESTIMATED AT US$500,000.","coords.x1":49,"coords.x2":29.8} {"Reference":"1995-91","DateOfOcc":"1995-05-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LILIANA DIMITROVA","Desc1":"ON 03 MAY AT 1310 UTC A SMALL BOAT FIRED UPON THE M/V LILIANA DIMITROVA IN 12-12N 51-02E, ABOUT 100NM W OF SUQUTRA ISLAND. ONE CREWMEMBER WAS WOUNDED IN THE ATTACK.","coords.x1":51.03333,"coords.x2":12.2} {"Reference":"1995-92","DateOfOcc":"1995-05-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DSR-TIANJIN","Desc1":"ON 01 MAY THE M/V DSR-TIANJIN ENCOUNTERED A SUSPICIOUS RADAR TARGET IN 12-57N 53-23E, ABOUT 16NM N OF SUQUTRA ISLAND. THE TARGET ALTERED COURSE AND SPEED TO MAINTAIN AN INTERCEPT COURSE WITH THE VESSEL. CONSIDERING THIS ACTION A POSSIBLE PIRACY ATTEMPT,","Desc2":"THE VESSEL ALTERED COURSE AND INCREASED SPEED, FINALLY LOSING THE RADAR TARGET.","coords.x1":53.38333,"coords.x2":12.95} {"Reference":"1995-73","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"Ming Bright","Desc1":"BIMCO has received a report of a vessel attacked whilst navigating in the vicinity of the Somali coast. At position 12 08 N Lat, 50 48 E Long, near Capo Guardafui the vessel came under fire from a motorboat. Although she was able to evade the attackers","Desc2":"the vessel sustained about 8 or 9 holes of about 40 mm in diameter.","coords.x1":50.8,"coords.x2":12.13333} {"Reference":"1995-49","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LONGO BARDA","Desc1":"THE RACING YACHT LONGO BARDA WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES OFF THE COAST OF SOMALIA ON APR. 5. A SMALL VESSEL FIRED A MORTAR ROUND AT THE YACHT AND SOME CREW ATTEMPTED TO BOARD HER. THE PIRATES FLED WHEN THE FRIGATE FREDERICTON AND A CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc2":"APPROACHED. NO INJURIES REPORTED AND NO DAMAGE TO YACHT.","coords.x1":50,"coords.x2":12} {"Reference":"1995-64","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"Somalia BIMCO has received a report which describes a vessel which was attacked on 3 April 1995 whilst navigating along the Somali coast near Suqutra Island at position 12 09 N Lat., 050 47 E Long. At 1212 hrs a wooden speedboat approached the ship.","Desc2":"There were about 20 men on board and they fired upon the vessel with machine guns and artillery. The ship was hit and damaged, including a 70mm hole from a shell which entered the galley and caused further damage to the refrigerator and ceiling.","Desc3":"Fortunately only one of the crew was injured, suffering a laceration to his shoulder. Ten of the armed men came on board the vessel claiming to be the Somali Coast Guard. The crew was gathered together on the main deck and the master was asked to present","Desc4":"the cargo manifest. As the intruders were apparently not interested in the ship's cargo of bulk barley, they then demanded that the Master hand over the ship's cash, and they also searched the ship and several cabins taking cigarettes and wine, before","Desc5":"leaving the vessel at 1400 hrs.","coords.x1":50.78333,"coords.x2":12.15} {"Reference":"1995-48","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V FULL CITY","Desc1":"M/V FULL CITY ATTACKED BY ARMED BOAT AT 0912 UTC ON APR. 3 IN 12-08-42N 50-48-48E. TWENTY ROBBERS BOARDED THE VESSEL AND STOLE FOREIGN CURRENCY AND BONDED STORES. NO CREW MEMBERS WERE INJURED.","coords.x1":50.81333,"coords.x2":12.145} {"Reference":"1995-69","DateOfOcc":"1995-03-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BANDITS","Victim":"DUTCH TUG","Desc1":"DURING EARLY MARCH A DUTCH TUG, WHICH WAS TOWING THE ITALIAN FLAGGED CARGOSHIP CAPRIOLO OUT OF SHATT AL ARAB, WAS SIEZED BY HIJACKERS. THE BANDITS DEMANDED A RANSOM, THEY RELEASED THE TUG AND ITS TOW, AND THE TUG'S OWNERS HAVE REFUSED TO COMMENT.","coords.x1":49,"coords.x2":29.66667} {"Reference":"1995-47","DateOfOcc":"1995-02-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V NOURBERG","Desc1":"ON FEB. 28 M/V NOURBERG ATTACKED BY 5 PERSONS ARMED WITH MACHINE GUNS IN 11-35N 40-37E. NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":40.61667,"coords.x2":17.18333} {"Reference":"1995-70","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BANDITS","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"IN DEC 94, A CHARTERER ADMITTED TRYING TO SMUGGLE 2,000 TONS OF DATES FROM IRAQ TO SELL IN DUBAI. HE REPORTED THAT THE VESSEL WAS HIJACKED BY ARMED IRANIANS WHO THEN SAILED THE VESSEL TO BANDAR ABBAS WHERE THE HIJACKERS STOLE THE DATES AND REPORTEDLY","Desc2":"SOLD THEM FOR US $700,000. THE IRANIANS RELEASED THE CREW AND VESSEL TWO MONTHS LATER.","coords.x1":56.2,"coords.x2":27.15} {"Reference":"1995-8","DateOfOcc":"1994-10-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"M/V BONSELLA","Desc1":"BIMCO has received a report in which a Master described the hijacking of his ship which was finally released after six days. On 9 September 1994 whilst sailing from Djibouti to Mombasa the ship was at position 12 00 90 N 050 50 70 E when a dhow was","Desc2":"spotted approaching the ship. As the dhow came alongside many armed men could be seen on deck, one waving a red flag ordering the ship to stop. Two mortar shells were fired at the vessel. The master was ordered to drop anchor, otherwise they would sink","Desc3":"her. There were 26 men onboard the dhow, of which 11 boarded the vessel and identified themselves as the Somali Coast Guard, North East Region. They demanded the ship's manifest and ordered the Master to proceed to Bolimook, near Cape Elefante. As the","Desc4":"vessel proceeded the intruders attempted to make radio contact with their base at Bossasso. The vessel anchored at Cape Elefante, at 11 56 50 N 050 37 00 E.On 10 September the master was told that his ship would be used to apprehend fishing vessels","Desc5":"operating off the Somali coast without proper licenses. The ship's chief engineer was ordered to repair the VHF on board the dhow, but was unsuccessful. It was decided that communication between the vessel and the dhow would be made by walkie talkie.At","Desc6":"1320 hours the vessel and the dhow proceeded toward two suspected fishing vessels that turned out to be merchant ships. One of the ships was pursued and ordered to stop over VHF, however she increased speed and headed out to sea. After two mortar shells","coords.x1":50.83333,"coords.x2":12} {"Reference":"1994-42","DateOfOcc":"1994-09-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO owner member reports an incident which took place off the Somali coast in the Gulf of Aden on 10 September 1994. The vessel had sheltered off the coast during heavy weather. At 1538 hrs GMT she was underway at a speed of 12.2 knots when an","Desc2":"unmarked boat about 20 metres in length, with a white hull and red superstructure, approached the vessel and began to fire without warning. The vessel under attack broadcast a mayday call, which resulted with the pursuing boat making radio contact,","Desc3":"claiming to be the Somali Coast Guard. Assurances were made that the firing would stop and the boat followed the vessel for a short time before returning to the coast.","coords.x1":48,"coords.x2":12} {"Reference":"1995-71","DateOfOcc":"1994-09-09","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"BANDITS","Victim":"M/V BONSELLA","Desc1":"ON 9 SEP 94, THE M/V BONSELLA WAS APPROACHED BY 26 BANDITS IN A DHOW PRESENTING THEMSELVES AS COAST GUARD AND USING MORTAR FIRE TO HIJACK THE SHIP. THE ATTACK OCCURRED THREE MILES OFFSHORE OF CALUULA, THE NORTHERNMOST POINT OF SOMALIA, IN THE GULF OF","Desc2":"ADEN. THE HIJACKERS USED THE M/V TO CHASE OTHER FISHING VESSELS IN AN UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT TO CAPTURE OTHER SHIPS. THE HIJACKERS TOLD THE MASTER THAT THEY WANTED TO CAPTURE A FASTER VESSEL FOR FURTHER USE IN THEIR PATROLLING OPERATIONS. AFTER SIX DAYS","Desc3":"THE HIJACKERS TOOK THE CARGO AND STOLE ALL AVAILABLE MONEY AND THEN RELEASED THE SHIP. (THIS REPORT IS ALSO ASAM 95-0008.)","coords.x1":50.83333,"coords.x2":12} {"Reference":"1994-26","DateOfOcc":"1994-05-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL GLUCKSBURG","Desc1":"THE GERMAN REGISTERED VESSEL REPORTED THAT FIVE MINUTES AFTER A SIMILAR REPORT FROM THE C/V NORASIA SAMANTHA, THREE MISSILES WERE FIRED TOWARDS THE VESSEL FROM AIRCRAFT OR THE YEMEN SHORE TOWARDS THE VESSEL. ONE MISSILE EXPOLODED 50 METERS FROM THE SHIP.","Desc2":"THE REASON FOR THESE MISSILE FIRINGS, WHETHER INTENTIONAL OR ACCIDENTAL, IS NOT CLEAR, AND NO ONE HAS YET CLAIMED RESPONSIBILITY FOR THESE ATTACKS. SEE REPORT FOR C/V NORASIA SAMANTHA.","coords.x1":46,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"1994-25","DateOfOcc":"1994-05-31","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"NORASIA SAMANTHA","Desc1":"TWO GERMAN REGISTERED SHIPS REPORTED THAT SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILES WERE FIRED AT THEM WHILE THEY WERE IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS IN THE GULF OF ADEN, OFF YEMEN. CONTAINER VESSEL NORASIA SAMANTHA REPORTED THAT TWO SURFACE TO AIR MISSILES DROPPED HALF A MILE","Desc2":"FROM HER STARBOARD BEAM AT 0900 GMT. THE SHIP WAS NINE MILES OFFSHORE, HEADED TOWARDS BAB-AL-MANDAB AT THE MOUTH OF THE RED SEA. THE REASON FOR THESE MISSILE FIRINGS, WHETHER INTENTIONAL OR ACCIDENTAL, IS NOT CLEAR, AND NO ONE HAS YET CLAIMED","Desc3":"RESPONSIBILITY FOR THESE ATTACKS. SEE SIMILAR REPORT FOR C/V GLUCKSBURG.","coords.x1":46,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"1993-60","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-29","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"ON 29 MAR 93 A IRANIAN BOAT STOPPED FOR AFTERNOON PRAYERS WHEN THE PIRATES, SAID TO BE IRANIAN, FIRED UPON THEM WITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS WHEN CREWMEMBERS REFUSED TO GIVE UP THEIR GOODS. TWO PEOPLE WERE INJURED.","coords.x1":55.715,"coords.x2":26.1775} {"Reference":"1993-19","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-10","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DJIBOUTI PORT","Desc1":"03 MARCH, 1993, PIRATES OPENED FIRE ON DJIBOUTI PORT. ONE SHED WAS SIGHTLY DAMAGED.","coords.x1":43.185,"coords.x2":11.62889} {"Reference":"1993-11","DateOfOcc":"1993-01-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"S.S. MARJORIE LYKES","Desc1":"17 JAN 93 AT 1100Z, S.S. MARJORIE LYKES WAS APPROACHED BY PIRATES. NO ATTACK OCCURED.","coords.x1":56.18333,"coords.x2":26.5} {"Reference":"1993-9","DateOfOcc":"1992-12-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SOYA","Desc1":"THAI 25 DEC 92 AT 1030 LOCAL TIME, SOYA WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES. 28 DEC 92 TEMPORARY REPAIRES WERE MADE AND VESSEL LEFT FOR HODEIDAH AT 1830 FOR GALLE.","coords.x1":41.66667,"coords.x2":15.41667} {"Reference":"1992-34","DateOfOcc":"1992-11-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LPG TANKER PAULINE","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN 24 NOV 92 PIRATES ATTACKED M/V PAULINE IN THE AREA OF DJIBOUTI. VESSEL WAS APPROACHED BY THREE SPEEDBOATS WHILE AT ANCHOR. PRIVATE ITEMS AND CASH WERE STOLEN. NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":44,"coords.x2":12} {"Reference":"1993-2","DateOfOcc":"1992-08-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN PEOPLE","Victim":"AL SARAWAT NO. 4","Desc1":"SAUDI ARABIA AL SARAWAT NO.4 WAS SHOT AT BY UNKNOWN PEOPLE WITH CANNONS AND RIFELS. SHOTS HIT THE ENGINE ROOM CAUSING THE VESSEL TO SINK, AND THE CREW WAS SAFELY RESCUED.","coords.x1":42.00694,"coords.x2":13.01028} {"Reference":"1991-40","DateOfOcc":"1991-10-18","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"SOMALIAN AUTHORITIES","Victim":"FRENCH CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA- Vicinity Cap Gardafui 18OCT91 a French cargo vessel was stopped by Somalian Authorities within the Territorial waters of Somalia. This incident was similar to past French shipping experiences where extreme force was used. Mariners are advised to","Desc2":"use caution when transiting waters adjacent to or in Somalian Territorial Limits.","coords.x1":49.5,"coords.x2":11.5} {"Reference":"1991-24","DateOfOcc":"1991-08-06","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V VALDORA","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN- Vicinity of Cape Guardafui 061245ZAUG91, Vessel was attacked by Pirates on a \"gun boat\" about 1.5-nm NW of Cape Guardafui. Ship's rockets repelled the attack. No property stolen or casualties reported.","coords.x1":51.23333,"coords.x2":11.85} {"Reference":"1991-7","DateOfOcc":"1991-02-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"ARKTIS SUN","Desc1":"PERSIAN GULF. The ARKTIS SUN (Danish) was attacked by pirates on 12FEB91, after dark in 25-03N 53-36E. The captain was held at gunpoint and forced to empty the safe. He was then handcuffed to the ship's wheel. About $5,000 in cash and papers, including","Desc2":"NATO advice for the defense of merchant vessels in war, were stolen. The two pirates, wearing black dress with red Arab scarves and armed with machine guns left the ARKTIS SUN unchallenged.","coords.x1":53.6,"coords.x2":25.05} {"Reference":"1990-19","DateOfOcc":"1990-10-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"EPLF","Victim":"YUGOSLAVIAN MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"RED SEA. ETHIOPIA. A RECENT REPORT INDICATES THE EPLF HAVE RESUMED ATTACKS ON MERCHANT SHIPPING IN THE SOUTHERN RED SEA. RECENTLY, A YUGOSLAVIAN FLAG MERCHANT VESSEL WAS FIRED UPON AND BOARDED IN SUDANESE WATERS BY FORCES IDENTIFYING THEMSELVES AS THE","Desc2":"EPLF NAVY. THE VESSEL AND CREW WERE DETAINED FOR TWO DAYS, THEN RELEASED. VESSELS ARE URGED TO USE EXTREME CAUTION ALONG THE SUDANESE AND ETHIOPIAN COASTLINE FROM PORT SUDAN TO ASEB. SEE SPECIAL WARNING 76.","coords.x1":42,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"1991-2","DateOfOcc":"1990-09-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MV PIVOT","Desc1":"PERSIAN GULF. SAUDI ARABIA. SEPTEMBER 1990. MV PIVOT ENCOUNTERED PIRATES SOMETIME IN SEPTEMBER 1990 2 MILES EAST OF FARASAN ISLAND. GOODS AND $5,000 WERE STOLEN. PIRATES WERE ARMED WITH GUNS AND A SMALL CANNON.","coords.x1":42,"coords.x2":16.83333} {"Reference":"1990-24","DateOfOcc":"1990-09-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ARMED PIRATES","Victim":"M/V PIVOT","Desc1":"RED SEA. SAUDI ARABIA. M/V PIVOT BOARDED BY PIRATES WHILE STEAMING AT ABOUT 2 KNOTS EAST OF FARASAN ISLAND. MONEY/GOODS TAKEN UNDER FORCE. PIRATES ARMED WITH GUNS AND A SMALL CANNON.","coords.x1":42,"coords.x2":16.83333} {"Reference":"1990-14","DateOfOcc":"1990-08-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"IRAQ","Victim":"ALL COMMERCIAL SHIPPING","Desc1":"SPECIAL WARNING NUMBER 79. PERSIAN GULF. IRAQI MILITARY FORCES CROSSED THE KUWAITI BORDER AND OCCUPIED MOST OF KUWAIT ON 02 AUGUST 1990. ALL COMMERCIAL SHIPPING SHOULD BE ADVISED TO REMAIN MORE THAN TWELVE NAUTICAL MILES FROM IRAQ/KUWAIT COASTAL AREA","Desc2":"UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. SEE SPECIAL WARNING 79.","coords.x1":49,"coords.x2":29} {"Reference":"1990-3","DateOfOcc":"1990-01-03","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ERITREAN PEOPLES LIBERATION FRONT","Victim":"BOLESLAW KRZYZWUSTY","Desc1":"3 JANUARY 1990. RED SEA. THE POLISH FREIGHTER BOLESLAW DRZYZWUSTY OWNED BY THE POLISH OCEANIC LINES WAS MISSING 3 JAN 1990 AFTER SENDING OUT A DISTRESS SIGNAL. THE SHIP HAD LEFT SUDAN ON 2 JAN 1990 AND WAS DUE TO ARRIVE LATE 3 JAN 1990 IN MASSAWA,","Desc2":"ETHIOPIA. THE SHIP WAS HIT BY SEVERAL ROCKETS, APPARENTLY BY REBELS OF THE ERITREAN PEOPLES LIBERATION FRONT (EPLF). THE SHIP SANK. ANOTHER SHIP ATTEMPTED TO RESCUE THE CREW BUT CAME UNDER FIRE FROM ASSAILANTS ON LAND AND WAS FORCED TO RETREAT. THE CREW","Desc3":"MANAGED TO ESCAPE THE BLAZING WRECK IN LIFEBOATS. 08 JAN 1990. THE CREW OF THE BOLESLAW ARE IN THE HANDS OF THE EPLF AND REPORTED SAFE. DIPLOMATIC EFFORTS ARE UNDER WAY TO RELEASE THE CREW. SEE SPECIAL WARNING 76","coords.x1":42,"coords.x2":16} {"Reference":"1989-19","DateOfOcc":"1989-12-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"MOGADISHU REBELS","Victim":"ALL SHIPPING","Desc1":"The Somali National Movement (SNM) warns all shipping agencies not to cooperate with the dying regime of Mogadishu,because they are not able to ensure the safety of ships and their crews against any dangers that they may be exposed to. For this reason on","Desc2":"December 5, 1989, the SNM Coast Guard seized a ship flying a Panamanian flag enroute to Berbera,Somalia. This is a major port still in the hands of the loyalist troops of the Mogadishu Regime. This is the third ship the SNM has seized.","coords.x1":45,"coords.x2":10.5} {"Reference":"1990-5","DateOfOcc":"1989-09-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"STONEWALL JACKSON","Desc1":"MADRAS HARBOR PIRATES FROM AN UNLIT FISHING BOAT IN MADRAS HARBOR BOARDED STONEWALL JACKSON 24 SEPT 89 AT 0200 LOCAL. CREW HELD AT BAY WITH KNIVES, PIRATES STOLE ALUMINUM LADDERS AND DEPARTED SHIP.","coords.x1":58,"coords.x2":18} {"Reference":"1989-16","DateOfOcc":"1989-01-01","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF YEMEN","Victim":"U.S. MARINERS","Desc1":"RED SEA, YEMEN 1. MARINERS ARE ADVISED THAT CAUTION SHOULD BE OBSERVED IN ENTERING THE TWELVE NAUTICAL MILE TERRITORIAL SEA CLAIMED BY THE PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF YEMEN (PDRY). THE UNITED STATES DOES NOT ENJOY DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH THE PDYR","Desc2":"AND THERE HAVE BEEN PREVIOUS INCIDENTS OF ATTACK ON AMERICAN SHIPS. 2. THE PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE IS SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADVISING UNITED STATES MARINERS OF INFORMATION RELEVANT TO NAVIGATIONAL SAFETY AND IN NO WAY CONSTITUTES A LEGAL","Desc3":"RECOGNITION BY THE UNITED STATES OF THE VALIDITY OF ANY FOREIGN RULE, REGULATION, OR PROCLAMATION SO PUBLISHED. SEE SPECIAL WARNING 76","coords.x1":42,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"1988-8","DateOfOcc":"1988-04-14","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"IRAN","Victim":"USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS","Desc1":"THE US NAVY GUIDED MISSILE FRIGATE USS SAMUEL B ROBERTS (3500 TON) HIT AN UNDERWQTER MINE AND SUFFERED FLOODING THE ENGINE ROOM. TEN CREW MEMBERS WERE HURT.","coords.x1":49,"coords.x2":29} {"Reference":"1988-6","DateOfOcc":"1988-03-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"IRAN","Victim":"STAVROS G.L.","Desc1":"GREEK TANKER STAVROS G.L. WAS ATTACKED BY IRANIAN SEA RAIDERS ON ITS WAY TO THE SAUDI TERMINAL OF RAS TANURA SENDING 10 OF 29 CREW MEMBERS TO A LIFEBOAT. US NAVY FRIGATE JACK WILLIAMS RUSHED TO RESCUE WHILE SLAVAGE TUGS BATTLED THE BLAZE.","coords.x1":49,"coords.x2":29} {"Reference":"1988-7","DateOfOcc":"1988-03-22","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"IRAN","Victim":"TANKER HAVGLIMT","Desc1":"IRANIAN GUNBOATS AND A HELICOPTER KILLED 2 SEAMEN USING ROCKET PROPELLED GRENADES, AND INJURED NINE OTHERS ON THE 38,534 TON AMMONIA TANKER HAVGLIMT. BRITISH DESTROYER HMS EXETER SENT A MEDICAL TEAM TO HELP CREW. MOST INJURIES WERE FROM INHALATION OF","Desc2":"AMMONIA. THE TANKER IS REGISTERED IN SINGAPORE.","coords.x1":49,"coords.x2":29} {"Reference":"1987-28","DateOfOcc":"1987-10-15","SubReg":"62","Victim":"SEA ISLE CITY","Desc1":"PERSIAN GULF 16 OCTOBER 1987 SEA ISLE CITY /WCYQ WAS HIT BY A MISSILE IN POSITION 29.05N 48.19E AT APPROXIMATELY 0245Z. ANOTHER SHIP WAS HIT BY A MISSILE IN THE SAME VICINITY PREVIOUS DAY TO THIS INCIDENT.","coords.x1":48.3,"coords.x2":29.05} {"Reference":"1987-2","DateOfOcc":"1987-01-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"M/V SOLENA","Desc1":"PERSIAN GULF. RAS TANNURAH M/V SOLENA REPORTS DAMAGE BY UNDERWATER EXPLOSION, POSSIBLE MINE , WHILE AT ANCHOR IN 25-07-42N 52-17-30E.","coords.x1":52.29167,"coords.x2":25.12833} {"Reference":"1986-37","DateOfOcc":"1986-10-17","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"UNIDENTIFIED GUNBOAT","Victim":"FIVE BROOKS","Desc1":"THE M/V FIVE BROOKS WAS ATTACKED AT 0225 LOCAL TIME WHILE OUTBOUND FROM KUWAIT TOWARDS THE STRAIT OF HORMUZ. AN UNIDENTIFIED GUNBOAT WAS OBSERVED IN THE AREA. SEVERAL CREW WERE REPORTED KILLED. THE SHIP WAS ANCHORED AND ON FIRE IN 26-18N 056-16E AT LAST","Desc2":"REPORT.","coords.x1":56.13333,"coords.x2":26.25} {"Reference":"1986-17","DateOfOcc":"1986-04-26","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"KUWAITI GUNBOAT","Victim":"ALLIED ONE","Desc1":"THE VESSEL ALLIED ONE WAS REPORTEDLY FIRED ON AND BOARDED BY A KUWAITI GUNBOAT AT 0130 LOCAL TIME ON 26 APR 86. SUPPOSEDLY A SEARCH WAS MADE FOR SMUGGLERS BUT NONE WERE FOUND.","coords.x1":48.78333,"coords.x2":28.68333} {"Reference":"1986-21","DateOfOcc":"1986-04-23","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"ETHIOPIA","Victim":"BAND AID STAR","Desc1":"ASSAB, ETHIOPIA. FROM 23 APR TO 05 MAY 86, THE ETHIOPIAN GOVERNMENT SEIZED CARGO OF BLANKETS AND DRUGS FROM WEST GERMAN MV BAND AID STAR. VESSEL WAS RELEASED.","coords.x1":42.75833,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"1986-20","DateOfOcc":"1986-04-08","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"ALASKA II","Desc1":"AN EXPLOSION OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN, HEARD AND FELT ON VESSEL'S STARBOARD SIDE, SANK GREEK M/V ALASKA II IN 27-00N 034-29E. NINE OF THE ELEVEN CREW WERE RESCUED.","coords.x1":34.48333,"coords.x2":27} {"Reference":"1986-3","DateOfOcc":"1986-01-12","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"IRANIAN NAVAL FORCES","Victim":"SS PRESIDENT TAYLOR","Desc1":"WHILE PROCEEDING TOWARDS FUJAIRAH THE PRESIDENT TAYLOR WAS CHALLENGED BY AN IRANIAN NAVAL VESSEL AND ORDERED TO HEAVE TO FOR INSPECTION. THE PRES. TAYLOR WAS IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS AND REFUSED TO STOP. THE IRANIANS THREATENED ACTION AND THE U.S. SHIP","Desc2":"SUBMITTED TO BOARDING AND SEARCH. THE ENTIRE EVOLUTION TOOK ABOUT 2 HOURS. NO ONE WAS HURT AND NOTHING IMPROPER WAS DISCOVERED. THREE CONTAINERS WERE EXAMINED AND THE VESSEL WAS ALLOWED TO PROCEED.","coords.x1":56.83333,"coords.x2":24.83333} {"Reference":"1986-1","DateOfOcc":"1985-12-28","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"IRANIAN NAVAL FORCES","Victim":"HORNELAND","Desc1":"NOTE: POSITION QUOTED ABOVE IS AN ESTIMATE BASED ON NEWS REPORTS OF 125 AND 130 MILES EAST OF THE STRAIT OF HORMUZ WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE. THE POSITION IS APPROXIMATELY 130 MILES SOUTHEAST OF THE STRAIT IN THE CENTER OF THE GULF OF OMAN PURELY FOR REFERENCE","Desc2":"PURPOSES. THE IRANIAN NAVY INTERCEPTED THE DANISH FLAG CARGO SHIP HORNELAND AND DIVERTED IT TO A SOUTHERN IRANIAN PORT BECAUSE IT WAS OSTENSIBLY CARRYING EXPLOSIVES DESTINED FOR IRAQ. THE IRANIAN NAVY COMMENTED, IN THE IRANIAN MEDIA, THAT THE IRANIAN","Desc3":"NAVY HAD NOTICED RECENTLY THAT SHIPS CARRYING SUSPICIOUS CARGO TO IRAQ ARE CHOOSING ALTERNATE ROUTES IN ORDER TO AVOID IRANIAN PATROLS. WITH THIS IN MIND, THE IRANIAN NAVY HAS EXPANDED ITS PATROL AREA DEEP INSIDE THE GULF OF OMAN UP TO 400 KM (220NM)","Desc4":"OUTSIDE THE STRAIT OF HORMUZ.","coords.x1":57.75,"coords.x2":24.75} {"Reference":"1985-31","DateOfOcc":"1985-11-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"IRANIAN NAVY","Victim":"AMSTERDAM","Desc1":"THE OCEAN GOING TUG AMSTERDAM WAS SEIZED BY THE IRANIAN NAVY ON 05 NOV. THE TUG WAS TOWING A GREEK SUPERTANKER WHICH HAD BEEN HIT BY TWO IRAQI MISSILES. THE TUG WAS CHARGED WITH BEING A SPY SHIP BECAUSE IT WAS EQUIPPED WITH RADAR AND LONG RANGE","Desc2":"COMMUNICATIONS GEAR. THE INCIDENT TOOK PLACE SOMEWHERE IN THE PERSIAN GULF. THE AMSTERDAM WAS TAKEN TO SIRRI ISLAND ON 09 NOV 85.","coords.x1":55.46667,"coords.x2":25.83333} {"Reference":"1985-29","DateOfOcc":"1985-10-16","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"IRANIAN NAVY","Victim":"VILLE D'AURORE","Desc1":"THE IRANIAN NAVY STOPPED, REROUTED TO PORT, SEARCHED AND RELEASED A FREIGHTER, THE VILLE D'AURORE, SUSPECTED OF CARRYING CARGO BOUND FOR IRAQ. THE INCIDENT OCCURRED IN THE ENTRANCE OF THE STRAIT OF HORMUZ.THE ABOVE POSITION IS AN ESTIMATE FOR GENERAL","Desc2":"LOCATION PURPOSES.","coords.x1":57,"coords.x2":27} {"Reference":"1985-26","DateOfOcc":"1985-09-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"IRANIAN NAVY","Victim":"TOGO MARU / CYPRIOT VESSEL","Desc1":"NOTE: ABOVE POSITION IS BASED ON THE STATEMENT OF OCCURRENCE BEING IN THE \"EASTERN PART OF THE GULF\". A PREVIOUS REPORT HAD GIVEN THE LOCATION OF THE INCIDENT AS 90 KILOMETERS SOUTH OF THE STRAIT OF HORMUZ IN THE GULF OF OMAN. THE IRANIAN NAVY CONFIRMED","Desc2":"IT HAD SEIZED THE JAPANESE CONTAINER SHIP TOGO MARU IN THE PERSIAN GULF ALONG WITH A CYPRUS REGISTERED FREIGHTER. NAVAL AUTHORITIES SAID THE JAPANESE SHIP WAS SEIZED FRIDAY MORNING (20 SEP) IN THE EASTERN PART OF THE GULF. IRANIAN SOLDIERS BOARDED THE","Desc3":"TOGO MARU FOR INSPECTION.THE SHIP WAS BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN DIVERTED TO A NAVAL BASE IN BANDAR ABBAS IN SOUTHERN IRAN. NO DETAILS ARE AVAILABLE CONCERNING THE CYPRIOT SHIP.","coords.x1":56,"coords.x2":26.33333} {"Reference":"1985-25","DateOfOcc":"1985-09-11","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"IRANIAN NAVY","Victim":"JINJIANG","Desc1":"A CHINESE CARGO SHIP, JINJIANG, WAS INTERCEPTED BY THREE IRANIAN NAVAL VESSELS ABOUT 0100 LOCAL TIME 11 SEP. SHIP REPORTED TO BE IN INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ROUTE. THE SHIP, ENROUTE TO KUWAIT, WAS SEARCHED AND FORCED TO GO TO BANDAR ABBAS. SHIP WAS","Desc2":"ULTIMATELY DESTINED FOR IRAQ WITH 13,000 TONS OF CORN.","coords.x1":49.54917,"coords.x2":28.63556} {"Reference":"1985-24","DateOfOcc":"1985-09-04","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"IRANIAN NAVY","Victim":"AL WATTYAH","Desc1":"KUWAIT REGISTERED CONTAINER SHIP AL WATTYAH WAS SEIZED BY IRANIAN NAVY ON 04 SEP NEAR THE STRAIT OF HORMUZ. THE POSITION GIVEN ABOVE IS BASED ON A ROUGH ESTIMATE OF 55 KILOMETERS SOUTHEAST OF HORMUZ. THE SHIP MAINTAINS IT WAS IN OMAN TERRITORIAL WATER","Desc2":"WHEN IT WAS SEIZED AND DIVERTED TO THE IRANIAN COAST FOR INSPECTION. IRAN REPORTEDLY CONFISCATED CARGO BOUND FOR IRAQ. THE CREW OF THE 24,302-TON SHIP IS REPORTED TO BE SAFE. THE CREW AND MASTER ARE JAPANESE.","coords.x1":56,"coords.x2":26} {"Reference":"1985-17","DateOfOcc":"1985-06-20","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"IRANIAN NAVY","Victim":"AL-MUHARRAQ","Desc1":"GULF OF OMAN. A RECENT REPORT STATES THAT ON 20 JUN A CARGO SHIP APPROACHING THE STRAIT OF HORMUZ WAS BOARDED BY IRANIAN FORCES AND DIVERTED TO AN IRANIAN PORT. THE SHIP WAS SAILING UNDER THE FLAG OF KUWAIT. SHE HAS A CREW OF 13 OFFICERS AND 22 RATINGS.","Desc2":"FOUR OFFICERS ARE BRITISH AND THE REST ARE ARAB. THE CREW ARE FROM BANGLEDESH. THE SHIP IS ABOUT 23,800 TONS AND WAS CARRYING GENERAL CARGO. ACCORDING TO THE WASHINGTON TIMES OF 15 OR 16 JULY 1985, THE AL-MUHARRAQ WAS DISCHARGED BY THE IRANIANS.","coords.x1":56.85,"coords.x2":26.15} {"Reference":"1985-16","DateOfOcc":"1985-04-24","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"RED SEA. A vessel is reported to have struck a mine and sunk in 26-48N 034-39E.","coords.x1":34.65,"coords.x2":26.8} {"Reference":"1985-12","DateOfOcc":"1984-08-05","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"RED SEA. A tanker is believed to have struck a mine at 18-25N 040-10E.","coords.x1":40.16667,"coords.x2":18.41667} {"Reference":"1985-11","DateOfOcc":"1984-08-02","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"RED SEA. Mariners should exercise extreme caution when transitting the waters of the Red Sea near the Bab El Mandeb Strait. There have been unconfirmed reports of explosions, possibly caused by mines, near ships in the area.","coords.x1":39,"coords.x2":20} {"Reference":"1985-10","DateOfOcc":"1984-07-30","SubReg":"62","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"GULF OF SUEZ. Mariners should exercise extreme caution when transiting the waters of the Gulf of Suez. There have been unconfirmed reports of explosions, possibly caused by mines, near ships in this area.","coords.x1":32.5,"coords.x2":29.5} {"Reference":"2013-269","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP NADIR","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 27 August, the anchored Marshall Islands-flagged container ship NADIR was boarded while at position 22-11N 091-42E, Chittagong Anchorage. Approximately 16 robbers in two boats approached the ship. Five robbers armed with long knives boarded","Desc2":"the ship and began to lower ship's stores into their boats. Duty officer noticed the robbers, raised the alarm and crew mustered. Seeing crew alertness the robbers escaped with stolen ship stores. Incident reported to the coast guard.","coords.x1":91.7,"coords.x2":22.18333} {"Reference":"2013-260","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Container ship","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 16 August, the anchored Liberia-flagged container ship HENRIETTE SCHULTE was boarded at 22-10N 091-42E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. Four robbers, armed with knives, boarded the anchored container ship. The Officer of the Watch spotted them","Desc2":"and immediately raised the alarm. All crew mustered. Seeing crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with stolen ship stores. Local authorities were informed.","coords.x1":91.7,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2013-261","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Trawler","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 15 August, a fishing trawler was hijacked, along with the kidnapping of 15 fishermen along the Meghna River. A gang of pirates attacked three trawlers in the Talia Char area. When the fishermen tried to resist the bandits, they opened fire,","Desc2":"injuring one man. The pirates looted valuables from the trawlers and kidnapped the 15 fishermen onboard.","coords.x1":90.7,"coords.x2":22.8} {"Reference":"2013-262","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Hijackers","Victim":"Trawlers","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 14 August, two fishing trawlers were hijacked, along with the kidnapping of 21 fishermen, along the Meghna River. Local authorities managed to rescue 10 of the kidnapped fishermen soon after the incident.","coords.x1":90.7,"coords.x2":22.8} {"Reference":"2013-263","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Container ship","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 10 August, the anchored Singapore-flagged container ship KOTA HARTA was boarded at 22-09N 091-47E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. Three robbers boarded the ship from the poop deck, using a hook and rope. Upon discovering the robbers, the duty","Desc2":"watchman immediately raised the alarm. Two of the robbers jumped overboard while the third robber grabbed the life-ring from the ship and threw it overboard before escaping in a small wooden boat.","coords.x1":91.78333,"coords.x2":22.15} {"Reference":"2013-270","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER ST. MICHAELIS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 4 August, the anchored Hong Kong-flagged product tanker ST. MICHAELIS was boarded at 22-11N 091-41E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. While at anchor, robbers boarded the vessel from astern. When the alarm was raised, the crew locked itself in","Desc2":"the superstructure.","coords.x1":91.68333,"coords.x2":22.18333} {"Reference":"2013-236","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"Chemical tanker","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 27 July, the Denmark-flagged anchored chemical tanker TORM LOIRE was boarded in the vicinity of 22-13N 091-46 E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. While awaiting berthing instructions, the duty crew on routine patrol noticed a robber lowering","Desc2":"ropes into a waiting boat. The duty officer was informed, who then raised the alarm and mustered the crew. Upon the crews approach to the stern, the robbers cut off the loose rope and escaped in the boat. Local authorities were notified.","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2013-228","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA:On 24 July, the anchored Singapore-flagged chemical tanker BUNGA LUCERNE was boarded at 22-48N 070-03E, at the Kandla Anchorage. An able bodied seaman and a deck cadet, who were carrying out routine work on the forecastle of the anchored chemical","Desc2":"tanker, noticed three small boats approaching. The able bodied seaman immediately informed the duty officer. The boats started distracting the ship's crew by asking them to buy their fish. The able bodied seaman and the cadet checked on the other side of","Desc3":"the vessel and observed that two robbers from another boat were in the process of getting on board while another was already on board. The duty officer raised the alarm and sounded the ship's whistle, resulting in the robbers jumping overboard and","Desc4":"escaping in their boat. Port Authorities and vessels in the vicinity were informed.","coords.x1":70.05,"coords.x2":22.8} {"Reference":"2013-209","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIA:On 30 June, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 22-58N 070-14E, at the Kandla Inner Anchorage. Three to four robbers, in a boat, boarded the anchored bulk carrier. The Duty Officer noticed the boarding and immediately raised the alarm. Upon","Desc2":"hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in their waiting boat. During investigation, it was discovered that ship's stores were stolen. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":70.23333,"coords.x2":22.96667} {"Reference":"2013-201","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL CHUN YING","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:The owners of fishing vessel CHUN YING reported that they lost contact with their vessel since 20 JUNE 2013 at 0110 LT while the vessel in position 00-34N 054-48E. The vessel's satellite phones and tracking system are turned off. There are","Desc2":"28 crew members and 3 guards onboard. The vessel is missing in the HRA for pirate activities. The fate of the crew and vessel is unknown.","coords.x1":54.8,"coords.x2":0.56667} {"Reference":"2013-202","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL CHUN YING","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:The owners reported that a sister ship located the fishing vessel CHUN YING at position 01-13.28N 055-24.17E. The vessel was destroyed by a fire onboard. The two life rafts onboard were missing. The fate of the 28 crew members and 3 guards","Desc2":"is unknown. They may be in the liferafts. All vessels are requested to keep a sharp lookout for the missing crew members/liferafts and report to the IMB Piracy Reporting Center immediately if they have any information.","coords.x1":55.40283,"coords.x2":1.22133} {"Reference":"2013-188","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER GOLDEN AVENUE","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 15 June, the Liberia-flagged anchored chemical tanker GOLDEN AVENUE was boarded at 22-09N 091-47E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. Approximately 20 robbers armed with axes and machetes, in three wooden boats, approached and boarded a chemical","Desc2":"tanker while anchored. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The Master informed Port Control and Coast Guard, who sent out a patrol boat to investigate. However, the robbers managed to escape with ship stores before the authorities arrived. All","Desc3":"crew are safe.","coords.x1":91.78333,"coords.x2":22.15} {"Reference":"2013-181","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"OIL TANKER TAIZAN","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:On 05 June, the Panama-flagged underway oil tanker TAIZAN experienced a suspicious approach at 17-12N 066-47E, approximately 291 nm southwest of Mumbai, India. A boat approached the vessel closing to 1.5 nm. TAIZAN attempted to increase","Desc2":"speed, but only up to 13.8 kts due to prevailing swells. Master ordered two parachute signals fired against the boat, then an additional four parachute signals as the boat continued to approach. Finally the boat gave up further approach.","coords.x1":66.78333,"coords.x2":17.2} {"Reference":"2013-162","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER GOLDEN ADVENTURE","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 23 May, the berthed product tanker GOLDEN ADVENTURE was boarded in the vicinity of 22-16N 091-48E, at the Chittagong port. During discharge operations at berth, the tanker was boarded by robbers armed with knives. They were noticed by the","Desc2":"local watchman who immediately raised the alarm. The crew and watchman proceeded to the location, armed with long sticks and metal pipes. Seeing the approaching crew, the robbers jumped overboard and tried to escape with a mooring line, which the crew","Desc3":"successfully recovered. Port authorities informed.","coords.x1":91.8,"coords.x2":22.26667} {"Reference":"2013-133","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Fishing Vessel reports possible piracy activity in 01-49N 051-11E. Vessels are advised to keep clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":51.18333,"coords.x2":1.81667} {"Reference":"2013-92","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER NEW CENTURY","Desc1":"INDIA:On 05 April, the tanker NEW CENTURY experienced an attempted boarding at 17-39N 083-24E, at the Visakhapatnam Anchorage. Seven robbers in three fishing boats approached the anchored vessel. Two robbers managed to reach the ship's rail using hooks","Desc2":"attached to heaving lines but were noticed by the alert duty crew, who raised the alarm and prevented them from boarding. The robbers moved away from the vessel and waited at a short distance. Incident reported to port control and a patrol boat was","Desc3":"dispatched to search the area.","coords.x1":83.4,"coords.x2":17.65} {"Reference":"2013-118","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER CRANE","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 01 April, the bulk carrier CRANE was boarded at 22-15N 091-44E, at the Chittagong Anchorage `A'. The vessel was attacked while discharging. During a routine patrol of vessel by ship staff, approx. 6 robbers armed with long knives were found","Desc2":"on forecastle. They were gone by the time crew arrived.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2013-90","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"VESSEL SEA PIONEER","Desc1":"MALDIVES:Vessel SEA PIONEER reported possible mothership activity in 07-40.1N 074-14.5E.","coords.x1":74.24167,"coords.x2":7.66833} {"Reference":"2013-89","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING TRAWLERS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 25 March, three fishing trawlers were hijacked in the vicinity of 21-26N 091-35E, approximately 20 nm off the coast of Cox's Bazaar. A gang of 20 to 25 pirates attacked the 34 fishermen onboard the three trawlers. The crews were beaten,","Desc2":"shot with rubber bullets, had their arms and legs bound, and then thrown overboard. Three of the crew managed to get away, later saved by other fishermen. Currently 21 bodies have been recovered, while 10 are still missing.","coords.x1":91.58333,"coords.x2":21.43333} {"Reference":"2013-83","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER NORD OPTIMISER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 22 March, the anchored tanker NORD OPTIMISER was boarded at 22-15N 091-44E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel during anchoring operations. They stole ship's stores and properties before escaping. Port authorities,","Desc2":"Coast Guard, and agent informed.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2013-62","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 18 February, the tanker JASMINE EXPRESS was boarded at 22-11N 091-46E, at the Chittagong \"C\" Anchorage. After STS discharge operations, the crew on an anchored tanker while waiting for further instructions discovered that two STS mooring","Desc2":"ropes were stolen. Coast Guard informed.","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.18333} {"Reference":"2013-50","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 15 February, a bulk carrier was boarded at 22-15N 091-42E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. Robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain. Alert duty A/B noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. The robbers","Desc2":"threatened the A/B with the knives and then escaped without stealing anything. It is suspected that shore security officers onboard may have opened the anchor chain cover to help the robbers board.","coords.x1":91.7,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2013-45","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA:On 14 February, a tanker was boarded at 09-54N 076-08E at the Cochin Anchorage. Three robbers boarded the anchored vessel. Alert Duty Officer noticed movement on the forecastle deck and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing crew's","Desc2":"alertness, the robbers were seen jumping overboard. Investigation revealed that ship's stores were stolen.","coords.x1":76.13333,"coords.x2":9.9} {"Reference":"2013-25","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER BW YANGTZE","Desc1":"INDIA:On 29 January, the product tanker BW YANGTZE was boarded in the vicinity of 22-01N 088-06E, at the Haldia Anchorage. Robbers armed with knives and a gun, boarded the anchored vessel and started lowering mooring ropes. Duty Officer spotted the","Desc2":"robbers, raised the alarm, and informed Master. The robbers escaped with the stolen ship's stores. VTIS and Coast Guard informed.","coords.x1":88.1,"coords.x2":22.01667} {"Reference":"2013-26","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER CHAMPION TRUST","Desc1":"INDIA:On 27 January, the chemical tanker CHAMPION TRUST was boarded at 17-01N 082-24E, at the Kakinada Anchorage. Eight robbers in two boats armed with long knives approached the anchored vessel. Two of the robbers boarded and stole ship's stores from","Desc2":"the forecastle. Duty crew noticed the robbers and informed the Duty Officer, who raised the alarm and notified the Master. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped with the stolen stores. Port Control was informed","coords.x1":82.4,"coords.x2":17.01667} {"Reference":"2013-16","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 16 January, a bulk carrier was boarded at 22-17N 091-43E, at the Chittagong Anchorage. Five robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain during cargo operations. The Second Officer noticed the robbers and","Desc2":"directed a crewman to investigate. While approaching the forecastle, the crewman was threatened by three robbers. The Master ordered the crew to enter the accommodation and lock the access. The Second Officer directed the spot light towards the robbers,","Desc3":"who then escaped down the anchor chain. Upon inspection, it was found that ship's properties were stolen. Port control and Coast Guard were informed. A Coast Guard boat later arrived and searched for the robbers.","coords.x1":91.71667,"coords.x2":22.28333} {"Reference":"2013-12","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO VESSEL JADE SKY","Desc1":"INDIA:On 3 January, bulk cargo vessel JADE SKY boarded at 22-49N 070-03E, at the Kandla port anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel, broke into the forecastle store room, stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed.","coords.x1":70.05,"coords.x2":22.81667} {"Reference":"2012-336","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA:Three robbers in a wooden boat approached and boarded an anchored tanker in 9-57N 76-13E, at Cochin Outer Anchorage. They broke into the forecastle store and stole ship's stores. Duty crew heard some noises in the fore peak store, checked and found","Desc2":"the door's lock broken and infomed D/O who raised the alarm. On hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped with the stolen ship stores. Coast Guard and port control informed.","coords.x1":76.21667,"coords.x2":9.95} {"Reference":"2012-322","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:Vessel attacked in 06-40N 059-05E at 1100Z on 28 November.","coords.x1":59.08333,"coords.x2":6.66667} {"Reference":"2012-328","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIA:Bulk Carrier boarded on 24 November at 17-02N 082-25E, at the Kakinada Anchorage. Four robbers armed with knives and iron rods boarded an anchored bulk carrier via the poop deck. Duty A/B on rounds noticed the robbers stealing ship stores and","Desc2":"informed the OOW, who raised the alarm. As the A/B approached the robbers, they jumped overboard and escaped with their accomplices into boats. Port control informed.","coords.x1":82.41667,"coords.x2":17.03333} {"Reference":"2012-294","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Fishing vessel hijacked on 15 October at Kudawella, approximately 50 nm off the Hambantota Coast. Ten armed pirates in a fiberglass dinghy boarded THEJAN PUTHA reportedly with permission from the captain. The pirates, armed with swords, then","Desc2":"tied the hands of four crewmembers behind their backs and threw them overboard. Another crewmember jumped off the vessel before he could be subdued. Three of the crewmembers reportedly have died and the remaining two were rescued by merchant vessels in","Desc3":"the area. The location of the hijacked vessel is unknown at this time but is believed to be headed to Australia.","coords.x1":81.21667,"coords.x2":5.53333} {"Reference":"2012-295","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Bulk carrier boarded on 13 October at 22-15N 091-44E, at Chittagong Anchorage \"A\". Seven robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel from the aft during cargo operations. Duty crew noticed the robbers stealing ship's stores and","Desc2":"raised the alarm. On hearing the alarm and seeing the crew's alertness, the robbers jumped into the water and escaped with stolen stores. Coast Guard was notified and dispatched a patrol boat to search for the robbers, who had disappeared.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2012-283","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Tugboat boarded on 8 October near 05-56N 03-68W, at Chittagong Inner Anchorage. A gang of approximately 12 robbers armed with swords and knifes boarded the anchored tug while four crewmembers were working on deck. The crew members raised the","Desc2":"alarm and retreated to the accommodation spaces. The crew mustered, fired pyrotechnics at the robbers, and notified Coast Guard officials who arrived and searched the area. The robbers escaped with stolen ship stores.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2012-264","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Bulk carrier boarded on 19 September at 22-54N 91-45E, at Chittagong Anchorage. Two armed robbers carrying knives boarded the ship while at anchor and held a crew member hostage at knifepoint. Four additional robbers boarded the ship via the","Desc2":"hawse pipe. They searched the crew member for store room keys and then tied him up. No keys were found, so the robbers broke into the store room. Stevedores on an approaching lighter vessel spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. Seeing the alert crew","Desc3":"and stevedores, the robbers escaped via the hawse pipe. Port control and Coast Guard units were informed of the event.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.9} {"Reference":"2012-256","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA:Chemical tanker hijacked on 7 September near 21-40N 088-01E, Sagar Anchorage, Haldia. Four armed robbers carrying knives and rods boarded the anchored vessel from the aft. Duty crew members spotted the robbers and immediately informed the Chief","Desc2":"Officer and Master. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered while the robbers escaped with four mooring ropes. The event was reported to the Indian Coast Guard.","coords.x1":88.01667,"coords.x2":21.66667} {"Reference":"2012-239","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Vessel attacked in 01-16N 058-07E at 170952Z August.","coords.x1":58.11667,"coords.x2":1.26667} {"Reference":"2012-238","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Bulk carrier boarded on 17 August at 21-52N 091-41E, Kutubdia Anchorage. An unknown number of robbers boarded the anchored vessel,stole ship's stores and escape unnoticed. The theft was later discovered by a duty crewman while making rounds.","Desc2":"Port Control office and local Coast Guard office notified.","coords.x1":91.68333,"coords.x2":21.86667} {"Reference":"2012-235","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Container ship boarded on 9 August at 22-09N 091-44E, Chittagong Inner Anchorage. A gang of approximately 10 robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel from the stern, captured one crewmember and threatened him with their","Desc2":"knives while they stole ship's stores. The Duty Officer raised the alarm after losing contact with the duty crew. The crew was mustered and rushed the aft mooring station. The robbers released the duty crewman and escaped with the stolen stores.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.15} {"Reference":"2012-211","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LPG CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIA:LPG carrier boarded on 4 July at 17-39N 083-23E, at Visakhapatnam anchorage. Six robbers in a long wooden boat with sail and oars came alongside the anchored vessel. Two robbers boarded the vessel and stole ship's properties. The Duty Officer","Desc2":"noticed the boat and informed the duty A/B to investigate. The duty A/B discovered the robbers on the poop deck and pursued them.The robbers jumped overboard and escaped with the stolen items in the waiting boat. The alarm was raised and port control was","Desc3":"informed. The crew searched the area for any other robbers.","coords.x1":83.38333,"coords.x2":17.65} {"Reference":"2012-206","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Container ship boarded on 26 June at 22-10N 091-42 E, at Chittagong Anchorage \"B\". Two pirates armed with knives boarded the anchored vessel following a heavy rain shower. One of the pirates attacked a duty crewman at the aft station, who","Desc2":"immediately reported the incident to the bridge and managed to escape to the accommodation spaces. The alarm was raised, the crew mustered, as 15 pirates were observed in a boat leaving with stolen ship's stores. The Master informed the Coast Guard who","Desc3":"responded immediately.","coords.x1":91.7,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2012-200","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIA:Bulk Carrier was boarded on 17 June at 17:00 N - 082:18 E, Kakinada Anchorage, India. Robbers boarded the anchored bulk carrier. The duty A/B on rounds heard two robbers talking to each other on the forecastle. He immediately informed the 2/O on","Desc2":"the bridge who raised the alarm and sounded the ship's whistle continuously. The duty A/B heard a motor boat moving away from the vicinity of the forecastle. On inspection, a new mooring rope was found partially hacked into small pieces on the deck.","Desc3":"Kakinada port control was called on VHF but no response was received. The ship's agent was informed and a security message was transmitted via VHF to warn other ships at the anchorage area.","coords.x1":82.3,"coords.x2":17} {"Reference":"2012-188","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Tanker boarded on 22 May while at anchor at 22:15 N ? 091:44 E, 3.9 nm northwest of Patenga Point Light. Pirates armed with knives boarded the anchored tanker, stole ship stores and escaped. The incident was reported to the coast guard who","Desc2":"immediately dispatched high speed boats which searched the waters and caught three pirates and recovered the ship stores within 2.5h hours.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2012-160","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"YEMEN:Crude oil tanker attacked on 09 May while underway at 10:40 N - 060:04 E 345 nm east-southeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. Pirates in two skiffs armed with AK47 and RPG approached the crude tanker. The pirates fired seven RPG rounds and more than 300","Desc2":"AK-47 rounds at the tanker from 500 meters away. Effective anti piracy measures resulted in the skiffs aborting and moving away. No injuries from the crew but the vessel sustained damage from the weapons firing.","coords.x1":60.06667,"coords.x2":10.66667} {"Reference":"2012-154","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:A merchant vessel reported being attacked on 07 May 2012 at 0405Z at posn 08:05N 056:18E, approximately 290 nm southeast of Socotra Island, Yemen.","coords.x1":56.3,"coords.x2":8.08333} {"Reference":"2012-153","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:M/V attacked in vicinity 08 08N 056 18E at 070350 UTC May 12. Vessels are advised to keep well clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution if in vicinity.","coords.x1":56.3,"coords.x2":8.13333} {"Reference":"2012-166","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"YEMEN:Container ship experience an attempted boarding on 07 May at 08:17 N-056:29 E, around 275 nm south east of Socotra Island, Yemen. Pirates in three skiffs approached and attempted to board the ship. Alarm was sounded and all non-essential crew","Desc2":"mustered in the citadel. Rocket parachute flares were fired to warn the approaching skiffs. When the skiffs closed to less than 0.5 nm the onboard security team fired warning shots, resulting in the skiffs aborting the attack and moving away.","coords.x1":56.48333,"coords.x2":8.28333} {"Reference":"2012-157","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Suspicious Craft","Victim":"Merchant Vessel","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:M/V suspicious approach in vicinity 04 49N 054 47E at 241949 UTC Apr 12. Vessels are advised to keep well clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution if in vicinity.","coords.x1":54.78333,"coords.x2":4.81667} {"Reference":"2012-159","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:14.04.2012: 0652 UTC: Posn: 16:54N - 65:59E, around 410 NM WSW of Mumbai, India. Seven pirates armed with guns in a skiff approached a chemical tanker underway at high speed. Alarm sounded and armed security team mustered. When the skiff was","Desc2":"0.5 NM from the vessel the armed security team fired warning shots and the skiff aborted the approach. a mother vessel was sighted in the vicinity.","coords.x1":65.98333,"coords.x2":16.9} {"Reference":"2012-163","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:M/V attacked in vicinity 12 14N - 061 45E at 090950 UTC Apr 12. Vessels are advised to keep well clear of this position and to exercise extreme cauton if in vicinity.","coords.x1":61.75,"coords.x2":12.23333} {"Reference":"2012-123","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Bulk carrier reportedly hijacked on 26 March while underway near position 07:00 N - 069:45 E: approximately 200 nm southwest of Minicoy Island, India. Pirates took hostage 23 crew members and are sailing the vessel towards the coast of","Desc2":"Somalia. Further reporting awaited.","coords.x1":69.75,"coords.x2":7} {"Reference":"2012-111","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Merchant Vessel","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:A merchant vessel reported being hijacked at 0330Z on 26MAR12 in position 07-00N - 069-49E, approximately 467 nm SW fro Cape Comorin, India. This area will remain high risk for at least the next 24-48 hours.","coords.x1":69.81667,"coords.x2":7} {"Reference":"2012-105","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Merchant Vessel","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:M/V Jag Prakash reported being chased by an un-identified craft in position 22-58N - 065-58E. Attempted piracy attack (6 miles fromvessel) at 221900 UTC Mar 2012. Vessels are advised to keep clear of this position and to exercise extreme","Desc2":"caution.","coords.x1":65.96667,"coords.x2":22.96667} {"Reference":"2012-90","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 3 March by ten robbers via the forecastle while the ship was anchored at position 17-02 N 082-25 E, Kakinada Anchorage. Duty watchman saw therobbers and raised the alarm. Seeing crew alertness, the robbers escaped in two","Desc2":"waiting boats after stealing a small amount of ship's stores. Master informed Port Control and local agent. No casualties to crew and no damage to ship.","coords.x1":82.41667,"coords.x2":17.03333} {"Reference":"2012-80","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship boarded on 29 February while anchored at position 21-44 N 091-37 E, 12 nm west of Kutubdia Island. Robbers were able to board the ship and steal ship's stores and escape unnoticed. Master informed port authority and local","Desc2":"agent.","coords.x1":91.61667,"coords.x2":21.73333} {"Reference":"2012-65","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA: Tanker experienced an attempted boarding on 15 February while anchored at position 09-57 N 076-02 E, 2.5 nm south of SPM Cochin Anchorage. Approximately 20 robbers in two boats approached the tanker and attempted to board. The lookout crew noticed","Desc2":"the robbers, raised the alarm, and mustered the crew. The robbers aborted the attack upon seeing the crew alertness and moved away. (IMB)","coords.x1":76.03333,"coords.x2":9.95} {"Reference":"2012-41","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: A general cargo ship underway noticed a mother ship lowering a skiff. The skiff with five armed pirates was seen approaching the vessel. The onboard armed security team fired warning flares which were ignored by the skiff. As the skiff","Desc2":"approached the vessel, at a distance of 500 meters the security team fired warning shots resulting in the skiff aborting and moving away.","coords.x1":58.23333,"coords.x2":4.91667} {"Reference":"2012-39","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"KANDLA ANCHORAGE, INDIA: Ten robbers boarded an anchored general cargo ship, stole ship stores and escaped unnoticed.","coords.x1":70.21667,"coords.x2":23.01667} {"Reference":"2012-35","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG OUTER ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH: Duty watchman onboard an anchored bulk carrier heard a small boat apprach the vessel. He then noticed movement on the forecastle deck and informed the duty officer. On reaching the forcastle the duty watchman and","Desc2":"duty officer noticed a robber stealing ship stores. On confronting the robber they were attacked and the duty officer was injured. The duty watchman returned to the accommodation and raised the alarm. The incident was reported to the authorities who sent","Desc3":"out the coast guard and medical assistance for the injured duty officer.","coords.x1":91.73667,"coords.x2":22.23333} {"Reference":"2012-94","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RO-RO SHIP","Desc1":"BAY OF BENGAL: Robbers boarded a RO-RO ship while awaiting pilot. Duty watchman sighted the robbers and informed Master. Master raised alarm and reported to coast guard. Robbers noticed crew alertness and escaped with stolen stores. No casualties to","Desc2":"crew.","coords.x1":91.70167,"coords.x2":22.205} {"Reference":"2012-30","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL/LIFERAFTS","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG, BANGLADESH: While waiting at anchorage for STS operations, the duty crew onboard noticed two liferafts on Portside missing. The incident was reported to local authorities through local agents.","coords.x1":91.72667,"coords.x2":21.30167} {"Reference":"2012-6","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BAY OF BENGAL: Deck watchman onboard an anchored container vessel noticed three small boats with around 25 robbers near the stern of the vessel with a few robbers onboard as well. He alerted the bridge and secured the accommodation. Seeing alert crew the","Desc2":"robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship stores. Coast Guard informed, who came out to investigate.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2011-469","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier boarded and robbed 20 November at 2315 LT while anchored in position 22-12N 091-45E, Chittangong, Bangladesh. Duty officer noticed the robbers on the forecastle deck and alerted the deck watchkeepers, who then rushed the","Desc2":"forecastle. Seeing alert crew the robbers escaped with stolen ship stores. (IMB)","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.2} {"Reference":"2011-464","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship boarded and robbed 16 November at 2100 LT while anchored in position 22-12.3N 091-42.2E, Chittangong, Bangladesh. Five robbers boarded the vessel. After the Master raised the alarm and flashed searchlights, the robbers escaped","Desc2":"with ships stores. (IMB)","coords.x1":91.70333,"coords.x2":22.205} {"Reference":"2011-440","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"360 MILES EAST OF HOBYO, SOMALIA: Armed pirates in two skiffs chased and attempted to board a tanker underway. Mother ship in the vicinity. Master increased speed, carried out evasive maneuvers and onboard security team fired warning shots. Ship evaded","Desc2":"the attack.","coords.x1":54.48333,"coords.x2":4.98333} {"Reference":"2011-427","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Bulk cargo vessel (MONTECRISTO) boarded and fired upon by pirates in one skiff 10 October at 0452 UTC while underway in position 12-31N 061-48E, approximately 440 nm east of Socotra Island, Yemen. Pirates fired at vessel with an RPG, crew","Desc2":"locked themselves in the citadel. A Royal Navy vessel and a U.S. frigate freed the vessel and all crew were safe. Eleven pirates were detained by authorities. (UKMTO, Operator, Press)","coords.x1":61.8,"coords.x2":12.51667} {"Reference":"2011-425","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 11-51N 060-50E at 0707Z on 08 Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":60.83333,"coords.x2":11.85} {"Reference":"2011-437","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIA-SOUTHWEST COAST: Container ship attacked by four skiffs on its stbd side on 07 Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":76.01667,"coords.x2":8.88333} {"Reference":"2011-417","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (GLENAN) fired upon by pirates in two skiffs 3 October at 0532 UTC while underway in position 04-59N 058-00E, approximately 558 nm east of Hobyo, Somalia. One dhow was also sighted. Vessel was protected by a French Navy team,","Desc2":"which exchanged fire with the pirates, no injuries were reported. (Operator)","coords.x1":58,"coords.x2":4.98333} {"Reference":"2011-409","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (UACC SHAMS) fired upon by four pirates in one skiff 2 October at 0350 UTC while underway in position 03-50N 056-23E, approximately 480 nm southeast of Hobyo, Somalia. Vessel noticed mothership launching two skiffs from 8 nm","Desc2":"away. Both skiffs approached, and at a distance of 4 nm one skiff turned back to the mothership, which had a white top and a red hull. Master raised the alarm and all nonessential crew retreated into the citadel. Armed security team fired warning shots","Desc3":"at the skiff when it closed to 800 meters, skiff fell back and fired RPG which exploded 200 meters from the vessel, which was unharmed, pirates then aborted the attack. (UKMTO, IMB)","coords.x1":56.39,"coords.x2":3.835} {"Reference":"2011-415","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 03-55N 056-20E at 0403Z on 02 Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":56.33333,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2011-404","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (TORM REPUBLICAN) fired upon by pirates in one skiff 29 September at 1215 UTC while underway in position 11-40.8N 063-05E, approximately 507 nm southeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. Vessel had fire hoses, razor wire, a","Desc2":"lookout, and sounded the alarm when the attack began. Armed security team fired warning shots, and skiff fired three shots at the vessel, then aborted the attack. (NATO Shipping Center)","coords.x1":63.08333,"coords.x2":11.66667} {"Reference":"2011-393","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIA: General cargo ship boarded and robbed 20 September at 2345 LT while anchored in position 17-03N 082-24E at the Kakinda Anchorage, India. Robbers boarded the vessel unnoticed, stole ship's stores, and escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":82.4,"coords.x2":17.05} {"Reference":"2011-386","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Chemical tanker boarded and robbed 15 September at 2045 LT while berthed in position 22-16.15N 091-49.19E at the Super Oil Refinery Terminal, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Two robbers with long knives boarded the vessel, held the duty watchman","Desc2":"hostage after he tried to stop them, stole ship's stores, and escaped in a wooden fast craft. (IMB)","coords.x1":91.81983,"coords.x2":22.26917} {"Reference":"2011-357","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH: A robber boarded an anchored container ship via the stern and tried to steal the ship's rope. The alert security guard spotted the robber and informed the duty officer who raised the alarm. Seeing crew alertness the","Desc2":"robber jumped overboard and escaped.","coords.x1":91.72167,"coords.x2":22.17667} {"Reference":"2011-350","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: General cargo ship was boarded 29 July at 0018 UTC while anchored in position 22-03.76N 091-46.31E, approximately 11NM south of Pattanga Lt House, Chittagong OPL, Bangladesh. Thirteen robbers boarded the vessel. The deck cadet and bosun saw","Desc2":"the robbers stealing the ship stores and informed the bridge. The officer of the watch raised the alarm, and the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. The vessel tried to but could not contact authorities. (IMB)","coords.x1":91.77183,"coords.x2":22.06267} {"Reference":"2011-299","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 15 MILES OFF TRIVANDRUM, INDIA: Master onboard a chemical tanker underway noticed a white hulled skiff around three miles ahead. The skiff was noticed to increase speed and approach the vessel at high speed. Vessel increased speed, altered course,","Desc2":"sounded alarm and took anti-piracy measures. The skiff continued to chase the vessel for around 10 minutes before stopping. Master reported five to six persons in the boat and also reported noticing some guns in the boat. The skiff was later heard to","Desc3":"have attacked another tanker.","coords.x1":76.66667,"coords.x2":8.48333} {"Reference":"2011-298","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 30 MILES OFF TRIVANDRUM, INDIA: Pirates in a skiff chased a chemical tanker underway. The vessel enforced anti-piracy preventive measures, sent SSAS alert. Later a naval helicopter arrived at location.","coords.x1":76.43333,"coords.x2":8.61667} {"Reference":"2011-290","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"AROUND 420 MILES EAST OF SOCOTRA ISLAND: Four pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. The skiff closed to around five meters from the ship. Effective anti-piracy measures including fire hoses and electric wire around vessel","Desc2":"prevented the pirates from gaining access.","coords.x1":61.76667,"coords.x2":12.55} {"Reference":"2011-295","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Bulk carrier (EMPEROR) was fired upon by one skiff with four pirates onboard 11 June at 0315 UTC while underway in position 12-10N 061-45E, approximately 426NM southeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. Onboard security team fired warning shots and","Desc2":"the pirates aborted the attack. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":61.75,"coords.x2":12.16667} {"Reference":"2011-287","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 405 MILES EAST OF SOCOTRA: Four pirates in a skiff chased a chemical tanker underway. Weapons sighted in the skiff but not used. Security team onboard fired warning shots and the skiff moved away.","coords.x1":61.5,"coords.x2":12.31667} {"Reference":"2011-286","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"AROUND 400 MILES EAST OF SOCOTRA: Four pirates in a skiff approached and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Onboard security team fired warning shots resulting in the pirates moving away.","coords.x1":61.45,"coords.x2":12.28333} {"Reference":"2011-277","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"MYANMAR: A container ship was robbed 29 May at 1300 UTC while anchored in position 16-38N 096-15E in the Yangon River NE anchorage, Myanmar. The alert crew noticed three robbers with knives had boarded the vessel and attempted to approach them. The","Desc2":"robbers threatened the crew with knives and escaped the vessel with the ship's stores. Later at 1512 UTC, two more robbers attempted to board the vessel but aborted the attempt after seeing the alert crew. (IMB)","coords.x1":96.25,"coords.x2":16.63333} {"Reference":"2011-271","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"COCHIN ANCHORAGE, INDIA: About ten robbers boarded a container vessel at anchor. Master spotted the robbers and directed the search light towards them. The robers jumped over board and escaped with ship's stores.","coords.x1":76.08167,"coords.x2":9.92333} {"Reference":"2011-243","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"AROUND 304 MILES WEST OF MINICOY ISLAND, INDIA: About five pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a LPG tanker underway. Ship raised alarm, increased speed and took evasvie maneuvers resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted attack.","coords.x1":67.88333,"coords.x2":8.53333} {"Reference":"2011-232","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"AROUND 280 MILES EAST OF SOCOTRA ISLAND, YEMEN: Two skiffs with firve pirates in each armed with rpg and automatic weapons chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway. Ship sent distress message, raised alarm, increased speed and made evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers. Bulk carrier also deployed the security team onboard and contacted authorities for help. A military aircraft was deployed. Onboard armed security team fired warning shots resulting in the pirates aborting the attack.","coords.x1":59.33833,"coords.x2":12.15} {"Reference":"2011-241","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Bulk cargo ship (FULL CITY) was boarded by pirates on 05 May at 0330Z while underway in position 14-58N 066-38E, approximately 415 miles west of Goa, India. (UKMTO, Open Sources)","coords.x1":66.63333,"coords.x2":14.96667} {"Reference":"2011-230","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"AROUND 540 MILES NORTHWEST OF MINICOY ISLAND, INDIA: Pirates armed with rpg and automatic weapons approached and boarded a bulk carrier underway. The master contacted authorities, company CSO and all crew retreated into the citadel. The navies in the","Desc2":"area responded to the distress call, arrived at the location and deployed a boarding team. After searching the vessel and confirming no pirates onboard the boarding team rescued the crew.","coords.x1":66.8,"coords.x2":14.83333} {"Reference":"2011-226","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"AROUND 530 MILES OFF MINICOY ISLAND, INDIA: A wooden mother ship was seen launching a skiff. Four pirates armed with rpgs ad automatic weapons approached the container ship at around 25 knots. The pirates tried to circle the ship and tried to damage the","Desc2":"barbed wire using some kind of tool. The vessel increased speed and all non essential crew retreated into the engine. The vessel made evasive maneuvers and contacted authorities and company CSO. The pirates fired rpgs and automatic weapons on the vessel.","Desc3":"After 30 minutes the pirates aborted the attempt and moved away. Crew safe. Vessel sustained some damage due to the firing.","coords.x1":65.9,"coords.x2":13.83333} {"Reference":"2011-220","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"345 MILES EAST OF SOCOTRA ISLAND: Armed pirates in a skiff chased a container ship underway. A mother ship was noticed in the vicinity. Master increased speed and maneuvered away from the mother ship and skiff. Master enforced anti-piracy measures and","Desc2":"managed to out run the skiff. Armed security team were onboard. No shots fired.","coords.x1":60.4,"coords.x2":13.21667} {"Reference":"2011-219","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: A tanker was robbed 22 April at 2130 UTC while anchored off of Kochi, India. The second officer noticed some movements on the forecastle deck. After the duty able seaman discovered three robbers, the second officer raised the alarm. After","Desc2":"the alarm was raised, the robbers departed the vessel with the stolen stores. (IMB)","coords.x1":76.27,"coords.x2":9.97694} {"Reference":"2011-188","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Bulk carrier (ARRILAH-I) was boarded 01 April at 0528Z while underway in position 19-17N 065-45E approximately 398 miles southeast of Sur, Oman. The vessel was attacked by two skiffs firing small arms fire (each skiff had three pirates). The","Desc2":"crew locked themselves in the citadel. The vessel was freed by IAE special forces in coordination with the U.S. 5th fleet on 02 April. (Comercial sources IMB)","coords.x1":65.23333,"coords.x2":19.28333} {"Reference":"2011-180","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"INDIAN NAVAL VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Indian Navy offshore patrol vessel (INS SUVARNA) was fired upon by the hijacked fishing vessel (MORTEZA) 26 Mar at 0750 UTC while underway in position 09-51N 067-05E, approximately 400NM east of Lakhadweep Islands, India. The MORTEZA was","Desc2":"being used as a mothership with skiffs on tow. After repeated attempts to communicate with the MORTEZA, the MORTEZA fired on the warship. The INS SUVARNA then returned fire, disabling the MORTEZA. The Indian warships picked up the sailors (12 Iranian and","Desc3":"4 Pakistani) and 16 pirates and took them to Mumbai for further investigation by police. (Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":67.08333,"coords.x2":9.85} {"Reference":"2011-177","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"COCHIN ANCHORAGE, INDIA: Five robbers boarded an anchored product tanker via the anchor chain. Duty crew saw the robbers on the forecastle deck and raised alarm. Seeing alert crew the robbers escaped with ship's stores. Incident reported to port control.","coords.x1":76.09833,"coords.x2":9.94167} {"Reference":"2011-173","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Seven pirates armed with guns in two skiffs launched from a mother vessel, chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway with intnet to hijack. Master raised alarm, contacted authorities, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. As the","Desc2":"skiff came close to 50 meters, armed security team onboard fired warning shots. The pirates aborted the attempt and mother vessel was observed 4 miles away.","coords.x1":65.1,"coords.x2":11.65} {"Reference":"2011-178","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: A product tanker was robbed 25 Mar at 2215 UTC while anchored in position 09-56N 076-05E, approximately 9 NM southwest of Cochin, India. Five robbers used the anchor chain to board the vessel. The robbers stole the ship's stores. (IMB)","coords.x1":76.08333,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2011-168","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"225 MILES EAST OF RAS AL HAD, OMAN: About eight pirates armed with rpgs and ak-47 rifles in a white skiff chased a tanker underway. Master increased speed all crew mustered in the citadel, sent distress message and security team onboard fired warning","Desc2":"shots. The pirates continued to chase the vessel and when warning shots were fired again the pirates aborted and moved away.","coords.x1":63.73333,"coords.x2":22.96667} {"Reference":"2011-172","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 22-00N 063-44E at 0455Z on 24 Mar. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":63.73333,"coords.x2":22.83333} {"Reference":"2011-169","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"390 MILES WEST OF MINICOY ISLAND: Heavily armed pirates in two skiffs and a mother vessel chased and fired upon a container ship underway. Master raised alarm, sounded ship's whistle, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers and managed to outrun the","Desc2":"skiffs. No injuries to crew. Vessel sustained several bullet holes on superstructures.","coords.x1":66.4575,"coords.x2":9} {"Reference":"2011-171","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel (MSC EVA) was fired upon 23 Mar at 1451 UTC, while underway in position 09-00N 066-27E, approximately 684NM west of Cochin, India. Pirates in two skiffs fired upon the vessel causing damage to the master and chief officer's cabin,","Desc2":"but no casualties were reported. (UKMTO, Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":66.45,"coords.x2":9} {"Reference":"2011-156","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"215 MILES EAST OF SOCOTRA ISLAND: A mother vessel approached a bulk carrier underway at 8.5 miles and launched a skiff. The skiff approached the vessel at around 23 knots. Five pirates armed with guns were noticed when the skiff came at a distance of 0.8","Desc2":"miles. Master raised alarm, sounded ship's horn, took evasive maneuvers and the armed security team onboard fired warning shots. The pirates aborted the attempted attack and moved towards their mother vessel, which was waiting at 5 miles.","coords.x1":58.05,"coords.x2":11.93333} {"Reference":"2011-151","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIA: A bulk carrier was robbed 14 Mar at 0830 local time while at anchorage in position 22-49N 070-02E, off Kandla. Multiple robbers boarded the vessel using grappling hooks, and broke into the forward paint store and stole supplies. The port authority","Desc2":"was informed of the incident. (IMB)","coords.x1":70.03333,"coords.x2":22.81667} {"Reference":"2011-154","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"446 MILES OFF MINICOY ISLAND, INDIA: Pirates armed with guns in two skiffs launched from a black hull and white superstructure mother vessel, chased and fired upon a vehicle carrier underway with intent to hijack. Master raised alarm, contacted","Desc2":"authorities, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The pirates attempted to get alongside the ship. Due to evasive maneuvers the pirates aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":66.7,"coords.x2":12.4} {"Reference":"2011-152","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH: Four robbers armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier at anchor. One of the pirates held the duty watchman, threatened him with a knife under his throat. The watchman kicked the pirate and raised the alarm. All crew","Desc2":"rushed to the deck and captured the pirate. Seeing the crew alertness, the other pirates jumped into the water and escaped with ship's stores with three accomplices waiting in their boat. Port control informed and coast guard boarded the ship and took","Desc3":"the pirate to the police station.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2011-150","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Pirates armed with rpg and guns in two skiffs chased and fired upon a container ship underway with intent to hijack. Master raised alarm, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The skiffs came alongside and attempted to hook ladders but","Desc2":"unable to do so due to the evasive maneuvers and aborted the attempted attack. The skiffs moved to their mother vessel in the vicinity which was described as a black hulled, white shipside tugboat.","coords.x1":66.55,"coords.x2":10.91667} {"Reference":"2011-149","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 13-49N 065-21E at 0646Z on 10 Mar. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":65.35,"coords.x2":13.81667} {"Reference":"2011-155","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"550 MILES OFF MINICOY ISLAND, INDIA: Two skiffs with 4-5 pirates in each skiff chased a tug underway with intent to board. The tug increased speed and enforced anti piracy measures. When skiffs were about 3 cables from the tug the onboard security team","Desc2":"fired warning shot, resulting in the skiff aborting the attempt and moving towards a suspected green and white hulled mother vessel in the vicinity.","coords.x1":65.33333,"coords.x2":13.65} {"Reference":"2011-137","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (CHARIOT) was fired upon 5 Mar at 1347 UTC while underway in position 12-02N 066-14E, approximately 450NM northwest of Minicoy Island, India. Two speed boats with five to six armed persons each fired upon the vessel. (IMB)","coords.x1":66.23333,"coords.x2":12.03333} {"Reference":"2011-144","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Crude oil tanker (GUANABARA) was boarded 5 Mar at 1310 UTC while underway in position 16-00N 062-54E, approximately 328 NM SE of Duqm, Oman. Pirates fired automatic weapons and RPG on the vessel, and the crew retreated to the citadel.","Desc2":"Pirates boarded but were unable to gain access to the citadel, and the vessel was eventually freed by CMF, with four pirates detained. (IMB)","coords.x1":62.9,"coords.x2":16} {"Reference":"2011-135","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 17-34N 063-47E at 2102Z on 04 Mar. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":63.78333,"coords.x2":17.56667} {"Reference":"2011-130","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (CMA CGM MUSSET) was fired upon 4 Mar at 1030 UTC while underway in position 11-03N 064-42E, approximately 600NM SE of Socotra Island, Oman. Two skiffs with four to five pirates onboard fired automatic weapons and RPG on the","Desc2":"vessel. The vessel increased speed and evaded the hijack, with minor damage to the bridge windows. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":64.7,"coords.x2":11.05} {"Reference":"2011-145","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (VOGE DIGNITY) was fired upon 3 Mar at 0906 UTC while underway in position 11-55N 058-02E, approximately 200NM east of Socotra Island, Yemen. A skiff and mother ship were visually sighted heading towards the vessel. All","Desc2":"non-essential personnel mustered in the citadel. The pirates exchanged fire with the onboard security team and then aborted the attack. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":58.03333,"coords.x2":11.91667} {"Reference":"2011-129","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Crude oil tanker (FRONT PRIDE) was fired upon 3 Mar at 1113 UTC while underway in position 09-59N 062-26E, approximately 600NM ESE of Socotra Island, Yemen. Pirates fired automatic weapons and RPG on the vessel. They attempted to board","Desc2":"using a ladder, but were repelled by the crew using fire hoses. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":62.43333,"coords.x2":9.98333} {"Reference":"2011-127","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 11-50N 058-48E at 0923Z on 03 Mar. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":58.8,"coords.x2":11.83333} {"Reference":"2011-125","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Yacht (CAPRICORN) was fired upon 2 Mar at 0752 UTC while underway in position 12-11N 063-58E, approximately 580NM east of Socotra Island, Yemen. Automatic weapons were fired, and pirates boarded but were repelled by armed security personnel","Desc2":"onboard an escorting vessel. Both vessels evaded capture. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":63.96667,"coords.x2":12.18333} {"Reference":"2011-88","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"560 MILES EAST OF SOCOTRA ISLAND: Pirates in four skiffs launched from a mother vessel armed with rpgs and guns chased a tanker (NEW YORK STAR) underway. The tanker increased speed enforced anti piracy measures, all crew went into the citadel. Four","Desc2":"unarmed security guards fired rocket flares, however pirates were able to board the tanker. Master contacted the owners fro the citadel. Owners contacted the IMB Piracy Reporting Center and requested assistance. The center immediately contacted the","Desc3":"authorities and relayed the tanker's request for assistance. A Dutch warship was dispatched to the loctation to render necessary assistance to the crew and tanker. On 29 Jan at 0600Z the Dutch navy boarding team boarded the tanker and rescued the 23 crew","Desc4":"and four security guards from the citadel. The pirates escaped before the arrival of the warship. The warship remained in the vicinity of the tanker.","coords.x1":63.55667,"coords.x2":11.29167} {"Reference":"2011-118","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 11-41N 061-29E at 0952Z on 25 Feb. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":61.48333,"coords.x2":11.68333} {"Reference":"2011-117","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Oil tanker (BANI YAS) was fired upon 25 Feb at 0952 UTC while underway in position 11-41N 061-29E, approximately 420NM east of Socotra Island, Yemen. One skiff and a mother ship with five pirates onboard reportedly fired automatic weapons","Desc2":"and RPG on the tanker. The hijacking attempt was evaded. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":61.48333,"coords.x2":11.68333} {"Reference":"2011-109","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship was robbed 23 Feb at 21:35 local time while in position 22-11.42N 91-43.55E at Chittagong Port outer limits. The robbers stole three large garbage bins. No crew was injured. (IMB)","coords.x1":91.72583,"coords.x2":22.19033} {"Reference":"2011-110","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship was robbed 21 Feb at 0400 local time while in position 22-15N 91-47E at the Chittagong outer anchorage. Two robbers in a boat boarded the ship. Duty crew spotted the robbers on the poop deck and raised the alarm. Upon seeing","Desc2":"the alert crew, the robbers escaped with stolen ship stores. (IMB)","coords.x1":91.78333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2011-104","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Crude oil tanker (NS CENTURY) was suspiciously approached 16 Feb at 0800 UTC while underway in position 20-53.2N 069-39.1E, approximately 40NM south of Porbandar, India. Three skiffs were seen 6.3NM ahead of the tanker, along with a mother","Desc2":"ship. The skiffs increased speed and headed towards the tanker. One of the skiffs increased its speed to around 20 knots. There were 6-8 persons in each skiff. The Master commenced evasive maneuvers, and alerted all crewmembers. The skiffs closed to","Desc3":"around three cables and the armed security team on board fired warning shots. The skiffs stopped and were seen moving towards the mother vessel. (IMB)","coords.x1":69.65167,"coords.x2":20.88667} {"Reference":"2011-98","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Crude oil tanker (SAVINA CAYLYN) was hijacked 8 Feb at 0427 UTC while underway in position 12-10N 066-00E, approximately 680NM east of Socotra Island, Yemen. Five pirates in one skiff fired upon the vessel with small arms and four RPG","Desc2":"rounds, and succeeded in taking the crew of 22 captive. (IMB)","coords.x1":66,"coords.x2":12.16667} {"Reference":"2011-97","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vehicle carrier (DELPHINUS LEADER) was attacked 8 Feb at 0918 UTC while underway in position 13-06N 064-09E, approximately 560NM east of Socotra Island, Yemen. A single skiff with a mother ship in the area fired upon the vessel, but the","Desc2":"DELPHINUS LEADER evaded the hijacking. (IMB)","coords.x1":64.15,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2011-99","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (CMA CGM CHOPIN) was attacked 5 Feb at 0850 UTC while underway in position 10-36N 065-26E, approximately 630NM ESE of Socotra Island, Yemen. One skiff with five pirates onboard attacked the vessel, although no shots were","Desc2":"fired. The pirates aborted the attack after CHOPIN increased speed and engaged in evasive maneuvers. (ONI)","coords.x1":65.43333,"coords.x2":10.6} {"Reference":"2011-95","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 10-04N 070-54E at 1011Z on 05 Feb. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":70.9,"coords.x2":10.06667} {"Reference":"2011-94","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: VLCC (CHIOS) was fired upon 5 Feb at 0930 UTC while underway in position 10-00.1N 070-59.4E, approximately 155NM NW of Minicoy Island, India. A skiff with four pirates onboard fired upon the vessel with small arms and RPG. The vessel","Desc2":"increased speed, made evasive maneuvers, and contacted the authorities for help and fired rocket and parachute flares. The pirates continued to chase and attempt to board the vessel for nearly 90 minutes after which they aborted the attempt. (IMB)","coords.x1":70.99,"coords.x2":10.00167} {"Reference":"2011-100","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (PUELCHE) was attacked 5 Feb at 0315 UTC while underway in position 10-21.2N 065-27.7E, approximately 675NM ESE of Socotra Island, Yemen. Armed pirates chased the vessel but aborted the attack after evasive maneuvers were","Desc2":"employed. (IMB)","coords.x1":65.46167,"coords.x2":10.35333} {"Reference":"2011-86","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 16-29N 065-57E at 1431Z on 03 Feb. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":65.95,"coords.x2":16.48333} {"Reference":"2011-87","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Products tanker (PORT STEWART) was fired upon 2 Feb at 1431 UTC while underway in position 13-03N 063-30E, approximately 515NM SE of Duqm, Oman. One skiff with a mother ship fired weapons and RPG at the vessel, but the boarding attempt was","Desc2":"unsuccessful. (ONI, UKMTO)","coords.x1":63.5,"coords.x2":13.05} {"Reference":"2011-92","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: VLCC (DUQM) was attacked 02 Feb at 0918 UTC while underway in position 24-14.50N 063-20.11E, approximately 60NM south of Pasni, Pakistan. International warships came to the assistance of the vessel and fired one 5 inch illumination round","Desc2":"above the ship and launched a helicopter. The hijacking attempt was unsuccessful. (IMB)","coords.x1":63.33517,"coords.x2":24.24167} {"Reference":"2011-83","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"230 MILES SOUTHWEST OF MINICOY ISLAND INDIA: Pirates armed with guns in two skiffs chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway with intent to hijack. Master raised alarm, sent distress message, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The pirates","Desc2":"keep on firing and chased the ship and finally aborted the attempted boarding. No injuries to the crew.","coords.x1":69.4,"coords.x2":6.73333} {"Reference":"2011-90","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"123 MILES SOUTHEAST OF SOCOTRA ISLAND: Pirates in a dhow and a skiff were spotted by a tanker underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed and fired warning flares. The skiff chased the tanker with a speed of 19 knots. At a distance of .7 miles the","Desc2":"onboard security team fired warning shots. The skiff aborted the chase and rejoined the mother ship which was doing around 9 knots.","coords.x1":56.26667,"coords.x2":11.21667} {"Reference":"2011-84","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Livestock carrier (MAYSORA) was fired upon 30 Jan at 1640 UTC while underway in position 04-20N 066-20E, approximately 375NM west of Male Island, Maldives. Eight pirates in a skiff armed with machine guns and RPG launched from a mother","Desc2":"ship, chased and fired upon the vessel with intent to hijack. The master raised alarm, increased speed and crew directed searchlights towards the skiff. Pirates managed to get alongside the vessel. Due to evasive maneuvering the pirates were unsuccessful","Desc3":"in boarding the vessel. The starboard lifeboat was damaged due to RPG fire. (IMB)","coords.x1":66.33333,"coords.x2":4.33333} {"Reference":"2011-85","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"65 MILES NORTH OF MINICOY ISLAND, INDIA: Pirates in two speed boats approached a container ship underway at a speed of approximately 20 knots. Master raised alarm, SSAS activated, transmitted mayday and increased to speed. The Indian coast guard","Desc2":"responded to the mayday and sent an aircraft. The speed boats chased the ship for around 20 minutes and closed to a distance of one mile astern of her and then aborted the chase due to the ships superior speed. The Indian coast guard continued to give","Desc3":"information on the pirate group for the next 30 minutes. A previously hijacked fishing vessel acting as a mother ship was spotted in the vicinity.","coords.x1":73.03333,"coords.x2":9.41667} {"Reference":"2011-81","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 11-14N 063-28E at 0450Z on 28 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":63.46667,"coords.x2":11.23333} {"Reference":"2011-77","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship (ANDINET) was fired upon 26 Jan at 0630 UTC while underway in position 11-14N 062-50E, approximately 493NM SE of Socotra Island, Yemen. Pirates in two skiffs fired upon the vessel with small arms. A dhow acting as a","Desc2":"mother ship was also observed. The vessel evaded the hijack attempt. (IMB)","coords.x1":62.83333,"coords.x2":11.23333} {"Reference":"2011-75","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Multi-purpose ship (BELUGA NOMINATION) was hijacked 22 Janat 1236 UTC while underway in position 01-49N 056-35E, approximately 360NM north of Seychelles Island. The crew made stress calls and retreated to the citadel when the pirates","Desc2":"boarded, but there were no warships in the area. A surveillance overflight by a Seychelles coastguard aircraft on 24 Jan reported at least four pirates on board. The pirates managed to break into the citadel and take control of the ship, now believed to","Desc3":"be heading towards Somalia with the captured 12 man crew. (IMB)","coords.x1":56.58333,"coords.x2":1.81667} {"Reference":"2011-67","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Heavy load carrier (ZHEN HUA 26) was fired upon 21 Jan at 1055 UTC while underway in position 12-37N 065-00E, approximately 840NM east of Caluula, Somalia. Armed pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon the vessel. The ship increased speed","Desc2":"and took evasive maneuvers and managed to avoid a boarding. (IMB)","coords.x1":65,"coords.x2":12.61667} {"Reference":"2011-63","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel (TORM KRISTINA) was attacked 19 Jan at 2155 UTC while underway in position 20-16N 064-29E, approximately 380NM SE of Muscat, Oman. One skiff with six pirates fired upon the vessel and attempted to board with a ladder. One","Desc2":"crew member was slightly injured on the shoulder, but the vessel managed to evade a boarding. (IMB)","coords.x1":64.65,"coords.x2":20.26667} {"Reference":"2011-62","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RORO","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Ro Ro (HOEGH OSLO) was fired upon 19 Jan at 0453 UTC while underway in position 13-28N 065-06E, approximately 660NM ESE of Salalah, Oman. The vessel was fired upon by pirates in three skiffs armed with small arms and RPGs. The pirates","Desc2":"aborted their attack after an hour. (ONI)","coords.x1":65.1,"coords.x2":13.46667} {"Reference":"2011-69","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (HOANG SON SUN) was hijacked 17 Jan at 0700 UTC while underway in position 18-36N 064-22E, approximately 370NM off Oman. (IMB)","coords.x1":64.36667,"coords.x2":18.6} {"Reference":"2011-56","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (EAGLE) was hijacked 17 Jan at 0641 UTC while underway in position 13-17N 061-42E, approximately 415NM east of Socotra Island. Six pirates armed with guns and an RPG in a skiff chased, fired upon, and boarded the vessel, taking","Desc2":"24 crewmembers hostage. (IMB)","coords.x1":61.7,"coords.x2":13.28333} {"Reference":"2011-55","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (SEACREST) was fired upon 16 Jan at 1450 UTC while underway in position 12-30N 061-05E, approximately 385NM east of Socotra Island. Six pirates armed with a ladder and RPG chased and fired upon the tanker. The tanker made evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers and enforced preventative counter piracy measures, successful evading the attack. (IMB)","coords.x1":61.08333,"coords.x2":12.5} {"Reference":"2011-47","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 16-39N 067-36E at 0720Z on 14 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":67.6,"coords.x2":16.65} {"Reference":"2011-36","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 14-03N 067-29E at 1342Z on 11 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":67.48333,"coords.x2":14.05} {"Reference":"2011-43","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (ALPINE PERSEFONE) was attacked 11 Jan at 1345 UTC while underway in position 14-01N 067-25E, approximately 380NM west of Goa, India. Pirates in one skiff came alongside the vessel with weapons and attempted to board with a ladder.","Desc2":"The attack was repelled with water hoses, and no shots were fired. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":67.41667,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"2011-29","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (MAERSK PELICAN) was fired upon 3 Jan at 1503Z while underway in position 19-35N 065-13E, approximately 430 miles west of Mumbai, India. Pirates in a small high speed boat approached from the stern, and fired upon the tanker with","Desc2":"hand-held weapons. Due to evasive maneuvers, the tanker succeeded in evading a boarding. (IMB)","coords.x1":65.21667,"coords.x2":19.58333} {"Reference":"2011-22","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 19-35N 065-13E at 1503Z on 03 Jan. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":65.21667,"coords.x2":19.58333} {"Reference":"2011-14","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"430 MILES WEST OF MUMBAI, INDIA: Two skiffs chased a tanker underway and opened fire with automatic weapons. The tanker enforced anti-piracy measures and succeeded in evading the boarding.","coords.x1":65.21667,"coords.x2":19.58333} {"Reference":"2011-26","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: A merchant vessel reported being attacked at 0800Z on 02 Jan in position 17-57N 066-10E, approximately 338 miles southwest of Mumbai, India. This area will remain high risk for atleast the next 24-48 hours. Vessels are advised to","Desc2":"keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":66.16667,"coords.x2":17.95} {"Reference":"2011-20","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"672 MILES EAST OF HOBYO, SOMALIA: Twelve armed pirates in two skiffs chased and fired upon an anchor handling tug underway. Due to evasive maneuvers and effective anti-piracy measures the hijack was evaded. Suspected pirates mothership sighted nearby.","coords.x1":59.55,"coords.x2":3.93333} {"Reference":"2011-18","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"OFF SOMALIA: Armed pirates chased a tug underway. The tug released the barge it was towing to increase speed and maneuverability. Security team onboard fired flares. The skiffs later aborted the attack and rejoined a previously hijacked vessel.","coords.x1":59.28333,"coords.x2":2.68333} {"Reference":"2011-16","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"575 MILES EAST OF SOCOTRA ISLAND: Pirates armed with guns chased and fired upon a tanker underway. The master increased speed, took evasive maneuvers and managed to evade the attempting boarding.","coords.x1":63.765,"coords.x2":14.88333} {"Reference":"2010-551","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 12-10N 060-31E at 220312Z Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":60.51667,"coords.x2":12.16667} {"Reference":"2011-11","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo ship (THOR NAUTILUS) was fired upon 22 Dec 10 at 0300 UTC while underway in position 12-10N 062-31E, approximately 470nm east of Socotra Island. Due to evasive maneuvering, the hijack was evaded. (IMB)","coords.x1":62.51667,"coords.x2":12.16667} {"Reference":"2010-550","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Hijacked merchant vessel IZUMI conducting mothership operations in 12-22.1N 062-05.1E at 212341Z Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":62.085,"coords.x2":12.36833} {"Reference":"2010-535","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (HELLESPONT TRINITY) was fired upon 16 Dec 10 at 0315 UTC while underway in position 16-10N 068-20E, approximately 300NM southwest of Mumbai, India. Pirates in a skiff approached a tanker underway and opened fire with automatic","Desc2":"weapons. The tanker evaded the boarding. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":68.33333,"coords.x2":16.16667} {"Reference":"2010-533","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: A bulk carrier (MICHALAKIS) was fired upon 15 Dec 10 at 0215 UTC while underway in position 12-09N 060-23E, approximately 350NM east of Socotra Island. Two skiffs with four pirates armed with machine guns and RPG chased and fired upon a","Desc2":"bulk carrier underway. Vessel enforced counter piracy measures resulting in the pirates aborting the attack. Vessel sustained some damage. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":60.38333,"coords.x2":12.15} {"Reference":"2010-524","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 06-11N 067-25E at 110542Z Dec. Vessels passing within 100 miles are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":67.41667,"coords.x2":6.18333} {"Reference":"2010-544","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: A bulk carrier (RENUAR) was hijacked 11 Dec 10 at 0540 UTC while underway in position 06-09N 067-19E, approximately 360NM southwest of Minicoy Island. Pirates armed with guns and RPG in skiffs chased, fired upon, and boarded a bulk carrier","Desc2":"underway. They took all 24 crewmembers hostage. (IMB)","coords.x1":67.31667,"coords.x2":6.15} {"Reference":"2010-512","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHEN ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 08-10N 071-43E on 05 Dec at 0714Z. Vessels passing within 100 miles are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":71.71667,"coords.x2":8.16667} {"Reference":"2010-520","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: A bulk cargo ship (JAHAN MONI) was hijacked 5 Dec at 1126 UTC while underway in position 08-12N 071-55E, approximately 540NM west of Sri Lanka. At 0942 UTC, master reported two skiffs were approaching and that one attempted to board the","Desc2":"merchant vessel. One pirate fell off the ladder while trying to board, and the skiffs departed the area. At 1126, the master reported that the two skiffs had returned and that six armed pirates successfully boarded the vessel. All 26 crewmembers were","Desc3":"taken hostage. This hijacking is the farthest east recorded. (IMB, UKMTO)","coords.x1":71.91667,"coords.x2":8.2} {"Reference":"2010-511","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"SOUTHERN ARABIAN SEA: Pirate action group reported in 09-00N 067-10E on 04 Dec at 0232Z. Vessels passing within 100 miles are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":67.16667,"coords.x2":9} {"Reference":"2010-510","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (KYTHIRA) fired upon 30 Nov at 1330Z while underway in position 09-19N 069-30E approximately 386 miles northwest of the Maldives. Five armed pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a tanker underway with intent to hijack. Master","Desc2":"raised alarm, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, and instructed all crew except the bridge and engine crew to muster in safe area. The pirates attempted to board the tanker from the port side and at the same time kept firing at the bridge and","Desc3":"accommodation. Master continued the aggressive maneuvers and finally managed to evade the attempted boarding. (IMB)","coords.x1":69.5,"coords.x2":9.31667} {"Reference":"2010-499","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 16-57N 067-09E on 29 Nov at 0254Z. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":67.15,"coords.x2":16.95} {"Reference":"2010-516","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (IVER EXACT) fired upon 29 Nov at 0240Z while underway in position 16-58N 067-26E, approximately 775 miles northeast of Socotra Island. Five armed pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a chemical tanker underway. Master","Desc2":"raised alarm, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers and instructed all crew except the bridge team to take shelter in the citadel. The pirates attempted to board the tanker several times and finally they managed to hang a ladder on the razor wire","Desc3":"around the main deck. A pirate attempted to climb onboard, but was unsuccessful due to aggressive maneuvers. Later, the skiff aborted the attempt and was seen heading back toward a mothership. (IMB)","coords.x1":67.43333,"coords.x2":16.96667} {"Reference":"2010-498","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (PISTIS) reported attempted boarding 28 Nov at 0700Z while underway in position 14-51N 068-13E, approximately 820 miles southeast of Salalah, Oman. Four armed pirates in a boat chased and attempted to board a bulk carrier","Desc2":"underway. Master enforced counter-piracy measures, including increased speed, and managed to escape boarding. (IMB)","coords.x1":68.21667,"coords.x2":14.85} {"Reference":"2010-495","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 00-39N 065-03E on 27 Nov at 0820Z. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":65.05,"coords.x2":0.65} {"Reference":"2010-517","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (D&K I) fired upon 27 Nov at 0700Z while underway in position 00-39N 064-51E, approximately 620 miles northeast of the Seychelles. A tanker underway noticed a mother vessel launching skiffs, which started approaching the tanker. The","Desc2":"pirates were armed with guns and rpgs. The tanker increased speed, took counter-piracy measures, contacted authorities, and activated SAS. As the skiffs approached the vessel thety opened fire. The pirates aborted the attack. (IMB)","coords.x1":64.85,"coords.x2":0.65} {"Reference":"2010-494","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (MCL BREMEN) boarded by pirates 26 Nov at 1255Z while underway in position 09-39N 067-23E, approximately 1085 miles east of Garacad, Somalia. The crew moved to the citadel and the pirates stayed onboard the vessel for","Desc2":"approximately six hours.","coords.x1":67.38333,"coords.x2":9.65} {"Reference":"2010-491","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (ALBEDO) hijacked 25 Nov at 0300Z while underway in position 05-38N 068-27E, approxiately 1140 miles east of Garacad, Somalia. ALBEDO reported the hijacked ship POLAR chasing and acting as a mothership. (IMB)","coords.x1":68.45,"coords.x2":5.63333} {"Reference":"2010-490","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mother ship activity in 09-29N 068-44E on 25 Nov at 1940Z. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":68.73333,"coords.x2":9.48333} {"Reference":"2010-518","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (GURU GOBIND SINGH) fired on 25 Nov at 1800 local time while underway in position 14-52N 068-01E, approximately 810 miles northeast of Socotra Island. Seven pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a tanker underway. Master enforced","Desc2":"counter-piracy measures and evaded the boarding. (IMB)","coords.x1":68.01667,"coords.x2":14.86667} {"Reference":"2010-484","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk cargo (PAGONA) attempted boarding 24 Nov at 1130Z while underway in position 14-47N 065-58E, approximately 460 miles southwest of Mumbai, India. No weapons or ladders were visible. Pirates attempted to board with a hook and rope.","Desc2":"PAGONA took evasive maneuvers to evade the boarding.","coords.x1":65.96667,"coords.x2":14.78333} {"Reference":"2010-485","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Product tanker (NORNA N) fired upon 24 Nov at 0312Z while underway in position 15-04N 067-05E, approximately 400 miles southwest of Mumbai, India. Master confirmed automatic weapons and rpg fired. NORNA N took evasive maneuvers as pirates","Desc2":"made several unsuccessful attempts to board the vessel before returning to their mother ship.","coords.x1":67.08333,"coords.x2":15.06667} {"Reference":"2010-480","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"SOUTHERN ARABIAN SEA: Pirate action group sighted in 07-49N 055-53E at 230233Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":55.88333,"coords.x2":7.81667} {"Reference":"2010-481","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Pirate action group sighted in 10-30N 059-04E at 230105Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":59.06667,"coords.x2":10.5} {"Reference":"2010-473","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 01-35N 055-26E at 220545Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":55.43333,"coords.x2":1.58333} {"Reference":"2010-487","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Product tanker (SEA SPIRIT) fired upon 22 Nov at 0904Z while underway in position 01-31N 055-48E, approximately 620 miles east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Five skiffs with four to five armed pirates each chased and fired upon a product tanker","Desc2":"underway. Ship increased speed, employed evasive maneuvers, and comunicated with naval authorities. Pirates aborted attempt. Suspected mother ship noted in the area.","coords.x1":55.8,"coords.x2":1.51667} {"Reference":"2010-488","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (CAMPOLIBRE ALAI) fired upon 22 Nov at 0500Z while underway in position 01-30N 055-25E, approximately 600 miles east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Armed pirates in two skiffs launched from a mother ship chased and attempted to board","Desc2":"a fishing vessel underway. Counter piracy measures used and pirates aborted attempt.","coords.x1":55.41667,"coords.x2":1.5} {"Reference":"2010-471","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Pirate action group in 02-41N 055-24E at 210911Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":55.4,"coords.x2":2.68333} {"Reference":"2010-504","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (INTERTUNA TRES) fired upon 21 Nov 10 at 0720 UTC while underway in position 02-43N 055-20E, approximately 600NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Pirates armed with guns and RPG in skiffs chased and fired upon a fishing vessel","Desc2":"underway. Ship increased speed, took anti-piracy measures, and managed to evade the attempted boarding. (IMB)","coords.x1":55.33333,"coords.x2":2.71667} {"Reference":"2010-509","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Tanker robbed 21 Nov 10 while at anchor in position 21-50.2N 091-39.5E, in the Chittagong anchorage. Robbers attempted to board a tanker engaged in anchoring operations via the poop deck using a rope and hook. Alert crew on anti piracy watch","Desc2":"noticed the robbers and informed the bridge who raised the alarm. Seeing the alert crew the robbers jumped back into the water and escaped in a waiting boat with around 10 other robbers. Attempt to contact port control failed.","coords.x1":91.65833,"coords.x2":21.83667} {"Reference":"2010-474","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: A merchant vessel reported being attacked by at least one skiff at 1300Z on 20 Nov in position 14-23N 065-31E, approximately 743 miles east of Socotra Yeman. Pirates were observed using a mother ship nearby. Vessels are advised to keep 100","Desc2":"miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":65.51667,"coords.x2":14.38333} {"Reference":"2010-507","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (NYK ALTAIR) fired upon 20 Nov 10 at 0310 UTC while underway in position 12-23N 066-19E, approximately 700NM east of Socotra Island, Yemen. Eight to ten people in skiff approached first from port and then from starboard side","Desc2":"with RPG and machetes. RPG fired three times with one confirmed hit in funnel. Crew used evasive maneuvers and pirates aborted attempt after 25 minutes. A mother ship was noted in the vicinity.","coords.x1":66.31667,"coords.x2":12.38333} {"Reference":"2010-468","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel in 12-20N 066-22E at 200351Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":66.36667,"coords.x2":12.33333} {"Reference":"2010-505","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (VEGA LIBRA) fired upon 20 Nov 10 at 1015 UTC while underway in position 13-05N 067-34E, approximately 720NM east of Socotra Island, Yemen. Pirates armed with guns and RPG in two skiffs chased and fired upon a bulk carrier","Desc2":"underway with intent to hijack. Ship increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The pirates attempted to board the vessel several times. Ship continued with the aggressive maneuvers and evaded the attempted boarding. Ship sustained some damages. (IMB)","coords.x1":67.56667,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2010-462","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo vessel (LE CONG) fired upon 18 Nov at 1250Z while underway in position 12-25N 066-33E approximately 704 miles east of Socotra Island, Yemen. Individuals in two skiffs chased and fired upon the vessel.","coords.x1":66.55,"coords.x2":12.41667} {"Reference":"2010-456","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: At 1304Z Nov a merchant vessel was attacked by pirates in 12-24N 066-30E. One crewmember was shot but remains alive. The pirates remain in the area. Vessels are to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":66.5,"coords.x2":12.4} {"Reference":"2010-452","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: POL Tanker fired upon (SAMURAI) on 16 Nov at 0645 local time while underway in position 05-09N 066-42E, approximately 412 miles west of Male, Maldives. Individuals in one skiff conducted the attack. A supporting mother ship was nearby.","Desc2":"(IMB)","coords.x1":66.7,"coords.x2":5.15} {"Reference":"2010-460","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo vessel (YUAN XIANG) hijacked on 12 Nov at 0701Z while underway in position 18-02N 066-03E, approximately 634 miles east of Salalah, Oman. (IMB)","coords.x1":66.05,"coords.x2":18.03333} {"Reference":"2010-446","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel pirated in 17-27N 065-07E at 121651Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":65.11667,"coords.x2":17.45} {"Reference":"2010-464","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Cargo vessel (BBC ORINOCO) illegally boarded on 11 Nov at 0512 local time while underway in position 17-06N 064-57E, approximately 625 miles east of Salalah, Oman. Armed pirates operating from two skiffs fired on and boarded a bulk carrier","Desc2":"underway. All crew retreated into the steeting gear room and engine control room where they controlled the ship until the pirates abandoned the ship. (IMB)","coords.x1":64.95,"coords.x2":17.1} {"Reference":"2010-461","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Pirates chased a tanker underway and opened fire on her. Due to anti-piracy measures, the tanker evaded the hijack.","coords.x1":65.38333,"coords.x2":17.25} {"Reference":"2010-441","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Armed pirates attacked and boarded a general cargo ship underway with intent to hijack. The ship sent a distress message and all crew mustered in the citadel. Indian authorities received the message and sent two warships and a maritime","Desc2":"aircraft to render assistance to the ship. A naval boarding team boarded the ship and rescued all the crew members and conducted a thorough search. No pirates were found onboard. The crew took command of their ship and continued the journey.","coords.x1":65.01667,"coords.x2":17.21667} {"Reference":"2010-463","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: POL tanker fired upon on 11 Nov at 0540Z while underway in position 17-12N 065-33E, approximately 660 miles east of Salalah, Oman. One skiff with 6 people on board fired on the vessel. (Mercury)","coords.x1":65.55,"coords.x2":17.2} {"Reference":"2010-442","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Pirates in a skiff chased a chemical tanker (HANNIBAL II) underway. Pirates opened fire on her and boarded. Crew locked in master's cabin. Awaiting further details.","coords.x1":66.08333,"coords.x2":11.43333} {"Reference":"2010-445","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Piracy action group reported in 17-37N 065-45E at 111700Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":65.75,"coords.x2":17.61667} {"Reference":"2010-433","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: A suspicious approach was reported on 100558Z Nov by a merchant vessel in position 06-15N 064-44E. The suspious approach is most probally connected with the attack on the 090834Z Nov, when a merchant vessel was reported under attack","Desc2":"by pirates in position 06-03N 065-00E. Vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":64.73333,"coords.x2":6.25} {"Reference":"2010-431","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"900 MILES EAST OF EYL, OFF SOMALIA: Pirates in two white colored skiffs chased and fired upon a container ship underway. Vessel managed to evade the boarding. A suspected mother vessel was sighted a short distance away.","coords.x1":65,"coords.x2":6.05} {"Reference":"2010-428","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Mothership activity reported 07-34N 060-16E at 061015Z Nov. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":60.26667,"coords.x2":7.56667} {"Reference":"2010-421","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: A mothership vessel lowered two skiffs that approached a tanker underway at 20 knots. Five to six persons in each skiff and weapons were sighted when skiffs reached about 500 meters. Security team onboard fired hand flares and","Desc2":"warning shots, resulted in the skiffs backing off and remaining adrift. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":64.16833,"coords.x2":7.31333} {"Reference":"2010-418","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VISAKHAPATNAM ANCHORAGE, INDIA: Tanker reported attempted boarding 29 Oct at 0730 local time while at anchor in position 17-40N 083-25E, at Visakhapatnam achorage. Five robbers in a fishing boat approached a tanker at anchor. They attempted to board by","Desc2":"throwing a heaving line onto the ship's rail. Alert duty crew noticed the robbers, immediately cut the heaving line and informed duty officer who raised the alarm. Crew mustered and directed fire hoses towards the boat resulting in the robbers aborting","Desc3":"the attempted boarding. Port control informed.","coords.x1":83.41667,"coords.x2":17.66667} {"Reference":"2010-404","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (STARLIGHT VENTURE) chased and fired upon 27 Oct 10 at 1930 UTC while underway in position 13-18N 068-56E, approximately 350NM west of Mangalore, India. Two skiffs with an unknown number of people onboard approached tanker from","Desc2":"starboard quarter The robbers fired at the vessel, which resulted in 50 bullet holes found on the accommodation doors and broken foremast light fixtures. The ship took evasive action and increased speed to 16 knots. Pirates aborted attack. An unlit","Desc3":"suspected mother vessel was detected on the radar at a distance of 14NM. (IMB, ReCAAP)","coords.x1":68.93333,"coords.x2":13.3} {"Reference":"2010-405","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"710 MILES EAST OF SOMALIA: Pirates in two skiffs armed with guns chased and opened fire on a container ship underway. Vessel managed to evade the attack. Awaiting further details.","coords.x1":63.46667,"coords.x2":10.85} {"Reference":"2010-400","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship (BELUGA FORTUNE) reported an illegal boarding 24 Oct 10 at 0524 UTC while underway in position 03-29N 059-35E, approximately 850NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Pirates armed with automatic weapons and RPG attacked a","Desc2":"general cargo ship and boarded it. The crew members entered into the citadel and locked it from inside. They contacted the authorities for assistance. When pirates could not sail the ship, they damaged the ship and abandoned it. The next day, the master","Desc3":"informed a British warship HMS MONTROSE that all crew were safe in the citadel, and MONTROSE verified that all pirates had left. (IMB, LL)","coords.x1":59.58333,"coords.x2":3.48333} {"Reference":"2010-381","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Pirated fishing vessel being used as a mothership, sighted in 11-00N 061-00E at 182100Z Oct. Vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":61,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"2010-379","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHIG VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel fired upon 17 Oct 10 at 1327 UTC while underway in position 04-35N 054-41E, approximately 400NM east of Hobyo, Somalia. The vessel was fired upon but there were no injuries or damage. (IMB)","coords.x1":54.68333,"coords.x2":4.58333} {"Reference":"2010-380","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Pirated fishing vessel acting as a mothership sighted in 11-39N 063-02E at 172030Z Oct. Vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":63.03333,"coords.x2":11.65} {"Reference":"2010-368","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTHERN ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked by piracy action group in 08-18N 068-05E at 130616Z Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":68.08333,"coords.x2":8.3} {"Reference":"2010-367","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel reported suspicious approach 12 Oct 10 at 0800 UTC while underway in position 04-38N 054-16E, 400NM east of Hobyo, Somalia. Initially, the vessel observed two skiffs. One skiff with four men on board pursued the vessel for","Desc2":"one hour, approaching the vessel as close as 0.7NM. No shots were fired. (IMB)","coords.x1":54.26667,"coords.x2":4.63333} {"Reference":"2010-371","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel (ARDMORE SEAFARER) illegally boarded 12 Oct 10 at 1543 UTC while underway in position 08-18N 067-56E, approximately 1115NM east of Garacad, Somalia. (IMB, NSC).","coords.x1":67.93333,"coords.x2":8.3} {"Reference":"2010-372","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship robbed 11 Oct 10 at 1245 LT while at anchor in position 22-11N 091-44E, in Chittagong. While at anchor, robbers boarded a container ship. They entered the forward store and stole ship's stores. When noticed by crew, the robbers","Desc2":"jumped overboard and escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.18333} {"Reference":"2010-374","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel (KAVO PORTLAND) fired upon 10 Oct 10 at 1114 UTC while underway in position 04-49N 067-06E, approximately 1070NM east of Garacad, Somalia. Four pirates armed with AK-47 and RPG chased and opened fire on a bulk carrier","Desc2":"underway. The master enforced counter-piracy measures and contacted the 24-hour IMB Piracy Reporting Center (IMB PRC) for assistance. Duty officer at IMB PRC immediately contacted relevant authorities requesting assistance for crew and vessel and also","Desc3":"broadcast a warning to all ships. Skiff aborted the attempt. All crew is safe, but vessel sustained damages. (IMB)","coords.x1":67.1,"coords.x2":4.81667} {"Reference":"2010-355","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel attacked in 04-59.4N 067-06.4E at 101115Z Oct. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":67.10667,"coords.x2":4.99} {"Reference":"2010-377","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unmanned vessel boarded 9 Oct 10 at 1845 LT while under tow in position 21-06N 091-12E, approximately 50NM southwest of Chittagong. Robbers in a fishing boat boarded an unmanned vessel under tow toward the port of Chittagong. The tugboat","Desc2":"master sounded alarm and directed search light toward the boar and fired rocket flares. Six more fishing boats later approached and boarded the unmanned vessel. The incident was reported to the agents as Coast Guard could not be reach by VHF 50NM from","Desc3":"land. All crew onboard tug boat safe. (IMB)","coords.x1":91.2,"coords.x2":21.1} {"Reference":"2010-347","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Possible pirate mothership operating within 200 miles of 06-50N 065-00E. This area will remain high risk for the next 24-48 hours.","coords.x1":65,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2010-351","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH: Two robbers armed with long knives attempted to board a vehicle carrier using bamboo stick. Anti-piracy watch raised the alarm and crew mustered. Seeing crew alertness the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their","Desc2":"boat along with eight other robbers. No injury to crew and nothing stolen.","coords.x1":91.72056,"coords.x2":22.19778} {"Reference":"2010-364","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Vehicle carrier boarded 2 Oct 10 at 1530 UTC in position 22-11.86N 091-43.24E at anchorage in Chittagong. Two robbers armed with long knives attempted to board a vehicle carrier using a bamboo stick. Counter-piracy watch raised alarm and crew","Desc2":"mustered. Seeing crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their boat along with eight other robbers. No injury to crew and nothing stolen. (IMB)","coords.x1":91.72067,"coords.x2":22.19767} {"Reference":"2010-350","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH: Two robbers armed with long knives in a boat boarded a bulk carrier at anchor using a rope attached with a hook. Crew raised alarm and informed coast guard. Robbers escaped with ship's stores. The coast guard later","Desc2":"arrived for investigation.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.15} {"Reference":"2010-344","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"SOUTHERN ARABIAN SEA: Piracy action group sighted in vicinity 07-34N 057-39E. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":57.65,"coords.x2":7.56667} {"Reference":"2010-337","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship reported suspicious approach 29 Sep 10 at 0455 UTC while underway in position 06-47.5N 061-51.0E, approximately 650NM east of Garacad, Somalia. Five men on one skiff with AK-47s and hook ladders approached from stern. Master","Desc2":"altered course and sounded security signal, and crew mustered and locked all access doors. Security team onboard activated LRAD and SSAS and fired warning shots when the skiff approached around 100 meters off port quarter. After 10 minutes, pirates","Desc3":"aborted attack. (IMB)","coords.x1":60.85,"coords.x2":6.78333} {"Reference":"2010-335","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Mothership activity in vicinity 10-11N 057-05E. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":57.08333,"coords.x2":10.18333} {"Reference":"2010-334","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Mothership activity vicinity 10-38N 056-44E. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":56.73333,"coords.x2":10.63333} {"Reference":"2010-331","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Mothership activity vicinity 07-23N 064-50E. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":64.83333,"coords.x2":7.38333} {"Reference":"2010-336","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo vessel (LUGELA) reported illegal boarding 25 Sep 10 at 0300 UTC while underway in position 07-23N 064-49E, approximately 930NM east of Garacad, Somalia. The pirates boarded the vessel but never gained control. The crew","Desc2":"disabled the ship's engine and locked themselves in the engine room. When the pirates could not sail the ship, they damaged the ship's equipment, set the bridge on fire, and abandoned the ship. Later, the crew emerged from the citadel and extinguished","Desc3":"the fire and continued en route their next port. (IMB, Reuters)","coords.x1":64.81667,"coords.x2":7.38333} {"Reference":"2010-342","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: General cargo ship (BM ADVENTURE) robbed 24 Sep 10 at 2210 local time while at anchorage in Chittagong at position 22-10.9N 091-40.7E. Four robbers in one boat boarded a ship from astern during anchoring operations. Duty watchman noticed them","Desc2":"and raised alarm. The robbers threatened the watchman with long knives and escaped with ship's stores after seeing crew's alertness. (IMB, MaRisk)","coords.x1":91.67833,"coords.x2":22.18167} {"Reference":"2010-328","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 06-37N 065-30E at 241245 UTC Sep. This area will remain high risk for atleast 24-48 hours.","coords.x1":65.5,"coords.x2":6.61667} {"Reference":"2010-315","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship robbed 12 Sep 10 at 2300 local time while at anchorage in Chittagong at position 22-09.45N 091-45.0E. Counter-piracy watch on board an anchored container ship reported three robbers armed with long knives to watch officer. The","Desc2":"robbers approached the crew and threatened him. The watch officer raised alarm and alerted crew. Robbers escaped with ship stores. Incident was reported to the coast guard who boarded the vessel for investigation. (IMB)","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.1575} {"Reference":"2010-311","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH: About 25 robbers armed with knives approached a general cargo ship in two boats. While approaching and boarding the vessel they continuously threw stones on the ship's crews. The robbers stole ship's stores and escaped.","Desc2":"Master reported to port control and coast guard who indicated that help would be sent however no help arrived.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2010-291","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Tanker robbed 23 Aug 10 at 2330 local time while berthed in position 22-16.1N 091-48.2E, Chittagong port. Six robbers armed with long knives in a small wooden boat approached the vessel. Two of the robbers boarded the vessel and stole ship's","Desc2":"stores. The crew on watch spotted them and raised the alarm. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Port control was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.80333,"coords.x2":22.26833} {"Reference":"2010-280","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier (HONG KONG STAR) robbed 15 Aug 10 at 0345 local time while anchored in position 22-15.1N 091-41.7E, Chittagong anchorage. Four robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel via the stern from a single engine driven boat during","Desc2":"heavy rain. They stole four mooring ropes and then escaped. Port control was informed and the coast guard boarded the vessel to investigate (ReCAAP, IMB).","coords.x1":91.695,"coords.x2":22.25167} {"Reference":"2010-298","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier boarded 7 Aug 10 at 2035 local time while anchored at Chittagong Kutubdia anchorage. Five robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel. They attacked the duty watch with knives, injuring his hands and requiring hospital","Desc2":"treatment. The duty officer raised the alarm and mustered the crew. The robbers escaped upon seeing the crew's response (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2010-260","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Chemical tanker (KASUGTA) reported attempted boarding 28 Jun 10 at 0330 local time while anchored in position 22-13.5N 091-43.7E, Chittagong anchorage. About 17 robbers from two wooden boats attempted to board the vessel. The incident was","Desc2":"reported to the Bangladesh Coast Guard (IMO).","coords.x1":91.72833,"coords.x2":22.225} {"Reference":"2010-249","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier boarded 12 Jul 10 at 2030 UTC while berthed at Chittagong anchorage. Four robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel via the stern using ropes. Duty watch spotted the robbers, informed the watch officer and raised the alarm.","Desc2":"The robbers aborted the operation and escaped. Nothing was reported stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2010-235","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Chemical tanker robbed 26 Jun 10 at 0230 local time while anchored in position 22-13.8N 091-44E, Chittagong anchorage. Five robbers in two wooden boats armed with hand guns and knives boarded the vessel at anchor. They pointed guns at the","Desc2":"duty watchman and attacked him with knives. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The robbers escaped with ship's stores. No injuries to the crew were reported. Port control and coast guard was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.23} {"Reference":"2010-230","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RORO SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Ro/Ro ship robbed 20 Jun 10 at 0330 local time while conducting anchoring operations in position 22-12.9N 091-43.1E, Chittagong anchorage. Eight robbers armed with knives attempted to attack a duty crewmember who ran into the accommodation","Desc2":"and called the bridge duty officer. The master raised the alarm and the crew mustered. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped with stolen stores (IMB).","coords.x1":91.71833,"coords.x2":22.215} {"Reference":"2010-219","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH: Anti piracy watch onboard an anchored chemical tanker spotted six robbers armed with knives on the aft desk. Duty watch entered the accomodation locked all doors and informed the duty officer who raised the alarm.","Desc2":"Robbers stole ship's stores and escaped.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2010-201","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH: About 10 robbers in a long wooden boat boarded a container ship at anchor. Duty crew sighted the robbers and raised alarm. The robbers escaped with stolen stores upon seeing the crew atlertness.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2010-192","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 02-04N 067-58E at 1300 UTC May. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":67.96667,"coords.x2":2.06667} {"Reference":"2010-190","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALDIVES ISLANDS, SOMALIA: Eight pirates in a skiff cashed and attempted to board a tanker underway. Master increased speed, carried out evasive maneuvers and sounded whistle and alarm. After chasing for about 45 minutes, pirates aborted the attempt and","Desc2":"moved away.","coords.x1":70.96667,"coords.x2":5.56667} {"Reference":"2010-189","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (NORD SINCERE) fired upon 20 May 10 at 1100 UTC while underway in position 00-46.2N 068-26.4E, approximately 850NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Five heavily armed men in a white colored skiff attempted to board the","Desc2":"vessel by using a ladder. After failing the attempt, they opened fire with automatic weapons and RPGs. The vessel conducted evasive maneuvers and managed to prevent further attacks. After almost two hours of pursuit, the skiff aborted the attack","Desc3":"(Operator, IMB, Tradewinds).","coords.x1":68.44,"coords.x2":0.77} {"Reference":"2010-187","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Possible mothership activity in 02-55N 067-35E at 130200 UTC May. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":67.58333,"coords.x2":2.91667} {"Reference":"2010-174","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier fired upon 10 May 10 at 0538 UTC while underway in position 00-06N 064-57E, approximately 640NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Armed men in a skiff chased and fired upon the vessel underway. The crew enforced effective","Desc2":"counter piracy measures and evaded the attack, forcing the skiff to eventually move away. The vessel sustained some damages from the gunfire (IMB).","coords.x1":64.95,"coords.x2":0.1} {"Reference":"2010-185","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (TAI YUAN 227) hijacked 6 May 10 at 1107 UTC while underway in position 01-50N 067-50E, approximately 1150NM southeast of Eyl, Somalia. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel along with its 28 crewmembers. The vessel's owner","Desc2":"lost contact with the vessel as it transited toward the Maldives and upon resuming communications with it, he was told by hijackers to pay a ransom for the crew (AP, IMB, Mercury chat).","coords.x1":67.83333,"coords.x2":1.83333} {"Reference":"2010-167","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (MOSCOW UNIVERSITY) reportedly hijacked 5 May 10 at 0413 UTC while underway in position 12-15N 059-30E, approximately 290 miles east of Socotra Island. Pirates in a skiff chased and opened fire on the vessel. The captain conducted","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers and contacted a nearby warship for assistance. The owners informed they had lost contact with the vessel and that it was no longer moving. The crew reportedly locked theselves in the rudder room and pirates were onboard. No further","Desc3":"information to provide at this time (IMB, AP, Mercury chat).","coords.x1":59.5,"coords.x2":12.25} {"Reference":"2010-163","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH: Three robbers armed with long knives boarded a general cargo ship carrying out cargo operations at a moorig buoy. Duty A/B noticed the robbers who tried to catch him. The A/B ran to the gangway and informed another A/B","Desc2":"who raised the alarm. Robbers stole ship's stores and escaped upon seeing the crew alertness. Coast guard informed.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.26667} {"Reference":"2010-147","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 17-59N 065-49E at 250348 UTC Apr. Vessels passing within 100 miles are advised to exercise extreme caution.","coords.x1":65.81667,"coords.x2":17.98333} {"Reference":"2010-156","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker fired upon 25 Apr 10 at 0348 UTC while underway in position 17-59N 065-49E, approximately 815NM northeast of Socotra Island. Six men armed with automatic weapons and RPGs in a white skiff chased and opened fire on the vessel. The","Desc2":"vessel contacted coalition forces, increased speed, and conducted evasive maneuvers. The men attempted to board the vessel several times before finally aborting the attack. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB).","coords.x1":65.81667,"coords.x2":17.98333} {"Reference":"2010-157","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (ISUZUGAWA) fired upon 25 Apr 10 at 0215 UTC while underway in position 18-06N 065-47E, approximately 815NM northeast of Socotra Island. Four men armed with automatic weapons and RPGs in a white skiff chased and opened fire on the","Desc2":"vessel. The vessel raised the alarm, sent out a distress call, increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers, while the crew locked all accommodation doors. The armed men tried to board the vessel using a steel ladder and hooks attached to ropes. They","Desc3":"fired an RPG at the accommodation and the ship continued with evasive maneuvering. After several attempts, the men aborted the attack. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB, MSCHOA).","coords.x1":65.78333,"coords.x2":18.1} {"Reference":"2010-158","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (PYXIS DELTA) fired upon 23 Apr 10 at 0242 UTC while underway in position 14-51N 065-14E, approximately 640NM northeast of Socotra Island. Five armed men in a skiff chased and opened fire on the vessel with RPGs and automatic","Desc2":"weapons. The master conducted evasive maneuvers and contacted coalition forces for assistance. The vessel raised their alarm and increased speed. The armed men chased the vessel for more than an hour and aborted the attack. No injuries to the crew or","Desc3":"damage to the vessel was reported (IMB, Tradewinds).","coords.x1":65.23333,"coords.x2":14.85} {"Reference":"2010-148","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: A merchant vessel reported coming under fire at 0242 UTC on 22 Apr in position 14-51N 065-14E. Attack consisted of one white skiff with four persons on board armed with AK-47s. Attack has ceased and crew reports safe.","coords.x1":65.23333,"coords.x2":14.85} {"Reference":"2010-149","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: A bulk carrier reported coming under fire 21 Apr at 1050 UTC while underway in position 01-10.05N 065-00.08E. Four men in a blue skiff armed with rpgs and automatic weapons opened fire on the vessel for approximately three minutes.","Desc2":"The vessel increased speed and conducted evasive maneuvers, forcing the attackers to abandon the attempt.","coords.x1":65.00133,"coords.x2":1.1675} {"Reference":"2010-135","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier fired upon 21 Apr 10 at 1050 UTC while underway in position 01-10.05N 065-00.08E, approximately 665NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles.Four men in a blue skiff armed with RPGs and automatic weapons opened fire on the","Desc2":"vessel for approximately three minutes. Forcing the attackers to abandon the attempt (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":65.00133,"coords.x2":1.1675} {"Reference":"2010-137","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessels (PRANTALAY 11) (PRANTALAY 12) (PRANTALAY 14) hijacked 18 Apr 10 at 0200 UTC while underway in position 09-29N 069-18E, approximately 230NM northwest of Minicoy Island, India. Armed men in skiffs opened fire on the three","Desc2":"fishing vessels and ordered them to stop. They boarded and hijacked the vessels to possibly use as motherships. The three Thai vessels have 77 total crewmembers onboard (AP, IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":69.3,"coords.x2":9.48333} {"Reference":"2010-131","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker fired upon 18 Apr 10 at 0725 UTC while underway in position 09-29N 068-56E, approximately 865NM southeast of Socotra Island and 430NM west of Kochi, India. Four men in a skiff armed with RPGs opened fire on the vessel. Counter-piracy","Desc2":"measures were enforced and an embarked security team fired warning shots at the skiff, forcing them to abort the attack. No casualties to the crew or ship were reported (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":68.93333,"coords.x2":9.48333} {"Reference":"2010-113","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship reported suspicious approach 11 Apr 10 at 0930 UTC while underway in position 02-26.9N 059-59.8E, approximately 500NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Three speed boats were detected on radar at a distance of about","Desc2":"3NM. Two skiffs with speeds of 20 knots commenced chasing the ship. The ship alarm was raised, speed was increased, and evasive maneuvers were conducted. The skiffs closed to 1.6NM and aborted the pursuit (IMB).","coords.x1":59.99667,"coords.x2":2.44833} {"Reference":"2010-100","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (TAIPAN) boarded 5 Apr 10 at 0749 UTC while underway in position 12-23N 060-21E, approximately 340NM east of Socotra Island. Armed men in two skiffs boarded the vessel underway. The crew locked themselves in a bulletproof","Desc2":"safe room and contacted authorities for assistance. The Dutch frigate TROMP arrived on scene and dispatched a helicopter to board the vessel. The marines rescued the crew and detained the attackers. No one was injured (IMB, AP).","coords.x1":60.35,"coords.x2":12.38333} {"Reference":"2010-104","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (SAMHO DREAM) hijacked 4 Apr 10 at 0740 UTC while underway in position 08-21N 065-00E, approximately 900NM east of Eyl, Somalia. Pirates in skiffs boarded and hijacked the vessel. The vessel and 24 crewmembers have been taken to an","Desc2":"undisclosed location off Somalia (IMB, AP).","coords.x1":65,"coords.x2":8.35} {"Reference":"2010-112","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-31","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship reported suspicious approach 31 Mar 10 at 1830 UTC while underway in position 14-25N 064-40E, approximately 600NM northeast of Socotra Island. The vessel reported two skiffs approaching the vessel. The captain raised the","Desc2":"alarm and conducted evasive maneuvers before the suspicious skiffs moved away (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":64.66667,"coords.x2":14.41667} {"Reference":"2010-91","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-31","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel (DELMAS NACALA) fired upon 31 Mar 10 at 1713 UTC while underway in position 01-28N 065-09E, approximately 680NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. The vessel reported being chased and fired upon by two small fast boats while","Desc2":"traveling at a speed of 18 knots. Vessel conducted evasive maneuvers and managed to prevent further pursuit (IMB, MSCHOA, Mercury chat).","coords.x1":65.15,"coords.x2":1.46667} {"Reference":"2010-92","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-31","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel fired upon 31 Mar 10 at 1700 UTC while underway in position 10-32N 058-00E, approximately 235NM southeast of Socotra Island. Vessel reported being fired upon while transiting at a speed of 10 knots. One crewmember was","Desc2":"reportedly shot in the leg during the attack (IMB).","coords.x1":58,"coords.x2":10.53333} {"Reference":"2010-96","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel reportedly hijacked 30 Mar 10 while underway in last reported position 10-08N 056-06E, approximately 165NM southeast of Socotra Island. Owners reported losing contact with the vessel on 30 March after no longer receiving","Desc2":"daily updates from the captain. Vessel is assessed as hijacked and possibly being used as a mothership to conduct pirate attacks. No further information to provide at this time (IMB, Mercury chat).","coords.x1":56.1,"coords.x2":10.13333} {"Reference":"2010-76","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (FRIGIA) hijacked 23 Mar 10 at 0137 UTC while underway in position 11-41.5N 066-05.3E, approximately 680NM east of Socotra Island. Pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel with 21 crewmembers and are sailing it to an unknown","Desc2":"destination off the Somali coast (IMB, Operator, LM: Xinhua).","coords.x1":66.08833,"coords.x2":11.69167} {"Reference":"2010-74","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 20 Mar 10 at 1200 UTC while underway in position 11-10N 062-22.9E, approximately 760NM northeast of Eyl, Somalia. Five armed men chased and attempted to board the vessel while underway. The master raised the alarm,","Desc2":"increased speed 25 knots and sounded the ship?s whistle. The armed men fired upon the vessel and came as close as 0.2NM before aborting. The skiff was doing approximately 24.5 knots at the time of the attack (IMB).","coords.x1":62.38167,"coords.x2":11.16667} {"Reference":"2010-71","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH: Four robbers armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier at anchor via the forecastle. The alert crew noticed the robbers, informed the OOW. The robbers chased the watchmen who entered and locked the accommodation. The","Desc2":"robbers continued to try and gain access into the accommodation. As all entrances were locked the robbers were unable to gain entry into the accommodation and aborted their attempt. Master informed port authorities who alerted the coast guard. No","Desc3":"casualties to crew and no damage to ship.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2010-118","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: 12 meter fishing vessel (PRADEEPA), five persons on board, unreported. Last known position vicinity 11-00N 068-00E at 12 Feb.","coords.x1":68,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"2010-53","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 28 Feb at 1451 UTC while underway in position 12-22.8N 060-42.1E, approximately 360NM east of Socotra Island. Master first observed suspicious vessel, noted to be what looked like a fishing vessel, on","Desc2":"radar approximately 6NM away when the CPA became less than 1NM. In order to pass suspicious vessel on her stern. Upon making this course change, suspicious vessel then altered her course to once again bring CPA to less than 1NM. Master then employed a","Desc3":"zig-zag maneuver while increasing speed, switching to second auxiliary generator, opening sea water tanks on deck, and alerting all vessels in the area over radio to the suspicious vessel's location. Crew was then mustered on the bridge and assigned to","Desc4":"counter-piracy stations. Lookouts posted on vessel sighted two small boats attached to the side of the fishing vessel with four to six men on board. As master continued to increase speed, the suspicious fishing vessel stopped at approximately a 4.2NM","Desc5":"range and turned back. Master continued to maintain best possible speed as vessel proceeded safely to its next port of call (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":60.70167,"coords.x2":12.38} {"Reference":"2010-43","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VISHAKHAPATNAM ANCHORAGE, INDIA: Three robbers using ropes and a hook boarded an anchored LPG tanker from astern. When sighted the OOW raised general alarm and duty security patrol rushed to the poop deck. Robbers escaped with stolen ship's stores.","Desc2":"Master informed port control and the Indian navy contacted via radio.","coords.x1":83.36,"coords.x2":17.62833} {"Reference":"2010-45","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA: Tanker boarded 14 Feb 10 at 0835 local time while anchored in Vishakhapatnam. One boat with three robbers approached the vessel from the port side. When the boat did not cross the bows the master raised the alarm. As the crew went forward to","Desc2":"investigate, they found two robbers onboard and a third attempting to board. The robbers fled as soon as they saw the ship's crew. Port control was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":83.35,"coords.x2":17.61667} {"Reference":"2010-40","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE/TUG BOAT","Desc1":"BAY OF BENGAL: Barge (RAPID 3312), tug (TOPNICHE 7) robbed 10 Feb 10 at 1137 local time while underway in position 20-24.61N 092-15.56E, approximately 40NM northwest of Sittwe, Burma. Two robbers in a boat named (MAYER DUAI) boarded the barge and stole a","Desc2":"canvas and rope before departing. At approximately 1300 local time, the ship owner reported that the boat was shadowing the barge approximately 0.4NM away. At about 1520 local time, the owner reported that the boat gave up chase. No crewmembers were","Desc3":"harmed during the incident (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":92.25933,"coords.x2":20.41017} {"Reference":"2010-31","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RESEARCH VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Research vessel boarded 22 Jan 10 at 0140 local time while in position 17-00.3N ? 082-18.8E, Kakinada anchorage. Three robbers in a small fishing boat approached the vessel from the stern. One robber boarded the vessel thru the mooring port hole","Desc2":"and started lowering the mooring rope into the boat. The duty watchman noticed the robber, made fast the rope on a bollard and informed the bridge officer. The alarm was raised and the robber dropped the rope and escaped. The incident was reported to","Desc3":"port authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":82.31333,"coords.x2":17.005} {"Reference":"2010-18","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Ro Ro","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: RO/RO (ASIAN GLORY) hijacked 1 Jan 10 at 2250 UTC while underway in position 10-48N 061-54E, approximately 425NM southeast of Socotra Island. Pirates hijacked the vessel with its 25 crewmembers and are sailing the vessel to an undisclosed","Desc2":"location in Somalia (IMB, Reuters).","coords.x1":61.9,"coords.x2":10.8} {"Reference":"2010-11","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Vessel","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel fired upon 30 Dec 09 at 0445 UTC while underway in position 11-42N 063-00E, approximately 500NM east of Socotra Island. Owners received a distress message that armed men opened fire on the vessel with automatic weapons. The vessel","Desc2":"later reported being safe with no injuries to the crew. The vessel may have sustained minor damage from the attack (IMB).","coords.x1":63,"coords.x2":11.7} {"Reference":"2009-481","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"525 MILES SOUTHEAST OF SEYCHELLES: A merchant vessel reported coming under fire on 30 December 2009 at 0448 UTC in position 11-42N 063-01E. The vessel was attacked by a skiff and mothership using rpg only for approximately 30 mins. The captain maintained","Desc2":"all anti-piracy measures until the pirates broke off, and a distance of five miles was achieved.","coords.x1":63.01667,"coords.x2":11.7} {"Reference":"2009-485","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"OFF SOMALIA: While underway a container ship detected a white-hull fishing vessel with two small craft on each side. The fishing vessel lowered one craft, which chased the ship for around 45 minutes before aborting the attempt due to preventive measures.","coords.x1":61.01667,"coords.x2":8.46667} {"Reference":"2010-13","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Three small vessels","Victim":"Container ship","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship reported suspicious approach 27 Dec 09 at 1230 local time while underway in position 08-28N 061-01E, approximately 660NM northeast of Eyl, Somalia. Vessel detected a white-hull fishing vessel with two small craft on each","Desc2":"side. The fishing vessel lowered one craft, which chased the container ship for approximately 45 minutes before aborting the pursuit (IMB).","coords.x1":61.01667,"coords.x2":8.46667} {"Reference":"2010-15","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Six pirates","Victim":"General cargo ship","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: General cargo ship (SANTA SURIA) robbed 25 Dec 09 at 0229 local time while anchored in position 22-14.42N 091-43E, Chittagong port anchorage B. Six robbers armed with small knives boarded the vessel by using a small wooden boat to approach","Desc2":"it. They managed to steal two lube oil drums and two empty drums. The incident was immediately reported by the ship master to the Chittagong Port Authority which informed the Bangladesh Coast Guard. As a result of prompt reporting, a coast guard","Desc3":"speedboat intercepted the robbers and apprehended four of them. Two robbers managed to escape by jumping into the water. All four stolen drums were recovered and handed back to the ship (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":91.71667,"coords.x2":22.245} {"Reference":"2010-14","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Three speedboats","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 21 Dec 09 at 1710 UTC while underway in position 17-09N 066-06E, approximately 400NM southwest of Mumbai, India. A group of armed men in three speedboats pursued the vessel. Evasive maneuvers, including","Desc2":"an attempted ramming of one of the skiffs, prevented a possible boarding attempt (IMB, Risk Intelligence/MaRisk).","coords.x1":66.1,"coords.x2":17.15} {"Reference":"2009-474","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA: Tanker robbed 17 Dec 09 at 1929 UTC while anchored in Kochi anchorage. Two robbers boarded the vessel via the anchor chain. They broke open the forepeak store and stole ship's stores. The crew noticed and chased them away. Seeing the crew, the","Desc2":"robbers jumped overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":76.21667,"coords.x2":9.96667} {"Reference":"2009-467","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Tug (TROPICAL STAR) reported attempted boarding 8 Dec 09 at 0440 local time while anchored in position 22-12.7N 091-46.3E, Chittagong Port outer anchorage B. The officer on watch spotted men in a powered driven wooden boat attempt to board","Desc2":"the vessel. He contacted the Chittagong Port Authority immediately for assistance who in turn informed the Bangladesh Coast Guard. A patrol boat was dispatched to the area forcing the robbers to flee in their boat (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":91.77167,"coords.x2":22.21167} {"Reference":"2009-463","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier (CORAL GLOBE) fired upon 7 Dec 09 at 1343 UTC while underway in position 00-27N 061-39E, approximately 977NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Armed men in two skiffs chased and fired on the vessel with automatic weapons and RPGs.","Desc2":"Vessel increased speed and was able to prevent multiple boarding attempts. Vessel deck caught on fire but was quickly put out by the crew of the vessel. No injuries were reported. (IMB, UKMTO, LL, ONI).","coords.x1":61.65,"coords.x2":0.45} {"Reference":"2009-462","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel hijacked in 10-50N 060-00E at 060630 UTC Dec. Mariners are advised to stay clear of this high risk area for the next 24-48 hours. caution advised.","coords.x1":60,"coords.x2":10.83333} {"Reference":"2009-466","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing Vessel (SHAHBAIG) hijacked on 6 December 09 while underway in position 11-52N 62-36E, approximately 470NM southeast of Socotra Island. Vessel reportedly has 29 crewmembers on board, all believed to be Pakistani. Vessel is reportedly","Desc2":"headed toward the Somali coastline (AP, UKMTO, EUNAVFOR, ONI).","coords.x1":62.6,"coords.x2":11.86667} {"Reference":"2009-472","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Tug robbed 5 Dec 09 at 1800 local time while anchored in position 22-12.6N 091-46.4E, Chittagong anchorage. Approximately 12 robbers armed with long metal bars in a small boat boarded the vessel and stole ship?s stores before escaping. Local","Desc2":"authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.77333,"coords.x2":22.21} {"Reference":"2009-455","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"1200 MILES NORTH EAST OF SOMALIA: Pirates in a skiff armed with guns chased and opened fire on a tanker uderway. The pirates attempted to board from port side but failed and then tried to board from stbd side. The use of water jets from fire hoses and","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers made the pirates abort the attempt.","coords.x1":63.53333,"coords.x2":12.16667} {"Reference":"2009-449","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Tanker (MARAN CENTAURUS) hijacked 29 Nov 09 at 1213 UTC while underway in position 03-09.39N 061-30.3E, approximately 590NM northeast of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Pirates boarded the tanker and have since anchored it off the coast of","Desc2":"Somalia near Hobyo. The vessel has 28 crew members on board (IMB, AFP).","coords.x1":61.505,"coords.x2":3.1565} {"Reference":"2009-448","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"554 MILES NORTH EAST OF PORT VICTORIA, SEYCHELLES: A merchant vessel reported coming under fire on 24 November 2009 at 1307 UTC. The vessel was attacked by 4 armed men on board a skiff who fired shots at the vessel's wheelhouse and accommodation. Vessel","Desc2":"is now reported as continuing her voyage safely as the skiff is no longer visible on radar and has not been located by watch standers.","coords.x1":63.2,"coords.x2":0.48333} {"Reference":"2009-440","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (MAERSK ALABAMA) fired upon 18 Nov 09 at 0320 UTC while underway in position 06-35N 054-30E, approximately 285 miles east of Eyl, Somalia. The vessel reported coming under fire by one skiff with four men onboard. The skiff","Desc2":"made an aggressive approach toward the vessel which prompted them to deploy a long range acoustic device. When the skiff continued toward the vessel, the master authorized the firing of one warning shot. The men in the skiff then opened fire with","Desc3":"automatic weapons, which prompted the embarked security team to return fire and strike the skiff. The skiff approached no closer than 300 yards before breaking off the attack. No casualties or damage to the vessel was reported.","coords.x1":54.5,"coords.x2":6.58333} {"Reference":"2009-425","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"CHENNAI ANCHORAGE, INDIA: Four robbers in a boat attempted to board an anchored chemical tanker from the forecastle. Duty crew sighted the robbers and raised the alarm. All crew mustered and rushed to the location. On seeing the crew alertness, the","Desc2":"robbers escaped. Port control informed.","coords.x1":80.35833,"coords.x2":13.08167} {"Reference":"2009-408","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship robbed 19 Oct 09 at 2106 local time while anchored in position 22-10.7N 091-43.3E, Chittagong anchorage. Approximately 25 robbers in three wooden boats armed with long knives approached the vessel from astern. Fifteen of the","Desc2":"robbers boarded the vessel via the poop deck and stole ship?s stores before escaping. Local authorities were informed and boarded the vessel for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":91.72167,"coords.x2":22.17833} {"Reference":"2009-395","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier robbed 13 Oct 09 at 2105 UTC while anchored in position 22-10.2N 091-47.4E, Chittagong anchorage. Robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel from the stern where one crew member was held hostage until they gained access","Desc2":"into the steering gear room. Ship's stores and equipment were stolen before the robbers escaped in their boat. Local authorities were informed of the incident.","coords.x1":91.79,"coords.x2":22.17} {"Reference":"2009-385","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 3 Oct 09 at 2230 local time while anchored in position 22-00N 091-40E, Chittagong anchorage. Approximately 10 robbers in a wooden boat approached the vessel and attempted to board. The crew's alertness","Desc2":"and barbed wire fitting on the ship's side prevented the robbers from boarding. Local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.66667,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"2009-378","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 28 Sep 09 at 2030 local time in position 22-14.2N 091-43.5E, Chittagong anchorage. Eight robbers in a fishing boat attempted to board the vessel when the duty AB spotted them and raised the alarm. The","Desc2":"robbers jumped overboard and escaped with nothing stolen upon seeing the alert crew (IMB).","coords.x1":91.725,"coords.x2":22.23667} {"Reference":"2009-371","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE BANGLADESH: Duty officer onboard a container ship arrived at poop deck and spotted one robber near entrance to rope store. When duty officer approached the robber, two other robbers armed with long knives began to chase him. He","Desc2":"retreated to the main deck and alerted other crew members. Crew with crowbars arrived at poop deck but by then the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with stolen ropes.","coords.x1":91.725,"coords.x2":22.25667} {"Reference":"2009-372","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH: Eight robbers armed with long knives in a small wooden fishing boat boarded a product tanker at anchor. Duty bosun sighted them and informed OOW who raised the alarm. Robbers threatened one watchman with long knives, cut","Desc2":"off some mooring ropes and jumped into the water and escaped with the stolen stores. Port control informed.","coords.x1":91.72056,"coords.x2":22.18694} {"Reference":"2009-367","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier robbed 22 Sep 09 at 2155 local time while anchored in Chittagong anchorage. Five robbers boarded the vessel from the stern anchor when the duty seaman spotted the suspects on his rounds. Upon encountering the robbers, the duty","Desc2":"seaman was threatened with a knife. However, he managed to escape and raised the alarm. Once the crew mustered, the robbers jumped overboard and a search revealed that the robbers had stolen ship's stores upon breaking into the steering flat. No injuries","Desc3":"to the crew were reported (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2009-366","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIA: Container ship robbed 18 Sep 09 at 0440 local time while anchored in position 21-41.8N 088-01.0E, Sagar road, Kolkata. While anchored robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel from the starboard side when the duty watchman was taking rounds on","Desc2":"the port side. As duty watchman came back around, the robbers threatened him with knives and stole ship's stores before escaping. Local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":88.01667,"coords.x2":21.69667} {"Reference":"2009-355","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier robbed 15 Sep 09 at 2200 local time while anchored in position 22-09.4N 091-47.2E, Chittagong anchorage. Twelve robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel from the stern. They took the stern duty watchman hostage and began","Desc2":"stealing ship's stores. The roving deck watchman noticed the robbers and informed the duty officer on the bridge. The alarm was raised and the crew alerted. When the crew approached them, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores.","Desc3":"Authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.78667,"coords.x2":22.15667} {"Reference":"2009-352","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH: Duty watchmen on an anchored vessel noticed a speed boat come alongside. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded. Alarm raised and crew alerted. Robbers stole ship's stores and escaped. Authorities informed but no","Desc2":"response.","coords.x1":91.77333,"coords.x2":22.17667} {"Reference":"2009-343","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"KAKINADA, INDIA: Six robbers on a fishing boat approached a chemical tanker at anchor. Two of the robbers tried to board the vessel from starboard side midships using hooks. The duty officer raised alarm, sounded the foghorn and reported to the port","Desc2":"control. The crew all mustered and the robbers aborted their attempt.","coords.x1":82.39333,"coords.x2":17.04167} {"Reference":"2009-339","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship fired upon 16 Aug 09 at 1250 UTC while underway in position 06-17.3N 054-41.2E, approximately 320NM east of Garacad. Two skiffs launched from a mother ship chased the vessel and opened fire with automatic weapons and","Desc2":"RPGs. The master conducted evasive maneuvers and contacted authorities for assistance. Due to effective defense measures by the crew and unfavorable weather conditions, the vessel was able to escape (IMB).","coords.x1":54.68667,"coords.x2":6.28833} {"Reference":"2009-318","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship robbed 6 Jul 09 at 1804 UTC while anchored in position 22-11N 91-46E, Chittagog achorage. The duty officer detected some boats near the stern of the vessel at anchor. The crew mustered and saw 15 robbers onboard. A duty","Desc2":"watchman was tied up and had been attacked with iron bars. The robbers stole ship's stores and escaped. The master reported the incident to port control (IMB).","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.18333} {"Reference":"2009-303","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship robbed 19 Jun 09 at 0400 local time while anchored in position 22-10N 091-46E, Chittagong anchorage. Armed robbers boarded the vessel using hooks and lines while another two remained in a nearby boat. They threatened the duty","Desc2":"watchman with knives and tied him up with rope. They then stole ship?s stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2009-302","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirate","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier robbed 19 Jun 09 at 1220 UTC while berthed in Chittagong port. While reading the forward drafts from the jetty, the officer on duty was robbed of his personal belongings. The officer called for help but the robber managed to","Desc2":"escape by jumping into the water (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.2} {"Reference":"2009-304","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Four Pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier robbed 12 Jun 09 at 0300 local time while anchored in position 22-14N 091-42E, Chittagong anchorage. Four robbers boarded the vessel while four others waited in a nearby boat. The men climbed onboard using a hook and line and","Desc2":"threatened the crew with knives. The robbers escaped with ship?s stores (IMB).","coords.x1":91.7,"coords.x2":22.23333} {"Reference":"2009-273","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BURMA: Container ship boarded 28 May 09 at 2330 local time while anchored in position 16-30N - 096-15E, Yangon anchorage. Two robbers boarded the vessel, but were spotted by duty crew members. The crew members raised the alarm and the two robbers jumped","Desc2":"overboard, escaping in a small wooden boat with two other accomplices. Nothing was reported stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":96.25889,"coords.x2":16.51472} {"Reference":"2009-283","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Vessel robbed 23 May 09 at 2054 local time, Chittagong anchorage. After dropping anchor, the ship's crew spotted eight armed robbers on the poop deck. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. Robbers stole ship's stores and escaped. Port","Desc2":"control and the coast guard were notified (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2009-247","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: General cargo ship reported attempted boarding 5 May 09 at 0830 UTC, Chittagong anchorage. Robbers in a boat approached the vessel and attempted to board via anchor cable. The crew was alerted and the robbers aborted the attempt and escaped","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":91.66667,"coords.x2":21.86667} {"Reference":"2009-246","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA: Tanker robbed 5 May 09 at 0250 local time, Cochin anchorage. Three robbers boarded the vessel at anchor using a rope and hook. Robbers stole and lowered ship's stores into a waiting boat. The 2nd officer noticed the robbers and approached them","Desc2":"with other crew members. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped with the stolen goods (IMB).","coords.x1":75,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"2009-171","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:A bulk carrier underway, detected on radar speed boats approaching own vessel on stbd bow/port bow at a distance or 12nm. As the speed boat increased speed and approached closer with cpa .01nm, master increased speed, all crew mustered,","Desc2":"activated fire hoses, switched all lights, sent distress signal, made evasive manoeuvres and succeeded in preventing the boarding.","coords.x1":67.25028,"coords.x2":15.22972} {"Reference":"2009-172","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: A bulk carrier underway detected on radar speed boats approaching from the starboard bow/port bow at a distance on 12 miles. The speed boats increased speed and approached closer with a CPA of 0.01 miles, master increased speed, all crew","Desc2":"mustered, activated fire hoses, switched on all lights, sent distress signal, made evasive maneuvers and succeeded in preventing the boarding.","coords.x1":67.25167,"coords.x2":15.22444} {"Reference":"2009-164","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 4 Apr 09 at 0641 UTC while underway in position 09-24N 058-15E, approximately 280NM southeast of Socotra Island. Six pirates in a speed boat armed with AK-47s chased the vessel underway. The captain contacted the","Desc2":"piracy reporting center who informed coalition forces. The pirates opened fire on the vessel causing minor damages. The captain conducted evasive maneuvers which prevented the speed boat from closing in (IMB).","coords.x1":58.25,"coords.x2":9.4} {"Reference":"2009-167","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"TWO BLUE SKIFFS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship fired upon 2 Apr 09 at 1400 UTC while underway in position 05-31N 056-32E, approximately 420NM southeast of Eyl, Somalia. Two blue skiffs were launched from a mother ship at 8NM abeam from the vessel. Each skiff had four","Desc2":"armed men dressed in green uniforms. The vessel increased speed to 20kts and the skiffs followed at approximately 22kts. They approached very closely aft portside and started opening fire with automatic weapons. One bridge was hit by bullets and broken.","Desc3":"The vessel conducted evasive maneuvers from port to starboard side to prevent a boarding. Just over 20 minutes later, the two pirate skiffs reduced their speed and abandoned the attack (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":56.53333,"coords.x2":5.51667} {"Reference":"2009-145","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 1 Apr 09 at 1251 UTC while underway in position 09:00N - 059:03E, approximately 340NM southeast of Socotra Island. The captain spotted a speed boat approaching the vessel at a speed of 17kts. The master","Desc2":"alerted the crew who prepared with counter-piracy measures. The boat's closest point of approach was approximately 1NM astern. The boat eventually slowed down and moved away. ONI Comment: The location of this incident was approximately 45NM south of","Desc3":"where the bulk carrier reported coming under fire described below in H.18 (Operator, IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":59.05,"coords.x2":9} {"Reference":"2009-147","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRTATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier fired upon 30 Mar 09 at 1615 local time while underway in position 09:45N ? 058:50E, approximately 300NM southeast of Socotra Island. A speed boat approached the vessel while a mother ship was sighted further back. The men in","Desc2":"the speed boat fired at the vessel with automatic weapons and an RPG. The captain conducted evasive maneuvers and the speed boat retreated to the mother ship. The boat and mother ship approached the vessel three more times over the course of two hours,","Desc3":"and each time the captain was successfully able to evade before the two crafts finally abandoned their attempt (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":58.83333,"coords.x2":9.75} {"Reference":"2009-137","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RESEARCH VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Research vessel reported suspicious approach 25 Mar 09 at 0730 UTC while underway in position 00-24N 056-01E, approximately 600NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Two speed boats chased the vessel while underway. The boats eventually abandoned","Desc2":"their pursuit and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":56.01667,"coords.x2":0.4} {"Reference":"2009-140","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship robbed 15 Mar 09 at 0715 local time while anchored in Chittagong anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and broke open the rope locker, stealing ship?s stores. They were not spotted by the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2009-117","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"EAST COAST SOMALIA: While underway a fishing vessel was chased by a skiff with six pirates armed with automatic weapons. Vessel increased speed and headed into the waves/swell and thus the skiff was prevented from advancing towards the fishing vessel.","Desc2":"Later, the skiff aborted the attempt and retreated. Crew and vessel are safe and continuing passage.","coords.x1":58.83333,"coords.x2":7.18333} {"Reference":"2009-111","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:VESSEL REPORTED SUSPICIOUS APPROACH 13 MAR 09 AT 0713Z WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 07-11N 058-50E. THE VESSEL REPORTED BEING CHASED BY ONE SPEED BOAT WITH SIX MEN ONBOARD ARMED WITH AK-47S. THE MASTER CONDUCTED EVASIVE MANEUVERS AND THE MEN","Desc2":"IN THE SKIFF EVENTUALLY ABANDONED THEIR PURSUIT.","coords.x1":58.83333,"coords.x2":7.18333} {"Reference":"2009-106","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: At 10 0500 UTC Mar 09 M/V MAR REINA reports being attacked by pirates. Small arms have been fired. Position is close to the attack from last nigh attack on SHANGHAI VENTURE.","coords.x1":59.18333,"coords.x2":8.1} {"Reference":"2009-113","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:BULK CARRIER FIRED UPON 10 MAR 09 AT 0500Z WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 08-06N 059-11E. FOUR MEN IN A LIGHT BLUE BOAT APPROACHED THE VESSEL ARMED WITH AUTOMATIC RIFLES AND BEGAN FIRING SHOTS TOWARD THE STARBOARD SUPERSTRUCTURE. THE VESSEL","Desc2":"CONDUCTED EVASIVE MANEUVERS AND MANAGED TO ESCAPE. THE CAPTAIN SUSTAINED MINOR GUNSHOTS WOUNDS. THE INCIDENT WAS REPORTEDTO UKMTO.","coords.x1":59.18333,"coords.x2":8.1} {"Reference":"2009-105","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: At 091820z UTC Mar 09 M/V SHANGHIA VENTURE reports being attacked by pirates. RPG and rifles have been fired. Merchants vessels are advised to use extra precaution when transiting the area and maintain a vigilant lookout reporting any","Desc2":"suspicious activity to UKMTO Dubai.","coords.x1":58.7,"coords.x2":8} {"Reference":"2009-114","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:BULK CARRIER (SHANGHAI VENTURE) FIRED UPON 09 MAR 09 AT 1751Z WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 08-01N 058-43E. THE DUTY OFFICER ONBOARD NOTICED ONE SPEED BOAT APPROACHING FROM 1.5 NM AWAY AT A SPEED OF APPROXIMATELY 17 KTS. THE CAPTAIN ALERTED THE","Desc2":"CREW WHO MUSTERED AT THE BRIDGE AND ENGINE ROOM. ALL WATERTIGHT DOORS WERE CLOSED FROM THE INSIDE. WATER PUMPS WERE USED TO REFILL THE BALLAST TANKS AT THE SAME TIME TO CAUSED THE WATER TO OVERFLOW FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE MAIN DECK. THE VESSEL INCREASED","Desc3":"TO MAXIMUM SPEED. THE ARMED PIRATES STARTED SHOOTING FORM THE PORT QUARTED AND ATTEMPTED TO BOARD. ALL LIGHTS ON THE VESSEL WERE TURNED OFF AND EVASIVE MANEUVERS WERE DONDUCTED. THE PIRATES THEN ATTEMPTED TO BOARD A SECOND TIME BY SHOOTING AT THE BRIDGE","Desc4":"WITH MACHINE GUNS. THE VESSEL CONDUCTED EVASIVE MANEUVERS AGAIN AND WERE ABLE TO PROVENT THE PIRATES FROM BOARDING. THE PIRATED SKIFF THEN STAYED BACK IN THE STERN WAVE AND STOPPED CHASING THE VESSEL, BUT THE CREW REMAINED ALERT DURING THIS TIME.","Desc5":"APPROXIMATELY ONE HOUR LATER, THEY WERE AWARE OF THE SPEED BOAT CHASING THEM AGAIN, AT 3.5NM AWAY WITH A SPEED OF 17 KTS. THE PIRATES ATTEMPTEDTO BOARD THE VESSEL FOR A THIRD TIME, BUT THE VESSEL CONDUCTED EVASIVE MANEUVERS AS BEFORE AND MANAGED TO","Desc6":"ESCAPE. THE SPEED BOAT EVENTUALLY STOPPED ITS PURSUIT. THE SPEED BOAT WAS IDENTIFIED AS GREY COLORED AND 5-7 METERS IN LENGTH. NO CREWMEMBERS WERE INJURED DURING THE ATTACK, BUT THE BRIDGE WINDOW WAS BROKEN AND 91 BULLET MARKS WERE FOUND, WITH SOME","coords.x1":58.71667,"coords.x2":8.01667} {"Reference":"2009-108","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"KAKINADA ANCHORAGE, INDIA: Robbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier by climbing thru the hawse pipe. When sighted by duty watchmen, robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores. Port control and agent informed.","coords.x1":70.025,"coords.x2":23.03611} {"Reference":"2009-116","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 5 Mar 09 at 0345 local time while underway in position 07-56N 065-28E. The officer on watch onboard the vessel noticed an unidentified and unlit target on the radar about 9NM away on the starboard","Desc2":"bow. The target did not transmit an AIS signal and did not respond to calls on VHF radio. About 45 minutes later, the target increased speed and had turned around to a course heading towards the vessel. The captain conducted evasive maneuvers and","Desc3":"prevented the suspicious craft from getting any closer than 2 NM. The suspicious craft eventually abandoned its pursuit and moved away (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":65.46667,"coords.x2":7.93333} {"Reference":"2009-107","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: While underway, OOW onboard a bulk carrier noticed an unidentified and unlit target on the radar about 9 nautical miles on starboard bow. Target did not transmit AIS signal and did not respond to calls on VHF radio. About 45 minutes later,","Desc2":"target increased speed and headed towards vessel. Vessel took evasive maneuvers and prevented target from getting closer. Later, target was noticed aborting the attempt and moving away. Vessel resumed passage on intended route.","coords.x1":65.46667,"coords.x2":7.93333} {"Reference":"2009-98","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"COCHIN, INDIA: Robbers boarded a general cargo ship at achor. They broke forward lockers and stole ship's stores and escaped.","coords.x1":76.23333,"coords.x2":9.91667} {"Reference":"2009-72","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vessel fired upon 11 Feb 09 at 0630 UTC while underway in position 10-39N 055-54E. Vessel was approached by a light blue colored skiff described as 5 to 7 meters long with five men onboard armed with guns and an RPG, travelling more than 20","Desc2":"knots. Multiple shots were fired at the vessel, hitting the accommodation. The master conducted evasive maneuvers and activated fire hoses. The vessel was able to escape and coordinated with a Russian warship for assistance. ONI Comment: Attack occurred","Desc3":"approximately 280NM east of Bargaal, Somalia and 135NM southeast of Socotra Island, Yemen, operating area for pirates (Operator, ONI, IMB,).","coords.x1":55.9,"coords.x2":10.65} {"Reference":"2009-75","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"KAKINADA, INDIA: Robbers boarded a bulk carrier via forecastle and stole ship's stores and escaped before being noticed by watchkeepers.","coords.x1":70.225,"coords.x2":23.03611} {"Reference":"2008-508","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"Chittagong anchorage, Bangladesh: At 0340 local time duty oiler onboard a tanker spotted armed robbers ear the engine store area. The alarm was raised, crew alerted and authorities contacted. Robbers escaped with stolen engine spares.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2008-490","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG 'A' ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH:SIX ROBBERS ARMED WITH KNIVES BOARDED A TANKER AT ANCHOR. ALARM RAISED AND CREW MUSTERED. COAST GUARD BOARDED FOR INVESTIGATION . SHIP'S STORES STOLEN FROM BOSUN STORE.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2008-498","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Tanker robbed 11 Dec 08 at 0142 local time while anchored at position 22-15N 091-44E, Chittagong ?A? anchorage. Six robbers armed with knives boarded the tanker. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The coast guard boarded for","Desc2":"investigation. Ship?s stores were reported stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2008-477","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Indian fishing trawler (KUBER) hijacked on 23 Nov 08 probably near Jakhau. The hijackers were militants involved in the 23 Nov 08 attacks in Mumbai, India. The militants killed four crewmembers and threw their bodies overboard. The captain was","Desc2":"kept alive until reaching Mumbai's shores likely in order to aid in navigation but was killed upon arrival. Mumbai Coast Guard recovered the body of the captain from the boat and the boat is in their possession. The Coast Guard officials had confirmed on","Desc3":"Friday that the boat found by Mumbai Coast Guard was from Porbandar (LM: news.indiainfo.com)","coords.x1":70.2075,"coords.x2":22.89889} {"Reference":"2008-445","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Oil tanker boarded 7 Nov 08 at 2055 local time in Chittagong anchorage A. Five robbers boarded an oil tanker at anchorage. They jumped overboard with sighted by the ship?s crew. Nothing was reported stolen and no injury to the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2008-427","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"Chittagong, Bagladesh: Five robbers boarded an oil tanker at anchorage. Robbers jumped overboard when sighted by ship's crew. Nothing stolen and no injury to crew.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2008-419","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach on 29 Oct 08 at 0950 UTC while underway in position 02:13.5N-054:45.7E. A speedboat was sighted on the port bow at a distance of 14 nautical miles. The ship increased to speed of 15.2 knots. The","Desc2":"speedboat continued on a parallel course for 15 minutes and then slowed down (IMB).","coords.x1":54.76167,"coords.x2":2.225} {"Reference":"2008-409","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"LTTE PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL RUHUNA AND VESSEL NIMALAWA","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: M/V (RUHUNA) and M/V (NIMALAWA) attacked by LTTE Sea Tiger suicide boats on 22 Oct 08 at 0500 local time while underway off Kankesanthurai harbor. Sri Lankan Navy spokesperson D. K. P. Dassanayake claimed three LTTE suicide vessels were","Desc2":"involved in the attack. Navy sailors providing onboard security fired at the approaching boats and destroyed two of them, he said. One of the boats exploded in close proximity to MV (NIMALAWA), damaging the ship's hull. The third craft has been captured","Desc3":"and the cadre operating the boat killed (LM: The Hindu, Hindusan Times)","coords.x1":80.83333,"coords.x2":9.23333} {"Reference":"2008-346","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THREE WHITE SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEANFishing vessel (LE DRENNEC) fired upon 13 Sep 08 at 0500 UTC while underway in position 02-10N 054-37E, 427NM off Somali coast. Three white speedboats, possibly from a mother-ship, fired rockets and tried to close onto the vessel. The master","Desc2":"increased its speed and moved away (IMB, LM: Maritime Global Net).","coords.x1":54.61667,"coords.x2":2.16667} {"Reference":"2008-348","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAGeneral cargo vessel (KINSHIP PROSPERITY) boarded 13 Sep 08 at 0320 local time while at anchorage in position 09-57.7N 076-15.8E, Port of Kochi. Two robbers dressed in local attire boarded the vessel from a speedboat while 10 other men waited in the","Desc2":"boat. The robbers boarded the vessel from the starboard bow and broke the lock of the forward store. The sentry-on-duty sighted the robbers. He shouted, raised the alarm and assembled the crew. The robbers escaped by jumping overboard and fled in the","Desc3":"speedboat. The ship master reported the incident to the Port Authority of Kochi. The Indian Coast Guard and the local police boarded the vessel to investigate the incident. ReCAAP COMMENT: Ship master and crew are advised to maintain vigilance and","Desc4":"strengthen their watch keeping particularly during hours of darkness when their ship is at anchor (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":76.25222,"coords.x2":9.95194} {"Reference":"2008-347","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"TUNA BOAT","Victim":"TRAWLER","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEANTrawler (PLAYA DE ANZORAS) reported suspicious approach 11 Sep 08 during nightfall, 415NM off Somali coast. The tuna boat reacted quickly and headed out to sea, and the suspected pirates followed it for a while but eventually moved away. No","Desc2":"shots were fired and no injuries reported (LM: Basque News & Information Channel)","coords.x1":54.61667,"coords.x2":1.15} {"Reference":"2008-323","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADENContainer ship reported suspicious approach at 0250 UTC, while underway in position 11-23.32N 066-22.72E, per 1 Sep 08 reporting. The vessel reported one suspicious blue fishing trawler with one speedboat. No further information (UKMTO).","coords.x1":66.37861,"coords.x2":11.39222} {"Reference":"2008-293","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirate Robbery","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"INDIA:Chemical tanker boarded, robbed 24 Aug 08 at 0005 local time while at anchorage in position 16-59.7N 082-21.4E, Kakinada. Two robbers boarded the vessel. The robbers attempted to steal the fire wire and other ship stores. Upon hearing the emergency","Desc2":"alarm and ship?s horn, the robbers fled with the fire wire in a waiting boat along with two other accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":82.35667,"coords.x2":16.995} {"Reference":"2008-294","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"INDIA:Container ship (OEL DUBAI) boarded, robbed 20 Aug 08 at 0350 local time/2130 UTC while at anchorage in position 09-55N 076-05E, Cochin. Four robbers boarded the vessel from a wooden boat and stole the 10 drums of paint from the paint locker. The","Desc2":"ship master reported the incident to the Port Authority of Kochi. After the alarm was raised and the crew was alerted, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their boat. The Indian Coast Guard and local police are currently investigating the","Desc3":"incident. The ship master and crew are advised to maintain vigilance and strengthen their watch keeping particularly during hours ofdarkness when their ship is at anchor (IMB, ReCAAP).","coords.x1":76.08333,"coords.x2":9.91667} {"Reference":"2008-272","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"N/A","Victim":"N/A","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Sri Lankan Army battle LTTE, casualties, 11 Aug 08 at 1630 local time, Adampankulam area. The Media Centre for National Security (MCNS) stated that the troops monitoring a flotilla of five to six boats of the LTTE had directed artillery attacks","Desc2":"towards them. One LTTE boat was reportedly destroyed and three LTTE terrorists killed in the attack. One soldier was reportedly killed from machine-gunfire. There was no immediate word from the LTTE regarding the military claims (LM: sindhtoday.net,","Desc3":"Ministry of Defence)","coords.x1":80.25,"coords.x2":9.3} {"Reference":"2008-267","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Sri Lankan Navy raids LTTE camp 2 Aug 08, evening, Iranathivu Island. Sri Lanka Navy's Rapid Action Boats Squadron (RABS) and Special Boats Squadron (SBS) destroyed an LTTE make-shift camp, destroying one LTTE boat, killing four LTTE cadres and","Desc2":"capturing two LTTE boats. Naval troops upon observing the LTTE boats and cadre movements, immediately engaged the enemy and their craft. Simultaneously, naval craft engaged a cluster of LTTE boats hovering closer to the Nachchikudah beach and inflicted","Desc3":"heavy damages to the enemy. Meanwhile, the Navy's elite SBS personnel made a swift landing on the Iranathivu Island and secured the area by carrying out a special search operation. A stretcher, a haul of medical items, two cans full of fuel, and a tent","Desc4":"were recovered by the naval personnel. A cleared building at the location bears the signs of having being recently used by the LTTE cadres. Two dinghies were found abandoned near the building and they are reported to have been used by the LTTE cadres to","Desc5":"extort money from the local fishermen as \"taxes\" on their fish catch (LM: defence.lk).","coords.x1":79.75,"coords.x2":9.75} {"Reference":"2008-273","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"N/A","Victim":"N/A","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Sri Lankan Navy raids LTTE camp 2 Aug 08, evening, Iranathivu Island. Sri Lanka Navy's Rapid Action Boats Squadron (RABS) and Special Boats Squadron (SBS) destroyed an LTTE make-shift camp, destroying one LTTE boat, killing four LTTE cadres and","Desc2":"capturing two LTTE boats. Naval troops upon observing the LTTE boats and cadre movements, immediately engaged the enemy and their craft. Simultaneously, naval craft engaged a cluster of LTTE boats hovering closer to the Nachchikudah beach and inflicted","Desc3":"heavy damages to the enemy. Meanwhile, the Navy's elite SBS personnel made a swift landing on the Iranathivu Island and secured the area by carrying out a special search operation. A stretcher, a haul of medical items, two cans full of fuel, and a tent","Desc4":"were recovered by the naval personnel. A cleared building at the location bears the signs of having being recently used by the LTTE cadres. Two dinghies were found abandoned near the building and they are reported to have been used by the LTTE cadres to","Desc5":"extort money from the local fishermen as \"taxes\" on their fish catch (LM: defence.lk).","coords.x1":80,"coords.x2":8} {"Reference":"2008-253","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Unknown","Victim":"Unknown","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Sri Lankan Navy attacks LTTE boats 22 Jul 08 at 0130 local time, Pulmoddai. An LTTE boat was destroyed and two more were heavily damaged when the Sri Lanka Navy?s Fast Attack Craft (FAC) engaged a cluster of LTTE boats detected. According to","Desc2":"the naval sources, five LTTE speedboats were heading towards Pulmoddai from Nayaru and the sea battle erupted when the LTTE boat cluster was detected by the naval FACs. No damage to naval craft or sailors, according to naval sources (LM: Sri Lanka","Desc3":"Ministry of Defence).","coords.x1":79.75,"coords.x2":8.25} {"Reference":"2008-252","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"unknown","Victim":"unknown","Desc1":"INDIA:Sri Lankan Navy (SLN) reportedly fired upon fishing vessel, fishermen killed 12 Jul 08, early morning, off Point Calimere. According to an injured fisherman on board the vessel at the time, two of his fellow fishermen were killed by the SLN in an","Desc2":"?unprovoked? fight. The SLN however, denies killing the two fishermen. The SLN, for its part, has consistently maintained that it does not cross the International Maritime Boundary Line and enter into Indian waters. The Navy also possesses sophisticated","Desc3":"navigation equipment which ensures that they do not trespass into Indian waters nor attack Indian fishermen, according to the SLN (LM: Tamil Nadu, Asiantribune.com).","coords.x1":79.83333,"coords.x2":10.75} {"Reference":"2008-240","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Unknown","Victim":"Fishing Vessel","Desc1":"INDIA:Sri Lankan Navy (SLN) reportedly fired upon fishing vessel, fishermen killed 12 Jul 08, early morning, off Point Calimere. According to an injured fisherman on board the vessel at the time, two of his fellow fishermen were killed by the SLN in an","Desc2":"?unprovoked? fight. The SLN however, denies killing the two fishermen. The SLN, for its part, has consistently maintained that it does not cross the International Maritime Boundary Line and enter into Indian waters. The Navy also possesses sophisticated","Desc3":"navigation equipment which ensures that they do not trespass into Indian waters nor attack Indian fishermen, according to the SLN (LM: Tamil Nadu, Asiantribune.com).","coords.x1":79.4,"coords.x2":9.83333} {"Reference":"2008-231","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) attack LTTE flotilla 9 Jul 08 at 0800 local time, off Mullaittivu coast. An LTTE boat was destroyed in the attack, Air Force Spokesperson Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara said, added that a few other vessels were","Desc2":"also believed to be damaged during the air sortie. Further, citing intercepted LTTE communication, two LTTE self styled 'majors' were killed and many others injured in the simultaneous air strikes launched at a high profile LTTE gathering point at","Desc3":"Vaddakkachchi in Kilinochchi district (AP, LM: Ministry of Defence).","coords.x1":80.83333,"coords.x2":9.23333} {"Reference":"2008-232","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Tanker boarded 6 Jul 08 at 0135 local time while at anchorage in position 21-48N 091-42E, Kutubdia Island. Two robbers using a rope and hook boarded the vessel. boat, which had four other robbers and escaped. No injuries to crew. Nothing","Desc2":"reported stolen(IMB).","coords.x1":91.7,"coords.x2":21.8} {"Reference":"2008-221","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"BURMA:Container ship reported suspicious approach 26 Jun 08 at 0345 local time while at anchorage, Yangon. Six suspicious men in a speedboat attempted to come alongside the vessel. The alert crew raised the alarm and directed the search light towards the","Desc2":"boat. Upon seeing the alert crew the suspicious men turned away. Ships in the vicinity were informed. Earlier the port authority and pilot had warned the master of robbers in the anchorage (IMB).","coords.x1":96.13333,"coords.x2":16.81667} {"Reference":"2008-206","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirate Boarding","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Container ship boarded, robbed 13 Jun 08 at 2354 local time while in position 22-13.8N 091-44.3E, Chittagong Outer Roads Anchorage 'B'. Six robbers in a long wooden boat with an outboard engine boarded the vessel. They stole ship's stores and","Desc2":"property and escaped. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73833,"coords.x2":22.23} {"Reference":"2008-198","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"LTTE","Victim":"NAVY OUTPOST","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:LTTE attacks Navy outpost 12 Jun 08 at 0125 local time, Erukkalampiddi, Mannar Island. A group of Sea Tigers arrived in six boats and launched the attack. The sailors defended their post effectively, causing the attackers to withdraw with their","Desc2":"causalities. Four attackers, including their leader were killed. Three sailors were also killed and others wounded during the confrontation. The Defense Ministry said that the Air Force MI-24 helicopters pounded the withdrawing boats in the Gulf of","Desc3":"Mannar, targeting the boats fleeing towards Veddithalthievu area. Defense observers are of the opinion that the attackers carried out this attack with the intention of stopping the people in Wanni escaping to the cleared areas (LM: The Hindu).","coords.x1":79.86667,"coords.x2":9} {"Reference":"2008-199","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SRI LANKAN NAVY","Victim":"INDIAN FISHERMEN","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Indian fishermen shot by Sri Lankan Navy 2 Jun 08 2300 local time, near Katchativu. Sri Lankan navy allegedly shot dead an Indian fishermen while he was fishing in a motorized boat along with three others. Police said the fishermen, who","Desc2":"suffered bullet injuries in the kidney, died on the spot, while the three others escaped unhurt. The body was brought to the Rameswaram hospital at 3 Jun 08 0130 local time. Tension prevailed as fishermen from Thangachimadam Coastal village gathered in","Desc3":"front of the hospital to protest against the firing by the Sri Lankan navy. Fishermen told police that they were fishing well within Indian waters when the Sri Lankan naval personnel came ?silently? to the spot in a gas operated boat. The fishermen claim","Desc4":"they never fired a warning shot. Top police officials are holding talks with the fishermen, who alleged that the fisherman?s death was due to the ?failure? of the Indian Navy and Coast Guard to protect them (LM: Hinustan Times).","coords.x1":79.28333,"coords.x2":9.28333} {"Reference":"2008-180","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATE ATTACK","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN:Product tanker reported suspicious approach 1 Jun 08 at 0610 UTC while underway in position 13-20N 097-37E, approximately 23NM from the Yemen coast. Two suspicious boats were observed ahead of the vessel. The boats crossed the vessels bow","Desc2":"and then turned back. A third boat was later seen coming from the port side which later rendezvoused with one of the original boats. The vessel made a sharp course alteration to the starboard side. One boat altered its course to parallel with the vessel,","Desc3":"about 50 meters away. This boat had three men onboard; one man was seen to be using a cell phone or similar device. The individual using the device was standing up in the bows of the boat and appeared to be reporting details about the vessel to someone.","Desc4":"After a few minutes the boat altered its course and crossed the vessels stern. All three boats were last seen heading north. Each boat was 10M in length, two had a white hull and one had a grayish hull, all having a large outboard motor. Each boat","Desc5":"carried 3-4 men and were all dressed in white t-shirts and shorts. No sign of any weapons but the closest boat was seen to have a small hold type space with hatch removed. There was no sign of any fishing gear. Security message was broadcasted to all","Desc6":"ships via VHF chn. 16. Details of crafts and position given. UKMTO COMMENT: UKMTO called the vessel and discussed the incident at length with the master. The position of the vessel at the time of the boat activity was well north of any reported attack","coords.x1":97.61667,"coords.x2":13.33333} {"Reference":"2008-200","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Sri Lankan military sinks LTTE vessels 29 May 08, off the northern coast. Sri Lanka?s military sank three to four Tamil Tiger rebel boats in a pre-dawn attack and stated that eight rebels and one soldier was killed, and two soldiers were","Desc2":"wounded, while one solider and two sailors were missing. A military official stated that the rebel boats were sunk when troops fired artillery at them as they attempted to attack army and naval positions in Sirutheevu off northern Jaffna. According to","Desc3":"Tamil.net, the rebels denied suffering any casualties and stated that there were two civilian deaths due to an artillery fire in Jaffna, but did not say who fired the shells (AP, LM: Bloomberg.com).","coords.x1":80.25,"coords.x2":9.83333} {"Reference":"2008-150","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Suspected suicide cadres","Victim":"Merchant vessel","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Merchant vessel (INVINCIBLE) sank by LTTE 10 May 08 at 0230 local time, while at anchorage at the Ashroff Jetty at the eastern coastal town of Trincomalee. The LTTE said their Sea Tigers underwater naval commandos launched a pre-dawn underwater","Desc2":"demolition-type attack on the Sri Lankan Navy?s boat while it was being loaded with explosives. The boat was headed for troops operating in the island?s north. No injuries were reported. On 11 May 08, navy divers reportedly recovered body parts of the","Desc3":"suspected LTTE suicide cadres from where the boat was sunk. The navy believes the suicide cadres had used a suicide jacket for the blast as only the lower part of the body was recovered (LM: 7days.com, nation.lk, Daily Mirror).","coords.x1":81.24722,"coords.x2":8.58333} {"Reference":"2008-151","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container ship","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship boarded, robbed 4 May 08 at 2300 local time in position 22-12.9N 091-45.0E: Chittagong anchorage Bravo. Three robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel from the stern whilst seven robbers remained in the boat. They broke","Desc2":"open the padlock to a storeroom and stole ship?s stores. The alarm was raised and the robbers escaped in the waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.215} {"Reference":"2008-220","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Container Ship (MT HUDSON) reported suspicious approach 4 May 08 at 2255 local time while in position 22-12.9N 091-46.88E, Chittagong Anchorage B, per 1 Jul 08 reporting. Suspected robbers came alongside the ship in an engine-driven wooden","Desc2":"boat. The ship master reported the incident to the Bangladesh Coast Guard and the Chittagong Port Authority (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":91.78133,"coords.x2":22.215} {"Reference":"2008-140","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container ship","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Container Ship (TABAGO BAY) reported suspicious approach 29 Apr 08 at 2310 local time while at anchorage in position 22-10.16N 091-46.88E, Chittagong Port. Between 10-12 people in an engine-driven wooden boat was near the vessel. The vessel","Desc2":"moved away after their reported attempt to board failed (ReCAAP ISC).Eight robbers armed with sticks boarded the vessel. Alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped without stealing anything. Authorities informed","Desc3":"(ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":91.78133,"coords.x2":22.16933} {"Reference":"2008-141","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Container Ship (MARTHA RUSS) boarded, robbed 26 Apr 08 at 1530 local time while at berth in position 22-10.16N 091-46.88E, Chittagong Port, per 2 Jun 08 reporting. Three robbers in a small boat boarded the ship and stole part of the hawser.","Desc2":"The crew spotted them and raised the alarm. Upon detection, the robbers jumped over board and escaped. No injures to crew (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":91.78133,"coords.x2":22.16933} {"Reference":"2008-131","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Attempted Boarding","Victim":"Research Vessel","Desc1":"INDIA:Research vessel reported attempting boarding 22 Apr 08 at 0430 local time, Mumbai anchorage. Four robbers in a motor boat attempted to board the vessel, however, the attempt failed due to a strict anti-piracy watch (IMB).","coords.x1":72.83333,"coords.x2":19.03333} {"Reference":"2008-109","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Product tanker","Desc1":"INDIA:Product tanker (SAMPURNA SWARAJYA) boarded, robbed 05 Apr 08 at 0330 local time while at anchorage in position 09-57.1N 076-04.8E, Port of Kochi. Six robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel at the forecastle using hooks and ropes. The","Desc2":"crewmember on deck watch spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. The robbers then jumped into their fishing boat and fled with one mooring rope of about 210 meters in length. The ship master reported the incident to the Port Authority of Kochi. Upon","Desc3":"receipt of the report, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) dispatched a patrol vessel to investigate. The initial investigation revealed that there was a large number of fishing boats operating in the vicinity of the incident. However, the ship master and crew","Desc4":"were unable to provide further details of the fishing boat as the incident occurred in the hours of darkness (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":76.08,"coords.x2":9.95167} {"Reference":"2008-110","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Container ship boarded, robbed 02 Apr 08 at 0500 local time, Chittagong anchorage B. Robbers boarded the vessel. They broke the aft store padlock and stole ship?s stores. The port authority and ships in vicinity were informed by VHF (IMB).","coords.x1":91.6,"coords.x2":22.41667} {"Reference":"2008-90","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-31","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Vessel reported several suspicious approaches 31 Mar 08 at 1020 local time, while underway in position 06-41.7N 057-59.98E, 450NM east of the coast of Somalia. A suspicious fishing vessel was sailing on the opposite course, on the starboard","Desc2":"side passing at approximately 4NM with a speed of approximately 7kts. The suspicious craft approached the beam and altered course and came perpendicular to the vessel and increased speed, attempting to intercept. Evasive maneuvers were taken. There was","Desc3":"approximately 3kts in distance between the two and after a half hour the suspicious craft moved away. The craft did not have an AIS signal. At approximately 1100 local time, another vessel (possibly a fishing vessel but larger than the first suspicious","Desc4":"fishing vessel) began to behave suspiciously. The craft was on the port side and was approaching to intercept course with a speed of almost 18kts. This craft did not have an AIS signal either. Evasive maneuvers were taken but the craft was altering","Desc5":"course and increased speed and was getting closer. After permission granted, speed was increased from 113 to 114rpm. By 1240 local time, course was resumed (Operator).","coords.x1":57.99967,"coords.x2":6.695} {"Reference":"2008-92","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Tanker (FANTASY I) boarded 28 Mar 08 (according to IMB) 29 Mar 08 (according to ReCAAP ISC) at approximately 0200 local time while in position 22-47.18N 70-04.63E, Kandla outer anchorage. Upon anchoring at the outer anchorage, Kandla tower informed","Desc2":"the master that the security level II was being maintained in the outer anchorage area. Three robbers boarded the vessel via the main deck. Crewmembers were maintaining anti-piracy watches forward and aft. The alarm was raised as soon as the robbers were","Desc3":"spotted. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in their waiting boat. Investigation revealed that the robbers stole eight tank cleaning machines. The port authorities were informed (IMB, ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":70.07717,"coords.x2":22.78633} {"Reference":"2008-94","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 24 Mar 08 at 0230 local time at Chittagong TSP jetty. Four robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel during discharging operations. Fearing injuries, the crew on anti-piracy watch retreated into","Desc2":"accommodation. Within ten minutes, crew mustered and went forward to investigate. By then, the robbers had escaped in a waiting boat after stealing ship stores (IMB).","coords.x1":91.6,"coords.x2":22.41667} {"Reference":"2008-91","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TANKER VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Tanker reported suspicious approach 19 Mar 08 at 0312 UTC while underway in position 10-46.8N 066-44.5E, in the Arabian Sea. The suspicious craft was detected about 6NM ahead of the vessel. The vessel altered to keep clear of the craft,","Desc2":"however, the craft kept altering to remain in front of the vessel. The alarm was raised, crew mustered, and anti-piracy measures were initiated. The master increased its speed and the crew activated its fire hoses. At a distance of three cables, the","Desc3":"craft finally moved away. The crew noticed six persons onboard the suspicious craft (IMB).","coords.x1":66.74167,"coords.x2":10.78} {"Reference":"2008-76","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Seismic Support Vessel","Desc1":"SOMALIA:Seismic support vessel reported suspicious approach, 5 Mar 08, 0030 UTC while in position 08-32N 054-57E, approximately 250NM off the coast of Somalia. While underway, the master onboard the seismic support vessel noticed on radar one suspicious","Desc2":"craft approaching. He took evasive maneuvers to prevent the craft from closing in. The boat eventually disappeared due to actions taken by the vessel (IMB).","coords.x1":54.95,"coords.x2":8.53333} {"Reference":"2008-66","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Vessel boarded 05 Mar 08 at 0105 UTC while in position 22-49.5N 070-02.5E, Kandla anchorage. Upon anchoring at the outer anchorage, Kandla tower informed the master that the security level II was being maintained in the outer anchorage area.","Desc2":"Keeping this in mind, strict anti-piracy watch keeping procedures were maintained. The alert watch keepers spotted a robber onboard the vessel. robber jumped overboard and was picked up by a red motor boat in which there were approximately six to seven","Desc3":"more robbers. No items were stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":70.04167,"coords.x2":22.825} {"Reference":"2008-67","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Cargo ship boarded, robbed 04 Mar 08 at 0100 local time at the Chittagong Ruby cement jetty. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the cargo ship while it was at berth. They assaulted and injured a shore-based security guard by cutting","Desc2":"his face. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship?s stores. The injured security guard later received medical treatment ashore (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2008-62","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Semi-Submersible Heavy Lift Ship","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Semi-submersible heavy lift ship reported suspicious approach 02 Mar 08 at 0237 UTC while underway in position 04-40.2N 057-38.9E, 500NM off the coast of Somalia. While at a distance of 5NM, a drifting orange painted dhow with white","Desc2":"stanchions and 25 persons onboard, called up the vessel requesting them to stop because they had no food or water. As the vessel altered its course, the master noticed that the dhow had increased its speed and was heading directly for them. Seeing this,","Desc3":"the master suspected an attempted attack, altered course, and headed away from the dhow. The vessel and the dhow were both doing around 7kts and after about 3.5 hours, the dhow altered course towards Socotra Island. The same dhow was later heard calling","Desc4":"another vessel to stop (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":57.64833,"coords.x2":4.67} {"Reference":"2008-57","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CIVILIAN YACHT","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:Yacht reported suspicious approach 24 Feb 08, while in position 11-55N 061-27.93E, 411NM east of Socotra Island, Yemen. The vessel reported seeing a 60ft fishing vessel behaving quite aggressively, towing fenders. The vessel eventually moved","Desc2":"away (Operator).","coords.x1":61.4655,"coords.x2":11.91667} {"Reference":"2008-93","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDIA:General cargo ship (THIANJIN) boarded, bandits apprehended 20 Feb 08 at 0930 local time, while at anchorage in position 08-45.08N 078-16.3E, port Tuticorin, per 02 Apr 08 reporting. Three fishing boats approached the vessel. Two groups of men","Desc2":"boarded the vessel by climbing up the vessel using grapnel and ropes. One group reportedly consisted of 18 men and the other comprised of 10 men. The ship master alerted the crew and reported the incident to the Tuticorin port control via VHF. The","Desc3":"Tuticorin port control alerted the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) which dispatched a patrol boat to intercept one of the fishing boats and apprehended seven men. The men were handed over to the local police for further investigation (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":78.27167,"coords.x2":8.75133} {"Reference":"2008-95","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Container vessel (KOTA TEGAP) boarded, robbed 13 Feb 08 at 0315 local time in position 22-25N 091-36E, port of Chittagong, per 02 Apr 08 reporting. Twelve robbers armed with knives and a revolver boarded the vessel from the aft. The robbers","Desc2":"overpowered the deck watchman, took over his intercommunications microphone and tied him to the winch. They then unlocked the aft mooring stores, and stole two mooring ropes and two lifebuoys. They also broke open the CO2 room and dry provision store.","Desc3":"However, nothing was reported stolen. When the robbers tried to open the general deck store, they were spotted by a deck watch keeper who raised the alarm and alerted the bridge. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers fled and left the ship. The ship master","Desc4":"reported the incident to the shipping company which relayed the report to the Chittagong Port Control and the Bangladesh Coast Guard (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":91.6,"coords.x2":22.41667} {"Reference":"2008-48","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Oil Tanker","Desc1":"INIDIA:Oil Tanker boarded 08 Feb 08 at 0030 local time, Kandla anchorage. The duty watchman on the vessel noticed robbers on the forecastle. Upon seeing the alert crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. The padlock of the forecastle store was","Desc2":"broken, however nothing was stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":70.21667,"coords.x2":23.03333} {"Reference":"2008-49","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Civilian Yacht","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Yacht (COBRA) reported suspicious approach 29 Jan 08 while underway in position 06-00.8N 082-01.9E, 130nm East of Galle. A red fishing boat with five men onboard approached the vessel. The crew fired shots in the air and the suspicious craft","Desc2":"moved away. The boat attempted to close in on the yacht twice, at 0830 and 1100 UTC but was unsuccessful (Operator: Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":82.03167,"coords.x2":6.01333} {"Reference":"2008-26","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG AND BARGE","Desc1":"INDIA:Tug and barge boarded, robbed 16 Jan 08 at 1345 local time while underway in position 16-58.17N 082-24.26E, Kakinada OPL. Pirates in a small craft came alongside the vessel towing a barge. They stole ship?s stores. The alert crew raised the alarm,","Desc2":"the crew mustered and took back the stolen stores and pushed the pirates back to their craft. The pirates boarded the barge and left after 20 minutes. The local agents were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":82.40433,"coords.x2":16.9695} {"Reference":"2008-21","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA:Chemical tanker boarded, robbed 07 Jan 08 at 0556 local time while at anchorage in position 16-59.8N 082-26.7E, Kakinada roads. Seven robbers in a 12 meter open boat approached the vessel. One robber boarded the vessel using a grappling hook and","Desc2":"rope via the poop deck. The duty A/B challenged him and informed the Officer of the Watch. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The robber climbed back into the waiting boat. The ship?s property and stores were stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":82.445,"coords.x2":16.99667} {"Reference":"2008-184","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPRAOCH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Yacht (MOONFLOWER) reported suspicious approach Jan 08, approximately 85NM off the coast, per 2 Jun 08 reporting. The vessel initially spotted a boat about 4 miles away. Next to it were 2-3 smaller boats, not showing on radar. As soon as the","Desc2":"vessel was spotted, the smaller boats reportedly began to chase the vessel for 1-2 hours. During the chase, the vessel heard the boats on radio communicating with their mother ship and the other boats. Later in the evening, a crewmember was on watch when","Desc3":"she saw strong lights heading in the vessel?s direction. Another chase began that lasted for more than an hour. The suspicious boat got as close as half a mile. Finally in the morning, there were suspicious lights ahead of the vessel. As soon as the","Desc4":"vessel was spotted the boats reportedly started to chase the vessel yet again. There were three smaller boats right behind them. Two of them changed direction and by spreading out they tried to cut the vessel off. The boats got very close to the vessel,","Desc5":"and the mother ship came to the portside of the vessel. The boats finally gave up (Operator: Noonsite).","coords.x1":82,"coords.x2":8} {"Reference":"2007-306","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:Vessel reported suspicious approach 12 Nov 07 at 2330 local time/1930 UTC in position 20:05.3N-064:49.1E. The vessel detected on radar an unidentified unlit suspicious craft. The vessels course was 308 and traveling at 15.6kts. The suspicious","Desc2":"craft appeared on radar only four miles from the vessel and moved to the starboard side, closing in on the vessel. The craft had very good maneuverability. Upon reaching 0.3 miles from the vessel, the craft began to parallel the course of the vessel. The","Desc3":"alarm was raised. After 15mins,the suspicious craft started moving away from the vessel. At the same time the vessel astern from the current vessel (about 10 miles behind) reportedly experienced the same situation (Operator)","coords.x1":64.81833,"coords.x2":20.08833} {"Reference":"2007-293","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"2015 LT: Chittagong anchorage, Bangladesh:Duty AB on a tanker noticed three robbers armed with knives on poop deck. He informed D/O on bridge who raised alarm and flashed the Aldis lamp towards the robbers. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Some","Desc2":"ship's stores found stolen. Coast Guard informed.","coords.x1":91.66667,"coords.x2":21.66667} {"Reference":"2007-272","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA:Product tanker boarded, robbed 18 Oct 07 at 0200 local time in position 22-49.0N 070-04.5E at Kandla outer Tuna buoy. Robbers boarded the vessel unnoticed and stole items from the crews smoking room. The incident was reported to port control so","Desc2":"they could notify all ships in the area (IMB).","coords.x1":70.075,"coords.x2":22.81667} {"Reference":"2007-274","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:General cargo vessel boarded, robbed 12 Oct 07, TSP Jetty, Chittagong port. Five robbers boarded the vessel from the stern. They stabbed the duty watchman and stole from the ships stores. The duty officer raised the alarm and the robbers","Desc2":"escaped. The port control and coast guard were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.78333,"coords.x2":22.2} {"Reference":"2007-273","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDIA:Bulk Carrier boarded, robbed 10 Oct 07 at 0130 local time in position 17-03.5N 082-27.7E, Kakinada anchorage. Three robbers boarded the vessel via the stern using grappling hooks. The duty AB spotted them and informed the officer on watch. The","Desc2":"alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The robbers stole from the ships stores and escaped. The port authorities were informed. No damage to the ship and no injuries to the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":82.46167,"coords.x2":17.05833} {"Reference":"2007-255","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Vessel boarded, robbed 8 Oct 07, in Panaji off the Yermal coast in Udupi district of Karnataka. Unknown persons in two canoes reportedly climbed into a rented boat carrying six scientists from the Waltair-Vishkhapatnam based regional centre","Desc2":"National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) and attempted to take away scientific instruments after a brief scuffle with the scientists, according to NIO sources. All six scientists are reportedly safe, however it is unclear whether the persons who boarded","Desc3":"the boat took away the instruments or threw them into the sea. The scientists had geophysical survey instruments on their rented boat and were sailing in shallow water when the group came on their boat. The scientists were on a sponsored project to the","Desc4":"West coast to conduct research on sea variations and tsunami alerts. There have been instances in the past when fishermen have objected to NIO scientists carrying out routine marine surveys near their fishing zones. The incident is currently being","Desc5":"investigated (LM:timesofindia.com, The Telegraph).","coords.x1":73.75,"coords.x2":15.5} {"Reference":"2007-290","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"0130 LT: Hoogli River, Sagar Roads anchorage, India:Six robbers armed with knives boarded a chemical tanker at anchor, via the poop deck. Crew raised alarm and activated anti-piracy measures. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped, with ship's stores, in","Desc2":"their waiting boat. No injuries to crew. Reported to harbour pilots but no action taken.","coords.x1":88.01667,"coords.x2":21.66667} {"Reference":"2007-245","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier reported robbery 23 Sept 07, Kutubdia anchorage, Chittagong. While carrying out anti piracy rounds, the ship's crew found the forecastle stores door lock broken and ships stores missing. Even though there were a number of shore","Desc2":"personal working onboard, the robbers went unnoticed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.77778,"coords.x2":22.15833} {"Reference":"2007-219","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: Yacht (FLYING GERMANIA II) reportedly attacked 18 Aug 07 at 0750 local time, while underway in position 05-22.58N 78-9.75E, 78 miles southwest of the coast as of 12 Sept 07 reporting. The vessel reported being chased and attacked by a number","Desc2":"of fishing vessels, while traveling from Maldives to Malaysia. The vessel managed to fend off the attackers (www.bluewater.de).","coords.x1":78.1625,"coords.x2":5.37633} {"Reference":"2007-242","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: Yacht (FLYING GERMANIA II) reportedly attacked 18 Aug 07, at 0750 local time, while underway in position 05-22.58N 78-9.75E, 78 miles southwest of the coast as of 12 Sept 07 reporting. The vessel reported being chased and attacked by a number","Desc2":"of fishing vessels, while traveling from Maldives to Malaysia. The vessel managed to fend off the attackers (www.bluewater.de, IMB).","coords.x1":78.1625,"coords.x2":5.37633} {"Reference":"2007-200","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Container ship boarded and robbed 18 Aug 07 0135 local time, at Tuticorin anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel, stole from the ships stores, and escaped in a boat. The duty AB raised the alarm and the crew mustered. The coast guard was informed","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":78.25,"coords.x2":8.75} {"Reference":"2007-201","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach 13 Aug 07, River Mooring No. 3, Chittagong anchorage. Suspects in country boats reportedly approached the vessel. The boats were noticed going under the hull near the stern. The suspects were","Desc2":"cutting off and stealing the zinc anodes. The incident was reported to the coast guard who sent out a patrol boat. Upon seeing the patrol boats, the suspects left their boats and escaped. The coast guard seized the boat and boarded the ship for","Desc3":"investigations (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2007-173","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: General Cargo ship boarded and robbed 26 Jul at 2350 local time, in position 22-16.2N 091-49.1E Dry Dock Berth No. 2, Chittagong. Robbers from two boats boarded the vessel from the starboard side and stole from the ships stores. When spotted","Desc2":"by the crew, the robbers escaped. The port control and coastguard was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81833,"coords.x2":22.27} {"Reference":"2007-169","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: General cargo ship reported attempted boarding 22 Jul at 0300 UTC while, underway in position 06-01.4N 080-00.5E, 12 NM off the SW coast of Sri Lanka. A small white and light-blue hulled boat, with nine persons on board, attempted to board the","Desc2":"vessel. The boat reduced speed and aborted the attempt at a distance of 0.1 nm abeam of the ship (IMB).","coords.x1":80.00833,"coords.x2":6.02333} {"Reference":"2007-195","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: General cargo ship reported attempted boarding 22 Jul at 0300 UTC, while underway in position 06-01.4N0 80-00.5E, 12 NM off the SW coast of Sri Lanka. A small white and light-blue hulled boat, with nine persons on board, attempted to board the","Desc2":"vessel. The boat reduced speed and aborted the attempt, at a distance of 0.1 nm abeam of the ship (IMB).","coords.x1":80.00833,"coords.x2":6.02333} {"Reference":"2007-198","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 18 Jul at 2100 UTC, while anchored at Chittagong Anchorage B. Twelve robbers, in two small boats and armed with knives, attempted to board the vessel during lightering operations. D/O raised the alarm","Desc2":"and crew mustered. The robbers aborted their boarding attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2007-171","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 18 Jul at 2100 UTC, while anchored at Chittagong Anchorage B. Twelve robbers, in two small boats, armed with knives attempted to board the vessel during lightering operations. D/O raised the alarm and","Desc2":"crew mustered. The robbers aborted their boarding attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2007-170","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier boarded 17 Jul at 2300 UTC, while anchored at Chittagong Anchorage B. Six robbers, armed with knives, boarded the vessel. Duty officer raised the alarm. All crew mustered. The robbers escaped without stealing anything (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2007-197","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier boarded 17 Jul at 2300 UTC, while anchored at Chittagong Anchorage B. Six robbers, armed with knives, boarded the vessel. Duty officer raised the alarm and all crew mustered. The robbers escaped without stealing anything (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2007-164","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship boarded and robbed 12 Jul 1555 UTC Chittagong Anchorage B. Six robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel. The D/O raised the alarm and all crew mustered and chased the robbers. The robbers stole from the ships stores and","Desc2":"escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2007-153","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship boarded and robbed 05 Jul at 2215 local time in position 22-11-00N 091- 43.50E, Chittagong anchorage B. Several low wooden boats were roaming near the vessel when one boat, near the port bow, stopped the engine and drifted","Desc2":"towards the ship, pretending that the engine had broken down. All of the crew concentrated their attention on this boat. Meanwhile, another boat approached the ship unnoticed from the starboard quarter. The robbers boarded the ship using grappling hooks","Desc3":"and stole from the ships stores. Later, the robbers tried to board again but alert crew raised the alarm and directed the search light towards the boats. The boats moved away and the port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.725,"coords.x2":22.18333} {"Reference":"2007-148","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship robbed and items were recovered 26 Jun at 0700 local time at Chittagong `A? Anchorage. The vessel discovered that her aft rope locker was opened and the ship?s stores were missing. The master informed the Coast Guard who","Desc2":"arrested the pirate boat and returned the stolen items to the ship (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2007-139","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Tanker reported suspicious approach 13 Jun at 0108 UTC, in position 03-05N 054-50E. Three boats approached the vessel on converging courses. As the ship altered its course, the boats adjusted their courses and continued to approach the ship.","Desc2":"Suspicious vessels came within 4.7 miles. As the ship increased speed, the distance between the boats and the ship increased and the suspicious craft moved away (Operator, IMB).","coords.x1":54.83333,"coords.x2":3.08333} {"Reference":"2007-147","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Ro-Ro ship boarded and robbed 1 Jul at 0700 local time, Chittagong Anchorage. Approximately 40 robbers armed with long knives and steel bars boarded the vessel. The alarm was raised; and the crew mustered and closed all access doors. The","Desc2":"master fired rocket flares, picked up the anchor, and preceded at full speed to open sea. The crew caught two robbers and the others jumped overboard and escaped in their speedboats with the ship's stores. The port control and coast guard were informed.","Desc3":"A coast guard patrol boat arrived for investigation and took the two robbers for interrogation (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2007-127","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"UNKNOWN CRAFT","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Tanker reported suspicious approach 21 May at 2300 local time, while underway in position 07-08N 054-36E. An unidentified small craft followed the tanker from a distance of 7 miles. The tanker altered its course and increased its speed to","Desc2":"distance themselves more from the suspicious craft. The small craft followed the vessel for several hours before moving away. PRC forwarded the masters message to coalition forces to render necessary assistance (IMB).","coords.x1":54.6,"coords.x2":7.13333} {"Reference":"2007-154","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier boarded 17 May at 0345 local time, Chittagong anchorage A, per 4 Jul reporting. Three robbers boarded the vessel during lighting operations. They opened the aft rope locker, stole from the ships stores, and escaped. The Coast","Desc2":"Guard was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2007-113","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Seven robbers armed with knives boarded a tanker, at Visakhapatnam Anchorage, via the poop deck. Duty AB contacted the bridge. All crew went into the accommodation, closed all doors, and then the master raised the alarm. The robbers jumped","Desc2":"overboard and escaped with ship stores. Ship activated SSAS, informed port control and local agent. No one was injured.","coords.x1":83.36667,"coords.x2":17.63833} {"Reference":"2007-155","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified vessel boarded and perpetrators caught 03 May at 0430 local time, Chittagong Anchorage B, per 4 Jul reporting. Five robbers boarded the vessel and stole from the ships stores. When the robbers were spotted by the crew, they","Desc2":"jumped overboard and escaped. The master reported the incident to the coast guard, who promptly responded. The coast guard was able to recover the stolen items and returned them to the vessel. The robbers were prosecuted (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2007-82","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Victim":"SUPICIOUS APPROACH","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 13 Apr, at 1500 UTC while underway in position 11-57N 060-23E, 350NM East of Socotra Island, Yemen. A speedboat traveling at 20 kts was sighted on radar, at a distance of 8NM. Anti-piracy measures","Desc2":"were taken by the crew. The suspicious craft closed to a distance of 2NM and then aborted the approach. The craft was last seen heading towards the African coast (IMB)","coords.x1":60.38333,"coords.x2":11.95} {"Reference":"2007-84","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Barge boarded and robbed 13 Apr at 0900 local time, while under tow in position 08-20N 076-32E, approximately 36 NM WSW of Trivandrum. Reportedly 100 pirates, some believed to be fishermen, were armed with long knives and boarded the barge. They","Desc2":"stole cargo and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":76.53333,"coords.x2":8.33333} {"Reference":"2007-85","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Containership boarded 29 Mar, at 0300 local time at Chittagong Roads. Two robbers using grappling hooks with ropes boarded the container ship from a small boat near the stern. The alarm was raised by the deck watchmen. The deck watchmen were","Desc2":"attacked by the robbers, who were armed with knives. The crew sustained serious cuts to their hands. The robbers jumped into the water and the small boat moved away. The port control was informed. The small boat was still near the vessel but moved away,","Desc3":"when the coast guard came on board to investigate (IMB).","coords.x1":91.78333,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"2007-62","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDIA: Rig boarded 22 Mar at 0705 UTC while under tow by two tug boats, in position 08-43.0N 076-14.0E, off the southwest coast. Three pirates, in two speedboats, boarded the rig and started preparing to transfer equipment from the rig to their","Desc2":"speedboats. The master raised the alarm and the pirates jumped overboard and escaped in their boats(IMB).","coords.x1":76.23333,"coords.x2":8.71667} {"Reference":"2007-55","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Chemical tanker boarded, 8 Mar at 0345 local time in position 21-39.95N 088-01.05E, Sagar Anchorage. One robber boarded the chemical tanker at poop deck. The Duty Officer noticed the robber, raised the alarm, and the crew mustered. The robber","Desc2":"jumped overboard and escaped with the ships stores, in a small wooden boat. The port control was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":88.0175,"coords.x2":21.66583} {"Reference":"2007-42","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDIA: Tug boarded 15 Feb, 0815 local time, in position 12-05N 080-10.7E. Pirates, in a fishing vessel, approached the tug towing a floating crane underway. The tug tried to take evasive maneuvers, but the pirates managed to board the unmanned floating","Desc2":"crane from behind. The tug is proceeding to Chennai. No further information on any losses to tug (IMB).","coords.x1":80.17833,"coords.x2":12.08333} {"Reference":"2007-43","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier boarded, attempted robbery 14 Feb, at 0415 local time, in position 22-16.2N 091-43.7E, Chittagong Anchorage. Robbers boarded the bulk carrier and attempted to steal from the ships stores and ropes. As the ropes were secured on","Desc2":"winches with wires, the robbers attempt failed and they escaped empty handed. The two padlocks were damaged (IMB).","coords.x1":91.72833,"coords.x2":22.27} {"Reference":"2007-36","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: General cargo ship approached 02 Feb, at 1100 local time in position 10-40N 062-07E. The general cargo ship was underway when it received a call, on VHF from a craft, advising she is a Korean fishing vessel asking for fresh water. The Master","Desc2":"suspected piracy and raised the alarm and steered away from the craft. The suspicious vessel followed the ship. The Master increased speed at 1210 local time and the vessel aborted the chase. Soon after, another four small high speed crafts approached","Desc3":"the suspicious craft, while talking/laughing on VHF ch. 14. The suspect craft was wooden, painted white and green with a speed of 15-20 knots, with no fishing equipment on deck (IMB).","coords.x1":62.11667,"coords.x2":10.66667} {"Reference":"2007-29","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Vehicle carrier approached 28 Jan, at 0610 UTC in position 11-20.0N 065-09.9E. The vehicle carrier was underway when it received a call on VHF ch.16, from a small craft asking for fresh water. The craft closed in to 2nm from the starboard","Desc2":"quarter. Two other craft approached the ship on the port and starboard bow. The vehicle carrier increased speed, and raised the alarm and sounded the whistle.The small craft reduced speed and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":65.1525,"coords.x2":11.33333} {"Reference":"2007-31","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: Container ship sustained blast damage 27 Jan, at 0530 local time in position 07-01.38N 079-39.22E, Colombo Roads. At 0530, a guard at a lighthouse spotted three vessels in a restricted zone. According to a military spokesman, as the boats","Desc2":"approached Colombo harbor, they were told to stop, but failed to do so. Meanwhile, as the container ship (PALAPONESIA PRIDE) was waiting for pilot, the port control instructed the master to proceed to open sea at full speed. According to the incident","Desc3":"report given to the IMB, these small boats followed the ship and one of the boats, with two persons onboard, hit the ships hull at starboard quarter and exploded. Another boat continued to chase the container ship. The master immediately called for port","Desc4":"control assistance. Two naval boats attended and finally destroyed the small boat. Five doors to accommodation and six empty containers were damaged on the container ship. According to a military spokesman, the Navy hit one of the boats six nautical","Desc5":"miles from the harbor, while the other two were pursued further out to sea and eventually destroyed. The military spokesman explained that the containership sustained damage because the small boats were in close proximity to the vessel when the Navy","Desc6":"destroyed them. He claimed it was clear they were Tamil Tiger boats, but that it was too early to say if it was a suicide attack. He said it was suspected that the attack was aimed at the nearby Rangala Naval Base (IMB, BBC Sinhala, LM).","coords.x1":79.65367,"coords.x2":7.023} {"Reference":"2007-23","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: General cargo carrier (CITY OF LIVERPOOL) attacked by LTTE 21 Jan, off the Jaffna peninsula. The vessel was leaving Point Pedro open anchorage, when it was attacked by two clusters of 15-20 rebel boats. Navy patrol boats and aircraft","Desc2":"immediately moved in to block the attack. The ship suffered slight damage to the hull, when navy gunners onboard blew up a suicide boat at close quarters. One of the eight crew members was injured and the vessel was evacuated. Later the vessel was towed","Desc3":"to the port of Kankesanthurai for repairs (LM, FP).","coords.x1":80.43333,"coords.x2":9.91667} {"Reference":"2007-78","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:On 21 January in Kankasanthurai Harbour of the Northern Jaffna Peninsula of Sri Lanka, pirates in an explosive-laden boat rammed a general cargo ship after leaving the harbour. The hull of the ship was damaged and it was towed back to the","Desc2":"harbour.","coords.x1":80.1,"coords.x2":9.6} {"Reference":"2007-7","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: LTTE rebels board distressed ship 23 Dec, Sri Lanka. Armed Tamil Tiger rebels boarded a distressed Jordanian merchant ship that had drifted close to the Tiger-held Mullaitivucoast, according to Sri Lanka's defense ministry; however, the LTTE","Desc2":"claimed, on their TamilNet website, that their Sea Tiger maritime wing was engaged in rescuing 25 crewmen, aboard M/V FARHA 111 carrying 14,000 tons of rice from Kakinda, in India to Durban in South Africa. The LTTE said the ship was caught in rough","Desc3":"weather and drifted into their waters and was in danger of grounding, before the LTTE came to the vessels rescue. According to the defense ministry, a distress message from the ship saying it was under armed pirate attack, was received by the Maritime","Desc4":"Rescuing Coordinating Center in Falmouth, Britain and this had been relayed to naval authorities in Sri Lanka. The defense ministry also said the ship's local agents had sent a tug to prevent the ship from drifting to shore, but there was no word on","Desc5":"whether the tug had reached the area or was permitted access by the Sea Tigers. The government accused the LTTE of being in \"clear violation of international maritime law\" and said there was an act of \"armed piracy.\" Diplomats said that given food","Desc6":"shortages in rebel-held areas of Sri Lanka, the rice cargo would be an attractive prize (AFP).","coords.x1":80.83333,"coords.x2":9.23333} {"Reference":"2007-1","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Robbers kill fisherman, injure others, 09Dec, Sondaia point, southeastern coastal district of Coxs Bazar. Asthe fishermen were approaching the shore after an evening of deepsea fishing, they came under attack by 8-10 pirates who looted","Desc2":"theircatch and repeatedly chopped them with knives and other weapons.One fisherman died and the five other fishermen were seriously injured. The officer in charge of Moheshkhali police station confirmed the incident (LM: Gulf Times).","coords.x1":91.93333,"coords.x2":21.46667} {"Reference":"2006-291","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 07 Dec, at 0545local time in position 21:47.9N-091:4237E, Chittagong Anchorage.Duty AB spotted six robbers armed with long knives during routinerounds onboard the bulk carrier. The robbers tried to take the","Desc2":"ABhostage but he managed to escape and informed the Duty Officer whoalerted other crew members and raised the alarm. The robbersescaped with stolen items. Upon inspection it was found that aforecastle store had been broken into and items were missing.","Desc3":"Theauthorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.71167,"coords.x2":21.79833} {"Reference":"2006-283","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier boarded was robbed 24 Nov, at 0400 local time in position 22:17.5N-091:43.3E Chittagong Outer Anchorage A, Bangladesh. Fifteen robbers armed with long knives boarded the bulk carrier and tied up two crewmembers. Three watchmen","Desc2":"broke into the bosuns store. The Duty Officer and a crewmember proceeded to the forecastle. The alarm was raised and the robbers jumped overboard. The robbers escaped with the ships stores, walkie-talkies, and cell phones. The port authority and the","Desc3":"Coast Guard were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.72167,"coords.x2":22.29167} {"Reference":"2006-271","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier robbed 08 Nov, Kutubdia Roads, Bangladesh. Ten robbers armed with steel bars and knives in a wooden boat, boarded the bulk carrier at the stern. The robbers brokeinto the lockers and stole from the ships stores. The duty officer","Desc2":"raised the alarm and the robbers escaped. The local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.66667,"coords.x2":21.86667} {"Reference":"2006-248","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Product tanker reported suspicious 21 Oct, at 0730 local time in position 22-11.31N 091-43.50E, Chittagong b anchorage, Bangladesh. A group of suspected robbers were spotted near the propeller of a product tanker. The crew chased them away","Desc2":"and local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.725,"coords.x2":22.1885} {"Reference":"2006-249","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Container ship boarded 21 Oct, in position 21-41.46N 088-01.13E, .8 miles north of CSF buoy, Sagar roads anchorage in Hugli river, Calcutta, India. Three robbers boarded thecontainer ship at poop deck and tried to steal from the ship's stores.","Desc2":"Alert crew mustered. Robbers jumped into water and escaped in a boat, waiting with five accomplices. The local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":88.01883,"coords.x2":21.691} {"Reference":"2006-255","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: Sri Lanka navy destroys LTTE boats 20 Oct, off N Jaffna peninsula. The Sri Lankan navy destroyed two Tigers of Tamil Eelam LTTE boats off a northern island, killing all six rebels. The latest clash took place near the government-controlled","Desc2":"Kytes Island off the Tamil-dominated peninsula, after navy patrol boats spotted rebel craft approaching the island (REUTERS).","coords.x1":79.98333,"coords.x2":9.68333} {"Reference":"2006-250","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Product tanker robbed 19 Oct, at 0700 local time in position 22-12.10N 091-40.50E, Chittagong b anchorage, Bangladesh. Robbers were detected at stern stealing zinc anodes from the product tanker. The ship's crew threw empty bottles and moved","Desc2":"the rudder to deter the robbers. The robbers escaped in their boat. The local authorities were informed but no assistance arrived (IMB).","coords.x1":91.675,"coords.x2":22.20167} {"Reference":"2006-251","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Chemical tanker boarded 18 Oct, at 2000 local time in position 22:12.10N-091:40.50E, Chittagong b anchorage, Bangladesh. Robbers boarded the chemical tanker and stole from the ship's stores. Authorities were informed and promised to send","Desc2":"assistance; however, the assistance never arrived. The master explained that it is normal for the authorities to not send assistance as promised (IMB).","coords.x1":91.675,"coords.x2":22.20167} {"Reference":"2006-254","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: Suspected LTTE attempted to launch seaborne suicide attack on Dakshina Naval base,18 Oct 0745 local time, Galle. The suspected LTTE boats tried to enter the Naval base, by mingling in with local fishing vessels. A Sri Lankan Navy Spokesman","Desc2":"said Inshore Petrol Craft (IPC), located at the Marshal Point, spotted the suspected LTTE boats speeding towards the harbor entrance. Naval troops on board the IPCs and the shore batteries engaged the LTTE boats, destroying three of them. The remaining","Desc3":"two suicide boats exploded just outside the harbor entrance. The blasts damaged two Navy Water Jet IPCs. In the encounter, that reportedly lasted nearly 15 minutes, one sailor was killed and 12 other injured. Two sailors were also reported missing","Desc4":"following the confrontation. It is believed at least 10 LTTE cadres, on board the suicide boats, were killed. (LM: BBC, REUTERS).","coords.x1":80.21389,"coords.x2":6.02833} {"Reference":"2006-252","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Chemical tanker boarded 18 Oct, at midnight local time in position 22-12.10N 091-40.50E, Chittagong b anchorage, Bangladesh. During routine rounds, the crew on the chemical tanker spotted a robber onboard and chased him. The robber jumped","Desc2":"into the water and escaped in a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":91.675,"coords.x2":22.20167} {"Reference":"2006-256","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: Sri Lankas Navy sank a suspected Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) trawler along the islands northwest coast, 15 Oct. The suspected LTTE trawler was flying a Sri Lankanflag and was transporting a large shipment of arms cargo off the","Desc2":"Mannar seas. The Navy fired several warning shots towards the trawler after detecting it close to the Indian maritime boundary (around 35nm) west of Arippu. The trawler was then destroyed as it responded to the warning shots by directing fire at the Navy","Desc3":"Dvora class patrol boat (LM: dailynews.com).","coords.x1":81.31667,"coords.x2":8.31667} {"Reference":"2006-244","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier boarded 10 Oct, at 0234 local time in position 22-17.4N 091-44.1E, Chittagong anchorage a, Bangladesh. Four robbers boarded the bulk carrier. One robberarmed with knife attempted to enter accommodation. Alert crew closed all","Desc2":"entrance doors and raised alarm. Robbers jumped into a waiting boat and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.735,"coords.x2":22.29} {"Reference":"2006-246","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Bangladesh:Four robbers boarded a bulk carrier, at Chittagong anchorage 'a' at 0234 LT. One robber armed with a knife attempted to enteraccommodation. Alert crew closed all entrance doors and raised alarm. Robbers jumped into a waiting boat and escaped.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-245","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Duty watchman reported robbery 9 Oct, at 0324 local time at Chittagong anchorage, Bangladesh. Duty watchman sighted four robbers cutting mooring ropes. The duty watchman was assaulted by the robbers, after attempting to stop them. Duty","Desc2":"officer raised alarm. Robbers jumped overboard with ropes and escaped in their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-233","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Bulk Carrier reported attempted boarding 2 Oct, while underway in position 15-24.85N 066-21.62E. Two fishing boats came close to the bulk carrier and persons inside tried to board. Vessel increased speed and boats stopped following. (IMB)","coords.x1":66.36033,"coords.x2":15.41417} {"Reference":"2006-227","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Container ship approached 24 Sep at 1012 local time, while underway near Moyapura in Hugli River, Kolkata, India. One boat with four persons carrying grappling hooks approached. Crew mustered and boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":88.13667,"coords.x2":22.41667} {"Reference":"2006-234","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Bulk Carrier boarded and robbed 24 Sep, Visakhapatnam anchorage, India. Robbers stole engine spares. The incident was reported to authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":83.31944,"coords.x2":17.65833} {"Reference":"2006-229","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier boarded 23 Sep at 0440 local time, at Chittagong anchorage a. Eight robbers in a boat approached and two robbers boarded at stern. Alert crew raised alarm and crew mustered with bars. After 10 minutes, robbers jumped into the","Desc2":"water and escaped. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-230","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Container ship reports attempted boarding 20 Sep at 1750 UTC, in position 22-09.57N 091-44.77E at Chittagong anchorage. Eight robbers in an unlit boat attempted to board from the stern, by using hooks and ropes. Alert duty crew raised alarm","Desc2":"and robbers aborted attempt. Port control and coast guard informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74617,"coords.x2":22.1595} {"Reference":"2006-218","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship reports attempted boarding 17 Sep at 0330 local time, at Chittagong anchorage c. Eight armed robbers approached ship. Alert crew mustered and sounded the whistle. Upon seeing crew alertness, robbers aborted attempted boarding","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2006-219","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier approached 16 Sep at 0200 local time, in position 22-16.94N 091-43.08E, at Chittagong anchorage a. Four robbers in a small motorboat approached ship at stern, during cargo operations. Three robbers jumped off the boat and clung","Desc2":"themselves down the rudder/propeller, while the boat moved away. Alert crew mustered and master turned the propeller. Robbers jumped off from the rudder post and were picked by their boat. Master called port control but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.28222} {"Reference":"2006-215","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier boarded and robbed 10 Sep at 0250 local time, at Chittagong anchorage. Eight robbers armed with knives in four boats boarded at the stern, as the ship was preparing to anchor. Crew confronted robbers but they stole ships stores","Desc2":"and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-216","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Container ship approached 07 Sep at 0240 local time in position 22-12.68N 091-43.1E, at Chittagong anchorage. Ten persons in an unlit boat came alongside and attempted to board. D/O raised alarm, crew mustered, and boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":91.71833,"coords.x2":22.21133} {"Reference":"2006-209","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: General cargo ship boarded and robbed 04 Sep at 0325 local time at Chittagong anchorage a. Six robbers armed with long knives boarded the ship from the bow. They broke forecastle and stole ships stores (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.26667} {"Reference":"2006-210","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: General cargo ship boarded 03 Sep between 2100 and 2400 local time at Chittagong anchorage a. Robbers boarded twice from the stern and bow. Alert crew mustered and robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.26667} {"Reference":"2006-211","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Fishing trawler reportedly taken over by mutineers 02 Sep while operating off Coxs Bazar. According to a survivor, six reported newly hired crewmembers turned mutinous and killed seven crewmembers. The bodies of the seven others, including","Desc2":"the boats owner has not been recovered (AP, LM).","coords.x1":91.96667,"coords.x2":21.42} {"Reference":"2006-221","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: Sri Lankas navy and the Tamil Tiger rebels engage in a pre-dawn naval battle, 02 Sep off Point Pedro on the islands northern tip. The Tamil Tiger were attempting to proceed towards the Kankasanthurai harbor but were successfully stopped, by","Desc2":"the Sri Lanka Naval Fast Attack Craft and Fast Attack Gun Boats. It is reported that twelve rebel boats were sunk and up to 100 rebels were killed in the six-hour sea battle (LM).","coords.x1":80.26667,"coords.x2":9.91667} {"Reference":"2006-192","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Containership boarded and robbed 30 Jul at 2115 local time, while at Chittagong outer anchorage b. Three robbers, armed with knives, boarded the vessel at the stern and stole ships stores. Alert crew raised alarm and robbers jumped overboard","Desc2":"and escaped (IMB)","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-193","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Tanker reported three attempted boardings 28 Jul, while at Chittagong outer anchorage b. Three robbers boarded a tanker using long poles with hooks. Alert crew activatedfire hoses and repelled boarders. Master reported this was the third","Desc2":"attack that night (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-189","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Tanker boarded and robbed 23 Jul at 0015 local time, while at Chittagong Alfa anchorage. Ten robbers, armed with long knives, boarded the vessel at forecastle, attacked the shore watchman, and tied him up. Duty officer raised alarm, crew","Desc2":"mustered, and robbers jumped into the water escaping with one lifebuoy. Port control and coastguard informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-156","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 7 June, Chittagong anchorage A. Seven robbers armed with knives approached the vessel, at stern in a black wooden boat. They threw a hook attached to a line and tried to board. They threw","Desc2":"stones at the crewmember who raised alarm. Rest of crew mustered and robbers fled leaving behind hook attached to line. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-157","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified bulk carrier boarded 6 Jun, Chittagong anchorage A. Nine robbers armed with long knives and steel bars boarded the vessel at forecastle. They tied up two shore watchmen, threatened them with knives, and attacked one crewmember","Desc2":"with steel bars. Duty officer raised alarm, crew mustered, and robbers escaped. One crewmember and two watchmen sustained injuries (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-148","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified container ship reported attempted boarding 28 May at 2215 local time, Chittagong anchorage B. Ten robbers, armed with long knives in an unlit boat, approached the vessel from stern. Duty officer raised alarm, crew mustered, and","Desc2":"fired a rocket flare. Boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-144","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified container ship reported boarding and attempted robbery 22 May at 0300 local time, Chittagong anchorage B. Two unlit boats approached the vessel. One boat with ten robbers armed with long knives came close and two robbers boarded","Desc2":"using grappling hooks. Duty officer raised alarm and robbers escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-136","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOAT","Desc1":"INDIA: According to 15 May reports, two trawlers carrying 28 fishermen were intercepted and abducted by pirates on 13 May, from the river Malta near Kalas Islands. Reportedly, pirates demanded a ransom. Kultali police started an immediate search upon","Desc2":"receiving the news of the kidnapped fishing boats. The police stated a suspiciously moving mechanized boat was spotted and challenged. The boat then open fired on the police and the policemen retaliated. According to reports, after the gun battle, the","Desc3":"fishermen were rescued and 14 pirates were arrested. The gun battle left six people injured, four pirates, an assistant sub-inspector(ASI), and a fisherman. The injured were admitted to a hospital in Kultali. The ASI was transferred to a hospital in","Desc4":"Kolkata after his condition deteriorated (LM).","coords.x1":88.66667,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"2006-131","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified bulk carrier boarded and robbed 12 May at 0001 local time, Chittagong anchorage B. Three unlit boats with seven robbers, armed with long knives, approached the vessel from stern and boarded using grapnel hooks. They stole ship's","Desc2":"stores and escaped. Local authorities informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-132","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified general cargo ship boarded 12 May at 1900 local time, while anchored at Chittagong anchorage B. Five robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel via anchor chain. Alarm was raised, crew mustered, and robbers escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-125","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: Sri Lankan troop carrier (PEARL CRUISE II) and its escort of four Dvora fast attack craft came under attack by fifteen suspected Tamil Tiger suicide boats 11 May, during the evening while passing through the area of Jaffna-Vettilaikerny. One","Desc2":"Sri Lankan Dvora fast attack craft sank after one the suicide boats, packed with explosives, rammed into the Dvora craft killing 17 Sri Lankan sailors. The sea battle lasted for two hours as the Sri Lankan Navy successfully repelled the attackers away","Desc3":"from the (PEARL CRUISE II), which was transporting 710 unarmed off duty soldiers and estimated killing 50 rebels at sea. An international truce monitor attached to the Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission, and who was onboard the (PEARL CRUISE II), reported","Desc4":"back to the missions Colombo headquarters that the Tamil Tigers had started the confrontation (LM, AFP, BBC).","coords.x1":80,"coords.x2":9.95} {"Reference":"2006-134","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 10 May, during the night at Chittagong anchorage A. A group of robbers attempted to board the vessel. Crew raised alarm and robbers aborted boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-135","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified bulk carrier boarded and robbed 9 May at 0200 local time at Chittagong anchorage A. Ten robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel via anchor chain. They took hostage two shore watchmen and one crewmember and robbed them","Desc2":"of their belongings. Alarm was raised and robbers escaped in their speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-126","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified container ship boarded 5 May at 0345 local time, at Chittagong anchorage B. Two unlit boats approached the ship. One boat with 10 persons armed with long knives came close and one robber boarded, using grappling hook. Alert crew","Desc2":"raised alarm and the robber escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-115","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TOURIST BOATS","Desc1":"INDIA: Two passenger vessels hijacked the morning of 30 Apr on River Krishna, Andhra Pradesh state. Two tourist boats were hijacked and ten people were taken hostage by four Maoists and a female accomplice. The hijackers, disguised as passengers, boarded","Desc2":"the ship and pulled out their guns. Most of the 234 passengers and 35 crew members were forced to disembark, while 10 people were held hostage. The 10 hostages were freed and the Maoists blew up the boats. The hijackers were gunned down by police after a","Desc3":"five our chase. All tourists were returned safely (LM).","coords.x1":80.98333,"coords.x2":15.95} {"Reference":"2006-116","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"INDIA: Sailing yacht boarded and robbed 22 Apr at 2200 local time, off Kannyakumari, Cape Comorin. More than ten persons in a fishing boat boarded the yacht, stole property, and a life raft and left. Skipper made a police complaint. Authorities recovered","Desc2":"the life raft in an inflated condition, which was missing the survival pack that contained rocket flares (IMB).","coords.x1":77.53333,"coords.x2":8.06667} {"Reference":"2006-111","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified container ship reported attempted boarding 19 Apr at 2230 local time, at Chittagong anchorage. Four boats with eight robbers in each boat armed with long knives approached the vessel. Robbers from two boats attempted to board the","Desc2":"ship by rope and hooks. Alarm was raised and crew mustered. Two hours later, after numerous attempts, robbers aborted boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-103","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified tug boarded and robbed 13 Apr at 0245 local time, while in position 22-10.86N 091-47.06E, Chittagong C anchorage. Three fishing boats approached the vessel and seven robbers armed with long knives boarded. Robbers stole ship's","Desc2":"stores and escaped in their boat. Duty officer raised alarm and crew mustered. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.78433,"coords.x2":22.181} {"Reference":"2006-99","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified general cargo ship reported attempted boarding, on 4 Apr at 0200 local time at Chittagong anchorage. Three boats with robbers came 50 meters from the vessel. Robbers attempted to board for over one hour and later aborted","Desc2":"boarding. Port control was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-97","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Unidentified vessel reported a suspicious approach 3 Apr at 0145 local time, while underway in position 04-33N 055-40E, 400nm off the east coast of Somalia. As a speedboat approached the vessel, the master took evasive maneuvers and","Desc2":"increased speed. The speedboat followed the vessel for 30 minutes before departing. It is suspected the boat could have been launched from a large fishing vessel in the vicinity. ONI Note: Encounters from small boats engaged in legitimate fishing are","Desc3":"plausible at this distance from land (support skiff from a tuna purse seiner as an example:http://www.fao.org/figis/servlet/vesseltype?fid=150); however, due to the tenacity demonstrated by pirates operating off the east coast of Somalia, all small boat","Desc4":"encounters at all distances off the east coast of Somalia should be treated as a potential threat (IMB, BIMCO, ONI).","coords.x1":55.66667,"coords.x2":4.55} {"Reference":"2006-101","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified general cargo ship reported attempted boarding 3 Apr, at 2230 local time at Chittagong anchorage. Robbers armed with long knives in two boats came alongside the vessel. Alarm was raised and crew mustered. After two hours of","Desc2":"attempts to climb by hook, wire and ropes, robbers failed and gave up (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-98","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified general cargo ship reported suspicious approach 2 Apr at 2300 local time, Chittagong anchorage. Five suspicious boats came close to one cable from the vessel. Crew mustered and the boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-88","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified general cargo ship boarded and robbed 24 Mar at 2230 local time, Chittagong anchorage. Robbers armed with long knives in three boats came alongside the vessel, while preparing to anchor. Alarm was raised, crew mustered, and port","Desc2":"control informed. Robbers stole ship's stores, property and safety equipment before escaping. Coast guard arrived at 2350local time to take statements (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-85","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified container ship boarded and robbed 17 Mar at 2140 local time, Chittagong anchorage area. While preparing to anchor, robbers in four boats armed with long knivescame alongside the vessel. Alarm was raised and crew mustered but","Desc2":"robbers boarded and stole ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-83","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified general cargo ship followed 14 Mar at 2300 local time, while preparing to anchor at Chittagong anchorage. Three boats followed the vessel. Alarm was raised and crew mustered. Boats came within 3 cables and then moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-84","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: Unidentified LPG tanker reported being followed 14 Mar at 1150 UTC, while underway in position 06-12N - 054-56E. A craft, blue hull and white accommodation, followed the vessel. Master took evasive maneuvers and increased speed. Craft reduced","Desc2":"speed and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":54.93333,"coords.x2":6.2} {"Reference":"2006-78","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified container ship boarded and robbed 8 Mar at 0120 local time at anchorage B, Chittagong. Three robbers, armed with long knives, boarded at stern and stole ship's stores. Duty crew raised alarm and robbers jumped overboard They","Desc2":"escaped in a boat waiting with eight accomplices. Stolen stores were recovered (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-58","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified container ship reported boarding and attempted robbery 5 Mar at 0345 local time, at Chittagong C anchorage. Four country boats approached the vessel. Two boats came close to port side and two boats approached at stern. Twelve","Desc2":"robbers boarded at port side. Robbers threatened duty seamen and tried to break into storerooms. Crew mustered and robbers escaped. Port control and coast guard informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2006-59","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified container ship reported boarding and attempted robbery 4 Mar at 2340 local time, while in port at Chittagong C anchorage. Twelve robbers attempted to board at port side. They threatened duty seamen who raised alarm. Crew","Desc2":"mustered and robbers escaped in two country boats (IMB).","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2006-63","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOAT","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified fishing trawlers were attacked 26 Feb off the Sundarban coast. Indian pirates launched a violent attack on 20 trawers. Thirty men were injured and one was killed (LL).","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":21.5} {"Reference":"2006-62","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOATS","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: Two tugboats (JAWA and JAWA BOSAR) were boarded and robbed 24 Feb, while anchored off the coast near Manora Island. The manager for the tugboats, owner, reported to police that four masked men approached the boats, in two separate vessels.","Desc2":"They took the guards stationed at the tugboats hostage and loaded mechanical and electrical equipment into their boats. The pirates stole motors, tools, copper, and scrap. Police registered an FIR against the robbers. The police said that the tugboats","Desc3":"were being repaired and had been out of order for the last six months (LM).","coords.x1":66.96667,"coords.x2":24.8} {"Reference":"2006-48","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified multipurpose ship was boarded and robbed 19 Feb at 1930 local time at anchorage 'B', Chittagong roads. Five robbers in a boat, pretending to have engine trouble, approached the vessel. Three robbers armed with wooden battens","Desc2":"boarded the ship from stern using boat hooks, assaulted duty crew, stole ships stores, and escaped. Port authorities informed, who dispatched coast guard to look for robbers (IMB).","coords.x1":91.74167,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-61","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified container ship was boarded and robbed 17 Feb at 2055 local time at Chittagong C anchorage. Ten robbers armed with long knives, rods and battens boarded the vessel. They took hostage a duty crew, assaulted him, tied him, and","Desc2":"threatened him with a long knife at his neck. Duty Officer raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers broke into forward locker, stole ship's stores, and escaped. Coast guard and port control were informed and next day coast guard came for investigation","Desc3":"(IMB).","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2006-36","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-31","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified product tanker was approached by a boat at port bow 31 Jan at 0030 local time, while underway at Chittagong Alpha anchorage area. Crew went forward to investigate;.In the meantime, four robbers boarded at poop deck. They","Desc2":"threatened duty A/B with knives and escaped, after stealing ships stores and safety equipment. Port control and coast guard informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2006-31","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified general cargo ship boarded and robbed 28 Jan at 2315 local time at Chittagong 'B'anchorage, Bangladesh. Robbers boarded the ship at forecastle and stole ship's stores. Duty crew raised alarm and robbers escaped. Port control","Desc2":"informed and a coast guard on boat arrived for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2006-18","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: An unidentified general cargo ship reported a suspicious approach 12 Jan at 1815 local time, while underway in position 06-30N 056-20E. An unidentified craft approached the cargo ship. Master increased speed and altered course. Suspicious","Desc2":"craft did the same and headed toward the ship. Ship further increased speed and craft was left behind (IMB).","coords.x1":56.33333,"coords.x2":6.5} {"Reference":"2006-17","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: A Sri Lankan Navy Fast Attack Craft was destroyed by an explosive rigged fishing vessel 07 Jan in the early morning, while conducting a routine patrol off the eastern port city of Trincomalee, near Foul Point. Twelve sailors were reported","Desc2":"killed and one missing. The Tamil rebels are the suspected perpetrators of the attack. Indian newspapers report this was the first major attack on the sea, since the Norwegian-brokered truce agreement between the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil Tiger","Desc3":"rebels came into operation, on Feb 2002. As a result of this attack, the Sri Lankan navy has imposed restrictions on fishermen around key harbors and camps in the northeast (LM).","coords.x1":81.33333,"coords.x2":8.53333} {"Reference":"2006-11","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 29 Dec at 1800 local time, while anchored in position 21-40.3N 088-00.9E, Sagar anchorage. Two robbers boarded the vessel while awaiting berthing with pilot onboard. Duty A/B raised alarm and robbers","Desc2":"escaped with ships stores. Pilot station and port authority informed (IMB).","coords.x1":88.015,"coords.x2":21.67167} {"Reference":"2005-339","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOMALIA: M/V (GREAT MORNING ) reported being chased by a suspicious craft for two hours on 05 Nov at 1200 UTC while underway, in position 04-26N 054-14E, 320 NM off the east coast of Somalia. When the ship approached the craft, it suddenly increased","Desc2":"speed and chased the bulk carrier. The master took evasive maneuvers, increased speed and moved away from the coast. Craft continued to the chase until 1400 UTC before moving away. Suspicious craft had one derrick and master suspects this may be a mother","Desc3":"ship to launch speedboats who attack ships. ONI Comment: Given the distance from shore and description provided by the master, this may have been a pelagic purse seiner (fishing vessel with a boom to handle large nets and smaller support craft) engaged","Desc4":"in legitimate operations. The increasing number of hijackings at greater distances off the Somali coastline requires taking the evasive actions, demonstrated by the alert crew, necessary at all distances off the Somali coastline (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":54.23333,"coords.x2":4.43333} {"Reference":"2005-317","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 11 Oct, while at Kandla anchorage. Seven robbers broke into the store room but the alert crew raised the alarm and the robbers escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":70.225,"coords.x2":23.03611} {"Reference":"2005-327","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRTATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker reported an attempted boarding 05 Oct at 0220 local time, while at Chennai anchorage. An estimated 10 robbers, in a fishing boat, attempted to board the tanker via the starboard quarter. Crewmember on duty raised the alarm","Desc2":"and the crew mustered. Robbers fled in their boat. Port control was informed and a police launch arrived 30 minutes later to investigate (IMB).","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.095} {"Reference":"2005-306","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 2 Oct at 2000 UTC at Chittagong anchorage B. Robbers armed with long knives boarded at the stern and escaped with ships stores after crew raised alarm. The Bangladesh Coast Guard was informed","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2005-307","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified general cargo ship was approached 28 Sep at 2310 local time, while at Chittagong anchorage. Persons armed with long knives approached in a small boat but were repelled by crew throwing wooden dunnage, when they tried to board","Desc2":"using a pole with a hook (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2005-299","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Firefight between pirates and enforcement authorities 27 Sep, Monpura, in Bhola. A 16 member joint forces team encountered two trawlers with pirates onboard and challenged them. The pirates opened fire and the joint forces retaliated.","Desc2":"Authorities estimate 15 of the 70 pirates were killed in the Firefight. Five members of the joint forces team were injured.The authorities arrested three wounded pirates and confiscated one of the trawlers (LM).","coords.x1":90.65,"coords.x2":22.65} {"Reference":"2005-300","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified tanker was boarded 20 Sep at 0230 local time, while at Chittagong outer anchorage. Six robbers broke open forward store and tried to steal ships property. Alert crew raised alarm and robbers fled empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2005-293","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded and robbed 17 Sep at 2210 local time, while berthed at Cochin oil terminal. Eight robbers boarded the tanker, during cargo operations and escaped with ships stores (IMB).","coords.x1":76.25278,"coords.x2":9.96944} {"Reference":"2005-294","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 13 Sep at 2140 UTC, while anchored at Chennai outer anchorage. Four robbers boarded the vessel via the poop deck. Crew spotted them and raised the alarm. Robbers escaped in a speedboat empty","Desc2":"handed.Authorities were informed and marine police arrived for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":80.33333,"coords.x2":13.13333} {"Reference":"2005-281","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 06 Sep at 2050 local time, while berthed at Cochin. Several robbers boarded the vessel and stole ships stores and escaped. Local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":76.25778,"coords.x2":9.96583} {"Reference":"2005-276","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH, CHITTAGONG:Several persons in two fishing boats attempted tp board a general cargo ship underway. Crew raised alarm, activated fire hoses, and fired one rocket flare. Master took evasive manoeuvres amd after 35 mins. boats moved away.","coords.x1":91.31667,"coords.x2":21.6} {"Reference":"2005-274","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Tug boarded 25 Aug at 0100 local time while underway near Chittagong anchorage. Seven robbers, armed with long knives and jungle bolos, stole stores and escaped. Later, the Coast Guard arrived for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2005-273","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BAY OF BENGAL: General cargo ship (EUGENIA P) reported attempted boarding 25 Aug, 1300 local time, while underway in position 21-36N 091-19E, 30 nm off the coast of SE Bangladesh. Several persons in two fishing boats approached the vessel in an attempt","Desc2":"to board. Crew raised alarm, activated fire hoses, and fired one rocket flare. Master took evasive maneuvers and after 35 minutes, boats moved away. Master reported the fishing vessels, as well as additional vessels, trailed his ship until dusk, after","Desc3":"which the master was able to lose the pursuers under the cover of darkness (IMB, Operator).","coords.x1":91.31667,"coords.x2":21.6} {"Reference":"2005-266","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bulk cargo ship (YUAN ZHI) had an attempted robbery 12 Aug, while at Chittagong outer anchorage. A regular Coast Guard patrol boat arrested four suspects from an engine boat. Suspects later confessed they were trying to rob the vessel (LL).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.26667} {"Reference":"2005-258","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified tug towing a tanker for scrap was boarded 10 Aug at 0800 local time off Kutubdia Island. A group of pirates in five trawlers, armed with guns, boarded both the tug and the tanker and stole stores and property. The tug sent out","Desc2":"a message for help and a coast guard vessel arrived on scene. The coast guard detained the five trawlers and recovered stolen items (IMB).","coords.x1":91.86667,"coords.x2":21.85} {"Reference":"2005-253","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was approached by robbers in a small boat 25 Jul at 2100 local time, while in port Chittagong, Bangladesh. The robbers stole zinc anodes welded to the hull using crowbars. The crew signaled the alarms, but the","Desc2":"robbers threw stones at them and managed to escape. The master informed authorities and a security boat arrived ten minutes later to conduct an investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2005-254","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 15 Jul at 0400 local time, as approaching anchor off Chittagong. Four robbers boarded the vessel; one held the watchman at knifepoint, while others broke into the aft locker and stole the ships stores.","Desc2":"The alert crew members sounded the alarms and the robbers escape. (IMB).","coords.x1":91.66667,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2005-217","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 06 Jul at 0300 local time, while anchored 1.2 miles NE of fairway buoy, Ennore anchorage. Alert crew raised alarm after three robbers boarded the vessel. Robbers escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":80.39,"coords.x2":13.7} {"Reference":"2005-207","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified container ship reported an attempted boarding 26 Jun at 0230 local time, while at Chittagong anchorage 'C'. Robbers in a boat attempted to board using a hook attached to ropes. Anti-piracy watch spotted them, raised alarm, and","Desc2":"crew mustered. Robbers aborted boarding and escaped in their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2005-199","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 16 Jun at 0115 local time, while discharging cargo at Jawahar deep terminal. Two robbers tried to steal ship's stores from poop deck, but duty crewman noticed them and raised the alarm. Robbers escaped empty","Desc2":"handed in an orange colored boat. Port authority was informed and came onboard to investigate (IMB).","coords.x1":72.94167,"coords.x2":18.95} {"Reference":"2005-188","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA: An unidentified container ship reports being followed 10 Jun at 1130 local time, while underway in position 19-48N 069-19E, 95 nm off the Indian Coast of Gujarat. Six dark colored boats, each about 20m long, without fishing nets and each","Desc2":"carrying 4 to 5 persons were spotted from the ship. Master raised alarm, took evasive maneuvers, mustered crew, and boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":69.31667,"coords.x2":19.8} {"Reference":"2005-166","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified RO/RO vessel was boarded 10 May at 0430 UTC in position 13-05.7N 080-21.0E, Chennai anchorage, India. Five robbers boarded at the stern and attempted to steal ship's stores. Alert crew raised alarm and robbers escaped empty handed","Desc2":"in their boat. Port control and police informed (IMB).","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.095} {"Reference":"2005-156","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified RO/RO vessel was boarded 10 May at 0430 UTC in position 13-05.7N 080-21.0E, Chennai anchorage, India. Five robbers boarded at the stern and attempted to steal ship's stores. Alert crew raised alarm and robbers escaped empty handed,","Desc2":"in their boat. Port control and police informed (IMB).","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.095} {"Reference":"2005-157","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified tanker was approached 05 May at 2320 local time, while underway in position 21-16N 091-31E, 60 NM SSW of Chittagong. One fishing boat came close to starboard quarter and persons inside attempted to board. Master took evasive","Desc2":"action and boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":91.51667,"coords.x2":21.26667} {"Reference":"2005-146","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified barge was boarded 30 Apr at 1230 local time while under tow, in position 08-07.24N 076-43.33E off Trivandrum, SW coast of India. Two robbers stole stores. Earlier, four robbers in a boat made two attempts to board at 0630 and 0930","Desc2":"local time (IMB).","coords.x1":76.72217,"coords.x2":8.12067} {"Reference":"2005-145","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Eleven fishing trawlers were attacked 23 Apr in Majherchar in Borhanuddin upazila, in the Meghna estuary. At least eleven fishermen were injured during the attack. Police and fishermen report that over 50 fishing trawlers have been looted, 15","Desc2":"trawlers hijacked, and at least 100 fishermen injured in such attacks over the past month. The recent increase in attacks corresponds to the approaching fishing season. Sources state the pirates mainly belong to two rival gangs (INFO).","coords.x1":90.4,"coords.x2":21.5} {"Reference":"2005-129","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: An unidentified container ship reported being approached 11 Apr at 1700 UTC, while underway in position 07-35N 082-07E, off the east coast of Sri Lanka. Two unlit speedboats approached at starboard quarter. When boats came close, crew directed","Desc2":"searchlights and boats moved away.","coords.x1":82.11667,"coords.x2":7.58333} {"Reference":"2005-108","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Passenger trawler (SEVEN STAR) was boarded 02 April in the Meghna estuary in offshore Kalatola-Telirchar area in Manpura upasila in the Bhoa district. As the vessel was in transit from Ramgati to Monpura, armed pirates boarded the vessel and","Desc2":"looted the passengers of their cash and valuables. Ten passengers were injuring during the attack and another 8 are missing after they jumped overboard to escape the pirates (INFO).","coords.x1":90.94972,"coords.x2":22.31} {"Reference":"2005-107","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: The barge (SWISSCO 12) and its tugboat were boarded and robbed late 01 Apr, while underway in the Bay of Bengal near Kutubdia channel. The attack left three of the 25 crewmembers injured. Valuable tools and spare parts were also stolen in the","Desc2":"raid. The (SWISSCO 12) is a specialized barge equipped with tools for installing optical fiber cable. The Bangladeshi government has undertaken special measures to protect the vessel, from further attack by deploying a 15 member security team to guard it","Desc3":"(INFO).","coords.x1":89.93083,"coords.x2":21.82639} {"Reference":"2005-104","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 20 Mar at 2300 local time, near Chittagong Alfa anchorage. Two boats, with 10 robbers in each, approached the tanker while it was preparing to anchor. Two robbers boarded the stern and stole ship's","Desc2":"stores. Alert crew raised alarm and robbers escaped. After 45 minutes, 10 robbers in one boat approached and boarded again at the stern. They stole ship's stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2005-98","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BangladeshAt Chittagong 'B' anchorage, robbers armed with long knives boarded a general cargo ship, at stern whilst anchoring. They stole ship's stores and escaped. Crew raised alarm, sounded whistle, and fired a flare. Port control informed but no","Desc2":"response was received.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2005-94","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 16 Mar at 2245 local time while anchoring in Chittagong anchorage 'B'. Thieves armed with knives boarded at the stern, stole ship's stores, escaped when crew sounded alarm, and ship's whistle and","Desc2":"fired a flare (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2005-86","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified cable laying ship was boarded 14 Mar at 1336 local time, while anchored at Chennai (Madras) outer anchorage. One robber climbed up the anchor chain, crew raised alarm, and the robber jumped into the water. Robber escaped in a","Desc2":"waiting boat with five accomplices. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":80.35556,"coords.x2":13.12083} {"Reference":"2005-82","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 02 Mar at 2230 local time, while anchored at Chittagong B anchorage. Robbers armed with guns stole ships stores and escaped. Port control and coast guard was informed, but no response was","Desc2":"received (IMB).","coords.x1":91.725,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2005-72","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tug was boarded 22 Feb at 0530 local time, while underway in position 07-49N 076-50E, off Trivandrum, SW coast of India. Two fishing boats approached a tug towing an ocean going crane barge. One boat came alongside the barge and","Desc2":"four robbers boarded and started lowering ship's stores from deck. Alert crew mustered and robbers escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":76.83333,"coords.x2":7.81667} {"Reference":"2005-81","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tug was boarded 22 Feb at 0530 local time, while underway in position 07-49N 076-50E, off Trivandrum, SW coast of India. Two fishing boats approached a tug, towing an ocean going crane barge. One boat came alongside the barge and","Desc2":"four robbers boarded and started lowering ship's stores from deck. Alert crew mustered and robbers escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":76.83333,"coords.x2":7.81667} {"Reference":"2005-67","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 16 Feb at 2240 local time, while anchored at Chittagong 'B' anchorage. Ten robbers armed with long knives seized the duty seaman and held him at knifepoint. Duty officer raised alarm and crew","Desc2":"mustered. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores. Chittagong port control was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":91.725,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2005-49","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Nine fishing trawlers were robbed of cash and fish according to a 03 Feb report. The robbers injured 13 fishermen, after the fishermen offered resistance. The incidents are reported in the Bay of Bengal, off the Patharghata coast of Barguna","Desc2":"District (INFO).","coords.x1":89.96667,"coords.x2":22.08333} {"Reference":"2005-59","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 02 Feb at 0130 local time, while anchored at Chittagong. Seven robbers armed with long knives stole the ship's stores and escapedin an unlit boat (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2005-57","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was robbed 02 Feb at 0350 local time, while anchored at Kandla. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel at the forecastle. Duty officer raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers jumped overboard and","Desc2":"escaped, in an unlit boat with ship's equipment. Authorities were notified (IMB).","coords.x1":70.225,"coords.x2":23.03611} {"Reference":"2005-48","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 29 Jan at 0200 local time, while anchored at Kandla outer anchorage. Eight robbers, armed with iron bars, boarded from a fishing vessel. Duty officer raised alarm and robbers escaped empty handed, by","Desc2":"climbing down a rope (IMB).","coords.x1":70.225,"coords.x2":23.03611} {"Reference":"2005-58","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 29 Jan at 0200 local time, while anchored at Kandla outer anchorage. Eight robbers armed with iron bars boarded from a fishing vessel. Duty officer raised alarm and robbers escaped empty handed, by","Desc2":"climbing down a rope (IMB).","coords.x1":70.225,"coords.x2":23.03611} {"Reference":"2005-43","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Eleven fishing trawlers were looted, 2 fishermen are missing and 27 injured during incidents, over a two day period during Eid-il-Azha according to a 28 Jan report. The incidents are reported in the Bay of Bengal, off the Patharghata coast of","Desc2":"Barguna District (INFO).","coords.x1":89.96667,"coords.x2":22.08333} {"Reference":"2005-44","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: At least 13 trawlers are reported looted in incidents on 1, 2 and 9 Jan according to a 19 Jan report. The incidents took place in the Meghna River, around Bhola district (INFO).","coords.x1":90.81667,"coords.x2":22.65} {"Reference":"2005-33","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified tanker was boarded 6 Jan at 0400 local time, while anchored at Chittagong outer anchorage. \"Several\" robbers, armed with long knives, boarded at the poop deck. Crew activated fire hoses and the robbers fled in a waiting","Desc2":"speedboat, with ship's stores (IMB)","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2005-26","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 2 Jan at 2120 UTC, while anchored at Kandla outer anchorage. Robbers broke into forecastle locker and stole ship's stores, escaping in their boat when duty officer raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":70.11667,"coords.x2":22.83389} {"Reference":"2005-28","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Eight pirates armed with knives in an unlit boat boarded a bulk carrier 29 Dec at 1720 UTC, while underway in position 22-05N 091-43E, off Chittagong. Alert crew mustered and switched on deck lights but thieves nonetheless broke into aft","Desc2":"locker and stole ship's stores, before jumping overboard and escaping in a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":91.71667,"coords.x2":22.08333} {"Reference":"2005-27","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 27 Dec, while anchored at Kandla inner anchorage, by robbers operating from a small boat. The robbers stole ship's stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":73.225,"coords.x2":20.5} {"Reference":"2005-2","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOAT","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Pirates killed one crewman and injured 10 others in a 24 Dec attack, which also sank their trawler (MAHMUDA) ,about 70 km, off the Patharghata Coast. The pirates also robbed the trawlers (NIZAM) and (MUSTAFA), when they came to the aid of the","Desc2":"(MAHMUDA) (INFO).","coords.x1":89.96667,"coords.x2":22.08333} {"Reference":"2004-322","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN-ARABIAN SEA-SOCOTRA: An unidentified yacht reports it was chased 19 Dec by a craft with the appearance of a dhow, while underway in position 11-29N 059-55E, 350 nm ESE of Socotra Island. Yacht's skipper altered course and undertook evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers. Two other boats joined the dhow, but all three finally abandoned the pursuit (IMB).","coords.x1":59.91667,"coords.x2":11.48333} {"Reference":"2004-312","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified supply ship reports approach 11 Dec at 1130 local time by an unknown fishing boat, while underway In position 23-07-14N 068-26-16E. When the fishing boat tried to come alongside, the supply ship altered course and increased speed","Desc2":"after which the boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":68.43778,"coords.x2":23.12056} {"Reference":"2004-300","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 1 Dec at 1410 UTC while berthed at Kochi oil terminal, Cochin. Robbers armed with knives took ship's sores (IMB).","coords.x1":76.27,"coords.x2":9.97167} {"Reference":"2005-7","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded on 23 Nov at 0400 local time, at Chittagong anchorage. Six people armed with long knives stole ship's stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2004-293","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified LPG tanker was boarded 23 Nov at 0425 local time, while at Kandla anchorage. Three persons stole ship's property and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":70.225,"coords.x2":23.03611} {"Reference":"2004-294","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 19 Nov at 0530 local time at berth No. 1, New Mangalore Port by Robbers who stole ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":74.82083,"coords.x2":12.93056} {"Reference":"2004-283","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 11 Nov at 2230 local time, while at Chittagong anchorage by six persons armed with knives. The six stole ship's stores and fled, when crew raised alarm. Master informed coast guard which dispatched a","Desc2":"patrol boat (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2004-295","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 11 Nov at 2230 local time while at Chittagong anchorage, by six persons armed with knives. The six stole ship's stores and fled when crew raised alarm. Master informed coast guard which dispatched a","Desc2":"patrol boat (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2005-6","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified multi-purpose cargo ship was boarded on 11 Nov at 2140 local time, while at Chittagong anchorage. Two people armed with knives gained access at the forecastle, broke open locker, and stole ship's stores. The Master raised the","Desc2":"alarm and the thieves escaped in a boat at 2234; six local shore watchmen avoided contact with the thieves and did not intervene (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2005-8","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified container ship was boarded on 10 Nov at 0400 local time, at Chittagong anchorage B. Thieves stole ship's stores and safety equipment.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2005-9","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded on 7 Nov at 2330 local time, while at Chittagong anchorage. A group of about 10 to 15 people, armed with swords and knives, boarded the ship,and despite the crew firing distress rockets at them,","Desc2":"the group stole ship's stores before jumping overboard and escaping in a motorboat (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2004-274","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: The South-Korean-flag cargo ship (AMAZAN), which had arrived 7 Nov at Chittagong for scrap, was looted at about 1900 local time, by a gang of about 100 persons of whom 5 were arrested (INFO).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2005-10","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: More than 100 trawlers were reported looted during the night of 1-2 Nov on the Meghna River estuaries of Manpura, Tazmuddin, Daulatkhan of Bohia, and Dhal Char. In one case, a fisherman fought back and detained some of the pirates, whereupon","Desc2":"20 pirate boats responded with a looting spree. About 50 local fishermen have been reported abducted for ransom (IMB).","coords.x1":90.93333,"coords.x2":22.33333} {"Reference":"2004-265","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-31","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: The cargo lighter (AL-SAMIT-3) was boarded 31 Oct at 1900 local time in Chittagong outer anchorage, as it proceeded to a lightering job. About 20 persons attacked the lighter in the outer anchorage and stole rope, tents, gas cylinders, mobile","Desc2":"phones and cash, at gunpoint and injured the 13 crew when they resisted (INFO).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2004-250","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: At least 8 fishing trawlers were attacked and looted 4 Oct at noon local time. The trawlers had sought shelter from a developing weather system when they were attacked by about 40 persons in 3 speedy trawlers near the fairway buoy, 100 km","Desc2":"south of the Patharghata coast. In the two-hour battle about 70 fishermen and crew were injured, including 4 with gunshotwounds. Four trawlers, (HOMAIRA), (SAGOR KANNAYA), (JAL TARANGO), and (ADURI) were hijacked along with 3 crew and 3 fishermen.","Desc3":"Trawlers (DIDAR), BISMILLAH), SHAHJAHAN) and DIDAR-2) returned safely (INFO).","coords.x1":89.96667,"coords.x2":22.08333} {"Reference":"2004-244","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: The cargo ship (BINA NIAGA) was attacked 17 Sep, by an organized gang of pirates at Chittagong's outer anchorage, as it awaited berthing for scrapping (INFO).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.3} {"Reference":"2004-245","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: The supply ship (DEA LAEGUE), towing the cargo vessel (MAY QUEEN) which had engine trouble, was boarded 16 Sep at 1430 UTC at Chittagong Roads. Nine robbers, armed with knives, stole ship's stores and fled when crew fought them off using hand","Desc2":"flares and axes, without injury to the crew. Master informed port control and a naval vessel arrived to investigate (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.3} {"Reference":"2004-236","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified supply ship, towing another vessel, was boarded 16 Sep at 1430 UTC at Chittagong Roads. Nine robbers, armed with knives, stole ship's stores and fled when crewfought them off using hand flares and axes, without injury to the","Desc2":"crew. Master informed port control and a naval vessel arrived to investigate (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2004-233","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Passengers on the launch (SONARTORI-1), attacked by river pirates 11 Sep at Postogola, turned on their attackers beating one to death and injuring another while their five accomplices escaped. Seven robbers boarded the launch bound from","Desc2":"Chandpur to Dhaka and were looting the passengers at knife point. Local police intervened to save the injured thief (INFO).","coords.x1":90.66667,"coords.x2":23.21667} {"Reference":"2004-228","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified container ship was boarded 3 Sep at 0200 local time, while anchored in position 22-08.29N 091-46.04E at Chitagong anchorage 'C'. Armed robbers stole ship'sstores from poop deck and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.76733,"coords.x2":22.13817} {"Reference":"2004-212","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified container ship was boarded 13 Aug at 2330 local time, while at Chittagong anchorage by 12 persons armed with guns and knives. The robbers stole ship's stores and fled (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2004-211","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Pirates reportedly from the Shiraj Bahini attacked and looted 5 boats carrying merchandise on the Tatulia (Tetulia) River 10 Aug, and 10 businessmen were reported injured. The same group attacked and looted 9 fishing trawlers 13 Aug, stealing","Desc2":"fish and the boats' fuel (INFO).","coords.x1":90.65222,"coords.x2":22.26667} {"Reference":"2004-207","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 7 Aug at 0100 UTC, during cargo operations at Oil Jetty no. 4, Kandla. Five persons tried to break into paint locker but jumped overboard and fled empty handed, when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":70.21667,"coords.x2":23.03333} {"Reference":"2004-201","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: A barge under tow of an unidentified tug was boarded 30 Jul at 0900, while underway in position 21-43N 091-33E 30 nm off Chittagong. The pirates stole stores and loose equipment from the barge and then departed at 0930 (IMB).","coords.x1":91.55,"coords.x2":21.71667} {"Reference":"2004-200","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tug and barge report attempt to board 27 Jul at 0745, by persons in several fishing boats while they were underway 18 nm west of Quilon (Kollam). Master contacted Indian Coast Guard, who dispatched an aircraft and patrol vessel.","Desc2":"The attempted boarding was aborted (IMB).","coords.x1":76.6,"coords.x2":8.88333} {"Reference":"2004-188","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Bangladeshi media report 19 Jul that, despite recent high-profile arrests of river pirate gangs preying on local traders and fishermen, other gangs rapidly move into areas where arrests have been made. In the Meghna River estuary 183 trawlers","Desc2":"have collected red flags as tokens that they have paid \"tolls\" to local bandits, who effectively rule the area. At least 10 fishermen have been killed, 60 injured, and 120 abducted while 110 trawlers have been hijacked for non-payment of the tolls during","Desc3":"the past year (INFO).","coords.x1":91,"coords.x2":22.5} {"Reference":"2004-184","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified chemical tanker was approached 9 Jul at 2330 local time by 12 persons in two boats while the ship was at anchorage \"C\", Chittagong. One person was armed with a long knife, boarded at the stern, but fled when confronted by","Desc2":"ship's crew (IMB).","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2004-178","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 4 Jul at 0130 local time while at Chittagong anchorage. About 10 persons armed with knives and operating from a 20-meter boat threatened the duty seaman. Crew mustered and the intruders fled empty","Desc2":"handed. Port control and Coast Guard were unable to respond to the incident due to high seas (IMB).","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2004-179","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Forty fishermen and three trawlers were taken hostage 3 July by pirates operating at Dublar Char in the Sundarbans. On 5 Jul a cell phone demand for a ransom of Tk 6 lakh was received for the \"first phase\" (INFO).","coords.x1":90.56667,"coords.x2":22.15} {"Reference":"2004-164","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN-ANDAMAN ISLANDS: An unidentified tanker reports suspicious approach 15 Jun at 1200 UTC, while underway in position 06-15.06N 092-11.6E. Crew activated fire hoses directed searchlights and took evasive maneuvers whereupon craft stopped","Desc2":"following and moved off (IMB).","coords.x1":93.19278,"coords.x2":6.25111} {"Reference":"2004-141","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Unidentified cargo ship reports attempt to board 27 May during the night while at anchor Chennai anchorage. Crew contacted Coast Guard which apprehended the men armed with knives and swords and turned them over to police (IMB).","coords.x1":80.375,"coords.x2":13.095} {"Reference":"2004-142","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Unidentified container ship was boarded 26 May at 0415 local time, while anchored at Chennai (Madras) Roads. Four armed men boarded using grappling hooks and stabbed one of the crew when alarm was sounded, escaping in their boat with four","Desc2":"accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":80.36667,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2004-143","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Unidentified cargo ship was boarded 25 May at 0350 local time while at Chennai (Madras) anchorage, by a single armed man operating from a green boat with a white line containing 3 accomplices. Crew raised alarm and intruder escaped empty","Desc2":"handed(IMB).","coords.x1":80.375,"coords.x2":13.095} {"Reference":"2004-129","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 16 May at 0715 UTC while anchored in position 13-06N 080-22E, Chennai (Madras) outer roads. Eight persons armed with long knives tried to gain access via the stern, but duty seaman raised alarm","Desc2":"and crew mustered (IMB).","coords.x1":80.36667,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2004-121","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Unidentified tanker was boarded 7 May at 0555 local time while in position 13-05.7N 080 -22.5E at Chennai anchorage. Persons armed with knives boarded at the poop and threatened duty seaman, who had seen them and activated fire hose. Seaman raised","Desc2":"alarm but thieves escaped at 0610 before crew could muster. Port control informed at 0615 and marine police boarded at 0836 when master presented them with digital photos of the thieves' green boat (IMB).","coords.x1":80.375,"coords.x2":13.095} {"Reference":"2004-96","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA-INDIA: A chemical tanker under tow was boarded 15 Apr at 0645 UTC while underway in position 20-15.5N 071-27.1E of India's west coast. Persons from three boats involved. Alerted by the IMB, Indian Coast Guard units apprehended one of the","Desc2":"boats with nine crew, recovering stolen property (IMB)","coords.x1":71.45167,"coords.x2":20.25833} {"Reference":"2004-81","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TOW","Desc1":"INDIA: An unmanned vessel under tow was boarded 5 Apr at 0400 UTC while in position 08 12.3N, 076 46.4E, 20nm from Trivendram aero light. Persons from eight boats stole property from the ship and left at 0435 UTC.","coords.x1":76.77333,"coords.x2":8.205} {"Reference":"2004-82","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"INDIA: An unmanned tug under tow was boarded 2 Apr at 0650 local time in position 08 06N, 076 43E off Trivendram. Pirates form six boats stole tug's stores and property before the arrival of coast guard boats and an aircraft from Cochin.","coords.x1":76.71667,"coords.x2":8.1} {"Reference":"2004-61","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Unidentified tanker reports encountering two boats with a line strung between them 2 Mar at 0315 local time while underway in position 21-33.7N 091-35.5E east of Maiskhal Island. As tanker passed between the boats the boats wee drawn into its","Desc2":"side and occupants tried to board using grappling hook. Ship maneuvered, turned on lights and activated fire hoses and boarding was aborted.","coords.x1":91.59167,"coords.x2":21.56167} {"Reference":"2004-51","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: Seven trawlers were looted and one crew member is missing after pirates struck 27 Feb off Bangladesh's Patharghata Coast. Three trawlers were attacked at noon 30 km s. e. ofPatharghatta and 4 were attacked that night. The pirates reportedly","Desc2":"operated form another trawler which had been hijacked some days before.","coords.x1":90.33333,"coords.x2":21.535} {"Reference":"2004-32","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DERELICT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: The Mongolian flag (STAR 4) was boarded 7 Feb at 0300 local time while at Chittagong inner anchorage by a gang which stole property from the ship which was awaiting scrapping. Two watchmen who tried to resist the thieves were injured and","Desc2":"later died in hospital ashore.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2004-17","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 17 Jan at 2100 local time while at anchorage Alpha, Bangladesh. Four armed persons gained access via the stern but fled empty handed when anti-piracy watch responded.","coords.x1":89.915,"coords.x2":21.70833} {"Reference":"2004-10","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-31","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: The Bangladeshi coastal freighter (BARVINA) was attacked 31 Dec while at Chittagong port and looted of goods while crew were kept hostage at gunpoint. Local operators reportedly refuse to lodge complaints with police fearing retaliatory","Desc2":"attacks.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2004-2","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 16 Dec at 1910 local time while anchored in position 22-12.7N 091-43.2E at Chittagong anchorage 'B'. Nine persons boarded at the forecastle, tied up a cadet and two shore watchmen and held them at","Desc2":"knifepoint. Chief officer raised alarm and the intruders fled empty handed in motor boats at 1930","coords.x1":91.72,"coords.x2":22.21167} {"Reference":"2004-1","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 11 Dec while anchored at New Mangalore. Crew raised alarm and boarding was aborted.","coords.x1":74.81667,"coords.x2":12.91667} {"Reference":"2003-374","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 23 Nov at 0400 local time at Chittagong anchorage. Six persons armed with long knives stole ship's stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-368","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified multi-purpose cargo ship was boarded 11 Nov at 2140 local time while at Chittagong anchorage. Two persons armed with knives gained access at the forecastle, broke open locker, and stole ship's stores. Master raised alarm and","Desc2":"the thieves escaped in a boat at 2234; six local shore watchmen avoided contact with the thieves and did not intervene (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-361","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified container ship was boarded 10 Nov at 0400 local time while at Chittagong anchorage B. Thieves stole ship's stores and safety equipment (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-362","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 7 Nov at 2330 local time while at Chittagong anchorage. \\A group of from 10 to 15 persons, armed with swords and knives, boarded the ship and, despite the ship's crew firing distress rockets at","Desc2":"them, stole ship's stores before jumping overboard and escaping in a motorboat (IMB)..","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-337","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 22 Oct at 0415 local time at Chittagong anchorage 'B'. Three persons gained access while ship was coming to anchor and stole 3 mooring lines from the stern. Thieves jumped overboard and escaped","Desc2":"with six accomplices in a boat. Port authorities did not respond to master's attempt to contact (IMB).","coords.x1":90.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-321","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified Ro-Ro ship was boarded 10 Oct at 0405 local time while at Sagar inner anchorage, Haldia. Intruders boarded at the stern but fled empty handed in a waiting boat when challenged by the Second Officer (IMB).","coords.x1":88.08333,"coords.x2":22.01667} {"Reference":"2003-323","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified tanker was boarded 4 Oct at 0125 local time while at Chittagong Anchorage 'B'. Two persons armed with long knives boarded using bamboo poles but jumped overboard and fled when duty officer sounded alarm and ship's whistle","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-324","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 2 Oct at 0520 local time while at Chittagong Anchorage 'C'. The intruders gained access via the stern and stole ship's stores before jumping overboard and escaping when duty officer raised alarm.","Desc2":"Attempt to contact port control reportedly unsuccessful. Crew reports a boat with personnel in uniform chased and caught the thieves, but released them at 0540 (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-322","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker reports attempt to board 30 Sep at 2100 local time while at north tanker berth, Cochin. Crew raised alarm and the intruders fled in a waiting boat with accomplices. Master reported incident to local police and two policemen","Desc2":"who were stationed on board (IMB).","coords.x1":76.23333,"coords.x2":9.96667} {"Reference":"2003-315","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 27 Sep at 0520 local time while at Chennai anchorage. Three persons armed with knives gained access using grappling hooks and tried but failed to open port battery store. Anti-piracy watch raised alarm and","Desc2":"chased the three who jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting boat, with two accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":80.3,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2003-306","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 5 Sep at 1400 local time while anchored three miles off Chennai breakwater. Three persons armed with knives boarded using grappling hooks. Duty officer raised alarm and bosun and two seamen chased intruders","Desc2":"from ship, after which they escaped in a boat with three accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":80.3,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2003-295","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier had zinc anodes stolen 1 Sep at 0730 while at berth 6, Chittagong (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-294","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-31","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 31 Aug at 0115 local time at Chennai anchorage. One person had gained access with three others attempting to, when alarm raised. Port control and port police informed and police boat arrived at 0215","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":80.3,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2003-296","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 28 Aug at 0001 local time while at Chittagong Roads anchorage. Ship was boarded as it approached anchorage. Alarm raised and deck lights switched on causing intruders to flee in a high speed boat (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-281","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified tanker reports attempt to board 17 Aug at 2110 local time while in position 22 10N, 091 46E, Anchorage C, Chittagong. About fifteen persons tried to gain access via anchor chain. Watchman spotted them and they jumped into","Desc2":"water when he alerted crew. Port control did not respond when called (IMB).","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2003-282","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified tug was boarded 12 Aug at 0145 local time while anchored in position 22 15N, 091 43E, Anchorage B, Chittagong. Fifteen to 20 persons from 3 or 4 motorized boats boarded armed with knives and bolos. One crew member injured","Desc2":"during theft of stores. Port Control did not respond to calls (IMB).","coords.x1":91.71667,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2003-266","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 29 Jul at 1045 UTC while at Chittagong anchorage Alpha. Fifteen persons in four boats, armed with knives and crowbars, boarded at stern. Crew sounded alarm and mustered while 12 shore watchmen who","Desc2":"had just boarded chased the intruders. The thieves broke open stern locker and stole safety equipment. Coast Guard was informed but was unable to apprehend the thieves (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-259","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 24 Jul while at TSP jetty, Chittagong. Master reports gangway stolen and states that since arrival they ship had been boarded a number of times, losing stores and equipment (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-249","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 14 Jul at 2000 UTC while anchored in position 13 05N, 080 25E, Chennai. Two persons stole ship's stores and escaped in a boat with ten accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":80.41667,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2003-240","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 14 Jul at 1400 local time while at Chittagong anchorage. Eleven persons in a boat came alongside and three, armed with knives, attempted to climb the anchor chain. Watch raised alarm and","Desc2":"the intruders fled (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-241","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified container ship was boarded 9 Jul at 0030 local time while at berth in Chittagong anchorage. Seven persons armed with knives boarded at forecastle, took duty crew hostage, and escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-230","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 2 Jul during the morning hours while berthed at Haldia. Ship's stores were stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":86.95,"coords.x2":22.01667} {"Reference":"2003-233","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified tanker was boarded 1 Jul at 0255 local time via the poop while at anchorage 'A', Chittagong. Four persons armed with long knives arrived in two large motorboats and one smaller boat. The intruders lowered ship's mooring lines","Desc2":"into the water and the motorboats towed them away. When spotted by crew the thieves threatened the crew and escaped with the four mooring lines. Coast Guard was informed but did not respond, despite boats being visible in the area for more than 30","Desc3":"minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-232","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified tanker was boarded 1 Jul at 0255 local time while at anchorage 'A', Chittagong. Chief officer observed 4 persons armed with long knives try to steal hawsers and raised alarm. The thieves threatened crew with 18-inch knives","Desc2":"before escaping with ship's stores in two boats manned by ten persons each (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-231","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 28 Jun by an unauthorized person from a service boat while the ship was berthed at Chennai. Ship's stores were stolen (IMB),","coords.x1":80.3,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2003-215","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified container ship was boarded 23 Jun at 0330 local time while in position 22 03.8N, 091 40.3E off Chittagong anchorage area. Two armed persons boarded in a heavy rain and stole ship's stores before escaping when crew raised alarm","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":91.66667,"coords.x2":22.06667} {"Reference":"2003-216","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified LPG carrier reports being obstructed in its passage of the Pussur River on 22 Jun at 1618 local time while underway in position 22 23N, 089 37.4E near Mongla. About ten persons in small fishing boats first attempted to","Desc2":"obstruct passage and then attempted to board. Master increased speed and boats kept following. Coast Guard responded within 30 minutes and escorted the ship the rest of the way to port (IMB).","coords.x1":89.61667,"coords.x2":22.38333} {"Reference":"2003-217","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 18 Jun at 0330 local time while at Chittagong anchorage. Three persons armed with long knives boarded from two boats and escaped with ships stores when spotted. The same persons reportedly later made a","Desc2":"second but unsuccessful attempt to board the same ship (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-210","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 16 Jun at 0200 local time while at Chennai anchorage. Three persons boarded at the forecastle, broke open a locker and stole ship's stores. Thieves escaped into a waiting boat when spotted and when alarm","Desc2":"raised (IMB).","coords.x1":80.3,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2003-211","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 14 Jun at 1310 local time while at Chennai anchorage. Three persons broke into forecastle locker and stole ship's equipment. The thieves escaped in a boat containing six accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":80.3,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2003-212","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 11Jun about 2130 local time while at fertilizer jetty, Chittagong. Three persons injured two watchmen and stole ship's stores. Thieves escaped in a boat containing seven accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-193","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was raided 2 Jun at 1030 local time while preparing to depart Mongla, with pilot on board. Twenty persons armed with long knives and axes threatened the crew, stole ship's property and stores, and left after 30","Desc2":"minutes. Port authorities and coast guard did not respond to calls form the ship (IMB).","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":22.46667} {"Reference":"2003-192","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 30 May at 1950 local time while at Chochin anchorage. Ten persons boarded at the forecastle but jumped overboard and escaped when crew sounded alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":76.23333,"coords.x2":9.96667} {"Reference":"2003-187","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 21 May at 1945 local time while at Chittagong anchorage 'B'. One person armed with a steel bar gained access at the forecastle but jumped overboard and escaped in a boat with three accomplices when","Desc2":"alarm was sounded and crew mustered (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-176","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded16 May at 0100 UTC while at Chittagong anchorage 'A'. Five persons armed with steel bars boarded at bow but jumped overboard and escaped empty handed when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-177","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 15 May at 1850 UTC while at Chittagong anchorage 'A'. Two persons boarded at the stern but escaped empty handed when duty seaman raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-164","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"BAY OF BENGAL: Twenty-seven fishing trawlers operating in the Bay of Bengal were raided 7 May while 12 km off Andar Char, and were looted of fish, nets and other valuables. The looted boats were returning to Bhola and Barisal after deep sea fishing.","Desc2":"Survivors claim the pirates threw 11 fishermen into the sea, seven of whom drowned (INFO).","coords.x1":91,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"2003-163","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: The chemical tanker (SPIC EMERALD) was boarded in the early hours of 6 May in rough weather while at Chennai anchorage. Seven persons armed with crude weapons threatened the crew and began looting crew belongings and ship's property. The Indian","Desc2":"Coast Guard responded to a distress call from the ship and apprehended two of the seven persons who jumped into the water on the approach of the coast guardsmen in a pilot boat (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":80.3,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2003-148","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tug and barge were boarded 2 May at 0100 UTC while underway in position 08 52.2N, 076 25.2E, 8 nm west of Quilon. The thieves stole ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":76.41667,"coords.x2":8.86667} {"Reference":"2003-149","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 2 May at 2100 local time while at Chittagong anchorage. Three persons armed with big knives boarded via the stern. Duty seaman raised alarm and the thieves fled with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-150","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was approached 2 May at 0100 local time while in position 2 53N, 091 38E at Chittagong anchorage. Persons armed with long knives in three speedboats were foiled by the crew in their attempts to board the ship (IMB)","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-151","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 29 Apr at 2310 local time while in position 22 16N, 091 43.6E proceeding to Alpha anchorage, Chittagong. Two persons stole ship's stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.26667} {"Reference":"2003-130","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 25 Apr at 2230 UTC while at berth Q2, Willingdon Island, Chochin. About 8 persons stole ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":76.23333,"coords.x2":9.96667} {"Reference":"2003-116","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 12 Apr at 0430 local time at Cochin anchorage. Intruders boarded from a 25 ft boat and one was chased of forecastle attempting to cut mooring lines while two others were intercepted aft. The thieves were","Desc2":"driven off by crew throwing \"small objects\" at them (IMB).","coords.x1":76.23333,"coords.x2":9.96667} {"Reference":"2003-108","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified LPG carrier was boarded 7 Apr at 0200 local time while berthed at Haldia. The intruders stole ship's stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":88.08333,"coords.x2":22.01667} {"Reference":"2003-95","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was subject to attempted boarding 29 Mar at 2125 local time at Chennai anchorage. Persons armed with long knives attempted to gain access via the anchor chain but fled when crew raised alarm (IMB)","coords.x1":80.3,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2003-96","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 26 Mar at 0345 local time while at Cochin anchorage. Thieves gained access via hawse pipe and began lowering mooring line to a waiting boat when watch raised alarm and they fled (IMB).","coords.x1":76.23333,"coords.x2":9.96667} {"Reference":"2003-87","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MARCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:An unidentified supply ship reports being chased 25 March at 0200 local time while underway in position 22 05.26N 067 36.17E. Three fast boats folowed five miles astern after approaching at 30 knots. Ship increased speed and pursuit was","Desc2":"broken off after 30 minutes. (IMB).","coords.x1":67.6,"coords.x2":22.08333} {"Reference":"2003-89","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 24 March at 1900 local time while anchored in position 22 13N 091 45E, Chittagong anchorage B. Despite six crew on anti-piracy watch, a boat approched under the stern and one person boarded the ship. He","Desc2":"was lowering a mooring line to the boat when a watchman spotted him and tied off one end of the line to a bollard. The thief then cut part of the line a jumped overboard.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.21667} {"Reference":"2003-88","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 21 March at 0400 local time while at Cochin anchorage. Intruders boarded at forcastle but fled when alarm was sounded and crew mustered. At 0500 a second attempt was made to board but crew sounded whistle","Desc2":"and directed lights at boat, which then withdrew. (IMB).","coords.x1":76.23333,"coords.x2":9.96667} {"Reference":"2003-83","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was robbed of zinc anodes detached from its rudderpost 12 Mar at 1700 local time while at berth, Chittagong. Theft was discovered by chief officer during draft survey (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-77","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"NAVAL VESSEL","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: An unidentified cargo ship was sunk 10 Mar after a two hour gun battle with units of the Sri Lanka navy about 185 nm northeast of Mullaitivu. The battle reportedly erupted when the ship returned fire on the Sri Lankan ships which had","Desc2":"intercepted it and demanded it stop for inspection, firing warning shots (INFO, LM).","coords.x1":83,"coords.x2":10.5} {"Reference":"2003-75","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 9 Mar at 0930 local time at Chittagong anchorage. Ten persons armed with knives boarded at the forecastle. Crew raised alarm but the intruders escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-76","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified container ship was subject to attempted boarding 5 Mar at 1915 UTC at Chittagong outer anchorage. Duty crew repelled persons attempting to gain access from two boats (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-65","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 25 Feb at 2345 local time while at jetty no. 4, Chittagong. The intruders stole ship's stores form forward mast house despite and anti-piracy watch of six crew (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-47","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 6 Feb at midnight local time while at berth 9, Chittagong. Two persons armed with knives broke into the forecastle store and attempted to steal stores. One man was caught by crew and turned over to","Desc2":"local authorities while the second man escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-39","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 29 Jan at 2345 local time while at outer anchorage, Chittagong. Crew shouted at the intruders and reported to the bridge and thieves jumped overboard with ship's stores. (IMB)","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2003-35","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified survey ship was boarded 25 Jan at 1800 UTC at Goa. Two persons operating form a canoe stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":73.8,"coords.x2":15.43333} {"Reference":"2003-17","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 1 Jan at 2055 UTC while anchored in position 20 59.3N, 088 14.7E, Sandheads anchorage, in the Hooghly River. About ten persons boarded at stern from an unlit motor boat and assaulted duty seaman before stealing","Desc2":"five mooring lines. Crew raised alarm and informed port control Port authorities promptly apprehended the thieves and recovered the lines.","coords.x1":88.25,"coords.x2":20.98333} {"Reference":"2002-359","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 10 Dec at 2300 local time while anchored 4 nm from Colombo port. Armed persons broke open four containers but fled empty handed when crew sounded alarm and mustered.","coords.x1":79.85,"coords.x2":6.95} {"Reference":"2002-327","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 18 Nov at 0210 local time while at anchor off fairway buoy, Cochin. One person boarded at forecastle while four accomplices remained in their boat. Duty seaman raised alarm and intruder jumped overboard","Desc2":"and escaped.","coords.x1":76.23333,"coords.x2":9.96667} {"Reference":"2002-328","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was approached 17 Nov at 0550 local time while anchored in position 22 15N, 091 45E, Chittagong. Duty officer raised alarm and boats moved away, but at 0640 thieves in a boat stole all the zinc anodes from rudder","Desc2":"post.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2002-329","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 7 Nov at 0205 local time at Chittagong anchorage. Seven persons armed with knives, crowbars and large hooks boarded at the stern and threatened duty cadet with a knife. Duty seaman raised alarm and","Desc2":"intruders escaped with ship's stores.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-324","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 6 Nov at 0145 local time while in position 13 05.8N, 080 21.8E, Chennai anchorage. Three persons from a speedboat used grappling hooks to gain access. Alert watch sounded alarm and the intruders jumped","Desc2":"into the water and fled","coords.x1":80.36667,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2002-310","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 30 Oct at 1300 UTC while anchored in position 21 41N, 088 01E in the Sagar Roads anchorage, Hooghly River. Thieves armed with long knives boarded at the bow and, while crew dealt with them, a second gang boarded","Desc2":"at stern and stole ship's stores. This is first report of coordinated attack by a gang in India.","coords.x1":88.01667,"coords.x2":21.68333} {"Reference":"2002-311","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified container ship was boarded 30 Oct at 0430 local time while at Bravo Anchorage, Chittagong. Ten persons armed with knives gained access at the stern. They threatened crew, broke open forecastle locker and stole stores. Alarm","Desc2":"raised and thieves escaped. Coast Guard arrived to investigate after four hours.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-298","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 19 Oct. while in position 22-19.2N, 088-06E in the Hooghly River. One person from a six-meter wooden motorboat used a grappling hook to gain access at the stern. Crew raised alarm and intruder jumped","Desc2":"overboard.","coords.x1":88.1,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-286","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified tanker was boarded 3 Oct at 1400 local time while anchored at Chittagong. Four armed thieves boarded while four accomplices waited in their boat. The thieves stole two mooring lines before escaping when alarm was sounded and","Desc2":"crew mustered.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-277","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified ship was boarded 24 Sep at 0130 local time while at Alpha outer anchorage, Chittagong. Three boats approached stern, bow and midship section starboard. Four persons boarded aft and one tried to climb to forecastle. Alarm","Desc2":"raised and crew mustered, whereupon the intruders stole stores and escaped.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-260","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: According to a 13 Sep report 10 persons died when two rival gangs, consisting of about 30 persons, total, tried to simultaneously rob a small wooden coastal vessel of its cargo of salt. One speed boat of each group arrived at the scene near","Desc2":"Kutubia Island about 40 km from Cox's Bazar and 295 km southeast of Dhaka. The cargo boat's crew of seven jumped overboard during the fight and swam ashore to inform police who recovered their boat without making any arrests","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":21.83333} {"Reference":"2002-261","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 11 Sep at 0345 local time by five persons who gained access via the stern. Duty officer raised alarm and sounded whistle and the thieves fled without taking anything.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-246","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 2 Sep between 0310 and 0340 at Chittagong anchorage. About 14 persons armed with long knives and steel bars boarded over the port bow from two unlit wooden boats during heavy rain. The thieves took","Desc2":"hostage two watchmen and tied them up before breaking into forecastle store. Duty seaman raised alarm and the thieves fled with ship's stores and equipment.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-262","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 2 Sep between 0310 and 0340 at Chittagong anchorage. About 14 persons armed with long knives and steel bars boarded over the port bow from two unlit wooden boats during heavy rain. The thieves took","Desc2":"hostage two watchmen and tied them up before breaking into forecastle store. Duty seaman raised alarm and the thieves fled with ship's stores and equipment","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-245","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 26 Aug at 2310 local time while anchored in position 10-02N 078-04E Cochin. Watch noticed unlit wooden boat andraised alarm whereupon the attempt was aborted.","coords.x1":76.14,"coords.x2":9.58} {"Reference":"2002-237","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: The unidentified LPG carrier which repelled boarders 22 Aug was subject to identical attempt using grappling hook at forecastle 20 Aug at 2100 local time. Crew raised alarm and intruders fled in their boat.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-235","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified LPG carrier was subject to attempted boarding 21 Aug at 1130 local time while at Chittagong anchorage. Intruders attempted to gain access via stern using grappling hook, but jumped into water and escaped when discovered by","Desc2":"crew. Ship reports this is second attempt I two days.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-236","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was robbed of zinc anodes from its stern 20 Aug while anchored at Mongla.","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":22.46667} {"Reference":"2002-238","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 19 Aug while anchored at Chittagong. Thieves stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-231","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 13 Aug at 0545 local time while at Chittagong anchorage. Thieves broke open forecastle store and stole two mooring lines.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-217","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was robbed of zinc anodes welded to stern 29 Jul while at mooring buoy, Mongla.","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":22.46667} {"Reference":"2002-210","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified gas carrier was boarded 25 Jul at 2100 local time while at Chittagong anchorage. Six persons armed with knives boarded via the poop and threatened the duty watchman when he raised the alarm. Crew mustered and thieves escaped","Desc2":"by jumping overboard with ship's stores.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-216","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: The Bermuda-flag container ship (BOXER CAPTAIN COOK) was boarded 24 Jul (reported 6 Aug). Six persons with knives boarded from a small wooden boat, using grappling hooks. Alarm was sounded and police and port control advised. Thieves left after","Desc2":"twenty minutes and a police launch responded. 25 Jul ship was informed thieves had been apprehended and 25 lashing bars stolen during the night, recovered.","coords.x1":85.24472,"coords.x2":14.98722} {"Reference":"2002-211","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified gas carrier was boarded 22 Jul at 1715 local time while at Mongla inner anchorage. Two persons armed with knives threatened crew and duty watchman. Crewraised alarm and the thieves escaped in their boat taking ship's stores.","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":22.46667} {"Reference":"2002-197","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was subject to attempted boarding 13 Jul at 0140 local time while at anchor off Chennai. Six persons in a wooden boat tried to board via the stern before being scared off.","coords.x1":80.51222,"coords.x2":13.00306} {"Reference":"2002-198","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was robbed of 14 zinc anodes from its stern post 12 Jul at 1800 UTC while berthed at No. 2 berth, Chittagong. The thieves operated from four wooden pump boats.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-188","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: The Third Officer of an unidentified cargo ship at Berth 3, Chittagong, was assaulted 8 Jul at 2200 local time when he left the ship to checks its draft. Seven persons armed with long knives attempted to grab the mates gold chain and watch","Desc2":"and dislocated his arm requiring him to be hospitalized. Master reports this was the third robbery attempt since his arrival at Chittagong.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-189","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was robbed of zinc anodes at its stern 4 Jul at 0700 while the ship drifted during pilot pick up.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-173","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 28 Jun at 2005 while at Chittagong anchorage 'B'. Three persons of ten in a boat that came alongside boarded before the duty watch raised the alarm and mustered crew, whereupon the intruders jumped","Desc2":"overboard and fled.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-171","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 Jun at 0330 local time while at Chittagong anchorage. Watch spotted man armed with rifle on after deck and sounded alarm. Manescaped in a boat with three accomplices.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-172","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was subjected to attempted boarding 20 Jun at 2300 local time while at Chittagong anchorage. Six persons armed with knives tried to board at the stern but alert crew prevented the boarding.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-168","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified chemical tanker was robbed 12 Jun at 140 local time while mooring at Chittagong. Mooring gang requested ship pay out more line fore and aft, which it did. When ship was all fast crew noted that lengths of 100 m were cut out of","Desc2":"each line, which was then respliced, and the cut sections stolen.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-158","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 3 Jun at 0620 while at outer anchorage, Kakinada. Armed persons boardedvia the anchor chain, broke into the forecastle locker, and stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":82.25,"coords.x2":16.93333} {"Reference":"2002-134","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified tanker was boarded 27 Apr at 1300 UTC while anchored at Chittagong anchorage 'A'. Armed persons were discovered and jumped overboard escaping with safety equipment.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-112","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 12 Apr at 0430 local time while anchored at Chittagong. Four persons armed with knives stole ship's stores before watch raised alarm and the intruders escaped in a motorboat.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-107","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified barge under tow in position 08-55N 076-05E was boarded and robbed 3 Apr at 0230 UTC off Quilon port. Three persons boarded the barge from two boats with four persons each. The thieves stole mooring lines.","coords.x1":76.08333,"coords.x2":8.91667} {"Reference":"2002-94","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was robbed of zinc anodes attached to its hull 29 Mar at 2030 local time while berthed at no. 2 berth Chittagong. Five persons in a boat removedthe anodes and escaped under pier when search light was directed at","Desc2":"them.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2002-81","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 22 Mar at 0315 local time while at jetty no. 1, Haldia. Thieves boarded at the forecastle and stole six hawsers.","coords.x1":88.08333,"coords.x2":22.01667} {"Reference":"2002-73","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 18 Mar while at anchor, Kalpi anchorage, Hooghly River. Four persons armed with knives stole ship's stores but jumped into river and escaped when alarm raised.","coords.x1":88.20333,"coords.x2":22.09167} {"Reference":"2002-99","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND: An unidentified tanker was hijacked 17 Mar at 1320 local time, reported 1 Apr, while underway in position 07-45.9N 097-42.5E. Pirates armed with guns and knives held the ship and later transferred 1,950 metric tons of gas oil to another tanker","Desc2":"and then placed crew in a small boat. Crew reached safety on an island off Northern Acheh, Indonesia and were recovered by Indonesian Navy. Like reported 25 March hijack of a tug from a pier I Indonesia, the International Maritime Bureau has not provided","Desc3":"identification of the missing tanker to aid in its tracing or recovery.","coords.x1":97.70833,"coords.x2":7.765} {"Reference":"2002-74","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 15 Mar at 0755 local time while anchored in Pussur River below Mongla. The \"armed\" thieves stole a wire rope and escaped. At 0900 local time three armed persons boarded from a small boat via the anchor","Desc2":"chain and tried to steal mooring lines and attacked Chief Officer with ling knives. When assistance arrived the thieves jumped overboard and escaped. For a ship to be attacked twice the same day and in daylight is unusual.","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":22.46667} {"Reference":"2002-49","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified cargo barge under tow off India in position 08-16N 076-24E was boarded 21 Feb at 1039 UTC by person operating from seven small high-speed boats. Tug captain tried evasive maneuvers and fired signal flares but thieves sole batteries","Desc2":"for navigation lights and stores from the barge.","coords.x1":76.4,"coords.x2":8.26667} {"Reference":"2002-50","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 21 Feb at 0415 local time while anchored in position 17-00N 082-21E in the Kakinada fairway. Crew raised alarm and thieves escaped in theirboat.","coords.x1":82.35,"coords.x2":17} {"Reference":"2002-51","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 19 Feb at 0515 local time while anchored in position 17-01N 082-21E in the Kakinada fairway. Five person armed with knives boarded at theforecastle but escaped in their boat when alarm raised.","coords.x1":82.35,"coords.x2":17.01667} {"Reference":"2002-32","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: An unidentified tanker was pursued by a suspicious craft 25 Jan at 0300 local time while underway in position 06 01N, 079 35E, off Galle, Sri Lanka. The duty officer directed the ship's Aldis lamp toward the unlit vessel which was pursuing at","Desc2":"about 30 knots. The craft subsequently reduced speed and moved away.","coords.x1":79.58333,"coords.x2":6.01667} {"Reference":"2002-26","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 18 Jan at 1510 UTC while at anchor, Hiran Point, Mongla. Nine armed persons broke open forecastle store and sole ship's stores. Industry complaints allege that security at Mongla port is \"bordering on","Desc2":"the intolerable with 57 reported attacks in Nov and Dec 2001. Local law enforcement officials are allegedly conniving with the thieves.","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":22.46667} {"Reference":"2002-14","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker was subject to attempted boarding 14 Jan at 0120 local time while at Chennai anchorage. Four persons in a wooden boat tried to board using grappling hooksat forecastle and later at stern. Alarm raised and crew chased boats","Desc2":"away.","coords.x1":80.36,"coords.x2":13.07333} {"Reference":"2002-15","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified roll-on/roll-off ship was boarded 12 Jan at 0315 local time while at Chennai anchorage. Three persons gained access via the stern but were spotted by watch who raised alarm whereupon the intruders fled.","coords.x1":80.36,"coords.x2":13.07333} {"Reference":"2002-16","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was subjected to attempted boarding 12 Jan at 0200 local time while at Chennai anchorage. Four persons in a wooden boat attempted to board at the forecastle using a grappling hook. Watch sounded alarm and activated","Desc2":"fire hoses whereupon the intruders fled.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.4} {"Reference":"2002-5","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 6 Jan at 1415 UTC while at Bedford Anchorage, Hoogly River. Three persons armed with knives boarded from a wooden boat and cut a mooring line. They threatened the watchman but jumped overboard and escaped in","Desc2":"their boat when the alarm sounded and crew mustered.","coords.x1":88.17361,"coords.x2":22.02056} {"Reference":"2002-7","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 29 Dec at 0230 local time at Mongla anchorage. Seven persons armed with long knives threatened the watchman, stole ship's stores and escaped. Navy and pilot station contacted without response.","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":22.46667} {"Reference":"2002-6","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified cargo ship reports suspicious approach 29 Dec at 0230 by three wooden fishing boats while underway in position 11 52N, 074 47E, 25 nm off Kotte Kunnu Lighthouse. Master raised alarm and began evasive maneuvers while crew mustered.","Desc2":"Boats followed for 30 minutes before departing.","coords.x1":74.78333,"coords.x2":11.86667} {"Reference":"2001-350","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 22 Dec at 1945 local time while ship was anchored at Rangatala Crossing, Hugli River. Three persons in a wooden boatWere spotted by watch and driven off when alarm sounded.","coords.x1":88.06667,"coords.x2":21.86667} {"Reference":"2001-351","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"SRI LANKA: An unidentified yacht reports suspicious following 21 Dec at 1120 UTC while underway 70 nm east of Galle in position 05-53N 081-25E. Yacht took evasive action when it noteda wooden fishing boat matching its course. Boat eventually departed.","Desc2":"Sir Lankan waters, noted b\\for violent encounters with the LTTE are not particularly known for piracy.","coords.x1":81.41667,"coords.x2":5.88333} {"Reference":"2001-344","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MAYANMAR: An unidentified bulk carrier reports being closely followed 15 Dec at 2340 local time while underway in position 19-47.5N 92-00.0E off the Myanamar coast. A grey-paintedspeedboat bearing the number 421, ordered the captain to stop via VHF and","Desc2":"under threat of gunfire. Captain did not comply, speedboat banged side of ship and a shot was fired. Duty officer raised alarm, blew whistle, lighted ship, activated fire hoses and began evasive maneuvers. The speedboat broke off pursuit. Nature of","Desc3":"pursuit and number painted on speedboat make piracy an unlikely motive for what remains a mysterious encounter.","coords.x1":92,"coords.x2":19.79167} {"Reference":"2001-343","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 14 Dec at 0315 local time by persons armed with long knives while a Chittagong anchorage. In thieves cut three mooring lines and lowered them into the water. They fled in their boats with the lines","Desc2":"when watch raised alarm and shore personnel fired warning shots.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2001-333","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded and robbed 10 Dec at 0515 local time at Kakinada anchorage, India. The intruders stole two mooring ropes from the forecastle. Later that morning, at 0855 local time, the thieves boarded again, this time","Desc2":"attempting to steal a fire hose. They accidentally set off the fire alarm in their attempt, and fled the scene empty handed. The previous day (9 Dec at 1830 local time), thieves had attempted to board using ropes and hooks. However, they abandoned that","Desc3":"attempt when spotted by the crew.","coords.x1":82.25,"coords.x2":16.93333} {"Reference":"2001-334","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 6 Dec at 0300 local time while at Chennai anchorage, India. Intruders with long knives boarded the ship from a small boat.When the Duty A/B raised the alarm, the crew mustered, an the intruders fled.","coords.x1":80.28333,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2001-317","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MAYANMAR: An unidentified container ship was chased 25 Nov at 0530 local time by two fishing boats while underway in position 09-52N 097-41E. Gun shots were reportedly fired at the ship which increased speed and mustered crew on deck, whereupon the boats","Desc2":"gave up the chase. Details of this incident indicate that rather than piracy the fishing boats may have been firing in retaliation for actual or perceived damaged to fishing nets.","coords.x1":97.68333,"coords.x2":9.86667} {"Reference":"2001-315","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified tanker was boarded 25 Nov at 0315 local time by about 12 persons armed with long knives which ship was anchored off Kutubdia Island, Chittagong. Intruders threatened duty seaman with knife and stole ship's stores. Thieves","Desc2":"escaped in their boat when alarm sounded and crew mustered.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"2001-314","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 23 Nov at 0550 local time while discharging at Haldia port. Thieves cut four mooring lines and escaped with them and other stores.","coords.x1":88.08333,"coords.x2":22.01667} {"Reference":"2001-316","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 22 Nov at 1300 UTC while anchored at Mongla anchorage. Persons armed with long knives boarded via the stern and escaped with ship's property when alarm raised.","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":22.46667} {"Reference":"2001-295","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 18 Oct at 1135 local time at Mongla anchorage. Five persons armed with long knives gained access via the anchor chain and attacked the watchman. When crew responded the intruders jumped overboard and","Desc2":"escaped in their boat with ship's stores.","coords.x1":89.6,"coords.x2":22.48333} {"Reference":"2001-290","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 6 Oct at 0001 local time while at Mongla Port. Thieves stole ship's stores from the steering gear flat and zinc anodes from the rudder.","coords.x1":89.6,"coords.x2":22.48333} {"Reference":"2001-279","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 27 Sep at 0730 local time wile under tow in the Gulf of Cambay in position 20-25N 071-21E. Twenty-six persons in six fishing boatsstole ship's stores. This is the second attack on a ship under tow in this","Desc2":"area within a week.","coords.x1":71.35,"coords.x2":20.41667} {"Reference":"2001-280","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 25 Sep at 0300 local time and robbed of stores while berthed at Deep Draft Southern Pier, Kakinada. Crew spotted thieves lowering supplies into water and sounded alarm whereupon the thieves jumped into","Desc2":"the water and escaped in their boat.","coords.x1":82.5,"coords.x2":16.5} {"Reference":"2001-276","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified cargo ship under tow in the Gulf of Cambay in position 20-32N 071-21E was boarded and robbed of stores 19 Sep at 0530 local time. Fifteen persons from eight fishing boats took part in the theft which is at least the second reported","Desc2":"this year from ships under tow.","coords.x1":71.35,"coords.x2":20.53333} {"Reference":"2001-260","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS SUBJECTED TO AN ATTEMPTED BOARDING 2 SEP AT 0142 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED TWO MILES NW OF COCHIN PORT. ANTI-PIRACY WATCH SPOTTED PERSONS IN TWO UNLIT BOATS ATTEMPTING TO CLIMB ABOARD, WHEREUPON THE ALARM WAS RAISED AND","Desc2":"THE PERSON FLED.","coords.x1":76.25,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2001-255","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP BEING MOVED UNDER TOW WAS BOARDED 26 AUG AT 1400 UTC WHILE IN POSITION 20-22N 171-23E. PERSONS FROM TWO FISHING BOATS STOLE SHIP'S STORES AND ESCAPED DESPITE EFFORTS BY THE TUG'S CREW TO THWART THE ROBBERY. ON 28 AUG AT","Desc2":"0328 UTC SHIP WAS AGAIN BOARDED FROM A FISHING BOAT IN POSITION 20-37N 071-40E BUT NO IMMEDIATE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE ABOUT LOSSES.","coords.x1":71.38333,"coords.x2":20.36667} {"Reference":"2001-230","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS SUBJECT TO ATTEMPTED BOARDING 1 AUG AT 0030 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT CHITTAGONG. ABOUT SIX PERSONS IN A MOTORBOAT CAME ALONGSIDE AT STERN BUT WITHDREW WHEN SEARCHLIGHTS WERE SHINED ON THEM.","coords.x1":91.68833,"coords.x2":22.20667} {"Reference":"2001-235","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"LTTE REBELS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:LTTE REBELS ATTACKED SRI LANKA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT IN THE EARLY HOURS OF 24 JUL DESTROYING OR DAMAGING MILITARY AND CIVILIAN AIRCRAFT. THE ATTACK IS PROBABLY NOT A PRELUDE TO OTHER IMMINENT ATTACKS ON THE TRANSPORT SECTOR. THE ATTACK TOOK","Desc2":"PLACE ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE BEGINNING OF THE TAMIL WAR FOR A SEPARATE HOMELAND WITHIN SRI LANKA AND, AS SUCH, WAS PREDICTABLE AS TO TIMING IF NOT TARGET. IT DOES ILLUSTRATE LTTE ABILITY TO STRIKE AT TARGETS ON THE ISLAND WIDELY SEPARATED FROM THEIR","Desc3":"ACKNOWLEDGED STRONGHOLDS IN THE NORTH AND EAST. ATTACKS INVOLVING SHIPPING HAVE OCCURRED AS PROBABLE DIVERSIONS WHEN TAMIL FORCES ARE CLOSELY PRESSED IN THE NORTH. 30 JUL INSURANCE SOURCES WARNED THAT THE LOSS HAD WIPED OUT 16 YEARS OF PREMIUM INCOME AND","Desc4":"THAT SYNDICATES PROVIDING HULL COVE FOR CRUISE SHIPS IN THE INDIAN OCEAN MIGHT RAISE RATES ACCORDINGLY. ON 4 AUG SRI LANKAN AUTHORITIES HELD A PRESS CONFERENCE TO STATE THEIR CLAIMS THAT THE PORT OF COLOMBO IS SAFE FROM ATTACK BY THE LTTE AND TO APPEAL","Desc5":"TOINSURANCE COMPANIES NOT TO INCREASE WAR RISK RATES FOR CARGO ANDSHIPS BUT 14 AUG A WAR RISK SURCHARGE OF $350 PER TEU WAS INTRODUCED BY CARRIERS FROM 11 AUG ON CARGO INBOUND AND OUTBOUND THIS CHARGE WILL APPARENTLY BE AGAINST ALL CONTAINERS EMBARKED","Desc6":"AND NOT JUST THOSE BEING HANDLED THROUGH THE PORT AND COULD REPRESENT AN ADDITIONAL $157,000 COST FOR EACH CALL. DESPITE GOVERNMENT ATTEMPTS TO CONVINCE SHIPPING AND INSURANCE INTERESTS THAT THE PORT IS SAFE, THIS SURCHARGE IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR CARRIERS","coords.x1":79.86667,"coords.x2":6.96667} {"Reference":"2001-215","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 16 JUL AT 1530 UTC WHILE ANCHORED AT CHITTAGONG. TWO PERSONS OPERATING FROM A SPEEDBOAT STOLE THREE MOORING LINES.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2001-213","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 12 JUL AT 1815 UTC WHILE AT CHENNAI ANCHORAGE. THREE PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES OF FIVE TOTAL IN A GREEN BOAT WHICH PULLED ALONGSIDE BOARDED IN HEAVY RAIN. SHIP'S ALARM SOUNDED AND THIEVES ESCAPED BY","Desc2":"JUMPING OVERBOARD WITH SHIP'S EQUIPMENT AFTER HAVING CHASED ONE CREW MEMBER. PORT CONTROL INFORMED AND POLICE BOARDED TO INVESTIGATE 1850 UTC. SAME SHIP HAD BEEN BOARDED 10 JUL WITHOUT ANY REPORTED LOSS.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2001-214","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 10 JUL AT 0700 UTC WHILE AT CHENNAI ANCHORAGE. FOUR PERSONS OF SEVEN IN A BOAT WHICH PULLED ALONGSIDE GAINED ACCESS TO THE SHIP BUT FLED WHEN ALARM WAS SOUNDED. SHIP WAS BOARDED AGAIN 12 JUL.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2001-209","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED AT CHENNAI ANCHORAGE 8 JUL AT 0345 LOCAL TIME. ANTI-PIRACY WATCH SPOTTED TWO PERSONS ON THE MAIN DECK AND SOUNDED ALARM, WHEREUPON THE TWO JUMPED OVERBOARD.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2001-221","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"ARTEMIS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:THE 7,565-TON, PANAMANIAN FLAG CONTAINER SHIP (ARTEMIS) WAS BOARDED 4 JUL AT 0206 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE. THREE PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES STOLE TWO MOORING LINES AND A MEGAPHONE BEFORE ESCAPING WHEN CREW","Desc2":"MUSTERED.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2001-210","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 3 JUL AT 2000 UTC WHILE AT CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE. THREE PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES STOLE SHIP'S STORES.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2001-189","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:TWO UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIERS WERE ROBBED OF ZINC ANODES ATTACHED TO RUDDER POST 23 JUN, THE FIRST AT 0730 AND THE SECOND AT 0745 LOCAL TIME, WHILE ANCHORED AT CHITTAGONG OUTER ROADS.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2001-180","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 17 JUN AT 2120 LOCAL TIME BY EIGHT PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES, WHILE THE SHIP WAS ANCHORED AT CHITTAGONG. WHEN THE ALARM WAS SOUNDED AND CREW MUSTERED, THE THIEVES JUMPED OVERBOARD AN ESCAPED WITH MOORING","Desc2":"LINE.","coords.x1":76.25,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2001-181","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 14 JUN AT 2320 LOCAL TIME BY PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES WHILE ANCHORED AT CHITTAGONG. SHIP'S WATCHMAN WAS THREATENED BUT RAISED THE ALARM WHEREUPON THE THIEVES ESCAPED WITH SHIP'S EQUIPMENT.","coords.x1":76.25,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2001-179","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 12 JUN AT 0330 LOCAL TIME IN THE OUTER ROADS, CHENNAI VIA THE STERN SIX PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES. THE INTRUDERS THREATENED THE WATCHMAN AND STOLE SHIP'S STORES BEFORE JUMPING OVERBOARD TO ESCAPE IN","Desc2":"THEIR BOAT.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2001-172","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:An unidentified tanker reported being followed 10 jun at 0443 utc for a period of about 55 minutes while underway in position 01-08N 085-09E. boat with 6 or 7 persons aboard, light green in color and 12 to 15 meters in length was not","Desc2":"challenged and turned away on its own.","coords.x1":85.15,"coords.x2":1.13333} {"Reference":"2001-173","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP ANCHORED IN THE PUSSUR RIVER, MONGLA WAS ROBBED OF FOUR ZINC ANODES FROM THE RUDDER POST 6 JUN DURING THE EARLY MORNING HOURS.","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":22.46667} {"Reference":"2001-168","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-31","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CEMENT CARRIER WAS BOARDED 31 MAY AT 2000 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT JETTY 5, MONGLA. WATCHMAN OBSERVED TEN MEN ARMED WITH KNIVES LOWERING MOORING LINE INTO A SMALL BOAT. HE WAS ASSAULTED WHEN HE CONFRONTED THE THIEVES WHEREUPON HE","Desc2":"RETURNED TO THE ACCOMMODATION AND SOUNDED THE SHIP'S ALARM. THE THIEVES JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED. COAST GUARD INFORMED.","coords.x1":89.53333,"coords.x2":22.58333} {"Reference":"2001-167","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-31","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 31 MAY AT 0400 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT CHENNAI PORT. FIVE PERSONS WERE OBSERVED ON DECK ARMED WITH KNIVES ATTEMPTING TO REMOVE A MOORING LINE. ALARM WAS RAISED AND THE INTRUDERS JUMPED OVERBOARD TO ESCAPE IN","Desc2":"THEIR BOAT.","coords.x1":80.355,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2001-143","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEF","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 14 MAY AT 2100 LOCAL TIME AT CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE BY A SINGLE PERSON ARMED WITH A KNIFE. WHEN SPOTTED BY WATCH PERSON JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED IN UNLIT MOTORBOAT WITH A MOORING LINE.","coords.x1":76.25,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2001-154","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:A SINGLE PERSON ARMED WITH A KNIFE BOARDED AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP AT CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE 14 MAY AT 2100 LOCAL TIME USING A GRAPPLING HOOK AT THE FORECASTLE. WHEN SPOTTED BY ANTI-PIRACY WATCH THE MAN JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED IN AN","Desc2":"UNLIT MOTORBOAT, TAKING A MOORING LINE.","coords.x1":76.25,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2001-124","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"JUBILEE","Desc1":"INDIA:PANAMANIAN-FLAG CARGO SHIP (JUBILEE) (NFI) REPORTED INTERCEPTED 26 APR BY TWO BOATS WHICH BLOCKED ITS MOVE ALONG NAVIGATION CHANNEL WHILE BEING PILOTED FROM HALDIA TO KOLKATA. PILOT AND MASTER WERE DRAGGED FORM SHIP BY MEMBERS OF A GANG OF 200 WHO","Desc2":"FORCED THE SHIP TO RAICHAK AND DEMANDED THAT THE LOG CARGO BE DISCHARGED THERE. THE ATTACKERS ALSO DEMANDED WORK, CLAIMING THEY WERE UNEMPLOYED LABORERS FROM DIAMOND HARBOR. CAPTAIN AND PILOT RESCUED BY LOCAL POLICE WHO SAID THIS IS THE FIRST FOREIGN","Desc3":"VESSEL FORCED TO ANCHOR BY THE ARMED MEN WHO OTHER SOURCES SAID HAD BEEN EXTORTING MONEY FROM SHIPPERS ANDAGENTS REGULARLY.","coords.x1":88.06667,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"2001-125","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 20 APR AT 0335 LOCAL TIME AT CHENNAI ANCHORAGE. FIVE PERSONS FROM UNLIT BOAT BROKE OPEN FORE PEAK STORE AND STOLE SHIP'S STORES. WATCH RAISED ALARM AND INTRUDERS JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2001-126","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 17 APR IN \"EARLY HOURS\" AT MOORING BUOY NO. 6, MONGLA. THIEVES BROKE OPEN MANHOLE COVER INTO STEERING GEAR FLAT AND STOLE SEVEN MOORING LINES, ENGINE SPARES AND STORES.","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":22.46667} {"Reference":"2001-121","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 13 APR AT 1445 UTC WHILE ANCHORED AT CHITTAGONG BY THREE MEN FROM AN UNLIGHTED BOAT WHO CAME OVER THE STERN AND ATTEMPTED TO STEAL SHIP'S STORES. ANTI PIRACY WATCH SPOTTED THE INTRUDERS AND RAISED THE","Desc2":"ALARM, WHEREUPON THE THREE LEAPED OVERBOARD.","coords.x1":76.25,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2001-120","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP AVERTED AN ATTEMPTED BOARDING 12 APR AT 0440 LOCAL TIME AT CHENNAI ANCHORAGE WHEN ALERT CREW FORCED WITHDRAWAL OF A BOAT WITH SIX PERSONS, ONE OF WHOM HAD THROWN A GRAPPLING HOOK ONTO THE RAIL.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2001-113","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 4 APR AT 2045 LOCAL TIME WHILE BERTHED AT COCHIN CONTAINER TERMINAL BY SIX PERSONS OPERATING FORM A WOODEN BOAT. ONE CONTAINER WAS OPENED AND CARGO STOLEN BEFORE THE THIEVES JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED","Desc2":"WHEN SPOTTED BY THE CREW.","coords.x1":76.25,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2001-109","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 27 MAR AT 0350 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT ANCHOR, CHITTAGONG. TWO PERSONS BOARDED WHILE TWO MORE REMAINED IN THEIR BOAT. DUTY OFFICER RAISED ALARM AND INTRUDERS JUMPED OVERBOARD WITHOUT TAKING ANYTHING.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2001-90","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED LPG CARRIER WAS BOARDED 10 MAR AT 1130 LOCAL TIME IN CHITTAGONG WHILE AT AMMONIA BERTH AND ROBBED OF STORES.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2001-87","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP REPORTEDLY WAS SUBJECTED TO THREE ATTEMPTED BOARDINGS WHILE AT CHITTAGONG OUTER ANCHORAGE \"C\". ALL THREE ATTEMPTS WERE LAUNCHED FROM THE SAME BOAT AND INVOLVED THREE PERSONS ON THE FIRST TWO OCCASIONS AND EIGHT","Desc2":"ON THE LAST. THE ATTEMPTS OCCURRED 4 MAR AT 2300 LOCAL TIME, 5 MAR AT 0300 LOCAL TIME AND 6 MAR AT 0300 LOCAL TIME. ALTHOUGH REPEATED ATTEMPTS HAVE BEEN REPORTED, UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS ON THREE SUCCESSIVE NIGHTS IS HIGHLY UNUSUAL.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2001-79","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"TUG BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MYANMAR:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER REPORTS BEING CHASED 15 FEB FROM 0400 TO 0500 LOCAL TIME FOR OVER AN HOUR BY A TUG OFF THE COAST OF MYANMAR IN POSITION 19-42N 092-27E. THE TANKER REPORTED THE TUG ATTEMPTED TO COME ALONGSIDE AND ASKED FOR LAST PORT AND","Desc2":"CARGO DETAILS AND THAT THE SHIP'S ENGINES BE STOPPED. ALTHOUGH REPORTED AS AN ACT OF ATTEMPTED PIRACY BY IMB, THIS ACTIVITY IS ALSO POSSIBLY PART OF MYANMAR'S ON-GOING ATTEMPTS TO CURTAIL BLACK MARKET FUEL SMUGGLING.","coords.x1":92.45,"coords.x2":19.7} {"Reference":"2001-78","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 13 FEB AT KAKINADA ANCHORAGE. ALTHOUGH SPOTTED BY WATCHMAN WHO RAISED ALARM, THIEVES ESCAPED WITH SHIP'S STORES.","coords.x1":82.38333,"coords.x2":17.03333} {"Reference":"2001-62","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED LPG CARRIER WAS BOARDED 18 JAN AT 2037 LOCAL TIME BY TWO PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES. THE INTRUDERS ATTACKED FOUR SHORE WATCHMEN AND TWO CREW. DUTY OFFICER SOUNDED ALARM AND THE TWO ESCAPED IN TWO BOATS.","coords.x1":90,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"2001-61","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS SURROUNDED 17 JAN AT 0855 LOCAL TIME BY ARMED MEN IN SEVERAL FISHING BOATS AT KAKINADA INNER ANCHORAGE. ONE MAN BOARDED THE TANKER, STOLE SHIP'S STORES AND JUMPED OVERBOARD.","coords.x1":82.33333,"coords.x2":16.98333} {"Reference":"2001-54","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:A BOARDING WAS ATTEMPTED OF AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER 12 JAN AT 2355 LOCAL TIME 4.5 MILES NW OF THE FAIRWAY BUOY, COCHIN ROADS. WATCH NOTICED A PERSON ON THE ANCHOR CHAIN AND RAISED THE ALARM. INDIVIDUAL ESCAPED IN A BOAT WITH ABOUT 10 ACCOMPLICES.","coords.x1":76.25,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2001-63","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"MYANMAR:THAI POLICE ON 18 JAN ARRESTED 20 ALLEGED PIRATES FOLLOWING AN 11 JAN ATTACK ON THE THAI FLAG FISHING BOATS (NONG BOW) AND (AU THONGLAY). THE ATTACK TOOK PLACE OFF MERGUI, MYANMAR. THE BOATS WERE ATTACKED BY PERSONS IN TWO TRAWLERS WHO FORCED THE","Desc2":"CREWS OF (NONG BOW) AND (AU THONGLAY) TO TRANSFER THEIR CATCH TO THE PIRATES' BOATS. THE CREW OF (NONG BOW) WERE FORCED TO JUMP OVERBOARD CAUSING THE DEATH OF ONE MAN, BEFORE THE PIRATES SET FIRE TO THE BOAT AND ESCAPED IN (AU THONGLAY). THE PIRATES WERE","Desc3":"APPREHENDED HIDING BETWEEN TWO ISLANDS NEAR THE THAI BORDER WITH MYANMAR. MARINE POLICE RECOVERED THE VESSELS AND A SHOTGUN WITH AMMUNITION. THE PIRATES, WHO CONFESSED, ARE STATED TO BE CONNECTED TO AN INFLUENTIAL MAN IN RANGON WHO ACTS AS INTERMEDIARY","Desc4":"FOR RANSOM PAYMENTS FOR SEIZED BOATS AND CREWS.","coords.x1":98.56667,"coords.x2":12.43333} {"Reference":"2001-55","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 9 JAN AT 1905 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT COCHIN ANCHORAGE. WHEN CONFRONTED BY ANTI-PIRACY WATCH HE JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED IN AN UNLIT BOAT CONTAINING ABOUT NINE ACCOMPLICES.","coords.x1":76.25,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2001-39","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 24 DEC AT 0130 AT CHENNAI ANCHORAGE BY PERSONS WHO FLED WHEN SPOTTED BY DUTY OFFICER.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2001-23","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 11 DEC AT 1930 LOCAL TIME WHILE BERTHED AT CRUSE OIL JETTY, COCHIN. SIX PERSONS ARMED WITH CROWBARS, KNIVES AND OTHER WEAPONS (NFI) CUT AND STOLE FORWARD MOORING LINE AND ESCAPED. THE SAME SHIP WAS ATTACKED 10 DEC","Desc2":"WHILE AT ANCHOR WHEN SHIP'S STORES WERE STOLEN BY THIEVES WHO ESCAPED IN A 50-METER WOODEN BOAT.","coords.x1":76.25,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2001-22","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:UNIDENTIFIED TANKER BOARDED 10 DEC AT 2330 UTC VIA ANCHOR CHAIN WHILE ANCHORED AT COCHIN. SHIPS STORES STOLEN BY THIEVES WHO ESCAPED IN SMALL WOODEN BOAT.","coords.x1":76.25,"coords.x2":9.93333} {"Reference":"2001-3","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"KIDNAPPERS","Victim":"FISHERMEN","Desc1":"INDIA-BAY OF BENGAL:65 INDIAN FISHERMEN WERE REPORTED KIDNAPPED 28 NOV AS THEY PUT TO SEA AT THE MOUTH OF THE THAKURANI RIVER IN THIRTEEN TRAWLERS. THE FISHERMEN WERE TAKEN TO AN ISOLATED ISLAND AND FIVE WERE SENT BACK WITH A RANSOM DEMAND OF $11,000 FOR","Desc2":"THE REST. THE TRAWLERS WERE RECOVERED.","coords.x1":89.82722,"coords.x2":21.16139} {"Reference":"2001-4","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE UNDER TOW","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BARGE UNDER TOW WAS BOARDED 22 NOV AT 0230 UTC OFF SOUTHWEST INDIA IN POSITION 08-49N 076-13E. PERSONS FROM FIVE SPEEDBOATS STOLE SPARE PARTS AND RETURNED AN HOUR LATER WITHOUT STEALING ANYTHING.","coords.x1":76.21667,"coords.x2":8.81667} {"Reference":"2000-395","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 17 NOV AT CHITTAGONG BY ONE PERSON OF EIGHT IN A BOAT WHICH APPROACHED THE SHIP'S STERN. STORES WERE STOLEN AND THE BOARDER THREATENED THE CREW WHEN CONFRONTED.","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2000-396","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS ROBBED OF ZINC ANODES FROM ITS RUDDER 15 NOV AT 1115 UTC WHILE BERTHED AT VOTT VEGETABLE OIL JETTY NO. 3, CHITTAGONG. DUTY ENGINEER HEARD KNOCKING SOUND AT STERN AND ALERTED CREW AND THIEVES FLED WHEN CREW","Desc2":"MUSTERED ON DECK.","coords.x1":91.76667,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"2000-394","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"BARGE IN TOW","Desc1":"INDIA:A BARGE IN TOW OF AN UNIDENTIFIED TUG WAS BOARDED 14 NOV AT 1040 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 08-05.8N 077-02.6E, OFF CAPE COMORIN BY FOUR PERSONS WHO STOLE EMERGENCY TOWING WIRE AND FLED AT 1105 WHEN DISCOVERED. SAME PERSONS TRIED TO REBOARD AT 1155","Desc2":"HOURS BUT WERE UNSUCCESSFUL.","coords.x1":77.04333,"coords.x2":8.09667} {"Reference":"2000-387","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED INDONESIAN SHIP WAS REPORTED ATTACKED 13 NOV AT ANOWRA THANA AFTER LOCAL AGENT REFUSED TO PAY A \"TOLL\" AND SEVERAL CREW MEMBERS WERE HURT. POLICE ARRESTED THREE PERSONS. SAME SHIP WAS ATTACKED A DAY LATER AND GOODS LOOTED WHILE","Desc2":"A GUARD WAS IN CRITICAL CONDITION AFTER BEING ATTACKED BY THE THIEVES.","coords.x1":89.66667,"coords.x2":25.58333} {"Reference":"2000-397","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS APPROACHED AT MONGLA ANCHORAGE 12 NOV BY PERSONS WHO TRIED TO BOARD FROM FOUR WOODEN BOATS, EACH CARRYING 5 TO 6 PEOPLE. CREW AND ANTI-PIRACY SHORE GUARDS PREVENTED BOARDING BUT ZINC ANODES WERE STOLEN FROM HULL.","coords.x1":89.6,"coords.x2":22.43333} {"Reference":"2000-386","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 9 NOV AT 0055 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT CHENNAI OUTER ANCHORAGE. SIX PERSONS WERE OBSERVED AND CHASED BY CREW BEFORE ESCAPING IN THEIR BOAT.","coords.x1":80.355,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2000-388","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS BOARDED 8 NOV AT 1730 UTC WHILE AT CHITTAGONG 'A' ANCHORAGE. TWO PERSONS BOARDED OVER THE STERN BUT ESCAPED BACK TO THEIR WAITING BOAT WHEN ALARM RAISED.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2000-374","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"SUPPLY BOAT","Desc1":"MYANMAR-ANDAMAN SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED SUPPLY BOAT REPORTED APPROACH 6 NOV AT 0340 LOCAL TIME BY UNLIT SPEEDBOAT IN POSITION 10-34.7N 097-23.9E. THE BOAT LEFT WHEN ILLUMINATED BY SEARCHLIGHT.","coords.x1":97.39833,"coords.x2":10.57833} {"Reference":"2000-373","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"HAJI MOHAMMAD JATT","Desc1":"PAKISTAN:FIVE PAKISTANI FISHING VESSELS, INCLUDING (HAJI MOHAMMAD JATT) REPORT BEING ROBBED OF THEIR CATCH 2 NOV BY 24 ARMED PERSONS IN A HIGH-SPEED CRAFT TEN MILES FROM TATTA IN SINDH PROVINCE.","coords.x1":67,"coords.x2":24} {"Reference":"2000-362","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS ROBBED OF ZINC ANODES 25 OCT WHILE DISCHARGING CHEMICALS AT CHITTAGONG.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.23833} {"Reference":"2000-363","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 24 OCT AT ANCHOR CHITTAGONG, BY ABOUT 25 PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES. CREW RESISTED BUT WAS UNABLE TO PREVENT THEFT OF STORES. PORT CONTROL WAS NOTIFIED BUT COAST GUARD ASSISTANCE ONLY ARRIVED AFTER 90","Desc2":"MINUTES.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.23833} {"Reference":"2000-355","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 23 OCT AT 1000 LOCAL TIME WHILE OFF KHULNA IN POSITION 22-26.55N 089-35.5E. ABOUT TWELVE PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES HAD BOARDED THE SHIP WHEN PORT POLICE ONBOARD FIRED WARNING SHOTS. THE INTRUDERS","Desc2":"ESCAPED WITH STORES AND EQUIPMENT.","coords.x1":89.59167,"coords.x2":22.4425} {"Reference":"2000-356","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED ROLL-ON, ROLL-OFF CARGO SHIP WAS APPROACHED 22 OCT AT 2330 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE BY TWO UNPAINTED WOODEN BOATS CONTAINING TEN PERSONS. DUTY OFFICER RAISED ALARM AND CREW MUSTERED, WHEREUPON THE BOATS","Desc2":"WITHDREW.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.23833} {"Reference":"2000-354","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER REPORTED A BOARDING ATTEMPT 18 OCT AT 2030 LOCAL TIME AT CHENNAI. ANTI-PIRACY WATCH FOILED THE ATTEMPT.","coords.x1":80.355,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2000-353","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 18 OCT AT 0500 LOCAL TIME WHILE BERTHED AT KANDLA. A STOREROOM AT THE STERN WAS BROKEN INTO AND STORES AND EQUIPMENT STOLEN. POLICE RECOVERED ONE TOOLBOX.","coords.x1":70.18333,"coords.x2":23.05} {"Reference":"2000-348","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS SUBJECT OF ATTEMPTED BOARDING 14 OCT AT 1930 UTC WHILE ANCHORED AT CHENNAI. FOUR PERSONS IN A SPEEDBOAT ATTEMPTED TO GAIN ACCESS VIA THE ANCHOR CHAIN BUT FLED WHEN SPOTTED BY SHIP'S WATCH.","coords.x1":80.355,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2000-349","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"FISHING BOAT","Victim":"BOWDITCH","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN-SRI LANKA:A U.S. FLAG SURVEY VESSEL (USNS BOWDITCH) WAS APPROACHED 12 OCT, 260 MILES EAST OF SRI LANKA IN POSITION 05-46.6N 086-6.2E BY A 40 FT. SAIL-MOTOR FISHING BOAT. FOUR CREW OF THE FISHING BOAT, TWO OF WHOM APPEARED TO BE CONCEALING","Desc2":"WEAPONS IN THEIR WAISTBANDS, DEMANDED MONEY BUT WITHDREW WHEN THE NAVAL SHIP'S CREW DISPLAYED WEAPONS AND ORDERED THE FISHING VESSEL TO BEAR AWAY.","coords.x1":86.10333,"coords.x2":5.77667} {"Reference":"2000-336","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED OFFSHORE SUPPLY SHIP WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED 6 OCT AT 0057 WHILE AT ANCHOR CHITTAGONG. TWO BOATS WITH SIX PERSONS EACH APPROACHED AND, WHEN CREW ON DECK TRIED TO PREVENT BOARDING, OPENED FIRE WITH GUNS INJURING THE 2ND OFFICER.","Desc2":"GENERAL ALARM RAISED BUT ASSAILANTS STOLE SHIPS STORES BEFORE FLEEING. A NAVAL BOAT ARRIVED TO ASSIST AND TREAT THE INJURED OFFICER.","coords.x1":91.75,"coords.x2":22.25} {"Reference":"2000-337","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED 3 OCT DURING THE NIGHT, WHILE ANCHORED AT CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE C. THE SAME PERSONS HAD TRIED TWICE EARLIER TO BOARD. SHIP'S STORES WERE STOLEN BEFORE A BANGLADESHI NAVAL UNIT ANCHORED NEARBY","Desc2":"TO PREVENT FURTHER ATTEMPTS.","coords.x1":91.73333,"coords.x2":22.23833} {"Reference":"2000-321","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"LTTE REBELS","Victim":"NAVY BOAT","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:THE DEFENCE MINISTRY REPORTED 2 OCT THAT AN OFFICER AND A SAILOR WERE KILLED WHEN THEIR BOAT WAS DISABLED BY LTTE REBELS NEAR THE WESTERN COASTAL TOWN OF PUTTALAM.","coords.x1":79.83333,"coords.x2":8.03333} {"Reference":"2000-322","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MYANMAR:UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP AT NEW EXPLOSIVE ANCHORAGE, YANGON RIVER SUBJECTED TO ATTEMPTED BOARDING BY THREE PERSONS FORM SMALL BOAT 1 OCT AT 0210 LOCAL TIME. WATCH RAISED ALARM AND INTRUDERS FLED TOWARD NEW CONTAINER TERMINAL.","coords.x1":96.26,"coords.x2":16.64667} {"Reference":"2000-320","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA. MADRAS:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 28 SEP AT 0030 LOCAL TIME AT CHENNAI ANCHORAGE. THREE PERSON ARMED WITH KNIVES WERE SPOTTED BY DUTY WATCH, ALARM WAS SOUNDED AND INTRUDERSJUMPED OVERBOARD. POLICE BOAT ATTENDED TO INVESTIGATE.","coords.x1":80.355,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2000-307","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED OF STORES 15 SEP AT 0225 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT CHENNAI ANCHORAGE. FOUR PERSONS FROM AN UNLIT BOAT JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED WHEN DUTY CREW RAISED THE ALARM.","coords.x1":80.44028,"coords.x2":13.05167} {"Reference":"2000-308","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 14 SEP AT 0710 LOCAL TIME AT CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE AS THE CREW WERE OPENING HATCHES FOR DISCHARGE. THE THIEVES ENTERED THE FORECASTLE AND FLED WITH SOME SHIP'S STORES WHEN THE ALARM WAS RAISED.","coords.x1":91.52472,"coords.x2":22.21944} {"Reference":"2000-254","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified tanker at anchor Chittagong Roads, was boarded 7 Sep at 0315 local time by five person armed with long knives. The duty officer raised the alarm and the thieves escaped with four mooring lines to a boat in which five","Desc2":"accomplices were waiting. Port control was alerted and a navy boat sent in pursuit of the thieves.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2000-255","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified ship was attacked 3 and 4 Sep at Chittagong Port by a gang of 20-25 persons armed with long knives and operating from six boats. The group attempted to cut the ship's stern line 3 Sep and fled when the crew was alerted. On 4","Desc2":"Sep they succeeded in cutting about 15 meters from a forward line.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2000-306","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"NORTH ARABIAN SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER REPORTEDLY WAS APPROACHED 3 SEP AT 2115 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 21-53N 064-24E BY SIX BOATS WHICH CHARGED THE SHIP'S SIDE AT HIGH SPEED. ALARM WAS SOUNDED AND ANTI-PIRACY CREW MUSTERED WITH FIRE HOSES AS DECK","Desc2":"LIGHTS WERE SWITCHED ON. THE BOATS THEN FOLLOWED THE TANKER FOR 30 MINUTES BEFORE BREAKING OFF THE BOARDING ATTEMPT.","coords.x1":64.4,"coords.x2":21.88333} {"Reference":"2000-221","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"ARDEAL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:THE 6,036-TON ROMANIAN FLAG CARGO SHIP (ARDEAL), LYING SINCE APRIL 1999 AT MONGLA BANGLADESH AND WITH CREW UNPAID SINCE APRIL 2000, WAS REPORTED 30 AUG TO HAVE BEEN LOOTED BY THIEVES WHO HAVE ALSO STOLEN ALL OF THE CREW'S BELONGINGS. IN SEP","Desc2":"1999 A SHIP AGROUND AT CHITTAGONG, BANGLADESH WAS RAIDED BY THIEVES WHO STRIPPED THE SHIP OF USABLE GEAR BEFORE SETTING IT AFIRE WHILE ATTEMPTING TO CUT AWAY MACHINERY AND OTHER PARTS.","coords.x1":89.61667,"coords.x2":22.28333} {"Reference":"2000-222","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 29 AUG AT 0600 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE C. SEVEN PERSONS USING GRAPPLING HOOKS BOARDED FROM A SMALL BOAT BUT FLED WHEN THEY WERE SPOTTED AND CREW MUSTERED ON DECK.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.33333} {"Reference":"2000-200","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 24 Aug at 2000 UTC in the outer anchorage at Kandla, India. Three pirates boarded the vessel via the forecastle. They fled when theduty officer raised the alarm and mustered the crew on deck.","coords.x1":70.225,"coords.x2":23.03611} {"Reference":"2000-201","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-23","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Five pirates boarded an unidentified bulk carrier while at anchor on 23 Aug at 2300 LT in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The crew and stevedores spotted the pirates chased them from the boat.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.33333} {"Reference":"2000-186","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Four persons in a small wooden boat attempted to steal zinc anodes welded to the rudderpost of a chemical tanker and anchor in Chittagong Bravo anchorage 21 Aug. The crew spotted them and the alarm was raised. The thieves fled and port","Desc2":"authorities were informed. The attack occurred at 1115 local in position 22-14N 091-43E.","coords.x1":91.71667,"coords.x2":22.23333} {"Reference":"2000-185","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 14 Aug at anchor, Cochin, by three persons who took the duty seaman hostage and threatened him with a knife. The duty officer on the bridge suspected something was wrong when he could not communicate with the","Desc2":"seaman, the alarm was raised and the crew mustered on deck. The thieves escaped with tow mooring lines. Coast guard informed and searched for the thieves' boat.","coords.x1":80.53667,"coords.x2":11.02111} {"Reference":"2000-187","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:On 9 Aug, at 0130 in the outer anchorage of Chittagong, armed thieves attacked a general cargo ship. One crewmember and watchman were shot. The other crewmembers resistedand the thieves retreated. Other ships also came to help. Port","Desc2":"authorities gave priority berthing to the ship to prevent further attack.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2000-182","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"AMETHYST","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:The 1,200-ton Panamanian flag cargo ship (AMETHYST) was raided 9 Aug at 0100 local time at Chittagong outer anchorage by armed intruders who tried to gain access from small boat. While crew and hired guards were repelling the attack two crew","Desc2":"were injured by bullets fired at them by the retreating robbers.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2000-168","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified container ship was boarded 2 Aug at anchor, Chittagong, by two men from a fishing boat. The two escaped when spotted by duty officer and no loss reported.","coords.x1":91.81361,"coords.x2":22.315} {"Reference":"2000-167","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 1 Aug at anchor, Cochin, by eight persons via the anchor chain. Watch spotted them and alarm sounded. The intruders escaped with a mooring line.","coords.x1":80.53667,"coords.x2":11.02111} {"Reference":"2000-171","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"GUNMEN","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BAY OF BENGAL-MYANMAR:An unidentified cargo ship was reportedly chased and fired at by persons in a boat 29 Jul at 1342 UTC while underway from Singapore to Bangladesh in position 20-13N 092-22E. Pursuit reportedly lasted two hours. Calls to rescue","Desc2":"center Yangon produced no response. No injuries to ship or crew reported.","coords.x1":92.36667,"coords.x2":20.21667} {"Reference":"2000-169","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified cargo ship at anchor at Chittagong was the victim of three attempts by ten persons armed with knives to board over bow and stern 29 Jul beginning at 1645 UTC. The would-be boarders reportedly threw stones at the crew during the","Desc2":"attempts.","coords.x1":91.81389,"coords.x2":22.31528} {"Reference":"2000-170","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 29 Jul at 0200 local time at Chittagong Alpha anchorage. About 20 persons armed with long knives overpowered and tied up two local watchmen and robbed ships stores. Duty officer raised alarm and robbers","Desc2":"escaped.","coords.x1":91.81444,"coords.x2":22.31583} {"Reference":"2000-147","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDER","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 22 Jul 0500 local time while at Chennai Anchorage. A single intruder boarded at the forecastle but jumped overboard to a waiting boat when the alarm was raised.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.095} {"Reference":"2000-148","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 18 Jul 0455 local time while at Chennai anchorage. Two thieves boarded via the forecastle but escaped without stealing anything in a boat with three accomplices when the alarm was raised.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.095} {"Reference":"2000-149","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 16 Jul at 0100 local time at Chennai anchorage. Two thieves boarded from a motorboat using a grappling hook but fled when spotted by ship's watchman and escaped in their motorboat.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.095} {"Reference":"2000-161","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified roll-on, roll-off container ship was boarded 10 Jul (reported 2 Aug) at Chittagong Anchorage. Two intruders threatened and robbed a cadet and then entered the accommodation. When the alarm was raised the intruders fled the ship","Desc2":"in one of three boats with seven persons each. Chittagong Port Control was notified and a navy vessel was dispatched and circled the ship.","coords.x1":91.81361,"coords.x2":22.315} {"Reference":"2000-134","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 6 Jul at 2000 local time over the stern while at Chittagong Roads anchorage by four thieves in two unlit boats. Duty officer raised alarm and the intruders fled by jumping overboard.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2000-135","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 4 Jul at 0700 UTC while at Mongla anchorage by three thieves armed with knives and cutting tools who gained access via chain cable attached to mooring buoy. Those on board ship stole supplies while two","Desc2":"remaining in the boat stole zinc anodes around the vessel's rudder and propeller.","coords.x1":89.59444,"coords.x2":22.45583} {"Reference":"2000-127","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified container ship reports theft of more than 600 container twist locks and other lashing gear 27 Jun while at Chittagong port.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2000-118","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"LTTE SEA TIGERS","Victim":"MERCS UHANA","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:The 1,834-ton Sri Lanka-flag cargo ship (MERCS UHANA) was attacked 26 Jun early in the day as it came to anchor off Point Pedro, by boats of the LTTE Sea Tigers. A suicide boat, reportedly carrying six LTTE cadres rammed the ship setting it","Desc2":"afire and reportedly leaving it in sinking condition. Seven civilian crew members of the (MERCS UHANA) are missing. The LTTE also claim damage to a Sri Lankan navy Dvora patrol boat. The LTTE web site states that the ship was carrying weapons to","Desc3":"beleaguered troops in the Jaffna Peninsula while government authorities who were operating the ship claim it carried food and consumer goods for Jaffna merchants.","coords.x1":80,"coords.x2":9.65} {"Reference":"2000-107","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"MED STAR","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:The crew of 10,576-ton, St. Vincent-flag cargo ship (MED STAR) reported hijacked 9 Jun by 14 stowawayswho boarded the ship at Bandar Abbas, Iran, cooperated in smuggling the men aboard for a reported payment of $250 per person. The 14 were","Desc2":"smuggled aboard by confederates in Iran. When the stowaways learned the ship was not bound for Italy as they had been led to believe, they allegedly threatened the Captain. Indian official were reported 19 Jun to be insisting the ship retain custody of","Desc3":"the stowaways and that it transport them back to their origin or to another port which would agree to receive them. 21 Jun it was announced the stowaways had begun a hunger strike 18 Jun to prevent deportation from India.","coords.x1":66.86667,"coords.x2":5.1} {"Reference":"2000-117","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified bulk carrier at Chittagong was boarded 20 Jun at 0245 local time by six thieves armed with knives. After threatening the duty seaman the intruders broke open the rope store and stole ship's stores. Duty seaman raised the alarm","Desc2":"and, when the crew assembled, the pirates fled.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2000-109","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded in Chittagong Roads at 2200 local time 9 Jun. Two persons armed with long knives gained access over the stern and lowered two mooring lines into the water where they were towed away by a small wooden","Desc2":"boat. Duty AB alerted the crew and, using a steel bar, resisted the attackers who threatened him with their knives before escaping.","coords.x1":91.66667,"coords.x2":22.3} {"Reference":"2000-108","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified heavy-lift vessel was approached 4 miles from the breakwater at Chennai by six persons in a speed boat at 0215 local time 6 Jun. Three of the boat occupantsboarded the ship and tried to gain access to the accommodation block but","Desc2":"were spotted by an AB on watch who sounded the alarm. The intruders then fled back to their boat and disappeared to seaward. Port police responded within 45 minutes.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.05} {"Reference":"2000-100","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"LTTE REBEL FORCES","Victim":"NAVAL VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:Sri Lankan forces reportedly lost two Super Dvora patrol boats 5 Jun in attacks south of Jaffna. One boat was sunk by rebel forces while the second was reported hit by Air Force planes by mistake. Fifteen sailors were reported killed. As the","Desc2":"fighting on the Jaffna Peninsula becomes stalemated, LTTE forces can be expected to launch diversionary attacks throughout Sri Lanka and possibly involving port facilities and ships.","coords.x1":80,"coords.x2":9.65} {"Reference":"2000-125","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"FLYING OFFICER NIRMAL JIT SINGH SEKHON P","Desc1":"INDIA:The 28,704-ton, Indian flag tanker (FLYING OFFICER NIRMAL JIT SINGH SEKHON PVC) spilled diesel oil at its Berth 4 Jun (reported 30 Jun) due to apparent tampering with discharge valve by thieves seeking to steal the oil.","coords.x1":80.53667,"coords.x2":11.02111} {"Reference":"2000-97","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"ASIA HARMONY","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Persons from three wooden boats made three attempts to board the 4,724-ton, Singapore-flag cargo ship (ASIA HARMONY) 3 Jun at 1515 UTC at Chittagong anchorage. Crew and watchmen prevented attempts.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2000-96","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Ten persons in two unlit boats attempted to board an unidentified cargo ship 3 Jun at 0250 local time at Chennai anchorage. Watchman alerted bridge and intruders fled when they saw the alerted crew.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.05} {"Reference":"2000-126","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified heavy-lift vessel was boarded3 Jun at 0215 local time while anchored 4 miles off the breakwater at Chennai. Three of six persons in a speedboat boarded the ship and attempted to enter the accommodation. The intruders fled when","Desc2":"spotted by crew. Police launch responded to master's call and arrived at 0300 local.","coords.x1":80.50278,"coords.x2":12.055} {"Reference":"2000-99","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Six persons in a wooden boat attempted to remove zinc anodes from the stern of an unidentified container ship anchored at Chittagong 1 Jun at 0430 local time. Ship's watch had been doubled and six local watchmen hired. Port Control notified","Desc2":"but did not respond.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2000-98","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified cargo ship was attacked, reportedly for the second time, 1 Jun at 1945 local time, at anchorage area 14, Pussur River, Mongla, by thieves armed with long knives. Losses not reported.","coords.x1":89.59444,"coords.x2":22.45583} {"Reference":"2000-78","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified bulk carrier was board 1425 local time 25 May while berthed at Chittagong. Three thieves tossed ship's stores to confederates ashore until duty officer spotted them and alerted the crew. One thief excaped by jumping overboard","Desc2":"and two were apprehended. Incident occurred despite ship employing six local watchmen.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2000-77","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 2200 local time 22 May as it was preparing to sail from Cochin port. Thieves boarded over the stern and stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":80.53667,"coords.x2":11.02111} {"Reference":"2000-67","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified bulk carrier berthed at Chittagong was approached by a small boat containing four persons armed with crowbars at 0600 local time 13 May. One person dove into the water alongside the ship, possibly to remove zinc anodes but all","Desc2":"fled when the ship's alarm was raised.","coords.x1":91.81389,"coords.x2":22.31528} {"Reference":"2000-68","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded at 2350 10 May while at anchor Chittagong. Four armed intruders stole ship's stores and escaped by jumping into the water.","coords.x1":91.81472,"coords.x2":22.315} {"Reference":"2000-66","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Ship's stores were stolen 1230 local time from an unidentified bulk carrier anchored at Chennai, Madras 10 May. Duty watchman noticed one thief who boarded over the stern who jumped into the water and fled in a waiting boat with six other persons","Desc2":"aboard.","coords.x1":80.35,"coords.x2":13.05} {"Reference":"2000-34","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"NAVY VESSEL","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BAY OF BENGAL:An unidentified container ship reports being followed by an unidentified naval ship, north of the Andaman Islands. When the naval vessel drew close it was asked to identify itself via VHF Ch. 16, whereupon it slowly withdrew maintaining","Desc2":"radio silence.","coords.x1":93.75111,"coords.x2":14.18556} {"Reference":"2000-69","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:An unidentified 9,000-ton, Panamanian-flag LPG tanker was subjected to three attacks while at anchor at Chittagong 6 May (reported 16 May). At 0200 6 May several small boats were spotted approaching the ship. The deck watch was alerted and","Desc2":"repelled the initial boarding attempt. At 0300 the robbers returned and got on board, pursued the deck watchmen and threatened them with long knives. They then stole some mooring line. At 0400 the robbers returned a third time and stole two or three zinc","Desc3":"anodes from the rudder. The Master reported the attacks to port control but the naval vessel observed patrolling did not respond.","coords.x1":91.79722,"coords.x2":22.29861} {"Reference":"2000-37","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded at 0430 local time by approximately six armed thieves, while at anchor in the Pusur River (21-46N 089-30E), Zone a14, Mongla. The intruders held a watchman hostage but crew were alerted by another","Desc2":"watchman and thethieves fled in a wooden boat.","coords.x1":89.5,"coords.x2":21.76667} {"Reference":"2000-25","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: A watchman on an unidentified bulk carrier at anchor Chennai anchorage, Madras (13-06N 080-18E) observed approach of a suspicious unlit craft at 0120 local time. Watchman alerted second watchman at vessel's stern who came forward to help whereupon","Desc2":"thieves from a second boat boarded over the stern and stole a portable aluminum gangway. Two-vessel, in port attacks designed to draw attention away from the real target appear to be a new ship robbery tactic.","coords.x1":80,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2000-29","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-29","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA: Thieves stole ship's stores from an unidentified cargo ship berthed at the port of Kakinada (17-00N 082-19E), boarding at 0324 UTC armed with knives.","coords.x1":82.31667,"coords.x2":17} {"Reference":"2000-23","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Six thieves attempted to board an unidentified container ship at Chennai (Madras) anchorage 0245 local time 24 Apr. The would-be intruders used the anchor chain and grappling hooks but were prevented from boarding by alert crew.","coords.x1":80.26667,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2000-41","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"KAPITAN IVANCHUK","Desc1":"BANGLADESH: The 19,683-ton, Maltese-flag bulk carrier ,Kapitan Ivanchuk, was boarded by armed thieves at 0945 local time while at anchor Jayman Reach anchorage, Mongla (22-28N 089-35E). Thieves boarded simultaneously from barges alongside to port and","Desc2":"starboard. Chief Officer and Third Officer repelled attack form port side but thieves gained access on starboard side and one crew member was stabbed in the hand. The thieves took welding tools and thirty meters of hose with fittings. BIMCO observes that","Desc3":"attacks such as this occur only against ships which have not employed local watchmen; the vessel in this case having arranged such a watchman who was not yet in place.","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":22.46667} {"Reference":"2000-28","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-19","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Thieves in a wooden boat, armed with knives, cut the mooring line of an unidentified tanker tied to a mooring buoy 19 Apr in Vishakhapatnam. The attack occurred at 2000 UTC. Dutycrew sounded the alarm and the thieves fled with the line.","coords.x1":83.36667,"coords.x2":17.7} {"Reference":"2000-30","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SUICIDE ATTACKER","Victim":"NAVAL VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:One sailor was killed and a Sri Lankan navy patrol boat sunk in a suicide attack 12 Apr in the northwestern port of Kalpitiya.","coords.x1":79.77083,"coords.x2":8.2375} {"Reference":"2000-32","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-08","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"LTTE ARTILLERY","Victim":"NAVAL VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:The Sri Lankan navy reportedly lost two Dvora-class gunboats and suffered 20 casualties in attacks by LTTE artillery in fighting around the Elephant Pass 8 Apr.","coords.x1":79.77,"coords.x2":8.03} {"Reference":"2000-295","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified bulkcarrier anchored at Chennai (Madras) outer anchorage was subject of attempted boarding 20 Mar at 0600 local. Alert duty seaman spotted five persons armed with long knives who attempted to board over vessel's stern. When spotted","Desc2":"by watch intruders fled in wooden boat.","coords.x1":80.28611,"coords.x2":13.04} {"Reference":"2000-290","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SMALL CRAFT","Victim":"WORLD KUDOS","Desc1":"ARABIAN SEA:The 49,827-ton, Greek-flag tanker (WORLD KUDOS) was attacked (NFI) by a small craft 12 Mar while 40 miles NE of Socotra Island. Ship evaded the attackers and proceeded on voyage to Singapore.","coords.x1":97.66194,"coords.x2":12.31889} {"Reference":"2000-294","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-24","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"GLOBAL MARS","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN-ANDAMAN SEA:The 17-member crew of the 3,729-ton Panamanian-flag chemical tanker (GLOBAL MARS) was recovered 10 Mar from an island near Phuket, Thailand. They report their ship was hijacked 24 Feb at 2230 by a group of about 20 armed pirates","Desc2":"two days after sailing from Port Klang, Malaysia. The crew report being transferred first to a large fishing boat and on 7 Mar to a smaller fishing boat which they sailed without directions until running out of fuel. Ship's identity has almost certainly","Desc3":"been altered and its whereabouts, as well as that of its6,000-ton palm oil cargo, is unknown.","coords.x1":98.04694,"coords.x2":7.92639} {"Reference":"2000-276","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 0510 UTC by 15 intruders armed with long knives and stones 22 Feb while alongside Jetty no. 2, Kandla Port. Pirates escaped with stores after fighting with the crew who sounded alarm.","coords.x1":80.53667,"coords.x2":11.02111} {"Reference":"2000-265","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"KAPITAN IVANCHUK","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:THE 19,683-TON, MALTESE-FLAG BULK CARRIER (KAPITAN IVANCHUK) WAS BOARDED 7 FEB AT 0030 LOCAL BY 6 INTRUDERS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES, WHILE AT ANCHOR AT MONGLA ROADS. THE INTRUDERS STOLE SHIP'S STORES FROM FORWARD AND FLED WHEN THE CREW SOUNDED","Desc2":"THE ALARM.","coords.x1":89.59444,"coords.x2":22.45583} {"Reference":"2000-263","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"ASEAN SUCCESS","Desc1":"INDIA:THE 15,943-TON, SINGAPORE-FLAG BULK CARRIER (ASEAN SUCCESS) WAS BOARDED 5 FEB AT 2100 UTC WHILE ANCHORED IN OUTER ANCHORAGE AT KANDLA, INDIA. SHIP WAS BOARDED BY 12 INTRUDERS WHO STOLE A LARGE QUANTITY OF SHIP'S STORES BEFORE BEING CHASED BY SHIP'S","Desc2":"CREW.","coords.x1":70.2075,"coords.x2":22.89889} {"Reference":"2000-264","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"APJ ANAND","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:THE 10,588-TON, INDIAN-FLAG BULK CARRIER (APJ ANAND) WAS BOARDED 2 FEB AT MONGLA PORT INNER ANCHORAGE, AT 0115 UTC. AN UNKNOWN NUMBER OF BOARDERS, ARMED WITH AXES AND KNIVES, WERE INVOLVED. SHIP'S CREW TRIED TO REPEL THE ATTACK BY SHOUTING AND","Desc2":"BY THROWING SCRAP MATERIAL BUT THE BOARDERS TOOK THE SHIP'S WELDER HOSTAGE AND THREATENED TO CUT HIS THROAT BEFORE ESCAPING IN A SAMPAN WITH SHIP'S STORES.","coords.x1":89.59417,"coords.x2":22.45611} {"Reference":"2000-90","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"SINAR JAVA","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:The 10,756-ton, Singapore-flag container ship (SINAR JAVA) was raided during the night of 2 Jan while berthed at Colombo. Navy and harbor police alerted by ship's crew who detected the raiders' approach and police were able to arrest four of","Desc2":"the attackers and to detain five boats. Five intruders escaped with items from the cargo including garments and fruit. Ship had docked and containers had been surveyed and resealed by insurers representatives. The timing suggests that the intruders","Desc3":"boarded with specific knowledge of containers of interest. Only five crew were aboard at the time of the attack.","coords.x1":80,"coords.x2":9.65} {"Reference":"2000-1","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO report states:Using at least five boats in their attack, pirates boarded a container vessel awaiting entry to the port of Colombo (06-57N 079-51E).Upon detection of the approaching pirates, the ship's crew notified the navy and the harbor police.","Desc2":"This early action allowed the Sri Lankan police to capture four of the pirates and detain the boats used in the attacks, although another five pirates escaped with cargo items including fruit and garments. In light of this attack, vessels calling at Sri","Desc3":"Lankan ports are encouraged to heighten security and keep permanent watches for any suspicious activity.","coords.x1":79.85,"coords.x2":6.95} {"Reference":"2000-89","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Ship's stores were stolen 26 Dec from a ship anchored at Chittagong. Six intruders boarded over the stern and lowered the stolen supplies into their wooden boat before escaping.","coords.x1":91.81417,"coords.x2":22.31556} {"Reference":"2000-88","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Mooring line was stolen from an anchored ship at Sagar Roads, Hoogli River 22 Dec. Ship had pilot on board but was not yet underway when boarded by three armed attackers who fought the ship's anti-piracy watch until the general alarm was sounded.","Desc2":"One crew member reported injured in the fight.","coords.x1":88.38333,"coords.x2":22.86667} {"Reference":"2000-14","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Thieves attempted to board an unidentified ship at Tuticorin Roads by climbing anchor chain. They fled when alarm was raised.","coords.x1":78.13333,"coords.x2":8.8} {"Reference":"2000-16","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:A rope was stolen from stern of unidentified ship at anchor at Sagar Anchorage, Hoogli River as ship was preparing to weigh anchor to proceed upstream. Pilots stated that other ships have been boarded the same way during the same maneuver while","Desc2":"crew is distracted by work.","coords.x1":72.85,"coords.x2":18.93333} {"Reference":"2000-15","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-20","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Eight thieves armed with knives boarded an unidentified ship via its forecastle and stole ship's stores. The intruders fled when alarm was raised. Crew stated they did not use fire hoses against intruders when they saw children in their boat.","coords.x1":76,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"2000-17","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Ship's stores stolen from unidentified ship at Kandla Anchorage.","coords.x1":70.16667,"coords.x2":23.01667} {"Reference":"2000-18","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Unidentified ship boarded at Chittagong Anchorage but driven off by alert crew.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.33333} {"Reference":"2000-3","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA:Thieves boarded an unidentified ship at Cochin Port, India, but withdrew without stealing anything when confronted by the crew.","coords.x1":76.23333,"coords.x2":9.91667} {"Reference":"2000-6","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Thieves boarded an unidentified ship in Chittagong Port and attempted to steal ship's equipment before the master raised the alarm. Ship's crew retrieved the equipment despite being pelted with rocks thrown by the thieves.","coords.x1":91.83333,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"2000-5","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Ten thieves boarded an unidentified ship and wounded a local watchman while stealing ship's stores. The incident occurred at Alpha Anchorage.","coords.x1":90,"coords.x2":21.83333} {"Reference":"2000-7","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA:An unidentified ship was boarded the night of by 12 thieves at Colombo Anchorage. Ship's crew repelled the attack and the thieves fled in three speed boats.","coords.x1":79.83333,"coords.x2":7} {"Reference":"2000-4","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"BANGLADESH:Pirates looted 10 trawlers and held four crew members hostage while injuring at least 20 others. Twenty-five to thirty attackers, operating from a fast boat, attacked over a two-day period stealing nets, fish and engine spares.","coords.x1":90,"coords.x2":21.83333} {"Reference":"1999-120","DateOfOcc":"1999-11-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"AN UNNAMED 20,000-TON, PANAMANIAN-FLAG BULK CARRIER WAS ROBBED OF MOORING LINE WHILE ANCHORED IN CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, APPROXIMATELY 25 MILES SOUTH OF CHITTAGONG PORT ENTRANCE. AT 0900 A WOODEN FISHING BOAT CAME ALONGSIDE AND ROBBERS, ARMED MACHETES,","Desc2":"BOARDED AND THREW THE LINE INTO THE WATER. THE INCIDENT WAS REPORTED BUT NO OFFICIAL ACTION WAS TAKEN. ACCORDING TO SHIP'S REPORT, INCIDENTS ARE COMMON. AT THE ANCHORAGE THERE IS NO VHF CONTACT AND ALL COMMUNICATION IS BY TELEX.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.33333} {"Reference":"1999-110","DateOfOcc":"1999-10-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"KAREN REBELS","Victim":"CHUAY MIT","Desc1":"THE MYANMAR-FLAG TANKER, CHUAY MIT, AND MYANMAR-FLAG CARGO SHIP, KO KO TA, BOTH ASSESSED TO BE SMALL COASTAL VESSELS, WERE DESTROYED BY EXPLOSION AND FIRE IN PORT KAWTHAUNG. TWO CREW MEMBERS DIED AND THE SHIPS CARGOES, DESCRIBED AS SMUGGLED OIL, SMUGGLED","Desc2":"CEMENT, AND OTHER GOODS WERE REPORTEDLY DESTROYED. ABOUT FIVE HOURS AFTER THE EXPLOSION, THAI POLICE STOPPED A \"LONG-TAILED\" BOAT AND ARRESTED THREE ETHNIC KAREN MEN, IN POSSESSION OF DYNAMITE STICKS, DETONATORS AND DETONATION WIRES. THE MEN ARE","Desc3":"SUSPECTED OF SABOTAGING THE TWO SHIPS.","coords.x1":98.55,"coords.x2":9.96667} {"Reference":"1999-103","DateOfOcc":"1999-09-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"LTTE TERRORISTS","Victim":"YU JIA","Desc1":"THE 9,182-TON, CHINESE-FLAG FREIGHTER, YU JIA, WAS ATTACKED WITH ROCKET PROPELLED GRENADES FIRED FROM BOATS BELONGING TO THE LIBERATION TIGERS OF TAMIL EELAM (LTTE). THE CHINESE SHIP SUFFERED SEVERAL HOLES NEAR THE WATERLINE AND WAS BRIEFLY BOARDED BY","Desc2":"LTTE FIGHTERS BEFORE SRI LANKAN NAVY UNITS INTERVENED AND DESTROYED FOUR REBEL BOATS. THE ATTACK OCCURRED ABOUT 50 MILES OFFSHORE FROM MULLAITTIVU (09-16N 080-49E), A REBEL STRONGHOLD. ONE CREWMEMBER WAS REPORTED INJURED ABOARD THE CHINESE SHIP WHICH WAS","Desc3":"ON A VOYAGE FROM AQABA, JORDAN TO MADRAS, INDIA WITH FERTILIZER.","coords.x1":80,"coords.x2":8} {"Reference":"1999-91","DateOfOcc":"1999-09-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"KARYA SENTOSA","Desc1":"The 4,846-ton, Indonesian-flag cargo ship Karya Sentosa was ransacked and set afire by pirates from the Bangladeshi village of Gahira, near Chittagong. The ship, which had been awaiting a berth since 18 Sep 1998, developed leakage at the hull bottom and","Desc2":"was being moved to safety when it grounded. After the boarding and looting of their property, theship's crew abandoned the vessel for quarters ashore.","coords.x1":91.78333,"coords.x2":22.15} {"Reference":"1999-68","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"LTTE TERRORISTS","Victim":"NEWCO ENDURANCE","Desc1":"The 300-ton, Sri Lankan-flag intracoastal ferry, Newco Endurance, was sunk inTrincomalee harbor. The vessel, which can accommodate up to 310 people, had no passengers onboard at the time of the attack. One crewman was killed and another injured.","Desc2":"Authorities believe the explosion was caused by a bomb planted by two LTTE scuba divers. This is the first major, sophisticated maritime attack by the LTTE on a non-military target since the Aug 1998 hijack of the cargo ship Princess Kash (see ASAM","Desc3":"Reference No. 1998-50).","coords.x1":81.21667,"coords.x2":8.55} {"Reference":"1999-74","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"YANG PU","Desc1":"The 3,512-ton Panamanian-flag tanker, Yang Pu, was attacked by a group of dock laborers in Port Muhammed Bin Qasim, Pakistan, between 18 Jul and 21 Jul. The attack reportedly damaged the ship's discharge gear, delivery pipes, and gangway. The violence","Desc2":"appears to have been provoked when the tanker began to discharge its cargo of palm oil in a berth location designated for use by carriers off-loading cargoes other than edible oil. The situation was resolved when the tanker changed its berthing location.","coords.x1":67.33333,"coords.x2":24.76667} {"Reference":"1999-79","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"KARIN CAT","Desc1":"Bangladesh:The 1,501-ton, Danish-flag freighter, Karin Cat, was reportedly attacked by a group of persons while the vessel was waiting to take a berth. Ship was carrying defense supplies. No loss or damage was reported.","coords.x1":90.5,"coords.x2":21.5} {"Reference":"1999-54","DateOfOcc":"1999-05-25","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SIK YANG","Desc1":"The 2,818-ton Malaysian-flag cargo ship, Sik Yang, has been reported missing. The ship, suspected of being hijacked, sailed from Tuticorin, India 25 May with a cargo of bagged salt and was due 31 May at the Malaysian port of Malacca. The fate of the","Desc2":"ship's crewof 15 is unknown. The ship may be employed as a phantom vessel stealing further cargoes.A 30 June 1999 report states that the ship may have been captured by guerrillas from the Sri Lankan rebel group, LTTE (Tamil Tigers).","coords.x1":78.13333,"coords.x2":8.8} {"Reference":"1999-26","DateOfOcc":"1999-03-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"A Cypriot-flag container ship was boarded by about 15 thieves while anchored in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The thieves boarded from four speed boats at 2200 and proceeded to open four containers, tossing their contents into the water. When the ship's alarm was","Desc2":"sounded they left the ship but returned almost immediately in three boats to collect floating cartons. A Sri Lankan naval launch escorted the ship into port. The type of cargo stolen has not been reported.","coords.x1":79.83333,"coords.x2":6.91667} {"Reference":"1999-37","DateOfOcc":"1999-03-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MARINE MASTER","Desc1":"A Panamanian-flag cargo ship was attacked and hijacked at 0200 in the Indian Ocean-Andaman Sea. The Master and 20 crew were placed on nine small inflatable rafts 21 March and rescued on 27 March by a passing Thai fishing boat. The hijacked ship was","Desc2":"carrying a cargo of bagged soda ash from Nantong, China to Calcutta, India.A 21 Jul 1999 report states that the Nuevo Tierra was detained in Fangcheng, China on 20 Jul by port officials. It is believed that the Nuevo Tierra is in fact the Marine Master.","Desc3":"Nuevo Tierra was last reported discharging a cargo of soda ash in Shantou, China.","coords.x1":97.16667,"coords.x2":9.16667} {"Reference":"1998-58","DateOfOcc":"1998-09-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OTS URANUS","Desc1":"A CYPRUS-FLAG CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED AT 1600 LMT WHILE AT THE MUNGLA ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH. ABOUT 50 INTRUDERS ARMED WITH LONG KNIFES THREATENED THE CREW AND PLUNDERED SHIP EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES. NO CREW INJURIES WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":89.58333,"coords.x2":22.46667} {"Reference":"1998-50","DateOfOcc":"1998-08-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"TERRORIST","Victim":"PRINCESS KASH","Desc1":"A BELIZE-FLAG CARGO SHIP ENROUTE FROM COLOMBO TO POINT PEDRO IN JAFFNA WAS HIJACKED BY GUERILLAS OF THE LIBERATION TIGERS OF TAMIL EELAM (LTTE). THE CREW CONSISTING OF 17 INDIANS AND 4 SRI LANKANS WERE HELD HOSTAGE UNTIL 18 AUGUST WHEN RELEASED VIA RED","Desc2":"CROSS INTERVENTION. LTTE SOURCES REPORTED THE SHIP HAD BEEN STOPPED FOR INSPECTION AFTER STRAYING INTO WATERS UNDER THEIR CONTROL. THE SRI LANKAN AIR FORCE BOMBED THE SHIP AFTER THE NAVY GAVE ORDERS FOR ALL ON BOARD TO ABANDON SHIP. THE VESSEL WAS","Desc3":"ANCHORED OFF MULLAITIVU(09-16N,080-49E) A STRONGHOLD OF THE TAMIL REBELS. ALL VESSELS ARE INSTRUCTED TO KEEP A MINUMUM DISTANCE OF 50NM WHEN TRAVELING TOWARDS THE NORTH OF THE ISLAND. ON 8 OCTOBER THE U.S. DEPT. OF STATE DESIGNATED THE LTTE AS A FOREIGN","Desc4":"TERRORIST ORGANIZATION.","coords.x1":80.81667,"coords.x2":9.26667} {"Reference":"1998-46","DateOfOcc":"1998-07-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ARKTIS CRYSTAL","Desc1":"DANISH FLAG CARGO SHIP REPORTED BEING ATTACKED TWICE WHILE ALONGSIDE ITS BERTH AT CHITTAGONG, BANGLADESH. BOTH ATTACKS TOOK PLACE IN THE AFTERNOON BY APPROACHING THE SHIP FROM BENEATH THE PIER. IN THE FIRST ATTACK THE INTRUDERS FLED AFTER THE SHIP'S CREW","Desc2":"FIRED A DISTRESS FLARE. THE SECOND ATTEMPT INVOLVED JUMPING INTO THE WATER ALONGSIDE THE SHIP AND TRYING TO REMOVE ITS ANTI-CATHODIC ZINC ANODES. LOCAL POLICE REPORTEDLY CONFISCATED THE THIEVES' BOATS ALTHOUGH THE PERPETRATORS ESCAPED.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"1998-45","DateOfOcc":"1998-07-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PEARL LUCK","Desc1":"INDIAN FLAG BULK CARRIER WAS ROBBED AT TUTTICORIN ANCHORAGE BY THIEVES WHO BOARDED FROM A MOTOR BOAT. THREE MOORING LINES AND 360 LITERS OF PAINT WERE STOLEN. THE THIEVES THREATENED THE CREW WITH IRON BARS BEFORE ESCAPING. THE INCIDENT WAS REPORTED AND","Desc2":"LOCAL POLICE RECOVERED SOME OF THE STOLEN GOODS.","coords.x1":78.16667,"coords.x2":8.8} {"Reference":"1998-38","DateOfOcc":"1998-05-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"WORLD SKY","Desc1":"A PANAMANIAN-FLAG LIQUEFIED GAS CARRIER WAS ATTACKED IN PORT ABOUT 12 MAY. ALTHOUGH NO LOCATION WAS GIVEN, THE SHIP HAS BEEN TRADING TO KANDLA AND NEW MANGALORE, INDIA. A GROUP OF FIVE BOARDED FROM A SMALL BOAT BY MEANS OF A LINE ATTACHED TO A GRAPPLING","Desc2":"HOOK. THEY BROKE INTO THE FOC'SLE AND WERE IN THE PROCESS OF CUTTING A LENGTH OF MOORING LINE WHEN SURPRISED BY CREW MEMBERS. FOUR FLED IMMEDIATELY WHILE ONE REMAINED AND ATTACKED A CREW MEMBER WITH A KNIFE BEFORE ALSO FLEEING. NO INJURY REPORTED.","Desc3":"SECURITY IS STATED TO BE PROVIDED BY TERMINAL BUT SHIP'S MASTER REPORTS NONE HAS BEEN IN EVIDENCE ON PREVIOUS CALLS.","coords.x1":70.15,"coords.x2":22.91667} {"Reference":"1998-32","DateOfOcc":"1998-05-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ALGIRDAS","Desc1":"A LITHUANIAN-FLAG CARGO SHIP WAS ATTACKED AT 0121 UTC 40 MILES FROM THE THAI PORT OF PHUKET. THE ATTACK REPORTEDLY WAS LAUNCHED FROM A HIGH SPEED CRAFT CARRYING 25 ARMED PERSONS WHO FORCED THE CREW TO STOP THE ENGINES. THEY MANACLED THEM TO THE RAIL","Desc2":"WHILE THEY LOOTED THE SHIP. THE SECOND OFFICER WAS INJURED BY GUNFIRE.","coords.x1":97.83333,"coords.x2":8.9} {"Reference":"1997-76","DateOfOcc":"1997-09-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA, PULMODDAI. LIBERATION TIGERS OF TAMIL EELAM (LITE) ATTACKED THE 20,284 GROSS TON PANAMANIAN-FLAG, CHINESE OWNED BULK CARRIER (CORDIALITY) ANCHORED OFF PULMODDAI, SRI LANKA AT 0130 ON 09 SEP 97. THE REBELS ATTACKED FROM SMALL BOATS USING","Desc2":"MORTARS AND ROCKET PROPELLED GRENADES. THE SHIP WAS SET AFIRE AND WAS HEAVILY DAMMAGED IN THE ACCOMMODATION AND ENGINE ROOMS. FIVE OF THE SHIP'S CREW OF THIRTY-FOUR ARE MISSING. TWO SOLDIERS GUARDING TTHE SHIP AND FIVE DOCK WORKERS WERE KILLED AND A","Desc3":"FURTHER SIX SOLDIERS WERE MISSING. SRI LANKANA NAVAL UNITS RESPONDED TO THE ATTACK AND ENGAGED THE REBEL BOATS OF WHICH FOUR WERE DESTROYED WITH A LOSS OF TWENTY-FIVE REBEL FIGHTERS.","coords.x1":81.015,"coords.x2":8.95} {"Reference":"1997-77","DateOfOcc":"1997-09-06","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SRI LANKA, COLOMBO. THE 16,500 GROSS TON GERMAN FLAGGED CONTAINER SHIP (FRESENA) WAS ATTACKED 06 SEP 97 BY ROBBERS WHILE AT ANCHOR OFF COLOMBO, SRI LANKA. AN UNKNOWN NUMBER OF PERSONS WERE DISCOVERED ON DECK BY THE NIGHT WATHMAN AT 0145 LOCAL TIME. THE","Desc2":"INDIVIDUALS, WHO WERE ATTEMPTING TO BREAK INTO A SEALED CONTAINER, FLED WHEN THE SEARCHLIGHTS AND THE SHIP'S WHISTLE WERE ACTIVATED. THE COLOMBO PILOT STATION WAS INFORMED AND A NAVY PATROL VESSEL APPEARED SHORTLY AFTER.","coords.x1":79.5,"coords.x2":6.78333} {"Reference":"1997-68","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-22","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka The 2,704 gross ton North Korean flag cargo ship (Moran Bong) is to be released by Tamil Tiger rebels which seized the ship July, 8, 1997 off Sri Lanka's north coast. On August 22, 1997 the International Committee of the Red","Desc2":"Cross-Red Crescent announced the pending release and stated that six Korean crew members would first inspect the ship to determine if it needed to be towed or could leave the area under it's own power. As of August 29, 1997 no release had been confirmed.","coords.x1":82,"coords.x2":9} {"Reference":"1997-74","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIA, ROADS OF KANDLA. THE 4,159 GROSS TON LIBERIAN FLAGGED TANKER (NORMAR SPLENDER) WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES AT 0100 LOCAL TIME WHILE IT WAS IN THE ROADS OF KANDLA, INDIA ON 09 AUG 97. UPON HEARING THE SHIP'S ALARM THE PIRATES FLED BUT WERE ABLE TO STEAL","Desc2":"ONE TELEVISION SET. THERE WERE NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":70.225,"coords.x2":23.03611} {"Reference":"1997-78","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"NORMAR SPLENDOUR","Desc1":"INDIA - ROADS OF KANDLA The 4,159 gross ton Liberian-flagged tanker (Normar Splendour) was boarded by pirates at 0100 local time while it was in the Roads of Kandla, India on 09 Aug 1997. Upon hearing the ship's alarm the pirates fled but were able to","Desc2":"steal one television set. There were no injuries to the crew.","coords.x1":70.225,"coords.x2":23.03611} {"Reference":"1997-69","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"India The 4,159 gross ton Liberian flagged tanker (Normar Splendour) was boarded by pirates at 0100 local time while it was in the Roads of Kandla, India on August 9, 1997. Upon hearing the ship's alarm the pirates fled but were able to steal one","Desc2":"television set. There were no injuries reported.","coords.x1":70.21667,"coords.x2":23} {"Reference":"1997-63","DateOfOcc":"1997-07-26","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indian Ocean The 3,351 gross ton Denmark flagged general cargo ship (Star Bird) was boarded by pirates during the evening on July 26, 1997 while the ship was anchored in the roads of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Armed pirates were discovered on board the ship","Desc2":"at 2255 local time and the ship's horn and piracy alarm were sounded. The crew also chased the pirates and they apparently fled the ship. The report stated that the boarding was carried out by two crews operating from two boats, one forward and one aft.","Desc3":"Items reported to be stolen after the boarding were three mooring ropes, a fire hose, six pairs of boots, three raincoats, one set of heaving line, a fire nozzle, and a wrench. The Chittagong Port Control was called but there was no reaction from the","Desc4":"duty office. It was further reported that two other boardings took place the same night but no details were provided in the report.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"1997-62","DateOfOcc":"1997-07-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indian Ocean The 8,957 gross ton Malaysia flagged containership (Bunga Mas Lima) was boarded by thieves on July 11, 1997 while it was at anchor in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The boarding occured between the hours of 2100 and 2300 during a period of heavy rains","Desc2":"and high wind. The deck had been patrolled through the night by the ship's personnel but the intruders broke into Bay No. 3 at the foward part of the ship while the patrol was at the aft section of the ship. Five containers, loaded on deck, were tampered","Desc3":"with. Two container lashings were undone and doors were opened. Three containers just had seals broken. It could not be ascertained whether any contents had been removed from any of the containers. There were no reports of confrontation or contact","Desc4":"between members of the crew and the intruders but it was reported that a Sri Lankan Navy patrol vessel had occasionally passed near the ship during the night.","coords.x1":79.85,"coords.x2":6.95} {"Reference":"1997-58","DateOfOcc":"1997-07-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indian Ocean The 2,704 gross ton North Korean flagged general cargo ship (Mo Ban Bong) was captured by Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eeelam (LTTE) on July 7, 1997. The ship, under the sailing name (Mo Ran bong), was anchored five miles off Point Pedro on","Desc2":"the Jaffna Peninsula in Northern Sri Lanka. An LTTE represenative made a statement on a rebel radio station announcing that a crew member of the ship had been killed after the ship tried to escape. The body of the crewman was handed over the","Desc3":"International Committee Of the Red Cross (ICRC) on July 9, 1997. Further reporting states that the ICRC has been able to see the remaining 37 crew members and the LTTE has given the ICRC assurance that they will be releaed within the next few days. It","Desc4":"was also reported that the ship has been spotted by the Sri Lankan Navy near Chalai, which is about 25 km south of the rebel stronghold of Mullaitivu. The ship had been charted to transport food from Colombo to civilians on the Northern Jaffna Peninsula.","coords.x1":80,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"1997-56","DateOfOcc":"1997-07-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Manner, Sri Lanka Tamil Tiger separatists attacked a merchant vessel in Mannar, Sri Lanka on July 1, 1997 and destroyed the vessel by setting fire to it. Mannar is in Northwestern Sri Lanka and the merchant vessel was reported to have been recently hired","Desc2":"by Sri Lanka's rehabilitation ministry from a private company to ferry refugees to the Jaffna Peninsula on the Northernmost tip of Sri Lanka. The name of the vessel was reported as (Misen) and was described as a passenger vessel. The report stated that","Desc3":"only the crew were on board when the attack took place. The crew was abducted by rebels at 0430 GMT and the rebels then set fire to the vessel. There were no reports of injury to the crew.","coords.x1":79.91083,"coords.x2":8.9725} {"Reference":"1997-51","DateOfOcc":"1997-05-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South East Asia, Burma An unidentified ferry was hijakced on May 01, 1997 in Burma by bandits that were reported as being rebels of the Knukayin National Union. The bandits robbed the passengers and took 11 passengers hostage. They were all released May","Desc2":"09, 1997 after several thousand dollars in ransom was paid. It was reported that 20 rebels took part in the hijacking and that they used firearms to take over the ferry. There were no reports of injuries.","coords.x1":94,"coords.x2":18} {"Reference":"1997-11","DateOfOcc":"1996-08-09","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Tricomalee, Sri Lanka An Explosion badly dammaged a Japanese merchant ship and injured nine Stevedores. The Princess Wave, a Philippine-flagged, M bulk carrier was moored at Pulmodai in the eastern port district of Tricomalee, Sri Lanka when the","Desc2":"underwater device detonated. The ship was involved in cargo handling, loading a cargo of mineral sand, when the explosion occured. There were nine Stevedores injured from the blast, all of them were involved in cargo handling operations. The Sri Lankan","Desc3":"Navy is assisting in efforts to keep the Princess Wave afloat. It is suspected that the Tamil separatist rebels are responsible for planting and detonating the underwater device. No claim has been made.","coords.x1":81.21667,"coords.x2":8.55} {"Reference":"1996-30","DateOfOcc":"1996-04-12","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Sri Lanka, Port Colombo. The Sri Lankan Navy and Air Force repelled a 12 April 1996 Tamil \"Sea Tiger\" suicide attack on the port of Colombo. Rocket propelled grenades and mortar bombs hit two foreign owned vessels and a small locally owned ship caught in","Desc2":"the crossfire. The attack consisted of two kamikaze frogmen, followed by two guerrillas. The first diver blew himself up at the entrance to the port, the Navy killed the second while he was in the water. The Navy also destroyed one of the intruding","Desc3":"vessels outside the northern entrance to the port. Officals said that the Air Force rushed two MI-24 helicopter gun ships to the scene and tracked the other Guerilla boat about a mile away from the port and destroyed it. Shipping minister M. Ashraff told","Desc4":"reporters that there had been no major damage to the port or ships and that the attackers may have been aiming for Liquid Petroleum gas ship gas Tabango which was unloading at the time of the attack. Gas Tabango sustained only minor damage to a water","Desc5":"tank.","coords.x1":79.85,"coords.x2":6.95} {"Reference":"1996-28","DateOfOcc":"1996-03-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT TANKER","Desc1":"Sri Lanka Tamil Tiger rebels sank a Navy boat during an assault on a sea convoy on 30 March 1996. A sea tiger suicide squad rammed their explosive filled boat into a Dvora fast attack craft off the northeastern coast. Ten sailors, including two officers,","Desc2":"were killed. Approximately 12 rebel boats conducted the strike on the convoy. Air Force MI-24 helicopter gunships and Pucara ground attack aircraft were called in to help rebuff the attack.","coords.x1":81.65,"coords.x2":8.48333} {"Reference":"1996-1","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGES UNDER TOW","Desc1":"THE TUG DYNAMIC WAS TOWING THREE WATERMAN LASH BARGES FROM THE ANCHORAGE AREA OF MONGLA (ACROSS BAY OF BENGAL FROM CHITTAGONG, BANGLEDESH) WHEN PIRATES BOARDED THE BARGES AND FORCIBLY REMOVED 11 MOORING LINES.","coords.x1":89.53333,"coords.x2":22.58333} {"Reference":"1995-132","DateOfOcc":"1995-10-17","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TIGER SPEED/ORIENT VISION","Desc1":"ON 17 OCT 95, DURING THE EARLY MORNING HOURS, SEVEN HEAVILY ARMED PIRATES BOARDED THE SINGAPOREAN-FLAGGED GENERAL CARGO/CONTAINER VESSEL TIGER SPEED AND THE BAHAMIAN-FLAGGED GENERAL CARGO VESSEL ORIENT VISION, WHILE THE TWO VESSELS ANCHORED OFF THE PORT","Desc2":"OF COLOMBO, SRI LANKA. THE PIRATES THREATENED THE CREW AND RANSACKED THE TWO VESSELS. THERE WAS NO ACCOUNT OF THE LOSS FROM THE TWO SHIPS. THE CREWS APPARENTLY OFFERED NO RESISTANCE AND WERE UNHARMED.","coords.x1":79.81667,"coords.x2":6.98333} {"Reference":"1995-126","DateOfOcc":"1995-10-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ASIA STAR","Desc1":"ON 11 OCT 95 AT ABOUT 1900 LOCAL TIME, THE CONTAINER VESSEL ASIA STAR WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES WHILE AT COLOMBO ANCHORAGE. THE PIRATES BROKE OPEN TWO CONTAINERS AND STOLE SOME CARGO. WHEN CHALLENGED BY THE VESSEL'S CREW, THE PIRATES FLED IN A SPEEDBOAT.","Desc2":"THE VESSEL THEN SHIFTED TO THE OPEN SEA 25NM OFFSHORE AND DRIFTED FOR THE NIGHT. AT ABOUT 0100, TWO SPPEDBOATS APPROACHED CLOSE TO THE VESSEL. THE BOATS LEFT WHEN THEY NOTICED THEY WERE BEING WATCHED BY SEVERAL CREWMEMBERS.","coords.x1":79.8,"coords.x2":6.95} {"Reference":"1995-125","DateOfOcc":"1995-10-10","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YUN CHENG","Desc1":"ON 10 OCT 95 THE CHINESE-FLAGGED GENERAL CARGO SHIP YUN CHENG WAS BOARDED BY TWO ARMED PIRATES WHILE IN THE HOOGHLY RIVER PROCEEDING TO CALCUTTA. THE PIRATES DEPARTED WITHIN 15 MINUTES. THE CREW WAS UNHARMED. THERE WERE NO REPORTS ON ITEMS OR MONEY","Desc2":"STOLEN.","coords.x1":88.3375,"coords.x2":22.56917} {"Reference":"1995-121","DateOfOcc":"1995-08-28","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"REBELS","Victim":"IRISH MONA","Desc1":"ON 28 AUG 95 THE SRI LANKAN FERRY IRISH MONA WAS HIJACKED BY TAMIL REBELS. ON 29 AUG 95 THE REBELS USED THE FERRY TO LURE AND SINK TWO SRI LANKAN NAVAL PATROL BOATS OFF MULLAITIVU (09-16N 080-05E), NORTH OF TRINCOMALEE ON THE EAST COAST OF SRI LANKAN.","Desc2":"THE FERRY NORMALLY CONDUCTS TRANSPORTS BETWEEN THE EAST AND WEST COASTS OF SRI LANKA, TRANSITING AROUND THE NORTH END OF THE ISLAND IN WATERS SUBJECT TO REBEL ATTACKS. REPORTEDLY THE REBELS GAINED ACCESS TO THE FERRY BY ISSUING A DISTRESS SIGNAL WHICH","Desc3":"THE FERRY ANSWERED. IT IS REPORTED THAT ON 7 SEP THE REBELS FREED 121 OF APPROXIMATELY 144 PASSENGERS AND CREW.","coords.x1":80.08333,"coords.x2":9.26667} {"Reference":"1995-116","DateOfOcc":"1995-08-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"NEDLLOYD SAO PAULO","Desc1":"ON 02 AUG 95, AT 2010 LOCAL TIME, WHILE AT ANCHOR IN COLOMBO ROADS 1.5NM FROM THE PORT ENTRANCE BREAKWATER, THE GERMAN-FLAGGED CONTAINERSHIP NEDLLOYD SAO PAULA WAS BOARDED BY 20 PIRATES. THE ROVING DECKWATCH SIGHTED SEVEN BOATS TIED ALONGSIDE THE SHIP","Desc2":"AND IMMEDIATELY NOTIFIED THE BRIDGE. THE BRIDGE ALERTED THE ENTIRE CREW AT WHICH POINT THE PIRATES JUMPED OFF THE VESSEL AND RETURNED TO THEIR BOATS. THE PIRATES BROKE INTO TEN CONTAINERS.","coords.x1":79.8,"coords.x2":6.95} {"Reference":"1995-22","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-18","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"A BIMCO member reports that on 18 December 1994 a vessel anchored about 12 miles off Colombo was boarded by intruders at 0045 hrs. Whilst on board the thieves opened four containers from which they pilfered cargo. The attack involved about 15 men.","coords.x1":78,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"1995-84","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"F/V ALIYA","Desc1":"IN EARLY DECEMBER, APPROXIMATELY 30 PIRATES IN FOUR SPEEDBOATS SURROUNDED THREE FISHING VESSELS IN THE VICINITY OF BARGUNA, BANGLADESH. THE PIRATES, BRANDISHING AUTOMATIC WEAPONS, ORDERED THE FISHERMEN TO LEAVE THEIR CATCH AND JUMP INTO THE SEA. THE","Desc2":"PIRATES BLEW UP THE ENGINES OF TWO OF THE TRAWLERS AND ESCAPED WITH THE ALIYA AND ITS CATCH OF FISH, VALUED AT US $50,000. AT LEAST 14 FISHERMEN WERE KILLED. THIS INCIDENT WAS REPORTED BY TWO SURVIVORS.","coords.x1":90,"coords.x2":21.66667} {"Reference":"1995-6","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TRAWLER","Desc1":"ON NOV. 3 AN UNKNOWN NUMBER OF PIRATES ATTACKED AND STOLE A FULLY LOADED TRAWLER IN THE BAY OF BENGAL, OFF THE COAST OF PATUAKHALI, 95 MILES SOUTH OF DHAKA, BANGLADESH. PIRATES BOARDED THE TRAWLER, BOUND THE 13 CREW MEMBERS, AND THREW THEM INTO THE","Desc2":"WATER. BANGLADESH HAS NO WATERBORNE LAW ENFORCE- MENT, LEAVING THE 250 MILE COAST UNPROTECTED AND RIPE FOR PIRACY.","coords.x1":90.5,"coords.x2":20} {"Reference":"1994-38","DateOfOcc":"1994-08-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"THUGS","Victim":"M/V YOUNG II","Desc1":"CHITTAGONG ANCHORAGE, BANGLADESH M/V YOUNG II WAS ATTACKED BY THUGS. CHIEF ENGINEER ALONG WITH 10 TO 12 CREWMEN WERE INJURED IN THE ATTACK AND TAKEN TO LOCAL HOSPITAL. ROPES AND OTHER MATERIALS WERE REPORTED STOLEN.","coords.x1":91.8,"coords.x2":22.33333} {"Reference":"1994-17","DateOfOcc":"1994-03-15","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V CALIFORNIA ZEUS","Desc1":"M/V CALIFORNIA ZEUS WHILE AT ANCHORAGE ON 15 MAR 94 OFF OF COLOMBO, SRI LANKA WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES. SHIP SOUNDED GENERAL ALARM AND THREE PIRATES WERE SEEN JUMPING OVERBOARD. SEVERAL CONTAINERS WERE FOUND OPENED WITH CONTENTS STOLEN.","coords.x1":79.76167,"coords.x2":6.945} {"Reference":"1994-3","DateOfOcc":"1994-01-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V MOON BIRD","Desc1":"11 JAN 94 M/V MOON BIRD WAS BOARDED BY 7 ARMED MEN WITH MACHETES WHILE IN CHITTAGONG, BANGLADESH. ROPES AND ASSORTED EQUIPMENT WERE STOLEN AND SEVERAL MEMBERS OF THE CREW WERE ATTACKED.","coords.x1":91.95,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"1993-122","DateOfOcc":"1993-12-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"U.S. FLAGGED M/V GREEN ISLAND","Desc1":"M/V GREEN ISLAND WHILE APPROACHING ANCHORAGE AND WHILE AT ANCHOR ON THE 11 DEC IN CHITTAGONG, BANGLADESH WAS APPROACHED BY PIRATES. SHIP'S SECURITY WATCH MANAGED TO THWART THE BOARDINGS. VESSEL'S AGENT REPORTED THAT THE PORT DOES NOT HAVE ANY PATROL","Desc2":"VESSELS TO PROVIDE PROTECTION. HE ALSO STATED THAT ATTACKS HAVE OCCURRED DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS.","coords.x1":91.81667,"coords.x2":22.31667} {"Reference":"1993-116","DateOfOcc":"1993-11-03","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"F/V","Desc1":"IN THE BAY OF BENGAL, PIRATES HAVE ATTACKED ABOUT 50 F/V IN THE LAST WEEK. PIRATES HAVE LOOTED THEIR CATCH AND THROWN ABOUT 20 CREWMEMBERS INTO THE SEA.","coords.x1":81.15,"coords.x2":10.87} {"Reference":"1993-84","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-13","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V SO REVALU","Desc1":"THE M/V REVALU SENT OUT A DISTRESS REPORTING SHE IS SINKING DUE TO A ATTACK FROM PIRATES. NFI.","coords.x1":91.5,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"1993-1","DateOfOcc":"1992-12-01","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"NEA ELPIS","Desc1":"BOMBAY INDIA DEC.1 NEA ELPIS WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES/THIEVES WHILE AT OUTER ANCHORAGE BETWEEN 0430 AND 0500. CREW WAS THREATENED WITH GUNS AND KNIVES BUT NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":73,"coords.x2":19} {"Reference":"1992-22","DateOfOcc":"1992-05-05","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V LIBERTY SPIRIT","Desc1":"BANGLADESH-Bay Of Bengal-Approaches to Karnaphuli River. 050400FMAY92 upon approach to anchorage Pirates armed with knives were repelled from stern. This incident was repeated 090700FMAY92. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":91.74667,"coords.x2":22.20667} {"Reference":"1991-18","DateOfOcc":"1991-05-04","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"TAMIL SEPARATIST REBELS","Victim":"SRI LANKAN NAVAL VESSEL","Desc1":"Sri Lanka- Vicinity of Palk Strait. 04MAY91 a pre-dawn attack against a Sri Lankan Naval Vessel occured, near Point Pedro -in the Palk Strait-, while at anchor. A boat loaded with high explosives rammed the hull and exploded, killing five Sri Lankan","Desc2":"Sailors and the Rebel boat crew.","coords.x1":79.85,"coords.x2":6.95} {"Reference":"1991-17","DateOfOcc":"1991-05-02","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATE ACTIVITY","Victim":"SHIPPING UPDATE","Desc1":"SHIPPING UPDATE OF PIRATE ACTIVITIES SRI LANKA, VICINITY COLUMBO. REF A. ASAM REF NO. 85-0021,86-0008,87-0022,90-0008. The vicinity of Columbo, near Sri Lanka, has been an area of frequent acts of piracy (REF A.). 02MAY91 a special task force of the","Desc2":"Bureau of Special Operations (BSO) captured a group of pirates, which were engaged in an organized piracy operation in a 40 mile area off the west coast of Sri Lanka. It is believed that some 70 vessels were employed in this operation. Masters should","Desc3":"continue to use caution when transiting this area.","coords.x1":79.85,"coords.x2":6.95} {"Reference":"1991-3","DateOfOcc":"1990-01-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"BURMESE PIRATES","Victim":"THAI TRAWLER","Desc1":"BURMA. SOUTHERN PROVINCE OF RANONG. 30 DECEMBER 1990. ABOUT 20 PIRATES , DRESSED IN MILITARY UNIFORMS, SEIZED A THAI TRAWLER AND THREATENED TO KILL ALL 38 CREW MEMBERS IF THEY DID NOT RECEIVE A 1.5 MILLION RANSOM. THIS IS THE LATEST IN A SERIES OF","Desc2":"BURMESE PIRATE ATTACKS ON THAI TRAWLERS IN BURMESE WATERS.","coords.x1":96,"coords.x2":15} {"Reference":"1990-8","DateOfOcc":"1989-03-27","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OYSTER BAY","Desc1":"COLOMBO, SRI LANKA SHIP BOARDED BY PIRATES VIA ANCHOR CHAIN 27 MAR 89.","coords.x1":79,"coords.x2":7} {"Reference":"1988-22","DateOfOcc":"1988-07-21","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PASSENGER FERRY","Desc1":"THURSDAY 21 JULY, 1988. BAY OF BENGAL BANGLADESH. PIRATES WEARING ANIMAL MASKS ATTACKED A PASSENGER FERRY IN THE BAY OF BENGAL ON 21 JULY 1988, INJURING AT LEAST 20 PEOPLE, FIVE OF THEM SERIOUSLY. ABOUT 20 PIRATES ARMED WITH REVOLVERS AND KNIVES STOPPED","Desc2":"THE VESSEL ( NAME OF VESSEL NOT GIVEN IN SOURCE REPORT) SOON AFTER IT SAILED FROM CHITTAGONG FOR SANDWIP ISLAND IN SOUTH BANGLADESH. THE PIRATES STOLE CASH AND ORNAMENTS WORTH $50,000 FROM THE 300 PASSENGERS ON BOARD.","coords.x1":90,"coords.x2":20} {"Reference":"1987-22","DateOfOcc":"1987-06-11","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"m/v sea heron","Desc1":"colombo, sri lanka a band of pirates attempted to raid the m/v sea heron from 5 small fast boats south of colombo. the crew of the m/v sea heron notified colombo port authorities who sent a customs patrol boat to the scene. 21 men were apprehended.","Desc2":"position given as reference not as positon of incident.","coords.x1":79.85,"coords.x2":6.95} {"Reference":"1986-23","DateOfOcc":"1986-03-16","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"MALDIVIAN AUTHORITIES","Victim":"L'ATAIR","Desc1":"SINGAPORE REGISTERED VESSEL L'ATAIR REPORTS BEING ARRESTED BY FORCE WHILE ON PASSAGE THROUGH THE KARDIVA CHANNEL AND SUBSEQUENTLY FINED BY MALDIVIAN AUTHORITIES FOR ENTERING THE 12 MILE ZONE WITHOUT PERMISSION. KARDIVA CHANNEL IS ALSO KNOWN AS KAASHIDOO","Desc2":"CHANNEL.","coords.x1":73.5,"coords.x2":5} {"Reference":"1986-8","DateOfOcc":"1986-02-14","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"HAMMURABI","Desc1":"SRI LANKAN POLICE REPORT THAT CONTAINER VESSEL HAMMURABI WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES, ARMED WITH DAGGERS AND SWORDS, AS THE VESSEL WAS RIDING AT ANCHOR ABOUT 10 MILES SOUTH OF COLOMBO, AWAITING A BERTH. MASTER AND CREW THREATENED AND A 10-TON JACK, A VHF","Desc2":"TRANSMITTER, AND SOME METAL DRUMS WERE STOLEN.","coords.x1":79.85139,"coords.x2":6.74944} {"Reference":"1985-21","DateOfOcc":"1985-07-30","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"SRI LANKAN TAMIL SEPARATISTS","Victim":"CARGO SHIPS","Desc1":"THIS REPORT WAS RECEIVED BY DMAHTC ON 30 JUL 85, HOWEVER THE OCCURRENCE TOOK PLACE IN LATE JUNE 1985. DTG OF INCOMING MSG WAS 300203Z JUL 85. LOCATION OF INCIDENT IS NOT MEANT TO BE ACCURATE. IT IS FOR ORIENTATION ONLY. \"IT IS BELIEVED THAT SRI LANKIN","Desc2":"TAMIL TERRORISTS HAVE ABDUCTED TWO CARGO SHIPS AT SEA NEAR THE TRINCOMALEE COAST. LANKA PUWATH NEWS AGENCY, QUOTING INDIAN SOURCES, SAYS THAT THE MARITIME UNION OF INDIA, THE HEADQUARTERS OF WHICH IS IN BOMBAY, HAS REQUESTED AN INQUIRY INTO THE TWO","Desc3":"MISSING SHIPS, BOTH OF WHICH BELONG TO THE SAME COMPANY. THE TWO SHIPS SUDDENLY DISAPPEARED ALONG WITH THE CREW, AND THE MARITIME UNION OF INDIA SHIPPING COMPANY'S CALCUTTA OFFICE SAYS IT IS PRESUMED THAT THE SRI LANKAN TAMIL SEPARATISTS ARE RESPONSIBLE","Desc4":"FOR THE ABDUCTION OF THE SHIPS. BOTH CARGO SHIPS OF 5,000 TONS WERE NEAR TRINCOMALEE IN LATE JUNE\".","coords.x1":80,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"1985-19","DateOfOcc":"1984-10-07","SubReg":"63","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MESIS","Desc1":"At 0001 on 06 Oct 84 when passing Koborn Island a small unlighted vessel was detected by radar behind the island. Upon passing, this motor boat left the shelter of the island and took a position astern of the Mesis where it was shielded from radar","Desc2":"detection (but was watched visually by this officer). When abeam of the Similan Islands it attempted to come alongside astern and was seen to be occupied by armed men. At 0127 on 07 Oct 84 as this motor boat came alongside at the stern, general alarm was","Desc3":"sounded and rudder put hard over, the stern of the Mesis struck the motorcraft, forcing it away from the ship, following which it abandoned the attempt to board. It had followed the Mesis for about 20 miles.","coords.x1":97.8,"coords.x2":8.83333} {"Reference":"2013-265","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Livestock carrier BRAHMAN EXPRESS","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 23 August, the Philippines-flagged berthed live stock carrier BRAHMAN EXPRESS was boarded in the vicinity of 03-47N 098-42E, at the Belawan Port. Three robbers, in a motor boat, approached a berthed live stock carrier. Two robbers boarded","Desc2":"the ship, while the other robber remained in the boat. The duty crew noticed that the robbers were stealing ship?s properties and reported it to the duty officer who then raised the alarm and alerted the crew. Upon seeing the crew?s alertness, the","Desc3":"robbers escaped with the stolen properties. The incident was reported to Belawan Port Authority, which dispatched a coast guard patrol boat to investigate.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2013-273","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BARGE M3320","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:On 18 August, the underway Malaysian-flagged barge M3320 was boarded at 01-15N 104-07E, approximately 5.6 nm south of Tanjung Setapa. While underway, unidentified persons onboard 2-3 small wooden boats approached and boarded the barge, while in","Desc2":"tow by the tugboat, BAHTERA MULIA. At that time, the tug and barge were enroute from Malacca to Labuan, and the barge was loaded with oil rig spare parts. The robbers likely stole property off the barge.","coords.x1":104.11667,"coords.x2":1.25} {"Reference":"2013-274","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER MORESBY 9","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 17 August, the anchored Honduras-flagged product tanker MORESBY 9 was boarded at 01-20N 104-16E, approximately 1.83 nm southeast of Teluk Ramunia. While at anchor, 10 robbers armed with machetes, wearing face masks, approached the vessel, in","Desc2":"two speed boats colored white and grey. They boarded the vessel and tied the crew up in the mess room. The robbers then ordered the Master to get underway and, while sailing, the robbers escaped at the port side of the vessel when they saw an Malaysian","Desc3":"Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) vessel approaching.","coords.x1":104.26667,"coords.x2":1.33333} {"Reference":"2013-254","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Chemical/gas tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 4 August, the Marshall Islands-flagged anchored chemical/gas tanker GARNET EXPRESS was boarded and robbed at an undisclosed port/anchorage.","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":-10} {"Reference":"2013-264","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Product tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 2 August, the underway Thailand-flagged product tanker DANAI 6 was boarded at 01-23N 104-30E, approximately 9nm north of Bintan Island. Six pirates, armed with knives and guns, boarded the vessel. The pirates fired at the glass panel of the","Desc2":"door of the bridge, where they entered and took control of the ship and all 14 Thai crew. They tied up the crew in the mess room and stole navigational equipment and crew's cash and personal belongings. The pirates left the ship after approximately 45","Desc3":"minutes.","coords.x1":104.5,"coords.x2":1.38333} {"Reference":"2013-247","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"robber","Victim":"tanker MARE NOSTRUM","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 2 August, the Italy-flagged anchored tanker MARE NOSTRUM was boarded at 01-06N 103-38E, at the Nipah Anchorage. When a crewmember noticed a robber outside the accommodation area, he immediately retreated into the bridge and informed the duty","Desc2":"officer who raised the alarm. After being detected by the crew, the robber escaped. During a search, the crew noticed that the robber had tried to enter the steering gear room, but it was locked from the inside. The robber escaped empty handed.","coords.x1":103.63333,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2013-255","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Oil/chemical tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 30 July, the anchored Marshall Islands-flagged oil/chemical tanker GARNET EXPRESS was boarded and robbed at an undisclosed port/anchorage.","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":-10} {"Reference":"2013-238","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 29 July, the Panama-flagged anchored LPG tanker REEFERENCE POINT was boarded at 01-06N 104-10E, at the Tanjung Uban Anchorage. Duty AB on board the LPG tanker noticed approximately eight robbers, armed with knives, boarding the vessel from","Desc2":"the poop deck. The Duty Officer was informed and raised the alarm. The crew remained inside the accommodation until local authorities arrived and boarded the vessel. A search was performed and determined that the robbers had abandoned the ship empty","Desc3":"handed.","coords.x1":104.16667,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2013-233","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT:On 28 July, position 01-6.3N 104-10.9E, duty A/B on board a LPG Tanker noticed about eight robbers armed with knives boarding the vessel from the poop deck. Duty officer was informed, alarm raised. All crew stayed inside the","Desc2":"accommodation until police agents arrived and boarded the vessel. Together with police, a search was carried out and found no robbers on board and that nothing had been stolen.","coords.x1":104.18167,"coords.x2":1.105} {"Reference":"2013-240","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG SURYA WIRA 2","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 25 July, the underway Singapore-flagged tug was SURYA WIRA 2 was boarded at 01-18N 104-41E, approximately 8nm northeast of Tanjung Berakit. Roughly six pirates, in a speed boat, armed with knives, boarded a tug with barge in tow. They","Desc2":"entered the crew cabins and took hostage all crew members. The robbers stole crew personal belongings and tug properties, prior to escaping.","coords.x1":104.68333,"coords.x2":1.3} {"Reference":"2013-232","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG SURYA WIRA 5","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT:On 24 July, the underway Singapore-flagged tug SURYA WIRA 5 was boarded at 01-16N 104-37E, approximately 3nm northeast of Tanjung Berakit. Roughly seven pirates, in a speed boat, armed with knives, boarded the underway tug. They took","Desc2":"hostage all the crew members, tied up their hands, stole their cash and personal belongings, and escaped. One crew member was injured during the altercation.","coords.x1":104.61667,"coords.x2":1.26667} {"Reference":"2013-231","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT:On 24 July, 2040Z, in 01-18N 104-41E about six pirates in a speed boat armed with knives boarded a tug towing a barge. They entered crew cabins and took hostage all crew members and stole crew personal properties and tug properties and","Desc2":"escaped. Vessels requested to be caution advised.","coords.x1":104.68333,"coords.x2":1.3} {"Reference":"2013-230","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 17 July, an underway general cargo ship was boarded at 01-07N 104-52E,approximately 7 nm northeast of Pulau Mapur. Roughly ten robbers, armed with guns and knives, boarded the underway general cargo ship. They entered the bridge and","Desc2":"assaulted the Master who managed to escape and stop the engine. The robbers stole crew personal belongings and cash and escaped. Master sustained minor injuries to hands.","coords.x1":104.86667,"coords.x2":1.11667} {"Reference":"2013-220","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG CREST APACHE & BARGE TERAS 3717","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 July, the underway tug CREST APACHE and barge TERAS 3717 were boarded by eight pirates in a speedboat at 03-13N 104-58E, approximately 35nm northwest of the Anambas Islands. The pirates were armed with guns and long knives. The pirates","Desc2":"cut off the cables for the communication equipment, stole crew properties, cash, and escaped. One crew member has been reported missing.","coords.x1":104.96667,"coords.x2":3.21667} {"Reference":"2013-241","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER GUANABARA","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 10 July, the anchored Singapore-flagged crude oil tanker GUANABARA was boarded at an Indonesia Anchorage. Vessel was boarded and robbed at an undisclosed Indonesian Anchorage.","coords.x1":100.1,"coords.x2":3.98333} {"Reference":"2013-211","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER AFRAMAX RIO","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 7 July, the Panama-flagged anchored tanker AFRAMAX RIO was boarded at 01-04N 103-38E, at the Nipah Anchorage. Four robbers armed with knives boarded the tanker during STS operations. Duty crew noticed the robbers and raised the alarm,","Desc2":"resulting in the robbers escaping in their boat. Cargo operations stopped and all crew were mustered. Cargo operations resumed only after a thorough search of the vessel.","coords.x1":103.63333,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2013-205","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:On 01 July, an underway barge in tow was boarded while transiting the Singapore Strait.During subsequent routine rounds, the crew from the tug towing the barge noticed items from the barge missing.","coords.x1":99.76667,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2013-213","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 27 June, an anchored chemical tanker experienced an attempted boarding at 06-01S 106-53E, at the Jakarta Tanker Anchorage. Alert crew on board the anchored chemical tanker spotted a wooden boat, with three robbers, armed with knives. The","Desc2":"alarm was sounded and the fire hoses were activated; resulting in the boarding attempt being made unsuccessful. All crew are safe.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.16667} {"Reference":"2013-199","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"LPG TANKER SENNA JUMBO","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 20 June, the anchored Thailand-flagged LPG tanker SENNA JUMBO was boarded at 01-09N 103-38E, at the Nipah Transit Anchorage. Five robbers, armed with knives,boarded the anchored LPG Tanker. Two robbers entered the engine room, while the","Desc2":"others tried to break into the provision stores. On seeing the mess-man entering the provision store area, one robber caught him and threatened him with a knife, while the others escaped. The alarm was sounded and upon investigating, it was found that","Desc3":"engine spares were stolen. All crew were safe.","coords.x1":103.63333,"coords.x2":1.15} {"Reference":"2013-200","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER KING RIVER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 17 June, the underway Malaysia-flagged product tanker KING RIVER was boarded at 04-31N 113-52E, approximately 8 nm west-northwest of Lutong, Sarawak. Approximately 8 to 10 pirates, armed with long knives, in a speed boat, approached and","Desc2":"boarded the underway product tanker. The pirates were aggressive; beating most of the crew and tying up their hands. The Master's left palm was severely cut, while the C/O and C/Eng suffered minor cuts as well. The pirates cut the communication cables,","Desc3":"and then ransacked the bridge and accommodation. They stole crew's and ship's properties, as well as cashbefore leaving the ship, after an hour. The vessel diverted to Miri Port, to provide medical assistance to the injured crew. A police report was","Desc4":"lodged.","coords.x1":113.86667,"coords.x2":4.51667} {"Reference":"2013-190","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CMA CGM KAILAS","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 16 June, the Panama-flagged anchored container ship CMA CGM KAILAS was boarded in the vicinity of 06-05S 106-54E, at the Jakarta Cargo Anchorage. Four armed robbers boarded the anchored container vessel and attempted to force their way into","Desc2":"the engine room by breaking the padlock. Alert duty watchman sighted the robbers who then threatened and chased him. Luckily the duty watchman was able to enter the accommodation and alert the bridge officer, who raised the alarm. Later a thorough search","Desc3":"of the vessel was conducted by the crew. Port authorities were alerted and all crew are safe.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.08333} {"Reference":"2013-193","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"OIL TANKER EAGLE SAN JUAN","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 13 June, the Singapore-flagged anchored oil tanker EAGLE SAN JUAN was boarded at 01-06- 103-36E, at the Nipah Anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the tanker while engaged in STS operations, stole engine spares, and","Desc2":"escaped. Duty crew raised alarm and a search was carried out. Master reported the incident to the local authorities, who boarded and carried out an investigation.","coords.x1":103.6,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2013-184","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER BANDAI V","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 08 June, the Panama-flagged anchored chemical tanker BANDAI V was boarded at 03-54N 098-46E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the chemical tanker using a hook attached to a long pole. Alert duty crew noticed","Desc2":"the robbers attempting to enter the paint store and raised the alarm. Seeing crew alertness, the robbers aborted their attempt and escaped in their boat.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2013-175","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"robbers","Victim":"chemical tanker Atlantic Canyon","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 03 June, the Hong Kong-flagged anchored chemical tanker ATLANTIC CANYON experienced an attempted boarding at 03-55N 098-46E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Robbers in a small boat attempted to board the anchored chemical tanker via the anchor","Desc2":"chain. Alert duty crew spotted the robbers and raised the alarm, resulting in the robbers aborting the attempted boarding. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2013-167","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER ANNA BARBARA","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 24 May, the anchored bulk carrier ANNA BARBARA was boarded at 05-59S 105-57E, at the Cigading Anchorage. Three robbers armed with machetes in a speed boat, boarded the anchored bulk carrier. Alert duty crew noticed the robbers and raised the","Desc2":"alarm, causing in the robbers to disembark the vessel. Upon investigation, it was found that engine spares had been stolen. Port control informed.","coords.x1":105.95,"coords.x2":-5.98333} {"Reference":"2013-168","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP KOHINOOR","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 20 May, the berthed general cargo ship KOHINOOR was boarded at 03-47N 098-42E, at the Belawan Port. While at berth, an unknown number of robbers armed with knives boarded the ship. The duty crew noticed them stealing ship properties from the","Desc2":"poop deck store. The robbers escaped after the crew was alerted and the alarm sounded.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2013-169","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BARGE/TUG CREST 2825/CREST JADE 1","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 May, the underway barge in tow CREST 2825 was boarded at 01-15N 104-07E, approximately 3nm northwest of Pulau Batam Island. While tug boat CREST JADE 1 was towing barge from Singapore to Labuan, Malaysia, when the Master and crew spotted","Desc2":"two thieves aboard CREST 2825. The Master activated the emergency alarm to alert the crew and maneuvered the tugboat alongside CREST 2825. The thieves fled on a small boat, but managed to steal the emergency towing gear.","coords.x1":104.11667,"coords.x2":1.25} {"Reference":"2013-170","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL PKFB (U2) 1532","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 07 May, the fishing vessel PKFB (U2) 1532 was attacked and hijacked in the Strait of Malacca while fishing. The pirates subsequently took the hijacked vessel to Indonesia. On 25 May, the Indonesian Marine Police detained the fishing vessel.","Desc2":"Awaiting further details.","coords.x1":100.1,"coords.x2":3.98333} {"Reference":"2013-122","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP KOHINOOR","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 30 April, a berthed cargo ship KOHINOOR was boarded at 03-47N 098-42E, at the Belawan Port. Robbers boarded a berthed general cargo ship while crews were involved with customs and immigration and getting the ship ready to discharge. Duty AB","Desc2":"noticed the robbers at the poop deck and immediately report to the DO who raised alarm. On seeing alerted crew the robbers escaped with stolen ship stores.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2013-142","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BARGE CREST 2821","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 29 April, the barge CREST 2821 was boarded at 01-13N 103-58E, approximately 3.2nm northwest of Pulau Batam. While in tow by the tug boat CREST GOLD 1, from Port Klang to Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia; the barge CREST 2821 was boarded and","Desc2":"robbed. Some property onboard the barge was discovered missing later on the same day, when the Master carried out checks on the barge. The robbers escaped with offshore installation parts, spare towing wire bridles, towing shackles, and delta plate.","coords.x1":103.96667,"coords.x2":1.21667} {"Reference":"2013-123","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER FAIRCHEM MAVERICK","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 27 April, the berthed tanker FAIRCHEM MAVERICK was boarded in the vicinity of 03-47N 098-42E, at the Belawan Port. Two robbers in a boat approached and boarded the berthed tanker and broke into the tank cleaning gear locker and stole the","Desc2":"ship's property. Duty crew noticed the robbers, raised the alarm and ran towards the robbers. On hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with the stolen items in their boat. Incident reported to the local agents.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2013-124","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 24 April, the underway tug was boarded at 04-10N 005-30E, approximately 53 nm north-northeast of Bintan Island. Fifteen pirates armed with guns and long knives in three high speed boats boarded a tug underway. They took hostage nine crew","Desc2":"members, assaulted some of the crew and tied them up. They ransacked all cabins, stole vessel's properties, crew member's cash and personal belongings and escaped.","coords.x1":5.5,"coords.x2":4.16667} {"Reference":"2013-113","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER NADIYA MELISENDE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 24 April, the underway tanker NADIYA MELISENDE was boarded at 01-17N 104-50E, approximately 16 nm north-northeast of Bintan Island. Pirates armed with a gun and knives boarded a product tanker and robbed the crew of cash money, personal","Desc2":"belongings, and escaped.","coords.x1":104.83333,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"2013-143","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG HUB 21","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 24 April, the underway tug HUB 21 was boarded at 01-36N 105-23 E, approximately 53 nm north-northeast of Bintan Island. Fifteen pirates armed with guns and long knives in three high speed boats boarded a tug underway. They took hostage nine","Desc2":"crew members, assaulted some of the crew and tied them up. They ransacked all cabins, stole vessel?s properties, crew member?s cash and personal belongings and escaped.","coords.x1":105.38333,"coords.x2":1.6} {"Reference":"2013-114","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER AD PHOENIX","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 23 April, the underway tanker AD PHOENIX was boarded at 01-19N 104-47E, approximately 15 nm north-northeast of Bintan Island. Five pirates armed with a pistol and long knives, in a high speed wooden craft, approached and boarded the asphalt","Desc2":"tanker underway. They stole cash and crew personal effects and escaped. Master raised the alarm and attempted to contact the coastal authority, but received no response. The crew suffered no injuries.","coords.x1":104.78333,"coords.x2":1.31667} {"Reference":"2013-128","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:232030Z April, 01-36N 105-23E. 15 pirates armed with guns and long knives in three high speed boats boarded a tug underway. They took hostage nine crew members, assaulted some of the crew and tied them up. They ransacked all cabins, stole","Desc2":"vessel's properties, crew members cash and personal belongings and escaped. Vessels requested to be caution advised.","coords.x1":105.38333,"coords.x2":1.6} {"Reference":"2013-158","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"CARGO BARGE","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 22 April, a crew from a neighboring barge ENG TOU 266 at 01-19N 104-10E, off Tanjung Ayajm, noticed an unknown tug boat pulling a stolen cargo barge.","coords.x1":104.16667,"coords.x2":1.31667} {"Reference":"2013-125","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER SINGAPORE RIVER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 19 April, the anchored tanker SINGAPORE RIVER was boarded at 01-41N 101-30E, at the Dumai Inner Anchorage. Four robbers armed with knives boarded the anchored tanker from the poop deck and caught and tied up the duty A/B at knife-point. They","Desc2":"tried but failed to enter the engine room. They also failed to open the hatch on the poop deck. They eventually escaped with stolen personal items and the ship's property.","coords.x1":101.5,"coords.x2":1.68333} {"Reference":"2013-94","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER MAERSK BERING","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 06 April, robbers boarded the anchored tanker MAERSK BERING at 03-56N 098-41E, at the Belawan Anchorage and stole items from the vessel. The robbery was reported to authorities and local agent, who laterr informed the Master that the","Desc2":"robber's representative was willing to sell the stolen items back to the Master.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.93333} {"Reference":"2013-95","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER GARDEN CITY RIVER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 04 April, robbers boarded the anchored crude oil tanker GARDEN CITY RIVER at 01-42N 101-29E, at the Dumai Anchorage. The robbers stole engine spares and escaped unnoticed. The theft was not detected until the following day when bare foot","Desc2":"prints were noticed near the store. Incident reported to the local authorities through the agents.","coords.x1":101.48333,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-96","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER IVER EXACT","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 03 April, four men in a small boat approached the anchored chemical tanker IVER EXACT at 01-42N 101-25E, at the Dumai Anchorage. Upon detecting the boat, the duty officer shouted at them using loudhailer and flashed a light. The watchman","Desc2":"blew ship's horn. The pirates fled the area.","coords.x1":101.41667,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-88","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOURBON LIBERTY 308","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:On 30 March, the tug BOURBON LIBERTY 308 was boarded at 1-20N 104-04E. Pirates boarded the vessel and left several hours later, presumably after robbing the crew and stealing vessel's valuables.","coords.x1":104.06667,"coords.x2":1.33333} {"Reference":"2013-78","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 27 March, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 03-56 N 098-47E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and stole ship's stores from forecastle bosun store and escaped. The theft was discovered after the robbers had left the","Desc2":"vessel.","coords.x1":98.78333,"coords.x2":3.93333} {"Reference":"2013-80","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 25 March, an anchored cargo ship was boarded at 01-42N 101-27E, at the Dumai Inner Anchorage. Five robbers armed with knives and guns boarded the vessel, took four duty crew members hostage and tied their hands with rope. Two of the hostages","Desc2":"were forced to lead the robbers to the engine room store, which was then forced open and ship's property stolen. The alarm was raised by the hostage crew after the robbers escaped. The authorities were informed via the ship's agent.","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-81","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CAPE NORVIEGA","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 24 March, a container ship CAPE NORVIEGA was boarded at 05-59S 106-54E, at the Tanjung Priok Anchorage. During routine rounds, the ship's crew found the steering gear room open and it was discovered that some items inside the store were","Desc2":"missing. After investigation, the incident was reported to the Coast Guard.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-5.98333} {"Reference":"2013-82","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Five robbers armed with long knives in a small boat boarded the tanker from the starboard quarter using a rope. The watchman was tied up with ropes and was found when the forward watchman went to relieve him. The Duty Officer was immediately","Desc2":"informed. The alarm was raised and the crew was mustered. A small wooden boat was seen moving away from the vessel. Upon investigation, it was found nothing had been stolen.","coords.x1":101.46667,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-70","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 March, robbers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor at the Belawan Anchorage, stole ship's stores, and escaped unnoticed.","coords.x1":98.78333,"coords.x2":3.93333} {"Reference":"2013-69","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER STOLT RINDO","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 27 February, the tanker STOLT RINDO was boarded at 01-42N 101-29E, at the Dumai Quarantine Anchorage. The anchored vesel was boarded by robbers, who stole engine spares and escaped unnoticed. The incident was discovered by one of the crew","Desc2":"who noticed a broken lock and missing spares.","coords.x1":101.48333,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-61","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER RED RUM","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 20 February, the LPG tanker RED RUM was boarded at 05-34S 104-35E, at the Teluk Semangka Anchorage. Engine room stores were robbed from the vessel while carrying out ship-to-ship transfer operations. The robbery was discovered only after","Desc2":"departure. The crew suspects the local mooring gang, which had remained onboard the vessel during the transfer operations.","coords.x1":104.58333,"coords.x2":-5.56667} {"Reference":"2013-49","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 18 February, a chemical tanker was boarded at 01-42N 101-27E, at the Dumai Inner Anchorage. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel using a portable ladder. Duty A/B noticed the robbers and informed the Duty Officer,","Desc2":"who raised the alarm, sounded the ship's whistle, and notified Port Control. The robbers immediately jumped overboard and escaped empty-handed upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew's alertness.","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-48","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 18 February, a container ship was boarded at 00-08N 106-18E, approximately 52 nm ENE of Pulau Penjantan, while underway. The Duty Officer noticed two masked pirates on the bridge wing attempting to enter the bridge. Alarm raised and crew","Desc2":"mustered on the bridge. The pirates were unable enter the locked bridge and escaped upon seeing the crew's alertness.","coords.x1":106.3,"coords.x2":0.13333} {"Reference":"2013-38","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER FORWARD FORTUNE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 13 February, the tanker FORWARD FORTUNE was boarded at 01-06N 103-36E, at the Nipah Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel during ship-to-ship transfer operations, stole engine spares, and escaped when after the crew spotted them and raised","Desc2":"alarm. Port authorities informed.","coords.x1":103.6,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2013-40","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER STARGATE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 February, the bulk carrier STARGATE was boarded at 01-42N 101-27E, at the Dumai Anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel using a rope and a hook attached to a long pole. Duty Officer noticed the robbers","Desc2":"and raised the alarm, sounded the ship's whistle, and notified local authorities. The robbers escaped empty-handed upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew's alertness.","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-32","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 02 February, a chemical tanker experienced an attempted boarding at 03-55N 098-48E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Six robbers armed with knives in a wooden motor boat approached the anchored vessel. One of the robbers attempted to board by","Desc2":"ladder near the midship manifold area. Alert duty crewman spotted the robbers and informed the Duty Officer, who raised the alarm, sounded the ship's whistle and mustered the crew. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew's alertness, the robbers","Desc3":"aborted the attempted boarding and fled.","coords.x1":98.8,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2013-27","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 24 January, a barge in tow was boarded at 02-08N 108-45E, at approximately 20 nm WNW of Pulau Merundung. An unknown number of pirates from a fast moving fishing boat boarded the towed barge, forced open containers and stole cargo, then","Desc2":"escaped.","coords.x1":108.75,"coords.x2":2.13333} {"Reference":"2013-22","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER SIVA MUMBAI","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 22 January, the chemical tanker SIVA MUMBAI was boarded at 01-42N 101-29E, at the Dumai Inner Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored vessel, stole engine spares, and escaped unnoticed. The theft was detecteed after departure from the port","Desc2":"when foot prints were discovered.","coords.x1":101.48333,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2013-18","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TUG DE HUI/BARGE HAIYANGSHIYOU","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:On 08 January, the tug DE HUI with the barge HAIYANGSHIYOU in tow was boarded at 01-11N 103-37E, approximately 4 nm Southwest of the Western Islands. A speedboat with five robbers wearing camouflage uniforms approached the tug at 1710 local","Desc2":"time. Two robbers boarded the tug and took the duty Bosun hostage and held him face down at knifepoint. Master raised the alarm and all crew mustered. Seeing the alert crew, the robbers left the tug without stealing anything. At 2320 local time,","Desc3":"approximately six robbers in a speed boat approached and boarded the barge under tow, stole barge properties and escaped.","coords.x1":103.61667,"coords.x2":1.18333} {"Reference":"2012-355","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 20 December at 03-57N 098-46E, at the Belawan anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored chemical tanker receiving provisions, stole ships property and escaped unnoticed. Upon investigation it was found that the robbers gained","Desc2":"access to the forecastle by breaking through the razor wire. Local agent and the port authorities informed.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.95} {"Reference":"2012-341","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tanker boarded on 11 December in the vicinity of 01-20 N 104-08E, 3 nm south of Tanjung Setapa. A wooden boat containing 18 robbers pulled alongside the anchored tanker. While eight men boarded the tanker, the remaining ten waited in the small","Desc2":"boat. The robbery was unsuccessful due to the alerting of the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) and their rapid response. The eight robbers who boarded the vessel were captured by the MMEA and are currently being detained pending the","Desc3":"investigation. Of the twelve crew members, three sustained injuries and are being treated at the Royal Malaysian Navy Hospital in Tanjung Pengelih.","coords.x1":104.13333,"coords.x2":1.33333} {"Reference":"2012-343","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker experienced a suspicious approach on 8 December at 03-55N 098-47E, at Belawan Roads. Three wooden boats with five robbers in each approached the anchored tanker. Due to the crew's alertness, the robbers were spotted and were unable to","Desc2":"board the vessel. Before moving away, one of the robbers gestured to the crew that they would return during the night hours. Due to the impending threat and lack of response from port authorities, the Master heaved up the anchor and sailed to open sea.","coords.x1":98.78333,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2012-338","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 05 December at 03-47N 098-42E, at the Belawan Port. Four robbers boarded the bulk carrier alongside a berth during discharge operations. They broke into the deck store, stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed. The","Desc2":"theft was noticed during the next watch change and was reported to the local agent and the port authorities.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2012-335","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Nine pirates armed with long knives boarded an anchored tug from astern and took the duty watchman as hostage. The pirates then went to the bridge and stole crew personal belongings, cash, and the vessel's navigation equipment, then escaped","Desc2":"after about 20 minutes. During the incident, two crew members were slightly injured.","coords.x1":104.5675,"coords.x2":1.43722} {"Reference":"2012-339","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKWE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 29 November at 06-01S 106-54E, at the Tanjung Priok Anchorage. Three robbers boarded the chemical tanker while at anchor. Robbers were sighted at poop deck, alarm raised and all crew mustered. Seeing the alert crew, the","Desc2":"robbers escaped with stolen ship's stores. All crew safe.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2012-326","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 28 November at 03-55N 098-45E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Four armed robbers boarded the anchored chemical tanker via the anchor chain. They attempted to attack the duty A/B who managed to escape and alert the OOW. By the time","Desc2":"the crew mustered, the robbers had escaped with stolen ship's stores. Attempts to contact and report incident to port authority were unsuccessful. All crew safe.","coords.x1":98.75,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2012-330","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk cargo ship boarded on 21 November at 06-01S 106-55E, at the East Cargo Anchorage, Jakarta. Five robbers armed with knives boarded the anchored bulk cargo ship via the poop deck. They attacked and took hostage the duty A/B and stole engine","Desc2":"spares. When the A/B failed to respond to the radio calls, the duty officer raised the alarm resulting in the robbers escaping.","coords.x1":106.91667,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2012-332","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VIETNAM:Tanker hijacked on 19 November in the vicinity of 07-10N 109-09 E, approximately 174.4 nm southeast of Con Son Island, by eleven pirates armed with long knives and pistols. The nine crew members were forced overboard into a life raft and rescued","Desc2":"shortly after by a Vietnamese fishing trawler. While enroute toward Vietnam, the vessel was apprehended by the Vietnam Marine Police Special Task Force and all eleven pirates were taken into custody. Prior to apprehension, it was reported that the","Desc3":"pirates had changed the IMO number and name of the vessel.","coords.x1":109.15,"coords.x2":7.16667} {"Reference":"2012-318","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 16 November at 03-55N 098-48E, approximately 7.4 nm east of Nipahlarangan, Belawan. Three robbers armed with knives and iron bars boarded the anchored tanker, stole ship's stores, and escaped. Master raised the alarm, mustered","Desc2":"crew, and contacted port authorities but received no response.","coords.x1":98.8,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2012-319","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 11 November at 01-19N 104-17E, approximately 2 nm south of Pulau Mungging Light. While at anchor, eight robbers armed with long knives and a pistol, boarded the vessel. Upon boarding, the robbers forced the crew to pump out 80","Desc2":"metric tons of Marine Gas Oil and seized personal belongings of the crew.","coords.x1":104.28333,"coords.x2":1.31667} {"Reference":"2012-313","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tugboat towing a barge boarded on 6 November near 01-44N 106-11E. Ten robbers armed with long knives boarded the tugboat while enroute from Port Klang to Kuching. One of the crew members was assaulted during the boarding. The robbers stole crew","Desc2":"personal belongings, cash, and vessel documents and certificates before escaping. The incident was reported to the owners and the Master made a police report upon arrival at Kuching, Malaysia.","coords.x1":106.18333,"coords.x2":1.73333} {"Reference":"2012-309","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Container ship boarded on 3 November at 06-00S 106-54E, at the Jakarta Anchorage. Four robbers in a small boat approached the stern of the anchored vessel. One robber boarded the ship using a grappling hook while the other three robbers","Desc2":"remained in their boat. Deck watchmen spotted the robber and raised the alarm. Seeing crew alertness, the robber escaped empty-handed.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"2012-307","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 27 October at 03-53N 098-46E, at the Belawan Outer Anchorage. A gang of 3 to 4 robbers boarded the anchored vessel, taking hostage the duty A/B and stole his personal belongings. The A/B managed to escape and raised the","Desc2":"alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped. Crew mustered and made a search of the ship and found that nothing else was stolen from the ship.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.88333} {"Reference":"2012-308","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Container ship boarded on 27 October at 03-56N 098-47E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain. They took hostage the duty crew and tied him up on the forecastle deck.","Desc2":"Another crew member reported the incident to the duty officer, who raised the alarm and contacted the port authorities. Three rocket flares were fired at the forecastle, resulting in the robbers escaping in their fishing boat. Upon investigation, it was","Desc3":"found that the robbers managed to steal the hostage's personal effects.","coords.x1":98.78333,"coords.x2":3.93333} {"Reference":"2012-300","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Container ship approached on 21 October at 03-47N 098-42E, at the Belawan International Container Terminal. Two robbers armed with long knives in a small boat approached the berthed vessel. Alert duty crew noticed one robber attempting to board","Desc2":"the ship using a rope. The crew shouted at the robber, who aborted the boarding and escaped.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2012-301","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Container ship boarded on 20 October at 03-55N 098-46E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored vessel, stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2012-302","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 19 October near 01-06N 103-28E, at the Karimun STS Anchorage. A gang of three to five robbers boarded the tanker during ship-to-ship transfer operations, escaping with the ship's stores and engine spares.","coords.x1":103.46667,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2012-304","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"TUG BOAT","Victim":"PIRATES","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tug towing barge boarded on 18 October at 01-18N 104-48E, off Pulau Bintan. Six pirates in a speed boat boarded the tug, took hostage the crew, tied them up, and stole cash and personal effects before escaping. Master was slightly injured","Desc2":"during the incident.","coords.x1":104.8,"coords.x2":1.3} {"Reference":"2012-303","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tug towing a barge boarded on 18 October near 04-13N 108-15E, off Tanjung Datu. Robbers boarded the tug, stole crew cash and escaped.","coords.x1":108.25,"coords.x2":4.21667} {"Reference":"2012-291","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"SALVAGE VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Salvage vessel towing barge boarded on 17 October at 00-59N 105-10E, approximately 19.4 nm east of Pulau Mapur. Ten robbers armed with guns and knives boarded the vessel enroute from Singapore to Balikpapan, Indonesia. The robbers stole ship","Desc2":"properties, crew cash and property, and escaped. The crew was reported safe and the vessel continued her passage.","coords.x1":105.16667,"coords.x2":0.98333} {"Reference":"2012-296","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG/BARGE","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:Six pirates in a speed boat boarded a tug towing a barge, taking the crew hostage and stealing cash and personal effects before escaping. The Master was slightly injured during the incident.","coords.x1":104.8,"coords.x2":1.3} {"Reference":"2012-293","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Cargo ship boarded on 15 October at 01-06N 104-10E, near Kabil Citranusa Port, Batam. Three robbers boarded the vessel while at anchor. They were spotted by the alert duty crew, who raised the alarm. Upon sensing the crew's alertness, the","Desc2":"robbers escaped empty-handed.","coords.x1":104.16667,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2012-311","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tanker hijacked by 10 pirates sometime between 14 and 20 October near 05-16N 115-14E, at the Labuan Anchorage. Pirates released the vessel on 26 October after stealing her cargo, approximately 650 tons of fuel, and robbing the crew of cash and","Desc2":"personal belongings. Crew suffered only minor injuries.","coords.x1":115.23333,"coords.x2":5.26667} {"Reference":"2012-273","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Three robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored chemical tanker at forecastle. They held the duty A/B at knifepoint, tied him up, and stole ship's stores. Duty officer raised the alarm upon sighting the robbers and mustered the crew. Seeing","Desc2":"the crew's alertness, the robbers escaped in their fishing boat with the stolen stores. Port control informed of the incident.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2012-267","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG/BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Towed barge boarded on 25 September at 01-01N 104-01E, 6.8 nm northwest of Bintan Island. Officers on watch aboard the tug noticed two robbers had boarded the barge. The Alarm was raised, SSAS was activated, and a distress call was sent on VHF.","Desc2":"Singapore port control was notified and the crew was mustered. A police boat later arrived on scene but they could not find any boats in the vicinity. The police boat escorted the vessel for a few minutes and then departed the area.","coords.x1":104.01667,"coords.x2":1.01667} {"Reference":"2012-268","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker attempted to be boarded on 24 September at 01-01N 103-04E, at the Nipah Anchorage. Two robbers attempted to board the anchored vessel from the port quarter. An alert crew member noticed the robbers and raised the alarm, and the crew was","Desc2":"mustered. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers aborted the attempted boarding and escaped. Local authorities were informed of the incident.","coords.x1":103.06667,"coords.x2":1.01667} {"Reference":"2012-269","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker hijacked on 22 September at 01-15N 103-09E, in the vicinity of Tanjung Piai. Six pirates boarded and robbed the vessel armed with machetes and a gun. The pirates tied up 16 crew members and escaped with cash, laptops, mobile phones and","Desc2":"personal belongings as a Coast Guard patrol craft approached the vessel.","coords.x1":103.08333,"coords.x2":1.15} {"Reference":"2012-274","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:While at anchor, six robbers in an unlit boat boarded a container ship using a grappling hook and rope. They broke into the safety store and the deck store and stole equipment and ship's properties. Alarm raised and crew mustered. The robbers","Desc2":"escaped in their boat with the stolen items.","coords.x1":106.91667,"coords.x2":-6.03333} {"Reference":"2012-285","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tanker hijacked on 14 September at 01-15N 103-09E, 3 nm off Tanjung Piai. Six pirates armed with machetes and a gun boarded and robbed the vessel, restraining 16 crew members. The attackers then escaped with cash, laptops, mobile phones and","Desc2":"personal belongings as a Coast Guard patrol craft approached the vessel.","coords.x1":103.15,"coords.x2":1.25} {"Reference":"2012-270","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tanker engaged in ship-to-ship transfer operations was boarded by six robbers in a speed boat armed with a gun and long knives. Crewmembers were taken hostage. The robbers escaped in their speed boat after having stolen personal belongings and","Desc2":"cash.","coords.x1":103.08333,"coords.x2":1.15} {"Reference":"2012-271","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker hijacked on 13 September at 01-14N 103-09E, off Tanjung Piai. Six pirates hijacked the vessel in an attempt to transfer bunker fuel to a second vessel. Robbers tied up the crew and escaped with cell phones and laptops as a Coast Guard","Desc2":"patrol craft approached the vessel.","coords.x1":103.08333,"coords.x2":1.13333} {"Reference":"2012-257","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Container ship boarded on 11 September at 03-54N 098-46E, at Belawan Anchorage. Five robbers approached the anchored vessel in a small boat. Two robbers boarded the vessel and broke into the forward storeroom, stealing ship's property. Upon","Desc2":"seeing crewmembers approaching, the robbers escaped. Port control was informed of the event.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2012-258","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:LPG tanker boarded on 8 September at 05-34S 104-36E, at Teluk Semangka Anchorage. Five armed robbers carrying sticks boarded the vessel from a small fishing boat. A duty crew member noticed the robbers and informed the bridge, who raised the","Desc2":"alarm and mustered the crew. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers quickly left the vessel empty-handed. Port control was informed of the event.","coords.x1":104.6,"coords.x2":-5.56667} {"Reference":"2012-272","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 8 September at 01-49.2N 103-48.6E, 5 nm SE of Tanjung Piai, Johor. An unknown number of robbers boarded the anchored vessel during heavy rain squalls and stole ship's property items and escaped unnoticed. The theft was later","Desc2":"discovered by the duty crew after the heavy weather cleared.","coords.x1":103.81,"coords.x2":1.82} {"Reference":"2012-251","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical tanker boarded on 4 September at 01-04N 104-08E, Kabil Port anchorage. Four robbers boarded the berthed vessel and entered the engine room, where a crewman confronted them. One of the robbers assaulted the crewman, who then retreated","Desc2":"into the engine control room. The crewman locked himself in the room, raised the alarm and informed the Duty Officer. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped. The Coast Guard was informed and arrived at the vessel and conducted an investigation.","coords.x1":104.13333,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2012-259","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical tanker boarded on 3 September at 03-55N 098-46E, at Belawan Anchorage. Six armed robbers carrying guns and knives boarded an anchored chemical tanker using hook attached to a bamboo pole. A crewman noticed the robbers and attempted to","Desc2":"contact the bridge via his walkie-talkie but the robbers seized it, took him as a hostage, and tied him up. While the robbers were stealing ship's stores and properties, the crewman was able to free himself and raise the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm,","Desc3":"the robbers escaped with the stolen items. Port control was informed of the event.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2012-254","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 31 August at 01-42N 10127E, Dumai Anchorage. Three armed robbers carrying long knives approached and boarded the anchored vessel.The robbers took several crew members hostage but other crew members who saw the boarding","Desc2":"were able to raise the alarm, alerting the crew. Shore security personnel onboard the vessel were able to speak with the robbers and convinced them to free the captured crew members. No crew members were injured and nothing was stolen.","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2012-262","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG/BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Four masked robbers in a small boat armed with guns and knives approached and boarded a tug towing a barge. They took hostage all crew members, tied them up and stole cash and personal belongings before escaping. Master reported the incident to","Desc2":"POCC Singapore.","coords.x1":103.65333,"coords.x2":0.95083} {"Reference":"2012-245","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:Tug boarded on 19 August at 01-00N 103-39E, 6.6 nm southeast of Pulau Tekong Kecil. An unknown number of robbers boarded the vessel.","coords.x1":103.65,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"2012-275","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:During security rounds in the accommodation area, duty watchman noticed an unknown person on the main deck and notified the duty officer, who raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in a small timber boat. The crew was","Desc2":"mustered and conducted a search of the vessel. Upon investigation it was found that the vessel's properties were stolen.","coords.x1":104.175,"coords.x2":1.10667} {"Reference":"2012-246","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:Tug boarded on 17 August at 01-04N 103-42E, Singapore Strait. An unknown number of robbers boarded the vessel.","coords.x1":103.7,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2012-230","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 6 August at 06-00S 106-53E, Tanjung Priok Anchorage, Jakarta. Four robbers boarded the anchored vessel, broke into the aft store and stole ship's property. Duty O/S noticed the robbers, raised the alarm, and pursued the","Desc2":"robbers. The O/S grappled with two of the robbers while the other two jumped overboard with the stolen property. The two remaining robbers also jumped overboard and escaped as additional crew members approached them.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"2012-231","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical tanker boarded on 2 August at 1-43.5N 101-26.0E, Dumai Anchorage. Five robbers armed with long machetes and knives boarded the anchored chemical tanker. Three crewmembers were taken hostage and had their hands tied. The robbers stole","Desc2":"engine spares and escaped. No injuries to the crew were reported.","coords.x1":101.43333,"coords.x2":1.725} {"Reference":"2012-232","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical tanker boarded on 28 July at 07-11S 112-43E, Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the berthed vessel and stole ship's property. Later, the crew found the robbers and recovered the stolen items.","coords.x1":112.71667,"coords.x2":-7.18333} {"Reference":"2012-223","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG WITH BARGE","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tug towing a barge hijacked on 27 July between Kudat Port, Malaysia and Bangi Island, Sabah, Malaysia. Pirates in a speed boat attacked the tug and forced the twelve crewmembers into a life raft and set them adrift. The hijackers sailed the tug","Desc2":"and barge to an unknown location. The Philippines Coast Guard rescued the twelve crewmembers. The tug and barge remain missing.","coords.x1":117.28417,"coords.x2":7.93889} {"Reference":"2012-247","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tug boarded on 23 July at 01-14N 103-0 E, Singapore Strait. An unknown number of robbers boarded the vessel.","coords.x1":103.01667,"coords.x2":1.23333} {"Reference":"2012-221","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 22 July at 01-06N 103-28E, Karimun Transhipment Anchorage. Robbers in a long wooden boat boarded the anchored tanker and entered the engine room. The engine room crew notified the bridge and the alarm was raised. The Third","Desc2":"Engineer was threatened by a robber with an iron rod. The robbers stole engine spares and escaped in their wooden boat. The incident was reported to Karimun Pilot Station and to the Coast Guard. Coast Guard officers and two port patrol officials boarded","Desc3":"the tanker to investigate.","coords.x1":103.46667,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2012-217","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 17 July at 01-43N 101-27E, Dumai Anchorage. Seven robbers armed with knives boarded the anchored vessel, threatened the ship's crew with knives,broke the padlocks to three stores, and attempted to steal ship's property.","Desc2":"The crew mustered, raised the alarm, and informed the authorities. The robbers were not successful in stealing anything from the vessel. All crew was reported safe.","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.71667} {"Reference":"2012-222","DateOfOcc":"2012-07-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE/TUGBOAT","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT:Barge robbed sometime between 13 and 20 July while being tow by a tug between Penang, Malaysia and Pasir Gudang Port, Malaysia. Upon arrival, shipyard representatives inspected the barge and informed the Master that cargo on the barge's","Desc2":"deck had been pilfered. It is suspected the theft may have taken place while in transit. A police report was filed.","coords.x1":100.23333,"coords.x2":-5.2} {"Reference":"2012-201","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Robbers boarded an anchored Tug on 17 June at 01:38 N-110:28 E, Kuching Anchorage, Malaysia. Robbers boarded an anchored tug and barge. They broke open containers, stole the cargo and escaped unnoticed. The master reported the incident to the","Desc2":"local law enforcement and authorities. The entire crew was safe.","coords.x1":110.46667,"coords.x2":1.63333} {"Reference":"2012-190","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk Carrier boarded on 04 June at 03:57 N - 098:46 E, Belawan Outer Anchorage, Indonesia. Seven robbers armed with long knives boarded an anchored bulk carrierat the forecastle. The duty A/B and D/O noticed the robbers and raised the alarm.","Desc2":"Seeing the crew?s alertness, the robbers threatened the crew with long knives and escaped empty handed intheir boat. Port control and vessels in the vicinity were later informed.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.95} {"Reference":"2012-191","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:Fishing vessel boarded while underway on 23 May at 04:50 N ? 099:04 E, Malacca Straits. Armed pirates boarded the fishing vessel and took hostage six crewmembersand hijacked the vessel. Upon receiving the information, the MMEA immediately sent","Desc2":"theirpatrol boat and rescued the vessel along with the crewmembers. All of the crewmembers werereported safe. The pirates left the vessel before the patrol boat arrived.","coords.x1":99.06667,"coords.x2":4.83333} {"Reference":"2012-182","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Barge was boarded on 12 May at 01:14 N ? 104:08 E, 4nm North North East of Pulau Batam, Indonesia. The barge was under tow enroute from Singapore to Kelanis, Banjarmasin, Indonesia and was boarded by robbers using a wooden tug. VTIS Singapore","Desc2":"informed the vessels Master that a tug was following his barge. Upon investigation, the Master saw a wooden tug moving away from the barge. The crew boarded the barge and found 13 containers opened. The incident was reported to MPA Singapore.","coords.x1":104.13333,"coords.x2":1.23333} {"Reference":"2012-161","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Product Tanker","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:A product tanker underway spotted two speed boats approaching at high speed. Alarm raised and tanker made evasive manoeuvres, directed the search lights towards the boats and sent distress message. Pirates boarded the tanker via the poop","Desc2":"deck by using a portable ladder however they could not get access into the accommodation as it was locked and secured from inside. All crew mustered and remained on the bridge until the pirates disembarked 30 minutes later. No injury to crew and nothing","Desc3":"stolen. Vessels requested to be caution advised.","coords.x1":104.88333,"coords.x2":1.22333} {"Reference":"2012-167","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Product tanker was boarded on 08 May while underway at 01:13 N ? 104:53 E: 16 nm northeast from Bintan Island. The duty officer spotted two speed boats approaching the ship at high speed. The alarm was raised and the tanker made evasive","Desc2":"maneuvers and directed the search lights aimed towards the boats and also sent a distress message. Pirates later boarded the tanker via the poop deck by using a portable ladder but could not get access into the accommodation that was locked and secured","Desc3":"from the inside. The crew mustered and remained on the bridge until the pirates disembarked 30 minutes later. The crew was not injured and nothing was stolen.","coords.x1":104.88333,"coords.x2":1.21667} {"Reference":"2012-144","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:Container ship boarded on 24 April while anchored at 01:14 N - 103:35 E Singapore Straits. The container vessel was boarded by a group of pirates. They stole ships stores and later escaped.","coords.x1":103.58333,"coords.x2":1.23333} {"Reference":"2012-168","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tug boat towing a barge was hijacked while underway on 17 April while enroute from Langkawi, Malaysia to Tawau, East Malaysia. The tug and barge in tow left Langkawi on 12 April. The last contact the owners had with the tug was on 16 April after","Desc2":"the vessel was hijacked. The seven crew members of the tug were set adrift and were rescued by a Vietnamese fishing vessel and safely landed in Vietnam. The barge was later located in the vicinity of Palawan island, Philippines on 26 April by the","Desc3":"Philippine Coast Guard. The hijacked tug is still missing.","coords.x1":99.76667,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2012-141","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tanker boarded on 15 April while underway at 01:35 N ? 104:37 E, 24 nm northeast of Tg. Penyusop, Malaysia. Seven pirates armed with guns and knives boarded the tanker, threatened the crewmembers, damaged the communication equipments, and stole","Desc2":"ship?s cash, properties and escaped. No injuries to crewmembers. Incident was also reported to Singapore and Vietnam MRCC.","coords.x1":104.61667,"coords.x2":1.58333} {"Reference":"2012-137","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical Tanker was boarded on 6 April while at anchorage in Dumai Inner Anchorage, Indonesia, at position 01:42N ? 103:27E. Four pirates armed with long knives boarded the ship; alert crewman noticed the pirates and raised the alarm. The","Desc2":"pirates escaped empty handed.","coords.x1":103.45,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2012-130","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical tanker boarded on 3 April while anchored at position 01:41 N 101:29 E, Dumai Anchorage. Duty crew onboard spotted two robbers armed with long knives. And immediately informed the duty officer who raised the alarm and sounded the ships","Desc2":"whistle.Seeing crew alertness, the robbers escaped. Port control contacted with no response.","coords.x1":101.48333,"coords.x2":1.68333} {"Reference":"2012-131","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 2 April while berthed at 03:23 N - 099:27 E, Jetty No.3, Multimas Nabati Asahan, Kuala Tanjung. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel during cargo operations and entered the engine room via the steering","Desc2":"room entrance. The duty oiler noticed the robbers and tried to activate the fire alarm but the robbers threatened him with a knife and took him hostage. The robbers escaped with stolen ship stores. The alarm was raised and the robbery was reported to the","Desc3":"authorities who came onboard to conduct a full investigation.","coords.x1":99.45,"coords.x2":3.38333} {"Reference":"2012-135","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical Tanker was boarded on 2 April in Dumai Inner Anchorage, Indonesia at position 01:42N - 103:27E. Three pirates armed with knives boarded the chemical tanker at anchorage and threatened the duty crew. The pirates later escaped with a","Desc2":"stolen handheld radio and the incident was reported to an agent at Port Control.","coords.x1":103.45,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2012-134","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tanker was boarded on 25 March in Pedra Branca, Malaysia at position 01:50N - 104:28E. 15 pirates armed with knives and guns boarded an underway tanker. Thepirates chased the duty crew and entered the living spaces. They later mustered the crew","Desc2":"and tied their hands. They later escaped with stolen effects 45 minutes later. One crewman was injured.","coords.x1":104.46667,"coords.x2":1.83333} {"Reference":"2012-98","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Fishing Vessel","Desc1":"Indonesia:Fishing vessel boarded on 11 March while anchored at 06:01 S - 106:53 E, Tanjung Priok Outer Anchorage. Robbers entered the engine store room. The duty oiler on routine rounds spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm,","Desc2":"the robbers escaped with the stolen ship property. Port control informed.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2012-93","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"JAVA SEA, TANJUNG PRIOK OUTER ANCHORAGE: Two robbers in a fishing boat boarded an anchored bulk carrer during heavy rain. They entered the engine store room. The duty oiler on routine rounds spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the","Desc2":"alarm, the robbers escaped with the stolen ship property. Port control informed.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2012-95","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"DUMAI INNER ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA:Duty watchman saw one robber climbing using a thin hooked line on a Crude Oil Tanker at anchor. The duty A/B informed bridge who raised the alarm, sounded ship's whistle and crew mustered. On noticing the crew alertness,","Desc2":"the robber jumped into the water and escaped with two other accomplices waiting in a boat. Nothing stolen and no casualties.","coords.x1":101.485,"coords.x2":1.70667} {"Reference":"2012-83","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG AND BARGE","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS, NATUNA SEA: An unlit speed boat approached a tug towing a barge. The speed boat came alongside the tug and four robbers boarded the tug while two remained in the boat. The robbers wearing masks and armed with guns and knives took","Desc2":"hostage the Chief Engineer and 3rd Engineer who did not know the robbers had boarded. The 2nd officer on bridge noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. All crew except the bridge crew, who were guarded by some robbers were taken hostage. They then","Desc3":"stole crew ahd ship properties and cash and escaped in the waiting boat. The incident was reported to Singapore Coast Guard.","coords.x1":104.29333,"coords.x2":1.26833} {"Reference":"2012-70","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Chemical tanker boarded on 23 February while under pilotage at position 03-23N 099-27E Kuala Tanjung Anchorage. Duty engineer raised alarm when he saw robbers holding an engineering crewman hostage and stealing spare parts. Pilot informed port","Desc2":"authorities. Seeing crew alertness the robbers escaped in a waiting boat. During the incident the hostage was tied up, slapped and kicked and required medical attention. (IMB)","coords.x1":99.45,"coords.x2":3.38333} {"Reference":"2012-51","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA, KARIMUN STS ANCHORAGE: Three robbers armed with rods boarded an anchored product tanker. Duty crew on rounds sighted the robbers on the poop deck and immediately raised the alarm. Seeing the alerted crew, robbers escaped empty handed.","Desc2":"Incident was reported to the port authorities.","coords.x1":103.47833,"coords.x2":1.10333} {"Reference":"2012-48","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"BATAM OUTER ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Robbers boarded an anchored chemical tanker, stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed.","coords.x1":104.16667,"coords.x2":1.11667} {"Reference":"2012-85","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"KARIMUN, INDONESIA: Two robbers boarded a tanker during STS operations using a rope attached with a hook. The duty pump man noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. The robbers removed the hook and jumped into the water and escaped in their small boat","Desc2":"empty handed.","coords.x1":103.5,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"2012-34","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"DUMAI INNER ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Armed robbers boarded an anchored chemical tanker and held the duty motor man as hostage. The duty engineer noticed the robbers and informed the duty officer who raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers","Desc2":"escaped with engine spares. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":101.43333,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2012-32","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"DUAMI INNER AHCNORAGE, INDONESIA: Four robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored tanker. They entered the engine room, tied up the duty engineer and stole ship's stores. They took the duty engineer to the stern and disembarked into a waiting boat. No","Desc2":"injuries to crew.","coords.x1":101.45667,"coords.x2":1.705} {"Reference":"2012-26","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"BINTAN ISLAND, INDONESIA: Four robbers wearing masks, armed with choppers and knives in a boat approached an anchored container ship. Two of the robbers attempted to board the ship by climbing the anchor chain. Duty crew noticed the robbers and informed","Desc2":"the bridge who raised the alarm. Crew mustered and activated the fire hoses resulting in the robbers aborting the attempted boarding.","coords.x1":104.70139,"coords.x2":1.40472} {"Reference":"2012-19","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"JAKARTA ROADS, INDONESIA: Around seven armed robbers boarded an anchored container ship. Duty watchman found the steering gear door open and entered to investigate. The robbers caught the watchman, took him hostage, covered his eyes with plastic and","Desc2":"stole his radio. One robber stood guard with the watchman while the others entered the engine room. After around 20 minutes the robbers left the engine room and escaped. The duty watchman went to the bridge and raised the alarm.","coords.x1":106.855,"coords.x2":6.10333} {"Reference":"2012-3","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"DUMAI INNER ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Four robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored tanker unnoticed and entered the engine room. They took hostage the 2nd Engineer and motorman, forced them to open the spare store and tied their hands. The robbers","Desc2":"stole ship's spares and escaped. The duty crew managed to free themselves and alert the Master.","coords.x1":101.46667,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2011-495","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Chemical tanker boarded and robbed by three people on 25 December at 0100 LT while anchored in position 01-42.4N 101-28.6E, while in the Dumai Inner Anchorage. They entered the engine room through the engine room's skylight door and stole","Desc2":"generator spares. The fourth engineer spotted the robbers as they left the engine room and raised the alarm. (IMB)","coords.x1":101.47667,"coords.x2":1.70667} {"Reference":"2011-494","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG AND BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Barge boarded on 24 December at 0930 LT while it was being towed by a tug in position 01-10N 103-39E, approximately 15 nm southwest of Singapore, at Western Boarding Ground 'B'. Robbers disguised themselves as merchants in boats attempting to","Desc2":"sell items. Some of them approached the barge from right astern, boarded it, and stole items. Later a Singapore Navy ship chased the boats away. After the naval vessel left, the small boats approached the tug and barge again, but were not able to board","Desc3":"either vessel. (IMB)","coords.x1":103.65,"coords.x2":1.16667} {"Reference":"2011-491","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG AND BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Six robbers armed with knives boarded a tug towing a barge and took hostage the six crew members. The robbers stole crew personal belongings and cash before escaping in their speed boat.","coords.x1":103.35,"coords.x2":1.2175} {"Reference":"2012-1","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG AND BARGE","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT: Six robbers armed with knives boarded a tug towing a barge and took hostage the six crew members. The robbers stole crew personal properties and cash before escaping in their speed boat. Vessels are advised to use caution.","coords.x1":103.35,"coords.x2":1.225} {"Reference":"2011-487","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded 10 December at 0340 LT while anchored in position 01-42N 101-29E, approximately 2 nm northeast of Dumai. Three robbers boarded, entered the engine room, took a motorman hostage and stole engine spares before escaping. (IMB)","coords.x1":101.48333,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2011-486","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"DUMAI QUARANTINE ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Three robbers armed with long knives boarded an anchored tanker. They entered into the accommodation and threatened the duty A/B. Once the robbers escaped, the A/B informed the bridge. All crew alerted and a search","Desc2":"was carried out.","coords.x1":101.49333,"coords.x2":1.70833} {"Reference":"2011-488","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"45 MILES OFF PANGKOR ISLAND MALAYSIA: Four pirates in a speed boat attacked and hijacked two fishing vessels carrying out fishing operation. Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) received information from the owners and coordinated with the Royal","Desc2":"Malaysian Navy and dispatched two coast guard boats, one warship and one Navy helicopter to investigate and assist. Upon reaching the location they sighted the pirates were sailing the vessels towards Indonesian waters. The warships and CG boats detained","Desc3":"the boats and two pirates. The remaining pirates jumped overboard and escaped in a speed boat.","coords.x1":99.83333,"coords.x2":4.41667} {"Reference":"2011-478","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"DUMAI PORT ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Four robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored crude oil tanker, took the duty oiler as hostage and entered the engine store room. The robbers stole ship stores, released the oiler and escaped.","coords.x1":101.46444,"coords.x2":1.68889} {"Reference":"2011-477","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Crude oil tanker boarded 30 November at 2245 local time while anchored in position 01-42N 101-30E, approximately 3 miles east-northeast of Dumai, Indonesia. The alert crew raised the alarm and the robbers escaped. Nothing stolen. (IMB)","coords.x1":101.5,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2011-472","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"BELAWAN ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Robbers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor. Robbers stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed. Master reported to port authority.","coords.x1":98.79167,"coords.x2":3.93667} {"Reference":"2011-465","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Chemical tanker boarded and robbed 16 November at 0330 LT while anchored in position 03-56N 098-48E, Belawan Anchorage. The robbers boarded, stole the ship's stores, and escaped without notice. The master reported the incident to the port","Desc2":"authority. (IMB)","coords.x1":98.8,"coords.x2":3.93333} {"Reference":"2011-473","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NATUNA SEA, INDONESIA: Twelve pirates armed with guns boarded the tanker underway. Pirates took control of the ship, tied up the crew and navigated the vessel to an unknown position. On 28 Oct, the owners were able to establish contact with the ship and","Desc2":"reported to the Malaysian Navy and Coast Guard/MMEA. After nearly 40 hours the Maritime Authorities located and freed the vessel.","coords.x1":104.56667,"coords.x2":1.4} {"Reference":"2011-445","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Two attempted boardings of chemical tanker at anchor 26 October at 0130 near position 01-42.2N 101-29.3E, Dumai Inner Anchorage. Robbers used folded rods with a hook to climb. Alert duty watchman sighted the robbers and informed bridge. Bridge","Desc2":"officer raised alarm and mustered crew. Seeing crew alertness the robbers aborted the attempt and moved away. 30 minutes another boat with five robbers approached the vessel from astern and attempted to board the vessel. Once again alert watchkeeping","Desc3":"ensured the robbers aborted the attempt. Nothing stolen. (IMB)","coords.x1":101.48833,"coords.x2":1.70333} {"Reference":"2011-438","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT AND BARGE","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: Pirates in two boats approached and followed a barge towed by a tug near position 01-15.5N 104-02.0E on 25 October. The crew directed searchlights towards the barge but could not detect the small boats. Master contacted other vessels including","Desc2":"a security vessel in their convoy. Later a Singapore navy warship contacted and alerted the tugs Master that there are two small boats hiding behind his barge. Master altered course and spotted the two pirate boats resulting in the boats moving away. At","Desc3":"0200 LT, small boats once agan approached the barge. The navy warship spotted the boats and alerted the Master. Even with the presence of the warship the pirates boarded the barge. Upon inspection properties and stores of the barge were found stolen.","Desc4":"(IMB)","coords.x1":104.03333,"coords.x2":1.25833} {"Reference":"2011-471","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT AND BARGE","Desc1":"OFF PULAU BINTAN, INDOANESIA: Armed pirates boarded a tug towing a loaded barge underway from Sarawak to Johor. They took hostage the crewmembers, tied their hands and locked them in a cabin. The pirates hijacked the vessel and sailed into Malaysian","Desc2":"waters where the pirates ordered the barge to be cast off. They then sailed the tug in a southerly direction and prior disembarking damaged the tug's communication, stole crew cash and personal belongings. The captain sailed the tug to Pasir Gudang port","Desc3":"and reported the incident.On 27 October, MMEA personnel managed to locate the barge off Tanjung Punggai, Johor.","coords.x1":105.3,"coords.x2":1.5} {"Reference":"2011-428","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: On 10 October at 0335 LT, Tug BRITOIL 71 boarded and robbed at position 01-02N 103-38E. Armed with parangs and a handgun, the five masked robbers took away a laptop, mobile phones, and cash from the crew before escaping.","coords.x1":103.63333,"coords.x2":1.03333} {"Reference":"2011-434","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS: Five masked pirates armed with pistols and long knives boarded a tug under towing operations. They stole crew cash and personal belongings and escaped. The incident was reported to Port Operations Control Center, Singapore.","coords.x1":103.63833,"coords.x2":1.04667} {"Reference":"2011-383","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"DUMAI INNER ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Six robbers armed with knives in a boat approached an anchored chemical tanker. Three of the robbers boarded the tanker from the stern. They threatened the duty AB on deck. Duty officer on bridge raised the alarm upon","Desc2":"sighting the robbers. Robbers managed to escape with stolen ship's property. The master made several attemptes to contact the port authorities but received no response.","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.66667} {"Reference":"2011-387","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"TEBING ISLAND, INDONESIA: Three robbers in a wooden boat boarded a chemical tanker at anchor via the stern. Duty A/B spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. Seeing the crew alertness the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Master reported to local","Desc2":"authorities and they conducted an investigation.","coords.x1":103.51056,"coords.x2":1.06389} {"Reference":"2011-377","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"NIPAH ISLAND, INDONESIA: Four robbers armed with long knives boarded a tanker carrying out STS operations, the robbers entered the engine room and were spotted by the duty oiler who raised the alarm. All crew mustered in the CCR and contacted CSO and","Desc2":"local authorities. Later navy personel boarded the vessel to carry out a search.","coords.x1":103.59583,"coords.x2":1.12417} {"Reference":"2011-376","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: Petroleum product tanker (VALIANT) was robbed 26 August at 0225 LT while underway in position 01-25N 104-29E, approximately 38NM northeast of Singapore. Seven to nine robbers boarded the vessel and left after stealing some shipboard equipment","Desc2":"and the crew's personal belongings. The crew was not injured. When the Singapore Police Coast Guard (PCG) arrived and boarded the vessel the robbers had already left. (ReCaap)","coords.x1":104.48333,"coords.x2":1.41667} {"Reference":"2011-370","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"BELAWAN PORT, INDONESIA: Two robbers boarded a berthed bulk carrier during cargo operations. Four crew members on security watch and the 2nd officer at the gangway rushed to the poop deck upon hearing a loud knocking sound. The 2nd officer saw the","Desc2":"robbers with a big heavy black bag and he tried to stop them. The robbers pushed the officer and threw the bag ashore and escaped with ship's properties.","coords.x1":98.70167,"coords.x2":3.78833} {"Reference":"2011-360","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: A chemical tanker was boarded 12 August at 0230 LT while anchored in postion 01-42.27N 101-28.70E, 2NM off the coast of Dumai, Indonesia. Three robbers boarded the vessel via the poop deck. The alert deck crew saw the robbers and notified the","Desc2":"duty officer, who then raised the alarm. The robbers escaped and nothing was stolen (IMB)","coords.x1":101.47833,"coords.x2":1.7045} {"Reference":"2011-363","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: A tug and barge was robbed 11 August at 1530 LT while transiting from Port Klang to Kuching, Malaysia. The crew discovered goods were stolen from containers after the tug and barge arrived at the discharge port. (IMB)","coords.x1":101.4,"coords.x2":3} {"Reference":"2011-354","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An LPG tanker was boarded 8 August at 0200 LT while at anchor in position 01-15N 103-27E, approximately 13NM west of Singapore. Four robbers armed with long knives boarded an anchored LPG tanker. They entered the engine room, tied up the duty","Desc2":"oiler, stole engine spares, and escaped. The oiler managed to release himself and raise the alarm. Authorities informed. (IMB)","coords.x1":103.45972,"coords.x2":1.26111} {"Reference":"2011-359","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"12 MILES OFF PULAU MERUNDUNG, SOUTH CHINA SEA: Eight pirates armed with knives boarded a tug underway. They stole ship stores and crew personal belongings. Pirates left the ship after one hour. All crew safe.","coords.x1":109.25861,"coords.x2":2.19278} {"Reference":"2011-332","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: A chemical tanker was robbed 19 July at 2130 UTC while anchored in position 03-55.9N 098-45.8E in the Belewan anchorage, Indonesia. The duty watchman sighted three robbers and informed the officer of the watch (OOW), the OOW then raised the","Desc2":"alarm and mustered the crew. The robbers escaped with the ship's stores. Port authorities did not respond. (IMB)","coords.x1":98.76333,"coords.x2":3.93167} {"Reference":"2011-316","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"PRIOK PORT, JAKARTA, INDONESIA: A bulk carrier was robbed 3 July at 2115 UTC while berthed in position 06-05.9S 106-53.0E at Tg. Priok Port, Jakarta, Indonesia. Three robbers with knives boarded the vessel via the shore side cargo net while it was","Desc2":"engaged in discharge operations. The duty crew noticed them near the forward store and informed the duty officer, who raised the alarm. The duty crew tried to stop the robbers but were threatened with a knife. The robbers escaped via the sea side with","Desc3":"stolen properties, using a small boat. (IMB)","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.09833} {"Reference":"2011-317","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: A U.S.-owned bulk carrier experienced an attempted boarding 1 July while underway in position 01-16.6N 104-12.8E at 1541 UTC, approximately 22NM southeast of Singapore. Robbers from four fast moving boats attempted to board, the alarm was","Desc2":"raised, fire hoses were activated, deck lights and search lights were activated, and vessel engaged in evasive maneuvers. After several attempts, the robbers aborted the attack. (IMB, Commercial Source, Open Source)","coords.x1":104.21333,"coords.x2":1.27667} {"Reference":"2011-318","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: A tug was boarded by robbers 1 July at 1835 UTC while in position 01-31.6N 104-32.2E, approximately 41NM northeast of Singapore. A duty officer onboard a tug towing a barge spotted three pirates with knives and sounded the alarm. The","Desc2":"robbers escaped using a black speedboat. Nothing was stolen. (IMB, Open Source)","coords.x1":104.53667,"coords.x2":1.52667} {"Reference":"2011-284","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: An LPG tanker was robbed 6 June at 1500 UTC while underway in position 01-09N 103-48E, approximately 11NM southwest of Singapore. Eight masked robbers on one speed boat boarded the tanker at the starboard quarter. The robbers were armed with","Desc2":"long knives. The robbers took mobile phones, laptops, and cash before escaping. (Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":103.8,"coords.x2":1.15} {"Reference":"2011-281","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: A container ship was boarded 1 June at 2035 UTC while anchored in the Jakarta anchorage, Indonesia. Eight robbers boarded the vessel. The Master raised the alarm and the ship's crew mustered. After the alert was raised, the robbers jumped","Desc2":"overboard and escaped. A few padlocks were opened and damaged, but no stores were stolen. (IMB)","coords.x1":106.21667,"coords.x2":-5.38333} {"Reference":"2011-276","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS: A general cargo ship was robbed 1 June at 2130 UTC while underway in position 01-10N 103-51E, approximately 10NM southwest of Singapore. Five armed robbers boarded the vessel, stole the ship's cash and personal belongings, and escaped.","Desc2":"(IMB)","coords.x1":103.85,"coords.x2":1.16667} {"Reference":"2011-278","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: A tanker was robbed 29 May at 1730 UTC while underway in position 01-19N 104-54E, approximately 62NM southeast of Singapore. Six robbers boarded the vessel, stole cash and other valuables, and escaped. (Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":104.9,"coords.x2":1.31667} {"Reference":"2011-279","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA: A barge under tow was robbed 26 May at 0300 UTC while underway in position 01-11N 103-56E, approximately 10NM southeast of Singapore. Robbers stole the ship's stores and escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":103.93333,"coords.x2":1.18333} {"Reference":"2011-280","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: A container vessel was boarded 21 May at 2242 UTC while anchored in the Jakarta Anchorage, Indonesia. Robbers in a boat approached the vessel from its stern. The bosun and security watchmen saw that two robbers had boarded the vessel and","Desc2":"informed the duty officer. After the alert, the robbers jumped in the water and escaped. Nothing was stolen. (IMB)","coords.x1":106.21667,"coords.x2":-5.38333} {"Reference":"2011-267","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An oil tanker was robed 18 May during the morning while anchored in position 06-01S 106-54E in Jakarta, Robbers boarded the vessel, stole the ship's stores, and escaped unnoticed. (IMB)","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2011-252","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"BELAWAN ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Two robbers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor. Duty crew spotted the robbers and informed 2nd officer who raised the alarm. Upon seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped empty handed in an unlit boat. Inspection","Desc2":"revealed that the bosun store's door was forced open by the robbers.","coords.x1":98.75,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2011-255","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: A barge was robbed 15 May at 0105 LT while underway in position 01-14.97N 104-06.81E, approximately 16 miles southeast of Singapore. Eight robbers in a sampan (small wooden boat) boarded the stern of the barge. The robbers stole ropes","Desc2":"and broke into containers onboard the barge. (ReCAAP)","coords.x1":104.1135,"coords.x2":1.2495} {"Reference":"2011-231","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"DUMAI ANCHORAGE INDONESIA: Three armed robers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor via the poop deck and tool hostage the 3rd engineer. They entered the engine room and stole ship's properties. Duty oiler saw the robbers and informed the bridge who raised","Desc2":"the alarm. Robbers escaped with the stolen stores.","coords.x1":101.43333,"coords.x2":1.71667} {"Reference":"2011-221","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"1.8 MILES SOUTH OF BATU PENGERANG, JOHOR, MALAYSIA: Pirates boarded a barge towed by a tug while crew were preparing for anchoring procedures. They broke open three containers, stole some of the cargo and escaped. After anchoring, the captain and crew","Desc2":"checked the containers and noticed the theft. Authorities were informed.","coords.x1":104.1,"coords.x2":1.33333} {"Reference":"2011-217","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Seven robbers boarded a general cargo vessel 25 April at 0055Z while underway in position 02-57N 105-17E, approximately 43 miles southwest of the Anambas Islands, Indonesia. The robbers took the officer of the watch and the duty able","Desc2":"seaman hostage in the third officer's cabin. The robbers forced the two of them to take the robbers to the captain's cabin. The robbers ordered the captain to take them to the poop deck, where they departed the vessel with the ship's cash, property and","Desc3":"personal effects. (IMB)","coords.x1":105.28333,"coords.x2":2.95} {"Reference":"2011-216","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Seven robers boarded a bulk carrier 24 April at 2010Z while underway in position 03-08N 105-16E, approximately 45 miles northeast of the Anambas Islands, Indonesia. The robbers boarded the bulk carrier from a wooden boat. They departed","Desc2":"the vesssel from the stern with personal belongings and cash from the Master's and second officer's cabins. (IMB)","coords.x1":105.26667,"coords.x2":3.13333} {"Reference":"2011-208","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: One robber boarded a chemical tanker 18 April at 1955 UTC while anchored in position 01-42.33N 101-27.16E, in the Dumai inner anchorage, Indonesia. Six to seven robbers in a wooden boat approached the vessel. One robber boarded the vessel, but","Desc2":"escaped after the duty deck crew noticed him onboard and the alarm was raised. (IMB)","coords.x1":101.45267,"coords.x2":1.7055} {"Reference":"2011-209","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: Robbers boarded a barge 17 April at 2112 UTC while underway in position 01-15.2N 104-03.2E, approximately seven NM southeast of Changi, Singapore. The Singapore Police Coast Guard (PCG) sighted a sampan alongside the vessel. The PCG spotted","Desc2":"four to five men departing the barge on two sampans. Four containers on the barge were broken into, and some items were missing. (ReCAAP)","coords.x1":104.05333,"coords.x2":1.25333} {"Reference":"2011-206","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Three robbers boarded a tanker 14 April at 1750 UTC while anchored in position 01-41.6N 101-29.8E, in the Dumai anchorage, Indonesia. The robbers entered the engine room through the steering gear room entrance after breaking the padlock. The","Desc2":"third engineer was threatened by one of the robbers with a knife and pushed to the corner of the store room. The oiler on duty raised the alarm after spotting the robbers and the robbers escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":101.49667,"coords.x2":1.69333} {"Reference":"2011-191","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDOPALM TERMINAL, LUBUK GAUNG, DUMAI, INDONESIA: Five robbers in a small boat approached and came alongside a chemical tanker at berth. One of the robbers attempted to climb onboard using the fire wire. Duty crew noticed the robbers and informed other","Desc2":"crewmembers. The robber aborted the attempted boarding upon seeing the crewmembers on deck.","coords.x1":101.36944,"coords.x2":1.75361} {"Reference":"2011-192","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: A tug was robbed in transit 01 April at 1530Z while underway in position 02-48N 105-31E, approximately 135 miles northeast of Singapore. Eight suspects armed with knives boarded the vessel. (Commercial sources)","coords.x1":105.51667,"coords.x2":2.8} {"Reference":"2011-193","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: An offshore supply tug was robbed in transit 31 Mar at 1430Z while underway in position 02-04N 106-00E, approximately 137 miles northeast of Singapore. A speedboat with ten robbers in masks carrying knives boarded and robbed the vessel","Desc2":"of electronics, to include cell phones and laptops, and crew cash.","coords.x1":106,"coords.x2":2.06667} {"Reference":"2011-182","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Pirates in a speed boat approached a chemical tanker underway at a distance of less than four cables. Master raised alarm, took evasive maneuvers and warned all ship in the vicinity via vhf. The pirates aborted the attempted attack after 25","Desc2":"minutes of chasing.","coords.x1":104.85,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"2011-181","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: A chemical tanker was chased by two speed boats 25 Mar at 1340 UTC while underway in position 03-11N 105-23E, approximately 15 NM off Palau Mangkai. The speedboats approached at 22 knots; the tanker increased its speed and evaded the","Desc2":"speedboats, which broke off pursuit after 70 minutes. The vessel experienced a suspicious approach by a speedboat 25 Mar at 0720 UTC while underway in position 02-03N 104-51E, approximately 50 NM northeast of Bintan Island. The tanker evaded the","Desc3":"speedboat, and the attempt was aborted after 25 minutes. (Commercial Sources)","coords.x1":105.38333,"coords.x2":3.18333} {"Reference":"2011-166","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Eight pirates in a speed boat armed with long knives approached a general cargo ship underway. They attempted to board the ship using a long bamboo pole attached with a hook. Duty A/B noticed the pirates and informed master who raised","Desc2":"the alarm. SSAS activated and crew mustered. One of the pirates tried to board the ship but was unsuccessful because of the presence of the bosun who was holding an iron bar. The pirates aborted the attempted attack upon seeing the crew alertness.","Desc3":"Vessels requested to be cautious.","coords.x1":105.12333,"coords.x2":1.585} {"Reference":"2011-160","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"45 MILES NORTHEAST OF HORSBURGH LIGHTHOUSE, SOUTH CHINA SEA: Eight pirates in a speed boat armed with long knives approached a general cargo ship underway. They attempted to baord the ship using a long bamboo pole attached with a hook. Duty A/B noticed","Desc2":"the pirates and informed master who raised the alarm. SSAS activated and crew mustered. One of the pirates tried to board the ship but was unsuccessful because of the presence of the bosun who was holding an iron bar. The pirates aborted the attempted","Desc3":"attack upon seeing the crew alertness.","coords.x1":105.12611,"coords.x2":1.585} {"Reference":"2011-163","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Eight pirates armed with long knives in a speed boat boarded a general cargo ship underway. They took hostage the duty officer and brought him to the master's cabin. The pirates stole ship's cash, properties and master's personal","Desc2":"belongings and left the ship after 20 minutes. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":105.28667,"coords.x2":2.91833} {"Reference":"2011-159","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier was chased 18 Mar at 0300 local time while underway in position 01-05N 103-35E, approximately 5.9NM SW of Pulau Nippa, in the Philip Channel. Four small boats approached and chased the vessel. The crew used their search lights,","Desc2":"conducted evasive maneuvers, and yelled loudly. After 30 minutes the attempted boarding was aborted. (IMB, ReCAAP)","coords.x1":103.58333,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"2011-158","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: A general cargo ship was robbed 16 Mar at 0405 local time while at anchorage in position 03-56N 098-46E, Belawan anchorage. Multiple robbers were noticed onboard, the master raised the alarm, and the robbers escaped with ship?s stores.(IMB)","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.93333} {"Reference":"2011-153","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Eight armed pirates in a rigid boat approached a tanker underway at high speed. Alert crew noticed the boat and informed the duty officer who raised the alarm, activated SSAS and anti-piracy measures. Upon seeing the crew alertness the","Desc2":"pirates aborted the attempted attack.","coords.x1":105.37167,"coords.x2":3.00833} {"Reference":"2011-147","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Product tanker was boarded 9 Mar at 0245 local time while at anchorage in position 06-00S 106-53E, at Tanjung Priok anchorage, Indonesia. Six robbers armed with long knives boarded the product tanker. They were noticed by the duty crew who","Desc2":"raised alarm. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped without stealing anything. (IMB)","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"2011-148","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Chemical tanker was boarded 8 Mar at 0800 local time while at anchorage in position 01-19.7N 104-17.3E, off of Pulau Mungging, Malaysia. Unnoticed by crew members, robbers boarded the vessel. The boarding was noticed in the morning when bosun","Desc2":"reported storeroom locks broken. Nothing was missing. (IMB)","coords.x1":104.28833,"coords.x2":1.32833} {"Reference":"2011-133","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS: Tanker was robbed while at anchorage in position 01-19.67N 104-17.23E, approximately 2.1NM SSW of Pulau Mungging. Five robbers armed with machetes and handguns boarded the tanker.The robbers stole two computers and some engine spare","Desc2":"parts from the engine room, before escaping in a speed boat. The crew was not injured. (ReCAAP)","coords.x1":104.28717,"coords.x2":1.32783} {"Reference":"2011-115","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tanker was robbed 17 Feb at 2030 local time while underway 11NM off Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Five robbers wearing masks armed with long knives boarded the vessel, tied up all crew, and stole tanker and crew cash and personal belongings","Desc2":"and escaped in a speed boat. (IMB)","coords.x1":116.06667,"coords.x2":5.98333} {"Reference":"2011-114","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: Tug was robbed 17 Feb at 0540 local time while underway in position 01-08.1N 103-32.2E. Six robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel and attempted to take money from the crew. All accesses were locked, and the pirates stole","Desc2":"ship properties and bridge crew personal belongings and escaped. Singapore VTS and coast guard were informed (IMB)","coords.x1":103.53667,"coords.x2":1.135} {"Reference":"2011-107","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: Tug was boarded by robbers 14 Feb at 0415 local time while underway in position 01-04.98N 103-35.10E, approximately 6NM SW of Pulau Nipah, Indonesia. Eight to ten robbers boarded the vessel armed with parangs (machetes) from a motorised","Desc2":"sampan. They robbed the crew of their belongings and escaped. There were no injuries to the crew. (ReCAAP)","coords.x1":103.585,"coords.x2":1.083} {"Reference":"2011-108","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: Tug was boarded by two suspects 11 Feb at 0805 local time, while at anchor in position 01-11N 103-35E, approximately 4.5NM NW of Pulau Nipah, Indonesia. Nothing was stolen and the robbers escaped in a small wooden boat. (ReCAAP, IMB)","coords.x1":103.58333,"coords.x2":1.18333} {"Reference":"2011-93","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker was robbed 27 Jan at 0330 local time while at anchorage in Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, Indonesia. The duty crew on the bridge wing of the vessel noticed a robber on the main deck and another robber climbing onboard. The duty crew and","Desc2":"officer shouted at the robbers who jumped overboard and escaped in their waiting boat. Upon investigation, three padlocks were broken and some engine spares were stolen. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.13333} {"Reference":"2011-74","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Product tanker was robbed 13 Jan at 0430 local time while at anchor in position 01-18.1N 104-12.14E, off of Tg Ayaam, Malaysia. Four robbers armed with a gunand knives boarded a product tanker at anchor. They entered the engine room and","Desc2":"threatened the duty engineer who managed to escape and inform the officer on bridge. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The robbers escaped without stealing anything. (IMB)","coords.x1":104.20233,"coords.x2":1.30167} {"Reference":"2011-54","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tug was robbed 02 January 11 at 0400 local time while underway in position 01-13.29N 103-30.36E, approximately 3.8 NM off of Tg Piai, Malaysia. The vessel was boarded by ten robbers armed with pistols and machetes, and robbed of $3000 USD in","Desc2":"cash. (ONI)","coords.x1":103.506,"coords.x2":1.2215} {"Reference":"2011-37","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tug was robbed 31 Dec at 0430 local tie while underway in position 01-14N 103-26E, approximately four nautical miles off Johor, Malaysia. The vessel was in position when it was boarded by six armed suspects in a single speed boat dressed in","Desc2":"black and armed knives. The crew were threatened and ordered to surrender their valuables and cash before beig tied up with rope. (IMB)","coords.x1":103.43333,"coords.x2":1.23333} {"Reference":"2011-38","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: Tug was robbed 30 Dec at 0535 local tie while underway in position 01-19.97N 104-17.62E, approximately 3.5 miles southeast of Tanjung Ramunia. Six robbers boarded the vessel from a speedboat and held the crew hostage before stealing personal","Desc2":"belongings. There were no crew injuries reported. The Singapore Navy and Coast Guard were informed.","coords.x1":104.29367,"coords.x2":1.33283} {"Reference":"2011-39","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: General cargo ship was suspiciously approached 24 Dec at 1800 local time while underway in position 03-02N 105-17E, off Mangkai Island of the Anambas Archipelago. The officer of the watch spotted a speed boat with nine criminals on board. The","Desc2":"vessel engaged in evasive maneuvers and the suspect speed boat broke off its approach. A search was carried out and no criminals were found on board.","coords.x1":105.28333,"coords.x2":3.03333} {"Reference":"2011-13","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: Tug boat was robbed 23 Dec 10 at 1940 UTC while underway in position 01-12.32N 103-34.18E, approximately 5NM southeast of Tg Piai, TSS westbound lane, Singapore. Eight armed pirates boarded a tug underway and held all other crew except the","Desc2":"master as hostage on the bridge. Pirates stole ship's equipment and crew properties before escaping. (IMB)","coords.x1":103.56967,"coords.x2":1.20533} {"Reference":"2010-539","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship was robbed 14 Dec 10 at 0300 local time while at anchor in position 06-00S 106-54E in Tanjung Priok anchorage, Jakarta. Five robbers armed with long knives boarded a container ship at anchor. They took the duty watch hostage and","Desc2":"threatened him with knives. Three of the robbers entered the accommodatioin and stole ships property from the safety locker. The robbers escaped in a waiting speed boat. (IMB)","coords.x1":106.90333,"coords.x2":-6.01167} {"Reference":"2010-534","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA, JAWA SEA: Pirates in an unlit wooden boat attempted to board a bulk carrier underway equipped with razor wires as a defense. Ship raised alarm and crew directed search lights towards the boat resulting in the pirates moving away.","coords.x1":106.98667,"coords.x2":-5.56} {"Reference":"2010-465","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker robber 16 Nov at 0435 local time while underway in position 02-00N 108-45.5E, near Pulau Merundung, Indonesia. Six robbers armed with knives boarded a product tanker underway. They entered the mess room and took an AB hostage. Later","Desc2":"they entered the master's cabin and stole ship's cash and personal belongings. The robbers took the Master and the AB to the poop deck, tied them to a winch and escaped in a waiting boat. After releasing themselves, the Master went to the bridge where","Desc3":"the duty officer indicated that he was not aware of the incident.","coords.x1":108.75833,"coords.x2":2} {"Reference":"2010-457","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"WEST OF KEPULAUAN TAMBELAN, INDONESIA: Eight pirates armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier underway. Pirates stole ship's cash, crew personal properties and escaped.","coords.x1":106.66667,"coords.x2":1.02833} {"Reference":"2010-439","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded 7 Nov 10 at 0140 local time while at anchor in position 01-41N 101-27E, in Dumai Inner Anchorage. Two robbers boarded a product tanker at anchor. Duty watch keepers spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. The robbers jumped","Desc2":"overboard and escaped. Port authorities informed. (IMB)","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.68333} {"Reference":"2010-440","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier robbed 6 Nov 10 at 1953 local time while underway in position 01-01N 106-41E, approximately 40NM west of Kepulauan Tembelan. Six pirates armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier underway. Pirates entered the bridge and tied","Desc2":"the hands of six watch keepers. Pirates took the hostage to the master's cabin, stole ship's cash and personal properties, and escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":106.68333,"coords.x2":1.01667} {"Reference":"2010-427","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier robbed 2 Nov at 0420 local time while conducting cargo operations in Belawan port. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier at berth during cargo operations. Duty crew on rounds noticed the robbers and","Desc2":"approached them. The robbers threatened the duty crew with long knives, threw a life raft overboard, and escaped. Watch officer raised alarm and crew mustered. (IMB)","coords.x1":98.69056,"coords.x2":3.78306} {"Reference":"2010-414","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tug boat (SURYA PUTRA 5) robbed 24 Oct 10 at 1620 local time while underway in position 01-01.4S 104-29.04E, 8NM east of Selat Berhala. Two boats with 11 robbers armed with knives and parangs came alongside tug boat. The robbers demanded","Desc2":"Marine Gas Oil (MGO) from the crew and threatened them when they expressed reluctance to give in as they may not have enough fuel to reach their destination, Palembang, Indonesia. Later, the robbers succeeded and took three drums of MGO with them in","Desc3":"their boats. The crew was not injured and no personal belongings were stolen. (ReCAAP)","coords.x1":104.484,"coords.x2":-1.02333} {"Reference":"2010-385","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Product tanker boarded 20 Oct 10 between 0300 and 0400 local time while at anchor in position 01-24N 104-34E off Kepulauan Lingga, Indonesia. An unknown number of robbers boarded a product tanker at anchor. Robbers broke into the","Desc2":"steering gear room and stole ship's stores. Duty officer on safety and security rounds noticed the barefoot marks near the steering gear room and engine room and raised alarm. Robbers escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":104.56667,"coords.x2":1.4} {"Reference":"2010-390","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier robbed 16 Oct 10 at 0300 local time while at anchor in position 06-02.6S 106-54.1E in Jakarta. Four robbers boarded a bulk carrier ship at anchor. Upon noticing the engine store room padlock broken the duty motorman informed","Desc2":"bridge and the officer raised alarm. Crew mustered and searched the ship, but the robbers had already escaped with engine stores. (IMB)","coords.x1":106.90167,"coords.x2":-6.04333} {"Reference":"2010-394","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker (EAGLE CORONA) robbed 15 Oct 10 at 0250 local time while underway in position 02-06.17S 108-45.6E, approximately 26NM south of Pulau Karimata. Six robbers armed with long knives boarded a crude tanker underway. They took hostage three","Desc2":"crew members and forced entry into master's cabin. Before escaping, the pirates stole cash and personal belongings from the master and some crew members. One crew member was slightly injured on the neck and another had his hands tied. (IMB, ReCAAP)","coords.x1":108.76,"coords.x2":-2.10283} {"Reference":"2010-395","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tanker robbed 12 Oct 10 between 0100-0400 local time while at anchor in position 01-18.3N 104-12.1E in the Eastern OPL anchorage. An unknown number of robbers boarded a tanker at anchor. They broke the padlock of the FFA locker, stole ship's","Desc2":"stores, and escaped unnoticed. (IMB)","coords.x1":104.20167,"coords.x2":1.305} {"Reference":"2010-352","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"OFF BATU PUTIH, MALAYSIA: Robbers boarded a container ship at anchor and stole ship's properties. Upon noticing the store rooms broken into, the duty A/B raised the alarm. Crew mustered and searched the ship but the robbers had already escaped.","coords.x1":104.35028,"coords.x2":1.36944} {"Reference":"2010-366","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS: Container ship robbed 3 Oct 10 at 0430 local time while at anchor in position 01-22.16N 104-21.01E off Batu Putih, Malaysia. Robbers boarded a container ship at anchor and stole ship's properties. Upon noticing the store rooms broken","Desc2":"into, the duty watchman raised the alarm. The crew mustered and searched the ship but the robbers had already escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":104.35017,"coords.x2":1.36933} {"Reference":"2010-341","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SELAT BERHALA, INDONESIA: Twelve pirates armed with knives borded a tug towing a barge. Crew enforced anti-piracy measures and contacted owners. Owners contacted the IMB piracy reporting center and requested assistance. The center immediately contacted","Desc2":"the authorities and relayed the tug's request for the assistance. When pirates could not enter the accomodation they disembarked and proceeded to board the barge. Pirates stole ship's stores and equipment and lowered them into the boat. A naval patrol","Desc3":"craft contacted the tug and arrived at the location.","coords.x1":104.30778,"coords.x2":-0.88333} {"Reference":"2010-316","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VEHICLE CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Vehicle carrier (CHEERLEADER) boarded 10 Sep 10 at 2320 local time while underway in position 01-55.0N 109-05.0E, approximately 10NM southwest of Pulau Merundung, Indonesia. About eight robbers armed with long knives boarded a vehicle","Desc2":"carrier underway. The men tied up master and some crew members. They stole ship's cash and crew properties before escaping. None of the crew was injured. (IMB, FP)","coords.x1":109.08333,"coords.x2":1.91667} {"Reference":"2010-320","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker reported attempted boarding 9 Sep 10 at 2110 local time while underway at position 02-00.53N 109-04.39E, approximately 4NM southwest of Pulau Merundung, Indonesia. While on counter-piracy watch, crew onboard a tanker underway","Desc2":"noticed a hook hanging from the poop deck railing with one pirate armed with a knife attempting to board the vessel. Crew informed bridge, raised alarm, and mustered rest of crew. Pirates escaped in their waiting booth with remaining accomplices. There","Desc3":"was no injury to the crew and nothing was stolen. (IMB)","coords.x1":109.07317,"coords.x2":2.00883} {"Reference":"2010-307","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Container ship reported suspicious approach 5 Sep 10 at 1940 local time while underway in position 06-07.7N 112-26.4E, approximately 11NM north of Friendship Shoal reef. The master noticed two speed boats with four to five persons","Desc2":"onboard approaching at high speed from both sides of the vessel. He switched on deck and over side lights, raised the alarm, mustered the crew, and conducted evasive maneuvering. Upon seeing razor wire around the vessel, the men in the speed boats ended","Desc3":"their pursuit. (IMB)","coords.x1":112.44,"coords.x2":6.12833} {"Reference":"2010-310","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker robbed 5 Sep 10 at 0305 local time while underway in position 03-14.2N 105-17.2E, approximately 19NM northwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Four men armed with long knives boarded the vessel underway. They took the duty watch crew","Desc2":"hostage and proceeded to the master's cabin where they stole cash before escaping. A distress message was sent out by the vessel. (IMB)","coords.x1":105.28667,"coords.x2":3.23667} {"Reference":"2010-303","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Vessel boarded 1 Sep 10 at 2201 local time while underway in position 03-08.9N 105-25.2E, approximately 11NM northwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Prior to entering high risk area, the crew had locked all access to accommodation and","Desc2":"bridge. Upon seeing robbers onboard the vessel, the officer of the watch raised the alarm and all crew mustered on the bridge. Upon seeing the crew's alertness, the robbers escaped without stealing anything. (IMB)","coords.x1":105.42,"coords.x2":3.14833} {"Reference":"2010-299","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker robbed 1 Sep 10 at 0100 UTC at position 03-14.3N 105-19.6E, approximately 15NM northwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Six robbers with guns, knives, and steel rods boarded a tanker underway. They entered the bridge and took","Desc2":"hostage three crew members and tied up their hands. The robbers also took the master hostage when he opened his cabin door. Robbers stole ship's cash and the crew and ship's properties before escaping. (IMB)","coords.x1":105.32667,"coords.x2":3.23833} {"Reference":"2010-292","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Bulk carrier (IDEAL BULKER) robbed 30 Aug 10 at 0254 UTC at position 2-59.7N 105-12.2E, approximately 24NM southwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Six pirates in a small craft boarded the vessel from the stern. The pirates, who were armed","Desc2":"with long knives, took control of the bridge and tied up the bridge duty crew and counter-piracy watch with ropes. The pirates then forced the electric engineer to bring them to the Master's cabin, where they attempted to enter the cabin. The Master","Desc3":"raised the alarm and escaped through the porthole. The crew was mustered and they approached the Master's cabin. Upon seeing the crew being alerted, the pirates escaped with two binoculars and two sets of walkie talkies from the bridge. The Master","Desc4":"suffered injuries while escaping through the porthole, and the electrical engineer suffered head injuries when the pirates assaulted him. The Master reported the incident to the Hong Kong MRCC. ReCAAP Comment: Incidents occurring in the vicinity of Pulau","Desc5":"Mangkai tend to occur on consecutive days. Ship masters operating in the area, especially in the next 72 hours, are advised to exercise vigilance and take necessary precautionary measures to avoid boarding by pirates. (ReCAAP)","coords.x1":105.20333,"coords.x2":2.995} {"Reference":"2010-302","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker robbed 30 Aug 10 at 2330 UTC at position 03-03.8N 105-21.6E, approximately 12NM northwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Six robbers armed with guns and long knives boarded a tanker underway. They entered the bridge and took the","Desc2":"crew hostage. One robber remained on the bridge to guard the duty officer. The others took the other crewmember to the captain's cabin and stole ship's cash and other items. The robbers also ransacked the chief engineer's cabin. The deck duty watch","Desc3":"noticed the pirate's craft and raised the alarm. All crew mustered with weapons. The robbers tied the chief engineer to the guardrail, and escaped. (IMB)","coords.x1":105.36,"coords.x2":3.06333} {"Reference":"2010-288","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker robbed 21 Aug 10 at 2300 local time while underway in position 03-11.2N 105-22.2E, approximately 15NM northwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Six robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel while underway. They mustered the","Desc2":"crew and demanded money. They stole crew and ship's cash before escaping. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB).","coords.x1":105.37,"coords.x2":3.18667} {"Reference":"2010-289","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 20 Aug 10 at 0420 local time while underway in position 05-12.8N 106-32.6E, approximately 35NM northeast of Kakap Natuna oil terminal, Indonesia. Watch standers spotted three boats approach","Desc2":"less than 100 meters from the shipside. The master increased speed, conducted evasive maneuvers, and enforced counter-piracy measures to prevent boarding. After approximately 40 minutes, the boats abandoned the pursuit (IMB).","coords.x1":106.54333,"coords.x2":5.21333} {"Reference":"2010-283","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Bulk carrier (VINALINES STAR) robbed 18 Aug 10 at 0350 local time while underway in position 03-05N 105-24E, approximately 11NM west of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Six robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel via the starboard quarter.","Desc2":"They entered the bridge, tied up the duty officer and a second crewmember. They brought the crewmembers to the master's cabin and other crew's cabins and stole cash and other valuables. The master was held hostage the entire time until the robbers left","Desc3":"the vessel. No crewmembers were injured (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":105.4,"coords.x2":3.08333} {"Reference":"2010-284","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Product tanker (CHEM ORCHID) robbed 17 Aug 10 at 0340 local time while underway in position 03-17N 105-29E, approximately 13NM northwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Six robbers armed with automatic weapons and long knives boarded the","Desc2":"vessel from the starboard quarter in a small speed boat. They proceeded to the bridge, tied up the master and 2nd officer, and robbed the crew of cash and personal belongings before escaping in the speed boat. The master reported the incident to nearby","Desc3":"vessels on VHF Ch. 16 (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":105.48333,"coords.x2":3.28333} {"Reference":"2010-285","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Bulk carrier (BET FIGHTER) robbed 17 Aug 10 at 0250 local time while underway in position 03-05N 105-07E, approximately 28NM northwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Six robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel and entered the","Desc2":"bridge. They tied up the 2nd officer and other crewmembers before breaking into the master's cabin and threatening him. The master was tied up and the robbers escaped after stealing ship's properties and crew?s personal belongings (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":105.11667,"coords.x2":3.08333} {"Reference":"2010-286","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Chemical tanker (STOLT BOTAN) boarded 16 Aug 10 at 0145 local time while underway in position 03-15N 105-18.5E, approximately 19NM northwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Five or six robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel via the","Desc2":"poop deck. The master raised the alarm, mustered the crew and announced over the public address system about the incident. Nothing was reported stolen (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":105.30833,"coords.x2":3.25} {"Reference":"2010-282","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 12 Aug 10 at 1210 UTC while underway in position 01-26N 106-49E, approximately 16NM north of Dum Dum Islands. Four boats approached the vessel. The ship watch keepers activated fire hoses, turned on","Desc2":"signal light, increased speed, and carried out evasive maneuvers. The boats eventually moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":106.81667,"coords.x2":1.43333} {"Reference":"2010-281","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: General cargo ship boarded 12 Aug 10 at 1851 local time while anchored in position 01-42.8N 101-27.5E, Dumai port inner anchorage. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel and threatened the duty watchman with knives. The duty officer","Desc2":"noticed and raised the alarm and contacted port authorities. The robbers escaped and nothing was reported stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":101.45833,"coords.x2":1.71333} {"Reference":"2010-275","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tanker robbed 10 Aug 10 at 0330 local time while anchored in position 01-19.4N 104-14.7E, Pasir Gudang STS anchorage. Five robbers armed with pistols and knives boarded and entered the engine room. They tied up the duty motorman and stole spare","Desc2":"parts. The watch engineer found the motorman, untied him and informed the bridge, who raised the alarm. Port control was informed. The Malaysia coast guard boarded the tanker for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":104.245,"coords.x2":1.32333} {"Reference":"2010-277","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tug (VOS HYPERION) reported suspicious approach 5 Aug 10 at 0048 local time while underway in position 03-09.1N 108-24.3E, approximately 28NM northwest of Pulau Subi Besar, Indonesia. The master spotted an unlit small speed boat","Desc2":"approaching from the forward starboard quarter of the vessel. The master conducted evasive maneuvering and switched on the fore and aft search lights to indicate the crew was aware of being trailed. After awhile, the speed boat gave up pursuit and moved","Desc3":"away (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":108.405,"coords.x2":3.15167} {"Reference":"2010-276","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Bulk carrier robbed 5 Aug 10 while underway in position 02-56N 105-21E, approximately 16NM southwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Five robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel and took the 2nd officer and chief engineer hostage. They","Desc2":"stole money and personal belongings from the crew and escaped. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB).","coords.x1":105.35,"coords.x2":2.93333} {"Reference":"2010-268","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tanker (HIRYU) boarded 4 Aug 10 at 0347 local time while anchored in position 01:21.7N 104:20.4E, approximately 2.5NM east of Pulau Mungging. Three robbers reportedly armed with guns boarded the vessel. The crew raised the alarm and began","Desc2":"searching the vessel for the intruders, who later escaped in a boat. No crew members were injured and nothing was reported stolen (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.34,"coords.x2":1.36167} {"Reference":"2010-254","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: Tug reported suspicious approach 23 Jul 10 at 0540 local time while anchored in position 01-21.4N 104-27.5E, approximately 3NM northeast of Horsburgh Lighthouse, Singapore. The master reported two men in a small fast craft approached","Desc2":"the vessel at anchor with intent to board. The alert crew spotted the craft and directed searchlights toward it. Upon seeing the crew's alertness, the suspicious craft moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":104.45833,"coords.x2":1.35667} {"Reference":"2010-256","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: Bulk carrier (CAPE COSMOS) boarded 22 Jul 10 at 0330 local time while anchored in position 01-23.5N 104-30.9E, approximately 7NM northeast of Horsburgh Lighthouse, Singapore. Five men onboard a speedboat armed with guns and knives","Desc2":"boarded the vessel using ropes. The duty officer onboard noticed the boarding and sounded the general alarm. No injuries were reported and nothing was stolen (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.515,"coords.x2":1.39167} {"Reference":"2010-253","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship robbed 18 Jul 10 while anchored in position 03-55N 098-46E, approximately 9NM north of Belawan port. During the night while, robbers boarded the vessel undetected and broke into the paint locker and stole ship's stores. The","Desc2":"theft was in the morning (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2010-250","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: General cargo vessel reported attempted boarding 14 Jul 10 at 0200 local time while underway in position 01-58.9N 108-43.8E, approximately 5NM northeast of Muri Island. Nine robbers attempted to board the vessel underway. The men had secured a","Desc2":"line to the vessel when an alert watchman sighted the men and raised the alarm. The duty officer took evasive maneuvers and the robbers aborted the boarding attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":108.73,"coords.x2":1.98167} {"Reference":"2010-245","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Vessel robbed 7 Jul 10 at 1610 UTC while underway in position 01-19.5N 104-15.6E, STS lighting area, Johor port. Crewmembers on deck patrol noticed a small motor boat moving away from the ship's stern. The duty officer on the bridge was","Desc2":"immediately informed. Upon inspection, the fire station door was found open and ship's equipment was stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":104.26,"coords.x2":1.325} {"Reference":"2010-238","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: Tug robbed 28 Jun 10 at 1150 local time while underway in position 01-06N 103-44E, approximately 2NM east of Pulau Takong Kecil lighthouse, Indonesia. Five men in a rubber boat armed with long guns approached the vessel towing a barge.","Desc2":"They signaled the vessel to stop but the master ignored them. Three men boarded the vessel from the starboard side and proceeded to the bridge while the other two remained in their boat. They demanded two containers of fuel oil from the master and","Desc3":"escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":103.73333,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2010-239","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"KARIMUN BESAR, INDONESIA: Two speed boats approached a chemical tanker underway from the stbd and port side. Crew raised alarm and directed the search lights towards the boats. Ship's whistle sounded and evasive maneuvers undertaken. Later the boats","Desc2":"aborted the attack.","coords.x1":103.56472,"coords.x2":1.05917} {"Reference":"2010-217","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Container ship (KOTA DAHLIA) robbed 16 Jun 10 at 0300 local time while underway in position 03-01.9N 108-15.75E, approximately 35NM west of Pulau Subi-besar, Indonesia. Six robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel on the","Desc2":"starboard quarter from a speed boat using a hook with rope. They proceeded to the cabins of the master and the purser and restrained them inside. They stole cash and laptops before escaping in their boat. No crewmembers were injured (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":108.2625,"coords.x2":3.03167} {"Reference":"2010-220","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Container ship (KOTA DAMAI) robbed 15 Jun 10 at 0415 local time while underway in position 02-59.5N 108-11.0E, approximately 40NM west of Pulau Subi-besar, Indonesia. Eight robbers armed with knives, wearing black shirts, black trousers","Desc2":"and winter caps boarded the vessel on the starboard quarter using a hook and rope. The maste reported that one of the watch officers was restrained by the robbers. The men stole a pair of night vision goggles, cash and the crew's personal items. The","Desc3":"robbers were onboard the vessel for approximately 23 minutes before escaping in their speedboat. No crewmembers were injured (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":108.18333,"coords.x2":2.99167} {"Reference":"2010-216","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Six pirates armed with knives in a fishing boat boarded a tanker underway. They stole crew cash and personal belongings and ship's cash and properties and escaped. Vessels requested to be cautious.","coords.x1":105.49,"coords.x2":3.225} {"Reference":"2010-223","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Bulk carrier (TRANS PACIFIC) robbed 12 Jun 10 at 2200 local time while underway in position 03-49.8N 105-46.87E, approximately 45NM north of PulauMangkai, Indonesia. Eight robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel from a","Desc2":"speedboat. They rounded up nine crewmembers in the wheelhouse and tied them up before taking the master and six other crewmembers to their cabins to ransack their personal belongings. After over an hour, the robbers escaped in the speedboat with the","Desc3":"crew's personal belongings, laptops, and cell phones. No crewmembers were injured (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":105.78111,"coords.x2":3.225} {"Reference":"2010-215","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: About 10 to 12 pirates armed with knives in a speed boat boarded a container ship underway. They entered the bridge and took the duty officer hostage. They then entered the captain's cabin and stole ship's cash and ship's properties and","Desc2":"escaped.","coords.x1":105.80333,"coords.x2":3.355} {"Reference":"2010-212","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker (ORKIM LEADER) robbed 10 Jun 10 at 0010 local time while underway in position 03-04.6N 108-23.5E, approximately 27NM west of Pulau Subi-besar, Indonesia. Men armed with long knives, machetes, crowbars, and wire boarded the tanker","Desc2":"and stole property belonging to the crew. No crew members were injured (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":108.39167,"coords.x2":3.07667} {"Reference":"2010-211","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: General cargo ship (JK GALAXY) reported suspicious approach 10 Jun 10 at 0145 local time while underway in position 03-12.8N 108-30.1E, approximately 25NM northwest of Pulau Subi-besar, Indonesia. A small speed boat was spotted","Desc2":"approaching the vessel from a distance of 2NM away. The crew raised the alarm and the boat abandoned its pursuit after approximately 25 minutes. ReCAAP Comment: It is believed that this was the same group of robbers involved with the robbery of the","Desc3":"tanker (ORKIM LEADER) as the two incidents occurred over an hour apart and were located only 10NM from each other (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":108.50167,"coords.x2":3.21333} {"Reference":"2010-213","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Pirates boarded a tanker and entered the bridge and took hostage three crew members. The pirates then took AB to the Master's cabin and stole ship's cash, crew cash and personal effects and escaped.","coords.x1":108.61667,"coords.x2":3.16667} {"Reference":"2010-214","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Duty officer spotted a speed boat on radar trailing it at distance of 2 miles. Ship enforced all anti piracy measures to prevent the boarding, made evasive maneuvers, sent warning to all ships in the area by VHF ch.16. Due to vigilant","Desc2":"and effective anti piracy preventive measures the pirates aborted the attempt. The general cargo ship continued passage safely.","coords.x1":108.50167,"coords.x2":3.21333} {"Reference":"2010-186","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Bulk carrier (PERFORMER) boarded 10 May 10 at 0355 local time while anchored in position 01-17.84N 104-09E, approximately 3NM south of Tanjung Ayam. Six to seven robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel and gained access to the engine room","Desc2":"before being discovered by a crewmember who alerted the bridge. The master dispatched other crewmembers to investigate. The crew made a thorough search of the vessel but was unable to located any of the robbers. No crewmembers were injured and nothing","Desc3":"was reported stolen (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.15,"coords.x2":1.29733} {"Reference":"2010-175","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Bulk carrier attacked in 03-22.18N 105-27.2E at 081645 UTC May. Six pirates in an unlit small wooden boat approached and attempted to board a bulk carrier underway. Alert duty crew noticed the boat and raised the alarm. Ships whistle","Desc2":"sounded, deck lights switched on and crew mustered. Pirates aborted the attempted attack upon seeing the crew alertness.","coords.x1":105.45333,"coords.x2":3.36967} {"Reference":"2010-176","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"Container ship attacked in 03-16N 105-25E at 081720 UTC May. Eight pirates armed with long knives boarded a container ship underway. They gained control of the bridge, stole ship's and crew property and left the ship. No injuries to crew and no damage to","Desc2":"ship. Vessels requested to be cautious.","coords.x1":105.41667,"coords.x2":3.26667} {"Reference":"2010-172","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tug (ATLANTIC 3) reportedly hijacked 27 Apr 10 at 1726 local time while underway in position 01-12.38N 104-45.92E, approximately 9NM east of Pulau Bintan. At 1726 local time, the shipping company lost contact with the vessel as it was","Desc2":"transiting from Tanjung Ayam, Malaysia to Kintap, Indonesia. The last known position was 01-12.38N 104-45.92E. The company reported the incident to Singapore?s POCC (ReCAAP). UPDATE: On 3 May 10, Vietnamese authorities responded to a distress signal off","Desc3":"the Vietnamese coast and found the M/V ATLANTIC 3's nine crewmembers adrift in a life raft. On 19 May 10, Philippine Coast Guard officials found the tug ATLANTIC 3 and the barge ATLANTIC 5, in Sarangani Bay, Philippines. At the time, criminals were","Desc4":"cutting away the welded names on the tug boat and barge using gas torches. The tugboat had been renamed MARYLN 8. Philippine authorities continue to investigate (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.76533,"coords.x2":1.20633} {"Reference":"2010-159","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Chemical tanker reported attempted boarding 22 Apr 10 at 0300 local time while anchored in position 01-19.8N 104-16.1E, Eastern OPL anchorage. Three robbers in a boat attempted to board the vessel. The duty watchman on deck spotted the robbers","Desc2":"and raised the alarm, forcing them to abort the attempt. No casualties were reported (IMB).","coords.x1":104.26833,"coords.x2":1.33} {"Reference":"2010-150","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: A tug boat has been hijacked. Last position sighted at 181915 UTC Apr is near Anambas Islands 03-00N 106-00E.","coords.x1":106,"coords.x2":3} {"Reference":"2010-132","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Tanker reported suspicious approach 17 Apr 10 at 1055 local time while underway in position 04-02.3N 099-45E, approximately 55NM northwest of Lumut, Malaysia. One fishing boat with a few persons onboard approached the tanker while","Desc2":"drifting. The master suspected persons intended to board the vessel and sounded the alarm. The vessel conducted counter-piracy measures and activated fire hoses. The boat stayed close to the vessel for sometime before eventually moving away (IMB).","coords.x1":99.75,"coords.x2":4.03833} {"Reference":"2010-130","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tanker (SEMUA GEMBIRA) robbed 17 Apr 10 at 0600 local time while anchored in position 01-18.42N 104-12.7E, approximately 1NM south of Tanjung Ayam. Six robbers armed with swords and parangs boarded the vessel via the poop deck. They tied up the","Desc2":"greaser in the engine room and stole ship's engine parts. The watch officer spotted them and raised the alarm to muster the crew, but the robbers managed to escape (ReCAAP, IMB).","coords.x1":104.21167,"coords.x2":1.307} {"Reference":"2010-139","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Bulk carrier (STAR YPSILON) robbed 9 Apr 10 at 0200 local time while underway in position 03-19.1N 105-28.9E, approximately 20NM northwest of Pulau Jemaja, Indonesia. Seven men armed with guns and long knives boarded the vessel and stole","Desc2":"the ship's cash box and two mobile phones. The alarm was raised and authorities were informed. No crewmembers were injured. ReCAAP ISC Comment: The STAR YPSILON and THERESA LIBRA incidents were likely involving the same group of men as the modus operandi","Desc3":"was similar. Both incidents occurred during hours of darkness while the ships were underway, mostly along the north-easterly recommended route in the South China Sea (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":105.48167,"coords.x2":3.31833} {"Reference":"2010-140","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Chemical tanker (THERESA LIBRA) robbed 7 Apr 10 at 2300 local time while underway in position 02-44.2N 105-16.3E, approximately 6NM west of Pulau Damar, Indonesia. While underway at approximately 12 knots, eight men armed with knives","Desc2":"boarded the vessel from a boat. They took the engineer hostage and entered the accommodation area. Upon reaching the bridge, they threatened the crew with knives and took the captain hostage. They proceeded to raid the cabin of the captain and officers,","Desc3":"taking cash and valuables. After approximately 20 minutes, the robbers escaped in their boat, which was alongside the poop deck. The men were casually dressed, spoke English with a local accent and were aggressive throughout the incident. No crewmembers","Desc4":"were injured (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":105.27167,"coords.x2":2.73667} {"Reference":"2010-75","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Armed pirates in a 15 meter long boat chased and fired upon two fishing vessels underway with intent to board. The vessels increased speed and managed to evade the attempted boarding. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":106.5,"coords.x2":5.26667} {"Reference":"2010-81","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tanker (HESNES) boarded 20 Mar 10 at 0500 local time while anchored in position 01-18.9N 104-14.6E, approximately 2NM southeast of Tanjung Ayam. Five robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel while at anchor. Crewmembers spotted the robbers,","Desc2":"alerted the other crew, and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in a small craft. No crewmembers were injured and no goods were stolen (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.24333,"coords.x2":1.315} {"Reference":"2010-63","DateOfOcc":"2010-03-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Chemical tanker (SP ATHENS) robbed 11 Mar 10 at 0330 local time while anchored in position 01-17.8N 104-10.7E, approximately 3NM southwest of Tanjung Ayam. An unknown number of robbers armed with knives, boarded the tanker via the aft and","Desc2":"entered the store of the engine room. They threatened the watchman with knives, tied him up in the engine room, and stole some spare engine parts before leaving the ship at about 0350 local time. The watchman was discovered in the engine room at about","Desc3":"0400 local time during the handing over of watch. The bridge was notified and a search of the ship was conducted to locate any robbers onboard. No suspicious personnel was found, and the crew was not harmed (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.17833,"coords.x2":1.29667} {"Reference":"2010-37","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: General cargo ship boarded 29 Jan 10 at 0300 local time while anchored in position 06-00.5S 105-56.5E, Ciwandan anchorage. Four robbers in a speedboat approached the vessel from the port quarter. One robber boarded by using a hook attached to","Desc2":"a rope. He was spotted by the deck watchman. The alarm was raised and the robber escaped via the same rope. Local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":105.94167,"coords.x2":-6.00833} {"Reference":"2010-19","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container ship","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship robbed 4 Jan 10 at 0200 local time while berthed in position 06-05.86S 106-54.15E, Koja container terminal, Tanjung Priok. Robbers boarded the vessel and entered the engine room by breaking open the locks on the steering gear","Desc2":"room door. They assaulted and tied up the duty watchman and stole ship?s properties before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":106.9025,"coords.x2":-6.09767} {"Reference":"2010-16","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Five or six small boats","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: Tanker (GULF CORAL) reported attempted boarding 28 Dec 09 at 2030 local time while underway in position 01-04.7N 103-38.5E. About five or six unlit boats approximately 7-8 meters in length approached the tanker?s bow on both sides. One","Desc2":"by one at intervals of 3-4 minutes, one boat approached the vessel from the starboard bow then crossed to port bow and chased along the bow for 2-3 minutes. A couple of men from the boat tried to board the vessel unsuccessfully. The ship security alarm","Desc3":"and general alarm was activated followed by announcement through the public address system to alert the crew. The crew was mustered on the bridge and immediately put into action counter-piracy measures. The master maneuvered the vessel to evade the","Desc4":"boats, and continuous shining of search lights accompanied by sounding of the ship?s horn were carried out. Fire hoses, which were already rigged around the ship?s quarter and poop deck were charged up. Authorities were informed via VHF Ch. 73. After 30","Desc5":"minutes of failing to board the tanker, the boats aborted the attack. The tanker continued to proceed to her destination with extreme caution (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":103.63472,"coords.x2":1.06861} {"Reference":"2009-484","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS: About six small unlit boats chased a chemical tanker underway. Pirates from one boat attempted to board. The tanker made evasive maneuvers and enforced anti-piracy measures and prevented the boarding.","coords.x1":103.64167,"coords.x2":1.07833} {"Reference":"2009-480","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship robbed 22 Dec 09 at 1710 UTC while anchored in position 03-55.5N 098-46.1E, Belawan anchorage. Five robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel unnoticed. They tied up the hands and feet of the duty watchman and stole","Desc2":"properties and stores. The alarm was raised and the crew alerted. The incident was reported to coastal authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76833,"coords.x2":3.925} {"Reference":"2009-468","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded 8 Dec 09 at 0325 local time while in position 06-13.62S 108-28.29E, Balongan anchorage. Four robbers boarded the vessel from the poop deck. They were spotted by the duty watchman who immediately informed the bridge duty officer.","Desc2":"The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. Upon seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped in a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":108.4715,"coords.x2":-6.227} {"Reference":"2009-451","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"BALONGAN ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Tanker reported attempted boarding 21 Nov 09 at 0120 local time while anchored in position 06-13S 108-31E, Balongan anchorage. One robber armed with a knife attempted to board the vessel. Alert crew member saw a hook stuck","Desc2":"on the poop deck and investigated to find out that a man was in the process of climbing the rope with a knife in his mouth. The duty watch immediately informed the bridge and the general alarm was raised. Upon hearing the alarm, the robber escaped in an","Desc3":"unlit boat.","coords.x1":108.51667,"coords.x2":-6.21667} {"Reference":"2009-444","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"9 MILES WEST OF PULAU MANGKAI, SOUTH CHINA SEA: Pirates armed with knives and swords in a small fishing boat boarded a product tanker underway. They tried to enter the accommodation but were unable to as all doors were locked. Upon hearing the alarm and","Desc2":"seeing the crew alertness they jumped overboard and escaped.","coords.x1":105.45,"coords.x2":3.16167} {"Reference":"2009-437","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier robbed 16 Nov 09 at 0120 local time while underway in position 03-12.4N 105-29.1E, approximately 33NM northwest of the Anambas Islands. Ten men armed with knives and crowbars boarded the vessel. They entered the bridge and","Desc2":"threatened the duty officers and ordered them not to sound the alarm. The crew was forced to take the robbers to the captain's cabin, where they tied the captain's hands, threatened him with knives, stole ship's cash and personal belongings, and escaped.","Desc3":"The incident lasted approximately 10 minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":105.485,"coords.x2":3.20667} {"Reference":"2009-423","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CIWANDAN ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Four robbers in a small boat boarded a bulk carrier at anchor from the stern. The robbers tied up one duty AB and took the other one at knife point to the engine room. The robbers stole engine spares and escape. No injuries","Desc2":"to crew.","coords.x1":105.94,"coords.x2":-6.01} {"Reference":"2009-400","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Fishing vessel fired upon 14 Oct 09 at 1025 local time while underway in position 06-29N 107-43E, approximately 230NM northeast of the Anambas Islands. Men armed with machine guns in a boat chased the vessel and opened fire. The vessel","Desc2":"increased speed and enforced counter-piracy measures while contacting the IMB Piracy Reporting Center for assistance. The IMB immediately contacted the authorities and informed them to render necessary assistance to the crew and vessel. Due to vessel's","Desc3":"speed and preventive measures, the vessel escaped and continued passage toward destination (IMB).","coords.x1":107.71667,"coords.x2":6.48333} {"Reference":"2009-386","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS: A small boat with six robbers came alongside a product tanker at anchor from stbd side aft. Two robbers boarded the vessel and stole ship's properties. They were spotted by ship's crew who raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers","Desc2":"escaped in their boat.","coords.x1":104.175,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"2009-370","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Report of attempted sea robbery on 26 Sep 09 at 1300 local time at position 05-48.3N 096-34.0E. Mariners advised to take precautions and increase look-out for suspicious small fast moving craft approaching their vessels. Mariners to","Desc2":"maintain anti-piracy watch when passing through the area.","coords.x1":96.56667,"coords.x2":5.805} {"Reference":"2009-369","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker (PROSPECT) robbed 19 Sep 09 at 0020 local time while underway in position 03-20.01N 105-19.50E, approximately 50NM northwest of Anambas Islands. Six men armed with knives and machetes boarded the tanker. They hit the duty officer","Desc2":"in the head and forced him to bring them to the cabins of the captain and chief officer, who handed over cash and their personal effects. After the men left the tanker, the crew activated the ship security alert. apart from the duty officer who suffered","Desc3":"bruises, the other crew members were not injured. The shipping company reported the incident to Singapore's Port Operations Control Centre (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":105.325,"coords.x2":3.3335} {"Reference":"2009-368","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker robbed 18 Sep 09 at 1927 UTC while anchored in position 03-55.2N 098-45.8E, Belawan outer anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel via the forecastle by using a rope and a hook. The robbers threatened the","Desc2":"forward duty watch who raised the alarm and retreated into the accommodation. The crew mustered and went forward to check. Upon seeing the crew, the robber jumped overboard and escaped with ship's equipment. Attempts to contact local authorities were","Desc3":"unsuccessful (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76333,"coords.x2":3.92} {"Reference":"2009-353","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYASIA: Tanker (MMM KINGSTON) reported attempted boarding 14 Sep 09 at 0445 local time while anchored in position 01-18.3N 104-12.56E, approximately 2NM south of Tanjung Ayam. Six men armed with long knives attempted to board the vessel from a speed","Desc2":"boat. Two men attempted to board from the port quarter using a hook while the other four men waited in the speed boat. The duty watch spotted the men, ran into the accommodation and informed the duty officer. The duty officer raised the alarm, sounded","Desc3":"the fog horn, and mustered the crew. Upon being discovered, the men aborted the boarding, jumped overboard, and fled in their speed boat. No crewmembers were injured. The ship master reported the incident to the IMB, who relayed the information to","Desc4":"Singapore?s Port Operation Control Centre (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.20933,"coords.x2":1.305} {"Reference":"2009-357","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tanker (PACIFIC HARMONY) reported attempted boarding 14 Sep 09 at 0240 local time while anchored in position 01-18.5N 104-13.8E, approximately 2NM south of Tanjung Ayam. Five men attempted to board the vessel from a boat. The duty watch raised","Desc2":"the alarm when he spotted two men using a stick with a hook attempting to board the vessel from the poop deck. The crew was alerted through the public address system. Upon hearing the alarm, the men aborted the boarding, jumped into the water, and fled","Desc3":"in their boat. No crewmembers were injured. The ship master reported the incident to Singapore?s Vessel Traffic Information System and the Port Operation Control Centre via VHF. ReCAAP Comment: The ReCAAP ISC notes some similarities in the modus operandi","Desc4":"of the robbers in the two incidents. Although there is no conclusive evidence as yet, it appears that the same group of robbers was probably involved (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.23,"coords.x2":1.30833} {"Reference":"2009-358","DateOfOcc":"2009-09-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship robbed 13 Sep 09 at 2150 local time while anchored in position 03-56.7N 098-46.1E, Belawan anchorage. Robbers with long knives boarded the ship while anchored. The duty watch spotted the robbers and informed the duty officer who","Desc2":"raised the ship's alarm and mustered the crew. Upon investigating, the crew saw the forecastle door open and a rope ladder rigged. The robbers had broken into the forecastle store, stolen ship's stores, and escaped. No injuries to the crew were reported.","Desc3":"The master reported the incident to port authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76833,"coords.x2":3.945} {"Reference":"2009-347","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"NIPPA ANCHORAGE, SINGAPORE STRAITS: Five robbers armed with two machine guns in a boat attempted to board a bulk carrier at anchor. The robbers used hooks attached with ropes to board the ship but were noticed by duty crew who raised the alarm. Robbers","Desc2":"aborted the attempt upon seeing the crew alertness and fled in a NE direction. VTIS Singapore and ships in the vicinity informed.","coords.x1":103.615,"coords.x2":1.15167} {"Reference":"2009-341","DateOfOcc":"2009-08-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tanker (KIRANA TRITYA) boarded 15 Aug 09 at 0345 local time while anchored in position 01-18.9N 104-16.19E, approximately 3NM south of Tanjong Ramunia. Three robbers climbed onboard the vessel from a small wooden fast boat on the starboard","Desc2":"side. One of the crew members spotted the three men and informed the duty officer immediately at the navigation bridge. The general alarm was raised and all crew mustered on the bridge. Upon being discovered, the robbers escaped in the wooden boat. No","Desc3":"injuries were reported, and no property was stolen (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.26983,"coords.x2":1.315} {"Reference":"2009-330","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"75NM OFF MIRI, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA: Twelve pirates, in a seven meter long, unlit boat approached a container ship underway. They chased the ship and tried to get alongside. Alarm raised, took evasive maneuvers, alerted crewmembers and master fired rocket","Desc2":"flares. Pirates aborted the attept.","coords.x1":112.75,"coords.x2":4.655} {"Reference":"2009-328","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"OFF TANJONG STAPA, MALAYSIA: Six robbers armed with long knives in a boat came alongside and boarded a product tanker at anchor. The robbers tied up the Master and crew members. They stole ship's and crew properties. During the incident the Malaysian","Desc2":"Marine Police boarded the product tanker and arrested five robbers. One robber jumped overboard and escaped.","coords.x1":104.15389,"coords.x2":1.29889} {"Reference":"2009-323","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"FIVE PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: Tug (WEIHAI 5) robbed 12 Jul 09 at 0225 local time while underway in position 01-08.29N 103-46.81E, approximately 2nm southeast of Raffles Lighthouse, Singapore Strait. Five men armed with knives boarded the vessel as it was underway. The","Desc2":"robbers stole cash and personal belongings from the crew. They also damaged equipment before escaping in a speedboat. The captain notified port security and local police who are investigating the incident. ReCAAP Comment: The incidents involving both the","Desc3":"(WEIHAI) and (KENRYO) occurred in close proximity on the same day, and within half an hour interval. The modus operandi of the robbers in the two incidents is similar and it is likely that the same group of robbers is involved in the two incidents. Ship","Desc4":"masters and crew are advised to maintain vigilance when operating in the vicinity (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":103.76778,"coords.x2":1.14139} {"Reference":"2009-324","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"FIVE PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: Tug (KENRYO) robbed 12 Jul 09 at 0200 local time while underway in position 01-09.90N 103-46.0E, approximately 2NM southeast of Raffles Lighthouse, Singapore Strait. Five men armed with knives boarded the vessel as it was underway, towing a","Desc2":"barge. The robbers stole cash and personal belongings from the crew. They also damaged equipment before escaping in a speedboat. The captain notified port security and local police who are investigating the incident (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":103.76667,"coords.x2":1.165} {"Reference":"2009-311","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: General cargo ship (WHITE TOKIO) robbed 28 June 09 at 0115 local time while underway in position 01-57.18N 104-47.83E, approximately 34NM south of Pulau Aur, Malaysia. Six robbers boarded the vessel stealing all cash on board. No one was","Desc2":"injured during the incident (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.79717,"coords.x2":1.953} {"Reference":"2009-306","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker (SIGLOO DISCOVERY) robbed 27 June 09 at 0040 local time while underway in position 02-47.1N 105-07.6E, approximately 33NM southwest of Pulau Mangkai. Six robbers armed with knives, crowbars and batons boarded the vessel via the","Desc2":"bridge. They tied up the ship master, the 2nd officer, and the duty watchman with raffia strings and stole cash, a laptop computer, two mobile phones, and a wristwatch. The men were suspected to have climbed onto the vessel via a rope they tied between","Desc3":"the stern and their wooden boat. The wooden boat used was approximately 8 meters in length and shaped like a long canoe. They later escaped in the wooden boat. The ship's alarm was raised, SSAS activated and crew mustered. No injuries were reported (IMB,","Desc4":"ReCAAP).","coords.x1":105.12667,"coords.x2":2.785} {"Reference":"2009-307","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Eight pirates armed with long knives boarded a general cargo vessel underway in 02-58N 105-11E at 251930 UTC Jun. They held hostage an AB and Second Officer on watch. Pirates stole cash and belongings and escaped in a small boat, caution","Desc2":"advised (Navarea XI 405/09).","coords.x1":105.18333,"coords.x2":2.96667} {"Reference":"2009-308","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Five pirates armed with long knives boarded a general cargo vessel underway in 02-58N 105-14E at 251340 UTC Jun. Pirates stole cash and belongings and escaped in a small boat, caution advised (Navarea XI 405/09).","coords.x1":105.23333,"coords.x2":2.96667} {"Reference":"2009-305","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Seven Pirates","Victim":"Tug","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: Tug (SALVICEROY) boarded 22 Jun 09 at 1600 local time while anchored in position 01-08N 103-35E, off Nipa transit anchorage. Seven robbers in a small wooden boat approached the portside of the vessel. Three of the robbers reportedly armed with","Desc2":"automatic weapons and handguns, boarded the vessel. The crew immediately went into the accommodation areas and locked all access points to/from the deck. The crew remained inside the accommodation areas and sounded the alarm. The robbers attempted to","Desc3":"enter the accommodation areas but failed after trying for about 10 minutes. Subsequently, the robbers left the tug boat in their wooden boat which was seen heading southwards. The robbers did not fire their weapons and the vessel was not damaged during","Desc4":"the incident. No crewmembers on the vessel were injured. The incident was reported to the Singapore VTIS (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":103.58333,"coords.x2":1.13333} {"Reference":"2009-278","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Bulk carrier (GARNET) robbed 1 Jun 09 at 0245 local time while anchored in position 01-19N - 104-15E, 2NM south of Tanjung Ramunia. Seven or eight robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel from the stern. They entered the engine room and","Desc2":"tied up the duty oiler in the engine spare parts store room. The robbers stole engine spare parts and escaped. The duty oiler managed to free himself and reported the incident to the captain. No injuries were reported (IMB, ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.26472,"coords.x2":1.32056} {"Reference":"2009-284","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker reported attempted boarding 23 May 09 at 0400 local time while anchored in position 06-00S - 106-53E, Jakarta anchorage. Two robbers using hook and rope from a small boat attempted to board the vessel at anchor. While climbing to the","Desc2":"ship's rail, the robbers were spotted by the alert watchmen. They jumped back into the waiting boat and moved away. No crew were injured and nothing was reported stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"2009-260","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"JAKARTA ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Two robbers using hook and rope from a small boat attempted to board a product tanker at anchor. While climbing to the ship's rail the robbers saw alert ship's watchmen. Robbers jumped back into the waiting boat and moved","Desc2":"away. No crew injured and nothing stolen.","coords.x1":106.89833,"coords.x2":-6.01167} {"Reference":"2009-226","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Four robbers in a fishing boat approached a chemical tanker at berth. While crew members were busy at the manifold, the robbers boarded the tanker using hook attached to a rope. Several crewmembers saw unidentified persons on forecastle deck","Desc2":"and they approached them. The robbers escaped in their boat upon seeing the crew alertness. Nothing reported stolen.","coords.x1":110,"coords.x2":5} {"Reference":"2009-236","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Bulk carrier (SIDER LION) robbed 23 Apr 09 at 0405 local time while underway in position 03-13N - 105-29E, approximately 30NM northwest of the Anambas Islands. They entered the second officer?s cabin and held him hostage before","Desc2":"proceeding to the ship master?s cabin to demand money from him. They took cash from the ship?s safe, the ship master?s camera, mobile phone, and his personal belongings. They released the second officer before leaving the vessel. Upon release, the second","Desc3":"officer raised the alarm. All crewmembers were accounted for and there were no reports of injury or damage to the vessel. The incident was reported to the Singapore?s Port Operations Control Centre (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":105.48333,"coords.x2":3.21667} {"Reference":"2009-216","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Container ship robbed 22 Apr 09 at 2145 local time while underway in position 03-10N - 105-28E, approximately 30NM west of the Anambas Islands. Five pirates armed with long knives in a boat boarded the vessel. They attacked the captain","Desc2":"and stole cash from the vessel and escaped. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB).","coords.x1":105.46667,"coords.x2":3.16667} {"Reference":"2009-217","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker robbed 20 Apr 09 at 1841 UTC in position 03-24N - 105-29E, approximately 30NM northwest of the Anambas Islands. Eight pirates armed with knives boarded the vessel and stole cash before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":105.48333,"coords.x2":3.4} {"Reference":"2009-193","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Eight pirates armed with knives boarded a chemical tanker and stole crew cash and escaped.","coords.x1":105.49722,"coords.x2":3.41611} {"Reference":"2009-201","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tug (PROSPAQ T1) hijacked 7 Apr 09 at 2035 local time while underway in position 04:48N - 106:34E, approximately 60NM north of Anambas Islands. While en route from Singapore to Vietnam, 12 pirates armed with two hand guns and knives","Desc2":"boarded the tug using a motor boat with two outboard motors. The pirates tied and blindfolded the 10 crew members using masking tape. The crew was held onboard the tug boat for a week. At 0200 on 13 Apr 09, the pirates instructed them to board an","Desc3":"inflated life raft without providing them any provisions. The pirates manned the tug, and proceeded towards an unknown location. At 2117 on 14 Apr 09, a container ship rescued the crew after finding them adrift. None of the crew members were injured. The","Desc4":"incident was reported to the Singapore authorities who are investigating the incident (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":106.56667,"coords.x2":4.8} {"Reference":"2009-168","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tug robbed 1 Apr 09 at 0510 local time while underway in position 02-30N 104-24E, approximately 6NM northwest of Pulau Aur. Five pirates with masks and armed with knives boarded the tug underway. They stole cash and personal belongings and","Desc2":"escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":104.4,"coords.x2":2.5} {"Reference":"2009-156","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THREE PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"THAILAND: Three robbers armed with knives and a hammer attacked and boarded a yacht. They assaulted and killed the skipper and threw his body overboard while in the mooring bay off the Buntang Islands. The skipper's wife was also injured. They tied her","Desc2":"up and stole personal belongings. The wife managed to escape and alerted the Thai police. The Satun marine police was notified and sent patrol boats to search for the dead body. When the police arrived at the yacht area, three men were on the life raft.","Desc3":"The police detained all three men who were Burmese. The police said that the three Burmese suspects had earlier escaped from a fishing boat by jumping off the boat and heading to the yacht. Three Burmese fishermen were arrested and later confessed to the","Desc4":"crimes. The body of the skipper was later recovered and sent to the forensic department for further investigation.","coords.x1":99.23333,"coords.x2":6.66667} {"Reference":"2009-87","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG AND BARGE","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Tug boat (MLC NANCY 5) robbed 19 Feb 09 at 1430 local time while underway in position 05:10N ? 099:06E. The (MLC NANCY 5) was towing a barge en route to Singapore from Colombo when it was attacked by a group of 12 pirates from a small","Desc2":"speed boat. The pirates took all the navigational equipment including radars, VHF radios, SSB radios, and personal belongings of the crew before fleeing in their small boat. The captain and one other crew member were kidnapped, but no other crew members","Desc3":"were injured. The two men were later released (ReCAAP, AFP).","coords.x1":99.10028,"coords.x2":5.175} {"Reference":"2009-97","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Duty 3rd engineer onboard a bulk carrier noticed robers escaping from the engine room. He informed duty officer on bridge. Alarm raised and crew mustered. After a search, it was revealed that five robbers boarded the vessel and entered the","Desc2":"engine room. They threatened them with knives, tied them up and took the store room keys from them. They then stole engine spares and escaped. Later authorities arrived and investigated the incident.","coords.x1":104.16833,"coords.x2":1.295} {"Reference":"2009-78","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"OFF TANJUNG BULAT, MALAYSIA: Five robbers in a wooden boat approached a bulk carrier at anchor. One of the robers boarded the ship and attempted to steal ship's stores. Duty crew noticed the robber and informed bridge who raised the alarm, sounded ship's","Desc2":"horn and informed ships in the vicinity via VHF Ch. 16. The robber jumped overboard ad escaped empty handed with his accomplices.","coords.x1":104.24,"coords.x2":1.31333} {"Reference":"2009-69","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Chemical tanker boarded 29 Jan 09 at 0345 local time while anchored in position 06:10S ? 108:25E, Balongan anchorage. Four robbers boarded the vessel at anchor. They tried to enter into the accommodation but were noticed by the duty crew who","Desc2":"raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers climbed down into their boat and escaped. The master broadcast a security alert message to all ships in the vicinity and tried to call Balongan radio but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":108.41667,"coords.x2":-6.16667} {"Reference":"2009-62","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"Balongan anchorage, Indonesia: Four robbers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor. They tried to enter into the accommodation but were noticed by the duty crew who raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers climbed down into their boat and","Desc2":"escaped. Master broadcast a securtity alert message to all ships in the vicinity and tried to call Balongan radio but received no response.","coords.x1":108.425,"coords.x2":-6.17333} {"Reference":"2008-506","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOTOR VESSEL","Desc1":"Johor outer port limit Malaysia: At 0340 local time six armed robbers boarded an offshore vessel 01-18.3N 104-08.54E and stole ship's stores and properties. Authorities informed who later boarded for investigation.","coords.x1":104.14833,"coords.x2":1.30083} {"Reference":"2009-16","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIAVessel robbed 12 Dec 08 at 0340 local time while anchored at position 01-18N 104-08E, Johor outer port limit. Six armed robbers boarded the offshore support vessel and stole ship?s stores and properties. Authorities were informed and later","Desc2":"boarded the vessel for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":104.13333,"coords.x2":1.3} {"Reference":"2008-482","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"BELAWAN, INDONESIA:ROBBERS BOARDED A CHEMICAL TANKER AT ANCHOR. THEY BROKE THE BOSUN STORE PADLOCK AND STOLE SHIP'S STORES. ATTEMPT TO CONTACT AUTHORITIES WERE FUTILE.","coords.x1":98.75194,"coords.x2":3.93472} {"Reference":"2008-466","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: Tanker boarded and robbed on 22 Nov 08 at 0230 local time while underway in position 01:18.25N-104:18.40E. Five pirates armed with guns and knives boarded the vessel, stole the ship's equipment and escaped once alarm was raised (IMB).","coords.x1":104.30667,"coords.x2":1.30417} {"Reference":"2008-465","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tanker (KIRAN DWITYA) robbed on 22 Nov 08 at 0230 local time while at anchorage in position 01-18.25N 104-12.34E, approximately 2nm south of Tanjon Ayam, Johor. The tanker was performing tank cleaning when five robbers armed with a pistol and","Desc2":"four knives boarded the tanker from a speedboat. The robbers entered the engine room and tied up two crew members. One of the engineers spotted the robbers and informed the duty officer who reported the incident to the master. The master activated the","Desc3":"alarm and alerted the crew. The crew mustered and conducted a search for the robbers. The robbers fled the vessel upon hearing the alarm and escaped with some spare engine parts. There was no injury to the crew. The incident was reported to the local","Desc4":"marine police in Johor and the Port Operations Control Center in Singapore (ReCAAP: http://www.recaap.org).","coords.x1":104.20567,"coords.x2":1.30417} {"Reference":"2008-460","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"Singapore Straits:Five pirates armed with guns and knives boarded a tanker underway. They stole ship's equipment and escaped once alarm raised. No injury to crew reported.","coords.x1":104.30667,"coords.x2":1.30417} {"Reference":"2008-450","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"Singapore Straits: Five pirates armed with long knives boarded a tug towing a barge underway. Pirates stole personal belongings and escaped. No injury to crew. Master informed port authority.","coords.x1":103.86833,"coords.x2":1.18472} {"Reference":"2008-459","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG AND BARGE","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: Tug (MAJU DAYA 3) and barge (MARCOPOLO 188) boarded and robbed on 10 Nov 08 at 1730 UTC while underway in position 01:11N ? 103:52E, Batu Berhenti. The tug and barge were boarded by five robbers armed with parangs. The robbers took the","Desc2":"crews? personal belongings and cash before escaping. No injuries were reported amongst the crew. (LM: Tradewinds, ReCAAP: http://www.recaap.org).","coords.x1":103.86667,"coords.x2":1.18333} {"Reference":"2008-420","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: Tanker (AROWANA RANGER) boarded, robbed 31 Oct 08, at approximately 0115 local time while underway in position 01:11N-103:50E, west of Batu Berhenti in the east bound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme. The tanker was enroute from","Desc2":"Singapore to Pasir Gudang, Malaysia with a cargo of gas oil. Robbers robbed the crew of their personal effects and stole the ship's communication equipment before escaping in a small unidentified wooden boat. The ship master reported the incident to","Desc3":"Singapore's Port Operation Control Centre who initiated navigational broadcast on VHF and NAVTEX, and informed the MRCC, Jakarta about the incident. ReCAAP COMMENT: This is the second incident reported in the vicinity of Batu Berhenti since Jan 2008. In","Desc4":"both incidents, the robbers came alongside the ship in their boats, boarded the ship during hours of darkness while she was underway, and escaped with the crew's personal belongings and ship's communication equipment. Mariners are advised to maintain","Desc5":"vigilance and strengthen watch keeping particularly during hours of darkness when transiting through the area (ReCAAP: http://www.recaap.org).","coords.x1":103.83333,"coords.x2":1.18333} {"Reference":"2008-402","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Container ship boarded, robbed 08 Oct 08 while at anchor in position 1:18.9N - 104:15.0E, 2.7 nm south of Teluk Ramunia, Johor. Robbers stole engine spares and escaped unnoticed (IMB).","coords.x1":103.90833,"coords.x2":1.20833} {"Reference":"2008-380","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Chemical tanker (SUN GERANIUM) boarded and robbed on 02 Oct 08 at 0220 local time while underway in position 03-11.84N 105-22.40E, 70 nm north-east of Pulau Tioman, Mayalsia. Eight pirates armed with long knives and pipes boarded the","Desc2":"tanker from a speed boat, entered the bridge and tied up the duty AB and the second officer. The pirates brought the duty AB and the second officer to the master's cabin. They also tied up the master and took his money. The master and second officer were","Desc3":"then brought to the poop deck of the ship. The pirates escaped in their speedboat. No injuries were sustained by the crew. ReCAAP COMMENT: Although there is no conclusive evidence as yet, it appears that the same group of pirates was probably involved in","Desc4":"the two incidents that occurred in the South China Sea on 30 September 2008 and 2 October 2008. The ReCAAP ISC notes that these were the fifth and sixth incidents that have occurred in the South China Sea area since January 2008. Ship masters are advised","Desc5":"to maintain vigilance with all around look-out as per established norms, and take security precautions when operating in the area especially during hours of darkness. They are encouraged to monitor all maritime safety information broadcasts for the area.","Desc6":"The ReCAAP ISC encourages ship owners and ship masters to report all incidents of piracy and armed robbery to the nearest coastal states immediately (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":105.37333,"coords.x2":3.19733} {"Reference":"2008-391","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Cargo ship boarded and robbed 04 Oct 08 at 0050 local time while underway in position 01:12.5N-103:54.5E, approximately 2nm east of Batu Berhanti buoy in the east bound lane of the Straits of Singapore. Three masked robbers armed with long","Desc2":"knives boarded the ship from a speed boat. The robbers damaged a VHF handset, stole the ship master?s computer and cash as well the crew?s personal belongings before escaping. No crew was injured (ReCAAP: http://www.recaap.org).","coords.x1":103.90139,"coords.x2":1.20139} {"Reference":"2008-392","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: LPG tanker boarded and robbed on 03 Oct 08 at 0230 local time while underway off Mangkai Island. Six pirates armed with long knives boarded the tanker. They stole ships and crew cash before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.79611} {"Reference":"2008-382","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship boarded at on 24 Sep 08 at 0325 local time while in position 06:02.45S ? 106:54.61E, Tg. Priok, Jakarta, Indonesia. Three robbers armed with knives boarded the ship at anchor via the stern. Alert watchman notified the duty","Desc2":"officer, who raised the ship?s alarm and whistle. Robbers immediately jumped overboard and escaped. The incident was reported to Tg. Priok port control but there was no response (IMB).","coords.x1":106.91017,"coords.x2":-6.04083} {"Reference":"2008-381","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Bulk carrier (JKM MUHIEDDINE) boarded and robbed on 30 Sep 08 at 0350 local time while underway in position 02-48.00N 105-09.2E, 64nm east of Pulau Tioman, Maylasia. At least seven pirates armed with long knives boarded the vessel from","Desc2":"the aft. Pirates tied up the ship's master and another crew member with ropes, and stole their money and personal belongings including camera, mobile phones, shoes and clothes. The pirates also went to the chief engineer's cabin and stole his money. The","Desc3":"pirates then tied up the ship captain in the aft bollard and left the ship at about 0410 hrs. No injuries were sustained by the crew (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":105.15333,"coords.x2":2.8} {"Reference":"2008-351","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"15 PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"MALAYSIATug hijacked 7 Sep 08 at 2030 local time off Tioman Island. Approximately 15 pirates armed with long knives boarded and hijacked the tug towing a barge. The vessel was traveling from Singapore to Thailand in ballast. The pirates landed the seven","Desc2":"Indonesian crewmembers on Tioman Island. The crewmembers lodged a police report on the island. The tug and barge are still missing (IMB).","coords.x1":105.5,"coords.x2":3} {"Reference":"2008-329","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:Bulk carrier (STAR CAPPELLA 1) boarded, robbed 1 Sep 08 at 0305 local time while at anchorage in position 01-18.11N 104-11.58E, south of Tg Ayam, Johor. Three robbers armed with knives boarded the ship from the starboard quarter using grappling","Desc2":"hooks and lines and stole the ship's VHF radio before escaping in a speedboat. RECAAP COMMENT: Ship masters are advised to maintain vigilance at all times and take necessary precautionary measures when operating in the vicinity (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.19944,"coords.x2":1.30306} {"Reference":"2008-295","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Vehicle Carrier","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Vehicle carrier boarded, robbed 12 Aug 08 at 0600 local time while at berth, Jakarta car terminal. Robbers boarded the vessel and stole spare parts of considerable value from the spare parts locker. The incident was unnoticed by the ship?s","Desc2":"crew. No Violance or threat of violence was experienced (IMB).","coords.x1":106.21667,"coords.x2":-5.38333} {"Reference":"2008-274","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Product tanker boarded 06 Aug 08 at 2330 local time, Belawan port. Robbers boarded the vessel while at anchorage by climbing the anchor chain. They opened the forecastle store and attempted to steal ship?s stores. The duty crew noticed them and","Desc2":"the alarm was raised. The alert crew mustered as per company procedures. Sensing the crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. No injuries to crew reported and nothing was stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2008-261","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical tanker boarded 26 Jul 08, at 0330 local time, at Belawan Anchorage. Three to four robbers boarded an anchored chemical tanker, via the anchor cable. Upon seeing the robbers, the master raised the alarm. Seeing the alert crew, the","Desc2":"robbers jumped overboard and escaped in an unlit boat. Port authority was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2008-254","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded, 20 Jul 08 at 0155 local time, 1NM from buoy no. 2, Belawan Anchorage. The duty watchman onboard the vessel noticed robbers trying to open the watertight door to the forecastle store. He immediately reported to the OOW who","Desc2":"in turn raised the alarm and crew mustered. Upon seeing crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard empty handed and escaped in a waiting boat with one accomplice (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2008-241","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"General Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"INDONESIA:General cargo vessel boarded, robbed 11 Jul 08 at 0655 local time while in position 06-02.54S 106-53.68E, Jakarta Anchorage. Robbers attempted to board the vessel on four different occasions before finally succeeding. The robbers stole ship?s","Desc2":"stores and escaped. Port authorities were informed and came onboard to investigate (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89472,"coords.x2":-6.10889} {"Reference":"2008-223","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"LNG Tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:LNG Tanker reported suspicious approach 24 Jun 08 at 1805 local time while underway in position 01-26.0N 104-36.8E, North of Bintan island. The Duty AB onboard the vessel reported three small suspicious boats at a distance of about 250 meters","Desc2":"off the starboard beam and the starboard quarter. Each boat was about 12 meters long, wooden hull, blue in color and fitted with four large sea horse power engines. The four men in the boats were wearing blue oilskins. Vessels in the vicinity were","Desc3":"informed. The boats moved away at 1820 local time heading towards Bintan Island (IMB).","coords.x1":104.61333,"coords.x2":1.43333} {"Reference":"2008-185","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Chemical tanker (RED WING) boarded, robbed 4 Jun 08 2030 local time while underway in position 02-36N 105-09E, approximately 75NM off the coast of Cape Tenggaron. Seven robbers armed with knives and bars boarded the tanker from a wooden speed","Desc2":"boat. The robbers stole cash and personal property from the crew. The entire incident lasted approximately 15 minutes. No injuries to the crew were reported. ISC COMMENTS: Ship masters are advised to maintain vigilance at all times and take necessary","Desc3":"precautionary measures when operating in the vicinity (ReCAAP ISC, IMB).","coords.x1":105.15,"coords.x2":2.6} {"Reference":"2008-204","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATE BOARDING","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Container ship boarded 3 Jun 08 at 2000 UTC, while underway in position 03-24N 105-31E, off Anambas. Eight pirates armed with long knives and bars boarded the vessel. The pirates stole the crew?s cash and property and escaped. No injuries to","Desc2":"crew (IMB).","coords.x1":105.51667,"coords.x2":3.4} {"Reference":"2008-186","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tug (CATHAY 5) boarded, robbed 27 May 08 at 0315 local time while underway in position 01-06N 103-45E, off Helen Mar Reef. The vessel was towing barge (CSF 2301) when it was boarded by four robbers armed with a small knife and parang. The tug","Desc2":"master reported that the robbers left the boat a 0347 local time after stealing cash and three mobile phones. No injuries to crew. The incident was reported to the MRCC Indonesia and the flag state. The coastal state activated the NACTEX broadcast. ISC","Desc3":"COMMENTS: Ship masters are advised to maintain vigilance at all times and take necessary precautionary measures when operating in the vicinity. The modus operandi of this incident was opportunistic in nature. The robbers boarded the ship undetected, and","Desc4":"escaped after stealing cash and mobile phones. They did not harm the crew or cause any damage to the tug/barge (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":103.75,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2008-152","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical tanker","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:Chemical Tanker (BOW CLIPPER) reported attempted boarding 10 May 08 at 1625 local time while steaming in position 05-35N 097-05E. Robbers in military camouflage attempted to board the vessel using a bamboo pole attached to a hook. The","Desc2":"ship master raised the alarm and alerted ships in the vicinity. The robbers aborted the attempt and escaped in their blue hull speedboat (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":97.08333,"coords.x2":5.58333} {"Reference":"2008-153","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Fishing vessels","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Fishing vessels hijacked 2 May 08 at 0200 local time in position 03-48.98.3N 100-43.03.3E, 4NM off Tanjung Sauh. Two fishing boats with a crew of eight were attacked and hijacked while the crew was resting. The vessels were taken to an","Desc2":"Indonesian island and the crew was forced to jump overboard. A passing Indonesain fishing boat rescued the crew and handed them over to the Indonesian Navy. All crew were repatriated to Malaysia safely after investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":100.72194,"coords.x2":3.81611} {"Reference":"2008-142","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tug boat","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tug (PU 2008) boarded, robbed 30 Apr 08 at 2330 local time while underway in position 0-22N 104-24E, south of Pulau Tioman. The vessel towing barge (PU 3306) was underway from Vietnam to Singapore when six masked men armed with long","Desc2":"knives boarded the vessel from a dark blue speed boat, measuring about 4m long. The pirates entered the accommodation area of the vessel, stole the laptops, mobile phones, and wallets of the crew before escaping. No crew was injured. The master reported","Desc3":"the incident to the coastal state and the flag state. The Singapore Port Operations Control Centre (POCC) initiated a broadcast on SafetyNet warning ships in the vicinity (ReCAAP ISC, IMB).","coords.x1":104.4,"coords.x2":2.36667} {"Reference":"2008-187","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: General cargo ship (RAYS) boarded 28 Apr 08 at 0225 local time, Belawan Anchorage, per 2 Jun 08 reporting. Six robbers armed with knives and sticks boarded the vessel using ropes. The crew confronted them, raised the general alarm and","Desc2":"activated the ship?s whistle. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a small boat. There were no injuries to crew. The lock to one of the store rooms was broken but no items were stolen (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2008-134","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Product Tanker","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Product Tanker (PATARAVARIN 2) boarded, robbed 25 Apr 08 at 0020 local time while underway in position 01-31.00N 104-24.50E, approximately 10NM east of Tg Penawar. The vessel was carrying a cargo of jet fuel while underway towards the port of","Desc2":"Phuket, Thailand. Six masked men armed with pistols came along side in their 20 feet long, two 300 HP Yamaha engine speedboat. They boarded the vessel and forced the ship master to reduce the speed of the vessel. They held the five Thai crewmembers at","Desc3":"gunpoint and handcuffed them. According to the master, the pirates spoke to the crew in English and communicated among themselves in Indonesian. The pirates ransacked the vessel and took away the ship?s VHF communication equipment, notebook, crew?s","Desc4":"personal belongings, and cash. They left the ship at approximately 0040 local time with two other pirates waiting for them in their speedboat. No crewmembers injured. The ship master reported the incident to the coastal state and the flag state (ReCAAP","Desc5":"ISC, LM: bangkokpost.com).","coords.x1":104.40833,"coords.x2":1.51667} {"Reference":"2008-111","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical tanker (UBT BAY) boarded, robbed 17 Apr 08 at 0155 local time while awaiting berth in position 03-56.31N 098-46.14E, Belawan Anchorage. Four robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel at the forward part of the ship from a small","Desc2":"boat. An ordinary seaman (O/S) on piracy watch immediately alerted the bridge through walkie talkie when he sighted the robbers at the forecastle. Two of the robbers attacked him with a piece of wood and knives. The O/S was slashed on his arm and back","Desc3":"with a knife. Upon receiving the alert, the Officer of the Watch immediately raised the general alarm, announced over the P.A. system and sounded the ship?s horn. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped by jumping into the sea. The crew mustered","Desc4":"immediately on the bridge and a security search was conducted. A fire axe and a crowbar were found missing from the forecastle store. The O/S suffered deep cuts, he was sent to a local hospital for medical treatment (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":98.769,"coords.x2":3.9385} {"Reference":"2008-123","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"General Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"INDONESIA:General cargo vessel boarded, robbed 16 Apr 08 at 0630 local time while at anchorage in position 06-01.9S 106-53.8E, Tanjung Priok. The ship?s crew noticed robbers on board the vessel just after anchoring. The robbers had broken into the safety","Desc2":"equipment locker and stolen ship stores. When challenged, the robbers jumped over board and escaped. No injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89667,"coords.x2":-6.03167} {"Reference":"2008-112","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Chemical Tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical tanker (MONALISA) boarded, robbed 13 Apr 08 at 0355 local time while underway in position 03-16.18N 105-26.68E, off Pulau Jemaja. While en route from Pasir Gudang, Malaysa to Nhabe, Vietnam, five pirates armed with long knives in a","Desc2":"speedboat boarded the vessel from the stern. They stole the crew?s personal belongings and ship?s property and escaped. No injuries were reported. The master reported the incident to the coastal state and the flag state. The Singapore Port Operations and","Desc3":"Control Centre (POCC) had initiated a NAVTEX broadcast to warn vessels operating in the vicinity to keep a look out for suspicious crafts (IMB, ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":105.44467,"coords.x2":3.26967} {"Reference":"2008-113","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 13 Apr 08 at 0205 local time while underway in position 03-13N 105-26E, off Pulau Mangkai. Twelve pirates in a speedboat, armed with guns, swords, and iron bars approached the vessel. The master raised the alarm and","Desc2":"the crew directed fire hoses and activated SSAS. The pirates boarded the ship and stole the crew?s personal belongings, ship?s cash, and property. After 50 minutes, they left the ship. No injuries to crew except minor bruises. Ships in the vicinity","Desc3":"warned (IMB).","coords.x1":105.43333,"coords.x2":3.21667} {"Reference":"2008-69","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Vessel boarded, robbed 08 Mar 08 at 0400 local time, Jetty no. 106, Belawan port. Unauthorized persons diverted the attention of the duty crew and shore watchmen, while three other robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel from offshore","Desc2":"side and stole ship?s stores. Luckily, the duty crew spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. Upon seeing the crews? alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a small unlit craft (IMB).","coords.x1":98.71,"coords.x2":3.79167} {"Reference":"2008-41","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 02 Feb 08 at 0030 local time while underway in position 05-09N 106-51E. Two unlit white-hull speedboats, about five meters long, approached the vessel (IMB).","coords.x1":106.85,"coords.x2":5.15} {"Reference":"2008-53","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"VLCC Kasagisan","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:VLCC (KASAGISAN) reported suspicious approach 01 Feb 08 at 0940 while underway in position 04-00N 099-35E, per 02 Apr 08 reporting. Six small boats were sighted in close proximity to the vessel. The ship master and crew activated the","Desc2":"fire hose, sounded the ship?s siren and undertook evasive maneuvers. Subsequently, the boats aborted the attempt. One of the boats was noted to have ladder rigged in its bow. The heavy rain and bad weather may have prevented the boats from coming","Desc3":"alongside the ship. There was no damage to the ship and no injuries were sustained by the crew (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":99.58333,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"2008-58","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONISIA: 29-JAN-2008: 0415 LT: PULAU LAUT ANCHORAGE:Four robbers, armed with knives, boarded a bulk carrier at anchor. Duty crew confronted them, but that did not stop the robbers from stealing stores. 2/O raised alarm, ship's wistle sounded and crew","Desc2":"mustered. 14 crewmembers went forward. Seeing the crew, the robbers jumped into the water and escaped in a 30 meter long speedboat. Port authorities asked to be called after one hour when contacted by the ship.","coords.x1":107.9,"coords.x2":4.78333} {"Reference":"2008-52","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE PORT OPERATION CONTROL CENTER:THERE WAS A REPORT OF PIRACY ATTACK ON 19-JAN-2008 0354Z AT 01-44.91S 108-00.09E (KARIMATA STRAIT). MARINERS ARE ADVISED TO TAKE PRECAUTION AND INCREASE LOOK OUT FOR SUSPICIOUS SMALL FAST MOVING CRAFT APPROACHING","Desc2":"THEIR VESSEL AND MAINTAIN ANTI-PIRACY WATCH WHEN PASSING THROUGH THIS AREA.","coords.x1":108.0015,"coords.x2":-1.7485} {"Reference":"2008-23","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TANKER VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT:Tanker reported suspicious approach 10 Jan 08 at 2155 local time while underway in position 01-05.6N 103-34.5E, Phillip Channel. At a distance of 1NM, a small craft, with its searchlights on, started impeding the safe passage of the","Desc2":"vessel. The vessel altered its course to maneuver clear of the craft. At the same time, the crew noticed another unlit small craft, near midships on the portside. The vessel enforced preventive measures and informed Singapore VTIS, who broadcasted a","Desc3":"security message to all ships in the area. A navy patrol boat arrived on the scene and patrolled the area. VTIS assured the tanker master that his vessel was being monitored continuously (IMB).","coords.x1":103.575,"coords.x2":1.09333} {"Reference":"2007-316","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Product tanker boarded 29 Nov 07 at 0530 local time in position 03-51N 098-48E, SBM Belawan. Duty quartermaster onboard the vessel noticed two robbers hiding under the windlass. The Duty Officer was informed and mustered the crew. The robbers","Desc2":"jumped overboard and escaped in a boat waiting below. Nothing was stolen but it appeared that the robbers tried to lower the fire wire (IMB).","coords.x1":98.8,"coords.x2":3.85} {"Reference":"2008-6","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:Container ship (AL MUTANABBI) reported suspicious approach 27 Nov 07 at 1430 local time, while underway in position 06-46.0N 107-50.0E, approximately 120NM North of Pulau Laut, Indonesia, per 02 Jan 08 reporting. Two small wooden boats","Desc2":"were spotted about 4NM on the starboard side of the ship. The boats appeared to be moving on a course that would narrowly cross the vessel?s bow. The boats were blue in color, about six to eight meters long and powered by outboard motors. A total of five","Desc3":"men were on board the two boats. One of the boats suddenly altered its course towards the portside of the vessel, and appeared to close in the on the vessel from its port bow. The ship master took evasive measures to prevent boarding, and the boats","Desc4":"eventually moved away. The incident was reported to the Vietnam Marine Police (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":107.83333,"coords.x2":6.76667} {"Reference":"2007-311","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Chemical tanker boarded 19 Nov 01 at 0100 local time while underway in position 03-13.0N 105-23.0E, off Mangkai Island. Duty oiler on board the vessel noticed one pirate with a gun in hand on the poop deck. The duty officer was informed and the","Desc2":"alarm was raised. All crew mustered and all lights were switched on. Search of the vessel revealed no one onboard. The duty officer noticed an unlit craft moving away from the vessel (IMB).","coords.x1":105.38333,"coords.x2":3.21667} {"Reference":"2007-314","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:IN 03-13N 105-13E AT 181700Z NOV. DUTY OILER ON BOARD A CHEMICAL TANKER, UNDERWAY, NOTICED ANE PIRATE WITH GUN IN HAND ON THE POOP DECK. DUTY OFFICER INFORMED. ALARM RAISED, ALL CREW MUSTERED AND ALL LIGHTS SWITCHED ON. SEARCH OF THE","Desc2":"VESSEL REVEALED NO ONE ONBOARD. DUTY OFFICER NOTICED AN UNLIT CRAFT MOVING AWAY FROM THE VESSEL. VESSELS REQUESTED TO BE CAUTION ADVISED.","coords.x1":105.21667,"coords.x2":3.21667} {"Reference":"2007-300","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAITS:2130 LT: An unidentified small watercraft approached a chemical tanker underway. OOW raised alarm, souned ship's whistle, crew mustered anddirected searchlight at the craft. The craft came within 150 meters and aborted the attempt.","coords.x1":99.77,"coords.x2":3.92} {"Reference":"2008-7","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPECTED PIRATE","Victim":"OIL TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Oil Tanker (EURYDICE) boarded, suspect apprehended 05 Nov 07 while at anchorage in position 01-14.23N 103-30.76E, approximately 1.5NM off Tanjung Piai, Johor, per 02 Jan 08 reporting. The ship master informed the Singapore and Malaysian","Desc2":"authorities that a robber boarded the vessel. At about 2335 local time, the ship master reported that the crewmembers had apprehended the robber. The ship master updated the authorities that the male robber was confined at the forward store and was","Desc3":"guarded by four crewmembers. The suspect was a Thai national, about 25 years old, unarmed, and was believed to have boarded the ship from its hawse pipe. The Malaysian authorities confirmed that they received a request from the vessel and apprehended the","Desc4":"suspect robber at 0020 local time on 06 Nov 07 and apprehended the individual at 0420 local time, and took him to the Pontian Police Station. Initial investigation by the Malaysian authorities revealed that the suspect was carrying a tube of toothpaste","Desc5":"and toothbrush. The suspect claimed that he had fallen off a Thai fishing vessel. The Malaysian authorities reportedly intend to prosecute the man under the Immigration Act for not having valid document to enter Malaysia (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":103.51267,"coords.x2":1.23717} {"Reference":"2007-291","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"General Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"1320 LT: Malacca Straits:A small-unlit high-speed craft came close to a general cargo ship underway. Master switched on all deck lights, assembled all crew, and closed all entrances to the accomodation. Fire hoses standby and search lights directed","Desc2":"towards the boat. Ships speed increased and evasive manoeuvers carried out. VTIS Port Klang notified. After about one and a half hours of trailing, the speedboat aborted the attempt. MRCC Kuala Lumpur was informed.","coords.x1":102.15833,"coords.x2":1.875} {"Reference":"2007-278","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia:A seaman spotted several robbers on the forecastle when he was sent forward to look for the duty O/S who was not responding to calls on the radio. The robbers had caught and tied up the duty O/S. Alarm raised and crew alerted. On hearing the","Desc2":"alarm, the robbers escaped. A search revealed that the robbers had attempted to enter the forecastle store.","coords.x1":98.795,"coords.x2":3.93333} {"Reference":"2007-276","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:Container vessel reported suspicious approach 19 Oct 07 at 0600 local time while underway in position 04-07.4N 099-52.0E, northwest of Pulau Perak. The duty officer on the vessel saw the beams of flashlight on deck. As no crewmembers","Desc2":"were on deck at the time the DO suspected piracy and raised the alarm. The deck lights were switched on, and the crew mustered, they saw a small boat on the port quarter moving away from the ship (IMB).","coords.x1":99.86667,"coords.x2":4.12333} {"Reference":"2007-257","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk Carrier reported suspicious approach 7 Oct 07 at 0210 local time while underway in position 01:14.2N-104:59.3E, off Bitan Islands. The alarm was raised and the ship whistle sounded. After mustering the crew, the boat moved away. The","Desc2":"Singapore port control was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":104.98833,"coords.x2":1.23667} {"Reference":"2007-246","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:At 1950 LT off the port of Palembang, several pirates hijacked a tanker, enroute to Cilacap from Palembang, with a cargo of Palm Oilen. The master reported to TG. Buyut pilot station and they informed the tanker's managers. IMB piracy reporting","Desc2":"center has alerted the authorities to look out for the tanker.","coords.x1":104.76667,"coords.x2":-2.93333} {"Reference":"2007-221","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: Yacht (DILAN) reported suspicious approach 09 Sept 07 at 1145 local time, in position 01-54.1N 106-31.49E, 48NM southeast of Pulau Repong. The vessel reported two speedboats carrying an unknown number of men onboard and that were believed to","Desc2":"be armed. The speedboats were trailing the vessel at close proximity. Suspicious of their intention, the yacht broadcasted the incident via their VHF radio. The master of a container ship, the (HUB TRADER), received the report on his VHF radio and","Desc3":"relayed the incident to the Singapore Port Operations Control Centre (POCC). The POCC, upon receipt of the relay, informed the Maritime Rescue and Coordination (MRCC) Jakarta about the incident and made navigational broadcast of the incident on the","Desc4":"NAVTEX and SAFETYNET system (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":106.52483,"coords.x2":1.90167} {"Reference":"2007-220","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded and robber apprehended 09 Sept 07 at 0030 local time, in position 06-15.43S 108-27.23E, Balongan anchorage. Two robbers boarded the vessel and broke into the store locker and stole ships property. They tried to lower the stolen","Desc2":"items into a waiting boat but could not do so, as the boat had drifted away due to engine failure and the current. The alert crew raised the alarm and two crewmembers confronted the robbers who jumped overboard. However, they could not board their boat","Desc3":"which was adrift. One robber hung to the ballast overboard discharge on the starboard side and the other robber had drifted away due to current and swell. All crew gathered on deck and rescued the other robber. The Indonesian Navy and police were","Desc4":"informed and were told about the adrift boat and the missing robber. The authorities managed to tow the boat but could not find the missing robber. The authorities investigated the ship and the master handed over the robber. There were no injuries to","Desc5":"crew and nothing was stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":108.45383,"coords.x2":-6.25717} {"Reference":"2007-327","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"2100 LT: 3.5 NM off TG. Punggai, Kota Ttinggi, Malaysia:Seven pirates in a wooden boat, armed with guns and knives approached a tanker underway. They boarded the tanker and tied up the master and crewmembers with nylon ropes. One crew jumped overboard.","Desc2":"Pirates stole cash and personal belongings of master and crew. They left the ship and headed into Indonesian waters. No injuries to crewmembers. The crew who jumped overboard is missing.","coords.x1":104.35667,"coords.x2":1.44667} {"Reference":"2007-215","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Container ship reported attempted boarding 28 Aug 07 1030 local time, while underway in position 06-06.9N 098-30.7E. Ten armed men in a speedboat, attempted to board the vessel. Due to the ships higher speed, the pirates could not","Desc2":"board and gave up the chase (IMB).","coords.x1":98.51167,"coords.x2":6.115} {"Reference":"2007-210","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Product tanker reported missing crewmember 24 Aug 07, 0055 local time in position 03-55.3N 098:46.56E, Belawan anchorage. The vessel waiting at berth, maintained an anti-piracy watch on the forecastle, main deck, and poop deck. The ABs on the","Desc2":"main deck and poop heard the AB on the forecastle shouting. They alerted the bridge on radio. The Duty officer tried to contact him but there was no response. The alarm was raised and the crew alerted. A thorough search was carried out for the AB but he","Desc3":"was not found. Local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":98.776,"coords.x2":3.92167} {"Reference":"2007-207","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Product tanker boarded and robbed 22 Aug 07, 1650 UTC in position 01-04.1N 103-30.4E, Karimun STS anchorage. Eight robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel. They held three duty crewmen and tied them up. The robbers broke open the engine","Desc2":"store and stole spares. The duty officer raised the alarm and the crew mustered. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in an unlit boat (IMB).","coords.x1":103.50667,"coords.x2":1.06833} {"Reference":"2007-208","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: General cargo ship boarded and robbed 18 Aug 07, 0300 local time in position 03-54.47N 098-46.68E, Belawan anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and held one AB hostage. They stole from the ships stores and escaped. The AB was released","Desc2":"unharmed. Local authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":98.778,"coords.x2":3.90783} {"Reference":"2007-204","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAITS:Ten pirates armed with fire arms boarded a tug, in position 04-14-18N 099-04-42E, towing a barge laden with steel billets. T he pirates damaged all communication equipment, stole the crews personal belongings, and ship's documents. The","Desc2":"master and chief engineer were kidnapped and taken ashore. The tug and barge have anchored at the destination port. The whereabouts of the master and chief engineer are still unknown. The pirates have contacted owners to demand a ransom. Negotiations are","Desc3":"underway. (ICC)","coords.x1":99.07833,"coords.x2":4.23833} {"Reference":"2007-202","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Chemical tanker boarded 13 Aug 07 0355 local time, in position 03-55.5N 098-46.5E, Belawan Outer roads at anchorage. Four robbers armed with wooden sticks boarded the vessel, broke into the forward locker, and attempted to steal from the ships","Desc2":"stores. The duty crew raised the alarm and sounded the ships whistle. The crew mustered and activated the fire hoses. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting boat, with a life raft (IMB).","coords.x1":98.775,"coords.x2":3.925} {"Reference":"2007-177","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Fishing vessel (HUYU 908) fired upon 26 Jul at 0730 local time, while underway in position 03-16N 105-27E, approximately 40NM west of the Anambas Islands. The Chinese fishing vessel was approached by a small rubber boat. Five men armed","Desc2":"with guns, shot at the fishing vessel and attempted to board her. The (HUYU 908) increased its speed and managed to escape. The small rubber boat was launched from a navy blue tug barge and has a marking of 505 on its bow. The bullets penetrated the","Desc3":"starboard hull of the (HUYU 908)s bridge and damaged three pieces of glass. No one was injured. The fishermen reported the incident to the Malaysian authorities (RECAPP).","coords.x1":105.45,"coords.x2":3.26667} {"Reference":"2007-175","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Chemical tanker boarded, 23 Jul at 1030 local time, while at berth at Prointal, Merak. Robbers boarded the vessel unnoticed. The third engineer noticed the boat store unlocked and some electrical spares were missing. The crew was alerted and a","Desc2":"thorough inspection was carried out. All doors and stores were found to be secured. It was suspected that the robbers could have boarded via the stern mooring rope. One shore security guard was constantly on duty (IMB).","coords.x1":106,"coords.x2":-5.88333} {"Reference":"2007-192","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Barge boarded and crewmen kidnapped 13 Jul 07, in the evening. The vessel was carrying steel billets from Penang, Malaysia to Belawan, Indonesia, when ten gun-toting pirates boarded and attacked the Malaysian vessel. The master and the","Desc2":"chief engineer, both Indonesian, were kidnapped. The pirates destroyed all communication equipment on board, before fleeing with the kidnapped victims. Another six Indonesian crewmembers remained onboard and unharmed. The vessel is now in Belawan for","Desc3":"investigation. Currently, there have been no ransom demands as of yet (AP, IMB).","coords.x1":99.5,"coords.x2":4.5} {"Reference":"2007-156","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Chemical tanker boarded, robbed 11 July at 0500 local time in position 03-55N 098-44E, Belawan Anchorage. Duty crew spotted a robber on the forecastle deck. The OOW was informed and the alarm was raised. The robber jumped overboard and escaped","Desc2":"in an unlit boat. Later, the ships stores were found missing (IMB).","coords.x1":98.73333,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2007-149","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: LPG Tanker boarded 2 Jul at 0215 local time in position 05-59S 105-56E, Merak Anchorage. The third engineer on the vessel noticed four armed robbers in the steering flat. The bridge was informed, the alarm was raised and the crew alerted. A","Desc2":"head count was taken. The port control and local agents were informed of the incident. A search carried out by the ship?s crew revealed nothing stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":105.93333,"coords.x2":-5.98333} {"Reference":"2007-232","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship (ASIAN TRADER) boarded, 30 Jun 07 at 0635 local time, outer cargo ship anchorage, Jakarta, per 19 Sept 07 reporting. While waiting to berth, more than six robbers boarded the ship from two small boats from port and starboard","Desc2":"quarter. A crewmember on watch duty was hit on the head with an axe and severely injured. The robbers broke the lock of the spare gear room and escaped with the ships equipment. The alarm was raised, the crew mustered on the bridge and went in one group","Desc3":"to poop deck, to help the injured crewmember. Incident reported to Local Port Authority (IMO MSC.4/Circ.107, 7 Sept 07).","coords.x1":106.21667,"coords.x2":-5.38333} {"Reference":"2007-157","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship boarded and robbed 30 Jun at 0640 local time, Jakarta outer anchorage. Approximately six armed robbers, from two boats, boarded the vessel from the port and starboard quarters. The duty AB was attacked and hit on the head with","Desc2":"an axe, causing severe bleeding. The ships alarm was raised and the crew mustered; however, the robbers stole from the ships stores and escaped. The pilot and local agents were informed. The Injured crewmember was taken ashore for medical treatment, in a","Desc3":"pilot boat and later repatriated (IMB).","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2007-158","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Chemical tanker boarded and robbed 26 Jun at 0055 local time, Belawan outer anchorage. The duty AB on the vessel noticed three robbers trying to open the forward locked. The duty AB informed the OOW and ran forward; however, one of the robbers","Desc2":"threatened the AB with a knife and chased him back to the accommodation. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The pirates stole the ships property and escaped in a small boat. The port control was informed. No injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2007-145","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded, crewmember held hostage 25 Jun at 1820 local time in position 01-51.5S 105-02.8E, while underway off northeast Bangka Island. Approximately eleven pirates, armed with long knives and shot guns boarded the vessel. Upon detecting","Desc2":"the pirates, the crew ran inside the accommodation and closed all doors. After taking a head count, the master realized that one oiler was being held hostage. The master contacted the shore authorities. The pirates opened fire but there were no injuries","Desc3":"to the crew. The pirates escaped in a small speedboat. The Coast Guard arrived to investigate and nothing was stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":105.04667,"coords.x2":-1.85833} {"Reference":"2007-144","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tanker (MUJUR SAMUDRA) boarded and robbed on 23 Jun at 2145 local time, while docking near Pulau Lima. Six robbers armed with machetes and pistols boarded the vessel from a speedboat and robbed eight crewmen of their belongings and cash,","Desc2":"resulting in approximately RM $25,000 worth of losses. There were two other robbers waiting in the getaway speedboat. During the robbery, two of the crewmen did not comply with the robbers demands and were hit on their heads with the machetes. One of the","Desc3":"suspects struggled with a victim, causing the victim to fall overboard. This victim later managed to swim ashore and seek help from fishermen and contacted police. The robbers spent approximately 30 minutes ransacking and robbing the crew of personal","Desc4":"effects before escaping. Two victims are reportedly injured and were sent to a nearby hospital for treatment (IMB, LM: The Star).","coords.x1":107.4,"coords.x2":-3.49972} {"Reference":"2007-140","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded 10 Jun at 0522 local time in position 06-00.6S 106-53.2E, Jakarta anchorage. A few fishing boats diverted the attention of the watch keepers, while two robbers boarded the vessel using grappling hooks. The robbers stole two life","Desc2":"rafts and escaped. The port authorities were informed; however, no action was taken (IMB).","coords.x1":106.88667,"coords.x2":-6.01} {"Reference":"2007-185","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Yacht reported attempted boarding 02 Jun at 1535 local time while underway in position 02:18N ? 107:04:48E, Anambas Islands, per 05 Aug reporting. Four pirates in aspeedboat approached the vessel. When the suspicious boat was nearly alongside,","Desc2":"a pirate standing on the bow of the boat attempted to throw a small warp-anchor with a thin rope attached to enable to board the vessel. The master of the vessel increased its speed and maneuvered the vessel in a zigzag manner. Fortunately, the","Desc3":"suspicious boats? engine failed enabling the vessel to escape unharmed (IMB).","coords.x1":107.08,"coords.x2":2.3} {"Reference":"2007-134","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Container ship boarded and robbed 30 May at 0400 local time in position 01-18.90N 104:07.70E, Johor Anchorage. Six robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel and forced their way into the engine room, by breaking the padlocks on the doors.","Desc2":"They tied up two crewmen and stole spare parts. The robbers escaped when the alarm was raised (IMB).","coords.x1":104.12833,"coords.x2":1.315} {"Reference":"2007-124","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: Tanker reported attempted boarding 25 May at 0315 local time, while underway in position 01-19.3N 104-16.3E. Robbers in a speedboat tried to board the tanker from the stern. Upon seeing the robbers, the anti-piracy watch keeper informed","Desc2":"the OOW, who raised the alarm. The robbers aborted the attempt and escaped in their speedboat. The crew conducted an investigation and found nothing missing and no damage to ship. VTIS informed (IMB).","coords.x1":104.27167,"coords.x2":1.32167} {"Reference":"2007-120","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tanker (KUDAM) reported attempted boarding 25 May at 0315 UTC, while anchored in position 1-19.3N 104-16.3E, approximately 3NM southwest of Pulau Mungging. The tanker was approached by one small boat with eight men, who attempted boarding from","Desc2":"the stern of the vessel. The master of the ship raised the alarm and the small boat fled away. The crew conducted a search of the ship and found no damaged or stolen items (RECAAP).","coords.x1":104.27167,"coords.x2":1.32167} {"Reference":"2007-112","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Product tanker boarded and robbed 5 May at 0300 local time, in position 03-55.35N 098-46.79E, Belawan Anchorage. Five robbers armed with knives and crowbars boarded the product tanker, using hooks via the anchor chain. They broke the padlock","Desc2":"to the paint store and stole from the ships stores. The duty AB noticed the robbers and informed the Duty Officer, who raised the alarm. He sounded the ships whistle and all crew mustered. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a speedboat. The","Desc3":"timely action of the crew prevented the robbers from further stealing ship property. No injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":98.77983,"coords.x2":3.9225} {"Reference":"2007-100","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS: Chemical tanker (SHOKO MARU) boarded and robbed 29 Apr at or between 0435 to 0540 local time, while at anchor in position 01:05.60N - 103:28.20E, off Karimun Island. The crewmembers discovered two boats alongside and a rope hooked onto","Desc2":"the tankers railing. There were about six to eight men on board the boats, which were black in color with blue canvas covers. Two of the men waved at the duty crew with iron bars and knives in their hands. The duty crew removed the hook from the","Desc3":"railings, informed the bridge, and opened the fire hydrant. The ship master raised the alarm and mustered the crew. Four men were later found in the engine room, armed with iron bars, and big spanners. Upon detection, the intruders escaped through the","Desc4":"steering gear door. They stole engine spares and escaped. Authorities were informed. ReCAAP reported the Indonesian Navy boarded the vessel and conducted an investigation. The IMB reported the Indonesian Coast Guard arrived at 1115 local time and left at","Desc5":"1145 local time, after conducting an investigation (IMB, ReCAAP).","coords.x1":103.47,"coords.x2":1.09333} {"Reference":"2007-98","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: LNG tanker (ECHIGO MARU) boarded 25 Apr, at 1830 UTC (26 Apr 0230 local time) while anchoring in position 01-04N 103-31E, off Karimun Island. An oiler noticed four armed robbers in the steering room of the LNG tanker, during anchoring","Desc2":"operations. The alarm was raised, the crew mustered, and the intruders fled. Local authorities were informed. The coast guard sent six personnel to the ship and a thorough search was conducted. No intruders were found. No one was injured. No loss of","Desc3":"cargo (IMB, ReCAAP).","coords.x1":103.51667,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2007-233","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship (LONDON TOWER) boarded 24 Apr 07 at 1930 local time, in position 03-56.50N 098-45.70E, Belawan Roads, per 19 Sept 07 reporting. The duty watch detected three robbers on the forecastle deck and warned the officer on watch. The","Desc2":"Master raised a general alarm and the second officer started the fire pump. The master tried to contact the local port authority and pilot station on VHF Ch 16/12 but without success. Sound signal by whistle was given. Search by the crew team indicated","Desc3":"that the robbers had escaped. A mooring rope was found about 5-6 meters unwound from winch on deck and connected with having line, prepared for discharging, through starboard side hawse. Old/damaged carcher machine was found missing. Securing rope was","Desc4":"cut (IMO MSC.4/Circ.107, 7 Sept 07).","coords.x1":98.76167,"coords.x2":3.94167} {"Reference":"2007-99","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker reported attempted boarding 23 Apr, at 2100 UTC in position 06-14S 108-26E, Balongan Anchorage. Five robbers in a boat attempted to board the tanker from the starboard quarter, by using a grappling hook. The duty AB spotted them and","Desc2":"informed OOW, who raised the alarm, sounded the ship's whistle, and alerted the crewmembers. The robbers aborted and moved away. Nothing was stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":108.43333,"coords.x2":-6.23333} {"Reference":"2007-135","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tanker (MAJULLAH JASMINE) boarded and robbed 21 Apr at 1930 local time, while underway in position 01-25N 104-20E, 2.5NM east of Tanjung Punggai (per 2 Jun reporting). Ten masked robbers, armed with pistols and long knives, boarded the vessel","Desc2":"from a speedboat. They stole S$17,000 cash and four mobile phones before escaping. No injuries to crew (IMB, ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.33333,"coords.x2":1.41667} {"Reference":"2007-86","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded and robbed 6 Apr, at 0345 local time at Dumai Anchorage. The tanker at anchor was boarded by two robbers, who entered the engine room via the open sky light. The crew in the engine room noticed the two robbers and when they","Desc2":"tried to apprehend them, the robbers threatened them with long knives. The engine room crew informed the bridge and the alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The robbers threatened the deck watch with long knives as they escaped from the funnel deck.","Desc3":"The robbers escaped with some engine spares by jumping into the river. Upon investigation, it was revealed that the robbers may have boarded the vessel when one crew had gone into the accommodation to wake up the next watch and the other crew went for a","Desc4":"security round on deck. No injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":101.46444,"coords.x2":1.68889} {"Reference":"2007-72","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: General cargo ship boarded 29 Mar 0200 local time in position 03:14N-112:58E, at Bintulu general cargo anchorage. Five robbers, armed with knives, boarded the general cargo ship. The second officer spotted them and raised the alarm and alerted","Desc2":"the crew. The crew proceeded to the forecastle. The robbers threw shackles at the crew but no one was injured. The robbers stole from the ships stores and escaped in their boat. The port control was informed and a patrol boat arrived two hours later and","Desc3":"conducted an investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":112.96667,"coords.x2":3.23333} {"Reference":"2007-97","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Crude oil tanker (BUNGA KELANA 5) boarded and robbed at anchorage 27 Apr, at 0230 local time in position 01-18.9N 104-14.4E, approximately 4NM southwest of Pulau Mungging. Four robbers armed with long knives boarded the tanker, as it was","Desc2":"carrying out tank washing operatons. The robbers entered the ship via the unlocked port side, accommodation door, and went to the engine room. They threatened the duty engineer with a long knife. They assaulted him, blindfolded him, tied him up, and made","Desc3":"him lie down. The duty engineer managed to release himself and raised the alarm. The duty engineer sustained mild contusions on his hands. The crew mustered and found that the robbers had stolen engine spares and escaped via the steering gear room door","Desc4":"(IMB, ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.24,"coords.x2":1.315} {"Reference":"2007-73","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 28 Mar at 0707 UTC, while underway in position 04-40.0N 099-15.5E. Four men in a 15 meter speedboat with a grey wooden hull were observed drifting across the vessels course line. The speedboat","Desc2":"suddenly approached the vessel. The master raised the alarm and took evasive maneuvers; the crew mustered and activated the fire hoses. The pirates attempted to board the bulk carrier with ropes and a long stick with steps. After 20 minutes, the pirates","Desc3":"moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":99.25833,"coords.x2":4.66667} {"Reference":"2007-63","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded 21 Mar at 1855 UTC , in position 01-41.20N 101-27.90E, Dumai port. Three robbers armed with knives boarded the tanker from port quarter. They entered the accommodation. The Master raised the alarm and the authorities were","Desc2":"informed. A search party conducted a thorough search on board and found nothing missing or stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":101.465,"coords.x2":1.68667} {"Reference":"2007-77","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker (AI MARU) boarded 14 Mar at 1630 local time, while underway in position 01-07.29N 105-03.66E approximately 30NM east of Pulau Bintan. Ten heavily armed pirates intercepted and boarded the product tanker in two navy grey fiberglass speed","Desc2":"crafts with outboard engines. The men were dressed in camouflage and carried shot guns, rifles, and daggers. One of them had on a ski mask. They boarded the tanker and tied up all crew members and blindfolded them. The master of the ship was punched","Desc3":"several times, with no serious injuries. The gunmen also damaged the ships radio communications equipment and took the ships documents, crew passports, seaman books, cash, and hand phones before they fled in their speedboats. After steaming for 45","Desc4":"minutes the pirates smashed all the communication equipment. The ships engines stalled 40NM from Horsburgh, Lighthouse. When the pirates could not restart the engines they abandoned the ship and escaped in their speedboats. All crew were accounted for","Desc5":"with no injuries and all cargo intact. The master reported that there was not a single shot fired by the men during the incident. The ReCCAP ISC Focal Point (Singapore) advises ship-owners and masters to exercise vigilance while transiting this location","Desc6":"(ReCAPP ISC, IMB).","coords.x1":105.061,"coords.x2":1.1215} {"Reference":"2007-64","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker (AI MARU) boarded 14 Mar at 1630 local time, while underway in position 01-07.29N 105-03.66E, approximately 30NM east of Pulau Bintan. The tanker was approached by two speedboats with ten men. The men were dressed in camouflage and","Desc2":"carried shot guns, rifles, and daggers. One of them had on a ski mask. They boarded the tanker and tied up all crew members and blindfolded them. The master of the ship was punched several times with no serious injuries. The gunmen also damaged the ships","Desc3":"radio communications equipment and took the ships documents, crew passports, seaman books, cash, and hand phones before they fled in their speedboats. All crew were accounted for with no injuries. The master reported that there was not a single shot","Desc4":"fired by the men, during the incident. The ReCCAP ISC Focal Point (Singapore) advises ship-owners and masters to exercise vigilance, while transiting this location (ReCAPP ISC).","coords.x1":105.061,"coords.x2":1.1215} {"Reference":"2007-66","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Product tanker reported attempted boarding, 12 Mar at 0410 local time in position 06-14.2S 108-26.5E, Balongan anchorage. Robbers armed with knives, in an unlit boat, approached the product tanker at anchor and threw a line onboard the ship,","Desc2":"at the port quarter. The duty watchmen were standing by with pipes in hand. The robbers aborted the attempt and fled (IMB).","coords.x1":108.44167,"coords.x2":-6.23667} {"Reference":"2007-60","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Product tanker reported attempted boarding, 12 Mar at 0410 local time in position 06-14.2S 108-26.5E, Balongan anchorage. Robbers armed with knives, in an unlit boat, approached the product tanker at anchor and threw a line onboard the ship,","Desc2":"at the port quarter. The duty watchmen were standing by with pipes in hand. The robbers aborted the attempt and fled (IMB).","coords.x1":108.44167,"coords.x2":-6.23667} {"Reference":"2007-47","DateOfOcc":"2007-02-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded 18 Feb, 0100 local time, in position 06-16.2S 108-27.7E at SM Balongan. Four robbers armed with knives boarded the tanker, discharging at a SBM. They entered the engine room. They were noticed by the duty oiler, who informed the","Desc2":"duty officer. The alarm was raised and the crew alerted. The robbers escaped empty handed. The crew mustered and a search was carried out but found nothing stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":108.46167,"coords.x2":-6.27} {"Reference":"2007-38","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship boarded and robbed 27 Jan, 2310 UTC in position 02-03S 106-54E, Tg. Priok anchorage. Armed robbers boarded the vessel at anchor, from the stern. They broke open the steering room door and entered the engine room via a watertight","Desc2":"manhole. They stole from the ships stores (IMB).","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-2.05} {"Reference":"2007-32","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded and robbed 26 Jan, at 0330 local time in position 06-12.64S 108-26.01E, Balongan Anchorage. The robbers boarded the vessel via a small boat. The tanker had a life raft stolen, while it was at anchor. Local police and port","Desc2":"security were informed via the local agent (IMB).","coords.x1":108.4335,"coords.x2":-6.21067} {"Reference":"2007-33","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Oil tanker boarded 22 Jan, at 1800 UTC in position 01:42N - 101:29E, at Dumai anchorage. The duty officer of the oil tanker at anchorage raised the alarm and alerted the crew, when he noticed one robber on board and another attempting to","Desc2":"board. The robbers jumped over board and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":101.48333,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2007-34","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship chased 21 Jan, at 2025 UTC in position 03-38.7N 099-30.0E, 16nm off Kuala Tanjung. Several unlit fishing boats approached the container ship while underway. The master, suspecting piracy, increased speed and started taking","Desc2":"evasive action. One of the boats was hit on the starboard bow. The emergency alarm was raised and a search carried out. Two persons were found onboard and no one was injured. No arms were found on the them, however they were carrying mobile phones.","Desc3":"Fearing further attack and repercussions, the master continued his passage towards Singapore. The owners/agents are making arrangements to handover the two persons to authorities for investigations (IMB).","coords.x1":99.5,"coords.x2":3.645} {"Reference":"2007-26","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded and robbed 18 Jan, at 1815 UTC in position 06:15.07S-108:26.78E, Balongan Anchorage. Two robbers armed with steel bars boarded a tanker and entered the engine room. They stole generator spares and escaped through the engine room","Desc2":"door, leading to the poop deck. The master raised the alarm and the crew mustered. The local police were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":108.44633,"coords.x2":-6.25117} {"Reference":"2007-122","DateOfOcc":"2007-01-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: LPG tanker boarded and robbed 7 Jan at 2145 local time, while at berth in position 02-59.1S 104-05.2E, Pertamina Jetty 4, Plaju (per 22 May reporting). Three robbers in a motorboat boarded the LPG tanker. They were noticed by the duty AB and","Desc2":"the general alarm was raised. They entered the engine room, held third engineer hostage, stole the ships properties, and escaped. No injuries to crew. The incident was reported to the agent (IMB).","coords.x1":104.08667,"coords.x2":-2.985} {"Reference":"2007-10","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONEISA: Container ship boarded 19 Dec, at 0430 local time at Pilot Ground, Jakarta Roads. Robbers armed with long knives boarded the container ship, awaiting for pilot. The robbers unlashed the starboard life raft and threw it overboard. They then","Desc2":"jumped overboard and escaped, when the crew noticed them. The incident reported to authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":106.81667,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2007-11","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Chemical tanker boarded 18 Dec, 0125 local time at Belawan Outer Anchorage. The robbers boarded the chemical tanker and broke the padlocks, on the starboard side chemical equipment locker and paint room door. The security watchman reported to","Desc2":"the duty officer who raised the alarm, sounded the ship's whistle, and activated the fire pump with pressurized water jets. All access to bridge and accommodations were closed and crew was gathered on the bridge. Robbers jumped into water and escaped in","Desc3":"a waiting boat. There were no injuries to the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2006-292","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: Oil tanker reported attempted boarding08 Dec, at 2340 local time while underway in position 01:09N-103:33E.A number of small boats approached the oil tanker while underway andattempted to board. The master took evasive action, sounded","Desc2":"thealarm and mustered crew members. After 10 minutes the boatsdisappeared. The master reported the incident to the Singaporeauthorities (IMB).","coords.x1":103.55,"coords.x2":1.15} {"Reference":"2006-294","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: VLCC reported attempted boarding 04 Dec,at 1330 UTC in position 12:01.0S-103.30.0E, off Racon Delta. A boatapproached the VLCC underway eastbound at high speed. The masteraltered its course violently to avoid the boat. Despite","Desc2":"numerousevasive measures the boat continued to close in on the vessel. Thealarm was raised, and the crew was on standby. After 30 minutes theboat aborted its attempt to board. The VTIS Singapore was informed(IMB).","coords.x1":103.5,"coords.x2":1.15833} {"Reference":"2006-279","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT:In position 04-41N 098-42E at 271740Z NOV. Pirates in small boat approached a bulk carrier underway at high speed. D / O raised alarm, crew mustard, and activated fire hoses. Ship took evasive action and the attempted boarding was averted.","Desc2":"Vessels requested to be cution - advised. (NAVAREA XI)","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":4.68333} {"Reference":"2006-285","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 29 Nov at 0140 local time, while underway in position 04-41N 098-42E. The bulk carrier took evasive action to prevent boarding, in a small high powered craft tried to board at port beam. The","Desc2":"crew activated fire hoses and the boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":4.68333} {"Reference":"2006-286","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: General cargo ship boarded 28 Nov, at 1900 UTC Kuala Bintulu Anchorage. The general cargo ship was boarded by robbers armed with pistols, knives, and crowbars. The forecastle store was broken into and the ships stores were robbed. The robbers","Desc2":"jumped into the water when the ship raised the alarm. The port control was informed (IMB). .","coords.x1":112.96667,"coords.x2":3.23333} {"Reference":"2006-277","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded 20 Nov, at 0130 local time Dumai Inner Anchorage. Six robbers, armed with knives, boarded the bulk carrier and attempted to overcome the shore watchman, who raised the alarm. The duty officer and crew rushed to assist.","Desc2":"When the robbers were confronted by the crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":101.46444,"coords.x2":1.68889} {"Reference":"2006-278","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier robbed 15 Nov, Belawan port, Indonesia. While berthed, about seven robbers boarded the bulk carrier via the gangway, by mingling among the stevedores. They broke open the store using steel bars and stole from the ships stores.","Desc2":"Authorities were contacted but no response was received. There were no injuries to the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":98.71056,"coords.x2":3.79111} {"Reference":"2006-280","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 14-Nov-2006 at 0750 LT at Tg. Priok, Jakarta, three boats approached a container ship, at anchor from stern. Robbers from two boats boarded and entered engine room. Alarm was raised but robbers managed to escape with stolen engine spares","Desc2":"(IMBPCI).","coords.x1":106.89167,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2006-265","DateOfOcc":"2006-11-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: General cargo ship (AGNES SCAN) attempted boarding 5 Nov, at 0730 UTC, while underway in position 04-09S 099-38E. Pirates in a 12 meter wooden boat, with blue hull and yellow wheelhouse, approached the general cargo ship, with an","Desc2":"individual wearing a face mask attempting to board. The captain raised the alarm and carried out zig zag maneuvers. The robber aborted boarding. Both Malaysian and Indonesian authorities have been informed about the incident (IMB).","coords.x1":99.63333,"coords.x2":-4.15} {"Reference":"2006-241","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded 9 Oct, at 0405 localtime, Tarahan anchorage, Indonesia. Three armed pirates boarded abulk carrier at poop deck. Alert duty watchman raised alarm but robbers escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":105.31667,"coords.x2":-5.51667} {"Reference":"2006-239","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Bulk carrier surrounded by six boats,7 Oct at 2145 local time, in position 05-04.7N 098-25.7E. Crew mustered and activated anti-piracy measures. Some of the boats closed within 20 meters. At 2345 local time, there were two boats each","Desc2":"ahead and astern at a distance of 2.0 nm. Crew maintained anti-piracy measures and, after one hour and 15 min, boats stopped following the ship (IMB).","coords.x1":98.42833,"coords.x2":5.07833} {"Reference":"2006-235","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded 01 Oct at 0300 local time, in position 05-52.8S 106-04.15E, Sulfindo Jetty. Four robbers in a motorboat approached the bulk carrier, at port quarter during cargo operations, and three robbers boarded. Duty officer raised","Desc2":"alarm and crew mustered. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.06917,"coords.x2":-5.88} {"Reference":"2006-220","DateOfOcc":"2006-09-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier reported being boarded and robbed 31 Aug at 0615 local time, at Tanjong Priok Roads. Four robbers entered the engine room via funnel, by cutting the grills on the funnel door. They stole engine spares and escaped in a boat,","Desc2":"waiting with an accomplice (IMB).","coords.x1":101.47833,"coords.x2":1.68472} {"Reference":"2006-212","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier reported being boarded and robbed 31 Aug at 0615 local time at Tanjong Priok Roads. Four robbers entered the engine room via funnel by cutting the grills on the funnel door. They stole engine spares and escaped in a boat waiting","Desc2":"with an accomplice (IMB).","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2006-200","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded and robbed 04 Aug at 2030 UTC at Teluk Semangka Anchorage, Indonesia. Eight robbers armed with knives boarded the tanker. They entered the engine room and tied up and assaulted two duty crewmembers. Robbers stole generator","Desc2":"spares and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":104.61667,"coords.x2":-5.58333} {"Reference":"2006-194","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Two fishing boats attacked and three Thai crewmembers kidnapped 27 Jul, at approximately 0100 local time, 67 nm from Langkawi. Five armed pirates on a fishing boat stopped the two Malaysian registered fishing boats and attacked them.","Desc2":"Pirates are demanding a ransom of RM144,000 from the owners for the release of the crew. It is believed that, the pirates are holding the fishermen on an island off Langkawi. Malaysian and Thai police have launched a joint search for the fisherman and","Desc3":"the Indonesian police were also notified of the incident (IMB).","coords.x1":99.76667,"coords.x2":6.45} {"Reference":"2006-195","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded and robbed 26 Jul at 0200 local time, while at Belawan anchorage. Three robbers, armed with long knives, boarded the vessel at forecastle and stole ships stores. All crew chased robbers, who jumped into the water and escaped in","Desc2":"a boat, that was waiting with five accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2006-190","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUB BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tug boarded 18 Jul at 0345 local time, while at Telok Banten, Merak. Four armed robbers boarded the tug at anchor. Alert crew mustered and robbers left empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.25,"coords.x2":-5.95} {"Reference":"2006-183","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tug boarded and robbed 15 Jul at 1200 local time, while underway in position 05-16.00S 106-07.80E, enroute to Batam from Merak. Six pirates, armed with pistols, approached the tug, which was towing a barge. Four pirates boarded the tug and","Desc2":"assaulted the crew causing injuries. They stole the crews belongings and ships equipment before escaping in their speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":106.13,"coords.x2":-5.26667} {"Reference":"2006-180","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAITS of MALACCA:On Sunday night (7-9-06), two UN-chartered ships carrying aid to Indonesia's tsunami-struck Aceh province were boarded in the same area by pirates, who stole money and equipment but left the crew unharmed. The crew aboard the Japannese","Desc2":"vessel were able to repel their attackers, who struck on Tuesday from an unlit blue-hulled speedboat at the rear of the ship. The pirates tried to board the ship but were deterred by floodlights and water sprayed from a fire hose. Ships are urged to keep","Desc3":"a strict piracy watch, in this area (IMB).","coords.x1":95.25,"coords.x2":-5.55} {"Reference":"2006-165","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Bulk carrier (ISLAND OASIS) reported attempted boarding 2105 UTC, while underway in position 05-17.0N 098-01.5E. Duty officer observed a vessel on radar trailing their ship, at a standoff of 6km for 20 minutes. When the suspicious","Desc2":"vessel accelerated toward their ship, the alarm was sounded and the ships searchlights and fire hoses were activated. The 10m long blue hulled speedboat reportedly contained at least 8 to 10 suspected pirates, armed with what looked like guns and long","Desc3":"knives. The speedboat came within 2m of the stern at the port side, during the 5 minute chase. Noticing crews alertness, pirates aborted the chase (IMB, LM).","coords.x1":98.025,"coords.x2":5.28333} {"Reference":"2006-172","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LANDING CRAFT","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAITS:Twelve pirates in a fishing boat approached a landing craft carrying U.N. Tsunami Relief Cargo. Four pirates boarded and demanded money. Master gave them some cash. Then the remaining eight pirates came on board and stole diesel fuel.","Desc2":"Pirates said they were members of GAM and left.","coords.x1":98.21333,"coords.x2":4.64} {"Reference":"2006-166","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Landing craft boarded and robbed 02 Jul while underway near Langsa, north Sumatra. Pirates stole cash and personal belongings from the crew and escaped, no crew injured. The landing craft was under UN charter carrying tsunami relief cargo","Desc2":"(IMB, LL, BBC).","coords.x1":98,"coords.x2":4.58333} {"Reference":"2006-168","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Bulk carrier boarded 28 Jun at 0300 local time, while anchored in position 03-18.5N 112-55.3E, Bintulu anchorage. Two robbers boarded the vessel from an unlit boat. Duty officer raised alarm and crew mustered. Upon seeing crew alertness,","Desc2":"robbers jumped overboard, and escaped empty handed leaving behind two large screwdrivers (IMB).","coords.x1":112.92167,"coords.x2":3.30833} {"Reference":"2006-167","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Tanker reported two suspicious vessels 28 Jun at 0550 UTC, while underway in position 03-29.8N 100-09.9E. Two 12-15m vessels with shiny grey hulls followed the tanker at a distance of 500m. Crew mustered and activated fire hoses, after","Desc2":"which the two suspicious vessels moved away. The two vessels were last observed on a course of 136 degrees at a speed of 14.5 knots (IMB).","coords.x1":100.165,"coords.x2":3.49667} {"Reference":"2006-152","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified cargo ship boarded and robbed 5 June at 0050 local time, while in position 05 53.28S 106 05.29E, P.P Kali anchorage, Merak. Six robbers armed with long knives in an unlit boat approached the vessel from stern. Two robbers boarded","Desc2":"and broke open padlock of engine room storeroom. They stole engine spares and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":106.08817,"coords.x2":-5.888} {"Reference":"2006-158","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tanker reported attempted boarding 5 Jun, Tanjung Priok tanker anchorage. One robber was observed in the process of boarding the vessel. Alert crew raised alarm and boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":106.86667,"coords.x2":-6.05833} {"Reference":"2006-153","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier boarded and robbed 31 May at 2040 UTC, while in position: 05-52.2S 106-04.5E, Tg. Priok anchorage. Five robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel. They tied up two crewmembers and threatened them with knives.","Desc2":"They stole engine spares and escaped in a speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":106.075,"coords.x2":-5.87} {"Reference":"2006-150","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified product tanker boarded and robbed 24 May at 2100 local time while underway in position: 03-10.2S 106-20.2E, south of Bangka island. Ten pirates armed with guns and long knives boarded the vessel. They stole master's and crews cash","Desc2":"and escaped in their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":106.33667,"coords.x2":-3.17} {"Reference":"2006-145","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: Unidentified bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 18 May at 2350 local time, while anchored in position 01-13.8N 103-34.8E, west OPL, Singapore straits. Five boats with 2-3 men in each boat, dark brown color, approached the vessel, and","Desc2":"prepared grapnel hooks for boarding. Alert crew raised alarm and activated fire hoses. Attempted boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":103.58,"coords.x2":1.23} {"Reference":"2006-139","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified container ship reported attempted boarding 13 May at 1330 local time, while in position: 06:01S - 106:52E at outer roads, Tg. Priok anchorage. Five people in a green colored 5 meter boat tried to board the vessel using grapnel","Desc2":"hooks. Alert crew prevented boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":106.86667,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2006-138","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified supply ship reported suspicious approach 9 May at 0405 local time while underway in position: 03-13.9N 108-42.5E, vicinity of Natuna islands. An unlit boat approached the stern of the vessel. Alert crew switched on searchlights","Desc2":"and the boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":108.70833,"coords.x2":3.23167} {"Reference":"2006-127","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier boarded and robbed 4 May at 0120 local time while underway in position 01-23.5N 104-27.0E, off Horsburgh lighthouse Singapore Strait. A speedboat, with five pirates on board, fired upon the vessel. Duty officer raised","Desc2":"alarm, crew mustered, switched on deck lights, and secured doors. Four heavily armed pirates boarded, broke open bridge door, tied up the crew, and threatened to kill them. Pirates stole ships cash, cash from the crew, equipment, and valuables andf then","Desc3":"escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":104.45,"coords.x2":1.39167} {"Reference":"2006-118","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tanker reported suspicious approach 1 May at 1140 UTC, while underway in position: 03-13N 108-45E, Kumpulan Natuna Islands. Persons in several unlit boats followed the vessel and came close to her stern. Crew mustered, switched on","Desc2":"deck lights, and activated fire hoses. Boats then moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":108.75,"coords.x2":3.21667} {"Reference":"2006-119","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tanker reported attempted boarding 30 Apr at 1150 UTC, while underway in position 03-04.3S 107-17.2E, Gelasa strait. Three pirates in a green/brown, 5m long motorized banka, armed with long knives, threw grapnel hooks at stern of","Desc2":"the vessel and tried to board. Alert crew mustered and pirates aborted boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":107.28667,"coords.x2":-3.07167} {"Reference":"2006-120","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier boarded and robbed 29 Apr at 2245 local time, while underway in position: 02-55S 107-18E, Gelasa strait. Six pirates armed with long knives in a speedboat boarded the vessel. The master, chief engineer and two other","Desc2":"engineers were taken hostage. Equipment and personal belongings of crew were stolen. Robbers escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":107.3,"coords.x2":-2.91667} {"Reference":"2006-112","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 23 Apr at 2020 UTC, while underway in position: 02-52.2S 107-17.5E, Gelasa Straits. Seven persons in a speedboat approached the vessel and attempted to board from stern. Alert crew mustered","Desc2":"and activated fire hoses. Boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":107.29167,"coords.x2":-2.87} {"Reference":"2006-128","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tug missing since 22 Apr believed to be hijacked between Belawan port and Batu Licin, Banjarmasin. A tug towing an empty barge departed Belawan on 13 Apr en route to Batu Licin, Banjarmasin. Last known position was 02-07S 108-47E on 22 Apr.","Desc2":"The tug/barge and 12 crewmembers are still missing. They are believed to be hijacked (IMB).","coords.x1":108.78333,"coords.x2":-2.11667} {"Reference":"2006-105","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Unidentified fishing vessel boarded and robbed 17 Apr at 0300 local time, 10 nm off Bagan coast, Baha Pahat. Pirates stole equipment from the vessel. A police report was filed (IMB).","coords.x1":100.71667,"coords.x2":2.16667} {"Reference":"2006-106","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Fishing vessel fired upon 17 Apr at 0200 local time, 9nm off Parit Haji Baki coast. Six pirates, armed with guns in a speedboat, opened fire on the vessel. Several hit the side of the vessel but the crew escaped injuries. They lodged a","Desc2":"police report (IMB).","coords.x1":102.58333,"coords.x2":2} {"Reference":"2006-107","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 16 Apr at 1520 UTC, while underway in position 02-58S 107-18.5E, Gelasa Strait. Five robbers, in a dark grey unlit speedboat, tried to board a bulk carrier underway. Alert crew mustered and","Desc2":"directed searchlights at the boat and boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":107.30833,"coords.x2":-2.96667} {"Reference":"2006-108","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified cargo ship boarded 16 Apr at 1305 UTC, while underway in position 02-53.0S 107-18.4E, Gelasa Strait. Four robbers in a speedboat armed with long knives boarded from stern. They entered the accommodation and held a crew member at","Desc2":"knife point. They tied the master up and stole his valuables, along with property from other cabins. They then entered masters cabin and searched for additional valuables and cash but could not find any. They later escaped in their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":107.30667,"coords.x2":-2.88333} {"Reference":"2006-109","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified vehicle carrier boarded and robbed 11 Apr at 0815 local time at Tg. Priok anchorage, Jakarta. Four robbers boarded the vessel at stern using a rope. They enteredengine room and held chief engineer hostage. Alarm was raised and","Desc2":"crew mustered. Robbers stole engine spares and escaped in their speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":106.86667,"coords.x2":-6.05833} {"Reference":"2006-94","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier boarded and robbed 21 Mar at 0240 local time, while in position 02-54.4S 107-16.1E, Gelasa Straits. Six pirates armed with long knives boarded the vessel and entered bridge. They forced two officers to take them to","Desc2":"master's cabin. They tied up two officers, two duty crewmembers, and the master. Ship's cash and equipment were stolen. At 0252 they took master and the two officers to stern and escaped in a speedboat waiting below, leaving the master and two officers","Desc3":"behind (IMB).","coords.x1":107.26833,"coords.x2":-2.90667} {"Reference":"2006-65","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was approached 5 Mar at 0605 local time, while underway in position 03-01.5S - 107-18.5E, Gelasa straits. Six masked pirates with long knives in a speedboat approached the vessel. D/O raised alarm and crew","Desc2":"mustered. Pirates aborted attempt and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":107.30833,"coords.x2":-3.025} {"Reference":"2006-66","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified motor yacht reported an attempted boarding 2 Mar at 2155 local time, while underway in position 00-54.31N - 105-53.18E. Several persons in two fishing boats attempted to board. First boat approached at port bow on collision","Desc2":"course and the second approached at stern. Skipper took evasive maneuvers, increased speed, and boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":105.88633,"coords.x2":0.90517} {"Reference":"2006-71","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:An unidentified motor yacht was boarded and robbed at 2245 LT off Tioman Islands, Malaysia. The robbers boarded and stole cash, personnel belongings, and other portable items. Police arrested 3 suspects and have recovered some of the stolen","Desc2":"items. Suspects are under investigation and soon will be charged in the court.","coords.x1":103.83333,"coords.x2":2.45} {"Reference":"2006-72","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Robbers boarded a yacht at 2000LT off Tioman Islands and stole cash, personnel belongings, and other portable items. Police arrested 3 suspects and have recovered some of the stolen items. Suspects are under investigation and soon will be","Desc2":"charged in court.","coords.x1":103.83333,"coords.x2":2.45} {"Reference":"2006-50","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified RO RO ship was boarded and robbed 20 Feb at 1920 UTC, while in position 05-56.3S 106-06.8E, Pt Cilegon Fabricators jetty,West Java. Robbers in a motorboat boarded by using a hook attached to a rope. They entered engine room,","Desc2":"tied up duty crew, stole engine spares and escaped in their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":106.11333,"coords.x2":-5.93833} {"Reference":"2006-51","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 13 Feb at 0430 local time, while in position 06-04.0S 106-53.6E, Tg. Priok anchorage. Seven robbers boarded and tried to enter engine room. Duty engineer raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers jumped","Desc2":"overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89333,"coords.x2":-6.06667} {"Reference":"2006-41","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: An unidentified chemical tanker was approached 7 Feb at 0120 local time, while underway in position 01-15N 104-07E. An unlit speedboat approached the tanker at port bow. Master altered course and took evasive maneuvers. However another","Desc2":"speedboat with three persons came close to stern and tried to board. Crew took anti piracy measures and boarding was averted. It seems the boat at port bow was meant to create a diversion (IMB).","coords.x1":104.11667,"coords.x2":1.25} {"Reference":"2006-39","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded and robbed 1 Feb at 0130 local time, while anchored in position 05-52.7S - 106-00.3E, Merak anchorage. Five armed robbers boarded via the poop deck and entered engine room. They attacked and tied up","Desc2":"duty oiler. They stole a large quantity spares and escaped in a 5m length boat (IMB).","coords.x1":106.005,"coords.x2":-5.87833} {"Reference":"2006-19","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified product tanker was boarded 15 Jan at 2200 local time, while anchored at the Dumia anchorage. Five robbers boarded the tanker at the stern. Alert crew mustered and robbers escaped empty handed in their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":101.43333,"coords.x2":1.7125} {"Reference":"2006-27","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"THAILAND: An unidentified yacht at anchor was hijacked by robbers 14 Jan at Racha Yas Island, off Phuket. Subsequently it was located on 19 Jan (IMB).","coords.x1":98.48528,"coords.x2":7.61667} {"Reference":"2006-20","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 13 Jan at 1848 UTC, while anchored in position 06-02.46S 106-53.27E, Tg. Priok anchorage. Two robbers, armed with long knives, boarded the vessel at the stern from an unlit boat. Duty officer raised","Desc2":"alarm and crew mustered. Four shore security guards pointed their guns at the robbers, who then jumped overboard and escaped empty handed, in their awaiting boat with three accomplices. Port control was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.88783,"coords.x2":-6.041} {"Reference":"2006-21","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 11 Jan at 0500 local time while at JICT terminal pier No1, Jakarta. Four robbers boarded the vessel at the stern by climbing emergency towing wire. They entered the engine room via steering gear flat.","Desc2":"They stole engine spares and lowered them into an awaiting boat. Duty officer raised alarm and robbers escaped. Incident reported to authorities and police boarded for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.09167} {"Reference":"2006-12","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 02 Jan at 0400 local time, while at Teluk Semangka anchorage. Three robbers, armed with long knives, boarded a tanker at the poop deck. Duty A/B raised alarm, crew mustered, and robbers escaped empty handed","Desc2":"in a waiting boat. Pertamina port control informed and a patrol boat arrived two hours later for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":104.6,"coords.x2":-5.53333} {"Reference":"2006-7","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Chemical tanker (STEADFAST) is suspected of being hijacked as of 19 Dec, while enroute from Palembang, Indonesia to Singapore. An IMB special alert dated 20 Dec reports the tanker lost contact with their vessel as of 19 Dec. The tanker","Desc2":"departed Palembang, Indonesia for Singapore on 18 Dec laden with 16,585 MT of vegetable oil. Vessels last known location reported by the owner was 02-20N 106-41E at 0530 UTC, on 19 Dec. ONI Comment: In April of this year, pirates boarded a general cargo","Desc3":"ship laden with tin ingot in Indonesian waters, forced the crew to take the vessel to a port in Malaysia and offload the cargo, before returning to Indonesian waters and releasing the vessel and crew unharmed. The cargo was later found intact by","Desc4":"Malaysian authorities in the same location it was offloaded. In July, pirates boarded a tug and barge while awaiting berth in a port in Malaysia and siphoned approximately 3,500 MT of crude palm oil, into another product tanker. The Malaysian Marine","Desc5":"Police found the product tanker and arrested the crew, while the Indonesian Navy Pursuit Team arrested five individuals believed to have perpetrated the theft. In September, a general cargo vessel laden with 660 tons of tin ingot was boarded by pirates,","Desc6":"while underway off Indonesia. The 14 crewmembers were set adrift in a fishing boat and landed safely on land. The vessel was later discovered sunk not far from where it was hijacked and salvage divers assessed the cargo to be intact. These incidents","coords.x1":106.68333,"coords.x2":2.33333} {"Reference":"2005-360","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 8 Dec at 0330 local time, while anchored in position 05-54S 105-59E at Merak. One person armed with a long knife boarded but fled empty handed to a waiting boat with accomplices, when crew raised alarm.","Desc2":"Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":105.98333,"coords.x2":-5.9} {"Reference":"2005-359","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug was boarded 8 Dec at 0430 local time while anchored, in position 05-58.4S 105-58.6E., at Tanjung Gerem Merak. Eight persons, armed with long knives tied up motorman and stole engine spares. They escaped to a waiting","Desc2":"speedboat, when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":105.97667,"coords.x2":-5.97333} {"Reference":"2005-353","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 30 Nov at 0710 local time, while anchored in position 06-00.6S 106-54E, Tanjung Priok anchorage. Robbers entered accommodations, stole safety equipment and escaped. Master tried to contact port","Desc2":"control but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.01} {"Reference":"2005-319","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 17 Oct at 0330 local time, while anchored in position 06-02.87S 106-53.57E, Jakarta anchorage. Robbers, armed with long knives, boarded the vessel from an unlit boat. They threatened the crew with","Desc2":"knives and stole a life raft. Robbers were in the process of stealing ships stores but crew thwarted the attempt. Robbers escaped in their boat. Master called port authority on VHF radio but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89283,"coords.x2":-6.04783} {"Reference":"2005-321","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was chased 13 Oct at 0500 local time, while underway in the Sunda Strait. Alert crew raised alarm, directed search lights and activated hire hoses. Chase was aborted (IMB).","coords.x1":105.88333,"coords.x2":-5.91667} {"Reference":"2005-320","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 13 Oct at 1230 local time while at Jakarta anchorage. Six robbers boarded the vessel at the stern. Duty officer raised alarm, crew mustered and robbers fled. Master contacted a customs patrol boat near","Desc2":"by and they gave chase for a few minutes before giving up. Jakarta port informed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89278,"coords.x2":-6.04778} {"Reference":"2005-318","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Bulk carrier approached 12 Oct at 1830 UTC, while underway in position 05-01N 111-27E. Three speedboats doing over 23 kts approached the vessel. Ship took preventive measures and boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":111.45,"coords.x2":5.01667} {"Reference":"2005-308","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA-INDONESIA: The supply ship (PLEIONE) was chased 1 Oct at 1200 local time, while underway in position 06-11.4N 097-06.3E, off the northern tip of Sumatra by ten persons In a fishing boat. Crew activated fire hoses and master began","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers and pursuit was broken off (IMB).","coords.x1":97.105,"coords.x2":6.19} {"Reference":"2005-309","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA-INDONESIA: The general cargo ship (PRIMA INDAH) was hijacked 30 Sep at 1300 UTC, while underway in position 01-28.6S 106-41.1E. The 14 crew were set adrift in a fishing boat and later landed safely on an island, but the ship and its","Desc2":"cargo of 660 tons of tin ingots are missing. ONI NOTE: This is the first reported hijack of a ship for its cargo in many months. Resumption of such ship hijacks may signal that the criminal gangs responsible have solved the problem of how and where to","Desc3":"dispose of the stolen cargo and would represent the resumption of a formerly troubling rash of such hijacks, which have not been a factor since the former black markets in China dried up in late 1998 (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":106.685,"coords.x2":-1.47667} {"Reference":"2005-295","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified product tanker was boarded and robbed 14 Sep at 0415 local time, while anchored at Tanjung Priok tanker anchorage, Jakarta. The four armed robbers broke into the engine room and threatened the crew with a pistol. They stole","Desc2":"engine spares and escaped. Port control was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.8,"coords.x2":-6.09444} {"Reference":"2005-296","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 14 Sep at 1400 local time, while underway at the Jakarta breakwater as it was entering port. Alert crew raised the alarm when seven armed robbers boarded the vessel. Robbers escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89722,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2005-268","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug was fired upon 19 Aug at 2030 local time, while underway in position 02-37.1N 108-57.0E, off Natuna islands. Pirates in a fishing vessel, armed with guns, approached the tug as it was towing a barge. Gunfire caused damage","Desc2":"to navigation equipment and accommodations. Master cast off the barge, took evasive maneuvers, and proceeded to Singapore. No injuries to crew. August 25 reporting indicates the Indonesian Navy has rendered its assistance to help recover the barge of","Desc3":"scrap metal (IMB, LL).","coords.x1":108.95,"coords.x2":2.61833} {"Reference":"2005-269","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tug (ZARA) and barge (ZARA 3) hijacked 16 Aug at 0200 local time, while underway in approximate location 01N 104E. Pirate threw one crewmember overboard, who was later rescued by a nearby craft. He reached shore and reported the incident to","Desc2":"naval authorities in Tg. Pinang. Per 22 Aug reporting, the barge was transporting oil platform spare parts and a joint search operation between the Malaysian Marine Police and IndonesianNavy is underway. Sources said the ship owner in Sibu has yet to","Desc3":"receive a ransom demand (IMB, LL, REUTERS)","coords.x1":104,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"2005-259","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"THAILAND: Yacht (SWITCH BLADE) was boarded and stolen 11 Aug between 2100 and 2359 local time while moored at Ao Chalong Bay, Phuket. Theft was reported to marine police who searched the immediate area but did not find the vessel. Yacht was subsequently","Desc2":"found 13 Aug off Koh Lanta, Thailand (IMB).","coords.x1":98.38333,"coords.x2":7.88333} {"Reference":"2005-255","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported an attempted boarding 04 Aug at 0600 local time, while underway in position 02-19.5N 101-50.0E, 5 nm off Tanjung Tuan. Several persons in an unlit 6m speedboat came within 1 cable, intending to","Desc2":"board. The crew mustered, activated fire hoses, and directed searchlights. The speedboat slowed down and retreated (IMB).","coords.x1":101.83333,"coords.x2":2.325} {"Reference":"2005-284","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 29 Jul at Jakarta anchorage (reported 13 Sep). Alert crew sounded alarm after detecting for robbers onboard. Four robbers escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89167,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2005-240","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified fishing vessel was fired upon 21 Jul at 2030 local time, while underway 12nm off Muar, Johor. Pirates, armed with guns, opened fire on the vessel, and wounded two crewmembers. Crewmembers were later taken ashore for","Desc2":"hospital treatment (IMB).","coords.x1":102.50833,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"2005-232","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Singapore Straits:Six pirates armed with long knives and wearing black facemasks boarded a tanker underway, via a speedboat. They took hostage two duty crewmembers and tied them up. They entered accomodation and took captain, oiler , and 2/E as hostages","Desc2":"and tied them up with plastic strings. They kicked 3/o in his groin and destroyed communication equipment. They stole ship's cash, crew personal belongings and ship's property and escaped at 0045 LT. Master informed authorities.","coords.x1":103.56861,"coords.x2":1.21972} {"Reference":"2005-219","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 12 Jul at 1630 UTC, while underway in position 01-13.34N 103-34.23E. Six pirates, armed with long knives, detained the crew and seized personal belongings, money, and ships property. Pirates","Desc2":"ransacked master's cabin and destroyed ship's communications equipment (Operator).","coords.x1":103.5705,"coords.x2":1.22233} {"Reference":"2005-222","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 06 Jul at 0030 local time, while anchored in position 01-42.3N 101-26.7E, Dumai inner anchorage. Alert crewmember on duty raised alarm after three armed robbers boarded the vessel. Crew mustered and","Desc2":"robbers escaped in their boat. Master informed authorities but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":101.445,"coords.x2":1.705} {"Reference":"2005-220","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: The tug (SAMUDRA SINDO VIII) towing barge (AGANDA 7) was boarded 03 Jul at 0005 local time, while awaiting berthing at Tanjung Pengelih port. Eight pirates, armed with guns and long knives and wearing face masks, held master and crew hostage as","Desc2":"they siphoned approximately 3,500mt of crude palm oil onto M/T (PALM CHEM). Subsequently, Malaysian marine police located M/T (PALM CHEM) and arrested the crew while the Indonesian Navy Pursuit Team arrested five individuals believed to have done the","Desc3":"hijacking in raids conducted in Tanjung Pinang, Riau (IMB, LL, LM).","coords.x1":104.08333,"coords.x2":1.36944} {"Reference":"2005-209","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 24 Jun at 0230 local time while at Jakarta anchorage. They stole a life raft and escaped in a speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":106.875,"coords.x2":-6.075} {"Reference":"2005-211","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: An unidentified tug reported an attempted boarding at 1015 local time, while underway in position 01-17N 104-12E on 20 June. Persons wearing dark clothes in four speedboats, 6-8 meters in length with open tops, approached the tug. Bosun","Desc2":"raised alarm and crew mustered. One boat came very close to stern and persons inside attempted to board. Crew activated fire hoses and boats moved back and later moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":104.2,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"2005-204","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: An unidentified general cargo ship reported an attempted boarding 15 Jun at 1800 UTC, while underway in position 01-59N 104-45E. Three unlit craft approached a general cargo ship underway and came within one cable at port bow. Duty","Desc2":"officer raised alarm, crew mustered, directed search lights, switched on deck lights, and activated fire hoses. Craft then change course and attempted to board at stern before eventually moving away (IMB).","coords.x1":104.75,"coords.x2":1.98333} {"Reference":"2005-208","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: M/T (NEPLINE DELIMA) was hijacked 13 June at 2100 UTC, while underway off Langkawi Island. Ten armed pirates boarded from a speedboat. One crew member managed to escape in the pirates' boat, landed at Langkawi, and notified police.","Desc2":"Police dispatched a police boat which found the tanker off Pulau Lebar. The pirates subsequently surrendered and were taken to Langkawi for investigation (IMB). Two crewmembers were later arrested, under suspicion of being accomplices to the hijacking.","Desc3":"It is believed that a 35 year old officer on the vessel was sending the Indonesian pirates the vessel's location via text messages, from his mobile phone. Malaysian deputy inspector general of police told reporters it appears the pirates were part of an","Desc4":"organized crime syndicate and believed the pirates were aiming to sell the ship's 30,000 barrels of diesel onboard to international buyers. On 22 Jun, a press report states special task force officers have identified the pirates' ringleaders and have","Desc5":"detained two men tracked down in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (LL). On 29 Jun, the ten arrested Indonesian pirates pled guilty. The pirates, who had no legal representation, will be sentenced on 10 Jul, and face up to 20 years in jail and caning. They have","Desc6":"been remanded in jail until sentencing (LL).","coords.x1":99.76667,"coords.x2":6.43333} {"Reference":"2005-189","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified tanker was hijacked 13 June at 2100 UTC, while underway off Langkawi Island. Ten armed pirates boarded from a speedboat. One crew member managed to escape in the pirates' boat, landed at Langkawi, and notified police.","Desc2":"Police dispatched a police boat which found the tanker off Pulau Lebar. The pirates subsequently surrendered and were taken to Langkawi for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":99.58333,"coords.x2":6.33333} {"Reference":"2005-201","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: M/T (NEPLINE DELIMA) was hijacked 13 June at 2100 UTC, while underway off Langkawi Island. Ten armed pirates boarded from a speedboat. One crew member managed to escape in the pirates' boat, landed at Langkawi and notified police.","Desc2":"Police dispatched a police boat which found the tanker off Pulau Lebar. The pirates subsequently surrendered and were taken to Langkawi for investigation (IMB). Two crewmembers were later arrested under suspicion of being accomplices to the hijacking. It","Desc3":"is believed that a 35 year old officer on the vessel was sending the Indonesian pirates the vessel's location via text messages, from his mobile phone. Malaysian deputy inspector general of police told reporters, it appears the pirates were part of an","Desc4":"organized crime syndicate and believed the pirates were aiming to sell the ship's 30,000 barrels of diesel onboard to international buyers. On 22 Jun, a press report states special task force officers have identified the pirates' ringleaders and have","Desc5":"detained two men tracked down in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (LL).","coords.x1":99.58333,"coords.x2":6.33333} {"Reference":"2005-193","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Malacca Straits:Three small crafts from a big mother fishing vessel came close to a general cargo ship underway. People in the boat attempted to board the ship at stern. Master raised alarm, took evasive manoeuvres,sounded shhip's whistle, and fired","Desc2":"rocket flares. After 30 minutes, attempted boarding was aborted.At 2,300 lt, people in 2 small crafts attempted to board at port quarter. Crew directed search lights? Also ship's whistle was sounded and rocket flares were fired. After 10 minutesattempted","Desc3":"boarding was aborted.","coords.x1":98.97333,"coords.x2":5.04167} {"Reference":"2005-191","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 7 Jun at 2130 UTC, while at Belawan anchorage. Six persons armed with long knives were frightened off in their speedboat, when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2005-190","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 7 Jun at 2350 local time, at Kota Baru anchorage by 5 persons armed with long knives. The robbers tied up the duty seaman and escaped with a life raft, when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":97.08333,"coords.x2":3.45} {"Reference":"2005-180","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 01 Jun at 2000 local time, while underway in position 04-15N 100-18E, off Pangkor island. Eight pirates, armed with automatic weapons and long knives, fired warning shots, before boarding the 1,104 gt","Desc2":"Thai-registered product tanker, laden with fuel oil. They abducted the master and boatswain and left in a fishing boat, along with the ship's documents. The remaining 14 crewmembers safely piloted the tanker to its next port of call. The pirates,","Desc3":"reported to be Indonesian, have demanded a ransom from the ship's owners and negotiations are ongoing. Due to the recurrence of crew kidnappings in the Strait of Malacca, both the IMB Piracy Reporting Center's regional manager and the president of the","Desc4":"Singapore Shipping Association, agree that increasing patrols reduces attacks temporarily, but is not the lasting solution (IMB, LL, FP, LM)","coords.x1":100.3,"coords.x2":4.25} {"Reference":"2005-175","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 30 May at 1615 UTC, while underway in position 03-12N 105-24E, 14nm off Anambas island. Five pirates, armed with high-powered guns and long knives, boarded the vessel. Duty A/B at poop deck","Desc2":"spotted them and locked himself inside accommodation and raised alarm. Pirates fired warning shots and broke open accommodation doors and entered bridge, where they tied up two officers, two A/Bs, and an oiler. Two pirates remained on bridge with","Desc3":"hostages. The other three pirates went to cabins of chief engineer and master and stole personal belongings, cash, and equipment. Lastly, pirates took master, chief engineer, and an A/B to poop deck, and escaped in a boat (IMB).","coords.x1":105.4,"coords.x2":3.2} {"Reference":"2005-174","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified general cargo ship was approached by a suspicious craft 30 May at 1720 UTC, while in position 04-00.50N 099-36.20E. The vessel sighted a 5m long craft with a white hull. When the craft came within two miles, it","Desc2":"increased speed and proceeded toward the cargo ship. Master raised alarm, took evasive maneuvers, and mustered crew. Craft altered course and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":99.60333,"coords.x2":4.00833} {"Reference":"2005-167","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified product tanker reports being approached 21 May at 0330 local time, while underway in position 05-34.5N 099-51.0E, 21nm NW of Penang Island. A craft approached the tanker at over 20 kts. When craft came within 0.5 nm,","Desc2":"crew mustered activated fire hoses, directed searchlights, and switched on lights. Craft followed for 20 minutes and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":98.85,"coords.x2":5.575} {"Reference":"2005-164","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 14 May at 0215 local time, while at Dumai anchorage. Three robbers armed with knives gained access at the poop and entered the engine room.Duty crew raised alarm but the robbers escaped with ship's stores","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":101.46444,"coords.x2":1.68889} {"Reference":"2005-163","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified general cargo ship reports being approached 13 May at 0110 local time, while underway in position 05-13N 098-06E, by an unlit 7m boat carrying armed persons. The duty officer undertook evasive maneuvers but the boat","Desc2":"contacted the ship's hull on port side causing some damage. The duty officer sounded ship's whistle and tried to contact the boat on VHF ch 16 without response, but no boarding took place","coords.x1":98.1,"coords.x2":5.21667} {"Reference":"2005-158","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 10 May at 0850 local time, while at anchor in Jakarta. Six robbers boarded the tanker from two fishing boats. They broke into aft locker and stole ships equipment. Robbers escaped in an easterly direction.","Desc2":"Port authorities informed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89167,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2005-176","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified yacht was boarded 05 May at 1030 local time while at anchor near 02-46.064N 106-12.285E, NW bay of Ayerabu island of Anambas islands. Eight robbers, armed with AK-47 machine guns, ordered the crew to remain below deck. They","Desc2":"held theskipper at gun point and took cash, stores, and crew's personal belongings and then escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":106.20475,"coords.x2":2.76773} {"Reference":"2005-159","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 04 May at 2025 UTC, while underway in position 01-46.3S 117-07.2E, Makassar Straits. A speedboat with five individuals came along side the vessel and one pirate boarded using hooks attached to a rope.","Desc2":"Duty officer sounded ships whistle, crew mustered and activated fire hoses. Pirate jumped overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89167,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2005-161","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified vessel was approached 03 May at 0700 local time, while anchored at Tg. Priok outer roads. Six boats approached the vessel. Six robbers, armed with steel bars,boarded the vessel from two of the boats. Two other boats remained","Desc2":"nearby while the remaining two boats approached another ship in the vicinity. Alert crew mustered and robbers left empty handed. Attempts to contact port authorities and patrol boats by VHF received no response.","coords.x1":106.95833,"coords.x2":-5.96667} {"Reference":"2005-150","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 30 Apr at 2030 local time, while underway in position 02-49.70S 105-54.90E, Bangka Straits. Six robbers, armed with long knives and guns, fled empty handed after master raised alarm, switched on deck","Desc2":"lights, and mustered the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":105.915,"coords.x2":-2.82833} {"Reference":"2005-148","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"ANDAMAN SEA: Thai F/V (RATTANAKORN 5) was boarded and robbed, but rescued by authorities 30 Apr while fishing off the southern town of Satun, Thailand. Five men, armed with two M-16s, three AK-47s and 1,200 rounds, boarded the fishing vessel, but not","Desc2":"before the crew could get off a distress call to the Thai Navy. The Thai Navy boarded the vessel and arrested the pirates without incident, rescuing the 17 Thai crewmen. Thai authorities suspect the arrested pirates could be involved with the rebellion","Desc3":"in Ache, Indonesia and is working with the Indonesian embassy to identify them (REUTERS, LM, INFO).","coords.x1":100.03333,"coords.x2":6.68333} {"Reference":"2005-143","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: An unidentified bulk carrier was approached 25 Apr at 0315 local time, while underway in position 07-15.4N 108-20.4E. Persons in two fishing boats attempted to board the carrier by tying ropes to ship's side. Attempt foiled (IMB).","coords.x1":108.34,"coords.x2":7.25667} {"Reference":"2005-138","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified container ship was approached 24 Apr at 1050 local time, while underway in position 02-48.56N 101-03.0E. A speedboat approached the container ship and altered course to port, but then suddenly increased speed and headed","Desc2":"for the ship. Master raised alarm and crew mustered. The approaching boat reduced speed and moved away. The speedboat was 7 to 8 meters in length, white hull, one dark outboard motor, dark sunroof, and had four to six persons wearing dark clothes (IMB).","coords.x1":101.05,"coords.x2":2.80933} {"Reference":"2005-139","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 23 Apr at 1950 UTC, while at Belawan anchorage. One robber, armed with a long knife, boarded a tanker at forecastle, while another robber climbed up the anchor chain. Duty seaman challenged the robbers and","Desc2":"raised alarm. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a speedboat waiting with two additional accomplices. Port authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2005-140","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 22 Apr at 0500, while underway in position 00-27.1S 105-09.0E, off Lingga Islands. Pirates, armed with guns, then ordered the crew to sail the tin-laden ship to Pasir Gudang port, in Malaysia's","Desc2":"southern Jahor state. The vessel docked in Pasir Gudang port for two days while the crew unloaded the tin into a warehouse under threat of being killed if they didn't cooperate. On 25 Apr, the pirates ordered the ship back to Indonesian waters and","Desc3":"escaped in a speedboat, leaving the crew uninjured. After the incident was reported, authorities checked the warehouse and found the cargo of tin intact; investigation continues. ONI NOTE: This incident appears to represent a return to a form of piracy","Desc4":"not reported since China's crackdown on Black Market activity, wherein a ship is targeted for seizure at its load port and the cargo is taken to some destination where arrangements for disposal have already been concluded. The complexity of the operation","Desc5":"suggests transnational players at the ship selection and cargo-disposal ends of the operation. Crew and ship owner complicity cannot be ruled out, since they have no immediate financial interest in the cargo, per se (IMB, LL, ONI, REUTERS).","coords.x1":105.15,"coords.x2":-0.45167} {"Reference":"2005-132","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship reported an attempted robbery 17 Apr at 0500 local time while at wharf, Tg. Priok port. A robber mingled with stevedores and tried to steal equipment. Duty crew prevented theft (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89333,"coords.x2":-6.09833} {"Reference":"2005-133","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship reported an attempted robbery 16 Apr at 2230 local time while at wharf, Tg. Priok port. A robber mingled with stevedores and stole equipment. Duty crew recovered the equipment and robber escaped empty handed","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":106.89333,"coords.x2":-6.09833} {"Reference":"2005-131","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified container ship was approached 14 Apr at 0800 UTC, while underway in position 02-59N 100-47E. An airborne helicopter from a French warship spotted four 15m long boats, powered by three outboard engines with their fronts","Desc2":"covered by canvas. Each boat was manned by two persons wearing masks. Boats came to within 300 meters of the container ship. Upon sighing the helicopter, boats altered course and headed towards the Indonesian coast (IMB).","coords.x1":100.78333,"coords.x2":2.98333} {"Reference":"2005-134","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 12 Apr at 0200 local time in position 06-02.24S 106-55.68E, Jakarta anchorage. Armed robbers attempted to enter the engine room. Alert crew raised alarm and robbers escaped in a speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":98.71056,"coords.x2":-6.03722} {"Reference":"2005-135","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIAArmed robbers boarded a bulk carrier and attempted to enter engine room. Alert crew raised alarm and robbers escaped in a speedboat.","coords.x1":106.92806,"coords.x2":-6.03722} {"Reference":"2005-124","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 11 Apr at 0430 local time, in position 03-47.46N 098-42.64E, Pertamina jetty, Belawan port. Three robbers, armed with long knives, boarded the tanker at forecastle during cargo operations. Duty officer raised","Desc2":"alarm, sounded whistle, and crew mustered. Robbers jumped into the water and escaped in a speedboat with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":98.71067,"coords.x2":3.791} {"Reference":"2005-120","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified tanker was approached 09 Apr at 0500 local time, while underway in position 05-32.7N 098-14.8E. A speedboat doing over 23 knots approached the tanker at port quarter. When boat came to within three cables, crew sounded","Desc2":"whistle, directed searchlight, and the speedboat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":98.24667,"coords.x2":5.545} {"Reference":"2005-128","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: An unidentified tanker was approached 09 Apr at 0600 LT,, while underway in position 04-43.7N 106-14.8E, 15 nm NE of Kakap Natuna oil terminal. Two fishing boats doing 15 kts came within one mile of the tanker, from both sides. Crew","Desc2":"directed searchlights and boats moved away.","coords.x1":106.24667,"coords.x2":4.72833} {"Reference":"2005-126","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: The M/T (KYOSEI MARU) was boarded 08 Apr at 2320 local time, while underway in position 01-15.30N 103-33.72E, approximately 8 km off Tanjung. Pelepas port anchorage, Johor, Malaysia. Ten pirates, armed with knives, tied the hands of the master","Desc2":"and crew with plastic string raising the possibility the bridge was left unmanned. Pirates robbed the ship's property and crew's personal belongings worth an estimated $5,000 USD. The crewmen later managed to free themselves and one crewman was reported","Desc3":"injured during the attack. Pirates escaped in a speedboat. (IMB, INFO)","coords.x1":103.562,"coords.x2":1.255} {"Reference":"2005-122","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPRE STRAIT: An unidentified bulk carrier reported an attempted boarding 08 Apr at 0345 local time, while underway in position 01-16.0N 104-10.0E. Several small boats surrounded the vessel and persons inside attempted to board on both sides from bow","Desc2":"to stern. Master took evasive maneuvers, sounded whistle, directed search lights, and crew activated fire hoses. Attempt continued for about 50 minutes, before the small boats moved away (IMB)","coords.x1":104.16667,"coords.x2":1.26667} {"Reference":"2005-123","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: The M/T (YOHTEISAN) reported an attempted boarding 05 Apr at 1615 local time, while underway in position 01-08.8N 103-29.E, off Indonesia's Karimun islands. Pirates in seven small fishing boats surrounded the tanker and attempted to","Desc2":"board it on its eastbound journey, in heavy rain and poor visibility. The captain of the Japanese owned, Panamanian- registered tanker charged his fire hoses and increased speed to evade the boarding attempt. There were no injuries and the tanker","Desc3":"continued on its journey (LM, INFO, IMB).","coords.x1":103.48333,"coords.x2":1.14667} {"Reference":"2005-112","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: The M/T (YOHTEISAN) reported an attempted boarding late 05 Apr, off Indonesia's Karimun islands. Pirates in seven small fishing boats surrounded the tanker and attempted to board it, on its eastbound journey in heavy rain and poor","Desc2":"visibility. The captain of the Japanese owned, Panamanian-registered, tanker charged his fire hoses and increased speed to evade the boarding attempt. There were no injuries and the tanker continued on its journey (LM, INFO).","coords.x1":103.5,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"2005-121","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified container ship was chased 04 Apr at 0130 local time, while underway in position 03-55N 100-28E, SW of Sembilan Island. A boat approached the container ship, on starboard beam, and came close to port quarter. Alarm was","Desc2":"raised and crew mustered. Boat abandoned chase after 45 minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":100.46667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2005-113","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 03 Apr at 0145 local time, while underway in position 03-08N 105-24E 12 NM west of P.Mangkai Island, Anambas Islands. Four pirates armed with long bolo knives boarded the vessel at the poop deck. They","Desc2":"assaulted two duty crew who received knife wounds. Pirates stole ships equipment and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":105.4,"coords.x2":3.13333} {"Reference":"2005-109","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: The bulk carrier (OCEAN BRIDGE) was boarded 01 Apr at 0300 local time, while underway in position 03-06.9N 100-44.6E, in the vicinity of one fathom bank. Pirates armed with guns and knives boarded the Japanese owned,","Desc2":"Panamanian-registered vessel and held the master hostage while they stole $20,000 from the ship's safe and escaped. There were no injuries to the crew. Later the same day, Malaysia reported it is going to place uniformed police officers armed with","Desc3":"assault weapons on randomly selected tugboats and barges using the Strait of Malacca in a bid to thwart piracy attacks within its territorial waters (IMB, INFO, LM).","coords.x1":100.74333,"coords.x2":3.115} {"Reference":"2005-136","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAITS:Pirates armed with guns and knives boarded a bulk carrier underway. They held master as hostage and stole ship's cash and escaped. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":100.74333,"coords.x2":3.115} {"Reference":"2005-115","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 30 Mar at 2255 local time in, position 05-28.29S 105-17.93E, Panjang outer roads. Six robbers armed with long knives held two crew members hostage and tied them up. They broke into the forward locker","Desc2":"and stole ship's stores. Alarm was raised, crew mustered, and robbers escaped. Master tried to contact port authorities on VHF but received no response. Boarding took place despite two shore watchmen being on board (IMB).","coords.x1":105.29883,"coords.x2":-5.4715} {"Reference":"2005-96","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The Malaysian fishing boat (MITRA UTAMA) was boarded and robbed 14 Mar, while off Belawan with a cargo of vegetables enroute form Malaysia. Pirates, armed with machine guns, stole communications equipment and other property. They also took the","Desc2":"Indonesian pilot and chief engineer hostage, demanding a ransom of hundreds of millions of rupiah, from the vessel's owner and the hostages' families.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2005-111","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Tug (IDATEN) was boarded 14 Mar at 1735 local time, while underway in position 04-25.6N 099-40.7E. Number of pirates reported vary between three pirates, armed with pistols and rifles, to fifteen pirates, armed with AK-47 and M-16","Desc2":"assault rifles and rocket propelled grenades. The pirates were believed to be disguised as local fishermen to thwart detection by the local authorities. They boarded the tug from three fishing boats and kidnapped the master and chief engineer (both","Desc3":"Japanese) and third engineer (Filipino), as well as stealing money and the ships documents. The 154 workers onboard the large construction barge (KUROSHIO 1) being towed by (IDATEN) were unable to help the tug's crew. The IMB piracy reporting center","Desc4":"alerted the Royal Malaysian marine police, who sent out patrol boats to escort the tug and barge to Penang. Investigators determined the three fishing vessels used in the attack were Malaysian owned, but with falsely registered numbers. The 3 hostages","Desc5":"were released 20 Mar and were recovered from a small boat drifting off the Thai town of Satun. Japanese authorities declined to comment on payment of ransom. ONI NOTE: This incident has received disproportionate attention, probably because it is the","Desc6":"first involving kidnap of non-local mariners. In the short term, at least, it will probably serve to galvanize anti-piracy feeling and effective action, but Malaysian officials on 16 Mar affirmed Malaysia's refusal to allow Japanese Coast Guard patrols","coords.x1":99.67833,"coords.x2":4.42667} {"Reference":"2005-88","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Tug (IDATEN) was boarded 14 Mar at 1735 local time while underway in position 04:25.6N 099-40.7E. Number of pirates reported vary between three pirates, armed with pistols and rifles, to fifteen pirates, armed with AK-47 and M-16","Desc2":"assault rifles and rocket propelled grenades. The pirates were believed to be disguised as local fishermen to thwart detection by the local authorities. They boarded the tug from three fishing boats and kidnapped the master and chief engineer (both","Desc3":"Japanese) and third engineer (Filipino), as well as stealing money and the ships documents. The 154 workers onboard the large construction barge (KUROSHIO 1) being towed by (IDATEN) were unable to help the tug's crew. The IMB piracy reporting center","Desc4":"alerted the Royal Malaysian marine police, who sent out patrol boats to escort the tug and barge to Penang. Investigators determined the three fishing vessels used in the attack were Malaysian owned but with falsely registered numbers. Location of the 3","Desc5":"hostages remains unknown. ONI NOTE: This incident has received disproportionate attention, probably because it is the first involving kidnap of non-local mariners. In the short term, at least, it will probablyserve to galvanize anti-piracy feeling and","Desc6":"effective action (IMB, INFO, BBC, LM, ONI).","coords.x1":99.67833,"coords.x2":4.42667} {"Reference":"2005-110","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: M/T (TRI SAMUDRA) was boarded 12 Mar at 1755 local time, while underway in position 03-37.25N 099-36.75E, 14 nm SE of Berhala Island. Thirty-five pirates, armed with machine guns and rocket propelled grenades, took control of the","Desc2":"Indonesian owned vessel bound for Belawan, Indonesia, and ordered it to sail to Dumai, Indonesia. During the journey to Dumai, the pirates departed the tanker, taking the captain and chief engineer with them. The remaining crew safely piloted the tanker,","Desc3":"fully laden with methane gas, to Dumai. Pirates released the two hostages 18 Mar at Ujung Peurelak in Aceh province. There is no information regarding payment of ransom (IMB, INFO, BBC, LM).","coords.x1":99.6125,"coords.x2":3.62083} {"Reference":"2005-87","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: M/T (TRI SAMUDRA) was boarded 12 Mar at 1755 local time, while underway in position 03-37.25N 099-36.75E, 14 nm SE of Berhala Island. Thirty-five pirates, armed with machine guns and rocket propelled grenades, took control of the","Desc2":"Indonesian owned vessel bound for Belawan, Indonesia, and ordered it to sail to Dumai, Indonesia. During the journey to Dumai, the pirates departed the tanker, taking the captain and chief engineer with them. The remaining crew safely piloted the tanker,","Desc3":"fully laden with methane gas, to Dumai. Pirates have demanded a ransom for the captain and chief engineer, whose whereabouts remain unknown. (IMB, INFO, BBC, LM)","coords.x1":99.6125,"coords.x2":3.62083} {"Reference":"2005-89","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: An unidentified bulk carrier reported an attempted boarding 11 Mar at 1905 UTC, while underway in position 01-15N 104-05.2E. Alert crew raised alarm, activated fire hoses, and switched on deck lights as three boats approached their","Desc2":"vessel. After 15 minutes, the attempted boarding was aborted. (IMB)","coords.x1":104.08667,"coords.x2":1.25} {"Reference":"2005-73","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Tug (HIGHLINE 26) was attacked 28 Feb at 2100 local time approximately 50 nm west of Penang, Malaysia. An Indonesian fishing boat came alongside. Four men jumped onto the tugboat and attacked the crew. The bandits fired several shots,","Desc2":"striking one of the crewmen in the leg. The captain and chief officer were taken hostage. The four men also took the tugboat documents (probably to show proof they have the two crewmen when they make ransom demands), destroyed probable comms gear, and","Desc3":"left the others on board. Lumut Maritime Enforcement Coordination Center was informed and (KD PERDANA), which was on routine patrol nearby, responded. (INFO, LM).","coords.x1":100.35,"coords.x2":5.41667} {"Reference":"2005-74","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified fishing vessel was stolen early 21 Feb at 0300 local time approximately 20 km from Kalanang beach in Morib, Malaysia. Six pirates, armed with parang and scythes, boarded the vessel as the two fishermen were waiting to","Desc2":"pull up their catch. The victims managed to jump overboard but climbed back into the boat five minutes later, not realizing the pirates were still on board. They were relieved of their valuables and dropped off two hours later at Bakong jetty on Carey","Desc3":"Island. The Marine police believe the boat was taken to Indonesia and have sought the help of their Indonesian counterparts to trace the boat and the pirates, aged between 20 and 45. Kuala Langat police chief stated this was the first piracy incident","Desc4":"reported in the Kuala Langat district since he was appointed about one year ago (INFO).","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":2.75} {"Reference":"2005-69","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: An unidentified bulk carrier was approached 15 Feb at 1545 UTC, while underway in position 02-38N 107-47E. As the unlit craft approached, alert crew flashed their aldis lamp in the direction of the craft. A few minutes later, craft","Desc2":"altered course and moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":107.78333,"coords.x2":2.63333} {"Reference":"2005-54","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT:Masked pirates armed with handguns and swords boarded a tanker underway, non damage.Vessels requested to be caution advised.","coords.x1":104.16667,"coords.x2":1.26667} {"Reference":"2005-60","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS: An unidentified tanker was boarded while underway on 02 Feb at 0245 local time. Ten masked pirates armed with guns and long knives tried to break the bridge windows,but did not succeed and escaped empty handed. Master raised alarm,","Desc2":"sounded ship's whistle, and reported to VTIS Singapore. Marine police came and searched the area (IMB).","coords.x1":103.9525,"coords.x2":1.23222} {"Reference":"2005-50","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 23 Jan at 0340 local time, while berthed at Panjang. Three persons armed with long knives jumped overboard and escaped empty handed in a speedboat, when duty officer sounded alarm and crew mustered (IMB).","coords.x1":105.35,"coords.x2":-5.48333} {"Reference":"2005-45","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 23 Jan at 0340 local time, while berthed at Panjang. Three persons armed with long knives jumped overboard and escaped empty handed in a speedboat, when duty officer sounded alarm and crew mustered (IMB).","coords.x1":105.35,"coords.x2":-5.48333} {"Reference":"2005-34","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 9 Jan at 0500 local time, while anchored at Tanjung Priok (Jakarta). Five persons armed with knives entered engine room, but crew mustered and fought with the intruders, who then jumped into a","Desc2":"boat and fled empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89444,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2005-35","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 7 Jan at 1220 local time, while anchored 3 miles off the breakwater at Tanjung Priok (Jakarta) cargo anchorage. Four armed robbers stole engine spares and then escape din a high speed boat (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89444,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2005-30","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUS[ICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports being followed 3 Jan at 0120 local time, while underway in position 01-14N 103-25E in the Phillip Channel by a boat named (GOLDEN SPHERE SC-375). After being followed for 50 minutes, the tanker's master activated","Desc2":"anti-piracy measures and boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":103.41667,"coords.x2":1.23333} {"Reference":"2005-36","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-MALACCA STRAIT: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 17 Dec at 2330 local time, while underway in position 03-54N 099-54E. When an unlighted boat approached, crew activated fire houses, switched on lights, and began evasive","Desc2":"maneuvering. No boarding took place (IMB).","coords.x1":99.9,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2004-324","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-MALACCA STRAIT: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 17 Dec at 2330 local time, while underway in position 03-54N 099-54E. When an unlighted boat approached, crew activated fire houses, switched on lights and began evasive","Desc2":"maneuvering. No boarding took place (IMB).","coords.x1":99.9,"coords.x2":3.9} {"Reference":"2004-323","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA-MALACCA STRAIT: Tug (ENA SOVEREIGN) was fired upon and boarded 15 Dec at 2150 local time, while underway in position 05-59N 098-56E. Twenty persons, armed with machine guns, in two fishing boats fired on the tug, which was towing a barge. The","Desc2":"attackers boarded the tug, took captain and chief engineer hostage, and stole ship's documents, money, and property. It is expected, but not yet reported, that pirates will contact the tug's owners, using the ship's documents for authentication, to","Desc3":"demand a ransom (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":98.93333,"coords.x2":5.98333} {"Reference":"2004-314","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The Singapore-flag tug (SURYA WIRA 1) was boarded 10 Dec at 230 local time,while underway in position 00.5 27.00S, 103 43.00E. Ten pirates armed with guns cut thetug's barge adrift and landed ten of the tug's crew at Jambi, before sailing","Desc2":"away. In coordination with the IMB, Indonesian forces deployed four warships and two spotter planes and recovered the tug without bloodshed 12 Dec. In this mission, four pirates were taken captive (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":103.97861,"coords.x2":-5.45} {"Reference":"2004-301","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 4 Dec at 1235 local time, while anchored in position 06-02.9S 106-53.3E, Tanjung Priok. One person armed with long knives threatened the Chief officer and bosun, before entering the engine room and","Desc2":"stealing ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":106.88833,"coords.x2":-6.04833} {"Reference":"2004-302","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 1 Dec at 1330 UTC, while underway in position 03-16N 105-04E. When crew detected approach they mustered, activated fire hoses, and ship began evasive maneuvering, whereupon the attempt","Desc2":"was aborted (IMB).","coords.x1":105.06667,"coords.x2":3.26667} {"Reference":"2004-303","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports attempt to board 1 Dec at 0130 local time, while at Dumai anchorage. Six persons armed with guns and long knives tried to gain access at the stern but fled, when alarm was sounded (IMB).","coords.x1":101.43333,"coords.x2":1.725} {"Reference":"2004-296","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug towing a barge was fired on and boarded 27 Nov at 0910 UTC, while underway in position 05-02N 098-28E off Aceh Province. Assailants opened fire with machine guns from a fishing boat, kidnapped the Captain and Chief Officer,","Desc2":"stole ship's property, and escaped in their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":98.46667,"coords.x2":5.03333} {"Reference":"2004-297","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified LPG tanker reports being followed 27 Nov at 0310 local time while underway in position 01-46N 102-39.4E, by an unlit speedboat from which persons attempted to board. Crew directed searchlights and sounded whistle and boat moved","Desc2":"away. ONI NOTE: Crew caution and reaction were timely and appropriate. It is unclear what the evidence of intent to board is for this incident (IMB. ONI).","coords.x1":102.65667,"coords.x2":1.76667} {"Reference":"2005-12","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: An unidentified tanker was boarded on 19 Nov at 2325 local time, while underway in position 01-17.9N, 104-06.1E, at the Eastern Buoy. Seven people armed with long knives stole ship's cash and escaped. This is a rare instance of crime inside","Desc2":"Singapore's territory (IMB).","coords.x1":104.10167,"coords.x2":1.29833} {"Reference":"2005-14","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports suspicious approach by unlit small craft on 19 NOV at 0330 local time, while underway in position 03-12N 108-47.7E, 10nm off Pulau Subi Kecil. Boat was spotted on radar at a distance of 5 miles, making 5 knots.","Desc2":"Craft increased speed to 16 knots and followed tanker, before the master took evasive action and the boat withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":108.795,"coords.x2":3.2} {"Reference":"2004-315","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The chemical tanker (JACKSON) was boarded 19 Nov at 0015 local time, at its berth Dumai port. Two persons armed with long knives were confronted by the chief Officer, who was injured when he ordered them to disembark. The robbers escaped with","Desc2":"cash and personal valuables. The Chief Officer received medical attention ashore. On 8 Dec Dumai water police apprehended 6 of the persons, identified as having committed the crime (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":101.46667,"coords.x2":1.71667} {"Reference":"2004-298","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 19 Nov at 0015 local time at its berth, Dumai port. Two persons armed with long knives were confronted by the chief Officer, who was injured when he ordered them to disembark. The robbers escaped","Desc2":"with cash and personal valuables. The Chief Officer received medical attention ashore (IMB).","coords.x1":101.43333,"coords.x2":1.725} {"Reference":"2005-15","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: 6 people attempted to board au unidentified bulk carrier on 17 Nov at 1920 UTC, at Cigading anchorage in position 06-01S 105-54E. Using grappling hooks, they began to climb the forecastle but escaped in a waiting boat, when the alarm was","Desc2":"raised (IMB).","coords.x1":105.9,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2005-22","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded on 3 Nov at 0100 local time, while underway in position 03-16N 105-24.4E. Nine pirates armed with knives took the third officer and second officer hostage, to force them to call the master to the","Desc2":"bridge. When the master opened his door, four pirates rushed inside, assaulted him, and tied him up.The theives stole ship's cash, master's cash, and personal belongings before taking him to the poop deck from which they escaped in a narrow boat (IMB).","coords.x1":105.40667,"coords.x2":3.26667} {"Reference":"2005-23","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker reports suspicious approach on 3 Nov at 0225 local time, while underway in position 02-01S 108-29E. Two unlit speedboats were detected ahead of the tanker and one approached to within 5 cables, at 20 knots. The","Desc2":"ship switched on lights and began evasive steering and the boats withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":108.48333,"coords.x2":-2.01667} {"Reference":"2004-279","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug, towing an oil rig was attacked 3 Nov at 1900 local time, while underway in position 05-02N 099-11E off Belawan. Three identical fishing boats followed the tug and one approached opening fire causing damage, to navigation","Desc2":"equipment, bridge windows, and superstructure. The tug crew switched on lights, activated fire hoses, and fired 3 rocket flares. Occupants of boat continued to fire and came within 50m of tug, which then began evasive maneuvers and boat moved away. The","Desc3":"tug crew was reported to be shaken, but otherwise uninjured (IMB).","coords.x1":99.18333,"coords.x2":5.03333} {"Reference":"2005-20","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified LPG tanker was boarded on 3 Nov at 0115 local time, while underway in position 03-16.5N 105-21.9E. The Master, second officer, and duty seamanwere held hostage by people armed with long knives, while ship's cash and crew","Desc2":"belongings were looted. At 0240, the theives took the master to poop deck before escaping, in two speedboats (IMB).","coords.x1":105.365,"coords.x2":3.175} {"Reference":"2004-270","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 27 Oct at 0145 local time, at Dumai anchorage. Two persons boarded via the poop deck but jumped overboard and fled empty handed, when duty seaman raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":101.47917,"coords.x2":1.69167} {"Reference":"2004-269","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship reports attempt to board 27 Oct at 0145 UTC, while underway in position 01-45N 102-40E. Five persons, dressed in black clothes and in two speedboats, approached from starboard quarter. Master raised","Desc2":"alarm and began evasive maneuvering while crew mustered, switched on deck lights, and activated fire hoses averting a boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":102.66667,"coords.x2":1.75} {"Reference":"2004-272","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship reports suspicious approach 26 Oct at 0905 local time, while underway in position 01-50.0N 097-31.2E off Aceh Province. Four grey-green colored boats approached from port bow, while another four approached from","Desc2":"starboard quarter. The boats held several persons dressed in black. Master raised alarm, began evasive maneuvers and increased speed, while crew activated fire hoses. Boats withdrew. (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":97.52,"coords.x2":1.83333} {"Reference":"2004-271","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 26 Oct at 1925 UTC, while at Dumai anchorage. Three persons gained access, but fled when crew sounded alarm and mustered ((MB).","coords.x1":101.47917,"coords.x2":1.69167} {"Reference":"2004-259","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship reports suspicious approach 23 Oct at 0240 UTC, while underway in position 05-54N 096-19E off the northern tip of Sumatra. Four boats with armed persons inside were repelled, when crew mustered with activated","Desc2":"fire hoses and ship increased speed. Incident is near shore in Aceh Province. This could be equally attributable to Free Aceh Movement rebels or to Indonesian troops enforcing Indonesia'sban, on ship's trading in Aceh waters without permits (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":96.31667,"coords.x2":5.9} {"Reference":"2004-260","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach 23 Oct at 1130 local time, while underway in position 02-57S 107-18E 3 miles west of Mendanau Island, Gelasa Strait. Six armed persons wearing masks and black clothing approached in a","Desc2":"grey boat, fired shots at the superstructure and ordered the ship to stop. Master sounded alarm, blew ship's whistle, and began evasive maneuvers and the boat withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":107.3,"coords.x2":-2.95} {"Reference":"2004-256","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug and barge report attempt to board 8 Oct at 1002 local time, while underway in position 00-18.67N 104-29.36E in the Riau Strait. Six masked men in a speedboat came alongside, attempting to board, but in the maneuver the","Desc2":"speedboat collided with the tug and capsized. The tug continued its voyage. Nothing immediately connects this incident with the Indonesian crackdown on sand dredging in the same area (see Para 5.K.1., above) and tugs are favorite pirate targets. This is","Desc3":"also reminiscent of other Indonesian enforcement efforts, that were misinterpreted as piratical attacks, and ONI continues to monitor (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":104.48944,"coords.x2":0.31861} {"Reference":"2004-253","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The tug (ERNA), attacked off N. E. Indonesia 2 Oct (see below), was again attacked 3 Oct off Medan, Sumatra, as it \"limped\" back to Singapore following the first attack. In the second attack the tug's navigating equipment was further damaged,","Desc2":"but none of the remaining crew of Filipinos, Thais and Germans was injured or abducted (INFO).","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2004-254","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The tug (ERNA) was attacked 2 Oct at 1820 local time, while underway towing a crane barge in position 04-46N 098-41E. Eight persons in a fast fishing boat fired at the bridgedestroying windows, radio and navigating equipment. Four persons then","Desc2":"boarded the tug, stole crew belongs and the tug's documents, and escaped with master and chief engineer as hostages. The Filipino hostages are reported alive and well and to have talked with their families and the tug's owner. The same vessel was","Desc3":"attacked 3 Oct, off Medan, Sumatra, see above. The IMB notes that this attack, and the one 30 Sep, below, both occurred in late daylight while the tugs were close inshore of the vegetation-laced coastline from which the attackers operated and to which","Desc4":"they easily escaped (IMB, INFO). Medan, Sumatra, see above. The IMB notes that this attack, and the one 30 Sep, below, both occurred in late daylight, while the tugs were close inshore of the vegetation-laced coastline from which the attackers operated","Desc5":"and to which they easily escaped (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":4.76667} {"Reference":"2004-255","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified Tuvalu-registered tug was boarded 30 Sep at 1900 local time, while underway towing a crane barge in position 03-27.6N 099 47.2E. The thieves broke glass in the ports, stole equipment and documents, and left taking the master","Desc2":"and chief engineer hostage. The Filipino manager reported that the hostages had talked with their families and with the German owner of the tug and that a ransom demand had been made and was being negotiated. The IMB notes that this attack and the one 2","Desc3":"Oct, above, both occurred in late daylight and while the tugs were close inshore of the vegetation-laced coastline, from which the attackers operated and to which they easily escaped (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":99.78667,"coords.x2":3.46} {"Reference":"2004-237","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 20 Sep at 0335 local time, while berthed at Dumai. Three armed robbers threatened crew with knives but fled empty handed, when crew mustered (IMB).","coords.x1":101.475,"coords.x2":1.6875} {"Reference":"2004-238","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified product tanker reports attempt to board 18 Sep at 1026 local time, while underway in position 03-50.5S 107-14.6E in the Gelasa Strait. Persons in 2 speedboats approached but broke off attempt, when duty officer sounded alarm","Desc2":"and began evasive maneuvering (IMB).","coords.x1":107.24333,"coords.x2":-3.84167} {"Reference":"2004-239","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 18 Sep at 0330 local time, while anchored in position 02-06.5N 111-19.6e (Tanjung Manis anchorage, Sarawak). One person armed with a knife attempted to gain access via the anchor chain; duty","Desc2":"officer raised alarm and the intruder escaped in a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":111.32667,"coords.x2":2.10833} {"Reference":"2004-234","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded,11 Sep at 0545 local time while at Tanjung Priok anchorage, by 2 persons who gained access at the stern using grappling hooks. Theduty seaman raised the alarm and the two fled empty handed in a wooden","Desc2":"speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":106.86667,"coords.x2":-6.05833} {"Reference":"2004-257","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship reports suspicious approach 6 Sep at 0945 local time, while underway in position 02-39N 101-17E off the Indonesian coast. A dark hulled boat approached and then stopped nearby, before paralleling the ship's","Desc2":"course at 20 knots, and subsequently breaking off contact. Note that nothing in this report suggests attempt to board or affiliation of the boat (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":101.28333,"coords.x2":2.65} {"Reference":"2004-230","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 6 Sep at 0200 local time at Tanjung Priok anchorage, by two robbers who gained access via the poop deck. Crew raised alarm when the 2 tried to gain access to the accommodation and escaped empty","Desc2":"handed. At 0300 Indonesian coast guard boarded to investigate and remained on board, until the pilot boarded to take the ship to its berth (IMB).","coords.x1":106.86667,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2004-223","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 30 Aug at 1255 local time, while anchored at Tanjung Priok. Seven persons gained access at port quarter using grappling hooks from ablue boat. Duty officer raised alarm and the intruders fled empty","Desc2":"handed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.86667,"coords.x2":-6.05833} {"Reference":"2004-224","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified ship was boarded 28 Aug at 0510 UTC, while anchored in position 06-02.3S 106-53.7E at Jakarta anchorage. Four persons stole engine spares and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":106.895,"coords.x2":-6.03833} {"Reference":"2004-217","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The container ship (ACX HIBISCUS) was boarded 21 Aug at 0400 local time by 7 persons armed with guns, long knives and steel bars, while underway in position 02-53N 108-00E, about 15 nm se of Midai Island in the Natunas. The crew was taken to","Desc2":"the bridge as hostages, ship's speed was ordered reduced, communications equipment damaged by cutting VHF cable, and ship's cash and master's personal effects stolen. Master was forced to accompany the pirates to the poop where they departed the ship, in","Desc3":"a waiting boat at 0420. After repairing communications gear, master contacted the Indonesian navy via its hotline. Navy units later intercepted the vessel (LIBRA) and arrested 4 persons with equipment believed stolen from the (ACX HIBISCUS), while 5","Desc4":"others were being pursued (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":108,"coords.x2":2.88333} {"Reference":"2004-218","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 20 Aug at 2200 local time, while underway in position 02-40.58N 107-58.0E near Midai Island in the Natunas. Seven persons armed with long knives and swords took duty crew to bridge as hostages and tied","Desc2":"them there, damaged communications gear, ransacked master's cabin and stole ship's cash, personal belongings and ship's equipment. They then robbed other crew, ordered ship's speed reduced, and escaped in a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":107.96667,"coords.x2":2.67633} {"Reference":"2004-213","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified livestock carrier was boarded 15 Aug at 0745 UTC, whiled anchored in position 06-02.9S 106-53.8E at Jakarta anchorage. Persons from three wooden boats gained access, as the ship was preparing to come to anchor. Duty officer","Desc2":"raised alarm and crew mustered, but the thieves escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":106.89667,"coords.x2":-6.04833} {"Reference":"2004-208","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified chemical tanker reports attempt to board 7 Aug at 1310 local time (as reported), while underway in position 05-05.5N, 098-28.7E. Two high speed boats approached form stern and followed for 30minutes while master","Desc2":"increased speed and crew activated fire hoses, fired signal flares and directed searchlights at them. Despite reported time, it is apparent this incident occurred during the hours of darkness, which is more typical of piracy. This could also mask","Desc3":"surveillance by unidentified government forces (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":98.47833,"coords.x2":5.09167} {"Reference":"2004-203","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 30 Jul at 1205 local time, while anchored in position 06-00.97S 106-53.73E, Jakarta tanker anchorage. Five persons armed with long knives attacked a crew member and chocked him to prevent him from sounding","Desc2":"the alarm. The thieves stole safety equipment and belongs of the crew member, before escaping in an unlit boat (IMB).","coords.x1":106.8955,"coords.x2":-6.01617} {"Reference":"2004-204","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 28 Jul at 0200 local time, at Belawan anchorage. Four persons with swords stole ship's equipment and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2004-202","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified commercial landing craft was boarded 26 Jul late in evening, while underway off Pulau Jakak. The thieves stole ships fuel and radio equipment and took master and chief engineer hostage for ransom (IMB).","coords.x1":100.1,"coords.x2":3.98333} {"Reference":"2004-194","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified LPG tanker was boarded 26 Jul at 2040 UTC, while anchored in position 06-01S 105-55E and Anyer. Five persons armed with automatic rifles fired several shots at the duty seaman who was unhurt. The thieves then stole ship's","Desc2":"equipment (IMB)..","coords.x1":105.91667,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2004-192","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 26 Jul at 0910 local time while drifting, for engine repairs in position 04-48.4N 098-38.9E. Armed persons from a fishing boat opened fire damaging bridge windows (IMB).","coords.x1":98.64833,"coords.x2":4.80667} {"Reference":"2004-195","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 26 Jul at 0001 local time, while at anchor (Bintulu, Sarawak). Three persons armed with knives boarded at the forecastle but jumped overboard and escaped empty handed in a fast boat when alarm was","Desc2":"raised (IMB).","coords.x1":112.96667,"coords.x2":3.23333} {"Reference":"2004-193","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified tanker reports suspicious approach by 7 small craft 20 Jul at 1620 local time, while underway in position 05-46N 097-37E. Crew mustered and activated fire hoses when boats approached and they withdrew. Later a second","Desc2":"group of boats reportedly attempted to approach but master undertook evasive maneuvers and there was no boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":97.61667,"coords.x2":5.76667} {"Reference":"2004-189","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified container ship reports suspicious approach 14 Jul at 1712 UTC while underway in position 02-34.54N 101-29.54E. An unlit craft making 25 knots came close under the stern before the ship activated unspecified anti-piracy","Desc2":"measures and the boat withdrew. There is no amplifying data to suggest whether this was a pirate approach or surveillance by military forces (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":101.49233,"coords.x2":2.57567} {"Reference":"2004-185","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA-BANGKA STRAIT: The tug boat (GLOBAL SEMESTA I) and its barge (GLOBAL SEMESTA IV) with a cargo of bricks was hijacked 11 Jul at 1130 local time while underway in position 02-15.4S 105 -16.0E. Twelve pirates forced the crew of 10 to jump","Desc2":"overboard. One was subsequently rescued and the other 9 are dead or remain missing. Tug and barge hijacking is becomingincreasingly common in Indonesian waters; the vessels are slow, lightly manned, and hug the coast. Typically, the tug's master is taken","Desc3":"hostage for ransom and, frequently, the barge is cut loose as it appears to be the tug that the hijackers want. In this caseno apparent attempt was made to get hostages for ransom and it is assumed the cargo of bricks could be readily sold on the black","Desc4":"market (IMB, LM, ONI).","coords.x1":105.26667,"coords.x2":-2.25667} {"Reference":"2004-180","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA; An unidentified container ship was boarded 28 Jun at 1445 local time while anchored in position 06-02S 106-53E, Tanjung Priok. The intruders stole a life raft before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":105.88333,"coords.x2":-6.03333} {"Reference":"2004-181","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 23 Jun at 0450 local time while at Caltex berth no. 3, Dumai. Duty seaman spotted the intruders already on board and mustered the crew, whereupon the intruders escaped. Terminal security staff informed and","Desc2":"boarded for inspection (IMB).","coords.x1":101.46444,"coords.x2":1.68889} {"Reference":"2004-173","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"UNIDENTIFIED ATTACKER","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT: An unidentified fishing boat was fired upon, 20 Jun at 0100 local time 21.5 nm nw of Pulau Jarak. Firing was from an unidentified boat and caused damage to the fishing boat, but no injury to its crew. No explanation has been given for the","Desc2":"assault nor why it ended without a takeover of the fishing boat and its crew (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":100.1,"coords.x2":3.98333} {"Reference":"2004-166","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified Ro/Ro reports attempted attack 15 Jun at 1200 UTC, while underway in position 05 28N 098 34E off Aceh. Persons in 3 boats withdrew when crew raised alarm, activated fire hoses, directed searchlights and took evasive maneuvers.","Desc2":"No details are given that indicate; whether, this incident is attributable to the Free Aceh Movement or to Indonesian forces (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":98.56667,"coords.x2":5.46667} {"Reference":"2004-170","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified Malaysian fishing boat was boarded 14 Jun at 0130 local time while about 10 nm off Kuala Sepetang (Port Weld or Kampung Sepetang) fishing village. About 10 persons armed with automatic Weapons abducted 3 crew. The remaining 3","Desc2":"crew lodged a report with local police (IMB).","coords.x1":100.63333,"coords.x2":4.83333} {"Reference":"2004-169","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"UNIDENTIFIED ATTACKERS","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug towing a barge was fired upon 13 Jun at 1800 local time, while underway in position 05-03N 098-45E off Aceh. The attackers were in 8 small boats and ordered the tug to stop under threat of more firing. Seven persons then","Desc2":"boarded the stopped tug, stole cash, crew belongings, and ship's documents, and kidnapped the master and chief engineer. They threatened the chief officer not to inform authorities for five days or the hostages would be killed (IMB).","coords.x1":98.75,"coords.x2":5.05} {"Reference":"2004-156","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker reports attempt to board 12 Jun at 0530 local time while anchored in position 05-58.3S 105-58.6E at Merak. Seven persons armed with long knives fled when crew sounded alarm and mustered (IMB).","coords.x1":105.97667,"coords.x2":-5.97167} {"Reference":"2004-157","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"UNIDENTIFIED ATTACKER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship reports being fired upon 11 Jun at 0310 local time while underway in position 04 03.18N, 099 21.34E. Unknown assailants injured two crew before alarm was raised and boat withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":99.35567,"coords.x2":4.053} {"Reference":"2004-159","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 8 Jun at 0800 local time while underway off Pulau Berhala, by about 20 persons believed to be Aceh rebels. Twelve crew members jumpedoverboard and were rescued by fishing boats. Captain and Chief","Desc2":"Engineer held for ransom by the rebels who also took the ship's documents. Ship located by marine police and owners making arrangements to tow to safety (IMB).","coords.x1":104.4,"coords.x2":-0.86667} {"Reference":"2004-151","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 6 Jun at 0200 local time while in position 03-55.1N 098-47.1E at Belawan anchorage. Four persons armed with guns and knives gained access at the forecastle and stole ship's stores, before escaping in a boat","Desc2":"when second officer raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":98.785,"coords.x2":3.91833} {"Reference":"2004-155","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"UNIDENTIFIED ATTACKER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT: Offshore support vessel (QATIF) reports being fired on 4 Jun at 1025 local time, while underway in position 04-58.5N 098-41.2E. Attackers were in a blue fishing boat and withdrew when crew mustered and activated fire hoses. Offshore","Desc2":"supports ship's bridge windows were reported damaged, but there were no injuries to the crew. Incident was near where an unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 25 May. It is also in an area where Indonesia has threatened to open fire on any ship","Desc3":"operating without permission, in an attempt to stop infiltration of weapons and personnel into Aceh (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":98.68667,"coords.x2":4.975} {"Reference":"2004-150","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"UNIDENTIFIED ATTACKER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT: Unidentified LPG tanker reports suspicious approach 29 May at 2120 local time while underway in position 05-05.1N 100-10.2E. Three very fast grey speedboats positioned themselves with one ahead and one on either flank. Crew sounded","Desc2":"whistle and directed searchlights at the boats which withdrew after 40 minutes. Incident is more suggestive of encounter with military or para military forces than with pirates (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":98.68667,"coords.x2":4.975} {"Reference":"2004-152","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified livestock carrier reports suspicious approach 1 Jun at 2325 local time, while underway in position 01-12N 104-50E east of Bintan Island. Seven persons in a black rubber boat came close under the stern but withdrew when crew","Desc2":"switched on deck lights and directed searchlights (IMB).","coords.x1":104.83333,"coords.x2":1.2} {"Reference":"2004-147","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Unidentified product tanker was boarded 31 May at 0225 local time while underway in position 01-32N 104-38E, by 2 persons who entered engine room and broke into stores. Duty engineer raised alarm and the two jumped overboard and escaped","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":104.66667,"coords.x2":1.53333} {"Reference":"2004-144","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT: Unidentified LPG tanker reports suspicious approach 29 May at 2120 local time, while underway in position 05-05.1N 100-10.2E. Three very fast grey speedboats positioned themselves with one ahead and one on either flank. Crew sounded","Desc2":"whistle and directed searchlights at the boats which withdrew after 40 minutes. Incident is more suggestive of encounter with military or para military forces than with pirates (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":100.17,"coords.x2":5.085} {"Reference":"2004-148","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 26 May at 0230 local time while underway in position 01-37N 104-37E, by 7 persons armed with pistols and knives. Four crew taken hostage while pirates stole ship's cash from master's cabin and crew","Desc2":"personal belongings (IMB).","coords.x1":104.61667,"coords.x2":1.61667} {"Reference":"2004-146","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Unidentified container ship was boarded 26 May at 0415 local time while underway in position 01-42N 104-40E by 7 persons armed with long knives. Chief officer taken hostage and taken to master's cabin where pirates stole ship's cash.","Desc2":"Then the pirates entered and looted chief officer's and chief engineer's cabins before taking Master as hostage to the poop deck, where they disembarked into a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":104.63333,"coords.x2":1.53333} {"Reference":"2004-160","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Unidentified container ship was boarded 26 May at 0415 local time while underway in position 01-42N 104-40E by 7 persons armed with long knives. Chief officer taken hostage and taken to master's cabin where pirates stole ship's cash.","Desc2":"Then the pirates entered and looted chief officer's and chief engineer's cabins before taking Master as hostage to the poop deck where they disembarked into a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":104.66667,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2004-145","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT: Unidentified cargo ship reports being fired upon and forced to stop 25 May at 1700 local time while in position 03-33.49 099-4.8E off Sumatra. Four persons armed with machine guns and hand grenades went to bridge where they damaged all","Desc2":"communication equipment. The intruders took master and chief engineer hostage and stole all the ship's \"trading\" documents, warning the crew not to proceed to their next port of call at Belawan. Ship proceeded to Pulau Angsa in Malaysia to await","Desc3":"instructions from managers; master and chief engineer whereabouts unknown. Capture of senior officers for ransom is a rare but not unprecedented event; theft of the ship's papers is more unusual and indicates possible intent to use them to legitimize","Desc4":"some other hijacked or undocumented vessel (IMB, ONI)","coords.x1":99.08,"coords.x2":3.55806} {"Reference":"2004-135","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 24 May at 1318 UTC while underway in position 00-54N 105-04E in Selat Berhala. Six to 8 persons, dressed in black, approached in 2 black rubberized boats with twin outboard motors. Duty","Desc2":"seaman mustered crew and directed searchlights at the boats, which moved away. Incident is more characteristic of an encounter with para-military forces than with pirates (IMB, ONI)","coords.x1":105.06667,"coords.x2":0.9} {"Reference":"2004-139","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES / KIDNAPPING","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA-THAILAND: Four Thai fishermen were kidnapped for ransom 19 May at 2100 local time when their boat was boarded 39 nm off Gertak Sanggul, Balik Pulau, Penanang (Pinang) Island, by 6 persons armed with sub machine guns. One crew member was released","Desc2":"with ransom demand for the remaining crew. The kidnappers are said to be Indonesians. The boats owner and registry are Malaysian (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":100.18333,"coords.x2":5.26667} {"Reference":"2004-137","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The tanker (AGATE) was boarded 19 May at 0200 local time at Balongan anchorage. Three persons armed with knives held an oiler hostage, while the others ransacked engines stores, and escaped ship's property at about 0200. Oiler uninjured but","Desc2":"shaken. Master contacted Indonesian Navy, Western Area by phone but was unable to find anyone who spoke English. Port Security authorities boarded for investigation at 0520. The same vessel was attacked and robbed at a different Indonesian port in","Desc3":"November 2003 (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":108.46667,"coords.x2":-6.26667} {"Reference":"2004-158","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The tug (MARCO POWER) and its barge (BINTANG 9) were hijacked 19 May (believed previously unreported) by suspected Aceh rebels while underway in position 04-48.15N 098-35.50E off Tanjung Langsa at night. Tug and barge were freed but Captain","Desc2":"and Chief Engineer held for ransom, and negotiations continued as of 10 Jun (IMB).","coords.x1":98.59167,"coords.x2":4.8025} {"Reference":"2004-136","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified chemical tanker boarded 19 May at 1935 UTC at Belawan anchorage by 3 persons, who stole ship's stores and escaped overboard when chased by crew. Master attempted to contact port authorities without success (IMB).","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"2004-130","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified container ship was boarded 13 May at 0730 UTC while at Tanjung Priok anchorage and stole equipment from a life raft (IMB).","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2004-122","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tanker boarded 10 May while underway in position 01-24.15N 105-16.05E, east of Bintan Island. Seven persons armed with knives and guns tied up second officer and duty seaman on bridge, entered cabins, and stole cash, personal","Desc2":"belongings, and ship's property before leaving at 0215 local time (IMB).","coords.x1":105.2675,"coords.x2":1.4025} {"Reference":"2004-123","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: Unidentified tanker was boarded 9 May at 0115 local time while in position 01-14N 103 -34E at the Outside Port Limits anchorage. Five persons armed with knives took master, chief officer, chief engineer, third officer, two other crew hostage,","Desc2":"stole ship's cash, crew belongings and cash, and escaped at 0135. Master, chief engineer, and a crew member received injuries (IMB).","coords.x1":103.56667,"coords.x2":1.23333} {"Reference":"2004-131","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tug was boarded 8 May at 2200 local time while underway in position 05-35.5S 106-39.67E 20 nm north of Pulau Panjang in the Java Sea. Eleven persons armed with long knives and guns threatened the crew and stole ship's property,","Desc2":"stores and crew belongings before escaping. Two crew injured. Master attempted to contact authorities on VHF but received no response. Tug put in at Merak and reported the incident (IMB).","coords.x1":106.66117,"coords.x2":-5.59167} {"Reference":"2004-118","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tanker boarded 3 May at 0300 local time at Dumai inner anchorage. Four persons armed with long knives entered engine room and took two hostages. They broke into store room but escaped empty handed when duty seaman raised alarm.","Desc2":"Master contacted pot control who asked that he stand by, but there was no further contact (IMB).","coords.x1":101.43333,"coords.x2":1.725} {"Reference":"2004-107","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Deep sea diving support ship (OCEAN WINSERTOR) was boarded about 26 Apr while underway near the Lingga Islands, southwest of Bintan and Batam, bound for Singapore160 km away. Pirates armed with knives and guns boarded while about half the crew","Desc2":"of 50 were asleep. The attackers fired one warning shot and severed the ship's communications wires, before leaving the ship with laptop computers, mobile phones and thousands of dollars in cash. One crew member was injured when struck on the head with a","Desc3":"steel bar (INFO, LM).","coords.x1":104,"coords.x2":0.83333} {"Reference":"2004-106","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Unidentified fishing boat was boarded 25 Apr at midnight at Pulau Kendi off Pulau Pangkor. Seven persons armed with M16s boarded form a speedboat. They took two crew hostage but subsequently released one after robbing him (IMB).","coords.x1":100.18333,"coords.x2":5.21667} {"Reference":"2004-108","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 25 Apr at 0335 local time while underway in position 03 00.0N-105 17.4E east of Bintan Island. Eight pirates armed with guns and knives assaulted duty officer and took him as hostage to master's and","Desc2":"crews' cabins where they stole cash and personal belongings before leaving the ship at 0355 (IMB).","coords.x1":105.29,"coords.x2":3} {"Reference":"2004-110","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified container ship boarded 24 Apr at 0700 local time while at Tanjung Priok anchorage. Two person broke open the seal on a container but jumped overboard and escaped empty handed when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":106.86667,"coords.x2":-6.05833} {"Reference":"2004-109","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified cargo ship boarded 24 Apr at 1530 UTC while underway in position 02-51.8S 105-59.7E. Five persons armed with guns and long knives threatened the crew and stole cash, before escaping at 1550 UTC (IMB).","coords.x1":105.995,"coords.x2":-2.86333} {"Reference":"2004-111","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified container ship boarded 22 Apr at 1510 UTC while underway in position 03-06.0S 106-58.0E in Gelasa Strait. Persons armed with guns and daggers held master and six crew at gunpoint and escaped with cash and crew belongings at 1615","Desc2":"UTC (IMB).","coords.x1":107.83,"coords.x2":-1.32833} {"Reference":"2004-113","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tanker boarded 22 Apr at 0236 local time while anchored in position 01-42.61N 101-27.83E at Dumai. Two persons armed with long knives threatened duty seaman who informed Duty Officer who raised alarm and mustered crew. The","Desc2":"intruders fled empty handed in a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":101.46383,"coords.x2":1.71017} {"Reference":"2004-112","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier detected stationary craft 4.5 nm ahead, on radar 22 Apr at 0030 local time, while underway in position 01-19.7S 107-49.8E. Craft approached to 6 cables, switched off its lights and began pursuing the bulk carrier.","Desc2":"Crew raised alarm, switched on lights, directed searchlights, and activated fire hoses, whereupon the boat moved away at 0500 (IMB).","coords.x1":107.83,"coords.x2":-1.32833} {"Reference":"2004-105","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT: Unidentified general cargo ship reports approach 20 Apr at 1720 UTC by boat with about ten persons wearing black masks, while underway in position 02-06..0N 101-57.5E. Duty officer raised alarm and boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":101.95833,"coords.x2":2.1} {"Reference":"2004-99","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified container ship was boarded 16Apr at 1630 UTC while underway in position 00 50N, 105 18E east ofBintan Island. About 10 pirates armed with guns and knives boarded from an orange-colored high speed boat. Master, Chief Engineer and","Desc2":"Deck Officer were taken hostage and received minor injuries. After about 30 minutes the pirates left with cash, crewbelongings and ship's property (IMB).","coords.x1":105.3,"coords.x2":0.83333} {"Reference":"2004-92","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Unidentified fishing vessel boarded 9 Apr between 0040 and 0100 local time while underway in position 03-00.5N 105-06.5E, off Anambas Island. Eight persons, armed with long knives, stole ship's cash and escaped.","coords.x1":105.10833,"coords.x2":3.05833} {"Reference":"2004-88","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Unidentified tanker boarded 8 Apr at 2200 local time while underway in position 01 40N, 102 10E. Pirates armed with guns stole ship's property and crew cash ands damaged radio equipment before escaping.","coords.x1":102.16667,"coords.x2":1.66667} {"Reference":"2004-93","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Unidentified tanker boarded 8 Apr at2300 local time while underway in position 02 58.60N, 105 16.20E off Anambas Islands. Ten pirates armed with guns and long knives boarded via the stern, stole cash and property, and escaped. Somecrew","Desc2":"members reportedly injured","coords.x1":105.27,"coords.x2":2.97667} {"Reference":"2004-75","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"RESEARCH VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified research vessel reports suspicious approach 29 Mar at 0204 local time while underway in position 01 0.1N, 103 3`.9E. An unlit boat approached the port quarter but retreated and rejoined other small craft when the research ship","Desc2":"began evasive maneuvers.","coords.x1":103.065,"coords.x2":1.185} {"Reference":"2004-74","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified vehicle carrier reports attempted boarding 28 Mar at 0048 while underway in position 02-37.4N 101-27.7E. An unlit boat with several persons approached the ship but the captain mustered crew, switched on lights, directed","Desc2":"searchlights at the boat, and took evasive action and boarding was aborted.","coords.x1":101.46167,"coords.x2":2.62333} {"Reference":"2004-73","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 28 Mar at 1900 local time while underway in position 03 03N, 100 47E, One Fathom Bank. Three speedboats with about four persons armed with firearms in each, approached but were","Desc2":"prevented form boarding by alert crew.","coords.x1":100.78333,"coords.x2":3.05} {"Reference":"2004-76","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports being ordered to stop 27 Mar at 1040 UTC while underway in position 05-42.8N 097-49E of Aceh Province. The order came from a supplyboat and persons aboard fired on the bulk carrier's poop deck and bridge","Desc2":"wings when the order was not obeyed. Bulk carrier's master stopped and called the firing vessel and was told that it was a \"military boat\". The firing stopped and the supply vessel moved away. This is the most recent shooting incident in waters off Aceh","Desc3":"and the first one in which the vessel identified itself as military, although some previous incidents also suggest military involvement. Indonesia has declared the waters off Aceh closed tovessels operating without a permit and the Indonesian navy has","Desc4":"sunk boats either trying to smuggle people and arms into Aceh or those which have resisted interdiction, such as several Thai trawlers engaged on 9 Mar after they opened fire when being towed into port by Indonesian patrol boats. Although piracy is","Desc5":"undoubtedly rampant in waters around Indonesia, many incidents attributed to piracy attempts are almost certainly military and paramilitary operations for which Indonesia never admits responsibilityINDONESIA: An unidentified research vessel reports","Desc6":"suspicious approach 29 Mar at 0204 local time while underway in position 01 0.1N, 103 3`.9E. An unlit boat approached the port quarter but retreated and rejoined other small craft when the research ship began evasive maneuvers.","coords.x1":97.81667,"coords.x2":5.71333} {"Reference":"2004-77","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship reports attempted boarding 26 Mar at 1000 local time while underway in position 01-39S 104-50E about 34 miles from Selat Berhala. Six persons in a grey-colored fishing type boat with fishing gear attempted to","Desc2":"board but aborted the boarding when master raised alarm and crew mustered. The fact that this was a daylight incident, plus the description of the boat, may indicate paramilitary action rather than piracy.","coords.x1":104.83333,"coords.x2":-1.65} {"Reference":"2004-67","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 22 Mar at 1730 UTC while drifting, undergoing engine repairs, in position 04-02S 106-38E, Gelasa Strait. Six persons armed with knives and guns forced duty seaman to make master open his cabin door","Desc2":"whereupon they ransacked the cabin, stole cash and personal property, and escaped in a motorboat.","coords.x1":106.63333,"coords.x2":-4.06667} {"Reference":"2004-68","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 17 Mar at 0240 local time while at Tanjung Priok anchorage. One person, using a grappling hook, gained access but escaped empty handed when discovered by crew. Later inspection revealed a single strapsecuring","Desc2":"a life raft had been cut through.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2004-66","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: An unidentified tug was boarded 16 Mar at 2340 local time while anchored outside Singapore Port Limit in position 01-14.13N 103-34.7E. Armed persons took five crew hostage at knifepoint and forced the master to admit them to his cabin.","Desc2":"They threatened the master and ransacked his cabin before escaping at 0040 with ship and crew valuables and cash. Three crew injured in incident.","coords.x1":103.57833,"coords.x2":1.2355} {"Reference":"2004-65","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports attempted boarding 13 Mar at 1620 local time while underway in position 04-51.2N 098-19.5E off the east coast of Aceh Province. Eight persons armed with machine guns attempted to board from a fishing boat. Ship","Desc2":"increased speed and commenced evasive maneuvers while mustering crew. Gunmen opened fire from the fishing boat damaging lights, accommodation and the starboard lifeboat before breaking off pursuit fifteen minutes later. Although reported as attempted","Desc3":"piracy, and the waters off Aceh are increasingly dangerous, this incident resembles others which may be attributable to Indonesian security forces operating form commandeered fishing boats. In particular the 9 March firing incident in which a Thai","Desc4":"fishing boat was sunk by Indonesian forces bears some similarity. No ships are to operate in Aceh waters without Indonesian authority and all ships should stay well offshore whenever possible, in the region, due to past Free Aceh Movement kidnappings of","Desc5":"ships' crews.","coords.x1":98.325,"coords.x2":4.85333} {"Reference":"2004-62","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 6 Mar at 0640 local time at a Tajung Priok berth in approximate position 06-06S 106-53E. Three persons armed with knives and battens beat up duty officer injuring his stomach, back and legs, but escaped","Desc2":"empty handed. This was reportedly the second attack on this ship in two days.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2004-63","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified LPG tanker reports approach 5 Mar at 1430 UTC by an unlit boat while underway in position 01-48S 108-04E. When boat got within 20 meters crew raised alarmand boat moved away.","coords.x1":108.06667,"coords.x2":-1.8} {"Reference":"2004-64","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was approached 3 Mar at 0400 UTC while at anchor, Tanjung Priok, in approximate position 06-06S 106-53E by 3 boats under the pretext of doing business. Crew ordered boats to move away but later discovered that","Desc2":"someone had boarded ship unnoticed and stolen an engine from a life boat.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2004-55","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 1 Mar at 2315 UTC while anchored in position 06-02S 106-54E at Jakarta Roads. Five persons armed with knives stole a liferaft and escaped in a motor boat when alarm raised.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.03333} {"Reference":"2004-54","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The bulk carrier (SINAR ANDALAS) was chased and fired upon 24 Feb at 0220 UTC while underway in position 05-35N 096-30E off the coast of Indonesia's Aceh Province. The ship suffered bullet holes in windows and paneling, but no personnel","Desc2":"casualties and was able to outrun her pursuers. A military aircraft reportedly responded to the ship's call but the perpetrators were able to escaped into marshes.","coords.x1":96.5,"coords.x2":5.58333} {"Reference":"2004-44","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports attempt to board 15 Feb at 0245 local time while at Dumai outer anchorage. Duty officer raised alarm; crew directed searchlights at boat withseveral persons, and manned charged fir hoses and boarding was","Desc2":"abandoned.","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.68333} {"Reference":"2004-34","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT: An unidentified tug, with barge in tow, was fired upon 9 Feb at 1900 UTC while underway in position 04-37N 099-28E in the Northern Malacca Strait. Ten persons in a wooden fishing boat opened fire with automatic weapons and the tug's crew","Desc2":"responded by firing flares at the boat. No injuries were reported aboard the tug, which lost and later regained its tow. Assailants aborted any attempt to take the vessel and returned in the direction of the Aceh Coast.","coords.x1":99.46667,"coords.x2":4.61667} {"Reference":"2004-40","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The Indonesian flag tug (SINGSING MARINER) and its barge (KAPUAS 68) with a cargo of 3,000 tons of palm oil were attacked 9 Feb at midnight on passage from Satui, Kalimantan for Butterworth, Malaysia. Four pirates boarded the barge, kidnapped","Desc2":"its crew, and landed them at Mesanak Island, where the kidnappers were later arrested. The tug sailed on unaware of the kidnap of the barge's crew and last contacted its owner 12 Feb at 1500 local. There has been no further contact from the tug and barge","Desc3":"and authorities fear it was subsequently hijacked by another gang.","coords.x1":108.05778,"coords.x2":-2.35528} {"Reference":"2004-37","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Four crew members of the 640-ton tanker (CHERRY 201) were reported shot dead 5 Feb following the failure of negotiations for payment of ransom in a previously unreported 5Jan hijack of the ship with a cargo of 1,000 tons of palm oil off Aceh","Desc2":"Province. The owners of the cargo had negotiated the ransom down from 400 million Rupiah to 100 million, but the abductors became frustrated when that amount was not paid the cargo owners reportedly held out for a sum of 70 million. The ship's captain","Desc3":"was freed to convey the ransom demands, leaving behind his crew of 12; 8 others escaped when the shooting began, allegedly when the dead crewmen refused to sail the ship farther from security forces.","coords.x1":96.39833,"coords.x2":3.78556} {"Reference":"2004-35","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 3 Feb at 1955 local time while underway in position 01-05.42N-103-34.03E, west of Phillip Channel. Crew raised alarm and the single intruder fled empty handed.","coords.x1":103.56717,"coords.x2":1.09033} {"Reference":"2004-39","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"NDONESIA: Three trawlers with a total crew of 12 persons were boarded 2 Feb at 1100 local time at Pulau Jerajak. Twelve persons approached under the pretext of buying fish and when they got close five persons armed with M16 rifles took the 10 hostage.","Desc2":"One trawler master was forced to contact the owner and demand a ransom of about $132,000. The boats were robbed of their catch, documents and equipment and the crew taken to Aceh and beaten up. The hostage crew were released 5 Feb on payment of a ransom","Desc3":"of about $45,500.","coords.x1":100.315,"coords.x2":5.33972} {"Reference":"2004-28","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker reportsattempted boarding 30 Jan at 1530 UTC while underway in position02 02S, 108 33E, south of Karang Ontario light house, Karimata Strait. Four boats approached the tanker; one each from port and starboard","Desc2":"bow and two from astern. Boats increased speed and three attempted to come alongside while one crossed close aboard under bow. Crew directed searchlights and saw ten masked personswith machine guns in one boat. Master took evasive action and after an","Desc3":"hour the boats broke off pursuit","coords.x1":108.55,"coords.x2":-2.03333} {"Reference":"2004-27","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: The Romanian flag bulk carrier (CAPE HARALAMBOS) was boarded 29 Jan at 0135 local time while underway in position 01-10.6N 103-27.2E. Three persons armed with knives assaulted the master and tied him in his cabin. The pirates stole crew","Desc2":"cash and valuables as well as $3,000 of the ship's money.","coords.x1":103.45333,"coords.x2":1.17667} {"Reference":"2004-26","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: The Romanian flag bulk carrier (CAPE HARALAMBOS) was boarded 29 Jan at 0135 local time while underway in position 01-10.6N 103-27.2E. Three persons armed with knives assaulted the master and tied him in his cabin. The pirates stole crew","Desc2":"cash and valuables as well as $3,000 of the ship's money.","coords.x1":103.49167,"coords.x2":1.13667} {"Reference":"2004-21","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 23 Jan at 1215 UTC while anchored in position 01-11S 116-46E, Balikpapan. Ten persons armed with knives assaulted the duty seaman and tied him up while they stole ship's property and escaped down the","Desc2":"anchor chain. At the time of the robbery the ship had barges along each side working cargo and also had an armed policemen onboard.","coords.x1":103.6,"coords.x2":-1.18333} {"Reference":"2004-18","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports suspicious approach 14 Jan at 1423 UTC while underway in position 01-42.6N 105-48.1E. Two speedboats approached and one crossed under bows,but moved away when crew directed searchlights against them.","coords.x1":105.80167,"coords.x2":1.70667} {"Reference":"2004-13","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: An unidentified chemical tanker reports detecting two unlit boats 2 Jan at 1330 UTC while underway in position 01-04.3N 103-36.0E. The two boats crossed the tanker's bow, switched on powerful searchlights and approached at high speed.","Desc2":"Tanker's crew raised alarm and directed searchlights at the boats which withdrew. Circumstances of this incident, especially the shining of lights from the small boats, indicates that this was probably an encounter with a government patrol rather than","Desc3":"attempted pirate boarding.","coords.x1":103.6,"coords.x2":1.07167} {"Reference":"2004-5","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship reports attempt to board 20 Dec at 0620 local time while underway in position 01 08N, 103 30E, 7 nm NE of Pulau Karimun Besar. Four persons in an unlit boat about 8m long approached from the port quarter but","Desc2":"crossed under the bow and sped away when crew sounded alarm and turned on deck lights.","coords.x1":103.5,"coords.x2":1.13333} {"Reference":"2003-394","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified tanker reports suspicious approach 12 Dec at 2925 local time while underway in position 04-14N 099-17E. An unlit fast boat 35-40 feet in length and with a green hull, making 20 knots, came close aboard but withdrew when","Desc2":"master ordered lights switched on and crew mustered.","coords.x1":99.28333,"coords.x2":4.23333} {"Reference":"2003-395","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 11 Dec at 0315 local time while underway in position 01-58.3N 102-4.7E. Duty officer raised alarm upon approach of unlit speedboat. Crew mustered and directed searchlights at boat,","Desc2":"which withdrew after following for 20 minutes.","coords.x1":99.28333,"coords.x2":1.97167} {"Reference":"2003-391","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 3 Dec in the early morning while anchored at Jakarta and a liferaft stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":6.1} {"Reference":"2003-392","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach 2 Dec at 0630 UTC by a blue hulled speedboat while underway in position 05 32N, 097 36E, 20 nm north of Tanjung Jamboaye. The boat followed for 10 minutes and moved away when crew","Desc2":"mustered (IMB).","coords.x1":97.6,"coords.x2":5.53333} {"Reference":"2003-382","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: A crew member aboard the Belize-flag offshore support vessel SEA PANTHER was shot dead 2 Dec. Four apparent pirates in a fishing boat demanded the master stop and opened fire when he instead increased speed. SEA PANTHER was on a voyage","Desc2":"from Singapore to Mumbai, India when the incident occurred 30 nm from Sumatra and 90 nm from Penang (INFO, LM).","coords.x1":99.5,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"2003-385","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug and tow were hijacked 25 Nov at 0315 local time while underway in position 00 39.47S, 103 48.09E, 15 nm off Muara Sabak, Jambi. The tug's crew were forced to jump overboard and all 14 swam safely ashore. The barge with 78","Desc2":"containers loaded with lumber, plywood and betel nut, was recovered 26 Nov near Dabo Singkep; the tug remains missing (IMB).","coords.x1":103.8,"coords.x2":-0.66667} {"Reference":"2003-384","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 25 Nov at 2250 local time while underway in position 03 01N, 106 58E, Selat Leplia. Five persons armed with long knives and guns entered the bridge and tied up the duty officer, seaman and a cadet.","Desc2":"They forced the duty officer to take them to the other officers' cabins where they stole personal belongings and cash. The duty officer was then taken to the poop as a hostage and the pirates escaped in a waiting boat at 2310. The ship was underway","Desc3":"without bridge watch for the twenty minutes (IMB)..","coords.x1":106.96667,"coords.x2":3.01667} {"Reference":"2003-387","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 24 Nov at 0540 local time while underway in position 00 56.9N, 105 20.4E, 41 nm off Bintan Island. Seven persons armed with guns and knives fired two shots at bridge door, entered and took second","Desc2":"officer hostage. The pirates broke into master's cabin and stole ship's cash and master's belongings (IMB).","coords.x1":105.33333,"coords.x2":0.95} {"Reference":"2003-377","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports suspicious approach by unlit small craft 19 Nov at 0330 local time while underway in position 03 12N, 108 47.7E 10 nm off Pulau Subi Kecil. Boat was spotted on radar at a distance of five miles, making five","Desc2":"knots. Craft increased speed to 16 knots and followed tanker before master took evasive action and boat withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":108.8,"coords.x2":3.2} {"Reference":"2003-383","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: An unidentified tanker was boarded 19 Nov at 2325 local time while underway in position 01 17.9N, 104 06.1E at the Eastern Buoy. Seven persons armed with long knives stole ship's cash and escaped. This is a rare instance crime inside","Desc2":"Singapore's territory (IMB).","coords.x1":104.10167,"coords.x2":1.29833} {"Reference":"2003-369","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Six persons attempted to board an unidentified bulk carrier 17 Nov at 1920 UTC at Cigading anchorage in position 06 01S, 105 54E. Using grappling hooks they began to climb the forecastle but escaped in a waiting boat when alarm was raised","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":105.9,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2003-352","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug towing a barge reports suspicious approach 3 Nov at 0430 local time while underway in position 02 39N, 105 03E. A speedboat with six persons approached but withdrew after fifteen minutes when crew switched on searchlights","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":105.05,"coords.x2":2.65} {"Reference":"2003-350","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 3 Nov at 0010 local time while underway in position 03 16N, 105 24.4E. Nine pirates armed with knives took third officer and second officer hostage and forced them to call master to bridge. When master","Desc2":"opened his door, four pirates rushed inside, assaulted him and tied him up. The thieves stole ship's cash and master's cash and personal belongings before taking him to poop deck from which they escaped in a narrow boat (IMB).","coords.x1":105.4,"coords.x2":3.26667} {"Reference":"2003-348","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified LPG tanker was boarded 3 Nov. at 1200 local time while underway in position 03 16.5N, 105 21.9E. Master, second officer and duty seaman were held hostage by persons armed with long knives while ship's cash and crew belongings","Desc2":"were looted. At 0240 thieves took master to poop deck before escaping in two speedboats (IMB)","coords.x1":105.36667,"coords.x2":3.28333} {"Reference":"2003-351","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker reports suspicious approach 3 Nov at 0225 local time while underway in position 02 01S, 108 29E. Two unlit speedboats were detected ahead of the tanker and one approached to within five cables at 20 knots. Ship","Desc2":"switched on lights and began evasive steering and boats withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":108.48333,"coords.x2":-2.01667} {"Reference":"2003-353","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 2 Nov at 2130 local time while underway in position 03 05N, 105 21E. Eight persons armed with knives, swords and bamboo sticks took three crew hostage and took them to crew lounge where they tied up","Desc2":"master, Chief Engineer and second engineer. Pirates took master to his cabin where they stole ship's cash and his personal belongings. They also took the officers to their cabins where the robbed their belongings. At 2200 they forced master to reduce","Desc3":"speed, took him to the poop deck, and escaped. During the incident the ship was not under command as the third officer had been tied on the bridge (IMB).","coords.x1":105.35,"coords.x2":3.08333} {"Reference":"2003-354","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The Indian flag tanker (JAG PRANAM) was boarded 2 Nov at 0400 local time while underway in position 01 13N, 105 10E off Bintan Island. Duty officer was held hostage to force master to open his cabin where they stole ship's cash. The cabins of","Desc2":"the chief engineer, chief officer and two crew were also robbed before the pirates left at 0500, the ship having been not under command during that time (IMB).","coords.x1":105.16667,"coords.x2":1.21667} {"Reference":"2003-347","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"MALAYSIA-INDONESIA: The tug (POET VANDA), hijacked 19 Sep on a voyage from Singapore to Jampi, Indonesia, was recoved 31 Oct by Malaysian marine police near Tikus Island off northern Penang State. Six Indonesian crew were apprehended but the master","Desc2":"escaped. The tug's color had been changed from black and white to orange and white. The same tug was reported stolen and recovered during July 2003. It will reportedly be restored to its Singapore owner soon (IMB, LM).","coords.x1":100,"coords.x2":5} {"Reference":"2003-355","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 29 Oct at 2248 local time while underway in position 01 03.3N, 105 13.8E, 22.75 miles off Pulau Mapor. Four persons in a speedboat attempted to gain access from stern but aborted attempt","Desc2":"when crew mustered, sounded alarm, and swtiched on lights (IMB).","coords.x1":105.23333,"coords.x2":1.05} {"Reference":"2003-356","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach 28 Oct at 2035 UTC while underway in position 01 01.3N, 105 15.6E east of Bintan Island. Duty officer spotted a speedboat making 15 knots which passed the ship then came about to","Desc2":"approach within 3 cables of the ship's side. Ship took evasive maneuvers and boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":105.26667,"coords.x2":1.01667} {"Reference":"2003-357","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified self-propelled barge was hijacked 27 Oct while underway off Tanjung Jabung, Selat Berhala, with a cargo of palm oil. Palm oil and diesel oil are among cargo thieves' favorite targets in SE Asia (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":104.5,"coords.x2":-1} {"Reference":"2003-338","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified trawler was boarded 26 Oct at 2000 local time while underway in position 04 33.5N, 099 22.4E. The pirates stole stores and crew property and left at 2030 local (IMB).","coords.x1":99.36667,"coords.x2":4.56667} {"Reference":"2003-341","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 25 Oct at 0315 local time while at Teluk Semangka anchorage. Duty seaman spotted one person armed with knife and another in process of boarding using bamboo poles. Both fled when alarm sounded (IMB).","coords.x1":104.63333,"coords.x2":-5.58333} {"Reference":"2003-340","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship reports coming under fire from persons in a small speedboat 25 Oct at 0420 UTC while underway in position 04 56.7N, 098 06.2E. Master took evasive maneuvers. Bridge windows smashed and 12 bullet holes found","Desc2":"in wheelhouse (IMB).","coords.x1":98.1,"coords.x2":4.95} {"Reference":"2003-339","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 25 Oct at 2240 local time while underway in position 03 37S, 107 00E in Selat Leplia. Eight persons armed with guns and long knives entered bridge and bound 3rd officer, then went to master's cabin","Desc2":"and bound him as well. After robbing ship's cash and other property the pirates took master to stern as a hostage, before jumping overboard (IMB).","coords.x1":107,"coords.x2":-3.61667} {"Reference":"2003-343","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 23 Oct at 0430 local time at Belawan port. Two persons boarded using grappling hooks. Crew raised alarm and intruders fled after threatening duty officer. At 1350, 4 persons boarded and entered engine","Desc2":"room, where they broke into storeroom and attempted to steal stores, but fled when alarm raised. At 2230 persons in a boat tried to board but aborted attempt on seeing alert crew. Master contacted authorities who did not respond (IMB).","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":-3.78333} {"Reference":"2003-342","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified ship was boarded 23 Oct at 0530 UTC while in position 06 07S, 106 53.6E, Tanjung Priok anchorage. Four persons stole ship's safety equipment before seaman raised alarm and the thieves fled in a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.11667} {"Reference":"2003-332","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 19 Oct at 1436 UTC while underway in position 01 16.2N, 104 55.7E, east of Bintan Island. Pirates armed with knives boarded at the stern, held a seaman hostage and stole his walkie talkie. Another","Desc2":"seaman raised alarm and the pirates jumped overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":104.93333,"coords.x2":1.26667} {"Reference":"2003-331","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 19 Oct at 1500 UTC while underway in position 01 08.5N, 104 53.5E, east of Bintan Island. Five armed persons from a black speedboat boarded at the stern, broke starboard accommodation door and entered","Desc2":"master's cabin. They held master at knifepoint but left the ship empty handed when crew mustered and sounded alarm. Master reportedly suffered knife injuries (IMB).","coords.x1":104.9,"coords.x2":1.15} {"Reference":"2003-334","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 18 Oct at 0015 local time while underway in position 03 17.7N, 105 25E, southwest of Anambas Island. The intruders entered master's cabin and tied him up, broke into safe and stole ship's and","Desc2":"master's cash, ship's property and personal belongings. After 45 minutes they took master to poop from which they jumped overboard and escaped. Master was reportedly injured (IMB).","coords.x1":105.41667,"coords.x2":3.3} {"Reference":"2003-333","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 18 Oct at 1500 UTC while underway in position 01 07N, 105 06E, east of Bintan Island. Ten persons armed with knives and pistols took 2nd officer and seaman as hostages and forced the officer to call the","Desc2":"master. When master opened his door he was tied up and pirates stole ship's cash and master's belongings. They then robbed cash and personal belongings from other officers and crew before leaving the ship at 1620 UTC. The reported 80 minute duration of","Desc3":"this incident makes it unusually long and illustrates the impunity with which pirates may operate aboard a ship in this area once they have gained unchallenged access to the ship (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":105.1,"coords.x2":1.11667} {"Reference":"2003-335","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship reported an attempt to board on 17 Oct at 1405 UTC while underway in position 03 11.5N, 105 27E near Anambas Island. About 12 persons in a narrow-beamed speedboat tried to board using a long pole, but ship","Desc2":"zigzagged and crew mustered, whereupon the boarding was aborted (IMB).","coords.x1":105.45,"coords.x2":3.19167} {"Reference":"2003-307","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker reports attempt to board 4 Sep at 0430 local time while underway in position 00 55.5N, 105 10.0E 30 nm east of Bintan Island. Persons in a speedboat aborted their attempt when crew raised alarm and sounded","Desc2":"ship's whistle (IMB).","coords.x1":105.16667,"coords.x2":0.93333} {"Reference":"2003-297","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship reports an attempt to board 31 Aug at 0500 while underway in position 00 47.9N, 105 19.9E. Six persons in a wooden boat came close to the port quarter but turned away when alarm raised and crew mustered (IMB).","coords.x1":105.33167,"coords.x2":0.79833} {"Reference":"2003-298","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship reports attempt to board 30 Aug at 0446 local time while underway in position 01 03.4N, 105 06.5E off Bintan Island. Five persons in a speedboat made the attempt but turned away after ten minutes when crew activated","Desc2":"fire hoses and sounded ship's whistle (IMB).","coords.x1":105.11667,"coords.x2":1.05} {"Reference":"2003-299","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 29 Aug at 2330 local time while underway in position 00 56N, 105 08E off Bintan Island. Six persons armed with guns and long knives attempted to board from a speedboat, using grappling","Desc2":"hooks. Watch raised alarm and crew mustered whereupon the attempt was broken off (IMB).","coords.x1":105.13333,"coords.x2":0.93333} {"Reference":"2003-300","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 28 Aug at 2250 local time while underway in position 00 46N, 105 14E off Bintan Island. Six masked pirates armed with guns and knives boarded from a speedboat. They went to bridge and tied up duty","Desc2":"seaman and took 3rd officer hostage, forcing him top knock on master's door. Master, hearing commotion, escaped through his porthole with ship's cash. Master's door broken down and cabin ransacked. Pirates tied up some of crew and repeatedly assaulted","Desc3":"chief engineer, and third officer. The pirates left at 0015 with personal effects and ship's equipment (IMB).","coords.x1":105.23333,"coords.x2":0.76667} {"Reference":"2003-301","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach 27 Aug at 0430 UTC while underway in position 05 37.5N, 097 30.9E off northern Sumatra. Several speedboats approached but moved away when master raised alarm and crew activated fire","Desc2":"hoses (IMB).","coords.x1":97.51667,"coords.x2":5.63333} {"Reference":"2003-302","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 26 Aug at 0500 local time while underway in position 01 20N, 104 58E, about 50 nm N.E. of Bintan Island. Eight masked pirates armed with guns and long knives tied up duty seaman on deck and chief","Desc2":"engineer in his cabin. On the bridge they took chief officer and duty seaman hostage and forced chief officer to knock on master's door. Master, realizing something was wrong, fired a rocket flare from his bathroom porthole. Pirates broke down master's","Desc3":"door and opened safe by firing at lock. Pirates left ship at 0600 with ship's and master's cash and crew belongings (IMB)","coords.x1":104.96667,"coords.x2":1.33333} {"Reference":"2003-290","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 22 Aug at 2130 UTC while underway in position 00 57N, 105 03E off Bintan Island. Three persons armed with knives and crowbars escaped empty handed when the second engineer raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":105.05,"coords.x2":0.95} {"Reference":"2003-303","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 22 Aug at 2330 local time while underway in position 01 36.6N, 105 22.5E. Nine persons armed with guns knives stole ship's cash and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":105.38333,"coords.x2":1.61667} {"Reference":"2003-283","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 18 Aug at 1930 UTC while underway in position 06 07N, 097 33E. Persons in three boats attempted board but ship increased speed and undertook evasive maneuvers while crew activated","Desc2":"fire hoses. The boats abandoned the chase at 2200 UTC (IMB).","coords.x1":97.55,"coords.x2":6.11667} {"Reference":"2003-284","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified trawler was chased 12 Aug at 0230 local time while underway in position 04 50N, 108 02E. Persons in pursuing boat opened fire, killing the captain. They then boarded the boat, stole cargo and ship's equipment (IMB).","coords.x1":108.03333,"coords.x2":4.83333} {"Reference":"2003-274","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: The 740-ton, Malaysian flag tanker (PENRIDER) was attacked 10 Aug at 1330 local time by heavily armed pirates while 12 nm off Port Klang in the northbound lane of the traffic separation scheme bound from Singapore to Penang with 1,000","Desc2":"tons of fuel oil. Seven or 8 persons operating from a fishing boat armed with automatic weapons and a grenade launcher demanded the captain stop his ship. They took the ship into Indonesian waters and later released 8 of the crew and the ship, but kept","Desc3":"the Indonesian master, chief engineer and second engineer hostage, demanding payment of $100,000 ransom. In addition they stole ship's cash and its documents. This incident was described by the IMB office in Kuala Lumpur but not reported by them in their","Desc4":"weekly dated 11 Aug (INFO, IMB).","coords.x1":101.13333,"coords.x2":-2.75} {"Reference":"2003-275","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: The 2,912-ton Taiwan flag refrigerated fishery cargo ship (DONG YIH) was attacked 9 Aug at about 1725 local time while underway in position 05 43N, 097 44E. More than 200 rounds reportedly hit the ship during the chase and the Captain","Desc2":"was hit in the knee, but the other 33 crew were unhurt. The attack began when the ship was approached by a vessel, about 30 m long, \"disguised\" (NFI) as an oil rig service boat. After about 45 minutes a second, similar boat, joined the chase which ended","Desc3":"after two hours. The IMB and others have been quick to speculate that this incident somehow involves the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), who are seen to be desperate for sources of income and supply during the current Indonesian crackdown. However, no evidence","Desc4":"of GAM involvement has been presented and it would be atypical for them so far offshore. Although no source has mentioned the possibility, the incident could be the result of Indonesia's enforcement of its ban on passage of vessels near Aceh waters","Desc5":"\"without proper permits\". The vessels may have been Indonesian government craft which were declared on 4 Jun to have permission to open fire on any suspicious vessel. The description that they were disguised as offshore oil support craft remains","Desc6":"unexplained (IMB, INFO, LM, ONI).","coords.x1":97.73333,"coords.x2":5.71667} {"Reference":"2003-268","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified liquefied gas carrier reports attempt to board 31 Jul at 0645 UTC while underway in position 05 59.4N, 96 10.8E off the northern tip of Sumatra. Five fast boats approached with two on either beam while the fifth criss-crossed","Desc2":"ahead of the ship. Alert crew activated fire hoses and boats withdrew after ten minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":96.18333,"coords.x2":5.98333} {"Reference":"2003-267","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified tanker reports attempt to board 30 Jul at 0840 local time while underway in position 05 36N, 097 34E. Four persons in two boats attempted board from port and starboard side. Crew sounded whistle and activated fire","Desc2":"hoses, whereupon the intruders abandoned the attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":97.56667,"coords.x2":5.6} {"Reference":"2003-260","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified LPG tanker reports attempt to board 28 Jul at 1605 UTC by several persons in a high speed boat. Tanker was underway in position 01 59.4N, 102 07.7E. Crew directed searchlights at the boat which moved off (IMB).","coords.x1":102.13333,"coords.x2":1.98333} {"Reference":"2003-261","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports being fired upon 26 Jul at 1020 UTC while underway in position 05 45N, 097 51E. Master increased speed and due to rough sea boat could not close. Master reports attacking boat was blue, flew","Desc2":"Indonesian flag and displayed name (CAKRAC 2). Use of firearms by pirate boats during approach is virtually unheard of, so something other than piracy was probably involved in this incident (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":97.85,"coords.x2":5.75} {"Reference":"2003-250","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 20 Jul at 2135 local time while underway in position 01 38.4N, 103 58E. Alert crew switched on deck lights when approached by unlit speedboat. Speedboat moved away in direction of","Desc2":"another ship. Similar attempt was made about one hour later but was aborted due to crew alertness (IMB).","coords.x1":103.96667,"coords.x2":1.63333} {"Reference":"2003-251","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach 17 Jul at 2320 local time while underway in position 01 22N, 103 14.3E. Two speedboats were detected and illuminated by searchlights. The boats then moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":103.23333,"coords.x2":1.36667} {"Reference":"2003-252","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach 15 Jul at 1400 UTC while underway in position 00 13N, 107 56E off Indonesia. An unlit boat approached at 35 knots but withdrew when crew mustered and turned on lights (IMB).","coords.x1":107.93333,"coords.x2":0.21667} {"Reference":"2003-242","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG & BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The Singapore flag tug (BINTAN 1200) and its barge (BINTAN GOLDEN 2301) are reported hijacked 10 Jul while underway near Dabo Sinkep, Sinkep Island. A fast boat came alongside and armed men boarded the tug, binding and blindfolding its crew.","Desc2":"The crew were put ashore on a nearby island and were rescued 12 Jul. Tug and barge remain missing (IMB).","coords.x1":104.16667,"coords.x2":-0.58333} {"Reference":"2003-235","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 1 Jul at 0130 while underway in position 01 05N, 105 00E, near Bintan Island by persons using grappling hooks over starboard quarter. Ten masked persons armed with knives and guns took a seaman and second","Desc2":"officer hostage and forced chief officer and chief engineer to turn over cash and belongings (IMB).","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"2003-236","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 1 Jul at 1210 local time while underway in position 00 41N, 105 12.5E near Bintan Island. Eight persons armed with knives and guns took second officer hostage and then held master at gunpoint while they","Desc2":"stole ship's and personal cash and belongings. Master was then used as hostage while they robbed third officer. Master and second officer seriously injured by the pirates, who escaped by speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":105.21667,"coords.x2":0.68333} {"Reference":"2003-237","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports attempt to board 30 Jun at 2230 local time while at Belawan anchorage. About five persons operating form a small fishing boat were driven off when crew mustered (IMB).","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2003-226","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 30 Jun at 0700 local time at Tanjung Priok anchorage. Four persons armed with long knives entered pump room and stole engine stores. Crew raised alarm and thieves fled (IMB).","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2003-227","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The 13,852 ton Malaysian flag bulk carrier (ECO CHARGER) was approached 29 Jun at 0320 local time while underway in position 01 13N, 105 03E off Bintan Island. A high speed craft approached to within 25 m of the ship before it was spotted by","Desc2":"duty officer, who raised alarm and took evasive action to prevent boarding (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":105.05,"coords.x2":1.21667} {"Reference":"2003-218","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE: The Singapore Shipping Association issued a warning after a member vessel was attacked 24 Jun between 2320 and 0010 local time while underway in position 01 07N, 105 05E about 60 nm from Horsburgh Lighthouse. Eight persons robbed the crew of","Desc2":"personal belongings and an oiler was injured (IMB).","coords.x1":105.08333,"coords.x2":1.11667} {"Reference":"2003-219","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 23 Jun at 0230 local time while underway in position 0057N, 105 06E near Bintan Island. About 12 persons armed with guns and knives took 2 crew hostage and used them to force master to open his cabin","Desc2":"door. The thieves assaulted the master, second officer and crew and escaped with ship's cash and property as well as cash and belongings of the crew (IMB).","coords.x1":105.1,"coords.x2":0.95} {"Reference":"2003-225","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified fishing trawler reports being fired on 23 Jun at 1530 local time while underway in position 05 46N, 097 50.4E. The firing came from a black hulled tug. One crew member was wounded and hospitalized ashore; trawler","Desc2":"suffered bullet holes. There is no information about what caused the persons on the tug to stop firing or their intent (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":97.83333,"coords.x2":5.76667} {"Reference":"2003-220","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 22 Jun at 0520 local time while underway in position 00 43.8N, 105 27.2E off Bintan Island. Two persons armed with guns tied off their boat at the ships stern. Crew raised alarm and mustered. The","Desc2":"intruders tried to break the accommodation door before leaving the ship, abandoning the 60 m length of rope they had used to tie their boat. One door to the accommodation was damaged (IMB).","coords.x1":105.45,"coords.x2":0.73333} {"Reference":"2003-221","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 21 Jun at 2105 local time while underway in position 00 51N, 105 05.1E off Bintan Island. Eight persons armed with guns and knives boarded at the starboard quarter form a speedboat. Master, duty","Desc2":"officer, chief engineer and second engineer taken hostage. Ship's cash and property along with crew cash were stolen. The pirates made master reduce speed and escaped at 0250 local time (IMB).","coords.x1":105.085,"coords.x2":0.85} {"Reference":"2003-195","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 31 May at 2355 while underway in position 01 03S, 107 17E near Mendanau Island, Gelasa Strait. Four persons armed with long knives took two crew hostage and held them at knifepoint. The remaining crew","Desc2":"mustered and switched on deck lights whereupon the intruders jumped overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":107.28333,"coords.x2":-1.05} {"Reference":"2003-194","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified livestock carrier reports interdiction 30 May at 0515 while underway in position 01 18.2N, 104 07.3E in the Johor Port pilot boarding ground. Two unlit boats with 4 to 7 persons each were sighted 6.5 cables (about .65 nm) ahead","Desc2":"of ship. The boats straddled the ship's course with a line strung between them.. Ship altered course and increased speed and during the maneuver one of the boats scraped past amidships without damage. Although the motive, if any, of the boats is unknown,","Desc3":"stringing a line between two boats and then letting an ensnared ship's passage draw them alongside is a recognized way of gaining access to an underway target (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":104.11667,"coords.x2":1.3} {"Reference":"2003-199","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified fishing trawler was boarded 28 May at 1630 local time while underway off Pangkor Island, Perak. Pirates armed with guns shot and injured the master and kidnapped two crewmembers. Raids of this kind in the region","Desc2":"generally result in ransom demands for the kidnapped crew (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":100.33333,"coords.x2":4.16667} {"Reference":"2003-179","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports attempt to board 17 May at 0050 local time while underway in position 03 07N, 105 10E in the Anambas Islands. Three small craft were observed on radar to increase speed from 15 to 35 knots and head directly","Desc2":"toward the ship. Crew directed searchlights at the boats which moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":105.16667,"coords.x2":3.11667} {"Reference":"2003-180","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 16 May at 1940 UTC while in position 01 42.1N, 101.26.9E, Dumai anchorage. Three persons armed with long knives stole engine spares and escaped when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2003-183","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 13 May at 0445 local time while underway in position 01 25N, 105 25E off Bintan Island. Five persons armed with knives and guns boarded at stern and took a crew member hostage. They went to the bridge","Desc2":"and pistol whipped the chief officer, entered master's cabin and fired a warning shot, before stealing ship's cash, property and crew belongings. The pirates left after 45 minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":105.41667,"coords.x2":1.41667} {"Reference":"2003-182","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was pursued and fired upon by machine gun fire 13 May at 0545 UTC while underway in position 04 31N, 098 23E off Kuala Langsa, Sumatra. Four persons dressed in military style uniforms and armed with machine guns","Desc2":"were observed in a speedboat before crew retreated into accommodation and raised alarm. Mater took evasive action. The shooting continued for thirty minutes before the boat withdrew. No injuries to crew or serious damage to ship reported (IMB).","coords.x1":98.38333,"coords.x2":4.51667} {"Reference":"2003-178","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified container ship reports attempted boarding 12 May at 0445 local time while underway in position 05 12N, 098 33E. Ship increased speed and took evasive maneuvers when approached by persons in three speedboats. Crew","Desc2":"directed searchlights at the boats which broke off their approach (IMB).","coords.x1":98.55,"coords.x2":5.2} {"Reference":"2003-165","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker reports suspicious approach 10 May between 2040 and 2110 local time while underway in position 04 30S, 107 20E in the Java Sea. A speedboat making 25 knots approached from the starboard bow and followed at a","Desc2":"range of 2.5 nm. Craft increased speed to 35 knots and came within 1 nm. Crew mustered, switched on deck lights and fired three rocket flares at the boat. Boat with drew toward a reported \"mother ship\", believed to be a tug. Increasing report of","Desc3":"potential pirates using mother ships may reflect reality or it may be feeding off earlier reports. The described activity can be as easily related to military patrols as to pirate activity, absent other evidence (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":107.33333,"coords.x2":-4.5} {"Reference":"2003-166","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 8 May at 0340 local time while underway in position 00 48.79N, 105 06.10E off Bintan Island. Seven pirates armed with guns and knives boarded from a speedboat. Duty crew were attacked on deck and","Desc2":"were tied up on the bridge along with bridge crew. Prisoners were taken to master's cabin and rest of crew were collected on bridge. At 0440 local time the master was ordered to slow the ship and the pirates escaped with ship's cash and crew belongings.","Desc3":"This incident reads nearly identically to the one reported below on 30 Apr and must be assessed as probably committed by the same group which is now enjoying a string of lucrative successes unhindered by Indonesian government interference (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":105.1,"coords.x2":0.81667} {"Reference":"2003-167","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 7 May at 0500 UTC while underway in position 01-04N, 105-06E off Bintan Island. Eight persons armed with guns and knives took master, chief engineer, chief officer and watchman hostage, stole ship's","Desc2":"cash and crew belongings, and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":105.1,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2003-153","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: The Singapore-flag LPG carrier (APOLLO PACIFIC) was chased 5 May at 1400 UTC, about midnight local time, by seven small craft apparently operating in concert with a larger mother ship. The tanker was underway in position 03 37.34N, 111 04.81E","Desc2":"off Sarawak when it was surrounded by the seven boats maneuvering around it at about 14 knots. While crew operated powerful searchlights the tanker increased speed and eventually shook off its apparent pursuers. The suspected mother ship hung in the","Desc3":"background through the incident (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":111.08333,"coords.x2":3.61667} {"Reference":"2003-152","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified bulk carrier was approached 2 May at 1258 UTC while underway in position 05 25.90N, 097 43.15E. An unlit speedboat containing several persons came within one cable of the ship and increased speed from 15 knots to 25","Desc2":"knots before observing crew's alertness and moving away (IMB).","coords.x1":97.71667,"coords.x2":5.43333} {"Reference":"2003-157","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was approached 30 Apr by 3 to 5 persons in a fast moving boat, while underway in position 00 55.8N, 105 05E. Alert seaman raised alarm and the boat withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":105.08333,"coords.x2":0.93333} {"Reference":"2003-154","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOPUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship reports being followed 29 Apr at 2300 local time by two unit speedboats while underway in position 00 58N, 105 04.5E. Crew directed searchlights at the boats which moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":105.08333,"coords.x2":0.96667} {"Reference":"2003-134","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA; An unidentified barge was subject to repeated attempts to board 28 Apr at 2250 local time while underway under tow in position 01 13.06N, 105 26.97E near Anambas Straits. Six persons were spotted by alert tug officer, who raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":105.4495,"coords.x2":1.21767} {"Reference":"2003-133","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified tanker was subject to attempted boarding 28 Apr at 0306 UTC while underway in position 06 05N, 096 07E. Six persons with face masks approached in a speedboat but retreated when crew mustered and activated fire hoses","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":96.11667,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"2003-135","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 28 Apr at 1200 UTC while underway in position 03 00S, 107 8E, Gelasa Strait. Four persons armed with long knives entered bridge and tied up master, duty officer and another member of crew. They then","Desc2":"stole cash form safe in master's cabin and his personal belongings before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":107.13333,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"2003-136","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was subject to attempted boarding 28 Apr at 0045 local time while underway in position 02 56.5S, 107 19.5E in the Gelasa Strait, 4 miles off Mendenau Island. The boarding via crippling hook was aborted when crew","Desc2":"shined lights on the the intruders' speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":107.33333,"coords.x2":-2.95} {"Reference":"2003-137","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 27 Apr at 0400 local time while underway in position 00 38N, 105 23E. Nine persons armed with guns and knives took master, chief engineer, third officer and watchman and then stole ship's cash and","Desc2":"crew belongings (IMB).","coords.x1":105.38333,"coords.x2":0.63333} {"Reference":"2003-138","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was subject to attempted boarding 25 Apr at 2320 local time while underway in position 03 23N, 105 31.5E, 18nm NW of Anambas Islands. Persons in a fast boat attempted to board using bamboo poles but fled when crew","Desc2":"sounded alarm and lights were switched on (IMB).","coords.x1":105.53333,"coords.x2":3.38333} {"Reference":"2003-139","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 22 Apr at 2015 local time while underway in position 01 42.5N, 106 09.6E about 60 nm SE of Anambas Islands. Seven persons armed with knives and guns tied up master and crew and stole personal belongings","Desc2":"and cash. An apparently similar incident was reported at 1845 UTC in position 01 52N, 106 09E, about 50 nm SSE of Anambas Islands (IMB).","coords.x1":106.16667,"coords.x2":1.71667} {"Reference":"2003-127","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 16 Apr at 2230 local time while in position 03 10.3N, 112 52.3E off Bintulu, Sarawak. It is not stated if ship was underway at time. Three persons boarded at forecastle but were driven off, after throwing","Desc2":"stones at crew, when alert sounded (IMB).","coords.x1":112.86667,"coords.x2":3.16667} {"Reference":"2003-117","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 13 Apr at 1510 UTC while underway in position 02 14.2N, 101 54.5E. Nine persons armed with guns and long knives boarded the ship but left empty handed after crew sounded alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":101.91667,"coords.x2":2.23333} {"Reference":"2003-119","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 11 Apr at 0505 local time while in position 01 25N, 103 05E. The intruders took second engineer hostage and took him to captain's cabin to ask him to open door. Master instead phoned duty officer","Desc2":"on bridge who sounded alarm. Pirates escaped empty handed but two crew members received knife wounds (IMB).","coords.x1":103.08333,"coords.x2":1.41667} {"Reference":"2003-156","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 30 Apr at 1645 UTC while underway in position 01 04N, 104 59E, east of Bintan Island. The boarders took the duty officer and seaman hostage and handcuffed them before forcing them to the master's","Desc2":"cabin at gunpoint. After threatening the master they stole ship's cash, the master's personal belongings and cash. After stealing crew cash and belongings they ordered the master to reduce speed and escaped in a small boat (IMB).","coords.x1":104.98333,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2003-120","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified fishing boat was hijacked 10 Apr at 2010 local time while 70 nm of Luau Pangkor. Heavily armed pirate boarded the vessel, shot and killed one crew member and injured two others. The pirates took the fishing boat and","Desc2":"left behind a small boat which the surviving fishermen boarded to await rescue (IMB).","coords.x1":100,"coords.x2":4.5} {"Reference":"2003-118","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SIUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified cargo ship reports being approached 8 Apr at 0400 UTC while underway in position 02 17N, 101 49E. Two fast boats making about 20 knots came within 50 meters on starboard quarter before moving away when crew sounded","Desc2":"alert and blew ship's whistle (IMB).","coords.x1":101.81667,"coords.x2":2.28333} {"Reference":"2003-122","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was fired upon 8 Apr at 1730 local time by persons in three fishing boats while underway in position 04 21.7N, 098 43.6E. Master was forced to stop and sent distress message. Thieves boarded ship and gathered all","Desc2":"crew on deck. Master, Chief Officer and Chief Engineer were taken hostage and removed from ship. The thieves then took away ship's documents and VHF radio sets. Third officer reported incident and Indonesian naval craft escorted ship to Belawan. No","Desc3":"further information on hostages (IMB).","coords.x1":98.73333,"coords.x2":4.36667} {"Reference":"2003-109","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified LPG carrier was boarded 7 Apr at 0810 local time while at Tanjung Priok tanker anchorage awaiting a pilot. Two persons boarded the ship while two accomplices waited in their boat below. The crew sounded alarm and the intruders","Desc2":"fled (IMB).","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2003-110","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 6 Apr at 0110 local time while underway in position 00 57N, 105 04E. Four persons armed with guns and long knives took two crew hostage. Alarm was raised but crew were tied up, ship's speed reduced, and","Desc2":"ship's and crew's cash stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":105.06667,"coords.x2":0.95} {"Reference":"2003-111","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Four persons operating from an aluminum colored boat attempted to board and unidentified VLCC 4 Apr at 2200 UTC while the tanker was underway in position 02 58.2S, 107 18.5E, near Selat Baur, Gaspar Strait. Crew sounded alarm, activated fire","Desc2":"hoses and shone searchlights at the boat, which withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":107.31667,"coords.x2":-2.96667} {"Reference":"2003-155","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 3 Apr at 2350 local time while underway in position 02 36.7N, 108 53E in the vicinity of the Anambas/Natunas Islands. The threatening boat dropped astern when ship increased speed (IMB).","coords.x1":108.88333,"coords.x2":2.61667} {"Reference":"2003-98","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship (FAS SEMARANG) was subject to attempted boarding 31 Mar at 0510 local time while underway in position 03 00S, 107 19E. Four persons in a fast wooden boat tried to board using a grappling hook but aborted attempt when crew raised","Desc2":"alarm (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":107.31667,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"2003-112","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 31 March at 2200 local time while underway in position 02 56S, 107 17.4E in the Gaspar Strait. Five persons armed with long knives boarded amidships and went to the bridge, where they held the","Desc2":"quartermaster hostage and took him to the master's cabin door and forced him to knock. When master answered the thieves rushed into his cabin. Master was tied up and taken to bridge where duty officer was already being held. When Chief Officer finished","Desc3":"his rounds he, too, was apprehended in the bridge. All hostages were taken to the main deck until the pirates left the ship at 2230, taking with them ship's cash, personal belongings of the crew, and ship's equipment including a GPS receiver (IMB).","coords.x1":107.28333,"coords.x2":-2.93333} {"Reference":"2003-99","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship (SINAR SUNDA) was subject to attempted boarding 28 Mar at 2125 local time while underway in position 02 55S, 107 17E, Gaspar Strait. The intruders attempted to board via the port quarter but crew drove them off by throwing","Desc2":"container twist locks and activating fire hose (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":107.28333,"coords.x2":-2.91667} {"Reference":"2003-100","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 28 Mar at 0300 local time while at Tanjung Priok anchorage. Intruders tried to steal stores but duty officer raised alarm and they fled empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2003-101","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship (RESOLUTION) was chased 27 Mar at 1230 UTC while underway in position 02 58S, 106 59E, Gaspar Straits. A speedboat containing six persons pursued the ship until it sounded whistle and turned lights toward the boat (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":106.98333,"coords.x2":-2.96667} {"Reference":"2003-97","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: The chemical tanker (DEWI MADRIM) was boarded 26 Mar at 0300 local time while underway in position 01 49.6N, 102 14.5E. Ten persons armed with long knives, automatic weapons and crowbars boarded from a speedboat, bringing their own","Desc2":"portable VHF gear. Four broke open bridge door and took duty officer and able seaman hostage. Others gathered crew and tied them up while they cut the ship's communications, took control of the ship, slowed its speed and navigated for half an hour,","Desc3":"before leaving with cash, property and equipment as well as crew personal belongings. No personnel injuries reported (IMB)","coords.x1":102.25,"coords.x2":1.83333} {"Reference":"2003-102","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier (LEVIATHAN) was boarded 26 Mar at 0230 local time while underway in position 03 02S, 107 18.5E, Gaspar Straits. Five persons armed with long knives severely beat master and chief mate and took them from bridge to main deck where","Desc2":"they forced them to lie down while they stole personal belongs, cash and ship's property before leaving after about 30minutes (IMB INFO).","coords.x1":107.31667,"coords.x2":-3.03333} {"Reference":"2003-103","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier (MARATHA MESSENGER) was subject of attempt to board 26 Mar at 1515 UTC while underway in position 03 01S, 107 18E. Intruders approached from stern in orange colored boat but broke off attempt when ship steered evasively, and","Desc2":"raised alarm (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":107.3,"coords.x2":-3.01667} {"Reference":"2003-86","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was approached 18 Mar at 1500 local time while in position 04 15.2N, 098 53.4E drifting while waiting for a pilot. Six persons in a speedboat fired shots at the bridge but withdrew when alarm sounded (IMB).","coords.x1":98.88333,"coords.x2":4.25} {"Reference":"2003-104","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The tanker (ORIENTAL SALVIA) was approached 18 Mar at 1500 local time while in position 04 15.2N, 098 53.4E while waiting for a pilot. Six persons in a speedboat fired shots at the bridge but withdrew when alarm sounded (IMB).","coords.x1":98.88333,"coords.x2":4.25} {"Reference":"2003-79","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports being approached suspiciously 12 Mar between 0130 and 0210 local time while underway in position 03 02S, 107 20E, Gelasa Strait. Two high-speed boats approached at about 20 knots, increased speed to over 30 knots","Desc2":"and approached with within 4.5 and .9 nm. Ship's alarm sounded, crew mustered and lights turned on and boats turned away. Although this may have been an attempted pirate attack, it also bears the earmarks of possible smuggler attempt to hide in the","Desc3":"ship's radar shadow for part of their transit of the strait (IMB).","coords.x1":107.33333,"coords.x2":-3.03333} {"Reference":"2003-67","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 28 Feb at 0400 local time at Dumai port. Three persons armed with knives attacked duty seaman, stole ship's stores and property, and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.68333} {"Reference":"2003-68","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was subject to attempted hijack 25 Feb at 1030 local time while underway in position 04 32N, 098 14E, 8 nm from Kuala Lansa, East Aceh. Four persons armed with AK-47s and rockets chased and fired on ship, which","Desc2":"eluded its attackers. Bridge windows and VHF destroyed. Chief Engineer shot in head and reported in critical condition after evacuation ashore by navy boat to Belawan (IMB, LL).","coords.x1":98.23333,"coords.x2":4.53333} {"Reference":"2003-59","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 18 Feb at 0830 local time while at old wharf No. 2, Dumai. Two persons armed with long knives arrived alongside on a motorbike and boarded from the quay. Watch raised alarm and crew mustered. The intruders","Desc2":"fled leaving behind the bike (IMB).","coords.x1":101.45,"coords.x2":1.68333} {"Reference":"2003-51","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was subject to attempted boarding 13 Feb while in position 03-20N, 111-25E off Matu, Sarawak. Alert crew prevented boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":111.41667,"coords.x2":3.33333} {"Reference":"2003-48","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 8 Feb at 2340 local time in position 06 00S, 105 56E, Banten Roads. Six persons boarded but were driven off when watch sounded alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":105.93333,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"2003-41","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 29 Jan between 2200 and 2300 at Panjang Port. About eight persons mixed with local stevedores, broke padlocks on stores' lockers and tried to steal ship's stores. They jumped overboard when crew raised","Desc2":"alarm, and one was seriously injured and is hospitalized (IMB).","coords.x1":105.31667,"coords.x2":-5.46667} {"Reference":"2003-42","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The 142-ton tug (BW WISDOM) was hijacked 28 Jan between 1900 and 2000 local time while anchored at Batu Ampar, Batam. Ten persons armed with parangs and steel pipes boarded the tug and sailed it away, abandoning the barge (BAYSWATER 228),","Desc2":"which had been tied along side. Three of the tug's six crew escaped by jumping over the side; the remaining three crew are believed being held hostage (IMB, INFO).","coords.x1":103.98333,"coords.x2":1.16667} {"Reference":"2003-23","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The Singapore-flag tug (BINA OCEAN 2) was hijacked 11 Jan at about 0500 local time off Bintan Island. About ten persons armed with knives and guns forced or allowed the crew of 6 to jump overboard from the tug anchored off Tanjung Uban. The","Desc2":"chief officer was reported to have drowned. The tug and its empty barge (TK BINA 82) are still missing.","coords.x1":104.5,"coords.x2":1.25} {"Reference":"2003-20","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 2 Jan at 0400 local time while at Cigading anchorage. Four persons armed with knives took duty oiler hostage and threatened him with a knife. Oiler freed himself and sounded alarm whereupon the thieves","Desc2":"escaped with engine spares.","coords.x1":105.95,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2003-2","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG AND BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug and barge were hijacked 22 Dec at 0400 local time from Tanjung Uban, Batam. The hijackers took the master and mate toward shore in a speedboat and later released the mate who made a report at Tanjung Pinang, Bintan. The","Desc2":"tug, the barge with 1,800 tons of palm oil, and crew of six are missing. Fate of the master unknown. 2002 has seen a marked shift in hijackings away from coastal freighters toward tugs and their barges, which are clearly more vulnerable because of low","Desc3":"speed, the fact that they hug the shoreline and that they are manned by smaller crews","coords.x1":104.16667,"coords.x2":1.11667} {"Reference":"2003-5","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 21 Dec at 0455 local time while at anchor at Anyer. Duty motorman spotted three persons armed with guns and long knives near the engine room store. The motorman was bound hand and foot but freed himself and","Desc2":"sounded alarm. The thieves fled with engine stores via the funnel casing door.","coords.x1":105.91667,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2003-3","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship reports approach by two boats 21 Dec at 1020 local time while underway in position 05 48.1N, 096 27.3E off Aceh Province. The two boats, each with three persons, came within .1km and were not fishing boats according","Desc2":"to the cargo ship's master. One boat is described as green with a white stripe and the other as yellow. Many locally trading ships and tug-barges have been interfered with off Aceh during 2002 and any unexplained approach, even in daylight, must be","Desc3":"treated with suspicion.","coords.x1":96.45,"coords.x2":5.8} {"Reference":"2003-4","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship reported being followed 21 Dec at 1030 local time while underway in position 05 24N, 097 30.7E off Aceh Province. A motorboat with four armed persons approached to within 50 meters and one person pointed a rifle","Desc2":"towards the bridge, before the boat altered course and sped away. The boat was five meters long with a blue hull.","coords.x1":97.51667,"coords.x2":5.4} {"Reference":"2002-361","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: A liquefied gas carrier was boarded 16 Dec at 0610 local time at Jakarta anchorage. Four persons stole safety equipment and escaped in a wooden boat.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2002-363","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 11 Dec at 1320 local time while anchored at Jakarta. Armed person from a small boat stole ship's property and stores before escaping in their boat","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2002-353","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported being followed 9 Dec between 1000 and 1100 local time by a small speed boat while underway in position 05 51N, 096 20E. Two persons in boat were described as wearing big hats and with their faces partly","Desc2":"covered. Crew mustered on deck and boat moved away.","coords.x1":96.33333,"coords.x2":5.85} {"Reference":"2002-364","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported being followed 9 Dec between 1000 and 1100 local time by a small speed boat while underway in position 05 51N, 096 20E. Two persons in boat were described as wearing big hats and with their faces partly","Desc2":"covered. Crew mustered on deck and boat moved away.","coords.x1":96.33333,"coords.x2":5.85} {"Reference":"2002-343","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG/BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug and barge were hijacked 1 Dec at 2030 local time while anchored in position 01 03.46N, 103 23.54E. Eight persons armed with guns assaulted the second engineer and tied him to a barge anchored nearby before escaping in the","Desc2":"hijacked vessels.","coords.x1":103.4,"coords.x2":1.05} {"Reference":"2002-342","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified yacht reports being intercepted and followed 1 Dec during the night while underway in position 01 27.5N, 104 37.3E. Three boats made the intercept. One directed its searchlight aT the yacht while following for 40","Desc2":"minutes before turning away. Report is more suggestive of anti-smuggling patrol than pirate activity given use of searchlight andno apparent attempt to approach by stealth.","coords.x1":104.61667,"coords.x2":1.45} {"Reference":"2002-352","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified Indonesian fishing trawler was attacked 28 Nov at 2230 local time while off Bukit Tinggi, Tuaran, Sabah. Two assailants armed with M-16 rifles boarded from a small boat and demanded the captain turn over his identification","Desc2":"documents. Captain shot in the abdomen in a struggle and four remaining crew jumped overboard upon being threatened by pirates. Trawler hijacked. Crew swam to safety and body of master later recovered.","coords.x1":116,"coords.x2":7} {"Reference":"2002-355","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT. Four pirates boarded a fishing trawler. One threatened the captain at gun point and with one other pirate took him to a secluded island while two pirates remained aboard vessel. Pirates told captain to telephone his family and ask for","Desc2":"ransom. The family could not raise ransom so captain offered his vessel's equipment and catch. Pirates relented and returned captain to the vessel.","coords.x1":102.5,"coords.x2":2} {"Reference":"2003-1","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified Indonesian fishing trawler was attacked 28 Nov at 2230 local time while off Bukit Tinggi, Tuaran, Sabah. Two assailants armed with M-16 rifles boarded from a small boat and demanded the captain turn over his identification","Desc2":"documents. Captain shot in the abdomen in a struggle and four remaining crew jumped overboard upon being threatened by pirates. Trawler was hijacked. Crew swam to safety and body of master was recovered later.","coords.x1":116,"coords.x2":6.16667} {"Reference":"2002-313","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship (SINAR BATAM) was boarded 4 Nov at 0005 local time while underway in position 00 52.6N, 105 07.1E I vicinity of Bintan Island. Eight persons armed with knives third mate hostage and forced him to call captain to bridge where he","Desc2":"was assaulted and both were tied up. $7,000 taken from ship's safe and crew before the thieves jumped overboard and escaped.","coords.x1":97.61667,"coords.x2":0.88333} {"Reference":"2002-314","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Chemical tanker (MONT BLANC) was boarded 3 Nov at 0130 local time while underway in position 01 04N, 104 56E in vicinity of Bintan Island. Group of about eight persons boarded at stern and took chief engineer hostage, binding him with ropes","Desc2":"and beating him. $1.200 in cash and valuables were stolen and engineer used as hostage while thieves escaped.","coords.x1":104.93333,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2002-315","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Container ship (CAPE YORK) was boarded 3 Nov at 0110 local time while underway in position 01 03.8N, 104 56.8E off Bintan Island. Eight persons armed with knives entered ship's bridge but fled when crew raised alarm and warned others via","Desc2":"ship's p.a. system","coords.x1":104.95,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2002-349","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. At 1830Z on 2 Nov. about eight pirates armed with long knives boarded chemical tanker at stern. Pirates tried to break open captain's safe but failed. They then took Ch. Engineer hostage, tied his hands, assaulted him, and robbed his personal","Desc2":"belongings. Ch. Engineer received serious injuries. Pirates escaped in their boat using Ch. Eng. as hostage.","coords.x1":104.93333,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2002-348","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIAOn 2 Nov. at 1810Z pirates armed with long knives boarded container ship while underway. They entered bridge and threatened duty officer, who sounded alarm. Pirates escaped empty-handed.","coords.x1":104.95,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2002-312","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified supply ship was approached suspiciously 30 Oct at 0225 local time by an unlit boat while both were underway in position 05 23.4N, 097 37.1E. Duty seaman directed searchlight at boat and crew raised alarm. Shot fired","Desc2":"from boat which struck electronic chart console on bridge. Boat departed and no injuries reported to crew.","coords.x1":97.61667,"coords.x2":5.38333} {"Reference":"2002-302","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified VLCC reports suspicious approach 28 Oct at 0100 UTC while underway in position 05 46N, 096 39E, Straits of Malacca. Six high speed boats maneuvered suspiciously but no boarding took place.","coords.x1":96.65,"coords.x2":5.76667} {"Reference":"2002-303","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: Pirates armed with guns opened fire 25 Oct on a fishing boat operating in position 06 30N, 097 09E in the Straits of Malacca. All nine crew members of the fishing boat were thrown overboard and the boat hijacked. The fishermen spent 2","Desc2":"days in the water before being rescued by a passing ship.","coords.x1":97.15,"coords.x2":6.5} {"Reference":"2002-304","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 25 Oct at 0100 local time while at Cigading anchorage. Two persons armed with long knives jumped overboard with a life raft when spotted by crew.","coords.x1":105.95,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2002-318","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 25 Oct at 0100 local time while at Cigading anchorage. Two persons armed with long knives jumped overboard with a life raft when spotted by crew.","coords.x1":105.95,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2002-299","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was subject to attempted boarding 18 Oct at 0128 local time while underway in position 01 38N, 105 41E, near Pengibu Island. Seven persons armed with long knives and iron bars were spotted by alert crew who","Desc2":"directed Aldis lamp at them, whereupon the boat withdrew","coords.x1":105.68333,"coords.x2":1.63333} {"Reference":"2002-294","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 11 Oct at 0445 local time while berthed at Caltex Jetty No. 2, Dumai in position 01 41.3N, 101 27.9E. Three persons armed with knives entered engine room, held duty cadet at knifepoint and demanded locker","Desc2":"keys. Cadet escaped and raised alarm. Thieves jumped overboard with ship's stores.","coords.x1":101.46667,"coords.x2":1.68333} {"Reference":"2002-295","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified salvage tug was boarded 9 Oct at 0100 local time while at Panjang anchorage. Five persons armed with long knives were spotted by duty officer and fled when he raised alarm.","coords.x1":105.31667,"coords.x2":-5.46667} {"Reference":"2002-287","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 1 Oct at 0425 local time while underway in position 01 26N, 104 42.5E, 20 nm from Horsburgh lighthouse. Eight persons armed with guns and long knives boarded via the stern while two","Desc2":"accomplices remained in the their boat powered by two outboard engines. Master and all officers taken hostage and thieves stole cash and personal belongings. When crew tired to intervene the intruders threatened to kill the captain and another officer","Desc3":"and then escaped in their boat.","coords.x1":104.71667,"coords.x2":1.43333} {"Reference":"2002-347","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITTen pirates armed with guns and long knives approached a chemical tanker undersay. Eight pirates boarded from stern while two remained in long boat with two outboard engines. Pirates took master and all officers hostage. They stole crew's","Desc2":"cash and personal belongings. When crew tried to intervene pirates threatened to kill captain and one officer. Pirates escaped in their boat.","coords.x1":104.71667,"coords.x2":1.43333} {"Reference":"2002-278","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The 1,699-ton Malaysian-flag tanker (NAUTICA KLUANG) was hijacked 28 Sep at 0300 local time while underway off Indonesia in the vicinity of Pulau Iyu Kecil at the southern tip of the Strait of Malacca. The pirates, armed with guns and","Desc2":"machetes, tied up the crew and locked them in cabins. When the crew freed themselves at 09oo, 29 Sep, the thieves had transferred the ship's cargo of 3,000 tons of diesel oil, damaged communications equipment, and renamed it (CAKLU). The crew contacted","Desc3":"authorities by cell phone and brought the ship to Pasi Gudang. The ship was reported equipped with a satellite tracking device but because of the weekend no one was monitoring the ship's transit","coords.x1":103.35,"coords.x2":1.18333} {"Reference":"2002-276","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG/BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An Indonesian tug and barge were hijacked 17 Sep at 0200 at Kuala Gaung, Sumatra. The 639-ton (BES 04) and 94-ton (USDA JAYA) had loaded a cargo of 1,500 tons of palm oil. The crew were released unharmed at Pulau Lingka (some reports say they","Desc2":"were forced overboard at Pulau Busung) and Malaysian police have stepped up patrols to try to locate the stolen ships","coords.x1":103.5,"coords.x2":-0.03333} {"Reference":"2002-275","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 17 Sep while in position 03 10N, 112 52.5E at Kuala Semanok anchorage, Bintulu, Sarawak. Two persons operating from a speedboat and armed with knives boarded via the forecastle, broke into the locker and","Desc2":"stole ship's stores. Duty officer sounded alarm and ship's whistle and the thieves jumped overboard and escaped in their boat.","coords.x1":112.88333,"coords.x2":3.16667} {"Reference":"2002-266","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 12 Sep at 030 local time while at Tanjung Priok anchorage. Persons armed with knives and crowbars boarded via the stern. They stole a large quantity of engine spares and escaped in their boat.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2002-264","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPCIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified cargo ship reports attempt to board 10 Sep at 0130 local time while underway in position 1 25N, 104 30E in vicinity of Horsburgh Light, Tanjung Berakit, Singapore Strait. High speed boat with 7 to 10 persons attempted","Desc2":"to come alongside. Watch shined searchlight at boat which withdrew.","coords.x1":104.5,"coords.x2":1.41667} {"Reference":"2002-268","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG/BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug and barge with a cargo of palm oil were reported hijacked 6 Sep at 1930 local time in position 01 35.40N, 101 54.40E in vicinity of Bengkalis Strait. Eleven persons participated in the robbery. Malaysian authorities are","Desc2":"reportedly holding the pirates at Port Klang.","coords.x1":101.9,"coords.x2":1.58333} {"Reference":"2002-253","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 3 Sep at 2050 UTC while in position 05 54S, 106 01E at Merak anchorage. Ship's property was reported stolen.","coords.x1":106.01667,"coords.x2":-5.9} {"Reference":"2002-254","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was robbed 29Aug at Belawan. Thieves working in collusion with stevedoresBroke into a mast house and took the stolen gear ashore along withthe cargo. Crew were assaulted when they tried to stop the theft","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2002-247","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified fishing trawler was boarded 26 Aug at 1100 local time while underway off the Batu Pahat coast of Johore. Here attackers forced the two crew members to jump overboard and stole the trawler.","coords.x1":101.93417,"coords.x2":2.045} {"Reference":"2002-240","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 22 Aug at 0245 local time while in position06-01.26S 106-53.49E at Tanjung Priok anchorage. Anti-piracy watchman taken hostage and threatened at knifepoint. Thieves entered engine room, tied up duty engineer","Desc2":"and broke into storeroom from which they stole a \"large quantity\" of engine spares.","coords.x1":106.8915,"coords.x2":-6.021} {"Reference":"2002-239","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 Aug at 0355 local time while anchored at Taraha (05-31.4S 105-18.7E). Six persons armed with guns and knives boarded via the stern and took two watchmen hostage by holding guns to their heads.","Desc2":"Hostages were tied up and robbed of their walkie-talkies. Duty officer raised alarm and thieves fled.","coords.x1":105.31167,"coords.x2":-5.52333} {"Reference":"2002-219","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach 4 Aug at 2015 local time while underway in position 02 55S 106 59E, Gelasa Strait. Two fast, unlit boats approached from port side. When one boat increased speed and came closer crew","Desc2":"switched on deck lights and sounded ship's whistle whereupon boat moved away. At 2025 another unlit boat fell in astern. Crew directed searchlight at the boat which moved away.","coords.x1":106.98333,"coords.x2":-2.91667} {"Reference":"2002-220","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was subject to attempted boarding 31 Jul at 0230 local time while anchored at Tanjung Priok. Persons in four p\\boats threw grappling hooks at stern. Alarm raised, crew mustered and boats withdrew.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2002-218","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports fast-moving boat with bright light approached 31 Jul at 0100 local time while vessel was underway at One Fathom bank. Duty officer alerted crew and flashed searchlights whereupon boat moved away. At","Desc2":"0445 two unlit fast boats chased ship from astern. Duty officer flashed searchlights and steered evasively and boats movedaway.","coords.x1":101.55861,"coords.x2":2.43056} {"Reference":"2002-212","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports being approached suspiciously 23 Jul at 2217 local time while underway in position 02 48.4N, 101 02E. Approach was b an unlit boat about 8 meters long. Bulk carrier altered curse several times and","Desc2":"when crew switched on deck lights the boat moved away.","coords.x1":101.03333,"coords.x2":2.80667} {"Reference":"2002-201","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 11 Jul at 1930 local time while at Tanjung Merangas anchorage, east of Kalimantan, during cargo operations. Six persons armed with long knives took master hostage despite presence of police personnel.","Desc2":"Thieves stole ship's stores and escaped in their boats.","coords.x1":107.73833,"coords.x2":-0.31222} {"Reference":"2002-192","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was subject to attempted boarding 3 Jul at 0500 local time while berthed at the Pertamina-Citra Jetty, Belawan. Four persons attempted to gain access via the starboard side but were foiled by the cadet and duty seaman.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2002-194","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 2 Jul at 0100 UTC while at berth 105, Belawan. Six persons boarded from a small boat and took ship's stores. Another group broke into engine room and took spare parts. The attack occurred despite the","Desc2":"ship having engaged 3 shore security watchmen.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2002-175","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"REBELS","Victim":"SUPPLY VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Nine crew from the offshore supply boat (KM PELANGI) (NFI) were taken hostage 30 Jun after probable rebels operating form two fishing boats intercepted their vessel and forced them ashore in Aceh Province. Two of the eleven crew were left","Desc2":"behind unharmed. Indonesian authorities are blaming GAM, the Free Aceh Movement in the incident. As of 3 Jul no ransom demands had been reported. This is at least the third reported hijack of a vessel in order to ransom its crew in the past year from","Desc3":"waters off Aceh.","coords.x1":96.37722,"coords.x2":3.81917} {"Reference":"2002-174","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 28 Jun at 0330 local time while anchored at Bintulu. Thieves broke into forecastle store and stole ship's stores. Duty watch spotted them and sounded alarm whereupon the thieves fled.","coords.x1":113.13333,"coords.x2":3.05} {"Reference":"2002-176","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was subject to attempted boarding 27 Jun at 0130 local time at Tanjung Priok anchorage. Watch saw eight persons armed with long knives approach in an unlit boat and attempt to fasten a grapping hook to the vessel.","Desc2":"Watch raised alarm and directed Aldis lamp at the boat which then moved away.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2002-150","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 24 May at 0250 local time while at Isab wharf, Panjang. Six persons armed with knives entered engine room, tied up duty oiler, stole alarge amount of engine spares and escaped through the emergency door","Desc2":"in the funnel.","coords.x1":105.31667,"coords.x2":-5.46667} {"Reference":"2002-151","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified Netherlands flag dredger was attacked by gunfire from a small boat 22 May at 2250 local time while underway in position 01-08.13N 103-45.4E. Dredger took evasive action and reported to Vessel Traffic Information System before","Desc2":"anchoring safely at west Jurong anchorage, Singapore with no injuries reported to crew.","coords.x1":103.75667,"coords.x2":1.1355} {"Reference":"2002-152","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified Panamanian flag dredger was pursued 22 May at 2140 local time while underway in position 01-07.7N 103-45.7E by a small craft with flashing yellow light. A second boat joined the first and both attempted to stop the dredge by","Desc2":"crossing its bow. No attempt to contact the dredge is reported. At 2200 local time, while in position 01-09.3N 103-47.7E both craft opened fire with about 50 rounds of small arms fire and 40 rounds of heavier caliber fire. Dredger altered course and","Desc3":"small craft abandoned pursuit. No personnel injuries reported but ship suffered damage to two glass ports steel plates around the bridge and along the hopper corridor. Although this and the preceding incident are reported as attempted piracy it is","Desc4":"unusual for pirates to attack the ship using firearms prior to gaining access (for which they usually rely on stealth) and also unusual to use a boat with a flashing light as an attack platform. Circumstances suggest an encounter with an unidentified","Desc5":"police or customs launch; the reason for the gunfire and lack of communication attempts remaining unknown.","coords.x1":103.795,"coords.x2":1.155} {"Reference":"2002-153","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports attempted boarding 20 May at 0300 local time while at Belawan anchorage. Intruders armed with long knives attempted to gain access via the anchor chain but duty watch raised alarm and boarding was aborted.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2002-141","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 12 May at 1555 UTC while underway in position 00-55N 105-11E near the Berhala Strait. Seven pirates armed with long knives broke open accommodation f\\door and took a cadet hostage at knifepoint","Desc2":"forcing master to open his cabin door. Master and cadet's hands were then tied while the thieves stole ship's cash and persona effects and cash. Master and cadet were forced to accompany thieves to poop deck where the thieves jumped overboard and escaped","Desc3":"in an unlit boat.","coords.x1":105.18333,"coords.x2":0.91667} {"Reference":"2002-143","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 10 during \"hours of darkness\" while at berth PT ISAB Wharf, Panjang. Thieves boarded unobserved and broke into forecastle stores stealing a large quantity of ship's stores. Crew suspect ship was boarded","Desc2":"at port bow.","coords.x1":105.31667,"coords.x2":-5.46667} {"Reference":"2002-136","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 5 May in the early morning while at anchor at Tanjung Priok. The thieves entered the engine room, tied up the 4th engineer and stole his radio as well as engine spares and escaped before alarm was raised.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2002-132","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 26 Apr at 0030 UTC while at working anchorage, Tanjung Manis. The thieves broke into forward storeroom and stole ship's stores. Master reported to local police.","coords.x1":100.30306,"coords.x2":3.36361} {"Reference":"2002-135","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified LPG carrier reports suspicious approach 23 Apr at 0500 local time while underway in position 01-41.4S, 102-51E. Five persons in a boat followed the ship but moved away after crew were alerted.","coords.x1":102.85,"coords.x2":-1.68444} {"Reference":"2002-121","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: At 0630 local time 17 Apr pirates armed with rifles seized four fishing trawlers and their crew of twelve and took them to Sumatra where they were held for ransom of RM 30,000 (approx $7,400). Crew released when ransom paid then lodged","Desc2":"police complaint.","coords.x1":100.00667,"coords.x2":3.17111} {"Reference":"2002-113","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 12 Apr at 2140 UTC while underway in position 04-38N 098-42E by a boat off its starboard side. Crew directed searchlight at the boat which withdrew after ten minutes","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":4.63333} {"Reference":"2002-122","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified fishing trawler was hijacked 10 Apr after departing Kuching, Sarawak. Trawler was taken to Pemangkat, Kalimantan where its owners were negotiating release.","coords.x1":111.81667,"coords.x2":2.28333} {"Reference":"2002-109","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded and robbed 5 Apr at 0100 local time while anchored at Belawan. Three persons climbed the anchor chain, broke into the forward locker and stole ship's stores. When crew was alerted the thieves jumped","Desc2":"overboard and escaped.","coords.x1":98.775,"coords.x2":3.925} {"Reference":"2002-95","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified vessel reports suspicious approach 1 Apr at 2000 UTC while underway in position 04-22.5N, 099-12.6E. Forecastle watch heard sound of powerful outboard motor and bridge watch directed search light at long fast boat seen","Desc2":"moving away. Absent evidence that boat was attempting to come along side this may be another incidence of encounter with the fast smuggling boats which crisscross the seas in this part of the world.","coords.x1":99.21,"coords.x2":4.375} {"Reference":"2002-96","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 27 Mar at 1812 UTC while anchored at Apar Bay. Seven persons armed with guns and knives took duty seaman hostage, stole his wristwatch and removed mooring lines before escaping in their speedboat.","coords.x1":110.00306,"coords.x2":3.86917} {"Reference":"2002-97","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug was boarded and hijacked 25 Mar at 0100 local time while berthed at Pulau Citlim jetty. Thieves armed with knives et three persons escape by jumping overboard and later released the other three crew. Unlike other","Desc2":"hijackings, the vessel's identity and description have not been provided to aid in recovery.","coords.x1":103.92,"coords.x2":0.755} {"Reference":"2002-82","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: A fishing boat captain was killed and a crew member injured 16 Mar when a four-man gang dressed in military fatigues robbed their boat off Beluran, near Sandakan. Policelater announced arrest of two Filipinos suspected in the incident and","Desc2":"recovery of spent M-16 shells and discarded military clothing from their boat.. The is the first major robbery in Sabah state's waters since a 26 Feb crackdown began against all crime including illegal immigrants and squatters.","coords.x1":117.5,"coords.x2":5.5} {"Reference":"2002-75","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified livestock carrier was boarded 14 Mar at 2240 local time while underway in position 01-52N 102-27.5E. Four persons armed with guns fired two shots toward bridge when master raised alarm. Crew were ordered to retreat into","Desc2":"accommodation block. Thieves lowered mooring lines into a waiting speedboat containing another six to eight persons and escaped.","coords.x1":102.45833,"coords.x2":1.86667} {"Reference":"2002-77","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 11 Mar at 0300 local time while anchored at Belawan. A single person boarded over the side and opened hawse pipe cover whereupon five more persons gained access via the anchor chain and attacked duty","Desc2":"seaman. Other crew came to the seaman's rescue and the intruders jumped overboard and one led in a wooden motorboat.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.8} {"Reference":"2002-63","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified tanker reports an attempt to board 11 Mar at 0540 local time while underway in position 02-35N 101-30E. Three persons in a speedboat, described as six meters long with white hull, approached the starboard quarter but","Desc2":"withdrew when crew shined a searchlight on them.","coords.x1":101.5,"coords.x2":2.58333} {"Reference":"2002-64","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 10 Mar at 2200 local time while underway in position 04-10N 099-26E. Persons in a speedboat doing 21.5 knots attempted to board via the port side. Duty officer raised alarm and","Desc2":"took evasive action. Boat then withdrew.","coords.x1":99.43333,"coords.x2":4.16667} {"Reference":"2002-66","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tug and barge were boarded 8 Mar at 0445 local time while anchored at Tanjung Balai, Karimun.Seven persons armed with swords and knives tied up the six crew and forced five into a speedboat when they were taken to a nearby","Desc2":"island. The five untied themselves and boarded a passing fishing boat. The tug and barge as well as the remaining crew member are unlocated.","coords.x1":98.3,"coords.x2":4.03333} {"Reference":"2002-78","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The tug and barge boarded and hijacked 8 Mar at 0445 local time while anchored at Tanjung Balai, Karimun have been identified as 120-ton, Singapore flag tug (GUAN SENG 12) and 1,404 ton, Singapore flag barge (YUAN CHENG 19). IMB broadcast an","Desc2":"alert with pictures of tug and barge, which remain unlocated, on 15 Mar. Seven persons armed with swords and knives tied up the six crew of the tug and forced five into a speedboat in which they were taken to a nearby island. The five untied themselves","Desc3":"and boarded a passing fishing boat.","coords.x1":98.3,"coords.x2":4.03333} {"Reference":"2002-57","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 4 Mar at 0015 local time while anchored at Belawan port. Thieves armed with knives boarded via the forecastle, broke open padlocks and stole ship's stores. Ship's crew raised alarm; thieves jumped","Desc2":"overboard and escaped in their boat.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2002-55","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported a suspicious approach 25 Feb at 1200 UTC while underway in position 02-25N 101-43E. Seven persons in a small motorboat approached and then stopped. Bulk carrier altered course and alerted crew and","Desc2":"boat moved away.","coords.x1":101.71667,"coords.x2":2.41667} {"Reference":"2002-47","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship reported three vessels acting suspiciously 13 Feb at 0043 UTC while underway in position 03-14.47S 107-19.6E off Simedang Island, Indonesia. The three boats emerged from the island, and headed straight for the","Desc2":"container vessel with constant bearing, decreasing range. When they were within two miles, the container ship turned to a reciprocal course. The three boats then stopped and moved away.","coords.x1":107.32667,"coords.x2":-3.24117} {"Reference":"2002-53","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 12 Feb at \"night\" while anchored at Tanjung Priok. They broke open a watertight door and stole engine spares.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2002-33","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded and robbed 21 Jan at 1900 UTC while berthed at Cigading port. Three thieves stole engine spares before making their escape.Master reported the incident to police who were able to apprehend one of the","Desc2":"three","coords.x1":105.95,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2002-27","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAITS: An unidentified fishing boat was boarded and robbed 20 Jan at 2100 local time two miles from Port Jawa. Three persons armed with guns robbed two fishermen and tried to steal their boat's engine. When they could not remove the engine they","Desc2":"threw the two fishermen, one of whom had been tied up, overboard and escape with the boat. One fisherman stayed afloat until rescued while the bound man is missing.","coords.x1":103.83389,"coords.x2":1.22778} {"Reference":"2002-39","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:A fisherman was killed 20 Jan in a pirate attack off Parit Jawa, according to local authorities speaking to a group of fishermen about dangers to their nets and craft from large commercial vessels. Two fishermen were set upon by three persons","Desc2":"armed with a shotgun and a pistol. This case is not unusual except that it was reported, albeit obliquely. It is certain that local losses to piracy and murders of fishermen and local traders represent a huge, but largely unreported, segment of maritime","Desc3":"crime.","coords.x1":102.65,"coords.x2":1.95} {"Reference":"2002-30","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 18 Jan at 0420 UTC at Tanjung Priok anchorage. Two persons from a wooden boat got onboard but were chased off by the ship's crew.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2002-29","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 18 Jan at 0300 local time while at Belawan. Two persons armed with knives attacked the duty officer who received injuries to his arm.Alarm was raised and thieves escaped in a boat, taking ship's stores.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2002-28","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was followed 18 Jan at 0430 local time while underway in position 03-13.4N 108-49E, off Subi Besar Islands. Anti-piracy watch spotted a 25m boat following the ship and switched on decks lights and illuminated the craft","Desc2":"with searchlights. The boat followed until 0600 then increased speed and sped off.","coords.x1":108.81667,"coords.x2":3.22333} {"Reference":"2002-17","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 12 Jan at 1508 local time by three persons from a pilot tug at Plaju anchorage. The three told ship's master they were waiting for the pilot but later left in a small boat without board engine. Crew later","Desc2":"discovered a laptop computer and mobile phone were missing from ship.","coords.x1":104.83333,"coords.x2":-2.98333} {"Reference":"2002-18","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 10 Jan at 1200 local time at Tanjung Priok anchorage by five persons armed with knives, hammers and other objects. Thieves boarded at stern and entered engine room where they stole engine spares. Watch","Desc2":"raised alarm and thieves jumped overboard and escaped.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2001-347","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 17 Dec at 0300 local time while at Sandakan's working anchorage. A lone thief broke open the paint store but jumped overboard and escaped when spotted by anti-piracy watch.","coords.x1":118,"coords.x2":5.80833} {"Reference":"2001-346","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified container ship reports an attempted boarding 15 Dec at 0235 local time while underway in position 01-03.0N 103-39.1E. Fourteen persons, armed with rifles and long knives, in a dark yellow boat were spotted by duty officer who","Desc2":"directed Aldis lamp at them, after which the boat withdrew.","coords.x1":103.65167,"coords.x2":1.05} {"Reference":"2001-345","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: The Belize-flag tanker (YAULIE ISLAND 70) was discovered adrift without crew 12 Dec in position 01-18.22N 104-10.5E and initial reports state ship was reported hijacked on a voyage from Taiwan to Vietnam. Subsequent reports indicate","Desc2":"crew abandoned vessel sometime after master apparently refused agent's request for a position report. Police investigation reported continuing. No report on status of cargo or location of crew.","coords.x1":104.175,"coords.x2":1.30367} {"Reference":"2001-335","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 10 Dec at 2110 local time in position 01-14.51N 104-03.82E while underway in Singapore Straits. When the crew raised the alarm and switched on the deck lights, the intruders fled empty handed.","coords.x1":104.06367,"coords.x2":1.24183} {"Reference":"2001-336","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 6 Dec at 0445 local time while at Jakarta anchorage and ship's stores were stolen.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2001-337","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 5 Dec between 0230 and 0300 local time by between 9 and 10 persons armed with a gun and long knives while ship was at Jakarta anchorage. Ship's stores and equipment stolen form engine room.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2001-325","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 28 Nov at 0130 local time in position 06-00.5S 106-54.4E at Jakarta anchorage. Ten thieves, armed with long knives, boardedvessel from a wooden boat. When the watch raised the alarm, the tanker's","Desc2":"crew mustered on deck. The intruders jumped overboard and escaped in their boat.","coords.x1":106.90667,"coords.x2":-6.00833} {"Reference":"2001-318","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was subject to attempted boarding 25 Nov at 0045 via anchor chain by six person operating from a small boat while ship was at anchor, Belawan. Anti-piracy watch sounded alarm and activated flares whereupon attempt","Desc2":"was abandoned.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2001-321","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 Nov between 2200 and 2400 local time while at anchor, Sandakan, Sabah. Thieves boarded during heavy rain and stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":95.31667,"coords.x2":5.88333} {"Reference":"2001-319","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 22 Nov at 0520 local time via the forecastle by three persons operating from a small motor boat. Ship was at Muara Berau anchorage, Samarinda. Crew sounded alarm and thieves escaped with ship's","Desc2":"stores.","coords.x1":109.3,"coords.x2":1.36667} {"Reference":"2001-320","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 19 Nov at 0545 local time while underway in the Durian Strait in position 00-43N 103-36.5E. Six persons armed with long knives entered the accommodation and took elec. Engineer, chief mate and cadet","Desc2":"hostage. Third mate sounded alarm and pirates escaped with crew valuables and ship's equipment.","coords.x1":103.60833,"coords.x2":0.71667} {"Reference":"2001-326","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: A Panamanian \"handy-size\" ship was boarded and robbed 18 Nov at 0430 by four attackers carrying long knives. The intruders used hooked poles to climb on board the ship which was located at the Jakarta anchorage. The ship was illuminated at","Desc2":"time of attack. Incident reported to Harbor Master, Port Authorities, and Port Police. Engine spares reported stolen.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2001-310","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified supply ship was boarded 17 Nov at 0615 local time while berthed at Belawan. Thieves broke a porthole glass and stole crew personal belongings and cash. Watchman saw thieves running away along quay.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2001-311","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified ship was boarded 15 Nov between 1330 and 1430 local time while at Pulau Laut anchorage. Thieves entered via the hawse pipe stealing a life raft and ship'sstores. The theft reportedly took place during heavy rain.","coords.x1":107.93333,"coords.x2":4.75} {"Reference":"2001-309","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified tanker reports approach 11 Nov at 0606 local time by a suspicious boat while underway in position 02-02N 101-57E. Lookout noticed two masked men, armed with rifle and carrying grapnel hooks. Alarm was raised and boat","Desc2":"moved away.","coords.x1":101.95,"coords.x2":2.03333} {"Reference":"2001-312","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified log carrier was boarded 8 Nov at 0450 local time while alongside wharf 201 by seven persons armed with knives and iron bars. Duty seaman taken hostage while paint store robbed. The seven escaped with ship's stores when alarm","Desc2":"raised.","coords.x1":110,"coords.x2":1.5} {"Reference":"2001-307","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified chemical tanker was subject to attempted boarding 3 Nov at 0410 local time while underway in position 01-49.7N 102-31.5E. Small fishing boat nearby switched off lights and approached. Crew raised alarm and attempt was","Desc2":"abandoned.","coords.x1":102.525,"coords.x2":1.82833} {"Reference":"2001-297","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 21 Oct at 0005 local time while at Belawan anchorage. Seven persons armed with knives gained access via the anchor chain and three assaulted the watchman, stabbing and severely injuring him. A second","Desc2":"seaman on watch was taken hostage and threatened before the thieves jumped overboard upon the sounding of the ship's alarm, taking with them two portable radios.","coords.x1":98.98333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2001-296","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAI OF MALACCA: An unidentified container ship reports being followed 21 Oct at 1930 local time by three unlit boats while underway in position 01-26N 103-06E. No attempt to board took place.","coords.x1":103.1,"coords.x2":1.43333} {"Reference":"2001-287","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified LPG tanker was subject to an attempted boarding 7 Oct at 0420 local time while at Redeco jetty no. 1, Merak. Four persons from a small boat threw a grappling hook over a railing boat pulled away without boarding when a","Desc2":"searchlight was shined on them.","coords.x1":106.4,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"2001-281","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MAYANG SARI","Desc1":"INDONESIA-NATUNAS ISLANDS: The Malaysian flag tug (MAYANG SARI) was hijacked 18 Sep at 2345 local time while underway off Pulau Subi Besar, Indonesia on a voyage from Kota Kinabalu. Between 12 and 17 pirates armed with guns and operating from a speedboat","Desc2":"bound and blindfolded the ten Indonesian crew and held them aboard the tug until 25 Sep when they were marooned on Batam Island and warned not to report the incident or risk harm to their families. They subsequently made their way to Tanjung Pinang. The","Desc3":"tug was recovered 30 Sep at Banjarmasin, Indonesia at a local shipyard where it was to be sold. The Singapore-registered barge (DAIHO 88) which the tug was towing, has not been located.","coords.x1":109,"coords.x2":3} {"Reference":"2001-273","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"SAINT JUDE","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:The yacht (SAINT JUDE) reported that an attempt was made to board 16 Sep at 1825 UTC while in position 07-53.4S 091-00.3E. Yacht contacted Darwin Radio and boarding attempt was broken off.","coords.x1":91.005,"coords.x2":-7.89} {"Reference":"2001-270","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 8 SEP AT JAKARTA ANCHORAGE BY FOUR PERSONS WHO BROKE INTO SHIP'S STORE AND STOLE EQUIPMENT. WHEN CHALLENGED THEY ASSAULTED ONE CREW MEMBER AND ESCAPED OEVRBOARD.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2001-261","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"FREE ACEH MOVEMENT","Victim":"ALL SHIPS","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT-INDONESIA:THE FREE ACEH MOVEMENT ANNOUNCED 3 SEP THAT ALL VESSELS PASSING BETWEEN SUMATRA AND MALAYSIA MUST GET THE MOVEMENT'S PERMISSION. INDONESIAN VESSELS ARE ALREADY INTENSIFYING PATROLS OF THE AREA TO PREVENT REBEL RESUPPLY AND IT IS","Desc2":"VERY UNLIKELY THAT THE REBELS COULD CARRY OUT ANY PART OF THEIR THREAT TO SHIPS IN THE AREA.","coords.x1":98,"coords.x2":5} {"Reference":"2001-264","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED LPG CARRIER WAS PURSUED 1 SEP AT 0300 LOCAL TIME BY TWO SPEEDBOATS WHICH APPROACHED FROM THE PORT QUARTER WHILE THE VESSEL WAS UNDERWAY IN POSITION 03-00S 107-30E IN THE GELASA STRAITS. THE LPG CARRIER ALTERED COURSE BUT WAS","Desc2":"FOLLOWED UNTIL ROUGH SEAS MADE FURTHER PURSUIT IMPOSSIBLE.","coords.x1":107.5,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"2001-262","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 30 AUG AT 0230 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-24.2N 104-39.8E BY ABOUT 8 TO 10 PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES. MASTER AND CHIEF ENGINEER REPORTED INJURED AND PIRATES ROBBED CREW BELONGINGS","Desc2":"AND CASH TOTALING $10,000.","coords.x1":104.66333,"coords.x2":1.40333} {"Reference":"2001-266","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"OCEAN SILVER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:THE HONDURAS-FLAG COAL CARRIER (OCEAN SILVER) WAS HIJACKED 25 AUG BY ARMED MEN OPERATING FROM A SPEEDBOAT WHO TOOK THE SHIP AND ITS CREW TO A SMALL PORT ON ACEH'S EAST COAST. SIX OF THE CREW WERE RELEASED WHILE ANOTHER SIX, ALL INDONESIAN, ARE","Desc2":"BEING HELD FOR $34,000 RANSOM. THE FREE ACEH MOVEMENT (GAM) DENIED RESPONSIBILITY, BLAMING GOVERNMENT FORCES FOR TRYING TO DISCREDIT THE GAM, WHILE REITERATING ITS THREAT TO INTERFERE WITH SHIPPING IN THE MALACCA STRAITS THAT HAD NOT SOUGHT ITS","Desc3":"PERMISSION FOR TRANSIT.","coords.x1":99,"coords.x2":5} {"Reference":"2001-248","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS BOARDED 18 AUG AT 0200 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-40N 104-30E, NEAR HORSBURGH LIGHT. TWELVE PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES HELD THE MASTER AND FIVE CREW WHILE THEY ROBBED THE SHIP OF CREW","Desc2":"BELONGINGS, HAND-HELD PHONES, CAMERAS AND CASH.","coords.x1":104.5,"coords.x2":1.66667} {"Reference":"2001-250","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER REPORTS BEING FIRED ON FROM A BOAT WITH FIVE PERSONS WHO \"ASKED\" THE MASTER TO STOP HIS ENGINES 17 AUG AT 0810 UTC WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 04-35N 095-05E. MASTER INCREASED SHIP'S SPEED AND BOAT WITHDREW AFTER FOLLOWING","Desc2":"FOR A FEW MINUTES.","coords.x1":95.08333,"coords.x2":4.58333} {"Reference":"2001-247","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS APPROACHED 15 AUG AT 1900 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 02-18N 101-38E BY AN UNLIT BOAT MAKING 12 KNOTS. SHIP ILLUMINATED BOAT WITH SEARCHLIGHTS AND IT WITHDREW.","coords.x1":101.63333,"coords.x2":2.3} {"Reference":"2001-239","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SEPARIST REBELS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"INDONESIA-NORTHERN SUMATRA:THE NAVY ANNOUNCED 14 AUG THAT IT WOULD LAUNCH AN OPERATION TO CUT OFF SEABORNE SUPPLIES TO SEPARATIST REBELS IN ACEH PROVINCE. ADMIRAL INDROKO STATED THE NAVY BELIEVES REBELS ARE ENGAGED IN PIRACY IN THE STRAIT OF MALACCA BUT","Desc2":"OFFERED NO EVIDENCE. THE INDONESIAN NAVY IS UNLIKELY TO BE ABLE TO COMPLETELY ISOLATE THE PROVINCE AND TO INTERDICT REBEL TRADE. RISK OF COLLATERAL INTERFERENCE WITH SHIPPING UNDER THE GUISE OF ANTI-REBEL ACTIVITY, AS WELL AS OPPORTUNITY TO BE DAMAGED BY","Desc3":"MISTAKEN IDENTITY, WILL UNDOUBTEDLY INCREASE DURING ANY PERIOD OF INTENSIFIED NAVAL PATROLS.","coords.x1":98,"coords.x2":5} {"Reference":"2001-240","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-JAVA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 13 AUG AT 0030 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT TANJUNG PRIOK ANCHORAGE. FOUR PERSONS STOLE SHIP'S STORES AND JUMPED OVERBOARD TO ESCAPE.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2001-237","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 10 AUG AT 0622 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-24N 104-28E. SIX PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES HELD THE SECOND AND THIRD OFFICER, AN ENGINEER AND DUTY SEAMEN HOSTAGE WHILE ROBBING THEIR","Desc2":"PERSONAL VALUABLES. MASTER RAISED ALARM AND THIEVES ESCAPED.","coords.x1":104.46667,"coords.x2":1.4} {"Reference":"2001-238","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS:AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP WAS APPROACHED 10 AUG AT 0010 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-28N 104-32E BY TWO SMALL WOODEN BOATS, EACH CONTAINING FOUR PERSONS. ONE BOAT EACH APPROACHED THE PORT SIDE AND STARBOARD QUARTER BUT REDUCED","Desc2":"SPEED AND MOVED AWAY WHEN ILLUMINATED BY SEARCHLIGHTS.","coords.x1":104.53333,"coords.x2":1.46667} {"Reference":"2001-241","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATRA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS BOARDED 9 AUG AT 0220 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT BELAWAN ANCHORAGE. EIGHT TO 10 PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES ASSAULTED THE DUTY SEAMAN WHO ALERTED THE WATCH. DESPITE THE ALARM BEING RAISED STORES WERE","Desc2":"BROKEN INTO AND \"A LOT OF\" TINS OF PAINT WERE THROWN INTO THE WATER BEFORE THE THIEVES JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED IN THEIR BOAT.","coords.x1":98.73333,"coords.x2":3.76667} {"Reference":"2001-231","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATRA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 3 AUG AT 0050 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT BELAWAN ANCHORAGE. SIX PERSON ARMED WITH KNIVES ASSAULTED THE WATCHMAN AND TIED HIM UP, STOLE HIS VALUABLES AND STORES FROM THE FORECASTLE. WHEN CREW WAS ALERTED","Desc2":"THIEVES ESCAPED IN A BOAT; ATTEMPTS TO CONTACT PORT CONTROL AND COAST GUARD FAILED.","coords.x1":98.73333,"coords.x2":3.76667} {"Reference":"2001-232","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"FISHERMEN","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATRA:NINE FISHERMEN FROM NORTH SUMATRA WERE REPORTED KILLED 31 JUL IN A RAID BY UNKNOWN PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES WHO ATTACKED THEIR THREE SHRIMP TRAWLERS BETWEEN 0200 AND 0300 LOCAL TIME AT SEA BETWEEN KUALA PERUPUK BEACH AND TANJUNG TIRAM.","Desc2":"FOUR FISHERMEN SURVIVED THE ATTACK.","coords.x1":99,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"2001-223","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-JAVA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 24 JUL AT 0115 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT TANJUNG PRIOK. PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES ENTERED ENGINE ROOM AND TIED UP WATCHMAN, ESCAPING WITH A LARGE AMOUNT OF ENGINE SPARES.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2001-222","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SMALL CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP REPORTS SUSPICIOUS APPROACH 23 JUL AT 1255 UTC WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-40N 102-45E. UNLIT SMALL CRAFT APPROACHED AS CLOSE AS FIVE METERS BUT PULLED AWAY WHEN CREW SWITCHED ON LIGHTS.","coords.x1":102.75,"coords.x2":1.66667} {"Reference":"2001-224","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATRA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 19 JUL AT 1930 UTC AT PANJANG PORT. TWO PERSONS FROM A SMALL BOAT ENTERED THE ENGINE ROOM AND THREATENED THE MOTORMAN ON WATCH WITH A KNIFE AND TIED HIM UP. DECK WATCH NOTICED THE BOAT AND RAISED","Desc2":"THE ALARM WHEREUPON THE THIEVES FLED WITH SHIP'S STORES.","coords.x1":105.28333,"coords.x2":-5.5} {"Reference":"2001-216","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"VIRGINIA","Desc1":"INDONESIA:THE GREEK FLAG BULK CARRIER (VIRGINIA) WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED 15 AND 16 JUL WHILE LOADING CEMENT AT TANJUNG PRIOK ANCHORAGE. ON 15 JUL FOUR PERSONS IN TWO BOATS ATTEMPTED TO BOARD BUT WERE REPELLED WHEN SPOTTED. MASTER INFORMED OTHER SHIPS IN","Desc2":"AREA BY VHF AND ALERTED PORT AUTHORITIES. ON 16 JUL THE SHIP WAS BOARDED AND A PUMP VALUED AT $2,500 WAS STOLEN MASTER REPORTS BEING INFORMED THAT SUCH INCIDENTS ARE DAILY EVENT AT TANJUNG PRIOK.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2001-217","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS REPORTEDLY BOARDED 14 JUL AT 1800 LOCAL TIME BY PERSONS OPERATING FROM AN INDONESIAN FISHING BOAT UNDERWAY IN POSITION 02-06N 109-31E, 10 NM FROM DATU LIGHTHOUSE. THE BOARDERS THREATENED TO HIJACK THE SHIP AND,","Desc2":"AFTER THE MASTER PAID THEM AN UNSPECIFIED AMOUNT OF CASH, THE WOULD-BE HIJACKERS LEFT THE SHIP AT 2000 LOCAL TIME 15 JUL, WHEREUPON THE SHIP RESUMED ITS VOYAGE TO PORT KLANG.","coords.x1":109.51667,"coords.x2":2.1} {"Reference":"2001-218","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATRA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS SUBJECT TO AN ATTEMPTED BOARDING 12 JUL AT 2145 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT BELAWAN. SIX PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES WERE ATTEMPTING TO CLIMB THE ANCHOR CHAIN WHEN DISCOVERED. THE CREW THREW","Desc2":"FLARES AT THE INTRUDERS TO CHASE THEM AWAY.","coords.x1":98.73333,"coords.x2":3.76667} {"Reference":"2001-211","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 5 JUL AT 0730 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT TANJUNG PRIOK ANCHORAGE. FOUR PERSONS WERE SPOTTED BY ANTI-PIRACY WATCH AND ESCAPED WHEN ALARM WAS SOUNDED.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2001-200","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP REPORTS THAT 20 PERSONS ARMED WITH GUNS AND LONG KNIVES ATTEMPTED TO BOARD VIA THE STERN OF THE SHIP 2 JUL AT 0100 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01 05N, 104 55E. DUTY OFFICER MANEUVERED THE SHIP AND","Desc2":"ATTEMPT WAS BROKEN OFF.","coords.x1":104.91667,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"2001-201","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 1 JUL AT 0125 LOCAL TIME BY SIX PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES WHILE SHIP WAS UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-03N 104-57E. CREW WAS MUSTERED AND ALARM SOUNDED AND INTRUDERS ESCAPED.","coords.x1":104.95,"coords.x2":1.05} {"Reference":"2001-202","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED OIL TANKER WAS BOARDED 30 JUN AT 0230 LOCAL TIME AT PULAU MAPOR ISLAND. ALARM WAS SOUNDED AND CREW MUSTERED AS INTRUDERS ESCAPED. MASTER ALERTED OTHER SHIPS IN AREA VIA VHF.","coords.x1":104.75,"coords.x2":0.96667} {"Reference":"2001-203","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP REPORTED AN ATTEMPT TO BOARD 30 JUN AT 0100 WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-05N 104-55E. ABOUT TWENTY PERSONS ARMED WITH GUNS AND KNIVES CAME UP ASTERN IN A FAST BOAT BUT ABORTED THE BOARDING WHEN ILLUMINATED BY","Desc2":"SEARCHLIGHT AND SHIP BEGAN TO MANEUVER.","coords.x1":104.91667,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"2001-204","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATRA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 27 JUN AT 0500 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT BELAWAN ANCHORAGE. FIVE PERSONS ARMED WITH A SHOTGUN AND KNIVES BOARDED VIA THE FORECASTLE AND THREATENED A WATCHMAN. THE THIEVES FLED WITH STORES AND CREW","Desc2":"VALUABLES WHEN CREW WAS ALERTED.","coords.x1":98.73333,"coords.x2":3.76667} {"Reference":"2001-205","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 27 JUN AT 0445 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-11.6N 103-24.6E OFF PULAU IYU KECIL. FIVE MASKED MEN ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES ROBBED THE MASTER OF $4,000 AND PERSONAL BELONGINGS. THEY THEN ESCAPED","Desc2":"IN A BOAT TOWARD BROTHERS LIGHTHOUSE.","coords.x1":103.41,"coords.x2":1.19333} {"Reference":"2001-192","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 20 JUN AT 0100 LOCAL TIME AT TANJUNG PRIOK ANCHORAGE. THE THIEVES ENTERED THE ENGINE ROOM AND STOLE ENGINE SPARES.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2001-191","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"TIRTA NIAGA IV","Desc1":"INDONESIA:THE 2,863-TON, MALAYSIAN FLAG TANKER (TIRTA NIAGA IV) WAS HIJACKED 20 JUN AS IT LAY AT ANCHOR OFF ACEH, INDONESIA. THE CAPTAIN AND SECOND ENGINEER WERE TAKEN HOSTAGE BUT THE ENGINEER WAS LATER RETURNED TO THE SHIP WHICH SAILED INTO MALAYSIAN","Desc2":"WATERS. THERE WAS APPARENTLY NO INTENTION ON THE PART OF THE PIRATES TO HOLD THE SHIP OR ITS CARGO, 2,850 TONS OF PALM OIL. AS OF 28 JUN NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE RELEASE OF THE INDONESIAN CAPTAIN, WHO IS BEING HELD FOR RANSOM, CONTINUE. SHIPSEXPERIENCING","Desc3":"MECHANICAL PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN ADVISED NOT TO ANCHOR IN INDONESIAN WATERS BUT TO PROCEED TO MALAYSIAN WATERS AND TO REPORT TO MALAYSIAN AUTHORITIES FOR PROTECTION.","coords.x1":98,"coords.x2":5} {"Reference":"2001-193","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"SELAYANG","Desc1":"INDONESIA:THE 1,877 TON MALAYSIAN-FLAG TANKER (SELAYANG) WAS HIJACKED 19 JUN SHORTLY AFTER SAILING FROM PORT DICKSON, MALAYSIA WITH A CARGO OF GAS OIL. ITS CREW OF 17 WERE REPORTED HELD HOSTAGE. THE SHIP WAS TRACKED TO A POINT OFF KALIMANTAN AND WAS","Desc2":"STORMED AND RECOVERED BY INDONESIAN NAVY 27JUN. THE HIJACKERS HAD ALREADY RENAMED THE SHIP (WANG YUNG). THE SHIP HAS BEEN TOWED TO THE NAVAL BASE AT KALIKPAPAN. THIS SHIP IS THE FIRST PUBLICLY CLAIMED RECOVERY USING THE SHIPLOC SYSTEM CONSISTING OF A","Desc3":"HIDDEN BEACON TO PROVIDE TRACKING INFORMATION IN THE EVENT OF DIVERSION OR HIJACK.","coords.x1":101.8,"coords.x2":2.51667} {"Reference":"2001-182","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP REPORTS APPROACH WITH INTENT TO BOARD 18 JUN AT 0200 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-10.5N 101-42.5E. SHIP WAS APPROACHED BY AN UNLIT BOAT WITH RED HULL WHICH WITHDREW WHEN ILLUMINATED BY SEARCHLIGHT.","coords.x1":101.70833,"coords.x2":1.175} {"Reference":"2001-184","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:DUTY CREW OF AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP DISCOVERED THREE UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS IN SHIP'S ENGINE ROOM 17 JUN AT 0320 LOCAL TIME WHILE SHIP WAS BERTHED AT JETTY A, TRIPOLYA, ANYER. ALARM WAS SOUNDED AND INTRUDERS ESCAPED BY JUMPING INTO WATER.","coords.x1":106,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"2001-183","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS SUBJECT TO ATTEMPTED BOARDING 16 JUN AT 0445 WHILE ANCHORED AT PENANG ANCHORAGE, BUTTERWORTH. WATCH OBSERVED ONE PERSON FROM AN UNLIT BOAT ATTEMPT TO BOARD VIA THE ANCHOR CHAIN WHO FLED WHEN THE ALARM WAS RAISED.","coords.x1":100.33333,"coords.x2":5.41667} {"Reference":"2001-185","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MIRI ENERGY","Desc1":"INDONESIA:THE MALAYSIAN-FLAG TANKER (MIRI ENERGY) WAS BOARDED 13 JUN AT 0500 LOCAL TIME BY ABOUT TEN PERSONS WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-27N 106-16E OFF PULAU PENGIBU ON A BALLAST VOYAGE SANDAKAN TO PORT DICKSON. SHIP WAS BOARDED VIA THE STERN AND ONE","Desc2":"OF TWO CREW ON DUTY WAS HIT ON THE HEAD AND TIED UP. BOARDERS FLED EMPTY HANDED WHEN OTHER CREW APPEARED; SHIP DIVERTED TO SINGAPORE TO PUT INJURED CREW MEMBER ASHORE.","coords.x1":106.26667,"coords.x2":1.45} {"Reference":"2001-169","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATRA:AN UNIDENTIFIED PRODUCT TANKER WAS BOARDED 1 JUN AT 1920 LOCAL TIME WHILE MOORED AT BELAWAN. THIEVES BROKE INTO THE FORECASTLE STORE AND STOLE SHIP'S STORES BEFORE ESCAPING.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2001-159","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-JAVA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 29 MAY AT 0600 LOCAL TIME AT TANJUNG PRIOK ANCHORAGE. THE THREE INTRUDERS JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED WHEN ALARM RAISED.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"2001-160","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-JAVA:AN UNIDENTIFIED ROLL-ON, ROLL-OFF SHIP WAS BOARDED 26 MAY AT 0530 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT TANJUNG PRIOK. FIVE PERSONS BOARDED VIA THE STERN AND WHEN CHALLENGED STRUCK ONE CREW MEMBER OVER THE HEAD, CAUSING HIM TO BLEED.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2001-161","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATRA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS BOARDED 23 MAY AT 0345 LOCAL TIME AT BELAWAN ANCHORAGE. FIVE PERSONS BOARDED VIA THE FORECASTLE AND JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED WITH A BREATHING APPARATUS WHEN THE ALARM WAS SOUNDED.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":-3.78333} {"Reference":"2001-155","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"STALKER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-JAVA SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED GAS CARRIER REPORTS BEING INTERCEPTED 17 MAY AT 0200 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN THE NORTH JAVA SEA IN POSITION 01-09S 107-33E BETWEEN SUMATRA AND KALIMANTAN. SHIP ALTERED COURSE BUT BOAT MATCHED MOVEMENTS UNTIL","Desc2":"ILLUMINATED BY ALDIS LAMP WHEREUPON IT TURNED AWAY.","coords.x1":107.55,"coords.x2":-1.15} {"Reference":"2001-146","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATERA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS BOARDED 12 MAY AT BELAWAN ANCHORAGE AT 0430 LOCAL TIME BY FOUR ARMED PERSONS FROM A SPEEDBOAT. DUTY SEAMAN HELD AT KNIFEPOINT AND SHIP'S STORES STOLEN.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2001-145","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 9 MAY AT 0345 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT PENANG INNER ANCHORAGE BY FIVE PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES AND CROWBARS. ALARM WAS SOUNDED AND THIEVES JUMPED OVERBOARD AFTER WHICH CREW DISCOVERED NINE","Desc2":"CONTAINERS HAD BEEN PRIED OPEN WITH THE LOSS OF SOME CONTENTS AND SHIP'S STORES.","coords.x1":100.33333,"coords.x2":5.41667} {"Reference":"2001-137","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:ON OR ABOUT 30 APR AN OIL TANKER OWNED BY THE STATE OIL MONOPOLY PERTAMINA WAS REPORTEDLY THE TARGET OF A ROCKET-PROPELLED GRENADE ATTACK WHILE AT ITS BERTH AT LHOKSEUMAWE. THE ATTACK WAS ALLEGEDLY LAUNCHED BY REBELS OF THE FREE ACEH MOVEMENT.","Desc2":"THE GRENADE MISSED AND NO DAMAGE WAS REPORTED. (INCIDENT REPORTED 9 MAY).","coords.x1":97.16667,"coords.x2":5.16667} {"Reference":"2001-127","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP REPORTS BEING CHASED 18 APR AT 0445 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 05-35S 096-49E BY TWO HIGH SPEED UNLIT BOATS WHICH WITHDREW WHEN ILLUMINATED BY SEARCHLIGHT.","coords.x1":96.81667,"coords.x2":-5.58333} {"Reference":"2001-138","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP REPORTS BEING CHASED 18 APR AT 0445 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 05-35N 096-49E BY TWO HIGH SPEED UNLIT BOATS WHICH WITHDREW WHEN ILLUMINATED BY SEARCHLIGHT.","coords.x1":96.81667,"coords.x2":5.58333} {"Reference":"2001-122","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER REPORTS SUSPICIOUS MANEUVERS BY A HIGH-SPEED BOAT 16 APR AT 0145 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 02-03S 108-48E. THE SHIP'S CREW ALTERED COURSE AND FIRED FLARES WHEREUPON THE BOAT WITHDREW.","coords.x1":108.8,"coords.x2":-2.05} {"Reference":"2001-114","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP REPORTED THAT ON 5 APR AT 0130 LOCAL TIME THREE UNLIT BOATS WERE SIGHTED AHEAD OF THE SHIP WHICH WAS AT THE TIME UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-36N 102-49E. ONE OF THE THREE BOATS APPROACHED THE SHIP AND ITS CREW","Desc2":"ATTEMPTED TO BOARD, WHICH WAS PREVENTED BY CREW.","coords.x1":102.81667,"coords.x2":1.6} {"Reference":"2001-115","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS APPROACHED 4 APR AT 2140 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 05-38N 096-32E. TWO SPEEDBOATS APPROACHED FROM THE STERN BUT WITHDREW WHEN CREW WAS ALERTED.","coords.x1":96.53333,"coords.x2":5.63333} {"Reference":"2001-110","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS APPROACHED 30 MAR AT 2339 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 02-47N 101-00E BY PERSONS IN TWO SPEEDBOATS. ALERT CREW IS STATED TO HAVE PREVENTED BOARDING.","coords.x1":101,"coords.x2":2.78333} {"Reference":"2001-111","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA-SABAH:AN UNIDENTIFIED SUPPLY SHIP WAS BOARDED 29 MAR AT 0300 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT LABUAN ANCHORAGE. AN ENGINE WAS STOLEN FROM ONE LIFEBOAT.","coords.x1":115.23333,"coords.x2":5.33333} {"Reference":"2001-103","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"FISHING BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS SUBJECT TO AN ATTEMPTED BOARDING 26 MAR AT 2240 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 00-14N 108-10E. DUTY OFFICER SPOTTED A FISHING BOAT ON RADAR AND RAISED ALARM, FOLLOWING WHICH BOAT WITHDREW.","coords.x1":108.16667,"coords.x2":0.23333} {"Reference":"2001-104","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 21 MAR AT 0348 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN THE DURIAN STRAIT IN POSITION 00-43N 108-10E. WATCHMAN NOTICED PERSON TRYING TO ENTER ACCOMMODATION BLOCK AND SOUNDED ALARM, WHEREUPON THE INTRUDERS JUMPED","Desc2":"OVERBOARD.","coords.x1":108.16667,"coords.x2":0.71667} {"Reference":"2001-105","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"FISHING BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP REPORTS AN ATTEMPTED BOARDING 20 MAR AT 1950 UTC WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 00-55N 105-51E. SHIP WAS APPROACHED BY A FISHING BOAT AND WHEN THE BOAT WAS NOTICED, SWITCHED ON ALL ITS DECK LIGHT AND SHINED ALDIS LAMP","Desc2":"TOWARD THE BOAT, WHICH THEN WITHDREW.","coords.x1":105.85,"coords.x2":0.91667} {"Reference":"2001-102","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MATSUMI MARU NO. 7","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:THE 2,814-TON, SINGAPORE-FLAG TANKER (MATSUMI MARU NO. 7) LATE ON 18 MAR WHILE UNDERWAY BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND PORT KELANG WITH A PETROLEUM CARGO. A GANG OF FROM 5 TO 7 PERSONS BOARDED FROM A SPEEDBOAT AND HELD THE CREW HOSTAGE WHILE","Desc2":"TAKING RADIO EQUIPMENT, MOBILE PHONES, AND CASH.","coords.x1":102,"coords.x2":2} {"Reference":"2001-99","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATERA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 15 MAR AT 0230 UTC WHILE ANCHORED AT SEMANGKA PORT. TWO PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES WERE SPOTTED AND JUMPED OVERBOARD WITHOUT ANY REPORTED LOSS TO THE SHIP.","coords.x1":104.63333,"coords.x2":-5.55} {"Reference":"2001-98","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"INABUKWA","Desc1":"INDONESIA:THE 649-TON, INDONESIAN-FLAG CARGO SHIP (INABUKWA) WAS HIJACKED 15 MAR AT 1155 UTC WHILE SAILING FROM PANGKALBALAM, BANGKA ISLAND, INDONESIA IN ABOUT 00-37S 105-25E, ON A VOYAGE TO SINGAPORE WITH A CARGO OF TIN PLATES, CONCENTRATE, AND PEPPER","Desc2":"WORTH $1.2 MILLION. SHIP'S 22 CREW WERE BOUND AND BLINDFOLDED BY THE ARMED ATTACKERS WHO PLACED THEM ON UNINHABITED PULAU SAYAP. LOCAL FISHERMEN RESCUED THE CREW 17 MAR AND LANDED THEM AT RIAU ISLAND 0400 18 MAR.","coords.x1":105.41667,"coords.x2":-0.61667} {"Reference":"2001-97","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-JAVA:AN UNIDENTIFIED ROLL-ON, ROLL-OFF SHIP WAS BOARDED 15 MAR AT 2200 LOCAL TIME WHILE BERTHED AT WHARF 305, TANJUNG PRIOK. PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES AND GUNS STOLE CASH AND CREW BELONGINGS.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2001-100","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 14 MAR AT 0100 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 00-58.5N 101-11.6E. EIGHT PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES AND GUNS BOARDED FROM A SPEEDBOAT AND ROBBED SHIP'S CASH BEFORE LEAVING IN THEIR SPEEDBOAT.","coords.x1":101.19333,"coords.x2":0.975} {"Reference":"2001-91","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP WAS BOARDED 12 MAR AT 0520 UTC WHILE ANCHORED AT JAKARTA ANCHORAGE. THREE PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES BOARDED FROM A LONG BLUE BOAT WITH CANVAS HOOD AND ESCAPED WITH ENGINE SPARES DESPITE BEING ROUTED BY CREW.","coords.x1":106.75,"coords.x2":-6.13333} {"Reference":"2001-92","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRTATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED LPG CARRIER WAS BOARDED 8 MAR AT 0445 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-05N 105-13E. A GROUP OF ABOUT EIGHT PIRATES ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES AND GUNS BROKE OPEN AN ACCOMMODATION BLOCK DOOR AND WENT TO THE BRIDGE WHERE THEY","Desc2":"TOOK THE CHIEF OFFICER AND DUTY AB HOSTAGE. THEY THEN FORCED THE CHIEF OFFICER TO CALL THE CAPTAIN TO HIS DOOR AND BOUND AND BLINDFOLDED ALL THREE. THE THIEVES THEN STOLE SHIP'S CASH AND CREW BELONGING BEFORE JUMPING OVERBOARD AND ESCAPING IN A SPEEDBOAT","Desc3":"AT ABOUT 0717 LOCAL TIME. THE DURATION OF THIS INCIDENT IS VERY UNUSUAL. NO INFORMATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED AS TO CONTROL AND MANEUVERING OF THE SHIP DURING THE INCIDENT.","coords.x1":105.21667,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"2001-89","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS CHASED WITH APPARENT INTENT TO BOARD 27 FEB AT 2345 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 05-17.5N 097-58.4E. DUTY OFFICER RAISED ALARM, CREW MUSTERED AND SHIP ALTERED COURSE. THE PURSUING BOAT WITHDREW AFTER 20","Desc2":"MINUTES.","coords.x1":97.97333,"coords.x2":5.29167} {"Reference":"2001-88","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 27 FEB AT 0130 LOCAL TIME BY SIX PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 03-20.0S 105-34.0E.","coords.x1":105.56667,"coords.x2":-3.33333} {"Reference":"2001-84","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TUG WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED 22 FEB AT 2320 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 00-56.6N 103-39.1E.","coords.x1":103.65167,"coords.x2":0.94333} {"Reference":"2001-85","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TUG WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED 21 FEB AT 2130 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 00-58N 103-41E.","coords.x1":103.68333,"coords.x2":0.96667} {"Reference":"2001-80","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEED BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:MALAYSIAN NAVAL FORCES REPORT SCARING OFF A BOAT FOLLOWING AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER FOR OVER AN HOUR 15 FEB AT 1500 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 01-49N 101-03E. A MALAYSIAN WARSHIP OBSERVED THE BOAT'S MOVEMENTS AND APPROACHED IT AS A","Desc2":"RESULT OF WHICH THE BOAT \"FLED.\"","coords.x1":101.05,"coords.x2":1.81667} {"Reference":"2001-76","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEED BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS SUBJECT TO AN ATTEMPTED BOARDING 6 FEB AT 0010 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 05-05.8N 097-53.0E BY TEN ARMED PERSONS IN A HIGH SPEED BOAT. DUTY AB RAISED THE ALARM AND DUTY OFFICER TRANSMITTED A","Desc2":"SAFETY MESSAGE VIA VHF TO OTHER VESSELS IN THE AREA.","coords.x1":97.88333,"coords.x2":5.09667} {"Reference":"2001-74","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP REPORTS FOILING ATTEMPTED BOARDING 2 FEB AT 0535 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 01-20.8N 103-17.9E.","coords.x1":103.29833,"coords.x2":1.34667} {"Reference":"2001-73","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER REPORTS FOILING ATTEMPTED BOARDING 2 FEB AT 0535 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 01-21.2N 103-16.8E.","coords.x1":103.28,"coords.x2":1.35333} {"Reference":"2001-68","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS \"CHASED\" 30 JAN AT 0436 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 01-19N 103-19E. ALERT CREW PREVENTED ATTEMPTED BOARDING.","coords.x1":103.31667,"coords.x2":1.31667} {"Reference":"2001-70","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CEMENT CARRIER WAS BOARDED 27 JAN AT 0420 LOCAL TIME AT PISAI JETTY, BELAWAN, BY FOUR PERSONS OPERATING FROM A SPEEDBOAT. THE FOUR JUMPED OVERBOARD WITH SHIP'S STORES AFTER BEING DISCOVERED.","coords.x1":98.7,"coords.x2":3.78667} {"Reference":"2001-132","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"KHERSONES","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAIT:A 2 MAY REPORT STATES THAT UKRAINE FLAG DREDGE (KHERSONES) WAS BOARDED 26 JAN IN SINGAPORE STRAIT BY 12 PERSONS WHO SLASHED THREE CREW MEMBERS WITH MACHETES AND FIRE AXES BEFORE ESCAPING. NO MOTIVE IS REPORTED FOR THE ATTACK AND NO ITEMS","Desc2":"ARE REPORTED STOLEN.","coords.x1":104,"coords.x2":1.25} {"Reference":"2001-69","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED DREDGER WAS BOARDED 26 JAN AT 0400 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-12N 103-23E IN THE EASTBOUND TRAFFIC SEPARATION LANE. TEN PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES DEMANDED MONEY AND SLASHED THE MASTER AND TWO CREW MEMBERS","Desc2":"WHEN THEY WERE RESISTED. THE TEN ESCAPED WITH VALUABLES AND SHIP'S EQUIPMENT. ONE CREW MEMBER SERIOUSLY INJURED BUT ALL SUBSEQUENTLY REJOINED THE SHIP.","coords.x1":103.38333,"coords.x2":1.2} {"Reference":"2001-71","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 23 JAN AT 0120 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-15.9N 103-24.1E. THE FIVE PERSONS WERE SPOTTED BY CREW AND FLED WITHOUT TAKING ANYTHING.","coords.x1":103.40167,"coords.x2":1.265} {"Reference":"2001-65","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:THREE ARMED PERSONS BOARDED AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP 20 JAN AT 0030 LOCAL TIME AT PANJANG ANCHORAGE. THE SECOND OFFICER WAS SEIZED AND STRUCK ON THE HEAD BUT ALERTED OTHER CREW ON HIS WALKIE-TALKIE. THE ALARM WAS RAISED AND THE INTRUDERS JUMPED","Desc2":"OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED WITH SHIP'S STORES.","coords.x1":105.28333,"coords.x2":-5.5} {"Reference":"2001-56","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-JAVA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 13 JAN AT 0245 WHILE AT ANCHOR AT JAKARTA. ONE INTRUDER WAS OBSERVED LOWERING A ROPE TO HIS ACCOMPLICES WHEN ALARM SOUNDED AND HE JUMPED OVERBOARD TO ESCAPE IN A BOAT WITH ABOUT TEN ACCOMPLICES.","coords.x1":106.89667,"coords.x2":-6.05167} {"Reference":"2001-49","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER REPORTED BEING APPROACHED 8 JAN AT 0320 LOCAL TIME BY AN UNLIT BOAT WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-08N 105-02E. WHEN BOAT APPROACHED WITHIN FIVE METERS OF STERN CREW RAISED ALARM AND TURNED ON DECK LIGHTS WHEREUPON THE","Desc2":"BOAT WITHDREW.","coords.x1":105.03333,"coords.x2":1.13333} {"Reference":"2001-50","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS BOARDED 8 JAN AT 0500 IN POSITION 00-51.7N 105-06.9E BY FIFTEEN PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES AND OTHER UNSPECIFIED WEAPONS. BOARDERS TOOK CONTROL OF THE SHIP, HIT THE CREW AND STOLE STORES AND CREW","Desc2":"VALUABLES BEFORE LEAVING 40 MINUTES LATER. IT IS NOT REPORTED WHETHER SHIP WAS UNDERWAY OR AT ANCHOR.","coords.x1":105.115,"coords.x2":0.86167} {"Reference":"2001-40","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"SOUTH PACIFIC; PACIFICA 1","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA-MALAYSIA:THE SIERRA LEONE FLAG (SOUTH PACIFIC) AND PANAMA-FLAG (PACIFICA 1) (NOT LISTED IN SHIPPING SOURCES) WERE ATTACKED 31 DEC BY ABOUT 20 PERSONS ARMED WITH PISTOLS AND MACHETES. THE ATTACKERS ROBBED THE CREWS OF THE TWO SHIPS OF","Desc2":"VALUABLES AND ORDERED ONE OF THE ENGINEERS TO START THE SHIP'S ENGINE. WHEN THE ENGINEER REFUSED, FEARING HIS SHIP WOULD BE HIJACKED A FIGHT BROKE OUT AND A SHOT WAS FIRED BEFORE THE ROBBERS WITHDREW. NO ONE WAS REPORTED INJURED. AT THE TIME OF THE","Desc3":"ATTACK THE TWO SHIPS, STATED TO BE CARRYING CLEANING OIL, WERE ANCHORED ALONGSIDE EACH OTHER OUTSIDE THE PORT LIMITS OF TANJUNG PELAPAS PORT, MALAYSIA.","coords.x1":101,"coords.x2":2} {"Reference":"2001-41","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 30 DEC AT 0050 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-19N 103-18E. BY FOUR PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES WHO ENTERED THE BRIDGE AND ROBBED THE THIRD OFFICER OF CASH. THE FOUR ESCAPED WHEN SHIP'S ALARM","Desc2":"WAS SOUNDED.","coords.x1":103.3,"coords.x2":1.31667} {"Reference":"2001-43","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS SUBJECTED TO TWO ATTEMPTED BOARDINGS 29 DEC AT 2235 AND 2353 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-18.6N 104-16.3E. ALERT CREW CAUSED BOTH ATTEMPTS TO BE ABORTED.","coords.x1":104.27167,"coords.x2":1.31} {"Reference":"2001-42","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP REPORTS AN ATTEMPTED BOARDING 29 DEC AT 2235 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-17.6N 103-22.2E. THE BOARDING WAS ATTEMPTED FROM A SMALL BOAT AT THE STARBOARD QUARTER BUT WAS ABORTED WHEN THE","Desc2":"ANTI-PIRACY WATCH RESPONDED.","coords.x1":103.37,"coords.x2":1.29333} {"Reference":"2001-45","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 24 DEC AT 0130 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 01-18.2N 103-21.4E. DUTY OFFICER NOTICED EIGHT PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES, RAISED THE ALARM AND MUSTERED THE CREW. THE INTRUDERS JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED.","Desc2":"THERE IS NO INFORMATION WHETHER SHIP WAS AT ANCHOR OR UNDERWAY AT THE TIME OF THE BOARDING.","coords.x1":103.35667,"coords.x2":1.30333} {"Reference":"2001-47","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP REPORTED AN ATTEMPT TO BOARD 24 DEC AT 0215 LOCAL TIME WHILE IN POSITION 01-15.3N 103-20.4E. ALERT CREW ILLUMINATED THE SHIP AND THE BOARDING WAS ABORTED. THERE IS NO INFORMATION IF SHIP WAS AT ANCHOR OR UNDERWAY.","coords.x1":103.34,"coords.x2":1.255} {"Reference":"2001-46","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 24 DEC AT 0210 LOCAL TIME AT CIGADING. THE DUTY OILER WAS TIED UP IN THE ENGINE ROOM AND SHIP'S STORES STOLEN.","coords.x1":105.96667,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"2001-48","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED GAS TANKER WAS BOARDED 22 DEC AT 0230 LOCAL TIME VIA THE STERN WHILE MOORED IN POSITION 06-02.1S 105-55.8E. DUTY CREW AND SHORE GUARDS SPOTTED THE INTRUDERS AND THREE WERE ARRESTED BY THE GUARDS, WHILE TWO ACCOMPLICES IN A","Desc2":"WAITING BOAT ESCAPED. LOCAL POLICE TOOK CUSTODY OF THE THREE ARRESTED BY THE GUARDS.","coords.x1":105.93,"coords.x2":-6.035} {"Reference":"2001-35","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS FOLLOWED WITH APPARENT INTENT TO BOARD 20 DEC AT 0435 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 01-15.1N 103-19.3E BY AN UNLIT BOAT WITH FOUR PERSONS. BOAT APPROACHED WITHIN TEN METERS OF SHIP'S STERN BUT WITHDREW WHEN CREW SHINED","Desc2":"SEARCHLIGHT.","coords.x1":103.32167,"coords.x2":1.25167} {"Reference":"2001-33","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS APPROACHED BY PERSONS IN A SPEEDBOAT WITH APPARENT INTENT TO BOARD 14 DEC AT 0520 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 01-46N 102-28E. CREW DIRECTED SEARCHLIGHT AT BOAT WHICH WITHDREW.","coords.x1":102.46667,"coords.x2":1.76667} {"Reference":"2001-34","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 13 DEC AT 2310 LOCAL TIME BY FOUR PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES. INTRUDERS FLED WHEN THEY SAW ALERTED CREW ON DECK.","coords.x1":102.23333,"coords.x2":1.96667} {"Reference":"2001-24","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED 12 DEC AT 2130 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN EASTBOUND LANE OF TRAFFIC SEPARATION SCHEME. TWELVE PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES AND GUNS TOOK PART. THEY THREATENED THE CREW AND LOCKED THEM IN THE","Desc2":"MESS ROOM. THE SHIP WAS UNDER CONTROL OF PIRATES FOR THREE HOURS. PIRATES STOLE SHIP'S STORES AND CREW'S BELONGINGS, BUT NO ONE WAS INJURED.","coords.x1":104.11833,"coords.x2":1.2525} {"Reference":"2001-30","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA-SARAWAK:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 11 DEC AT 0130 WHILE LOADING AT TANJONG MANIS ANCHORAGE, SARAWAK. WATCHMAN OBSERVED SIX INTRUDERS ON FORECASTLE AND SOUNDED ALARM WHEREUPON THE THIEVES JUMPED OVERBOARD WITH SHIP'S STORES.","Desc2":"AUTHORITIES CONTACTED BUT NO RESPONSE RECEVIED.","coords.x1":112.44583,"coords.x2":3.04583} {"Reference":"2001-25","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED BY THIEVES 10 DEC AT 0125 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED IN POSITION 01-06.6N 103-28.8E. ALERT CREW FOILED ATTEMPT.","coords.x1":103.48,"coords.x2":1.11} {"Reference":"2001-26","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"JASMIN 1","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:(JASMIN 1), A HONDURAN-FLAG CARGO SHIP WITH A $342,000 CARGO OF SUGAR IS MISSING SINCE ITS 29 NOV DEPARTURE FROM BATAM BOUND FOR PENANG. ON 9 DEC SHIP'S AGENT REPORTED IT MAY HAVE SUNK OR BEEN PIRATED, BUT COMMUNITY ESTIMATES ARE THAT","Desc2":"IT IS A PHANTOM VESSEL WHICH HAS STOLEN THE SUGAR CARGO.","coords.x1":98.74917,"coords.x2":4.94361} {"Reference":"2001-27","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CAR CARRIER WAS PURSUED 8 DEC AT 1507 LOCAL TIME WHILE IN POSITION 00-18.0N 108-15.0E BY ABOUT 8 PERSONS IN A SPEEDBOAT. MASTER TOOK EVASIVE ACTION AND SPEEDBOAT WITHDREW IN DIRECTION OF ISLAND OF PENGIKIK BESAR, INDONESIA.","coords.x1":108.25,"coords.x2":0.3} {"Reference":"2001-15","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Strait of Malacca:An unidentified tanker was boarded 30 Nov at 2118 utc while underway in position 01-42n 102-34e. The thieves stole cash and ship's stores before escaping in a small boat.","coords.x1":102.56667,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2001-17","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATRA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 30 NOV AT 0245 LOCAL TIME AT PANJANG ANCHORAGE. THREE PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES WERE SPOTTED BY WATCH WHO RAISED ALARM. INTRUDERS THEN FLED IN SMALL BOAT.","coords.x1":105.28333,"coords.x2":-5.5} {"Reference":"2001-7","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS PURSUED 23 NOV AT 0330 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 05-44N 095-17E, THREE MILES OFF PULAU WE AT THE NORTHERN TIP OF SUMATRA. THREE SPEEDBOATS WITH RED AND BLUE STRIPES CAME CLOSE TO THE VESSEL'S BOW ON","Desc2":"EITHER SIDE AND ONLY SLOWED DOWN AND WITHDREW AT 0430 WHEN CONFRONTED WITH THE CREW MUSTERED ON DECK AFTER SHIP'S ALARM WAS RAISED.","coords.x1":95.28333,"coords.x2":5.73333} {"Reference":"2001-6","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 20 NOV AT 2335 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-47.2N 102-25.3E BY ABOUT FIFTEEN PERSONS WHO HELD THE MASTER, CHIEF ENGINEER, AND RADIO OFFICER HOSTAGE WHILE RANSACKING THE ACCOMMODATION AND","Desc2":"STEALING $7,000. THE THIEVES LEFT AFTER ABOUT 40 MINUTES, TAKING A SPEEDBOAT TOWARD THE INDONESIAN COAST.","coords.x1":102.42167,"coords.x2":1.78667} {"Reference":"2000-399","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS APPROACHED 18 NOV BY AN UNLIT BOAT WHICH CAME ALONGSIDE AT 2156 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 01-16N 104-07E. BOAT WITHDREW WHEN CREW SWITCHED ON ALDIS LAMP.","coords.x1":104.11667,"coords.x2":1.26667} {"Reference":"2000-400","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 18 NOV AT 0130 LOCAL TIME AT THE PANJANG PILOT STATION. EIGHT PERSONS FROM A SMALL BOAT BOARDED OVER THE FORECASTLE AND ENTERED THE ENGINE ROOM. THEY TIED UP THE DUTY OILER, STOLE ENGINE SPARES AND","Desc2":"ESCAPED.","coords.x1":105.28333,"coords.x2":-5.5} {"Reference":"2000-398","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS CLOSELY APPROACHED 16 NOV AT 1400 UTC BY SEVERAL PERSONS IN FOUR FISHING BOATS WHO ATTEMPTED TO BOARD. ATTEMPT WAS BROKEN OFF WHEN ALERTED CREW MUSTERED.","coords.x1":102.15,"coords.x2":1.1} {"Reference":"2000-391","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-JAVA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKERS WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED 12 NOV AT 1220 LOCAL TIME AT TANJUNG PRIOK ANCHORAGE. FIVE PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES STOLE ENGINE SPARES.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2000-389","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 9 NOV AT 0340 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-46N 102-27E. FIFTEEN PIRATES FROM TWO SPEEDBOATS STOLE CASH, DOCUMENTS, SHIP'S PROPERTY AND CREW VALUABLES.","coords.x1":102.45,"coords.x2":1.76667} {"Reference":"2000-375","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 6 NOV AT 0128 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-56.5N 102-19.0E. ABOUT 20 ARMED PERSONS TOOK THE CREW HOSTAGE AND ROBBED THEIR CASH AND VALUABLES.","coords.x1":102.31667,"coords.x2":1.94167} {"Reference":"2001-16","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"THOR KIRSTEN","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:THE 1,167 TON DANISH-FLAG CARGO SHIP (THOR KIRSTEN) WAS BOARDED 5 NOV AT 0510 LOCAL TIME (REPORTED 5 DEC) WHILE UNDERWAY ABOUT 20 NM SOUTH WEST OF SINGAPORE. GENERAL ALARM WAS SOUNDED AND A CREW MEMBER REPORTEDLY FIRED A WARNING BLAST","Desc2":"FROM A SHOTGUN WHEREUPON THE ATTACKERS FLED.","coords.x1":103.5,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"2000-376","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 5 NOV AT 0125 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-49.5N 102-23.2E. CASH AND VALUABLES WERE TAKEN FROM THE CREW BEFORE THE BOARDERS LEFT ABOUT 0445.","coords.x1":102.38667,"coords.x2":1.825} {"Reference":"2000-378","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-BORNEO:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS APPROACHED AT ABOUT 20 KNOTS 4 NOV AT 0135 LOCAL TIME BY AN UNLIT BOAT WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 03-17S 109-41E. SHIP INCREASED SPEED, ALTERED COURSE AND DIRECTED SEARCHLIGHTS AT THE BOAT WHICH BROKE","Desc2":"OFF PURSUIT AFTER ABOUT 30 MINUTES.","coords.x1":109.68333,"coords.x2":-3.28333} {"Reference":"2000-377","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP REPORTS BOARDING 4 NOV AT 0510 LOCAL TIME FROM A TEN-METER RED BOAT SPOTTED ALONGSIDE WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-45.9N 102-32.0E. DUTY OFFICER FIRED SHOT FROM SHOTGUN AND BOARDERS JUMPED OVERBOARD AND","Desc2":"ESCAPED.","coords.x1":102.53333,"coords.x2":1.765} {"Reference":"2000-380","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-JAVA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 4 NOV BETWEEN 0200 AND 0400 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT TANJUNG PRIOK AND ROBBED OF TWO LIFE RAFTS.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2000-379","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS APPROACHED 3 NOV AT 2335 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 04-04.0N 099-25.0E BY AN UNLIT BOAT FIRST SIGHTED AT A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 1.2 MILES FROM THE STARBOARD SIDE. SHIP SOUNDED WHISTLE AND","Desc2":"DIRECTED SIGNAL LIGHT AT THE BOAT WHICH BROKE OFF PURSUIT AFTER ABOUT 5 MINUTES.","coords.x1":99.41667,"coords.x2":4.06667} {"Reference":"2000-381","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATERA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS APPROACHED 30 OCT AT 2300 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT ANCHOR INNER HARBOR KUALA ENOK. DUTY OFFICER RAISED ALARM, CREW MUSTERED AND FIRED THREE ROCKETS. AFTER THIRTY MINUTES BOAT DEPARTED.","coords.x1":103.40667,"coords.x2":-0.51667} {"Reference":"2000-368","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATERA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 29 OCT AT 2030 UTC WHILE AT TARAHAN ANCHORAGE. INTRUDERS ENTERED ENGINE ROOM AND STOLE A LARGE QUANTITY OF SPARE PARTS.","coords.x1":105.31667,"coords.x2":-5.51667} {"Reference":"2000-369","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-SUMATERA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 29 OCT AT 0220 UTC WHILE ANCHORED AT TELUK SEMANGKA BY A SINGLE PERSON WHO WAS CAUGHT BY ANTI-PIRACY WATCH AND TRANSFERRED TO POLICE BOAT.","coords.x1":104.63333,"coords.x2":-5.55} {"Reference":"2000-366","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS APPROACHED 26 OCT AT 0510 LOCAL TIME BY A SPEEDBOAT WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-27N 103-11E. CREW ALERTNESS PREVENTED BOARDING.","coords.x1":103.18333,"coords.x2":1.45} {"Reference":"2000-367","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP AT ANCHOR IN POSITION 00-44.8N 103-42.2E WAS BOARDED 25 OCT BY 60 TO 80 PERSONS. TWO CREWMEMBERS WERE SLIGHTLY INJURED BEFORE SHIP CUT ANCHOR CHAIN AND PROCEEDED TO SINGAPORE.","coords.x1":103.70333,"coords.x2":0.74667} {"Reference":"2000-358","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED FISHING VESSEL WAS ATTACKED 21 OCT AT NIGHT WHILE ANCHORED BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND INDONESIA. EIGHT ARMED ATTACKERS, REPORTED TO BE INDONESIAN, BOARDED THE BOAT, INJURING THE CAPTAIN WHO WAS HOSPITALIZED.","coords.x1":103,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"2000-352","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS APPROACHED 16 OCT AT 0100 UTC WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 05-45.8N 096-28.3E OFF SUMATRA. BOATS, EACH OF WHICH CONTAINED TWO MEN AND WERE BLUE WITH RED AND WHITE HORIZONTAL STRIPES, APPROACHED TO WITHIN 30M","Desc2":"OF THE SHIP. SHIP TOOK EVASIVE ACTION AND ALERTED CREW AND, AFTER TEN MINUTES, BOATS DEPARTED.","coords.x1":96.47167,"coords.x2":5.76333} {"Reference":"2000-341","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEED BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:FIVE PERSONS IN A SPEEDBOAT ATTEMPTED TO BOARD A CARGO SHIP 9 OCT AT 0350 LOCAL TIME UNDERWAY IN 03-09.3N 105-30.5E. BOAT LEFT THE SCENE WHEN ALARM SOUNDED AND CREW MUSTERED.","coords.x1":105.50833,"coords.x2":3.155} {"Reference":"2000-339","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP REPORTED BEING APPROACHED 6 OCT AT 0030 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-45N 102-31E. A WOODEN SPEEDBOAT, SIX METERS IN LENGTH AND WITH A LIGHT BLUE HULL CAME CLOSE TO THE STERN BUT LEFT WHEN","Desc2":"ANTI-PIRACY WATCH RAISED THE ALARM AND FLASHED AN ALDIS LAMP AT THE BOAT.","coords.x1":102.51667,"coords.x2":1.75} {"Reference":"2000-342","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 5 OCT AT 1230 LOCAL TIME AT ANCHOR, JAKARTA. SIX PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES BOARDED VIA THE PORT SIDE AND STOLE SHIP'S STORES BEFORE FLEEING.","coords.x1":106.89667,"coords.x2":-6.05167} {"Reference":"2000-323","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:ALERT CREW FOILED ATTEMPTED BOARDING OF UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP 2 OCT AT 2330 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 02-21.6N 101-41.0E, 10 NM FROM TANJUNG TUAN.","coords.x1":101.68333,"coords.x2":2.36} {"Reference":"2000-324","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 1 OCT AT 0250 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-57.5N 102-15E. CHIEF OFFICER WAS TAKEN HOSTAGE BY FOUR PERSONS ARMED WITH GUNS AND LONG KNIVES AND HIS KEYS USED TO OPEN CABINS OF MASTER,","Desc2":"CHIEF ENGINEER AND CHIEF COOK WHOSE BELONGINGS WERE STOLEN. THE THIEVES THEN STOLE SHIP'S STORES AND CASH FROM SAFE BEFORE LEAVING AT 0325 IN SPEEDBOAT.","coords.x1":102.25,"coords.x2":1.95833} {"Reference":"2000-327","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"HAZEL 1","Desc1":"SINGAPORE:BULK CARRIER (HAZEL 1)(NFI) REPORTS BOARDING 1 OCT BY 21 PERSONS ARMED WITH PISTOLS AND KNIVES WHILE ANCHORED AT SINGAPORE WESTERN OPL ANCHORAGE. INTRUDERS BOARDED AT 0030 LOCAL TIME, TIED AND GAGGED THE SLEEPING CREW AND RANSACKED THE SHIP FOR","Desc2":"CASH AND PERSONAL BELONGINGS. THE THIEVES THEN ASKED ABOUT THE CARGO (16,000 TONS OF GYPSUM) AND ATTEMPTED TO GET THE MASTER TO START THE SHIP'S ENGINES IN AN ALLEGED HIJACK ATTEMPT BUT LEFT WHEN THEY LEARNED THE ENGINES WERE DISMANTLED FOR REPAIR.","Desc3":"ANTI-SHIPPING ACTIVITY WITHIN SINGAPORE'S TERRITORIAL WATERS IS VIRTUALLY UNHEARD OF. IF THIS WAS AN ACTUAL HIJACK ATTEMPT IT WAS PROBABLY AD HOC AS THIEVES DID NOT KNOW SHIP'S CARGO AND DID NOT KNOW THEIR INTENDED VICTIM WAS IMMOBILIZED, WHICH IS AT","Desc4":"LEAST INDICATIVE OF AN AMATEURISH ATTEMPT. (HAZEL 1) IS BELIEVED TO BE EX-TURKISH FLAG (KUBRA 1), 10,902 TONS. VESSEL IS REPORTED TO HAVE LOST MORE THAN $10,000 IN CASH AND PERSONAL BELONGINGS.","coords.x1":103.57333,"coords.x2":1.22} {"Reference":"2000-328","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 1 OCT AT 0200 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT ANCHOR, DUMAI PORT BY FOUR PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES OPERATING FORM A SMALL MOTOR BOAT. WATCH RAISED ALARM AND INTRUDERS FLED.","coords.x1":101.46667,"coords.x2":1.65} {"Reference":"2000-325","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED GENERAL CARGO SHIP REPORTED FOILING ATTEMPTED BOARDING BY FIVE PERSONS IN A SPEEDBOAT1 OCT AT 0140LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-55.2N 102-22.5E.","coords.x1":102.375,"coords.x2":1.92} {"Reference":"2000-326","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP REPORTED ATTEMPTED BOARDING 29 SEP AT 0420 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-54.7N 102-13.4E. MASTER TOOK EVASIVE ACTION ALTERING COURSE AFTER WHICH PURSUIT AND BOARDING ATTEMPTS CONTINUED FOR TEN","Desc2":"MINUTES BEFORE BOAT DEPARTED.","coords.x1":102.22333,"coords.x2":1.91167} {"Reference":"2000-329","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP REPORTS BEING APPROACHED 28 SEP AT 1045 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 05-23.4S 106-57.2E WEST OF KALIMANTAN. SHIP WAS APPROACHED AT 21 KNOTS BY SMALL SPEEDBOAT FROM PORT QUARTER. ALARM WAS RAISED AND ANTI-PIRACY","Desc2":"CREW MUSTERED FORE AND AFT. BOAT FOLLOWED FOR 25 MINUTES BEFORE BREAKING OFF ATTEMPT TO BOARD.","coords.x1":106.95333,"coords.x2":-5.39} {"Reference":"2000-330","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER REPORTS ATTEMPTED BOARDING 27 SEP AT 1800 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN 00-30N 108-07E. TEN PERSONS IN A /WHITE-HULLED HIGH SPEED BOAT APPROACHED THE STERN AT 22 KNOTS. ALARM WAS RAISED AND BOAT DISAPPEARED IN DIRECTION OF","Desc2":"PULAU PENGKIK.","coords.x1":108.11667,"coords.x2":0.5} {"Reference":"2000-331","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER REPORTED AN ATTEMPTED BOARDING 26 SEP AT 0405 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-15.6N 104-54.5E. TEN TO FIFTEEN PERSONS IN A SPEEDBOAT APPROACHED THE STARBOARD QUARTER BUT ABORTED THE ATTEMPT WHEN SEARCHLIGHT WAS","Desc2":"SHONE ON THEM.","coords.x1":104.90833,"coords.x2":1.26} {"Reference":"2000-332","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"PETCHEM","Desc1":"INDONESIA-NATUNA ISLAND:THE 2,378-TON CHEMICAL TANKER (PETCHEM) WAS HIJACKED 25 SEP AT 0230 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 01-40N 106-18E NEAR THE NATUNA ISLANDS WHILE ON VOYAGE PORT DICKSON, TO KUCHING, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA WITH A CARGO OF GAS OIL. CREW WERE","Desc2":"OVERPOWERED AND LOCKED IN THEIR CABINS WHILE PIRATES TRANSFERRED 2,200 TONS OF CARGO WORTH USDLR700,000 TO AN UNKNOWN TANKER AT A LOCATION BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN SOUTH EAST OF JOHORE BEFORE DEPARTING IN THE OTHER TANKER. CREW FREED THEMSELVES 26 SEP AFTER","Desc3":"THE SECOND TANKER HAD DEPARTED AND REPORT PART OF SHIP'SNAME HAD BEEN PAINTED OUT. THIS IS THE FIRST SHIP HIJACKED FOR ITS CARGO IN THIS AREA SINCE THE 3,729-TON (GLOBAL MARS) WAS TAKEN 23 FEB 2000 IN THE SOUTHERN ANDAMAN SEA WITH A CARGO OF 6,000 TONS","Desc4":"OF PALM OIL. THAT SHIP WAS RECOVERED AT SHEKOU, CHINA IN MAY AFTER THE HIJACKERS HAD BEEN UNABLE TO FIND A BUYER FOR THE CARGO. THE LAST TANKER HIJACKED WITH A GAS OIL CARGO WAS THE 1,247-TON (SIAM XIAN XAI) 8 JUN 1999, WHICH SHIP HAS NEVER BEEN","Desc5":"RECOVERED.","coords.x1":106.3,"coords.x2":1.66667} {"Reference":"2000-313","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified container ship underway in position 01-05.4N 105-03.4E at 0125 local time on 25 Sep was approached from astern by an unlit boat first noticed by the duty officer on the ship's radar. The ship commenced evasive maneuvers, sounded","Desc2":"the alarm and warned other ships on VHF. After ten minutes the boat broke off its pursuit and headed towards other ships.","coords.x1":105.05667,"coords.x2":1.09} {"Reference":"2000-314","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified container ship was boarded 24 Sep at 1810 UTC while underway in position 01-17.0N 104-57.8E. Six person armed with long knives boarded from the starboard side. One crew member was robbed of cash and personal effects before the","Desc2":"robber escaped.","coords.x1":104.96333,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"2000-311","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 22 Sep at 0130 local time while underway in position 01-51N 102-20E. Five persons armed with long knives took hostage two members of the anti-piracy watch but were unable to gain access to the","Desc2":"accommodation. An Indonesian crewman negotiated the release of the hostages and the thieves left the ship stealing ship's equipment as they departed.","coords.x1":102.33333,"coords.x2":1.85} {"Reference":"2000-312","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 21 Sep at 2305 local time in position 02-00N 102-11E by persons armed with long knives and shot guns. The thieves entered the master and other officer's cabins and robbed personal items before","Desc2":"ordering the master to open the ship's safe and stealing all the cash. One deck cadet was injured in the attack.","coords.x1":102.18333,"coords.x2":2} {"Reference":"2000-309","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER REPORTS APPROACH BY TWO SPEEDBOATS WITH APPARENT INTENT TO BOARD 16 SEP AT 1808 LOCAL TIME. SHIP'S ALARM WAS SOUNDED AND EVASIVE STEERING BEGUN AND THE BOATS BROKE OFF THEIR ATTEMPT.","coords.x1":99.95194,"coords.x2":3.56333} {"Reference":"2000-310","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER REPELLED A BOARDING ATTEMPT 15 SEP AT 0153 LOCAL TIME AT LAWI-LAWI ANCHORAGE, BALIKPAPAN, EAST KALIMANTAN. NINE PERSONS FROM A BOAT ATTEMPTED TO BOARD THE SHIP VIA THE STERN BUT FLED WHEN THE ANTI-PIRACY PATROL SOUNDED","Desc2":"THE ALARM AND MUSTERED THE CREW.","coords.x1":108.61222,"coords.x2":-2.97917} {"Reference":"2000-258","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 9 Sep at 0015 local time while underway in the Banka Strait in position 02-34.8S 105-46.3E. Pirates armed with long knives held the duty officer and A/B hostage after which they proceeded to the Master and","Desc2":"Chief Engineer's cabins, robbing cash and personal belonging. Cash from the ship's safe and other officers' belongings were also taken.","coords.x1":105.77167,"coords.x2":-2.58} {"Reference":"2000-223","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 2 SEP AT 2215 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-04N 104-54E. PERSONS ARMED WITH MACHETES AND KNIVES ENTERED THE MASTER'S CABIN, TIED HIM UP, AND STOLE $22,000 FROM THE MASTER'S SAFE.","Desc2":"WHILE LEAVING THE SHIP, THEY ALSO CONFRONTED A SEAMAN AND STOLE HIS PERSONAL BELONGINGS.","coords.x1":104.9,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"2000-224","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED AND ROBBED OF UNSPECIFIED CASH AND VALUABLES 2 SEP AT 0045 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 00-58N 105-02E. AFTER THE ROBBERY THE SIX ARMED PERSONS ESCAPED BY BOAT IN THE DIRECTION OF","Desc2":"INDONESIAN WATERS.","coords.x1":105.03333,"coords.x2":0.96667} {"Reference":"2000-229","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:DUTY OFFICER OF AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP AT PENANG INNER ANCHORAGE NOTICED A RADAR ECHO APPROACHING THE SHIP 1 SEP AT 0030 LOCAL TIME. A BOAT CONTAINING FOUR PERSONSAPPROACHED FROM THE STERN AND CIRCLED THE SHIP SEVERAL TIMES BUT MOVED OFF","Desc2":"TOWARD THE BUTTERWORTH COAST WHEN AN ALDIS LAMP WAS DIRECTED AT IT.","coords.x1":100.25,"coords.x2":5.25} {"Reference":"2000-225","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 30 AUG AT 1630 UTC WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-42N 102-36E BY SEVEN ARMED PERSONS WHO FORCED THE MASTER TO OPEN THE SAFE, TAKING ALL THE MONEY AS WELL AS PERSONAL POSSESSIONS OF THE CREW. THE","Desc2":"ROBBERS THEN ESCAPED IN THE DIRECTION OF TANJUNG TOHOR.","coords.x1":102.6,"coords.x2":1.7} {"Reference":"2000-228","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 30 AUG AT 0245 LOCAL TIME AT BELAWAN PORT. SEVEN PERSON ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES GAINED ACCESS TO THE SHIP, THREATENED AND ROBBED A PUMPMAN AND FLED WHEN SPOTTED BY DUTY OFFICER WHO RAISED THE ALARM.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2000-202","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TIGER BRIDGE","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:The 16,135 ton, Cyprus flag container cargo ship (TIGER BRIDGE) was attacked on 29 Aug. The master suffered deep cuts to his hand after six pirates boarded the ship at 0300 local. The pirates handcuffed the master and duty officer","Desc2":"before stealing $23,000 from the ship's safe.","coords.x1":99.46667,"coords.x2":4.33333} {"Reference":"2000-208","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 28 Aug between 0200-0400 local, pirates boarded a general cargo ship in Sandakan, Malaysia and stole stores and equipment.","coords.x1":118.05,"coords.x2":5.86667} {"Reference":"2000-209","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 27 Aug, in position 05-25N 100-21E in Penang port, Malaysia, at 0430, three pirates were spotted on the forecastle by the duty A/B. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered on deck. The pirates then fled.","coords.x1":100.35,"coords.x2":5.41667} {"Reference":"2000-203","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:On 26 Aug, in position 02-03N 102-08E at 1550 local, pirates boarded an unidentified container ship. The crew spotted the pirate's boat and directed fire hoses into it. The two pirates who boarded the vessel jumped overboard and","Desc2":"escaped.","coords.x1":102.13333,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"2000-204","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:On 25 Aug, in position 02-11S 108-57E, at 1430 UTC, two unlit speedboats approached a tanker at 27 knots. At 2 nm the speedboats split and one headed to the bow and one to the stern. The tanker then switched on its deck lights and","Desc2":"altered course. The speedboats then turned away.","coords.x1":108.95,"coords.x2":-2.18333} {"Reference":"2000-205","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:On 24 Aug, in position 01-45N 102-32E, at 0140 local, a pirate boat approached a tanker. The tanker directed search lights at the pirates who then fled. The pirates are believed to be the same pirates who attacked the M/V (ANTARA DUA)","Desc2":"at 0030 local.","coords.x1":102.53333,"coords.x2":1.75} {"Reference":"2000-206","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ANTARA DUA","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:On 24 Aug, in position 01-46N 102-27E, at 0030 local, the 1,976 ton, Malaysian flagged Ro-Ro (ANTARA DUA) was boarded by nine armed pirates. The crew was captured and forced into a stateroom while the pirates stole cash and other","Desc2":"valuables.","coords.x1":102.45,"coords.x2":1.76667} {"Reference":"2000-190","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:On 18 Aug at 1115 local time, in position 01-48N 102-25E, a bulk carrier was approached by two unlit speedboats from the stern. The speedboats fled when the ship shined an Aldis lamp at the boats.","coords.x1":102.41667,"coords.x2":1.8} {"Reference":"2000-194","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:While anchored in Belawan on 17 Aug at 0320, a tanker was boarded by thieves who stole ship's stores and injured a crewmember. The attack occurred while the ship was discharging its cargo.","coords.x1":98.69139,"coords.x2":3.7875} {"Reference":"2000-191","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:On 15 Aug at 0950 local, in posit 05-35N 097-38E, four high-speed boats approached a tanker from both sides. The master raised the alarm and sounded the whistle. The crew charged the fire hose and notified ships in the vicinity. The","Desc2":"pirates then retreated and headed to another vessel.","coords.x1":97.63333,"coords.x2":5.58333} {"Reference":"2000-207","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 14 Aug, an unidentified 7,169 ton Cypriot container vessel berthed in Belawan was boarded and robbed. Despite the presence of a three man anti-piracy watch, pirates stole one breathing aparatus and eight drums of paint between 1912 and 2050","Desc2":"local time.","coords.x1":98.66667,"coords.x2":3.76667} {"Reference":"2000-174","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"ALI EKINCI","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:The 23,436-ton, Turkish-flag bulk carrier (ALI EKINCI) was boarded while underway by five persons armed with long knives in position 01-54N 102-21E at 0240 local time while on a voyage from Singapore to Italy. The thieves reportedly","Desc2":"stole $1,250 cash and personal items from the crew.","coords.x1":102.35,"coords.x2":1.9} {"Reference":"2000-175","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SHUENN MAN NO. 12","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:The master of the Taiwan-flag fishing vessel (SHUENN MAN NO. 12) was reported shot dead 8 Aug when his vessel was stormed by pirates at 1330 local time. The incident reportedly occurred 224 km north east of Singapore when a vessel","Desc2":"\"disguised\" as an Indonesian naval unit forced the fishing vessel to stop when persons dressed in Indonesian uniforms boarded. There is no report of damage or other loss and no other crew member was reported injured. Fishing vessels frequently carry arms","Desc3":"such as shotguns to protect nets and catch against poachers and master may have been shot defending his boat. Since attack was presumably mounted in daylight and nothing was taken from the fishing boat, piracy is not automatically suspected in the","Desc4":"incident. Since crew of the attacking vessel wore Indonesia uniforms and vessel appeared to be an Indonesian naval unit it is assessed that the incident is more likely related to continuing unrest in the Indonesia Archipelago and Indonesian Government","Desc5":"attempts to curtail seaborne infiltration of supporters of private militias.","coords.x1":99.72,"coords.x2":4.11722} {"Reference":"2000-177","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified container ship was approached by two speedboats from port bow and port beam 3 Aug at 0224 local time while underway in 00-11N 103-38E. Boats withdrew when alarm raised and crew alerted.","coords.x1":103.63333,"coords.x2":0.18333} {"Reference":"2000-176","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEED BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified bulk carrier detected approach of a boat while underway on 31 Jul in position 02-01.4N 102-02.9E. When boat was .5 miles from the bulk carrier the third officer directed a searchlight toward it and the boat then","Desc2":"withdrew.","coords.x1":102.04833,"coords.x2":2.02333} {"Reference":"2000-162","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified container ship was boarded 27 Jul at 2145 local time in position 01-45.2N 102-32.5E. Eight persons armed with long knives took the electrician hostage and stole cash and personal items belonging to master and crew. The","Desc2":"intruders fled in a small motor boat.","coords.x1":102.54167,"coords.x2":1.75333} {"Reference":"2000-164","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified container ship was boarded 24 Jul and 2005 local time via the bow while berthed at Belawan container terminal. Two persons boarded using a grappling hook, broke into the ship's store and stole items despite the alarm having been","Desc2":"sounded. When the crew mustered they jumped overboard and escaped in a motorboat.","coords.x1":98.69139,"coords.x2":3.7875} {"Reference":"2000-163","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 24 Jul at 2210 local time in position 00-35.7N 103-51.7E off Eastern Sumatra by ten persons armed with guns. The crew were held hostage until 0810 26 Jul when the thieves escaped in a fishing boat with crew","Desc2":"belongings and cash.","coords.x1":103.86167,"coords.x2":0.595} {"Reference":"2000-152","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified bulk carrier was approached 22 Jul at 2200 local time by six persons in a fast, white colored boat with silent engine while underway in the Strait of Malacca in mid- channel. The boat's occupants attempted to board using","Desc2":"a bamboo hook but attack was aborted when crew mustered on deck.","coords.x1":99.72,"coords.x2":4.11722} {"Reference":"2000-153","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified LPG carrier was boarded 20 Jul at 2245 local time while underway in the Strait of Malacca in position 01-50.2N 102-22.5E. Six persons tied up \"the crew\" and threatened to kill them. The attackers escaped with about","Desc2":"$10,000 and crew's valuables.","coords.x1":102.375,"coords.x2":1.83667} {"Reference":"2000-154","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEED BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was approached from the stern by a speedboat carrying three persons 15 Jul at 0130 local time. Boarding was averted when watchman sounded alarm.","coords.x1":98.69139,"coords.x2":3.7875} {"Reference":"2000-137","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified container ship was boarded 7 Jul at 0515 local time while underway in the Durian Strait in position 00-49.0N 103-35.5E. The thieves entered the second officer's cabin, tied him with plastic cord and stole his money, jewelry and","Desc2":"personnel effects and demanded he call the captain. The chief officer saw the pirates and raised the alarm whereupon the thieves jumped overboard and escaped in a speed boat.","coords.x1":103.59167,"coords.x2":0.81667} {"Reference":"2000-138","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 4 Jul at 2020 local time while at Belawan Port. The three intruders used poles and grappling hooks to board but, when challenged by the duty seaman, jumped overboard and fled in a waiting boat. Ship's","Desc2":"master reports local watchman unhelpful.","coords.x1":98.69139,"coords.x2":3.7875} {"Reference":"2000-128","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"HUMEN BRIDGE","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:The 37,549-ton, German-flag container ship (HUMEN BRIDGE) was boarded 28 Jun at 2220 local time whle ship was underway between Singapore and Port Klang. Seven persons armed with knives and broad swords boarded from a speedboat,","Desc2":"overpowered the master and stole cash and valuables worth about $13,000.","coords.x1":99.72,"coords.x2":4.11722} {"Reference":"2000-111","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 5 Jun at 0300 local time at Belawan anchorage by two persons armed with long knives who gained access via the anchor chain from a smallwooden boat. Duty AB spotted the intruders and sounded the alarm whereupon","Desc2":"they fled in their boat.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2000-104","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier reported that 1 Jun at 2300 local time a boat with six persons armed with knives tied up to its anchor chain at Panjang anchorage in position 05-30S 105-17E. Watchman alerted the bridge and ship's alarm was sounded","Desc2":"aborting the boarding attempt.","coords.x1":105.28333,"coords.x2":-5.5} {"Reference":"2000-102","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 1 Jun at 0256 local time in position 01-48.7N 102-26.6E by seven persons armed with long knives. Intruders tied up the captain, stole $1,483 in ship's cash, crew effects and equipment. The intruders","Desc2":"left when duty officer raised the alarm.","coords.x1":102.44333,"coords.x2":1.81167} {"Reference":"2000-103","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified bulk carrier was approached under the stern 31 May at 1405 UTC by an unlit fast speedboat in position 01-47.0N 102-28.1E. Crew sounded alarm and switched on lights whereupon boarding attempt was aborted.","coords.x1":102.46833,"coords.x2":1.78333} {"Reference":"2000-81","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified tanker was boarded by five pirates armed with long knives at 0300 local time 28 May in position 02-00.0N 102-14.8E. The intruders entered the accommodation through the engine room skylight. When the intruders tried to","Desc2":"break into the master's cabin he sounded the alarm and they fled.","coords.x1":102.24667,"coords.x2":2} {"Reference":"2000-80","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified VLCC was approached at 1445 UTC 28 May in position 01-47N 102-28E by ten persons in an unlit boat. Crew sounded alarm as craft came alongside and attempted boarding was aborted.","coords.x1":102.46667,"coords.x2":1.78333} {"Reference":"2000-112","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"TEMASEK","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:The 11,755-ton Singapore-flag tanker (TEMASEK) was boarded 0300 local time 27 May (reported 21 Jun) in position 01-59.5N 102-12.7E by seven persons who stole $330 from the Chief Enginee and an unreported sum of cash, a mobile phone and","Desc2":"personal belongings from the Master. The intruders reportedly left the ship after only ten minutes.","coords.x1":102.21167,"coords.x2":1.99167} {"Reference":"2000-86","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:Five men boarded an unidentified tanker 0420 local time 17 May as it heaved anchor at Belawan anchorage. Crew sounded the alarm and the intruders jumped overboard.","coords.x1":98.68167,"coords.x2":3.91333} {"Reference":"2000-72","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:On May 16 a previously-unreported incident of attempted robbery occurred on an unidentified anchored ship at Belawan 4 Apr. Between three and five persons were seen at 0303 local time on the forecastle of the ship. When the alarm was","Desc2":"sounded and the crew mustered the intruders retreated to a small wooden boat and left. Attempts to contact local authorities failed but other ships in the vicinity were warned by VHF.","coords.x1":98.69139,"coords.x2":3.7875} {"Reference":"2000-87","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"ERYA 3","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:An unknown ship reporting its name as (ERYA3) was heard in VHF Channel 16 2308 local time 15 May informing Batam Radio it was being boarded by ten men using grappling hooks. Ship reported position as 01-11N 103-58E or just off the","Desc2":"breakwater at Batuampar, Indonesia. At 2342 incident was reportedto be still ongoing. Batam Radio called for radio silence on the net and was met with increased traffic including obscenities, implying possible crude jamming of the channel by the robbers.","coords.x1":103.96667,"coords.x2":1.18333} {"Reference":"2000-82","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Five masked men in two wooden speed boats approached and attempted to board an underway unidentified tanker. The incident occurred 2200 UTC 15 May in position 05-50.3N 115-37.3E off Sabah. Crew sounded ship's whistle and manned fire hoses","Desc2":"whereupon the boats departed in the direction of Pulau Tiga.","coords.x1":115.62167,"coords.x2":5.83833} {"Reference":"2000-73","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 0205 local time 14 May at anchor at Belawan. Five robbers armed with long knives boarded via the starboard side, tied up the duty sailor and threatened to kill him. They broke into the forecastle","Desc2":"store and removed a large quantity of ship's stores. They jumped overboard and escaped at 0225 when they realized the ship's alarm had been sounded. At 0320 local time the same thieves reboarded the ship but aborted their attack and fled in a small unlit","Desc3":"wooden boat when the realized the crew were still on alert.","coords.x1":98.69139,"coords.x2":3.7875} {"Reference":"2000-70","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified LPG tanker was approached while underway at 0345 UTC 9 May from the port quarter by two speed boats. The crew activated fire hoses and the apparent attempted boarding was aborted.","coords.x1":99.71972,"coords.x2":4.1175} {"Reference":"2000-71","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 2200 local time 9 May by four pirates armed with long knives while underway in 02-05N, 109-13E off Sarawak. The third officer was taken hostage while the crew's valuables and cash were stolen. The attackers","Desc2":"left after 12 minutes.","coords.x1":109.21667,"coords.x2":2.08333} {"Reference":"2000-44","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:The duty officer on an unidentified bulk carrier berthed at Belawan was attacked with iron bars by two of five intruders discovered on board at 2000 local time. The officer was able to escape and sound the ship's alarm, whereupon the intruders","Desc2":"jumped overboard and escaped in their unlit boat, which had been lying alongside. The officer's injuries were notreported to be serious.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2000-46","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. JAWA:An unidentified LPG tanker was approached while at anchor, at Anyer (06-03S 105-55E), at 0100 local time by persons in a small boat, who attempted to board using grappling hooks. Hired guards fired warning shots and the intruders fled.","coords.x1":105.91667,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"2000-38","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:An unidentified LPG carrier moored at Pusri terminal, Palembang, was boarded 0335 local time 19 Apr by thieves who attempted to steal a liferaft. The duty officer was alerted by the loud noise made when the liferaft fell after its","Desc2":"line was cut. The attackers fled and the liferaft was recovered.","coords.x1":104.75583,"coords.x2":-2.9975} {"Reference":"2000-36","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 19 Apr at 1645 UTC under cover of heavy rain while at anchor at Sebuku Island. Three assailants armed with long knives were chased by a watchman who sounded the alarm. The attackers then fled","Desc2":"with ship's stores and a liferaft.","coords.x1":105.5525,"coords.x2":-5.8875} {"Reference":"2000-47","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:Unidentified chemical tanker boarded 0345 local time 17 Apr while at anchor at Belawan. Three intruders armed with long knives boarded over the starboard bow. Crew on watch sounded general alarm and the intruders fled by jumping","Desc2":"overboard.","coords.x1":98.68611,"coords.x2":3.78722} {"Reference":"2000-40","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded over the bow at 0248 local time 17 Apr at Belawan anchorage by three intruders armed with axes. The duty seaman alerted the duty officer and crew whereupon the attackers jumped overboard","Desc2":"and fled.","coords.x1":98.68611,"coords.x2":3.78722} {"Reference":"2000-48","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:Unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 0300 local time 15 Apr at anchor at Belawan. Seven intruders gained access over the bow and jumped over board and fled in two boats after stealing some ship's stores, when spotted by watchman.","coords.x1":98.68722,"coords.x2":3.78861} {"Reference":"2000-50","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA. SARAWAK:An unidentified timber carrier was boarded 0300 local time 14 Apr at Bintulu anchorage by robbers who attempted to enter the forecastle store room. Duty watchman alerted the crew and the intruders fled in their motor boat.","coords.x1":112.845,"coords.x2":3.245} {"Reference":"2000-51","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA. SARAWAK:An unidentified timber carrier was boarded 2230 local time 13 Apr at Bintulu anchorage by robbers who cut lock on the forecastle store room. Duty watchman raised the alarm and the robbers escaped in their motor boat. No information on","Desc2":"items taken if any.","coords.x1":112.845,"coords.x2":3.245} {"Reference":"2000-42","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SMALL CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. INDIAN OCEAN:An unidentified chemical tanker reported attempted boarding from a small vessel while underway 13 Apr in 02-49.6S, 095-40.8E. Small craft reportedly approached from port and starboard sides, apparently during hours of darkness,","Desc2":"and moved away when crew assembled on deck and switched on deck lights.","coords.x1":95.68,"coords.x2":-2.82667} {"Reference":"2000-52","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:An unidentified tanker was subject of an attempted boarding 0240 local time 12 Apr at Belawan anchorage. Five robbers attempted to gain access over the vessel's bow while two accomplices waited in a wooden boat at a distance of 2 to 3","Desc2":"cables. When the intruders realized they had been spotted they fled in their boat.","coords.x1":98.7175,"coords.x2":3.80083} {"Reference":"2000-55","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. JAVA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 6 Apr at 0310 local time at Merak anchorage by three persons armed with long knives who gained access over the stern. The intruders tried to take the watchman hostage but he escaped by jumping","Desc2":"overboard and he was recovered unharmed after the ship's alarm was sounded and the attackers fled in their boat.","coords.x1":106.445,"coords.x2":-5.955} {"Reference":"2000-54","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 1 Apr at 0300 local time in Belawan anchorage by eight attackers armed with long knives. The boarding was noticed by the duty officer who alerted the crew via public address and the attackers","Desc2":"fled in a wooden boat after stealing some unidentified cargo from the holds.","coords.x1":98.78,"coords.x2":3.93} {"Reference":"2000-299","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 26 Mar while at anchor, Bintulu, Malaysia. Three attackers armed with long knives boarded via the hawse pipe. They broke into the forecastle paint locker and stole ship's stores. When detected the thieves","Desc2":"jumped overboard and escaped in a high speed boat.","coords.x1":113.07,"coords.x2":3.77} {"Reference":"2000-289","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Crew of unidentified 34,000-ton Panamanian flag bulk carrier successfully repelled an attack by thieves at Belawan anchorage 24 Feb, 0200 (local). Vessel was approached by small boat with seven persons on board who ignored watchman's shouts and","Desc2":"sounding of ship's whistle to climb up anchor chain. When watchman threw a turnbuckle at them the intruders retreated but remained 100 meters from the ship in their boat for about an hour. The same ship had been approached three days before at about","Desc3":"midnight, by eight persons in a boat, who aborted their attack when shouted at.","coords.x1":115.04111,"coords.x2":4.93611} {"Reference":"2000-277","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified cargo ship anchored 2.9 miles from the breakwater at Jakaarta's outer anchorage was boarded 2130 UTC 23 Feb by three intruders armed with knives. The three threatened the deck watch who escaped unharmed and alerted the duty","Desc2":"officer who sounded the alarm, whereupon the intruders fled. Nothing reported stolen.","coords.x1":110.74583,"coords.x2":1.99889} {"Reference":"2000-278","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier preparing for cargo operations at Pulau Laut coal anchorage was boarded at 1545 UTC, 22 Feb by intruders who broke into the forward stores and stole stores and safety equipment before escaping unsighted.","coords.x1":107.98361,"coords.x2":4.6925} {"Reference":"2000-271","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEF","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 18 Feb at 0700 local at its berth at Jakarta. A crewmember was threatened with a knife and ship's stores stolen.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-5.96667} {"Reference":"2000-272","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified survey vessel was boarded 17 Feb while at anchor at Tanjung Priok by nine attackers armed with long knives. The attackers damaged ship's equipment and stole stores before fleeing when chased by the crew. The attacker's boat then","Desc2":"circled the ship for three hours before leaving.","coords.x1":106.8,"coords.x2":-5.95} {"Reference":"2000-268","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MIYUKI","Desc1":"INDONESIA:The 2,025-ton, Singaporean-flag chemical tanker (MIYUKI) was boarded 0240 local time 13 Feb at anchor Merak, Indonesia by three men armed with knives. An engineer was held hostage in the engine room while the attackers stole engine stores and","Desc2":"escaped in a sampan.","coords.x1":106.45,"coords.x2":-5.96667} {"Reference":"2000-269","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified container ship was boarded 1800 UTC 9 Feb at anchor Belawan, Indonesia by attackers armed with knives. Crew sounded alarm and attackers fled, apparently without stealing anything.","coords.x1":98.75,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"2000-266","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:ATTEMPTED BOARDING WAS MADE ON UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER 31 JAN (REPORTED 8 FEB) WHILE AT ANCHOR AT ADANG BAY. BOARDING WAS ATTEMPTED BY FOUR INDIVIDUALS WHO FLED WHEN THEY WERE SPOTTED BY ALERT CREW ON ANTI-PIRACY WATCH.","coords.x1":99.70389,"coords.x2":4.13417} {"Reference":"2000-286","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified 18,812-ton Liberian flag chemical tanker was approached at 2305 on 31 Jan by a suspicious fishing boat proceeding without navigation lights with a speedboat in tow. Approach was first detected as a weak radar return. At","Desc2":"2312 speedboat detached from fishing boat and approached at high speed. Ship's crew illuminated speedboat withsearchlight and sounded ship's whistle. Speedboat then aborted approach and withdrew as a result of preventive measures taken.","coords.x1":99.72,"coords.x2":4.11722} {"Reference":"2000-249","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:A boarding was attempted on an unidentified bulk carrier 28 Jan at anchor at Belawan. Three assailants armed with long knives were spotted by the security watch and fled when the ship's alarm was sounded.","coords.x1":98.69139,"coords.x2":3.7875} {"Reference":"2000-248","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified cargo ship berthed at Dumai Port, Indonesia was boarded 26 Jan by three robbers armed with knives. The three entered the engine room and tied up the duty oiler who was reported injured. When spotted by the ship's crew the three","Desc2":"fled without stealing anything.","coords.x1":101.4475,"coords.x2":1.68861} {"Reference":"2000-240","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified tanker anchored in position 01-13.25N 103-33.85E reported six persons attempted to board from a dark colored motor boat at the stern on 21 Jan. Crew anti-piracy watch prevented the boarding.","coords.x1":103.56417,"coords.x2":1.22083} {"Reference":"2000-237","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:Unidentified container ship boarded 20 Jan while underway in 04-37N 098-43E in the Strait of Malacca. Five intruders armed with swords attacked the bridge and master's office, assaulted the master, and stole his belongings and an","Desc2":"unreported amount of the ships' cash.","coords.x1":98.71667,"coords.x2":4.61667} {"Reference":"2000-238","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-17","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:An unidentified general cargo vessel was boarded 17 Jan while underway in 01-41N 102-39E in the Strait of Malacca. Five intruders robbed the master of ship's cash andhis personal belongings.","coords.x1":102.65,"coords.x2":1.68333} {"Reference":"2000-215","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified ship was boarded 16 Jan in position 06-09N 093-42E between 0001 and 0600 local time. Ship's stores stolen. Although unstated in report, ship assessed to have been at anchor at time of boarding.","coords.x1":93.7,"coords.x2":6.15} {"Reference":"2000-239","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"IBNU","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:The 22,367-ton, Panamanian-flag product tanker (IBNU) was boarded 0350 16 Jan while underway in position 01-43N 102-37E. Four intruders, armed with knives and a crowbar boarded undetected and surprised the Chief mate in his cabin. After","Desc2":"tying the Mate the robbers stole cash, some clothing and two walkie-talkies. The Mate freed himself and telephoned the bridge after which the crew were mustered. There was no sign of any craft nearby on radar and lookouts detected no motion near the","Desc3":"ship.","coords.x1":102.61667,"coords.x2":1.71667} {"Reference":"2000-214","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-12","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:Five attackers armed with guns and knives attempted to board an unidentified ship 12 Jan in position 01-46N 102-41E. Crew raised general alarm; attack averted.","coords.x1":102.68333,"coords.x2":1.76667} {"Reference":"2000-216","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Unidentified ship boarded via after deck 5 Jan (reported 18 Jan) at Lawi-Lawi Anchorage. Watchman reported six men with long knives. Intruders escaped with ship's stores after alarm raised and crew mustered.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"2000-217","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Seven or eight men armed with long knives boarded an unidentified ship at Muara Karang, Jakarta 4 Jan (reported 18 Jan) and tied up duty engineer and oiler. When dutyengineer freed himself he discovered theft of spare engine parts.","coords.x1":106.8,"coords.x2":-6.11667} {"Reference":"2000-91","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA. SABAH:An unidentified ship was boarded 26 Dec at Sandakan Port by three intruders using a ladder from a small boat. Crew noted the attempt and the attack was aborted.","coords.x1":100.91667,"coords.x2":3.7} {"Reference":"2000-92","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BRUNEI:Thieves boarded an unidentified ship at Muara Berau anchorage 26 Dec armed with big knives and axes. When spotted by the duty officer they attacked him but when alarm wasraised they jumped into the water with two ship's rafts and escaped in their","Desc2":"boats.","coords.x1":114.5,"coords.x2":4.71667} {"Reference":"2000-19","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Pirates attempted to board an unidentified ship underway in the Gelasa Strait but sheered away when the ship increased speed.","coords.x1":107.085,"coords.x2":-2.41833} {"Reference":"2000-10","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:About seven attackers attempted to board an unidentified ship via its anchor chain at Belawan Anchorage. A seaman on roving patrol spotted the intruders and sounded the alarm and the attackers aborted their boarding.","coords.x1":98.75194,"coords.x2":3.935} {"Reference":"2000-9","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. SUMATERA:Attackers armed with knives boarded an unidentified vessel at anchor at Belawan Roads. Two crew were assaulted and injured, but the attackers fled when the alarm was raised.","coords.x1":98.75194,"coords.x2":3.935} {"Reference":"2000-11","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Thieves boarded an unidentified ship at Panjang, broke the lock on the engine room hatch and tied up the duty oiler. After stealing engine spares the thieves fled when the alarm was raised.","coords.x1":100.41667,"coords.x2":-0.45} {"Reference":"2000-12","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Thieves boarded an unidentified ship at Sandakan, Malaysia via the forecastle but withdrew when the crew on anti-piracy watch raised the alarm.","coords.x1":118.05,"coords.x2":5.86667} {"Reference":"1999-114","DateOfOcc":"1999-10-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ALONDRA RAINBOW","Desc1":"THE 7,762-TON, PANAMANIAN-FLAG CARGO SHIP, ALONDRA RAINBOW, WAS BOARDED AND HIJACKED BY TEN PIRATES ARMED WITH PISTOLS, KNIVES AND SWORDS, OPERATING FROM SPEEDBOATS, IN THE VICINITY OF KUALA TANJUNG, INDONESIA (03-21N 099-29E). THE VESSEL WAS ENROUTE TO","Desc2":"MIIKE, JAPAN WITH A CARGO OF 7,000 TONS OF ALUMINUM INGOTS.THE FIFTEEN CREWMEMBERS WERE SET ADRIFT IN LIFERAFTS ON 29 OCT AND WERE LATER RESCUED BY THAI FISHERMEN 8 NOV OFF PHUKET, THAILAND. THE INDIAN COAST GUARD AND NAVY RECOVERED THE VESSEL OFF GOA,","Desc3":"INDIA ON 16 NOV. FIFTEEN SUSPECTS WERE ARRESTED. THE HIJACKERS ATTEMPTED TO SCUTTLE THE VESSEL BY SETTING HER AFIRE AND FLOODING HER HOLDS. 3,000 TONS OF CARGO WAS REPORTED MISSING AND SUSPECTED TO HAVE BEEN BARTERED IN CAMBODIA OR THAILAND FOR WEAPONS","Desc4":"DESTINED TO LTTE INSURGENTS (TAMIL TIGERS) IN SRI LANKA.","coords.x1":99.48333,"coords.x2":3.35} {"Reference":"1999-106","DateOfOcc":"1999-09-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHESAPEAKE CITY","Desc1":"THE 52,155-TON, U. S.-FLAG OIL TANKER, CHESAPEAKE CITY, WAS BOARDED WHILE AT ANCHOR IN TELUK SEMANGKA, INDONESIA. SIX MEN WERE SURPRISED IN VESSEL'S ENGINE ROOM AND ASSAULTED CREW MEMBER BEFORE ESCAPING. AS VESSEL HAD BEEN BOARDED IN SAME LOCATION MAY","Desc2":"98, CAPTAIN HAD SPECIALPRECAUTIONS IN PLACE INCLUDING LOCKING OF ACCOMMODATION BLOCK. ONLY KNOWN ACCESS TO ENGINE ROOM WAS THROUGH SKYLIGHT AND NO EVIDENCE FOUND OF RAPPELLING GEAR TO ACCOMPLISH FIFTY-FOOT DROP. NOTHING NOTED MISSING AND ASSAULTED CREW","Desc3":"MEMBER NOT INJURED.","coords.x1":104.63333,"coords.x2":-5.56667} {"Reference":"1999-115","DateOfOcc":"1999-09-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ALAM AMAN","Desc1":"INDONESIA (SELAT SUNDA):THE 16,927-TON, MALAYSIAN-FLAG BULK CARRIER, ALAM AMAN, WAS BOARDED BY FOUR PIRATES, ARMED WITH KNIVES, FROM A WOODEN BOAT WHILE UNDERWAY OFF EASTERN SUMATRA. THE ROBBERS HANDCUFFED THE VESSEL'S MASTER AND CHIEF ENGINEER AND STOLE","Desc2":"CASH, BINOCULARS, AND VESSEL EQUIPMENT (MF/HF DSC AND INMARSAT-C).","coords.x1":105.95,"coords.x2":-5.91667} {"Reference":"1999-116","DateOfOcc":"1999-09-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MAERSK ATLANTIC","Desc1":"INDONESIA (SELAT LEPLIA):THE 14,063-TON, SINGAPORE-FLAG CONTAINER SHIP, MAERSK ATLANTIC, WAS BOARDED WHILE UNDERWAY OFF EASTERN SUMATRA. THE PIRATES, ARMED WITH KNIVES, ENTERED THE BRIDGE AND TIED UP THE MASTER, CHIEF ENGINEER AND LOOKOUT. THE PIRATES","Desc2":"TOOK THE MASTER, AT KNIFE POINT, TO HIS CABIN WHERE THEY STOLE THE VESSEL'S CASH AND OTHER VALUABLES. THEY THEN TOOK THE MASTER, AS A HOSTAGE, TO THE STARBOARD QUARTER AND ESCAPED. NO INJURIES TO THE CREW REPORTED.","coords.x1":106.96667,"coords.x2":-2.83333} {"Reference":"1999-117","DateOfOcc":"1999-09-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SPIROS","Desc1":"INDONESIA (JAWA-NORTH COAST):THE 59,353-TON, LIBERIAN-FLAG TANKER, SPIROS, WAS BOARDED WHILE AT ANCHOR AT TANJUNG PRIOK, INDONESIA. PIRATES ENTERED THE ENGINE ROOM, TIED UP THE DUTY OILER, AND STOLE ENGINE SPARES. WATCHMAN NOTED BOAT ALONGSIDE AND","Desc2":"NOTIFIED THE DUTY OFFICER ON THE BRIDGE, WHO RAISED THE ALARM AND MUSTERED ALL CREW ON DECK, AT WHICH THE PIRATES JUMPED INTO THE WATER AND ESCAPED.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"1999-99","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Sumatera-South Coast):Three pirates, with long knives, boarded a vessel at Tarahan anchorage. However, duty watchmen detected the pirates and and alerted the crew by sounding the ship's horn and alarm. The pirates escaped in a speed boat. A","Desc2":"padlock to the steering gear room was found broken.","coords.x1":105.3,"coords.x2":-5.51667} {"Reference":"1999-96","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Jawa-North Coast):Pirates, armed with guns, boarded vessel from a boat while underway. The duty officer on bridge noticed the pirates on the bridge wing. The pirates fired three shots, which shatteredthe windows. The duty officer, who was","Desc2":"armed with a gun, crouched down and fired eight shots in return. No injuries were reported. All pirates escaped.","coords.x1":108.73667,"coords.x2":-5.77} {"Reference":"1999-88","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Sumatera-East Coast):Pirates armed with knives boarded vessel, at Belawan anchorage, and stole 160 liters of paint.","coords.x1":98.75444,"coords.x2":3.91333} {"Reference":"1999-73","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"A vessel reported an act of robbery at 082100Z Aug while in Selat Sunda, in the vicinity ofthe port of Merak, Indonesia. No other details provided.","coords.x1":105.98333,"coords.x2":-5.91667} {"Reference":"1999-72","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"AYIA MARKELLA","Desc1":"A BIMCO report states:A 37,000 dwt Greek bulker, Ayia Markella, was boarded by thieves while anchored offBelawan, Indonesia. At about 0230 hours one small boat was seen approaching the vessel near her bow. The deck watchmen shouted at the people on the","Desc2":"boat to move away fromthe ship, however at the same time two more boats approached, and many thieves carryingknives and pistols boarded the vessel using ropes and grappling hooks.The thieves cornered the deck watchman and demanded that he give them the","Desc3":"keys to theforecastle storage locker. When he told them that he was not carrying the keys, the thieves searched him, taking his watch, cigarettes and lighter. Then they attempted to break into theforecastle, however these attempts failed.Throughout the","Desc4":"time the thieves were on board, they tried to avoid detection from the bridgeby keeping very quiet. Frustrated by their failed attempts to open the forecastle locker, theyeventually left the vessel, leaving the watchman unharmed.The Master reported the","Desc5":"incident to the agent on berthing on the morning of 8 Aug.According to the agent, two other ships had been attacked recently at the harbor and thethieves stole the life raft from one of the ships and a mooring rope from the other. TheMaster of Ayia","Desc6":"Markella has secured the life rafts with wires and weldings in order toprevent any theft, which will be removed before sailing.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"1999-87","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Jawa-North Coast):About 8 pirates boarded vessel, at Jakarta anchorage, and stole engine spares.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"1999-86","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Selat Gelasa):Four pirates armed with knives boarded vessel and threatened the captain in Selat Gelasa, the strait lying between the islands of Bangka and Belitung. The captain sustained an injury on his hand.","coords.x1":107.25,"coords.x2":-2.66667} {"Reference":"1999-85","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Sumatera-East Coast):Four persons armed with knives and steel bars attacked deck watchman doing routine rounds, at Belawan anchorage. No items reported missing, but one crewman injured.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"1999-84","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Sumatera-East Coast):Eight pirates boarded vessel through anchor chain, at Belawan anchorage, and stole ship's equipment.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"1999-82","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Sumatera-East Coast):Pirates boarded vessel, at Belawan anchorage, and stole 770 liters of paint from forward store.","coords.x1":98.78,"coords.x2":3.90167} {"Reference":"1999-67","DateOfOcc":"1999-06-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GALAXY I","Desc1":"The Malaysian-flag tug Galaxy I and barge Galaxy II were reported missing from their anchorage at Kota Kinabalu (05-59N 116-04E), Malaysia on 05 Jun. Vessels are suspected to have changed name, color, and flag, and may be used for piracy attack andarmed","Desc2":"robbery.","coords.x1":116.06667,"coords.x2":5.98333} {"Reference":"1999-61","DateOfOcc":"1999-05-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"Pirates boarded a vessel and stole ship's property at the port of Sandakan, Malaysia.","coords.x1":118.05,"coords.x2":5.86667} {"Reference":"1999-62","DateOfOcc":"1999-05-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"Six pirates armed with long knives boarded a vessel in Selat Baur, off the west coast of Belitung Island, and held the master as hostage. They stole $18,700 from the ship's safe and $8,000 cash and valuables from the master before escaping on a small","Desc2":"open craft.","coords.x1":108,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"1999-48","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SIDRELA","Desc1":"The 22,009-ton Bahamas-flag bulk carrier, Sidrela, was boarded while underway at full speed (approx. 16 knots) in Selat Bangka off Sumatera, Indonesia. The attackers attempted to stop the ship and, when the attempt failed, left with $10,000 from the","Desc2":"ship's safe. The next day, another attempt at an illegal boarding was repelled by the crew, using fire hoses. No serious injuries were reported from either attack.","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":-2} {"Reference":"1999-43","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RATHROWAN","Desc1":"A Norweigan-flag bitumen tanker was boarded by armed theives while underway off Lepar Island, Indonesia. Six men with heavy knives entered the bridge through the only unlocked door and forced the Bosun to take them to the Master's cabin. The master","Desc2":"barricaded himself in his cabin but slipped the key to the ship's safe under the door when the intruders threaten to kill the Bosun. The robbers ransacked the ship's office, stealing valuables and $3,500. The Bosun and the Second Mate suffered wrist","Desc3":"abrasions and shock from being tied up. The Bosun also suffered a small knife wound in the arm and was punched by the thieves.","coords.x1":106.96667,"coords.x2":2.93333} {"Reference":"1999-28","DateOfOcc":"1999-03-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"A cargo ship was reportedly boarded from Jarkata to Singapore. The boarding took place at 2105 in light rain as the mate and AB on watch monitored a small group of fishing boats. Five masked men armed with knives appeared suddenly on the bridge. They","Desc2":"tied the crew members' hands with plastic cord when seven more masked men entered the bridge. The mate was taken to his cabin and the captain's cabin where various items were stolen, including US$1,000. The mate was taken by the pirates to where two","Desc3":"boats were tied when he escaped and was attempting to untie the AB. He was retaken and later found unconscious, but otherwise unhurt on deck.","coords.x1":106.975,"coords.x2":-2} {"Reference":"1999-55","DateOfOcc":"1999-03-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"CHAUMONT","Desc1":"The 131,654-ton French-flag tanker, Chaumont, was attacked in the Phillip Channel, inIndonesian waters, near Singapore. The attackers threatened the watch officer with a machete and bound his hands. The tanker reportedly wandered off course while under","Desc2":"the attackers control.","coords.x1":103.73333,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"1999-7","DateOfOcc":"1999-01-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"VIRA BHUM","Desc1":"A Singapore-flag container vessel was boarded at 0200 LMT by 5 pirates armed with knives and wearing masks while underway in the southern Java Sea off the SE tip of Sumatra. The vessel had departed Panjang, Indonesia earlier that day and was enroute to","Desc2":"Singapore. The pirates entered the bridge, tied up the duty officer and an able body seaman who was then taken to the master's cabin and took $2,348 U.S. dollars and other valuables. The master was held hostage while the chief officer, second engineer,","Desc3":"fourth engineer and cadet were robbed of cash and valuables worth $2,500. Two walkie talkies and two binoculars were taken before the attackers left.","coords.x1":105.5,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"1999-6","DateOfOcc":"1999-01-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"SHORYU EMMY","Desc1":"A Panamanian chemical tanker was boarded while underway at 0450 LMT off Riau Island (01-03N 103-38E). The master was attacked in his cabin by an unstated number of assailants with long knives who tied him up and searched his cabin. The vessel's cash and","Desc2":"other valuables were stolen. Vessel was enroute to Pasir Gudang, Malaysia.","coords.x1":103.46667,"coords.x2":1.05} {"Reference":"1999-2","DateOfOcc":"1998-12-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PATROCLUS","Desc1":"A MALTESE-FLAG BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES WHILE UNDERWAY OFF BELITUNG ISLAND IN THE NORTH JAVA SEA ENROUTE TO SINGAPORE. THE SHIP WAS APPROACHED BY A SPEEDBOAT WITH TEN PEOPLE AT 2015 LMT. THREE PIRATES BOARDED USING LINES AND GRAPPLING HOOKS","Desc2":"BUT ALL WERE REPELLED BY CREW ACTION. FUTHER BOARDING ATTEMPTS WERE ABORTED. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED AND NO OBJECTS WERE REPORTED MISSING.","coords.x1":107.31667,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"1999-5","DateOfOcc":"1998-12-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"FISHING BOAT","Desc1":"A fishing boat was stolen about 7 miles off Kuala Trusan, Sarawak (04-57N 115-11E) by three attackers operating from a speedboat. A Malaysian fisherman was killed in the attack and thrown overboard along with an injured crewmember.","coords.x1":111,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"1998-66","DateOfOcc":"1998-10-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"THOR MARIE","Desc1":"A Danish flag cargo ship was boarded by five persons armed with knives and a pistol at 0320 in rain while north of the Sunda Strait, Indonesia between Belitung and Bangka Islands. The chief mate had just completed a security inspection and had used the","Desc2":"large searchlight without observing anything unusual. The only unlocked door was the starboard bridge wing from which five intruders appeared. They asked the chief mate to call the captain to the bridge on a navigation problem pretext. The master had his","Desc3":"hands tied and was forced back to his cabin where he was untied and forced to open the safe containing only medicine and papers. The captain was then forced to turn over his personal cash, a suitcase, the photocopy machine, a video recorder, two cartons","Desc4":"cigarettes, a camera, and his watch. The captain was tied up again and left on deck behind the funnel while the thieves escaped in a boat. The incident lasted a reported 20 minutes. Two GMDSS walkie-talkies and binoculars also were missing.","coords.x1":107.23333,"coords.x2":-2.91667} {"Reference":"1998-61","DateOfOcc":"1998-09-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TENYU","Desc1":"A PANAMANIAN-FLAGGED CARGO SHIP IS UNREPORTED SINCE SAILING KUALA TANJONG, SUMATRA (INDONESIA) BOUND FOR SOUTH KOREA WITH A CARGO OF ALUMINUM INGOTS. VESSEL HAS A KOREAN MASTER AND CHIEF ENGINEER WITH 11 CHINESE CREWMEMBERS AND IS FEARED HIJACKED. VESSEL","Desc2":"HAS A WHITE SUPERSTRUCTURE, GREY FREEBOARD, GREEN FLATBOTTOM. ANY PERSON, PORT AUTHORITY, CUSTOMS OR TRADERS HAVING ANY INFORMATION ABOUT THE PRESENT LOCATION OF THE VESSEL IS REQUESTED TO CONTACT THE INTERNATIONAL MARITIME BUREAU. TEL 603-201-0014; FAX","Desc3":"603-238-5769; TELEX MA 31880 IMBPCI. VESSEL HAS BEEN LOCATED 12/21/98 IN THE CHINESE PORT OF ZHANJIANG (21-12N 110-24E) SOUTH CHINA. THE SHIP HAD BEEN RENAMED SANEI 1. THE ACTUAL VESSEL OF THAT NAME IS CONFIRMED IN SERVICE BETWEEN JAPANESE PORTS. CHINESE","Desc4":"AUTHORITIES ARE REPORTED TO HAVE DETAINED THE CREW OF 16 INDONESIANS ABOARD THE SHIP. THERE IS NO REPORT OF THE WHEREABOUTS OF THE 13 CHINESE AND TWO SOUTH KOREANS WHO FORMED THE ORIGINAL CREW. THE RENAMING OF THE SHIP AND ITS APPARENT ABILITY TO TRADE","Desc5":"UNDETECTED SINCE OCTOBER, PLUS THE PRESENCE OF A CARGO BELIEVED STOLEN EARLIER LEADS TO CONCLUSION THAT THE HIJACT IS THE WORK OF A HIGHLY ORGANIZED GANG. SEE ASAM 990012. A MARITIME COURT IN WUHAN RULED 28 APRIL 99, THAT THE TENYU SHOULD BE RETURNED TO","Desc6":"ITS JAPANESE OWNER. THE CREW OF 16 HAS NEVER BEEN FOUND AND IS PRESUMED DEAD. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME A CHINESE AUTHORITY HAS RETURNED A HIJACKED SHIP TO ITS OWNER. NO INFORMATION HAS BEEN GIVEN ON CHINESE HANDLING OF THE INDONESIAN CREW FOUND IN","coords.x1":96.5,"coords.x2":1.5} {"Reference":"1998-49","DateOfOcc":"1998-08-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FU TAI","Desc1":"A 711-TON BELIZE-FLAG CARGO SHIP WAS HIJACKED BY PIRATES FROM BATU AMPAR,BATAM,INDONESIA. THE CURRENT LOCATION IS UNKNOWN AND ALL SIGHTINGS ARE TO BE REPORTRED IMMEDIATELY TO THE PIRACY CENTER IN KUALA LUMPUR. TEL: (603) 201-0014; FAX (603) 238- 5769;","Desc2":"TELEX MA 31880 IMBPCI.","coords.x1":104,"coords.x2":1.16667} {"Reference":"1998-40","DateOfOcc":"1998-05-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHERMEN","Desc1":"SEVERAL MALAYSIAN FISHERMEN WERE REPORTEDLY KIDNAPPED FOR RANSOM WHILE FISHING 10 MILES OFF PARIT BULAT IN PENINSULAR MALAYSIA. THIS IS THE FOURTH SUCH KIDNAP-FOR-RANSOM INVOLVING LOCAL FISHERMEN SINCE APRIL 18 ACCORDING TO THE MALAYSIAN NEW STRAITS","Desc2":"TIMES. THE FISHERMEN REPORTED THEY WERE HELD ON A BOAT ABOUT 3 MILES OFF BANATAN TENGAY, PULAU BENGKALIS, SUMATRA (01-29N 102-16E). COLLATERAL REPORTS INDICATE THAT AT LEAST SOME REPORTED KIDNAPPINGS MAY RESULT FROM FAILURE TO PAY PROTECTION MONEY IN","Desc3":"RETURN FOR THE \"RIGHT\" TO FISH INSIDE INDONESIAN WATERS.","coords.x1":102.55,"coords.x2":1.55} {"Reference":"1998-36","DateOfOcc":"1998-04-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED TANKER","Desc1":"AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER REPORTED AN APPARENT ATTEMPT TO BOARD FROM A SUSPICIOUS HIGH-SPEED CRAFT. THE ATTEMPT WAS FOILED BY INCREASING SPEED AND CYCLING THE RUDDER.","coords.x1":104.83333,"coords.x2":2} {"Reference":"1998-27","DateOfOcc":"1998-02-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PERNAS PROPANE","Desc1":"MALAYSIAN-FLAG LIQUEFIED GAS TANKER WAS BOARDED AT ANCHOR NEAR K0TA KINABALU, SABAH. THIEVES STOLE 365 LITERS OF PAINT. REPORTS OF THE ROBBERY WERE NOT PUBLISHED UNTIL 12 MAY.","coords.x1":116.06667,"coords.x2":5.98333} {"Reference":"1998-8","DateOfOcc":"1998-01-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERIDIAN SPICA","Desc1":"BULK CARRIER MERIDIAN SPICA WAS BOARDED BY THIEVES DURING EARLY MORNING HOURS OF 28 JAN WHILE ALONGSIDE THE ORE CARGO BERTH AT CIGADING, INDONESDIA. ELECTRICAL PARTS FROM THE ENGINE ROOM WERE STOLEN DESPITE THE SHIP HAVING (UNSPECIFIED) ANTI-PIRACY","Desc2":"MEASURES IN PLACE. SHORE SECURITY PERSONNEL WERE ADDED TO SHIP'S STAFF AND NO FURTHER INCIDENTS WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":105.95,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"1998-9","DateOfOcc":"1998-01-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TIOMAN","Desc1":"TANKER TIOMAN WAS BOARDED BY BETWEEN 7 TO 10 MEN ARMED WITH KNIVESAND GUNS AT 0200 NEAR PULAU AUR, MALAYSIA. THE PIRATES FIRST ATTACKEDTHE BRIDGE AND SUBSEQUENTLY BEAT, BOUND AND BLINDFOLDED THE CREW.COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT WAS REMOVED AND CREW EFFECTS","Desc2":"INCLUDINGPROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES AND LICENSES. AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER LATER RENDEZVOUSED WITH THE HIJACKED VESSEL AND ABOUT 1 MILLION LITERS OFGASOIL (ABOUT A THIRD OF ITS CARGO) WERE OFFLOADED ONTO THE SECOND SHIP. PIRATES LEFT AT 1700 11 JAN AS THEY","Desc3":"PUT THE TANKER ON SLOW AHEADAND RELEASED ONE CREW MEMBER. THE PIRATES WERE REPORTED TO HAVESPOKEN IN MALAY, THAI, BURMESE, AND ENGLISH. THE TIOMAN WAS ON AVOYAGE FROM SINGAPORE TO THE GULF OF THAILAND AT THE TIME OF ATTACK.VESSEL RETURNED TO SINGAPORE","Desc4":"FOR REFIT OF ITS COMMUNICATION GEAR.","coords.x1":104.24,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"1998-14","DateOfOcc":"1997-11-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PM ALPHA","Desc1":"ASPHALT/BITUMEN TANKER SECURED ALONGSIDE THE BMT TERMINAL, MERAK, INDONESIA WHEN ABOUT 10 PEOPLE WITH MASKS AND WEARING BLACK SUITS, ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES ENTERED THE ENGINE ROOM AT ABOUT 0040. THE THIRD ENGINEERING OFFICER WAS HOG-TIED AND LOCKED","Desc2":"INSIDE THE STORE ROOM. THE ENGINEER MANAGED TO ESCAPE AND NOTIFIED THE CHIEF MATE IN THE CARGO CONTROL ROOM THAT THERE WERE PIRATES IN THE ENGINE ROOM. AN ALARM WAS SOUNDED CAUSING THE PIRATES TO FLEE. A SPOT CHECK INDICATED THAT THE FOLLOWING ENGINE","Desc3":"PARTS WERE STOLEN: MAIN BEARING OF ENGINE TURBO-CHARGER, SIX PIECES OF INJECTOR NOZZLE OF MAIN ENGINE, ASSORTED ENGINE TOOLS, AND ASSORTED SPARE MAIN ENGINE AND AUXILIARY ENGINE SPARE PARTS.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-5.91667} {"Reference":"1998-5","DateOfOcc":"1997-11-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER THERESA","Desc1":"15 CAME ABOARD AND ATTACKED CREW WITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS, 15 STAYED IN SPEEDBOATS ALONGSIDE. PIRATES STOLE CREW PROPERTY, SHIP'S CASH, PROVISIONS FROM STORE, RADIO EQUIPMENT AND FRESH WATER. THIRD OFFICER SHOT AND SERIOUSLY INJURED. ATTACK OCCURED 1230","Desc2":"UTC.","coords.x1":106.27,"coords.x2":-4.63} {"Reference":"1998-4","DateOfOcc":"1997-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GLOBAL VENTURE, 9VXW","Desc1":"AT 0355 TANKER WAS ROBBED BY PIRATES AT MERAK ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA. THEY CAME SUDDENLY AND THREATENED A SEAMAN WITH A LONG KNIVE AT HIS THROAT. TWO PIRATES WENT DOWN TO THE ENGINE ROOM AND TOOK AWAY ENGINE SPARE PARTS. NO ONE WAS INJURED.","coords.x1":106,"coords.x2":-5.91667} {"Reference":"1998-11","DateOfOcc":"1997-11-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ATLANTA 95","Desc1":"TANKER WAS TRANSITING SELAT RIAU, INDONESIA, ENROUTE TO THE ARAFURA SEA TO SERVE AS A BUNKERING STATION FOR FISHING VESSELS WHEN VESSEL WAS BOARDED BY ARMED PIRATES EARLY MORNING. THE CREW WAS LOCKED UP IN CABINS AND VESSEL WAS TAKEN TO A DESTINATION IN","Desc2":"THE GULF OF THAILAND. THE BRIDGE WAS ENTIRELY MANNED BY THE PIRATES WITH THE CREW BEING ORDERED TO ASSIST IN THE ENGINE ROOM. ENTIRE CARGO OF MARINE OIL WAS TRANSFERED TO ANOTHER VESSEL ON DECEMBER 1. AFTER UNLOADING, VESSEL SET SAIL FOR THREE DAYS AND","Desc3":"THEN APPEARED TO NAVIGATE IN THE VICINITY BETWEEN TOW ISLANDS FOR SEVERAL DAYS. TANKER WAS ABANDONED BY THE PIRATES AT 1920, DECEMBER 7 IN POSITION 09 48.4N.,102 56E. CREW FORCED THEMSELVES OUT OF THE LOCKED CABINS AND REGAINED CONTROL. PIRATES HAD","Desc4":"DESTROYED ALL CHARTS AND DAMAGED THE FIXED RADIO SETS. VESSEL ARRIVED DEC.10, IN SINGAPORE WITH THE AID OF A SPARE VHF AND AN OLD CHART FROM THE MASTER'S CABIN. THE PIRATES HAD PAINTED OVER THE NAME OF THE VESSEL AND THE FUNNEL WITH BLACK PAINT. ONE","Desc5":"YOKOHAMA FENDER WAS TAKEN AWAY BY THE PIRATE'S TANKER AFTER THE SHIP TO SHIP TRANSFER OF CARGO.","coords.x1":104.33333,"coords.x2":0.01389} {"Reference":"1997-85","DateOfOcc":"1997-11-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER NORTHSEAS BELLOWS","Desc1":"STRAITS OF MALACCA The 43,398 ton Danish flag tanker Northsea Bellows was attacked in the Singapore straits area of the Straits of Malacca in the morning of 04 Nov 97. Three intruders were discovered onboard and leaped overboard after doing minor damage","Desc2":"to the ship's accomodation and two doors. The ship was enroute from the Arabian Gulf to Japan.","coords.x1":103.5,"coords.x2":1.15} {"Reference":"1997-59","DateOfOcc":"1997-07-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia On July 30, 1997 at 0500 local time the 22,135 gross ton Bahamina- Flagged bulk carrier (Leira) was boarded and robbed by six pirates while it was manoeuvering along the Gelasa Strait at Latitude 0300S, Longitude 10718.5E. The report stated","Desc2":"that the pirates went onto the bridge armed with knives and demanded the Chief Officer to telephone the Master before they tied him up. Some of the pirates then moved down to the Master's cabin, tied him up and took cash and personal effects. The report","Desc3":"further stated that there were no injuries to the crew and no damage to the ship.","coords.x1":107.30833,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"1997-57","DateOfOcc":"1997-06-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia The Hong-Kong flagged 16,663 gross ton general cargo ship (Noble Glory) was boarded and robbed by pirates while it was at anchorage in Cigading, Indonesia on June 26, 1997. The report stated that 15 armed pirates boarded the ship from a motor","Desc2":"boat and overpowered the anti-piracy watch before entering the engine room. they then assaulted several crew members and took engine stores and spares before departing the ship. There were no reports of injuries to the crew.","coords.x1":105.95,"coords.x2":-6.01667} {"Reference":"1997-55","DateOfOcc":"1997-05-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South China Sea On May 30, 1997 the 8,937 gross ton Singapore-flagged general cargo ship (Sinfa) was boarded by pirates while it was on voyage from Singapore to Pontianak, Indonesia. At 0330 local time on May 30, 1997 a noise was heard from the Deck","Desc2":"Officer's passageway and the extra third officer was found with a gunshot wound to the arm. At 0345 the Chief Officer, Second Officer, and Radio Officer entered the Master's cabin and found him bound and dead from a gunshot wound to the head. The","Desc3":"officers then altered the ship's course and headed for Singapore. The incident was reported to the Singapore port master and the Owner's head office. There was no further mention of the pirates in the report.","coords.x1":106.75,"coords.x2":0.5} {"Reference":"1997-48","DateOfOcc":"1997-04-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"China On April 29, 1997 the 10,917 gross ton Liberian flagged container ship (Cape Sable) was boarded and robbed by pirates while underway near the Gaspar strait on April 27, 1997. The ship had departed Panjang, Indonesia and was bound for Hong Kong when","Desc2":"it was attacked at Latitude 0252S and Longitude 10715E. The ship was traveling at 18.5 knots when six pirates armed with knives boarded the ship from a speedboat. One crew member was stabbed in the arm. The pirates took about $17,666 (US) in cash, a","Desc3":"lap-top computer, a printer, two walkie talkies, and a video recorder. The pirates were on board for 30 minutes before returning to their speedboat.","coords.x1":107.25,"coords.x2":-2.86667} {"Reference":"1997-25","DateOfOcc":"1996-11-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South China Sea On Nov 19 1996, the Malaysian gasoil tanker \"Suci\" was boarded by six armed pirates near Horsburgh Lighthouse, East of Singapore. Of the seventeen crew, fifteen were blindfolded and set adrift in a life boat. The crew was later rescued by","Desc2":"a fishing vessel and taken to Batam island. The remaining two members are still believed to be on the ship. The tanker has onboard approximately 3,000 metric tons of gasoil. The pirates also painted over the name \"Suci\" and renamed the tanker \"Glory II\",","Desc3":"which is registered in San Lorenzo, Honduras. There were no injuries reported.","coords.x1":104.15,"coords.x2":-1.08333} {"Reference":"1997-17","DateOfOcc":"1996-09-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Belawan, Sumatera The following report was received from The International Maritime Bureau at Barking Essex on 17 Sep 96. On 16 Sep 96 at 0220, the Liberian-flagged M Tanker Iver Pride was lying at anchor in Belawan, Sumatera. The second officer observed","Desc2":"movement on the forecastle and determined it was not the patrolling watchmen. He sounded the vessel's general alarm. Two small craft with approximately 10-12 persons on board were observed with a searchlight moving away from the vessel. An invesitigation","Desc3":"found the locks to the paint store and Bosun's store forced open. The intruders had taken approximately 500 liters of paint and one fireman's outfit. No injuries reported.","coords.x1":98.68333,"coords.x2":3.78333} {"Reference":"1997-16","DateOfOcc":"1996-09-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Tangjung Priok, Jawa The following report was received from the Regional Piracy Center at Kuala Lumpur on 17 Sep 96. On 15 Sep 96, while anchored at Tanjung Priok Anchorage in Jawa, the Malaysian flagged M bulk carrier Bunga Kesidang was boarded by three","Desc2":"pirates. Engine spare parts were discovered missing. The watchman was threatened with knives by the three intruders before their escape. No injuries to the crew were reported.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"1997-6","DateOfOcc":"1996-04-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Jakarta, Indonesia Five armed thieves attacked Liberian-Flagged, 15,274 GT, Bulk carrier Southgate on 14 April between 0130 and 0150 at Jakarta Anchorage. The robbers went into the engineroom, stole new diesel generator spare parts and left after","Desc2":"threatening the second engineer and motorman with knives. During the attack, the vessel kept a night watch of two men on deck and two in the engineroom. The accomodation and pilot ladders were inside and the vessel was properly lit.","coords.x1":106.78472,"coords.x2":-6.04694} {"Reference":"1996-29","DateOfOcc":"1996-04-10","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia According to an Antara new agency report from Jakarta on 10 April 1996, Indonesia has sent eight warships and a helicopter to the Natuna Islands after the unidentified gunmen shot and killed the captain of a private boat in the area. The report","Desc2":"stated that fishermen have refused to go to the Natuna seas since the assailants in a speedboat shot Captain Saryadi with automatic rifles on 6 April 1996. The killers fled without taking anything from the victim's boat. The news agency quoted Colonel L.","Desc3":"Soetanto of the Indonesian Navy as saying the shooting would be investigated fully. Col. Soetanto was further quoted as saying it would be difficult to catch the killers because the shooting occured near the waters of Vietnam, the Philippines, and","Desc4":"Malaysia, which were infested with pirates.","coords.x1":106.58333,"coords.x2":5.98333} {"Reference":"1996-26","DateOfOcc":"1996-03-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT TANKER","Desc1":"Malaysia On 16 March 1996 at 1500 GMT, seven thieves scaled the anchor chain of the Nigeria-Flagged, 85,616 GRT, LNG carrier, LNG Finima and stole some paint from the foward store. LNG Finima was anchored 12.5 miles off Bintulu when the robbers","Desc2":"approcahed via two small boats. The thieves fled when a watchstander discovered them and sounded the alarm. The intruders caused no damage to the ship nor harm to the crew.","coords.x1":113.13333,"coords.x2":3.05} {"Reference":"1996-10","DateOfOcc":"1996-02-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"ONE OF FOUR PIRATES FROM A HIGH SPEED BOAT ATTEMPTED TO BOARD A VESSEL AT ANCHOR IN TANJUNGPAGAR ANCHORAGE. THE VESSEL'S ANTI- PIRACY SQUAD FOILED THE ATTEMPTED BOARDING.","coords.x1":106.885,"coords.x2":-6.075} {"Reference":"1996-13","DateOfOcc":"1995-12-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V COURIER","Desc1":"Singapore A motorized bumboat approached MV Courier while anchored at the Jurong Petroleum Anchorage, Singapore. The deck watch observed the bumboat tying up the Courier's anchor chain and then saw an intruder climb the anchor train leaving several","Desc2":"compatriots in the boat. The intruder ignored challenges issued by the ship's crew until they were told by the ship's company that they would \"Let Go\" the anchor chain. The robbers quickly untied the bumboat and escaped.","coords.x1":103.85,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"1995-138","DateOfOcc":"1995-12-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"COURIER","Desc1":"ON APPROXIMATELY 20 DEC 95, AT 0030, A DARKENED MOTORIZED BUMBOAT APPROACHED THE M/V COURIER WHILE ANCHORED AT THE JURONG PETROLEUM ANCHORAGE, SINGAPORE. THE DECK WATCH OBSERVED THE BUMBOAT TYING UP TO THE VESSEL'S ANCHOR CHAIN, AND THEN SAW AN INTRUDER","Desc2":"CLIMBING THE CHAIN LEAVING SEVERAL MEN BEHIND IN THE BOAT. THE INTRUDER IGNORED CHALLENGES ISSUED BY THE SHIP'S CREW. THE CREW THREATENED TO \"LET GO\" THE ANCHOR CHAIN, AT WHICH POINT THE PIRATES QUICKLY UNTIED THEIR BUMBOAT AND ESCAPED.","coords.x1":103.57,"coords.x2":1.23} {"Reference":"1995-136","DateOfOcc":"1995-11-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"STOLT EMERALD","Desc1":"ON 14 NOV 95 AT 2015 UTC, TWO PIRATES, ARMED WITH A STEEL PIPE AND KNIFE, USED A ROPE AND BOARDED THE TANKER STOLT EMERALD FROM A SMALL CRAFT. THE VESSEL SOUNDED THE GENERAL ALARM AND TURNED ON ALL DECK LIGHTS. ENTIRE INCIDENT LASTED TEN MINUTES. NO","Desc2":"ITEMS REPORTED STOLEN. ONE CREWMAN WITH MINOR KNIFE CUTS AND SWOLLEN SIDE OF HEAD.","coords.x1":107.215,"coords.x2":-4.51167} {"Reference":"1995-131","DateOfOcc":"1995-11-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"IVORY ACE","Desc1":"ON 09 NOV 95, THE PANAMANIAN-FLAGGED CARGO SHIP IVORY ACE ISSUED A DISTRESS BROADCAST ON 2182 KHZ STATING THE VESSEL WAS UNDER ATTACK BY PIRATES IN 03-17S 107-18E (SOUTH OF BELITUNG ISLAND), AND REQUIRED IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE. THE VESSEL REPORTED THAT ONE","Desc2":"CREWMAN HAD BEEN INJURED.","coords.x1":107.3,"coords.x2":-3.28333} {"Reference":"1995-129","DateOfOcc":"1995-10-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHARISMA","Desc1":"ON 29 OCT 95 AT 1630 UTC, FIVE PIRATES ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES BOARDED THE CYPRIOT-FLAGGED TANKER CHARISMA IN 02-58.2S 107-19.0E, SOUTH OF BELITUNG. THE THIEVES ENTERED THE BRIDGE, RESTRAINED THE THREE OFFICERS ON DUTY, AND THEN RANSACKED THE MASTER'S","Desc2":"CABIN AND AND THE VESSEL'S SAFE TAKING CASH AND VALUABLES. THE PIRATES TOOK US$6,672.65 IN CASH, A PAIR OF BINOCULARS FROM THE BRIDGE, AND THE MASTER'S PERSONAL CASH, WATCH, SUNGLASSES AND SHOES WORTH US$500. THE PIRATES ESCAPED VIA A BLACK RUBBER","Desc3":"DINGHY, EQUIPPED WITH AN OUTBOARD MOTOR, ABOUT 15 MINUTES AFTER BOARDING. THE CREW WAS NOT HARMED.","coords.x1":107.31667,"coords.x2":-2.97} {"Reference":"1995-117","DateOfOcc":"1995-08-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ESSBERGER PILOT","Desc1":"ON 22 AUG 95, AT ABOUT 2200 LOCAL TIME, WHILE ENROUTE TO LABUAN, MALAYSIA THE SINGAPOREAN-FLAGGED CHEMICAL TANKER ESSBERGER PILOT WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES IN 00-45N 108-05E. THE PIRATES ATTEMPTED TO GAIN ACCESS TO CREW ACCOMMODATIONS THROUGH MAIN DOORS AND","Desc2":"AFT STEERING FLAT. PIRATES COULD NOT GAIN ENTRY TO ACCOMMODATIONS AS THESE AREAS WERE SECURED.","coords.x1":108.08333,"coords.x2":0.75} {"Reference":"1995-108","DateOfOcc":"1995-07-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL MONARCH","Desc1":"ON 04 JUL 95 AT 2315 LOCAL TIME PIRATES ATTACKED THE GENERAL MONARCH IN THE STRAIT OF MALACCA IN 02-10N 101-44E. A SMALL VESSEL, UNLIGHTED, WAS DETECTED BY RADAR AT THREE MILES OFF APPROACHING THE STERN AT A SPEED OF 15 KNOTS. THE VESSEL APPROACHED TO","Desc2":"WITHIN 0.3NM BUT THE ATTACK WAS THWARTED BY CONTINUOUS WHISTLE AND SIGNAL LAMP FLASHES FROM THE TANKER.","coords.x1":101.73333,"coords.x2":2.16667} {"Reference":"1995-107","DateOfOcc":"1995-06-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PETRO CONCORD","Desc1":"ON 30 JUN 95 2040 LOCAL TIME FOUR PIRATES BOARDED THE SINGAPOREAN- FLAGGED TANKER PETRO CONCORD. THE TANKER WAS IN TRANSIT BETWEEN PALEMBANG AND SINGAPORE, IN THE AIR MUSI, WITH THE PILOT ON BOARD. VARIOUS MOORING LINES WERE STOLEN.","coords.x1":104.91667,"coords.x2":-2.80333} {"Reference":"1995-99","DateOfOcc":"1995-05-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SHF 1104","Desc1":"ON 18 MAY THE F/V SHF 1104 WAS FIRED UPON AND BOARDED BY SIX ARMED PIRATES USING A SPEEDBOAT, 3 MILES SE OF HORSBURGH LIGHTHOUSE, IN THE STRAIT OF MALACCA. THE PIRATES RANSACKED THE WHEELHOUSE AND ROBBED THE CREW OF US $700 AND FORCED THE MASTER TO RADIO","Desc2":"FOR MORE MONEY. A NEARBY TRAWLER, THE SHF 1141, DELIVERED A RANSOM OF US $10,800. THE PIRATES ESCAPED WITH THE MONEY AND THE TRAWLER'S CATCH. THE MASTER IDENTIFIED THE PIRATES AS INDONESIAN. NO INJURIES TO THE FISHERMEN WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":104.45,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"1995-93","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRINS PHILIPS WILLEM","Desc1":"ON 30 APR, DURING THE NIGHT, PIRATES ATTEMPTED TO BOARD THE M/V PRINS PHILIPS WILLEM WHILE THE VESSEL WAS ANCHORED OFF ANYER-LOR IN THE SUNDA STRAIT. THE CREW REPELLED THE PIRATES ON THREE OCCASIONS. AN INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING DAY REVEALED MAIN ENGINE","Desc2":"SPARE PARTS WERE STOLEN FROM THE ENGINE ROOM.","coords.x1":105.91667,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"1996-12","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"EQUATOR CRYSTAL","Desc1":"Jakarta Maritime thieves boarded Equator Crystal (Singapore Flagged, 9805 DWT Bulk Cargo) during the early morning hours of February 9, 1996. The Cargo ship was anchored in Jakarta waiting for a pilot. The thieves escaped with some engine parts.","coords.x1":106.87,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"1995-101","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"ON 27 APR 95 THIEVES ARMED WITH MACHINE GUNS, RIFLES AND KNIVES BOARDED A PLEASURE FISHING BOAT NEAR HORSBURGH LIGHTHOUSE. THE THIEVES CIRCLED THE FISHING BOAT THREE TIMES BEFORE FORCING THE CAPTAIN AT GUNPOINT TO COME ABOARD THEIR SPEEDBOAT. AFTER","Desc2":"TAKING THE READILY AVAILABLE CASH (SINGAPOREAN $700) THE THIEVES TOWED THE BOAT INTO INDONESIAN WATERS NEAR THE ISLAND OF BINTAN AND RANSACKED THE BOAT. ALL VALUABLES INCLUDING A TELEVISION SET WERE TAKEN. THE SIX-MEMBER CREW WAS RELEASED UNHARMED ON AN","Desc3":"UNINHABITED ISLAND.","coords.x1":104.45,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"1995-89","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"BASS REEFER","Desc1":"AT 0530 LOCAL TIME ON 26 APR THIEVES BROKE INTO THE LOCKED ENGINE ROOM OF THE M/V BASS REEFER WHILE THE VESSEL WAS AT BERTH IN TANJUNG PRIOK. CREW SIGHTED AND PURSUED THE THIEVES, BUT THEY ESCAPED. SPARE PARTS WERE STOLEN.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.1} {"Reference":"1995-66","DateOfOcc":"1995-03-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"M/V BUNGA MELOR SATU","Desc1":"BANDITS BOARDED THE MALAYSIAN FLAGGED BULK CARRIER, WHILE AT ANCHOR IN JAKARTA, ON 7 MAR 95 FROM A SMALL BOAT. SIX ROBBERS BOARDED THE VESSEL WHILE TWO REMAINED ABOARD THE GETAWAY BOAT. HEAVY DUTY CUTTERS WERE USED TO GAIN ENTRY TO THE ENGINE ROOM AND","Desc2":"SPARE PARTS WERE STOLEN FROM ENGINEERING SPACES. INTRUDERS WERE SPOTTED BY CREW MEMBERS AS THEY MADE THEIR WAY AFT WITH THE STOLEN GOODS. HOWEVER, ARMED WITH SWORDS AND KNIVES, THE THIEVES SUCCESSFULLY THWARTED CREW ATTEMPTS TO APPROACH. THE THIEVES","Desc3":"ESCAPED WITH AUXILIARY ENGINE SPARES AND OTHER ENGINEROOM SPARE PARTS.","coords.x1":106.83333,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"1995-65","DateOfOcc":"1995-02-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"Indonesia BIMCO has received the following report of an attack against a merchant ship: On 15 February at 1942 hrs a merchant vessel anchored in a position 3.1 nm off the breakwater to Jakarta. On 16 February 1995 at 0130 hrs, whilst waiting for a pilot","Desc2":"to arrive the 2nd mate noticed an unlit motorboat towing two smaller boats between the anchored vessels. As the motorboat passed behind the ship's stern the motor was cut. The 2nd mate with two crewmen then rushed to the stern where they found two","Desc3":"thieves on board attempting to steal the ship's mooring ropes, which had been secured with wires and padlocks. As the crew moved aft they blew their whistles and the thieves then escaped aboard their motorboat. After 30 minutes two men were again spotted","Desc4":"on the stern, however once discovered they escaped in the same manner as the first thieves.","coords.x1":106.83333,"coords.x2":-6.16667} {"Reference":"1995-80","DateOfOcc":"1995-02-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KAPETAN ELIAS","Desc1":"M/V KAPETAN ELIAS BOARDED BY SEVEN PIRATES ON 03 FEB WHILE THE VESSEL WAS ANCHORED AT BELAWAN ROADS IN THE NORTHERN STRAIT OF MALACCA. PIRATES LIMITED THEIR THEFT TO DECK EQUIPMENT.","coords.x1":98.76667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"1995-79","DateOfOcc":"1995-01-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V DARYA CHANG","Desc1":"THE M/V DARYA CHANG DISCOVERED AND REPORTED EVIDENCE OF AN INTRUDER ON 31 JAN WHILE AT ANCHOR IN THE JAKARTA ROADSTEAD. CREW MEMBERS DISCOVERED BROKEN LOCKS ON THE ENGINE ROOM STORES. AFTER INVENTORY NO ITEMS WERE MISSING.","coords.x1":106.9,"coords.x2":-6.05} {"Reference":"1994-66","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"EAGLE TIDE","Desc1":"M/V EAGLE TIDE ATTACKED BY PIRATES IN 02-52S 107-16E AT ABOUT 2045 GMT ON DEC. 5. PIRATES BOARDED VESSEL AND STOLE ABOUT US $12,000 INCLUDING JEWELRY. NO CREW WERE HURT.","coords.x1":107.26667,"coords.x2":-2.86667} {"Reference":"1995-53","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"DURING DEC. 94 FIVE PIRATES ATTEMPTED TO BOARD A BULK CARRIER ANCHORED OFF JAKARTA DURING THE EARLY MORNING HOURS. SHIP'S SECURITY PATROL SOUNDED THE ALARM AND THE PIRATES QUICKLY DEPARTED IN THEIR SMALL MOTOR BOAT. NO DAMAGE TO SHIP AND STOLEN PROPERTY","Desc2":"REPORTED.","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":-7} {"Reference":"1995-2","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YAYA","Desc1":"THE DECEMBER 8, 1994 JOURNAL OF COMMERCE REPORTED THAT TSAKOS TANKERS REPORTED THEIR 83,680 DWT TANKER WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES OFF INDONESIA COAST. THE SHIPS CREW WAS TIED UP AND VALUABLES TAKEN. PIRATES THEN DEPARTED VESSEL. (SEE ASAM 95-0081.)","coords.x1":98,"coords.x2":-4} {"Reference":"1995-3","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MARIA T","Desc1":"DECEMBER 8, 1994 JOURNAL OF COMMERCE REPORTED THAT THE TSAKOS TANKER MARIA T, 28,588 DWT, WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES OFF THE INDONESIAN COAST. SHIP'S CREW WAS TIED UP AND VALUABLES TAKEN. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED. (SEE ASAM 94-0069.)","coords.x1":98,"coords.x2":-4} {"Reference":"1994-61","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTINENTAL SPIRIT/ESSBERGER PIONEER","Desc1":"M/V CONTINENTAL SPIRIT RAIDED BY FIVE PIRATES WHILE PASSING THE SELAT BAUR CHANNEL IN 02-36S 107-17E AT 0100 LOCAL TIME ON NOV. 23. MASTER FORCED AT KNIFEPOINT TO OPEN SAFE. PIRATES STOLE US $2,976 OF VESSEL'S MONEY, US $3,200 OF PRIVATE MONEY, AND","Desc2":"VESSEL'S RADIO FROM MASTER'S CABIN. PIRATES ATTACKED AND BOARDED THE TANKER ESSBERGER PIONEER IN THE SAME VICINITY THE DAY PRIOR (NOV. 22).","coords.x1":107.28333,"coords.x2":-2.6} {"Reference":"1995-81","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YAYA","Desc1":"THE TANKER YAYA WAS ATTACKED AND BOARDED BY PIRATES ON 15 NOV IN THE EASTERN APPROACHES TO THE SINGAPORE STRAITS. (SEE ASAM 95-0002.)","coords.x1":104.25,"coords.x2":1.25} {"Reference":"1995-10","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"BIMCO broker members have reported a piracy attack which took place on board one of their vessels which was en route from Singapore to Balongan, Indonesia. At 0405 hrs on 15 November 1994 in position 03 01 S Lat, 107 18 E Long., five pirates armed with","Desc2":"pistols and knives appeared in the wheelhouse. The pirates bound the Chief Mate and two crewmen who were on watch, and robbed them of their watches and cash. The Chief Mate was then forced to lead the pirates to the Master's cabin. The Master was awoken","Desc3":"and ordered at gunpoint to open the ship's safe. The pirates then took all the ship's cash and other valuables which they were able to find in the Master's cabin. The pirates then lead the Master and Chief mate to the bridge. The Chief mate was ordered","Desc4":"to remain with the two other bound crewmen whilst the pirates brought the Master with them to their wooden outboard motor boat which was tied alongside. As the last pirate boarded the motor boat the Master was ordered to return to the bridge. Inspections","Desc5":"carried out after the attack revealed that the pirates had stolen cash and property with a total value of about US $10,000.00. Fortunately no one was injured during the attack.","coords.x1":107.3,"coords.x2":-3.01667} {"Reference":"1994-69","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-14","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"DOVE ARROW/MARIA T","Desc1":"M/V DOVE ARROW BOARDED BY FIVE PIRATES ARMED WITH SWORDS AND KNIVES AT 2300 HOURS IN 03-01-30S 107-17-30E. VESSEL WAS PROCEEDING TO JAKARTA, LIT ALL AROUND WITH CARGO CLUSTERS AND LIGHTS HUNG OVER THE SIDE, WITH WATCH PATROLLING THE BRIDGE DECK. MASTER,","Desc2":"THIRD OFFICER, AND LOOKOUTS TAKEN AS PRISONERS. VESSEL'S SAFE EMPTIED AND MASTER AND CHIEF MATE ROBBED OF PERSONAL EFFECTS, JEWELRY AND CASH. PIRATES ESCAPED BY BOAT. CREW UNHARMED. THE FOLLOWING DAY (NOV. 15) PIRATES BOARDED THE TANKER MARIA T IN THE","Desc3":"SAME LOCATION.","coords.x1":107.29167,"coords.x2":-3.025} {"Reference":"1994-65","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GRAIGWERDD","Desc1":"M/V GRAIGWERDD SIGHTED SMALL MOTORIZED VESSEL UNDER STERN WITH FIVE PERSONS ATTEMPTING TO BOARD VESSEL AT 0300 LOCAL TIME ON NOV. 3 WHILE AT ANCHOR OFF JAKARTA. SHIP'S SECURITY PATROL RAISED ALARM AND BOAT RAPIDLY DEPARTED. NO DAMAGE TO VESSEL OR STOLEN","Desc2":"PROPERTY.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":-6.08333} {"Reference":"1994-56","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V MELGAR","Desc1":"M/V MELGAR REPORTED THAT IT WAS BOARDED ON NOV 3 IN JAKARTA ROADS. PIRATES WERE SPOTTED ON BOARD AND GENERAL ALARM WAS SOUNDED. PIRATES DESCENDED FROM VESSEL BY ROPES ONTO WAITING MOTORBOAT.","coords.x1":106.75,"coords.x2":-6.13333} {"Reference":"1994-54","DateOfOcc":"1994-10-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V WINDWARD","Desc1":"M/V WINDWARD WAS BOARDED BY FIVE PIRATES ON 26 OCT 94 AT 0010. PIRATES HELD MASTER AT KNIFE POINT, STOLE MONEY, JEWELLERY AND VESSEL'S SAFE DEPOSIT BOX BEFORE DISEMBARKING. NO INJURIES OR DAMAGE TO VESSEL AND CARGO REPORTED. (THIS REPORT COULD BE ASAM","Desc2":"94-0052.)","coords.x1":107.3,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"1994-52","DateOfOcc":"1994-10-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Selat Baur, Indonesia BIMCO members report that at 0110 hrs on 26 October 1994 a vessel was boarded by 12 men armed with long knives. The vessel's Master, 2nd Officer and a crewman were handcuffed. Five of the intruders lead the master to his cabin at","Desc2":"knife point and forced him to open the ship's safe. They threatened to kill him if he failed to cooperate. In addition to the cash in the ship's safe the intruders also stole the Master's own cash and some personal items. When leaving the ship the","Desc3":"intruders warned that they would return and kill the Master if the incident was reported to local police.","coords.x1":104,"coords.x2":-7} {"Reference":"1994-41","DateOfOcc":"1994-08-31","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V TORBEN SPIRIT/M/V ESSBERGER PIONEER","Desc1":"M/V TORBEN SPIRIT WHILE ONE MILE NORTH-WEST OF HORSBURGH LIGHTHOUSE REPORTED AN ATTEMPT BY PIRATES TO BOARD. PIRATES APPROACHED IN A FAST BOAT FROM STERN. TWO PERSONS ATTEMPTED TO BOARD M/V BEFORE BEING SPOTTED BY VESSEL'S CREW AND RETREATED BACK TO","Desc2":"SPEEDBOAT. IN ADDITION M/V ESSBERGER PIONEER NEAR HORSBURGH LIGHT REPORTED THAT FOUR PIRATES BOARDED AND STOLE CASH FROM CREW CABINS.","coords.x1":104.40833,"coords.x2":1.3} {"Reference":"1994-28","DateOfOcc":"1994-06-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V EVVIVA","Desc1":"M/V EVVIVA WHILE APPROACHING SINGAPORE STRAITS WAS APPROACHED BY A SMALL 10 FOOT BOAT. TWO WATCHMEN ON DUTY WERE VIGILANT AND REPORTED THE BOAT MOVEMENTS. AFTER ABOUT 10 MINUTES THE SMALL BOAT DRIFTED OFF.","coords.x1":104.6,"coords.x2":1.66667} {"Reference":"1994-32","DateOfOcc":"1994-06-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VIETNAMESE","Desc1":"FROM BIMCO WEEKLY NEWS, DATED 27 JULY 1994: VIETNAMESE BORDER POLICE HAVE MANAGED TO MAKE ARRESTS IN EIGHT CASES OF PIRACY DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 1994, THE VIETNAMESE GOVERNMENT HAS SAID. SOME 28 CASES OF PIRACY HAVE BEEN REPORTED TO THE","Desc2":"VIETNAMESE AUTHORITIES, WITH FIVE PEOPLE KILLED AS A RESULT OF THE PIRATES' ACTIVITIES. THE VIETNAMESE HAVE SAID THAT ANTI-PIRACY ACTIVITIES HAVE BEEN STEPPED UP, ALTHOUGH MOST PIRATES ACTIVE IN VIETNAMESE WATERS HAVE COME FROM CHINA, CAMBODIA AND","Desc3":"THAILAND. A TWO DAY CONFERENCE ON PIRACY IN KUALA LUMPUR HAS ALSO REVEALED THAT THE USE OF PHANTOM SHIPS AND THE HIJACKING OF ENTIRE CARGOES IS ON THE INCREASE.","coords.x1":101,"coords.x2":3} {"Reference":"1994-24","DateOfOcc":"1994-05-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V NORDSTAR","Desc1":"FIVE PIRATES BOARDED M/V NORDSTAR FROM A SMALL POWERED CRAFT WHILE AT ANCHORAGE IN BELAWAN. CREW WAS CHASED WITH SWORD LIKE WEAPONS. PAINTS AND LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT WAS STOLEN. NO CREWMEN REPORTED INJURED.","coords.x1":98.91667,"coords.x2":3.91667} {"Reference":"1994-21","DateOfOcc":"1994-05-08","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V BANKOK NAVEE","Desc1":"M/V BANGKOK NAVEE ANCHORED AT BELAWAN ROADS 0400 LOCAL TIME WAS ATTACKED BY ARMED ROBBERS. ROBBERS RAIDED FORECASTLE STORES, TOOK 30 DRUMS OF PAINT. CREW UNHARMED.","coords.x1":99,"coords.x2":3.83333} {"Reference":"1994-20","DateOfOcc":"1994-04-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V IKAN BELIAK","Desc1":"M/V IKAN BELIAK WHILE AT ANCHOR IN TANJUNGPRIOK WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES. ALARMS WERE SOUNDED AND PIRATES LEFT THE VESSEL, NOTHING STOLEN.","coords.x1":106.83333,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"1994-10","DateOfOcc":"1994-03-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MV HELEN B.","Desc1":"THE LIBERIAN FLAG BULK CARRIER, SAILING FROM RICHARDS BAY, SOUTH AFRICA TO INCHON KOREA, INFORMS THAT THEY SUCCESSFULLY DETERRED BOARDING BY PIRATES WHO ATTEMPTED TO BOARD FROM A HIGH SPEED BOAT FROM THE VESSEL'S STERN. SHIP KEEPS A DOUBLE WATCH AND USES","Desc2":"SEARCHLIGHTS TO EFFECTIVLY DETER PIRATES.","coords.x1":103.15,"coords.x2":1.41667} {"Reference":"1994-9","DateOfOcc":"1994-01-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LPG ARIES GAS","Desc1":"LPG CARRIER ARIES GAS LOCATED 2.5 MILES FROM TWO BROTHERS ISLAND WAS BOARDED BY FIVE PIRATES. PIRATES TIED UP THE MASTER AND CREW TAKING VALUABLES AND CASH WORTH 9,000 US DOLLARS.","coords.x1":103.31667,"coords.x2":1.25667} {"Reference":"1994-4","DateOfOcc":"1994-01-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER GYOKO MARU JMOI","Desc1":"09 JAN 94 TANKER GYOKO MARU JMOI ATTACKED BY PIRATES BETWEEN KECIL LIGHTHOUSE AND PHILLIP CHANNEL. 3 PIRATES ARMED WITH A HATCHET AND SICKLE BOARDED AND STOLE $6,114.","coords.x1":103.46667,"coords.x2":1.14167} {"Reference":"1993-124","DateOfOcc":"1993-12-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES ATTACKED UNKNOWN M/V IN BELAWAN, SUMATERA ON 09 DEC. PIRATES BOARDED M/V AND STOLE 40 LTRS OF PAINT.","coords.x1":98,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"1993-115","DateOfOcc":"1993-10-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES ATTEMPTED TO BOARD VESSEL THREE TIMES BUT FAILED.","coords.x1":98.58333,"coords.x2":-4.73333} {"Reference":"1993-106","DateOfOcc":"1993-09-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V MACKNIGHT","Desc1":"M/V MACKNIGHT, BERTHED AT BELAWAN INDONESIA BOARDED BY PIRATES ON 27 SEP 93 FROM A SMALL MOTORIZED VESSEL. DUTY OFFICER BLEW HIS WHISTLE AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE PIRATES JUMPED INTO THE SEA AND BOARDED THEIR BOAT.","coords.x1":100,"coords.x2":3} {"Reference":"1993-112","DateOfOcc":"1993-09-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KOTA INTAN","Desc1":"M/V KOTA INTAN ATTACKED BY PIRATES IN FAST SPEED BOAT. PIRATES ATTEMPTED TO THROW HOOK OVER BUT M/V KOTA INTAN TOOK EVASIVE ACTION AND ATTEMPT WAS ABORTED.","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"1993-86","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-26","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES HIJACKED AN UNKNOWN VESSEL AND TRANSFERRED GOODS TO ANOTHER SHIP.","coords.x1":106.5,"coords.x2":5.25} {"Reference":"1993-37","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V FAR TRADER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA 25 JUNE 93 M/V FAR TRADER WAS FIRED ON AND BOARDED BY 16-20 ARMED PIRATES. THE PIRATES LOCKED THE CREW DOWN IN THE ENGINE ROOM. THEY TOOK NAVIGATION CHARTS, CIGARETTES AND PERSONAL ITEMS WERE STOLEN. NO REPORTS OF INJURY.","coords.x1":106.25,"coords.x2":5.25} {"Reference":"1993-101","DateOfOcc":"1993-05-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V PIMA","Desc1":"A HIGH SPEED CRAFT, WITH NO LIGHTS, CHASED PIMA FOR ABOUT 20 MINUTES BEFORE MOVING AWAY TO ANOTHER VESSEL ON PIMA'S PORT BEAM.","coords.x1":108.4,"coords.x2":6.98333} {"Reference":"1993-72","DateOfOcc":"1993-05-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES ATTEMPED TO BOARD AN UNKNOWN VESSEL BUT THEIR PLANS WERE FOILED DUE TO AN ALERT CREW.","coords.x1":108.71667,"coords.x2":-5.78333} {"Reference":"1993-99","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-16","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"KAREN PIRATES","Victim":"40 THAI FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"40 THAI FISHING VESSELS WERE SEIZED BY PIRATES. THE PIRATES DEMANDED MONEY FOR THEIR RETURN. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":98,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"1993-22","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"KAVO SIDERO","Desc1":"06 MARCH 1993 KAVO SIDERO WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES WHILE ANCHORED IN BELAWAN ROADS. ONE CREW MEMBER WAS SLIGHTLY HURT.","coords.x1":98,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"1993-6","DateOfOcc":"1992-12-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FAR TRADER","Desc1":"PIRATES BOARDED FAR TRADER NEAR THE INDONESIAN ISLAND OF NATUNA LAST WEEK AND SEIZED CARGO AND PERSONAL EFFECTS.","coords.x1":107.5,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"1992-33","DateOfOcc":"1992-12-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BALTIMAR ZEPHYR","Desc1":"JAVA SEA 11 DEC 92 BALTIMAR ZEPHYR ATTACKED BY PIRATES 150 MILES NORTH OF JAKARTA IN INDONESIAN WATERS. MASTER AND CHIEF OFFICER KILLED. SINGAPORE UPDATE: 23 DEC 92 BALTIMAR ZEPHYR ARRIVED SINGAPORE. 19 DEC 92 BALTIMAR ZEPHYR CREW WERE COERCED INTO","Desc2":"SIGNING STATEMENTS TO THE EFFECT THAT NO PIRACY ATTACK TOOK PLACE. 23 DEC 92 BALTIMAR ZEPHYR SAILED FOR CALCUTTA. LLOYD'S LIST OF 16 FEB 98 REPORTS THAT SCOTLAND YARD HAS CONCLUDED THAT THE DEATHS OF THE MASTER AND CHIEF OFFICER WERE DONE BY PIRATES","Desc3":"INTENT ON ROBBERY AND NOT BY THE CREW.","coords.x1":107,"coords.x2":-5} {"Reference":"1992-15","DateOfOcc":"1992-05-09","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V SWAN REEFER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE-Vicinity Phillips Channel. 090100LMAY92 five armed pirates boarded M/V SWAN REEFER using a high-powered fishing boat and line. Stolen were cash, liquor, and personal possessions. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":104,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"1992-14","DateOfOcc":"1992-04-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"VALIANT CARRIER","Desc1":"STRAIT OF SINGAPORE-Vicinity of Bintan Island. 242200LAPR92 ten armed pirates boarded the VALIANT CARRIER unnoticed despite illumination, piracy watch set, and additional precautions. Stolen were $4000.00 cash and personal possessions. Injured were the","Desc2":"Captain's infant daughter, Captain's wife, Captain, and Navigation Officer.","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"1992-13","DateOfOcc":"1992-04-22","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"AUSTRALIAN STAR","Desc1":"STRAIT OF SINGAPORE-Vicinity Horsborough Light. 22APR92 nine armed pirates boarded the AUSTRALIAN STAR using a grappling hook to gain access. Stolen were cash and personal possessions. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"1992-17","DateOfOcc":"1992-04-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V MAERSK ASIA DECIMO","Desc1":"JAVA SEA-Vicinity Belitung Island. 190230G APR 92 five pirates armed with knives boarded M/V MAERSK ASIA DECIMO. Stolen were cash and personal items. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":107.35,"coords.x2":-3.05} {"Reference":"1992-9","DateOfOcc":"1992-03-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V PELANDER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE-Strait of Malacca 302100Z MAR 92 M/V PELANDER was attacked by armed men in a high speed boat. Pirates were unable to reach accomodation ladder, being repelled by ships ANTI-PIRATE watch. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":95.18667,"coords.x2":5.995} {"Reference":"1992-6","DateOfOcc":"1992-02-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V DEVOTION","Desc1":"SINGAPORE-Anchorages 110200L FEB 92 Vessel was boarded and robbed without the knowledge of the Crew. Stolen were Dangerous Drugs and personal effects. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":104,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"1992-3","DateOfOcc":"1992-01-19","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V AMBRA ORIENT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE-Strait of Malacca 191600Z JAN92 M/V AMBRA ORIENT was attacked by armed men in a high speed boat. Pirates were unable to reach accomodation ladder, being repelled by ships ANTI-PIRATE watch. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":96.8,"coords.x2":5.68333} {"Reference":"1992-2","DateOfOcc":"1992-01-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V FORTUNE","Desc1":"SINGAPORE-Vicinity of Phillips Channel. 052145ZJAN92 on approaching Palau Takong Ketjil Light, pirates boarded the M/V FORTUNE. Stolen was personal property. No injuries were reported and the vessel was permitted to continue her voyage.","coords.x1":103.64167,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"1992-5","DateOfOcc":"1991-11-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V SEA KITTIE","Desc1":"SINGAPORE-Eastern Approaches to Singapore Straits. 210145L OCT 91 vessel was boarded 12 1/2 miles east of Binten Island by five armed men with knives and a revolver. The Pirates were educated, professional and well trained team who spoke English. Stolen","Desc2":"were $30,000 and personal effects. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":104.78333,"coords.x2":1.26667} {"Reference":"1991-42","DateOfOcc":"1991-11-05","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V TNT CAPRICORNIA","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA-Vicinity of Singapore (350 miles). Early 05NOV91 Pirates boarded the M/V TNT CAPRICORNIA. Stolen was $15,000 in paper money only. No injuries were reported and the vessel was permitted to continue her voyage.","coords.x1":107,"coords.x2":-1} {"Reference":"1991-38","DateOfOcc":"1991-09-24","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"LNG GEMINI","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS-Vicinity Phillips Channel. 240245LSEP91 LNG GEMINI was unsuccessfully boarded by Pirates, due to immediate action on the part of the Bridge Watch, while piloting north in the Phillips Channel.","coords.x1":103.71667,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"1991-31","DateOfOcc":"1991-09-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V CAPE EDMONT","Desc1":"SINGAPORE-Vicinity Kepulaun Anambas Islands 111605ZSEP91 Pirates approached ship from port quarter, using wood hull-30' utility craft. Boarding repelled by illumination and fire hoses.","coords.x1":105.5,"coords.x2":3.24167} {"Reference":"1991-37","DateOfOcc":"1991-09-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V RANGER","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS-Vicinity Phillips Channel. 112315LSEP91 five armed Indonesian Pirates managed to board M/V RANGER with piracy counter-measures in place. The Bridge Watch was overcome and the Master forced to open the ship's safe. The Pirates escaped","Desc2":"with $23,000 Dollars. No casualties were reported.","coords.x1":103.71667,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"1991-23","DateOfOcc":"1991-08-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"S/T ASPEN","Desc1":"SINGAPORE- vicinity of Phillips Channel Fairway Buoy 040230AUG91 the S/T ASPEN was boarded by pirates, about 1-nm NNW of Phillips Channel, in international waters. Stolen were $14,500 and small effects. No injuries reported.","coords.x1":103.64167,"coords.x2":1.06667} {"Reference":"1991-11","DateOfOcc":"1991-03-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ITER","Desc1":"25 MARCH 1991. INDONESIA. THE ITER, A 31,000 DWT VESSEL WAS BOARDED BY 3 PIRATES LOCATION 31 MILES OFF INDONESIAN ISLANDS OF SERUTU AND KARIMATA. THE ITER WAS CRUISING AT SPEEDS IN EXCESS OF 14 KNOTS AT THE TIME OF INCIDENT. THE CAPTAIN WAS BOUND. SHIP","Desc2":"SAFE OPENED AND $6,000 STOLEN. THIS IS SECOND PIRACY INCIDENT FOR THE ITER IN THIS REGION. THE CAPTAIN TRIED WARNING OTHER SHIPS ON CHANNEL 16 BUT FOUND IT JAMMED WITH MUSIC. NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":108,"coords.x2":-2} {"Reference":"1991-14","DateOfOcc":"1991-03-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"VIETNAMESE","Victim":"312 TON YELLOW TAIL SHIP \"SUN 702\"","Desc1":"312 TON YELLOW TAIL SHIP \"SUN 702\" WAS BOARDED BY FIVE ARMED MEN WHO APPEARED TO BE VIETNAMESE. THE SHIP AND CREW WERE TAKEN TO WATERS CLOSE TO VIETNAM. A RANSOM OF 2.4 MILLION U.S. DOLLARS HAS BEEN DEMANDED BY PIRATES FOR THE RELEASE OF 24 SOUTH KOREAN","Desc2":"FISHERMEN WHO WERE ABDUCTED WITH THEIR BOAT IN THE STRAITS OF MALACCA, BETWEEN MALAYSIA AND SUMATRA.","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":0.0175} {"Reference":"1991-8","DateOfOcc":"1991-03-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CLEVELAND","Desc1":"INDONESIA. BORNEO, WEST COAST. M/V CLEVELAND BOARDED BY FOUR ARMED PIRATES IN 00-05.5 S 108-05.9 E AT 181830Z MARCH 91. STOLEN WERE CASH, WEAPON, PERSONAL ITEMS FROM MASTER. NO CASUALTIES.","coords.x1":108.09833,"coords.x2":-0.09167} {"Reference":"1991-12","DateOfOcc":"1991-01-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ALL SHIPPING","Desc1":"SINGAPORE NATIONAL SHIPPING ASSOCIATION GUIDELINES. WITHIN SOUTHEAST ASIA, PIRATE WATERS TEND TO BE THE STRAITS OF SINGAPORE, THE STRAITS OF MALACCA AND THE SOUTH CHINA SEA. PIRACY INCIDENTS TEND TO OCCUR IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS OUTSIDE JURISDICTION OF","Desc2":"GOVERNMENTS. THE BEST LINE OF DEFENSE IS TO KEEP PIRATES FROM GETTING ON BOARD BECAUSE THEY (PIRATES) ARE OFTEN HEAVILY ARMED AND CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS ONCE THEY ARE ON BOARD. RESISTANCE TO PIRATES ONCE ON BOARD IS NOT RECOMENDED. THE PIRATES OFTEN KNOW","Desc3":"THE LOCAL WATERS VERY WELL, HAVE FAST BOATS AND STRIKE QUICKLY, USUALLY AT NIGHT. ------------------------------------------------------------- FACTS: IN 1990 SOUTHEAST ASIA SAW AN INCREASE IN PIRACY. 32 INCIDENTS WERE REPORTED IN 1990, COMPARED TO 03","Desc4":"INCIDENTS REPORTED IN 1989. (ACCORDING TO SINGAPORE NATIONAL SHIPPING ASSOCIATION)","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":-0.83333} {"Reference":"1990-20","DateOfOcc":"1990-11-11","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OCEAN CITY","Desc1":"SINGAPORE. PHILLIP CHANNEL. 11 NOVEMBER 1990. AT ABOUT 0200 THE U.S. FLAG 80,000DWT TANKER OCEAN CITY WAS BOARDED BY FOUR ROBBERS WHILE UNDERWAY IN PHILLIP CHANNEL. A CREWMEMBER CONFRONTED FOUR PIRATES ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES NEAR THE MASTER'S","Desc2":"STATEROOM/OFFICE. THE CREWMEMBER WAS BOUND AND GAGGED. NO INJURIES REPORTED. THE PIRATES STOLE THE SHIP'S SAFE AND OTHER PERSONAL ITEMS. INCIDENT WAS REPORTED TO SINGAPORE V.T.I.S. AND HARBOR POLICE BY VHF RADIO.","coords.x1":103.76667,"coords.x2":1.13333} {"Reference":"1990-23","DateOfOcc":"1990-10-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"ARMED PIRATES","Victim":"M/V PELANDER","Desc1":"20 OCTOBER 1990. INDONESIA. M/V PELANDER BOARDED BY ARMED PIRATES WHILE STEAMING AT ABOUT 18 KNOTS AROUND UDANG OILFIELD, PULAU-PULAU, ANAMBAS ISLANDS.","coords.x1":105.5,"coords.x2":3.16667} {"Reference":"1990-18","DateOfOcc":"1990-09-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TNT EXPRESS","Desc1":"21 SEPTEMBER 1990. SINGAPORE. IN THE EARLY HOURS OF 21 SEPT 1990 FOUR PIRATES BOARDED THE 20,000 TON AUSTRALIAN REGISTERED TNT EXPRESS, ABOUT 20 MILES SOUTH OF SINGAPORE. THE PIRATES USED SPEED BOATS TO COME ALONGSIDE, THEN THREW UP A GRAPLING HOOK AND","Desc2":"ROPE TO CLAMBER ABOARD. THE CAPTAIN WAS HELD AT KNIFE POINT AND FORCED TO OPEN THE SHIPS SAFE. $11,000 WAS STOLEN. THE CAPTAIN WAS TIED UP AND HIS CABIN RANSACKED. THE TNT EXPRESS'S SISTER SHIP, THE BRUSSEL WAS ALSO RAIDED AS IT SAILED OUT OF SINGAPORE.","coords.x1":104,"coords.x2":-1.83333} {"Reference":"1990-22","DateOfOcc":"1990-09-21","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TNT EXPRESS","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA. 21 SEPT 90. TNT EXPRESS WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES IN THE STRAIT OF MALACCA 45 MINUTES FROM SINGAPORE ON SEP 21, 1990. ABOUT $14,000 IN CASH WAS STOLEN AFTER THE MASTER WAS TIED UP IN HIS CABIN. THE ATTACK OCCURED ABOUT 3 MILES SOUTH OF","Desc2":"RAFFLES LIGHTHOUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FAIRWAY.","coords.x1":100,"coords.x2":4} {"Reference":"1990-16","DateOfOcc":"1990-05-23","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V RANGER","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAITS. 23 MAY 1990. 03-25N 105-35E. ABOUT 145 MILES NORTH EAST OF MALACCA STRAITS, PROXIMITY ANAMBAS ISLANDS, THE TANKER M/V RANGER, UNDER CHARTER BY MSC, WAS BOARDED BY SEVERAL PIRATES, WHO WERE ARMED WITH MACHETES. TWO OF THE PIRATES SPOKE","Desc2":"EXCELLENT ENGLISH. CHIEF ENGINEER WAS BOUND AND HIS ROOM SEARCHED FOR VALUABLES TO STEAL. THE ROBBERY ON BOARD THE M/V RANGER TOOK PLACE DESPITE EXTRA SECURITY MEASURES THAT WERE IN PLACE. ANOTHER INCIDENT OF PIRACY TOOK PLACE SAME DAY APROX SAME TIME","Desc3":"AND IN VICINITY OF M/V RANGER.","coords.x1":105.58333,"coords.x2":3.41667} {"Reference":"1990-10","DateOfOcc":"1990-03-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RO/RO SEA DRAGON","Desc1":"20 MARCH 1990. BORNEO. PIRATES HELD THE MASTER OF THE SEA DRAGON BEFORE ROBBING HIM OF US$ 7,000 AND VALUABLES. THE INCIDENT OCCURRED 24 MILES SOUTH-EAST OF MIDAI ISLAND OFF BORNEO.","coords.x1":108,"coords.x2":3} {"Reference":"1990-11","DateOfOcc":"1990-03-20","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RO/RO SUNRISE","Desc1":"20 MARCH 1990. SINGAPORE. FOUR MEN WITH KNIVES BOARDED THE SUNRISE ON 20 MARCH 1990 NEAR HORSBURGH LIGHTHOUSE. THE PIRATES TIED UP THE MASTER IN HIS CABIN AND ESCAPED WITH CASH AND VALUABLES.","coords.x1":90,"coords.x2":-1} {"Reference":"1989-15","DateOfOcc":"1989-06-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MAJOR SHIPPING","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA. 1. A LIBERIAN-REGISTERED PETROLEUM GAS TANKER OPERATED BY A JAPANESE COMPANY WAS ATTACKED AUGUST 6, 1989 BY THREE SWORD-WIELDING PIRATES OFF THE ANAMBAS ISLANDS OF INDONESIA WHILE ENROUTE TO JAPAN FROM THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. THE","Desc2":"PIRATES ROBBED THE CREW MEMBERS OF CASH AND OTHER VALUABLES. 2. ON AUGUST 7, 1989 A PANAMANIAN-REGISTERED FREIGHTER OPERATED BY A JAPANES-FIRM WAS ATTACKED BY FOUR PIRATES OFF THE SAME ISLANDS WHILE ON THE WAY TO JAPAN FROM SINGAPORE. PIRATES ROBBED THE","Desc3":"CREW OF THE 15000-TON FREIGHTER OF CASH AND VALUABLES. 3. THE PIRATES ATTACKED BY APPROACHING THE VESSELS IN WOODEN HIGH- SPEED BOATS, AVOIDING DETECTION BY RADAR. 4. GREEK AND NORWEGIAN VESSELS WERE ALSO PIRATED ON AUGUST 8 AND 9 RESPECTIVELY. POSITION","Desc4":"GIVEN FOR REFERENCE ONLY, NOT ACTUAL LOCATION OF INCIDENT.","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":2.5} {"Reference":"1989-1","DateOfOcc":"1988-11-04","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"HAI HUI","Desc1":"SINGAPORE. 4 NOVEMBER 1988. THE HAI HUI WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES BETWEEN MIDNIGHT AND 0300 IN THE VICINITY OF HORSBURGH LIGHTHOUSE. THE SHIPS MASTER WAS REPORTED BEING KIDNAPPED AND THERE IS NO NEWS OF HIS WHEREABOUTS.","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":2} {"Reference":"1988-29","DateOfOcc":"1988-10-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/S FUSUS","Desc1":"M/V FUSUS ON LADEN PASSAGE FROM SINGAPORE TO JAPAN WAS ATTACKED BY FOUR ARMED PIRATES IN 3-30N 105-36E ON 13 OCT 88. ATTACK TOOK PLACE IN HEAVY RAINSQUAL. MASTER WAS LIFTED FROM HIS BED AT KNIFEPOINT AND HANDS AND FEET BOUND. MASTER WAS FORCED TO HAND","Desc2":"OVER CONTENTS OF SHIP'S SAFE AND ALL PERSONAL BELONGINGS AND MONEY. PIRATES FLED WITHOUT NOTICE OF ANY OTHER CREW. USUAL PRECAUTIONS HAD BEEN TAKEN WHEN PASSING THROUGH THIS AREA. NO PERSONAL INJURIES WERE REPORTED. CASH AND PERSONAL EFFECTS STOLEN EQUAL","Desc3":"ABOUT US $5000.","coords.x1":105.6,"coords.x2":3.5} {"Reference":"1988-27","DateOfOcc":"1988-09-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"AN ARUN III VESSEL","Desc1":"SINGAPORE STRAITS. AN ARUN III VESSEL (EITHER THE HOEGH GANDRIA OR THE GOLAR SPIRIT) IN 3-07N 105-58E WAS BOARDED EARLY IN THE MORNING AT THE PORT STERN BY FIVE PIRATES WITH KNIVES. THIS WAS UNSEEN BY THE LOOKOUT OR THE WATCH. MASTER WAS ROBBED AT","Desc2":"KNIFEPOINT IN HIS CABIN AND FORCED TO OPEN SHIP'S SAFE. MASTER WAS TIED TO CHAIR PRIOR TO DEPARTURE OF PIRATES. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":105.96667,"coords.x2":3.11667} {"Reference":"1989-13","DateOfOcc":"1988-09-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA, KEPULAUAN ANAMBAS. 1, MARINERS ARE ADVISED TO BE ALERT FOR PIRATES BOARDING OR ATTEMPTING TO BOARD VESSELS WHILE UNDERWAY BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND HONG KONG. 2. A U.S. FLAG VESSEL WAS BOARDED IN THE VICINITY OF 03-29N 105-30E, IN SEPTEMBER,","Desc2":"1988. NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":105.5,"coords.x2":3.48333} {"Reference":"1988-23","DateOfOcc":"1988-08-18","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SEALAND VOYAGER","Desc1":"18 AUGUST 1988. SOUTH CHINA SEA. THE SEALAND VOYAGER ENROUTE SINGAPORE TO HONG HONG WAS BOARDED BY FIVE PIRATES AT 0400 LOCAL TIME IN 3-29 N 105-30 E (APROX. 150 MILES NORTH OF SINGAPORE) THE SHIPS' SAFE WAS RAIDED. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":105.5,"coords.x2":3.48333} {"Reference":"1988-26","DateOfOcc":"1988-07-02","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"IVER CHASER","Desc1":"2 JULY 1988. SINGAPORE STRAITS. IVER CHASER WAS PROCEEDING AT A SPEED OF 15 KNOTS OFF HORSBURGH LIGHTHOUSE AT THE TIME THE PIRATES BOARDED. PIRATES WERE IN A FAST BOAT AND PUT A LINE OVER THE STERN OF THE IVER CHASER. LOOKOUT AND WATCH DID NOT SEE THE","Desc2":"BOARDING OF THE PIRATES. THE FOUR PIRATES DIRECTED THEIR ENTIRE ATTENTION TO THE MASTER AND HIS STATEROOM AND DEPARTED AFTER TAKING SOME VALUABLES AND DRUGS FROM THE MASTER'S CABIN. MASTER WAS LEFT TIED AND GAGED..","coords.x1":105,"coords.x2":2} {"Reference":"1988-11","DateOfOcc":"1988-05-13","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SWAN REEFER","Desc1":"INDONESIA. BANGKA STRAIT. 13 MAY 1988. BANGKA STRAIT BETWEEN BANGKA ISLAND AND SUMATRA. FOUR PIRATES BOARDED THE RO-RO SWAN REEFER AND ROBBED IT OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND DAMAGED SOME CONTAINERS ON BOARD. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED. NOTE: A SIMILAR","Desc2":"ATTACK OCCURED ON 27 APRIL 1988 IN THE BANGKA STRAIT AGAINST RO-RO KLANG REEFER.","coords.x1":100,"coords.x2":-4} {"Reference":"1988-10","DateOfOcc":"1988-04-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"KLANG REEFER","Desc1":"INDONESIA. BANGKA STRAIT. 27 APRIL 1988. BANGKA STRAIT BETWEEN BANGKA ISLAND AND SUMATRA (EXACT POSITION NOT GIVEN IN SOURCE REPORT). RO-RO KLANG REEFER WHILE HEADING SOUTH FROM SINGAPORE WAS ATTACKED BY FOUR PIRATES AT DAWN. THE CAPTAIN OF THE KLANG","Desc2":"REEFER REPORTED THAT ALTHOUGH THE SHIP'S CREW HAD BEEN VILIGANT IN KNOWN DANGER SPOTS THEY DID NOT MAINTAIN THE USUAL PRECAUTIONS IN THE BANGKA STRAIT BECAUSE IT WAS DAWN. THE PIRATES CRAFT WAS NOT SEEN BY THE BRIDGE WATCH. THE PIRATES ROBBED THE","Desc3":"MASTER'S CABIN OF PERSONAL BELONGINGS, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND A FLARE PISTOL, ALL TOTALLING ABOUT US$ 15,000. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED. NOTE: A SIMILAR ATTACK OCCURED ON MAY 13 1988 IN THE BANGKA STRAIT AGAINST RO-RO SWAN REEFER.","coords.x1":100,"coords.x2":-4} {"Reference":"1987-30","DateOfOcc":"1987-10-28","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FREEZING CARRIER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA FREEZING CARRIER BOARDED AND ROBBED BY ARMED PIRATES IN VICINITY 03-19N 105-36E 28 OCTOBER 1987 0120 LOCAL TIME.","coords.x1":105.6,"coords.x2":3.31667} {"Reference":"1987-29","DateOfOcc":"1987-10-27","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA TANKER BOARDED AND ROBBED BY ARMED PIRATES IN VICINITY 03-19N 105-36E 27 OCTOBER 1987 2200 LOCAL TIME.","coords.x1":105.6,"coords.x2":3.31667} {"Reference":"1987-26","DateOfOcc":"1987-08-30","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V PRESIDENT MADISON","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAITS, 30 AUGUST 1987. WHILE STEAMING AT 16 KNOTS IN 1-05.7N 103-43.5E (15 MILES EAST OF PILOT BOARDING STATION) M/V PRESIDENT MADISON/WCIP WAS BOARDED BY 5 PIRATES AT 1740Z. THE PIRATES BOARDED FROM THE STERN ( THERE WAS NO FANTAIL LOOKOUT","Desc2":"POSTED) ARMED WITH MACHETES. THE PIRATES BOUND AND GAGGED THE CHIEF ENGINEER IN HIS STATE ROOM AND ROBBED HIM OF MONEY AND PERSONAL EFFECTS. THE CHIEF ENGINEER FREED HIMSELF AND NOTIFIED THE MASTER. SUBSEQ UENT SEARCH OF THE SHIP REVEALED THAT THE","Desc3":"PIRATES HAD ESCAPED. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED. SHIP REPORTED THAT THE DECKS WERE WELL LIT. NOTE; THERE WAS NO FANTAIL LOOKOUT POSTED.","coords.x1":103.725,"coords.x2":1.095} {"Reference":"1987-25","DateOfOcc":"1987-08-06","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ORION TRADER","Desc1":"MALACCA STRAIT THE ORION TRADER (PANAMANIAN REGISTERED TANKER) WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES USING SWORDS AS WEAPONS ON 061245Z AUG 87 IN THE VICINITY OF 03-00N 105-28E. STOLEN WERE CASH AND VALUABLES WORTH US $2,000. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED. THE PIRATES FLED","Desc2":"IN A SMALL BOAT.","coords.x1":105.46667,"coords.x2":3} {"Reference":"1987-16","DateOfOcc":"1987-05-03","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LYDIA 5","Desc1":"SUNDAY 3 MAY 1987. SINGAPORE. PHILIPPINE M/BULK CARRIER LYDIA 5 WAS BOARDED BY A BAND OF PIRATES CARRYING KNIVES AND MACHINE-GUNS. US $7,000 CASH WAS STOLEN ALONG WITH PERSONAL VALUABLES. THE BOARDING TOOK PLACE EARLY IN THE MORNING . THE PIRATES CAME","Desc2":"ALONGSIDE IN HIGH POWERED CANOES AND USED ROPES WITH GRAPPLING IRONS TO SWARM ABOARD. POSITION GIVEN IS FOR LOCATION ONLY. EXACT POSITION OF INCIDENT WAS NOT REPORTED.","coords.x1":103.85,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"1987-10","DateOfOcc":"1987-05-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MOLLEY LAURA","Desc1":"MAY 1987. SINGAPORE. PHILLIP CHANNEL. 1-05N 103-42E. POSITION IS FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. NOT ACTUAL LOCATION OF INCIDENT. SIX PIRATES, ARMED WITH KNIVES AND A PISTOL BOARDED THE 24,090 TONNES DWT PANAMANIAN REGISTERED CHEMICAL CARRIER MOLLEY LAURA,","Desc2":"WITH A CREW OF 23 SOUTH KOREANS, WHILE SAILING THROUGH PHILLIP CHANNEL. THE CHEIF MATE WAS TAKEN HOSTAGE AND THE SHIPS SAFE WAS OPENED. THE CREWS QUARTERS WERE RANSACKED. $16,000 US AND VALUABLES WERE STOLEN. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED. THE TANKER IS","Desc3":"OWNED BY MOLLEY SHIPPING","coords.x1":103.7,"coords.x2":1.08333} {"Reference":"1987-17","DateOfOcc":"1987-05-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KRK","Desc1":"1 MAY 1987. SINGAPORE. PIRATES ARMED WITH KNIVES AND MACHETES BOARDED THE YUGOSLAV M/V KRK AND STOLE MONEY AND VALUABLES. POSITION GIVEN IS FOR LOCATION ONLY. EXACT POSITION OF INCIDENT WAS NOT REPORTED.","coords.x1":103.85,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"1987-18","DateOfOcc":"1987-04-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V DURMITOR","Desc1":"APRIL 1987. SINGAPORE. AT THE END OF APRIL THE YUGOSLAV M/V DURMITOR WAS ATTACKED AND ROBBED BY PIRATES OFF THE COAST OF SINGAPORE. POSITION IS FOR LOCATION ONLY. EXACT POSITION OF INCIDENT WAS NOT REPORTED.","coords.x1":103.85,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"1987-9","DateOfOcc":"1987-04-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"IGLOO MOSS","Desc1":"NOTE:::ABOVE POSITION IS FOR LOCATION ONLY. PRECISE LOCALE IS GIVEN ONLY AS SINGAPORE STRAIT. FIVE ARMED PIRATES ARMED WITH KNIVES BOARDED THE IGLOO MOSS FROM A SMALL FAST BOAT WHILE THE LPG CARRIER WAS TRANSITTING THE SINGAPORE STRAIT.SHE WAS BOUND FROM","Desc2":"THAILAND.SOME OF THE CREW WERE ROBBED. LLOYDS OF 5/19/87 REPORTS THIS INCIDENT AS OCCURRING NEAR HORSBURGH LIGHT 1-19.8N 104-24.4E. WHERE SEVERAL SIMILAR ATTACKS HAVE TAKEN PLACE.","coords.x1":103.85,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"1987-11","DateOfOcc":"1987-02-01","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SOVIET M/V SLUTSK","Desc1":"FEBRUARY 1987. SINGAPORE SOVIET M/V SLUTSK WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES OFF THE COAST OF SINGAPORE 1-17N 103-51E,WHO WERE BEATEN OFF AFTER SERIOUSLY INJURING A CREW MEMBER, WHO WAS STABBED IN THE SHOULDER.THE PIRATES BOARDED THE M/V SLUTSK WITH ROPE LADDERS","Desc2":"AND FLED BY MOTORBOAT. EXACT DATE AND POSITION OF INCIDENT NOT REPORTED. POSITION GIVEN IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY.","coords.x1":103.85,"coords.x2":1.28333} {"Reference":"1986-29","DateOfOcc":"1986-06-15","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ANRO AUSTRALIA","Desc1":"PIRATES ROBBED THE MASTER OF THE AUSTRALIAN RO-RO/CONTAINER SHIP, ANRO AUSTRALIA, OF $3,000 AND PERSONAL ITEMS. THE ATTACK OCCURRED ABOUT 13 MILES OFF HORSBURGH LIGHTHOUSE (01-19.8N 104-24.4E), THE EASTERN ENTRANCE TO SINGAPORE. THE SHIP WAS CRUISING AT","Desc2":"ABOUT 8-9 KNOTS. 19 JUN 86: THE SINGAPORE MARINE DEPARTMENT HAS ADVISED SHIPOWNERS AND MASTERS TO EXERCISE GREATER VIGILANCE AND IMPLEMENT EXTRA WATCHES BETWEEN 1800 AND 0600 HOURS (WHEN THERE IS A GREATER CHANCE PIRATES WILL STRIKE) TO WARD OFF PIRATES","Desc3":"IN THE STRAIT OF MALACCA AND SINGAPORE.","coords.x1":104,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"1986-2","DateOfOcc":"1986-01-07","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SS PRESIDENT JOHNSON","Desc1":"PIRATES ATTEMPTED TO BOARD THE SS PRESIDENT JOHNSON IN THE MALACCA STRAIT. AT 0320 LOCAL TIME (ZD MINUS 7) IN 03-35N 100-02E A SMALL CRAFT STOPPED DEAD AHEAD AT ONE MILE DISTANCE AND TURNED HIS SEARCHLIGHT ON TO THE BRIDGE. THE WATCH OFFICER ORDERED 10","Desc2":"DEGREE RIGHT RUDDER AND OBSERVED THE BOAT TO TURN INTO THE JOHNSON, SHINING THE SEARCHLIGHT ALONG THE PORT SIDE AND TRYING TO INTERCEPT THE PORT QUARTER. USING LEFT RUDDER TO RETURN TO ORIGINAL COURSE THE SILHOUETTE OF ANOTHER BOAT WITHOUT LIGHTS, ON THE","Desc3":"STARBOARD QUARTER, WAS OBSERVED TRYING TO APPROACH JOHNSON. NEITHER SMALL CRAFT COULD EXCEED JOHNSON'S 23 KNOTS AND SOON FELL BACK.","coords.x1":100.03333,"coords.x2":3.58333} {"Reference":"1986-4","DateOfOcc":"1985-10-25","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MARIANNA","Desc1":"PIRATES ATTEMPTED TO BOARD THE GREEK TANKER MARIANNA IN THE MALACCA STRAIT NEAR THE ISLAND OF NOORD NATUNA EIL AT 0800 LOCAL TIME AND, WITHOUT WARNING, OPENED FIRE ON THE VESSEL WITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS. THE MASTER IMMEDIATELY ORDERED FULL SPEED AHEAD","Desc2":"(ABOUT 17 KTS) AND WHILE TURNING THE WHEEL HARD TO PORT AND THEN TO STARBOARD WAS ABLE TO KEEP THE ATTACKERS FROM BOARDING THE VESSEL. A SUBSEQUENT INSPECTION REVEALED APPROXIMATELY 100 BULLET HOLES. THE LOCATION OF NOORD NATUNA EIL IS UNKNOWN BY THAT","Desc3":"NAME TO DMAHTC. IT MAY REFER TO KEPULUAN NATUNA BESAR VICINITY WHICH IS APPROXIMATELY 04-00N 108-00E. MEDIA REPORTS INDICATE THE SHIP WAS BOUND FOR SINGAPORE AND BORNEO.","coords.x1":101.2725,"coords.x2":2.56222} {"Reference":"1989-9","DateOfOcc":"1985-01-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"AMERICAN FLAG SHIP","Desc1":"MARINERS ARE ADVISED TO USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN TRANSITING THE STRAIT OF MALACCA AND ADJACENT WATERS BECAUSE OF CONTINUED REPORTS OF SHIPS BEING BOARDED AND ROBBED BY ARMED PIRATES. ON 29 JANUARY,'85 IT WAS REPORTED THAT AN AMERICAN FLAG SHIP WAS","Desc2":"BOARDED BY ARMED PIRATES AND ROBBED WHILE TRANSITING THE MALACCA STREIT. POSITION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY NOT POSITION OF INCIDENT.","coords.x1":101,"coords.x2":2.5} {"Reference":"1985-15","DateOfOcc":"1985-01-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA/SINGAPORE. Mariners are advised to use extreme caution when transitting the Strait of Malacca and adjacent waters because of continued reports of ships being boarded and robbed by armed pirates. On 29 Jan it was reported that an","Desc2":"American-flag ship was boarded by armed pirates and robbed while transiting in the Malacca Strait.","coords.x1":99.85833,"coords.x2":3.90972} {"Reference":"1985-20","DateOfOcc":"1985-01-29","SubReg":"71","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FALCON COUNTESS","Desc1":"At 1510Z six men boarded the loaded tanker Falcon Countess off Singapore, abeam pilot station B, on course 082, speed 13.5 knots. Master held at knife point and forced to open ship's safe. Cash ($19,471) stolen plus personal items. No injuries reported.","coords.x1":103.95,"coords.x2":1.215} {"Reference":"2013-266","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Bulk carrier","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 23 August, the Marshall Islands-flagged anchored bulk carrier TEQUILA SUNRISE was boarded at 01-15S 117-36E, at the Samarinda Working Anchorage. The Deck Cadet on duty noticed the forward store had been forced open. He immediately informed","Desc2":"the watch officer. Inventory of the store revealed that some stores were stolen. Local authorities were informed.","coords.x1":117.6,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2013-267","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Bulk carrier","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 23 August, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 00-16S 117-36E, at the Muara Berau Anchorage. Five robbers, armed with knives, boarded an anchored bulk carrier. Three of the robbers caught the duty crewman, threatened him with a knife on","Desc2":"his neck, took his walkie-talkie, and tied him up. The robbers broke the lock of the forward store and began to steal ship?s stores. While the robbers were busy stealing the ship?s stores, the duty crewman managed to free himself and then reported to the","Desc3":"duty officer on the bridge who raised the alarm and alerted the crew. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped with stolen stores. The incident was reported to port control.","coords.x1":117.6,"coords.x2":-0.26667} {"Reference":"2013-275","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER KAYU EBONI","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 16 August, the anchored Panama-flagged bulk carrier KAYU EBONI was boarded at 00-16S 117-36 E, at the Muara Berau Anchorage. Five robbers armed with knives boarded the anchored bulk carrier. Three of the robbers caught the duty crewman,","Desc2":"threatened him with a knife on his neck, took his walkie-talkie, and tied him up. The robbers broke the lock of the forward store and began to steal ship's stores. While the robbers were busy stealing the ship's stores, the duty crewman managed to free","Desc3":"himself and reported to the duty officer on the bridge who raised the alarm and alerted the crew. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped with stolen stores. Incident reported to port control.","coords.x1":117.6,"coords.x2":-0.26667} {"Reference":"2013-253","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"Robbers","Victim":"Bulk carrier","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 10 August, the anchored Isle of Man-flagged bulk carrier STAR MANX was boarded at 00-16S 117-36E, at the Samarinda Anchorage. Three robbers in boiler suits boarded the anchored bulk carrier which was waiting to link up with a cargo barge.","Desc2":"The robbers seized the third officer who was on routine rounds at the forecastle. They hit him and threatened him with a knife, while five other robbers boarded the ship, broke the hatch cover with pipes and crowbars, and began to steal ship's stores.","Desc3":"When seeing duty crew approach the forecastle, the robbers disembarked the vessel and escaped in a speed boat with the stolen stores. Upon investigation, it was found that the robbers boarded the ship by breaking the hawse pipe security steel grill/cover","Desc4":"bolt and nut lock.","coords.x1":117.6,"coords.x2":-0.26667} {"Reference":"2013-212","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER SANKO MERCURY","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 4 July, the Liberia-flagged anchored bulk carrier SANKO MERCURY was boarded at 03-40S 114-25E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. Three robbers, in a boat, boarded the anchored bulk carrier at the forecastle. Alert duty crew spotted the robbers and","Desc2":"raised the alarm; resulting in the robbers escaping empty handed. Port authorities were informed. All crew are safe.","coords.x1":114.41667,"coords.x2":-3.66667} {"Reference":"2013-189","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER OCEAN GARNET","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 19 June, the anchored Hong Kong-flagged bulk carrier OCEAN GARNET was boarded at 01-11S 117-12E, at the Muara Jawa Anchorage, Samarinda. Deck watch keepersonboard the anchored bulk carrier noticed three to five robbers with long knives near","Desc2":"the forecastle store. They raised the alarm and retreated into the accommodation. On hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in their waiting boat. Upon investigation, it was discovered that ship's stores had been stolen. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":117.2,"coords.x2":-1.18333} {"Reference":"2013-191","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-15","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER EMERALD STAR","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 15 June, the Hong Kong-flagged anchored bulk carrier EMERALD STAR experienced an attempted boarding at 03-41S 114-25E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. While at anchor, alert duty crew on board the bulk carrier noticed robbers attempting to board","Desc2":"the vessel, via the anchor chain. Alarm raised and crew mustered. The robbers aborted the attempt and escaped in an unlit boat.","coords.x1":114.41667,"coords.x2":-3.68333} {"Reference":"2013-192","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"OIL TANKER CSK BRILLIANCE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 13 June, the Hong Kong-flagged anchored bulk carrier CSK BRILLIANCE was boarded at 01-12S 117-13E, at the Muara Jawa Anchorage, Samarinda. Six robbers armed with knives, boarded the bulk carrier while at anchor. They took hostage two","Desc2":"crewmembers, tied them up with ropes, and stole their personal belongings. The robbers then stole ship stores and escaped. One crew member was slightly injured during the ordeal. Port authorities were informed.","coords.x1":117.21667,"coords.x2":-1.2} {"Reference":"2013-194","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"OIL TANKER SENTOSA RIVER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 June, the Singapore-flagged anchored oil tanker SENTOSA RIVER was boarded at 01-05S 117-14E, at the Senipah Tanker Anchorage off Balikpapan. The alert crew on board the anchored oil tanker noticed one robber on the forecastle and raised","Desc2":"the alarm, resulting in the robber fleeing. Further investigation revealed the forecastle store padlock broken, but nothing stolen. Authorities were informed of the incident.","coords.x1":117.23333,"coords.x2":-1.08333} {"Reference":"2013-183","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER ANNA BARBARA","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 10 June, the Liberia-flagged anchored bulk carrier ANNA BARBARA was boarded at 03-42S 114-28E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored bulk carrier waiting for loading operations. They broke into the forecastle store, stole","Desc2":"ship's stores, and escaped without being noticed. The robbery was reported to the local agent who was on board the vessel during the incident and the port authorities.","coords.x1":114.46667,"coords.x2":-3.7} {"Reference":"2013-174","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"robbers","Victim":"bulk carrier Spar Libra","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 03 June, the Norway-flagged anchored bulk carrier SPAR LIBRA was boarded at 01-10S 117-15E, at the Muara Jawa Anchorage, Samarinda. Two robbers boarded the anchored bulk carrier using a hook attached to a rope and attempted to enter the","Desc2":"forecastle store. Alert duty crew noticed the robbers and raised the alarm, resulting in the robbers escaping empty handed. Port control was informed.","coords.x1":117.25,"coords.x2":-1.16667} {"Reference":"2013-141","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER SAM HAWK","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 May, the bulk carrier SAM HAWK was boarded at 03-41S 114-27E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. Five robbers in a boat approached and boarded an anchored bulk carrier via the anchor chain and broke into the forward store. The alert crew noticed","Desc2":"the robbers, raised the alarm and proceeded towards the forecastle. Seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped in their boat with the stolen stores. Local agents informed.","coords.x1":114.45,"coords.x2":-3.68333} {"Reference":"2013-157","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-30","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"PASSENGER SHIP KM LAMBELU","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 30 April, the berthed passenger ship KM LAMBELU was boarded at 07-12S 112-43E, at the Tanjung Perak Port in Surabaya, East Java. According to witnesses, a man onboard the ship began to attack passengers indiscriminately with a 50-centimeter","Desc2":"machete. The man injured 18 passengers before he was taken down by other passengers. Eight of the injured passengers required surgery, based upon the significance of their wounds.","coords.x1":112.71667,"coords.x2":-7.2} {"Reference":"2013-103","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER DENSA JAGUAR","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 13 April, the berthed bulk carrier DENSA JAGUAR was boarded at 07-05S 112-39E, at the Surabaya Port. Three robbers in a small boat armed with long knives approached the berthed ship. Duty A/B noticed the robbers, informed the D/O and","Desc2":"retreated into the accommodation. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped without stealing anything. Incident reported to port control. Deck patrols increased.","coords.x1":112.65,"coords.x2":-7.08333} {"Reference":"2013-87","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER SHER E PUNJAB","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 3 April, an anchored bulk carrier SHER E PUNJAB was boarded at 01-43S 116-38E at the Adang Bay Anchorage. Two robbers armed with a gun and knives boarded the vessel from the forecastle and held a duty crewman hostage at knifepoint. The Duty","Desc2":"Officer called him on walkie-talkie but did not receive any response. Another crewman was sent immediately to check the forward deck, and found the duty crewman tied up. The Duty Officer was alerted and raised the alarm. Two speed boats were seen moving","Desc3":"away from from the vessel. The crew was mustered and went forward to investigate, finding that ship's stores had been stolen from the forward store.","coords.x1":116.63333,"coords.x2":-1.71667} {"Reference":"2013-97","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 29 March, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 01-11S 117-16E, at the Belawan Anchorage. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel and stole ship's stores from the forecastle store. They were spotted by the crew and the alarm","Desc2":"was raised. The robbers escaped with the stolen stores.","coords.x1":117.26667,"coords.x2":-1.18333} {"Reference":"2013-119","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER THEOMETOR","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 28 March, the anchored bulk carrier THEOMETOR was boarded at 01-08S 117-15E, at the Muara Jawa Anchorage, Samarinda. A/B on routine security rounds on board the ship noticed robbers near the bosun store trying to remove mooring ropes. They","Desc2":"pointed a gun at the A/B who took cover and informed the D/O. The robbers managed to lower the rope into a waiting boat and escaped. Coast guard and port control were informed.","coords.x1":117.25,"coords.x2":-1.13333} {"Reference":"2013-79","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-26","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 26 March, an anchored bulk carrier was boarded at 03-40S 114-26E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and were noticed by the alert duty crew, who informed the Duty Officer. Alarm raised and crew alerted. Upon seeing the","Desc2":"alert crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped.","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-3.66667} {"Reference":"2013-84","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER GLOBAL ANDES","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 21 March, the anchored bulk carrier GLOBAL ANDES was boarded at 07-05S 112-39E, at the Gresik Inner Anchorage. Four robbers boarded the bulk carrier, forced their way into the forward store, and stole ship's property. When noticed by the","Desc2":"crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Port control informed.","coords.x1":112.65,"coords.x2":-7.08333} {"Reference":"2013-73","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER KILIAN S","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 14 March, the anchored bulk carrier KILIAN S was boarded at 01-40S 116-39E, approximately 25 nm SSW of the Balikpapan Port. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel. The alert duty seaman spotted the robbers attempting to","Desc2":"enter the forecastle store and informed the Duty Officer, who raised the alarm and sounded the forward fog horn. Seeing the alerted crew mustered and proceeding towards the forecastle, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Pilot station and all","Desc3":"vessels at Adang Bay alerted. The crew did not sustain any injuries and no property was stolen.","coords.x1":116.65,"coords.x2":-1.66667} {"Reference":"2013-68","DateOfOcc":"2013-03-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER CASTLEGATE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 04 March, the bulk carrier CASTLEGATE was boarded at 03-33S 114-26E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. The anchored vessel was boarded by robbers, who stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed. Master reported the incident to Port Control.","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-3.55} {"Reference":"2013-47","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 20 February, an anchored tanker was boarded at 01-23S 116-56E, at the BalikpapanAnchorage. During bunkering operations, the Master saw two robbers with long swords on the forecastle stealing mooring ropes. He raised the alarm and mustered","Desc2":"the crew. Seeing crew's alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped.","coords.x1":116.93333,"coords.x2":-1.38333} {"Reference":"2013-46","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 20 February, a bulk carrier was boarded at 07-09S 112-40E in the vicinity of Gresik, Surabaya. While under pilotage and awaiting berthing, the vessel was boarded by robbers, who stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed. Incident reported to","Desc2":"pilot onboard, who reported it to Port Control.","coords.x1":112.66667,"coords.x2":-7.15} {"Reference":"2013-39","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER TORM GARRONE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 February, the anchored tanker TORM GARRONE was boarded at 01-17S 116-47E, at the Balikpapan Inner Anchorage. On sighting the robbers, Master raised the alarm and mustered the crew. Robbers escaped with ship's stores.","coords.x1":116.78333,"coords.x2":-1.28333} {"Reference":"2013-41","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER INCE INEBOLU","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 06 February, the bulk carrier INCE INEBOLU ship was boarded at 01-41S 116-38E, at the Adang Bay Anchorage. Three robbers armed with knives boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain and attacked the duty crewman on the forecastle, who","Desc2":"managed to escape and raise the alarm. All crew mustered and proceeded forward. Seeing the alert crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their boat. Investigation revealed that ship's stores had been stolen from the forecastle store.","coords.x1":116.63333,"coords.x2":-1.68333} {"Reference":"2013-23","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER TORM OHIO","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 17 January, the tanker TORM OHIO was boarded at 01-22S 116-56E, at the Balikpapan Outer Anchorage. Two robbers boarded the anchored vessel while waiting for pilot. Duty Officer raised the alarm and sounded the fog horn upon noticing some","Desc2":"movements at the forecastle deck. On hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Investigation revealed that the forward rope hatch lock was broken and ship's stores stolen. Incident reported to port authorities via local agent.","coords.x1":116.93333,"coords.x2":-1.36667} {"Reference":"2013-17","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER HUA HENG 167","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 12 January, the bulk carrier HUA HENG 167 was boarded at 01-11S 116-46E, at the Balikpapan Anchorage. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain. Duty crew noticed the robbers and raised the alarm.","Desc2":"All crew mustered and rushed to the forecastle. On seeing the crew's alertness, the robbers escaped empty-handed in their speed boat.","coords.x1":116.76667,"coords.x2":-1.18333} {"Reference":"2013-13","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER HISTRIA PRINCE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 04 January, chemical tanker HISTRIA PRINCE boarded at 01-16S 116-49E, at the Balikpapan Port Jetty No. 5C. Four robbers approached the vessel at berth while engaged in loading operations. One of the robbers boarded by climbing the forward","Desc2":"fire wire, stole ship's properties and escaped. The incident was reported to the local agent and the port authorities.","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.26667} {"Reference":"2013-5","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 29 December 2012, bulk carrier boarded on at 03-43S 114-27E, at the Taboneo anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored vessel while waiting to commence loading operations. Robbers broke into the forward bosun store, stole ship's stores and","Desc2":"properties and escaped unnoticed. The incident occurred was reported to the local agent and the port authorities.","coords.x1":114.45,"coords.x2":-3.71667} {"Reference":"2013-4","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 29 December 2012, bulk carrier boarded at 03-44S 114-25E, at the Taboneo anchorage. Duty crew aboard the anchored vessel found the lock of the forward store broken and saw ship's stores on the deck. The robbers escaped in two boats without","Desc2":"stealing anything.","coords.x1":114.41667,"coords.x2":-3.73333} {"Reference":"2012-342","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 10 December at 03-43S 114-26E, at the Taboneo Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored bulk carrier while the crew was busy attending to a barge. Once the crew returned to their watchkeeping duties, they noticed the bosun","Desc2":"store lock had been broken and ship properties stolen. On investigating, it was found that the robbers had accessed the vessel via the anchor chain after managing to cut the wire lashing and break the padlock securing the hawse pipe covers. Local agents","Desc3":"informed.","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-3.71667} {"Reference":"2012-334","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-01","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Robbers in an unlit small boat approached an anchored bulk carrier and attempted to climb onboard the ship via the anchor chain. Alert duty O/S noticed the robbers, shouted at them, and then informed the bridge who raised the alarm. All crew","Desc2":"members rushed to the forecastle. On hearing the alarm and seeing the crew alertness, the robbers aborted the attempted boarding and escaped in their boat. Port control informed.","coords.x1":116.98333,"coords.x2":-1.38333} {"Reference":"2012-327","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier ship boarded on 28 November at 00-18S 117-40E, at the Samarinda Anchorage. Pirates armed with a long knife boarded the anchored bulk carrier. Duty watchman noticed the pirates, who threatened him with a long knife and warned him","Desc2":"not to approach any closer. Duty watchman alerted the Chief Officer, who raised the alarm and alerted the crew. On seeing the alert crew, the pirates escaped with stolen ship's stores.","coords.x1":117.66667,"coords.x2":-0.3} {"Reference":"2012-329","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker boarded on 24 November at 01-27 S 116-47E, at the Lawe-Lawe Anchorage, Balikpapan. Robbers boarded the anchored crude oil tanker, stole ship's stores from the forward store and escaped unnoticed. The crew on duty noticed the forward","Desc2":"store door open and observed two boats moving away from the tanker. The incident was reported to port control and CSO.","coords.x1":116.78333,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2012-331","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 21 November at 01-42S 116-38E, at the Adang Bay Anchorage. Robbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier carrying out loading operations via barge. The robbers attacked and tied up the Bosun on his routine rounds of the","Desc2":"forecastle. They stole personal effects of the Bosun, then broke into the forward locker and stole ship's stores. The robbers were noticed by the Master and crew, who raised the alarm resulting in the robbers escaping.","coords.x1":116.63333,"coords.x2":-1.7} {"Reference":"2012-333","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA:General cargo ship boarded on 17 November at 07-05S 112-39E, at the Surabaya Inner Anchorage. Armed pirates in two speed boats, seven in one boat and three in the other, boarded the anchored cargo ship. Alert crew raised the alarm, mustered and","Desc2":"started approaching the robbers who were seen escaping. No injuries to crew.","coords.x1":112.65,"coords.x2":-7.08333} {"Reference":"2012-310","DateOfOcc":"2012-11-02","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 2 November at 01-41S 116-38E, at the Adang Bay Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored vessel and stole ship's stores from the forward store and escaped unnoticed. The theft was later noticed during the next watch change","Desc2":"and was reported to authorities.","coords.x1":116.63333,"coords.x2":-1.68333} {"Reference":"2012-306","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 27 October at 03-41S 114-27E, at Taboneo Anchorage, Banjarmasin. Three robbers boarded the anchored vessel while awaiting cargo operations. Duty crew on rounds noticed a robber on the forecastle deck and informed the","Desc2":"duty officer, who raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in two waiting boats with ship's stores.","coords.x1":114.45,"coords.x2":-3.68333} {"Reference":"2012-292","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 16 October near 00-13S 117-33E, Muara Berau Anchorage, Samarinda. Three robbers boarded the vessel while at anchor. They were spotted by the duty crew during security rounds. The duty A/B reported to the bridge and","Desc2":"approached the robbers, who assaulted and injured him. The robbers stole crew belongings and escaped.","coords.x1":117.55,"coords.x2":-0.21667} {"Reference":"2012-284","DateOfOcc":"2012-10-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 5 October at 00-13S 117-33E, Muara Berau Anchorage. Six robbers armed with long knives boarded the anchored vessel. The duty crew noticed the robbers stealing ship's stores from the forward locker and raised the alarm.","Desc2":"Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in their boat with the stolen stores. Local Coast Guard units were informed of the incident.","coords.x1":117.55,"coords.x2":-0.21667} {"Reference":"2012-252","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-02","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 2 September at 00-13S 117-35E, Muara Berau Anchorage. Five robbers in a speed boat approached and boarded the anchored vessel, broke into the paint and boatswain stores and stole ship's stores and properties. The master","Desc2":"noticed the robbers on the forecastle deck and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the reaction of the crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with the stolen items they had placed in their waiting boat. The vessel made several","Desc3":"attempts to contact port control but received no response.","coords.x1":117.58333,"coords.x2":-0.21667} {"Reference":"2012-253","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-31","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 31 August at 00-13S 117-35E, Muara Berau Anchorage. An unknown number of robbers boarded the vessel.","coords.x1":117.58333,"coords.x2":-0.21667} {"Reference":"2012-244","DateOfOcc":"2012-08-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 28 August at 00-15S 117-35E, Muara Berau anchorage. An unknown number of robbers boarded the vessel.","coords.x1":117.58333,"coords.x2":-0.25} {"Reference":"2012-181","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tanker robbed on 18 May at 03:42 S ? 114:26 E, Taboneo Anchorage, Banjarmasin, Indonesia. The duty A/B on roving deck patrol noticed five pirates in the forward store. Two of the pirates threatened him with a knife and the A/B escaped and","Desc2":"informed the D/O who raised alarm and alerted the ship?s crew. By the time the crew members went forward the robbers had escaped with stolen ship's stores.","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-3.7} {"Reference":"2012-174","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk Carrier was boarded while at anchor on 12 May at 01:11 S - 117:13 E, Muara Jawa Anchorage, Samarinda, Indonesia. Pirates boarded an anchored bulk carrier and stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed. The theft was noticed by the duty A/B","Desc2":"during routine rounds on deck.","coords.x1":117.21667,"coords.x2":-1.18333} {"Reference":"2012-173","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk Carrier was boarded on 10 May while underway at 03:42 S-114:27 E, Taboneo Anchorage, Indonesia. Pirates boarded the anchored bulk carrier during cargo operations and stole ship's stores from the ships forecastle and escaped before being","Desc2":"spotted by the crew. Authorities were informed and boarded the vessel to conduct an inspection.","coords.x1":114.45,"coords.x2":-3.7} {"Reference":"2012-143","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 20 April while anchored at 01:10 S 117:15 E, Samarinda Anchorage (Muara Jawa), Indonesia. The duty AB onboard an anchored bulk carrier noticed a boat near the forecastle. Eight pirates boarded and tied the AB's hands and","Desc2":"feet, made him lie down on deck and started lowering the mooring ropes. The AB managed to free his feet and ran aft for help and to inform the duty officer. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered on the forecastle. The pirates managed to escape with","Desc3":"ships stores and merchandise. Local authorities were informed and the ship received no response.","coords.x1":117.25,"coords.x2":-1.16667} {"Reference":"2012-136","DateOfOcc":"2012-04-07","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk Carrier was boarded on 7 April at the Muara Jawa Anchorage, Samarinda, Indonesia at position 01:11S - 117:11E. The anchored vessel was boarded by a group of pirates who entered the forward ships store. The pirates were sighted by the duty","Desc2":"AB who alerted the D/O and the vessels alarm was raised and the pirates escaped with several itemsfrom the vessels ship store.","coords.x1":117.18333,"coords.x2":-1.18333} {"Reference":"2012-103","DateOfOcc":"2012-03-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Merchant Vessel","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded on 18 March while anchored at positions 01:18 S - 116:47E Balikpapan Inner Anchorage. Three robbers boarded the ship, broke into the forward cargo hold and stole ship's stores. Two duty personnel on rounds saw the robbers","Desc2":"and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in a waiting boat. Incident reported to port authorities.","coords.x1":116.78333,"coords.x2":-1.3} {"Reference":"2012-59","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: General cargo ship boarded on 10 February while anchored at position 07-06 S 112-39 E, Gresik Port Inner Anchorage. The robbers managed to steal ship's stores and escaped unnoticed. Incident reported to port authorities. (IMB)","coords.x1":112.66333,"coords.x2":-7.10833} {"Reference":"2012-42","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"SANDAKAN INNER ANCHORAGE, SABAH, MALAYSIA: Robbers boarded an anchored chemical tanker. Duty A/B on rounds sighted the robbers armed with long knives and immediatedly informed the duty officer. Seeing crew alertness the robbers escaped with stolen ship's","Desc2":"stores.","coords.x1":118.08333,"coords.x2":5.8} {"Reference":"2012-43","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"MAKASSAR STRAIT: Bulk carrier boarded on 28 January by four robbers armed with a gun and knives while anchored at position 01-43S 116-38E, Adang Bay Anchorage. The robbers tried to attack a nearby deckhand, who managed to escape and inform the duty","Desc2":"officer. The duty officer raised the alarm and all crew were mustered. The crew then attempted to corner the robbers and prevent escape, but the robbers fired four shots and escaped with ship's stores. No injuries to crew were reported. Incident reported","Desc3":"to port officials. (IMB)","coords.x1":116.63333,"coords.x2":-1.71667} {"Reference":"2012-28","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"ADANG BAY ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Five robbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier via the forecastle while duty were busy tending to cargo operations. When duty crew returned to forecastle, he saw two robbers who pushed him and escaped in a waiting boat. On","Desc2":"investigating it was noticed that the forward store had been broken into and ships's stores stolen.","coords.x1":116.63333,"coords.x2":-1.68333} {"Reference":"2012-23","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-11","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"BALIKPAPAN INNER ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Three robbers armed with long knives boarded a tanker via the anchor chain. They were spotted by the duty A/B who reported to the bridge duty officer. Alarm raised. The robbers stole ship's stores and escaped in","Desc2":"their waiting boat.","coords.x1":116.8,"coords.x2":-1.28333} {"Reference":"2012-7","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-01","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"TABONEO ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Duty AB onboard an anchored bulk carrier noticed a robber inside the hawse pipe, trying to break open the lock. A boat with two more robbers was noticed nearby. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Seeing alert crew the robber","Desc2":"escaped in the waiting boat. Nothing stolen.","coords.x1":114.45,"coords.x2":-3.73333} {"Reference":"2012-5","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-30","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CELEBES SEA: Seven pirates in a small flat bottom boat chased and attempted to board a bulk carrier underway. The vessel enforced anti piracy measures, rigged fire hoses, increased speed, made evasive maneuvers and sounded ship's whistle resulting in the","Desc2":"attack being aborted.","coords.x1":121.06667,"coords.x2":3.5} {"Reference":"2011-492","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-22","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SURABAYA INNER ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Duty crew onboard an anchored bulk carrier noticed two boats moving away from the vessel with mooring lines trailing in the water. Alarm sounded and all crew mustered. Authorities informed via local agent.","coords.x1":112.66278,"coords.x2":-7.08333} {"Reference":"2011-484","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded 8 December at 0040 LT while anchored in position 03-42S 114-26E, approximately 24 nm south-southeast of Bandjermasin. The robbers boarded using a grappling hook, opened the hawse pipe cover, and were discovered by an alert","Desc2":"duty cadet who raised the alarm. The robbers escaped through the hawse pipe. (IMB)","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-3.7} {"Reference":"2011-485","DateOfOcc":"2011-12-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CEMENT CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Cement carrier boarded and robbed 6 December at 0515 LT while anchored in position 01-42S 116-38E, approximately 32 nm south-southwest of Balikpapan. The crew noticed the robbers escaping with a mooring line and discovered that the forecastle","Desc2":"store had been broken into. (IMB)","coords.x1":116.63333,"coords.x2":-1.7} {"Reference":"2011-461","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Chemical tanker boarded and robbed 14 November at 0350 LT while berthed in position 05-49N 118-05E, KPO Terminal, Sandakan Port, Sabah. Four robbers with long knives boarded the vessel and were noticed by the duty crew who shouted at them and","Desc2":"raised the alarm. The robbers fled in a small wooden boat. The crew mustered, checked the vessel, and reported the ship's stores stolen. Marine police were informed. (Open Source, IMB)","coords.x1":118.08333,"coords.x2":5.81667} {"Reference":"2011-460","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded 14 November at 0045 LT while anchored in position 01-22S 116-57E, Balikpapan Anchorage. Alert duty crew noticed robbers on forecastle deck attempting to rob ship's stores. The alarm was raised and the fog horn sounded. The","Desc2":"robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting boat. (Open Source, IMB)","coords.x1":116.93333,"coords.x2":-1.36667} {"Reference":"2011-444","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"SANDAKAN ANCHORAGE, MALAYSIA: Three robbers in a fast boat boarded a tug boat and tow at anchor. Robbers stole ship's stores and escaped. All crew safe.","coords.x1":118.11722,"coords.x2":5.81889} {"Reference":"2011-372","DateOfOcc":"2011-08-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker was robbed 27 August at 0600 UTC while anchored in position 01-27.6S 116-48.6E, in the Lawe-Lawe anchorage, Balikpapan. Six to seven robbers with long knives in a motor boat boarded the vessel, took the duty watchman hostage and tied","Desc2":"him up, stole ship's stores and properties, and escaped. Master received no response after attempting to contact port authorities. (IMB)","coords.x1":116.81,"coords.x2":-1.46} {"Reference":"2011-343","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SAMARINDA MUARA BERAU ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Robbers boarded a bulk carrier at anchor, stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed.","coords.x1":117.59444,"coords.x2":-0.22444} {"Reference":"2011-303","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SURABAYA ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Robbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier from the stern as the duty crew was taking routine rounds forward. They stole ship's stores and escaped. When the duty crew reached the stern, he found ship's stores missing and","Desc2":"raised the alarm. Port control and local agents informed.","coords.x1":112.725,"coords.x2":-7.19167} {"Reference":"2011-270","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SAMARINDA ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Three robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored bulk carrier via hawse pipe. They broke the padlocks on the bosun store and stole ship's stores. Duty AB spotted them and informed the duty officer who sounded the ship's","Desc2":"whistle resulting in the robbers escaping. Port control informed but no response.","coords.x1":117.26667,"coords.x2":-1.16667} {"Reference":"2011-260","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"MUARA JAWA ANCHORAGE SAMARINDA, INDONESIA: Robbers boarded a bulk carrier at anchor unnoticed. Duty officer noticed unlit boat moving away from shipside with a trailing mooring rope. He immediately engaged the mooring winch gear to stop the outrun of the","Desc2":"mooring rope. About 20-25 meters of rope was floating in the water and was retrieved back by ship's crew. Further investigation revealed that the bosun store lock was broken and the door forced open. Ship's stores and properties were stolen.","coords.x1":117.26667,"coords.x2":-1.16667} {"Reference":"2011-258","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-22","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SURABAYA INNER ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Robbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier via the poop deck. They stole ship's stores and escaped.","coords.x1":112.66667,"coords.x2":-7.11667} {"Reference":"2011-250","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-15","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SAMARINDA ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Robbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier via the hawse pipe. They broke open the bosun store padlock and stole ship's stores and escaped.","coords.x1":117.28333,"coords.x2":-1.16667} {"Reference":"2011-186","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SAMARINDA ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Robbers boarded a general cargo ship at anchor. They broke the padlocks on the bosun store and stole ship's stores and escaped upon seeing the duty crew on patrol. Port authorities informed.","coords.x1":117.25,"coords.x2":-1.11667} {"Reference":"2011-113","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier was robbed 19 Feb at 0200 local time, while at anchorage in position 03-44.2S 114-25.6E, Taboneo anchorage. The robbers stole ship stores and escaped.The incident was reported to the authorities. (IMB)","coords.x1":114.42667,"coords.x2":-3.73667} {"Reference":"2010-458","DateOfOcc":"2010-11-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"GRESIK PORT, INDONESIA: Two robbers armed with knives boarded a bulk carrier at berth while the other two robbers wait on a boat. Duty crew sighted the robbers on the forecastle stealing ship's property and raised the alarm. The robber escaped with","Desc2":"stolen stores.","coords.x1":112.65833,"coords.x2":-7.14167} {"Reference":"2010-389","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier robbed 16 Oct 10 at 2005 local time while at anchor in position 00-01.20S 117-36.26E at Botang Roads. Two robbers boarded a bulk carrier at anchor. The duty crew noticed that the forward store's padlock was broken and raised the","Desc2":"alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with stolen stores in a small motor boat. (IMB)","coords.x1":117.60433,"coords.x2":-0.02} {"Reference":"2010-300","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-31","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP","Desc1":"TANJUNG PEMANCINGAN ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: While at anchor, alarm for forecastle watertight doors was activated indicating that they had been opened. Investigation carried out revealed forecastle store door was broke open and ship's stores ad properties","Desc2":"stolen. The whole incident was unnoticed.","coords.x1":116.38333,"coords.x2":-3.21667} {"Reference":"2010-321","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Product tanker boarded 29 Aug 10 at 0245 local time while at anchorage in Balikpapan, Indonesia. Robbers boarded a product tanker at anchor during heavy rain and stole ship stores. At the time of the robbery, the ship counter-piracy crew","Desc2":"was taking shelter due to the rain. When the rain stopped, the counter-piracy crew discovered the loss. (IMB)","coords.x1":116.85,"coords.x2":-1.41667} {"Reference":"2010-197","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded 18 May 10 at 1700 UTC while anchored in position 03-43S 114-28E, Taboneo anchorage. Five robbers in a boat boarded the vessel at anchor. The master immediately reported it to local authorities via VHF and mustered the crew","Desc2":"on the bridge. Authorities arrived on time and detained the robbers (IMB).","coords.x1":114.46667,"coords.x2":-3.71667} {"Reference":"2010-116","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"LAWI ANCHORAGE, BALIKPAPAN, INDONESIA: Robbers boarded a tanker by breaking open the hawse pipe cover. They entered the forescastle and stole ship equipment by breaking the lock on the booby hatch.","coords.x1":116.815,"coords.x2":-1.47667} {"Reference":"2010-117","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"PEMANCINGAN ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Robber attempted to climb up the anchor chain of a general cargo ship at anchor. Crew spotted him and informed bridge. Alarm raised and ship's whistle sounded. Robber jumped into the water and escaped.","coords.x1":116.36111,"coords.x2":-3.2} {"Reference":"2010-105","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach 4 Apr 10 at 0215 UTC while underway in position 04-10.3N 120-41.3E, south of Tawi Tawi, Celebes Sea. Vessel reported being chased by skiffs for 30 minutes. Evasive maneuvers were conducted and the","Desc2":"vessel continued its transit (IMB).","coords.x1":120.68833,"coords.x2":4.17167} {"Reference":"2009-446","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"BALIKPAPAN OUTER ANCHORAGE, INDONESIA: Three robbers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor using hooks attached to ropes. They stole ship's stores and escaped in a small boat. Local authorities informed.","coords.x1":116.98833,"coords.x2":-1.35667} {"Reference":"2009-325","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier robbed 6 Jul 09 at 1110 UTC while anchored in position 00-01N 117-36E, Bontang anchorage. Robbers gained access to the vessel via the anchor chain and through the hawse pipe cover, which had been secured by the crew. They stole","Desc2":"ship?s properties and escaped unnoticed (IMB).","coords.x1":117.6,"coords.x2":0.01667} {"Reference":"2009-310","DateOfOcc":"2009-06-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 24 June 09 at 1930 UTC while anchored in position 01-20.2S 117-02.8E, Balikpapan outer anchorage. Two robbers in a small boat attempted to board the vessel. The alert crew raised the alarm and sounded","Desc2":"the ship's whistle, causing the robbers to abort the attempt. The vessel master immediately notified the pilot station of the incident (IMB).","coords.x1":117.04667,"coords.x2":-1.33667} {"Reference":"2009-225","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SANDAKAN ANCHORAGE, MALAYSIA: A fisherman offering fresh fish approached on the stbd side of a container ship at anchor. While four robbers in a speedboat approached from the port side of the vessel and attempted to board. Alert crew saw the robbers and","Desc2":"raised alarm. Robbers aborted the attempt due to crew alertness.","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.81667} {"Reference":"2009-197","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"SANDAKAN PORT, MALAYSIA: While at berth, two robbers boarded a container ship from a small boat during heavy rain. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their boat. An inspection showed three container seals were","Desc2":"tempered with but nothing stolen.","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.81667} {"Reference":"2009-215","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Container ship boarded 21 Apr 09 at 0345 local time while in Sandakan port. While at berth, two robbers boarded the vessel from a small boat during a heavy rain. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The robbers jumped overboard and","Desc2":"escaped in their boat. An inspection showed three container seals were tampered with, but nothing stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.81667} {"Reference":"2008-446","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 5 Nov 2008 at 0300 local time in position 03:40S ? 114:26E, Taboneo anchorage, Kalimantan. Four robbers armed with catapults, knives, and hacksaws boarded a bulk carrier at anchor. They threatened the duty crew","Desc2":"with catapults and stole ship?s stores from the forward locker. The alarm was raised and ship?s whistle sounded. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a wooden fast boat. The incident was reported to coastal authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-3.66667} {"Reference":"2008-350","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIABulk carrier boarded, robbed 6 Sep 08 at 0240 local time, Tanjung Bara anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel via the forecastle and stole ship?s stores. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered. The robbers escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":116.45222,"coords.x2":-2.53667} {"Reference":"2008-328","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-30","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LPG TANKER","Desc1":"INDONESIALPG tanker boarded, robbed 30 Aug 08 at 0430 local time while at anchorage in position 00:04.8S 117:34.3E, Santan Port. Several robbers boarded the vessel at the forward mooring station. The ship?s crew raised the alarm and the intruders escaped","Desc2":"in a waiting boat. Due to heavy rain, the master was unable to confirm the number of robbers and the weapons.","coords.x1":117.57167,"coords.x2":-0.08} {"Reference":"2008-284","DateOfOcc":"2008-08-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"LPG Tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:LPG tanker boarded, robbed 6 Aug 08 at 0400 local time while in position 00-10-19N 117-36-12E: Bontang Anchorage. The duty crew onboard the vessel spotted robbers stealing the ship?s equipment. The alarm was raised and the crew alerted.","Desc2":"Alertness, the robber escaped into a waiting boat. (IMB).","coords.x1":117.60333,"coords.x2":0.17194} {"Reference":"2008-215","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"Pirate Hijacking","Victim":"Product Tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Product tanker (BLUE OCEAN-7) hijacked 21-May-08, recovered 19-Jun-08, Makassar Strait. Approximately ten pirates armed with guns and knives boarded and hijacked the vessel transporting crude palm oil from Bone Manjing port, West Sulawesi,","Desc2":"Indonesia to a Sandakan, Malaysia seaport. After only six hours of sailing, suspected pirates took 14 crewmembers as hostage and reversed the direction of the vessel to the Makassar Strait. Owners contacted the IMBs Piracy Reporting Centre for assistance","Desc3":"to locate the vessel. The Royal Malaysia Marine Police located and detained the vessel on 19 Jun 08 at the port of Sandakan, after the owners received a tip-off from a member of the tanker?s crew. Six crewmembers are reported as missing. However, reports","Desc4":"from Indonesia suggest that the Malaysian authorities have detained several suspects, possibly including members of the ship's crew. The reports say that the ship's name was changed to (EKA) and that the hull had been repainted. The executive head of the","Desc5":"Maritime Security Coordination Agency has stated that they perceive this case to be an indication of a foreign network involved in the hijacking. Another indication was the fact that since its departure from Bone Manjing, the vessel had been tailed by a","Desc6":"number of men in a speedboat carrying firearms and sharp weapons, who later boarded the ship. Upon arrival in Sandakan, the vessel had all required marine documents. Piracy was eventually detected and a combined police and navy team arrested eleven men","coords.x1":119.25,"coords.x2":0.5} {"Reference":"2008-224","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Ship","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Container ship (KOTA RAJIN) boarded, robbed 9 May 08 at 0350 local time while berth in position 06-57S 110-26E, Port of Semerang, per 1 Jul 08 reporting. Two unknown persons were found in the ships engine room. The alarm was raised and both","Desc2":"perpetrators jumped overboard and escaped in a small boat. Preliminary checks indicated that two reefer extension wires were stolen. There was no report of injuries to crew. The local agent informed the Indonesian authorities at Semarang about the","Desc3":"incident (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":110.43333,"coords.x2":-6.95} {"Reference":"2008-50","DateOfOcc":"2008-02-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"General Cargo Vessel","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:General cargo ship boarded, robbed 17 Feb 08 at 0540 local time while in position 05-48N 118-05E, Berth no. 2, Sandakan port. The duty crew on board the vessel reported that a boat approached from the port bow. One robber was noticed on the","Desc2":"forecastle deck passing ship stores to the other robbers in the boat. On seeing the alert crew, the robber jumped overboard and escaped with the ship stores. The forward booby hatch lock was found broken. The IMP PRC was notified who then liaised with","Desc3":"local police for further action. Police arrived and conducted an investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":118.08333,"coords.x2":5.8} {"Reference":"2008-8","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-25","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Bulk carrier boarded, crewmember assaulted, 25 Dec 07 at 0715 UTC in position 01-09.1S 117-13.7E, Samarinda anchorage. The duty crew noticed robbers on the poop deck. As the crewmember shouted to alert the rest of the crew, the robbers, who had","Desc2":"hidden behind the winches attacked him with iron pipes. Realizing that all crew had been alerted, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Nothing was stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":117.22833,"coords.x2":-1.15167} {"Reference":"2008-10","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRACY","Victim":"WORKBOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Workboat (ANCHOR 2) noticed missing 19 Oct 07 at 0100 local time while being towed by the tug (SM V) in position 06-03.1S 115-32.84E, approximately 120NM North of Bali, per 18 Dec 07 IMB reporting. On 19 Oct 07, the ship master on board the tug","Desc2":"(SM V) discovered that the (ANCHOR 2) was missing. The missing vessel was subsequently found at approximately 2150 local time on 20 Oct 07. The towing rope was reportedly missing, and the right side glass window, the doors leading to the steering console","Desc3":"and the navigational control were broken. The company security officer suspected that robbers boarded the unmanned vessel while it was towed by the (SM V), cut off the towing rope and set the workboat adrift. The company security officer reported the","Desc4":"incident to the coastal state and the flag state (ReCAAP, IMB).","coords.x1":115.54733,"coords.x2":-6.05167} {"Reference":"2007-214","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 29 Aug 07 0530 local time, while underway in position 02-30S 118-30E, Makassar Straits. Three white speedboats, traveling at 17kts, approached the vessel from the port and starboard side. The D/O","Desc2":"raised the alarm, sounded the ship's whistle, and the crew mustered. Upon seeing the alert crew, the alleged pirates aborted the attempt (IMB).","coords.x1":118.5,"coords.x2":-2.5} {"Reference":"2007-184","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 05 Aug at 0255 local time in position 00-01.3N 117-35.1E, Bontang anchorage. Seven robbers armed with guns, knives, crowbars and steel pipes boarded the vessel. They held the duty AB at gunpoint and tied him up.","Desc2":"They attempted to break open the bosun store but were unsuccessful. The robbers stole the duty AB's walkie-talkie and other ship's stores and then escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":117.585,"coords.x2":0.02167} {"Reference":"2007-209","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-02","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Product tanker boarded 02 Aug 07, 0100 local time, while at berth at Shell Jetty,Sandakan, Sabah. An unknown person boarded the vessel via the gangway. The crew spotted him and chased him. The intruder ran towards the forecastle, jumped","Desc2":"overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":118.05833,"coords.x2":5.79167} {"Reference":"2007-146","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 23 Jun at 0240 local time, in position 03-41S 114-26:40E, Banjarmasin Coal Loading Anchorage. The duty watchman on the vessel sighted two intruders climbing up the anchor chain and three other personnel","Desc2":"in a boat close to the anchor cable. The watchman notified the D/O who raised the alarm. The intruders abandoned their attempt to board and escaped in the small waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":114.44,"coords.x2":-3.68333} {"Reference":"2007-137","DateOfOcc":"2007-06-07","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:At 2240 UTC,the duty crew on an anchored tanker, at Lawi-Lawi Anchorage of Balikpapan, noticed two robbers, on the forecastle deck. The D/O on the bridge was alerted and the alarm raised. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a speedboat,","Desc2":"when they saw the crew approaching. Upon inspection, it was found that, the forward life raft was stolen. Authorities and agents were informed.","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.46667} {"Reference":"2007-110","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Vessel boarded and robbed 9 May in the evening, while at 3BSP 4 berth in position 05-01.03N 118-21.13E, Lahad Datu Port. Several stevedores stole the ship's property during discharging operations. The master reported to agents but no action was","Desc2":"taken (IMB).","coords.x1":118.35217,"coords.x2":5.01717} {"Reference":"2007-111","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-07","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Product tanker boarded 7 May at 0200 local time, while at berth in position 01-16.081S 116-48.560E, Balikpapan Pertamina Jetty No. 2. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the loaded product tanker via the forecastle, while waiting for","Desc2":"the pilot to board. Duty Officer noticed the robbers and raised the alarm, sounded the ship's whistle, and alerted the crew. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a speedboat. No injuries to crew. Nothing was stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":116.80933,"coords.x2":-1.26802} {"Reference":"2007-105","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded and robbed 3 May at 0315 local time, while berthed in position 01-11.7S 116-46.8E, Balikpapan Port. Robbers boarded the bulk carrier, while the crew and officers were busy, during the carrier's final stages of cargo","Desc2":"operations. The robbers stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed (IMB).","coords.x1":116.78,"coords.x2":-1.195} {"Reference":"2007-92","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: General cargo ship reported attempted boarding 16 Apr, at 1630 local time in position 07-58.36S 116-33.01E, Bennette Bay. Robbers armed with guns in 10 speedboats fired shots and attempted to board the general cargo ship at anchor. The ship","Desc2":"owners contacted the Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) and asked for assistance. PRC contacted the Indonesian SAR and Navy HQ, who acknowledged and informed the PRC that they have relayed the message to the local authorities to render necessary assistance.","Desc3":"Meanwhile, master took evasive action by heaving anchor and proceeding to sea. Later the master informed PRC that three police personnel had boarded the ship. No one was injured (IMB).","coords.x1":116.55017,"coords.x2":-7.97267} {"Reference":"2007-76","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker reported attempted boarding, 8 Apr at 2300 local time in Lawi-Lawi, Balikpapan Anchorage. Robbers attempted to board a tanker through the hawse pipe, which was secured. The anti-piracy watches were being maintained by crew forward, aft","Desc2":"and on the bridge. Upon hearing voices from the hawse pipe, the alert crew informed the bridge and the alarm was raised. The crew went forward to investigate. The hawse pipe and forward stores were found intact and nothing was stolen. The robbers escaped","Desc3":"and the agents were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":116.83333,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2006-293","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Oil tanker boarded, robbed 08 Dec, at 0015local time, Lawe-Lawe Anchorage. Robbers boarded the oil tanker atanchor and forced the forecastle store open. The ships stores were stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":116.75,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2006-240","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded 14 Oct, at 0400 local time in position 01-15.3S 116:47.7E, Balikpapan inner anchorage, Indonesia. Four robbers, in a small merchandised unlit dinghy, approached a bulk carrier during cargo operations. One robber boarded","Desc2":"and gained access to forecastle, while the other three were in the process of boarding. Alert watchman raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers escaped empty handed. No response from port control (IMB).","coords.x1":116.795,"coords.x2":-1.255} {"Reference":"2006-184","DateOfOcc":"2006-07-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 13 Jul at 1020 UTC, in position 10-12S 112-15E, 105nm south of Java Island, Indonesia. Six boats (two with white hulls and four with black hulls) approached the vessel from the stern. Each boat had","Desc2":"five masked persons dressed in black clothes. Boats came close to the stern; so, alert crew mustered and master altered the vessels course. Small boats then moved away. ONI Comment: The location, distance from shore, time of day, and large number of","Desc3":"vessels and persons involved is not typical of piracy and maritime armed crime reporting for this area and warrants further attention (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":112.25,"coords.x2":-10.2} {"Reference":"2006-137","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 10 May at 2010 UTC, while underway in position: 05-50.1S 113-25.0E Java sea. A speedboat came close to the vessel. Crew directed searchlights and after 90 minutes the boat moved away","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":113.41667,"coords.x2":-5.835} {"Reference":"2006-117","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tanker reported suspicious approach 29 Apr at 0330 local time, while underway in position:07-55S 118-20E, Flores Sea. An unlit 10 meter boat going about 14 kts approached the vessel. Duty officer directed search lights and the","Desc2":"boat turned away (IMB).","coords.x1":118.33333,"coords.x2":-7.91667} {"Reference":"2006-80","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified cargo ship boarded and robbed 12 Mar at 0100 local time, while underway in position 01-43.3S - 117-07.7E, 32 degrees SE of Balikpapan. Two pirates armed with knives boarded the vessel from a speedboat. They stole two life rafts","Desc2":"and escaped. Boat was fiberglass, top-open, 6m long, white colored on top, and powered with an outboard motor. Master tried to contact port control but received no response. (IMB).","coords.x1":117.12833,"coords.x2":-1.72167} {"Reference":"2006-79","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tugboat reported attempted boarding and robbery 8 Mar at 1502 UTC, while underway in position 07-56S - 117-34E, Bali sea. Pirates attempted to attack the tugboat. Tug took evasive maneuvers and boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":117.56667,"coords.x2":-7.93333} {"Reference":"2006-68","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported boarding and attempted robbery 28 Feb at 0330 local time, at Samarinda anchorage. Robbers boarded vessel, broke storeroom locks, and attempted to steal ship's stores and property. Alert crew foiled attempt","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":117.15361,"coords.x2":-0.50222} {"Reference":"2006-69","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded and robbed 27 Feb at 0255 local time, while in position 03-12S - 116-20E, North Pulau Laut outer anchorage. Three robbers armed with guns and knives boarded the vessel via anchor chain. They took","Desc2":"hostage a watchman at gunpoint and forced him to lie down on deck. Robbers stole ship's stores and property and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":116.33333,"coords.x2":-3.2} {"Reference":"2006-53","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:At 1025 local time off Balikpapan, two crafts chased a bulk carrier, that was underway. The master raised alarm, took evasive manoeuvres, crew mustered, and craft moved away.","coords.x1":116.975,"coords.x2":-1.54167} {"Reference":"2006-38","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded and reported an attempted robbery 5 Feb at 0745 UTC, while anchored in position 01-20.7S - 116-58.9E at Balikpapan anchorage. Four robbers in a yellow speedboat approached the tanker. Two robbers","Desc2":"armed with knives boarded via anchor chain, while the other two remained in the boat. Robbers escaped with a life raft. IMB piracy reporting center alerted the Indonesian authorities, who recovered the life raft (IMB).","coords.x1":116.98167,"coords.x2":-1.345} {"Reference":"2006-28","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded and robbed 17 Jan at 0245 local time, at the Tg. Bara anchorage. Three robbers boarded, threatened a watchman with a knife, and took him as a hostage. When watchman did not respond to calls on","Desc2":"walkie-talkie, duty officer raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores. Port authorities informed (IMB).","coords.x1":117.72833,"coords.x2":0.55167} {"Reference":"2006-13","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 27 Dec at 0400 local time, while at Tg. Bara inner anchorage, East Kalimantan. Robbers boarded the vessel at forecastle. They tried to steal ships stores but alert crew raised alarm and robbers escaped","Desc2":"empty handed, in a boat waiting with accomplices. Master suspects that stevedores may have collaborated with the robbers (IMB).","coords.x1":117.72833,"coords.x2":0.55167} {"Reference":"2006-9","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-26","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 26 Dec at 0230 local time, while anchored at Bontang anchorage. Eight robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel at forecastle. Robbers stole ships stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":117.5,"coords.x2":0.09167} {"Reference":"2005-358","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-11","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports approach 11 Dec at 2000 local time, while anchored in position 01-55S 117-14E, Senipah, Indonesia. An unlit boat approached close to thestern. Crew alerted terminal via VHF, raised alarm, and directed","Desc2":"searchlights at the boat. The suspicious boat fled when a patrol boat arrived (IMB).","coords.x1":117.23333,"coords.x2":-1.91667} {"Reference":"2005-361","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-07","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 7 Dec at 2010 local time while underway, in heavy rain in position 03-17S 116-24E, off Tanjung Mangkok, North Sebuku Island. Two persons armed with long knives stole forward liferaft and were in the","Desc2":"process of stealing stores. When confronted by the crew, they jumped overboard to a awaiting speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":116.4,"coords.x2":-3.28333} {"Reference":"2005-352","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-01","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 01 Dec at 1745 local time, while anchored in position 01:42.3S 116:38.5E, Adang Bay anchorage. Five robbers, armed with guns and knives, boarded the vessel via poop deck and stole a life raft. D/O","Desc2":"raised alarm and crew mustered, but robbers threatened them with guns and escaped in their boat. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":116.64167,"coords.x2":-1.705} {"Reference":"2005-348","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: LPG tanker was boarded 20 Nov at 0600 local time, while anchored in position 08-7S 117-35.2E Bontang anchorage. Robbers stole two life rafts and escaped. There were numerous fishing craft in the vicinity (IMB).","coords.x1":117.58667,"coords.x2":-8.11667} {"Reference":"2005-333","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded and robbed 27 Oct between 0001 and 0100 local time, while anchored in position 01-59.6N 118-08.7E, off Muara Pantai, east Kalimantan, Indonesia. Robbers boarded the vessel during cargo operations. They","Desc2":"stole forward life raft and ships stores and escaped in their speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":118.145,"coords.x2":1.99333} {"Reference":"2005-329","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Tanker boarded and robbed 04 Oct at 1830 UTC, while in position 00-08.7N 117-35.6E, Bontang anchorage. Robbers tied up the crewmember on duty and stole ships stores (IMB).","coords.x1":117.59333,"coords.x2":0.145} {"Reference":"2005-310","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 28 Sep at 0550 local time, while anchored at Balikpapan. Two robbers armed with machetes boarded via the anchor chain and stole a forward life raft. The robbers were trying to steal ships stores, when they","Desc2":"were spotted by a watchman. The robbers fled, leaving one machete behind, and escaping in a boat manned by an accomplice. Pertamina port facility security officer informed (IMB).","coords.x1":116.79167,"coords.x2":-1.25833} {"Reference":"2005-282","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 12 Sep at 0330 local time while anchored in position 03-17S 116-23E, Pulau Laut anchorage. Four robbers broke open bosun store and stole ships stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":116.38333,"coords.x2":-3.28333} {"Reference":"2005-283","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-11","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 11 Sep at 0415 local time while at anchor near Tg. Mangkok, Sebuku Island. Robbers, armed with long knives, held the crewman on duty and stole ships stores (IMB).","coords.x1":116.32667,"coords.x2":-3.20667} {"Reference":"2005-301","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tug (MARCO POLO 43) and barge (MARCO POLO 48) reported missing as of 10 Sep while on a voyage from Gresik Java, Surabaya to Jakarta (IMB) Description:Tug: Marco Polo 43, POR-Batam, callsign: YD3907, grt:148, nrt:88 Built-1992, loa: 23.34m,","Desc2":"breadth: 7.00m, depth: 2.9mengine: Nigata - 1 x 1300hp, coloursuperstructure/accommodation: beige/yellow, hull: blueBarge: Marco Polo 48, flag\" Indonesia, grt: 1704, loa: 68m,dimensions: 67.3 x 20.12x4.88m, colour: sideboard - bluehull: black /","Desc3":"rustAnyone sighting the tug and or barge are requested to inform the piracy reporting centre.","coords.x1":112.66389,"coords.x2":-7.15556} {"Reference":"2005-261","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 12 Aug at 1850 local time, while at the Balikpapan coal terminal. Four robbers, armed with crowbars, boarded the ship by climbing forward mooring ropes. They broke forward store lock and stole ships","Desc2":"stores and equipment. Duty A/B raised alarm and robbers fled in a white speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25833} {"Reference":"2005-260","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 10 Aug at 0001 local time, while anchored in position 00-33.1N 117-43.7E, Tanjung Bara anchorage. Robbers broke padlock off fore peak locker and stole ships stores (IMB).","coords.x1":117.72833,"coords.x2":0.55167} {"Reference":"2005-262","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported an attempted boarding 04 Aug at 0430 local time in position 01-41.7S 116-38.4E, Adang Bay anchorage, Indonesia. Four persons were in the process of boarding the vessel, using hooks attached to ropes. Alert","Desc2":"crew raised alarm and the robbers aborted the boarding (IMB).","coords.x1":116.64,"coords.x2":-1.695} {"Reference":"2005-247","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 29 Jul at 0300 local time in position 01-27.39S 116-45.76E, during cargo operations at SPM terminal, Lawi-Lawi, Balikpapan. Robbers broke into three storerooms and stole safety equipment and property and","Desc2":"escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":116.76267,"coords.x2":-1.4565} {"Reference":"2005-241","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 24 Jul at 2110 local time, while at Balikpapan inner anchorage. Alert crew raised alarm while three robbers were in the process of boarding the vessel. Robbers jumped back into the water and escaped in a","Desc2":"motorboat, waiting with three accomplices. Boat was about 7m long with a blue hull (IMB).","coords.x1":116.79167,"coords.x2":-1.25833} {"Reference":"2005-221","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-11","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 11 Jul at 1100 local time, while underway in position 01-17.50S 117-09.50E, Balikpapan. Pirates, armed with long knives, attempted to board the vessel from a 4 meter long speedboat.","Desc2":"Alert crew repelled boarders (IMB).","coords.x1":117.15833,"coords.x2":-1.29167} {"Reference":"2005-223","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 06 Jul at 0100 local time, Surabaya. Robbers stole a life raft and ship's property (IMB).","coords.x1":112.72083,"coords.x2":-7.19167} {"Reference":"2005-210","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 23 Jun at 0550 local time, while in position 01-27.2S 116-42.0E, Lawi-Lawi oil terminal anchorage, Balikpapan. Two robbers boarded the vessel at the forecastle. Alarm was raised and crew mustered. Robbers","Desc2":"stole ship's stores and escaped in an awaiting speedboat crewed by four accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":116.7,"coords.x2":-1.45333} {"Reference":"2005-202","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported an attempted boarding 19 Jun at 2030 local time, while underway in position 02-03N 119-20E. The pirates attempted to board at the poop deck from a speedboat. Master took evasive maneuvers, raised alarm,","Desc2":"and directed searchlights at the speedboat and boarding was averted (IMB).","coords.x1":119.33333,"coords.x2":2.05} {"Reference":"2005-203","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 17 June at 0300 local time in position 03-12S 116-20E, while at Tanjung Pemancingan anchorage. Ten robbers, armed with long knives boarded at the forecastle. They tied up duty watchman and threatened","Desc2":"another watchman. Robbers broke open locker and stole ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":116.33333,"coords.x2":-3.2} {"Reference":"2005-192","DateOfOcc":"2005-06-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Two of three kidnapped crew from the tug (BONGGAYA 91) were recovered 12 Jun in a police operation, on southern Jolo Island. One other crew member remains in the hands of the suspected Muslim guerillas. The 3 were kidnapped on 30 Mar (see ONI","Desc2":"WWTTS message dated 06 Apr 05 Para 5.K.13. for details on this incident). A spokesperson at the Indonesian embassy in Manila had said the Indonesian government would not give into ransom demands. The al-Qaida-linked terrorist group, Jamaah Islamiyah (JI)","Desc3":"has demanded US $790,000 for their release (LL).","coords.x1":119,"coords.x2":4.58333} {"Reference":"2005-181","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-31","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Per 31 May article, Indonesia will not pay ransom for the release of three Indonesian crewmen kidnapped off the tug BONGGAYA 91, back on 30 Mar (see ONI WWTTS message dated 06 Apr 05 Para 5.K.13. for details on this incident). A spokesperson","Desc2":"at the Indonesian embassy in Manila said the Indonesian government would not give into ransom demands. The hostages are believed to held somewhere in the southern Philippine province of Tawi-Tawi by the al-Qaida-linked terrorist group Jamaah Islamiyah","Desc3":"(JI), who have demanded US$790,000 for their release (LL).","coords.x1":119,"coords.x2":4.58333} {"Reference":"2005-160","DateOfOcc":"2005-05-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reported an attempted boarding 04 May at 2255 local time while underway in position 01-23.07S 117-06.57E, Makassar Straits. Pirates in a six meter blue and black hull colored speedboat attempted to board the tanker at","Desc2":"the stern. Master raised alarm and took evasive maneuvers. Pirates followed the vessel for 15 minutes before moving away (IMB).","coords.x1":117.1095,"coords.x2":-1.3845} {"Reference":"2005-149","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-30","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was approached 30 Apr at 2300 local time, while underway in position 00-24S 118-12E, Makassar Staits. Master raised alarm after detecting three unlit fishing boats approaching his vessel. Crew mustered and","Desc2":"directed searchlights. Fishing boats broke away after 35 minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":118.2,"coords.x2":-0.4} {"Reference":"2005-151","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier boarded and robbed 29 Apr at 0315 local time at Taboneo anchorage, Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Two robbers, armed with knives, boarded at forecastle. They broke into forepeak locker, stole ship's stores, and were about to","Desc2":"lower them into a boat waiting with two accomplices. Alert crew challenged robbers, duty officer raised alarm, and crew mustered. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-3.68333} {"Reference":"2005-141","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-MAKASSAR STRAIT:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 18 Apr at 1915 local time in position 01-20S 116:57E, Balikpapan outer roads. Two robbers boarded the vessel at the forecastle from two unlit fishing boats. They stole two lifeboats and","Desc2":"lifeboat equipment. Master contacted port authorities but received no response. Ship picked up anchor and left outer roads (IMB).","coords.x1":116.95,"coords.x2":-1.33333} {"Reference":"2005-142","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified tug was boarded 16 Apr at 0535 local time in position 01-13.6S 117-00.7E, Balikpapan outer roads. Masked robbers, armed with long knives, stole one life raft and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":117.01167,"coords.x2":-1.22667} {"Reference":"2005-125","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded and robbed 10 Apr at 0520 local time, in position 03-12.5S 116-22E, Pulau Laut anchorage. Eight robbers, armed with knives, stole a liferaft, communications equipment, and stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":116.36667,"coords.x2":-3.20833} {"Reference":"2005-117","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-30","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: The tugboat (BONGGAYA 91) towing barge (BONGGAYA 90) was boarded 30 Mar at 1020 local time in position 04-35N 119-00E, about three NM east of Mataking Island, Sabah. Five pirates armed with M16 and AK47 rifles in a speedboat came along side the","Desc2":"tug and fired several shots in the air ordering the master to stop. Once on board, the four pirates, all dressed in dark blue clothes, ordered crew to assemble on the main deck. Piratesstole crew's personal belongings and tug's communications equipment.","Desc3":"They kidnapped the master and two crewmembers and left in their speedboat in an easterly direction. There were reports the kidnapped seamen were sighted less than six hours after the attack at the main island of Tawi Tawi, sparking a manhunt by Malaysian","Desc4":"and Filipino security forces in the border waters off the east coast of Sebah. On 5 April, one of the Filipino patrol boats searching for the kidnapped victims clashed with gunmen near Sibutu Island, killing two of them, after attempting to inspect two","Desc5":"suspicious speedboats. One boat was recovered by the Filipino authorities but it is unknown if the gunmen were part of the group that took part in the attack on (BONGGAYA 91). No ransom demands have been received. There is some speculation the attackers","Desc6":"may be related to the attackers of tugboat (EAST OCEAN) which took place on April 11, 2004 and that these gunmen could be linked to the Abu Sayyaf militant group, although no hard evidence was provided for these links. The kidnapped victims from the","coords.x1":119,"coords.x2":4.58333} {"Reference":"2005-114","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-30","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 30 Mar at 0415 local time, while anchored at Sebuku anchorage, east Kalimantan. Several robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel and broke open the forepeak locker. Alert crew and armed","Desc2":"security guard rushed forward. Robbers stole ship's stores and escaped in a speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":116.32667,"coords.x2":-3.20667} {"Reference":"2005-116","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 29 Mar at 2030 UTC, while underway in position 01-53.6S 116-58.0E, in the Makassar Straits. Two pirates armed with knives stole a life raft and escaped.","coords.x1":116.96667,"coords.x2":-1.89333} {"Reference":"2005-101","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-26","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported an attempted boarding 26 Mar at 1830 UTC, while berthed at the Balikpapan coal terminal. Four persons in a fast craft came along side and two persons tried to board, by climbing the mooring ropes. Alert","Desc2":"crew raised alarm and boarding was averted. Authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":116.8,"coords.x2":-1.26556} {"Reference":"2005-103","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 20 Mar at 1905 local time, at Balikpapan inner anchorage. The intruders tried to break into the bosun's store but fled empty handed, when crew raised alarm. One crew member was injured resisting the","Desc2":"thieves (IMB).","coords.x1":116.79167,"coords.x2":-1.25833} {"Reference":"2005-95","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: .An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 20 Mar at 1905 local time, at Balikpapan inner anchorage. The intruders tried to break into the bosun's store but fled empty handed, when crew raised alarm. One crew member was injured resisting the","Desc2":"thieves (IMB).","coords.x1":116.8,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2005-97","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Two Filipino fishermen are reported dead in one of three separate pirate incidents, which occurred between 2300 local time 18 Mar and 0200 local time 19 Mar off Tungku. The pirates robbed the boats of engines and kerosene lanterns (INFO).","coords.x1":118.93333,"coords.x2":5.03333} {"Reference":"2005-84","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-07","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"JAVA SEA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 07 Mar at 0755 local time, while underway in position 04-47S 114-14E, near Borneo, Indonesia. Pirates stole ship's equipment. Several fishing boats were in the area at the time (IMB).","coords.x1":114.23333,"coords.x2":-4.78333} {"Reference":"2005-83","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-01","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 01 Mar at 0500 local time, while anchored at Sebuku anchorage, Pulau Laut. Eight robbers armed with long knives and metal bars boarded the vessel via the hawse pipe. They hit one crewmember with metal","Desc2":"bars causing injuries to his head and legs. They then tied him up and gagged his mouth with rags. Robbers stole ship's stores and escaped in their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":116.32667,"coords.x2":-3.20667} {"Reference":"2005-68","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-15","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 15 Feb at 0505 local time, while anchored at (Teluk Adang Bay) Adang Bay anchorage. Three robbers, armed with iron rods, boarded ship from the hawse pipe and broke open the forepeak locker. Duty seaman","Desc2":"raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers escaped in their boat with ship's stores and a life raft (IMB).","coords.x1":116.61667,"coords.x2":-1.76667} {"Reference":"2005-66","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship had an attempted boarding on 10 Feb, 0900 local time at Banjarmasin Roads, Indonesia. Twelve robbers armed with knives attempted to board a general cargo ship, along with stevedores. Commanding officer and","Desc2":"bosun spotted them and stopped them boarding. Robbers threatened them with knives. Master raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers aborted boarding and escaped in their speedboats (IMB).","coords.x1":114.55,"coords.x2":-3.38333} {"Reference":"2005-61","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded, during STS operations 06 Feb at 1936 UTC, in position 01-22N 116-58E Balikpapan anchorage. Police on board opened fire but the robbers managed to cut the ropes of two life-rafts and throw them overboard.","Desc2":"Robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their boat with the life-rafts. Police searched the area but could not apprehend robbers (IMB).","coords.x1":116.96667,"coords.x2":1.36667} {"Reference":"2005-75","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded during STS operations 06 Feb at 1936 UTC, in position 01-22N 116-58E, Balikpapan anchorage. Police on board opened fire but the robbers managed to cut the ropes of two life-rafts and throw them overboard.","Desc2":"Robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their boat with the life-rafts. Police searched the area but could not apprehend robbers (IMB).","coords.x1":116.96667,"coords.x2":1.36667} {"Reference":"2005-62","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 03 Feb at 1530 UTC in position 03:12S 116:21E, Kota Baru anchorage. Six robbers armed with long knives hit a crewman on his head and tied him up. Duty Officer sent a cadet to look for crewman but","Desc2":"robbers held a knife at his throat and tied him up. Robbers opened forward locker and tried to steal ship's stores. Duty officer raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers stole ships equipment and escaped in an unlit boat. Master called port control but","Desc3":"received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":116.35,"coords.x2":-3.2} {"Reference":"2005-51","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 20 Jan at 0235 local time, while anchored at Sandakan anchorage. Two robbers broke into a container on deck and stole cargo. Crew raised alarm and robbers jumped overboard. The robbers escaped in a","Desc2":"boat waiting with two accomplices. Master lodged a report and police boarded for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.81667} {"Reference":"2007-25","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded and robbed 19 Jan, between 0001-0400 local time in position 03-13.6S 116-25.0E, Pulau Laut NPLCT Anchorage. The robbers boarded via anchorage chain, broke into the forward store, and stole from the ships stores. The port","Desc2":"control was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":116.41667,"coords.x2":-3.22667} {"Reference":"2005-41","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 13 Jan at 1550 UTC, at Pulau Laut anchorage. Four persons armed with guns and long knives boarded at the forecastle, stole a life raft, and escaped in a speedboat, when crew sounded alarm and mustered.","Desc2":"Master tried to contact port officials but received no reply (IMB).","coords.x1":116.31667,"coords.x2":-3.2} {"Reference":"2005-3","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 27 Dec at 0230 local time, while anchored at Samarinda. Three persons boarded during cargo operations but jumped overboard and fled empty handed in a speedboat, when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":117.18333,"coords.x2":-0.48333} {"Reference":"2004-313","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 13 Dec at 0235 local time, while anchored at Balikpapan. Robbers armed with daggers, swords and guns forced the anti-piracy patrol to retreat in the accommodation for their safety. The robbers then","Desc2":"broke open forecastle locker and stole ship's stores. Master raised alarm and called port control, but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":117.24056,"coords.x2":1.27222} {"Reference":"2004-316","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports unauthorized intrusion 8 Dec at 0150 local time, while at Berth 1, Sandakan. Two persons wearing boiler suits and helmets, resembling those worn by the crew, attempted to board via the anchor chain. Duty","Desc2":"officer raised alarm and the boarded jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":118.06667,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"2004-304","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 28 Nov at 1915 UTC, while anchored in position 03-12.01S 116-21.27E, at North Pulau Laut anchorage. Ten robbers gained access via the hawse pipe and stole a large quantity of ship's stores and escaped","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":116.3545,"coords.x2":-3.20017} {"Reference":"2005-13","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded on 24 Nov at 0630 local time, while anchored in position 01-21.1S 117-01E, 14nm off Balikpapan. Three people armed with guns and knives boarded via the hawse pipe, took deck watch hostage, and stole stores","Desc2":"and ship's property before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":117.01667,"coords.x2":-1.35167} {"Reference":"2005-11","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-22","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"RESEARCH VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: A suspicious unlit craft was noticed on radar by the duty officer of an unidentified research ship on 22 NOV at 2120 local time, while the ship was in position 05-51.2N 118 -53.4E off Sandakan. When craft approached to 2.5 miles, ship's crew","Desc2":"switched on searchlights. Boat altered course to approach and the research ship altered course away for the boat, which then moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":118.89,"coords.x2":5.85333} {"Reference":"2005-16","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tanker reports attempt to board on 16 Nov, at 1055 at Balikpapan anchorage. About nine people were climbing the anchor chain when the crew raised alarm and the intruders fled in a waiting motorboat (IMB).","coords.x1":116.8,"coords.x2":-1.5} {"Reference":"2005-17","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tanker was boarded on 14 Nov at 0550local time while at Lawi-Lawi SBM anchorage. Three armed people boarded from a black motorboat and broke into forecastle I locker. They stole ship's stores and threatened the duty seaman with","Desc2":"iron bars, but fled when he managed to raise the alarm (IBM).","coords.x1":116.75833,"coords.x2":-1.5} {"Reference":"2005-18","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded on 9 Nov at 0510 local time, while at Balikpapan inner anchorage. Two people armed with knives boarded the ship, while it was being piloted from anchorage to the open sea. The thieves threatened crew,","Desc2":"broke into a storeroom, and stole ship's stores. The Master sounded the whistle and the ship's alarm and mustered the crew. The thieves escaped in a \"high platform\" boat (IMB).","coords.x1":116.75833,"coords.x2":-1.26667} {"Reference":"2004-284","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 9 Nov at 0400 local time, while at Balikpapan coal terminal. Three persons gained access but jumped overboard and escaped in a speedboat, when crew sounded alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":116.81389,"coords.x2":-1.25556} {"Reference":"2004-275","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Duty officer of an unidentified tanker noticed approach by 3 suspicious boats 8 Nov at 0300 local time, while underway in position 01-36.0S 117-01.6E off Balikpapan. Masked men in each of the boats were attempting to board via the starboard","Desc2":"quarter. Duty officer raised alarm, switched on deck lights and raised alarm, whereupon boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":117.39167,"coords.x2":-1.6} {"Reference":"2004-276","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-07","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports boarding at starboard poop deck 7 Nov at 0105 local time, while underway in position 05-06-00S 117-23-30E off Sunda Island, Java Sea by one man from a speedboat (containing 4 persons dressed in black and","Desc2":"armed with long knives). Master raised alarm, mustered crew, turned on deck lights and began evasive maneuvers. Intruder jumped overboard and speedboat returned to its unidentified \"mother ship\" (IMB).","coords.x1":117.39167,"coords.x2":-5.1} {"Reference":"2004-278","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 5 Nov at 0005 local time, while at Taboneo-Banjarmasin (Banjarmasin) anchorage. Three persons armed with knives attempted to gain access via anchor chain, but fled when crew sounded alarm","Desc2":"and activated fire hoses (IMB).","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-3.68333} {"Reference":"2004-277","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 5 Nov at 0410 local time, while at Balikpapan anchorage, by robbers armed with long knives. They broke into forecastle locker and stole ship's stores, before escaping when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":117.24056,"coords.x2":-1.27222} {"Reference":"2004-280","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 3 Nov at 1815 UTC, while anchored in position 01-34S 117-13E at Balikpapan. Three persons armed with long knives took duty seaman hostage, stole two life rafts, and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":117.21667,"coords.x2":-1.56667} {"Reference":"2004-285","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 3 Nov at 1815 UTC, while anchored in position 01-34S 117-13E at Balikpapan. Three persons armed with long knives took duty seaman hostage, stole two life rafts and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":117.21667,"coords.x2":-1.56667} {"Reference":"2005-19","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded on 3 Nov at 0245 local time while anchored at Adang Bay. Three people gained access at the forecastle, broke into the storeroom, and stole the ship's stores before escaping in a boat toward Balikpapan","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":116.46667,"coords.x2":-2.08333} {"Reference":"2004-267","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-31","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 31 Oct at 0230 local time, while anchored at Banjarmasin. Six persons tried to gain access via the anchor chain, but fled when alarm was raised (IMB).","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-3.68333} {"Reference":"2004-266","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-31","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified LPG tanker was boarded 31 Oct at 2150 UTC, while anchored at Santan (Tanjung Santan). One man boarded from a 10 meter wooden boat with green hull and white upperworks. A man lowered a liferaft into the water but jumped","Desc2":"overboard and fled when crew raised alarm. Crew lowered lifeboat and recovered raft (IMB)","coords.x1":117.56667,"coords.x2":-0.08333} {"Reference":"2004-268","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 28 Oct at 1945 local time, while anchored in position 00-00.02S 117-36.09E. Six persons armed with knives attacked and injured a crew member, but fled empty handed when crew mustered (IMB).","coords.x1":117.6015,"coords.x2":-0.00033} {"Reference":"2004-252","DateOfOcc":"2004-10-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 3 Oct at 0400 local time, while anchored in position 00-33N 117-41-48E at Tanjung Bara. Six persons armed with knives gained access via the hawse pipe, threatened duty seaman, stole his walkie-talkie,","Desc2":"and escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":117.69667,"coords.x2":0.55} {"Reference":"2004-247","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-25","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 25 Sep at 2000 local time, while anchored in position 04-52-12S 116-20-36E at North Pulau Laut anchorage. Two armed persons gained access via the anchor chain but fled empty handed, when duty officer","Desc2":"raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":116.34333,"coords.x2":-4.87} {"Reference":"2004-248","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was raided 23 Sep at 2350 local time, while at Tanjung Pemancingan anchorage. The intruders threatened crew with long knives. Alarm was raised and crew mustered, but the thieves were able to steal ship's stores","Desc2":"before escaping at 0115 local time on the 24th (IMB).","coords.x1":116.32361,"coords.x2":-3.20778} {"Reference":"2004-231","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 5 Sep during the \"early morning\" while departing Makassar (Ujung Pandang). Five persons armed with long knives and axes entered the bridge just after the ship had dropped the pilot. Robbers held duty","Desc2":"seaman and chief officer at knifepoint while they stole cash from ship's safe and ship's equipment. The thieves then escaped in a 4 meter speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":119.38056,"coords.x2":-5.11667} {"Reference":"2004-232","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-02","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 2 Sep at 0215 local time, while anchored in position 01-16-34S 117-14-24E at Balikpapan anchorage. Ten persons stole ship's stores. When master contacted port security officer, he was advised to call","Desc2":"back in the morning and no subsequent action was taken by authorities (IMB).","coords.x1":117.24,"coords.x2":-1.27611} {"Reference":"2004-225","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 24 Aug at 1600 local time while, at Balikpapan anchorage by persons who entered via the hawse pipe. Intruders broke open forecastle store and took ship's supplies, before escaping when alarm was sounded","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":116.80972,"coords.x2":-1.26389} {"Reference":"2004-216","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt by persons in two unlit boats to board 21 Aug at 0400 local time, while berthed at Tarahan (Tarakan or Lingkas Roads) coal terminal (IMB).","coords.x1":117.625,"coords.x2":3.24972} {"Reference":"2004-187","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 12 Jul at 0230 local time, while at Sandakan inner anchorage. Six thieves stole ship's stores before fleeing, when alarm was raised (IMB)","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.81667} {"Reference":"2004-186","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-CELEBES SEA: An unidentified tanker reports sighting 7 unlit speedboats joined by a line ahead of its course 10 Jul at 1600 UTC while underway in position 03-20N 119-31E. When boats came within 5 cables tanker switched on lights, mustered crew","Desc2":"and activated fire hoses. Boats reportedly followed for an hour. One tactic of small boat attacks on larger ships is to run a line across the vessel's course, letting the ship drag them alongside as it snags the line. This tactic is usually employed by 2","Desc3":"boats, only. It is unclear, too, how the tanker spotted the line between the boats in the dark (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":119.51667,"coords.x2":3.33333} {"Reference":"2004-167","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 19 Jun at 2300 local time, while anchored in position 03-12.46S 116-19.41E at Pamancingan anchorage, Kalimantan. Seven persons armed with long knives boarded at the forecastle, overpowered 3 crew and","Desc2":"broke into forward lockers. They stole ship's stores before jumping overboard to escape in a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":116.3235,"coords.x2":-3.20767} {"Reference":"2004-165","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 16 Jun at 0200 local time at north Pulau Laut anchorage. Five persons armed with crowbars, knives and daggers gained access viathe hawse pipe, tied up the duty seaman , and escaped with ship's stores","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":116.41667,"coords.x2":-3.01667} {"Reference":"2004-168","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 14 Jun while anchored in position 01-15.87S 116-47.69E at Balikpapan Inner anchorage. Two persons boarded at the forecastle from a speedboat, but fled empty handed when crew raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":116.79483,"coords.x2":-1.2645} {"Reference":"2004-138","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Unidentified bulk carrier reports approach 19 May at 0435 local time while at SPA berth No. 1, Sandakan, by five persons in a light colored boat about 7 m long. Men were carrying long poles with hooks but moved away toward oil jetty when Duty","Desc2":"Officer and watchmen shouted at them (IMB).","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.83611} {"Reference":"2004-124","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SHORESIDE PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Duty officer of unidentified chemical tanker spotted 3 persons trying to break lock on forecastle store 4 May at 0440 local time while ship was at oil berth, Sandakan. Intruders jumped overboard empty handed when alarm raised (IMB).","coords.x1":118.05833,"coords.x2":5.79167} {"Reference":"2004-134","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-02","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier reports boarding 24 May at 1950 UTC while underway in position 01-43S 117-10E, Makassar Strait. Two persons gained access but jumped overboardand fled, when spotted by duty officer who raised alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":117.16667,"coords.x2":-1.71667} {"Reference":"2004-119","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier reports being chased 27 Apr at 0310 local time while underway in the Makassar Strait. Two speedboats doing 28 knots followed on port and starboard sides for 30 minutes but moved away when crew switched on deck lights","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":118,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"2004-114","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tug spotted unlit high speed craft on its radar at a range of 4 miles 20 Apr at 2325 local time while underway in position 05-12S 112-12E in the Java Sea. Craft crossed bow and then turned toward tug coming within 0.3 cables. Crew","Desc2":"directed searchlights at the boat and person in the boat warned tug to switch off lights. The small craft circled the tug for 15 mins and proceeded to another ship. Incident sounds more like an encounter with a military patrol craft than pirates although","Desc3":"tugs have been favorite targets of local pirates for more than a year (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":112.2,"coords.x2":-5.2} {"Reference":"2004-97","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier subject to attempted boarding 17 Apr at 1745 UTC while underway in position 06-38.2S, 119-18.3E in the Flores Sea. When pirates attempted to gain access at the poop, using a grappling hook, crew sounded alarm,","Desc2":"mustered, and turned on deck lights, whereupon the intruders fled (IMB).","coords.x1":119.305,"coords.x2":-6.63667} {"Reference":"2004-98","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 16 Apr at 1740 UTC while at coal berth, Balikpapan. The intruders stole ship's property and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":116.76667,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2004-90","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-11","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"SULU SEA-PHILIPPINES-MALAYSIA: Malaysian tug (EAST OCEAN 2) and barge (SARINTO 1), sailing from Sabah to Solomon Islands with construction material, was attacked 11 Apr at 1900 local time near Taganak Island by 8 to 10 heavily armed gunmen in black","Desc2":"uniforms and masks. Three crew were kidnapped and some electronics stolen from the tug before the attackers left in the direction of Philippine waters after forty minutes. Attackers, armed with M16 rifles equipped with grenade launchers, are believed to","Desc3":"be members of Abu Sayyaf. As of 14 Apr, no ransom demands had been made for the three abducted crew. Tug barge andremaining crew returned safely to Sabah.","coords.x1":118.31667,"coords.x2":6.05} {"Reference":"2004-89","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tanker boarded 8 Apr during early morning hours at Balikpapan anchorage. Despite presence of 2 armed security guards and 4 anti-piracy crew, the intruders escaped with ship's property.","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2004-78","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports attempted boarding 24 Mar at 0505 local time while anchored at Balikpapan. Two persons climbed the anchor chain while two others waited in their boat. Crew raised alarm and the four fled.","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2004-36","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 4 Feb at 1550 UTC while underway in position 02-43N 118-34E, Celebes Sea. Ten persons armed with knives and crowbars and operating in three speedboats ten meters in length were deterred","Desc2":"when crew mustered and activated fire hoses.","coords.x1":118.56667,"coords.x2":2.71667} {"Reference":"2004-29","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-30","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 30 Jan at 0330 local time while underway in position 01 23.5N, 117 10.0E, 23 nm from Balikpapan. Four persons armed with long knives stole two life rafts and fled.","coords.x1":117.16667,"coords.x2":1.39167} {"Reference":"2004-14","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The bulk carrier (ROSINA TOPIC) was boarded 12 Jan at 0230 local time while anchored at Samarinda in position 01-02S 117-15E. Four persons armed with long knives and steel bars gained access via the hawse pipe and threatened the duty seaman.","Desc2":"Second officer raised alarm and the attackers fled, leaving the seaman slightly injured.","coords.x1":117.25,"coords.x2":-1.03333} {"Reference":"2004-15","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 10 Jan during the early morning at Tarahan coal terminal. Armed persons entered the engine room and stole spare parts.","coords.x1":117.85444,"coords.x2":3.28333} {"Reference":"2004-11","DateOfOcc":"2004-01-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 4 Jan at 2230 UTC while anchored in position 01-21S 116-58E at Balikpapan. Five persons gained access via the hawse pipe, entered the bosun's store, and store ship's stores and safety equipment.","coords.x1":116.96667,"coords.x2":-1.35} {"Reference":"2004-3","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-22","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 Dec at 0325 UTC while anchored in position 01-05S 117-17E at Samarinda. Thieves gained access via the hawse pipe, broke open forecastle store and stole supplies and safety equipment. Police chased","Desc2":"the thieves' boat but were unable to catch it.","coords.x1":117.28333,"coords.x2":-1.08333} {"Reference":"2004-4","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 21Dec at 0400 local time while anchored in position 01-54S 116-37E at Apar Bay. Five persons armed with knives boarded via the hawsepipe from a speedboat. The intruders threatened duty seaman with a","Desc2":"knife but he managed to warn bridge. Meanwhile thieves broke open forecastle store and tried to steal a liferaft. Crew raised alarm and the thieves jumped overboard empty handed.","coords.x1":116.61667,"coords.x2":-1.9} {"Reference":"2003-393","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-01","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports 5 persons attempted to board 1 Dec at 0330 local time while ship was working cargo at Balikpapan anchorage. The five attempted to climb anchorchain but were spotted and chased by crew and onboard police who fired","Desc2":"a warning shot (IMB).","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2003-376","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 24 Nov a 0630 local time while anchored in position 01 21.1N, 117 01E, 14 nm off Balikpapan. Three persons armed with guns and knives boarded via the hawse pipe, took deck watch hostage, and stole stores and","Desc2":"ship's property before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":117.01667,"coords.x2":1.35167} {"Reference":"2003-375","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-22","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"RESEARCH VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: A suspicious unlit craft was noticed on radar by the duty officer of an unidentified research ship 22 Nov at 2120 local time while the ship was in position 05 51.2S, 118 53.4E off Sandakan. When craft approached to 2.5 miles ship's crew","Desc2":"switched on searchlights. Boat altered course to approach and research ship altered course away for the boat, which then moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":118.88333,"coords.x2":-5.85} {"Reference":"2003-370","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tanker reports attempt to board 16 Nov at 1055 at Balikpapan anchorage. About nine persons were climbing anchor chain when crew raised alarm and the intruders fled in a waiting motorboat (IMB).","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2003-371","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Unidentified tanker was boarded 14 Nov at 0550 local time while at Lawi-Lawi SBM anchorage. Three armed persons boarded from a black motorboat and broke into forecastle locker. They stole ship's stores and threatened duty seaman with iron","Desc2":"bars, but fled when he managed to raise alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":116.76667,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2003-363","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 9 Nov at 0510 local time while at Balikpapan inner anchorage. Two persons armed with knives boarded the ship while it was being piloted from anchorage to the open sea. The thieves threatened crew, broke","Desc2":"into storeroom, and stole ship's stores. Master sounded whistle and ship's alarm and mustered crew and thieves escaped in a \"high platform\" boat (IMB).","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2003-364","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 3 Nov at 0245 local time while anchored at Adang Bay. Three persons gained access at the forecastle, broke into the storeroom and took ship's stores, before escaping in a boat toward Balikpapan (IMB).","coords.x1":117,"coords.x2":-1.33333} {"Reference":"2003-326","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-02","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified liquefied gas tanker was boarded 2 Oct at 0350 local time while at Santan anchorage. Duty seaman spotted several persons boarding at forecastle and raised alarm. The thieves jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores.","Desc2":"Attempts to contact port control were unsuccessful (IMB).","coords.x1":117.53333,"coords.x2":-6.3} {"Reference":"2003-316","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-30","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 30 Sep at 0415 local time while at Santan anchorage. Two persons armed with knives boarded at the forecastle but jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting boat when tanker's crew illuminated them with","Desc2":"searchlight (IMB)","coords.x1":117.53333,"coords.x2":-6.3} {"Reference":"2003-317","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 24 Sep at 0045 local time while at Balikpapan inner anchorage. Two persons armed with iron bars boarded via the hawse pipe and assaulted the duty seaman on the forecastle. Seaman raised the alarm and","Desc2":"crew mustered, whereupon the intruders jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting boat with two accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.08333} {"Reference":"2003-289","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports approach by ten persons, armed with machine guns, in two speedboats 24 Aug at 1735 local time while underway in position 08 44S, 115 43E, Lombok Strait. One boat came within one cable and tried to intersect","Desc2":"the ship's course. Master raised alarm and crew activated fire houses before boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":115.71667,"coords.x2":-8.73333} {"Reference":"2003-276","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified tug and the research ship it was escorting report being fired on 6 Aug at 0645 local time from a steel hulled boat underway in position 04 11.7N, 120 00.1E in the Celebes Sea, south of Tawi Tawi. Tug increased speed and began","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers and the boat gave up its pursuit. The unidentified research ship was apparently unaffected (IMB).","coords.x1":120,"coords.x2":4.2} {"Reference":"2003-269","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The Indonesian flag tug (HAMCO BINTANG) and its barge (HAMCO MULIA) with their crew of 8 are reported hijacked sometime after last reported contact 23 Jun (reported 4 Aug) while on voyage between Surabaya to Tanjung Setor (IMB).","coords.x1":112.73333,"coords.x2":-7.2} {"Reference":"2003-238","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 28 Jul at 0315 local time while anchored in position 00 00, 117 35E at Bontang. Two persons armed with knives boarded at forecastle and fled with life raft when spotted by duty seaman (IMB).","coords.x1":117.58333,"coords.x2":0} {"Reference":"2003-188","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-25","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 25 May at 0200 local time while underway in position 01 02.3N, 105 00.3E off Pulau Bintan. Twelve persons armed with guns and knives stole ship's cash and equipment and crew's belongings before leaving","Desc2":"the ship at 0250 local time (IMB).","coords.x1":118.58333,"coords.x2":1.03333} {"Reference":"2003-189","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 24 May at 0315 local time while in position 02 57S, 118 35E in the South Makassar Strait. The thieves boarded at the forecastle and stole a life raft. Boarding via the forecastle suggests ship was at","Desc2":"anchor although this is not stated (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":118.58333,"coords.x2":-2.95} {"Reference":"2003-181","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 14 May at 0230 local time while underway in position 01 35S, 117 16.8E, 25 miles from the outer buoy, Balikpapan. The pirates stole two life rafts and a mooring line. Earlier that day five persons","Desc2":"reportedly boarded and robbed a tug in the same area of stores (IMB).","coords.x1":117.28333,"coords.x2":-1.58333} {"Reference":"2003-128","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 20 Apr at 0340 local time while anchored in position 03 12S, 116 20E off north Pulau Laut coal terminal. Three persons held duty seaman at knifepoint and lowered two mooring lines into a waiting boat","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":116.33333,"coords.x2":-3.2} {"Reference":"2003-121","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 8 Apr at 2010 local time in position 04 01.7S, 116 00.5E, South Pulau Laut anchorage. Five persons armed with long knives attempted to take duty seaman hostage but duty officer raised alarm, crew","Desc2":"mustered and intruders jumped overboard (IMB).","coords.x1":116.01667,"coords.x2":-4.03333} {"Reference":"2003-84","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 20 Mar at 1220 UTC while in position 04 02.6S, 115 58.5E at Pulau Laut anchorage. Two persons armed with long knives and axes boarded via the hawse pipe, but duty seaman raised alarm and the intruders","Desc2":"fled (IMB).","coords.x1":115.98333,"coords.x2":-4.05} {"Reference":"2003-85","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 19 Mar at 0100 llocal time while preparing to depart Adang Bay anchorage. The thieves stole ship's stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":116.5,"coords.x2":-1.75} {"Reference":"2003-66","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-01","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 1 Mar between 0000 and 0600 local time while at berth no. 4, Sandakan. Thieves sole ship's stores form forepeak locker (IMB).","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"2003-69","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-25","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 25 Feb at 0005 local time in the outer roads, Balikpapan. Thieves stole stores from forecastle locker (IMB).","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2003-58","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 20 Feb at 0115 local time at Sebuku anchorage, East Kalimantan. Two persons boarded the ship during discharge via hawse pipe. Crew raised alarm and intruders jumped overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":116.41667,"coords.x2":-3.25} {"Reference":"2003-40","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-01","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 1 Feb at 0245 local time while anchored at Adang Bay. As ship was preparing to depart thieves, suspected by master of receiving aid from local stevedores, stole two 20-person life rafts which had been","Desc2":"secured with wires and clips (IMB)","coords.x1":116.5,"coords.x2":-1.71667} {"Reference":"2003-36","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 27 Jan at 2100 UTC in heavy rain while at Lawi-Lawi anchorage. Thieves armed with long knives escaped with a life raft and ship's stores after crew raised alarm.","coords.x1":116.76667,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2003-37","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-25","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: A cargo ship heaving anchor was boarded 25 Jan at 2305 UTC while in position 01 00S, 117 17E, Samarinda anchorage. Six persons stole a liferaft before escaping. Pilot tried to contact shore police without response.","coords.x1":117.28333,"coords.x2":-1} {"Reference":"2003-28","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 19 Jan at 0100 local time at Taboneo anchorage, Banjarmasin, by one of five persons who approached in a small boat. The intruder, armed with a long knife, boarded via the hawse pipe but was driven off","Desc2":"when duty seaman threw sand in his eyes.","coords.x1":114.41667,"coords.x2":-3.75} {"Reference":"2003-24","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 10 Jan at 2135 local time while at Lawi Lawi anchorage. Thieves boarded via anchor chain, stole ship's stores, and fled when alarm was raised.","coords.x1":116.76667,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2003-18","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 6 Jan at 0200 local time while at Samarinda anchorage. Five persons armed with long knives boarded via the hawse pipe and threatened the duty seaman. Crew raised alarm and mustered; thieves jumped","Desc2":"overboard and escaped with a life raft.","coords.x1":117.11667,"coords.x2":-0.51667} {"Reference":"2003-19","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified ro-ro ship was boarded 4 Jan at 0620 local time while in position 00 59.8S. 117 17.6E, Samarinda anchorage. Eight persons armed with knives took Second Officer and duty seaman hostage before breaking into bosun locker and","Desc2":"stealing large amount of ship's stores and a life raft. Second Officer freed himself and sounded alarm and thieves fled with stores to a waiting boat.","coords.x1":117.28333,"coords.x2":-0.01667} {"Reference":"2003-11","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 27 Dec at 0850 local time while at Balikpapan anchorage. Three persons boarded via the anchor chain, bending the hawse pipe cover. They stole a life raft and escaped in their boat","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.08333} {"Reference":"2003-12","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 23 Dec at 1930 local time while at Balikpapan inner anchorage. Three persons boarded via anchor chain and hawse pipe and stole a liferaft. Thieves were chased by a crewmember and jumped overboard,","Desc2":"escaping in their boat. Note: Case is nearly identical to 27 Dec incident at same port.","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2003-10","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Two unidentified speedboats, towing a barge, were hijacked 23 Dec at 0730 local time at Batik Kelambu Islands off Semporna, Sabah. Three persons armed with M-16 rifles left the boats' crew of five adrift on the barge where they were later","Desc2":"rescued by passing ships.","coords.x1":119,"coords.x2":4.5} {"Reference":"2003-6","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 18 Dec at 0200 local time while anchored in position 03 42S, 116 24E at Sebuku. Five persons armed with knives climbed the anchor chain, broke open the paint locker and stole ship's stores before","Desc2":"escaping in their boat .","coords.x1":116.4,"coords.x2":-3.7} {"Reference":"2002-360","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 17 Dec at 0530 local time while at Samarinda anchorage. Five persons armed with knives boarded on the starboard side. Duty seaman was injured while escaping after sounding alarm. The intruders jumped","Desc2":"overboard empty handed","coords.x1":117.11667,"coords.x2":0.51667} {"Reference":"2002-362","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-15","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 15 Dec at 1805 local time while anchored in position 04 01.7S, 115 59.97E, 2.3 nm from IBT anchorage, Pulau Laut. Two persons from a high speed boat attempted to climb the anchor chain but","Desc2":"jumped into the water when alert sounded.","coords.x1":116,"coords.x2":-4.03333} {"Reference":"2002-354","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-07","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 7 Dec at 2300 local time while anchored at Semarang. Persons posing at stevedores hid behind a cargo of plywood on a barge alongside the ship before trying to board. Boarding averted when they were","Desc2":"spotted by crew.","coords.x1":110.41667,"coords.x2":-6.95} {"Reference":"2002-344","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-26","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified ro-ro ship was boarded 26Nov at 2150 UTC while anchored in position 00 14.7S, 117 32.8E at Samarinda anchorage. Three persons gained access via the stern andtried to steal a life raft. Crew raised alarm and the three fled","Desc2":"empty-handed.","coords.x1":117.55,"coords.x2":-0.25} {"Reference":"2002-345","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-25","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified ro-ro vessel was boarded 25 Nov at 0100 UTC while anchored in position 00 14.7S, 117 32.8E at Samarinda anchorage (presumably same vessel as in #20020344). Persons posing as stevedores broke into bosun's stores, stole safety","Desc2":"equipment and ship's stores and escaped.","coords.x1":117.55,"coords.x2":-0.25} {"Reference":"2002-346","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 24 Nov at 2030 UTC while anchored in position 03 12S, 116 20E at Pemancingan. Six persons armed with knives boarded via the anchor chain from a wooden boat. Duty officer raised alarm, crew mustered, and","Desc2":"intruders jumped overboard to escape in their waiting boat.","coords.x1":116.33333,"coords.x2":-3.2} {"Reference":"2002-339","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 20 Nov between 1000 and 1100 UTC while anchored in position 01 24.0S, 116 56.8E at Balikpapan. Six persons armed with long knives and crowbars came up the anchor chain, broke open forward store and stole","Desc2":"ship's stores and one life raft from the forecastle before escaping in a fishing boat.","coords.x1":116.95,"coords.x2":-1.4} {"Reference":"2002-338","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 24 Nov at 2030 UTC while anchored in position 03 12S, 116 20E at Pemancingan. Six persons armed with knives boarded via the anchor chain from a wooden boat. Duty officer raised alarm, crew mustered, and","Desc2":"intruders jumped overboard to escape in their waiting boat.","coords.x1":116.33333,"coords.x2":-3.2} {"Reference":"2002-337","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified fishing boat was fired upon 17 Nov at 0130 local time while casting nets 67 nm off Pantai Remis, Perak. One crew member was struck by a bullet before the captain steered the boat toward the coast.","coords.x1":115.5,"coords.x2":-2.5} {"Reference":"2002-330","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-12","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified VLCC was boarded 12 Nov at 1845 UTC while anchored in position 01 21.5S, 116.58E at Balikpapan. Five persons climbed anchor chain but escaped when spotted and alarm raised.","coords.x1":116.96667,"coords.x2":-1.36667} {"Reference":"2002-316","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-01","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified Ro-Ro was boarded 1 Nov at 0500 local time while at Balikpapan outer anchorage. Ship was boarded over starboard quarter but intruders fled in their waiting boat when crew raised alarm.","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2002-317","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-31","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified Ro-Ro was boarded 31 Oct at 0300 local time while anchored in position 01 21S, 116 57E Balikpapan outer anchorage. Access was gained via anchor chain but crew raised alarm and intruders fled in their waiting boat.","coords.x1":116.95,"coords.x2":-1.35} {"Reference":"2002-305","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-22","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 Oct at 0510 local time while in position 00 15S, 117 34E at Samarinda anchorage. Five persons armed with knives boarded via the anchor chain and attacked the duty seaman, injuring his hand. Thieves","Desc2":"opened fore peak store and escaped with life raft and other ship's property.","coords.x1":117.56667,"coords.x2":-0.25} {"Reference":"2002-293","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 14 Oct at 1950 local time while at Wharf No. 1A, Sandakan. Two persons broke the seal on a container on deck but fled empty handed in their speedboat when duty seaman raised alarm","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"2002-296","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified salvage tug was boarded 13 Oct. at 0420 local time while anchored in position 07-8.9S 112-39.8E, Surabaya. Three persons armed with knives were spotted by duty officer and escaped with ship's property in a waiting canoe which","Desc2":"headed toward Surabaya.","coords.x1":112.66667,"coords.x2":-7.15} {"Reference":"2002-288","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified ship was boarded 5 Oct at 1945 local time while departing Pulau Laut, Kota Baru. Thieves boarded at main deck and stole two life rafts","coords.x1":116.21667,"coords.x2":-3.23333} {"Reference":"2002-279","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-25","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 25 Sep at 0400 local time while at Balikpapan anchorage. Watch noticed persons boarding aft and tried to scare them off by directing searchlight on them. While this was happening, further thieves boarded","Desc2":"forward and stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2002-280","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 24 Sep at 2345 local time while at Balikpapan coal terminal. Six armed persons broke open paint store and stole a large quantity of ship's stores. Watchman noticed the breakin but was taken hostage by the","Desc2":"thieves","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2002-274","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 21 Sep at 0215 local time while in position 05-48.9N, 118-06E at inner loading anchorage, Sandakan. One person boarded during rain but jumped overboard and escaped when crew alerted.","coords.x1":118.1,"coords.x2":5.815} {"Reference":"2002-265","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 14 Sep at 0215 local time by two persons armed with guns wile at Balikpapan anchorage. Duty seaman held at gunpoint while thieves stole three life rafts and ship's stores. Alarm raised and thieves escaped by","Desc2":"jumping into sea.","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2002-267","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 9 Sep at 1830 UTC while anchored in position 01 20.6S, 116 57E, Balikpapan. Four persons boarded via forecastle on starboard side from two unlit boats. Duty officer raised alarm and thieves escaped with","Desc2":"ship's stores.","coords.x1":116.95,"coords.x2":-1.33333} {"Reference":"2002-255","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified LPG carrier was boarded 27 Aug between 0100 and 0200 while berthed at Balikpapan. Six persons armed with long knives were spotted by the watch loweringstores from the forecastle to a wooden boat. Crew suspects shore watchman","Desc2":"colluded with the thieves","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2002-248","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified LPG carrier was boarded 27 Aug between 0100 and 0200 while berthed at Balikpapan. Six persons armed with long knives were spotted by the watch loweringstores from the forecastle to a wooden boat. Crew suspects shore watchman","Desc2":"colluded with the thieves.","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2002-241","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was subject to attempt to board 20 Aug in the \"early hours\" while anchored at Attaka oilfield at the river mouth, Samarin on the SE coast of Kalimantan. Crew spotted intruders and armed watchman fired warning shots","Desc2":"whereupon the intruders fled.","coords.x1":117.11667,"coords.x2":-0.51667} {"Reference":"2002-232","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 14 Aug while anchored at Balikpapan. Three persons operating from an unlit boat boarded at the starboard quarter and escaped with ship's stores after duty watch raised alarm.","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2002-223","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 9 Aug at 0505 local time while at Samarinda Anchorage. Six persons armed with knives gained access from a cargo barge and duty seaman thought they were stevedores until overpowered and tied up. The","Desc2":"thieves stole a large quantity of paint and a life raft before escaping in a speedboat. Master contacted port control but received no reply.","coords.x1":117.11667,"coords.x2":-0.51667} {"Reference":"2002-224","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 4 Aug at 0200 local time while a single buoy mooring, Lawi Lawi. Thieves broke open paint locker and stoke ships stores despite presence offive shore watchmen and seaman on deck. Authorities notified but took","Desc2":"no action.","coords.x1":116.76667,"coords.x2":-1.45} {"Reference":"2002-206","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-22","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 Jul at 0330 local time while berthed at Tarahan. Three persons armed with knives entered the engine room and stole engine spares. Master stated belief that shore watchmen colluded with the thieves.","coords.x1":117.6,"coords.x2":3.28333} {"Reference":"2002-207","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified gas carrier a boarded 20 Jul at 0320 local time. Duty officer noticed a boat approach the stern of the ship anchored at Santan and when he went aft to investigate two armed persons boarded at the forecastle. They held the duty","Desc2":"seaman at knifepoint, broke into the forward store and stole two mooring lines. Master tried to call port control without response. Boat at stern was probably a decoy to divert attention from the boarding at bow.","coords.x1":117.53333,"coords.x2":-6.3} {"Reference":"2002-199","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified ro-ro was boarded 14 Jul at 1500 UTC while at Muara Berau loading anchorage, Samarinda. Five persons armed with knives boarded form an unlit craft, broke open forecastle store and stole three coils of mooring line.","coords.x1":117.11667,"coords.x2":-0.51667} {"Reference":"2002-200","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 14 Jul at 0210 local time while at Santan anchorage. Five persons approached in a small oat and one gained access via the anchor chain. Alarm raised by crew and thieves fled.","coords.x1":113.28917,"coords.x2":-3.74639} {"Reference":"2002-190","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 5 Jul at 0500 local time at Santan anchorage. Thieves armed with long knives threatened duty seaman and tied his hands. Alarm was raised and thieves jumped overboard with crew valuables.","coords.x1":117.53333,"coords.x2":-6.3} {"Reference":"2002-191","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 4 Jul at 0235 local time while ship was at Muara Berau anchorage, Samarinda. Thieves broke open forecastle locker and stole ship's stores and a life raft before escaping when alarm sounded.","coords.x1":117.63583,"coords.x2":-0.24167} {"Reference":"2002-193","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 3 Jul at 0100 local time while at Surabaya anchorage. Two persons Armed with long knives boarded at the forecastle but escaped empty-handed when spotted.","coords.x1":112.73333,"coords.x2":-7.2} {"Reference":"2002-177","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-25","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 25 Jun at 1848 UTC while anchored in Apar Bay. Fifteen persons boarded at the forecastle using grappling hooks and threatened the crew which had mustered. The thieves broke open forecastle locker and","Desc2":"stole ship's stores before escaping in two motorboats.","coords.x1":116.65,"coords.x2":-1.88333} {"Reference":"2002-178","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach by a boat 24 Jun at 1639 UTC while underway in position 06-46S 117-39E. Boat was detected at five mile on radar and closed to within .4 miles after increasing speed at one mile out. Crew","Desc2":"switched on deck lights and boat moved away. Absent other indications this event could as easily have been observation of a smuggling operation as attempted piracy.","coords.x1":117.65,"coords.x2":-6.76667} {"Reference":"2002-179","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 23 Jun at 2145 local time while at Samarinda anchorage. Five persons threatened duty seaman with a knife, broke into forecastle locker, and stole ship's stores and a life raft. Master did not succeed","Desc2":"contacting port control.","coords.x1":117.11667,"coords.x2":-0.51667} {"Reference":"2002-180","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 20 Jun at 0145 local time while at Sebuku anchorage. Five persons gained access via the anchor chain, broke into the forecastle locker, stole ship's stores and a life raft and escaped in their wooden","Desc2":"boat.","coords.x1":116.41667,"coords.x2":-3.7} {"Reference":"2002-181","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was subjected to attempted boarding 18 Jun at 0145 while at Bontong pilot boarding ground when five persons in a speedboat tried to climb the anchor chain. Crew raised alarm and intruders fled. A second attempt at","Desc2":"0300 was also repelled.","coords.x1":117.48333,"coords.x2":0.1} {"Reference":"2002-169","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 14 Jun at 0300 local time during transshipment operations at Balikpapan anchorage. Thieves gained access via forward anchor chain in heavy rain and broke into forward lockers. They stole ship's stores and a","Desc2":"life raft.","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2002-163","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was subject to attempted boarding 4 Jun at 2025 local time while anchored in Bontang pilot boarding ground. Seven persons in a motor boat tried to gain access via the forecastle but alarm was raised and crew","Desc2":"mustered whereupon boarding was aborted.","coords.x1":117.48333,"coords.x2":0.1} {"Reference":"2002-137","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-02","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 2 May at 2359 while at Jorong anchorage. About 15 to 20 persons were spotted already aboard by the anti-piracy watch which raised alarmand mustered crew. Thieves left after stealing ship's stores. Crew","Desc2":"reports one local stevedore was assisting the thieves. Police boarded to assist master.","coords.x1":114.97722,"coords.x2":-4.40722} {"Reference":"2002-131","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-26","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 26 Apr at 0400 local time while at IOI berth, Sandakan. Thieves broke into forward storeroom and stole ship's stores before escaping in a boat. Storeroom had anti-piracy lock (not specified) but thieves","Desc2":"removed door from its hinges.","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"2002-133","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 24 Apr at 0210 local time while at Senipah anchorage. Two persons stole a life raft, lifejackets and ship's stores. When crew mustered thieves jumped overboard and escaped in a small boat.","coords.x1":117.21667,"coords.x2":-1.05} {"Reference":"2002-123","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PRIATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded and robbed 18 Apr at 2315 local time while anchored at Adang Bay. One person armed with a knife escaped with ship's stores when crewraised alarm and fled in a waiting boat containing three accomplices.","coords.x1":116.655,"coords.x2":-5.715} {"Reference":"2002-114","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified LPG carrier was boarded 9 Apr at 0200 local time while anchored at Bontang. Thieves boarded via the anchor chain, broke into forecastle and stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":117.48333,"coords.x2":0.1} {"Reference":"2002-98","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-25","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 25 Mar during the middle of the night by three persons armed with knives. Duty seaman alerted crew and raised alarm,whereupon the intruders fled, apparently without taking anything.","coords.x1":116.96667,"coords.x2":-1.33333} {"Reference":"2002-83","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 21 Mar at 0300 local time while berthed at jetty 5C, Pertamina terminal, Balikapan. Anti-piracy watch noticed small unlit craft bearing four men with long bamboo poles at stern. Crew mustered and thieves fled","Desc2":"with ship's stores. A second attempt occurred later that night but policemen on board fired warning shots and thieves fled.","coords.x1":116.96667,"coords.x2":-1.33333} {"Reference":"2002-84","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 20 Mar at Balikpapan anchorage. Two persons boarded over the stern And held duty seaman at gunpoint. The thieves lowered a mooring line into a waiting boat and escaped.","coords.x1":116.96667,"coords.x2":-1.33333} {"Reference":"2002-85","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified VLCC was boarded 19 Mar at 0445 local time while anchored at Balikpapan. Three persons broke into the steering gear room and stole engine spares before being driven off by crew.","coords.x1":116.96667,"coords.x2":-1.33333} {"Reference":"2002-76","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 18 Mar at 0400 local time despite duty officer shining searchlight on three boats as they approached the starboard side. Boarding was on port side and thieves stole two life rafts before escaping.","coords.x1":117.15,"coords.x2":-0.5} {"Reference":"2002-65","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 9 Mar at 0325 local time while at outer anchorage, Banjarmasin. Armed pirates (NFI) broke into forward stores and stole supplies.","coords.x1":114.6,"coords.x2":-3.33333} {"Reference":"2002-67","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified \"special purpose vessel\" was underway 5 Mar at 0300 local time in position 05-10S 118-45E when three boats were noticed ahead. As the boats were passed they increased speed and came alongside with one person preparing to board.","Desc2":"Duty officer increased speed and began to zig-zag, sounded whistle and directed searchlight on the boats which then withdrew.","coords.x1":118.75,"coords.x2":-5.16667} {"Reference":"2002-58","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 3 Mar at 2021 local time while anchored at Balikpapan. Three or four persons armed with knives boarded from a boat via the anchor chain and stole two mooring lines. Anti-piracy watch threatened with knife","Desc2":"before thieves withdrew.","coords.x1":116.97333,"coords.x2":-1.34333} {"Reference":"2002-56","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 27 Feb at 0130 local time while alongside berth unloading cargo. The intruders boarded form the water side, broke open the forecastle store and stole ships stores.","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"2002-52","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-15","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 15 Feb at 0105 local time while at Balikpapan anchorage. Five person wearing orange boiler suits boarded at the forecastle. Crew raised alarm and thieves escaped with life saving equipment including a life","Desc2":"raft.","coords.x1":116.83333,"coords.x2":-1.28333} {"Reference":"2002-44","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded and robbed 4 Feb at 2210 local time, while at anchor west of Tokong Island, Balikpapan, Indonesia. Pilot was onboard when two armedintruders were sighted on the tanker's poop deck. They had already stolen one","Desc2":"mooring rope, and were lowering another when the alarm was raised. The alerted thieves jumped into the water and escaped in their boats.","coords.x1":116.83333,"coords.x2":-1.28333} {"Reference":"2002-19","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 9 Jan at 0500 local time while at Balikpapan anchorage. Intruders were spotted by ship's master who alerted crew. The intruders escaped with ship's stores.","coords.x1":116.98333,"coords.x2":-1.36667} {"Reference":"2002-20","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 8 Jan at 0230 local time while working cargo at Sandakan port, Sabah. The thieves stole ship's stores before escaping in a boat.","coords.x1":118.06667,"coords.x2":5.75} {"Reference":"2002-8","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 28 Dec at 0500 local time at Balikpapan anchorage. Several persons held duty seaman at knifepoint while they stole a large quantity of ship's stores and escaped.","coords.x1":116.83333,"coords.x2":-1.28333} {"Reference":"2002-9","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was subject to attempted boarding 24 Dec at 0210 local time while underway in position 04-33S 113-12E in the Java Sea. Persons in a speedboat attempted to use a bamboo ladder from alongside but withdrew when spotted and","Desc2":"alarm raised mustering crew on deck","coords.x1":113.2,"coords.x2":-4.55} {"Reference":"2001-353","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-22","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reported attempt to board 22 Dec at 0345 local time while underway in Alice Channel in position 04-41N 118-54E. A green speedboat approachedvery closely and ordered the master to stop. Instead master raised alarm","Desc2":"and speedboat left after about 30 minutes.","coords.x1":118.9,"coords.x2":4.68333} {"Reference":"2001-352","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-22","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 22 Dec at 2310 local time while ship was anchored at Banjarmasin, South Borneo. Watch noted seven persons in a small boat attempting to climb the anchor chain. Alarm raised and crew","Desc2":"mustered whereupon the intruders fled.","coords.x1":116.15,"coords.x2":-3.3} {"Reference":"2001-338","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 5 Dec at 1210 local time while anchored at Sandakan, Sabah. The thieves, armed with rifles, broke into paint store while holding crew member at gunpoint, before escaping in speedboat.","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"2001-283","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-30","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 30 Sep at 0120 local time while anchored at Senakin, Kota Baru. Thieves stole two life rafts before crew raised alarm and thieves escaped in a speedboat.","coords.x1":116.2,"coords.x2":-3.03333} {"Reference":"2001-282","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-30","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded and robbed 30 Sep at 2000 local time while loading cargo from barges alongside at Sebuku anchorage. The three intrudersstole a life raft and escaped down the anchor chain to their boat. Ship's","Desc2":"crew suspect thieves had assistance from stevedore gang.","coords.x1":116.4,"coords.x2":-3.61667} {"Reference":"2001-284","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-26","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified VLCC was boarded and robbed 26 Sep at 0400 local time while transshipping cargo at Balikpapan anchorage. Two person were spotted on the forecastle lowering stores into their boat. Thieves fled In their boat when alarm raised.","coords.x1":116.8,"coords.x2":-1.26667} {"Reference":"2001-278","DateOfOcc":"2001-09-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was subject of attempted boarding 18 Sep at 1140 local time while at Bontang anchorage. Three persons attempted to board via the forecastle but were foiled by alert crew.","coords.x1":117.51667,"coords.x2":0.08333} {"Reference":"2001-265","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Kalimantan:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 29 Aug at 0430 local time while at Balikpapan inner anchorage. Watch noticed two long boats near ship's side and three persons on the poop lowering mooring line into the water. Crew chased the","Desc2":"thieves who jumped overboard and fled.","coords.x1":116.86667,"coords.x2":-1.21667} {"Reference":"2001-249","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS APPROACHED 13 AUG AT 2337 BY AN UNLIT BOAT WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 09-01S 115-02E, SOUTH OF BALI. ANTI-PIRACY WATCH SIGHTED APPROXIMATELY 25-METER BOAT APPROACHING STERN RAILING. SEARCHLIGHTS WERE DIRECTED AT","Desc2":"BOAT AND CREW MUSTERED WITH CHARGED FIRE HOSES AND BOAT WITHDREW. A SECOND BOAT ABOUT 200 METERS AWAY WAS BELIEVED ACTING WITH THE FIRST BOAT.","coords.x1":115.03333,"coords.x2":-9.01667} {"Reference":"2001-242","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Kalimantan:An unidentified general cargo ship was subject to an attempted boarding 4 Aug at 0230 local time while anchored at Balikpapan inner roads. Hired police constables observed the attempt and one fired warning shots after which one of","Desc2":"the intruders fired back twice as they fled. No injuries reported.","coords.x1":116.86667,"coords.x2":-1.21667} {"Reference":"2001-190","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA-SABAH-SANDAKAN:AN UNIDENTIFIED SHIP REPORTED THAT ON 20 JUN AT 0700 LOCAL TIME WATCHMAN SPOTTED FIVE PERSONS OPENING A CONTAINER. WHEN CHALLENGED THE FIVE ESCAPED IN A SMALL BOAT WITH SOME CARGO.","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.81667} {"Reference":"2001-162","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-22","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Balikpapan:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 May at Lawi Lawi anchorage, Balikpapan. A life raft and three mooring lines were stolen.","coords.x1":116.8,"coords.x2":-1.46667} {"Reference":"2001-148","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Java:An unidentified bulk carrier was twice boarded 9 May at 0330 and 1030 local time while at Semarang anchorage. A mast house locker was broken into and ship's stores and equipment stolen.","coords.x1":110.31667,"coords.x2":-6.88333} {"Reference":"2001-133","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-22","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA-SABAH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS BOARDED 22 APR AT 0405 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT ANCHOR AT SANDAKAN, SABAH. EIGHT PERSON BOARDED USING GRAPPLING HOOKS AND STOLE SHIP'S STORES BEFORE ESCAPING.","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.81667} {"Reference":"2001-96","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Victim":"THIEVES","Desc1":"Indonesia-Borneo:An unidentified lpg carrier was boarded 17 Mar at 0345 local time while at Bontang anchorage. Three persons armed with long knives stole four mooring lines and other ship's stores. Master states belief that thieves monitored vhf channels","Desc2":"and knew ship was to berth at 0700 thus tipping them that mooring lines would be laid out in preparation.","coords.x1":117.51667,"coords.x2":0.08333} {"Reference":"2001-81","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA-SABAH:AN UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICAL TANKER WAS BOARDED 16 FEB AT 1815 LOCAL TIME VIA THE ANCHOR CHAIN BY THREE PERSONS, WHICH THE SHIP WAS LOADING AT SPA OIL PIER, SANDAKAN, SABAH. CREW RUSHED FORWARD AND THE THREE PERSONS ESCAPED IN A MOTOR BOAT.","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.81667} {"Reference":"2001-77","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEF","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Borneo:An unidentified tanker was boarded 6 Feb at 2000 utc while at anchor at Lhotuan pilot station. One person boarded the ship and broke into store room while an accomplice waited in their boat. Crew spotted the intruder and sounded alarm","Desc2":"and the thief fled empty handed. Bontang coast guard notified via vhf but did not respond.","coords.x1":117.57333,"coords.x2":0.13} {"Reference":"2001-66","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Borneo:An unidentified tanker was approached 18 Jan at 0300 local time by several persons armed with crowbars operating in a small boat. Duty officer raised the alarm and shined search lights on the boat which then departed.","coords.x1":116.83333,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2001-57","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Borneo:Thieves in Balikpapan port employed a possible new tactic in robbing an unidentified tanker 9 Jan. Crew of the berthed vessel noticed a small boat approach the bow at 0400 local time. When they shined ship's lights on it the boat moved","Desc2":"slowly away. At the same time, unnoticed by the crew, person from a second boat boarded at the stern and stole ship's stores and safety equipment. It is unknown if this was a deliberate attempt to distract vessel's crew or if the thieves took ad hoc","Desc3":"advantage of the situation.","coords.x1":116.83333,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2001-58","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA-SABAH:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 8 JAN AT 0400 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED AT SANDAKAN, SABAH. SHIP'S STORES STOLEN. SAME SHIP BOARDED 9 JAN AT 0100 WHILE AT BERTH 3, SANDAKAN AND TRIED TO STEAL STORES, BUT FLED WHEN SPOTTED AND ALARM","Desc2":"RAISED.","coords.x1":118.11167,"coords.x2":5.82} {"Reference":"2001-51","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Borneo:An unidentified tanker was boarded 6 Jan at 0400 local time at Balikpapan. The two boarders jumped overboard when spotted by watch and escaped in a boat waiting nearby.","coords.x1":116.83333,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2001-44","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-25","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Borneo:An unidentified tanker was subjected to attempted boarding 25 Dec at 0345 local time while at Balikpapan anchorage. Duty officer spotted the intruders and raised alarm","coords.x1":116.83333,"coords.x2":-1.25} {"Reference":"2001-36","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Borneo:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 19 Dec at 1000 local time while at Kota Baru anchorage. Five persons armed with knives stole a life raft from the forecastle","coords.x1":116.25,"coords.x2":-3.25} {"Reference":"2001-37","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-JAVA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 18 DEC WHILE BERTHED AT CILACAP BY AT LEAST THREE PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES WHO TIED UP THE MECHANIC ON DUTY IN THE ENGINE ROOM AND ESCAPED WITH ENGINE SPARES. PORT CONTROL DID NOT RESPOND TO SHIP","Desc2":"CALLS FOR HELP.","coords.x1":109,"coords.x2":-7.73333} {"Reference":"2001-28","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-07","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Borneo:An unidentified tanker was boarded 7 Dec at 1515 utc while anchored at Santan, East Kalimantan. Intruders used the vessel's anchor chain but were spotted by watchman and fled when alarm sounded.","coords.x1":117.5,"coords.x2":-0.01667} {"Reference":"2000-390","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-JAVA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 13 NOV WHILE BERTHED AT C.I.B. NO. 2, CILACAP. THREE PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES WERE SPOTTED BY ANTI-PIRACY PATROL AND JUMPED OVERBOARD TO ESCAPE WHEN ALARM RAISED.","coords.x1":109,"coords.x2":-7.73333} {"Reference":"2000-382","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA-SABAH:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 3 NOV AT 0325 LOCAL TIME WHILE ANCHORED IN SANDAKAN HARBOR INNER ROADS. THIEF BOARDED OVER BOW BY ROPE FROM A SPEEDBOAT CONTAINING SIX ACCOMPLICES BUT FLED WHEN ALARM WAS SOUNDED.","coords.x1":118.11167,"coords.x2":5.82} {"Reference":"2000-370","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Borneo:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded via the stern 29 Oct at 1900 local time by seven persons armed with long knives who stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":117.58333,"coords.x2":-0.23333} {"Reference":"2000-365","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-26","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"STRAIT OF MALACCA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS APPROACHED 26 OCT AT 0510 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 01-43.0N 117-34.8E BY PERSONS IN A SPEEDBOAT WHO ATTEMPTED TO BOARD, PREVENTED BY CREW ALERTNESS.","coords.x1":117.58,"coords.x2":1.71667} {"Reference":"2000-359","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-21","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia-Borneo:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 21 Oct at 0450 local time while anchored at Bontang. Duty seaman was locked inside crane housing but chief officer raised the alarm and the intruders fled.","coords.x1":117.51667,"coords.x2":0.08333} {"Reference":"2000-360","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA-SABAH:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 18 OCT AT BERTH, SANDAKAN ATTEMPTING TO STEAL STORES. CREW WAS ALERTED AND ATTACK ABORTED.","coords.x1":118.11167,"coords.x2":5.82} {"Reference":"2000-343","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 5 OCT AT 2000 UTC WHILE AT ANCHOR SANDAKAN. FOUR PERSONS ARMED WITH KNIVES BOARDED BUT FLED WHEN DUTY OFFICER RAISED ALARM.","coords.x1":118.11167,"coords.x2":5.82} {"Reference":"2000-317","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 24 Sep at 0300 local time while loading at Sandakan. Two persons were observed by the duty patrol attempting to open the paint locker while twelve others waited in two boats tied to the anchor chain. Duty","Desc2":"officer fired rocket flares at the thieves and they fled but the same ship was later forced to repel another boarding.","coords.x1":118.25444,"coords.x2":5.91972} {"Reference":"2000-315","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 24 Sep at 0230 local time while at Samarinda, Muara Berau and robbed of a life raft.","coords.x1":118.23944,"coords.x2":-1.02139} {"Reference":"2000-316","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:And unidentified LPG carrier reports being approached and illuminated by an unidentified boat which emerged from a large group of fishing boats 23 Sep at 0045 local time while underway Northwest of Kalimantan. After switching on its searchlight","Desc2":"the unknown craft ordered the tanker on VHF to stop in order that the persons on board, who claimed they were customs officials, could board. The LPG tanker contacted IMB's Piracy Reporting Center which advised not stopping. After trying unsuccessfully","Desc3":"to gain access to the tanker the unidentified craft moved away. The intended purpose of the boarding cannot be characterized.","coords.x1":118.10167,"coords.x2":-1.53944} {"Reference":"2000-259","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 8 Sep 0140 local time at Tanjung Priok anchorage by four persons from among 20 in a boat which approached the stern. Ship raised alarm and the intruders fled without stealing anything.","coords.x1":116.45222,"coords.x2":-2.53667} {"Reference":"2000-226","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-01","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED VEHICLE CARRIER WAS BOARDED 1 SEP AT 0200 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT SAMARINDA MUARA ANCHORAGE. NINE PERSONS IN A SMALL SPEEDBOAT ATTEMPTED TO BOARD VIA THE ANCHOR CHAIN. WHEN SPOTTED BY THE WATCH, THE JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED IN","Desc2":"THEIR BOAT TOWARDS A TUGBOAT WHICH WAS APPARENTLY WAITING FOR THEM.","coords.x1":117.18333,"coords.x2":-0.48333} {"Reference":"2000-227","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-31","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:AN UNIDENTIFIED LIVESTOCK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 31 AUG AT 0200 LOCAL TIME BY FIVE PERSONS ARMED WITH LONG KNIVES ACCOMPANIED BY TWO OTHERS WHO REMAINED IN THEIR BOAT. ALERT WATCH SPOTTED THE INTRUDERS WHO FLED WITHOUT TAKING ANYTHING WHEN THE","Desc2":"CREW WAS ALERTED AND MUSTERED.","coords.x1":117.18333,"coords.x2":-0.48333} {"Reference":"2000-193","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 18 Aug thieves boarded a container ship from the starboard side while it was at anchor at Tanjung Priok, Jakarta. The crew was attending to customs on the port side and the pirates broke padlocks and stole safety equipment and stores.","coords.x1":116.45222,"coords.x2":-2.53667} {"Reference":"2000-189","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-18","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GIA DIHN","Desc1":"INDONESIA:The 985-ton, Vietnamese flag cargo ship (GIA DIHN) enroute Indonesian waters was attacked 18 Aug by 15 heavily armed pirates from a speedboat flying a Malaysian flag. The crew was robbed of cash and personal possessions but were unharmed.","coords.x1":113.80222,"coords.x2":-3.64611} {"Reference":"2000-195","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-15","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:While anchored in Pulau Laut, position 03-12S 116-17E, on 15 Aug, a bulk carrier was boarded and robbed of a life raft and pump. The thieves were spotted by the duty seaman and managed to escape.","coords.x1":116.28333,"coords.x2":-3.2} {"Reference":"2000-196","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 13 Aug at Anyer anchorage, Indonesia, the duty oiler on a bulk carrier noticed three persons in the engine room. He notified the bridge duty officer who raised the alarm. The intruders fled, probably through an open gallery door used to gain","Desc2":"access.","coords.x1":109.5,"coords.x2":-8.5} {"Reference":"2000-180","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-02","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified container ship was boarded 2 Aug while underway in the Banka Strait by six persons. The Third Engineer informed the bridge and alarm was sounded. The intruders escaped in their boat and nothing was reported stolen.","coords.x1":113.80222,"coords.x2":-3.64611} {"Reference":"2000-181","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-28","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 28 Jul at 1700 UTC while anchored at Adang Bay. Three persons boarded via anchor chain and attempted to break into forecastle stores. Watch alerted the bridge and alarm was sounded whereupon the","Desc2":"intruders fled in their boat.","coords.x1":109.5,"coords.x2":-8.5} {"Reference":"2000-136","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-11","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 10 Jul at 0258 local time by four thieves armed with knives while at anchor, Samarinda River Roads. The intruders boarded over the stern and stole a life raft before being spotted by duty officer. When a","Desc2":"duty policeman fired at the intruders they jumped overboard and fled in a small wooden boat.","coords.x1":117.72056,"coords.x2":-5.15} {"Reference":"2000-119","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-26","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified tanker was boarded 26 Jun at 0110 local time during a rain storm while at Tanjung Santan anchorage. The thieves reportedly boarded via an anchor chain, stole a life raft and stores, and escaped without being noticed.","coords.x1":116.45222,"coords.x2":-2.53667} {"Reference":"2000-110","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified container ship was boarded 10 Jun at 1215 local time at Tanjung Priok anchorage by eight persons armed with steel pipes who gained access over the stern. The intruders fled immediately when they were noticed.","coords.x1":116.45,"coords.x2":-2.53333} {"Reference":"2000-120","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified 16,000-ton cargo ship was boarded 5 Jun (reported 29 Jun) at Panjang anchorage off Sumatra. Duty oiler reportedly discovered four men, one of whom was armed with a knife, hiding in the ship's funnel at 0115. Ship's alarm was","Desc2":"sounded and thieves escaped with engine stores.","coords.x1":117.72056,"coords.x2":-5.15} {"Reference":"2000-84","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. BORNEO:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 0005 local time 23 May at the pilot anchorage, Samarinda. Two persons armed with long knives boarded at the forecastle but jumped into the sea when spotted by a seaman who sounded the alarm.","coords.x1":117.72056,"coords.x2":-0.08583} {"Reference":"2000-85","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-22","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. JAVA:An unidentified tanker was boarded over the stern while berthed at Anyar 0230 local time 22 May. The four intruders, armed with long knives, were spotted by the duty watchman and fled in their boat.","coords.x1":109.5,"coords.x2":-8.5} {"Reference":"2000-39","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-07","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was approached by unlit boats, along both sides, as it entered the port of Sandakan, Sabah (05-49N 118-08E) at 0500 local time. Persons in one boat attempted to board, using a grappling hook, but aborted the attack","Desc2":"when the ship's alarm was sounded.","coords.x1":118.13333,"coords.x2":5.81667} {"Reference":"2000-45","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified cargo ship berthed at the port of Sandakan (05-49N 118-08E), Sabah, was boarded at 0200 local time by about six thieves who attempted to steal from the forecastle store. Crew spotted the intruders who left the vessel without","Desc2":"taking anything.","coords.x1":118.13333,"coords.x2":5.81667} {"Reference":"2000-33","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA. BORNEO:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded via the anchor chain by six intruders at 1220 UTC 24 Apr while anchored at Bontang. When challenged by a crew member, one of the attackers stabbed him in the stomach. Another crew member sounded","Desc2":"the alarm and the attackers fled with ship's stores and breathing apparatus.","coords.x1":117.49083,"coords.x2":0.11167} {"Reference":"2000-35","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified container ship at anchor at Tanjung Priok was boarded from a small fishing boat 0400 local time 24 Apr. The attackers stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":117.93,"coords.x2":2.91} {"Reference":"2000-56","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-02","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Seven masked pirates attempted to board an unidentified bulk carrier underway on 2 Apr at 1300 local time in position 02-27S, 117-00E passing Balabalagan Reef in the Makassar Strait. Boarding thwarted by unspecified crew action.","coords.x1":117,"coords.x2":-2.45} {"Reference":"2000-302","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-27","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 27 Mar at 0330 local time while at Berlian Wharf 402, Surabaya by robbers who stole engine spares from the engine room.","coords.x1":113.0025,"coords.x2":-7.2575} {"Reference":"2000-287","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified ship was boarded 1915 UTC 5 Mar at Samarinda Anchorage by robbers who broke into forward deck store and stole a large amount of supplies.","coords.x1":117.72056,"coords.x2":-0.08583} {"Reference":"2000-288","DateOfOcc":"2000-03-02","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was target of attempted boarding on two occasions, 0100 and 0340 (local) 2 Mar at anchor at Tanjung Priok. Would-be boarders were in two motor boats and finally fled when duty watchman fired a shot from vessel's","Desc2":"rifle.","coords.x1":116.45222,"coords.x2":-2.53667} {"Reference":"2000-270","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FLORA","Desc1":"INDONESIA:The 6,935-ton, Bahamas-flag cargo ship (FLORA) was boarded 19 Feb while at anchor in 01-02S 117-17E off Samarinda by approximately 10 armed intruders at 0300, local. Theattackers held a crew member hostage and then escaped with his personal","Desc2":"belongings and ship's stores.","coords.x1":117.28333,"coords.x2":-1.03333} {"Reference":"2000-241","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 20 Jan while at anchor at Kota Bharu Inner Anchorage, Kalimantan. About ten persons armed with guns and knives boarded and tied up and threatened to kill the duty lookout if other crew intervened. Large","Desc2":"quantities of ship's stores and equipment stolen.","coords.x1":113.80222,"coords.x2":-3.64611} {"Reference":"2000-242","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded at anchor during cargo loading operations 19 Jan at Adang Bay. Ship stores reported stolen.","coords.x1":113.80222,"coords.x2":-3.64611} {"Reference":"2000-243","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-17","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified 10,000-ton bulk carrier was boarded and robbed 17 Jan while lying off Kota Bharu, Kalimantan. A group of more than ten thieves boarded in the early morning, bound a deckhand and held him at gunpoint while the boatswain's store","Desc2":"was robbed of equipment including a deflatable lifeboat, mooring line and a hydraulic cutter.","coords.x1":113.80222,"coords.x2":-3.64611} {"Reference":"2000-244","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA:An unidentified, Japanese-controlled 25,000-ton bulk carrier was boarded while at anchor Tanjung Priok port on 9 Jan, reported 26 Jan). Intruders fled after being spotted and no loss was reported.","coords.x1":116.45222,"coords.x2":-2.53667} {"Reference":"2000-245","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-06","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PARIS","Desc1":"INDONESIA:The 18,000-ton, Liberian-flag container ship (PARIS) was boarded during the night of 6 Jan (reported 27 Jan) at Tanjung Priok anchorage, about three miles from the breakwater. Pirates boarded undetected despite posting of a piracy watch. The","Desc2":"thieves broke the padlocks from a storage locker and removed engine spares valued at $13,000.","coords.x1":116.45222,"coords.x2":-2.53667} {"Reference":"1999-100","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-30","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Kalimantan-East Coast):Pirates attempted to board vessel from boats, at Balikpapan anchorage, but police guard on board fired 3 warning shots and prevented the boarding.","coords.x1":116.96667,"coords.x2":-1.36} {"Reference":"1999-97","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-24","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Kalimantan-East Coast):Pirates, armed with knives and firearms, attempted to board vessel from two boatsat Balikpapan anchorage, but alert crew foiled the attempt.","coords.x1":116.98333,"coords.x2":-1.35} {"Reference":"1999-95","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-16","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Kalimantan-East Coast):Pirates boarded vessel, at Muara Berau anchorage, and broke forecastle store and stole 22 drums of paint. When spotted by the crew, they escaped via a small wooden boat with powerful outboard motor. There were about 12","Desc2":"persons onboard the boat.","coords.x1":117.55833,"coords.x2":-0.23333} {"Reference":"1999-94","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-15","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Kalimantan-East Coast):About 7 pirates armed with long knives boarded vessel vicinity Muara Berau, Samarinda, and tied-up one ab on deck and robbed him of personal valuables.","coords.x1":117.18333,"coords.x2":-0.48333} {"Reference":"1999-90","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-10","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Kalimantan-East Coast):About four pirates armed with knives boarded vessel, off the entrance to Teluk Adang, and attempted to steal from forecastle store, but alert crew deterred them.","coords.x1":116.63333,"coords.x2":-1.7} {"Reference":"1999-81","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-13","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Indonesia (Kalimantan-East Coast):Pirates boarded vessel, at Samarinda anchorage, and stole some paint.","coords.x1":117.61028,"coords.x2":-0.26167} {"Reference":"1999-27","DateOfOcc":"1999-03-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"A Liberian-flag bulk carrier was boarded by eight thieves while at anchor at Maura Jawa, Samarinda, Indonesia. The ship was boarded at 0300 and the thieves broke the lock to the bosun's store and removed mooring line, a liferaft, tools, and safety","Desc2":"equipment. The deckwatchman was assaulted and robbed.","coords.x1":117.25,"coords.x2":-0.88333} {"Reference":"1999-4","DateOfOcc":"1998-12-23","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"HANDY SILVER","Desc1":"A Philippine-flagged bulk cargo ship was boarded by 9 armed thieves posing as stevedors while at berth at Surabaya, Indonesia. When the real stevedors left, three of the thieves approached the duty officer and a crewman on watch and held them at","Desc2":"knifepoint as the remaining thieves entered the vessel's accommodation using the master key. No injuries were sustained; however, a substantial quantity of engine spares were taken.","coords.x1":112.73333,"coords.x2":-7.2} {"Reference":"1998-48","DateOfOcc":"1998-08-11","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VIRGIN PEARL","Desc1":"TWENTY-TWO PASSENGERS AND CREW OF THE PHILIPPINE-FLAG INTER-ISLAND CARGO SHIP WERE BEING HELD IN NUNUKAN TIMUR, BORNEO. THE PIRATES ARE DEMANDING A RANSOM OF $550,000. PRESIDENT ESTRADA HAS RULED OUT THE PAYMENT OF ANY MONEY AND SAID THE PHILIPPINES","Desc2":"WOULD ASK THE MALAYSIAN AUTHORITIES FOR HELP IN RESCUING THE HOSTAGES. THE SHIP HAD EARLIER BEEN FEARED TO HAVE CAPSIZED IN HEAVY SEAS ON 4 APRIL OFF BALUT ISLAND IN SARANGGANI BAY, TWO BODIES WERE RECOVERED.","coords.x1":117.66667,"coords.x2":4.08333} {"Reference":"1998-25","DateOfOcc":"1998-03-14","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V NAM DHIEM","Desc1":"A Vietnamese-flag cargo ship was attacked near the west java city of Cilegon. The vessel was enroute to Cilegon to unload 7,100 tons of Rice. Five armed men boarded the vessel and shot the crew member who Confronted them prior to escaping.","coords.x1":109.95,"coords.x2":-6.85} {"Reference":"1995-133","DateOfOcc":"1995-11-11","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TROPICAL 88","Desc1":"ON 11 NOV 95, A BAND OF FIVE HEAVILY ARMED PIRATES BOARDED THE SINGAPOREAN-FLAGGED CARGO SHIP TROPICAL 88 OFF SEMPORNA (04-29E 118-37E) ALONG THE EAST COAST OF SABAH IN THE CELEBES SEA. BRANDISHING AUTOMATIC WEAPONS, THE PIRATES ROBBED THE CREW OF","Desc2":"PERSONAL EFFECTS AND CASH AND STOLE THE SHIP'S GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) EQUIPMENT.","coords.x1":118.61667,"coords.x2":4.48333} {"Reference":"1995-95","DateOfOcc":"1995-05-15","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ZERVOS","Desc1":"Indonesia-Borneo:An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 21 Oct at 0450 local time while anchored at Bontang. Duty seaman was locked inside crane housing but chief officer raised the alarm and the intruders fled.","coords.x1":112.73333,"coords.x2":-7.2} {"Reference":"1995-94","DateOfOcc":"1995-05-05","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"JAVA RAINBOW","Desc1":"ON 05 MAY, AT 0325 LOCAL TIME, THE M/V JAVA RAINBOW WAS BOARDED BY SIX PIRATES ARMED WITH KNIVES AND BOLOS WHILE THE VESSEL WAS AT BERTH AWAITING THE PILOT, IN SANDAKAN, MALAYSIA. THE PIRATES FAILED TO ENTER THE ACCOMMODATIONS, HOWEVER THEY BROKE INTO","Desc2":"THE FORECASTLE STORE AND STOLE 24 PAILS OF PAINT.","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"1995-61","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-01","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"Calatagan","Desc1":"Surabaya, Indonesia Following reported to BIMCO: An 18,000 DWT bulk carrier was attacked at the inner anchorage of Surabaya on 1 April 1995 at about 0410 hrs. The deck watchman spotted 4 men armed with long knives moving about near the forecastle. The","Desc2":"deck watchman then went to obtain the assistance of the duty officer, and together with one crewman they returned to the forecastle to find that the thieves had escaped via their motorboat tied alongside. Inspections carried out after the attack revealed","Desc3":"that 295 litres of paint and one liferaft had been stolen.","coords.x1":112.06667,"coords.x2":-7.145} {"Reference":"1995-82","DateOfOcc":"1995-02-04","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V BUNGA KERAYANG","Desc1":"M/v Bunga Kerayang reported that on 04 Feb a crew member foiled a Boarding attempt by a lone pirate while the vessel was anchored At Balikpapan inner anchorage on the e shore of Borneo. The vessel's Anti-piracy patrol found the pirate while he attempted","Desc2":"to access the Vessel via the forecastle. The pirate escaped and nothing was Missing.","coords.x1":116.78333,"coords.x2":-1.26667} {"Reference":"1995-5","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-20","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"STENA WILCHIEF","Desc1":"AT 2130 DEC. 20, WHILE APPROXIMATELY 10 MILES SOUTH OF MASALEMBU BESAR ISLAND, THREE FAST MOVING TARGETS WERE OBSERVED APPROACHING THE M/V STENA WILCHIEF ON RADAR, FROM THREE DIFFERENT ANGLES OF APPROACH. THE VESSEL'S SEARCHLIGHTS WERE USED IN AN ATTEMPT","Desc2":"TO ILLUMINATE THE CRAFT AND THE DECKWATCH WAS INSTRUCTED TO PATROL THE WORK DECK. AS SOON AS THE SEARCHLIGHTS WERE USED, THE CRAFT WERE OBSERVED ON RADAR TO REVERSE COURSE AND DISAPPEAR.","coords.x1":114.43333,"coords.x2":-4.75} {"Reference":"1994-68","DateOfOcc":"1994-12-09","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"NANYO","Desc1":"While at Sandakan inner harbor anchorage, in 05-49-24n 118-06-54e, M/V Nanyo boarded by pirates between 0001 and 0500. Four hawser Ropes and one wire cutter were stolen from forecastle store. No Injuries to crew.","coords.x1":118.115,"coords.x2":5.82333} {"Reference":"1994-55","DateOfOcc":"1994-10-25","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V REESTBORG","Desc1":"M/V Reestborg while at anchor in Surabaya harbor was boarded By pirates. Firefighting equipment, breathing apparatus and One mooring line stolen. Pirates were unnoticed by crew.","coords.x1":113,"coords.x2":-7.5} {"Reference":"1994-27","DateOfOcc":"1994-05-29","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V PACIFIC GAS LPG","Desc1":"M/V Pacific gas while at anchor in Santan, Indonesia on May 29 Was attacked by pirates. Pirates boarded and broke into forecastle Store and stole paint and mooring rope. Pirates disturbed by Watchman and disappeared.","coords.x1":117.53333,"coords.x2":-6.3} {"Reference":"1993-103","DateOfOcc":"1993-10-19","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"S/V GULLHAAR","Desc1":"12 meter sloop Gullhaar with 4 pob attacked by three pirate Vessels in 09-12s 114-50e on 19 Oct 93. 25 Oct 93, S/V Gullhaar arrived safe at Christmas Island, Australia.","coords.x1":114.83333,"coords.x2":-9.2} {"Reference":"1993-23","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-07","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PERNAS PROTON","Desc1":"Pirates fired warning shots before boarding the M/V Pernas proton. No one was injured during the 45 min incident. The crew members Reported the pirates were wearing military uniforms and when they Found out the cargo onboard only consisted steel coils,","Desc2":"they Departed the ship. Nothing was taken.","coords.x1":118.87,"coords.x2":-0.97} {"Reference":"1992-26","DateOfOcc":"1992-10-08","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V BANOWATI","Desc1":"CELEBES SEA-EAST OF SIBUTU PASSAGE. 08 OCTOBER 92 M/V BANOWATI was boarded by more than fifty pirates. The crew was thrown overboard, but no serious injuries were reported. The vessel was run aground and set on fire. The cargo was salvaged.","coords.x1":119.275,"coords.x2":4.44167} {"Reference":"1993-54","DateOfOcc":"1992-01-15","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SANDAKAN BASED TRAWLER","Desc1":"A SANDAKAN BASED TRAWLER WAS HIJACKED BY FIVE PIRATES. TRAWLER WAS SUNK. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":120.105,"coords.x2":4.275} {"Reference":"1987-6","DateOfOcc":"1987-04-03","SubReg":"72","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"MALASIAN TRAWLER","Desc1":"FOLLOWING FROM SOUNDING, PROFESSIONAL MARINERS ALLIANCE APRIL 13, 1987 NEWSLETTER: QUOTE THREE MEN ARMED WITH M-16 RIFLES HIJACKED A MALAYSIAN FISHING TRAWLER APRIL 3 IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA OFF SANDAKAN, 1,030 MILES EAST OF KUALA LUMPUR. THREE OF THE","Desc2":"FOUR CREWMEMBERS ONBOARD WERE HELD BY THE GUNMEN. THE FOURTH JUMPED OVERBOARD AND WAS RESCUED BY A PASSING BOAT. THE GUNMEN ORDERED THE CREWMEMBERS TO STEER THE BOAT TOWARDS PHILIPPINE TERRITORIAL WATERS. UNQUOTE.","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":5.83333} {"Reference":"2009-473","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-11","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: General cargo ship reported suspicious approach 11 Dec 09 at 0820 local time while underway in position 05-15.9S 123-25.1E, approximately 11NM east of Pulau Buton. Four men armed with a gun and spear in a speedboat chased the vessel. The","Desc2":"captain conducted counter-piracy measures and evaded the speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":123.41833,"coords.x2":-5.215} {"Reference":"2009-456","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-28","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"EAST OF CERAM ISLANDS, INDONESIA: Four persons in a white colored speed boat, flying Indonesian flag approached a bulk carrier underway at 20-25 knots. Master raised alarm, sounded ship's whistle continuously and crew activated fire hoses. It was noticed","Desc2":"that the persons were waving a black cloth and no contacts made on VHF. Master altered course several times to evade the approach. The persons made two attempts to get close and finally aborted the chase at 0925 local time.","coords.x1":132,"coords.x2":-3.7} {"Reference":"2008-201","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-09","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATE ATTACK","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"CELEBES SEA:IMB reported livestock carrier (HEREFORD EXPRESS) fired upon 7 Jun 08 at 1000 local time while underway in position 03-18.5N 125-05.8E, vicinity of Kepulauan Sangi, Indonesia. ReCAAP ISC reported the same incident occurred on 9 Jun 08 at 1454","Desc2":"local time while underway in position 03-53.96N 124-33.3E, 33NM northwest of Manado, Indonesia. The vessel was attacked by unknown elements. Pirates in a speedboat chased and opened fire on the vessel in ballast enroute to Australia. The master took","Desc3":"evasive maneuvers to prevent boarding and reduce casualties to crew and ship. The master informed the managers who in turn contacted the Piracy Reporting Centre for assistance. authorities for assistance. The authorities instructed their local units to","Desc4":"assist and respond accordingly. After two hours of continuous firing and chasing, the pirate boat aborted the attempt. port and returned to the last port, Gen Santos port, Philippines with ETA of 8 Jun 08. sustained serious damages to the bridge,","Desc5":"communication equipment, hull, communication antenna, radar, INMARSAT, etc. COMMENTS: Ship masters are advised to maintain vigilance at all times and take necessary precautionary measures when operating in the vicinity (ReCAAP ISC, IMB).","coords.x1":124.555,"coords.x2":3.89933} {"Reference":"2008-203","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-07","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATE ATTACK","Victim":"LIVESTOCK CARRIER","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Livestock carrier fired upon 7 Jun 08 at 1000 local time while underway in position 03-18.5N 125-05.8E, vicinity of Kepulauan Sangir. Pirates in a speedboat chased and opened fire on the vessel in ballast enroute to Australia. The master took","Desc2":"evasive maneuvers to prevent boarding and reduce casualties to crew and ship. The master informed the managers who in turn contacted the Piracy Reporting Centre for assistance. authorities for assistance. The authorities instructed their local units to","Desc3":"assist and respond accordingly. After two hours of continuous firing and chasing, the pirate boat aborted the attempt. port and returned to the last port, Gen Santos port, Philippines with ETA of 8 Jun 08. sustained serious damages to the bridge,","Desc4":"communication equipment, and hull. awaited (IMB).","coords.x1":125.09667,"coords.x2":3.30833} {"Reference":"2008-208","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-29","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"Pirate Boarding","Victim":"Civilian Yacht","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Yacht (CARILLON) boarded, robbed in late April at 0030 while at anchorage in position 07-15.5S 131-23.9E, Pulau Ungar, western side of Tanimbar Islands, per 14 Jun 08 reporting. Two or three men boarded the vessel armed with knives or machetes.","Desc2":"They stole a number of items of deck gear and some items from the main cabin. When the crewmembers awoke they chased them off the boat. The robbers then paddled off in a canoe. The crewmembers immediately lifted their anchor and moved (without lights) to","Desc3":"another anchorage location (Operator: noonsite.com).","coords.x1":131.39833,"coords.x2":-7.25833} {"Reference":"2008-70","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-04","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"Suspicious Approach","Victim":"Bulk Carrier","Desc1":"INDONESIA:A bulk carrier underway was approached from a distance of 3 - 4 mils by about 15 - 20 speed boats at speeds of 30 - 40 knots from all directions. Some came as close as 5 meters from the vessels' stern. Vessel raised alarm, increased speed, crew","Desc2":"mustered, manoeuvred in a zigzag course and enforced anti piracy measures. Master broadcast a security message on VHF Ch. 16 and contacted the piracy-reporting center. Seeing the crew vigilance, the speedboats moved away and regrouped near a fishing","Desc3":"trawler in the vicinity. Vessel continued to her port of destination.","coords.x1":124.30667,"coords.x2":3.28667} {"Reference":"2008-64","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-29","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Civilian Yacht","Desc1":"PAPUA NEW GUINEA:Yacht (RAPTOR) boarded 29 Jan 08 in the early morning, Wewak port, per 03 Mar 08 reporting. The crew of four heard unknown voices and discovered that they were boarded from both sides of the vessel by three bandits, armed with a gun,","Desc2":"machete and a small axe. The crewmembers tried to regroup inside an area with a screen door but the bandits kicked the door open, however while doing so, one of the bandits hit the smoke alarm and set it off, distracting the bandits. Two of the","Desc3":"crewmembers ran to the galley to search for a defensive weapon. Another crewmember was commanded to silence the smoke alarm at gunpoint. It was later discovered that this was a homemade gun, only good at close range. The gunman went towards the galley so","Desc4":"that he can watch all the crewmembers at once. While distracted, one of the crewmembers tackled the gunman. The crewmembers managed to throw the bandits down the steps on the transom. A crewmember radioed for help, but received no response, probably due","Desc5":"to it being a small port. After the scuffle, the crewmembers had the gun in their possession and chased the bandits. They had two canoes but they spotted the bandits swimming to shore instead. The crewmembers caught one bandit and scared him with a spear","Desc6":"gun and tied him up on the swim platform. Two crewmembers went to the local yacht club for assistance. The police were contacted and they took custody of the captive (Operator: Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":143.645,"coords.x2":-3.57167} {"Reference":"2007-222","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-11","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Vessel (NOSY) boarded, robbed, skipper missing per reporting 11 Sept 07, in the evening, near Fergusson Island in Milne Bay Province. The captain of the vessel is believed to have jumped overboard while the crew was hospitalized after","Desc2":"pirates boarded their boat and robbed. A Milne Bay provincial disaster officer said the crew sustained injuries from sharp objects and were receiving medical treatment at the Alotau hospital. The captain jumped overboard near Valeta point around 2300","Desc3":"local time and a search party was sent out but have yet to locate him. The 28feet workboat, transporting passengers and cargo was headed for Alotau after leaving Mabawoia station in the Esaala district. The boat was then interecepted by pirates who were","Desc4":"using a speedboat. The crew was able to bring the boat back to Mabawaoia station after the confrontation and met with merchant vessel (POMIO QUEEN) that took them to Alotau. An officer stated that piracy was a problem in Milne Bay waters but police do","Desc5":"not have the resources and funds to combat it. The officer also stated that this was the third piracy incident this year (LM)..","coords.x1":150.58333,"coords.x2":-8.36667} {"Reference":"2007-186","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-16","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SAILING VESSEL","Desc1":"PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Yacht (STAP ISI) boarded 16 Jul at 0100 local time in Madang Harbor anchorage. A gang of 3 thieves boarded the vessel. The yachtsman awoke to one of the men pressing the blade of a machete against his neck. Another thief attacked the","Desc2":"yachtsman?s wife, hitting her over the head with a club. She managed to activate a portable air horn which scared the thieves off. The yachtsman wrenched the machete away from the thief, even though the third member of the gang, armed with a homemade","Desc3":"shotgun, was standing nearby. The shotgun may not have been loaded. The 3 men fled in a canoe (Operator: noonsite.com).","coords.x1":145.83056,"coords.x2":-5.20333} {"Reference":"2005-102","DateOfOcc":"2005-03-22","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 22 Mar at 0330 local time, while in position 05-58.3S, 105-59.4E, near Pertamina jetty - 1 (Luwuk), Tg. Gerem. Alert crew sounded alarm and mustered after two robbers, armed with long knives, boarded the","Desc2":"tanker. Robbers then jumped overboard and escaped empty handed in a speedboat (IMB).","coords.x1":122.8,"coords.x2":-0.95} {"Reference":"2004-305","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-03","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PAPUA NEW GUINEA: The coastal freighter (FALLON) was attacked 3 Dec by pirates, who approached from astern in a dinghy. The vessel was attacked while underway between Karkar Island (4-34S 145-56E) and Madang (5-14S 145-46E). The pirates boarded the","Desc2":"vessel, threatened the captain and stole cargo and money, before shooting one of the five crew dead in cold blood (INFO).","coords.x1":145.85,"coords.x2":-4.9} {"Reference":"2004-197","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-23","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PAPUA-NEW GUINEA: The container ship (AGUTOI), probably (AGUTOI CHIEF) was looted by at least 35 persons after it ran aground on a sand bank at Kerema. This is 100 km north west of Port Moresby, according to a 23 Jul report. Villagers from Kerema stole","Desc2":"food and ship's supplies, after threatening the crew. The 35 persons were arrested, when they tried to sell the stolen goods (INFO).","coords.x1":145.73333,"coords.x2":-7.96667} {"Reference":"2004-6","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-16","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker reports attempt to board 16 Dec at 0430 local time while underway in position 09-18S 132-15E. Crew directed searchlight at persons in a long, narrow speedboat which followed the tanker before moving away.","coords.x1":132.25,"coords.x2":-9.3} {"Reference":"2003-390","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-08","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 8 Dec at 0025 local time underway in position 01 11N, 126 52E in the Molucca Sea. 3 persons in a motorboat were spottedand ship raised alarm, directed searchlights and activated fire hoses,","Desc2":"whereupon the boat withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":126.86667,"coords.x2":1.18333} {"Reference":"2003-386","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-24","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship reports suspicious approach with intent to board 24 Nov at 1115 local time while underway in position 08 36S, 137 14E, 20 nm off False Cape, Lolepon Island, Irian Jaya. Two fishing boats approached the ship which","Desc2":"began evasive steering and mustered crew, after which the boats withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":137.23333,"coords.x2":-8.6} {"Reference":"2002-142","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-11","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports three warning shots being fired at it by \"pirates\" 11 May at 2140 local time while ship was anchored in position 01-19S 127-45E in the Molucca Sea. Ship weighed anchored as pirates kept firing at bridge.","Desc2":"Ship was chased until 2303 local time when another unidentified boat began the chase which lasted until 0155 local time 12 May. No injuries reported to crew. The reported anchor position in close inshore in defiance of all advice to avoid anchoring","Desc3":"anywhere near the coast of Indonesia. Whatever really happened it is unlikely that the initial warning shots were fired by pirates which invariably approach in the dark using stealth.","coords.x1":127.75,"coords.x2":-1.31667} {"Reference":"2002-48","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-12","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was chased by a suspicious vessel 12 Feb at 0102 local time, while underway in position 07-40S 121-24E in the Flores Sea, Indonesia. Whenthe small boat approached from off the port bow, the container ship altered","Desc2":"course and directed Aldis lamp at her. Once abeam, the small boat increased speed and kept up the chase for about 15 minutes before giving up.","coords.x1":121.4,"coords.x2":-7.66667} {"Reference":"2001-263","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-31","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"GUNMEN","Victim":"SPEEDBOAT","Desc1":"INDONESIA:A SOLDIER AND A POLICEMAN WERE KILLED 31 AUG AND EIGHT OTHERS INJURED WHEN GUNMEN OPENED FIRE ON A SPEEDBOAT OPERATING I CENTRAL MALUKU. THE BOAT WAS CARRYING SECURITY FORCES AND MUSLIMS TO LEIHITU DISTRICT, SERAM ISLAND.","coords.x1":128,"coords.x2":-3} {"Reference":"2001-147","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-12","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"BOARDER","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-BANDA SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS BOARDED 12 MAY AT 0100 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 06-07S 125-28E. WATCH SPOTTED ONE PERSON BOARD FROM STARBOARD QUARTER AND ALERTED OTHER CREW. INTRUDER JUMPED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED.","coords.x1":125.46667,"coords.x2":-6.11667} {"Reference":"2001-134","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-25","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA-BANDA SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER REPORTS BEING APPROACHED 25 APR AT 0430 UTC BY SUSPICIOUS CRAFT WHILE UNDERWAY IN 07-58S 123-45E. CRAFT APPROACHED FROM PORT BOW AND TRIED TO COME ALONGSIDE. SHIP'S ALARM RAISED AND MATE MANEUVERED AWAY","Desc2":"FROM CRAFT.","coords.x1":123.75,"coords.x2":-7.96667} {"Reference":"2001-29","DateOfOcc":"2000-12-08","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"CHRISTIANS","Victim":"MUSLIM REFUGEES","Desc1":"INDONESIA-MOLUCCAS-HALMAHERA:AN UNKNOWN NUMBER OF MUSLIM REFUGEES WERE KILLED OR INJURED WHEN THEIR BOAT, CARRYING ABOUT 80 PERSONS, WAS ATTACKED BY A CHRISTIAN GROUP 8 DEC AT KAHATOLA ISLAND IN THE MOLUCCAS.","coords.x1":127.48333,"coords.x2":1.65} {"Reference":"2000-53","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-26","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier repelled an attempted boarding while at anchor at Tanjung Marangaas (10-36S 121-33E) at 1750 local time. Five or six thieves using a grappling hook from a boat were detected and thwarted by alert crew on the bulk","Desc2":"carrier. The bulk carrier's master reported that another incident occurred 24 Apr in which a crew member was stabbed (see ASAM Reference Number 20000033).","coords.x1":121.55,"coords.x2":-10.6} {"Reference":"1999-1","DateOfOcc":"1998-12-07","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"LAMBERT MARU","Desc1":"A 98,661-TON ORE CARRIER WAS BOARDED IN THE ALOR STRAIT, EAST OF TIMOR. THE INTRUDERS ENTERED FROM A SMALL BOAT THROUGH A SMALL OPENING AT THE STERN. THE ONLY LOSSES WERE PRIVATE BELONGINGS TO A CREW MEMBER.","coords.x1":123.78333,"coords.x2":-8.35} {"Reference":"1998-62","DateOfOcc":"1998-10-10","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MA FOROE","Desc1":"THE LOCAL CRUISE BOAT IN PORT MORESBY HARBOR, PAPUA NEW GUINA WAS BOARDED DURING THE NIGHT OF 10-11 OCT. 150 PEOPLE WERE ROBBED. FIVE MEN ARMED WITH KNIVES BOARDED FROM A SMALL BOAT AND THREATENED, PUNCHED AND STRUCK PASSENGERS WITH BOTTLES WHILE TAKING","Desc2":"MONEY AND PERSONAL VALUABLES. NO SERIOUS INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":147.13333,"coords.x2":-9.46667} {"Reference":"1993-92","DateOfOcc":"1993-08-20","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KITSA","Desc1":"PIRATES BOARDED THE M/V KITSA'S ENGINE SPARE PARTS ROOM AND STOLE PARTS. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":131,"coords.x2":-3.5} {"Reference":"1993-59","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-06","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KAVO SIDERO","Desc1":"GREEK M/V KAVO SIDERO ATTACKED BY NINE PIRATES WHILE AT ANCHORAGE IN BELAWAN ROADS. ONLY SLIGHT INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":135.93,"coords.x2":-6.51} {"Reference":"1993-87","DateOfOcc":"1992-09-09","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"RAMONA","Desc1":"ATTACK STARTED IN INDONESIAN WATERS, BUT THE PIRATES GAVE UP WHEN THE VESSEL CAME INTO PHILIPINO WATERS NEAR THE COAST.","coords.x1":126,"coords.x2":1} {"Reference":"1986-18","DateOfOcc":"1986-04-04","SubReg":"73","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ODYSSEE","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Six hours after departure from general Santos 6-06S 125-10E, luxury yatch Odyssee was boarded by 12 pirates using three high-speed motor launches. Cash $71,000 and personal belongings were stolen. The crew of four from the Odyssee were set","Desc2":"adrift in a rubber raft and picked up 5 Apr 86 by the coast guard reportedly no one was injured.","coords.x1":125,"coords.x2":-6} {"Reference":"2013-239","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-27","SubReg":"74","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"Chemical tanker","Desc1":"INDONESIA:On 27 July, the Hong Kong-flagged anchored chemical tanker GLOBAL PEACE was boarded at 07-05S 112-39E, at the Gresik Inner Anchorage. Unidentified persons were spotted at the forecastle paint store entrance. The alarm was raised and crew","Desc2":"alerted. The robbers jumped overboard with stolen ship's stores and escaped in a small boat.","coords.x1":112.65,"coords.x2":-7.08333} {"Reference":"2005-311","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-19","SubReg":"74","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An Indonesian warship fired on a group of Chinese boats allegedly fishing illegally in the Arafura Sea, off the Australian north coast 19 Sep (reported 22 Sep). One boat was damaged and taken in to custody and one Chinese crewman killed, while","Desc2":"the other 3 boats escaped. ONI NOTE: Although.the circumstances of the shooting a relatively clear in this instance, similar use of firearms in law enforcement has been misreported as piracy or attempted piracy and Indonesian authorities have not always","Desc3":"been prompt to clear the record (LM, ONI).","coords.x1":136.65,"coords.x2":-11.16667} {"Reference":"2005-21","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-03","SubReg":"74","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded on 3 Nov at 0115 local time, while underway in position 12-00.5S 105-24.4E. Five people armed with long knives boarded at the stern, from a wooden boat containing two accomplices. They went to the bridge","Desc2":"and tied up the duty officer and seaman. They then stole cash and property from officers' cabins. The Master raised alarm and then the theives fled, after severely cutting his arm (IMB).","coords.x1":108.43667,"coords.x2":-12.00833} {"Reference":"2004-205","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-30","SubReg":"74","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"INDONESIA-ARAFURA SEA: An unidentified yacht reports being \"chased\" 30 Jul at 2139 UTC, while underway in position 10 30S, 138 15E. An unidentified 15-meter long craft pursued for one hour. Another 20 meter craft without markings was reportedly in the","Desc2":"area as well (IMB).","coords.x1":138.25,"coords.x2":-10.5} {"Reference":"2004-84","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-30","SubReg":"74","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 30 Mar at 2120 UTC while underway in position 12-58S, 106-58.3E in Selat Leplia. Two persons armed with guns and long knives forced open wheelhouse starboard door but fled empty handed when duty","Desc2":"seaman sounded alarm.","coords.x1":106.97167,"coords.x2":-12.96667} {"Reference":"2004-85","DateOfOcc":"2004-03-17","SubReg":"74","Aggressor":"NAVAL PERSONNEL","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: The master of an unidentified cargo ship reports he was fired upon, stopped, and questioned by the Indonesian naval vessel (KAI YOUTEFA) 17 Mar while in position 12-18.5S 104-38.5E off Jayapura, Irian Jaya. (reported 7 Apr).Master and third","Desc2":"officer were ordered to board the naval vessel where they were beaten and it was demanded they pay $5,000 for their release. Master negotiated amount to half that plus provisions and third officer was held until extortion was paid.","coords.x1":104.64167,"coords.x2":-12.30833} {"Reference":"2003-349","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-03","SubReg":"74","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 3 Nov at 0115 local time while underway in position 12 00.5S, 108 26.2E. Five persons armed with long knives boarded at the stern from a wooden boat containing two accomplices. They went to bridge and","Desc2":"tied up duty officer and seaman and then stole cash and property from officers' cabins. Master raised alarm and the thieves fled after severely cutting his arm (IMB).","coords.x1":108.43333,"coords.x2":-12.01667} {"Reference":"2003-200","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-03","SubReg":"74","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"SOUTH PACIFIC: An unidentified yacht reports suspicious approach by a grey colored fishing boat 3 Jun at 1315 local time while underway in position 11 32.6S, 116 49.2E between Christmas Island and Darwin, Australia, 190 nm south of Bali. Yacht attempted","Desc2":"VHF contact with the fishing boat but got no response. Fishing boat several times attempted to intercept yacht's course but moved away after the yacht continued to maneuver evasively (IMB).","coords.x1":116.81667,"coords.x2":-11.55} {"Reference":"2003-26","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-08","SubReg":"74","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"AUSTRALIA-INDONESIA: Australian authorities recovered the Taiwanese-flag fishing vessel (HAI AN NO. 6) 8 Jan about 80 nm northeast of Rowley Shoals offshore of Broome. The vessel, drifting without crew, was spotted apparently abandoned 4 Jan. The","Desc2":"lifeboats were missing and there was no sign of the two Taiwanese and 10 Indonesian crew nor any sign of a struggle. The Taiwanese crew had called home every day after leaving Indonesia 16 Nov up to 6 Dec. Since then the cell phone of one of the men has","Desc3":"been used to make 87 local calls on the Indonesian island of Bali. The crew are believed either to have mutinied or to have been the victim of a pirate attack of some kind","coords.x1":120.5,"coords.x2":-16.16667} {"Reference":"2000-79","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-15","SubReg":"74","Aggressor":"PURSUERS","Victim":"SPIRIT OF JUNO","Desc1":"INDIAN OCEAN:The sailing yacht (SPIRIT OF JUNO) reports that at 1846 UTC 15 May it was approached in position 13-24S 114-45E by a lighted unidentified motor vessel described as 100 to 120 feet in length with red-painted bow. The motor vessel with 5","Desc2":"persons in the bow and others visible on deck made repeated maneuvers to intercept or pull alongside the yacht which outsailed its pursuer. VHF requests for identification were unmet.","coords.x1":114.75,"coords.x2":-13.4} {"Reference":"1995-50","DateOfOcc":"1995-03-17","SubReg":"74","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"F/V CHIN NUNG CHENG","Desc1":"F/V CHIN NUNG CHENG BOARDED BY 4 OR 5 ARMED PIRATES MAR. 17 SW OF SUMATRA ISLAND IN 11S 95E. THE MASTER RESISTED AND WAS SHOT AND KILLED, REST OF CREW UNHARMED. VESSEL'S HAUL OF FISH AND VALUABLES INCLUDING CASH AND ELECTRONIC ITEMS REPORTED STOLEN.","coords.x1":95.83333,"coords.x2":-11.83333} {"Reference":"2010-23","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-03","SubReg":"81","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"INDONESIA: General cargo ship reported attempted boarding 3 Jan 10 at 0900 local time while underway in position 01-39.4N 132-45.3E, approximately 165NM northeast of Sorong. More than 10 robbers in three big boats chased and attempted to board the","Desc2":"vessel. Counter-piracy measures were conducted by the crew, preventing the robbers from boarding. After 20 minutes, the robbers aborted the attempt and moved away. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB).","coords.x1":132.755,"coords.x2":1.65667} {"Reference":"2008-486","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-10","SubReg":"81","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"GULF OF ADEN: Two Yemeni fishing vessels, (FALLUJAH) and (KANA), reportedly hijacked 10 Dec 08 while underway from the Mait area near the port of Aden. According to Yemeni Coastguard, 22 men from both vessels were seized by the pirates. Seven men managed","Desc2":"to escape from the (FALLUJAH) on a small boat and report the attack to Yemeni authorities, but 12 other crewmembers were seized, as well as the 10 men aboard the (KANA). There has been no further information provided at this time (AFP, IANS, Reuters).","coords.x1":149.43333,"coords.x2":13.63333} {"Reference":"2000-57","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-05","SubReg":"81","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"WEST CENTRAL PACIFIC:An unidentified bulk carrier reported being followed for one hour and thirty minutes during the night of 5 Apr in position 16-20N, 133-43E. Suspicious craft described as having twin bows on 30 meter length and speed of about 18","Desc2":"knots; no fishing gear visible. When suspicious craft came within .3 nm of bulk carrier deck lights were switched on and evasive action commenced after which the boat gave up chase.","coords.x1":133.56667,"coords.x2":16.33333} {"Reference":"2007-307","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-08","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"MUTINY","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"PAPUA NEW GUINEA:Fishing vessel (SHENG ENG 168) reported suspected mutiny, captain killed 08 Nov 07 off the northern coast. Indonesian police have arrested eight Indonesian crewmembers suspected of trying to take over a Taiwanese vessel resulting in the","Desc2":"death of a captain, along with three other crewmembers reportedly missing and feared dead after a mutiny event. Indonesian deckhands reportedly wanted to steal the vessel and its large catch of fish. The vessel was reportedly brand new, (valued at","Desc3":"$620,000) with a large fish haul (REUTERS, LM: allheadlinenews.com).","coords.x1":148,"coords.x2":-1} {"Reference":"2007-308","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-06","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOLOMON ISLANDS:Fishing vessel (QUAN YONG 168) boarded, robbed 06 Nov 07 in the evening, while at anchor, near Point Cruz. Five men armed with knives boarded the vessel and robbed the crew. The thieves stole a large amount of US currency, one satellite","Desc2":"phone, two suitcases full of clothes, three outboard motors (15HP and 25HP Yamaha brands), several cartons of cigarettes, and identification documents. Police say the details of the offenders are sketchy and it is believed the men used a canoe to get to","Desc3":"the boat and took the crew by surprise (LM: Solomon Times Online).","coords.x1":159.95833,"coords.x2":-9.425} {"Reference":"2006-272","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-27","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"SOLOMON ISLANDS: Yacht robbed late Oct, Bita' ama in North Malaita. Approximately four men wearing masks boarded the yacht and forced the owner to hand over a sum of money. The robbers also stole the boats Global Positioning Navigation System as well as","Desc2":"other valuables. Per 02 Nov reporting, the four men were arrested and will be brought to Honiara, Solomon Islands prison, where they are expected to receive further associated charges including simple larceny and malicious damage (LM: SIBC).","coords.x1":160.66667,"coords.x2":-8.5} {"Reference":"2004-196","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-27","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PAPUA-NEW GUINEA: The 353-ton Ro/ro (HURIS) was boarded and robbed 27 Jul shortly after its arrival in the early morning hours at Ah Tam Wharf, Rabaul. Five men armed with 3 home-made guns and a bush knife escaped with a \"substantial\" amount of cash and","Desc2":"checks. The men were said to have known when the ship would arrive and used their weapons to threaten the crew, who were also forced to open a \"secret\" compartment containing the cash and documents (INFO).","coords.x1":152.17778,"coords.x2":-4.20833} {"Reference":"2002-256","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-28","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"PAPUA NEW GUINEA: The fifty-foot Australian ketch (SPIRIT OF WYCHWOOD) was boarded 28 Aug at 1615 UTC while in position 05 28S, 154 41E, about 2 nm south of Buka Passage. Five persons armed with machine guns held the two owners hostage while they","Desc2":"ransacked the yacht and stole stores and provisions","coords.x1":154.68333,"coords.x2":-5.46667} {"Reference":"2002-214","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-09","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"SOLOMON ISLANDS: An unidentified yacht was attacked 9 Jul at 2130 UTC while underway in the vicinity of the Florida Islands by two persons using unspecified means. After thirty minutes yacht reported it was out of danger and clearing the area.Local","Desc2":"police stated that act was not piracy but \"bad behavior\" from some locals.","coords.x1":160.05528,"coords.x2":-9.21333} {"Reference":"2002-59","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-04","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOLOMON ISLANDS: The Thailand-flag freighter (ANYA MANJI) was boarded 4 Mar at 1315 UTC shortly after arriving at the anchorage, Honiara. A single armed man (NFI), who had apparentlyboarded via the anchor chain, forced crew to lower accommodation ladder","Desc2":"allowing three persons armed with guns and another seven armed with knives to board. The intruders stole TVs, radios, watches and alcohol for a total of more than $2000. Three crew were reported slightly injured.","coords.x1":159.96667,"coords.x2":-9.41667} {"Reference":"2001-67","DateOfOcc":"2001-01-22","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PETRO NAVIGATOR","Desc1":"PAPUA NEW GUINEA-ADMIRALTY ISLANDS: THE 1,711-TON, PAPUA NEW GUINEAFLAG CHEMICAL TANKER (PETRO NAVIGATOR) WAS BOARDED 22 JAN AS ITAPPROACHED THE BERTH AT LORENGAU, MANUS ISLAND. FIFTEEN ARMED MENASSAULTED THE CREW OF THIRTEEN WHO PUT UP RESISTANCE AND","Desc2":"CALLED FOR HELP. SIX POLICE OFFICERS BOARDED THE VESSEL AND SOME WERE OVERPOWERED BY THE ROBBERS, AT LEAST ONE LOSING A FIREARM AND ONEBEING INJURED. THE INTRUDERS THEN FLED OVERBOARD AND ESCAPED IN THE TANKER'S WORKBOAT, WHICH WAS LATER RECOVERED. THE","Desc3":"TANKER ABORTED ITS CALL AT LORENGAU AND SAILED FOR ANOTHER PAPUA NEW GUINEA PORT.","coords.x1":147.25,"coords.x2":-2.01667} {"Reference":"2001-8","DateOfOcc":"2000-11-22","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SOLOMON ISLANDS:THE TAIWAN-FLAG FISHING VESSEL (WIN FAR 616) WAS BOARDED 22 NOV AT HONIARA ANCHORAGE BY 8 ARMED MEN WHO FIRED WARNING SHOTS AND LOBBED TEAR GAS INTO THE VESSEL'S ACCOMMODATION. THE BRIDGE WAS STRIPPED OF REMOVABLE ITEMS AND CREW EFFECTS","Desc2":"INCLUDING TVS WERE STOLEN. AN EARLIER INCIDENT AN UNKNOWN NUMBER OF DAYS PREVIOUSLY, RESULTED IN SEVERAL MEN BEING CHASED AWAY AFTER THEY WERE SPOTTED CLIMBING A VESSELS ANCHOR CHAIN. VESSELS ARE ADVISED NOT TO ANCHOR AT HONIARA IF POSSIBLE; MAIN BERTH","Desc3":"AND BUNKERING BUOYS ARE PATROLLED BY SECURITY GUARDS AND ARE CONSIDERED SAFE.","coords.x1":159.95,"coords.x2":-9.46667} {"Reference":"2000-211","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-08","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"GUADALCANAL MILITANTS","Victim":"GRANGER","Desc1":"SOLOMON ISLANDS:M/V Granger received small arms fire 08 Sep from militants on the island of Guadalcanal off Sally Point resulting in the death of one crewmember and the wounding of another. Vessels are advised to remain clear of the south coast of","Desc2":"Guadalcanal Island between 10-00S 159-30E and 10-00S 161-00E due to possible hostile acts from shore.","coords.x1":160,"coords.x2":-10} {"Reference":"2000-155","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-26","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"SOLOTAI NO. 68","Desc1":"SOLOMON SEA:The Japanese fishing vessel (SOLOTAI NO. 68) was hijacked 26 Jul while in the Solomon Sea by three men who demanded the vessel go to Guadalcanal. The vessel arrived at Honiara several hours after and local police took the three men into","Desc2":"custody where they \"could\" be charged with hijacking. No injuries were reported to the vessel's 32-man crew.","coords.x1":159.95,"coords.x2":-9.41667} {"Reference":"2000-106","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-07","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"RIVAL GANG","Victim":"POLICE BOAT","Desc1":"SOLOMON ISLANDS:One of the rival gangs fighting for control of the Solomons seized a police patrol boat in the capital, Honiara, and used it to shell opposing militia causing a reported 100 casualties 7 Jun.","coords.x1":159.95,"coords.x2":-9.41667} {"Reference":"2000-113","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-30","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"WORLD DISCOVERER","Desc1":"SOLOMON ISLANDS:The 3,153-ton, Liberian-flag passenger ship (WORLD DISCOVERER), wrecked 30 Apr in Sandy Passage, 25 miles north of Honiara, and abandoned by passengers and crew, has been ransacked by local natives. The ship had reportedly been dewatered","Desc2":"and righted by salvors preparatory to refloating when the locals began threatening to attack the salvors who left the area. The vessel's EPIRB was reportedly activated during the ransacking.","coords.x1":159.81667,"coords.x2":-9.98333} {"Reference":"1999-89","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-09","SubReg":"82","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Solomon Islands (Guadalcanal):Members of the revolutionary army boarded vessel, at Honiara, but crew repulsed the attack.","coords.x1":159.95,"coords.x2":-9.41667} {"Reference":"2003-25","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-08","SubReg":"83","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 8 Jan at 0625 local time while in position 01 03S, 177 16E at Samarinda anchorage. Four persons armed with knives gained access at the stern and stole life rafts and stores before fleeing when alarm","Desc2":"sounded.","coords.x1":177.26667,"coords.x2":-1.05} {"Reference":"2002-79","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-18","SubReg":"83","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PACIFIC OCEAN: Seychelles flag fishing vessel (FULL MEANS NO. 2) was reported hijacked by its crew 18 Mar while in position 15-24N 154-34W. Crew consists of Taiwanese master and 33 mainland Chinese crew. Vessel reported sailing toward Island of Hawaii at","Desc2":"12 knots due to arrive 20 Mar. As of 1700 UTC 20 Mar USCG was awaiting confirmation that vessel had been met and was being taken in tow. Confirmation of takeover by crew and reasons for it are currently unknown.","coords.x1":-154.56667,"coords.x2":15.4} {"Reference":"2000-346","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-12","SubReg":"83","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"MERCHANT SHIP CREWS","Desc1":"FIJI:Local authorities report extortion and robbery aimed at foreign merchant ship crews at Lautoka according to 12 OCT report. Armed men wearing military uniforms have boarded vessels at Kings wharf demanding cash and food.","coords.x1":177.46667,"coords.x2":-17.6} {"Reference":"2013-248","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-25","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"robbers","Victim":"container ship APL LOS ANGELES","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:On 25 July, the Gibraltar-flagged anchored container ship APL LOS ANGELES was boarded and robbed at an undisclosed port/anchorage.","coords.x1":120.78333,"coords.x2":14.48333} {"Reference":"2013-249","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-21","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"robbers","Victim":"container ship HELMUTH RAMBOW","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:On 21 July, the Antigua and Barbuda-flagged anchored container ship HELMUTH RAMBOW was boarded and robbed at an undisclosed port/anchorage.","coords.x1":120.78333,"coords.x2":14.48333} {"Reference":"2013-242","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-10","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP CAPE MAHORN","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:On 10 July, the anchored Cyprus-flagged container ship CAPE MAHORN was boarded at a Philippines Port/ Anchorage. Vessel was boarded and robbed at an undisclosed Philippines Port/ Anchorage.","coords.x1":120.78333,"coords.x2":14.48333} {"Reference":"2013-33","DateOfOcc":"2013-01-31","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:On 31 January, a general cargo ship was boarded at 14-33N 120-54E, at the Manila South Quarantine Anchorage. Three robbers in a boat approached and boarded the anchored vessel. Alert crew members noticed the robbers near the forecastle store","Desc2":"and raised the alarm. Seeing crew's alertness, the robbers escaped with stolen ship stores. Incident reported to VTMS and Coast Guard, who advised to vessel double watches and maintain proper look out.","coords.x1":120.9,"coords.x2":14.55} {"Reference":"2012-49","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-06","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"MANILA MICT ANCHORAGE, PHILIPPINES: A duty crew onboard an anchored container ship waiting for pilot was taken hostage by robbers using a long knife. They tied up the duty crew, hit him and stole ship's stores. Another crew approaching the anchor","Desc2":"stations noticed the robbers and informed the OOW on the bridge who raised the alarm. Seeing alerted crew the robbers escaped via the anchor chain. Master reported the incident to the pilot and requested him to inform the port authorities. Coast guard","Desc3":"came for investigation.","coords.x1":120.88833,"coords.x2":14.61167} {"Reference":"2012-33","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-03","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"MANILA ANCHORAGE, PHILIPPINES: A container ship at anchor was boarded by a group of people via the anchor chain. When bosun went forward to heave up anchor he noticed the hawse pipe cover open and small boat moving away from the ship. On investigating it","Desc2":"was noticed that ship's stores and equipment were stolen. The incident was reported to the authorities via the local agents.","coords.x1":120.885,"coords.x2":14.61} {"Reference":"2011-322","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-08","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"MANILA SOUTH ANCHORAGE, PHILIPPINES:Duty watchman onboard an anchored container ship noticed three robbers boarding the vessel from a boat near the forecastle. He informed the duty officer who raised the alarm and reported to port authorities. Seeing","Desc2":"crew alertness the robbers escaped with stolen ship's stores.","coords.x1":120.91667,"coords.x2":14.53333} {"Reference":"2011-490","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-21","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MANILA NORTH ANCHORAGE, PHILIPPINES: Robbers boarded an anchored ship unnoticed and stole ship's properties and escaped. Later duty A/B on deck patrol noticed padlock to the forward store broken and ship's property stolen. Incident reported to CSO and","Desc2":"port control.","coords.x1":120.86667,"coords.x2":14.6} {"Reference":"2010-415","DateOfOcc":"2010-10-20","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Container ship robbed 20 Oct 10 at 2100 local time while at anchor in position 14-32N 120-54.9E, in Manila. Robbers in two motor boats boarded a container ship via anchor chain. Duty bosun noticed unusual movements on the forecastle deck and","Desc2":"informed duty officer. Alarm raised, crew mustered. Fire hoses used to prevent robbers from entering forward store. During this time, another group of robbers boarded the vessel from the starboard side. Due to crew alertness, robbers jumped overboard and","Desc3":"escaped in their speedboats with stolen property. (IMB)","coords.x1":120.915,"coords.x2":14.53333} {"Reference":"2010-262","DateOfOcc":"2010-07-31","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Tanker robbed 31 Jul 10 at 0145 local time while anchored in position 13-44.3N 121-01.7E, Batangas anchorage. Three robbers in a small craft approached the vessel at anchor. One robber boarded the vessel and broke into the bosun store. The","Desc2":"alert crew spotted the robber and raised the alarm. Upon seeing the crew's reaction, the robber jumped overboard and escaped. A second robber climbing the anchor chain also escaped. Ship's property was stolen. Coast guard was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":121.02833,"coords.x2":13.73833} {"Reference":"2010-32","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-21","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Tanker (BRITISH HOLLY) robbed 21 Jan 10 at 1400 local time while anchored in position 14-33.74N 120-55.24E, Manila Bay. The duty crew noticed wet footprints on the deck. Upon inspection of the whole deck, he discovered the ship's inflatable","Desc2":"life raft and two immersion suits were missing. The ship master reported the incident to local authorities who directed the Philippine Coast Guard's Port State Control Center Manila (PSCCM) to investigate. A patrol craft was dispatched, and through the","Desc3":"ship master, it was gathered that the robbers could have boarded the tanker using a grapnel hook (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":120.92067,"coords.x2":14.56233} {"Reference":"2009-396","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-12","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Container ship robbed 12 Oct 09 while berthed in Pier 5, South Harbor, Manila. An undetermined number of robbers boarded the vessel and stole equipment. Port State Control Center dispatched personnel to intercept the robbers as they fled in","Desc2":"an unregistered motor launch towards the coastal area of Las Pinas City. Authorities were unable to capture the robbers. No one from the vessel was injured and authorities are conducting follow-up operations for the immediate arrest of the men","Desc3":"responsible (Risk Intelligence/MaRisk).","coords.x1":120.96667,"coords.x2":14.60333} {"Reference":"2009-188","DateOfOcc":"2009-04-12","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Container ship robbed 12 Apr 09 at 1625 UTC in Manila. While waiting for pilot, duty crew member on routine rounds noticed robbers on the forecastle. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered, and proceeded to the forecastle to prevent any","Desc2":"theft. Noticing the alert crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's properties (IMB).","coords.x1":120.98333,"coords.x2":14.56667} {"Reference":"2009-70","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-22","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Yacht robbed 22 Jan 09 while anchored in Subic Bay Yacht marina. During the night while the owner slept, robbers boarded the vessel and stole a laptop and cellphone. Incident was reported to local authorities (Noonsite.com).","coords.x1":120.21667,"coords.x2":14.75} {"Reference":"2008-461","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-21","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"West Coast Luzon, Philippines: Three blue colored speedboats, chased a bulk carrier underway. Ship increased speed made evasive maneuvers, raised alarm and fire hoses standby. Pirates aborted the attempt after 30 minutes.","coords.x1":119.53333,"coords.x2":16.28333} {"Reference":"2008-467","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-21","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach on 21 Nov 08 at 0130 local time while underway in position 16-17N 119-32E, West Coast Luzon. Three blue speedboats chased the vessel. The ship increased speed, made evasive maneuvers, raised alarm,","Desc2":"and had fire hoses on standby. The pirates aborted the attempt after 30 minutes (IMB).","coords.x1":119.53333,"coords.x2":16.28333} {"Reference":"2008-262","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-22","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Vessel","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:Container ship boarded, robbed 22 Jul 08,while anchored at position 14-33N 120-55E, Manila Outer Anchorage. Twelve robbers armed with knives boarded a container ship at anchor. They stole ship?s stores and property and escaped. The crew was","Desc2":"unable to stop them. No injuries to the crew were reported. The master reported to VTMS Manila and the coast guard but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":120.91667,"coords.x2":14.55} {"Reference":"2008-255","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-13","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"LPG Tanker","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:LPG tanker boarded 13 Jul 08 at 0250 local time, Manila Quarantine Anchorage. The shore security guard noticed four robbers on the forecastle of the vessel armed with knives and pipes, while the crew was busy preparing to receive bunkers. The","Desc2":"robbers attempted to assault the shore guard who alerted the crew. Upon seeing the alert crew approaching, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in two waiting boats. The boats had around 12 more robbers in them. No injuries to crew. Ship's equipment","Desc3":"stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":120.98333,"coords.x2":14.56667} {"Reference":"2008-122","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-11","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"Pirate Boarding","Victim":"General Cargo Ship","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:General cargo ship boarded, robbed 11 Apr 08 at 1550 UTC while at anchorage in position 14-31.1N 120-50.3E, Manila Bay. Three robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel via the anchor cable and breaking the hawse pipe cover securing.","Desc2":"Two-duty crew saw the robbers and raised the alarm. The robbers succeeded in escaping with ships stores and property (IMB).","coords.x1":120.83833,"coords.x2":14.51833} {"Reference":"2008-96","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-17","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PASSENGER VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:Passenger vessel attacked by criminals posing as passengers, crewmembers killed 17 Mar 08 at 0230 local time, while enroute Cagbalite, Miuban and Balisen, Polilio Island. A passenger boat with ten passengers including five crewmembers was","Desc2":"returning to Polilio Island after discharging its cargo on the mainland. Two passengers who had earlier boarded after asking for a ride to Polilio Island took control of the boat and shot dead three crewmembers including the captain. The criminals then","Desc3":"tied them to the anchor and threw them overboard. They shot the remaining two crewmembers and injured them. One of the injured jumped into the sea and is still missing. The other injured crew is recuperating in the hospital. for the missing and dead","Desc4":"crewmembers and the pirates who fled in a motor boat (IMB).","coords.x1":122.38333,"coords.x2":15.83333} {"Reference":"2008-68","DateOfOcc":"2008-03-09","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TANKER SHIP","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:Tanker reported suspicious approach 09 Mar 08 at 1045 local time while in position 18-03.7N 119-55.44E, off Luzon. The vessel was passing a group of 15 fishing vessels. When about 1.5NM off, three boats left the group and approached the","Desc2":"tanker at high speed. One boat came within 10 meters of the vessel. The master took evasive maneuvers, raised the alarm and sounded the whistle for the crew to muster. After 15 minutes, the boats aborted the suspected attack (IMB).","coords.x1":119.924,"coords.x2":18.06167} {"Reference":"2007-324","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-17","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Vessel","Desc1":"0430 LT: Manila north anchorage, Philippines:Eight armed pirates boarded a container ship, at anchor, awaiting berthing instructions. They were spotted by the antipiracy wathc and reported to the D/O. Alarm raised and crew alerted. The pirates jumped","Desc2":"overboard and escaped in a waiting boat. Nothing was stolen.","coords.x1":120.875,"coords.x2":14.58667} {"Reference":"2008-97","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-01","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:Container ship (OM AESTATIS) boarded 01 Dec 07 at 2200 local time, while anchored at position 14-33.6N 120-55.6E, North Harbour, Manila, per 12 Mar 08 reporting. Six robbers, armed with pistols, boarded the vessel using grapnels while it was","Desc2":"anchored in North Harbour. The robbers were spotted on board the ship by a duty crewmember who immediately informed the bridge via hand-held radio to sound the ship's alarm. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their motor boat with the vessel's","Desc3":"life raft. There were no injuries reported. The incident was reported to the Philippines Coast Guard who immediately conducted a search of the area and all boats in the vicinity. (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":120.92667,"coords.x2":14.56} {"Reference":"2007-277","DateOfOcc":"2007-10-17","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:Container ship boarded, robbed 17 Oct 07 at 0230 local time at Manila anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and stole the forward life raft and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":120.92,"coords.x2":14.55333} {"Reference":"2007-325","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-30","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Container Vessel","Desc1":"1900 LT: Manila international container terminal, Manila, Philippines:During heavy rain and poor visibility, robbers boarded a container ship unnoticed via the anchor chain. They broke into the CO2 room and stole eight pieces of extension cable for the","Desc2":"refrigerator containers and a liferaft. Upon discovery of the robbery, master reported to the port state controle centre and the Philippines coast guard. Coast guard conducted investigation and advised to take precautionary measures.","coords.x1":120.8875,"coords.x2":14.61083} {"Reference":"2007-297","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-26","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:Vessel boarded 26 Sep 07 at 0236 local time in position 14-36.4N 120-52.05E, Vic north harbor anchorage, Manila, per 08 Nov 07 reporting. Robbers boarded the vessel from starboard side using a grappling hook. They broke the forecastle store","Desc2":"lock and stole ship's property and a life raft. The master reported the incident to the Coast Guard and they conducted an investigation and advised the master to take precautionary measures (IMB).","coords.x1":120.8675,"coords.x2":14.60667} {"Reference":"2007-216","DateOfOcc":"2007-08-21","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILLIPINES: Container ship boarded 21 Aug 07 2200 local time, in position 14-35N 120-57E, Manila anchorage. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel via the anchor chain. The hawse pipe cover, which was installed and secured by three wing","Desc2":"nuts, was removed. There was a gap large enough for the intruders hand to reach through and remove the nuts. The intruders very quickly lifted the forward 6-person life raft, threw it over the side, jumped into the water, and escaped using a small","Desc3":"motorboat. No injury to crewmembers (IMB).","coords.x1":120.95,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"2006-201","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-11","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Containership boarded and robbed 11 Aug at 2255 local time while anchored in Manila South harbor anchorage. Eight robbers armed with guns boarded and ransacked the forward locker. Alert cadet on forcastle sighted a boat near the bulbous bow.","Desc2":"Master raised alarm, blew ships whistle and crew mustered. Robbers escaped with ships stores. VTIS Manila and coast guard was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":120.96667,"coords.x2":14.56667} {"Reference":"2006-22","DateOfOcc":"2006-01-15","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: The fishing vessel (MAN CHUN YI) came under fire 15 Jan in the morning hours, while underway between Batan Islands and Babuyan Islands, in the Bashi Channel. Five individuals in military style uniforms fired dozens of shots at the vessel,","Desc2":"then raided it. Master was killed and one crewman was shot in the leg. Philippine authorities said no naval or coast guard vessels were in those waters when the incident occurred and is investigating the attack. Local fishermens association called for","Desc3":"the government to increase protective measures for the nations fishing boats, from pirate attacks (LM).","coords.x1":121,"coords.x2":21.5} {"Reference":"2005-64","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-03","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"LUZON STRAIT: An unidentified bulk carrier reported an attempted boarding while underway 03 Feb at 1530 UTC, near position 19-43N 119-20E. A craft doing 20 kts approached the starboard side. Duty officer raised alarm and took evasive maneuvers. Crew","Desc2":"switched on deck lights, directed searchlights, and activated fire hoses. Attempt was aborted and craft moved away. ONI NOTE: Given the area in which the incident occurred and the 20 kt speed of approach, it is likely this was an encounter with a","Desc3":"smuggling vessel and not attempted piracy (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":119.33333,"coords.x2":19.71667} {"Reference":"2004-9","DateOfOcc":"2003-12-24","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: An unidentified vehicle carrier report attempt to board 24 Dec at 1400 UTC while underway in position 20-55N 119-43E. When approach by boat was detected crew switched on light and boat withdrew.","coords.x1":119.71667,"coords.x2":20.91667} {"Reference":"2003-311","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-15","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 15 Sep at 0335 local time while at Manila anchorage. Eight persons armed with long knives came aboard over the port bow using grappling hooks. Alarm raised and crew mustered but thieves got away with","Desc2":"safety equipment from forecastle store. Master called authorities on VHF Ch. 16 but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":120.96667,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"2003-308","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-04","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified gas carrier reports suspicious approach 4 Sep at 0325 local time while underway in position 19-58N 120-03E. A speedboat, reportedly making 21.5 knots, was detected off ship's port side. Alarm raised, searchlights directed at","Desc2":"boat, and ship itself illuminated whereupon boat moved off (IMB).","coords.x1":120.05,"coords.x2":19.96667} {"Reference":"2003-309","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-04","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 4 Sep at 1540 UTC while at inner anchorage no. 2, Manila, by persons pretending to be stevedores. The intruders stole ship's stores and property (IMB).","coords.x1":120.96667,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"2003-228","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-24","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified tanker was boarded 24 Jun at 0250 local time while at Batangas anchorage. Two persons armed with metal bars boarded from fishing boats but, seeing crew alertness, jumped overboard and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":121.01667,"coords.x2":13.71667} {"Reference":"2003-184","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-15","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified cargo ship reports being chased 15 May at 0845 local time while underway in position 16-25.7N 119-38.8E, 10 nm off Luzon. Three speedboats with 4 to 5 persons each were spotted by crew who mustered and sounded ship's whistle,","Desc2":"whereupon the boats moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":119.65,"coords.x2":16.41667} {"Reference":"2003-158","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-03","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified container ship reports attempt to board 3 May at 0430 local time while at south harbor anchorage, Manila Bay. Three persons armed with guns attempted togain access from an unlit boat but moved away when crew flashed lights at","Desc2":"them (IMB).","coords.x1":120.96667,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"2003-105","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-28","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified cargo ship was subject to attempted boarding 28 Mar at 0415 local time while at quarantine anchorage outside breakwater, Manila. Intruders attempted to board via anchor chain but jumped into the water and escaped when spotted","Desc2":"by crew (IMB).","coords.x1":120.96667,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"2003-78","DateOfOcc":"2003-03-01","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified container ship was boarded 1 Mar at 0005 local time in position 14-36N 120-56E at quarantine anchorage outside the breakwater at Manila International Container Terminal. Ten persons armed with knives threatened duty bosun and","Desc2":"tied him on deck. The thieves fled with ship's stores when duty officer raised alarm. Duty officer and bosun injured and treated ashore (IMB).","coords.x1":120.93333,"coords.x2":14.6} {"Reference":"2002-331","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-14","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified bulk carrier was subject to attempted boarding 14 Nov at 2115 UTC while underway in position 17 51.5N, 120 08E, about 15 nm off Luzon's west coast. Several unlit boats approached of which two moved toward the ship at high","Desc2":"speed. One came alongside and person from it attempted to board before crew illuminated the boat and ship's side with searchlight. The first boat retreated but second trailed the ship for \"some time\" before disappearing.","coords.x1":120.13333,"coords.x2":17.86667} {"Reference":"2002-300","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-17","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified product tanker was boarded 17 Oct between 0300 and 0400 while berthed at Caltex refinery, Batangas. Thieves boarded at the poop, broke open paint locker and stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":121.01667,"coords.x2":13.71667} {"Reference":"2002-221","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-31","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified tanker was boarded 31 Jul at 0001 local time while anchored at Batangas. Two persons boarded via the poop and escaped with ship's stores in small boat when alarm raised by watchman.","coords.x1":121.01667,"coords.x2":13.71667} {"Reference":"2002-213","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-25","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified cargo ship reports being chased 25 Jul at 2000 UTC while underway in position 16-52N 119-14.5E about 45 nm from Luzon Island. Two long, unlit boats followed ship until crew directed searchlights at them and activated fire","Desc2":"hoses.","coords.x1":119.24167,"coords.x2":16.86667} {"Reference":"2002-183","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-30","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified bulk carrier was subject to an attempt to board 30 Jun at 1145 local time while underway in position 17-33N 119-58E off Luzon Island. Pirates armed with long knives and wearing masks operating from seven boats attempted to","Desc2":"come alongside. Crew activated fire hoses and pirate boats followed until 1330 before leaving area. Long pursuit and daylight approach are both untypical of piracy in the region.","coords.x1":119.96667,"coords.x2":17.55} {"Reference":"2001-233","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-02","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:An unidentified cargo ship reports being circled by 7 to 9 speed boats 2 Aug between 1200 and 150 local time while underway off north east Luzon in position 14-55N 119-45E. Persons in the boats ordered the ship to stop and brandished what","Desc2":"looked to the crew like bombs. Master raised the alarm and charged fire hoses whereupon the boats withdrew. This incident is reported as attempted piracy but sounds more complex. It may be connected to other hostage-taking ransom efforts. Certainly","Desc3":"daylight attack and threat to use a weapon that is relatively ineffective without gaining access to the vessel does not fit usual piracy experience.","coords.x1":119.75,"coords.x2":14.91667} {"Reference":"2001-106","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-22","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES-LUZON:An unidentified tanker was boarded 22 mar at 0050 local time while anchored at batangas. Duty ab raised alarm and the thieves fled with lifebuoys and escaped in their boat.","coords.x1":121.01667,"coords.x2":13.76667} {"Reference":"2001-93","DateOfOcc":"2001-03-07","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"SPEED BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:An unidentified container ship was subject to an attempted boarding 7 mar at 0512 local time while underway in manila bay. Persons in a speedboat attempted to come alongside and returned at 0550, but both times alert crew prevented the","Desc2":"boarding.","coords.x1":120.895,"coords.x2":14.61167} {"Reference":"2000-344","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-09","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:Eight persons boarded an unidentified container ship 9 Oct at 0135 at anchor manila bay from an unlit boat. Stores were stolen from forward store and the thieves fled when spotted and ship's alarm sounded.","coords.x1":120.895,"coords.x2":14.61167} {"Reference":"2000-318","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-25","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:An unidentified container ship was boarded 25 Sep at 0130 local time while at anchor at Manila Bay. The duty seaman sounded ship's alarm and the thieves leapt overboard and escaped with some equipment form the ship.","coords.x1":119.70083,"coords.x2":14.84444} {"Reference":"2000-105","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-03","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:An unidentified general cargo ship reports attempted boarding 3 Jun at 0250 UTC while underway in 18-52N 118-44E. Attacking craft is described as radar equipped, modern high-speed craft showing no name. Nature of boarding attempt is","Desc2":"unspecified and area of reported action is regularly traversed by high-speed smuggling boats sometimes reported as pirate craft.","coords.x1":118.73333,"coords.x2":18.86667} {"Reference":"1999-98","DateOfOcc":"1999-08-27","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South China Sea:Pirates approached vessel, with intent to come alongside and board, in an 8 meter rusted speed boat carrying a gun mounted on the fore deck. The vessel sounded fog horn and alerted all vessels in vicinity, via VHF channel 16, of pirate","Desc2":"boat and position. After a few minutes, the pirate boat altered course and gave up chase.","coords.x1":119.43333,"coords.x2":18.63333} {"Reference":"1999-83","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-20","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Philippines:At the port of Manila, berth no. 13, pirates boarded vessel and robbed master and crew of cash and valuables worth $17,900.","coords.x1":120.96667,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"1998-10","DateOfOcc":"1997-12-20","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CRUISE SHIP","Desc1":"A cruise ship departing manila was harassed from a 10-meter boat while maneuvering in the vicinity of fishing boats at about 1930 local time. The boat crisscrossed ahead of the cruise ship and lighted a flammable liquid on the water. Later the boat","Desc2":"passed down The ship's side and fired a rocket flare into the superstructure. The small boat then circled under the ship's stern but was unable to catch up. There were no injuries and only minor damage.","coords.x1":120.96667,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"1997-83","DateOfOcc":"1997-10-17","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINERSHIP YI HE","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES The 21,609 ton Chinese flag containership Yi He was boarded in Manilla Bay 17 Oct 97 by four armed men operating from a small boat. The crew of 30 was held at gunpoint while being robbed of their valuables, and an engineer was shot & killed","Desc2":"when he resisted. The ship's cargo was not touched.","coords.x1":120.91667,"coords.x2":14.48333} {"Reference":"1997-60","DateOfOcc":"1997-07-13","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Philippines The 40,465 gross ton German flagged containership (Villw D'Aquarius) was boarded and robbed by pirates on July 13, 1997 while it was at anchor in the outer roads of Manila. The boarding took place at 0230 local time when 10 armed persons","Desc2":"robbed the deck watchman. His VHF radio and his wristwatch were taken along with the anchor chain protection pipe and paint from the Bosun's store. At 0520 hours six crew members and two officers inspected the vessel and found that the pirates had left","Desc3":"the ship. Manila Radio had been contacted at 0500 hours and the coast guard had advised that they would board the ship as soon as possible. There were no reports of injuries.","coords.x1":120.96667,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"1997-36","DateOfOcc":"1997-02-09","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Manila, Philippines Six pirates boarded the 13,512 deadweight ton Ukrainia-registered ship (Jakov Bondarenko) on February 9, 1997 while the ship was off Breakwater port in Manila, Philippines. The second mate was tied up in the forecastle and the pirates","Desc2":"took money, paint, personal possesions of the crew, and radio equipment.","coords.x1":120.96667,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"1997-31","DateOfOcc":"1997-01-27","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Manila, Philippines. It was reported on January 27, 1996 that the containership vessel Eagle Prosperity was boarded by pirates while anchored at Manila's North Harbour in the Philippines. The crew of the ship was able to prevent theft by sounding the","Desc2":"alarm. There were no injuries reported. The pirates escaped in a speedboat. Port Authorities and the Coast Guard were informed of the incident.","coords.x1":120.96667,"coords.x2":14.58333} {"Reference":"1996-16","DateOfOcc":"1996-02-10","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PHILIPPINE NAVY","Desc1":"Subic Bay, Philippines. A Phillipine Naval Patrol spotted a Chinese pirate vessel about five miles from the entrance to Subic Bay and tried to warn it off by firing shots into the air and contacting it by radio. The Chinese ship responded by trying to","Desc2":"ram the patrol craft and firing rifles. The intruding vessel attempted to escape but was brought to shore by 3 Phillipine Navy ships. Phillipine investigaton revealed the 20 man \"Pirate\" crew was entirely Chinese. General Arturo Enrile, Armed Forces","Desc3":"Chief, is convinced that the Chinese government had no knowledge of the activities of Chinese pirates in Philippine waters.","coords.x1":120.2725,"coords.x2":14.8075} {"Reference":"1996-8","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-26","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"HANGJUNG NO.9","Desc1":"ON 26 JAN 96 THE PANAMANIAN-FLAGGED CONTAINERSHIP HANGJUNG NO.9 WAS ATTACKED BY AN IRON-HULLED CHINESE COMMUNIST VESSEL BEARING THE NUMBER F-4404, ABOUT 40NM SOUTHWEST OF MAOPITOU. THE HANGJUNG NO.9 WAS ON A VOYAGE FROM INDONESIA TO KAOHSIUNG, TAIWAN.","Desc2":"THE VESSEL WAS HIT SEVERAL TIMES BY MACHINE GUN AND AUTOMATIC RIFLE FIRE CAUSING DAMAGE TO THE CARGO HOLD, STEEL PLATES, AND AREAS NEAR THE RADAR ROOM. THE TWO SHIPS COLLIDED BEFORE THE ATTACKING VESSEL LEFT THE SCENE. During the attack which lasted only","Desc3":"ten minutes the thieves pilfered both the Master's safe and the Radio Officer's safe, as well as the cash and property of the crew and watchman, leaving with about USD 10,000 in cash and property. The tanker was laden with a low flash point cargo of","Desc4":"ethanol, the fact that all the gunmen were armed with handguns had the makings of a disaster.","coords.x1":118.75,"coords.x2":20.75} {"Reference":"1996-15","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-22","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"Philippine Navy","Desc1":"Philippines A Philippine Navy gunboat and a Chinese ship engaged in a 90 minute gun battle off Luzon Island during the early morning hours. The encounter began when the Philippine Ships spotted two suspicious vessels 12 miles off Capones Island. The","Desc2":"Phillipine gunboat fired a warning shot for the intruders to stop. One boat fled, the other tried to ram the Navy gunboat. A chase ensued, ending when the Philippine Navy boat ran out of fuel and it's guns jammed. The encroaching vessel was described as","Desc3":"a People's Republic of China vessel having a bow number of 04420. It was said to be flying a red star flag. One report claimed that military men were on board. Phillipine Navy Chief Vice Admiral Pio Carranza is quoted as saying that the intruders were","Desc4":"mostly Chinese pirates and that investigators had ruled out involvement of the Chinese Navy.","coords.x1":120.235,"coords.x2":14.815} {"Reference":"1995-106","DateOfOcc":"1995-05-15","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"On 15 may 95 off subic bay, twenty uniformed men armed with ak-47 assault rifles blocked a taiwanese ship bound for manila. The thieves escorted the vessel outside philippine territorial waters and stole its cargo. the thieves were reported to be using a","Desc2":"chinese naval patrol vessel.","coords.x1":120,"coords.x2":14.5} {"Reference":"1995-62","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-11","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"South China Sea Following reported to BIMCO: The report involved a loaded Liberian flagged gas carrier en route from Chiba, Japan to Kerteh, Malaysia. On 11 April 1995 at 2100 hrs in position 19 42 N Lat, 121 37 E Long, in the Balintang Channel, two","Desc2":"motorboats of about 15 metres in length approached the vessel at high speed. As the motorboats were spotted the crew was alerted, the ship's searchlights were illuminated and flares were fired. At the same time the ship increased her speed to maximum.","Desc3":"Although one of the motorboats came to within 10 metres of the ship, both abandoned the pursuit after twenty minutes.","coords.x1":121.61667,"coords.x2":19.7} {"Reference":"1995-21","DateOfOcc":"1995-01-23","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO member reports that on 23 January 1995 at 0610 hrs in position 16-36N Lat, 119-40E Long, a merchant vessel en route to Kaohsiung was approached by a small boat about 15 metres in length. As the boat approached, the aft hoses were turned on and","Desc2":"the crew stood by to repel any attempted boarding. As a result the boat gave up its pursuit after 25 minutes.","coords.x1":119.66667,"coords.x2":16.6} {"Reference":"1995-12","DateOfOcc":"1995-01-21","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO owner member reports that on 21 January 1995 at 1800 hrs his vessel was approached off the Philippine coast at 18 38.4N Lat, 120 20.4E Long. by a motorboat about twenty metres in length. The motorboat passed her within 0.4 NM on the port side,","Desc2":"then increased speed to about 17 knots and came within 5 to 10 metres of her stern. Five persons on board the motorboat were observed preparing lines to board the ship. In order to repel an attack, the general alarm was sounded, all crew reported to the","Desc3":"wheelhouse, and the motorboat was illuminated by use of the bridge wing searchlights. The ship also changed course seaward and activated her fire hoses, directing water over her sides. This action succeeded in discouraging the pirates who aborted pursuit","Desc4":"of the vessel. The incident was over within 30 minutes.","coords.x1":120.33333,"coords.x2":18.63333} {"Reference":"1995-83","DateOfOcc":"1995-01-01","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"KAFU MARU","Desc1":"The philippine coast guard reported that ten members of the Philippine coast guard, using their apparent authority, intercepted and boarded the kafu maru off the capones islands, wnw of manila. Cargo was stolen valued at us $180,000. The men, with at","Desc2":"least five Civilian accomplices, used two motor boats to chase the vessel and boarded her under the pretext of a firearms search. Although piracy activity in philippine waters is not unusual, this is the first reported case of law enforcement complicity.","coords.x1":119.91667,"coords.x2":14.9} {"Reference":"1994-62","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-26","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"AUDACIOUS","Desc1":"ATTEMPTED ATTACK ON M/V AUDACIOUS IN 16-33-12N 119-43-36E AT 1357 GMT ON NOV. 26 BY THREE UNLIT CRAFT WHICH ATTEMPTED TO BOARD VESSEL. ATTEMPT FOILED DUE TO CREW ALERT.","coords.x1":119.72667,"coords.x2":16.55333} {"Reference":"1994-37","DateOfOcc":"1994-08-20","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG FUKU MARU NO. 8","Desc1":"20 AUG 94, TUG FUKU MARU NO. 8 WAS ATTACKED BY SIX PIRATES OFF MANILA YACHT BASIN IN THE PHILIPPINES. PIRATES STOLE TWO RADIO SETS, COMPASS, TELESCOPE AND MONIES OF VARIOUS CURRENCIES FROM THE MASTER. ONE OF THE PIRATES WAS A FEMALE AND OFFERED SEX AS","Desc2":"BAIT. PIRATES ESCAPED TOWARDS THE SHANTYTOWN NEAR MANILA NORTH HARBOR.","coords.x1":120.96667,"coords.x2":14.61667} {"Reference":"1994-34","DateOfOcc":"1994-08-20","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG FOKU MARU NO. 8","Desc1":"FIVE PIRATES ARMED WITH KNIVES ROBBED THE CREW OF THEIR BELONGINGS WHILE THE TUG WAS IN MANILA BAY. TWO CREWMEN OF THE TUG WERE HURT IN THE ATTACK.","coords.x1":120.55,"coords.x2":14.51667} {"Reference":"1994-33","DateOfOcc":"1994-08-03","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V GORNO ALTAYSK","Desc1":"M/V GORNO ALTAYSK WHILE AT ANCHOR IN MANILA BAY WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES. TWO BOAT LOADS OF PIRATES BOARDED THE M/V DURING A STORM. PIRATES WERE ABLE TO GET ON BOARD BY CLIMBING THROUGH THE HOLE FOR THE ANCHOR CHAIN. GUARDS POSTED ON THE M/V SPOTTED THEM","Desc2":"AND OPENED FIRE. A COAST GUARD PATROL BOAT HEARD THE SHOOTING AND CHASED THE PIRATES AWAY. NOBODY AMONG THE CREW OR COAST GUARD WAS HURT. FIRST ATTACK IN MANILA BAY IN SEVERAL YEARS.","coords.x1":120.58333,"coords.x2":14.5} {"Reference":"1994-23","DateOfOcc":"1994-05-23","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V TIMBER TRADER XII","Desc1":"FILIPINO PIRATES IN ORANGE COLORED SPEEDBOAT ATTEMPTED TO COME ONBOARD VESSEL. PIRATES NOTICED BY DUTY OFFICER WHO ALTERED COURSE AND ALERTED CREW TO STAND-BY. PIRATES DEPARTED.","coords.x1":119.95,"coords.x2":17.6} {"Reference":"1994-19","DateOfOcc":"1994-04-23","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V FORUM WIND","Desc1":"M/V FORUM WIND ON 23 APR WAS APPROACHED BY A FIVE METER LONG WOODEN VESSEL. VESSEL CAME ALONGSIDE VERY FAST WITH SEVERAL PERSONS ON BOARD, ARMED, AND WITH A ROPE AND HOOK READY TO THROW OVER. CHIEF MATE FIRED A ROCKET WHICH FELL TWO METERS FROM ATTACKING","Desc2":"VESSEL. PIRATES TURNED AWAY AND DEPARTED. NO DAMAGES TO FORUM WIND OR CREW.","coords.x1":121.21667,"coords.x2":19.6} {"Reference":"1994-7","DateOfOcc":"1994-01-27","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V ALICIA STAR","Desc1":"JAN 27 M/V ALICIA STAR REPORTED SHE WAS BOARDED BY THREE GANGS OF ARMED MEN NORTH OF THE PHILIPPINES. REPORT RECEIVED THROUGH LOCAL MRCC STATIONS. NO FURTHER COMMUNICATION RECEIVED FROM M/V ALICIA STAR, VESSEL COULD BE UNDER ARMED DETENTION AND","Desc2":"PROCEEDING TOWARDS THE CHINESE COAST. FEB 15, 94 LLOYDS LIST: M/V ALICIA STAR ARRIVED SINGAPORE AFTER BEING DETAINED IN SHAN-WEI. ENTIRE CARGO OF CIGARETTES CONFISCATED BY MAINLAND AUTHORITIES, CREW UNHARMED.","coords.x1":124,"coords.x2":19.83333} {"Reference":"1994-6","DateOfOcc":"1994-01-21","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V HANS OLDENDORFF","Desc1":"M/V HANS OLDENDORFF ATTACKED BY PIARATES ON 21 JAN 94 AT 0530 LOCAL TIME. SECOND ATTACK AT 0610 LOCAL IN POSITION 17-49.7N 119-59.9E. VESSEL ESCAPED BY MANEUVERING AND USE OF FIRE HOSES.","coords.x1":119.96667,"coords.x2":17.69333} {"Reference":"1993-118","DateOfOcc":"1993-12-04","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V ALAM TELADAN","Desc1":"VESSEL REPORTED THAT A SUSPICIOUS MOTORIZED OUTRIGGED CANOE WITH 04 POB APPROACHED FROM ASTERN. COURSE 199, SPEED 15 KTS ON 04 DEC. SEEING ALERT CREW ABANDONED ATTEMPT.","coords.x1":120.18333,"coords.x2":17.95} {"Reference":"1993-114","DateOfOcc":"1993-11-05","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES ATTEMPTED TO BOARD VESSEL BUT DUE TO CREW ALERTNESS AND ROUGH SEA TURNED AWAY.","coords.x1":118.36667,"coords.x2":19.86667} {"Reference":"1993-117","DateOfOcc":"1993-11-05","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KAYAX","Desc1":"O5 NOV 93 AT 0210Z, M/V KAYAX IN POSITION 19-52N 118-22E APPROACHED BY PIRATE VESSEL. M/V KAYAX INCREASED SPEED AND CHANGED COURSE. PIRATE VESSEL DID NOT ATTACK DUE TO THE POSSIBILITY OF ROUGH SEAS.","coords.x1":118.36667,"coords.x2":19.86667} {"Reference":"1993-107","DateOfOcc":"1993-10-17","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V BP ADMIRAL","Desc1":"M/V BP ADMIRAL REPORTED AN ATTEMPTED PIRATE ATTACK AT 16-08N 120-17E. SMALL CRAFT APPROACHED FROM STERN, ATTACKERS FLED AFTER ALARMS WERE SOUNDED.","coords.x1":120.28333,"coords.x2":16.13333} {"Reference":"1993-45","DateOfOcc":"1993-05-09","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"F/V DEJIN","Desc1":"BULOD ISLANDS F/V DEJIN WAS APPROACHED BY THREE HEAVILY ARMED PIRATES. THE F/V TRIED TO OUT RUN THE PIRATES BUT CAPSIZED. THE CREW WAS ORDERED TO JUMP OVERBOARD AFTER THE PIRATES KILLED ONE OF THE CREW. TWO WHO JUMPED OVERBOARD DROWNED. THE OTHER SIX","Desc2":"SURVIVED.","coords.x1":119.205,"coords.x2":17.44} {"Reference":"1993-80","DateOfOcc":"1993-05-03","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES IN CANOES, WEARING MASKS, CHASED AN UNKNOWN VESSEL. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":120.05,"coords.x2":17.3} {"Reference":"1993-46","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-25","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"F/Vs SHERLYN, MENALYN, SARA","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES FISHING VESSELS SHERLYN, MENALYN AND SARA WERE ATTACKED BY PIRATES AND FORCED TO JUMP OVERBOARD. FIVE CREW MEMBERS STILL MISSING.","coords.x1":121.595,"coords.x2":11.53} {"Reference":"1993-98","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-04","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V PERNAS PRONTON","Desc1":"11 PIRATES WEARING MILITARY UNIFORMS ATTACKED THE M/V PERNAS PRONTON. THE PIRATES LEFT AFTER FINDING ONLY STEEL COILS ON BOARD.","coords.x1":120,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"1993-20","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-05","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"05 MARCH 93 PIRATES CHASED AND TRIED TO BOARD A VESSEL IN POSITION 1736.2N 12004.4E. SHIPS IN VICINITY TAKE PRECAUTIONS AND REPORT ANY SUSPICIOUS CRAFTS TO CENTRE IMMEDIATELY. REGIONAL PIRACY CENTRE KUALA LUMPUR TEL: 603 201-0014 FAX: 603 2385769 TELEX:","Desc2":"MA 31880.","coords.x1":120.06778,"coords.x2":17.60056} {"Reference":"1993-49","DateOfOcc":"1993-02-18","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V ALEKSANDER TSYURUPA","Desc1":"M/V ALEKSANDER TSYURUPA WAS ATTACKED BY FIVE SPEEDBOATS BUT WERE ABLE TO OUT MANEUVER THE PIRATES AFTER ABOUT A TWO HOUR CHASE. NO INJURIES WER REPORTED.","coords.x1":120.5,"coords.x2":15} {"Reference":"1995-78","DateOfOcc":"1993-02-16","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LION","Desc1":"WHILE ENROUTE FROM PUSAN TO SINGAPORE, ON 16 FEB AT 1600 HRS LOCAL TIME IN 19-19N 118-43E, THE M/V LION WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES. A WOODEN BOAT WAS SEEN APPROACHING THE VESSEL AT HIGH SPEED FROM A TRAWLER, OBSERVED ABOUT FIVE MILES AFT. THE BOAT, WITH 8","Desc2":"PEOPLE ON BOARD DRESSED IN MILITARY JACKETS AND CAPS, SIGNALLED THE VESSEL TO STOP. THE MASTER REFUSED AND ALL DOORS WERE IMMEDIATELY LOCKED. 10-15 SHOTS WERE FIRED AT THE VESSEL. THE MASTER FIRED TWO EMERGENCY FLARES AT THE BOAT, CAUSING THE PIRATES TO","Desc3":"ABANDON THEIR ATTACK AND RETURN TO THE TRAWLER. THE ATTACK LASTED 15-20 MINUTES.","coords.x1":118.71667,"coords.x2":19.31667} {"Reference":"1993-7","DateOfOcc":"1992-12-28","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SHINANOGAWA MARU","Desc1":"JAPANESE 1100 LOCAL TIME/0300,UTC. ON DEC 28, SHINANOGAWA MARU WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES. NO INJURIES OR DAMAGE REPORTED. UPDATE:5 JAN 93 SHINANOGAWA MARU ARRIVED IN SAKAI FROM NAKAGUSUKU. 7 JAN 93 SHINANOGAWA MARU LEFT FOR THE PERSIAN GULF.","coords.x1":118.75,"coords.x2":19.16667} {"Reference":"1992-25","DateOfOcc":"1992-09-25","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"PIRATES (PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA)","Victim":"M/V WORLD BRIDGE","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA. 25 SEPTEMBER 92 M/V WORLD BRIDGE was ordered to heave to by small attack boats identified as Naval Units of the Peoples Republic of China. When the WORLD BRIDGE increased speed, she was fired upon with automatic weapons with explosive","Desc2":"charges. M/V WORLD BRIDGE out ran the attack boats and was not boarded. No casualties were reported.","coords.x1":123,"coords.x2":21} {"Reference":"1992-21","DateOfOcc":"1992-05-24","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"UNIDENTIFIED VESSEL","Victim":"VILKOV","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES. 241240Z MAY 92 RUSSIAN AMPHIBIOUS LANDING SHIP VILKOV maneuvered to pass an unidentified vessel, which seemed to be a fishing seiner, and was fired upon by automatic small arms. VILKOV returned fire with a small-caliber gun. The attacking","Desc2":"vessel ceased fire and fled. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":120,"coords.x2":15} {"Reference":"1991-30","DateOfOcc":"1991-07-30","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Phillipino Navy","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES- Maguindanao Province 30JUL91 a Phillipino Naval Patrol Boat was attacked by heavily armed pirates 850 km south of Manilla. Seven sailors missing in action.","coords.x1":120.35,"coords.x2":14.2} {"Reference":"1988-1","DateOfOcc":"1988-01-22","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"UNIDENTIFIED PIRATES","Victim":"PATRICK G.","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: FRIDAY, 22 Jan 1988 armed men took over the Tanker Patrick G. and threw the crew overboard. The Captain and another crewman were rescued by fishermen. One crewman was found dead 23 Jan 1988 and two remained missing on Monday 25 Jan 1988. The","Desc2":"Tanker Patrick G. was found abandoned off the suburan Manila town of Paranaque late Sat 23 Jan 1988, but its cargo of bunker oil was missing. The rey patrick G3, sistership to the Patrick G., had been earlier reported missing by the Coast Guard, was","Desc3":"found to have only its communication equipment damaged. A barge owner was being held in connection with the hijacking.","coords.x1":120,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"1986-35","DateOfOcc":"1986-07-20","SubReg":"91","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"SS LOUISE LYKES","Desc1":"AT 2300 LOCAL TIME ON 20 JUL 86, IN 14-12N 120-21E, THE SS LOUISE LYKES IN VICINITY OF MANILA BAY AFTER DEPARTING SUBIC BAY, BOARDED BY UNKNOWN PERSON(S) WHILE SAILING APPROXIMATELY 16 MILES AT SEA. NO DISTURBANCE OF CARGO FOUND, HOWEVER, SEVEN (7) ON","Desc2":"DECK MOORING LINES WERE TAKEN. NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":120.35,"coords.x2":14.2} {"Reference":"2012-187","DateOfOcc":"2012-05-17","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:Tug boat boarded on 17 May at Talicud Island. A tug towing a laden barge departed from Sasa port, Davao City at a slow speed heading to Thailand as a port of destination. 90 into minutes into the departure, the crew noticed 10 small boats","Desc2":"surrounding the barge and around 30 pirates boarded the barge, stole and transferred the cargo to their boats and escaped. Incident reported to the Philippine police.","coords.x1":125.76667,"coords.x2":6.81667} {"Reference":"2011-439","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-24","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"SULU SEA, PHILIPPINES: Pirates in six speed boats chased and attempted to board a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm, took evasive manuevers, crew mustered and activated fire hoses. The pirates chased the ship for 15 minutes and then aborted the","Desc2":"attempted attack. The boats were last seen heading towards a fishing vessel in the vicinity.","coords.x1":119.74667,"coords.x2":6.99833} {"Reference":"2009-452","DateOfOcc":"2009-11-21","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Tug (MARINERO) robbed, crewmembers kidnapped 21 Nov 09 at 2100 local time while anchored in postion 07-42.95N 122-06.51E, Siocon Bay, Zamboanga Del Norte. Nine robbers armed with high powered firearms approached the tug in three motor boats.","Desc2":"The robbers took the vessel's gps equipment, marine radio, moble phones and some of the ship's provisions. The also abducted the master, the chief mate, and chief engineer. The remaining crewmembers left onboard the tug reported the incident to the Cebu","Desc3":"Barge and Tug Corporation. The incident was then reported to the Philippine Coast Guard District Eastern Visayas in Cebu who alerted the command center in Manila. A joint operation with the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Philippine National Police","Desc4":"was conducted. The navy dispatched three naval patrol gunboats and the Philippine Coast Guard dispated a search and rescue vessel. A Notice to Mariners (NOTAM) was also issued to advise commercial vessels transiting the vicinity to adopt precautionary","Desc5":"measures and to report all suspious vessel's movements to the authorities (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":122.1085,"coords.x2":7.71583} {"Reference":"2008-499","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-08","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TWO CARGO SHIPS","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:Two cargo ships fired upon 8 Dec 08 at approximately 2330 local time in the Sultan Kudarat province in position 06-30N 124-00E. Armed bandits raided two cargo ships in the southern Philippines, wounding two sailors on board. Gunmen onboard","Desc2":"pump boats strafed and fired a grenade launcher at the two cargo vessels. A chief engineer and his apprentice on the cargo vessels were hit by shrapnel from an M79 grenade launcher (LM: ABS-CBN news, Xinhua).","coords.x1":124,"coords.x2":6.5} {"Reference":"2008-393","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-02","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"PHILLIPINES: Four fishing vessels fired upon per 02 Oct 08 reporting at sea near Tawi Tawi coast. The pirates, armed with M-16 rifles, attacked the fishermen. One fisherman was killed and 17 fishermen were reportedly seized by the pirates. (Xinhua).","coords.x1":121.44528,"coords.x2":12.07472} {"Reference":"2008-154","DateOfOcc":"2008-05-09","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Passenger vessel","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Passenger vessel attacked, four killed 9 May 08 in off the coast of Parang town on Jolo Island. The vessel was on its way to Laminusa Island when gunmen onboard a separate boat opened fire. Four people were killed by the gunmen and eight","Desc2":"people were wounded. Investigators are still trying to determine the motive for the attack (LM: monstersandcritics.com).","coords.x1":120.99167,"coords.x2":6.05417} {"Reference":"2008-9","DateOfOcc":"2007-12-23","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG AND TOW","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Tug (MAKMUR ABADI-I) towing barge (MAKMUR ABADI-V) hijacked, 23 Dec 07, near Bilang-Bilangan Island, off East Kalimantan coast. While sailing from Tanjung Redep, East Kalimantan, to Surabaya East Java with a cargo of crude palm oil, the tug and","Desc2":"barge were stopped by seven men in a speedboat. The pirates were armed with sharp weapons and overpowered the skipper and crew and locked them in a cabin. The pirates repainted the tug and barge (OCEAN LINE-1) and (OCEAN LINE 2) respectively, then","Desc3":"steered the vessels toward Labuan, Malaysia. The Indonesian Naval patrol vessel (KRI SUTEDI SENAPUTERA-878) was patrolling the Ambalat region when it chased and eventually intercepted the pirated vessels. The pirates were arrested and taken to the","Desc4":"Tarakan naval base in East Kalimantan. From there, they would later be transferred to Surabaya to undergo a judicial process (LM: ANTARA News).","coords.x1":124.45,"coords.x2":10.25} {"Reference":"2007-121","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-09","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Tug reported attempted boarding 9 May at 1800 local time, while underway in position 07-47N 120-21E, Sulu Sea. Fifteen armed pirates wearing face masks in a speedboat approached the tug, as it was towing a barge. The speedboat closed to a","Desc2":"distance of 150 meters from the tug but stopped, when it encountered engine problems. The tug used this opportunity to escape from the suspected pirate attack/hijacking. The master reported that the Abu Sayyaf Group was active in the area (IMB).","coords.x1":120.35,"coords.x2":7.78333} {"Reference":"2007-87","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-12","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Unidentified gunmen killed in sea clash with Philippine Marines 12 Apr, off the Southern Island of Baldatal. Three unidentified gunmen were killed during the clash. The troops recovered M-14 and M-16 rifles from the gunmen. Authorities are","Desc2":"still determining the identities of the suspects and whether they are affiliated with armed groups in the area such as Abu Sayyaf (LM: Times of India).","coords.x1":120.18833,"coords.x2":5.13528} {"Reference":"2007-8","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-21","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"SUSPICOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Chemical tanker approached 21 Dec, between 0335 to 0445 local time in position 05:52.80N - 119:25.50E, Sibutu Passage. Three wooden boats doing a speed of 30 knots each approached the chemical tanker, underway simultaneously from the","Desc2":"starboard bow, port bow, and from stern. The master took evasive maneuvers and directed search lights. The pirates aborted boarding after an hour due to vigilant anti-piracy measures onboard (IMB).","coords.x1":119.425,"coords.x2":5.88} {"Reference":"2007-9","DateOfOcc":"2006-12-18","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: LPG tanker attempted boarding 18 Dec, 0610 local time at Cebu Inner Anchorage. Two boats came close to the LPG tanker and personnel from one of the boats attempted to board. The alert ship crew raised the alarm and directed the water hoses","Desc2":"at the boats to foil the attempt. The boats later left the vessel (IMB).","coords.x1":123.89167,"coords.x2":10.285} {"Reference":"2006-257","DateOfOcc":"2006-10-18","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Pirates kill fishermen 18 Oct, approximately 0500 local time, off the southern Philippine province of Zamboanga del Sur. A group of pirates attacked eight fishermen in Malabago bay in the early morning killing four fishermen. The fishermen","Desc2":"were also members of the local Bantay-Dagat, a militia organization protecting the local fishermen against pirate attacks, and injured four of the pirates. The wounded pirates managed to escape before security forces could arrive. Many fishermen are","Desc3":"beginning to arm themselves because of threats of pirate attacks. Military forces are currently working to track down the pirates (LM: sunstar.com).","coords.x1":123.45,"coords.x2":7.81667} {"Reference":"2006-146","DateOfOcc":"2006-05-22","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Fishing vessel attacked and five pirates arrest 22 May, off the coast of Isla de Higantes, in Iloilo Philippines. According to 24 May media reporting, fishermen overpower persons believed to be pirates off the coast of Isla de Higantes in","Desc2":"Iloilo. The crew of Tristar Fishing Corporations, Cadiz City, reported a dozen men boarded their boat around 2 a.m.on 22 May, while they were navigating the waters near Isla Higantes off the coast of Carles town in Iloilo province. The fishing vessels","Desc3":"crew of 30, alert for piracy activities of armed men on the high seas of Iloilo, Masbate, Cebu, and Negros Occidental, resisted and opted instead to fight it out. The crew pounced on the armed suspects, overpowered and disarmed them of their high powered","Desc4":"firearms. Five of the 12 perpetrators were arrested by members of the Philippine Coast Guard and the Cadiz City Police Office in Isla Higantes, Carles, Iloilo while the others were able to evade capture. According to police, the suspects denied that they","Desc5":"were out to hijack the boat and insisted that they were only asking for help after their pump-boat ran out of fuel. One identified himself as part of a media organization in Masbate, even showing a DYME identification card. The rest had reportedly","Desc6":"identified themselves as members of the Bantay Dagat with one claimed to be a policeman.Provincial Police Chief Charles Calima, stated this ploy is their modus operandi. Calima said they usually identify themselves as Bantay Dagat operatives and after","coords.x1":122.53333,"coords.x2":10.68333} {"Reference":"2005-362","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-06","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 6 Dec at 0520 local time in heavy rain, while at Bontang anchorage. A single robber stole ships stores and escaped with accomplices, in a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":117.58667,"coords.x2":8.11667} {"Reference":"2005-31","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-30","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:","coords.x1":121.77083,"coords.x2":12.8875} {"Reference":"2005-53","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-30","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES-MALAYSIA: The tug (CHRISTIAN) and barge (FLORA), reported missing 30 Dec, after failing to report since 14 Dec. They were underway in position 05-34N 119-22E in the Sulu Sea on a voyage from the Philippines to Indonesia and were found at","Desc2":"Tawau in East Malaysia, according to a 17 Jan report. No trace of the tug's crew has been reported. When found, the tug had been renamed (HITA) and the barge had been renamed (FL2). Both wereflying the Belize flag. Four \"pirates\" and one other individual","Desc3":"are reportedly in custody. The IMB reports it provided \"confidential\" intelligence leading to the recovery. ONI NOTE: In most cases of hijack of tugs during the past year, the vessel has been released after pirates have taken hostage one or two of the","Desc4":"senior crew for ransom. In this case, no ransom demand has been made and the fate of the crew can only be speculated. What is evident, however, is that these vessels were stolen for further use, unlike all earlier cases of ransom demands. This case is","Desc5":"thus possible evidence of a further unwelcome shift in S. E. Asian maritime crime (INFO, ONI).","coords.x1":119.36667,"coords.x2":5.56667} {"Reference":"2005-32","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-30","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUGBOAT","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: The tug (CHRISTIAN) and barge (FLORA) are reported missing 30 Dec after failing to report since 14 Dec, when they were underway in position 05-34N 119-22E in the Sulu Sea, on a voyage from the Philippines to Indonesia. ONI NOTE: In most","Desc2":"cases of hijack of tugs during the past year, the vessel has been released after pirates have taken hostage one or two of the senior crew for ransom. In this case, however, it is evident no ransom demand has been made and the fate of the tug and barge","Desc3":"can only be speculated (INFO, ONI).","coords.x1":119.36667,"coords.x2":5.56667} {"Reference":"2004-174","DateOfOcc":"2004-06-23","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified offshore support ship reports suspicious approach 23 Jun at 1500 local time while in position 06-07N 119-05E in the Sulu Sea. Three uniformed persons in a fishing boat claimed to be from Customs/Coast Guard and wanted to","Desc2":"board the ship. One persons was armed with a military weapon and hid below deck when he spotted the support ship's 3 armed Philippine navy personnel who denied the men in the fishing boat access. The fishing boat left the area after two hours (IMB).","coords.x1":119.08333,"coords.x2":6.11667} {"Reference":"2004-100","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-17","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Two fishermen were killed and four are missing after a probable pirate attack during the weekend of 17-18 Apr in the Celebes Sea off General Santos City. The fishing boat (JAMES BOND) was found drifting with the bodies of the two dead men.","Desc2":"It had been stripped of its engine and crew belongings. Although seldom reported, this type of crime is believed relatively common among fishermen ad local traders of the Philippine, Indonesia and Malaysian archipelagos (INFO, ONI).","coords.x1":125.18333,"coords.x2":6.08333} {"Reference":"2003-291","DateOfOcc":"2003-08-21","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified container ship reports being chased 21 Aug at 2015 local time while underway in position 09 12.9N, 120 28E in the Sulu Sea. A speedboat making more than 17 knots approached but pulled away at 2215 when ship raised alarm and","Desc2":"activated anti-piracy measures (IMB).","coords.x1":120.46667,"coords.x2":9.215} {"Reference":"2003-113","DateOfOcc":"2003-04-05","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified cargo ship was chased 5 Apr at 2200 UTC by three speedboats while underway in position 05 23.3N, 119 43.3E, 16 nm NW of Tawi Tawi Island. Crew activated fire hoses and directed searchlights at the boats which then withdrew","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":119.71667,"coords.x2":5.38333} {"Reference":"2003-13","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-23","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Philippine trawler (PRINCE WARREN) was hijacked 23 Dec off Pangutaran, Sulu Archipelago. At least four men armed with automatic weapons chased the boat and opened fire upon it late on the 23rd. Two fishermen jumped overboard and were rescued","Desc2":"25 Dec.; the fate of 11 other crew is unknown. Philippine authorities were unable to state whether the attack was committed by pirates or Muslim rebels.","coords.x1":120.5,"coords.x2":6.25} {"Reference":"2003-7","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-19","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: Philippine-flag fishing trawler (MUNANG) was reported hijacked 19 Dec off Tongquil, Jolo Province. Four crew were taken hostage with the boat by the six attackers who released eight of the trawler's crew near Basilan Province.","coords.x1":122,"coords.x2":6.16667} {"Reference":"2002-336","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-17","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: According to a 24 Nov report two fishermen were robbed of their outboard engines a week prior by a group of pirates armed with M16s. The thieves fled in the direction of the southern Philippines. Malaysian forces have added boats to patrol the","Desc2":"Sabah coast in the Kudat district where the attacks took place.","coords.x1":118,"coords.x2":7} {"Reference":"2002-289","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-05","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"POSSIBLE TERRORISTS","Victim":"FERRY","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES; The interisland passenger-cargo ferry (LADY ADZRA) was hit by explosion of a home made bomb 5 Oct while docked at Bongao port, Tawi Tawi. The bomb blew a one meter hole in the vessel's bow. Police are attempting to determine if the bomb was","Desc2":"planted by terrorists or as part of intense business rivalry but the ferry bombing came at the same time as bombings apparently aimed at U.S. and Filipino troops in Zamboanga City","coords.x1":119.76667,"coords.x2":5.03333} {"Reference":"2002-290","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-02","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 2 Oct at 0315 local time while at Davao port. Two persons armed with long steel bars gained access via the anchor chain and were spotted by security patrol trying to open manhole cover. Alarm raised","Desc2":"and intruders jumped into the water and escaped in a waiting boat","coords.x1":125.61667,"coords.x2":7.06667} {"Reference":"2002-269","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-14","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was subject to attempted boarding 14 Sep at 0400 local time while at Davao anchorage. One person from a boat with two accomplices attempted to gain access via the anchor chain during cargo operations.","Desc2":"Crew foiled the attempt.","coords.x1":125.61667,"coords.x2":7.06667} {"Reference":"2002-170","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-17","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: The Singapore-flag tug (SM-88) was stopped 17 Jun while underway in position 06- 16.4N 121-30.6E off Jolo Island by 11 armed men in military style uniforms. The assailantsremoved the tug's Indonesian Captain, Chief Officer, Second Officer","Desc2":"and Chief Engineer to Jolo Island leaving the remaining six junior personnel aboard. The tug and its barge of coal which were enroute from Indonesia to Cebu were recovered by the Philippine navy and towed to Zamboanga. On 19 Jun one crew member who had","Desc3":"escaped the captors was recovered and flown to Zamboanga where he claimed his captors were form the Abu Sayaaf Group. As of 19 Jun no ransom demands had been made for the three remaining hostages.","coords.x1":121.51,"coords.x2":6.27333} {"Reference":"2002-22","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-10","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified cargo ship was reportedly fired upon 10 Jan at 2315 UTC while underway in position 06-24N 123-12E in the Mindanao Sea. Ten persons in a small boat did the firing at the ship which took evasive action. No identification is","Desc2":"available of the attacking boat.","coords.x1":123.2,"coords.x2":6.4} {"Reference":"2001-302","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-25","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 25 Oct while underway in position 06-04N 126- 12.4E east of the Philippines. Duty officer noticed movement on the forecastle while ship was maneuvering in busy fishing ground. When floodlights were","Desc2":"switched on two persons jumped overboard and fled in a high speed small boat, taking one of the ship's liferafts.","coords.x1":126.20667,"coords.x2":6.06667} {"Reference":"2001-256","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-26","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHERMEN","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES-MINDANAO:SIX FISHERMEN WERE KILLED AND THEIR BOATS STRIPPED OF ENGINES BY PIRATES ARMED WITH MACHINE GUNS, 26 AUG OFF ALICIA, ZAMBOANGA, MINDANAO.","coords.x1":122.03333,"coords.x2":6.96667} {"Reference":"2001-219","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-11","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SULU SEA-PHILIPPINES:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS REPORTEDLY APPROACHED 11 JUL AT 1800 UTC BY THREE UNLIT SPEEDBOATS WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 08-00N 120-00E. WATCH OFFICER TURNED LIGHTS ON BOATS AND THEY MOVED AWAY.","coords.x1":120,"coords.x2":8} {"Reference":"2001-176","DateOfOcc":"2001-06-07","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Philippines:An unidentified cargo ship reports attempt to board 7 Jun at 0243 utc while underway in Celebes sea in position 05-35.3n 123-04.7e. The boat with armed persons aboard followed the ship for 30 minutes before breaking off contact. There is","Desc2":"considerable risk of hostage taking and kidnap in the s. Philippines where there are also intensified patrols looking for Abu Sayyaf militants. It is impossible from thisReport to accurately characterize this incident which apparently happened well to","Desc3":"seaward of usual Muslim extremist activity","coords.x1":123.07833,"coords.x2":5.58833} {"Reference":"2000-361","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-22","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"GUNMEN","Victim":"ARIES FOREST","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES-MINDANAO:THE 19,925-TON PANAMANIAN-FLAG BULK CARRIER (ARIES FOREST) WAS ATTACKED 22 OCT BY GUNMEN WHO FIRED A ROCKET PROPELLED GRENADE (RPG) AT THE SHIP AS IT DISCHARGED A CARGO OF LOGS AT DAVAO PORT. THERE WERE NO PERSONNEL CASUALTIES BUT A","Desc2":"FOUR CENTIMETER HOLE WAS MADE AT THE STERN ABOUT 1.5 METERS ABOVE THE WATER LINE AND DAMAGES ARE ESTIMATED AT $10,000. THE 2,717-TON PANAMANIAN FLAG TANKER (MOUNTAIN) WAS REPORTEDLY ALSO ATTACKED BY RPG 11 OCT WHILE DOCKED AT PANACAN. PHILIPPINE POLICE","Desc3":"SOURCES STATE THE ATTACKS WERE ISOLATED CASES THAT \"COULD HAVE STEMMED FROM A LABOR DISPUTE.\" THE SAME FIRM REPORTEDLY USES THE TWO WHARF AREAS INVOLVED FOR SHIPMENT OF RAW MATERIALS AND PLYWOOD PRODUCTS.","coords.x1":125.63333,"coords.x2":7.08333} {"Reference":"2000-345","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-29","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"SPEED BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:AN UNIDENTIFIED DUTCH REFRIGERATED CARGO SHIP WAS PURSUED FOR 45 MINUTES 29 SEP (REPORTED 6 OCT) WHILE UNDERWAY IN 08-02.0N 127-18.5E ABOUT 50 MILES OFF MINDANAO ENROUTE DAVAO. PURSUIT BEGAN AT 2130 LOCAL TIME WHEN UNLIT BOAT APPROACHED AT","Desc2":"SPED OF 12.5 KNOTS. PURSUING CRAFT SPED UP TO 16.7 KNOTS BUT MASTER INCREASED HIS SPEED TO 19 KNOTS AND ALTERED COURSE. DESPITE INFERIOR SPEED, THE PURSUING CRAFT DID NOT BREAK OFF PURSUIT FOR 45 MINUTES.","coords.x1":127.30833,"coords.x2":8.03333} {"Reference":"2000-261","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-10","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"REBELS","Victim":"MEN","Desc1":"MALAYSIA-PHILIPPINES:Three men were abducted 10 Sep from a Malaysian resort on Pandanan Island and taken by boat to the Philippine rebel stronghold of Jolo.","coords.x1":121.44528,"coords.x2":12.07472} {"Reference":"2000-131","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-26","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"SABOTEURS","Victim":"MAKISIG","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:The 3,302-ton, Philippine-flag tanker (MAKISIG) suffered a severed cargo oil line while discharging 26 Jun at Illana Bay, Mindanao. Police are stated to believe Muslin rebels sabotaged the tanker's operation to force the oil company to pay","Desc2":"protection money.","coords.x1":121.44528,"coords.x2":12.07472} {"Reference":"2000-83","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-20","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"REBELS","Victim":"NAVAL VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:Philippine rebels hurled hand grenades at an unidentified Philippine naval vessel docked Cotabato city in Mindanao 20 May. The naval vessel was reportedly riddled with holes but no injuries were reported.","coords.x1":121.44528,"coords.x2":12.07472} {"Reference":"2000-43","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-03","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"MILF REBELS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:A Philippine-flag cargo vessel was slightly damaged by an explosion which occurred in the General Santos (06-07N 125-11E) port area, in what is variously described as the fishing port or a cargo pier. Rebels of the Moro Islamic Liberation","Desc2":"Front (MILF) set off four explosions in the southern Mindanao city of General Santos. General Santos is a small port with a single terminal, serving primarily the Agrotex Oil Mill which processes edible oils for the U.S.-based Cargill Corporation.","coords.x1":125.18333,"coords.x2":6.11667} {"Reference":"2000-273","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-20","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"GUERRILLAS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:Probable separatist guerrillas attacked several sites in the southern Philippines on the island of Basilan 20 Feb. Among the attacks, unidentified men fired on a cargo ship loading at the Isabela Pier in an attack apparently coordinated with","Desc2":"a grenade attack on the Isabel Market and Police Station. No casualties were reported in the ship attack but one man was killed and 18 injured in the other incidents.","coords.x1":122.0525,"coords.x2":10.18333} {"Reference":"1999-123","DateOfOcc":"1999-11-24","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"A Filipino fisherman and her three children were reported killed by thieves who attacked them while they were fishing off Sumisip Town, Basilan Province. Soldiers, who werepatrolling the coast, engaged in a 40-minute gunfight with the attackers and three","Desc2":"were reported captured.","coords.x1":122.3,"coords.x2":6.5} {"Reference":"1999-41","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-11","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHERMEN","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES:Three fishermen were killed in an attack on their boat anchored off Basilan Province near the Basilan Straits (07-10N 122-00E) in the Southern Philippines. The attackers stole the boat's engine and other equipment. The governor of Balsilan","Desc2":"Province has ordered increased military and police patrols in the area which is plagued by armed separatist groups.","coords.x1":122,"coords.x2":7.16667} {"Reference":"1998-35","DateOfOcc":"1998-04-05","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED SHIP","Desc1":"PROBABLE PIRATES USED A FALSE DISTRESS MESSAGE TO LURE AN INTENDED VICTIM WITHIN RANGE OFF THE SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES. THE DISTRESS SHIP TOLD THE MASTER THAT THE ENGINE ROOM WAS FLOODING. AS HE APPROACHED, THE ALLEGEDLY SINKING SHIP PROCEEDED TOWARDS HIS","Desc2":"SHIP AT 5 KNOTS. THE MASTER TURNED AND SAILED AWAY TO PREVENT BOARDING.","coords.x1":125.36667,"coords.x2":4.96667} {"Reference":"1998-19","DateOfOcc":"1998-02-21","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"FISHING BOAT","Desc1":"A GROUP OF FISHERMEN WAS ATTACKED NEAR TINGULAN ISLAND AND TWO WERE KILLED. THE ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES REPORTELY BELIEVE THE INCIDENT WAS STAGED BY THE EXTREMIST ABU SAYEF GROUP. INCREASED NAVAL PATROLS HAVE RESULTED.","coords.x1":129.5,"coords.x2":7.1} {"Reference":"1998-18","DateOfOcc":"1998-02-20","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"FISHING BOAT","Desc1":"A FISHING BOAT WAS HIJACKED IN TAPIANTANA BAY IN THE MORO GULF AND SIX FISHERMEN WERE EXECUTED AFTER THE HIJACKER'S DEMAND FOR RANSOM WAS NOT MET. THE ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES REPORTELY BELIEVE THE INCIDENT WAS STAGED BY THE EXTREMIST ABU SAYEF","Desc2":"GROUP. INCREASED NAVAL PATROLS HAVE RESULTED.","coords.x1":122,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"1998-22","DateOfOcc":"1997-12-03","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FERRY","Desc1":"A FERRY WAS SEIZED BY ABOUT 6 HIJACKERS OPERATING FROM 2 PUMP BOATS WHILE OFF THE TOWN OF MARGOSATUBIG, PROVINCE OF ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE, PHILLIPINES. A VILLAGE OFFICIAL WAS ABDUCTED AND THE REST OF THE FERRY'S PASSENGERS FORCED OVERBOARD. FIVE PASSENGERS","Desc2":"WERE ROBBED OF JEWELRY AND MONEY BEFORE BEING FORCED OVERBOARD. THE BOAT WAS RELEASED WHEN THE ROBBERS DEPARTED IN THE DIRECTION OF NEARBY ISLANDS AND ALL REMAINING PASSENGERS WERE ABLE TO REBOARD THE FERRY. IDENTITY OF THE ATTACKERS AND THE MOTIVE FOR","Desc3":"THE ABDUCTION HAVE NOT BEEN DETERMINED.","coords.x1":123.16667,"coords.x2":7.56667} {"Reference":"1997-15","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-30","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South China Sea-Philippines The following report was received from law enforcement officials in the Philippines on 1 Sep 96. On 30 Aug 96, while at sea, a man armed with a shotgun and grenades seized a female passanger aboard the 6,823 gt","Desc2":"Philippine-flagged Ro-Ro Cargo ferry Saint Francis Of Assisi. Before fleeing, the man demanded 50,000 pesos ($1,925 US) from the crew and passengers. He took the 24,000 pesos ($925 US) that was collected, and the hostage and escaped aboard a life raft.","Desc3":"The master followed the raft from a safe distance and reported its movements to the Coast Guard. The raft was headed toward the Cuvo Island group 248 miles south of Manila.","coords.x1":120.97,"coords.x2":10.97} {"Reference":"1997-40","DateOfOcc":"1997-03-14","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Southern Philippines, Basilan Island The passenger vessel (Rakam) was fired upon by heavily armed members of a muslim extremist group while it was transiting off the coast of the southern Philippine Island of Basilan on March 13, 1997. Two passengers","Desc2":"were killed and several others were wounded. No further information is currenly available.","coords.x1":124.9,"coords.x2":5.7} {"Reference":"1997-19","DateOfOcc":"1996-09-22","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South China Sea The following report was recived from the master of Britoil-15 on Sep 24, 1996. On 22 Sep 96, while passing the Tawitawi Island, the 177 gt Singapore flagged tug Britoil-15 was robbed by armed gunmen. Three gunmen boarded the vessel from","Desc2":"a high speed craft and took almost everything on board. The items stolen include: Binoculars, calculator, typewriter, breathing apparatus, television and video equipment, two fire extinguishers, the remainder of the ship's food allowance, personal items","Desc3":"from the crew, and the tug's radar and vhf equipment. There were no injuries reported.","coords.x1":119.7925,"coords.x2":5.49583} {"Reference":"1996-24","DateOfOcc":"1996-03-03","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Philippines Pirates killed nine of ten crew members and seized the fishing vessel identified as MN-3 Normina off the Basilian Island in the southern Philipines, the military police said on 3 March 1996. Four gunmen in two speedboats shot the crew and","Desc2":"towed the fishing vessel to an unknown destination. Reports did not specify how the tenth victim endured.","coords.x1":122.105,"coords.x2":6.755} {"Reference":"1996-14","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-21","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PHILIPPINE ARMY","Desc1":"PHILIPPINES Philippine Army soliders killed three suspected pirates in a gun battle during a chase at sea. The southern command of the Armed Forces of the Phillipines said Army soldiers observed two vessels, carrying a group of fifteen alleged pirates,","Desc2":"enroute Sacol Island in Zamboanga Del Sur on January 21, 1996. The pirates opened fire, but retreated as soldiers neared. The suspects outran the soldier's pumpboats and took sanctuary on a nearby island where the military and the Moro National","Desc3":"Liberation Front observe a cease fire agreement.","coords.x1":122.25,"coords.x2":6.93} {"Reference":"1995-130","DateOfOcc":"1995-10-26","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"ON 26 OCT 95, LATE AT NIGHT, SIX PIRATES AMBUSHED A SMALL FISHING VESSEL WHILE THE FISHERMEN WERE CRUISING OFF THE COAST OF KABASALAN (07-48N 122-46E), ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR, 490 MILES SOUTH OF MANILA. TWO FISHERMEN WERE KILLED BY GUNFIRE AND TWO OTHER","Desc2":"FISHERMEN ESCAPED WHEN THEY JUMPED OVERBOARD. THE PIRATES STOLE THE VESSEL AND THE FISHERMEN'S CATCH.","coords.x1":122.76667,"coords.x2":7.73333} {"Reference":"1993-110","DateOfOcc":"1993-11-03","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OUTRIGGER","Desc1":"03 NOV 93, 4 PIRATES POSING AS PASSENGERS, SEIZED AN OUTRIGGER BOAT IN THE SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES. A REPORT STATES THE OWNER AND THREE OTHER PEOPLE WERE HACKED TO DEATH AND THEIR BODIES THROWN INTO THE SEA. 2 PASSENGERS JUMPED INTO THE SEA AND SWAM ASHORE.","Desc2":"PIRATES SPED AWAY ON THE BOAT.","coords.x1":127,"coords.x2":12} {"Reference":"1993-109","DateOfOcc":"1993-09-25","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"F/V UNKNOWN","Desc1":"25/26 SEP 93, PIRATES SHOT DEAD 3 FISHERMEN IN THE SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES. PIRATES STOLE VICTIM'S MONEY, FISHING GEAR AND BOAT MOTOR.","coords.x1":126,"coords.x2":12} {"Reference":"1993-97","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-18","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"F/V DEJIN","Desc1":"F/V DEJIN WAS APPROACHED BY A VESSEL CARRYING THREE HEAVILY ARMED MEN. DEJIN, WITH EIGHT CREW, WAS FISHING EAST OF BULOD ISLAND, JOLO. DEJIN WAS PURSUED UNTIL IT CAPSIZED. THE PIRATES KILLED ONE OF THE CREW AND ORDERED THE REST TO JUMP OVERBOARD. TWO","Desc2":"DROWNED AND SIX SURVIVED.","coords.x1":121.01667,"coords.x2":6.03333} {"Reference":"1990-12","DateOfOcc":"1990-04-11","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"F/V MINA","Desc1":"11 APRIL 1990. PHILLIPINES. ARMED PIRATES IN TWO PUMPBOATS ATTACKED FISHING VESSEL MINA, 11 APRIL 1990, OFF MINIS ISLAND, NEAR JOLO, SOUTH-WEST OF ZAMBOANGA. THE F/V MINA WAS MOORED OFF MINIS ISLAND WAITING TO TAKE ON PROVISIONS. THE PIRATES STOLE CASH","Desc2":"AND VALUABLES. SIX CREW MEMBERS WERE KILLED.","coords.x1":121.83333,"coords.x2":6.83333} {"Reference":"1989-6","DateOfOcc":"1989-07-01","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V ISLA LUZON","Desc1":"PHILLIPINES. THE M/V ISLA LUZON WAS SEIZED BY 18 GUNMEN OFF OF THE SOUTHERN PORT CITY OF ILIGAN. THREE CREWMEN WERE TAKEN HOSTAGE AND 27 WERE SET ADRIFT ON A RUBBER RAFT THE ISLA LUZON WAS BOUND FOR CEBU ISLAND WITH A CARGO OF STEEL AT THE TIME OF","Desc2":"SEIZURE. TWO OTHER VESSELS HAVE BEEN HIJACKED IN THE PAST YEAR IN THIS AREA. POSITION GIVEN FOR REFERENCE ONLY, NOT ACTUALE LOCATION OF INCIDENT.","coords.x1":124.23333,"coords.x2":8.23333} {"Reference":"1988-28","DateOfOcc":"1988-09-15","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SILVER MED","Desc1":"1. THE SILVER MED, CALL SIGN D5KR, O.N. 6400, 5350 GROSS TONS WAS HIJACKED IN MANILA HARBOR ON 15 SEP 1988 BY EIGHT HEAVILY ARMED MEN THOUGHT TO BE DISAFFECTED PHILIPPINE NAVAL OFFICERS. TWENTY NINE CREW AND PASSENGERS WERE ALLOWED TO SWIM ASHORE OFF","Desc2":"PALAWAN ISLAND. THE OILER BEING A QUALIFIED ENGINNER WAS KEPT ON BOARD TO PROBABLY OPERATE THE ENGINES. INTENTION OF THE HIJACKERS IS UNKNOWN. 2. THE SILVER MED WAS SIGHTED IN SINGAPORE TERRITORIAL WATERS AT ANCHOR OFF SULTAN SHOAL ON 28 SEPTEMBER 1988 .","Desc3":"NEW NAME PAINTED ON, CALLED - LAMBAMBA - . VESSEL SAILED ON 29 SEP 88 AND HEADED FOR KARIMUM BESAL, INLAND IN WEST SINGAPORE STRAITS, INDONESIA. INDONESIAN AUTHORITIES WERE REPORTED TO HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED. 3. THE SILVER MED WAS SIGHTED AT ANCHOR OFF","Desc4":"KOTA-KINABALU SABAH ON 5 OCTOBER 1988 . INDONESIAN PORT AUTHORITY SENT A POLICE LAUNCH OUT, BUT THE VESSEL SAILED BEFORE ANY ACTION COULD BE TAKEN. 4.SILVER MED NOW RENAMED -SEAREX- APPARENTLY LOADED PLYWOOD DESTINED FOR HUANGPU AT SAMARINDA BETWEEN 10","Desc5":"AND 26 OCTOBER 1988 THEN SAILED FOR TANJUNG PRIOK ON THE 26TH OF OCTOBER 1988 BUT DID NOT ARRIVE AT THAT PORT. POSSIBILITY IS THAT SHIP DISCHARGED CARGO BECAUSE OF SOME FREIGHT PROBLEM AT ZAMBOANGA, PHILIPPINES. 5. FILIPINO MILITARY AUTHORITIES RECOVERED","Desc6":"THE -SILVER MED- NOW RENAMED -STAR ACE- OFF PORO POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERN PART OF THE MAIN PHILIPPINE ISLAND OF LUZON (JAN 1989).","coords.x1":118,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"1987-1","DateOfOcc":"1986-12-09","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES (ROBBERS)","Victim":"PRIVATE YACHT","Desc1":"PIRATES TOOK OVER A YACHT CHARTERED BY A GROUP OF TOURISTS AND ROBBED THEM OF MONEY AND VALUABLES WHILE THEY WERE ANCHORED OFF BORACAY ISLAND IN THE VISAYAS ISLANDS, PHILIPPINES. THE ROBBERS WERE ARMED.NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":121.91667,"coords.x2":11.96667} {"Reference":"1986-27","DateOfOcc":"1986-05-01","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES / MOSLEM REBELS","Victim":"INTER-ISLAND TRADE VESSELS","Desc1":"SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES.SOURCES INDICATE THAT PIRATES AND MOSLEM REBELS IN THE SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES HAVE HIJACKED SOME 530 MOTOR LAUNCHES IN THE LAST 16 MONTHS. THE VICTIMS HAVE PRIMARILY BEEN BOATS USED TO CARRY PASSENGERS AND LIGHT CARGO IN INTER-ISLAND","Desc2":"TRADE.","coords.x1":125.43722,"coords.x2":4.97583} {"Reference":"1985-2","DateOfOcc":"1978-05-16","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SULU SEA:Lloyd's List of 15 May reports a 5,000 ton ship outran two heavily armed boats during anighttime attack in the Southern Sulu Sea on 04 May. Ship hit by hand grenades and rifle fire.","coords.x1":120,"coords.x2":8} {"Reference":"1989-12","DateOfOcc":"1978-05-01","SubReg":"92","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"UNKNOWN VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH SULU SEA LLOYDS LIST OF 15 MAY REPORTS A 5000 TON SHIP OUTRAN TWO HEAVILY ARMED BOATS DURING A NIGHT TIME ATTACK IN THE SOUTHERN SULU SEA ON 4 MAY 1978. SHIP HIT BY HAND GRENADES AND RIFLE FIRE. POSITION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY NOT POSITION OF","Desc2":"INCIDENT.","coords.x1":119.5,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"2013-271","DateOfOcc":"2013-09-03","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 3 September, an anchored chemical tanker was boarded at 10-13N 107-02E, at the Vung Tau Anchorage. Six robbers disguised as fishermen boarded a chemical tanker at anchor. Duty crewman noticed the robbers and informed the bridge. The alarm was","Desc2":"raised and the crew moved forward. Upon seeing the alert crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores. All crew safe.","coords.x1":107.03333,"coords.x2":10.21667} {"Reference":"2013-272","DateOfOcc":"2013-08-28","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 28 August, the anchored Marshall Islands-flagged bulk carrier was boarded while at position 20-56N 107-19E, Cam Pha Anchorage. Six robbers boarded the ship via the anchor chain and hawse pipe by removing the cover and anchor lashing. They cut","Desc2":"the padlock to the forecastle store room and stole ship's properties. Duty officer noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped with stolen ship stores. Incident reported to the local police who boarded the ship","Desc3":"for investigation.","coords.x1":107.31667,"coords.x2":20.93333} {"Reference":"2013-229","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"PRODUCT TANKER","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 21 July, the Singapore-flagged berthed product tanker KIRANA TRITYA was boarded at the Nha Be Terminal. Five robbers in a small boat approached the berthed product tanker. Two robbers armed with knives managed to board the tanker using a rope","Desc2":"while the remaining robbers remained in their boat. The duty able bodied seaman, on deck watch, noticed the robbers and informed the duty officer who raised the alarm. Crew mustered and approached the robbers with wooden sticks. Upon seeing the crew","Desc3":"alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty handed.","coords.x1":106.75,"coords.x2":10.7} {"Reference":"2013-210","DateOfOcc":"2013-07-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER LG ASPHALT 1","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 10 July, the Malaysia-flagged underway tanker LG Asphalt 1 was boarded at 03-02N 104-18E, approximately 12 nm northeast of Pulau Tioman. Approximately eight pirates, armed with guns and knives, boarded the underway tanker. They ordered the","Desc2":"C/E to reduce speed to minimum and then mustered all the crew, including the bridge and engine room watch-officers in the mess room where they tied up the crew's hands. The pirates then stole all crew and ship properties and cash, and left the ship an","Desc3":"hour later. Ship's crew regained control of the vessel and sailed to Kemaman Port. No injuries to the crew.","coords.x1":104.3,"coords.x2":3.03333} {"Reference":"2013-195","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-09","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"TUG PU2417","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 09 June, the Singapore-flagged underway tug PU2417 was boarded at 04-18N 103-36E, approximately 6 nm off Terengganu. While underway from Thailand to Indonesia, six robbers armed with guns and choppers boarded the tug boat and forced the crew","Desc2":"to pump-out fuel oil from the tug boat to an unknown fishing boat. The robbers also took the crew's belongings before leaving the tug boat. The vessels continued passage to Indonesia.","coords.x1":103.6,"coords.x2":4.3} {"Reference":"2013-206","DateOfOcc":"2013-06-09","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 09 June, an underway tug was boarded at 04-30N 103-59E, approximately 30nm east of Kerteh, Terengganu. Six pirates armed with guns and long knives, in a speed boat, approached and boarded the underway tug. They took hostage all crew members,","Desc2":"cut off the cables to the VHF communication system and stole crew and ship cash and property. Upon departure of the pirates, the Master contacted local authorities and then diverted to Kuantan Port, and lodged a report to the Malaysian authorities. All","Desc3":"crew are safe.","coords.x1":103.98333,"coords.x2":4.5} {"Reference":"2013-156","DateOfOcc":"2013-05-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BARGE/TUG CREST 289/TCL4401","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:On 15 May, the underway barge in tow CREST 289 was boarded at 03-17N 103-48E, approximately 30nm northwest of Pulau Tioman. At the time, the tug boat TCL4401 was towing the barge from Singapore to Kuantan Port, Malaysia. The thieves stole 12","Desc2":"pieces of manhole covers and the stern light solar cell. The Master discovered the items missing upon arrival at Kuantan Port. The crew was not injured.","coords.x1":103.8,"coords.x2":3.28333} {"Reference":"2013-115","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-17","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER IVS MAGPIE","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 17 April, the anchored bulk carrier IVS MAGPIE was boarded in the vicinity of 20-58N 107-19E, at the Cam Pha Outer Anchorage. Three robbers boarded a bulk carrier via the forward bow and hawse pipe, unnoticed. Duty AB noticed them in the","Desc2":"process of lowering ropes into a waiting boat and informed the Master who raised the alarm and alerted the crew. The crew tried to recover the ropes by using the winch but the robbers cut off the ropes and escaped.","coords.x1":107.31667,"coords.x2":20.96667} {"Reference":"2013-93","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-09","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER WESTGATE","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 09 April, robbers boarded the berthed bulk carrier WESTGATE at 10-34N 107-01E, at the Ho Chi Minh Port, and stole items from the vessel. They robbers escaped undetected.","coords.x1":107.01667,"coords.x2":10.56667} {"Reference":"2013-117","DateOfOcc":"2013-04-02","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CARGO SHIP WEHR BLANKENESE","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 02 April, the cargo ship WEHR BLANKENESE was boarded in the vicinity of 10-45N 106-42E, at the Ho Chi Minh City Port. Robber's boarded the vessel, broke the padlock to the paint store, and stole 14 drums of paint.","coords.x1":106.7,"coords.x2":10.75} {"Reference":"2013-51","DateOfOcc":"2013-02-14","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 14 February, a container ship was boarded at 20-37N 106-51E, at the Haiphong Anchorage. Robbers boarded the anchored vessel via the anchor chain by breaking the locks on the hawse pipe cover. They broke into the forepeak, stole ship's stores","Desc2":"and escaped unnoticed.","coords.x1":106.85,"coords.x2":20.61667} {"Reference":"2012-276","DateOfOcc":"2012-09-06","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BARGE","Desc1":"INDONESIA:Barge boarded on 6 September in Straits of Malacca at 09-41N 103-48E. An unknown number of robbers boarded the barge while being towed by the tug Lady Cynthia. An internal door on the port side was forced open and the robbers escaped with 40","Desc2":"cans of paint and ship's stores.","coords.x1":103.8,"coords.x2":9.68333} {"Reference":"2012-212","DateOfOcc":"2012-06-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"VIETNAM:Chemical tanker boarded on 27 June at 10-41N 106-45E, Nha Be Terminal, Ho Chi Minh City. Robbers boarded the berthed vessel during cargo operations, stole the fire wire and escaped. The duty A/B noticed foot prints and the missing fire wire while","Desc2":"on rounds. The alarm was raised and the authorities were informed. The crew searched the vessel but did not find the robbers.","coords.x1":106.75,"coords.x2":10.68333} {"Reference":"2012-63","DateOfOcc":"2012-02-12","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Bulk carrier at anchor boarded on 12 February while anchored at position 20-40 N 107-14 E, Cailan Outer Anchorage. A gang of seven robbers boarded using a hook and a rope. Duty crewman noticed the robbers and informed bridge who raised the","Desc2":"alarm. All crew mustered. The robbers threatened the duty the duty crewman with knives, then broke the forepeak stores locker open and stole ship's stores. Crewmembers tried to stop the robbers but they threw knives, sticks and iron rods at the crew and","Desc3":"started lowering the stolen stores into their boat. The Master stopped the crew from confronting the robbers as some of them were armed with pistols. The robbers escaped with the stolen stores in a small motor boat. Master attempted to contact the port","Desc4":"control but received no response. (IMB)","coords.x1":107.23333,"coords.x2":20.66667} {"Reference":"2012-44","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"GULF OF TONKIN: Container ship boarded on 27 January by eight robbers armed with long knives while anchored at position 20-38N 106-53E, Haiphong Anchorage. The robbers took the duty deckhand hostage and forced him into the bosun stores locker and tied","Desc2":"him up. The robbers stole ship's stores and escaped. A search of the ship was ordered by the duty deck officer, as the duty deckhand was not answering calls on his radio. Search party found the subdued deckhand and released him. Duty officer attempted to","Desc3":"contact port control but did not receive a response.","coords.x1":106.88333,"coords.x2":20.63333} {"Reference":"2012-15","DateOfOcc":"2012-01-07","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"HO CHI MINH TERMINAL, VIETNAM: Duty A/B onboard a berthed container vessel noticed a small boat near the shipside with three robbers attempting to board the vessel. Duty A/B raised alarm resulting in the robbers escaping empty handed. Local security","Desc2":"informed.","coords.x1":106.71667,"coords.x2":10.76667} {"Reference":"2011-470","DateOfOcc":"2011-11-17","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Oil tanker boarded and robbed 17 November at 2010 LT while anchored in position 10-13N 107-04E, Mui Vung Tao, Vietnam. The two armed robbers with steel rods were spotted by the duty watchmen who alerted the duty officer who raised the alarm and","Desc2":"mustered the crew. On seeing crew alertness the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with stolen stores. (IMB)","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.21667} {"Reference":"2011-420","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"VIETNAM: On 10 October, bulk carrier anchored at position 10-09N 107-13E boarded by robbers armed with knives. They threatened duty watchman, stole ship's stores and departed the ship. (IMB)","coords.x1":107.22333,"coords.x2":10.15167} {"Reference":"2011-408","DateOfOcc":"2011-09-30","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Container ship boarded and robbed 30 September at 2300 LT while anchored in position 10-13.55N 107-04.04E, approximately 38 nm southeast of Ho Chi Minh City at the Vung Tau Outer Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and stole ship stores","Desc2":"unnoticed by ship crew. The duty able seaman (AB) later found the lock to the forward store broken (IMB)","coords.x1":107.06733,"coords.x2":10.22583} {"Reference":"2011-336","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-20","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"HUANGPU ANCHORAGE, CHINA: Robbers boarded a bulk carrier at anchor during heavy rain. Alert duty watchman sighted the robbers on the forecastle deck, notified the duty officer and went towards the robbers. Seeing the alert crew the robbers escaped.","Desc2":"Investigation revealed ship stores had been stolen. Incident was reported to VTS Guangzhou.","coords.x1":113.645,"coords.x2":22.75} {"Reference":"2011-320","DateOfOcc":"2011-07-13","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM: A container ship was robbed 12 July at 2005 UTC while anchored in position 20-39.2N 106-53.6E at the Hai Phong Pilot Station, Vietnam. Five robbers with knives boarded the vessel during a heavy rain, stole ship's stores, and jumped overboard","Desc2":"when sighted by the crew. (IMB)","coords.x1":106.89333,"coords.x2":20.65333} {"Reference":"2011-313","DateOfOcc":"2011-06-30","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM: A container ship was robbed 30 June at 0630 UTC while anchored in the Cat Lai anchorage, Vietnam. The duty officer noticed two boats approaching the vessel and ordered the duty able seamen to investigate. The people in the boat pretended to be","Desc2":"fishermen selling fish and other items. It was later discovered that ship stores were stolen from the forward stores. Crew was not able to contact port control. (IMB)","coords.x1":106.78333,"coords.x2":10.76667} {"Reference":"2011-259","DateOfOcc":"2011-05-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"HON GAI OUTER ANCHORAGE, VIETNAM: Four robbers boarded a bulk carrier at anchor. Alert duty officer noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. Crew rushed to the forecastle. Seeing crew alertness the robbers escaped empty handed in a small boat.","coords.x1":107.23333,"coords.x2":20.68333} {"Reference":"2011-199","DateOfOcc":"2011-04-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"50 MILES SOUTHEAST OF PULAU MANGKAI, SOUTH CHINA SEA: Duty crew onboard a chemical tanker underway noticed a suspicious speed boat doing 6 to 7 knots at a distance of six miles. Master raised alarm, sounded horn, increased speed, crew mustered and","Desc2":"switched on all deck lights. The suspicious boat came close to a distance of 2.4 miles from the tanker and then moved away.","coords.x1":104.825,"coords.x2":3.37833} {"Reference":"2011-184","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-22","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"OFF TIOMAN ISLAND, MALAYSIA: A group of more than ten pirates armed with long knives in a speed boat boarded a tug towing a barge enroute from singapore to koh kong cambodia. They took hostage the ten crewmembers, locked them in a cabin, cut off the","Desc2":"tracking system on the tug and hijacked the vessel. On 24 Mar, they released the crew in a life raft and gave them some food, water, their passports and some money. By then, the tug boat had been repainted to a green color. On 26 Mar, a passing fishing","Desc3":"boat rescued the crewmembers and landed them at Natuna Island and the crew managed to contact the owners. All relevant authorities in the region informed to lookout for the hijacked tug and barge.","coords.x1":104.40472,"coords.x2":2.75361} {"Reference":"2011-139","DateOfOcc":"2011-03-07","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Wood chip carrier was boarded and robbed at anchor 7 Mar at 0200 local time while anchored in position 20-41N 107-13E, near the Cai Lan Pilot Station. Robbers boarded via the anchor chain. The bosun store was broken into and ship's stores were","Desc2":"stolen before escaping. (IMB)","coords.x1":107.21667,"coords.x2":20.68333} {"Reference":"2011-141","DateOfOcc":"2011-02-26","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CAMPHA ANCHORAGE, VIETNAM: Two robbers armed with long knives in a small boat boarded a bulk carrier at anchor. Duty crew raised alarm and crew mustered. The robbers escaped. Due to proper securing of stores and hatches no ship property stolen. Vessel","Desc2":"contacted port authorities and local agents who informed the master that robbery was a common occurrence.","coords.x1":107.21167,"coords.x2":20.71667} {"Reference":"2011-80","DateOfOcc":"2011-01-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Product tanker was chased 24 Jan at 0300 local time whileunderway in position 10-42N 109-44E. The duty officer onboard spotted a suspicious vessel approaching from the starboard bow on a collision course. The master altered course,","Desc2":"increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. The suspicious vessel followed the tanker for 30 minutes and later lost contact on the radar. (IMB)","coords.x1":109.73333,"coords.x2":10.7} {"Reference":"2010-547","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-13","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Bulk carrier robbed 13 Dec 10 at 0026 local time while at anchor in position 10-14N 107-28E in Vung Tau outer anchorage. Four robbers boarded a wood chip carrier ship at anchor. Alert crew noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. The robbers","Desc2":"escaped with the stolen ship stores. Port control was informed. (IMB)","coords.x1":107.46667,"coords.x2":10.23333} {"Reference":"2010-521","DateOfOcc":"2010-12-08","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Container ship robbed 8 Dec 10 at 1705 UTC while at anchorage in position 10-14N 107-04E, in Vung Tau anchorage. Duty watch onboard anchored container vessel noticed four robbers on the forecastle. Duty officer informed, alarm raised, and crew","Desc2":"mustered. Seeing crew alertness, the robbers escaped in two waiting boats. Upon investigation, it was discovered they had broken into the paint store and stole ship's stores before escaping. (IMB)","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.23333} {"Reference":"2010-324","DateOfOcc":"2010-09-18","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"HAIPHONG ROADS, VIETNAM: About 20 armed robbers boarded a container ship at anchor. Duty crew noticed the robbers on the forecastle deck and informed the duty officer who instructed him to secure all access points around the accommodation. Alarm raised","Desc2":"and crew mustered. Robbers escaped with ship's stores.","coords.x1":106.87167,"coords.x2":20.64333} {"Reference":"2010-278","DateOfOcc":"2010-08-03","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Container ship robbed 3 Aug 10 at 0215 local time while anchored in position 20-39.7N 107-15.4E, southeast of Cailan pilot station. Robbers boarded the vessel using ropes and hooks. They broke in the forward store and stole ship's stores and","Desc2":"property. Upon being spotted by the crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Port authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":107.25667,"coords.x2":20.66167} {"Reference":"2010-243","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-29","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Bulk carrier robbed 29 Jun 10 at 0403 local time while anchored in position 10-15.8N 107-02.3E, Vung Tau anchorage. Crew on anti-piracy watch noticed the bosun store broken into. The alarm was raised and the crew rushed onto the deck. Upon","Desc2":"seeing the crew, two robbers armed with steel rods jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":107.03833,"coords.x2":10.26333} {"Reference":"2010-208","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-04","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: General cargo ship boarded 4 Jun 10 at 0315 local time while underway in position 12-17.3N 100-45.7E, approximately 23NM south of Sattahip, Thailand. Robbers in a speedboat boarded the vessel underway. The alarm was raised, crew","Desc2":"mustered, and fire hoses were activated. The crew found one boat tied up to the aft bollard. The rope was immediately cut and the boat drifted away. Two robbers were found and detained by the crew. The detained robbers were allowed to climb down into the","Desc3":"boat and leave the vessel (IMB).","coords.x1":100.76167,"coords.x2":12.28833} {"Reference":"2010-161","DateOfOcc":"2010-05-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT AND BARGE","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: A tug boat was attacked in 03-50N 103-41E at 012230 UTC May. Authorities were notified and fishing vessel in question was detained for further investigation. Caution advised.","coords.x1":103.68333,"coords.x2":3.83333} {"Reference":"2010-164","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-28","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VUNG TAU, VIETNAM: Two robbers boarded a container ship at anchor. Duty watchman sighted the robbers and vessel immediately raised alarm and ship's horn. Robbers managed to escape with ship's stores. Port authority informed.","coords.x1":107.12833,"coords.x2":10.22667} {"Reference":"2010-152","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUB BOAT AND BARGE","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tug (PU 2402) robbed 27 Apr 10 at 2138 local time while underway in position 04-44.16N 103-58E, approximately 70NM northeast of Kuantan, Malaysia. Seven robbers in a small boat came along the port side of the vessel. Six of the robbers","Desc2":"boarded the vessel while one of them armed with a parang waited in the boat. The ship master managed to activate the vessel's SSAS, but was disabled by one of the robbers. All nine crew was led to the master's cabin with their hands tied. The robbers","Desc3":"threatened the crew with machetes, demanding they hand over their cash and valuables. The incident lasted approximately 30 minutes. The robbers left the tug taking with them cash, a laptop, and the crew's mobile phones. The incident was reported to","Desc4":"Singapore's Port Operation and Control Centre (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":103.96667,"coords.x2":4.736} {"Reference":"2010-160","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Tanker robbed 21 Apr 10 at 0308 local time while anchored in position 10-13.7N 107-05E, Vung Tau. Armed men boarded the tanker. The duty watchman from the bridge spotted the robbers and raised the ship's alarm. The robbers escaped with ship?s","Desc2":"stores. Port authority was informed (IMB).","coords.x1":107.08333,"coords.x2":10.22833} {"Reference":"2010-138","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-19","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT AND BARGE","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tug (PU 2007), towing barge (PU 3316) reportedly hijacked 19 Apr 10 at 2328 local time while underway in position 04-25.51N 104-18.92E, approximately 57NM northeast of Kuantan, Malaysia. The tug activated its SSAS while underway at the","Desc2":"above position and subsequently every 30 minutes after that. Suspected that it had been hijacked, the owners reported the incident. It is assessed that the tug and barge had deviated from its planned course and heading easterly. The last assessed","Desc3":"position of the tug is approximately 91NM east northeast of Kuantan, heading easterly at almost 4 knots towards the Philippines. On 20 Apr 10 at 1525 local time, the barge was spotted at position 04-29.9N 104-56.8E, approximately 105NM east northeast of","Desc4":"Kuantan (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.31533,"coords.x2":4.42517} {"Reference":"2010-106","DateOfOcc":"2010-04-03","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Chemical tanker robbed 3 Apr 10 at 0230 local time while berthed in position 10-38N 106-46E, Hiep Phouc. Three robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel and took the 2nd officer as hostage. They stole ship's properties then escaped. The","Desc2":"hostage crewmember was injured and sent to shore for medical treatment (IMB).","coords.x1":106.76667,"coords.x2":10.63333} {"Reference":"2010-47","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Bulk carrier boarded 24 Feb 10 at 0240 local time while anchored in Vung Tau. Three robbers boarded the vessel using ropes with hooks and attempted to enter the forecastle store. The duty crew spotted them and reported to the officer on watch","Desc2":"who raised the alarm and sounded the ship's whistle. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a wooden boat. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB).","coords.x1":107.06944,"coords.x2":10.33889} {"Reference":"2010-41","DateOfOcc":"2010-02-06","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tug (ASTA) missing, reportedly hijacked 6 Feb 10 while underway in position 02-59.4N 104-00.6E, off Pulau Tioman. The tug, towing the barge (CALLISTA) departed Singapore on 5 Feb 10. At about 0130 on 6 Feb 10, the vessel (AGENT) reported lost","Desc2":"communications with the tug. There were 12 crewmembers onboard at the time, and no cargo was onboard the barge. The tug was scheduled to arrive at Cambodia on 9 Feb 10. The ship owner suspected that the vessel had been hijacked and reported the incident","Desc3":"to the Singapore Port Operations Control Centre who had issued a broadcast to all vessels to report sightings of (ASTA) and (CALLISTA) (ReCAAP).","coords.x1":104.01,"coords.x2":2.99} {"Reference":"2010-24","DateOfOcc":"2010-01-12","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Container ship robbed 12 Jan 10 at 0205 local time while underway in position 10-15N 107-04E, Vung Tau anchorage. Three robbers boarded the vessel while underway near the Vung Tau anchorage. The robbers proceeded to the forward store and stole","Desc2":"ship's stores. The crew discovered the robbers on board and raised the alarm. jumped overboard and escaped. Port control was informed via the ship's agent (IMB).","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.25} {"Reference":"2010-20","DateOfOcc":"2009-12-30","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"Pirate","Victim":"Tanker","Desc1":"CHINA: Tanker robbed 30 Dec 09 at 0645 local time while anchored in position 22-41.4N 113-41.8E, Nansha anchorage. A duty crewmember on rounds noticed a robber on forecastle. He informed the duty officer on bridge who raised the alarm and alerted the","Desc2":"crew. Upon inspection it was discovered ship?s stores were stolen. Local authorities were informed and later boarded for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":113.68556,"coords.x2":22.68444} {"Reference":"2009-404","DateOfOcc":"2009-10-25","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"HAIPHOG ANCHORAGE, VIETNAM: Robbers boarded an anchored container ship from the forecastle and stole ship's stores before escaping. Local authorities informed.","coords.x1":106.88,"coords.x2":20.64167} {"Reference":"2009-327","DateOfOcc":"2009-07-12","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Container ship robbed 12 Jul 09 at 0330 local time while anchored in position 10-16.2N 107-04.6E, Vungtau outer anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel and stole ship's stores before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":107.07667,"coords.x2":10.27} {"Reference":"2009-271","DateOfOcc":"2009-05-28","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG BOAT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: Tug (TOPNICHE 5) robbed 28 May 09 at 0200 local time while underway in position 02-14N - 104-14E, approximately 19NM southwest of Pulau Aur. Five robbers armed with guns and knives boarded the tug as it was towing a barge, the (CHRISNICHE 4).","Desc2":"The robbers stole cash and the crew's personal belongings before fleeing. No injuries were reported. The incident was reported to Singapore's Port Operations Control Centre (ReCAAP, IMB).","coords.x1":104.23333,"coords.x2":2.23333} {"Reference":"2009-169","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-30","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Bulk carrier robbed 30 Mar 09 at 0045 local time while anchored in position 10-42N 106-44E, Ho Chi Minh port. Six robbers in a wooden boat boarded the vessel from the bow. They stole ship's properties and escaped. The incident was reported to","Desc2":"local authorities and police boarded the vessel for investigation (IMB)..","coords.x1":106.73333,"coords.x2":10.7} {"Reference":"2009-124","DateOfOcc":"2009-03-08","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Container ship robbed 8 Mar 09 at 1255 local time while anchored in Vung Tao. Robbers boarded the vessel unnoticed and got access into the paint locker. The ship's crew, returning to work at the forecastle, noticed a boat leaving the ship's","Desc2":"side. Upon checking, it was discovered the entrance to the paint locker was broken and ship's stores stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":107.06944,"coords.x2":10.33889} {"Reference":"2009-76","DateOfOcc":"2009-02-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM: Robbers boarded a bulk carrier moored to mooring buoys. They stole ship's stores, opened the hose pipe cover ad escaped thru the hose pipe. Incident reported to police but no result.","coords.x1":107.06944,"coords.x2":10.33889} {"Reference":"2009-51","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Tanker robbed 15 Jan 09 at 0415 local time while anchored in position 10-14N 107-04E, Vungtau outer anchorage. Two robbers boarded the tanker while anchored. A duty crewmember noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. The ship's whistle was","Desc2":"sounded and the crew mustered. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped into the water and escaped with ship's stores in a small boat (IMB).","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.23333} {"Reference":"2009-40","DateOfOcc":"2009-01-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER","Desc1":"VUNGTAU ANCHORAGE, VIETNAM:Two robbers boarded a bitumen tanker at anchor. Duty a/b noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. The ship's whistle was sounded and crew mustered. Upon hearing the alarm, robbers jumped into the water and escaped with the","Desc2":"ship's stores in a small boat.","coords.x1":107.06722,"coords.x2":10.23583} {"Reference":"2008-507","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-25","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VESSEL","Desc1":"Saigon river, Vietnam: At 0030 local time an AB stationed on forecastle deck heard some noises and he immediately conducted a search. Two robbers were seen escaping. Upon investigation store padlocks were found roken. Nothing stolen.","coords.x1":106.76,"coords.x2":10.68694} {"Reference":"2008-481","DateOfOcc":"2008-12-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUG","Desc1":"TELUK JUARA, MALAYSIA:TEN ARMED PIRATES BOARDED A TUG UNDERWAY. THEY THREATENED THE MASTER AND CREW WITH KNIVES. PIRATES TIED UP THE CREW WITH ROPES AND LOCKED THEM IN A COMPARTMENT . THEY ESCAPED WITH TUG'S AND CREW CASH, DOCUMENTS AND PERSONAL","Desc2":"BELONGINGS. ON 02.12.2008 AT 0215 LT THE 2ND OFFICER REPORTED THE INCIDENT TO OWNERS AND OWNERS INSTRUCTED THE MASTER TO SAIL THE TUG TO THAILAND. INCIDENT REPORTED TO LOCAL POLICE.","coords.x1":104.31667,"coords.x2":2.85} {"Reference":"2008-472","DateOfOcc":"2008-11-29","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"Vung Tau, Vietnam: Six robbers in a fishing boat approached a general cargo ship at anchor. Two robbers armed with knives boarded the ship. One of them threatened the duty crew with a knife while the other robber stole ship's stores. Later they jumped","Desc2":"overboard and escaped in their boat with the stolen stores. Port control informed.","coords.x1":107.03667,"coords.x2":10.26833} {"Reference":"2008-410","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-13","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Container ship robbed on 13 Oct 08 at 0600 local time while at anchor in position 10-14.6N 107-26.3E, Vung Tau. Robbers, unnoticed by crew, boarded the ship, stole ship's stores and escaped. The crew on routine patrol noticed the store padlock","Desc2":"was broken and ship's stores were stolen. Local authorities were notified (IMB).","coords.x1":107.06944,"coords.x2":10.33889} {"Reference":"2008-404","DateOfOcc":"2008-10-13","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM: In Vung Tau anchorage, Vietnam. Robbers boarded an anchored container ship unnoticed by crew. They stole ship's stores and escaped, crew on routine patrol noticed bos'n store padlock was broken and ship's store stolen. Authorities informed.","coords.x1":107.43833,"coords.x2":10.24333} {"Reference":"2008-349","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-09","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAMContainer ship reported attempted boarding 9 Sep 08 at 0200 local time, Vung Tau anchorage. The duty AB onboard the vessel, noticed one perpetrator attempting to board via the anchor chain. The crew was alerted. Upon seeing the alert crew, the","Desc2":"perpetrator jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting boat (IMB).","coords.x1":107,"coords.x2":10.16667} {"Reference":"2008-268","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-31","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHEMICAL TANKER","Desc1":"VIETNAM:Chemical tanker boarded, robbed 31 Jul 08 at 2015 local time while in position 10-16.36N 107-02.85E, Vung Tau Anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel. The D/O raised the alarm and the crew rushed to the forecastle. Upon seeing the crew alertness,","Desc2":"the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores in a small boat (IMB).","coords.x1":107.0475,"coords.x2":10.27267} {"Reference":"2008-269","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-25","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"VIETNAM:Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 25 Jul 08 at 2130 local time, Go Dau. Two robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel. They broke open the padlocks to the forward store. The duty crew noticed the open stores and raised the alarm, the robbers","Desc2":"escaped in a waiting boat.","coords.x1":106.73333,"coords.x2":10.45} {"Reference":"2008-234","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM:Tanker boarded, robbed 1 Jul 08 at 0230 UTC while in position 10-15N 107-07E, Vung Tau Anchorage. Robbers boarded and stole ship stores from the forward locker. Anti-piracy watch keepers spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. Robbers escaped","Desc2":"with stolen goods. No injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":107.06944,"coords.x2":10.33889} {"Reference":"2008-233","DateOfOcc":"2008-07-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"VIETNAM:Container ship boarded 1 Jul 08 at 0330 local time, while at anchorage, Nha Be River, Ho Chi Minh. Three robbers boarded the vessel and broke into the forward locker. The alert anti-piracy watch keepers raised the alarm. The robbers jumped","Desc2":"overboard and escaped. Nothing stole. No injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":106.7,"coords.x2":10.75} {"Reference":"2008-222","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-29","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tug Boat","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Tug (WECOY 6) boarded 29 Jun 08 at 0130 local time while in position 02-30.6N 104-14E, 10NM south of Pulau Tioman. The vessel, towing barge (CAKRAWALA) was boarded by six men armed with long knives and an axe from a long white speedboat with","Desc2":"twin outboard motors. Four other men stood by and waited in the speedboat. The robbers stole the crew?s belongings, including a laptop, mobile phones, cash and a portable VHF radio. After stealing the items, they sped off in the direction towards Pulau","Desc3":"Pemanggil. No injuries to crew. The ship?s master reported the incident to the MRCC of the coastal state and the flag state. The Singapore Port Operations Control Centre (POCC) has initiated a NAVTEX broadcast warning ships in the vicinity to look out","Desc4":"for fast moving crafts approaching their ships and to increase anti-piracy watch (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":104.23333,"coords.x2":2.51} {"Reference":"2008-207","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-07","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"Pirate Boarding","Victim":"General Cargo Ship","Desc1":"VIETNAM:General cargo ship boarded, robbed 13 Jun 08 at 0230 local time while in position 20-53.84N 107-15.66E, Port Campha Inner Anchorage. Robbers in a small boat boarded the vessel. They stole ship's stores from the forecastle deck and escaped. The","Desc2":"duty AB on patrol noticed a fishing boat in the vicinity. Authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":107.261,"coords.x2":20.89733} {"Reference":"2008-202","DateOfOcc":"2008-06-04","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"CONTAINER SHIP","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:Container ship reported suspicious approach 4 Jun 08 at 2220 local time while underway in position 03-05.3N 104-31.3E, 60NM off the coast. A small boat approached the vessel from astern at a distance of 1.7NM. The master raised the alarm,","Desc2":"increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, and enhanced anti-piracy watchers on the poop deck. The suspicious boat increased its speed up to 25kts and maintained a parallel course for some time. At 2243 local time, the suspicious boat altered course and","Desc3":"increased its distance to 3NM. The ship continued at the same speed for another hour to clear the area (IMB).","coords.x1":104.52167,"coords.x2":3.08833} {"Reference":"2008-133","DateOfOcc":"2008-04-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker Ship","Desc1":"VIETNAM:Tanker boarded 21 Apr 08 at 0230 UTC, Vung Tau Song Go Gia STS anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel from the forecastle. They broke open the forward storeroom and stole ship?s stores. The duty crew spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. The","Desc2":"robbers escaped immediately. Later, a police patrol boarded for investigations. Anti-piracy watch doubled up. No injuries to crew (IMB).","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.33333} {"Reference":"2008-22","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-04","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CONTAINER VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM:Container ship boarded, robbed 04 Jan 07 at 0920 local time in position 20-51.8N 107-07.4E, Vinh Ha Long inner anchorage, Haiphong. Seven robbers, armed with knives, in a wooden boat came alongside the vessel during anchoring operations. They","Desc2":"stole ship's stores and attacked three crewmembers who tried to stop them. A Vietnamese official watch keeper was onboard but did not take any action to stop the robbers. No injuries to crew. Incident reported to agent. The agent advised not to contact","Desc3":"the police. No action was taken (IMB).","coords.x1":107.12333,"coords.x2":20.86333} {"Reference":"2007-310","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM:General Cargo Ship boarded, robbed 11 Nov 07 at 0305 local time at Phu My berth A. Robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel. The vessel informed the port security who came onboard for assistance. While proceeding towards the forecastle, two","Desc2":"robbers were seen jumping overboard. Inspections showed ships stores were stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":109,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"2007-302","DateOfOcc":"2007-11-05","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"GENERAL CARGO VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:2150: One suspicious boat followed a general cargo ship at a range of 100m for about an hour. Crew mustered and fire hoses with pressurised water jet standby and action taken to prevent any boarding. Later, master informed the Piracy","Desc2":"Reporting Center that the distance between the boat and the ship was increasing. Vessel continued passage to destination port.","coords.x1":113.7,"coords.x2":12.55} {"Reference":"2007-326","DateOfOcc":"2007-09-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"Tanker Vessel","Desc1":"0030 LT: off Tioman island waters, Malaysia:Six pirates, in a small high-speed boat, armed with knives boarded a tanker underway. They assaulted all six crewmembers. The captain received head injuries and the crewmembers were robbed of their documents","Desc2":"and clothing's.","coords.x1":104.3,"coords.x2":2.5} {"Reference":"2007-203","DateOfOcc":"2007-07-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Container ship boarded and robbed 21 Jul 07 0115 local time, in position 10-12.6N 107-07.1E, Ho Chi Min City Outer anchorage. Five robbers armed with knives in a small boat boarded the vessel. The duty crew raised the alarm and the crew","Desc2":"mustered. The robbers stole from the ships stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":107.11833,"coords.x2":10.21} {"Reference":"2007-125","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-23","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Product tanker boarded, robbed 23 May at 0310 local time, while at anchor in position 10-15.30N 107-05.06E, Vung Tau. Duty crew spotted robbers boarding the vessel and informed the D/O, who raised the alarm and mustered the crew. The robbers","Desc2":"stole from the ship's stores and escaped in the waiting boat. The port control and ship's agents were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":107.08433,"coords.x2":10.255} {"Reference":"2007-126","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-22","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND: Tanker hijacked 22 May while underway in position 07-45N 102-02E, Gulf of Thailand. At the time of the incident, the tanker was transporting 100,000 liters of fuel oil to supply fishing vessels at sea. A pirate, who was reportedly a former","Desc2":"crewmember, ordered the tanker to come alongside his vessel. Once alongside, the pirate hijacked the tanker. On 24 May, at 0200 local time, the pirates shot and killed the master. The three crewmembers jumped overboard and were later picked up by a","Desc3":"passing fishing boat. The fishing boat contacted the Thai Navy and police. The police dispatched two marine police boats and a navy aircraft to locate and detain the hijacked vessel. The police caught the pirate, who attempted to escape in a fishing","Desc4":"boat. The police located the tanker with the remaining three crewmembers and took it to the marine base for investigation (IMB).","coords.x1":102.03333,"coords.x2":7.75} {"Reference":"2007-123","DateOfOcc":"2007-05-08","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Container ship boarded and robbed 8 May at 1343 local time in position 10-15.6N 107-04.9E Vung Tau anchorage, Ho Chi Minh Port. Five robbers boarded the container ship via the anchor and broke open the forecastle store. They were spotted by the","Desc2":"crew and the alarm was raised. The robbers managed to steal from the ships stores and escaped via anchor chain in a waiting boat. The port was informed; however, there was no response (IMB).","coords.x1":107.08167,"coords.x2":10.26} {"Reference":"2007-130","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-26","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"Sprattly Islands, SOUTH CHINA SEA:Armed pirates boarded a fishing vessel and robbed it of its catch, while it was taking shelter due to engine trouble. The master informed his family; about the robbery and that another vessel was approaching it. All","Desc2":"contact with the fishing vessel was lost, since the master's last call. The fate of the vessel and its crewmembers are unknown.","coords.x1":111.91667,"coords.x2":9.56667} {"Reference":"2007-104","DateOfOcc":"2007-04-18","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING BOAT","Desc1":"THAILAND: Fishing boat hijacked and recovered 18 Apr, at 1100 local time Chebilang Bay, Satun Province. Approximately six pirates, in a small boat, attacked a fishing boat and hijacked it.All crew of eight were taken hostage and landed at Le - La Island.","Desc2":"The pirates stole the ship's equipment, properties and abandoned the boat at Yanud Port, Tha - Phae District, Satun Province. The police located the fishing boat and returned it to the owners in Malaysia. No one was injured (IMB).","coords.x1":100.61667,"coords.x2":7.2} {"Reference":"2007-61","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Container ship boarded and robbed 15 Mar at 1640 UTC, while anchored in position 10-14.4N 107-04.8E, 5NM south of Vung Tau. The robbers boarded the vessel at the forecastle deck. The ships stores were stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":107.08,"coords.x2":10.24} {"Reference":"2007-65","DateOfOcc":"2007-03-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Container ship boarded and robbed 15 Mar at 1640 UTC, while anchored in position 10-14.4N 107-04.8E, 5NM south of Vung Tau. The robbers boarded the vessel at the forecastle deck. The ships stores were stolen (IMB).","coords.x1":107.08,"coords.x2":10.24} {"Reference":"2006-206","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-29","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Fishing boat reports being attacked and robbed29 Aug near Bong Bay Island off of central Da Nang city. According to a local source, a group of unidentified foreign men launched a surprise attack on the Vietnamese fishing boat and stole","Desc2":"approximately 2.5 tons of cuttlefish. The boats captain Le Van Hung said the incident was not the first of its kind and that it had once been attacked earlier when thieves made off with 1.5 tons of fish (LM).","coords.x1":108.21667,"coords.x2":16.08333} {"Reference":"2006-205","DateOfOcc":"2006-08-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Fishing boats report being attacked and boarded 24 Aug at southern Kien Giaung province. Men armed with AK-47 rifles attacked and boarded the fishing boats from a speedboat. The fishing boats were being directed into Cambodian waters but were","Desc2":"intercepted by a Vietnamese patrol boat. One of the escorting vessels departed the area upon approach of the Vietnamese authorities, however, four individuals were detained for investigation. It was later determined the four accused of commandeering the","Desc3":"fishing vessels were Cambodian Sea Border Patrol Officials. Some 40 Vietnamese fishing boats have reported being attacked by pirates off southern Vietnam, often in waters also claimed by Cambodia. The neighboring countries do not have an agreement on sea","Desc4":"borders (IMB, LM).","coords.x1":104,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"2006-170","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-28","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded and robbed 28 Jun at 0115 local time, while anchored in position 05-28.7N 105-17.5E, Panjang anchorage. Three robbers, armed with long knives, entered the engine room and stole a substantial quantity of engine spares","Desc2":"(IMB).","coords.x1":105.29167,"coords.x2":5.47833} {"Reference":"2006-171","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"HOANG SA ARCHIPELAGO: Vietnamese fishing vessel boarded and robbed 27 Jun, while at anchor seeking shelter from a typhoon. Robbers stole 25 drums of fuel, 4 tons of dried squid, 10 bottles of water, and 18 empty buckets. After receiving the information,","Desc2":"Da Nang border guards have requested the National Administration of Rescue ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find solutions to support the fishermen in claiming back what they lost. Seventeen additional Vietnamese fishing vessels were seeking","Desc3":"shelter in the archipelago at the time of the robbery and are fearful of similar incidents in the future (LM).","coords.x1":112.275,"coords.x2":16.95} {"Reference":"2006-169","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-26","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CHINA: Bulk carrier boarded 26 Jun at 1830 local time, while at anchor in Huangpu port. Two robbers entered the masters cabin. Master raised alarm, crew apprehended the robbers, and then handed them to the police (IMB).","coords.x1":113.45,"coords.x2":23.09167} {"Reference":"2006-185","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Chemical tanker boarded and robbed 21 Jun at 0300 local time while at berth b1, Godau port (Tayninh Province). Three robbers in an unlit boat boarded the vessel at the stern. Crew member on duty raised alarm and crew mustered. Robbers stole","Desc2":"ships stores and safety equipment before escaping (IMB).","coords.x1":109.4,"coords.x2":11.28333} {"Reference":"2006-121","DateOfOcc":"2006-04-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"SPRATLY ISLANDS: Fishing vessel assaulted and robbed 27 Apr, Spratly Islands Archipelago, South China Sea. Four Chinese fishermen were killed and three injured, when attacked and robbedby pirates. According to accounts of survivors, pirates dispatched a","Desc2":"small vessel with four men in it from an unknown country. They boarded the boat, produced weapons, and ordered the fishermen to gather on the deck. When the boat tried to leave the area, gun shots were fired and a larger vessel pulled alongside the","Desc3":"Chinese fishing boat, which open fired with a machine gun. Four crew members were killed and three others wounded. Once in control of the boat 13 pirates boarded and robbed it of all its equipment, including radios and navigational equipment. Reportedly,","Desc4":"Chinas Agriculture Ministry, which overseas the nations fishing industry, is investigating the attack as well as the Philippine authorities(LM).","coords.x1":114.66667,"coords.x2":10.5} {"Reference":"2006-81","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-07","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Unidentified container ship reported boarding and attempted robbery during night of 7 Mar, while in position 10-19.7N - 107-02E, Vung Tau anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel unnoticed. They tried to break open locks on forward storerooms but","Desc2":"did not succeed. They also tried to steal a life raft. Incident took place; although two local policemen were on board, and a police boat was alongside (IMB).","coords.x1":107.03333,"coords.x2":10.32833} {"Reference":"2006-67","DateOfOcc":"2006-03-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified motor yacht was boarded and robbed 1 Mar at 2245 local time, off Tioman islands. Robbers boarded and stole cash, personal belongings, and other portable items. Police arrested three suspects and have recovered some of the stolen","Desc2":"items. Suspects are under investigation and soon will be charged in the court (IMB).","coords.x1":104.06667,"coords.x2":2.83333} {"Reference":"2006-70","DateOfOcc":"2006-02-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"MALAYSIA: An unidentified motor yacht reported boarding and attempted robbery 21 Feb, at 2000 local time off Tioman islands. Robbers boarded and stole cash, personal belongings, and other portable items. Local police arrested three suspects and have","Desc2":"recovered some of the stolen items. Suspects are under investigation and soon will be charged in the court (IMB).","coords.x1":104.06667,"coords.x2":2.83333} {"Reference":"2005-354","DateOfOcc":"2005-12-02","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: An unidentified LPG tanker reported attempt to board 02 Dec, while underway in position 10-19N, 108-50E, off Vietnam. Persons in a fishing boat attempted to board the vessel via grappling hook. Master altered course to prevent boarding.","Desc2":"After a few attempts, the fishing boat gave up and fled (IMB).","coords.x1":108.83333,"coords.x2":10.31667} {"Reference":"2005-349","DateOfOcc":"2005-11-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Container ship boarded and robbed 24 Nov during the early morning, while anchored in position 20-38.1N 106-52.6E, Haiphong anchorage. Robbers stole ships stores and port authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.87667,"coords.x2":20.635} {"Reference":"2005-334","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-28","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CHINA: Bulk carrier boarded and robbed 28 Oct between 1200 and 1600 UTC, while anchored in position 21-25N 108-24E, Fangcheng OPL anchorage. Robbers boarded the vessel via the anchor chain. They broke padlocks off forward store lockers and stole ships","Desc2":"property and stores (IMB).","coords.x1":108.4,"coords.x2":21.41667} {"Reference":"2005-332","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified chemical tanker was fired upon 27 Oct at 0836 local time, while underway in position 08-41.565N 115-43.911E, Lombok strait. Pirates, armed with guns, fired upon the vessel from a speedboat. The bridge window was destroyed by","Desc2":"gunshots. No injuries to crew. Several fishing boats were in the vicinity (IMB).","coords.x1":115.73185,"coords.x2":8.69275} {"Reference":"2005-335","DateOfOcc":"2005-10-23","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CHINA: An unidentified tanker was boarded and robbed 23 Oct at 1800 UTC, while anchored at Zhanjiang no. 2 anchorage, China. Robbers boarded the vessel via hawse pipe. They broke open forward locker and stole ships stores. Several small fishing boats","Desc2":"were in the vicinity. The authorities were informed (IMB).","coords.x1":110.50833,"coords.x2":21.09167} {"Reference":"2005-312","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-29","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified container ship was boarded 29 Sep at 0500 local time, while at Vung Tau anchorage and robbed of stores (IMB).","coords.x1":107.06944,"coords.x2":10.33889} {"Reference":"2005-302","DateOfOcc":"2005-09-23","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified container ship was boarded 23 Sep early in the morning, while anchored 6 miles SSW of Vung Tau Island. Robbers broke forward locker padlock and stole ships stores (IMB).","coords.x1":107.06944,"coords.x2":10.33889} {"Reference":"2005-285","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-19","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 19 Aug at 2000 local time, while moored to a buoy at Ho Chi Minh City port (reported 13 Sep). Two robbers, armed with knives and swords,boarded the vessel. One of the robbers tried to attack duty crewman,","Desc2":"who then ran away and raised the alarm. Crew mustered and robbers jumped overboard, escaping with ships stores. Police investigated the following morning (IMB).","coords.x1":106.91472,"coords.x2":10.26944} {"Reference":"2005-286","DateOfOcc":"2005-08-04","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 04 Aug while moored to a buoy, at Ho Chi Minh City port (reported 13 Sep). Robbers broke store locks and stole ships stores (IMB).","coords.x1":106.91472,"coords.x2":10.26944} {"Reference":"2005-287","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-31","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 31 Jul at 1900 local time, while moored to buoy no. 39 (reported 13 Sep). Four robbers, armed with long knives, boarded the vessel. Duty officer and crew gave chase after detecting the trespassers.","Desc2":"Robbers escaped with ships stores in a small boat. Port control informed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.91472,"coords.x2":10.26944} {"Reference":"2005-288","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 10 Jul at 0200 local time, while moored to a buoy at Ho Chi Minh City port (reported 13 Sep). Two robbers boarded the vessel during cargo operations with barges alongside. They broke open forepeak store","Desc2":"and stole ships stores. Duty officer raised the alarm and robbers escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":106.91472,"coords.x2":10.26944} {"Reference":"2005-152","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-30","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: An unidentified tug was approached 30 Apr at 2300 local time, while underway towing a manned crane barge in position 08-22.7N 107-14.2E. Two small unlit high speed craft approached tug. One craft disappeared from radar screen but the","Desc2":"other stayed within 700 meters at port side. Later, the craft passed stern of barge and proceeded north (IMB).","coords.x1":107.23667,"coords.x2":8.37833} {"Reference":"2005-127","DateOfOcc":"2005-04-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: An unidentified tanker was approached 11 Apr at 1200 UTC, while underway in position 03-30N 104-24E, off Malaysia. Two boats, one unlit, followed the tanker. When the boats came within four cables, crew mustered, sounded whistle, and","Desc2":"switched on lights, after which the boats moved away.","coords.x1":104.4,"coords.x2":3.5} {"Reference":"2005-76","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 24 Feb at 0430 local time, while preparing to berth at Hon Gai inner anchorage. The robbers stole ship's stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":20.95} {"Reference":"2005-70","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-19","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HONG KONG: An unidentified barge was boarded 19 Feb late at night, while moored in the city's terminal. Five men boarded the barge from their own vessel and overpowered the lone lighterman keeping watch. The lighterman was tied, gagged and hidden in a","Desc2":"cabin while the robbers unloaded seven fully laden shipping containers. Lighterman was freed uninjured an hour later by a colleague who found him after the robbers had fled. Police said the containers held consignments of lighting accessories (INFO).","coords.x1":114.15667,"coords.x2":22.29167} {"Reference":"2005-63","DateOfOcc":"2005-02-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 01 Feb at 0300 local time while at berth, Tan Thuan port off Ho Chi Minh City. Two robbers broke into the storeroom and tried to steal ship's stores, while the ship was conducting discharging operations.","Desc2":"Crew raised alarm and robbers escaped empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.73,"coords.x2":10.75694} {"Reference":"2005-52","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-31","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF THAILAND-VIETNAM: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 31 Jan at 1852 UTC, while underway in position 09-15N 103-10E. Three persons armed with guns and long knives raided master's cabin, stole cash from ship's safe, and master's personal","Desc2":"belongings. They then tried to take the master to their boat, but he resisted and received injury. Perpetrators escaped in their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":103.16667,"coords.x2":9.25} {"Reference":"2005-46","DateOfOcc":"2005-01-16","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 16 Jan at 0010 local time, while anchored in position 20-39N 106-51E at Haiphong. \"Several\" persons boarded at the forecastle,stole ships stores, and fled in an unlit boat when duty seaman raised","Desc2":"alarm (IMB).","coords.x1":106.85,"coords.x2":20.65} {"Reference":"2005-4","DateOfOcc":"2004-12-22","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 Dec at 0310 local time, while at Campha anchorage. Eight persons armed with iron bars assaulted duty seaman. The robbers stole ship's stores and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":107.31667,"coords.x2":21.01667} {"Reference":"2005-24","DateOfOcc":"2004-11-17","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Five people boarded an unidentified container ship on 17 Nov at 2300 local time, while underway about 6 nm \"off\" Ho Chi Minh City (NFI). Crew raised alarm and intruders fled empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.7,"coords.x2":10.75} {"Reference":"2004-235","DateOfOcc":"2004-09-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CHINA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 10 Sep in the early morning hours, while anchored in position 21-27N 108-22E, Fangcheng. Thieves armed with knives and crowbars boarded at the forecastle using grappling hooks, broke into fore peak locker,","Desc2":"and stole ship's stores. Crew raised alarm and thieves escaped in a waiting boat. Port authority was informed and police arrived at noon to investigate (IMB).","coords.x1":108.36667,"coords.x2":21.45} {"Reference":"2004-226","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-26","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: An unidentified product tanker reports suspicious approach 26 Aug at 0300 local time, while underway in position 15-50N 111-20E off Triton Island. A 30-meter boat with mounted guns came within 75 m of stern and launched a small boat with","Desc2":"apparent boarding party. Tanker took evasive maneuvers and vessel moved toward another passing ship. Event is clearly less piratical than military/paramilitary inspection and surveillance (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":111.33333,"coords.x2":15.83333} {"Reference":"2004-209","DateOfOcc":"2004-08-06","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 6 Aug at 0200 local time, while engaged in cargo operations at No. 3 Berth, Bangkok. The thieves stole ship's property and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":100.56944,"coords.x2":9.60694} {"Reference":"2004-182","DateOfOcc":"2004-07-05","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"CAMBODIA-VIETNAM: Vietnamese coast guards caught a pirate fishing trawler and arrested one of the pirates according to a 5 Jul report. The pirate boat had reportedly been preying on Vietnamese fishing boats when caught 2.5 miles off Phu Quoc Island (Dao","Desc2":"Phu Quoc), Kien Giang Province. The arrested pirate will be turned over to Cambodian authorities after the Vietnamese conclude their investigation. Two accomplices fell or jumped overboard during the chase and were not apprehended (INFO).","coords.x1":103.96667,"coords.x2":10.21667} {"Reference":"2004-140","DateOfOcc":"2004-05-23","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CHINA-HONG KONG: The 91-ton cargo ship (CHUNG HO LIN) was boarded 23 May at 2015 local time while underway in Hong Kong waters, near Lamma Island (Pok Liu Chau), forcing 7 of its crew of 10 to jump overboard. The 5 or 6 \"probable\" Mainland Chinese","Desc2":"assailants approached in a high speed boat but abandoned the cargo boat after discovering its cargo consisted of only 4,000 chicken feet. Maritime crime inside the Special Administrative Region is almost unheard of (INFO).","coords.x1":114.10556,"coords.x2":22.275} {"Reference":"2004-115","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-25","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND: Unidentified container ship boarded 25 Apr at 1612 UTC while at Laemchabang anchorage. Five persons gained access via the forecastle, stole ship's stores, and escaped (IMB).","coords.x1":100.775,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2004-101","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-14","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHAMT VESSEL","Desc1":"CHINA: Unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 14 Apr at1530 UTC in position 21-28.10N 108-20.10E at Fang Cheng. The intruders stole ship's stores","coords.x1":108.335,"coords.x2":21.46833} {"Reference":"2004-91","DateOfOcc":"2004-04-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: Unidentified vehicle carrier reports attempt to come alongside 11 Apr at 1945 UTC while underway in position 20-18N 114-14E. Unlit craft fled when ship's crew raised alarm.","coords.x1":114.23333,"coords.x2":20.3} {"Reference":"2004-45","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-19","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"YACHT","Desc1":"THAILAND: An unidentified yacht was boarded 19 Feb at 2005 local time while anchored off PV Island off Northern Kolanta, y two persons armed with big knives. Yacht master informed theIMB which in turn notified local authorities who arrived on the scene","Desc2":"within 45 minutes. By then the thieves had escaped with cash and personal belongings.","coords.x1":100.11139,"coords.x2":9.50056} {"Reference":"2004-41","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-03","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified tanker was boarded 3 Feb between 0300 and 0400 while in position 20- 50.40N 107-08.20E at Hongay inner anchorage. Five persons stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":107.13667,"coords.x2":20.84} {"Reference":"2004-30","DateOfOcc":"2004-02-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Two fishing boats were attacked by gunfire and hijacked 1 Feb off Kien Giang Province. Three pirates pulled alongside the two boats and opened fire, forcing the eighteen crew to jump into the water. The pirates then stole the boats and fled in","Desc2":"the direction of Thailand or Cambodia. Fifteen of the crew were rescued and three remain missing. Local authorities state that Vietnamese fishing boats are often attacked from Cambodia.","coords.x1":100.12889,"coords.x2":12.30222} {"Reference":"2003-372","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-17","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Five persons boarded an unidentified container ship 17 Nov at 2300 local time while underway about 6 nm off Ho Chi Minh City (NFI). Crew raised alarm and intruders fled empty handed (IMB).","coords.x1":106.71667,"coords.x2":10.76667} {"Reference":"2003-365","DateOfOcc":"2003-11-05","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 5 Nov between 1800 and 2000 UTC while anchored in position 10 31.7N, 107 00.2E, Vung Tau. The thieves broke into engine room storeroom and stole spares (IMB).","coords.x1":107,"coords.x2":10.53333} {"Reference":"2003-358","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-26","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified container ship was boarded 26 Oct at 2200 local time, by three persons disguised as stevedores, while moored to buoy RQ2, Ho Chi Minh port. One intruder threatened duty seaman with a knife while the others entered engine room and","Desc2":"stole generator spares and bearings (IMB).","coords.x1":106.71667,"coords.x2":10.76667} {"Reference":"2003-344","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-26","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 26 Oct at 0430 while underway in position 07 20N, 103 20.5E in Gulf of Thailand. Boarders could not enter accommodation as all doors were locked from inside, and left when deck lights were switched","Desc2":"on (IMB).","coords.x1":103.35,"coords.x2":7.33333} {"Reference":"2003-327","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-07","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIERATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified ship was boarded 7 Oct at 0210 local time while anchored in position 20 42.1N, 107 13.1E at Haiphong. One person boarded via the anchor chain and lowered mooring lines to seven accomplices in a waiting boat, all of whom were","Desc2":"armed with long knives. Crew raised alarm and thieves fled. Attempts to contact port control unsuccessful (IMB).","coords.x1":107.21833,"coords.x2":20.70167} {"Reference":"2003-328","DateOfOcc":"2003-10-04","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 4 Oct while anchored in position 20 43.6N, 107 10.6E at Hon Gai. Two persons chased duty watchman who raised alarm, whereupon the intruders fled in a waiting boat with their accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":107.18333,"coords.x2":20.73333} {"Reference":"2003-318","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 27 Sep at 0230 local time at Hon Gai (Cai Lan) anchorage. Four persons armed with knives gained access at the forecastle. After stealing ship's stores, the four escaped in two small boats. Ship's","Desc2":"master tried to contact port authorities but received no response (IMB).","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":20.95} {"Reference":"2003-313","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 21 Sep at 1900 local time while at berth B-3 Rauqua mooring buoys, Saigon. Several persons boarded during heavy rain, broke into forecastle locker and stole ship's stores. Crew raised alarm and the","Desc2":"thieves fled (IMB).","coords.x1":106.71667,"coords.x2":10.76667} {"Reference":"2003-253","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-16","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified container ship was boarded 16 Jul at 0530 local time while at Vung Tau anchorage. Six persons broke into the paint store but escaped empty handed when discovered by crew (IMB).","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2003-243","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 11 Jul at 0245 local time while underway 5 miles NW of Ko Khram Island near Kosichang. Duty crew raised alarm and the intruders fled in a boat with three accomplices (IMB).","coords.x1":100.66667,"coords.x2":12.75} {"Reference":"2003-234","DateOfOcc":"2003-07-02","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 2 Jul at 2300 local time while at Merak anchorage. Crew mustered and activated fire hoses when they spotted an unlit boat, which withdrew (IMB).","coords.x1":106,"coords.x2":5.91667} {"Reference":"2003-229","DateOfOcc":"2003-06-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CHINA: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 27 Jun at 2300 local time at Zhanjiang anchorage. Five persons stole ship's property before crew raised alarm and they fled in their boat (IMB).","coords.x1":110.4,"coords.x2":21.2} {"Reference":"2003-190","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-23","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified container ship was boarded 23 May at 2315 local time while anchored in position 1016.0N, 107 05.2E, 3 nm south of Vung Tau. Two persons armed with knives were spotted by duty officer who raised alarm, directed lights at their","Desc2":"waiting boat and notified port control. The thieves jumped overboard and escaped in two waiting boats with ship's stores (IMB).","coords.x1":107.08333,"coords.x2":10.26667} {"Reference":"2003-168","DateOfOcc":"2003-05-07","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS APPROACH","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA: An unidentified container ship reports suspicious approach 7 May at 2345 local time while underway in position 05 11N, 104 58.5E in the South China Sea. Two unlit craft were observed off port and starboard bows at a range of 1.2nm which","Desc2":"paralleled ship's course and speed until the starboard craft increased speed to 24 knots and come close aboard. Craft had open deck with three to five persons sitting along the sides. Ship's crew directed searchlights at the ship and sent VHF warnings.","Desc3":"Boats moved away. This incident may as easily describe surveillance by military or police units as approach by potential pirates (IMB, ONI).","coords.x1":104.98333,"coords.x2":5.18333} {"Reference":"2003-52","DateOfOcc":"2003-02-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 11 Feb at 0350 local time while anchored at Halong Bay, Haiphong anchorage. Three persons armed with knives boarded the ship, discharging cargo, using grappling hooks. They broke into paint store before","Desc2":"being driven off by crew. An hour later a second unsuccessful attempt was made to board the ship (IMB).","coords.x1":106.68333,"coords.x2":20.86667} {"Reference":"2003-43","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-31","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified tanker was subject to attempted boarding 31 Jan at 0300 local time while at Nha Be Terminal, Ho Chi Minh City. Three persons with grappling hooks were scared off by crew who recovered the hooks and lines (IMB).","coords.x1":106.71667,"coords.x2":10.76667} {"Reference":"2003-53","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-31","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified tanker was subject to attempted boarding 31 Jan at 0300 local time while at Nha Be Terminal, Ho Chi Minh City. Three persons with grappling hooks were scared off by crew who recovered the hooks and lines (IMB).","coords.x1":106.71667,"coords.x2":10.76667} {"Reference":"2003-29","DateOfOcc":"2003-01-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified tanker was boarded 15 Jan at 0700 local time while anchored at Vung Tau. The intruders used a grappling hook to gain access via the poop deck, but duty seaman raised alarm and they fled.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2003-14","DateOfOcc":"2002-12-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND: An unidentified bulk carrier was approached 24 Dec at 2145 local time by unlit boat while underway in position 12 56N, 100 44E, approaching Ko Si Chang. One person using grappling hook climbed aboard and tried to tie off boat to ship's rail.","Desc2":"Crew mustered and intruder jumped overboard. Later, when ship had anchored at Kosichang, another unlit boat came alongside and a person tried to board but was driven off by crew","coords.x1":100.73333,"coords.x2":12.93333} {"Reference":"2002-319","DateOfOcc":"2002-11-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified container ship was boarded 1 Nov at 0040 local time while in position 20 38N, 106 55E, Haiphong Pilot Station. Anti-piracy crew spotted a person on forecastle and raised alarm. Intruder escaped empty handed in a wooden motor","Desc2":"boat.","coords.x1":106.91667,"coords.x2":20.63333} {"Reference":"2002-291","DateOfOcc":"2002-10-02","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified container ship averted boarding 2 Oct at 0530 local time while at anchor off Vung Tau. Duty seaman saw a man climbing aboard from a small blue boat containing three other men and raised alarm. Intruders attempted second boarding","Desc2":"but fled when spotted by watch.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2002-281","DateOfOcc":"2002-09-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 27 Sep at 0130 local time while in position 10 16.5N, 107 04E, Vung Tau outer roads anchorage. Intruders boarded via forecastle, broke into bosun's store and stole ship's stores. Alarm raised and thieves","Desc2":"escaped in a motor boat.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.28333} {"Reference":"2002-249","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-30","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified container ship was boarded 30 Aug during the early morning hours while underway about 10 nm off the Vung Tau pilot station. The thieves broke into the forecastle store and stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2002-242","DateOfOcc":"2002-08-20","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 20 Aug at 0145 local time while anchored at Ho Chi Minh port.. Two thieves broke open forecastle lockers and removed ship's stores. When spotted by duty officer the thieves escaped over a cargo barge","Desc2":"alongside to their boat.","coords.x1":106.71667,"coords.x2":10.76667} {"Reference":"2002-208","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-17","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 17 Jul at 2200 local time while at Vung Tau outer anchorage. Five armed persons stoke ship's stores and escaped in a motorboat.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2002-202","DateOfOcc":"2002-07-14","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 14 Jul at 2240 local time while at Haiphong anchorage. Our persons armed with long knives gained access via the forecastle and lowered ship's stores into waiting boats. Crew raised alarm and thieves","Desc2":"jumped overboard and escaped in the boats.","coords.x1":106.68333,"coords.x2":20.86667} {"Reference":"2002-182","DateOfOcc":"2002-06-30","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded 30 Jun at 2345 local time while at the Vung Tau outer anchorage. Six armed persons gained access via the anchor chain, attacked seaman on watch, stole ship's stores and escaped in a wooden boat. Port","Desc2":"authorities informed but took no action.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2002-144","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-09","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified cargo ship was boarded unnoticed 9 May at 2315 local time while at anchorage E2 off Mui Vung Tau. Thieves boarded form two boats and stole a quantity of ship's stores.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2002-145","DateOfOcc":"2002-05-09","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: Six persons in two boats attempted to board an unidentified cargo ship 9 May at 0635 local time at anchorage off Mui Vung Tau. Alert crew prevented boarding.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2002-124","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-22","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EAST CHINA SEA: An unidentified bulk carrier reports suspicious approach 22 Apr at 2000 local time while underway in position 10-46N 111-12E 130 miles off the coast of Vietnam. Two unlit boats making 25 knots came up from astern and approached to within","Desc2":"500 meters. Crew switched on deck lights and activated fire hoses. Boats moved away after about twenty minutes. Situation suggests these may have been smuggling vessels temporarily using the bulk carrier to mask movements.","coords.x1":111.2,"coords.x2":10.76667} {"Reference":"2002-86","DateOfOcc":"2002-03-22","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 mar at 0235 local time while at Vung Tau outer anchorage. Four persons armed with long knives boarded via the anchor chain. Crewraised alarm and the intruders fled without stealing anything.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2002-45","DateOfOcc":"2002-02-09","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND:Forecastle store lock of unidentified vessel broken open during cargo discharge operations 9 Feb at 1700-1730 local time while at Kosichang anchorage, Thailand. The ship's crewhanded over suspects to local authorities.","coords.x1":100.81667,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"2002-21","DateOfOcc":"2002-01-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHIINA SEA: An unidentified vessel conducting unspecified survey operations was forced to suspend operations 11 Jan at 1125 local time when and unidentified tug cut across its bows in position 08-16.2N 100-26.5E. Tugboat ordered survey ship to stop","Desc2":"and allow boarding but order was ignored and survey ship took unspecified evasive action. Tug followed for a \"few hours\" before departing.","coords.x1":100.44167,"coords.x2":8.27} {"Reference":"2001-354","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified tanker was boarded 24 Dec at 0100 local time while anchored at Vung Tau. Six persons armed with long knives boarded using a grappling hook, stole ship's stores and escaped.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2001-348","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND:An unidentified container ship was subject to attempted boarding 11 Dec at 2310 while the ship was at Laem Chabang anchorage. Anti-piracy watch raised alarm and activatedfire hoses after which intruders fled.","coords.x1":100.91667,"coords.x2":12.61667} {"Reference":"2001-339","DateOfOcc":"2001-12-07","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 7 Dec from 0155 to 0220 local time while anchored at Vung Tau. Thieves stole ship's stores.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2001-327","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-29","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND: An unidentified bulk carrier was subject to attempted boarding 29 Nov at 0130 local time in position 12-59N 100-44.5E. The vessel was underway in the Gulf of Thailand, when a red-hulled wooden boat approached from astern. About three or four","Desc2":"men with long, hooked, bamboo poles tried to board. The anti-piracy watch raised the alarm and thwarted their attempt. They were also successful in preventing a second attempt made an hour later.","coords.x1":100.74167,"coords.x2":12.98333} {"Reference":"2001-322","DateOfOcc":"2001-11-26","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 26 Nov at 0520 local time by a single person who gained access while ship approached pilot station at Vung Tau. When spotted, intruder jumped overboard and was retrieved by boat trailing the ship.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2001-298","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: An unidentified tanker was boarded 21 Oct at 0330 local time while at PTSC oil terminal, Vung Tau. One person armed with a knife boarded at the stern from a small unlit boat that approached with three other persons aboard. Watch raised alarm and","Desc2":"intruder fled with no reported loss.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2001-251","DateOfOcc":"2001-08-09","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MAGNA ENERGY","Desc1":"THAILAND:THE PANAMANIAN FLAG BULK CARRIER (MAGNA ENERGY) WAS BOARDED 9 AUG AT 1600 LOCAL TIME WHILE BERTHED AT WHARF 21D, BANGKOK. THIEVES STOLE 2 GPS UNITS AND A PAIR OF BINOCULARS BEFORE BEING APPREHENDED BY THE CREW AND POLICE. THE THIEVES BROKE FREE","Desc2":"AND ESCAPED ON MOTORBIKES. THE SHIP WAS UNABLE TO SAIL UNTIL THE GPS UNITS HAD BEEN REPLACED.","coords.x1":100.5,"coords.x2":13.73333} {"Reference":"2001-225","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 21 JUL AT 2300 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT OUTER ANCHORAGE, VUNG TAU. PERSONS FORMA SMALL UNLIT BOAT STOLE SHIP'S STORES.","coords.x1":107.05,"coords.x2":10.25} {"Reference":"2001-163","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 27 MAY AT 1705 LOCAL TIME AT VUNG TAU ANCHORAGE. ANTI-PIRACY WATCH SPOTTED TWO PERSONS LOWERING MOORING LINE INTO A SPEEDBOAT. ALARM RAISED AND THIEVES ESCAPED IN THE BOAT.","coords.x1":107.05,"coords.x2":10.25} {"Reference":"2001-164","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-23","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP WAS BOARDED 23 MAY AT 2030 LOCAL TIME OVER THE BOW WHILE ANCHORED AT VUNG TAU. THE THIEVES BROKE OPEN THE FORECASTLE STORE STOLE SHIP'S STORES. ALARM RAISED AND THIEVES ESCAPED IN UNLIT MOTORBOAT.","coords.x1":107.05,"coords.x2":10.25} {"Reference":"2001-149","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-05","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ATTACKERS","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND:AN UNIDENTIFIED MALAYSIAN FISHING BOAT WAS ATTACKED 5 MAY (REPORTED 15 MAY) AT ABOUT 1700 LOCAL TIME WHILE FISHING ABOUT 12 MILES OFF TAKBAI, THAILAND. A SECOND BOAT APPROACHED THE FIRST AND OPENED FIRE KILLING OR WOUNDING THE MASTER WHO FELL","Desc2":"INTO THE SEA AND VANISHED, WHEREUPON THE REMAINING CREW JUMPED OVERBOARD AND WERE EVENTUALLY RESCUED. THE MALAYSIAN TRAWLER WAS REPORTEDLY SUNK AFTER HAVING BEEN LOOTED. ON 8 MAY THAI AUTHORITIES ARRESTED THREE SUSPECTS IN THE CASE. THIS IS ONE OF MANY","Desc3":"CASES THAT USUALLY GO UNREPORTED EACH YEAR INVOLVING DEPREDATIONS AGAINST LOCAL TRADERS AND FISHERMEN AROUND THE WORLD.","coords.x1":102,"coords.x2":6.2} {"Reference":"2001-139","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-05","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS REPORTEDLY SURROUNDED 5 MAY AT 2315 LOCAL TIME BY FIVE SPEEDBOATS WHOSE OCCUPANTS ATTEMPTED TO BOARD WHILE THE BULK CARRIER WAS UNDERWAY IN POSITION 16-02N 113-42E. CREW MUSTERED AND ACTIVATED FIRE HOSES","Desc2":"AFTER WHICH THE BOATS ABORTED THE ATTEMPTED BOARDING.","coords.x1":113.7,"coords.x2":16.03333} {"Reference":"2001-136","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"BOARDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER WAS SUBJECT TO ATTEMPTED BOARDING 27 APR AT 2115 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 14-52N 112-58E.","coords.x1":112.96667,"coords.x2":14.86667} {"Reference":"2001-135","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS BOARDED 27 APR AT BETWEEN 0200 AND 0400 LOCAL TIME WHILE AT HONGAY ANCHORAGE. SHIP'S STORES STOLEN.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":20.98333} {"Reference":"2001-75","DateOfOcc":"2001-02-03","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP WAS BOARDED 3 FEB AT 0105 UTC WHILE ANCHORED AT BANGKOK BAR ANCHORAGE. EIGHT ARMED PERSONS BOARDED FROM A SMALL CRAFT AND USED CROWBARS TO BREAK INTO A CONTAINER. WHEN CREW SOUNDED ALARM THE INTRUDERS JUMPED","Desc2":"OVERBOARD.","coords.x1":100.60333,"coords.x2":13.34167} {"Reference":"2000-371","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM:AN UNIDENTIFIED LPG CARRIER WAS BOARDED 24 OCT AT 2315 LOCAL TIME IN PORT HAIPHONG BY TWO PERSONS WHO ATTEMPTED TO OPEN THE FORECASTLE STORE. ALARM WAS RAISED AND INTRUDERS CLIMBED DOWN A ROPE TO THEIR BOAT AND FLED.","coords.x1":106.68333,"coords.x2":20.83333} {"Reference":"2000-340","DateOfOcc":"2000-10-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SPEED BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CONTAINER SHIP REPORTS APPROACH BU HIGH-SPEED CRAFT 1 OCT AT 1400 LOCAL TIME IN POSITION 19-29N 113-42E. CRAFT DESCRIBED AS DARK HULL, LOW FREEBOARD, ROUND PORTS, RADAR AND WITH 12 OIL DRUMS ON DECK, WITHOUT MARKINGS OR","Desc2":"FLAG. THIS DESCRIPTION IS CONSISTENT WITH KNOWN HIGH-SPEED, LOW-OBSERVABLE SMUGGLING BOATS OPERATING IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND THIS, COUPLED WITH THE DAYLIGHT \"APPROACH\" MAKES IT MOST LIKELY THAT THE SHIP ENCOUNTERED A SMUGGLING BOAT IN TRANSIT.","coords.x1":113.7,"coords.x2":19.48333} {"Reference":"2000-260","DateOfOcc":"2000-09-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:A bulk carrier at Bintulu Anchorage was boarded 11 Sep at 0328 local time by five persons armed with long knives and guns. The intruders broke open the forecastle store and stole ships stores as well as food rations and other equipment from a","Desc2":"life raft. Ship's crew alerted and the thieves jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting speedboat.","coords.x1":103.36944,"coords.x2":5.43778} {"Reference":"2000-210","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATE","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM: On 27 Aug at 2315 in Vung Tau anchorage, Vietnam, a single pirate boarded a bulk carrier via the anchor chain. The duty A/B spotted the pirate and raised the alarm causing the pirate to flee.","coords.x1":107.06944,"coords.x2":10.33889} {"Reference":"2000-198","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-19","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEF","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM:On 19 Aug at 2050 local, in position 10-14N 107-04E, the crew of a tanker anchored in Vung Tau spotted a single person attempting to lower a rope to a waiting boat. When they raised the alarm, the thief fled down the rope and escaped.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.23333} {"Reference":"2000-192","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SPEED BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:On 11 Aug at 1718 UTC, in position 11-00N 110-46E, a speedboat approached a general cargo ship on the starboard side to within 3 nm. The duty officer switched on all deck lights and the speedboat retreated.","coords.x1":110.76667,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"2000-197","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND:On 10 Aug, a container ship was boarded while at anchor at Laem Chabang anchorage. Thieves broke into a paint locker, but were discovered and fled when the alarm was raised.","coords.x1":100.89389,"coords.x2":13.0675} {"Reference":"2000-178","DateOfOcc":"2000-08-04","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:An unidentified bulk carrier was approached by two speed boats close along the starboard side 4 Aug at 1645 UTC while underway in position 10-45.8N 111-27.8E. Crew raised alarm, activated water jets, and alerted other vessels on VHF","Desc2":"Channel 16. The boats then withdrew.","coords.x1":111.46333,"coords.x2":10.76333} {"Reference":"2000-179","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-31","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"SPEED BOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:An unidentified roll-on, roll-off ship was approached by two high-speed boats, one to either side 31 Jul while underway in position 10-47.0N 109-56.4E. The ship fired signal rockets and activated high-pressure hoses and the boats","Desc2":"withdrew.","coords.x1":109.94,"coords.x2":10.78333} {"Reference":"2000-165","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND:An unidentified container ship was boarded 15 Jul at 0001 local time while at anchor Nouadhibou Bay. Intruders operated from small speedboats and stole ship's stores and equipment before the crew mustered and the intruders escaped in their","Desc2":"boats.","coords.x1":100.78333,"coords.x2":13.08333} {"Reference":"2000-129","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-02","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"MALAYSIA:An unidentified container ship was boarded 2 Jul at 0330 local time while at Penang terminal. Two intruders fled when spotted by duty seaman.","coords.x1":103.36944,"coords.x2":5.43778} {"Reference":"2000-130","DateOfOcc":"2000-06-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND:An unidentified container ship was boarded 21 Jun at 2359 local time while anchored at Laem Chabang. The intruders boarded via the anchor chain and fled when alarm was raised by watchman.","coords.x1":100.89389,"coords.x2":13.0675} {"Reference":"2000-49","DateOfOcc":"2000-05-03","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM:An unidentified LPG tanker was boarded at anchor at Vung Tau (10-21N 107-04E)0120 local time. The duty seaman spotted two persons, in blue coveralls similar to crew-issue clothing, on the forecastle but realized they were armed with knives and","Desc2":"were not part of the crew. The ship's alarm was sounded and when the anti-piracy watch reached the forecastle the intruders had fled taking some ship's stores.","coords.x1":107.06667,"coords.x2":10.35} {"Reference":"2000-74","DateOfOcc":"2000-04-30","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND:An unidentified 24,000-ton, Liberian-flag bulk carrier was attacked about 2030 local time 30 Apr (reported 16 May) while anchored two miles outside the harbor limit at Kohsichang.Thieves were heard trying to force the metal hawse cover to board","Desc2":"the ship and fled in their ten meter wooden speedboat when the alarm was sounded. The same boat apparently conducted surveillance of the ship during the night of 29 Apr to ascertain the frequency ofthe watchmen's rounds.","coords.x1":100.7,"coords.x2":13.1} {"Reference":"2000-280","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-25","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"HONG KONG:An unidentified container ship at anchor in Western Anchorage no. 2 was boarded in the early morning of 25 Feb by an unknown number of person who broached 10 cargo containers. There is no report of any contents being stolen.","coords.x1":114.12833,"coords.x2":22.33694} {"Reference":"2000-279","DateOfOcc":"2000-02-22","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"VIETNAM:An unidentified tanker at PTSC Terminal, Vungtau was boarded 2030 (local) on 22 Feb. A single intruder armed with a knife boarded over the bow while two accomplices remained in a boat nearby. After threatening a crew member the intruder stole","Desc2":"ship's stores. He jumped overboard and swam to the motorboat when a policemen on board was notified.","coords.x1":107.09,"coords.x2":10.39} {"Reference":"2000-213","DateOfOcc":"2000-01-12","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"THAILAND:A boarding attempt was reportedly made 12 Jan against an unidentified ship in 12-59N 100-46E shortly after it departed Ko Sichang, Thailand. Pirates from an unlit boat attempted to board but were repelled by crew using high pressure fire hoses.","coords.x1":100.76667,"coords.x2":12.98333} {"Reference":"2000-8","DateOfOcc":"1999-12-14","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"9 SEA STAR 4","Desc1":"GULF OF THAILAND:The International Maritime Bureau advised as of 14 Dec that the 1,026-ton, Thai flag ferry, 9 Sea Star 4, had been missing since 14 Oct on a voyage from Hong Kong to Thailand with a crew of eight. Ship may have been hijacked, and local","Desc2":"vessels are asked to report sightings to the Piracy Reporting Centre.","coords.x1":102,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"1999-69","DateOfOcc":"1999-07-22","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"KENDURI","Desc1":"The 2,581-ton, Panamanian-flag cargo ship, Kenduri, was reported missing 22 Jul. Thevessel sailed Bangkok 11 Jun after loading 3,200 tons of steel and departed Ko Si Changon 16 Jun for Vietnam. The vessel never reached its discharge port and its fate is","Desc2":"unknown. The transit route is well-known as the operating grounds of several Chinese pirate gangs. The vessel is suspected to have been hijacked and may be in use as a \"phantom ship\".","coords.x1":103,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"1999-57","DateOfOcc":"1999-06-08","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SIAM XANXAI","Desc1":"The 1,247-ton Thai-flag tanker, Siam Xanxai, was attacked and hijacked by pirates near midnight while off the Malaysian island of Tioman (Pulau Tioman). The tanker was on a voyage from Singapore to Songkhla, Thailand with a cargo of 2,060 tons of gas","Desc2":"oil. Fifteenof the tanker's 16-man crew were held for two days in the ship's cabins before being cast adrift in a faulty motorboat. One Thai national, an oiler, was held on board, allegedly because he knew how to operate the ship's valves. The crew in","Desc3":"the motorboat had drifted for 14 hours before being found by a passing ship.A 28 Jul 1999 report states that the Siam Xanxai was located. The vessel, operating under the name Auo Me 2, was detained and arrested on 18 Jul in Guangdong Province (southern","Desc4":"China) for smuggling.","coords.x1":104.25,"coords.x2":2.33333} {"Reference":"1999-50","DateOfOcc":"1999-05-12","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"UNIDENTIFIED","Desc1":"A vessel reported an act of robbery at 122015Z May while in the approaches to the port ofHai Phong, Vietnam. No other details provided.","coords.x1":106.71667,"coords.x2":20.8} {"Reference":"1999-42","DateOfOcc":"1999-04-26","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MONTERREY","Desc1":"A Panamanian bulk carrier container ship was robbed while at anchor off Ko Sichang in the northern part of the Gulf of Thailand. The theft was discovered by the watchman at 1935 who found the forecastle store forced open. About 50 turnbuckles were","Desc2":"reported missing and the thieves had already left the vessel.","coords.x1":100.81667,"coords.x2":13.16667} {"Reference":"1999-13","DateOfOcc":"1999-01-07","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"apparent chinese customs officials","Victim":"FU YUNG SHAN and HUNG FUNG","Desc1":"A Hong Kong-flagged bunker barge and its crew were seized by armed men while moored off southern Lantau Island. Armed men in blue uniforms claiming to be Chinese Custom Officials came alongside in a high-speed boat marked \"China Customs\" in Chinese. The","Desc2":"master was forced at gunpoint to steer the barge into mainland Chinese waters where all seven Hong-Kong Chinese crewmembers were safe on board the barge at Nam Shan Guan in Panyu, Guangdong Province and are being held for suspected trafficking of oil.","Desc3":"Hong Kong's marine police had received calls for help when the armed men boarded the barge. Chinese customs confiscated the cargo of 300 tons of diesel fuel and are seeking payment of a HK$360,000 (U.S. $46,500) fine. The armed men had also boarded and","Desc4":"seized her sister ship Hong-Kong flagged barge HUNG FUNG but were prevented from doing so by Hong Kong police. The master of the HUNG FUNG has stated that both barges were about 1.5 NM inside Hong Kong's special administrative region waters. Mainland","Desc5":"officials are stating that it was in Chinese waters when boarded.","coords.x1":113.91667,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"1999-12","DateOfOcc":"1998-12-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SANEI 1","Desc1":"The Panamanian-flag cargo ship \"TENYU\" reported missing 10/13/98 was found in the Chinese port of Zhanjiang, South China, renamed SANEI 1. SEE ASAM 980061.","coords.x1":110.41667,"coords.x2":21.16667} {"Reference":"1999-29","DateOfOcc":"1998-09-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LOISHAN","Desc1":"The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) reported 15 March 99, that a Panamanian flag ship with 7000 ton of palm stearine disappeared off the Philippines in Sept 98. The ship had a Indonesian crew. Circumstances of the reported disappearance suggest that","Desc2":"the IMB may believe the ship is being used as a \"phantom\" vessel to steal legitimately consigned cargoes.","coords.x1":118.03333,"coords.x2":13.03333} {"Reference":"1998-33","DateOfOcc":"1998-04-17","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"CHINESE AUTHORITIES","Victim":"PETRO RANGER","Desc1":"MALAYSIAN TANKER WAS HIJACKED IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA WHILE ENROUTE FROM SINGAPORE TO VIETNAM. CHINESE AUTHORITIES DETAINED THE SHIP IN HAIKO, HAINAN ISLAND. ALL CREW MEMBERS REPORTED SAFE. THE SHIP WAS REPAINTED AND GIVEN THE NAME \"WILPY.\" MOST OF THE","Desc2":"11,000 TONS OF KEROSENE WERE ALLEGEDLY TRANSFERED TO A CHINESE-REGISTERED VESSEL (NFI), ALSO BEEN TAKEN INTO CUSTODY FOR SMUGGLING IN CHINA'S WATERS. CHINA'S MARITIME POLICE REPORTEDLY HAVE ARRESTED 12 INDONESIANS NOT MEMBERS OF THE CREW ON CHARGES OF","Desc3":"PIRACY, SMUGGLING AND ILLEGAL ENTERY. CREW COMPLICITY IN DIVERSION OF SHIP AND CARGO REMAINS UNKNOWN BUT CANNOT BE RULED OUT. PETRO RANGER WAS RELEASED 29 MAY 98 WITH ITS CREW BY CHINESE AUTHORITIES. SOME 4,000 TONS OF CARGO HAD BEEN TO LIGHTERS, ONE OF","Desc4":"WHICH, THE CHINESE-REGISTERED (JIN CHAO) (NFI), WAS CAPTURED WHEN THE TANKER WAS RE-TAKEN. CHINESE AUTHORITIES OFFLOADED THE REMAINING 7,000 TONS OF CARGO, ALLEGEDLY AS SECURITY FOR THE CREW'S TESTIMONY IN LATER PHASES OF THE INVESTIGATION. PETRO","Desc5":"RANGER'S MASTER REPORTS THAT THE HIJACKERS USED SUPPORT BOATS WITH OUTBOARD ENGINES AND MODERN COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT. ON OCTOBER 15, 1998, CHINA RELEASED WITHOUT TRIAL THE INDONESIANS SUSPECTED OF HIJACKING THE PETRO RANGER.","coords.x1":110.28333,"coords.x2":20.05} {"Reference":"1998-34","DateOfOcc":"1998-04-17","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"CHINESE AUTHORITIES","Victim":"WILPY","Desc1":"PETRO RANGER WAS RENAMED WILPY. SEE ASAM 980033.","coords.x1":110.28806,"coords.x2":20.05} {"Reference":"1998-20","DateOfOcc":"1998-03-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"CHINESE MILITARY FORCES","Victim":"ZHU HAI YOU 129","Desc1":"LOADED COASTAL TANKERS ANCHORED NEAR HONG KONG AWAITING CLEARANCE TO SAIL FOR MACAO REPORT THAT A MAINLAND CHINESE PUBLIC SECURITY PATROL BOAT HIJACKED ONE OF THE VESSELS TO AN UNKNOWN CHINESE PORT. THE BUSINESSMAN REPORTELY HAD CHARTERED TWO 1,000 TON","Desc2":"TANKERS OF WHICH THE ZHU HAI YOU 129 REGISTERED IN CHINA WAS TAKEN AWAY WITH CARGO WORTH 1.6 MILLION HONG KONG DOLLARS. NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT HAS COME FROM THE CHINESE. PAST INCIDENTS OF SIMULAR NATURE GENERALLY RESULT IN AT LEAST A PRO-FORMA CLAIM BY CHINA","Desc3":"THAT THE INTERCEPTED VESSEL WAS ENGAGED IN SMUGGLING.","coords.x1":114.2,"coords.x2":22.26667} {"Reference":"1998-17","DateOfOcc":"1998-01-06","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"CHINESE MILITARY FORCES","Victim":"HAVKONG","Desc1":"A BAHAMAS-FLAG LIQUEFIED GAS TANKER WAS INTERDICTED BY CHINESE MILITARY FORCES ON OR ABOUT 1/6/98 WHILE LIGHTERING 15 MILES OFFSHORE FROM HONG KONG AND ESCORTED TO THE PORT OF SHEN ZENG. THE CAPTAIN WHO WAS ARRESTED AND LATER RELEASED, WAS CHARGED WITH","Desc2":"OPERATING ILLEGALLY INSIDE CHINESE WATERS. CHINESE FRONTIER POLICE ARE REPORTED TO HAVE ACCEPTED THE CAPTAIN'S ASSERTION THAT HE STRAYED INTO CHINESE WATERS INADVERTANLY BUT ARE ALSO UNDERSTOOD TO HAVE SEIZED THE SHIP'S CARGO. IN PAST INSTANCES CARGO HAS","Desc3":"BEEN SOLD AND THE PROCEEDS KEPT BY CHINA WITH SHIP'S INTEREST HAVING TO PAY UP TO $100,000 (US DOLLARS) FOR THE RELEASE OF THEIR VESSELS.","coords.x1":114.5,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"1998-13","DateOfOcc":"1997-12-06","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ANABAS","Desc1":"MV ANABAS LEFT SINGAPORE NOV. 29 FOR VLADIVOSTOK WITH 15 CREW AND WAS HIJACKED BY A GROUP OF ARMED UNIFORMED MEN AT ABOUT 0400 DEC.6. VESSEL PROCEEDED TO AN UNSPECIFIED DESTINATION. ALL SHIPBOARD COMMUNICATIONS HAVE BEEN CUT OFF. OTHER VESSELS IN THE","Desc2":"VICINITY HAVE REPORTED THAT THE ANABAS WAS SEEN HEADING TOWARDS GUANGDONG COASTAL WATERS.","coords.x1":114,"coords.x2":17} {"Reference":"1998-23","DateOfOcc":"1997-11-28","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"CHINESE MILITARY FORCES","Victim":"ASIAN FRIENDSHIP","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA:An indonesian-flag freighter on a voyage from hong kong to haiphong was abducted at 0220 and held for approximately 18 hours. The guangdong maritime authorities have subsequently confirmed that they boarded the vessel.","coords.x1":115,"coords.x2":15} {"Reference":"1997-86","DateOfOcc":"1997-10-26","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TANKER ORIENTAL CITY","Desc1":"THAILAND The 192 ton Honduran flag tanker Oriental City was seized by pirates in International waters in the Gulf of Thailand off Songkhla on 26 Oct 97. The ship was carrying aprox 1 million liters of diesel fuel and was located after a seven hour search","Desc2":"by Thai naval ships. The ship was recovered about 200 miles south east of Songkhla, Thai naval personnel arrested three Indonesians and eight Thais who were in control of the ship.","coords.x1":101.16667,"coords.x2":7.25} {"Reference":"1998-21","DateOfOcc":"1997-10-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VOSA CARRIER","Desc1":"SINGAPOREAN-FLAG FREIGHTER ON A VOYAGE FROM HONG KONG TO HAIPHONG, WAS SEIZED AT 1500 BY 12 INTRUDERS. THEY FORCED THE VESSEL TO SAIL TO HUI LAI WHERE THE LOCAL CHINESE POLICE INTERREGATED THE MASTER AND CREW. THE VESSEL SUBSEQUENTLY SAILED TO PAO TAI","Desc2":"WHERE THE CARGO WAS CONFISCATED. THE MASTER AND CREW CLAIM THAT THEY WERE DEPRAVED OF SLEEP/FOOD/WATER; AND FORCED TO SIGN UNTRUE STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH AND CHINESE SAYING THAT THE VESSEL WAS SMUGGLING CARGOES INTO CHINA. ON NOVEMBER 12, THE VESSEL AND","Desc3":"CREW WERE RELEASED AFTER PAYING A $100,000 FINE TO THE POLICE.","coords.x1":114,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"1997-84","DateOfOcc":"1997-09-30","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP TRONO","Desc1":"THAILAND The 10,967 ton Panamanian flag cargo ship Trono was attacked by pirates during the night of 30 Sep 97 near Map-Ta-Phut, Thailand. Stores and money were stolen but no injuries reported to the crew.","coords.x1":101,"coords.x2":12.28333} {"Reference":"1997-80","DateOfOcc":"1997-09-12","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"BUXCROWN","Desc1":"HONG KONG: The 18,000-ton German Flag container ship (Buxcrown) was boarded by Pirates at 0305 local time on 12 Sep 97 while at anchor in 22-08N 114-09E outside Hong Kong waters awaiting berth. The pirates opened four containers and stole cartons from","Desc2":"two before escaping in a small boat.","coords.x1":114.15,"coords.x2":22.13333} {"Reference":"1997-72","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-20","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Thailand The 11,356 gross ton Maltese flag bulk carrier (Aro) was boarded by approximatetly five to eight persons while at the Laem Chabang Anchorage. The boarding occured at 0300 20AUG97 and was accomplished using a line with a grappling hook. The","Desc2":"intruders were seen by the watchmen and the duty officer who sounded the ship's alarm. The thieves damaged the paint locker and the forecastle lock and took 15 tins of paint and an Hatch Tarpaulin.","coords.x1":114.095,"coords.x2":22.305} {"Reference":"1997-67","DateOfOcc":"1997-08-08","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Bangkok, Thailand The 9,077 gross ton Malaysian flagged general cargo ship (Alam Tangkas) was boarded by two pirates on Auguest 8, 1997 while it was at the Laem Chabang Anchorage south of Bangkok, Thailand. The pirates fled when the ship's crew","Desc2":"approached them. They escaped with one electric grinder. There were no reports of injury to the crew.","coords.x1":100.5,"coords.x2":13.56667} {"Reference":"1997-64","DateOfOcc":"1997-07-08","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South East Asia The 23,658 gross ton Saint Vincent flagged bulk carrier (Argonaut) was boarded and robbed by 12 armed men while it was loading coal from barges in the outer anchorage of Hongay, Vietnam on July 8, 1997. The robbers stole 40 drums of paint","Desc2":"but the police were able to apprehend the robbers, arrest them and return the paint on July 9, 1997.","coords.x1":107,"coords.x2":21} {"Reference":"1997-61","DateOfOcc":"1997-07-07","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Haiphong, Vietnam The 6,974 gross ton Panamanian flagged cargo ship (Oscar Venture) was boarded by armed pirates while anchored at 2038N/10651E awaiting berthing in Haiphong, Vietnam. Six armed pirates boarded the ship about July 7, 1996 at 0130 local","Desc2":"time. The crew caught up with the pirates but did not attempt to arrest them because they were armed. The pirates stole one coil of mooring rope from the poop deck and then jumped into their waiting boat and sped off. There were no injuries, no other","Desc3":"items were lost from the ship, and the incident was reported to police.","coords.x1":106.85,"coords.x2":20.63333} {"Reference":"1997-45","DateOfOcc":"1997-03-28","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South China Sea The 10,546 gt Danish flagged containership (Ratana Sopa) recevied small arms fire from a fishing vessel as it transited off the southern coast of Vietnam on March 28, 1997. None of the bullets passed through the accommodation walls an no","Desc2":"injuries were reported.","coords.x1":109.5,"coords.x2":14} {"Reference":"1997-39","DateOfOcc":"1997-03-05","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South China Sea The 746 ton Belize Glagged cargo ship (Wint Thai No. 1) was hijacked in the South China Sea off Malaysia on March 5, 1997 by about 10 armed pirates and held for six days. The pirates approached the ship in a speed boat and fired shots in","Desc2":"the air, then boarded the ship. They handcuffed the crew, beat them, and one crew member was later treated for a gunshot wound. They stole the ship's cargo of cigarettes worth $3,500,000 (US). They also took the ship's charts, documents, books, the","Desc3":"crew's passports, and the ship's radio equipment. One radio was missed by the pirates, and the crew was able to alert officals at the IMB Piracy center once they were released. The ship arrived in Singapore on March 14, 1997 where it was quarantined by","Desc4":"Singapore Immigration Officials and the injured crew members were taken to a local hospital.","coords.x1":104.5,"coords.x2":3.5} {"Reference":"1997-35","DateOfOcc":"1997-02-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South China Sea The 916 gross ton tanker (Lungshan No. 8) was seized by a dissident Cambodian Navy vessel in the gulf of Thailand on 01 Feb 97. The ship departed Bangkok carrying 1,000 tons of gas oil and was destined for Sihanoukville. The Cambodian","Desc2":"vessel was reported as a small fishing vessel that fired a machine gun in the air. Crewmen of the fishing vessel reportedly took over the ship and sailed to Kaoh Rong Island (1043N 10211E) and were awaiting an agent to bring money and documents. On","Desc3":"February 2, 1997 the ship was taken to Rondes Island and was guarded by more dissident Cambodian Navy fishing boats because three regular Cambodian Navy gunboats had arrived to rescue the ship. The ship was freed on February 3, 1997 after negotiations","Desc4":"between the two Cambodian factions. No casualties were reported. The dissident Navy members that boarded the ship took binoculars, life jackets, a handphone and crew personal belongings. Some of the ship's cargo was also taken for the dissident navy","Desc5":"vessels.","coords.x1":101.75,"coords.x2":9.75} {"Reference":"1997-28","DateOfOcc":"1997-01-14","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South China Sea It was reported on January 14, 1997 that the two crewmembers from the hijacked tanker \"Suci\" were released unharmed while the ship remains at large. The crewmembers told Indonesian officals that the ship was being operated by a full crew","Desc2":"of 19, and that ship still had 3,000 tons of oil onboard. The \"Suci\" was orginally hijacked on Nov 22 1996.","coords.x1":114.99,"coords.x2":14.55} {"Reference":"1997-27","DateOfOcc":"1996-12-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South China Sea On Dec 15, 1996, six armed men boarded a container barge off the coast of China. The robbers gagged and blindfolded the watchman and escaped with five containers of poultry goods valued at $325,000 (US).","coords.x1":111.45,"coords.x2":17.88333} {"Reference":"1997-22","DateOfOcc":"1996-10-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South China Sea On 27 Oct. 96, the LPG carrier Norgas Energy was attacked by pirates while underway from Merak and sailing for Pasir Gudang. At least three persons boarded the ship, forcing the third mate to call the master of the ship to the bridge.","Desc2":"Once there, the master was forced into his cabin. The thieves stole about $10,000 (US) from the safe and fled. There were no injuries reported.","coords.x1":111.66056,"coords.x2":11.1975} {"Reference":"1997-13","DateOfOcc":"1996-08-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"South China Sea, Hong Kong On 15 Aug 1996, while anchored 2.5 miles off Lamma Island, Hong Kong, 1.5 coils of poly rope were taken by three pirates from Philippine flagged LPG carrier Islas Gas. The pirates cut the rope from the second coil and jumped","Desc2":"into the water when they were discovered by the crew on the forecastle. The pirates had a high speed boat waiting for their get away. The master's report indicated that several sightings of unmarked, grey colored high speed boats had been made in the","Desc3":"northern South China Sea between 14 and 22 degrees north.","coords.x1":114.14472,"coords.x2":22.215} {"Reference":"1997-14","DateOfOcc":"1996-08-03","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Tawain Strait The following report was received from the master of the Singapore flagged M bulk carrier Maritime Grace, dated 3 Aug 1996 at 2200 local time: On 3 Aug 1996, anchored at latitude 22:08N, longitude 114:07E near the Taiwan Strait. Pirates","Desc2":"attempted to board the vessel via the anchor chain pipe. They tried to open the hawe pipe lid, but the crew scared them away.","coords.x1":114.11667,"coords.x2":22.13333} {"Reference":"1997-1","DateOfOcc":"1996-03-04","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Gulf Of Thailand While enroute Sihanoukville, the Bahamian-flagged, 2,854 GT, General cargo vessel Mint Zoom came under fire by an unknown craft, believed to be a fishing vessel. The 4 March 1996 incident occurred at about local time. A bullet broke a","Desc2":"window on the port side of the master's bedroom.","coords.x1":103.75,"coords.x2":10.45} {"Reference":"1996-23","DateOfOcc":"1996-02-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSELS","Desc1":"Vietnam-Thailand Vietnam accused Thailand of trespassing in its territorial waters and seizing local fishing vessels along with the crews on 24 February 1996. The Vietnam news agency reported that approximately 40 Thai fishing vessels, escorted by Naval","Desc2":"Vessels, entered an area off the southern Vietnamese coast on 16 February 1996 and confiscated some local fishing boats. Thailand impounded two additional vessels and crews on 18 February 1996. A report in a Thai newspaper accused the Vietnamese vessels","Desc3":"of engaging in piracy. The Vietnamese rejected this assertion and demanded the immediate return of the ships. Vietnam and Thailand have overlapping offshore claims as a result of the 1977 and 1988 unilateral announcements by both countries of their","Desc4":"exclusive economic zones.","coords.x1":110.75,"coords.x2":12.15} {"Reference":"1995-123","DateOfOcc":"1995-08-13","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ANNA SIERRA","Desc1":"ON 13 SEP 95 APPROXIMATELY 25-30 PIRATES, ARMED WITH MACHINE GUNS AND WEARING MASKS, HIJACKED THE CYPRIOT-FLAGGED GENERAL CARGO SHIP ANNA SIERRA IN THE GULF OF THAILAND, 70NM SOUTHEAST OF BANGKOK. THE VESSEL WAS ON A VOYAGE FROM KO SI CHANG, THAILAND TO","Desc2":"MANILA, PHILIPPINES CARRYING 12,000 TONS OF BAGGED SUGAR (US$4 MILLION). THE MASTER AND 22 CREWMEMBERS WERE HANDCUFFED IN PAIRS AND LOCKED IN THE ENGINE ROOM FOR TWO DAYS BEFORE BEING SET ADRIFT IN SMALL DINGHIES. ON 16 SEP THE CREW WAS RESCUED BY A","Desc3":"VIETNAMESE FISHING VESSEL. PRIOR TO THEIR REMOVAL THE CREW NOTICED THE PIRATES CHANGED THE VESSEL'S NAME AND REPAINTED HATCH COVERS AND OTHER EASILY ACCESSIBLE AREAS OF THE SHIP. THE PIRATES SAILED THE VESSEL TO THE SOUTHERN CHINESE PORT OF BEIHAI, WHERE","Desc4":"IT ARRIVED 20 SEP CARRYING AN ASSUMED IDENTITY (ARTIC SEA) AND REGISTRATION (HONDURAN- FLAGGED).","coords.x1":103.5,"coords.x2":7.5} {"Reference":"1995-115","DateOfOcc":"1995-08-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"PRESIDENT HARRISON","Desc1":"ON 10 AUG 95, AT 1930 LOCAL TIME, THE U.S.-FLAGGED CONTAINERSHIP PRESIDENT HARRISON TOOK EVASIVE ACTION AND OUTMANEUVERED A THREATENING SPEEDBOAT. THE INCIDENT TOOK PLACE IN 22-04N 114-41E, ABOUT 40NM SOUTHEAST OF HONG KONG, IN THE INTERNATIONAL WATERS","Desc2":"OF THE NORTHERN SOUTH CHINA SEA. LOOKOUTS INFORMED THE BRIDGE OF THE APPROACHING SPEEDBOAT.","coords.x1":114.68333,"coords.x2":22.06667} {"Reference":"1995-114","DateOfOcc":"1995-08-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"HERFAH","Desc1":"ON 10 AUG 95 PIRATES BOARDED THE PANAMANIAN-FLAGGED GENERAL CARGO SHIP HERFAH WHILE AT THE SOUTH LAMMA ANCHORAGE, HONG KONG IN 22-07.0N 114-09.6E. ONE LIFERAFT, FOUR MOORING ROPES, ONE LIFEBUOY AND SOME TOOLS WERE STOLEN.","coords.x1":114.16,"coords.x2":22.11667} {"Reference":"1995-113","DateOfOcc":"1995-08-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"INTRUDERS","Victim":"ERASMUSGRACHT","Desc1":"ON 10 AUG 95 AT ABOUT 0200 LOCAL TIME THE DUTCH-FLAGGED GENERAL CARGO SHIP ERASMUSGRACHT DISCOVERED EVIDENCE OF INTRUDERS WHILE ANCHORED AT GUANGZHOU PILOT STATION, OFF GUISHAN DAO ISLAND, CHINA. THE CREW NOTICED BROKEN LOCKS ON THE FORECASTLE. MOORING","Desc2":"LINES AND TEN CANS OF PAINT WERE STOLEN. FORECASTLE DECK NOT VISIBLE FROM BRIDGE. CREW UNHARMED.","coords.x1":113.78333,"coords.x2":22.13333} {"Reference":"1995-111","DateOfOcc":"1995-07-19","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"IKAN SELANGAT","Desc1":"ON 19 JUL 95, WHILE ANCHORED OFF HUANGPU PORT, CHINA THIEVES BOARDED THE SINGAPOREAN-FLAGGED BULK CARRIER IKAN SELANGAT. THE THIEVES ARE SUSPECTED OF BOARDING FROM FISHING VESSELS. BREATHING APPARATUS, 230 TINS OF PAINT AND SEVERAL SMALL TOOLS WERE","Desc2":"STOLEN FROM THE FORECASTLE STORE.","coords.x1":113.41667,"coords.x2":23.08333} {"Reference":"1995-110","DateOfOcc":"1995-07-18","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"AMORGOS","Desc1":"ON 18 JUL 95, WHILE ANCHORED OFF HONG KONG PORT LIMITS, THE GREEK-FLAGGED BULK CARRIER AMORGOS WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES. THREE MOORING ROPES AND SOME CARPENTER TOOLS WERE STOLEN.","coords.x1":114.16667,"coords.x2":22.3} {"Reference":"1995-104","DateOfOcc":"1995-06-23","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"HYE MIEKO","Desc1":"ON 23 JUN 95 TWELVE MEN WEARING CHINESE ARMY UNIFORMS BOARDED THE PANAMANIAN-FLAGGED GENERAL CARGO SHIP HYE MIEKO AND HIJACKED THE VESSEL. THE SHIP'S MASTER CONFIRMED THE SEIZURE OCCURRED NORTH OF REDANG ISLAND OFF THE EAST COAST OF MALAYSIA AND IN","Desc2":"INTERNATIONAL WATERS. THE HYE MIEKO DEPARTED SINGAPORE 21 JUN ENROUTE TO CAMBODIA. THE SHIP WAS CARRYING CIGARETTES AND PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT (US$2 MILLION). ON 25 JUN THE SHIP WAS REPORTED TO BE UNDER ESCORT BY A CHINESE PATROL BOAT 140NM SOUTHEAST OF","Desc3":"HO CHI MINH CITY. THE HIJACKERS SAILED THE VESSEL TO THE CHINESE PORT OF SHANWEI. ON 23 JUL, AFTER REMOVING THE CARGO, THE SHIP AND CREW WERE RELEASED.","coords.x1":103,"coords.x2":6} {"Reference":"1995-103","DateOfOcc":"1995-06-13","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"HIJACKERS","Victim":"GUIA","Desc1":"ON 13 JUN 95 THREE TO FIVE GUNMEN, GAINING ACCESS AS PASSENGERS IN MACAU, HIJACKED THE HONG KONG-BOUND HYDROFOIL FERRY GUIA IN THE MOUTH OF THE PEARL RIVER (ZHUJIANG KOU). THE HIJACKERS TOOK CONTROL OF THE BRIDGE AND DIVERTED THE FERRY UP THE PEARL RIVER","Desc2":"TOWARDS THE CHINESE ISLAND OF QI AO, RENDEZVOUSING WITH A WAITING SPEEDBOAT. MONEY BOXES HOLDING HK$12 MILLION (US$1.6 MILLION) WERE REMOVED FROM THE FERRY. NONE OF THE 129 PASSENGERS WERE ROBBED.","coords.x1":113.55,"coords.x2":22.66667} {"Reference":"1995-100","DateOfOcc":"1995-06-02","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PETRO CONCORD","Desc1":"ON 02 JUN, AT 0300 LOCAL TIME, THE M/V PETRO CONCORD WAS ATTACKED AND BOARDED BY FOUR PIRATES IN 10-12N, 107-02E AT VUNG TAU ANCHORAGE, VIETNAM. TWO CREW MEMBERS ON DUTY WERE GRABBED AND PREVENTED BY THE PIRATES FROM TRYING TO ALERT THE CREW. THE PIRATES","Desc2":"ESCAPED WITH TWO MOORING ROPES AND ONE FIREMAN'S OUTFIT. NO INJURIES TO CREW WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":107.03333,"coords.x2":10.33333} {"Reference":"1996-6","DateOfOcc":"1995-05-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Huangpu BIMCO REPORTS:A tanker at Huangpu anchorage was boarded by thieves on 21 May 1995 at 0417 hrs. Two crewmen and one officer were on watch at the time of the attack. Initially one motorboat was spotted approaching the vessel. The motorboat came","Desc2":"alongside the vessel toward her stern, diverting the crew's attention from a second boat which approached the vessel's bow. Two men from the second boat used ropes to come onboard the ship as the two crewmen on watch ran toward the bow. The thieves were","Desc3":"both armed with knives, and one had a handgun. The intended loot was the ship's mooring ropes, however as they were on the winch drums the thieves stole a life raft instead.","coords.x1":113.41667,"coords.x2":23.08333} {"Reference":"1995-96","DateOfOcc":"1995-05-13","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"EGMONDGRACHT/QUEBEC","Desc1":"ON 13 MAY, AT NIGHT, PIRATES BOARDED THE M/V EGMONDGRACHT AND M/V QUEBEC WHILE THE VESSELS WERE AT ANCHOR OUTSIDE OF HONG KONG. DECK EQUIPMENT AND PAINT WERE STOLEN. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":113.8,"coords.x2":22.13333} {"Reference":"1995-63","DateOfOcc":"1995-04-18","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"Kuanyin","Desc1":"South China Sea BIMCO has received a report which involved a 15,600 DWT bulk carrier registered in Hong Kong which was en route from Singapore to Ho Chi Minh. On 18 April 1995 at 0435 hrs in position 07 55 N Lat 106 38 E Long in the South China Sea a","Desc2":"motorboat was spotted approaching the vessel at high speed with three men on board. The general alarm was sounded and all crew was assembled on the bridge. By 0500 hrs visual contact with the boat was lost.","coords.x1":106.63333,"coords.x2":7.91667} {"Reference":"1995-105","DateOfOcc":"1995-03-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"HYE PROSPERITY","Desc1":"ON 24 MAR 95 CHINESE THIEVES HIJACKED THE CARGO SHIP HYE PROSPERITY AS THE VESSEL TRANSITED THE GULF OF THAILAND. THE SHIP WAS ESCORTED TO A PORT IN THE GUANGDONG PROVINCE OF CHINA. THE CARGO OF CIGARETTES (US$2 MILLION) WAS CONFISCATED. THE HIJACKERS","Desc2":"PROVIDED THE SHIP WITH FUEL AND PROVISIONS BEFORE RELEASING IT. THE CREW WAS REPORTED UNHARMED.","coords.x1":103.83333,"coords.x2":9} {"Reference":"1995-57","DateOfOcc":"1995-02-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LUCKY TRADER NO. 1","Desc1":"ON FEB. 15, PIRATES USING AUTOMATIC WEAPONS FIRED AT THE BRIDGE AND BOARDED THE HONDURAN FLAGGED MERCHANT VESSEL LUCKY TRADER NO. 1 IN THE CENTRAL SOUTH CHINA SEA, APPROX 150 MI NORTH OF NATUNA. PIRATES GAINED ACCESS TO THE VESSEL VIA SPEEDBOAT AND THEN","Desc2":"AWAITED ARRIVAL OF A MOTHER SHIP. THE FOLLOWING DAY, PIRATES' ACCOMPLICE SHIP ARRIVED AND ENTIRE CARGO OF 7400 CASES OF CIGARETTES WAS TRANSFERRED. PIRATES STOLE ALL COMMUNICATIONS GEAR AS WELL. CREW IDENTIFIED THE PIRATES AS BEING THAI. IT IS BELIEVED","Desc3":"THAT PIRATES TARGETED THIS CARGO PRIOR TO ITS DEPARTURE FROM SINGAPORE 13 FEB. THIS REPRESENTS THE FIRST INCIDENT OF HIGH SEAS PIRACY REPORTED THIS YEAR. THIS IS AN EXCERPT FROM ONI MSG 211544Z APR 95.","coords.x1":105.5,"coords.x2":5} {"Reference":"1994-57","DateOfOcc":"1994-10-26","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"assailants","Victim":"merchant vessel","Desc1":"Hong Kong BIMCO members report that a Singapore flag vessel laden with coal dropped anchor at 0005 hrs on 26 October 1994 at Hong Kong's Lamma South West anchorage. Despite posting watchmen on deck during the approach to anchorage, at about 0100 hrs two","Desc2":"intruders were spotted on board, both dressed in dark clothing and one carrying a large sword. The ship's whistle was sounded and a searchlight was directed at the intruders, who then escaped onto a boat alongside. An additional 12 persons were on board","Desc3":"the escape boat, which was about 10 to 15 metres in length, painted grey and without any lighting. There were no ship's items stolen nor were there any injuries sustained during the attack.","coords.x1":114.12167,"coords.x2":22.16} {"Reference":"1994-50","DateOfOcc":"1994-10-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Bangkok, Thailand BIMCO members report that on 10 October 1994 a vessel anchored 2 miles off the Bangkok bar pilot station was boarded by 4 robbers armed with knives at 0200 hrs. Before they were discovered by the crew the intruders managed to steal","Desc2":"equipment and stores from the vessel's forecastle storage locker. When the Port Authorities and Police were notified of this incident, they advised the ship's Master that it took place outside of their jurisdiction.","coords.x1":101.83333,"coords.x2":13} {"Reference":"1994-48","DateOfOcc":"1994-08-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"A BIMCO member reports that at 1225 hrs on 1 August 1994 a vessel was approached by four high speed motorboats at position 20 15 N LAT, 115 49 E LONG. The vessel was forced to stop due to automatic machine gun fire from the speedboats. One of the","Desc2":"speedboats flew the Chinese flag and those onboard were in uniform. Eleven of the men on board this boat, armed with machine guns and pistols, boarded the vessel. The vessel's holds and crew's accommodations were inspected, and once it was realized that","Desc3":"the vessel was in ballast the men left the vessel. During the incident nothing was stolen and no one was injured.","coords.x1":115.98333,"coords.x2":20.25} {"Reference":"1994-18","DateOfOcc":"1994-04-19","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KOTA INDAH","Desc1":"M/V KOTA INDAH ATTACKED BY UNIDENTIFIED BOAT WHICH FIRED SEVEN ROCKETS. BOAT WAS OUTDISTANCED AND CLEAR. NO FURTHER ACTION REPORTED.","coords.x1":110.47167,"coords.x2":13.38833} {"Reference":"1994-13","DateOfOcc":"1994-03-21","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V TEQUILA","Desc1":"M/V TEQUILA WAS HIJACKED NEAR HONG KONG BY ARMED PIRATES IN TWO SPEED BOATS. M/V TEQUILA WAS LAST SIGHTED OFF DANGUAN ISLAND IN CHINESE WATERS. NO FURTHER INFORMATION.","coords.x1":113.96667,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"1995-51","DateOfOcc":"1994-01-29","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"29 JANUARY 1994, A VESSEL WAS ATTACKED AT 2050. THE ATTACKERS FIRED A ROCKET ACROSS THE BOW OF THE SHIP, BUT WERE UNABLE TO BOARD AS THE SHIP INCREASED SPEED AND ESCAPED.","coords.x1":110,"coords.x2":14.9} {"Reference":"1994-1","DateOfOcc":"1994-01-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"M/V PEDOR MOST","Desc1":"10 JAN 94 M/V PEDOR MOST, APPROACHED BY A TRAWLER LIKE VESSEL PAINTED GRAY WITH TEN UNIFORMED ARMED MEN ON DECK. THEY SIGNALLED AND USED A WHISTLE IN AN ATTEMPT TO STOP AND BOARD VESSEL. M/V PEDOR MOST IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS USED CHANNEL 16 SEVERAL","Desc2":"TIMES IN ORDER TO MAKE THEM IDENTIFY WHO THEY WERE, BUT RECEIVED NO REPLIES. SOME CHINESE LIKE SIGNS WERE PAINTED ON THE VESSEL AND THEY WERE FLYING A RED FLAG REPORTED. AFTER M/V PEDOR MOST CHANGED COURSE SEVERAL TIMES AGGRESSORS DISAPPEARED IN A","Desc3":"SOUTHERLY DIRECTION.","coords.x1":118.11667,"coords.x2":18.56667} {"Reference":"1994-5","DateOfOcc":"1994-01-05","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V JUI HO","Desc1":"0445 ON JAN 05 94 M/V JUI HO ATTACKED BY PIRATES IN A CHINESE LIKE BOAT 35 TO 40 METERS WITH HEAVY ARMS AND ABOUT 20 PEOPLE ON BOARD. CREW FORCED INTO CABIN AND ALL WIRES ON BRIDGE WERE CUT. CARGO OF CIGARETTES GONE. CREW REPORTED SLIGHT INJURIES.","coords.x1":112.03333,"coords.x2":13.63333} {"Reference":"1994-2","DateOfOcc":"1994-01-05","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V JUI HO","Desc1":"05 JAN AT 0445 M/V JUI HO ATTACKED BY PIRATES IN A STEEL BODY BOAT 35 TO 40 METERS LONG, WITH HEAVY ARMS AND PISTOLS AND ABOUT 20 PEOPLE ON BOARD. CREW FORCED IN CABIN, PIRATES DEPARTED WITH CARGO AND ALL WIRES WERE CUT ON THE BRIDGE. POSITION AFTER","Desc2":"PIRATES DEPARTED 8-20N 105-27E.","coords.x1":112.03333,"coords.x2":13.63333} {"Reference":"1993-108","DateOfOcc":"1993-10-22","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V NORDSINO","Desc1":"M/V NORDSINO APPROACHED BY PIRATES ON 22 OCT 93 IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA. NORDSINO TOOK EVASIVE ACTION AND INCREASED SPEED. THE ATTACK WAS ABORTED.","coords.x1":106.66667,"coords.x2":8.28333} {"Reference":"1993-93","DateOfOcc":"1993-08-28","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V A.J.1","Desc1":"M/V A.J.1 WAS CHASED BY A PIRATE BOAT DESCRIBED AS A EX NAVAL PATROL BOAT FITTED WITH RADAR AND ANTENNAS. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":115.45333,"coords.x2":19.57833} {"Reference":"1993-91","DateOfOcc":"1993-08-13","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V HERMES HOPE","Desc1":"DISTRESS SIGNAL RECEIVED FROM M/V HERMES HOPE REPORTING THEY ARE ABOUT TO BE ATTACKED ON THE STARBOARD SIDE. THE M/V HERMES HOPE SAID THEY TRIED TO AVAID THEIR ATTACKERS BY FREQUENTLY ALTERING COURSE AND RUNNING AT MAX SPEED. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":115.1,"coords.x2":22.13333} {"Reference":"1993-85","DateOfOcc":"1993-07-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES FROM FOUR SPEED BOATS ATTACKED AN UNKNOWN VESSEL BUT WERE DRIVEN OFF. NO REPORTED CASUALTIES.","coords.x1":114.45,"coords.x2":22.13333} {"Reference":"1993-38","DateOfOcc":"1993-07-14","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KO MAL SHAN","Desc1":"WAGLAN ISLAND M/V KO MAL SHAN WAS BOARDED BY ARMED PIRATES ESCORTED BY SPEEDBOATS, APPROX NINE MILES OFF OF WAGLAN ISLAND. THE VESSEL WAS ORDERED TO ALTER COURSE TO AN UNKNOWN DESTINATION. IT WAS'NT SAID HOW MUCH OF THE CARGO WAS STOLEN OR HOW MANY OF","Desc2":"THE CREW WAS INJURED.","coords.x1":114.45333,"coords.x2":21.74222} {"Reference":"1993-66","DateOfOcc":"1993-07-14","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KO MAL SHAN","Desc1":"KOREAN M/V KO MAL SHAN WAS ATTACKED BY 14 ARMED PIRATES IN FOUR SPEEDBOATS NINE MILES MILES OFF WAGLAN ISLAND. IT'S UNKNOWN HOW MANY PERSONS WERE INJURED.","coords.x1":114.3,"coords.x2":22.18333} {"Reference":"1993-68","DateOfOcc":"1993-07-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V UKRAINE","Desc1":"M/V UKRAINE WAS ATTACKED BY TWO MOTOR BOATS. THE PIRATES OPENED FIRE ON THE UKRAINE BUT THE M/V WAS ABLE TO OUT MANEUVER THE PIRATES. NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED.","coords.x1":116.25,"coords.x2":20.76667} {"Reference":"1993-78","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-26","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES FIRED UPON AND CHASED AN UNKNOWN VESSEL. NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":116.25,"coords.x2":20.76667} {"Reference":"1993-41","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-25","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KAPITAN LEONTIY BORISENKO","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA M/V KAPITAN LEONTIY BORISENKO WAS FIRED UPON BY UNKNOWN AGRESSORS IN TWO MOTORBOATS. THEY DID NOT BOARD DUE TO MANOEUVRES OF THE M/V. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":116.25,"coords.x2":20.76667} {"Reference":"1993-36","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-25","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KAPITAN LEONTIY BORISENKO","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA 25 JUNE 93 M/V KAPITAN LEONTIY BORISENKO WAS FIRED ON BY UNKNOWN PIRATES BUT WERE ABLE TO OUT MANEUVER THE PIRATES. NO REPORTS OF INJURY.","coords.x1":116.25,"coords.x2":20.76667} {"Reference":"1993-43","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-18","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V NL TRADER","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA THE M/V TRADER WAS CHASED BY SUSPECTED PIRATES IN A WOODEN M/V. THE M/V TRADER WAS ABLE TO OUT RUN THE PIRATES WITH NO APPARENT INJURIES.","coords.x1":111.42667,"coords.x2":12.51667} {"Reference":"1993-82","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V KOVDOR","Desc1":"M/V KOVDOR WAS CHASED BY A CHINESE VESSEL 150NM SE OF SHANGHAI. M/V KOVDOR SHOT JETS OF WATER FROM FIRE HOSES TO DETER THE PIRATES. THE PIRATES WERE UNABLE TO BOARD THE M/V. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":102,"coords.x2":8} {"Reference":"1993-96","DateOfOcc":"1993-05-08","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"F/V","Desc1":"UNIFORMED MEN BOARDED A FISHING VESSEL NEAR NINEPIN ISLANDS. THEY STOLE $ 2,000 FROM THE FOUR CREW MEMBERS, BEFORE FLEEING BY SPEEDBOAT. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":114,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"1993-81","DateOfOcc":"1993-05-05","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES IN A YELLOW HULLED F/V CHASED AN UNKNOWN VESSEL. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":116.05,"coords.x2":19.91667} {"Reference":"1993-79","DateOfOcc":"1993-05-05","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES CHASED A UNKNOWN FISHING VESSEL. NO OTHER FURTHER INFORMATION GIVEN.","coords.x1":116.55,"coords.x2":18.91667} {"Reference":"1993-100","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-30","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V ZHONGSHAN","Desc1":"M/V ZHONGSHAN REPORTED SHE WAS BEING BOARDED BY PIRATES. NO FURTHER INFORMATION.","coords.x1":114.03333,"coords.x2":17.86667} {"Reference":"1993-39","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"CHINESE NAVY VESSEL NO. 162","Victim":"M/V SALUD ACE","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA M/V SALUD ACE WAS FIRED UPON BY PIRATES, LATER IDENTIFIED TO BE CHINESE NAVY VESSEL NO. 162, FOR ALMOST TWO HOURS. THE M/V SALUD ACE FIRED RED FLARES AND MANAGED TO OUTRUN THE AGRESSOR.","coords.x1":116.33417,"coords.x2":15.99083} {"Reference":"1993-74","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-22","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES OPENED FIRE ON A UNKNOWN VESSEL.","coords.x1":117.35,"coords.x2":20.3} {"Reference":"1993-75","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-22","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES OPENED FIRE ON AN UNKNOWN VESSEL. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":116.08333,"coords.x2":19.4} {"Reference":"1993-95","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-19","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V TRICOLOR SONG","Desc1":"THE PANAMANIAN M/V TRICOLOR SONG WAS ANCHORED IN THE HONG KONG HARBOR, WHEN THEY ALERTED THE POLICE THAT CHINESE HERBS MEDICINE AND COTTON HAD DISAPEARED.","coords.x1":114.33333,"coords.x2":22.16667} {"Reference":"1993-24","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-13","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V BALTNMAR NEPTUNE","Desc1":"FIVE PIRATES BOARDED THE M/V BALTNMAR NEPTUNE BY WAY OF A JUNK AND SCARED OFF WATCHKEEPERS WITH KNIVES. THE PIRATES BROKE OPEN CONTAINERS AND STOLE THREE CARTONS OF NYLON TAFFETA. THERE WERE NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":109.84889,"coords.x2":14.06778} {"Reference":"1993-65","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-13","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V BALTIMAR NEPTUNE","Desc1":"BAHAMIAN M/V BALTIMAR NEPTUNE WAS BOARDED WHILE TIED UP IN HONG KONG HARBOR. NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":114.25,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"1993-76","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-12","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES BOARDED AN UNKNOWN VESSEL OUTSIDE HONG KONG HARBOR AT BOUY B19.","coords.x1":114,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"1993-64","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-04","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V BIRLAD","Desc1":"ROMANIAN M/V BIRLAD WAS FIRED UPON BY THREE SMALL BOATS WITH EIGHT PIRATES ON EACH. THE PIRATES TRY TO CONTACT THE BIRLAD OVER RADIO BUT THE BIRLAD DID NOT RESPOND. THE BIRLAD WAS ABLE TO OUT MANEUVER AND KEPT THE PIRATES FROM BOARDING. NO INJURIES","Desc2":"REPORTED.","coords.x1":114.57,"coords.x2":15.57} {"Reference":"1993-90","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-31","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"TUENMUN","Desc1":"PIRATES KILLED THE MASTER AND ESCAPED WITH CASH AND VALUABLES.","coords.x1":104,"coords.x2":8.5} {"Reference":"1993-25","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-29","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"PIRATES SHOT AND KILLED THE SKIPPER OF A FISHING VESSEL 63 NM SOUTH-WEST OF WAGLAN ISLAND. THE F/V WAS ENGAGED IN NORMAL FISHING DUTIES WHEN IT WAS STOPPED AND BOARDED BY MASKED MEN , NUMBER OF PIRATES UNKNOWN, ARMED WITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS. THE PIRATES","Desc2":"STOLE $517 AND WHILE THEY WERE LEAVING A SCUFFLE BROKE OUT BETWEEN THE SKIPPER AND ONE OF THE PIRATES AND IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THE PIRATE SHOT THE SKIPPER IN ABDOMEN AND WAS PRONOUNCED DEAD LATER.","coords.x1":108.72694,"coords.x2":11.87972} {"Reference":"1993-61","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"C/V KHANH HO O4","Desc1":"VIETNAM C/V KHANH HO 04 REPORTED OVER RADIO THAT THEY WERE BEING FIRED UPON BY UNIFORMED CHINESE SOLDIERS. AFTER THEY BOARDED THEM, ALL CONTACT WITH THEM WAS LOST.","coords.x1":114.895,"coords.x2":19.145} {"Reference":"1993-63","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V NHA TRANG 8","Desc1":"VIETNAM M/V NHA TRANG 8 WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES DESCRIBED AS CHINESE WEARING CHINESE UNIFORMS OFF THE COAST OF HONG KONG. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":114.3825,"coords.x2":22.0975} {"Reference":"1993-62","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-27","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"C/V PHU QHUC","Desc1":"VIETNAM FLAG C/V PHU QHUC WAS BOARDED BY PIRATES DESCRIBED WEARING CHINESE UNIFORMS WITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":114.69,"coords.x2":22.23} {"Reference":"1993-21","DateOfOcc":"1993-03-06","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Desc1":"SOUTHEAST ASIA, INCLUDING MALACCA STRAIT, SINGAPORE STRAIT AND PHILLIPPINES HAVE REPORTED VARIOUS ATTACKS OF PIRACY. VESSELS ADVISED TO MAINTAIN ANTI-PIRACY WATCHES. ATTACKS SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO REGIONAL PIRACY CENTRE LUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIAK,","Desc2":"TEL: +60 3 201 0014 FAX:+60 3 238 5769 TELEX: MA 31880.","coords.x1":111.05,"coords.x2":17.21667} {"Reference":"1993-16","DateOfOcc":"1993-02-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MARY NOUR, AND LION","Desc1":"16 FEB, 1993, MARY NOUR WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES. NO INJURIES. 17 FEB, 1993, LION WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES AT 1600 LOCAL TIME. NO INJURIES. UPDATE:MARY NOUR SAILED FOR AQABA ON FEB 22 AND LION ARRIVED FROM BUSAN.","coords.x1":111,"coords.x2":17} {"Reference":"1993-15","DateOfOcc":"1993-02-18","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ALEKSANDR TSURYUPA","Desc1":"18 FEB 93 ALEKSANDR TSURYUPA WAS ATTACKED BY SEA PIRATES IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AT 7:30 MOSCOW TIME. NO INJURIES.","coords.x1":117.93333,"coords.x2":16.81667} {"Reference":"1993-50","DateOfOcc":"1993-02-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V MARINE PEACE","Desc1":"PANAMANIAN M/V MARINE PEACE WAS FIRED OPON BY PIRATES. ONE PERSON WAS SHOT BUT NO SERIOUS INJURY WAS REPORTED.","coords.x1":114,"coords.x2":22} {"Reference":"1993-89","DateOfOcc":"1993-01-08","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"THE EASTWOOD","Desc1":"THE EASTWOOD WAS SEIZED BY 30 PIRATES. NO FURTHER INFORMATION GIVEN.","coords.x1":104,"coords.x2":7.5} {"Reference":"1993-12","DateOfOcc":"1993-01-06","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"ARKTIS STAR","Desc1":"6 JAN 93 ARKTIS STAR WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA. NO INJURIES. VESSEL PROCEEDING ON VOYAGE WITH ETA BISLIG ON JAN 11. 21 JAN 93 ARKTIS STAR ARRIVED FROM BISLIG.","coords.x1":117.93333,"coords.x2":16.81667} {"Reference":"1993-53","DateOfOcc":"1993-01-06","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V ARKTIS STAR","Desc1":"DANISH M/V ARKTIS STAR WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES USING ROCKET GRENADES AND SMALL ARMS. THE PIRATES WERE IN CHINESE UNIFORMS. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":117.93333,"coords.x2":16.81667} {"Reference":"1993-52","DateOfOcc":"1993-01-02","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V COSMIC LEANDER","Desc1":"PHILLIPPINE M/V COSMIC LEANDER WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES. NO FURTHER INFORMATION.","coords.x1":116.96667,"coords.x2":19.7} {"Reference":"1993-88","DateOfOcc":"1992-12-06","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FAR TRADER","Desc1":"PIRATES BOARDED THE FAR TRADER AND THE 16 CREW MEMBERS SPENT TWO DAYS LOCKED IN THE ENGINE ROOM BEFORE ESCAPING.","coords.x1":110,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"1992-28","DateOfOcc":"1992-10-28","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"Pirates","Victim":"M/V MARINE EXPRESS","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA-Vicinity of Hong Kong. 28NOV92 M/V MARINE EXPRESS reported ten gunshots to Hong Kong authorities and has not been reported since.","coords.x1":114.91667,"coords.x2":22.16528} {"Reference":"1992-16","DateOfOcc":"1992-04-11","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V WORLD ARETUS","Desc1":"VIETNAM-Vicinity Cam Pha Roads Early morning of 11 Apr 92 three pirates armed with knives boarded M/V WORLD ARETUS, while ship was at anchor. The attack was discovered and crew mobilized, which caused the pirates to flee with mooring lines and other","Desc2":"line. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":107.33333,"coords.x2":21} {"Reference":"1991-39","DateOfOcc":"1991-09-17","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"VIETNAMESE AUTHORITIES","Desc1":"ANTI-PIRACY OPERATIONS IN THE GULF OF THAILAND. 17 SEP 91 Vietnamese authorities have \"broken up\" a pirate operation involving Thai and Vietnamese pirates in the Gulf of Thailand. Due to the increasing number of attacks against fishing and Cargo vessels,","Desc2":"Thai anti-piracy laws will now carry the death penalty. Navy patrols of the area have been increased. Caution is advised when transiting this area.","coords.x1":110,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"1992-11","DateOfOcc":"1991-08-26","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"M/V PETCHOMPOO","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA-Vicinity of Vietnam. AUGUST 1991 M/V PETCHOMPOO REPORTED HER POSITION AS 180-MILES EAST OF HO CHI MINH CITY BEFORE BECOMING UNREPORTED. PIRACY IS SUSPECTED. LOST ARE $4 MILLION AND CREW. NO DEMANDS REPORTED.","coords.x1":110,"coords.x2":11} {"Reference":"1991-15","DateOfOcc":"1991-04-15","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V HAI HUI I","Desc1":"VIETNAM, VUNG TAO PILOT STATION VICINITY- 152200APR91 A SHIP OF THE HAN NUI SHIPPING COMPANY WAS BOARDED, WHILE AWAITING PILOT IN THE VICINITY OF VUNG TAO PILOT STATION, BY TWENTY MEN ARMED WITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS AND WEARING SKI MASK. PIRATES ESCAPED","Desc2":"WITH 400 TONS OF CARGO COMPRISED OF ELECTRONIC MECHANICAL, AND COMESTIBLE ITEMS. ALSO TAKEN WAS SHIPS ELECTRONIC GEAR AND CREW'S PERSONAL BELONGINGS. NO CASUALTIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":107,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"1991-5","DateOfOcc":"1991-01-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"VIETNAMESE SOLDIERS","Victim":"LYCABETUS","Desc1":"VIETNAM. SOUTH COAST. JAN/FEB 1991 ON 30 JANUARY 1991, IT WAS REPORTED THAT MOTOR BULK CARRIER LYCABETUS, MALTESE FLAG, WAS BOARDED BY VIETNAMESE SOLDIERS WHILE ANCHORED APPROX. 35 MILES OFF THE COAST OF MINH HAI PROVINCE, WHICH IS THE SOUTHERN MOST","Desc2":"PROVINCE OF VIETNAM. NO EXACT INFORMATION ON WHERE OR WHEN THE VESSEL WAS BOARDED WAS GIVEN. REPORTEDLY, THE VESSEL HAS BEEN DETAINED SINCE THE BOARDING FOR ALLEGEDLY ENCROACHING ON VIETNAMESE WATERS. THE OWNER/OPERATOR OF THE VESSEL REFUSES TO PAY A","Desc3":"$120,000 FINE.","coords.x1":106,"coords.x2":7} {"Reference":"1989-14","DateOfOcc":"1989-01-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"SHIPPING","Desc1":"SOUTH EAST AISA. MARINERS ARE ADVISED TO BE ALERT FOR THE POSSIBITY OF VESSELS BEING BOARDED AND HIJAKED BY ARMED PIRATES WHILE TRANSITING THROUGH OR ANCHORED IN THE WATERS OF SOUTH EAST ASIA. POSITION IS FOR REFRENCE ONLY NOT POSITION OF INCIDENT.","coords.x1":115,"coords.x2":8} {"Reference":"1987-27","DateOfOcc":"1987-08-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"CHINESE VILLAGERS","Victim":"SHENGANG NO. 1","Desc1":"AUGUST 1987. CHINA. SOUTH COAST. LUFENG COUNTY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE. MORE THAN 100 CHINESE VILLAGERS BOARDED THE CARGO VESSEL SHENGANG NO. 1, THAT HAD GROUNDED ON THE SOUTH COAST OF CHINA, BEATING UP FOUR CREWMEN WHO TRIED TO STOP THEM. CARGO (NOT","Desc2":"IDENTIFIED IN REPORT) STOLEN EXCEEDED US$ 24,000 IN VALUE. NO POSITION OR EXACT DATE WAS GIVEN IN REPORT.","coords.x1":115.83333,"coords.x2":22.83333} {"Reference":"1986-5","DateOfOcc":"1986-02-12","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MONTE RUBY","Desc1":"AN UNKNOWN NUMBER OF PIRATES BOARDED THE 12,978 DWT PANAMA CONTAINER VESSEL MONTE RUBY WHILE BOUND FROM KOBE TO BANGKOK. THE INCIDENT OCCURRED OFF PATTAYA COAST NEAR KOH PHAI. THE ABOVE POSITION IS AN APPROXIMATION. SIX CONTAINERS WERE PILLAGED. THE","Desc2":"BOARDERS WERE HEAVILY ARMED. THIS WAS THE THIRD REPORTED INCIDENT IN THIS AREA THIS MONTH. THE VESSELS INVOLVED EARLIER WERE THE MAE NAM BRIDGE, AND THE MARITIME TRIUMPH.","coords.x1":100.58333,"coords.x2":12.91667} {"Reference":"1985-23","DateOfOcc":"1985-08-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"VIETNAMESE PATROL BOATS","Victim":"FISHING TRAWLERS","Desc1":"VIETNAM HAS SENT HIGHSPEED MODIFIED FISHING TRAWLERS TO PATROL THE GULF OF THAILAND, ESPECIALLY ITS FISHING ZONE WHICH EXTENDS 50 NAUTICAL MILES OFF CA MAU CAPE OF VIETNAM, NEAR THE AREA WHERE THE SEA BOUNDARIES OF THAILAND, MALAYSIA, AND VIETNAM MEET.","Desc2":"THE PATROL BOATS TRAVEL IN GROUPS OF 2 OR MORE AND ARE ARMED WITH 12.7MM MACHINE GUNS AND SMALL ARMS. EACH CARRIES A CREW OF 20 IN CIVILIAN CLOTHES. FOUR THAI FISHING TRAWLERS FROM PATTANI PROVINCE WERE RECENTLY ATTACKED. THEIR FISH CATCH WAS SEIZED","Desc3":"ALONG WITH THEIR VALUABLES. ONE THAI CREWMAN WAS KILLED AND 7 WERE INJURED. FURTHER INVESTIGATION SHOWED THAT THE FISHERMEN HAD INADVERTENTLY STRAYED INTO VIETNAMESE TERRITORY.","coords.x1":102.07417,"coords.x2":10.07139} {"Reference":"1985-13","DateOfOcc":"1984-09-20","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF THAILAND. Vessel reported being fired upon 201744Z Sep 84 in 11-55N 101-08E in vicinity of Ko Chuang Island.","coords.x1":101.13333,"coords.x2":11.91667} {"Reference":"1989-10","DateOfOcc":"1984-09-01","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"UNNAMED VESSEL","Desc1":"GULF OF THAILAND. VESSEL REPORTED BEING FIRED UPON 201744Z SEPT.1984, WHILE IN POSITION 11-55N 101-08E IN VICINITY OF KO CHUANG ISLAND.","coords.x1":101.13333,"coords.x2":11.91667} {"Reference":"1985-9","DateOfOcc":"1984-05-12","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"N/A","Victim":"N/A","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA. SPRATLY ISLANDS. Mariners are advised to exercise extreme caution when transiting the waters near the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. Increased Naval activity has been reported in this area, where competing jurisdictional claims","Desc2":"could lead to hostile action.","coords.x1":115,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"1985-8","DateOfOcc":"1983-04-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA, DISPUTED ISLANDS. (SPRATLY ISLAND, DANGEROUS GROUND AREA). Islands in the vicinity of the dangerous ground, Spratly Island and adjacent waters are still subject to competing jurisdictional claims which could lead to hostilities. Various","Desc2":"islands are occupied by forces of the Republic of the Philippines, Vietnam, and the authorities of Taiwan. Mariners should exercise caution while navigating throughout the disputed Spratly-dangerous ground area. A vessel was reported fired upon in the","Desc3":"vicinity of Spratly Island (8-38N 111-55E) on10 Apr 83. The publication of this notice is solely for the purpose of advising United States mariners of information relevant to navigational safety and in no way constitutes a legal recognition by the United","Desc4":"States of the validity of any foreign rule, regulation or proclamation so published.","coords.x1":115,"coords.x2":10} {"Reference":"1985-4","DateOfOcc":"1979-10-10","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"N/A","Victim":"N/A","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA, PARACEL ISLANDS. Mariners transiting the waters in and around Paracel Islands are advised of the possibility of unusual, or abnormal activities due to competing jurisdictional claims which could possibly lead to hostilities.","coords.x1":112,"coords.x2":17} {"Reference":"1985-3","DateOfOcc":"1979-02-24","SubReg":"93","Aggressor":"N/A","Victim":"N/A","Desc1":"GULF OF TONKIN. Mariners should be advised that an uncertain situation exists in the Gulf of Tonkin and waters adjacent to Hainan Island due to increased tensions relative to the China/Viet Nam border conflict.","coords.x1":108,"coords.x2":19} {"Reference":"2012-352","DateOfOcc":"2012-12-14","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"ROBBERS","Victim":"BULK CARRIER","Desc1":"CHINA:Bulk carrier boarded on 14 December at 32-00N 120-45E, at the Nantong Working Anchorage. Three robbers tried to board the anchored bulk carrier via the gangway but were challenged by the alert crew and denied access to the ship. The robbers then","Desc2":"managed to gain access to the ship via the barge working cargo. The alert crew spotted the robbers as they tried to lower ship stores and raised the alarm. On seeing crew alertness, the robbers left the ship and entered the barge. Local agents informed.","coords.x1":120.75,"coords.x2":32} {"Reference":"2011-480","DateOfOcc":"2011-10-30","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"OFFSHORE SUPPORT VESSEL","Desc1":"TIANJIN BULK CHEMICAL ANCHORAGE, CHINA: Two robbers boarded an anchored off-shore support vessel. Alert duty crew noticed the robbers, raised alarm and chased the robbers. Nothing stolen and no casualty.","coords.x1":117.945,"coords.x2":38.92056} {"Reference":"2010-224","DateOfOcc":"2010-06-16","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CARGO SHIP","Desc1":"CHINA: General cargo ship boarded 16 Jun 10 at 0100 local time while anchored in position 38-56.8N 121-43.3E, Dalian anchorage. Alert crew onboard the vessel spotted a robber on the forecastle deck. Upon seeing the alert crew, the robber escaped.","Desc2":"Incident was reported to Dalian port authorities and enhanced look-outs were enforced (IMB).","coords.x1":121.72167,"coords.x2":38.94667} {"Reference":"2005-289","DateOfOcc":"2005-07-30","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"CHINA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 30 Jul while at Xingang (TIANJIN XINGANG) port.. Robbers boarded the vessel during cargo operations and stole ships equipment (IMB).","coords.x1":117.76667,"coords.x2":38.97778} {"Reference":"2003-314","DateOfOcc":"2003-09-20","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TAIWAN STRAIT: An unidentified bulk carrier reports attempt to board 20 Sep at 1930 local time while underway in position 25 10N, 120 50E, NW of Taiwan. When small craft approached master took evasive action, blew whistle and mustered crew whereupon the","Desc2":"boat moved away (IMB).","coords.x1":120.83333,"coords.x2":25.16667} {"Reference":"2002-115","DateOfOcc":"2002-04-12","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"SUSPICIOUS CRAFT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EAST CHINA SEA: An unidentified chemical tanker reports suspicious approach 12 Apr at 0100 local time while underway in position 25-22.7N 120-19.4E. A very fast craft approached abeam.Ship's master altered course, switched on all lights, and directed","Desc2":"Aldis lamp at boat which gave up \"chase\" at 0140 and departed. Encounter sounds more reminiscent of other sightings of smuggling vessels operating in these waters than of an attempted boarding","coords.x1":120.32333,"coords.x2":25.37833} {"Reference":"2001-288","DateOfOcc":"2001-10-05","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TAIWAN STRAIT: An unidentified container ship was subject to attempted boarding 5 Oct at 0200 local time from an unlit speedboat while underway in position 24-31.5N 119-08E. Attempt was aborted when alarm sounded. Same ship reports a similar attempt four","Desc2":"hours earlier.","coords.x1":119.13333,"coords.x2":24.525} {"Reference":"2001-226","DateOfOcc":"2001-07-18","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PATROL BOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EAST CHINA SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED SUPPLY VESSEL REPORTS APPROACH 18 JUL AT 2125 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 23-00N 119-51E. A CRAFT RESEMBLING A NAVAL PATROL BOAT ORDERED THE SUPPLY BOAT TO STOP. MASTER MUSTERED THE CREW AND REPLIED HE HAD","Desc2":"CONTACTED U. S. NAVY AT OKINAWA. AN INDIVIDUAL ON THE APPROACHING VESSEL IS QUOTED AS HAVING RESPONDED \"OK, NO TROUBLE, WE PULL OUT, MAY WE CATCH YOU NEXT TIME.\" THE MEANING OF THE EXCHANGE IS UNKNOWN AND THE BOAT WHICH CARRIED NO NAME OR PENNANT NUMBER","Desc3":"REMAINS UNIDENTIFIED.","coords.x1":119.85,"coords.x2":23} {"Reference":"2001-165","DateOfOcc":"2001-05-24","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOATS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EAST CHINA SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED TANKER WAS REPORTEDLY CIRCLED 24 MAY AT 1400 UTC BY FOUR HIGH-SPEED BOATS WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 25-38N 122-39E. CREW MUSTERED, TURNED ON DECK LIGHTS AND ACTIVATED FIRE HOSES, THE BOATS WITHDREW AND REGROUPED AT STERN.","Desc2":"CREW SHONE LIGHTS ON BOATS AND THE MOVED AWAY.","coords.x1":122.65,"coords.x2":25.63333} {"Reference":"2001-128","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-20","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"TAIWAN STRAIT:AN UNIDENTIFIED BULK CARRIER REPORTS APPROACH BY THREE MEN IN A FAST BOAT 20 APR AT 11 UTC WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 25-51N 120-45E. ALERT CREW REPORTEDLY FOILED THE ATTEMPTED BOARDING VIA THE STERN.","coords.x1":120.75,"coords.x2":25.85} {"Reference":"2001-129","DateOfOcc":"2001-04-16","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"SPEEDBOAT","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"EAST CHINA SEA:AN UNIDENTIFIED CARGO SHIP REPORTEDLY NOTICED APPROACH BY A SPEED BOAT 16 APR AT 1935 LOCAL TIME WHILE UNDERWAY IN POSITION 24-34N 119-04E. BOAT INCREASED SPEED AND CAME ALONGSIDE WHILE A PERSON ON BOARD THE BOAT THREW A GRAPPLING HOOK AND","Desc2":"LINE OVER THE SHIP'S RAIL. SHIP THEN INCREASED SPEED AND (REPORTEDLY) BROKE THE BOAT'S LINE AFTER WHICH BOAT ABANDONED ATTEMPT TO BOARD.","coords.x1":119.06667,"coords.x2":24.56667} {"Reference":"1999-19","DateOfOcc":"1998-12-26","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"HONG PENG","Desc1":"A 3,113-ton cargo ship disappeared after departing Hong Kong enroute to Taizhong, Taiwan with a cargo of clay and a crew of 20. The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has announced a reward of up to U.S. $50,000 for information leading to the location","Desc2":"and recovering of the ship and or cargo. In view of the hijack and murder of the crew of the CHEUNG SON (see ASAM 980068), this disappearance of a ship with a similarly low value cargo raises fears that yet another crew may have been murdered and another","Desc3":"ship taken for use as a phantom vessel.","coords.x1":118.83333,"coords.x2":22.83333} {"Reference":"1998-68","DateOfOcc":"1998-11-16","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"pirates","Victim":"CHEUNG SON","Desc1":"The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has issued an alert dated 26 Nov concerning the Panamanian-flag bulk carrier on a voyage from Shanghai to Port Kelang, Malaysia with a cargo of furnace slag. Although the IMB alert does not state that they believe","Desc2":"the ship has been hijacked, such alerts are typically issued only in cases where some crime is believed to have been committed. The Public Security Bureau of China announced 1/13/99, that it had arrested members of a piracy gang in the hijack of the","Desc3":"CHEUNG SON and the murder of its 23 Chinese crew. Earlier in the week Chinese authorities had identified three of six bodies caught in fishermen's nets off Shantou, China as being those of the Cheung Son crew. The bodies had reportedly been bound,","Desc4":"gagged, and weighted. The arrested men reportedly admit to having seized the ship for $11,000(U.S. dollars) each and were reportedly found with photos of a celebration party on board.","coords.x1":118.81667,"coords.x2":22.33333} {"Reference":"1998-59","DateOfOcc":"1998-09-08","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"LOUISA","Desc1":"A SINGAPORE-FLAG CHEMICAL TANKER, FEARED HIJACKED BY PIRATES IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AFTER IT FAILED TO MAINTAIN DAILY RADIO CONTACT WITH ITS OWNERS FOLLOWING AN 08 SEP MESSAGE, WAS RELEASED 17 SEP. THE LOADED VESSEL WAS ENROUTE FROM SINGAPORE TO LAN","Desc2":"SHAN, CHINA WHEN IT WAS REPORTEDLY HIJACKED 40 NM OFF KAO HSIUG (22-37N,120-15E), TAIWAN. CREW MEMBERS WERE KEPT LOCKED IN A CABIN FOR SEVERAL DAYS WHILE THE PIRATES TRIED AND FAILED TO FIND A BUYER FOR THE CARGO WHICH WAS RECOVERED INTACT.","coords.x1":120.25,"coords.x2":22.61667} {"Reference":"1996-18","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-27","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"Tawain Strait A 4500-5000 ton Taiwanese-owned, Panamanian flagged containership was followed and attacked on a voyage from Indonesia to Kaohsiung around 0930L. An iron-hulled Chinese mainland vessel closed to within 20 to 30 meters and opened fire, after","Desc2":"tailing the ship for 3 hours. The attacking vessel was described as a green-colored boat, bearing a Chinese mainland national flag, and a license number of F4404. The captain of the freighter reported seeing at least 4 men in military uniform on board","Desc3":"the attacking ship. The freighter was hit several times by machine gun and automatic rifle rounds from the iron hulled craft, causing dammage to the cargo hold, steel plates, and areas near the radar room. Reports differ on who was responsible for the","Desc4":"ramming; however, the ships collided, causing the iron-hulled ship to promptly leave the scene. The containership's port side lights were destroyed during the collision.","coords.x1":119.0075,"coords.x2":24.0025} {"Reference":"1996-2","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-03","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"FENG YU MAN NO.1132","Desc1":"ON 03 JAN 96 THW KEELUNG-BASED FENG YU MAN NO.1132 WAS HIJACKED BY TWO MAINLAND CHINESE FISHING VESSELS ABOUT 70NM OFF THE KEELUNG COAST OF TAIWAN.","coords.x1":122.15,"coords.x2":25.93333} {"Reference":"1996-17","DateOfOcc":"1996-01-03","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"FENG YU NO. 1132","Desc1":"Tawain Strait The Keelung-based Feng Yu No. 1132 fishing boat was hijacked by two mainland Chinese fishing vessels approximately 70 miles off the Keelung coast. A local radio station stated that the incident was prompted by an argument over the use of","Desc2":"fishing nets.","coords.x1":119.0075,"coords.x2":24.0025} {"Reference":"1995-102","DateOfOcc":"1995-06-01","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"TSAI HSING SHUN NO.2","Desc1":"ON 01 JUN 95 THIEVES IN TWO CHINESE FISHING VESSELS BOARDED THE TAIWANESE FISHING VESSEL TSAI HSING SHUN NO.2 IN THE TAIWAN STRAIT, APPROXIMATELY 45NM OFF THE WEST COAST OF TAIWAN. GOLD AND CASH WERE STOLEN. NO INJURIES TO THE FIVE-MEMBER CREW WERE","Desc2":"REPORTED.","coords.x1":120,"coords.x2":25} {"Reference":"1994-14","DateOfOcc":"1994-03-27","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V NORDSUND","Desc1":"CONTAINER VESSEL NORDSUND, ENROUTE KAOHSIUNG TAIWAN REPORTED THAT A BLACK, VERY FAST FISHING VESSEL ATTEMPTED TO BOARD VESSEL. NORDSUND ALTERED COURSE AND ALONG WITH ROUGH SEAS, PIRATES COULD NOT BOARD. M/V NORDSUND INFORMED M/V TASMAN SEA WHICH WAS FOUR","Desc2":"MILES ON HER STARBOARD BEAM THAT A BOARDING WAS ATTEMPTED.","coords.x1":121.64333,"coords.x2":25.98333} {"Reference":"1993-67","DateOfOcc":"1993-07-06","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN FISHING BOAT","Desc1":"A KAOHSIUNG BASED FISHING BOAT WAS ATTACKED BY TWO PIRATE BOATS THAT BOARDED THE F/V AND STOLE FISHING AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPTMENT. NO INJURIES REPORTED.","coords.x1":122.76667,"coords.x2":26.76667} {"Reference":"1993-44","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-17","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V ELM","Desc1":"EAST CHINA SEA M/V ELM REPORTED SHE WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES SHOOTING AUTOMATIC WEAPONS AT HER. ONE PIRATE BOARDED THE VESSEL. NO FURTHER INFO- RMATION WAS GIVEN.","coords.x1":122.66667,"coords.x2":22.33333} {"Reference":"1993-69","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-09","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"CHINESE WARSHIP","Victim":"F/V SOYUZ 4","Desc1":"F/V SOYUZ 4 WAS ATTACKED BY A CHINESE WARSHIP AND FORCED THEM TO FOLLOW THEM TO A NAVAL BASE NEAR NINGBO. NO FUTHER INFORMATION GIVEN.","coords.x1":121.55,"coords.x2":29.86667} {"Reference":"1993-34","DateOfOcc":"1993-05-08","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"F/V DALRYBA","Desc1":"YELLOW SEA NEAR CHINESE COAST. 08 MAY 93 F/V DALRYBA WAS BOARDED BY ARMED PIRATES IN THE NORTHEAST YELLOW SEA BUT HASTILY RETREATED WHEN THEY SAW AN APPROACHING VESSEL. NONE OF THE PIRATES WERE HURT AND NOTHING WAS STOLEN.","coords.x1":122.8575,"coords.x2":37.01472} {"Reference":"1993-13","DateOfOcc":"1993-01-06","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"PRIOZYORNYY","Desc1":"06 JAN 1993 PRIOZYORNYY(RUSSIAN) WAS ATTACKED BY A TRIO OF PIRATES IN THE YELLOW SEA.","coords.x1":124,"coords.x2":35} {"Reference":"1993-51","DateOfOcc":"1993-01-06","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V PRIOZYORNYY","Desc1":"RUSSIAN M/V PRIOZYORNYY WAS ATTACKED AND BOARDED BY PIRATES IN THE YELLOW SEA. NOTHING WAS STOLEN. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":123.6225,"coords.x2":35.31694} {"Reference":"1992-24","DateOfOcc":"1992-09-11","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V TRANSASIA","Desc1":"SOUTH CHINA SEA. 110830ZSEP92 M/V TRANSASIA was fired upon by attack boats. The vessel was boarded by fifteen to twenty pirates and fifty pair of shoes were stolen. No injuries were reported.","coords.x1":117.6,"coords.x2":23.4} {"Reference":"1991-13","DateOfOcc":"1991-04-06","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"NO.2 SHIGEYOSHI-MARU","Desc1":"ON 06APR91 THE F/V NO.2 SHIGEYOSHI-MARU WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES OF UNKNOWN NATIONALITY IN POSITION 25-50 N 123-30 E. PROPERTY LOST INCLUDED 140,000 YEN, RADIOS AND OTHER ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. ON 071220APR91 THE F/V NO.2 SHIGEYOSHI WAS ORDERED TO HEAVE TO","Desc2":"BY A CHINESE PATROL BOAT. THE FISHING VESSEL REFUSED TO COMPLY AND HAILED 11TH MARITIME SAFETY HEADQUARTERS. THE CHINESE PATROL BOAT FIRED WARNING SHOTS, WHICH FORCED COMPLIANCE. AN 11TH MARITIME PATROL BOAT WAS ON-SCENE TWENTY MIN. FOLLOWING THE CALL.","Desc3":"NO ACTION WAS TAKEN BY 11TH MARITIME PATROL BOAT. NO CASUATIES WERE REPORTED. THE F/V NO.2 SHIGEYOSHI-MARU WAS REPORTED TO HAVE CONTINUED OPERATION IN THE SAME GENERAL AREA.","coords.x1":123.5,"coords.x2":25.83333} {"Reference":"1990-17","DateOfOcc":"1990-09-08","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"THREE TAIWAN FISHING BOATS","Desc1":"8 SEPTEMBER 1990. TAIWAN. THREE TAIWAN FISHING VESSELS WERE SEPERATELY ROBBED AND THEIR CREW BEATEN BY CLUB-WEILDING PIRATES ON BOARD SEVERAL MAINLAND BOATS OFF TAICHUNG, CENTRAL TAIWAN. TWO OF THE FISHERMEN WERE TAKEN HOSTAGE.","coords.x1":120,"coords.x2":25} {"Reference":"1988-12","DateOfOcc":"1988-06-01","SubReg":"94","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"CHINESE FISHING VESSELS","Desc1":"CHINA, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, JUNE 1988 SOURCES INDICATE THAT ARMED PIRATE ATTACKS HAVE BEEN REPORTED IN THE EAST CHINA SEA OFF THE COAST OF ZHEJIANG PROVINCE. DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE 1988 PIRATES HAVE PLUNDERED CATCHES OF FISH, ASSAULTED AND KIDNAPPED","Desc2":"FISHERMEN AND BLOWN UP A NUMBER OF FISHING VESSELS. A NUMBER OF PIRATES USE THREATS TO FORCE FISHERMAN INTO SELLING THEIR FISH AT REDUCED PRICES. CHINESE OFFICALS HAVE CAUGHT SIX PIRATE SHIPS BASED IN THE FUJIAN PROVINCE DURING MAY AND JUNE OF 1988.","coords.x1":122,"coords.x2":29} {"Reference":"2008-394","DateOfOcc":"2008-09-25","SubReg":"95","Aggressor":"CHINESE FISHERMAN","Victim":"SOUTH KOREAN COAST GUARD","Desc1":"YELLOW SEA: South Korean Coast Guard officer killed on a Chinese fishing boat on 25 Sep 08, southwest of Jeolla Province. Chinese fishermen are accused of attacking the coast guard officer as he tried to board the Chinese vessel. They hit him with a","Desc2":"shovel and wooden stick and threw him into the sea, where he drowned. The fishermen also used shovels and steel pipes to fight 17 other officers, injuring six of them. Korean Coast Guard officials said yesterday that they have arrested 11 Chinese","Desc3":"fishermen allegedly involved in the murder. According to the Coast Guard, a patrol ship found the 17-ton Chinese fishing boat and ordered the crew to turn off the engine. Several officers boarded the fishing boat for an inspection. The vessel was seized","Desc4":"62 miles northwest of the incident. The deceased coast guardsman was found six kilometers south of the scene, several hours after he was thrown overboard. Coast Guard officials said that the unlicensed Chinese fishermen illegally entered Korea's","Desc5":"exclusive economic zone. Unlicensed Chinese fishermen fiercely resist arrest because illegal boat owners operating without permission face fines up to tens of millions of won. The Coast Guard and Korean fishermen say they are always in danger when they","Desc6":"face Chinese boats in Korean waters, usually at night. (LM: JoongAng Ilbo)","coords.x1":125.83333,"coords.x2":35.83333} {"Reference":"2000-132","DateOfOcc":"2000-07-04","SubReg":"95","Aggressor":"GREENPEACE ACTIVISTS","Victim":"BYISK","Desc1":"JAPAN:The 2,360-ton, Russian-flag timber carrier (BYISK) was boarded 4 Jul at Toyama port by 6 Greenpeace anti-logging activists who chained themselves to its cargo of wood. The activists left the ship 5 Jun. The Greenpeace ship (RAINBOW WARRIOR) had","Desc2":"pursued (BYISK) for two days in the Sea of Japan and put protesters aboard 3 Jun, removing them when the Russians said the ship would return to Russia with the cargo. When the ship resumed course toward Japan the activists tried to reboard at sea but","Desc3":"were repelled by the ship's crew.","coords.x1":137.36667,"coords.x2":37.33333} {"Reference":"1997-47","DateOfOcc":"1997-05-01","SubReg":"95","Aggressor":"ASSAILANTS","Victim":"MERCHANT VESSEL","Desc1":"China The 10,837 gross ton Bahamian flagged general cargo ship (Silver Sky) was attacked on May 1, 1997 by pirates while at the Xingang Anchorage in northeast China near the Yellow Sea. It was reported that the Chief Engineer was seriously injured and","Desc2":"required medical assistance. The ship left the anchorage but no further details have been reported.","coords.x1":125,"coords.x2":33} {"Reference":"1994-64","DateOfOcc":"1994-11-27","SubReg":"95","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"SEA BIRD","Desc1":"AT 0430 GMT ON NOV. 27 IN 33-42N 125-17E A FISHING VESSEL CAME ALONGSIDE THE M/V SEA BIRD WITH CLEAR INTENTION TO BOARD THE VESSEL. ATTEMPT FAILED DUE TO SLOW SPEED OF F/V. DESCRIPTION OF F/V: NAME FUNG FA, NATIONALITY UNKNOWN, BLUE TRAWLER WITH","Desc2":"WHITE/RUSTY SUPERSTRUCTURE, ABOUT 75 TONS. MINOR DAMAGE TO PORT SIDE OF M/V.","coords.x1":125.28333,"coords.x2":33.7} {"Reference":"1993-94","DateOfOcc":"1993-07-08","SubReg":"95","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V VALERIY VOLKOV","Desc1":"RUSSIAN M/V VALERIY VOLKOV WAS TRANSITTING THROUGH THE KOREAN ECONOMIC ZONE WHEN THEY WERE FIRED UPON AND BOARDED BY PIRATES. WHEN FOUND OUT THEIR WAS NOT ANYTHING WORTH STEALING, THEY LEFT. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":129,"coords.x2":39} {"Reference":"1993-35","DateOfOcc":"1993-07-08","SubReg":"95","Aggressor":"CHINESE BORDER VESSEL","Victim":"M/V VALERIY VOLKOV","Desc1":"08 JULY 93 M/V VALERIYT VOLKOV WAS SAILING THROUGH THE KOREAN ECONOMIC ZONE WHEN THE CHINESE BORDER VESSEL FIRED THEM. IN ORDER TO AVOID COMPLICATIONS THEY ALLOWED THE PIRATES TO BOARD THEM AND CARRY OUT THEIR SEARCH. WHEN THEY FOUND NOTHING WORTHY OF","Desc2":"TAKING, THEY LEFT THE VESSEL. NO REPORTS OF INJURY.","coords.x1":124.92722,"coords.x2":39.16389} {"Reference":"1993-40","DateOfOcc":"1993-05-12","SubReg":"95","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V TAIRYO MARU","Desc1":"EAST CHINA SEA M/V TAIRYO MARU WAS FIRED UPON AND APPROACHED BY PIRATES BUT WAS NEVER BOARDED AND NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":130.23,"coords.x2":37.785} {"Reference":"1986-19","DateOfOcc":"1986-01-01","SubReg":"95","Aggressor":"NORTH KOREA","Victim":"KAISEI MARU NO. 55","Desc1":"NORTH KOREAN AUTHORITIES SEIZED THE JAPANESE FISHING VESSEL KAISEI MARU NO. 55 IN JAN 86 FOR ALLEGEDLY VIOLATING NORTH KOREAN MILITARY BOUNDARY. KAISEI MARU NO. 55 AND HER CREW WERE RELEASED ON 17 APR 86.","coords.x1":128.07806,"coords.x2":39.61694} {"Reference":"1995-88","DateOfOcc":"1995-01-10","SubReg":"96","Aggressor":"THIEVES","Victim":"ALEKSEY CHUYEV","Desc1":"ON 10 JAN, THIRTY ARMED THIEVES BOARDED THE FISH FACTORY VESSEL ALEKSEY CHUYEV, AT NIGHT, WHILE ANCHORED IN WATERS NEAR VLADIVOSTOK. THE VESSEL HAD RETURNED FROM A \"SHOP TOUR\" IN PUSAN. THE THIEVES TERRORIZED THE CREW AND PASSENGERS STEALING VALUABLES","Desc2":"AND BEATING THOSE WHO RESISTED.","coords.x1":131.83333,"coords.x2":42.83333} {"Reference":"2008-51","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-20","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"MV CAPTAIN USKOV","Desc1":"The \"MV CAPTAIN USKOV\" departed Nakhodka, Russia for Hong Kong, China on the 15-JAN-2008 with a cargo of 4,535.45 mt steel coils. Communication with the ship was lost since 20-JAN-2008, 0300LT. The last radio contact was in position 31-40N 125-28E, 221","Desc2":"NM east off port of Shanghai. Thereafter owners lost contact with the ship. The ship did not arrive at port of destination, Hong Kong. The fate of the 17 Russian crew menbers, the ship and the cargo are still unknown.","coords.x1":125.46667,"coords.x2":31.66667} {"Reference":"2008-114","DateOfOcc":"2008-01-20","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"Unknown","Victim":"General Cargo Ship","Desc1":"EAST CHINA SEA:General cargo ship (CAPTAIN USKOV) reported missing, last located 20 Jan 08 at 0330 local time, 221NM east of Port Shanghai, per 14 Apr 08 reporting. The vessel departed Nakodka, Russia for Hong Kong, China on 15 Jan 08 with a cargo of","Desc2":"steel coils and 17 Russian crewmembers on board. The ship owner lost contact with the ship on 20 Jan 08. The ship did not arrive at her intended port in Hong Kong (scheduled for 24 Jan 08). After being alerted by the Russian authorities, the China","Desc3":"Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) conducted a search operation involving a Chinese rescue ship and other ships. The Japan Coast Guard had also sent out a plane to scan the area where the ship was last reported. However, there was no trace of the","Desc4":"ship. On 21 Feb 08 at 0922 local time, the Japan Coast Guard found a lifeboat from the missing vessel at location 35-55.6N 134-43.7E. There was no one in the boat (ReCAAP ISC).","coords.x1":125.53333,"coords.x2":31.08333} {"Reference":"2006-159","DateOfOcc":"2006-06-10","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"FISHING VESSEL","Desc1":"JAPAN: Taiwan fishing vessel feared hijacked by the crew 10 Jun while operating off Iwo Jima. The Taiwanese fishing boat (HSING LONG), sailing near the Japanese Volcano Islands, has lost contact with the Taiwanese authorities and is believed to be","Desc2":"hijacked by members of the crew. According to Foreign Affairs spokesperson Michel Lu, the crew members included two Taiwanese men, the captain and the chief engineer, and eight mainland Chinese fishermen. Media reports indicated the Japanese authorities","Desc3":"intercepted a distress call on 10 June, alerted the Taiwanese authorities, and sent a team of investigators to look for the boat. Lu stated that the captain was reportedly murdered on the afternoon of 10 Jun and the Japanese authorities are monitoring","Desc4":"the boats movements. Lu explained Japanese authorities have no legal jurisdiction over the case and will hand the case over to the Taiwanese Coast Guard at an appropriate time. According to Lu, the Coast Guard Administration Officials have sent two","Desc5":"vessels into Taiwans economic sea zone [seas on the border between Taiwan and Japan]. Also, a large warship (HEHSING) has been sent to intercept the (HSING LONG), which has special agents and criminal police armed with the necessary weapons and equipment","Desc6":"to handle the matter. It is anticipated that the warship will make contact with the HSING LONG in two to three days, per 12 Jun reporting. According to the fishing association, the (HSING LONG) had been taken over once before by another group of Chinese","coords.x1":129.93333,"coords.x2":30.81667} {"Reference":"1994-8","DateOfOcc":"1994-01-28","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"UNKNOWN","Victim":"M/V NANSHIN MARU","Desc1":"M/V NANSHIN MARU REPORTED UNIDENTIFIED GUNMEN FIRED WARNING SHOTS 59 KM NORTH WEST OF ILEYA SHIMA, OKINAWA. GUNMEN THEN BOARDED THE VESSEL AND SEARCHED HER.","coords.x1":127.86667,"coords.x2":27.25} {"Reference":"1993-83","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-17","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V ELM","Desc1":"M/V ELM WAS BEING FIRED UPON BY PIRATES WHEN THE M/V ELENI RECEIVED A DISTRESS FROM M/V ELM. NO FURTHER INFORMATION GIVEN.","coords.x1":127.5,"coords.x2":29.78333} {"Reference":"1993-70","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-17","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"AN UNKNOWN VESSEL WAS FIRED UPON BY PIRATES.","coords.x1":127.7,"coords.x2":29.7} {"Reference":"1993-113","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-09","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V DOOYANG AMBER","Desc1":"09 JUN 93, 30 ARMED PIRATES WITH GUNS AND TEAR-GAS EMBARKED ON M/V DOOYANG AMBER. CREW REPORTED PIRATES WEARING CHINESE ARMY CLOTHES. MASTER INTENTIONALLY MADE THE VESSEL'S MAIN ENGINE BREAK DOWN ALONG WITH ACTIVATION OF AN EPIRB. APPEARANCE OF MARINE","Desc2":"SAFETY AGENCY AIRCRAFT 56 MILES OFF ISHIGAKI ISLAND CHASED THE PIRATES AWAY.","coords.x1":124.16667,"coords.x2":22.75} {"Reference":"1993-71","DateOfOcc":"1993-06-09","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"AN UNKNOWN VESSEL WAS STOPPED BY PIRATES AND FLED WHEN THEY SIGHTED AN AIRCRAFT FROM THE 11TH MARITIME HEADQUARTERS.","coords.x1":124.16667,"coords.x2":22.75} {"Reference":"1993-73","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-29","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES OPENED FIRE ON AN UNKNOWN VESSEL BUT THEIR PLANS WERE FOILED BY AN ALERT CREW.","coords.x1":126.03333,"coords.x2":28.85} {"Reference":"1993-42","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-29","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"M/V PRESIDENT","Desc1":"EAST CHINA SEA PIRATES APPROACHED THE PORT STERN OF THE M/V PRESIDENT AND FIRED SHOTS. THE PRESIDENT THEN COMMENCED ZIG ZAG MANOEUVRES THAT KEPT THE PIRATES FROM BOARDING. NO ONE WAS INJURED.","coords.x1":126.03333,"coords.x2":28.85} {"Reference":"1993-77","DateOfOcc":"1993-04-04","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"UNKNOWN","Desc1":"PIRATES BOARDED AN UNKNOWN VESSEL. NO REPORTS OF INJURIES.","coords.x1":123.8,"coords.x2":22.73333} {"Reference":"1993-47","DateOfOcc":"1993-02-04","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"F/V SUKHINICHI","Desc1":"RUSSIAN F/V SUKHINICHI WAS FIRED UPON NEAR JAPANESE ISLAND OF ISHIGAKI IN THE EAST CHINA SEA. THE VESSEL WAS IDENTIFIED TO BE OF CHINESE ORIGIN BY JAPANESE AUTHORITIES. PIRATE VESSEL WAS PANTED GREY WITH NO NATIONAL FLAG SHOWING. NO INJURIES WERE","Desc2":"REPORTED.","coords.x1":124,"coords.x2":24} {"Reference":"1993-14","DateOfOcc":"1993-01-08","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"USSURIYSK","Desc1":"08 JAN 1993 USSURIYSK(RUSSIAN) WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES IN THE EAST CHINA SEA.","coords.x1":125,"coords.x2":29} {"Reference":"1993-10","DateOfOcc":"1992-12-31","SubReg":"97","Aggressor":"PIRATES","Victim":"HALIMATUM","Desc1":"31 DEC 92 HALIMATUM WAS ATTACKED BY PIRATES 340 KILOMETERS WEST OF YAKU ISLAND. NO INJURIES REPORTED. UPDATE:9 JAN 93 HALIMATUN ARRIVED MUTSURE FROM SAKAIMINATO AND SAILED FOR SUNGEI RAJANG.","coords.x1":127,"coords.x2":31}